adenosine 50-triphosphate (atp) inhibits schwann cell demyelination during wallerian degeneration

ORIGINAL RESEARCH Adenosine 5 0 -Triphosphate (ATP) Inhibits Schwann Cell Demyelination During Wallerian Degeneration Youn Ho Shin Hyung-Joo Chung Chan Park Junyang Jung Na Young Jeong Received: 7 November 2013 / Accepted: 10 December 2013 / Published online: 23 December 2013 Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013 Abstract Adenosine 5 0 -triphosphate (ATP) is implicated in intercellular communication as a neurotransmitter in the peripheral nervous system. In addition, ATP is known as lysosomal exocytosis activator. In this study, we investi- gated the role of extracellular ATP on demyelination dur- ing Wallerian degeneration (WD) using ex vivo and in vivo nerve degeneration models. We found that extracellular ATP inhibited myelin fragmentation and axonal degrada- tion during WD. Furthermore, metformin and chlorprom- azine, lysosomal exocytosis antagonists blocked the effect of ATP on the inhibition of demyelination. Thus, these findings indicate that ATP-induced-lysosomal exocytosis may be involved in demyelination during WD. Keywords ATP Schwann cell Lysosomal exocytosis Demyelination Wallerian degeneration Introduction Wallerian degeneration (WD) following nerve injury involves degradation of the myelin sheath. Demyelination of Schwann cells during WD occurs through fragmentation of the myelin sheath into ovoid-like structures near Schmidt–Lanterman incisures (SLI) (Ghabriel and Allt 1979a, b; Webster 1965). Recent evidence indicates that changes in actin polymerization through Rac1 activation in an SLI are essential for the initiation of the myelin sheath fragmentation near the SLI after nerve injury (Jung et al. 2011b). Previous studies reported that such extracellular signals (e.g., neuregulin, a neuronal signal) are involved in regulation of SLI actin dynamics and in the initiation of WD (Jung et al. 2011b; Guertin et al. 2005). However, the underlying initiation mechanism of the demyelinating phenomenon in Schwann cells during WD through extra- cellular signaling is unknown. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an essential neuro- transmitter in the nervous system (Ralevic and Burnstock 1998). In the peripheral nervous system, nerve stimulation increases the extracellular ATP level, and the secretion of ATP from peripheral nerves involves the communication between Schwann cells or neurons and Schwann cells (Jung et al. 2013; Grafe et al. 2006; Holton 1959; Stevens and Fields 2000). In addition, after nerve injury, ATP released from premyelinated axons inhibits the prolifera- tion and differentiation of developing Schwann cells in in vitro (Stevens and Fields 2000), and extracellular ATP inhibits dedifferentiation of Schwann cells during WD in ex vivo models (Shin et al. 2013). Thus, ATP as an extracellular signal seems to be involved in regulating myelination after nerve injury. In previous studies, ATP triggered the release of vesicular contents through Ca 2? -dependent exocytosis (Liu et al. 2005; Jeftinija and Jeftinija 1998; Ansselin et al. 1997). Extracellular ATP is involved in the secretion of ATP from Schwann cells through lysosomal exocytosis during WD (Shin et al. 2012). Because Schwann cells are Y. H. Shin C. Park J. Jung (&) Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, School of Medicine, Biomedical Science Institute, Kyung Hee University, Heogi- Dong 1, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul 130-701, Republic of Korea e-mail: [email protected] H.-J. Chung Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Kosin University College of Medicine, 34 Amnam-dong, Seo-gu, Busan 602-703, Republic of Korea N. Y. Jeong (&) Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine, Dong-A University, Busan 602-714, Republic of Korea e-mail: [email protected] 123 Cell Mol Neurobiol (2014) 34:361–368 DOI 10.1007/s10571-013-0020-y

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Adenosine 50-Triphosphate (ATP) Inhibits Schwann CellDemyelination During Wallerian Degeneration

Youn Ho Shin • Hyung-Joo Chung •

Chan Park • Junyang Jung • Na Young Jeong

Received: 7 November 2013 / Accepted: 10 December 2013 / Published online: 23 December 2013

� Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Adenosine 50-triphosphate (ATP) is implicated

in intercellular communication as a neurotransmitter in the

peripheral nervous system. In addition, ATP is known as

lysosomal exocytosis activator. In this study, we investi-

gated the role of extracellular ATP on demyelination dur-

ing Wallerian degeneration (WD) using ex vivo and in vivo

nerve degeneration models. We found that extracellular

ATP inhibited myelin fragmentation and axonal degrada-

tion during WD. Furthermore, metformin and chlorprom-

azine, lysosomal exocytosis antagonists blocked the effect

of ATP on the inhibition of demyelination. Thus, these

findings indicate that ATP-induced-lysosomal exocytosis

may be involved in demyelination during WD.

Keywords ATP � Schwann cell � Lysosomal

exocytosis � Demyelination � Wallerian degeneration


Wallerian degeneration (WD) following nerve injury

involves degradation of the myelin sheath. Demyelination

of Schwann cells during WD occurs through fragmentation

of the myelin sheath into ovoid-like structures near

Schmidt–Lanterman incisures (SLI) (Ghabriel and Allt

1979a, b; Webster 1965). Recent evidence indicates that

changes in actin polymerization through Rac1 activation in

an SLI are essential for the initiation of the myelin sheath

fragmentation near the SLI after nerve injury (Jung et al.

2011b). Previous studies reported that such extracellular

signals (e.g., neuregulin, a neuronal signal) are involved in

regulation of SLI actin dynamics and in the initiation of

WD (Jung et al. 2011b; Guertin et al. 2005). However, the

underlying initiation mechanism of the demyelinating

phenomenon in Schwann cells during WD through extra-

cellular signaling is unknown.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an essential neuro-

transmitter in the nervous system (Ralevic and Burnstock

1998). In the peripheral nervous system, nerve stimulation

increases the extracellular ATP level, and the secretion of

ATP from peripheral nerves involves the communication

between Schwann cells or neurons and Schwann cells

(Jung et al. 2013; Grafe et al. 2006; Holton 1959; Stevens

and Fields 2000). In addition, after nerve injury, ATP

released from premyelinated axons inhibits the prolifera-

tion and differentiation of developing Schwann cells in

in vitro (Stevens and Fields 2000), and extracellular ATP

inhibits dedifferentiation of Schwann cells during WD in

ex vivo models (Shin et al. 2013). Thus, ATP as an

extracellular signal seems to be involved in regulating

myelination after nerve injury.

In previous studies, ATP triggered the release of

vesicular contents through Ca2?-dependent exocytosis (Liu

et al. 2005; Jeftinija and Jeftinija 1998; Ansselin et al.

1997). Extracellular ATP is involved in the secretion of

ATP from Schwann cells through lysosomal exocytosis

during WD (Shin et al. 2012). Because Schwann cells are

Y. H. Shin � C. Park � J. Jung (&)

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, School of Medicine,

Biomedical Science Institute, Kyung Hee University, Heogi-

Dong 1, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul 130-701, Republic of Korea

e-mail: [email protected]

H.-J. Chung

Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Kosin

University College of Medicine, 34 Amnam-dong, Seo-gu,

Busan 602-703, Republic of Korea

N. Y. Jeong (&)

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine,

Dong-A University, Busan 602-714, Republic of Korea

e-mail: [email protected]


Cell Mol Neurobiol (2014) 34:361–368

DOI 10.1007/s10571-013-0020-y

affected by lysosomal dynamics during WD (Jung et al.

2011a; Shin et al. 2012, 2013), ATP-induced lysosomal

exocytosis may be involved in ovoid formation and myelin

degradation in Schwann cells during WD. Thus, in this

study, we determined the effects of extracellular ATP on

Schwann cell demyelination and then assessed the rela-

tionship between lysosomal exocytosis and Schwann cell

demyelination in during WD.

Materials and Methods


The primary antibody used for immunostaining and wes-

tern blotting was raised against myelin protein zero (P0,

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, California, USA).

Neurofilament was obtained from Chemicon (Temecula,

California, USA). Alexa Fluor 594-conjugated secondary

antibody was purchased from Life Technologies (Grand

Island, New York, USA). Adenosine triphosphate, met-

formin (Met), vacuolin-1, bafilomycin A1, ammonium

chloride (NH4Cl), potassium cyanide (KCN), nocodazole,

and chlorpromazine (CP) were obtained from Sigma-

Aldrich Co. (St. Louis, Missouri, USA).

Animals and Surgical Procedures

All of the procedures were performed according to proto-

cols approved by the Kyung Hee University Committee on

Animal Research, which followed the guidelines of animal

experimentation established by The Korean Academy of

Medical Science. Adult male C57BL/6 mice (7 weeks old)

were anesthetized by an intraperitoneal injection of pen-

tobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg), and their sciatic nerves were

exposed mid-thigh. The sciatic nerves were cut 5 mm

proximal to the tibioperoneal bifurcation using fine iris

scissors (FST, Foster City, California, USA).

Explant Culture

Sciatic nerve explant cultures were performed according to

a previous study (Thomson et al. 1993). Briefly, the sciatic

nerves from adult C57BL/6 mice (7 weeks old, Samtako,

Osan, Korea) were removed, and the connective tissues

surrounding the nerves were detached under a stereomi-

croscope. The sciatic nerves were cut into three or four

explants of 3–4 mm in length. The explants were incubated

in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing

100 units/mL penicillin, 100 lg/mL streptomycin, 10 %

(vol/vol) heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, and 2 mmol/

L L-glutamine. The cultures were maintained at 37 �C in a

humidified atmosphere containing 5 % CO2.

In Vivo Treatment

Adenosine triphosphate application in vivo was performed

as reported previously (Shin et al. 2013). Briefly, to iden-

tify the effect of ATP on demyelination in Schwann cells

during WD, the lesion site of the distal stump of the sciatic

nerve was inserted into a blind PVC tube (10 mm) that was

packed with gelfoam presoaked in 4 mM ATP (10 lL;

Fig. 4a). The tube was fixed by suturing it to nearby

muscles (Fig. 4a). Three days after sciatic nerve axotomy,

sciatic nerves with and without the ATP treatment were

removed and fixed with 4 % paraformaldehyde (PFA)


Western Blot Analysis

For western blot analysis, cultured sciatic explants were

prepared with a modified sradioimmunoprecipitation assay

buffer [RIPA; 50 mm/L Tris–HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mmol/L

NaCl, 0.5 % deoxycholic acid, 0.5 % Triton X-100,

1 mmol/L phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1 mmol/L

sodium o-vanadate, and 19 protease inhibitor mixture

(Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Nutley, New Jersey,

USA). Protein extracts were separated using 10 % sodium

dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and

transferred electrophoretically to a nitrocellulose mem-

brane (Amersham Bioscience, Piscataway, New Jersey,

USA). The blotted membranes were blocked with 5 % non-

fat milk in Tris-buffered saline containing 0.1 % Tween-20

(TBST) at room temperature (RT) for 1 h and then incu-

bated with primary antibodies diluted (1:1,000) in TBST

containing 3 % non-fat milk at 4 �C overnight. After three

washes in TBST, the blots were reacted with horseradish

peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies (1:3,000; Cell

signaling Technology, Beverly, Massachusetts, USA) for

1 h at RT and then washed again with TBST. Detection

was performed using an enhanced chemiluminescence-

Western blot system (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway,

New Jersey, USA). For quantification, the X-ray films were

then scanned using a Samsung scanner and analyzed with

the LAS image analysis system (Fujifilm, Tokyo, Japan).

All of the experiments were repeated a minimum of three


Myelin Ovoid Index

The myelin ovoid index calculation was performed as

reported previously by (Jung et al. 2011b). Briefly the

362 Cell Mol Neurobiol (2014) 34:361–368


myelin ovoid index is the number of myelin ovoids counted

from medium to large teased nerve fibers of 200 lm in

length under a Zeiss Axioimager upright microscope

equipped for differential interference contrast (DIC).

Sciatic Nerve Teasing and Immunofluorescent Labeling

Cultured sciatic explants or pieces of removed sciatic

nerve after axotomy were fixed with 4 % PFA for 6–12 h

and teased into single or several nerve fibers under a

stereomicroscope. The teased nerve fibers and longitudinal

section slides were blocked with phosphate-buffered sal-

ine (PBS) containing 0.3 % Triton X-100 and 10 %

bovine serum albumin for 1 h at RT. Tissue slides were

then incubated overnight with primary antibodies

(1:1,000) in PBS containing 0.3 % Triton X-100 at 4 �C

and washed three times with PBS. The tissue slides were

incubated with Alexa 594-conjugated anti-goat (1:1,000)

or anti-mouse IgG (1:1,000) for 2 h at RT. The slides

were washed three times with PBS; coverslips were

adhered to the slides with mounting medium (Gelmount,

Biomeda, Foster City, California, USA), and visualized

using a laser confocal microscope (LSM510, Carl Zeiss,

Oberkochen, Germany).

Statistical Analysis

The means of the collected data were determined for each

experimental group. The statistically significant differences

between the groups were tested by Student’s t-tests unless

otherwise noted in the text, p values\0.01 were considered



As reported previously, ex vivo culture of sciatic nerve

explants displayed similar myelin sheath pattern degradation

in vivo (Lee et al. 2009). In ex vivo culture for 3 days

(3DIV), the transverse stripes of the intact sciatic nerves,

which were distinctive by stereomicroscopy, disappeared

during WD. These structures in sciatic nerves may be a

cluster of nodes of Ranvier and the clusters may create band-

like structures. We think that the gray tone of the transverse

stripes indicates nodes of Ranvier, and white regions indi-

cate myelin sheaths (internode) in Schwann cells (Fig. 1b).

Because the length of an internode (a portion between

nodes of Ranvier) is approximately 100–200 lm in Schw-

ann cells (Friede et al. 1981), the stripes could be observed

grossly by optical microscopy. To determine the relationship

between lysosomal exocytosis and myelination during

WD, we screened *10 drugs that possibly inhibited the

disappearance of the transverse stripes in ex vivo explant

cultures (Fig. 1a). In Fig. 1a, (???) indicates that the

number of the transverse stripes counted from a sciatic

explant of 2 lm in length is [10. Additionally, remaining

degrees, (??), (?), and (-), indicate 10 C (??) [ 5,

5 C (?) [ 0, and (-) = 0, respectively. We examined

whether lysosomal exocytosis agonists (i.e., bafilomycin A1,

zymosan, NH4Cl, KCN and ATP) (Tapper and Sundler

1995; Riches et al. 1983; Shin et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2007)

could inhibit the disappearance of transverse stripes of the

intact sciatic nerves, indicating a possible marker of nerve

degeneration, ATP (2 mM) almost completely suppressed

the loss of transverse stripes and acquisition of the fatty

appearance of sciatic nerve explants at 3DIV (Fig. 1a, b).

Next, we examined lysosomal exocytosis antagonists (met-

formin; Met, chlorpromazine; CP, vaculonin-1, and noco-

dazole) (Elferink 1979; Labuzek et al. 2010; Huynh and

Andrews 2005; Rodrıguez et al. 1999). We found that ATP-

treated explants showed the maintenance of transverse

stripes (92.7 %; of 28 sciatic explants, 26 was given ???).

Percentage of ATP/vacuolin-1 and ATP/nocodazole-treated

explants which were given ??? were 90.3 % (28 of 31

sciatic explants) and 96.3 % (26 of 27 sciatic explants),

respectively. Thus, we found that Met (500 lM) and CP

(30 lM) combined with ATP treatment resulted in the dis-

appearance of transverse stripes of intact sciatic nerves

(Fig. 1a, b).

To determine whether extracellular ATP is involved in

myelin sheath fragmentation, we analyzed morphological

changes of sciatic nerve fibers using ex vivo explant cul-

ture. In the ex vivo culture, myelin ovoid formation was

accompanied by WD progression (Jung et al. 2011b; Lee

et al. 2009). At 3DIV, the mean number of myelin ovoids

in a 200 lm length of myelinated nerve fibers was

12.2 ± 3.2. However, ATP (2 mM) treatment resulted in

significant inhibition of myelin ovoid formation

(1.75 ± 1.4) (Fig. 2a, b), suggesting that extracellular ATP

is involved in myelin ovoid formation. Because ATP is a

lysosomal exocytosis agonist, to examine the involvement

of lysosomal exocytosis in myelin sheath fragmentation

directly, we tested myelin ovoid formation of sciatic nerve

fibers using two drugs that effectively inhibit the disap-

pearance of transverse stripes in the screening, Met, which

acidifies lysosomal compartments (Labuzek et al. 2010),

and CP, which competes with Ca2? for membrane binding

sites (Elferink 1979). The blockage of lysosomal exocy-

tosis with Met or CP in the presence of ATP restored the

appearance of myelin ovoids (10.8 ± 1.6 or 11.3 ± 4.1),

similar to the nerve fibers at 3DIV with no treatment

(Fig. 2a, b). Immunostaining against myelin basic protein

(MBP) showed that the control revealed intact myelin

sheaths, whereas the samples at 3DIV showed decreased

signals and ovoids or clustered structures (Fig. 2c). We

Cell Mol Neurobiol (2014) 34:361–368 363


also found that the intact myelin-like MBP staining was

significantly preserved in NEM-treated nerves, compared

with that of the explants at 3DIV (Fig. 2c). Taken together,

these findings indicate that extracellular ATP may protect

the myelin sheath from degradation.

Maintenance of nerve fiber myelin sheath by lysosomal

exocytosis led us to examine whether lysosomal exocy-

tosis is involved in axonal degeneration during WD. To

determine the involvement of extracellular ATP in axonal

degradation during WD, we used neurofilament (NF) as

an axonal marker. Interestingly, we found that ATP

treatment significantly delayed axonal degeneration in

sciatic nerves (Fig. 1a). We also found that Met blocked

the effect of ATP on the inhibition of axonal degradation,

suggesting the involvement of lysosomal exocytosis

through extracellular ATP in degeneration (Fig. 3a).

Quantitative results of axonal degradation (NF index) also

showed the effect of ATP on the inhibition of axonal

degradation and the effect of Met on the restoration of

axonal degradation (Fig. 3b). In addition, we confirmed

the effect of extracellular ATP on delaying myelin

degradation; western blotting against myelin protein zero

(P0), revealing that myelin degradation was inhibited in

the ATP-treated nerve fibers during ex vivo culture

(Fig. 3c, d). Thus, these findings suggest that extracellular

ATP induces the inhibition of myelin degradation and

axonal degeneration.

Lastly, to confirm the effect of extracellular ATP on

myelin fragmentation and degradation in vivo, we applied

ATP to the distal stump of axotomized nerves for 3 days

and performed immunofluorescent labeling of the teased

nerve fibers (Fig. 4a). We next confirmed the results by

means of differential interference microscopy imaging and

immunofluorescent staining for P0 (Fig. 4b). The applica-

tion of ATP to the axotomized sciatic nerves induced the

preservation of P0 immunostaining and the inhibition of

ovoid formation (Fig. 4b) in vivo. The numbers of myelin

ovoids were 1.7 ± 0.4, 13.4 ± 3.7, and 5.8 ± 2.5 for the

control, non-ATP-treated, and ATP-treated groups,

respectively (Fig. 4c). These results suggest that extracel-

lular ATP blocks myelin ovoid formation and myelin

degradation in vivo during WD.

Fig. 1 Involvement of

lysosomal exocytosis in the

disappearance of transverse

stripes. a Table shows the effect

of nine drugs on the

disappearance of intact sciatic

nerve transverse stripes in

ex vivo Wallerian degeneration.

??? : Strong inhibition.

- : No effect. b Sciatic nerve

explants were cultured for

3 days (3DIV) in the absence or

presence of ATP (2 mM) or

metformin (Met, 500 lM), and

then the explants were

photographed under a


364 Cell Mol Neurobiol (2014) 34:361–368



ATP is critically involved in several fundamentally

important aspects of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)

as a neurotransmitter. In this study, we focused specifically

on the potential role of extracellular ATP in the regulation

of myelin fragmentation and degradation during WD. By

treating axotomized sciatic nerves with ATP, we were able

to show that an increase in extracellular ATP in environ-

ment around sciatic nerves delayed myelin fragmentation

and degradation in vivo (Fig. 4b, c). Furthermore, we

found that the effect of ATP on demyelination may be

involved in lysosomal exocytosis (Fig. 1). These findings

indicate that the regulation of extracellular ATP level in the

PNS may affect the process of Schwann cell demyelination

during WD.

Previous studies demonstrated that ATP is released from

peripheral nerves and Schwann cells after nerve injury and

in response to several stimuli (Jung et al. 2013; Grafe et al.

2006; Liu et al. 2005; Liu and Bennett 2003; Lazarowski

et al. 2003; Shin et al. 2012). This extracellular ATP is an

essential, activity-dependent axonal signal that inhibits the

proliferation and differentiation of Schwann cells during

Schwann cell development (Stevens and Fields 2000) and

dedifferentiation of Schwann cells after nerve injury (Shin

et al. 2013; Jessen and Mirsky 2008). Therefore, previous

studies showed that ATP as an extracellular signal is an

essential factor involved in Schwann cell dynamics.

Here, we propose that lysosomal exocytosis may be

involved in demyelination of Schwann cells during WD.

Extracellular ATP increases intracellular Ca2? in Schwann

cells and leads to increases in the lysosomal pH, resulting in

lysosomal exocytosis (Ansselin et al. 1997; Takenouchi et al.

2009). We found that the increased ATP in ex vivo and

in vivo models inhibited myelin degradation during WD. In

addition, in the presence of ATP in ex vivo culture, Met and

CP, as lysosomal exocytosis antagonists, reversed the effect

of ATP on the inhibition of myelin ovoid formation and

myelin degradation (Figs. 1 and 2). Thus, these findings

suggest that extracellular ATP-induced-lysosomal exocy-

tosis in Schwann cells may be involved in demyelination

during WD. During WD, LAMP1 is increased in injured

Fig. 2 Extracellular ATP

inhibits myelin sheath

fragmentation. a Differential

interference microscopy of

teased nerve fibers for 3DIV in

the absence or presence of ATP.

Scale bar 100 lm.

b Quantitative result of the

myelin ovoid index showing the

effect of ATP (2 mM), Met

(metformin, 500 lM), and CP

(chlorpromazine, 30 lM) on

myelin fragmentation. Three

mice were used for each ovoid

experiment. Each group

contained 18–24 sciatic

explants. c Teased nerve fibers

were immunostained with anti-

MBP antibody (green). Scale

bar 200 lm (Color figure


Cell Mol Neurobiol (2014) 34:361–368 365


sciatic nerves; thus, lysosomal activation may be involved in

the increase in phagocytosis to remove myelin fragments in

Schwann cells (Lee et al. 2009; Jung et al. 2011a). Typically,

lysosomal acidification inhibits lysosomal exocytosis and

increases phagocytosis to remove intercellular debris or

foreign bodies, but the alkalization of lysosomal vesicles

induces lysosomal exocytosis (Blott and Griffiths 2002). In

the present study, we believe that the concept of ATP-

induced-lysosomal exocytosis during WD is different from

the previously reported lysosomal activation after nerve

injury. After nerve injury, Schwann cell lysosomes may be

acidified, which may inhibit lysosomal exocytosis and sub-

sequently increase the engulfment of myelin fragments.

When the extracellular ATP level is increased during WD,

the increased ATP may induce the alkalization of existing

acidified lysosomal vesicles through a Ca2?-dependent

manner (Dou et al. 2012, Ansselin et al. 1997), and then

lysosomal exocytosis may occur in Schwann cells. In addi-

tion, CP may regulate the Ca2? concentration to block the

effect of ATP (Labuzek et al. 2010), and Met may block

ATP-induced-lysosomal exocytosis in an AMPK-dependent

manner (Elferink 1979). Thus, it seems likely that some

secretory proteins induced by lysosomal exocytosis in

Schwann cells prevent myelin fragmentation and degrada-

tion. Further studies are needed to reveal the underlying

mechanisms of ATP-induced-lysosomal exocytosis in

demyelination during WD.

On the other hand, during WD, both Schwann cells and

macrophages are activated to engulf myelin sheaths (Rot-

shenker 2011; Dubovy 2011). Previous studies have

reported that the in vitro activated Schwann cells by P2X7

induce the release of IL-1b which is an inflammatory

molecule for the recruitment of macrophages (Colomar

et al. 2003; Martini et al. 2008). In this study, the increased

extracellular ATP may affect to increase the release the

inflammatory molecule and to accelerate the myelin deg-

radation. However, there are two possibilities to explain the

contradiction to the previous knowledge: (1) In ATP-trea-

ted ex vivo experiments, the effect of the recruitment of

macrophages on the myelin engulfment could be excluded

due to ex vivo sciatic nerve system; (2) Because Schwann

cells may have a much greater influence on the engulfment

of myelin sheaths than macrophages do in in vivo system,

the inhibited engulfment of myelin sheaths in ATP-treated

Schwann cells may be essential for the inhibition of myelin

degradation during Wallerian degeneration.

In conclusion, here, we found that extracellular ATP is

involved in demyelination during WD and that the role of

extracellular ATP in demyelination is dependent on lyso-

somal exocytosis. These results strongly suggest that the

Fig. 3 ATP delays axonal

degradation during WD. a The

sciatic nerve sections of

cultured explants were

immunolabeled with NF

antibodies. Scale bar 50 lm.

b Quantitative result showing

intact NF (longer than 40 lm)

from 300 nerve fibers in each

group under a microscopic field.

Three mice were used for the


c Sciatic nerve explants were

cultured for 3 days in the

absence or presence of ATP and

Met. Protein extracts from the

explants were analyzed by

western blotting. P0; myelin

protein zero. d Quantitative

analysis of western blotting data

illustrates the relative intensity

of the P0 band. Four

independent experiments were

performed for the western blot


366 Cell Mol Neurobiol (2014) 34:361–368


regulation of extracellular ATP might be a novel thera-

peutic target for myelination disorders.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Dong-A Uni-

versity research fund.

Conflict of interest The authors claim no conflict interests.


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