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ESTABLISHED 1836. , 00 !Jtt ... : I . Aberdee1t-l Ualoa Terrace. LonJloa-1 Moorpte Street. . Aberdeen Board Sm TBoal.u Baawrr, FIWCaa J&Ka O>cn•11rt Big., F.nQOllAJtlOX,'r. a ..... , Ji'aQ., ALUAJma LllQDIOIWlf -- DA vm M. M. Mu.uoo, l!'ag., Sm DAVm SnwAtt, J.,.L.D., . JA.mas, 6Q. '\._/:::: . llllD tl-ITEI, ST. JOHN'S. . , .. .. t. 1, ... t • : ' : Your Sight, . and aim to . use the best grade only '

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Page 1:… · All penoaally 1elect~ bJ our PAc· liah aad Alaericaa bQJen. thua assuriDa you of the smartest

ESTABLISHED 1836. , • 00 !Jtt ... : I .

Aberdee1t-l Ualoa Terrace. LonJloa-1 Moorpte Street. .

Aberdeen Board of~ Sm TBoal.u Baawrr, ~. FIWCaa J&Ka O>cn•11rt Big., F.nQOllAJtlOX,'r. a ..... , Ji'aQ.,

ALUAJma LllQDIOIWlf -­DA vm M. M. Mu.uoo, l!'ag., Sm DAVm SnwAtt, J.,.L.D., . G~ao• JA.mas, 6Q.

'\._/:::: . J~IEI llllD tl-ITEI, ST. JOHN'S .

. ,


.. t. 1, ...

• • t ~ • : ' : ~

G~t Your Sight, .and aim to. use the best grade only '

Page 2:… · All penoaally 1elect~ bJ our PAc· liah aad Alaericaa bQJen. thua assuriDa you of the smartest


-There is notbiag so cheap tn a maa when be is letting i go a biS OWD telf·rnpect, tnd DOl biofl / so dear to him after he has lost it.

-Ro P~Jc~aitb can be lost We can trus t God for the answer, though we may DOt be able to trace iL

-It is • sil'a of growing like· nus to Christ when we find our-aeh•e.s loag"fug more aad more for opportunities of btiag alone .with God.

-A "WaU treet" layman, speaking of minioaary sermons, said that the trol.lble with most of them la that tbe1 are " foog., iD uhortatioo at1d "short" on facta.

-QoaaN MARv's N RRDLJCwoaK Gun.o, ~t7N1>LAND BuNcu. -Six oew guilds aiac:e last month - at Corner Brook, Port au Port,


Flower's Cove, H~atbertoa, Ben· oits Cove aad Hawkes Bay. l u all twenty-five guilds in New- /"'L fouadlaad. Our Brauch ao va- ./ ' cation this year: - Neecl toopreas· ing. All. our members desare to work t~ their. limit aad beyond, if tbe1 f&a, alf summer loag.-IUport la Watera Slar.


Of New A.nvals up oar lmmenae StOcli

Blouae. /-" ~r Blouses are towa talk. All penoaally 1elect~ bJ our PAc· liah aad Alaericaa bQJen. thua assuriDa you of the smartest styles ia all the most fuoured fabrics. •'lCh a.a Muslin, Voiles. Lawua, Silb. Poplins, Sateens, Cub· meres. etc. SimplJ state 1our size, and about the price would suit you, aad we guarantee to give satisfaction. Do it now .

.Japanae Cotton Crepe. Velveteena, 48c. yard. A aice summer fabric, 30 inches You can' t get value like this wide, in ahades of RHeda, Pale every day ; think ~ it, rich

. lustrous Velveteens so Navy, Blat, Reho, Champ e, Mrowa Prune.. Purple, Cardinal, u -lad White; wubu well. aorted Browns and GrMO, etc., Reg. 2Sc.. Friday,Satur· 23 price. Friday,Saturday 48c day.and Tuma,, per yd. C. a_nd Tuesday, per yd. •

18 inch Flour Capvas. Made~:vtor Borcl,erma' r

~~SquarM. It c;fteo happens that you are Jookipg for a Caavu for this

purpose. We hue auorted oak patt9fus, 18 inches wide, extra htuy, pafhtcd back. This Canvas WlY be used for 1 Sc. atain or yn aleo. Friday, Saturday &Tuesday per yd. . "

· Gingham&'. .I\,

360 yards of dainty Striped and Cbecked Giog~s, '¥1 iacbes wide ; ao dressing ia these ; just !!;ioioe 10ft. wear-well fillish ; will wash well and e u~

~:!; '.~.~~~ ~·~-~~.~~ ... :~~.~~ ... ~~~~~~~.~ .. .. 11.UNTING FLAGS.


Tltd ia U.e year to JtoUJ your Colors. lied Eaaipa, 2 Jard• Scotch Ensigns, 2 yd S~al ............... $1.9Q Special ... .............. $2.38

Fritilda Eaafgaa. 2 yd Greco Ensign, 2 yards 8~ ...... ........ 2.28 Special . ... ~.. .... .. ... 2.38

Be!jiaa EaaigQS. l yd Red Easigaa. 2>' yards

'W~E~s·i~~:·2·;·ci: 2"28 R!t~~a·~:·3 ·;~~d~::: 2


Special ... . ...... ... 2.38 Special . .... . ..... . ... . 3.48

Red Eaafgoa. White Ea· signs, Btut Eatlgas:..... 14c.

Size 17x30

Red Easigos. White En-signs, Blue Eaaigaa .... . . 18c.

Size 24x35 Red E11Sigas aad Blue Ea­~a, mouattd oa poles 4 feet Joag. Special. each

Union Jacka. Size S'h88, a special make,

imitation of wool bunting qao much lighter in weig ht ; vivid colorings. &Pecial. each 980.

-Union Jacks, size 32x46 69c.



Page 3:… · All penoaally 1elect~ bJ our PAc· liah aad Alaericaa bQJen. thua assuriDa you of the smartest

. ,


' .

11-.c., LbB., BARRISTBR·AT·LA 'f!


BanA Of J1011JrmJ ~ ST. JOHN'S, = NFIJJ. . '

Tclephoac-Ofllce. No. 701, · Resldeace, No. 753

CARD. C:i.\Jle Addrua:

L&M&llSON, St. Jolaa'L.

Orr1cu­Renouf B11l1diq, Daokwortb It..

loba' ...

~A 91 lb. codfish. 5 feet, 4 iacbea loar, ,,.. caurbt lalelJ.. ia the SL Gtorce'• Cbaaacl by a Cape Brctoa maa.

-A couple of mea.bue died ia aa Uolated part of Oatario fr"m drialddl' " awamp wbl11rey," whicb a fellow worlrmaa, wbo ~ 111 a seriou. coadition h\maelf, made ..

-God 1eana1 over. mu wilh uautterable, pleadiar te11dcracu, .. aot willia&' that an abould perish, bat tbahll ahoutd come to rcpeataace.,,

-Aa to the burdea be coo teat to bear it, uatil thou come to the ~of cleli•eruce; for tbt>rc it ~I fall from thy back of itself. :.:..sua1a ..

-If 1ou b~ bitoftrood ae,,a. paa lt oa. 'rbe aews 'lbt "woi'lb j>uai11s oa ia tbia worl4( of ours ia l'OOd aewa. Wbca JOIJ tbiak of ft, the word eospel m&J be dcfiaed bJ the two famflar words. "Good acwa."

-The drullkard will never be dead., We tell you the rnsoa whr: the ,.uas ones come to take their place, u aooa u the old oaea die. -The Salooateeper aenpapcr.

;-~rdia&' tile hia'h pricca of oats at Suaimenide, It does uot seem Uke11 that .t~ will be maial&ed u the Mafkjt ia the West ia breakilia' eomewhat, aa1s the Ialaad Faraler. Me11ra. Joa. Read & Qo., S..mtlierllde. are, ia ft.ct la ndi_e! . o! ,tel~ this week fcom Wiaf!pec olferiag "de­livery of oats ILt Jlortla S1duey at 62 cu-. wbo•'e-Pictoa Ad· vocate.


Liberal Ctub Rates keep in touch witl1

Ur. Morse's Indian Root Pills.

Dr. ~Aorse's Indian Root Pills.

SUPPORT STAJf~ circulates widely in -best uus••BSiS and

UKILY ciia.lel dnougbout~ntry. Iaa Clean, Rea..., Reliible..and l~eot f~. Ad~ fiiacl it 1J&JS to use a papu of good

reputadoa. Quality counts. •

THE HO.ME PAPER Our Job Work ~partmeut is under charge of an

experienced -compete~ foreman. It bas an excellent reputation-a growing one. All sorts of printing executed neatly, promptly, at reasonable- rates.

IN EVERY WAY Buainesa Men-elsewhere more than in New­

foandland-are increasingly becomi{lg convinced of the value of having their name and business before

- the Public. - Have something the public wants or would be the beuer of. 1 hen the more widely 'fou let such be kno""n-the beue~ One of the BEST and CllEAP~T ways of doing so is "through the use of yo•1r name andb•isi!less on business paper-Envel­op::s, Letter or Note Paper, Bill Heads etc.

YOU CAN. Look, too, at the saving of tim~f effected through

the use of PRINTERS' IN~ I Five; minutes a day saved through lcner headirt's, eta.. means 1500 minutes a year. B~iness men do ""-0ot need so much to be reminsled of this as tlie weafy house­wife. q'hen, by the use of printed order books, re­ceipt books, a(ld -Other forms, how manx. hours a year will be saved, not to talk of records oT transac-tions i:epL 1•

~ktJJarbor ~eJtaubaih BJLI 11.08 A YEAR PREPJID • ..

· Bill Heads, Letter and Note Heads; Envelopes, . .Visitin~ Cards, Memorial Cards, Notices of Meeting ~ · ~eceipt Books, Order Books, Labels in art c:olQrS. Counter Cbe<:ks. Society Dues Book"5 made to order.

\ -WIT.H-

Church, Factories' and Societies' Financial F orms ot other requisites, Post~, Dodgers, Circulars, Tic­kets,· Bags. Tags, etc.

Montreal Faniily Herald' ---Oil- •

The Weekly Witness • • --t>Jl-


$1.50 A YEAR: v ~ ~.

____ A~k for~




Page 4:… · All penoaally 1elect~ bJ our PAc· liah aad Alaericaa bQJen. thua assuriDa you of the smartest


11Jt •~not e!tace ~taabatl Ul> .


(1'ln1 Mail anct Advocate of a re­cent date in an artic:le oa lbe dis­parity in lbc post pffice facilltlca

. some towns sucb aa Harbor Grace eojOJ compared with othenolim­portance, spoke of Harbor Grace aa dead a.s a dodo. We deprecate ' 'cry much this bald statemeaL Our citi1eos feel badly about iL , Oifr contemporary should re-

member that it is ahuost as well ~o-kill a dog as give him a bad

"me. Thia bad name is not deserved.

• rue, Hatbor Grace docs not do • the large fishing busincas it did ( in the days of the big "mer­

. c,baats ;" and we all· feel it is not , . 1' rogrcasiag aa ·fast as we ~u~d

' lab it to do. But it •s ogrnaia There is far more al comr t llJld prosperity aud de eacc amongst the bulk of e people, it strikes us aa iocon­

overtibll', than lllere waa in those ajs to whith some look foadll

back. Let 1tnyone with an iali· mate acqdlintance with Harbor Grace of 3l> years ago take a walk around the town particularly to the westward aad uorlhw&rd, aad 110Le its growth-the greater ai1e, thrifty look and interior as well as exterior fittings oC the homes of tbe people ; let him con· trast the amount of working peo-f · pie's savings in our -two banb with thbse of fot"mer tlmCs, Jet him compare Water Street with its factories. etc., with what it wu e•ea eight or ten years ago. ~ We temembe.r w}lat an old reaUlent not.lour deceased said to us four or five years ago: "If it llad been itt the 10-Called good old c1&1•· 1 wouldn't be able to run this lllop." An enterprising busincu man latcJy come amou~t us ~d to ua a few weeks aro : " l see signs of improvement during the year l>r two I have been amoogst you."

• Harbor Grace is not by any means doing as well aa God and

·Nature by providiug it with ao man1 advantage.a wish it to do. Its e1tiaeas require to put forth greater effort day by day to do tbeir part in a better and larger way, aad to make other: ~ople know what a rood place it ta to Jive-in.and do bu1lneu in. Eater-

• priae aad Capital for Fiahc.!!jf&e· J,Dry and Farm are needed. WJ,at la aeeded, too. ia ... fair play. We do aot "'in~be' aad A.cbqca~ bears CJ malice apiast the town. t&owe must condema it. utterance .. wculated to injure the plad in the eyes oC *hose tbat are not acquainted with its praeut pcsi· tioa, aad its /xmi6ililies. A dead dodo bas no poaalbilitics. Fair play we said. We Jnaow that ia the put. selbh attempts. too 1uccesaful. were made by buaiaaa magnates jealous of ita pfOC'l'ep. to injure ita tnd.e: . •

This- feeU.. • . :.~ ult-..· We beard of aa iailMCt of It not eo m&llJ moaU.a Tiie~ em ao doUbt •~ti CW.., 'Dl&DJ of .... ~ to Uada ~.l~-~~td-~atd.~tbe ~.iptllo~ ia

Water Street Stores Department.


. .._ldail:111 Motor Engines, MotOt" Boats, Motor Suppl ies

• Gasolene and Motor Oils .

Any person iatendingto invest in a Motor that gives least' amount of bother, and longest service, it wiU pay ro call a t our Water Street Stort's, and be convinced that our Buffalo Won-der and Eagle Motors are the best procurable. · '

CaU or send for quotations.

Reid Newfoundland Company LOOAL .&BI> OTBBR ITEllS. 1 -lfC'. Edward HanrahaD tell for

, ----- &II lalaDd on Frida1 lall, wbere -~ .lle7cr •1•~ry •• a deeper he bu aecuttd a po111ion in tbc •~tet'J. th&o ucr.~. 8. ~. macbloc •bop. Ed"ard'• mao1 Jue 19tb. (la It a "'• -aat?") Crieoda wiab bim abuodaDt auccea.

"BOU OB ON RATS" c.laan 011l llata, llloe, e&o.. Dou'' Ola ID lb• Hou., l5C .... .._a& Dn1 ud Ooao&r7 810r ...

-Tavncc CATCB m> TO G&aM.utY. -Loudon, JU.Ile 29.-Waltcr Long, Preaict,ot of the Local Goweramcut Board, lolrcdu~ lnlolheComt11ona a Bill ror the compilation of a oa­tloaal N(iater. The meuarc, he uld, waa dealcatd t. prowide ma­dala.ery tbat procan tlac bfg-

-Report dated Jone Sib waa re. celled from Oporto:-" Martel oow wiUaapplled. Owiactolalcla price. ~t •todr Jaat,.ome aaa. ..,_ble thne. Kate of uc:baap &,.boat37 7·84."

-lt la a fact well koowa to wiae ppata ud teaclaer1 tliat tbe bat Seara la b1 dolaf. Duriq tH ~·• acbool ncalioa, let JO•~ cllildfta dO a little work ud eara a little mGlley. Tbe1 will tbea ap­preciate bHter tbe nlae of monc1 aad tile laPQl'taace of •Yi.Dg' part of eftl'}' dollar canaed.-Ex.

plo7meat, &114 to YOl•ateer for aDy •pedal form of •aaplo1meat otl er t1aaa tlt•t la wlLicb lie waa actuall1 ftlPled.

IJllT.888 111 Com...- Jaad'pro•ptly and

coaelateatr.1 ~d all k>aee9 (larre or aaaalJ) la MewfolUldJud daring the muy J';&l'W of •J ageac1. could =.~ piaed tbe abeolutc

Ince ... nmar)rabJe popular· lt7-'tbat ta.y DOW Mjo7?

9JleT anto.da7aarellfioa1l1 per· alateaf u ewer la &irior rouonablc nta.•

Kay I ba.e .roar bu1inae? PBRCI& JOHNSON.

laearuce AgcoL

-The pa1toral Jetter of Bia Lord· 1bip (lhc Bishop of St. Jobn. N.B) deala ~ fall1 aa~frankly with one of the gnatat cTil• of to-day. B11 I.ord1blp poiota out tbc awful ooo­teqaeuc:e. and qaotee tbe following opfoion or the lrlah Blabopt : .. To druakeocu we ma.1 refer, a1 to l ite baneful cau~. almoat all crlmc b1 which the couotr1 ia deg raded, and nea.rl1 all tbe powert1 from wblcb it 1uffercr1. :• Theo lie taJcea up the liquor traffic:. and d~al1 with i t lrC!lcbaoUy and !carle11Jy ; and B ia Lordabip IOuoda a Ca.II to Arm• to remoYe the 1courgc £ro11t tbc land . -St. Jobn Globe.

-Jamea l(arebell of Glasgow wu ac.Uea~ a day or two ago in tbat Cit1 to three montbe' impri10nmco~ lor a11allltU.g a !dto~ orkmo.a for ~arniug out too many 1bell.1. Bri­tain bu loet macb in Umes of peace thra rulee reatrlctlar output. la thi1 time of tbe Empire'• oatioaal peril. nearly e•cr1 working m1.11 la Ocm Pot.1CT.-$alia!tctloo in the tbe :&mpire wJll ~ up in a.rm1 Make and Style of our Ctothc1. Sat­aga.lnat IDCll..rC(U!atioDI, DO matter iafactJOQ ia tbe qu.a.litf Of the nfa­WUl migbt 6e aaid of them in dare tcrial and promptucif ia. 611log or­of peace. Tbe reftcctloa awakened dere are. the mala~~d.tart of our ill maa1 p«ople'a miada oa heuUir pollc1 ... doing baa cu. qurSpriag of lbe occarreace waa. if be were ia aod 'Summer S • g Hd Coat­Germaal, he would be 1hot . • Well lop in all the leadiofr abadu arc for all o ue, we a.ra not in Germao1. aow nad1 for ill1pectioD. !fa ve aad we ahould bestir oursel•ea~ 1. oat •alt made from thcac nner to -.oder her ••iron heel. " • • ia the lateet New Yol'k 1t1le. Tbe BriUall roorerameot are tryia~ w all the American duh'~ by to ral• the he• loa.a of 1250 mil· uL Mall ordere gitt11 1pecial at­tiou ol dollara. •"4 ate otfcriog aa tenti~ Write to·day for umplea hip u 4 K p. c. So eeriou1 ia the.. aad acaaun CardL .

- ~ J'- & w. M.t.'OfGAN,

p1-tl0raa to ar{e the Britl1b people poor u well aa ricll to aubaulbe all l~cu at an afford to carty on tlle•tt'llnle for tbe natlno '• frecd9m aacl "'J llf~ Aaqallb Hked bGlllr tbe coaatr, which ordiaarit7 bad oal1ton.laelSOOto2000 milllona o dollara could nlw, u it mast raiee, i to J t11nee that •moaat. Ooly. be aid b.1 C!Rtlt eari•P-· Be then •id ll•t tbrB $ moatlaa el

1111 .,,,ar tit hct fncreuea 1q,ll86M et bat Uie u-

DOrbi ..Jatd 369 m1lllon1 11---~\...,..iitiaUllat for l~ ..... _ woald bue to

- :.UUloa dollars ia Oill h1 to couotcr­

WH lo reduce to ClfAif~;w~ ..,_re tbe uac, any more

Miimlfti1••, a Mc=utiuy of imported art!·

Tb,. Espert Tailor1.

-1J11riag t~ of June j u1t pa•t ..tbcr~.r i;~;-- been eight da11 on whlcb lbe wind waa fnim a We1tern qaartCl'\,.and for t he remaioiar da11 or lhc month the wlad1 -were moat11 from theEutern quarter. Tboae aoluorable "ioda have prcYented the Labrador 1chu. tearing for the coaat. and tbeir n il· iag wu not ao late for many 7ea~ Scbooaera for the tt1 idd~ part of Labrador are •till ID lhia Bay, awaiting a faVGurablc change. Some tea or lwtlwe 1car1 ago, clrift ice wu lo the ba.rbo.r at tbl1 date, and tbc h\at acboona to lea we b~c wu C&l:ltain J. J. BcDacucy't, the Nimrod. Sbe ldt OD the 4th of Jull for Wia10r BarbOr. An old re•· dent hH handed down tbe alory that in tbc year l832. tbc ice wH-in Trinlt1 B17 until Auguat., tbe WU· tbcr cold aod uoaea1ooablc. T he crops lhat ytar failed completil1 o"fog to tbc extreme colcl, The &abery, however, proYCd a g~ one.

Wanted TO


~ alldl u t•. aapr, wine, petrol etc. To wblcb,of courw, be would add aa a 11tpplcmcot, manufacture, ralte, and 1111e all the !laUYe aabetl· tutea yoa caa. Thi• IHeOa Jn tbc Qee4 of eooaom1 applies 1arre1y to tbla comatry In nery department oC the public lenim. la ettr1 bulae91 aad eYerJ bOt11ebold. A1 rtprd• tea it i• poeaible.-lbat if the British people bad beea rias!1 to li1lc.o. to him. u they to their tcrrl~ mle­fort•ae ud aball we add dwrrace are 110t. tbJl tbe Premier would Uft adYleed tlaem to a11e1e.u ITOI' •iicl more taia. cofree. ud cocoa.. The e&Ylltf wdald be lmmeue, uo Died to f•r Uaea eot beiq able to taiM JouL We Newtot.Qdlaadere aod otlaet' coloalala caaaot be wroaa­la t&k.lac H oar m..olto "SUck to tea Obadiah; aUck to tea." give up ffOI' alloJetbcr and aa macb tobaeco a1 we can i( we aae either, and other la.ndea, If we luZDriate. Cap thJ1 bJ :ProlllbltiaJC the lmporta,tJoa Of 11.e of iatoJncante. aad by extra COOll09y aad ladaatry, and pa1mcut ...... , .. owe, aaa ft .aball all atucl better the" terrlbld ·etsala of ~ aad be all tbe hap~er ud bet­ter. Tbla 11 aot "Temperance. Talk.•' It la. &mph'e TaJlL It 11 e&9hr to (lrcaeb than to practice bat It la no harm to try to realiaa llow tetrlbl1 acc:taaary thl• extra atreaaoaueM la, aad, If at Int w. doa't •ac:.ceed macb, try, try, ..-in nery da,.

Purchase;-A Good Milch l:ow. Yoling ../

.one preferred. ,. Write particulars to



Annual fieaeral Meeting. TbeAnuutl Geaerallifeetiag of

the ShrehoJdcrs of tht liarbor Grace Water Co. wlll be held in the office of the COmpaar, Public Building, Bannerman Street, oo

MondaJ, lhe 5Ul of July at 3 o'clock p.m., •hen t\e Dircc. ton fot" the CIMtiag year will be .elected aad "other business trans­acted.

By order, J. L. OKE.

Juae18,3ia1 Secretary. ,..
