al alcance spring 2014

1 How to instruct our children Live a happy life! What is inner healing At Your Reach Spring Issue /Edicion de Primavera 2014 Bilingual

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Page 1: Al Alcance spring 2014


How to instruct our children

Live a happy life!

What is inner healing

At Your Reach Spring Issue /Edicion de Primavera 2014 Bilingual

Page 2: Al Alcance spring 2014


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Al Alcance/At Your Reach

Page 3: Al Alcance spring 2014


Enséñeles a pasar tiempo diariamente con la Palabra

de Dios y en oración

Dedíqueles tiempo de cali-


Escúcheles atentamente

Cuando sus hijos le

Reconozca ante ellos sus


Ámeles incondicionalmente.

Disciplíneles motivado por el deseo de


Motíveles a que sean lo mejor que puedan ser.

Guíeles a entender que finalmente le rendirán cuen-tas a


Teach Them to spend time

reading the word of

God. The Bible teaches that

parents’ top priority in child

rearing should be spiritual.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train

up a child in the way he

should go, and when he is

old he will not depart from it.”

Our primary task is to pre-

pare our sons and daughters

to walk according to God’s

plan, will, and purpose for

their lives. We are to instill in

them an unshakable faith

that will protect them from

the assault of the Devil

By investing quality

time. There is no substitute

for a mother or a father. Be

sure to invest in your kids

early and often.

By listening to them. When

your children are ready to

talk to you, give them your

undivided attention. They will

be more likely to do the

same for you when the time

is right.

By admitting when you are

wrong. Don’t let pride keep

you from being transparent.

You’ll be surprised at how

confession removes barriers

to intimacy and trust. when

they’ve sinned too.

By loving them unconditio–

nally Don’t make your ac-

ceptance contingent upon

their appearance, personali-

ty, or performance (1 Cor.

13:8). Shower genuine affec-

tion on your kids, and they

will do their best to please


By disciplining your chil-

dren. Not in anger or to em-

barrass them among others.

Always have boundaries

otherwise you might loose

their respect. (Prov. 3:12).

By encouraging them to fulfill

their potential. Without criti-

cizing or shaming your kids,

challenge them to rise to

their full potential.

By emphasizing the im-

portance of a relationship

with Jesus. Through your

words as well as your life-

style, teach your children the

importance of committing to

one-on-one time with the


By telling them to obey God

and leave all the conse-

quences to Him. In this one

statement, you are teaching

them to recognize the sover-

eignty of their Creator and

His personal interest in

them—this principle will help

them know that they can

trust Him to take care of the


Page 4: Al Alcance spring 2014

4 Al Alcance/At Your Reach

Page 5: Al Alcance spring 2014


Exploradores de

Jesus es el minis-

terio de niños de la

iglesia La Viña. Se

reúnen Miércoles de

6:00-8:00pm y los

Domingos de 10:00

am a 12:00 pm

Actividades de la Iglesia Diarias Lunes, Martes, Jueves, Viernes tenemos oracion en el

Miercoles Clases de ECFA. Danza para ninas en el 105.

Todos los Miercoles a las 6:00 pm

Trae tu Biblia! Eres bienvenido!

Ultimo Viernes del mes, velada

de oracion. 10:00pm

155 N. Seymour Ave.

Mundelein, IL 60060

Cada Segundo Sabado del mes

Niños Gratis

Siguenos en

155 North Seymour

Ave.Mundelein, IL 60060

Abril 20 Domingo de Resurreccion

10:00 am y 6:00 pm

La Vina Comunidad Cristiana Invites you!

Bible Studies on Wednesdays 6:00 pm bring your Bible. Last Friday of

the month 10:00pm vigils prayer

Church Activities: Monday, Tuesdays, Fridays we have prayer 6:00 pm

room 103 or 105 Wednesdays ECFA,


April 20 Sunday Easter service

Explorers of Jesus is La Viña’s

children’s ministry. Children meet

every Wednesday from 6:00 to

8:00pm and Sundays.

Te gustaria comunicarte con

pastor Homero (224)433-9854

Page 6: Al Alcance spring 2014

6 Al Alcance/At Your Reach

In 2002 I was diagnosed with chron-

ic depression. I spent the whole time

crying and very depressed with sui-

cidal thoughts. During that time I

had a 5 month old baby and my doc-

tors told me that I had to be on life-

long medications. So I was taking

three medications daily; one for de-

pression, one for anxiety and one at

night to sleep. I had an extra one just

a little stronger also, in case of an

anxiety attack, but only for an emer-

gency. I took these drugs for 5 years,

but when I tried to quit, I would

withdrawal. I remember the day, I

was so heavily sedated that I hadn’t

attended to my baby nor changed the

diaper. When I finally realized it, the

baby was horribly rashed pink. I

would forget to do the most basic

things because I was sleepy all day. I

was unable to cry because I just

wanted to sleep. On Thursday morn-

ings I’d go to group therapy and in-

dividual therapy in the after-

noons, which helped at that time.

The side effects of the meds

made me feel like a woman in

menopause and I didn’t notice when

I became pregnant with my second

child. 4 months later, I went to the

doctor and was told the news that I

was pregnant. They could only

change the dosage of the medication

I was on. I began to attend Munde-

lein Vineyard during my pregnancy

and God began to heal me. The

word of God is living and it was the

best therapy for me. Two years later,

I heard in a sermon that many dis-

eases were due to lack of for-

giveness. That same week I spoke

with my mom and asked for her for-

giveness. I received prayer support

from the church and my personal

relationship with God was renewed

like never before. Then on faith, de-

cided to stop the medicine, knowing

that God had healed me. I stopped

taking them all at once and did not

suffer any side effects or withdrawal

from taking so much of it. That was

on March 18 , 2009, five years ago

and I haven’t taken any since. I

thank God for His healing, for bring-

ing me to this church where they

teach the word of God and because

there is always someone willing to

pray for you. God does things per-

fectly! Jesus is Lord and God! If

someone reads this and feels that

they are in a similar situation, I

would like to meet with you and

pray for you.

FAESKA brazaletes y collares. paquetes para fiestas. A su estilo!

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Diseñadora Karla

Page 7: Al Alcance spring 2014


I grew up as a troubled teen with a lot of crazy friends. Not feeling like I was going anywhere in life, I decided to join the mili-tary. After the military I became an atheist, an alcoholic, and a marijuana user. That led me to two DUIs. I felt my life spiraling back-wards and even after these issues, I was still too stubborn to change my life. My rela-tionship with my family was also broken. Due to my court sentencing, I was forced into counseling. I didn't need a 12 step pro-cess. All I needed was 1 step, and that was to truly give my life to Jesus Christ.

I didn’t like going to church, nor interacting much with people. My brother and his wife invited me to La Vina in May of 2013. Little did I know, everything would change for the better. Instead of praying selfish prayers, I prayed for wisdom, understanding, and for God to reveal to me who he really is. I was also having difficulty trying to find employ-ment, a new place to live and to finish school all at once. One day, I felt like I wanted to give up and do nothing but sleep. There was rain and thunder that afternoon.

I laid down and dosed off when I heard a soft voice in my left ear that said “Sit down.” So I sat down at my computer desk. For about 10 hours, I read and researched some sermons online. I ran into videos of Todd White a movie called “Father of Lights” with Roby Dawkins and a watched videos of a former Muslim named Nabeel Qureshi. God really touched my heart that day, Big time!!! I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit so I fell to my knees, cried out and submitted myself to Jesus Christ. “You are my God!” and for the first time I actually worshiped and truly glorified his name. Af-terwards I felt hope, and in two days, He answered my prayers. I found a place in Mundelein. But God’s plan didn’t stop there. He revealed himself more to me. As I commuted to school on the Metra, I en-countered a Christian person and we talked about the bible, and prayed for each other. That same day at Chicago Union Station, I ran into two Korean missionaries who were on a journey to Israel. One of them prayed for me as well.

Today, I’m happy to say I haven't had a drop of alcohol in over 2 years. I am clean. My relationships with my family have been restored. Thanks to all who prayed for me at La Vina. Now I have a church La Vina, a job, a place to live, a college degree, a purpose, and most of all, God’s love.

Al ALCANCE La mission del Al Alcance es glorificar a

Dios en todo lo escrito y animarle con testi-

monios, publicaciones que sean herramien-

tas para la vida diara. Si tiene alguna

pregunta o desea poner un anuncio favor

contactarnos. Gracias!

Our mission is to glorify God with every-

thing written and encourage you with

testimonies, and articles that can be use

as tools on our daily life. If you have

question or wish to publish and ad feel

[email protected]


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8 Al Alcance/At Your Reach

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Page 10: Al Alcance spring 2014


Escuela EFCA ECFA significa "Escuela Cristiana

de Formación de Adoradores".

Cada semana se reúne, clases de

guitarra acústica y eléctrica, bajo,

teclado, batería, voz y otros con el

fin de aprender a alabar y adorar a

Dios con música.

La comunidad es bienvenida.

Le gustaria que su hijo aprendiera un in-

strumento, que conosca nuevos amigos,

que aprenda mucho mas de Dios y su vida

sea bendecida? informese viniendo a uno

de los servicios de la iglesia.

ECFA means " Christian School of Worship-

pers". Every week, classes for acoustic and

electric guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, vo-

cals and others meet in order to learn to

praise and worship God with music.

Al Alcance/At Your Reach

Page 11: Al Alcance spring 2014




from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Need to bring I.D, utili-ties receipt, insurance card.

Academia Policiaca para Residentes de Mundelein



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