alison motion - the good school playground guide

The Good School Playground Guide

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Post on 06-Feb-2015




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Page 1: Alison Motion -  The Good School Playground Guide

The Good School Playground Guide

Page 2: Alison Motion -  The Good School Playground Guide

“You can't teach young people about risk from a text book - they need some practical experience. That's why cosseting children and seeking to remove all risk from their experiences ultimately leaves them ill equipped for adult and working life. “

“We should not deny them the opportunity to learn by taking risks. Seeking to protect them from every conceivable hazard, rather than sensibly managing the genuine risks they face, ultimately leaves them in harm's way, not to mention robbing them of memories that last a lifetime. “

Judith Hackitt, Chair of HSE

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School grounds are particularly important!

• Available to all

• Regular access

• Time

• Accessible – eliminates travel time and costs

• Fostering ownership and responsibility

• Community links

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Be creative and imaginative

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Encourage physical activity

and develop physical skills

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Connect with nature

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Teacher-free learning

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Improves behaviour

Reducing boredom Positive emotional wellbeing

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“Outdoors is often a better place to learn than indoors.”

CfE guidance


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and .....

Fewer than 10% of children now play regularly in natural spaces

Contact with nature has halved in a generation 

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What does it look like?

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Varied topography

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Big sand

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Logs & boulders

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Water play

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Hiding spaces

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Reduced mowing

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Risk & challenge

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Loose materials

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Loose materials

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Bespoke rather than catalogue

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Scottish Government Project

30 schools in 8 Local Authorities over three years

Capital plus whole school support

Case studies, exemplar schools, champion head teachers.

Free ‘toolkit’ type resource for all schools.

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Strong school support

School management processes

Parental engagement

Risk Benefit Assessments

Support Staff training

Troubleshooting – for example mud, rain, mixed aged play

A friendly shoulder!

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Play design expertise

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An overview of good practice

Forwarded by Sir Harry Burns

Endorsed by wide range of partners

Grounds for Learning is the operational name of Learning through Landscapes in Scotland

