aily · 2015-06-01 · 1u tapering uncord ami ruru llonlhllity. the kroueh and italian hand is lung...

WW? a7 ifr uy M" AILY Si jp . II ' " " ...... HI -- " - - -- " it ..!.. 11 I. ...-- .. VOLUME I. HONOLULU,- - HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1883. t .NO. 94 Cost of Keeping n Ynolit. irlillaJslpliln TlmfS Intirvlow. "llow mucli docs it cost to keep a k1. kill M.m Aa1AjI 'tTaI A IllflAll f tin jam" wus ncu ui "oj y"i "" tcwnmoi tuo jnow y one incut ciuii. "That depends on bow big your yacht Is and whether It Is a steamer or not. Tbo usual wages paid to men employed on yachts aro rather moro than tbo pay In the merchant scrvlco and the man aro better fed and clothed. Tlio sailors, as a rule, are.plckcd men and a ureal many of them aro Scandinavians There aro some German and English sailors and a fow r Americans. Tho latter aro principally thoscs who havu bad oxpcrlonco on llshlng smacks ntid coasters, that sort of training admirably llttlug thvin for tho work ex- pected of yachttmen. The average pay is $30 por month and $5 a mouth 'merit monoy,' that is, for good behavior during an entire season. It is customary to pay them at the end of tho year that sum for each month of service as a reward of merit. "Tho English system is qutto different and certainly has its advantages from tin economical standpoint, Tho men beforo tho mast in an English yacht receive from 8 to 'i pounds sterling per month and a specified sura per dloin board allowance. With this money thoy form their own. mess and live as oxtravagantly or as cheaply as they choose. Tho most lavish yacht owners in tho world aio tho Now York men, and tho prices paid and quoted hero, it must bo remembered, aro greater than thoso usual lu other titloi. "Tho cook is a very Important person on beard a yacht Uf courso, some yachtsmen havo an expert at a fane;' snlaiy, but tho average cook rucolvcs from 1 1...U to vtf.ol) a dav. Tho mate receive about tho tamo rate of pay. and tho sailing master from !i to ? u day. Then In a steam jacht tho ctiglneora and assistants recoil a about the same rulo of pay us the sailing-maste- r and mates, aud tho llremen at the tame as the iuoj before tho mast, lu n Meant yacht, too, must be taken Into cousldorutl a the cost of fuel and cuglu curs supplies, such as oil, cotton' waste, packing, etc., eta ICelnlltiiiM tit loiotU til Muliirlti. l'opithr HIeiia! JI.itlily r Tho cuttiug down of forosts in malnrl ous countries has often proved an excel, lent means of amelioration; because, by removing every obstacle to tho Ulrtct action ol tho sun's rays on tho surface of the soil, Its humidity during tho warm season is sometimes entirely exhausted. In spite of universal experience of this fact, a sihool originating with tho great homan physician, J.ancisl, has sustained the contrary, counseling the malntonanco and oven tho extension of forests in malarious couutrlos. ALsorbcnt plants havo been suggested and used as a means of drawing humidity from tho soil, not without success lu ccr tain countries really malarious. Tho prejudlco that the malaria is due to tho decompositions of tbo soil has, fmtrcscout to the cholco of tho Eucalyp- tus globulus as tho trco best adapted to combat tho poison, the Idea being that the oucalyptus, which grows ery rap idly, dries tho humid earth, aud at tho same tlmo by tho aroma of its leaven destroys tho so called miasmata No gcnulno instnnco of the eucalyptus having succocdcd in its allotted task is yet known to Dr. Tommasl.trudeli, though he does not say that lis success is Irapos slbla Had its Italian patrons studied its action in its native Australia, where it nourishes much better than In Italy, they would havo known that thoro aro euca- lyptus forests In thoso latitudes whero malaiia is vory provalont, as has been shown by Professor Llversldgo, of the University of Sydney, Junoy Applejack. IPreotlco MuiforJ, Besides tho coons and weasels living hereabout thcro are many unman Doings, descendants of the Lutch. Thoro aro, it is said, still living hereabout somo or, old people who speak Dutch or could If they wished. Applojack is tho favorite bovcrage among this class, but thoy du not commenco lis energetic manufacture until nearer tho sea coast about i ong liranch, whore popular belief inclines against tho killing of tho llsh hawks whoso frequont nests aro conspicuous on the taller trees (suggesting bushel baskets lodged thereon). " Kill a llsh hawk, " says a Dutch dosceudod orseymau of this section, "nnd your cows will give bloody milk." They bolloie It and believe in apulojack too. I drank ouco a liugo applejack punch concocted for mo by ono of tbeso land- lords (thoy were building tho Long Branch iron pier at the time), and in fifteen minutes after tho fluid had bogun tho assimilating process with my oiganl ration I saw countless Iron piers stretch Ing nway In dim tapering perspective far down the Jorsoy coast. It is ono of tho most insidious of stimulants In its effects, any may not give a hint mat it means business until it has been within you Alteon or twenty minutes. Sluvury lu ub t. At'anta Cniistl.utt jii.J An odict of tho Spanish government which went into forco last year frees one slavo In four every yonr. This will ox- - tlnnulsli slavery on tlio Island In lHoU A laruo planter from Cuba being Inter viewed said, "blavo labor Is not profit- able in C uba. I havo owned and worked (100 on my plantation, but now do not own a slaio and htro all my laborers, aud Und It hotter and chcapor. " Tho vuluo of slaves has so decreased uuder tho order for emancipation that thousauds'of them purchnso their own liberty and hlro them selves out to raise the monoy. lluiuli or Dltroroiit Niitlomtlltloa. Boston Budget,) Hands ofdifferont nationaUtles differ. Tbo Ocrraan hand is thick, short. flugcrod, short nailed, with n wide mrn. Tho Spanish haijd Is noted tho world over for 1U tapering Uncord ami ruru lloNlhllity. The Kroueh and Italian hand Is lung and capable of close pnwsuro, hut tho Kugl'sh and America baud Is the best knit, ilnnly sot hand, blended with all tho variations of typical boauty known. In lit 11 nil (Ins. Exchange, j The natural gas is probably formed in tbo earth by a procoss of natural distilla- tion from tho milnuil and vegetable re mains of past geological epochs, and la uearly tho samo product as we distil liotn coal in tho rotorts of our yas factories, only instead of tho heat if our llie, tho Internal nuu Vt. 1110 cariu, umcu, WW,.!.,"., by chemical decomposition, has caused its formation ou a inugulllcent scale. JJvufcsstoiml (JlarbB. clarrnckwilurh I VOLNEV VAILLANCOURT - ashi-oro- . . ASIIFORO. A SHFORD & ASHFORD. Attorney, Councllor; Solicitor, Advo- cate!, l'roctori, Conveyancer; iCtc. OrriCK "Honolulu Hate," adjoining so-i-yr , 1- -R. A. McWAYNB, c. PHYSICIAN AND SV11GKON. Orrftn and Residence 34 Alaltea street. Orrics Hours 9 to it a. m.j 6 10 8 r. M., ifo4. lit, - EO. L. BABCOCK, Teacher of the 1'tano forte, the Address, care Messrs. Weil, Dow & Co , No. ioj Fort St.,... Honolulu. Residence No. n Emma street. 337-3- T M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. Dental Hoom on Fort Street, No. Honolulu .It. Office In Urewer'a Block, corner Hotel and Fori Streets, entrance on Hotel Street. t 61 JONATHAN AUSTIN, J Attorney anil Counsellor at Law, The Amt Agent to take Acknonledgement, Mo. 14 KAAHUMANU STREET HONOLUIU 331-3- TNO. A. HASSINGER, tgent to tali Acknowledgment to Con- - The tract for ljtbor. 'I'he Intekioh Officii ., IIoniiiuli D. ati-3f- a The TOHN H. PATY, 'the Dr. notary Public and Votnnllon of Dei.l. Fur the Statei of California and New S'ork. Oihct the Hank of Bishop & Co. Honoiulu. Oahu. II. I. a TUL2S T..VJ-RN1E- A 1 tl,t. Siumn: Ruom 6, Spreclcls lllock tOKT STREET (.IIONOLILU. Houus : jtusr. M, T A THURSTON. '. (Successor to smith & nuiRTON) Attorney at Law, No. 33 Murciiant Street , Honolulu 336-3- - P. P. GRAY, M. D.. I'HVSiaiAS AND SUnOKON, Office, next door to the Honolulu Library. 9 to 10 a. M. ' OrriCR Hours: 1 to 4 r. u. , 7 to 8 r. u. Sumla), oto A. St. RESIDENCE, cor. Klnau and Pcnsacola Sis. T- - O B. DOLE, Counsellor at Law and Notary Public, omcB, No. 15 Kaahumanu Street ,,.,. Honolulu 336-3- 07 R. CASTLE w Attorney at ".cite and Notary 1'ublle. "Jo. 19, Merchant Street Honolulu Attends all the Courts of the Kingdom. a 61 $u0mcsB OIarij0. A S, CLEGHORN tic Co. Importer and Dealer in General Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Streets, Honolulu. aio-a- 6r A W. PBIRCE it Lo. Ship Chandler and Commllon Me- rchant. No. ij Qubrn St., , Honolulu. Agents lor Brand's Guns and Bomb Lances and Per ry Davis' Pain Killer. 310-3- 61 A LLEN & ROBINSON, Dealet In Lumber and all kind of Build- - .ufiinrmf., j'fiinrff, (SIM, tat(, etc, No 44 Qefen Street Honolulu, II, I AGENTS OF bCIIOONEPS Haloakala, Kulamanu, Kokauluohl. Mary Ellen, v Ultatna, Pauahl and Leahl. Al Roblmon's Wharf. tio-2-61 L. SMJiH A rmporter und Deafer In Glaitivare, 3frtt-fM- i .4;H..Inf..l II'.. .... II racket 1, Vae, No. 83 Fort Street ,', Honolulu King'j Combination Spectacles and Eyeghsses, I.UUnil W ra Wnro l'..r .... 11.,.....' I? Wostenliolin'i Pocket Cutlery, H. I. Chase's Island ' Clark's Snnnl Cotton, Machine 'Oil. all kinds of M.uhhie Needles, 'lli,mfflr I'aMr inn. Sole agent of the universally arinnwl.ilr,.il l.tnl... Running Domestic Sewing Machine, 210-2- 61 OISHOP & CO., Bankers Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Draw Kxcliange on THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO. A"J ,he!""ln NEW YORK, BOSTON, PARIS. FRAN AND Messrs. N M. ROTHSCHILD 4 SONS, LUNUON. The COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEV, LONDON. The COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEY, SYDNEY, N. S. W, I he COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA. The BANK OF NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND, And Its branches in CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEDIN, AND WELLINGTON WE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PORTLAND, OR, The AZORES AND MADEIRA ISLANDS, STOCKHOLM, SWbDEN, The CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON AUaiKftLIA AND CHINA, HONGKONG, CHINA, AND YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. no Thimcut a Central Banking Dusintss. 335-2- C BREWER & LimiUd.) COMPANY. General Mercantllednd CotnmUtlon Agent Queen Street, Honolulu, I , Officers , J, C. Jones, Jr., president and v. , K'charl-- " BUhopandil." ' clrter- - Tr Allen auditor, ',:,; .iSsAka Ditshtcsc (Stixbo. E. WILLIAMS, f Importer ahu Dealer in of livery Description. Ainu Upholttcrer anil Manufacturer, Furniture Warerooms No. ill Fort Street. Work- shop at old stand on Hotel Street. All order promptly attended to au-1- HUSTACB, (rORMENLV WITH BOLLES h CO.) of Wholesale and lletall Grocer, Kino Street. ,.. Under Harmony Hall. No. Family. Plantation, and Ship storei suoplied at ihorl notice. New goods by every steamer. Order! from other Island faithfully executed. J Telephone No. 110. 337-3- 78 -t- ASTLB & COOKE, Shtpptng and Commlmlon Merchanti, Real 8j Kino Street Honoluli AND DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Agents lor Hitchcock & Company's Plantation, The Alexander & Baldwin Plantation. T K. HnUtead, or Waialui Plantation. A. II. Smith & Company, Koloa, Kami J, M. Alexander, Haiku, Maui. The Haiku Sugar Company. t Ihe'Kohala Sugtr Company. Hamakua Plantation, Union Inaunnce Compiny ol ban FrantLScn The New England Life lnurance Compinyof Botfi. T Blake Manufacturimi Company of Boston M Wenton's Potent Cenlnfut;al Machines New York and Honolulu Packet Line. Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San Francisco Jaynes .Son Lclrhrated Metllcln-s- . Wilcox 4 Olbb's bimrr Manufacturing omptiiy No. Wheeler & Wilson s bcwii.; Machines, T E P, ADAMS & CO., Aurtlonrei and tUiiiiiulutliin Jtetehnnt. No, 46 Queen Street Honoluli ?io-a- 6i pD. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co. Imioi'(0t- - mill Commtlon Mrrchdnt. NO. 48 QUEENSTnEET......HONOLULU,OAIIU, II I 31O-3- 0I CDC, ROWL lloute and Sign Painter, Paper Hanger, etc., No. 107 King Street Honolulu 311-3- E O. HALL & SON,, (Limited) IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and General JlerchandUe, cornrr ok klnq and fort streets, honolulu officers: William W. Hall President and Manaeer L. C Abies Secretary and Treasurer . r. mien Aiiuuor Directors Thomas May, E. O. White nfi-3- 07 P A. SCIIAEFER A U. Importer and!omntlon Merchant, No. 20 Merchant Street, Honolulu 310-3- 61 rjRANK GERTZ Hoot' and Shoomaker. Boots and Shoes made to Order. No. 103 Fort Street Honolulu 310-3- 61 P H. OEDING, Bxpret and Drayman. Office. No. 81 King Street. Residence. No. 47 Pnnchbowl Steret. Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. Freight, Packages, nnd Baggage delivered to and from all parts of Honolulu and vicinity. Careful at. tention paid to moving Furniture, with WAGONS EXPRESSLY FOR THE PURPOSE. Office Telephone. No. 86. House Telephone. No. 00. 330-2- 00 O W SIACFARLANB, II. R. MACFAELANB. Q W. MACFARLANE & CO. Importow, Oonuulnslou Merchants and Sugar Factors. Fire proof Buitdjng Queen street, Honolulu. AGENTS FOR Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co, Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co's Steam Plow and Portable Tramwa) Woiks, Leeds, Mlrrlcss, Watson Co's Sugar Machinery, Glasgow Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets, Liverpool and Honolulu Line of Packets, London and Honolulu Line of Steamers, Sun h Ire Office of London TT HACKPBLD& Co. General Commltilon Agent, Cor. Fort and Queen Streets Honolulu 110-2- TT E. McINTYRE & BROTHER Grocery and Peed Store. Cok. Kino and FortSts ,,. Honoiulu a TTOLLISTER & Co. Il'holeiale and lletall Druggl! and To baeeonltl. No. 59. NuuahuSt.brt , Honoiulu 310-2- 61 H ONOLULU IRON WORKS Co,, Steam Knglne, Holler, Sugar Mill; Cooler, Iron, lira and Lead Cattttiy. Honoiulu,,,,.,,,, , ...II, I Machinery of every description made to order, Particular attention paid to Ship's Blackimiihing. Job work executed on the shortest notice. 1 rjUSTACE & ROBERTSON , JJrrt (infill. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Parti cular attention paid to the StOrinci and SiiilriNGof goods in tiansit to the other Islands. Also, Black Sand and White Sanii In quantities to suit at lowest prices. OrriCE Corner Kaahumanu and Queen streets Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33. yr Mutuil Telephone No. 19 OHN . WATERHOUSE, T rinjioi ter fin it DeoJer In General Mer-- ehaitdtie. No. 1 Queen Stri-u"- . .... ..Honolulu a $tomi&m)U&Z $UBhtc0S CTjicos. M, OAT, JR., & CO, Stationer and Sewn, Dealer. lied llubber Stamp Ayency Gazrttk Block No. Merchant Strkbt JSS--30 llONQLUtU. II. 1. one JOHN NOTT, B Tin, Cojiper and Sheet Iron irotrer, Stove and llaugct. all kinds, Plumbers' itocknd metals, house furnish' ing goods, chandeliers, lamps, etc. " ' 8 Kaaiiumanu SraRRT...,., ...... .Honolulu 310-2- B B. WISEMAN, Ileal Uilatti llroker and Employ liureau. Rents Rooms, Cottages, I Touies, and sells nj leases Estate in all parts of the Ktdgdonw Employ- ment found for those seeking work in all thevariout J urancnes Ol business connected wtiti these isucus. 1ST N. Bills collected. BooWs and Accounts kept, and general Olni work irancactea. Patronage solicited. Commissions mod erate. cies Honolulu, u I. 5'-i- yr AINE & Co.( Commtialon Merchant), Importers nnd dealers in Hay, Grain and General rouuee. Honolulu ....V. I, aio-a- 6l of .EWERS n COOKE. (Successors to Lewer &. Dckson,) Importer and Dealer In l.uinlierand all hina of iinuiiiny Material, St I okt Strrrt 1 ..Honolim I 6i AIILO. are v Dealer lu Dry.tlood. Itlce, Ten Silk and laney flood, II at, lloot.i and Klioe. Until, feed and Hour, ijigar ana looaceo.r Also proprietor of Ulce and Sugar Plantations at Kaneohe, Koolan, Walpio, Ewa, and Hc4ia. COH. NUUANU AMI) ClIAI-LAI- StS...,. HoNOLUI.l aoQ-a- bo YONS & COHEN, t Auctioneer fluff Commtlon Jlerchant, Corner Fort and Queen Streets, IlorioLULt. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly attended to. Sole agents for American and European merchandise, J J. Lyons, 333-3- L. I Cohen M PHILLIPS & Co. Importer and Whateiale Dealer In Cloth- - ing. Hoot, Shoe. Halt, Men' J'nr- - nlhlng Good. Vancu Good, lite. No. to fvAAHUMANU Street .m Honolulu no-a-6i M S. GR1NBAUM & CO,, Importer of General Merchandlie , and Commllon Merchant, Queen Street Honolulu. H. I No. 134 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 'lr M. A. GONSALVrO. a. HUTCHINSON. TWT A. GONSALVES & CO., U'holetale Grocer, and' It'tne Merchant, Beaver Block, Qurr'n Street Honolulu Post Office Box No. 309. Telephone No. a63. ' 16-- 1 yr I W. McCHESNEY & SON M Dealers in Leather, II Idea, Tallow and Commllon Merchant. Agents for the Royal Soap Company. No. 43 Queen Street. i.Honolull 8. DACIFIC HARDWARE CO. Imparler autl Dealer In Hardware, Cut lery, root, Paints and Oils, and General Merchandise. No. 74 and 76, Fort Street Honolulu 310-2- 61 HE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN T vestment Company (limited,) money loaneu lor long or short periods on roved security. Apply to w, 1.. UKliliN, Office Beaver Block, Fort St, Manager 344-3- H. DAVIES & Co. (Lai e anion, Green & Co ) Impoiter and Commission Merchant. No. 4 Kaaiiumant St ., ...Honolulu AGENTS FOR Llod'sandthe Liverpool Underwriters, British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, and Northern Assurance Company. 310-3- -- pHOS. G, THRUM, iMfOltTINO AND MaNUFACTURINU Stationer, Hook llr, Printer, Hook-hinde- r, etc., And publisher of the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual Dealer in Fine Stationery, Books, Music, Toys and ancy Goods, Fort Street. Near Hoth,. .,,",,,, ., .Honolulu F. ALLEN. w Has an office with Messrs Bishop & Co., corner of airrcnant anu Naanuminu bireets. ana ne win ne pleased lo attend to any business entrusted to him. f, 2o-i- r- m CLAUS SrRECKRLS. I WU, Q IRWIN, w M. G. IRWIN & CO.?. Sugar I'actor and Commltilon Agrtiti. Honolulu , ...... ,,H.I 38-- tf ILLIAM McCANDLESS w Dealer In Cholcett Heef, Veal, Mutton, Ktc, No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Family and Shipping orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to Vessels at short notice. Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order, TELUrilONE , , ,,No 13 0. n wesi, 11, M, DOW, C. W. MAirARLANB W1 EST, DOW & CO., Importer and Dealer In all kind of Mulc, Fancy and .it,iane Good. Furniture of all kind. Sewing Machines, Mirrors, Paintings, Chromos and Toys, Picture Frames and Cornices to order. Moving and'renairlnr Furniture a speciality. No. 105 Fort Street ,..,,.,..,,. .Honolulu t1 71it3.V v.....,, . . . ,1 , ua.ievpususA.iA iff Kt-.- Bumrancc oticco. DEPARTMENT, PACIFIC ACCIDENT Life Insurance Company, Or CALIFORNIA. S. G. WILDER, AGE ST. Assets, December 31, 1884 ,.y.. $1,363,000 Policies Issued against Accident for one day up to year. 94tf OSTON BOARD OP UNDERWRITERS, C. BREWER & Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ato-a- 6t RBMBN BOARD OP UNDERWRITERS. K A. SCItAEFER A Co., Aftnlt. Also agents for the Dresden Board of Underwriters, Vienna. Board of Underwriters. For the Hawaiian Islands. sio-a-6t ORITISII FOREIGN MARINE INSUR. ance Company. (Limited) rilEO. H. DAVIES, AGENT. The above agent has received Instructions to re- duce the tntes of Insurance between Honolulu and Ports in the Pacific, and is now prepared to issue poll at the lowest rates, with a special reduction on freight per steamers. 310-3- GENERAL INSURANCE COM. FORTUNA pany of Berlin. F. A. SCIIAEFER b Co., AGENTS. 7 he above insurance Company, has established a Geueial Agency here, and the undersigned, General Agents, arb authorized to take risks against the dangeri the Seas at the most reasonable rates and on tht mot fivorable terms. aio-1- LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE GERMAN Company of Berlin F. A. SCJAEFER cV Co , AGENTS. The above Insurance Compan) has established a Gen- eral Agency here, and I he above signed. General Agents, authorized to take Risks against the dangers uf thr Seas at the mo. I reasonable lates, and on the mot fa arable terms. 1 HAMBURG-MAGDBBUR- b FIRE Company of Hamburg A JAEGER, AGENT Building, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery Insured agtlnst Fire on the most favorable terms. aio-a- 6i HAMBURG-BREME- Company, FIRE INSURANCE F. A. SCfAEFER 6 Co., AGENTS. The above firm having been appointed agents of this company are prepared to inure risks against fire on Stone and Brick buildings and on Merchandise stored therein, on the most favorable terms. For particulars apply at their office. 210-2- MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM-pan- y, of New York. S. G. IVfLDER, AGENT. Assets, December 31, 1B84 $103,876,178 31 Policies limed on the Life Term and Endowment plan. N-l- f NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSUR-anc- e Company of Boatoo. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS. INCORTORATEO 1 835. The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Company in the United States. 1'ollclc Iucd on the mot favorable Terms Losses paid through Honolulu Agency, $49,000 310-2- 61 NORTH. GERMAN FIRE- - INSURANCE Company of Hamburg. . UACKFELD & Co., AGENTS. Capital and Reserve Rclchsmark 8,830,00 " their Reinsurance Companies, " 33,000,00 The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian Islands, are nrcoared to Insure Buildinira. Furniture Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc, also Suga. and Rice Mills, and vessels in the harbor, against loss or damage by,liie, on the most favorable terms. 210-3- 61 ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. INI ORrORATEU t8)S- - Aet January 1st,, 1884, neatly m,- - 000,000, Polices Issued on the most favorable terms, and absolutely after Two Payments. OK PLAN t Insured age 35 years 20 years Endowment. Plan for .ritiiiiia' Premium $$4il.30l, C'sh-Sur- VT'e. Pd-u- p Ini, At tho eud of the ad Year, 3d 4th " 5U1 " 6th " 7th ' 8th 9th 10th ' nth " lath " 13th " 14th " ijih " 16th " 17th 18th I' 19th 30th " 289.83 $ S45 462.70 840 643-3- 1.13 831.85 i.itj 1,029 00 1,695 .3J-i- 1.970 1,450-7- .S35 1.676 05 1,500 1,911.65 3,755 .157 90 3,005 ,4i5 45 3.350 1,685 00 3.481 .067.70 3.7' 3.363 9 3,945 3 575-3- 4.165 3 90J 13 4,38o 4.340 50 4,590 4,613 70 4,800 5,000.00 5,000 The second and subseqent premiums are likely to be reduced by incrtasiHf annual dtttniuthns of iur Hut. tuT Applications can be had of ; and full information will be given by the Agents, 236-26-7 CASTLS cV COOKE, TJHILADELPHIA BOARD OF UNDER writers. ti C. BREWER 6 Co.. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands, aio-3- FIRE INSURANCE TRANS-ATLANTI- C Company of Hamburg', It. ItACKFBLD & Co., Arinti. Capita! and Reserve Reichsmark 6,000,000. .' their Companies " 101,630,000 Total , Reichsmark 107,630,000 The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian Islands, are nrcoared to insure Buildines. Furniture. Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc., also Sugar anu Klcc Mills, and vessels in ine naroor against loss or damage by fire, on the most favorable teims. 310-3- HE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND T Globe Insurance Company, BISHOP 6f Co,, AGENTS. KSTADISllBn 1836. Unlimited Liability to Stockholder; Assets ,.., $37,010,913 Reserve 7,500,000 INCOME POR 1884; Premiums received after deduction of re. Insurance,, ,....$ 9,000,000 Looses promptly adjurted and paid here UNION MARINEINSURANCECOMPANV of Sau Francisco, CASTLE d- - COOKE, AGENTS. In d 1875. sio-1- Shipping. INTER-ISLAN- D STEAi mam (Limited.) THE BEST EOUTE ' To the Volcano of Kilauea Via Punaluu, Hawaii. each AND STAUNCH Stmr. IF. G. Hull Malulani.) the CAft. BATES Purser SIMERSON. LEAVES HONOLULU AT;1 P. M. TRI. MONTHLY Or Tuesday, Dec 15, Friday, Dec. 33, and Tuesday, Jan. 5, touching at Maalaea Maui about 13 a. m. Kailua, Hawaii................. about 10a. m. Kealakeakua, Hawaii , ...about noon. And other Kona ports, arriving at Punaluu at 6 P. M of the day after leaving Honolulu. On the following morning, 5 A. M. she arrives at Honuapo. Returning she will leave Kau at 9 A. M. on Monday, Dec at, and Thursday, Dec it, touching at all way including Maalaea, Maul, at 6 a. m., and Corn, Honolulu 3 P. M. on the day following her de- parture from Kau. The steamer passes along the 'entire coait or the leeward side of Hawaii, affording '1 ouritts a panorama of i harming Scenery, and will atop at Kealakua Bay where sufficient time Is allowed to visit the monument ol CAI'lAlN COOK. TourUts by this route 1'UNAI uu at 6 o'clock r.M., on the day after leaving HONOLULU being only one night on the vessel, and making the entire passage In smooth water. lul, and from here louriits will be conveyed by Railroad to rahala, tnence uy stage coacn to tiaii.way House, ai .,, ..,.. nttCIG IIVIK.IU UUIU.l - .1, W UU.I,V .V vwo- - vey them to the Volcano, By this route the entire trip Is made in lit ax J a half Jayr, allowing rl ourlsts two nights and one whole dayat the Volcano House, THIS IS rilli ONLY CAltKIAGK llOVTK Tickets for the round trip $BO, which pas all ex- penses. ST Apply 10 HARRY ARMITAGE, Asent for the I. I. S. N. Cu.'s "New Route to the Volcano." at J. J. Williams, Photographer, No. 102 Fort street, Honolulu; Or at Office of thr 1. 1. S. N. Co., on the Esplanade. f 1NTBE-ISLAN- D Steam Navigation Comp'y, (LIMITED) Stmr. W.'G. Hall (STalulanlf Bates ., t, Commander Will run regularly to Mralaea, Maul, and Kona and Kan, Hawaii. Steamer Planter (Llllnov) Cameron Commander Leaves every Tuesday at 3 r. m. for Nawiliwili, Koloa. Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leave Nawiliwili every Saturday at 4 r. si., arriving at Hono-ul- every Sunday at 5 A. M. Steamer Iwalani. Freeman Commander Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Kukui-hael- Honokaa anu Paauhau, Hawaii. Steamer C. Jf. Bishop, Macaulbv. Commander Leaves every Friday at 8 a. si. for Waianae, Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea, Kauai. Returning eaves Hanalei every TaescUy at 4 P. si,, and touching at Walalua and Waianae Wednesdays, and arriving at Honolulu same day. Steamer James Makee, Weir 1 Commander Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. For further particulars inquire at the office of Inter island Steam Navigation Co , Honolulu, J. ENA, T. R. FOSTER, 343-2- 94 Secretary. President. NAVIGATION CO. PACIFIC (limited) Coatng and Commltilon Agent. Ctnut QUEEN 4 NUUANU Shuts, IttiuMu Regular vessels for the ports ol Maliko on Maul Laupahoehoe, Honomu, Paukaa and Hilo on Hawaii ; Koloa Hanapepe and Waimea on Kauai, and Walalua on Oahu, And anyother ports wheu inducements offer. Persons having freight for any part of the islands be forwarded from San Trancisco by way of Honolulu, or direct shipments from Honolulu wilt do well to en quire first of the Pacific Navigation Co., before making final arrangements. Goods Intended for shipment by any of our vessels received and stored free of charge in our bnilding at any time. Apply to the captains on board, or to A. F. COOKE, iiitf Manager Pacific Navigation Co. SCHOONKR DOMITUA. Master. Maine, Kaneohe, llecla, Kahnluu, Vata, hole, Walkane,,und other Pott onthe Coatt of Koolau, Oahu, -- MIARLES BREWER & Lo 37 Kany Street, Boston, AG1SNTS OF HAWAIIAN PAOKHTS, General Cotnmiitton Agent. Special attention given to the purdiastng of goods ol the Hawaiian trade. Frcitht at lowest rates, aio-- tf PLANTERS' LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 0, II III! in; It d COMPANY Agent Meichandlse received Storage Fiee, and hber jnh advances made on shipments by this line, tio-t- f hipping. WilEler's steams! Company. fIiI3Vri'JDB33.) New Route to the Volcano Via Keauhoii. ROUTE AND TIME TABLE X IS KIN A V i,Nt' Commands Leaves IIONOI ULU, II. I. at 4 00 o'clock r. M, week. Tduchmg at Lahalna, Maalaea, Makena, Maui, Mai uona, Kawalhae, Laupahoehoe and llllo, Hawaii, and will make Iwo trips to the Volcano each month, leaving Honolulu on the first Monda) following airival of the mail steamers from San Francisco. When the steamer arrlies on Monday the ICINAU wll leave on that day, PSSENGrR TRAINS will connect with the Klnau at Mahukona. S The KINAU WILL TOUCH at Honokala aid Taauhau on down trips from Hilofor Fassengf ri If a signal is made from the shore. The stenmer KINAU will make the Volcano Tail-- , reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morning, giving Tourists two dajsand two nights at the Volcano House. Tickets for the round trip $50.00, V.I1M1 pays all charges. The KINAU will arrive in Honolulu Funday morn- ings on Volcano Trips. On H1I0 lri, will leave Honolulu onTuesda)s, and return Saturday morning. LlhlTTlKK. LOKI.KTKN. ' COMMAMUBE Leaves Monday sat 5 r. u for "Kaunalakal, Kahu. Huelo, Hana and Kipahulu J and for Keanae,.Mo-kula- u and Nun every other week. Returning will stop ine aoove pons, arriving back Saturday mornings. For mails and passengers onlv. TIlltKlLAUVA tlOV. Commander Leaves regularly for Paauhau, Kohoalele, Ookala, Kukalau, Honohlna, Laupahoehoe, HaLMau and Ono. 1111! LtillDA Davies. r ....Commander Will leave regularly for same ports as the Kilauea Hou. T1IKMOKOLI1. McGregor , Commands Leaves each Monday nt 5 r, m. for Kaunakakai, Ka. malo, Pukoo, Lahalna, Lanai, Moanui, Halawa, Wal. iau, Peleunu ond Kalaupapa. Returning leaves Pukoo Friday at 10 A. ti. for Honolulu, arriving Saturday morning. S. G. WILDER, Pres. S. B. ROSE, Sec'y, 3ttr OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. For San Francisco The AI Steamship "ST. PAUL" Will leave' Honolulu for the above n on or about iDecember 18th, atJT For freight or passage apply to VM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents. Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco, The new and splendid Al Steel Steamship " MARAROA," Of Jthe Union Steamship Companv, New Zealand will be due at Honolulu i ylney and Auckland 011 or about December IQtli; And will leait for the above port with mails and pas sengers on or about that date. . For freight or passage, having supci'o accom- modations, apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents. For Sydney and Auckland, The O, S S, Company's fine AI Steamship " MARIPOSA " Will be due at Honolnlu from San Francisco on or about December 25tla, And will haw prompt dispatch with mails aud passen gers for the above poits. For freight or passage, having superior accom- modations, apply tu WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents. For Sydney, N. S. "W, The Magnificent Steamship " A. TJ S TT Xfc A. J j X A ,' IIrough , Commander Will leave for the above potl on " alQ",t January 6th, 1886. For freight or passage, apply to 94-- td II. HACKFELD & CO., Agents New York & Honolulu Packet Line MESSRS. C. II. CR0SSM.U J DUO. Will dispatch about Tccember i, 1885, h. First-Cla- s Vessel from A etc Yot k for this Poit direct, Merchants and Others Wishing to Ship by this Fat orite Line will please for. ward their Orders as early as poitihli, Very'liuly, LV,, CASTLE & COOKE, n Honolulu At nit: terf''Lte'&"iijA iilftitUlfaeMiJi S Jtto m ha, iilSkleykS'ik' i&i ) 4W n T Vl 1 "it . v . t & 'n m I 5 A val

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Page 1: AILY · 2015-06-01 · 1U tapering Uncord ami ruru lloNlhllity. The Kroueh and Italian hand Is lung and capable of close pnwsuro, hut tho Kugl'sh and America baud Is the best knit,

WW? a7 ifr




. II ' " " ......HI -- " - - -- "it ..!.. 11 I. ...-- ..


Cost of Keeping n Ynolit.irlillaJslpliln TlmfS Intirvlow.

"llow mucli docs it cost to keep ak1. kill M.m Aa1AjI 'tTaI A IllflAll f tinjam" wus ncu ui "oj y"i ""tcwnmoi tuo jnow y one incut ciuii."That depends on bow big your yacht

Is and whether It Is a steamer or not. Tbousual wages paid to men employed onyachts aro rather moro than tbo pay Inthe merchant scrvlco and the man arobetter fed and clothed. Tlio sailors, as arule, are.plckcd men and a ureal many ofthem aro Scandinavians There aro someGerman and English sailors and a fow rAmericans. Tho latter aro principallythoscs who havu bad oxpcrlonco on llshlngsmacks ntid coasters, that sort of trainingadmirably llttlug thvin for tho work ex-

pected of yachttmen. The average payis $30 por month and $5 a mouth 'meritmonoy,' that is, for good behavior duringan entire season. It is customary to paythem at the end of tho year that sum foreach month of service as a reward ofmerit.

"Tho English system is qutto differentand certainly has its advantages from tineconomical standpoint, Tho men beforotho mast in an English yacht receive from8 to 'i pounds sterling per month and aspecified sura per dloin board allowance.With this money thoy form their own. messand live as oxtravagantly or as cheaplyas they choose. Tho most lavish yachtowners in tho world aio tho Now Yorkmen, and tho prices paid and quoted hero,it must bo remembered, aro greater thanthoso usual lu other titloi.

"Tho cook is a very Important personon beard a yacht Uf courso, someyachtsmen havo an expert at a fane;'snlaiy, but tho average cook rucolvcs from1 1...U to vtf.ol) a dav. Tho mate receiveabout tho tamo rate of pay. and tho sailingmaster from !i to ? u day. Then In asteam jacht tho ctiglneora and assistantsrecoil a about the same rulo of pay us thesailing-maste- r and mates, aud tho llremen atthe tame as the iuoj before tho mast, lun Meant yacht, too, must be taken Intocousldorutl a the cost of fuel and cuglucurs supplies, such as oil, cotton' waste,packing, etc., eta

ICelnlltiiiM tit loiotU til Muliirlti.l'opithr HIeiia! JI.itlily r

Tho cuttiug down of forosts in malnrlous countries has often proved an excel,lent means of amelioration; because, byremoving every obstacle to tho Ulrtctaction ol tho sun's rays on tho surface ofthe soil, Its humidity during tho warmseason is sometimes entirely exhausted.In spite of universal experience of thisfact, a sihool originating with tho greathoman physician, J.ancisl, has sustainedthe contrary, counseling the malntonancoand oven tho extension of forests inmalarious couutrlos.

ALsorbcnt plants havo been suggestedand used as a means of drawing humidityfrom tho soil, not without success lu ccrtain countries really malarious. Thoprejudlco that the malaria is due to tho

decompositions of tbo soil has,fmtrcscout to the cholco of tho Eucalyp-tus globulus as tho trco best adapted tocombat tho poison, the Idea being thatthe oucalyptus, which grows ery rapidly, dries tho humid earth, aud at thosame tlmo by tho aroma of its leavendestroys tho so called miasmata

No gcnulno instnnco of the eucalyptushaving succocdcd in its allotted task is yetknown to Dr. Tommasl.trudeli, thoughhe does not say that lis success is Iraposslbla Had its Italian patrons studied itsaction in its native Australia, where itnourishes much better than In Italy, theywould havo known that thoro aro euca-lyptus forests In thoso latitudes wheromalaiia is vory provalont, as has beenshown by Professor Llversldgo, of theUniversity of Sydney,

Junoy Applejack.IPreotlco MuiforJ,

Besides tho coons and weasels livinghereabout thcro are many unman Doings,descendants of the Lutch. Thoro aro, itis said, still living hereabout somo or,old people who speak Dutch or could Ifthey wished. Applojack is tho favoritebovcrage among this class, but thoy dunot commenco lis energetic manufactureuntil nearer tho sea coast about i ongliranch, whore popular belief inclinesagainst tho killing of tho llsh hawkswhoso frequont nests aro conspicuous onthe taller trees (suggesting bushel basketslodged thereon). " Kill a llsh hawk, " saysa Dutch dosceudod orseymau of thissection, "nnd your cows will give bloodymilk." They bolloie It and believe inapulojack too.

I drank ouco a liugo applejack punchconcocted for mo by ono of tbeso land-lords (thoy were building tho LongBranch iron pier at the time), and infifteen minutes after tho fluid had boguntho assimilating process with my oiganlration I saw countless Iron piers stretchIng nway In dim tapering perspective fardown the Jorsoy coast. It is ono of thomost insidious of stimulants In its effects,any may not give a hint mat it meansbusiness until it has been within youAlteon or twenty minutes.

Sluvury lu ub t.At'anta Cniistl.utt jii.J

An odict of tho Spanish governmentwhich went into forco last year frees oneslavo In four every yonr. This will ox- -

tlnnulsli slavery on tlio Island In lHoU Alaruo planter from Cuba being Interviewed said, "blavo labor Is not profit-able in C uba. I havo owned and worked(100 on my plantation, but now do notown a slaio and htro all my laborers, audUnd It hotter and chcapor. " Tho vuluo ofslaves has so decreased uuder tho orderfor emancipation that thousauds'of thempurchnso their own liberty and hlro themselves out to raise the monoy.

lluiuli or Dltroroiit Niitlomtlltloa.Boston Budget,)

Hands ofdifferont nationaUtles differ.Tbo Ocrraan hand is thick, short. flugcrod,short nailed, with n wide mrn. ThoSpanish haijd Is noted tho world over for1U tapering Uncord ami ruru lloNlhllity.The Kroueh and Italian hand Is lung andcapable of close pnwsuro, hut tho Kugl'shand America baud Is the best knit,ilnnly sot hand, blended with all thovariations of typical boauty known.

In lit 11 nil (Ins.Exchange, j

The natural gas is probably formed intbo earth by a procoss of natural distilla-tion from tho milnuil and vegetable remains of past geological epochs, and lauearly tho samo product as we distil liotncoal in tho rotorts of our yas factories,only instead of tho heat if our llie, thoInternal nuu Vt. 1110 cariu, umcu, WW,.!.,".,by chemical decomposition, has caused itsformation ou a inugulllcent scale.

JJvufcsstoiml (JlarbB.

clarrnckwilurh I VOLNEV VAILLANCOURT -ashi-oro- . . ASIIFORO.


Attorney, Councllor; Solicitor, Advo-

cate!, l'roctori, Conveyancer; iCtc.OrriCK "Honolulu Hate," adjoining

so-i-yr ,

1--R. A. McWAYNB, c.PHYSICIAN AND SV11GKON.Orrftn and Residence 34 Alaltea street.Orrics Hours 9 to it a. m.j 6 10 8 r. M.,

ifo4. lit,- EO. L. BABCOCK,

Teacher of the 1'tano forte, theAddress, care Messrs. Weil, Dow & Co ,

No. ioj Fort St.,... Honolulu.Residence No. n Emma street. 337-3-

T M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S.

Dental Hoom on Fort Street, No.Honolulu .It.

Office In Urewer'a Block, corner Hotel and ForiStreets, entrance on Hotel Street. t 61

JONATHAN AUSTIN,J Attorney anil Counsellor at Law, TheAmt Agent to take Acknonledgement,Mo. 14 KAAHUMANU STREET HONOLUIU



tgent to tali Acknowledgment to Con- - Thetract for ljtbor.

'I'heIntekioh Officii ., IIoniiiuli D.ati-3f- a The

TOHN H. PATY, 'theDr.

notary Public and Votnnllon of Dei.l.Fur the Statei of California and New S'ork. Oihctthe Hank of Bishop & Co.

Honoiulu. Oahu. II. I. a


A 1 tl,t.Siumn: Ruom 6, Spreclcls lllock

tOKT STREET (.IIONOLILU.Houus : jtusr. M,


(Successor to smith & nuiRTON)Attorney at Law,

No. 33 Murciiant Street , Honolulu336-3- -

P. P. GRAY, M. D..

I'HVSiaiAS AND SUnOKON,Office, next door to the Honolulu Library.

9 to 10 a. M. 'OrriCR Hours: 1 to 4 r. u. ,

7 to 8 r. u.Sumla), oto A. St.

RESIDENCE, cor. Klnau and Pcnsacola Sis.


Counsellor at Law and Notary Public,omcB,

No. 15 Kaahumanu Street ,,.,. Honolulu336-3- 07

R. CASTLEwAttorney at ".cite and Notary 1'ublle.

"Jo. 19, Merchant Street HonoluluAttends all the Courts of the Kingdom. a 61

$u0mcsB OIarij0.


Importer and Dealer in General

Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Streets, Honolulu.aio-a- 6r

A W. PBIRCE it Lo.

Ship Chandler and Commllon Me-rchant.

No. ij Qubrn St., , Honolulu.Agents lor Brand's Guns and Bomb Lances and Per

ry Davis' Pain Killer. 310-3- 61


Dealet In Lumber and all kind of Build- -.ufiinrmf., j'fiinrff, (SIM, tat(, etc,

No 44 Qefen Street Honolulu, II, I

AGENTS OF bCIIOONEPSHaloakala, Kulamanu, Kokauluohl. Mary Ellen,

v Ultatna, Pauahl and Leahl.Al Roblmon's Wharf. tio-2-61

L. SMJiHArmporter und Deafer In Glaitivare,

3frtt-fM- i .4;H..Inf..l II'.. ....IIracket1, Vae,

No. 83 Fort Street ,', Honolulu

King'j Combination Spectacles and Eyeghsses,I.UUnil W ra Wnro l'..r .... 11.,.....' I?

Wostenliolin'i Pocket Cutlery, H. I. Chase's Island' Clark's Snnnl Cotton, Machine 'Oil. all

kinds of M.uhhie Needles, 'lli,mfflr I'aMr inn.Sole agent of the universally arinnwl.ilr,.il l.tnl...

Running Domestic Sewing Machine,210-2- 61

OISHOP & CO., Bankers

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.Draw Kxcliange on


A"J ,he!""lnNEW YORK,








AUCKLAND,And Its branches in






noThimcut a Central Banking Dusintss.




General Mercantllednd CotnmUtlon AgentQueen Street, Honolulu,

I , Officers, J, C. Jones, Jr., president and v. ,

K'charl-- " BUhopandil."' clrter- - Tr

Allen auditor, ',:,;


Ditshtcsc (Stixbo.

E. WILLIAMS, fImporter ahu Dealer in

of livery Description. AinuUpholttcrer anil Manufacturer,

Furniture Warerooms No. ill Fort Street. Work-shop at old stand on Hotel Street. All order promptlyattended to au-1-


ofWholesale and lletall Grocer,

Kino Street. ,.. Under Harmony Hall. No.

Family. Plantation, and Ship storei suoplied at ihorlnotice. New goods by every steamer. Order! from

other Island faithfully executed. JTelephone No. 110. 337-3- 78


Shtpptng and Commlmlon Merchanti, Real

8j Kino Street Honoluli



Hitchcock & Company's Plantation,The Alexander & Baldwin Plantation. T

K. HnUtead, or Waialui Plantation.A. II. Smith & Company, Koloa, Kami

J, M. Alexander, Haiku, Maui.The Haiku Sugar Company. tIhe'Kohala Sugtr Company.

Hamakua Plantation,Union Inaunnce Compiny ol ban FrantLScn

The New England Life lnurance Compinyof Botfi. TBlake Manufacturimi Company of Boston

M Wenton's Potent Cenlnfut;al MachinesNew York and Honolulu Packet Line.Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San FranciscoJaynes .Son Lclrhrated Metllcln-s- .

Wilcox 4 Olbb's bimrr Manufacturing omptiiy No.Wheeler & Wilson s bcwii.; Machines,



Aurtlonrei and tUiiiiiulutliin Jtetehnnt.No, 46 Queen Street Honoluli

?io-a- 6i


Imioi'(0t- - mill Commtlon Mrrchdnt.NO. 48 QUEENSTnEET......HONOLULU,OAIIU, II I

31O-3- 0I


lloute and Sign Painter,Paper Hanger, etc.,

No. 107 King Street Honolulu311-3-

E O. HALL & SON,, (Limited)


Hardware and General JlerchandUe,cornrr ok klnq and fort streets, honolulu

officers:William W. Hall President and ManaeerL. C Abies Secretary and Treasurer

. r. mien AiiuuorDirectors Thomas May, E. O. White nfi-3- 07

P A. SCIIAEFER A U.Importer and!omntlon Merchant,

No. 20 Merchant Street, Honolulu310-3- 61


Hoot' and Shoomaker.Boots and Shoes made to Order.

No. 103 Fort Street Honolulu310-3- 61


Bxpret and Drayman.Office. No. 81 King Street.Residence. No. 47 Pnnchbowl Steret.

Honolulu, Oahu, H. I.

Freight, Packages, nnd Baggage delivered to and fromall parts of Honolulu and vicinity. Careful at.

tention paid to moving Furniture, with

WAGONS EXPRESSLY FOR THE PURPOSE.Office Telephone. No. 86.House Telephone. No. 00. 330-2- 00



Importow, Oonuulnslou Merchantsand Sugar Factors.

Fire proof Buitdjng Queen street, Honolulu.


Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co, Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co's Steam Plow and Portable Tramwa)

Woiks, Leeds,Mlrrlcss, Watson Co's Sugar Machinery, GlasgowGlasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets,Liverpool and Honolulu Line of Packets,London and Honolulu Line of Steamers,Sun h Ire Office of London


General Commltilon Agent,Cor. Fort and Queen Streets Honolulu



Grocery and Peed Store.Cok. Kino and FortSts ,,. Honoiulu



Il'holeiale and lletall Druggl! and Tobaeeonltl.

No. 59. NuuahuSt.brt , Honoiulu310-2- 61


Steam Knglne, Holler, Sugar Mill;Cooler, Iron, lira and Lead Cattttiy.

Honoiulu,,,,.,,,, , ...II, I

Machinery of every description made to order,Particular attention paid to Ship's Blackimiihing.Job work executed on the shortest notice. 1


, JJrrt (infill.All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Parti

cular attention paid to the StOrinci and SiiilriNGofgoods in tiansit to the other Islands. Also, BlackSand and White Sanii In quantities to suit at lowestprices.

OrriCE Corner Kaahumanu and Queen streetsHawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33.

yr Mutuil Telephone No. 19

OHN . WATERHOUSE,Trinjioi ter fin it DeoJer In General Mer--

ehaitdtie.No. 1 Queen Stri-u"- . .... ..Honolulu



$UBhtc0S CTjicos.

M, OAT, JR., & CO,

Stationer and Sewn, Dealer.lied llubber Stamp Ayency

Gazrttk Block No. Merchant StrkbtJSS--30 llONQLUtU. II. 1.



BTin, Cojiper and Sheet Iron irotrer,Stove and llaugct.

all kinds, Plumbers' itocknd metals, house furnish'ing goods, chandeliers, lamps, etc. " '

8 Kaaiiumanu SraRRT...,., ...... .Honolulu310-2-


Ileal Uilatti llroker and Employliureau.

Rents Rooms, Cottages, I Touies, and sells nj leasesEstate in all parts of the Ktdgdonw Employ-

ment found for those seeking work in all thevariout Jurancnes Ol business connected wtiti these isucus.1ST N. Bills collected.

BooWs and Accounts kept, and general Olni workirancactea. Patronage solicited. Commissions moderate. cies

Honolulu, u I. 5'-i- yr

AINE & Co.(

Commtialon Merchant),Importers nnd dealers in Hay, Grain and Generalrouuee.

Honolulu ....V. I,aio-a- 6l of


(Successors to Lewer &. Dckson,)Importer and Dealer In l.uinlierand all

hina of iinuiiiny Material,St I okt Strrrt 1 ..Honolim I


AIILO. are

vDealer lu Dry.tlood. Itlce, Ten Silk andlaney flood, IIat, lloot.i and

Klioe. Until, feed and Hour,ijigar ana looaceo.r

Also proprietor of Ulce and Sugar Plantations atKaneohe, Koolan, Walpio, Ewa, and Hc4ia.COH. NUUANU AMI) ClIAI-LAI- StS...,. HoNOLUI.l

aoQ-a- bo

YONS & COHEN, tAuctioneer fluff Commtlon Jlerchant,Corner Fort and Queen Streets, IlorioLULt.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and GeneralMerchandise promptly attended to. Sole agents forAmerican and European merchandise, J J. Lyons,

333-3- L. I Cohen


Importer and Whateiale Dealer In Cloth- -ing. Hoot, Shoe. Halt, Men' J'nr--

nlhlng Good. Vancu Good, lite.No. to fvAAHUMANU Street .m Honolulu



Importer of General Merchandlie , andCommllon Merchant,

Queen Street Honolulu. H. I

No. 134 California street, San Francisco, Cal.'lr


U'holetale Grocer, and' It'tne Merchant,Beaver Block, Qurr'n Street Honolulu

Post Office Box No. 309. Telephone No. a63.' 16-- 1 yr I

W. McCHESNEY & SONMDealers in

Leather, II Idea, Tallow and CommllonMerchant.

Agents for the Royal Soap Company.No. 43 Queen Street. i.Honolull



Imparler autl Dealer In Hardware, Cutlery, root,

Paints and Oils, and General Merchandise.

No. 74 and 76, Fort Street Honolulu310-2- 61

HE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN INT vestment Company (limited,)money loaneu lor long or short periods on roved

security. Apply to w, 1.. UKliliN,Office Beaver Block, Fort St, Manager



(Lai e anion, Green & Co )

Impoiter and Commission Merchant.No. 4 Kaaiiumant St ., ...Honolulu


Llod'sandthe Liverpool Underwriters,British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, andNorthern Assurance Company. 310-3-




Stationer, Hook llr, Printer, Hook-hinde- r,

etc.,And publisher of the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual

Dealer in Fine Stationery, Books, Music, Toys andancy Goods,

Fort Street. Near Hoth,. .,,",,,, ., .Honolulu

F. ALLEN.wHas an office with Messrs Bishop & Co., corner of

airrcnant anu Naanuminu bireets. ana ne win nepleased lo attend to any business entrusted to him. f,

2o-i- r-m


w M. G. IRWIN & CO.?.

Sugar I'actor and Commltilon Agrtiti.Honolulu , ...... ,,H.I

38-- tf

ILLIAM McCANDLESSwDealer In Cholcett Heef, Veal, Mutton, Ktc,

No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market,Family and Shipping orders carefully attended to.

Live Stock furnished to Vessels at short notice.Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order,

TELUrilONE , , ,,No 130.

n wesi, 11, M, DOW, C. W. MAirARLANB


Importer and Dealer In all kind ofMulc, Fancy and .it,iane Good.

Furniture of all kind. Sewing Machines, Mirrors,Paintings, Chromos and Toys, Picture Frames andCornices to order. Moving and'renairlnr Furniturea speciality.No. 105 Fort Street ,..,,.,..,,. .Honolulu


71it3.V v.....,, . .. ,1 ,ua.ievpususA.iA iff Kt-.-

Bumrancc oticco.


S. G. WILDER, AGE ST.Assets, December 31, 1884 ,.y.. $1,363,000

Policies Issued against Accident for one day up toyear. 94tf


C. BREWER & Co.,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.ato-a- 6t


K A. SCItAEFER A Co., Aftnlt.Also agents for the

Dresden Board of Underwriters,Vienna. Board of Underwriters.

For the Hawaiian Islands. sio-a-6t


rilEO. H. DAVIES, AGENT.The above agent has received Instructions to re-

duce the tntes of Insurance between Honolulu andPorts in the Pacific, and is now prepared to issue poll

at the lowest rates, with a special reduction onfreight per steamers. 310-3-


F. A. SCIIAEFER b Co., AGENTS.7 he above insurance Company, has established a

Geueial Agency here, and the undersigned, GeneralAgents, arb authorized to take risks against the dangeri

the Seas at the most reasonable rates and on thtmot fivorable terms. aio-1-



The above Insurance Compan) has established a Gen-eral Agency here, and I he above signed. General Agents,

authorized to take Risks against the dangers uf thrSeas at the mo. I reasonable lates, and on the mot fa

arable terms. 1

HAMBURG-MAGDBBUR- b FIRECompany of Hamburg

A JAEGER, AGENTBuilding, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery

Insured agtlnst Fire on the most favorable terms.aio-a- 6i


F. A. SCfAEFER 6 Co., AGENTS.The above firm having been appointed agents of this

company are prepared to inure risks against fire onStone and Brick buildings and on Merchandise storedtherein, on the most favorable terms. For particularsapply at their office. 210-2-


of New York.S. G. IVfLDER, AGENT.

Assets, December 31, 1B84 $103,876,178 31Policies limed on the Life Term and Endowment

plan. N-l- f

NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSUR-anc- eCompany of Boatoo.


The oldest Purely Mutual Life InsuranceCompany in the United States.

1'ollclc Iucd on the mot favorable TermsLosses paid through Honolulu Agency, $49,000

310-2- 61


. UACKFELD & Co., AGENTS.Capital and Reserve Rclchsmark 8,830,00" their Reinsurance Companies, " 33,000,00

The Agents of the above Company, for the HawaiianIslands, are nrcoared to Insure Buildinira. FurnitureMerchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc, also Suga.and Rice Mills, and vessels in the harbor, against lossor damage by,liie, on the most favorable terms.

210-3- 61

ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFEInsurance Company of Boston, Mass.


Aet January 1st,, 1884, neatly m,- -

000,000,Polices Issued on the most favorable terms, and

absolutely after TwoPayments. OK PLAN t

Insured age 35 years 20 years Endowment. Plan

.ritiiiiia' Premium $$4il.30l,

C'sh-Sur- VT'e. Pd-u- p Ini,At tho eud of the ad Year,

3d4th "5U1 "6th "7th '8th9th

10th 'nth "lath "13th "14th "ijih "16th "17th18th I'19th30th "

289.83 $ S45462.70 840643-3- 1.13831.85 i.itj

1,029 00 1,695.3J-i- 1.970

1,450-7- .S351.676 05 1,5001,911.65 3,755

.157 90 3,005,4i5 45 3.350

1,685 00 3.481.067.70 3.7'

3.363 9 3,9453 575-3- 4.1653 90J 13 4,38o4.340 50 4,5904,613 70 4,8005,000.00 5,000

The second and subseqent premiums are likely tobe reduced by incrtasiHf annual dtttniuthns of iurHut.

tuT Applications can be had of ; and full informationwill be given by the Agents,

236-26-7 CASTLS cV COOKE,


C. BREWER 6 Co..

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands,aio-3-


Company of Hamburg',It. ItACKFBLD & Co., Arinti.

Capita! and Reserve Reichsmark 6,000,000..' their Companies " 101,630,000

Total , Reichsmark 107,630,000The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian

Islands, are nrcoared to insure Buildines. Furniture.Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc., also Sugaranu Klcc Mills, and vessels in ine naroor against lossor damage by fire, on the most favorable teims.




KSTADISllBn 1836.

Unlimited Liability to Stockholder;Assets ,.., $37,010,913Reserve 7,500,000

INCOME POR 1884;Premiums received after deduction of re.

Insurance,, ,....$ 9,000,000Looses promptly adjurted and paid here



In d 1875. sio-1-



STEAi mam(Limited.)


To the

Volcano of KilaueaVia Punaluu, Hawaii.



Stmr. IF. G. Hull Malulani.)the



Tuesday, Dec 15, Friday, Dec. 33, and Tuesday, Jan.5, touching atMaalaea Maui about 13 a. m.Kailua, Hawaii................. about 10a. m.Kealakeakua, Hawaii , ...about noon.And other Kona ports, arriving at Punaluu at 6 P. M

of the day after leaving Honolulu. On the followingmorning, 5 A. M. she arrives at Honuapo.

Returning she will leave Kau at 9 A. M. on Monday,Dec at, and Thursday, Dec it, touching at all way

including Maalaea, Maul, at 6 a. m., andCorn, Honolulu 3 P. M. on the day following her de-

parture from Kau.The steamer passes along the 'entire coait or the

leeward side of Hawaii, affording '1 ouritts a panoramaof i harming Scenery, and will atop at Kealakua Baywhere sufficient time Is allowed to visit the monumentol CAI'lAlN COOK.

TourUts by this route 1'UNAI uu at 6 o'clockr.M., on the day after leaving HONOLULU beingonly one night on the vessel, and making the entirepassage In smooth water. lul,

and from here louriits will be conveyed by Railroadto rahala, tnence uy stage coacn to tiaii.way House, ai

.,, ..,..nttCIG IIVIK.IU UUIU.l - .1, W UU.I,V .V vwo- -

vey them to the Volcano,By this route the entire trip Is made in lit axJ a

half Jayr, allowing rl ourlsts two nights and one wholedayat the Volcano House,

THIS IS rilli ONLY CAltKIAGK llOVTKTickets for the round trip $BO, which pas all ex-

penses.ST Apply 10 HARRY ARMITAGE, Asent for the

I. I. S. N. Cu.'s "New Route to the Volcano." at J. J.Williams, Photographer, No. 102 Fort street, Honolulu;Or at Office of thr 1. 1. S. N. Co., on the Esplanade.



Steam Navigation Comp'y,(LIMITED)

Stmr. W.'G. Hall (STalulanlfBates ., t, Commander

Will run regularly to Mralaea, Maul, and Kona andKan, Hawaii.

Steamer Planter (Llllnov)Cameron Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 3 r. m. for Nawiliwili,Koloa. Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwili every Saturday at 4 r. si., arriving at Hono-ul-

every Sunday at 5 A. M.

Steamer Iwalani.Freeman Commander

Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Kukui-hael-

Honokaa anu Paauhau, Hawaii.

Steamer C. Jf. Bishop,Macaulbv. Commander

Leaves every Friday at 8 a. si. for Waianae,Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea, Kauai. Returningeaves Hanalei every TaescUy at 4 P. si,, and touchingat Walalua and Waianae Wednesdays, and arriving atHonolulu same day.

Steamer James Makee,Weir 1 Commander

Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

For further particulars inquire at the office of Interisland Steam Navigation Co , Honolulu,

J. ENA, T. R. FOSTER,343-2- 94 Secretary. President.


Coatng and Commltilon Agent.Ctnut QUEEN 4 NUUANU Shuts, IttiuMu

Regular vessels for the ports ol

Maliko on Maul

Laupahoehoe, Honomu, Paukaa and Hilo onHawaii ;

Koloa Hanapepe and Waimea on Kauai, andWalalua on Oahu,And anyother ports wheu inducements offer.

Persons having freight for any part of the islandsbe forwarded from San Trancisco by way of Honolulu,or direct shipments from Honolulu wilt do well to enquire first of the Pacific Navigation Co., before makingfinal arrangements.

Goods Intended for shipment by any of our vesselsreceived and stored free of charge in ourbnilding at any time. Apply to the captains on board,or to A. F. COOKE,

iiitf Manager Pacific Navigation Co.


Maine, Kaneohe, llecla, Kahnluu, Vata,

hole, Walkane,,und other Pott ontheCoatt of Koolau, Oahu,


37 Kany Street, Boston,


General Cotnmiitton Agent.

Special attention given to the purdiastng of goods olthe Hawaiian trade. Frcitht at lowest rates,

aio-- tf



0, II III! in; It d COMPANY AgentMeichandlse received Storage Fiee, and hber jnh

advances made on shipments by this line, tio-t- f


WilEler's steams! Company.


New Route to the Volcano

Via Keauhoii.



i,Nt' CommandsLeaves IIONOI ULU, II. I. at 4 00 o'clock r. M,

week. Tduchmg at Lahalna, Maalaea, Makena,Maui, Mai uona, Kawalhae, Laupahoehoe and llllo,Hawaii, and will make Iwo trips to the Volcano eachmonth, leaving Honolulu on the first Monda) following

airival of the mail steamers from San Francisco.When the steamer arrlies on Monday the ICINAU wllleave on that day,

PSSENGrR TRAINS will connect with theKlnau at Mahukona. S

The KINAU WILL TOUCH at Honokala aidTaauhau on down trips from Hilofor Fassengf ri If asignal is made from the shore.

The stenmer KINAU will make the Volcano Tail-- ,reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morning, givingTourists two dajsand two nights at the VolcanoHouse.

Tickets for the round trip $50.00, V.I1M1 pays allcharges.

The KINAU will arrive in Honolulu Funday morn-ings on Volcano Trips. On H1I0 lri, will leaveHonolulu onTuesda)s, and return Saturday morning.


Leaves Monday sat 5 r. u for "Kaunalakal, Kahu.Huelo, Hana and Kipahulu J and for Keanae,.Mo-kula- u

and Nun every other week. Returning will stopine aoove pons, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers onlv.

TIlltKlLAUVA Commander

Leaves regularly for Paauhau, Kohoalele, Ookala,Kukalau, Honohlna, Laupahoehoe, HaLMau and Ono.

1111! LtillDADavies. r ....Commander

Will leave regularly for same ports as the KilaueaHou.

T1IKMOKOLI1.McGregor , CommandsLeaves each Monday nt 5 r, m. for Kaunakakai, Ka.

malo, Pukoo, Lahalna, Lanai, Moanui, Halawa, Wal.iau, Peleunu ond Kalaupapa. Returning leaves PukooFriday at 10 A. ti. for Honolulu, arriving Saturdaymorning.S. G. WILDER, Pres. S. B. ROSE, Sec'y,


For San FranciscoThe AI Steamship

"ST. PAUL"Will leave' Honolulu for the above n on or about

iDecember 18th,atJT For freight or passage apply to

VM. G. IRWIN & CO.,Agents.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco,The new and splendid Al Steel Steamship

" MARAROA,"Of Jthe Union Steamship Companv, New Zealand

will be due at Honolulu i ylney andAuckland 011 or about

December IQtli;And will leait for the above port with mails and passengers on or about that date. .

For freight or passage, having supci'o accom-modations, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.,Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,The O, S S, Company's fine AI Steamship

" MARIPOSA "Will be due at Honolnlu from San Francisco on or


December 25tla,And will haw prompt dispatch with mails aud passengers for the above poits.

For freight or passage, having superior accom-modations, apply tu

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.,Agents.

For Sydney, N. S. "W,

The Magnificent Steamship

" A. TJ S TT Xfc A. Jj X A ,'IIrough , Commander

Will leave for the above potl on " alQ",t

January 6th, 1886.For freight or passage, apply to

94-- td II. HACKFELD & CO., Agents

New York & Honolulu Packet Line


Will dispatch about Tccember i, 1885, h. First-Cla- s

Vessel from A etc Yot k for this Poit direct,

Merchants and OthersWishing to Ship by this Fat orite Line will please for.

ward their Orders as early as poitihli,

Very'liuly, LV,,


n Honolulu At nit:

terf''Lte'&"iijA iilftitUlfaeMiJi S Jtto m ha, iilSkleykS'ik' i&i )





. v








Page 2: AILY · 2015-06-01 · 1U tapering Uncord ami ruru lloNlhllity. The Kroueh and Italian hand Is lung and capable of close pnwsuro, hut tho Kugl'sh and America baud Is the best knit,



&'3. '





it k




Except SmulnyH.

At the Office, Nu. 29 Merchant St.


Pit annum $400SUrnomhs. ,1........ 100Thrt months . , ,,., ,, ,,50Per month ... ...r. . suets

l'oitme ndilillmml.

1ST Siibucrlpllnnn I'aiittilr nlirnitu In At-tune.Brlti1 communications, from all pirn of the Kingdom

will always U very acceptable.Matter Intended for publlrallon In the editorial

olumni should be addrened to ,

IKuitor Daily Honolulu Prkm.

Business communications anil aimnuementi thouldaddried limply "liusiness Manaqer,"

SDaih Honolulu Pmt,Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Advertisements, to ensure prompt Insertion, shouldhe handed In before 6 r. M.

i Jtulhoritu.


AM persons having garbage, tic, for removal by ll e

City Scavenger, art requeued to have the same in

eadincM before 8 q'clock A, M. After that hour the

carttnen are otherwise emph)cd, and will not call

until the following mornlnf, thus leaking the uifilghil) bom or barreli In front of your premises all

day. J. N. KAIA1KAWAHA, Contractor for Cleanlnp Street!

FRIDAY DEC. 18, 1885

' It is not often that the Daily Hono-

lulu Pkess " blows its own trumpet,"

but we feel a pardonable pride in call-

ing attention to the " Grand Offer "

made by us, in another column of this

issue. This U an enterprise which, we

believe, is the first of its kind that has

ever been attempted in this Kingdom,

and, we trust, will receive the patron-

age it deserves as it is a bona-ficl- e

arrangement by which the public can

get a six" months' subscription to oiir

paper, and a valuable Holiday Gift, at

chib rates, which are much less than the

regular prices when not combined.

This offer is open only until January 1,'j 886.fcg..; .ii. -



Thatdcceptive and illogical thirtywhich we name history is the chron-

icling of political and social antagonisms'.A year and a day after history is made,as the Spaniards say, it begins to fadf,until the details have all dropped 01 1

and nothing is left save a few slrangi;incongruities. A few more years amithe facts of history are denied and reestablished, and and donied, until time converts life-bloo- d intomy ths, and myths into facts-f- or

many people at least. Fictions of law

grow out of inconsistencies, and expediencies; historical fictions have generallythe folly of a king and the groans of anoppressed people for a foundation.Historical mths and fictions have al-

most always been sown in blood.

'I am proud I am an Englishman,"once said a gentleman visiting 1'arN

during the reign of Henry the Eight! .

"Then you certainly have not readEnglish history," mi ed an urbanFrenchman, The incident is an a t

one, and has a general application t

almost all nations which have fougl t

over the road to good Government.The right and interests of the people-ar- e

properly considered only when thet?h.story pf kings, as individuals, become

merged in the history of the people as

a nation. In shaping the destiny of a nation, or in buildinn history, which is an equivalen1

expression for the development olkingcraft, the folly of a moment oftuiplunges the children of the nation intounseen future miseries and blood)wars.1 A king and his ministers cando the common people of a natformore harm in an hour than thosemaster passions of humanity poli

tics and religion can work out througha century of antagonism.

A kingdom is at best a treacheroussort of Government for the people; it is

the ideal Government of an indolentcaste, That monarchies are becom-

ing unpopular, the history of theninteenth century testifies. That thepeople of the world are now relyingupon the justice of holding the imme-

diate hpads of Governments responsiblefor the results of administration, theiracts fairly establish the world over.

1-SoIo-m Islands Massacre.

Tho Solioonor " EllbruiU Cnstlo "

Wrooltod Tho Captain rind GrowMurtlorotl-Oit- ly Ono Survivor.

A telegram was received here Nov-

ember 27th from Captain Hampton, ofthe Maranoa (s.), at Cooktown, statingthat the steamer Kildaie had arrivedthere, bringing on a survivor from theschooner Elibank Castle which waswrecked on the Solomon Islands, Thesurvivor brings intelligence that Captain Routch and the whole ofthe crew, except himself, weremassacred immediately after thevessel was wrecked. The ElibankCastle Mi Brisbane a few months sinceon n copra trading expedition, in chargeof Captain Routch. On a previol scruise two of her crew were massacred,she being then owned by Routch, butnot sailed by him. On the last fttip hedetermined to take personal charge, inorder to work up a friendly businesswith the natives. He was between 50and 60 years of ace, and has a wifeand family residing in Edinburgh.

The following is the statement ofDavid Brown, the sole survivor fromthe schooner Elibank Castle, whoarrived at Cooklovn yesterday on thesteamer Kildaie: 'l'c Elibank Castle,Captain Howit, left Brisbane in Octo-ber last year for the Solomon Islands.She first touched at Teste Island, andthen went to Bentley Island. HereCaptain Howit bought a piece of landfrom the head man of the island, andbuilt a wooden shed on it to store copraand other coods. Two of the crewwere left in the shed, and the vesselproceeded to Goodwin Island, took insome copra and then sailed on to theSolomon Group, taking four nativeboat boys. Whilst there trading withthe natives,-- . the captain went ashore,with one European seaman and threenatives, and aftout 7 o'clock he returned with a boat load of copra, accom-panied by some natives, who took thearticles given in exchange. CaptainHowit, with the same crew, wentashoieagain to trade, and when the boatreached the beach they were attackedby the natives, and all were murdered.Then the natives began firing at thevessel with rifles. Those on board thenslipped the chain, and made'sail forPort Douglas.

The vessel left again for the SolomonIslands, under the command of Cap-

tain Routch, the owner. He touchedagain at Teste and Bentley Islands,where he heard that one of the menleft there on the previous" voyage, hadbeen murdered, and that the other madehis way to Queensland. The vessel wentto the Solomon Islands and anchored.Fifteen or twenty nativescameon board,carrying tomahawks and spears, and theCaptainwas showing them "trade" whenthey suddenly attacked the crew. DavidBrown was in the forecastle when heheard the cries. He took a levolver,and was coinc on deck, when one ofthe natives struck, him with a tomahawk.tnd drove him below. Another sea-

man, named Hugh Gildie, came downalso, having one side of his face splitopen with a tomahawk. They both re-

mained below until evening, while thenatives were stripping the vessel of allthe cargo. Then, hearing no noise,they went through the bulkhead intothe hold and up the main hatch, justas it was getting dark. They saw alight in the cabin, and on going aft theymet a native coming out. Brown firedat him, but the revolver missed, andthe native grappled with him, when therevolver went off in the struggle, andthe bullet went,through Brown's hand,He called on Gildie to fire, where-upon the latter shot the native in thehead, and he fell down the cabin ladder.The sailors then closed the companionand fired through the cabin windows atthe other two natives inside, and killedthem both. It then got dark, and theyslipped the cable and made sail.

. In the morning, the dead bodies ofthe captain, mate, cook, one seaman,and a native boy were all found lyingon the deck terribly gashed, and wereburied at sea. The vessel drifted about)for a week. They then sighted whatBrown supposed to be New Guinea,and stranded on the reef. The vesselgot off, but leaked so badly, that themen put all the provisions, water, andthe ship's papers into a boat. On thesouth-wes- t side of New Guinea they gotinto a gale, and the sail, gibing sud-

denly, knocked Gildie overboard,Brown being unable to help him, owingt6 the heavj sea. Brown then sailedand drifted about for 48 days, when hereached Key Island, and was pickedup by a Danish brig on September25th. He had exhausted all the provisions in the boat. The captain tookhim to Kaydula, and he was thencetaken to Sourabaya by a Dutch steamer,where he reported himself to theBritish Consul, who forwarded him toSingapore. The crew of the ElibankCastle consisted of the captain, mate,cook, and three seamcp and a nativeboy, all of whom perished exceptBrown. -- Sydney Ileiald.

Till! 3101)i:ilN IAJIV1,0.,

Its llttjihl (I roil 111 11 ml .Hlinn nf Urealhome J'arta of the (limit Alitiop.HnAlll't, Othriit l)iliifi.

In the year 1801, when the wholepopulation of what is now London wasbut 958,863, there was no steam trans-portation either bv water or by land.In 1841, twenty years after steamnavigation had become common, andten years after railroads were success-fully running in England, London hadabout 2,000,0000 inhabitants, and in1 87 1 there were more than 3.500.000.The actual increase from 1871 to 1881 '

V . " 1 iti&JfeAiiift 'JCuAtfc'.

was 562,000 equivalent to the wholepopulation of Boston, Cambridge andChelsea and yet all added within tenyears. The two most populous" dis-

tricts of London arc now Kensingtonand Islington, which together containabout 550,000 persons; while the old"city" of London, including 668acres, or a little more than one squaremile, now contains but 51,439 Inhabit-ants, against 128,833 eighty-yea- rs ago,Less than half us many people nowlive in this little haunt of enormoustrade and banking as were living therein 1801. Another ancient districtWestminster which includes 231acres, has the same population ttiat ithad in 1801 --46,000. This is at therate of 140,000 to the square milewhich is packing the human sardinesrather close ; but some parts of thissardine-bo- x have formerly held about290,000 to the square mile. We de-pend upon an English statistician, Mr.Price-William- s, for this information,nnd he says further of this little spot :

" The pqpulation of the s

of Berwick street and St. Anne's, Soho,is the densest in the metropolis, and inthe case of Berwick street appears tohave attained its maximum, of 450people per acre in 185 1, the highestnumber ever yet attained in any sub-distri- ct

in the metropolis during the"present century. In 1871 the densityof the population had increased to 427people per acre. From 1851 down tothe last census (1881) there has beena constant decrease in the populationof Berwick street sub-distri- and thenumber of houses per acre ; the num-ber of people in each house has largelyincreased until it is n6w the largestnumber in any distnct in London, viz14-2- 5 persons per house, or nearlytwice tne average or the metropolis in1881. The number of houses has decreased from 33.42 per acre in 1831 to30.08 in 1071: but the district stillpossesses the largest number of housestier acre in the metropolis. The sub- -cnsirict 01 at. Alines, bono, comesnext to Berwick street for density ofpopulation, in the St. Giles sub-distri-

the greatest density viz : 303people per acre was reached in 1841,but since then it has rapidly decreasedto 233 in 1881."

n population 01 300 per acre is192,000 to the square mile, and, although this was possible upon smallareas in the last century, it can onlybe made possible aver several squaremiles by the use of railroads. Mr.Williams thinks that the point fgreatest density has been reached inmany parts of London, and that itcannot keep growing at the presentrate much longer, though it will con-tinue to grow. He says :

" The rapid growth of London since1841 has been very remarkable. Theprincipal lines of railway which havetheir termini in London had at thattime only recently been completed andin operation ; the effect, however, olthe opening up of a new and rapidmeans of communication between themetropolis and the great manufacturingdistricts was clearly perceptible in thevery large increase in the populationwhich occurred during the next tenyears (1841-185- 1), the largest increaseever yet attained considered as a percentage. It might be safely assertedthat without the agency of steam-powe- r

the London 01 to day would be an im-

possibility, and further that if, owing tosudden invasion or any unforseen cala-mity, the facilities now afforded bysteam-powe- r for supplying the dailywants of over 4,000,000 inhabitantswere destroyed, London would be reduced to the verge of starvation in asingle week. Previous to the introduction of railway and steam navigation,the food supplies of London weremainly derived from the rural districtsin its vicinity ; now, however, by meansof steam, all this has been chanced,and'its supplies are drawn from all partsot the world. It, therefore, accordingto Malthus, the only limit to the increase of population is the sufficiencyof food supply, London, with its enormous wealth ana industrial resources,must long continue to have commandof the great food markets of the world.So long as it has this there would appear to be practically no limit to theincrease of its population."

1 hat is to say, the area of Londonwill continue to grow bv annexations,and those parts which are not sodensely peopled will continue to fill np.In the district of Bromley, for example,which has increased in populationnearly forty to the acre, or 215,000 tothe square mile since 187 1, there mayne a lurther increase; and other dis-tricts may emulate Bromley. But inother places the same diminution ofpopulation may occur as in the 'city"or formdr business center of London.Indeed, great cities seem to be likecoral reefs alive in one part, dyingin another even when they are gain-ing fast as a whole, like London.Springfield Republican.

o. EC. IVXIX-.IL.EJI- t.


In conjunction vith Mr, J. A, Magoon,Mill attend to nil matters of business forthe residents ol the Hawaiian Islands whomay need an Agent.

I do not confine mjself alone to the Busi-ness Houses, but also to the domestic disswho would wish me to attend to any matter ofliusiness, especially to making purchases eitherin Honolulu or Sao Francisco, in any line ofGeneral Merchandise.

To the liusiness Houses I will give mycareful attention in all matters pertaining toGeneral liusiness, viz ; Adjusting and Collecting Accounts, Distribution of Dills andCircuhirs, Custom House Entries, tlnnd Renting Real Estate nnd Personalpcrty,

iT All Legal Documents will be carefullyflnil ninllv ilrmvn tin liv Mr. T. A. fnonnn.

I will attend to nil matters entrusted in mvcare In a careful, courteous nnd neat manner,and with quick dispatch

Agent for Kllnkncr & Co, Red RubberStamps.

Telephone : P, O, llox 1 13

iJ$Mte ,,; tn !M A '


dvUCtirjlt itlC0.




Friday, December Wi,At 7 P. ROODS. ,

Wednesday, December 23d,At 7 P. GOODS.

LYONS & COHEN,88 Aiictloumtt


Just received a consignment of

Wax Dolls;

(Dressed anil undressed),

Baby Carriages,,tf

Accordeons.- -

A splendid lot of

OU'Paiiithnffs,And Olcofmjjis,

EjSC "JUPITER."Also a few cases of , '.

Extra Manila Cigars?

Show CasesAnd4 small lint of Ladies, Misses ,

Men's and Youths'

Boot?, Gaiters & Shoes.All of which will be sold to the trade nt

reasonable prices. '

j.roAV) .t coitus,Ailftlolirzl' it Cmilinlmlon 31ri rhuiiti



No Christmas Dinner is comulctc withoutthe celebrated' LLITE ICL CREAM, madeIrom pure Wooillawn Dairy Cream. Go andsurprise your folks ; order a bucket of ourdelicious Ice Cream. We pack orders forIce Cream (from one to fifty quirts) in PatentRefrigerator Cans, warranted to keep its de-

lightful flavor and perfect form for manyhours.

Ily last steamer we have recehed a Splendidlot ol

Choice French Candies,In great variety. Also, an elegant assort-ment of Fancy Candy and Don-Do- n Doxcsjust the thing for a Christmas present.

Our Macaroons, Lady Fingers, FrenchKisses, Jelly Cakes, Coco Dalis, and manyother Fancy Cakes, are the faorile with allthe ladies of Honolulu.

aarRing up Dell Telephone No. 1S2,Mutual No. 338.

tar The Elite Ice Cream Parlors, 85 Hottlstreet, are open dady until 11 v. m. 21 iy


No. 70 Fort Stroot, ttouoItTlTi,' 'IMKJKTKK AND UEALEK IN


I'n , Attuclimenti, Oil ami Acemtorlei,' ACENl rOK TIIK

WiiITK undine I.igiit.Uunninq NhwIIome Machiru.

Howard's Machine Needlei, all kindsCortlceir Silk, in all colon and li :Harbour's Linen Thread,Clark'. O. N. T. Machine Cotton.

Mme, Dtmorest't Reliable Cut Paper Pattern tAND PUBLICATIONS

Dealer Iii RiflesKuvolvxrs

Guns at A Spohtino GoonsS11 n, I'owueb, Caps,

and Metai Lie Cahtriix-.K'- .

KXHOSIMK SrOI'UH, hi all .

Sewlnp.Machine, Lock and promptlyattended to. ssvai6

pccial itottas.

Furnished Rooms.

Conveniently and NEATLY FURNISHEDROOMS, Single or Double, can be had atNO. I KUKUI STREET (near Fort).



From and after (hit da(e Mr. C. Ki MlLI Eiwill attend to my subscription bool; agency.


Furnished Cottage Wanted.IIV A DESIRAHLE TENANT.

Address Postofficellox No. i. statins location, description of house and lowest rent.



Pr- - Emerson" has removed his residence andP0,"'" '?. ,Q.6 ''"'t strtct, lately occupied by

Capt. Hayley. Office hours from 8 to 10 A,M.. I to 3 p. m 6130 to 8 p, m, TelephoneNo. 140, both Mutual and Bell Telephouesused. 64-- tf


ii ftfe SSwUUkt,

(Scnevul bbcttiscmcnlo.

a.arr.A. cxj.a.t7S'


With an excellent assortment of

New and Seasonable Goods 1

In keeping with-th- e usual extra

quality of novelties and deiirable

Books, Toys, Fancy uoods,

Christmas Cards,

For which thil cMablUhment it noted.

Special Holiday Editions of Poets,'

In fine bipdinfp, 1'eriian and Turkey

Morrotco, Alligator and Seal Skin,

Tree Calf, Plush and Cloth.

Prang's Prize Cards (plain and fringed),

Xmas Aloha (frinncd) Hookmarks,

Fine Plush Goo Is, Celuloid Setsllrackets,



Steam and Electric Tojs,

New To) s and Games,


' (Pocket and Office sizes,)

Dreka's Dictionary HloUers, Papeterics,

Juvenile Rooks (a fine assortment),

Etc., Etc, Etc.

Together with a full and complete ..line of Stationery and Blank Hooks.

All orders faithfully attended to. Prices as

reasonable as good Goods ttill warrant, an

cheapest in the long run.

T1I0S. (1. THRUM,

104 Fort Strcol.05-- ir


Ice Oreavm I?iloiAND


Lincoln's-Block- , King Street,

A yiuo Assortment of




"WENKER & CO.,Manuracturing'and Importing

iW. 92 Fort Street

Ilavcjuit received per "Mariposa" the inut ele.

gam assortment ol


Ever brought to this marie'.

ClocliH, Watches, BraeelotB, iW;U- -

lets, lMus, Lockets, Gold diningmid GuimlH, Sleeve Buttons

Studs, Etc., Etc.And ornaments of all kinds,

Elogunt Solid Sllvor Tea Sots,

nd all Vlnds of diver ware suitable Tor pint illation.

These good) are nil of the finest quality anil Ittotdctigns and coiopilx; a compKte stock of all articles III

this branch of business which will be sold at close



The repairing branch of our business we regard as anImportant one, and all jobs entrusted to us will

be executed In a manner second to none.

EiirniluOf every description done to order. Particular altrn

lion is paid 10 ordeuand Job work from the

other Ifu

fcfesml ' WfaVj!Ml'i'lilto?ilteltfaMl

Bci,crstI .SUHJcrtteciiiCnto.

t i.t-- B'UY,



CBAS JWe can safely guarantee a saving of

eta Call and sec vyljat we offer.




That the undersigned has this day received an additionalsupply of elegant

Men's & Boy's Custom Made Clothing.

Shrunk. Well and carefully made, easy fitting, stylishcut and most important,'

"VZEIR, LOW IICT PBIOILEvery garment warranted as re; resented.

Also, just opening this day, the finest, neatest, moststylish, nobby, well made, flexible

STRA 'W H A. T 9

i Ever imported here or anywhere else.


21-i- yr

13. F.&


. l v im r! thI il)1V

it" Tj ,.II'!' I I l)lv 'nJ 1 J

as per cent to of

tf ", '




Have on hand, in addition to their usual large stock, a select assortment of

rToo numerous to mention. , ,

AKo, Just received per steamer Alameda, an elegant stock of

F U R N I T :

Consisting in pirt ofV I

Light and Dark Cedar and Aih lied room Sets,Three Quarter and Full Site Ash lledsteads, N

Dining toom, Collage, Nurse apd Children's Rockers, ansqitcd.

A Fine of to iiy

73-- 1 m

President Manager,

Hosiery, Neckwear


purchasers clothing


SPENCER,Secretary Treasurer.

Large Assortment of Holiday Goods


Eaixcy GoodLs and Toy,Furniture and Picture Mouldings,



Assortment Holiday Goods arrive iibxt Steame


Pacific Hardware CompanyNo. 7t and 76 JPovt Street. .

Successors to Dillingham & Co., and Samuel, Nott.'



21&TEST DESIGNS IITil-ve- x Elated, "vstre,Oii.a,rxd.eliexs sin.d. I,sirrxpQ,"Water filters arxd. Oooiers,

0-ULtlex3- Etc., Hto-- , Hto.II.E.MCINTY11E&.B110.,


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.'ISuhI Covnor Fort und TClltK Stveota.

i 'New coods received liv every uacket from the Eastern States and Europe.' FresK'Call

forula Produce by ecry steamer. AH orders faithfully atteudtd to, and Coods delivered tany pait of the city rec of charge, Island orders sollilted, .Satisfaction guaranteed, Post-offic- e

Box No, 145 1 Telephone No. 92, sir-- iy

djiSSiU J.Xb.ii&rAiSi&A- -



Page 3: AILY · 2015-06-01 · 1U tapering Uncord ami ruru lloNlhllity. The Kroueh and Italian hand Is lung and capable of close pnwsuro, hut tho Kugl'sh and America baud Is the best knit,

vlt- l- .


' j


t I ir '



IXonoltilii PressWill bo ftn- - h lie Onlly ut Jlio lAil-loWl- rnt

1 'Iiioor :

I. M,, oai r.r. n. I'HKUM




Merchant streetton street....... King street

.....Hotel sireet.Hold streeel

l'liif Cent per Coil.


One drunk paid six dollars into thePolice Court yesterday.

Colonel M. Thompson has ourthanks for an interesting file of Easternexchanges.

I'he steamer St. Paul sails for SanFrancisco at noon taking a fullcargo of sugar.

The steamship Australia arrivedyesterday afternoon, sixiceiudays fromSydney, N. S. W. attention to the advertise'-- ment of 'A. l. Smith, in this issue, inregard to Christmas goods.

St. Alban's College closes y forthe Christmas vacation. The schoolWill n early in January next.

Only one passenger in the steeragefor this port by the Australia yester-day. There were twenty-fiv- e throughpassengers.

The weather showed signs of penitence yesterday morning, but, like man-kind genrrally, it relapsed before nightand was as bad as ever.

At the sale of--, Lyons & Cohen thisevening ;thcrc will be sold a fine lot ofjewelry and-oper- glasses, "besides 'thenumerous articles advertised in thispaper.

Yesterday morning the Royal Hawaiian IJand gave a complimentaryconcert and serenade at the residenceof the Hon. A, F. Judd, on Nuuanuavenue.

A dinner party was given last-eveni-

at the residence of Mr. C. T. Gulick, onKing street. The band was in attend-ance, and played some veiy me se-


People in the vicinity of the ChineseTheater were startled by a loud reponyesterday afternoon about two o'clock,which, on investigation, proved to be a

blast set ofi at the Iron Works.

There will be a moonlight concert atEmma Square at half-pas- t

seven o'clock, weather permitting.The band will also play at the O. S. S.

wharf, on the departure of the St. Paul.

Mr M. Hartman wishes us to statethat he accepts the challange to skatea five-mil- e race with Mr. Mullen, ac-

cording to the arrangements of thechallancc already published in thePress.

The Postofilce will ship no mail byby the steamer St. Paul unlesssuch mail is marked to go by the StPaul. All other mail will be shippedby the Maratoa, which is due herepenroute to San Francisco,

Miss Genevieve Ward, the celebratedtragedienne, arrived by the Australiayesterday. Miss Ward intends visit-

ing the volcano and other pointsof interest on the Islands. It is

that she will give one readinghere.

The bark Elsinorc was hauled alung-- 1

side, the P. M. S. S. wharf yesterday'forenoon, and had barely commenceddischarging her. cargo when the Aus-tralia was telephoned. She was thenremoved to the Likelike wharf, to makeroom for the mail steamer.

The Overland Monthly for Decem-ber, has an article on "Hawaiian Vol-

canoes," by Mr. Edward P. Baker, ofthese Islands, and a list of poetry written by Mr. E. C. Sanford, formerly of

' Oahu College, Ihc article on Ha-

waiian volcanoes is especially interest-ing.

Yesterday afternoon a small nativeboy was walking along the Esplanadewith his head in the a,ir, whistling"Hawaii Ponoi," when he suddenlytripped, and took a header into a largemud puddle. The last seen of him hewas being haiiled out by some friendlynatives.

Teachers of Honolulu will pleasetake notice that a business meeting is

to be held at the Fort-stre- school thisafternoon at half-pas- t two o'clock, nswas previously announced in the Press.The meeting is called by order of MissLula Moore, Secretary if the Teachers'Association.

Mr: M. Goldberg left bytKe steamerAustralia yesterday for San Francisco,Mr. Goldberg goes to the coast to pin-chas- e

a new stock of goods, embracingall kinds of gentlemen's furnishinggoods, and will return about the middleof January, He will open his stock inthe store formerly occuped by theTemple of Fashion, at the corner ofFort and Merchant streets.

. , The holidays are near at hand, and,according to qlikime custom, presentsto your friends will be tlie order of theday. And when you start out on a

purchasing tour, you should by all

means call on West, Dow & Co,, and ex-

amine their large assortment of Christmas cards and all kinds of holidaygoods. They have the largest stock in

the city, and say they will sell goouS

very cheap.

Word has been received from Kawailoa 'ranch that the large reservoir situated several miles above the house ana



Used for storing water for cattle andirrigation, is at present overflowing.The reservoir has never been drysince it was constructed several yearsago, although it only drains a small area01 wiuersncu. w is proposcu 10 con-struct reservoirs on the same generilplan it) the development of the Ha-

waiian Colonization Sclfcmc.

A quiet wedding took place last even-

ing at the residence of Mrs. Coney,corner of Richard street and Palacewalk, the participants being MissEllen Coney and Mr. J. A. Graham.Rev. J. A. Cnizan officiated Afterthe ceremony the guests adjourned tothe residence of Mr. J. Ena, where n

sumptuous repast was served. Thebridal party leaves for the Coast by thciMararoa The Presswishes the couple a long life of happi-ness and prosperity.

A new and elegant perfume, calledthe "Aloha Perfume," has been madeby Eastman & Bro. of Pluadclphm,and is now imported and offered forsale by Messrs. Hollister & Co., attheir stores on Fort street. " The per-fume is most deliciously delicate andlasting, nnd is a decidedly original per-fume. It is put Up in neat bottles, whichretail for $i each, and each purchaseris given a nicely printed little pamphletuf eight pages containing the Hawaiianlegend of "Aloha." Aloha toilet soap,highly perfumed, is also one of thenovelties introduced by this firm.

The Mutual Life Insurance Co., ofNew York, has issued a neat portfoliocontaining pads, nicely stitched in aflexible cover, togethtc with weeklystatements for the month of November,1885. S. G. Wilder is the agent ofthis company for the Hawaiian Islands.By the Weekly statement ending Nov.1 6th, it is shown that the total amountof death claims paid that week was$115,846, while', the matured endow-ments paid tlitvsame week amount to$45,930 99, Tha' showing of all thestatements lS'cauallv liood. .. Ihc totalassets of the- - different departments ofthe company can be seen in Mr.Wilder's advertisement in anothercolumn.

They say : that good King Kal. isnot responsible for the folly of thepresent Administration; that the Christ-mas feeling of 'old times is alreadycreeping over the community; that theAmerican fashion of electionering is tobe introduced here this campaign; thatthe editor of the S. F. Merchant talksof Hawaiian politics just as if he hadnever lived lrere, don't you know; thatthe American custom of New-Yea- r

calls will be observed this year inHonolulu; that the theory of freewhisky will ultimately knock its advo-cates out of political equilibrium; thatthe manners of Anglo-maniac- s aretaking hold of the native population;that the new literary society will beorganized the first of the year;that thepolicy of the Hawaiian Governmentwill not be able to fool the nativesmuch longer; that the weddinc lastnight was celebrated in the latest style;that the oonajide voters ol Hawaii will De

increased 20 per cent., if necessary,before the coming election; that somenew Hawaiian songs will be publishedsoon; that the greatest claim to ad-

vance political ideas does not, warrantreckless financial policies; that Japannever offered to buy the HawaiianIslands, because they svere never offeredfor sale by the King; that the San Fran-cisco newspapers will feel awfullyashamed of themselves when the nextHawaiian mail reaches the Coast; thatthe party of the first part does notalways agree with the party of thesecond part in regard to political parolecontracts; that Santa Glaus is com-

ing to Hawaii in a native canoe thisyear; that the native political orator isbusy learning the speeches which havebeen written for him; and that thepeople of these Islands never see them-selves as others see them.

' (Hull Court Items.

Thursday, December 17th.

J. J. Williams vs. W. L. Wilcox,continued until the 21st inst.

L. B. Kerr vs. S. 1?. Grnhaio, as-

sumpsit; settled out of Court; costs$2.25.

J. McLain vs. L. B, Kerr, assumpsit;settled ont of Court; costs $2.

L. Ming vs. Naauae and Kauluka,trespass; case discontinued; costs $4.80.

L. B. Kerr vs. H. F. Htbbard, as-

sumpsit; settled out of Court; costs$2.25.

I'ro llono rubltcti.

Go to King Bros., on Hotel street, for Christ-ma- s

cards, fern Aloha cards and beautiful gift


Henry Hart, at the Elite Parlors, keeps thebest creams, ices, candies, cigars, and the big-

gest stock of Island curious to be lound in



Daily, from and after date at

Mklluk & Malhe's, Confectionery.


Daily, from and after date atMeli.ek & Hauiu'r Confectionery.

mui'i'ina.Vessels Expected Irom 1'orelnn Ports,

UosTON,Am. bk Jas. S. SioNK.....I)arstowTo sail Dec. -5, C. llrewer & Co.,Agents

Ckntkal Amurica, Am, bk'. D. C. MurrayMudgett. Now due Agents.

Glasgow, llrit. bk Natuna ....'.. t .

To sail Nov. 15. F. A. Schaefer & CoAgents.

HonoKono, llrit. bktnc MOUNT LeuanONuNc'sori. Loading Oct 13. Agents.

HoNOKONO, Haw. brig Au.tE RoVEHolland. Due Jan. 15-a- o.

Jai.uit, Haw. schr Jknnie WalkerAnderson, now utic. racinc navigationCo. Agdnt'.

LIVERPOOL, Hilt, bk ClIILENA DaviCS.'Due Jan. 15-2- 0. T. 11. Davlcs & Co.Agents. ,

Liverpool, llrit. ship .SfiRLiNOSlURR.. Alex-

ander, (via Madeira.) Due March 25-3-

G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Agents.New Castle, N. S. W. Drlt. bk Lady

Howen Due- -

Aecnts.New Cast le, N. S ,W. Brit, bk Lady Lamp-so- n

Marston, due Feb 10-- 1 5, C .Brewer & Co, Agents.

New Castle, N. S. W. Am bk Hesfkr....Ryder. Due Dec. H-2- 0. Agents.

New Castle, N. S. V. bk Conferance. .

to sail Nov. 15. Wilder & Co, Agents.Np.w Castle. N. S. W. bk Virginia

to sail about Nov. 15. Wilder & Co.,Agents

Newcastle, N. S. V. ship Dionysus....Jones, to sail about Dec. I. Agents.

New York, Nor. bk LovsprinoThomscn. Over due. Castle & Cooki-- ,

Agents. "Port m.akely, Am. bktnc Amelia

Newliall. Due Jan. 5. Allen & Kobln- -

son. Agents.San Francisco, Am. tern W. S. Bowne. . . .

Paul, to sail Dec. 10. F. A. Schacicr &

Co. Agents.San Francisco, Am. bktne Emma Clau- -

DINA Matson. (For llilo.)Due Dec.

SaN Francisco, Am. S. S. MariposaHayward, Due Dec 26, W. G. Irwin &Co, Agents.

San Francisco, Am bktnc. Eureka, Lek,due Dee. 15-2- 0. H. Hackfcld & Co.

Agents.Sydney, Brit. S. S. Mararoa

Due Dec. 19, W. G. Irwin & Co. Agents.

Merchant Vessels Now In Port.Bktne J. D. SlRECKELS , . Fries.Bktnc Klikitat Cutler.Uk C R Bishop WoltersBk Victoria Cross RobinsonBk Lizzie I redale IredaleBk Elsinore JcnU'Uktnc MARY WINKELMAN liackusBgtnc Consuelo CousinsTern Eva WikmanUk T R Foster RuggStmr. St. Paul EsskinsAm bk. Caiuakien Hubbard.


Thursday, Dec. 17

Stmr Australia, from the Colonies.Stmr James Makee. from Kapaa, Kauai.Stmr Kilauea Hon, from Hawaii.

DEl'AllTUllES.Thursday, Dec.

Australia, for San Francisco.Stmr Kilauea IIou, for Hamakua.Schr Luka, for Koholalelc.Schr Manuokawai, fur Koolau.Schr Sarah & Eliza, lor Koolau.


Stmr St Pawl, for San Francisco.Stmr James Makee, for Kapaa, Kauai.Stmr Waimanalo, for Waimanalo.Schr Nettie Meiril, for Lahaina.Schr Emma (or Olowalu, Hawaii.


For San Francisco, per steamer Australia,Thursday, Dec. 17 LLlIoltz, Miss h Joseph,A N Drown, Miss B Fuller, M Goldberg, MrsC II Peterson and child, Mrs Austin and son,Dr Fitch and wife and 49 in the steerage.


The steamer Mararoa may be looked for to-


The steamer Waimanalo brought 500 bagssugar from Waimanalo. ,

The back Lizzie Iredale is discharging coal

at the P. M. S. S. wharf.

The steamer St. Paul is taking in sugar atthe 0. S. S. wharf. She sails for San Francisco

y at twelve o'clock sharp.

The sttamer Australia sailed for San Francisco at twelve o'clock last night, takipg 500tons rice and sugar, 1,300 bunches bananas,

270 bundles sugar cane, and various kinds of


Following is the report of the Australia :

Sailed from Sydney December 1st. at 4o'clock l M. Experienced fine weather for

several das. followed by very strong headwinds and high sea, which continued till arri-

val at Honolulu. Owing to the unusually heavy

weather, the passage has been two days longer

than usual.

T- -

a3iHrcoje jes co's.




On turns ol I'ivis IlumlreJ Dollars or under, from

one person, limy will pay Interest at the rate of five prcent, per annum, Irom date of receipt, on nil sums tli.ilsliall hive remained cm deposit three months, orharbeen on deposit three months at the time ofm.iUng up

the yearly accounts. No interest will be computed uu

fractions of dollars or for fractions of a month.

No Interest will be allowed on money withdrawn

within three months from date of deposit.

Thirty days notice must be given at tlic Hank of anIntention to withdraw any muney ; and the Depos'tor'nPass-boo- must be produced at the same time.

No money will be paid except upon the Draft of the

Depositor, accompanied by die proper Pass-boo-

On the first day of September of each year, the

accounts will be made up, and interest on all sums (hatshall hae remained on deposit three months or more,

and unpaid) will be credited to the depositors, anc

from that dale form pan of the principal.

Sums of more than Five Hundred Dollars will .received, subject to special agreement.

'the Dank will be open every day in the week exiertSundys and Holidays. .

3W-3- 70 BISHOP & CO,'




0F- -


For sale



GEASB auction saleFriday Evening, December 18th,


We will sell at our Salesrooms, as above stated, the Finest Assortment of FANCY GOODS

that has yet offered at Auction, for the; coming Holidays. They consist, in of

China 'Tea and Dinner Sets

China' and Bisque Ornaments;

A Fine Line of Glassware ;

Fine Oleographs, that Musi be Sold ;

Rugs, 'A II Sizes;

A Variety of Dolls and Toys ;

Clocks, Jewelry and Watches.Also, a line of

Christmas and New





been part,


Very Handsome Japanese Goods, with many other articles suitable forYear's Prf.sents.

All will be on exhibition on day of sale,

secure bargains.

93-2- t


JL m' eLl MIT


Has just received per Steamer "St. Paul" a Splendid Assortment of

CHRISTMAS GOODS!Among which is a Very Choice Selection of New and Elegant styles of

Christmas Cards ;' also, Glass and Figured Toilet Sets,Doll Carriages, Velvet Cabinet Picture Frames,

Christmas Candles, Children's Paint Boxes,Musical Tops, Glass .Stands,

Autograph Albums, Work Boxes,Toy Watches, Papeteries, Shaving Mugs,

Gift Cups andt Saucers, Whisk BroomHolders. Silver Plated Ware, Etc., Etc.,


The Latest American Invention.

THE VICTORY OF ELECTRICITY.Since Electricity has been applied for light-

ing purposes, all efforts of inventors havebeen directed to construct a lamp for generaldomestic use. The reason why this problemhas till now not been solved, is that none ofthe inventors could rid themselves of the ideaof gas lighting, and that all have adhered tothe system of producing'the Electricity Insome central place, or by large machinery, in-

stead of first laying down the principle that aLamp which should ever become generallyuseful and popular, must be portable, like a,nOil Lamp, and contain the generator of Elec-

tricity in itself, i. e., in the foot of the Lamp.The Norman Electric Light Company ha

at last succeeded in completely realizing thisideal of Electric Lighting, and there is nodoubt that this most important invention willbring about a complete revolution in 'allbranches of llchtini?.

Our Electric Lamp needs neither Machin-

ery, Conductors, nor any expensive outlay,and is neither complicated nor disagreeable In

manipulation ; all that is necessary is to refillit every four or five days with acid. The costof lighting will be as cheap as gas ( centsper hour), and it has before the latter the im-

mense advantage of neither producing heat,smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to 'which theair is not impurcd, and remains at the samedegree of temperature. It is further abso-

lutely inodorous, nnd does not need to bekindled by match, or otherwise, but simplyby turning thekey, thus avoiding all dangerof (ire, explosion or suffocation, as in the caseof gas, if the key is left open ; and it must beconceded that this'jidvantage alone is invalu-

able. It is fyrtheT preferable to any knownkind of lighting for the following reasons :.

(1.) Its manipulation is so simple that anychild can keen it in order,

(2.1 That the Lamp is portable, and can beremoved like any Oil Lamp, from one placeto another.

(3.) That it neither requires the disagree-able fixing of the wick, or the cleaning of thecylinder, as in the case of Oil Lamps.

(4.) That the ligh produced is a soft andmost bteadv one 1 that' it never flickers, andthe flame, thuugh being equal in power oflighting to gas, can be regulated to any degrce,

(5.) That every danger of fire is absolutelyexcluded, as the light wjll extinguish immedi-ately, if by any accident the glass surroundingthe burner should be broken. "

(6.) That it will burn, even in the strongestwind, completely unaflerited, thus being in-

valuable for illuminations, lighting of gardens,corridors, etc.

This Lamp is constructed for the present inthree different sizes;

J. .X.


Leading M)f Honolulu.


Wutor Colors, Orixyon,

Iudlii I11U or Oil,Photo. Colored &i.

The only complete collection of

Island Views,

Curiosities, &o

Chairs, as usual, for Ladies. Be puuetual to

AUCTIONEERS.imu.jjmuii.wiu ouaeim


A., small size. Height of complete Lamp,14 inches ; weight, about $ pounds ; for light-ing rooms, cellars, storage houses, powdermagazines (or similar places where explosiveare kept), coaches, illuminations, gardens,mines, or any other industrial purpose.Price, 1 per lamp, delivered free toany part of the world.

1)., medium size. Serves all domestic pur-- 1

poses lor ligntlng rooms, houses, etc, ThisLamp is elegantly decorated, and has remov-

able white Ground Glass Globe. Price, perLamp (inclusive of Bronze Foot and Globe,richly and elegantly constructed) 2 ,delivered free to any part of the world.

C, grand size for 1'arlor, Hall,' Saloon,Public Building, cu. The Lamp gives .1

most brilliant and steady light, has large, re-

movable white Globe, decorated most taste-fully, and the workmanship Is both first-clas- s

and elegant; Price 4 10 . Foot of Lampis cither Dronze, Japanese, Faience or SilverOxide.

Any special size or design made to order.Estimates furnished.

(AIl Lamps are ready for Immediate, use, andwill besent, securely packed in strong woodenbox, with printed directions for use, a quan-tity of chemicals sufficient lor several months'lighting, and one extra Jlurner for size A,and two for sizes U and C, The necessarychemicals can be purchased in any drug store,in even the smallt st village. '

Every Lamp is accompanied by a writtenguarantee fur one year, and will be exchangedor money refunded, if the same should notgive complete satisfaction.

On all orders for six Lamps and above, adiscount of six per cent, will be allowed. Noorders from abroad filled, unless accompaniedby a remittance to cover the amount, or first-clas- s

reference on a New York or Philadelphiahouse,

The best method of scndlnc monev is bvdraft on New York, which can be procured ofany uanker, anu everywnere, or enclose tileamount in bank notes, gold coin, or postagestamps of any country of the world.

All orders, the smallest as well as the mostimportanti will receive the same. particular attention, aud will be delay.

3rOur Electric Lamps are protected bylaw, and all imitations and infringements willue prosecuted.

t3T Agents, Salesmen on Commission, and

Consignees for our Lamps, wanted every-

where. No special knowledge or capital re-


A fortune to be made by active persons,

Address: The Norman Electric Light Co.,

PHILADELPHIA, U. S. of America.




Charoes Moderate.


Keep your horses cool ,

and healthy, and avoid ex-cessive sweating; by having

them clipped with the


Now In successful operation at the

Cotvifi- - of VunefibuHil anil ()ein Strata.

4 Vint C. B MILES, Proprietor.

heads, letter heads.NOTR IILVUS anuSI'ATLMENT HEADSprimed to order by the


(Scitcntl Jlbbcrtiscmcittc..




. With the view to increase-ou- r already large subscription list we have madcarrangementswith se'vcral of our leading merchants, In Honolulu, to dub our paper with a 'choice selec-

tion of articles In their respective lines of business, any of which trie" subscriber mayVc'le'ct, in

person, and purchase at rates greatly reduced from the regular retail prices of same, thusaffording'an opportunity of obtaining desirable Holiday Gifts, in connection with a subscrip-

tion to the DAILY HONOLULU PRESS, at very lnv raits.

We will send the DAILY HONOLULU PRESS (price $6.00 a year) fir six months,

to any new subscriber, or to any old subscriber renewing in njvante, with any of the following

publications, for the' price named in the first column. The price specified in the secndcolumn is that of the publication alone. . Ealh column includes foslagc frtpaid.


A $3.CO for $.1.00.Catechism of the United Statei. Kemer. 94 mo. boardt.Hawaiian Almanac and Annual, 1873 to 18E6. I ho. O. Thrum. B vo. paper.Hawaiian (iulde Ilook. M. Whitnev. tfi mo. baneIf.IIoW to take cafe of our Eyes, Dr. Angell. 16 mo. cloth.JtJilca'f First Prayer, Author of Fem Hollow. 6 mo. cloth.

for $1.10.High Art for Little People. 16 mo. boards.Lines left out, Author of Pcepo'Day. 94 mo. Im leather.New Testament, Revised. 18 mo. cloth.Woman as the Mother. McKeever, 18 mo. cloth. .

S4.00. for SIM.American Government, Its nature and form. Geo. Shea. 16 mo. cloth.Common Objects of the Microscope. Wood, 18 mo. cloth.Crescent ana the Cross. 16 mo. cloth. (Fifine. Houghton. 16 mo. cloth. fHawaiian Grammar. Andrews. 8 vo. board 'Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands. Mary E. Anderson. 16 mo, cloth.

$4.23 for $3.50.Appleton's Summer Resorts. 16 mo. cloth.Appleton's Winter Resorts. 16 mo. cloth. rApplied Mechanics. Hall. 16 mo. cloth.Dance of Life, Answer to Dance of Death, rioweni. 18 mo. cloth.Danbury Iloo 11. Ualley. 16 mo. cloth.Exercise on Mechanics. 'Tate. 16 mo. cloth. ,Model Homes. Pallister. 8 vo. cloth.New Songs for Little People. Mary E. Anderson. a mo. cloth.Occidental Sketches. Truman. iS mo. cloth.Our Old Home. I. Hawthorne. 16. mo. cloth.Sentimental Journey. Sterne, la mi. cloth.Twice-tol- Tales. N. Hawthorne. 18 mo. cloth.

$4.50 for $3.65.American Actor's Series lloolh. Clark. 13 mo. cloth.

' " rorrest. Winter. la mo cloth." " " Darrett. cloth.JetTcrson. ta mo.

History of a Mountain. Rectus. 12 mo. cloth.Manners and Social Usages. 16 mo. cloth.Manuel of Phonography. Hen Pitman. 16 mo. cloth.Miracles in Stone. Sens. 13 mo. cloth.Model Yacht's. Walton. 4 to, cloth.

$4.65 for $3.75.American Shepherd, Morrell. u mo. cloth.Exodus of Israel. Ilrugsch. 16 mo. cloth.Lessing's Laocoon. 16 mo. cloth.Library Wonders. Duplessts. 16 mo. cloth.On the Road to Riches. Maher, ta mo. doth.White's Natural History of Selberne. iS mo. cloth- - '

$4.75 'for $3.85.Among our Sailors. Jewell. 11 mo. cloth.Ilible 1 heolopy and Modern Thoughts. Townsend. ta mo. cloth.Chase's Receipts. Dr. Chile. 11 mo. cloth.

as a Business. I arnard. 16 mo.Drawing for llrlcklaers. Da dson. 18 mo. cloth.

" " Cabinet Makers " " " "" " Stone Masons

Klana. Jarvis. ta mo. cloth.Model Drawinz. Davidson 18 mo. cloth.Trollope's North America. A. Trollope. ta mo. eloth. ' . -

$ 5.00 lor $4.00Darwin's Insectivorous Plants. la mo cloth.Horton's Architecture. 16 mo, cloth.Keat's Letters. John Keats. 16 mo. cloth. ' ,- - '

Keys of Sect. Sturtevant. la mo..cloth.Leaves from the Dairy of an Old Lawyer. Richmond, rs mo. cloth

$5.25 for $4.20 ,Hand Hook uf Embroidery. L. Higgln. ra mo. cloth.Land of Scott, Hunnewell. 8 vo. clothSaxon Studies. N. Hawthonie. ta mo. cloth.Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Fairfax Willmott. 16 mo. cloth.vantsneu Kaces in tne vnuey. sonant, 0 vo. ciotn.womans Handiwork. Harrington, ta 1110. ciotn.

Hiitorvof the Hawaiian Islands.for 4.35, etc. etc.

vo, cloth.l'nonetic ohort Hand, tviarsn. 10 mo. ciotn.Six months in the Sandwich Islands. Miss Isabella L. Bird. 11 mo. c'oth.Leaves from a finished Pastorate. Stone. 8 vo. cloth. 'Polynesian Races, A. Fornander. Vol. I. 8 vo. cloth.

" ' " " II, Svo. cloth.Sugar Cane in Australia. vo. cloth.Hawaiian Dictionary. Andrew's. 8 vo. boards.Practical Home Physician. (Henry M. Ljman A. Alt M, Dr

Medical SubscriptionJournal Pacific, Wilmot, Large cloth.Fountains. Gordon Cummine.

Around Gcneral-U- . Young. large sheep.

llirthday Hooks, Ingelow.Emerson,Longfellow,





C. Fenger, A. M. M, D,bv 1 H. W. lones A. M. M. D.

w. i, A. ft M. u.(A very valuable Price.Our in the B vo.Fire vols. Larze cloth.

the World with ant, vo,

" "",. .. uiwell.

" "11 "


Field. A cloth.

- I ... m f. ..- - . . nl

mo, cloth, red edges.


:8.oo) Large vo. roan

C. E. a vo.S. G



18i 11 na,

a41 '11 11jj


A Summer in the Country, Perk. to. Uoth, . 'Hitter Sweet, Holland. t6 mo. cloth. , , 1 '4 'Kkii Link Edition, ta mo. cloth, gilt dges, each.Alnsworth. U ron. Longlellow. Edgar . Poe. Swinburne.

Hryant. George Eliot. Owen Meredith. Red Letter Poems. Tennyson,Hums. Ingnlsby Legends. Moore. Schiller: ' Whiltier,

Ulanid, Jojce. 16 mo. rloih.Author of Stolen Waters, is mo. cloth. '

Mable Martin. Whittier. 16 mo. cloth.The Vagabond, Trowbridge. 4 to. r.loth.Fo'c's'le Yarns, ta mo. clothHousehold Ldition. ta mo. cloth, eachHolmes. Longfellow. Owen Meredith.

Tennyson. Whittier.Obliviad, a Satire. vo. cloth.Prince Deukahon, Uayard Taylor, la mo, cloth, gilt-ti)- p edge. , ..

" 'Mable Martin, Whittier, vo. cloth, gilt.





careluliy selected and comprises Hooks which clubbed atSccial Subscribers Inspect any works homas Throm,Street, selected will delivered, receipt subscription DAILYHONOLULU PRESS, pajment amount specified column.


San Tranclsco Morninz Call, Weekly or Sunday, (6 months)

" " Chronicle


ii ii 11

11 11

" 'New Clipper "

" "FreeScientific American "

"Illustrated Weekly

Nachrichten aud Dcutchland "LandundMeer.

Graphic WeeklyDelineator (I'ashion) MonthlyAmerican Agriculturist " -

Madame Demorests. Magaiine ''RU Nicholas " "

Popular Monthly " "lllackwoods " "

" "Century" "Overland" "

Pcpular .temple

Doien Hro's. Silver11 11 41 "
























together receiptDAILY PRESS payment Messrs amount


Rogers Plaled



tiKNUMT Kmvks, 1 TripleDusekt I oki.s " XII "

" " 'MXUIUH PORKS,Tba Sroohs, " " M

Dessskt SroJNS, " " "SlOONS, " " 'I


$3 5o3.50

4.4 OQ


3 33


3 5"





$ 3.00 $ 503oo 50 .3. 50 ,3.00 50 ,,

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7.00 6.0010.00 9 CO , uj13.00 l,.oo '

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3 5 $4 co 3.00 -

"4 00 3.00 $4 $ ,"'.4.30 J. 35


. 3.00S.J 3.3?

tJT The above list has been all the for we haverata. can of these at the Store of Mr, I O. No. 106 Fortwhere the Hook be with our for six moalhs' to the

upon of the In the first ' I

York .Press




Half No.

With -










9.00 ,



Subscrbt'n6 incnths.p

i.JI 30







3- -

3 03X3T Anv of the above Publications will U. delivered iottatittttatj. with our for months

subscription to the HONOLULU on o J, M. Oat Jr. & of thein the first column.









'r 3" The above Silver-plate- d Ware is of llie very best quality from the celebrated manu-factory of Kor.ERS IIros. and is priced at the hivest matttt rales, Subscriber8"can inspect thetame at the store of the I'acifu: Hardware Company, No. 74 76 Fort Street, who willdeliver the articles selected, with our receipt for six months suhstription lo the DAILYHONOLULU I'RESS, upon receipt of the price above specified.

NOTICE.No deviation be made from terms above stipulated, and remittances must include'theamount specified In column opposite Ihc nrtie'e selected in order to secure f the.

tlui rales.Subscription to commence any time after December 1, 1885, at option of subscriber,

THIS OFFER WILL BE WITHDRAWN, JANUARY 1,1886Proprietors Daily Honolulu Press.

J-- .P












n:'4 1


Page 4: AILY · 2015-06-01 · 1U tapering Uncord ami ruru lloNlhllity. The Kroueh and Italian hand Is lung and capable of close pnwsuro, hut tho Kugl'sh and America baud Is the best knit,

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iScncral JUiDcrUccmcuts. (fanci-a- l j&bbcrlLacmcnto. (Scncntl dsbucdtjscmcnto. Okncntl cHuucrliccMc.iiB. fl'.rltriMl H iMirilpnipiilrt (Scncntl ,Hbbcnccirtcnt. (Scncntl JLbbctrttscmcnts?I,, - ., , .



The attention of our reader i Invitctl to the

very liberal offer made by in, In anothucolumn, tn furnish any of the articles specified

therein, together with six months' subscription

to the Daily Honolulu 1'ress, at club mitt,which are Much less thn If the publications or

articles, were ordered sepirfttcly.Wc desire to Introduce out paper Into every

English-rcadin- g Fandly in this Kingdom,

feeling assured that It will be permanently

retained after Its merlin, as n live, wide-awak- e

journal, arc once known.As an advertising medium ihe DAILY HO-

NOLULU Press posscsscsuneiptaled advantages,

having retained all the subscribers to the late

Saturday Press in addition to a new subscrlp-tlo- n

list which is dally increasing, so thai the

paper Is not Dnly enjoying a large circulation

in this city and vicinity, but is, also, mailed by

every steamer to subscribers at almost every

landing on the other Islands and, also to fo'1

eign countries, thus combining the advantages

of both dally md weekly editions. Thecoming month, especially, our paper will haea much larger circulation lhan all the o"flier

dally papers combined, as we Intend sending

specimen copies to every reidenl on these

Islands who reads English.Wc, therefore, ask your In our

enterprise and trust you will nvall yourself of

this offer. Very respectfully yours, etc.,Propr's ok Daily Honolulu Press.


D. M. CROWLEY,The Only Practical


In Honolulu.

fcpuis, Mitti, Cwon l French Polishes.

Every description ol

FUR'NITUREAt lowest rates.

ISLAND WOODS.Parlor Suites, Loongn, Went lloclcrs, Ens) ami

Flinty Chairs, etc, made of IslinJ WooJi, or

Black Walnut, at San hm'wn Friers.


s.n.-- .s riitrriiia mit'


41-t- f Hntd Telephone, .Vo. 311.

HOPP & Co.,Manufacturer and Dealtrtjin

FURNITURE,Of every description

Mattresses and Bedding,

Special attention given o


Ot alidads

E&" Jobbing done at reasonable


Ab. 74 Kiny Strert.

Telephone No. i mj


Contractor Binder

No. 86 King Street,

86-i- y HONOLULU, IF. I.

ENTERPRISEAlalcnn. uonr Ritoon St.

C J. Hardle, Contractor and lluilder, Is PruptietoiMouldings and FipMi alwajs cu land. Ihr mlkeeps for sale hard and soft slos e woodcut and split

Telophona No. 5, ajv&6


COLLEGE,24 Post St. S. F

Send for Circular.

The Fiat. IIuhnfss Coursk includes blnclc nndDouble Entry as ADnlled ll ilenirr

.menu of business i Commtrilal Arithmetic : DullnessPenmanship J Mercantile Law) flusiuess Correspond,eneej Lectures on Law, llusiness Forms, and theScience or Acuuntt! Actual llusiness Rraoiice InWholesilc and Ketall Merihundising, Commission.

oubing, importing, uauroauing, r.xpress llusiness,irokcrase. and Hankinz 1 Encliih Ilranchex. including

Heading, bptlllng, Orammer, etc; Drawing; andMortem languages, lonslstiuir or ( radical InstructionLa French, German, and Spanish.

HuANCims are! Qrnan1-nl.- 1'cnnuiiJilu,Higher Malhematics, Surveying, Nnigation, Civil En-gineering, Assaslng, Short-Han- Geo-graphy, etc.,

For full Information addresK. V. UKAr.UJkCO,

ay Sax Fhascisco Cai.

N. J?. BUJiGESS,"OAUl'tfXTim AKJ) JtUtLMllt,

Respectfully announces to the public tlixthe has purchased the

B.1GGAGE MXPKI2S8llusiness recently conducted by Mr. 0. M. Lake, At

No. 84 King strcel.which will be under the manage-ment of hit son B. P. UUROBSS.

The Express will attend the arrival ol every steametand promptly deliver


In ilonolutu and vicinity.

rTJRNTETJIlH Ss FXA.NO&Moved with care.


Tobacco, Cigar and Soda Water,llusiness heretofore kept by Mr. J. W. Illngley, at

No. Si KltiK street, which will be conducted by hiton, U. W. BURGESS, and where ever) thing In

the line of SMOKERS' ARTICLES can be found, olthe bet quality.

Thanking the public for patt favors and guaranteeingto promptly execute all order in either line of busi-ness, at reasonable charges would r spectfully solicit ashare of public patronage.

Office Teleihone So. SOS.

Iteititenee Telephone So. lit 'J

No, 8d King Street, Honolulu.4

Crystal Soda- - Works.MAtiUrACTUHKKS or



Aerated Wators of All Kinds,

. , Fruit Syrups and Essoncos.

Our Goods are ucknoMleitcd the HIlS 1'. NO CORKS

WE USE PATENT STOPPERSIn all iur llotllos.

if We Invite pinicular attention tu uur PateutFilter, recentlj introduced, by which nil waters uset.11 our manufactures is absdlutel) frcd fruiu all Impurities,

SB' We deliver our Good free uf charge to all put,ofthecit).

Careful at e ticu rilil to Itlnc Cittf Additis


V. O. UOX, 397, HONOLULU. II. I.

Telephone No. 298.

Orders left with Ilenson, Smith & Co., No. 11 FortStreet, will receive prompt attention.

We also, are agents lor tie sale or J. W. Hingley's


Of hU own manufacture it fi


Dcgs to announce to his friends and the. public in genera! that the above Saloon provides

From 3 A. u., till 10 r M '

The finestCigarettes



Smoker 1 Sundrloi



One of Frunsw Ick & liulke's celebrated

BlUlordlTaUoBI connected with the establismnent, where juvws of

tne cue can participate.. 353--3


KINO STllEliT,C.j;. WALLER, . . . Proprietor

Ckoloost Moats froia Fineit Herds..

Families andslupplng supplied on short notice and

Lowest Market Prices.

All delivered from this market are thoroughlychilled Immediately after killing by means of a ISelf.Coleman Patent Dry Air Refrigerator, Meat so"""J it Miu. uii 11. juitjr jirupcmcs, unu is Ku.uaniccato keep longer after delis eo- - than freshly-kille- meat

'a5Q-- oa

Pantheon Stables,Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.


Llvory, Boarding, and Salo Stables,

Cairiages for lure at all hours of the day or night!idso. convej auces of al kinds Tor parties goluz aroundthe island,

Uzcellent Saddle Hones for Ladies and Gen-tlemen. Guaranteed Gentle,

lrgeand small omnibus forficnics and cscursioiparties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can alwaybo secured b) special arrangements.

The. Loni; Branch Dathlrg- House can alwaysbe secured for picnic or excursion parties by applyingII, MIC UllllG.

Tklepiihb No, 34,ii-- tt JAS. DODD, Proprietor.

Printing Paper,


Colored Poster Paper,J OK SALB JIV- -

H. HACKEELD '& CO.93--

,,,. vW r ;,

1JJcCIwi &Son.

No. 42 Queen Street.

Have now landing

For Alamoda & John D. Sprookols,

LAHGK SltirsiXNTl Ot

Assorted MerchandiseConsisting in part of

libit. Flour, Golden Gate. , ,nnis r lour. r.i iorauo.

Sacks Wheat, Best.Sacks uailey, nest,

Sacks Corn, Uest, Whole, (

Sacks Com, llest, Cracked, 'Sacks Dran, Coarse and Fine,

Sacks Reins. White,sacks ueans, Keu,

Sacks Deans, Dayou,Sacks Beans, Horse,

Sacks Beans, Lima

Sacks Onions, Best Silver !kln .hacks Potatoes, Ues' In Gunniea.

Cases Nicnacs,Lases Lxtraboda Crackers,

Cases Medium Bread,Cases Cracked Wheat, 10 lb. bags,

Cases Corn Meal, white, to lb. bags.Cases Oat Meal, 10 lb. bags,

Cases Corn Starch.

Casks Dupee Hams,casks Ma A tiams

Cases R. B. Bacon.

Cases Fairbanks Lard, 3 lb. pail,cases rairuanks uaru,,; in. pan.

Cases Falrliahk's Laid, 10 lb. paiL

Cases Whittle) 's Butter, In tins 'Hall tuns, nutter, fickle koii,

Qr, bbls. Butter, Pickle .Roll. '

Hair firkins Butter, Gill Edge.Qr. firkins Butler, Gilt Edae,

Cases New Cheese

Boxes and lolls. Salt Codfish,BblsTierccs Columbia RiterKalinoi(

Cases Fresh Eggs,Cases uiunnry Mnrcn,

Boxes Bruwn Laundry Sixip,uozns i.rooins , f

Pure Java Coflfce, Roasted and Ground, 1 lb. tins,Sacks Grem CnlTce,

Ithests Japili lea, t lb luperil,Chests Japan Tea, Y, lb, ps,is

U9XQS Rtisiits, ludoii Lasers,Yh Ihixes Ualsins, l.ondon Ii)crs,

H boxes Raisins, London !,aycr.Boxes' Raisins, Muscatel

Oruins Citron,Boxes Currnnts,

Cases Chocolate,Cases Mised'Pickles,

Cases Spices, assorted, all sties,Palls Mince Meat, Atmotrs,

'1 ins Mince Meat, Cuttings.

Sacks Raw Peanuts,Sscls English Walnuts,

Sacks Sort Shell Almonds, ,Sacks Texas Pecans, extra targe,

Cises California Honey, 1 lb. tinsCases King, Morse & Co's., fresh canned

Fruits, Jellies and Vegetables.Bales Wrapping Paper, extra quality


Best California t,cather.Sole, Insole, Harness, Skirting and Uppers

French and American Calfskins,Sheep Skins, Goat Skins,

Hawaiian Saddle Trees.

And other goods too numerous to mention.

These goods are fresh, were bought very low, andwill be sold at


:!, W, HcCHESNfiV & SON,

361-2- No. 42 Quoon Stroot

0. BREWER & CO.,

Offer for tale to arrive tr

BARK AMY TURNER,From Boston, due

i0 TL'Scr 1, 1886,Franklin Stove Coal in Casks,

yi bbls. Crushed Sugar,Caves Fraxer's Axle Grease,

Cases Hoe Handles,Bbls. No. 1 Rosin,

Cases Wheelbarrows,


Flax Packing,', bbls Wilmington Tar,

Wilmington Pitch,Idles Navy Oakum.

Cases V.x I ard Oil,GrlnJstoncs. Iron Sares

FARMER'S BOILERS,Bbls. Dairy Salt,

Bbls. Cement, iK and 1 in. Ox Bows,Cases Axe and Pick Handles,

Canal Barrows,BMs. Ex Prime Pork,

Kegs NailsCumberland Coal in bulk,


Oak Lumber, ,White Wood Lumber,

Walnut Lumber,Ash Lumber,

Kattern White l'iue Lumber,Refrigerators,

Ca s Tinned Tomatoes,

Electric & Downer's Kerosene OilKetchup and Codfish Balls,

Cases Clam Chovder,' Fish Cowder and Gheikins,

Cnses hausage Meat, Huckln's Tomato Soup.

cases iiucxins mock turtle tioup,Cases Huckln's Ox 'I all Soup,

Ooiilrlfttcriil XjlninurH,llurkets, Lime Wash Boards,

Cases Chairs, Cotton Waste,Cases Yellow Metal Sheathing,

Keg's Yellow M. Sheathing Nails,Bbls. Twine, Bales Duck,

Hide Poison, Linseed Oil,Cases Turpentine

Cases Brown Soap,i bbls. Mineral Paint,

Mammoth RockersBook Casrs, Assorted,

Extenilon Top Carriages,Cases Curled Hair,

Drums of Caustic Soda.4 ' '337260



Hiinuiui' , IL 1 1

' WouW cTUflttetllon to thelf 'Larlre and' taried Stock of ,

. V"




Consisting' of the uurivalled Paris Stttl

Bt-eulihx- g Plow, 't


The Mohne Steel Breakers, and Furrowing Plow, Molint Steel Plows all sues Planet, Jr , Cult).

X'vutori, Dirt Scrapers,

t ,JoHb Doro'a Oruif Flows),


Plantar' Hoes of the best makes'"


made to order, Ames Shovels and Spades,Garden Hoes, Canal Barrows, Ox

Bows, Yoke, Chains, FenseChains,

Sugar Mill Requirements.


Cuiuboi'livud Coiil.

Sperm Oil, C) luidn . LamJ

and Kerosene Oil, Pcif-- .i

Lubricators, PlumltiguAI .ban Gieake, Dis,tou's aild '

' S. and J. riles, nllslicsand' kinds. Steam Pact ini;. FL.I

ami Round India RuMwr.Asbestos and Snau Stoiif

(lax Packing, India Rul-h-

Hose, ft to 2 Inch, Piprand Couplings, Nuts at d

Yashers, finished, MachineBolts, all sires,

Blacksniith's, KngiiKci's .111,

Carpenter's Hammers, PipeCutters, Winches, 8 iucli to

4 inch, Anvils, Vices, TubeScrapers, Grindstones, Best

American Bar Iron and loo.Steel, Builders' Hardware,

all kinds and stjles, Hub-buck- 's

Paints and Oils, rawand boiled. Small Paints In

Oil, in large variety, DryPaints, Umber, Venetian,

Red, Ochres, Metallic, &c,Whiting, German Window

asa'td sizes, Manila Rope

Stajtle Groceries,No.' r and Flour, No. 1 and 1 Rice,Crushed Surar, China andjanan Teas,Oysters, Clams, Salmon, Lobsters,Finest Table Fruits from the FactoryFore English Spices, Condensed Milk!Cocoa, SPECIALTIES -The 7'iif-a- ce

Keroiene Oil, U'ettnn'Muhiys, 14 Inch, Rubber

tiprtiifi nnd Canvai lirahe Just athand.Blalte Steam Pump Valves, Packi-ng-. &c, Blake Boiler Peed, Juice orMolasses, Irrlrratlng; & Vacuum Pumps

Weston's Patent Centrifugals Complete,


California Hay, Barley, Potatoes, BarrelsSalmon, Hams, Asbestos Mixture for Boilers

and Steam Pipes, very cheap, Fence Wireand Staples, Galvanized Roofing


Wilcox and Gibb's Automatic; Singri ManufacturingCompany, Assorted! Remington Company, Family,Wilson Machines, the bet assoitiuent to be found,and at Bottom Prices.

New Goo by every arrival from England, New. ork and San Francisco,

I Now Traction Engine, powor.

Orders from the other Islands filled at Best Rates andwith dispatch aST"36S

The Genuiue Article.

t 1 1

bon la Kiver SainSalmon Bellies 1885 Catch

Just received from Portland, Oregon, by

CASTLE & COOKE.Tneie Fish can be relied upon as First-Cla- n

Hl-a- R

Sb 00.No. 34 Port St., Olook Building,

(lave received a consignment of the most I'conomlcaland Valuable Feed for all kinds or stock, viz;


It I the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter pro-

ducer in'use,

Oil Cake Meal shows about 7 per cent of nutritivematter ! this nrurtv i nv rrnt.

100 lbs. of this meal Is equal to 300 lbs. ol oats, oriu lus. 01 corn, or to 707 ins. 01 wneai uimh.Also, our Unrivaled MIXED I'KUP, Its wellasoui

usual supply of the best kinds of

nay, oats, W Jioat, svoru, x.10 , kiu,Which is ofTrrtd at the I.owelt Market Hates, and

dtlivercd free to any part of (he city.

Agents for the

Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of California.

Agents for the HOOVER TELEPHONE,

Commissioner of Deeds for the Slate of California

TELEPHONE NO. 4f. ay5-s- 6i



Rtjilitiititte, Honolulu.

Manufacture all kinds oft


Window frames,

Blinds, sashesand Doors

and alt kinds of wood-wor- k finish.

Turning, loroll, nud band nawlug. .

All kinds of Planing and bawiug, Moitising, and Tenonlng.



Onlersfrom the Islands solicited hoie. 64.131"

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO



New Year's Cards.

Blank Books,


Btc, .Etc., Etc.

"All' Hand-Painted- ."



25 Merchant St.,do-t- f - HONOtULU, H. I.

Patronize Home Industry!

J. W.p-liiiffley- ,

Cigar Mannfacturer,

Formerly of the Pioneer Cigar Factory, liasopened a salesroom in the front part of theCrystal Soda Works, No. 69 Hotel Street,where he is prepared to fill ul.l orders at thelowest wholesale rates.

tdr Island orders solicited nud promptlyfilled,


Hawaiian Hell Telephone No, 298,

Mutual Telephone No, yo, 81 iyr


Patronise Homo Manufacture.

The Hawaiian Stone Company.

Are now prepared to furnish fresh Lime in

quantities to suit purchasers, and satisfaction

warranted as to both thcklnd and the price,





john.....ssBsssssHiEsssi'lkl'K-- ' llflVflBis3sisssssssssasissssssEssissHLMhnAedtSU JSljm ssisssssH MaSBslslsssslssssssfl


Atethe-Ol-d SlandJNo.SbgKaahunianii St., Honolulu



Grnnite Iron Ware, Plsln and Nickel-Plste- ',

Tin'are,rlllindsj " I

Chandeliers ; '

Lamps and lanterns ', rtPomps; r

:PlumbingV Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron W.orh,OF ALL KINDS,

S2T A variety ot House Furnishing Cioods too


HI &)m






KubUrllose;Oalvsnlsed Iron and Lead J1p

Lead Copper;e Drain Pipe. ,,

i r


numerous msntlon.



uf tlisrjc. Island Orders solicited tullkfactioil u

Honolulu, Oaliu, H,(,,8-- tf 'ltl.LPHONE

foreign iKrtiumehis.

Iixect from Ueiig'laiicl,COMPRISING

Fancy Coatings, Trousersings and Serges, Tweeds,Cassimeres and Trimmings of Every Description.

These Goods having been bought for Cash at the Factory can be sol

at the very lowest rates.a.

Workmanship and Fit Guaranteed.E3T INSPECTION INVITED j3


Groceries, Provisions and Produce.MucWrcl, Kits falinon llellies, Kits SinoVed Halilmt, Kits Halibut (ins and Nat.

Klts'Toneues Sounds, Uoneless Codhsh, 'loinato Culsup, Chow Lliow,Worcester Sauce, (in lien), California Cider Vinegar, (casks kegs), Dried Applis, Peaches, Etc.,

CalirnrnU Tublo Rilslns Assorted Nuts, Assorted 'I und Pie Fiults, Jams Jellies

COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON, 1885 CATCH, (Bbls. a half bbls )


"VliIoli aiii oII'di'ikI lit LowoHt fitrksst Kitten for Crush.

SIT floods delivered to any psrtpf the city freeantecd.

No. 95 Fort Street, ,


Jjorcigir Jlbbcvitccmcnt.

. .t

Sheet and



tn , S- 4-


and W

I.No. s,.


IS61-- tf

- ,and

andaide and




a scjroojT roit voys.Under Military Discipline,

Located In the beautiful village or San Mateo, on the Southern Pacific R. R., i miles from ban FraouscEstablished In i86j. Fourteen instructors of reputation and ability. The buildines are estcuilte, an1'heated by steam and are 1. eveiy way arranged for the liealtli and 'cr nfort or Ihe cadets. Trinity &esslobegins July n.

lor lurther Information rnd lalulojue, ust out, addressRuv. ALFRED K URJTWER, M. A.,

117 sj Prlncipa iQ

--4Mil!ltltz-'lkiiirl- ' rt'jiiS f !t14ffcAi.JfcJt.'' sii--:- . V :5 vu$m

L'A W"-- !