action plan - ict

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education (DepEd) Region VII, Central Visayas Division of Cebu MANTALONGON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Mantalongon, Dalaguete, Cebu ICT Department [email protected] ICT ACTION PLAN FOR 2013-2014 OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED RESOURCE REQUIREMENT I. Student Academic Performance in ICT a) To increase the MPS by 5% b) To identify students strengths and weaknesses in terms of learning competencies c) To stress students’ mastery and retention of the lessons and Review and written tests Review exercises Demonstration classes, lesson integration Enrichment exercises Collaborative learning Pair groupings Pretest and post test Skills cooperative learning Hands-on activities June to March Guidance coordinator Computer Teacher Parents Students School Head Review materials Teacher made Questionnaires Reading materials Textbooks Learning Modules Reference books Online sites Online PCs WiFi devices Mobile with WiFi built Computer Parts and Peripherals ICT Equiptment Paper CDs and DVDs DLP projector

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ICT doc


Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of Education (DepEd)Region VII, Central VisayasDivision of CebuMANTALONGON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLantalongon, Dalaguete, CebuICT Department!!!"mantalongonnhsict"!eebly"commantalongon#nhs$yahoo"comICT ACTION PLAN FOR 2013-2014OBJCTI!S STRATGIS TIM FRAM PRSONS IN!OL!D RSO"RC R#"IRMNTI" %tudent &cademic Performance in IC'a) 'o increase the P% by ()b) 'o identify students strengths and !ea*nesses in terms of learning competenciesc) 'o stress students+ mastery and retention of the lessons and activities Revie! and !ritten tests Revie! e,ercises Demonstration classes, lesson integration Enrichment e,ercises Collaborative learning Pair groupings Pretest and post test %*ills cooperative learning -ands.on activities/une to arch 0uidance coordinator Computer 'eacher Parents %tudents %chool -ead Revie! materials 'eacher made 1uestionnaires Reading materials 'e,tboo*s 2earning odules Reference boo*s 3nline sites 3nline PCs 4i5i devices obile !ith 4i5i built Computer Parts and Peripherals IC' E6uiptment Paper CDs and DVDs D2P pro7ector 4hite 8oardII" Curriculum Development (CP.'2E %EC9:;:.Computer 'echnology) 8EC and < to;9 Programa) 'o implement the present curriculum, programs and pro7ects 2earning plan /ournals &dditional te,tboo*s to be funded by DepEd, 20=, > IC'.P'&/une to December 0uidance coordinator IC' Coordinator %tudents %chool -ead Curriculum 0uide 'eacher+s 0uide 'eacher+s 2earning aterials %*illboo* Revie! materialsb) 'o adhere the different learning styles of studentsc) 'o attend seminars and trainingsd) 'o encourage co.teachers to continue their professional educatione) 'o coordinate co.teachers in the implementation of IC' technical assistance in the campus IC' revie! materials in the !ebsite Peer mentoring Cooperative underta*ings IC'.P'& officers Pamphlets %38 %IP &IP 4ebsite for 3nline 2ecture and 3nline 1ui??es DepEd 3rders and emosIII" IC' 'eacher Developmenta" 'o enhance IC' teacher@s in IC' s*ills trainings !ith 'E%D&b" 'o encourage IC' teacher@s to ta*e units@ma7or sub7ects in IC', I' and Computer 'echnology courses in the universityc" 'o get involved in research in IC' or thesis !riting in Computer 'echnology In.service training on strategies and techni6ues in teaching IC' 0raduate %chool studies and research %eminars@trainings@!or*shops Enrolling and ta*ing up of ma7or sub7ect in I', IC' in a university/une to arch Div" 3ffice@Educ" %uper.visor IC' Coordinator %chool -ead 'E%D& personnel D3%' personnel university professors Performance &ppraisal %ystem of 'eachers (P&%') Division emo 4ebsites Certificates 'raining odules and anuals '3R Diploma@certificateIV" %tudents+ Developmenta" 'o e,pose@participate in different activities especially in IC'@'2E programs to develop students+ s*ills and talentsb" 'o guide students value discipline inthe proper solid !aste managementc" 'o support school+s pro7ect in 2ivelihood Entrepreneurshipd" 'o assist classmates and schoolmates in the 5ood %upplementation to malnourished studentse" 'o encourage students get involved in practicum Collaborative learning Cooperative s*ills learning Peer mentoring -ands on &ctivities 3nline publications 3nline communications through E.mails %ystematic Documentations/une to arch Div" 3ffice@Educ" %uper.visor IC' Coordinator Principal 'eachers P'& officials 20=s A03s 0uidance Counselor Canteen personnel %%0 C&' officers residents Certificate 5orms IC' E6uipment 3nline PC 4aste %egregation Containers 5ood utensils and e6uipment Personal Computer Printer Router %!itch -ubs ='P Cable R/ B( 'ools manuals38/EC'IVE% %'R&'E0IE% 'IE 5R&E PER%3A% IAV32VED RE%3=RCE RE1=IREEA'IV" IC' Physical 5acilitiesa) 'o improve Computer 2aboratorythrough re.structuringb) 'o emphasi?e conducive and functional research laboratoryc) 'o install !ireless routers and s!itch hubs to other school bldgs"d) 'o relocate Computer 2aboratory e) 'o install !indo! and door drills at Emerald classroom, soon to be an ideal Computer 2aboratoryf) 'o cover Computer 2ab !ith tilesg) 'o install CR and lavatoryh) 'o install a !ide e,it gate nearest tothe Computer 2abi) 'o purchase air.con and vacuum cleaner for PC maintenance %olicitation from parents Re6uesting financial assistance from 20=s , P'&,A03s, and 33& aintaining the clean and safety environment in the campus Purchasing of !ireless routers, s!itch hubs, and ='P cable to e,tend Internet signals to the main campus Preventing robbery Precautionary measures for emergency/une to arch IC'.P'& officers, parents %chool -ead A03+s Div" 3ffice@Physical 5acilities %upervisor %chool -ead P'& officers 20=s IC' Coordinator Parents@guardians %chool committees 33E 2i6uidation in.charge 2ead Principal 'e,tboo* and instructionalaid and materials 5orm C Physical 5acilities > Inventory 5orms I' E6uipment Inventory 5orms Resolutions Inspection Reports Canvas of aterials Program of 4or* %38 %IP &IP manualsV" Evaluation and onitoringa) 'o administer A&' e,amb) 'o conduct s*ills assessment and contestsc) 'o conduct hands.on, mastery and periodic tests d) 'o use online mastery tests and online 6ui??ese) 'o conduct IC' Inventory &naly?ing mastery, periodic and A&' results Enhancing students s*ills in IC' =pdating online publication of IC' documents/une to arch 'E%D& personnel%chool -ead IC' Coordinator IC'.P'& %tudents P% %ummative and 5ormative A&' Result 3ther Data in Electronic 3utputs !ebsite %tudents+ !ebpages Electronic outputsPrepared byDGORG P$ L"MA%AG ICT CoordinatorhttpD@@!!!"georgelumayag"com@george2013