ak stockmart - acc - oct 22, 2010

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  • 8/7/2019 AK Stockmart - ACC - Oct 22, 2010


    1 22nd Oc tobe r 2010

    ACC Ceme nt Ltd. CMP 984

    Targe t Price 900

    Potential Downside 9%

    Strugg le with Poo r volumes & rising c osts

    Q3CY10 - Result upd ate

    REDUCE Performa nce suffered a setbac k in terms of volume and realisation:

    ACC Cement Ltd (ACC) posted a decline of 79.2% in its net profit for

    Q3CY10 at Rs 863.1 mn, compared with Rs 4155.1 mn in the previous year

    c orrespo nd ing qua rter. Tota l inc om e d uring the p eriod dow n by 14.3% to

    Rs 18113.0 mn aga inst Rs 21146.6 mn last yea r.

    EBIDTA fo r the qua rter d ec lined by 68.6% to Rs 2172.4 mn, wh ile the EBIDTA

    margins dropped by 20.7% to 12.0%. While the net margins declined by

    14.8% to 4.8%. EPS fo r the qua rter stoo d a t Rs 4.6.

    The d ispa tc hes for the q ua rter stood a t 4.83 mnT, do wn b y 3.6% on YoY

    and prod uc tion for the quarter stood at 4.63 mnT, do wn b y 8.3% on YoY.

    The rea lisa tion fo r the qua rter stoo d at Rs 3642 per to nne, d ec lined

    significantly 12.2% on YoY and 11.3% on Qo Q basis.

    The d rop in revenues wa s ma inly on a c c ount d rop in rea lizat ion and

    dispa tc hes hit the co mp any s pe rformanc e. The net p rofit d rop pe dsignificantly due to lower operating performance and increase in

    dep recia tion, interest c ost. The inc rea sed raw m a terial co sts, pow er, fuel

    c ost and othe r op erating e xpenses resulted in lower op erating p rofit.

    The volume of clinker produc tion and a lso c eme nt ca me d ow n due toshutdown at Wadi II for hook-up and commissioning for most period ofthe q uarter. Market c ond itions were w ea k in off ta kes and pric es due toseve re mo nsoon and flood s. The c ost of p rod uc tion wa s also impac teddue to hike in input c osts for slag , fly ash and pow er.

    Expa nsion projec ts on trac t; new c ap ac ity to boost volume s: The m ajorexpansion projec t at Cha nda in Maha rashtra, which will ad d c ap ac ity of3 mnT of c em ent tog ethe r with a 25 MW pow er plant, is nea ringc omp letion; we expec t this will ad d to volume g rowth in CY11E.

    Outlook and valuations: Significa nt new ce ment c ap ac ity has be enadded in the industry in last six months, particularly in southern regionwhich, coupled with the monsoons, caused stress in the market,especially in prices. However the prices have started increasing fromSep tem be r 2010 onw ards, we expec t the industry will cont inue totraverse a positive trend in terms of overall growth in the foreseeablefuture. On demand side we are bullish and expect industry to report 11-12% growth in FY11E. Even we anticipate the prices to improve furtherfrom current levels. But ACCs newly commissioned capacities have notbeen ramped up which failed to give volume growth and expect thecompany to report subdued growth in dispatches for current year, thismay not lead to outperform the industry. At CMP of Rs 984, stock tradesat va lua tion of USD 136 and USD 125 EV/ Tonne fo r CY11E and CY12E

    respectively. We have valued the stock based on DCF valuationmethodology, due to poor performance we revised our earningsestimate and we recommend REDUCE with a price target of Rs.900,do wnside of 9% from the c urrent levels.

    BSE 500410


    Reuters ACC.BO

    Bloom be rg ACC IN

    Industry Cement

    Market Cap (Rs. Mn) 184970

    Equity (Rs. Mn) 1879.4

    Fac e Va lue (Rs.) 10

    52WkH/ L 1049/ 700

    Sensex 20166

    Nifty 6066

    Sharehold ing Pattern as on 30thSeptember 2010






    Promoter Mutual Funds

    FIIs Public

    Financial Inst./Banks Non Institutions

    Sensex v/ s ACC Cem ent Ltd


















    ACC Sensex









    Ad j








    P/ E




    EV/ Tonne


    CY2010E 81,903.5 -3.4% 19,602.0 -20.5% 11,017.9 -29.5% 58.6 16.7% 49.4% 16.8 9.6 161

    CY2011E 90,868.3 10.9% 20,840.0 6.3% 11,776.0 6.9% 62.7 15.8% 44.9% 15.7 8.8 136

    CY2012E 103,066.9 13.4% 23,651.8 13.5% 13,869.8 17.8% 73.8 16.4% 42.0% 13.3 7.1 125

    Source: A.K.Stoc kma rt Institutiona l Researc h

    A. K. Stoc kmart Pvt. Ltd.

  • 8/7/2019 AK Stockmart - ACC - Oct 22, 2010


    2 22nd October 2010

    Financ ial Details: Consolidated:Rs in mn

    Particulars3rd Qtr


    4th Qtr


    1st Qtr


    2nd Qtr


    3rd Q tr


    Net Sales 20773.8 19214.6 22,403.8 21668.9 17591.8

    Oth er Op erat ing Inco me 367.1 624.2 348.8 423.1 523.9

    Sha re of Earnings of Assoc iates 5.6 0.0 9.9 5.9 -2.7

    Tota l Inc om e 21,146.6 19,838.8 22,762.4 22,097.9 18,113.0

    % YoY c ha ng e 10.5% -5.0% 3.9% -0.8% -14.3%

    % QoQ c ha ng e -5.0% -6.2% 14.7% -2.9% -18.0%

    TOTAL EXPENDITURE 14232.4 14907.9 16210.2 16158.6 15940.5

    PBIDT 6914.2 4930.9 6552.2 5939.3 2172.4

    PBIDT % 32.7% 24.9% 28.8% 26.9% 12.0%

    PBIDT per tonne 1380.1 942.8 1174.2 1124.9 449.8

    % YoY c ha ng e 63.5% 1.1% -2.6% -22.4% -68.6%

    % QoQ c ha ng e -9.7% -28.7% 32.9% -9.4% -63.4%

    Inte rest 135.5 180.6 136.3 141.6 164.2

    PBDT 6778.7 4750.3 6415.9 5797.7 2008.2

    Dep rec iat ion 876.5 1051.9 1,030.7 1046.8 1002.4

    Othe r Incom e 150.3 200.4 260.5 181.0 294.3

    Mino rity Inte rest -0.9 0.0 0.2 -0.02 -0.4

    PBT 6053.4 3898.8 5645.5 4931.9 1300.5

    Tax 1898.3 1091.7 1,716.7 1437.2 437.4

    Rep orte d Profit Aft er Tax 4155.1 2807.1 3928.8 3494.7 863.1

    Extra-o rdina ry Item s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

    Ad justed Profit After Extra-

    ordinary item 4155.1 2807.1 3928.8 3494.7 863.1

    Net marg ins 19.6% 14.1% 17.3% 15.8% 4.8%

    % YoY c ha ng e 59.8% 7.9% -1.6% -25.8% -79.2%

    % QoQ c ha ng e -11.8% -32.4% 40.0% -11.0% -75.3%

    EPS 22.14 14.9 20.9 18.6 4.6

    % YoY c ha ng e 59.9% 7.5% -1.8% -25.9% -79.3%

    % QoQ c ha ng e -11.8% -32.5% 40.0% -11.0% -75.3%

    Source: A.K.Stoc kma rt Institutiona l Research

  • 8/7/2019 AK Stockmart - ACC - Oct 22, 2010


    3 22nd October 2010

    P&L ac count: Old estima tes:(Rs in mn)

    Partic ula r CY09 CY10E CY11E CY12E

    Tota l Inc om e 84827.1 89987.4 96465.6 104224.9

    % YoY cha nge 10.2% 6.1% 7.2% 8.0%

    Tota l Expend iture 60172.9 65096.1 70671.5 76342.4

    EBIDTA 24654.2 24891.2 25794.2 27882.5

    EBIDTA % 29.1% 27.7% 26.7% 26.8%

    % YoY cha nge 48.1% 1.0% 3.6% 8.1%

    Ad justed Net Profit 15639.0 14777.4 15276.8 16790.8

    PAT % 18.4% 16.4% 15.8% 16.1%

    % YoY cha nge 42.2% -5.5% 3.4% 9.9%

    EPS 83.2 78.6 81.3 89.3

    Revised estima tes:

    (Rs in mn)Partic ula r CY09 CY10E CY11E CY12E

    Tota l Inc om e 84827.1 81903.5 90868.3 103066.9

    % YoY cha nge 10.2% -3.4% 10.9% 13.4%

    Tota l Expend iture 60172.9 62301.5 70028.3 79415.0

    EBIDTA 24654.2 19602.0 20840.0 23651.8

    EBIDTA % 29.1% 23.9% 22.9% 22.9%

    % YoY cha nge 48.1% -20.5% 6.3% 13.5%

    Ad justed Net Profit 15639.0 11017.9 11776.0 13869.8

    PAT % 18.4% 13.5% 13.0% 13.5%

    % YoY cha nge 42.2% -29.5% 6.9% 17.8%

    EPS 83.2 58.6 62.7 73.8

    Source: A.K.Sto ckma rt Institutio na l Resea rch

    Basanth Patil

    Researc h Ana lyst

    Ema il:- b asanth.pa til@akg roup.c o.in

    Tel:- 91-22 67544781

  • 8/7/2019 AK Stockmart - ACC - Oct 22, 2010


    4 22nd October 2010


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