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Download Allison Runchey Mela Shah JennaRose Bondeson Lindsey Cermak

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Did you imagine, “a nice lady with spare time who helps out where she is needed?”


Allison Runchey Mela Shah JennaRose Bondeson Lindsey Cermak Close your eyes and imagine a volunteer. Who are they? What do they look like? Did you imagine, a nice lady with spare time who helps out where she is needed? Volunteers are more likely to Work Have children at home What does diversity include? Age Educational background Life experience Cultural background Could greater diversity within your volunteers strengthen your program and benefit students? How and in what ways? Everyone benefits! You (the instructor) and your program Students having a student volunteer may free up some prep time students attend more regularly students become advocates for your program increased diversity in your volunteer pool take ownership and pride in their program develop key life skills such as communication and team work You can get work experience Help in class Answer questions Make copies Knowing about the subject [so you can help others] Yes, I volunteer at school sometimes to help translate. Every morning I bring things in for class. I teach pre-beginning at Open Door Northside. Many students said they volunteered in their home countries Work Language skill Time If I volunteer to teach it, I have to know it myself and that way I improve. Interacting with other students Like to help others Many students said yes because of language barriers Yes, it gives me hope that we are all expected to and are a part of something. It would be nice to have more former students that help in classrooms. Many students said that they would be interested in coming back to their school as a volunteer How did you get started volunteering? I started as a student, then started volunteering. The first thing I did was start bringing computers into the classes. I've volunteered since 2013, a year and half. What do you do in the classroom? I help students, and sometimes lead the group discussions. I like explaining things to students and answering questions. How does volunteering benefit the school? The teacher needs someone to help her. She has many students of different languages, and students of low levels who do not understand, so I help explain things to the students. ACES at Open Door Learning Center- Northside Kevin and Mary Program advocates Tutors Mentors for new students Classroom or program support physical and mental health stress and depression How could students be involved as volunteers in your program? What would you need to do to allow that to happen? Allison Runchey x219 Mela Shah x241 JennaRose Bondeson Lindsey Cermak