ahmed cri assignment

3/8/2011 Done by: Ahmed Alaa Ibrahim | TP021072 UCTI CREATIVITY & INNOVATION ASSIGNMENT Word count: 2192

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UCTI Creativity & Innovation Assignment

Word count: 2192 words

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March 8, 2011

Creativity & Innovation Assignment

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary................................................................................................................2

II. Introduction............................................................................................................................3

a) Profile of the Company.......................................................................................................3

b) Objective Finding...............................................................................................................4

III. Fact Finding........................................................................................................................5

a) Competitor Analysis...........................................................................................................5

b) Market Segment Analysis...................................................................................................7

IV. Problem Finding.................................................................................................................8

a) Laddering Technique..........................................................................................................8

b) Problem Statement..............................................................................................................9

V. Idea Generation Technique.....................................................................................................9

a) Attribute Listing..................................................................................................................9

b) Scamper............................................................................................................................10

c) Mind Mapping..................................................................................................................11

d) Concept Fans....................................................................................................................13

e) Summary of Ideas.............................................................................................................14

VI. Product Description..........................................................................................................14

VII. Idea Evaluation.................................................................................................................15

a) Sticking Dots Analysis......................................................................................................15

b) Plus-Minus-Interesting (PMI) Analysis............................................................................16

VIII. Conclusion........................................................................................................................17

IX. References........................................................................................................................18

X. Appendix..............................................................................................................................20


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Creativity & Innovation Assignment

I. Executive Summary

Creativity and innovation are concepts so dear to modern culture that their very

mention excites immediate approval. These ideas lie near the heart of our

humanity. People human civilization as having risen to eminence among the order

species through political, scientific and technological innovation. The humans

prize a cultural heritage that is rich in artistic creativity. Yet we have shown

comparatively little curiosity about the birth and growth of innovation – the ways

in which creative impulse develops into path finding achievement.

In today’s fast paced society, lot of people use the cell phone and the computer or

laptop at the same time. It’s difficult to talk on the phone while using the mouse

and keyboard at the same time. So why not use a “mouse-cell phone”?! Yes, a

phone that you can use

to call and has a

laptop touchpad at its

backside. Nokia brand

is a well known cell

phone manufacturer

with really affordable

and durable phones,

thus Nokia would be

the best to produce such a product.

Alcont, 2009,


[Online image], Available at:


[Accessed 22nd April 2011]


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Creativity & Innovation Assignment

Simply, that would be a normal phone like any other cell phone handset, hence

that it would be more useful and innovated. This phone can be easily connected to

the PC using either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection with will be supported by both

devices, the PC and phone. Most computer users demand for a mouse that can be

easily handled and used, cell phone users have the same demands as well. Most of

cell phone customers look for a device that is affordable, durable, with high

specifications, and stylish too.

The mouse-cell phone design and performance will combine all that together as

one simple and new innovation process. Its price and specifications would

certainly meet the market demand. A high resolution screen, a high mega pixel

camera, a sensitive touchpad to use as a mouse for the computer, and the design

are all competitive to come up with. The price of the mouse-cell phone would be

around USD 250. Sony Ericson company and Skype mouse VOIP phone would

be a high competitor for such a product as that both companies are well known for

their high capabilities in producing high quality devices.

II. Introduction

a) Profile of the Company

Nokia corporation is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile phones, serving

customers in 130 countries. Originally a manufacturer of pulp and paper, Nokia

was founded as Nokia Company in 1865 in a small town of the same name in

Central Finland by Fredrik Idestam. (Nokia Corporation, 2011)

Nokia manufactured items for Hitachi in France, Ericsson in Sweden, Northern

Telecom in Canada, and Granada and IBM in Britain. In doing so it was able to

increase its production capacity stability. (Nokia Corporation, 2011)


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Nokia’s ascendance to the top of the wireless world by the end of the 1990s could

be traced to the company being able to consistently, over and over again, come

out with high-margin products superior to

those of its competitors and in tune with the

market demands. (Nokia Corporation 2011)

Nokia Corporation, 2011,


[Online image], Available at:


[Accessed 21st April 2011]

Nokia is a Finnish corporation headquartered in Espoo, Finland. It is a public

limited liability company listed on the Helsinki, Frankfurt, and New York stock

exchanges. At the end of 2009, Nokia operated a total of 15 manufacturing

facilities in Brazil, China, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Mexico, the

Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom. (Nokia-FAQ, 2011)

I have chosen this company to manufacture my product because it’s well known

in mobile industry, and will for sure bring much of great success and achievement

when such a product is being set into the market under “Nokia” brand name.

Nokia was recognized as the 5th most valued brand in the world. (Nokia Now,


b) Objective Finding

Innovating the mouse and the cell phone by putting them together in one device,

so that it would be easy and comfortable for computer users to talk on the phone

therefore not causing a shoulder or neck pain in a long term usage.


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III. Fact Finding

a) Competitor Analysis

When it comes to market competition

Sony Ericsson will be for sure one of the

competitors. Most Sony Ericsson phones

are known with a feature of using the

cell phone as a mouse with the

Bluetooth connectivity. But as a matter

of fact, this feature can’t be used while a

call is going on, thus making the mouse-

cell phone a great product to combine all in one usage.

GSMArena, 2000-2011,

Sonny Ericsson T630,

[Online image], Available at:


[Accessed 21st April 2011]

Phones that have a cursor like Sony Ericsson T630 would be an alternative for the

mouse-phone, hence that it doesn’t have the same features and capabilities. The

T630 phone doesn’t have a smart phone specifications or a high megapixel

camera, just a simple mobile phone with a Bluetooth connectivity and a normal

camera. No GPRS connectivity or a GPS, which as mentioned above makes this

phone as a simple cell phone. The company’s target market would be people who

are demanding for a cheap device with a Bluetooth connectivity and durable too.

At work, home, or in a car you’ll find that Sony Ericsson T630 is unique with its


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style and a dimension of 102mm x 43mm x 17mm. (Sonny Ericsson T630, 2000-


An another alternative for the mouse-phone would be the Skype mouse VOIP

phone. It is a good product of Skype that works both as a high quality VOIP

phone with a unique sliding cover for easy

transferring from a mouse function to

calling. But still, the Skype mouse VOIP

phone can be only used for VOIP calls but

not as a cell phone. Including the fact that

the device multiple functions can be only

used once at a time and not together at once.

Chinavasion, 2005-2011,

Skype Mouse VOIP Phone,

[Online image], Available at:


[Accessed 21st April 2011]

Skype will be targeting the PC users who use the computer for VOIP calls as that

it would be an affordable and creative solution to use both a mouse and a VOIP

phone in the same device. It’s a great accessory to make chatting online that much

easier and with a backlit LCD which will constantly be contact details, time, and

duration and all in any language that your Skype program running under. Also

featured are the large speaker for listening to music or voice and a smaller 20mW

if you need more privacy. (Skype mouse, 2005-2011)


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b) Market Segment Analysis

Market segmentation analysis provides a comprehensive examination of the

contraceptive market, identifies current roles of various of various sectors with

respect to consumer groups, and helps determine how roles need to change to

achieve contraceptive security. (Market Segmentation, 2002)

The mouse-cell phone can be used by any consumer no matter of his or her age,

gender, and income bracket. A person with a high or low income will be able to

use the mouse-cell phone as that its price is affordable, even because the phone

style would be elegant with several different colors such as white, blue, black and

even pink mainly within the age of eighteen to forty years old.

Despite the customer age, social class, background, or even lifestyle, the mouse-

cell phone would be suitable for different types of people.

Nokia has a wide range of customers all over the world, thus if the mouse-cell

phone is produced by Nokia then customers who are already adapted to the

company will for sure be retained as a result of their loyalty towards the company.

Consumers of the mouse-cell phone will be looking for comfort in which they

need not use their shoulder to hold the phone while using the mouse and keyboard

all at the same time, this will prevent causing pain or damage in the tissues and

shoulder muscles after a long term.

Usage of the product will be most probably targeting the medium and heavy users

group who use the PC and the cell phone together. Nokia will have regional and

national marketing programs which is going to alter the product as it’s always

used to, the product should be marketed worldwide to be used by all consumers of

the PC and cell phones too.


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IV. Problem Finding

a) Laddering Technique

Laddering is a method that helps you elicit the higher or low level abstractions

of the concepts that people use to organize their world, the method is used by

using probes. Probing means to “peel back the layers” of the informant’s

experience. (Laddering interview, 1999-2011)

“Laddering and probing is used to understand the way in which the informant

sees the world” (Reynolds and Gutman, 1988)


Using the phone and mouse together will

cause a damage in the shoulder and neck after

a long term.

Leaving both products in the same state as it is without innovating any

of the devices.

Will cause pain for the customer and will result in health problems after a long term if the device was not designed well.

User would prefer to give up on using either

of the devices or use one at a time for his or her

own comfort which will wast time.

Innovating the mouse to be used as a cell phone

and a mouse in the same device.

No pain will be caused in the body. The design has to be compatible for both tasks and a way to save battery has to be


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Figure 1

The graph above shows both of the options to be done, one is either innovating

the mouse and the other is just leaving it as it is. Despite the points, the innovation

choice will help the user and make him or her more satisfied while using the

mouse-cell phone and will for sure not cause any pain in the shoulder or neck

after a long term usage. On the other hand, the second choice is not innovating

the mouse to a cell phone which will affect the user after a long term of using the

keyboard, mouse, and phone all together.

b) Problem Statement

Finding a design that will be suitable to be used for both tasks as a mouse and a

cell phone beside saving the battery energy which is hard to combine all in one


V. Idea Generation Technique

a) Attribute Listing

Attribute listing is a great technique for ensuring all possible aspects of a problem

have been examined. Attribute listing is breaking down the problem into smaller

and smaller bits and seeing what you discover when you do. Attribute listing is a

very useful technique for quality improvement of complicated products,

procedures of services. Attribute listing is a good technique to use in conjunction

with some other creative techniques, especially idea generating one’s like

brainstorming. This allows you to focus on one specific part of a product or

process before generating a lot of whole ideas. (Attribute Listing, 1996)


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Feature Attribute Ideas

Casing Plastic Stainless steel

Keypad Buttons Touch Screen

Weight Heavy Light

Processor Slow Faster

Microphone Normal Voice clarity feature

Figure 2

Thus, from the table shown above we can derive the idea of having a better casing

by changing it from a plastic one to a stainless steel casing. The second idea

would be changing the whole keypad and making it a touch screen instead. The

third and at last but not least improving the processor, the product’s system can be

faster by changing the processor used in most common cell phones to a better and

faster one. Finally, the phone microphone can be improved with a better voice


b) Scamper

The scamper technique uses a set of directed questions which you answer about

your probortunity in order to come up with new ideas. The stimulus comes from

forcing yourself to answer questions which you would not normally pose. The

questions direct you to thinking about a probortunity in ways typically come up

with new ideas. (Scamper, 1997-2008)


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Scamper is an acronym which stands for questions relating to the following:

Meaning Applications

S Substitute part of the product for

something else

Replace the touchpad with a keyboard


C Combine two or more parts of

products to make something new

or enhancing purpose

Minimize the touchpad so that the

keyboard can next or top of it.


Adapt the nature of the product

Add a keyboard which will also make it

easier for the user to handle either the

PC with the normal mouse or the PC

with the touchpad.

M Modify part of the product in an

unusual way

Modify the whole phone to look like a

mouse instead of a cell phone.

PPut to other use of the product

Use as a mouse, keyboard, PC modem,

and a cell phone all in one.


Eliminate one part of the product

Eliminate the touch pad can make the

devise used as a USB modem for the PC

and a keyboard as well.

R Reverse the part of the product to

work in reverse order.-

Figure 3

c) Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is an important technique that improves the way you record

information, and supports and enhances your creative problem solving. By using

Mind Maps, you can quickly identify and understand the structure of a subject.


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You can see the way that pieces of information fit together, as well as recording

the raw facts contained in normal notes. (Mind Maps, 1996-2011)

Figure 4


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d) Concept Fans

The Concept Fan is a way of finding different approaches to a problem when you

have rejected all obvious solutions. It develops the principle of ‘taking one step

back to get a broader perspective. (Concept Fan, 2009) Concepts Ideas

Purpose Directions


Make the mouse or


convenient to be

used with the cell

phone and PC

Combine the

touch pad and

cell phone in one


Make sure that the user can be

easily adapted to the mouse cell phone usage

Come up with new technology to

meet the market demand

Find best designs for the device

Make surveys for customers

Check the similar devices in the

market to produce a more efficient one

Provide a tutorial CD

Extra Capability

Serve an identifiable service

that is easy to operate

Design the device so that it can be

relevant or similar to the current technologies

Make Researc


Check market

Innovated design

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e) Summary of Ideas

Hence, all four idea generation techniques stated that more ideas can be featured

in the mouse cell phone. First, design the device to be convenient with everyday

use and stability. That means to innovate it not to be only a cell phone, but to be

something new that can help the customer on his or her working time.

Second, adding a small keyboard like the one used in smart phones can also be a

good idea for such a device so that it would a portable input device for any PC.

Finally, changing the device power option will be ergonomic and attainable for

long term usage.

VI. Product Description

The mouse cell phone has high specifications and functions featuring a mini

keyboard and a touchpad at the back of it. The high megapixel camera and the

touch screen. The device will last and operate for a longer time using a better

battery type which will be durable on long business trips and long working hours,

thus making it time-bound and user friendly device. As the market will be

targeting people with their income level, thus the price of USD 250 is the best to

provide in the market.

The mouse cell phone is different than the VOIP Skype phone and any other cell

phone or mouse with multitasks. Regarding to the age group, income level, and

geography a device with the price of USD 250 combining a mini keyboard, a

touchpad, and a high specification cell phone device will be convenient, efficient,

and attainable for any party purchasing it.


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VII. Idea Evaluation

a) Sticking Dots Analysis

This technique uses a simple procedure to allow members of a small group to vote

directly for their idea preferences. The procedure involves giving each group

member a fixed number of votes (in the form of self-adhesive, colored dots) and

allowing them to allocate the votes in a pre-selected manner, or any manner they

desire. (Sticking Dots)

A major advantage of this technique is the direct participation of group members

in the selection process. In addition, if each member is given a different color, it

makes it easier to conduct a discussion on why people voted the way they did. On

the other hand, voting conformity can occur. Another disadvantage would be the

use of block voting by members who might wish to force their preferences.

(Sticking Dots)

SpecificationsSkype VOIP

Mouse Phone

Mouse Cell


Sony Ericsson


Touch Screen N/A ○○○○○ N/A

Camera N/A ○○○○ ○

Price ○○○○ ○○ ○○○○○

Weight ○○○ ○○○○○ ○

Storage N/A ○○○○○ ○○

Wi-Fi N/A ○○○○○ N/A

GPS N/A ○○○○ N/A


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3G N/A ○○○ N/A

Operating System ○○○○ ○○○○○ ○○○

USB Port ○○○○○ N/A N/A

Bluetooth N/A ○○○○○ ○○○○

Figure 5

b) Plus-Minus-Interesting (PMI) Analysis

PMI is lateral and creativity thinking technique developed by Edward De Bono

that is a development of the pro’s and con’s technique that has been used for




○○○○○ Excellent

○○○○ Very Good

○○○ Good

○○ Poor

○ Very Poor

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It is designed to deliberately direct your attention to the positive, negative and

interesting aspects of a particular idea, subject or decision. (Plus, Minus,

Interesting, 1996-2011)

Figure 6



In closing, this assignment was really helpful and useful as well. I have learned

that creativity and innovation has no extent in this fast paced society. Everything

can be innovated to make people’s life easier and convenient. Efficiency is the

first thing that comes to mind when creativity and innovation subject comes up.

“When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do

anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: ‘Only stand out of my light.’

Perhaps someday we shall know how to heighten creativity. Until then, one of the

best things we can do for creative men and women is to stand out of their light”

(John W. Gardner, 1912)


Plus Minus Interesting

Better phone features

(+6)Find a good market (-2)

Easier to make phone

calls while browsing the

internet? (+4)

More time convenience

(+3)Harder to use (-6) Less weighting (+2)

More efficiency (+2) - -

Not huge looking (+5) - -

(+16) (-8) (+6)

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IX. References

1. Nokia Corporation, 2011, Company Profile, Information, Business Description,

History, Background Information on Nokia Corporation, [online], Finland,

Available from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/35/Nokia-

Corporation.html [Accessed 9th March 2011]

2. Nokia FAQ, 2011, Where does Nokia manufacture its products?, [online],

Finland, Available from http://www.nokia.com/about-nokia/company/faq

[Accessed 11th March 2011]

3. Nokia, 2011, Nokia Now:2000-Today [online], Finland, Available from

http://www.nokia.com/about-nokia/company/story-of-nokia/nokia-now [Accessed

21st March 2011]

4. GSMArena, 2000-2011, Sonny Ericsson T630, [online], Europe, Available from

http://www.gsmarena.com/sony_ericsson_t630-559.php [Accessed 24th March 2011]

5. ChinaVasion, 2007, Skype Mouse VOIP Phone – Sliding Cover, [online], China,

Available from http://www.chinavasion.com/product_info.php/pName/skype-mouse-

voip-phone-sliding-cover/ [Accessed 30th March 2011]

6. Mehra, 1999-2011, Laddering Interview Techniques, [online], USA, Available

from http://www.ehow.com/way_5191640_laddering-interview-techniques.html

[Accessed 4th April 2011]

7. Morgan, 1993, Attribute Listing, [online], USA, Available from


[Accessed 7th April 2011]


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8. Infinite Innovations Ltd, 1997-2008, How to use the Scamper Technique, [online],

UK, Available from


[Accessed 11th April 2011]

9. Enterprising Rural Families, 2004, Sticking Dots, [online], USA, Available from


[Accessed 15th April 2011]

10. Mind Tools LTD, 1996-2011, Mind Maps, [online], USA, Available from

http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newISS_01.htm [Accessed 17th April


11. XU, 2009, Concept Fan: Widening the Search for Solutions, [online], USA,

Available from http://conceptualtoolstechniques.blogspot.com/2009/10/concept-

fanwidening-search-for.html [Accessed 17th April 2011]

12. Mind Tools LTD, 1996-2011, Plus, Minus, Interesting, [online], USA, Available

from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTED_05.htm [Accessed 21st

April 2011]


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X. Appendix