actual person


Upload: ilya-smirnov

Post on 09-Feb-2016




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Not an actual person



Actual Person!

!I Wish I Was Dead Everyday and Thats Not a Bad Thing If You Think of it

As A Longing for A Fresh Rebirth!

I Want To Post Song Lyrics!

I Suffered Through Workplace Mobbing… Its About The Long Con!

I Don’t Know How To Compose Oxygen!

I Wonder If I Would Like Myself If I Met Me!

She Was All Like…!

He Was Going in For a Hug I Mistook it For a Kiss!

I Want a Penpal!

I was the first customer at a brand new McDonald's on its opening day!

I Wipe the Blood from Your Eyes and Then Touch Your Face with Blood

Hand !

He’s Not Like Us, He’s A Nice Person!

I Scatter These About My Room So People Think That I’m Getting Some!

I Am Angered At Certain Events and Situations!

I Am Bi!

I Love Weird Facts!

I Am the Great Pretender!

Ugly Hurts!

I have let Challenges and trials in my life break me down enough I now

realize i am in control of how i react to situations because life is gonna

happen whether its relationships bills etc i choose to do the best I can!

We're All Alone Together!

Why Do I Need The State To Validate Our Love!

I Wont Abandon a Friend When Times Get Tough!

I Am Addicted to Chapstick!

My Peppermint Chapstick Melted!!!!

Yes - I left it in my jeans pocket washed it and put it in the dryer.!

Now - all my clotes smell like peppermint chapstick!!  : (!

Damn, I really loved my peppermint chap too ... *sigh*, it was a love so

perfect, so true : )!

I Don’t Even Believe in Society!

I Do Drug and Forget To Put On Underwear!

SoRRy I am JudGing YOU!

I wear make up only because I want sex and compassion from strangers!

I Hate Outdated Software !

I work at Best Buy!

I Found This Site By Accident!

I'm gay and have never had a kiss so I'm pretty sure that nobody wants to

kiss me idk why and I want to kiss it sounds perfect perfect and have I

mentioned perfect yet I WANT A KISS!

I Like Writing Random Thoughts!

I am the father of an 8 year old drummer who has 1.4 Million youtube


Do you ever run out of data on a monthly basis and have to stop using your


I am a Certified Hanna Somatic Educator that teaches people how to move

out of chronic tension and pain to regain flexibility and ease of movement!

I cut off all my hair when he left me!

I faked pregnancy at my last job to take an extra long vacation!!

Why am i even online its not like the love of my life will message me today !

I Secretely Watched Someone Jack Off!

I Love the Female Body!

I just got home from donating bone marrow!

I love to Wear Wigs… I Love Wigs!

I love Kissing!

I own a small home theater business!

I Have Lost a Child!

Why is there some chick in my seat?!

I went home with a random guy last night!

I am a Scottish TV development producer in Asia looking for the next best


I Alway Say “im Fine”… I’M Fine!

I have CP and Aspergers. Feel free to ask any questions about me!

I Enjoy Impressionism… Monet!

I Am Fascinated By Human Behavior!

I Am A Diapered Teen!

I Am Amazed At How Many People Were Spanked Growing Up!

I Am Horrified Of Friends Knowing I Get Spankings!

I Am Still Spanked By Mom!

I Broke Curfew And Got Spanked!

I Deserve More Spankings Than I Get!

I Had My Mouth Washed Out With Soap!

I Had To Bring The Hairbrush To My Mom When She Spanked Me!

Too Many Girls!!

Pooping in pants is always so lovely feel :) Welcome to back!!

I fall in love so easy. There are three girls at work that regularly send me off

into a daydream of windswept shores and wild romantic fun!

All men are ********!

I Love the Brave Little Toaster!

to rest aniways they real etz cup ck peopl n then!

Why do men have to lie when they are caught red handed. I mean damn

the truth will come out sometime. End the bullshit guys the truth shall set

you free fools. I am so mad at the men race right now.!

end **** buzz lik party n go through notes nap gals somhow!

nev bar met nowa days sinc was timbut ye n then ye just gov thing so non


aniways they all kinds behind but most sect plic then at rhnfs!

things or something nev visit non trusted no adres corecr etz!

Do you think president Obama is circumcised?!

Loneliness Is ... Loneliness is like a void, a black pit of despair filled with

heartache and longing.!

Loneliness is a gateway to temptation, it's doors forever guarded by a pair

of desires. The desire to be noticed and the desire to be needed.!

Loneliness is standing in a crowded room, a mind full of sorrows and

regrets longing to be shared, while you smile beguilingly and delight those

who surround you.!

I’m Just A Regular Kinky Dude!!

Loneliness is a hunger, a craving for more.!

Loneliness is human ...!

I am human, and loneliness is my one true vulnerability.!

I AM Stronger Because of All I’ve Been Through!

Do you believe every word he says? Can't you see he but spins webs of

lies, using you for selfish reasons?!

Is This A Good Question?!

I Wonder if I Have Feelings!

What recurring thought always runs through your head?!

I Battle Depression!

Would you date Bill from facebook?!

I love art, tattoos, snowboarding, basketball, good food and… lesbians!

How do you date someone online? Sounds retarded to me.!

I Am Lonely!

I Yell At Inanimate Objects!

I am a dyspraxic adult in England.!

I am lonely.!

Oh my friend why did you have to be so accurate....I think I felt every


I am sorry to everyone I hope everyone understands I just want a nice

simple girl who will give me a chance and gets me I work too hard and

Especially with the holidays approaching I am tired of coming home to an

empty cold house and an empty cold bed!

I Need Someone to Talk to!

I Am Depressed!

I Love Trance Music!

I love to bite into pussies!

I Want a Friend to Talk to!

I'm the person that always wants to be there for people, but hardly get the

chance because people don't give me a chance...!

How do you express your vengeance on the common house fly?!

Are you a creative person? They say that creative people are also the most

unethical people. What do you say?!

I Love to Play Golf!

I Use Music Lyrics To Explain My Feelings!

I wake up every morning and check my phone looking for a text message

or hoping I didn't miss a random call. There's normally nothing. I go through

my day working in a daycare practically on my own with nine screaming

kids but I try to stay positive about it. !

I am the page admin for Brock Obama.!

I Married The Wrong Woman!

I Want to Help People Improve Their Lives!

I Enjoy Helping Others!

I go to a STEM highschool in Redmond, Washington!!

Is it ever ok to hate someone?!

I Want Someone to Talk Or Chat With!

I Am The Other Woman!

I Made My Friend Fat!

I Write!

I am a White Supremacist and I watched Breaking Bad!

I Am Lonely!

I Want to Runaway and Never Look Back!

I Think Alot About Random Stuff!

I Live In a Sexless Marriage!

I Am a Fan of Dr Who!

I Want To Be Dominated By Men!

I Like to Read!

I Have a Weird Sense of Humor!

I am the youngest and only female trash collector in my city!

I Am Naked Right Now!

it is quite libertaing too!

I am a Professional Data Recovery Expert,!

I 've Done Acid!

I just age 2 pounds of carrots!

I Lost a Loved One to Suicide!

I Hate My Baby's Daddy!

I 'm a Movie Addict!

I Feel So Alone!

I Met Someone Online Who Is Important to Me!

I met him.. But he is too far.. The world is unfair..!

I Am Insecure!

I Think Too Much!

Is there anyone out there who wants to escape to a life far away in a dark

mystical forest, where time is a stranger and memories are the only


I Loved a Show That Got Cancelled!

My mind is my greatest asset and also my greatest hindrance. I am an

adjunct college professor.!

I Miss My Mom Who Passed Away!

I have Asperger's Syndrome and am a web designer/developer.!

I Need Someone to Talk to Right Now!

I've been hurt. I've been dumped from my second significant relationship!

…..i feel like no one cares at all!

I Love My Dog More Than Most People!

He's my very best friend. Always happy to see me.!

I Fell In Love With My Cousin!

I Wish My Parents Were Less Overprotective!

I Hate My Parents!

I met you in Tacoma, WA at the comedy show...and you called me later that


I Have a Bucketlist!

I Always Miss You!

The guy at radioshack saw a picture of my vag when he transferred my

information to my other phone. !

!I Have Or Want To Volunteer Abroad!

I Love Songs That I Can Relate to!

I Learned At A Young Age How Tough The World Can Be!

From age 11 I've been my own bestfriend and worst enemy, It's sad having

to grow up that fast :/!

I’m Bipolar 1 with psychotic features!

I Just Want Everyone to Feel Loved!

I Am a Teenage Crossdresser!

Was I a villain in my past life for all this crap to be happening to me ?!

I never ate a pop tart!

I Hate Getting the Silent Treatment!

I Know Someone Amazing!

I Feel Left Out!

I Miss My Boyfriend Who Passed Away!

I Love a Good Quote!

I Pray Every Day!

I Want to Write the Story of My Life!

I Hate Justin Bieber!

I Like To Write Poetry!

I'm sitting next to my grandmas hospice bed as she looses the fight to an


I Love Finding Funny Pictures!

I Love the Way Music Makes Me Feel!

I Listen to the Same Song Over and Over!

I Love Tumblr!

I secretly wish that my eye lash and shooting star wishes would come true!

Yes I have Scars on My Arms!

I am a tour guide in one of the world's leading museums and I get groups

from school-children to religious leaders!

Sometimes I hold my poop cause it feels good!

Hi I am who cares, from no one knows.!

How I got in League of Legends from bronze to platinum in 7 weeks !

I met some of my best friends in the psych ward!

That awkward moment when your student tells you she has a fantasy

involving you which is why she’s acting weird, and you really don’t know

what to say.!

If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you be more careful

about what you said?!

I was inappropriately touched in the mall by a disabled man. I know he’s

not all there, but its still unacceptable!

Who else wants to go to tomorrow land?!

I Love Dragons!

You broke me. Thanks.!

I Love Thunderstorms!

I’m not a romantic person but I really want a kiss in the rain!!

My cat loves to sleep in my pants while I’m shitting!

Sometimes I cry so hard but afterwards I feel better.!

I Fantasize Constantly!

I've been to almost everywhere. I like to travel a lot and i love exploring

new places!!

I Want You to Rate My Body!

I Love to Share My Thoughts and Feelings!

I Have Embarrassing Childhood Memories!

I Celebrate 420!

A Perfect Day is When You Feel Loved By Yourself!

I Am Just Disgusted With Some People!

I Love Pranks and Being Pranked!

I Talk to Myself!

I Giggle During Awkward Silence's!

Because I don't think one should ever feel awkward.!

I Am Prone to Inappropriate Laughter!

I Want To Live In A Different Country!

I Like Watching Stars At Night!

I Am Affected By the Weather!

I Love Dubstep!

I am affected by the weather, but not in total.!

I am a target employee!

I Hate Racism and Discrimination!

I Want to Memorialize A Fallen Soldier!

I Am Open Minded!

Some times the person who keeps every one happy is the most lonely


I Am Disgusted With Our Corrupt Government!

Describe your genitalia using a food comparison!

I Hate the Illuminati!

I am !

I am duel gendered, meaning I identify as male and female,!

I Believe People Come Into Your Life For a Reason!

I Love Black Bbw!

I Think Everyone Deserves To Be Loved!

I Hate Society!

I Love These Lyrics!

I am monophobic and am alone!

I Accept the Theory of Evolution!

I Like to Collect Quotes!

Any lady want to try the back door?!

I Am In Love With a Fictional Character!

I Share These Words!

I Love Music!

I am drunk!

I live in the Netherlands, in a mental hospital and I am bored!

I Don't Believe Everything Im Told!

Call me the devil, for I am the ruler of the new hell!

I Am Struggling To Keep Myself Together!

Shes not ur soulmate until you live together an have the same feelings!

I Hate School!

I Admire Unusual And Intellectual People!

I admire those who prefer the thunderous, gray, and chaotic sky over the

blue, motionless and dull;!

Those who seem to be able to find a rainbow in the grayness. I've always

loved storms more than anything and it's a bit unusual how I see a storm as

so poetic, so deep with meaning. Thunder makes me uncontrollably smile

and laugh, and a few times made me cry from an emotion that only thunder

can bring. !

things like this make me feel so alive.!

I Love Him!

I Like Text Messaging!

I skipped a family member’s funeral to go to the gym!

I Love The United Nations!

I Love Un Secretary General !

I Am a Love Addict!

I Have a Wild Imagination!

Why do bad things continuously happen to good people?What if I'm not

really into him but he likes me??!

This work shit sucks!

I Love the Color Black!

When you think philosophically what do you think about?!

I Love Someone Who Lives Far Away!

I Can Almost Feel Him!

I am a semi reformed gang member!

I Love a Man Who’s Far Away!

I Hate That you Are So Far away!

It’ll Never Be And It Makes My Heartache!

Pringles just introduced these new chip that is advertised as tasting like a

tortilla, it just tastes like Doritos!

Music festival season is right around the corner and I’m so fucking excited!

I am one of the few INTJ personalities!

I Admire Oriental Beauty!

If you could represent yourself by a single object, what would that object


I love nerdy girls!

I Encountered a Ghostly Presence!

I want a good girl not a party slut!

I Loved Someone That Didn't Love Me!

I never faked an orgasm and never will. I will not pretend to be satisfied

when you are.!

I am an iOS Apple Care Advisor,!

I Love Songs That Have Meaningful Lyrics To Me!

I am so hungry but eating food seems so gross!

I have sined many sins and was under the control of the devel.!

I Cut My Own Hair!

I’ll Mourn Forever!

I Am a medical student but I secretly smoke and take lots of party

drugs… :/!

I Fold Origami!

I love art!

Bored Bored Bored!

I Have Never Been In a Relationship!

He said everybody deserves to have their dreams come true!

I’m still a virgin and its never going to change because my fantasy wont

come true!

I just get so passionate and worked up!

Y is it that other peoples dreams can come true but mine can’t?!

I miss her so much!

Do Nymphs Even Exist!

I’m Too Old for the Girl I Love!

My Mother in Law’s House Smells Like armpit!

I Am Against Rape!

Even if you don’t admit it we all like sex & sometimes you just need to get


I Fell In Love At First Sight!

I Need Money Now!

I want to fucking die!

Metal girls drive me crazy!

I am ugly and gross!

I feel !

what the fuck am i doing with my life!

I was going to instagram a pic of my pedicure…but then I realized how

hairy my toes are….!

I would rather be hated for who I am, than adored for being someone im
