all i want is everything

ALL I WANT IS EVERYTHING All I want is a chain of thick gold adorning my neck, All I want is a stream of white champagne to incessantly titillate my throat, All I want is a swanky car that can transport me long distance, at the mere caress of a button, All I want is a book of spell binding fairy tales, which flood my mind with intrigue and enigma, All I want is a castle with towering walls, carved all over in delectable sandstone, All I want is an appetizing meal of vegetable cherry, which makes me slaver till my last drop of saliva is exhausted, All I want is a silken sheet of floss, draping my body in entirety, All I want is golden globules of sweat, tingling me exotically as the cascaded down my nape, All I want is swirling waves of the ocean, splashing their raw salt on my lips as they struck, All I want is an ensemble of voluptuous reptile, lingering loosely from my scalp, All I want is silver chained wrist watch, its dainty twinkling resonating in my ears all day long,

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: All I Want Is Everything


All I want is a chain of thick gold adorning my neck,

All I want is a stream of white champagne to incessantly titillate my throat,

All I want is a swanky car that can transport me long distance, at the mere caress of a button,

All I want is a book of spell binding fairy tales, which flood my mind with intrigue and enigma,

All I want is a castle with towering walls, carved all over in delectable sandstone,

All I want is an appetizing meal of vegetable cherry, which makes me slaver till my last drop of saliva is exhausted,

All I want is a silken sheet of floss, draping my body in entirety, All I want is golden globules of sweat, tingling me exotically as the cascaded down my nape,

All I want is swirling waves of the ocean, splashing their raw salt on my lips as they struck,

All I want is an ensemble of voluptuous reptile, lingering loosely from my scalp,

All I want is silver chained wrist watch, its dainty twinkling resonating in my ears all day long,

All I want is the rubicund apple sprouting from the tip of Mount Everest, bite through its body with gusty fervor,

All I want is a sparkling pillow impregnated with white pearls, the mysticism in their reflection drowning me into their splendor,

All I want is a candle with a perpetual glow, its resplendent radiance illuminating my ghastly night,

Page 2: All I Want Is Everything

All I want is a dream that never ended, took me on a wild journey of waterfalls and snow clad penguins,

All I want is a pot-bellied tortoise, snuggling close to my heart when I was tense,

All I want is an ivory broomstick, which could fly me high and handsome towards blazing portions of the sky,

All I want is sizzling soup of spicy coriander, which caused tears of satisfaction to roll down my cheeks in tandem,

All I want is a robust pigeon perched languidly on the rooftop; fluttering its wings to produce delectable draughts of air,

All I want is immaculate milk; bombastic chunks of cream floating in a silver bowl,

All I want is peanut butter; with its dazzling slices of yellow tingling the most remotest bud of my taste,

All I want is a ravishing watermelon; titillating my tongue beyond the point of no control,

All I want is long sheets of flawless paper; to embed its surface with a million lines of poetry,

All I want is a mind functioning unrelentingly; fantasizing even while in deep sleep,

All I want is a dolphin diving handsomely in the pool; with its glistening fins splashing across my face; sprinkling it with imprisoned droplets of water,

All I want is a multi-legged octopus; spreading its tentacles the instant I gently tapped it,

All I want is a snake leather whip; emanating exotic noises as I dared to slash the warm air with it,

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All I want is a dawn encompassing me with its voluptuous coolness; refraining to develop into the hostile day,

All I want is a glass full of dewdrops; to be placed beside my morning plate of bread and breakfast,

All I want is a cat with furry skin; purring across my chest in my times of distress,

All I want is a hunch-backed camel gazing at me amicably; flooding my nostrils with its natural scent,

All I want is a gargantuan brass bell; punctuating the atmosphere with stringent tunes,

All I want is a trouser embossed with golden buttons; as long as the terrain of the Himalayas,

All I want is a crystal globe; that depicted my future as every second unleashed into a wholesome minute,

All I want is a bottle replete with inebriating rum; which overflowed even after I had consumed the last bit of it,

All I want is a road which transited me without walking the slightest; to the place where the Sun met the land,

All I want is a field sprawling over infinite hectares of land; in which there grew only rotund buds of mushroom,

All I want is a word that was the longest; and which didn't exist in the most contemporary of dictionary,

All I want is a dungeon stashed with golden biscuits; with their shine tearing apart all premonitions of poverty and disgrace,

All I want is an academic degree of the highest pedigree and status; without even slogging it a single hour in the day,

All I want is a necklace sewn with a myriad of pearls; attached to innumerable oysters live and breathing alive,

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All I want is eyes with lids of the most toughest of steel; ensuring that I didn’t become blind even in an atmosphere swirling with pugnacious thorns,

All I want is a bohemian hand; which could snap a mountain of iron bricks in a single stroke,

All I want is a scintillating telephone; on which I could converse for hours without it being actually connected,

All I want is an enigmatic herb; which could keep me eternally young and with brilliant black hair even after I crossed 100,

All I want is a spring; which kept on bouncing and rebounding; thereby making me uncontrollably laugh,

All I want is cocoons of golden brown potatoes; roasted delectably over in crackling fires,

All I want is clusters of red cherries; with handsome porcupines crawling nimbly on their surface,

All I want is silver crested stars of the cosmos; to profoundly illuminate my every night,

All I want is pinnacle of every mountain existing; to rest in meek submission on my worktable desktop,

All I want is a wild elephant; which swishes tones of water merrily all around with its trunk,

All I want is a frozen slice of bread; that delectably melts in my mouth stimulating me profoundly all throughout the day,

All I want is a rainbow dissipated into infinite colors; lingering mystically in my eyeball,

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All I want is a liquid that makes me completely invisible; imparts me with the power to trespass with supreme ease; even into the house of the president,

All I want is a bird that perches compassionately on my shoulders; drifts me into a blissful slumber rhyming harmoniously in my ears,

All I want is an army of mosquitoes bereft of venom; tingling each pore of my skin; with every bite of theirs,

All I want is a shirt sewn with glittering diamonds; which I used as a substitute for my mirror; whenever I felt the urge to sight my reflection,

All I want is a room so obsolete and remote; that I could distinctly hear even the sound of my breath,

All I want is a ring embedded with a magical stone; that turned my fortunes dramatically; a few hours after wearing it,

All I want is a whale fish as tall as the sky; which would let me marvel each part of its glistening body; feel its royal snout with my bare fingers,

All I want is a pool full of steaming water; with droplets of cascading wine revitalizing each patch of my dead skin,

All I want is an echo reverberating deafeningly through the valley; that reached out to every entity; sprawled across different quarters of the globe,

All I want is a hive of discordantly buzzing humming bees; oozing sweet nectar; slowly caressing my lips on their periphery as it fell,

All I want is a slogan; that encapsulates all sentences ever penned down in this world,

All I want is a key; that decodes with supreme ease through the most impregnable of lock,

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All I want is a solvent; that makes me wholesomely invisible the instant I sprinkle it on my skin,

All I want is teeth of obdurate steel; that can crack the most hardest of nut,

All I want is a brimming cup of revitalizing tea; that incorrigibly refrains to get cold; even when I neglect it for days on the trot,

All I want is a plane; that flies on pure spit and water; so that each drop of my saliva is gainfully utilized,

All I want is a gun; that shoots boundless bullets of wild raspberry; the instant I pressed the trigger,

All I want is a greeting card; that sings mesmerizing rhymes and stares into my eyes for real,

All I want is strawberry cake; as long in length as the Himalayas,

All I want is a ball that bounces to the 100th floor; after I nimbly threw it on the ground,

All I want is moustache; which sparkled better than diamonds in day; had more hair in it than my scalp,

All I want is dwelling; that doesn’t budge even an inch; even after the mightiest of earthquake; the most tumultuous of bombardment,

All I want is a magic wand; which metamorphoses all chunks of decaying sewage into glittering gold,

All I want is an abuse; that single handedly replicated all evil loitering in this world,

All I want is a ship; that doesn’t topple even when attacked by a battalion of hostile sharks,

All I want is robot; that comprehends each desire of mine; without even me uttering a single word,

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All I want is passionate fires; which keep circulating inexorably in my blood; even after I became abysmally old,

All I want is a pen; which kept engendering me to write; with the ink in its body augmenting; with each verse of mine,

All I want is tongue; that kept resonating in my mouth; even while in deep sleep, All I want is ears; which could detect the most inconspicuous of sound; sitting even a million kilometers away from the point where the pin actually dropped,

All I want is a ghost; whom only I could sight at night; hoisting me high and handsome in the cosmos; near my dead ancestors,

All I want is caverns deep down the ocean; with frozen icicles suspended from their roof; voraciously tickling the last breath of mine,

All I want is a blueprint; which can decode the most baffling enigmas of life,

All I want is a field replete with fresh cowdung; collected from all species of animals wandering on this globe,

All I want is a rope; which caught me my prey; as I languidly tossed it in free air,

All I want is a tomato as gargantuan as the dinosaur; which ripped apart into infinite pieces of juice; the moment I sat on it,

All I want is a chair; that transported me right into the realms of paradise; the instant I sat on it,

All I want is a mischievous child; audaciously carrying on the chapter of my existence,

All I want is a girl; who could love me more than myself; make me feel every unfurling second that I was indeed alive,

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All I want is true love; bask in its immortal glory for decades immemorial,

Well I think I have bored you enough; caused you to yawn several times; as the list is endless; the entire world is rampantly revolving in my brain, and my fantasies to unveil are tremendously boundless to be contained in this plain text; so let me instead sign off by saying that all I want is everything .