akhbar valentines issue 2015

THE THE VALENTINE 'SDAY ISSUE AKHBAR A Student Publication of the American School of Dubai Insidet his issue ...and mor e! Learntomakeheartsout of Math! Lovely InterviewsW ithLovely Coupl es Isit Worthit?

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AKHBARA Stu den t Pu b l i cat i on of t h e A m er i can Sch ool of Du bai

Inside this issue

...and more!Learn to make hearts out of Math! Lovely Interviews With Lovely Couples Is it Worth it?

Page 2: Akhbar Valentines Issue 2015

Do you r em em ber a m eaningful thing you said to one another ?

Shaz: She told m e she loved m y toes whi le holding them in her hands

Use one w or d to descr ibe him ?

Chey: M uffin .

Use one w or d to descr ibe him ?

Natal ie: Thoughtfu l because he always considers what I want and what I l ike, and he's always real ly aware of that, and i t 's r eal ly great.

W hat ar e som e endear ing quir k s in your r elationship?

Seb: W rest l ing. W e play wrest le. She hi ts m e and I h i t her back --wait , I don 't beat her though, I swear !

Use one w or d to descr ibe her ?

John: I don?t th ink there is one word to descr ibe her, i t won?t do her just ice.

W hat ar e som e endear ing quir k s in your r elationship?

Cassidy: W hen we hang out, we don?t wear r eal people clothes. W e wear pajam as. Like to the m al ls, he wears pajam as and i t?s great. ?Com for t is #1? is the m otto.

W hat?s your favor i te m em or y of her ?

Keenan: Fir st t im e I saw her in the band room , we didn 't know each other at al l , and M r. Fox told al l the guys to pick a gir l and sing to her and so I sang to her.

W hat's your favor i te thing to do together ?

Paige: People watching and si lent ly judging everyone.


Do you r em em ber the fi r st thing you said to her ?

Kevin: I t was the f i r st day of 7th grade and I was late to class. As I r an, I hoped to see the new gir l , Grace. I was com pletely out of breath and looked for an open seat. The only one there was next to Grace. I walked over and asked , ?Can I si t here?? I t was a stupid quest ion b/ c i t was the on ly seat avai lable.

Any Valentine?s Day plans?

Grace: Probably an im prom ptu tr ip to Par is, or M cDonalds....one or the other.

Sophia Syed, '15

Any Valentine's Day plans?

Abhi: I 'm going to take her out to dinner at a ?dinner -n-the-dark? place. Just som ething special and a bucket-l ist th ing to do with her.

Do you r em em ber the fi r st thing w e said to one another ?

Yara: I was m ak ing fun of h im about how m uch he ate, I was so m ean to h im .

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When al l el se fail s? Try t hese essent ial pick up l ines t o get t he per f ect Val ent ine

H aving tr ouble pul l ing in the gir ls? W el l i t?s that t im e of year again when love is spreading faster than the com m on cold and you?re in som e tr ouble i f you don?t have a par tner to cal l yours. Guys, these are som e guaranteed pick -up l ines that wi l l m ake sure you get the gir l of your dream s. (Disclaim er : M ay not work on al l gi r ls. W e are not r esponsible for any em bar rassm ent or r eject ion caused by using these l ines.)

- Do you wanna go out wi th m e? Sm ile for yes, Back -f l ip for no.- You can cal l m e [inser t nam e here] but I can cal l you ton ight.- I f I had to give a quar ter to the 4 m ost beauti fu l gi r ls in the wor ld, you would have a

dol lar.- Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Chr istm as?- Is your nam e W iFi? Because I 'm real ly feel ing a connect ion.- I 'l l be Burger King and you be M cDonald's. I 'l l have i t m y way, and you'l l be lovin ' i t .- Like a broken penci l , l i fe wi thout you is poin t less- You m ust be Jam aican, because Jam aican m e crazy- Can I fol low you hom e? Because m y parents always told m e to fol low m y dream s.- I don 't have a l ibrar y card, but do you m ind i f I ... (pause for effect) check you out?- Is your nam e google? Because you've got everyth ing I 'm searching for.

Nicholas Leibm an, '15M oham ed Sul im an, '18

Pick up lines courtesy of: jokes4us.com, gotlines.com, cracked.com, urbanspoon.comImage courtesy of: Google.com

IS it Wor t h it ?Dating in h igh school is known for the dram a that com es with i t . Freshm en couples are al r eady planning what they?l l

do when graduation com es around. I hear people talk ing about m ar r iage after on ly a few m onths in to a relat ionship. H ow fast is too fast? W e?re in h igh school . There?s so m uch we?re learn ing and exper iencing. Senior s probably know better than m ost of us: we change so m uch over h igh school . I th ink I?m a com pletely di fferent person com pared to who I was just last year. Do we even know ourselves wel l enough to share i t wi th another person?

I?m not saying I?m against h igh school r elat ionships, what I?m ask ing for is r eal ism . W e?re st i l l so young and yet I hear classm ates wor r ying about som ething l ike m ar r iage, which in the 21st century is constant ly being quest ioned with som e people wonder ing, ?Is i t st i l l a good idea??

Again, I?m not saying break up r ight now because there?s no point in having a relat ionship. I?m saying that as young people, we should take som ething l ike love m ore l ight hear tedly, even though i t can be hard to not let our feel ings get the best of us.

A lot of t im es when we do let our feel ings get the better of us, we f ind ourselves hear tbroken. But we can?t let som ething l ike a h igh school hear tbreak define us. Too often som eone is so upset over a breakup or a f ight they shut them selves out and as a consequence, their other r elat ionships with fr iends and fam i ly suffer. Of course i t hur ts, but we need to know what hur t feels l ike in order to feel anyth ing good in our l ives. I f i t hur ts badly enough, that m eans the relat ionship real ly m eant som ething to you. W e have to learn to appreciate what did happen, because that person st i l l im pacted your l i fe, whether the m ajor i ty of the relat ionship was good, and you hate that i t?s over or i t was som ething that needed to end, and you f inal ly feel l iberated fr om som ething that you regret let t ing t ie you down. Relat ionships and even fr iendships can be real ly hard. But we m ust learn to take these exper iences as som ething that were m eant to happen so that we m ay learn and grow fr om i t .

H ear tbreak is going to happen, but one great t ip to help prevent i t is to ask yoursel f one im por tant quest ion before enter ing a relat ionship: "Am I heal thy enough for one?" I th ink a successful r elat ionship is when two independent people fal l in love. Unfor tunately, people are gett ing in to relat ionships because they feel they need one as a dependent person, instead of wanting i t as an independent person who has found a com m on l ikeness with another.

H igh school is a t im e to f ind ourselves, don?t get too caught up in f inding another person. Em brace your individual i ty whether you choose to share i t wi th another or proudly choose to be single, which is not som ething to be asham ed of, even on Valent ine's Day. Appreciate the relat ionships that pass through your l i fe, because when they leave i t?s im por tant to r em em ber that for a t im e, they were there. Rem em ber to love yoursel f f i r st th is Valent ine?s Day.

Kaley Garvey, '16

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I t is that lovey-dovey tim e of the year again w her e you should alr eady have or at least should be planning a r om antic evening w ith that significant other . Ther e is plenty to do and Ideas could r ange fr om a r om antic dinner date to a picnic on the beach.

BiCE Ristor ante - H i l ton Dubai Jum eir ah Resor tThis I tal ian restaurant has a classy yet r om antic am biance. The place is often f i l led so reservat ions beforehand are a m ust especial ly on Valent ine?s day. The tone for r om ance is set by the piano player and is car r ied on by great taste of the food. I went and would defin i tely r ecom m end order ing one of the pastas. The only downside to th is r estaurant is that i t can be a bi t pr icey and I would see i t averaging at around 400-500 for two.

Fr evo - Fair m ont The PalmFrevo is one of the best Chur rascar ias in Dubai. A Chur rascar ia is a Brazi l ian them ed restaurant which serves m ul t iple select ions of m eats fr om their Chur rasco Gr i l l . Frevo is on The Palm and has a great view i f you choose to eat outside. Also inside of the restaurant they have a band to play and also a group of salsa dancers that even go as far as to ask ing you to com e dance with them . I would defin i tely r ecom m end th is for those that l ike to eat a lot of good food. I t is an al l you can eat exper ience that costs 250/person.

Picnic on the BeachI f m oney is r eal ly an issue there are plenty of al ternat ive ways to show that you care about som eone else. I f these opt ions don?t seem fi t t ing to you and you?re m ore of a laid back k ind of couple I would defin i tely r ecom m end going to the beach and having a picn ic. As long as you show your date that you put effor t in to planning out the date and tr y your best to m ake i t as rom antic a n ight as possible, i t?s very un l ikely that anyth ing wi l l go wrong. The tr ue un iversal language of love is food, so m ake sure to r eserve your tables as soon as possible to m ake valent ines an unforgettable evening with your sign i f icant other.

David Saba '15

Valentine's Day in Dubai: A Table For Two

BiCe Ristorante- H i l ton Dubai Jum eirah Resor t

Frevo - Fairm ont The Palm

A n ice picn ic by the beach

Photo credi t : www.google.com

Page 11: Akhbar Valentines Issue 2015

Del ightful ly Romantic Deserts

W e al l love, no m atter who your are, food is where i ts at. H owever, a un ique few whom have been blessed with the proper taste buds and m indset to love food m ore than people. These few who suffer the indignat ion of a burnt m eal , the tr agedy of m issing break fast and the hor ror of leaving a m eal unfin ished. The sym ptom s can be spotted at bir th, m y own brother, as a newborn, would cr y when he was taken away fr om an unfin ished m eal . Sadly h is condit ion rem ains unchanged. I m ysel f r equire food every hour or else I can no longer funct ion as a hum an being but r ather as a vegetable and I despise m y veggies. So i f you have seen any of the fol lowing signs, know your aren 't alone.

1. Look at food on instagram every class.2. If the first thing you noticed about this article was the pictures.3. Go to the store to buy valentines day chocolates for yoursel f 4. The most attractive thing about your significant other is that they love food as much as you do.5. You never share food. ?My preciousssss.?6. Never heard of the 10 second rule because al l dropped food is game.7. When entering restaurants, you don't hold the door open for other people because that would mean a longer wait. Especial ly at Chipotle.8. When asked out on a date you go not because you l ike the person, but because you get a free meal .9. First question you ask at a party is ?where?s the food??10. When you're hungry, you become an entirely different person. Photo Credi ts: Google.im ages

For the Love of Food John H enderson '15

- Ingredients175g plain f lour

- r100g chi l led butter, cubed- 85g icing sugar- 1 tsp vani l la extract- 1 egg yolk- 500g ready-to-rol l fondant icing- red food colour ing- 100g icing sugar- black food colour ing- edible pear ly bal l decorat ions- 8cm hear t-shaped cutter- 6cm hear t-shaped cutter

Are you look ing for a way to win h im /her over th is valent ines day? To leave a sweet taste in their m outh, and longing for m ore? Try th is easy, and del ightfu l ly r om antic ladybug cook ie deser t! After al l , what says "I want you" better than hear t shaped bugs...

- Fir st: M ix f lour, butter, sugar, vani l la and egg yolk together, dr ibble in 1 tbs water unt i l the m ixture form s a dough.

- Second: Knead dough br iefly, yeah gir l , knead that dough, then chi l l for 20 m inutes or so. H eat oven to 180/160 C fan/gas

- Thir d: Rol l out dough on f lat sur face. Use hear t shape cook ie carver, and then bake cut out cook ies for 12 m inutes.

- Four th: Prepare your colored icing in cl ing f i lm , and take out cooled cook ies to ice (DO NOT ice t i l l cooled). Use black icing to m ake the head, the poin ty end, and to draw a centre l ine, then add spots.

- Fi fth: Leave icing to set , then serve to your luuuur r vee for the per fect Valent ine's desser t!!

Anah M al ik '15

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ASD AKHBARISSUE 5, ''14- '15

if you would l ike to see your work in pr in t, please contact the akhbar staff at

ak hbar @asdubai .or gi f you would l ike to get in touch with our

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Valentines day 2015

Page 15: Akhbar Valentines Issue 2015

Val ent ine Shout - Out s Shaz, what the hel l did you just said..?

Zul f i , Protein ..

Zak M oulsm ani I hope Next New Year 's Eve we can f in ish what we star ted...

Shoutout to m y sophom ore love, Soupy <3

M ina Roukbi - Everyth ing about you is so per fect.

Alain Ive secret ly l iked you since you f i r st cam e to ASD and i ts so hot how you've changed in to the stud you are now x

Aheem - I can 't adm it to you how m uch I 've always been in love with you

Alex M oazzam i - m eet m e at the lockers at 11:41 on M arch the 1st for a surpr ise xxx

Tala Al Rajjal , is there an air por t nearby? Because m y hear t is tak ing off. That one is yours, and on ly yours. H ere's to m any m ore wavelengths and in fin i tely m ore in fin i t ies.

Tyler , you'r e m y fr eshm an crush. - your senior adm irer

M r. Nelson can I get a hel l yeah?

Zul f i , you are the on ly r eason I com e to school every day - secret adm irer xoxxooxoxxoxoxoxox

I love you Vinay

Donny H ansen, you'r e wonder fu l . Keep being you! Day of Days.

Rohan, I know I tel l you th is every day, but I love you and value you a lot. Thanks for being an exceptional fr iend, love you rot is <3

Al l hai l our lord and saviour 4Sn. Please, i f you f ind i t f i t , bless your loyal AP Chem istr y students with good grades and m ercy. Am en.

Sophia Syed ur gr8 and I love you regardless of your in terest in the tool box.

Loulya Boukhaled, i have a huge crush on you... what should I do?

Chir ine Chidiac, you rock m y wor ld!!!!!

Lyne K, com e find m e, I 'm your secret adm irer ;)

Shahzeb is so beauti fu l I want h im .

Noor Sem aan, love u forever r r r r

Fahr Kam al, um I can 't stand not being with you, wi l l you be m ine?? - F

Alex Aj, I m iss seeing you in Ap Calc BC :/ wish we were in the sam e class th is sem ester too

Sandra, I r eal ly en joy your com pany and th ink you'r e one of the prett iest gir ls in the school . You'r e funny and car ing and sm ar t and gorgeous; everyth ing I want in a gir l fr iend. So I 'm ask ing now, wi l l you be m ine th is valent ines? I 'm too scared to ask you face to face, but hopeful ly th is m akes you feel special and loved th is week .

Gus -- h i cut iee!


To wol fpack : you guys are such an am azing group of fr iends and I love you al l soosoo m uch? ?? ?

Zayd S, i th ink we're per fect for eachother.. -l t

To the Bchachos I love you al l so m uch and I honest ly don 't know what I would do without you guys? ?? ?? ?

Sanji t , adore you forever babeee

Zayd Shehadeh you'r e m y guy

Em m a Grace Parks, som etim es I stare at your si lky hair in AP Lang.

Lays, I got the last slap soz but I won

Lyne K, L^4 forever r r r ? i th ink yeah..

Zaydo m y fav senior forever can 't wai t t i l l nor theastern

Faroos, through th ick and th in !!!!

Taj, you'r e the hottest gir l in school

H i Ahm ed

Layan: love you so m uch ya kher ieh

Loulya you are the funniest and funnest person on th is planet I love you so m uch and everyone wants to date you

Taj you are som ething out of th is wor ld

Noor Sem aan: I love you so M uch ;)

Kim o, I 'm better at you at Spanish

M ike S, you'r e the hottest guy to walk th is ear th

Shoutout to m y bts!!! Love u gir ls

M aya K you done goofed

Lyno you always m ake m y day

Rohan Valran i is the best person in the wor ld, he is a God send

"H ey Eden" I don 't know why that is so hard to say...

0324 W il l you be m y valent ine? I don 't r eal ly love you but I l ike you a lot. I don 't know what I 'm going to do without you next year. I 'm going to m iss you so m uch I 'l l go nuts. Thank you; for being you; for let t ing m e lean on you; for l isten ing to m e, and staying up with m e; for being there for the sad and happy days. I couldn 't have handled the past 8 m onths without your love and suppor t. Lots and tons of love, secret adm irer.

M ath, You're adorable!

Sandra Rafai l , your the best fr iend a m oose could ask for, I love you

Goncalo you are honest ly the cutest person I have ever seen :P


Sarah Lynn: thanks for being a stel lar person, I love you am iga

H i Ahm ed

Tala: dwar fs?

M r. Schubair , you'r e sm ok in. Enough said.

Ana, baheb el im arat

Lyne you are beauti fu l inside out

Zayd - I 'm in your top two

H ey Eden, you'r e such a hott ie x love you

Carolyn Rose you'r e the M eredi th to m y Chr ist ina, the ping to m y pong, the zaatar to m y zei t , the soft to m y bal l , the rose in m y garden of weeds, you'r e the love of m y l i fe and I hope your valent ines doesn 't suck !

Ahm ed, i th ink we're m eant to be tbh xoxoxoxo

Sanjay/ Im adic- H appy Valent ines Day, Chicken M arket! You deserve al l the chickens in the wor ld xoxo - Kum ar /Uradic

Leo Akers- M y fr eshm an crush, te am o <3 - Dulce

Darby, baby, i t 's second sem ester. No hiding anym ore. EVERYONE, W E'RE IN LOVE! -Gr i ff in

Sandra,Valent ine's Shoutout................................................................................................................................................Stay.

Darby, I m iss your calves hun.

M aia, com e to JBR ton ight?

M r. Shubair - Our love for you thaws even the coldest of Chicago winter s. - Every Senior Gir l

H i Kevin oppa!

Noor Kad, wi l l you be m y valent ine? -H ar r y Styles x

Tajom ajo love you so m uch qooeyqreature

Sarah F: u da real M VP

Jalapengo, I love you forever.

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