acquisitions list march 2013 - nato

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Acquisitions List March 2013 New Books and Journal Articles

Liste d’acquisitions Mars 2013 Nouveaux livres et articles de revues

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New Books Nouveaux livres

AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Du djihad aux larmes d'Allah : Afghanistan, les sept piliers de la betise / by Rene Cagnat. - Monaco : Editions du Rocher, 2012. 148 p.; 21 cm. ID number: 80024776 Type: M Call Number: 355.4 /01809 ISBN: 9782268074269 Author(s): 1. Cagnat, Rene Bibliography: p.147-148. 'Specialiste de l'Asie centrale, ulcere par l'aveuglement americano-britannique en Afghanistan, l'auteur ecrit, de 2001 a nos jours, toute une serie d'articles accompagnant et meme annoncant le cours fatal des evenements. Malheureusement il n'a jamais pu se faire entendre. Cet ouvrage detaille les sept erreurs gravissimes : 'les sept piliers de la betise'. Elles furent commises d'abord par les Americains, neophytes en terre afghane, mais etrangement relayees par les Britanniques, incapables de faire profiter leurs allies de la dure experience du grand jeu qui fut la leur au XIXe siecle. Les comparses de l'OTAN ont suivi, peu a peu rejoints par la France dans l'incapacite de maintenir cette distance pleine de dignite dont elle venait de faire preuve en Irak.' AFGHAN WAR, 2001---PARTICIPATION, FRENCH Diplomate en guerre a Kaboul : les coulisses de l'engagement de la France / by Jean d' Amecourt. - Paris : Laffont, 2013. 361 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024785 Type: M Call Number: 355.4 /01810 ISBN: 9782221133576 Author(s): 1. Amecourt, Jean d' Includes index. 'Dans l'ombre du 11 septembre, la guerre d'Afghanistan a ouvert le XXIe siecle sur un drame abstrait et lointain. Plus de dix ans apres l'effondrement des tours jumelles du World Trade Center, alors meme que les derniers soldats francais quittent les contreforts de l'Hindou Kouch, cette guerre, si mal comprise, reste au coeur des equilibres internationaux. Au-dela des images chocs, l'auteur, ambassadeur de France a Kaboul de 2008 a 2011, raconte une experience exceptionnelle vecue au centre des enjeux et des contradictions des allies en Afghanistan. Melant la vie quotidienne et la reflexion, son livre nous entraine dans les subtilites du jeu diplomatique, le defi des interventions armees, les paradoxes de l'aide au developpement, les difficultes de la reconstruction d'un Etat.'

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ARAB SPRING, 2010- The Arab Spring : New Patterns for Democracy and International Law. - Leiden : Nijhoff, 2013. xi, 292 p.; 24 cm. (Nijhoff Law Specials ; 82) ID number: 80024801 Type: M Call Number: 323 /01322 ISBN: 9789004230415 Includes index. 'This book explores a number of critical issues brought to the forefront of the international community as a result of the uprisings which began in the Middle East and North Africa in early 2011. Particularly prominent among these are issues concerning the right to democracy within international law, self-determination, recognition of newly installed governments, the use of force for humanitarian purposes, protection of human rights, and the prosecution of international crimes.' ARMS TRANSFERS--LAW AND LEGISLATION--EU COUNTRIES Le controle du courtage en armements : quelle mise en oeuvre au sein de l'UE ? / by Kloe Tricot O'Farrell. - Bruxelles : GRIP, 2013. 35 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 2/2013) ID number: 80024810 Type: M Call Number: 382 /00347 Author(s): 1. O'Farrell, Kloe Tricot 'Le role des courtiers en armements est mal connu. Operateurs des transactions legales, ils sont egalement des acteurs-cles dans les trafics d'armes. Si les activites de courtage s'executent la plupart du temps dans un cadre legal, certains courtiers malhonnetes tirent profit des faiblesses des regles existantes pour emprunter des voies illegales en toute impunite. En 2003, les Etats membres de l'UE se sont engages a mettre leurs legislations nationales en conformite avec la Position commune 2003/468/PESC du Conseil du 23 juin 2003 sur le controle du courtage en armements. Dix ans apres, l'heure est au bilan. Celui-ci s'avere plutot positif puisque seul le Luxembourg n'a pas encore adapte sa legislation. Trois autres Etats membres (Belgique, France et Italie) doivent toujours rendre les leurs conformes avec les exigences de ladite Position commune. Toutefois, si les vingt-trois autres Etats membres sont en regle, il reste de nombreuses disparites entre leurs legislations; celles-ci ont un effet deletere sur la qualite et l'efficacite des controles. Lacunes et differences legislatives ouvrent la voie au trafic illegal puisque certains courtiers exploitent ces zones grises en menant leurs activites au depart de pays moins regardants. Ce rapport etudie les diverses dispositions etablies par les Etats membres de l'UE en matiere de courtage et recommande l'adoption, par tous, d'une approche legislative globale afin de contrer le courtage illegal a partir de leur territoire ou exerce par leurs ressortissants et/ou citoyens etablis. Enfin, l'analyse est agrementee des bonnes pratiques de certains Etats ainsi que d'exemples concrets de l'impact des mesures en vigueur.'

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BALANCE OF POWER Strategic Stability : Contending Interpretations. - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College, 2013. viii, 440 p.; 23 cm. ID number: 80024807 Type: M Call Number: 623 /01171 ISBN: 1584875623 BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSES--USA Du bouclier antimissile aux nouvelles relations americano-russes : 2000-2011 / by Benjamin Bord. - Paris : Harmattan, 2012. 208 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024778 Type: M Call Number: 327 /01632 ISBN: 9782296962309 Author(s): 1. Bord, Benjamin Bibliography: p. 191-203. 'Poursuivie depuis le debut de la guerre froide, l'ambition des Etats-Unis de se doter de la technologie permettant de contrer une attaque balistique accidentelle ou intentionnelle a ete relancee par l'administration Bush a partir de 2001. Le nouveau projet, plus ambitieux, se voulait global et consistait meme en la protection des allies des Etats-Unis qui le desireraient, comme l'avait deja propose le president Clinton. Si la question relative au bouclier antimissile americain est nee du nouveau projet de Georges W. Bush, c'est avec l'election de Barack Obama qu'elle prend un tournant decisif. Ayant saisi l'enjeu du probleme, a savoir les nombreuses reticences de certains allies traditionnels et surtout le refus categorique de la Russie de voir la Pologne et la Republique tcheque accueillir des elements de la 'troisieme position americaine', la nouvelle administration decide d'abandonner cette option pour reflechir a un autre projet. Cette pause est notamment marquee par la volonte affichee de Barack Obama de transformer les relations bilaterales avec la Federation de Russie au nom d'interets plus globaux, interets qui s'inscrivent dans la nouvelle politique etrangere des Etats-Unis. Mais cette strategie et ces relations bilaterales ne sont pas sans certaines limites.' BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION (1972) A Peer-Review Mechanism for the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention / by James Revill. - Geneva : UNIDIR, 2013. xviii, 96 p.; 21 cm. ID number: 80024808 Type: M Call Number: 327.3 /00710 Author(s): 1. Revill, James 'At the Seventh Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) in December 2011, a debate was initiated on the potential of developing a peer-review system to build confidence in the implementation of the Convention. Peer review has precedent in the activities of a number of international organizations, although the objectives, format, participants, and structure of the mechanisms vary. This study takes the debate forward by looking at what peer review is, how it works elsewhere, how it could be applied in the context of the BTWC, what would be required to move forward, and what possible advantages or disadvantages a peer-review process would confer to the BTWC in light of the Convention's recent history.'

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CYBERSPACE Cyberspace and National Security : Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World. - Washington : Georgetown University Press, 2012. ix, 246 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ID number: 80024796 Type: M Call Number: 355.4 /01811 ISBN: 9781589019188 Includes index. 'This book brings together scholars, policy analysts, and information technology executives to consider current and future cyber threats, discuss various strategies to advance and defend national interests in cyberspace, contrast the US approach with European and Chinese views, and posit a way of using cyber capabilities in war. Fundamentally, the book establishes a coherent framework to help strategists and policymakers understand the ways in which cyberspace has become a critical new domain for national security.' DRONE AIRCRAFT--USA Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies / by Micah Zenko. - New York : Council on Foreign Relations, 2013. 41 p.; 30 cm. (Council Special Report ; 65) ID number: 80024791 Type: M Call Number: 623 /01169 ISBN: 9780876095447 Author(s): 1. Zenko, Micah 'Over the last ten years, drones have become a critical tool in the war against terrorist and militant organizations worldwide. Their advantages over other weapons and intelligence systems are well known. They can silently observe an individual, group, or location for hours on end, but take immediate action should a strike opportunity become available - all without putting a pilot at risk. This combination of capabilities is unique and has allowed the United States to decimate the leadership of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and disrupt the activities of many other militant groups. Yet, drones are not without their drawbacks, especially with regard to targeted killings. Like any tool, drones are only as useful as the information guiding them, and for this they are heavily reliant on local military and intelligence cooperation. More important, significant questions exist about who constitutes a legitimate target and under what circumstances it is acceptable to strike. There is also the question of net utility : to what extent are the specific benefits derived from drone strikes offset by the reality that the strikes often alienate the local government and population ? And there is the reality that drones are proliferating but, as is often the case with new technologies, the international legal and regulatory framework is lagging behind. The author puts forward a substantive agenda. He argues that the United States should end so-called signature strikes, which target unidentified militants based on their behavior patterns and personal networks, and limit targeted killings to a limited number of specific terrorists with transnational ambitions. He also calls Congress to improve its oversight of drone strikes and to continue restrictions on armed drone sales. Finally, he recommends that the United States work internationally to establish rules and norms governing the use of drones.'

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ELECTRONICS IN MILITARY ENGINEERING Les 36 stratagemes : l'art de la guerre electronique / by Olivier Terrien. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2012. 239 p.; 21 cm. ID number: 80024806 Type: M Call Number: 623 /01170 ISBN: 9782954199603 Author(s): 1. Terrien, Olivier Bibliography: p. 237-239. 'L'electronique des radars, des radios, des telephones, des ordinateurs ou des reseaux informatiques constitue un formidable levier de pouvoir pour qui la maitrise. Elle peut cependant devenir une vulnerabilite redoutable pour qui ne la comprend pas. Decrire l'influence de l'electronique dans l'Histoire a travers des conflits recents offre a un lecteur meme neophyte une approche didactique pour en apprehender les enjeux. Ouvrage de sensibilisation, ce livre s'inspire d'une reference, Le Traite des 36 stratagemes. A l'instar de L'Art de la guerre de Sun Tsu, chaque chapitre de ce classique chinois aborde un principe historique ou strategique puis l'illustre d'exemples similaires. Dans cette version revisitee, chacun de ces trente-six stratagemes se complete ainsi d'une declinaison moderne choisie dans les anecdotes de la guerre electronique, dans l'espionnage des telecommunications ou des piratages dans le cyberespace.' ESPIONAGE L'espionnage dans le droit international / by Fabien Lafouasse. - Paris : Nouveau Monde Editions, 2012. 492 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (Le Grand Jeu) ID number: 80024777 Type: M Call Number: 327.8 /00190 ISBN: 9782847366549 Author(s): 1. Lafouasse, Fabien Bibliography: p. 465-487. 'Paradoxe juridique a la limite de la schizophrenie, l'espionnage entre Etats n'en reste pas moins une activite universelle. L'activite de l'espion est illicite mais conduite a l'instigation des gouvernements : voila toute la complexite et l'ambiguite de l'espionnage. Devant ce dilemme, le droit international eprouve des difficultes a trancher. Il s'abstient d'interdire expressement le recueil clandestin de donnees confidentielles par les services de renseignements de ces memes gouvernements qui n'hesiteront pas a sanctionner tout agent capture. C'est donc bien a ses risques et perils que l'espion effectue sa mission. Pour tenter de mieux saisir ce phenomene paradoxal des relations interetatiques, le droit des conflits armes ouvre une premiere piste sous la forme d'un 'espionnage regle', unique en son genre. En temps de paix, la souverainete des Etats est la pierre angulaire de toute reflexion sur le renseignement : en apparence, ce dernier porte systematiquement atteinte a l'integrite territoriale de l'Etat espionne, sauf, pourtant, quand il est commis a partir des espaces internationaux. Enfin, le statut ambivalent de l'espionnage atteint peut-etre son paroxysme a l'aune du droit diplomatique, lequel nous en apprend beaucoup a l'occasion des expulsions recurrentes de diplomates s'etant livres a des activites non conformes a leur statut. Dans cet ouvrage qui fait le tour de la question, l'auteur parseme son etat des lieux d'exemples dont les echos ont pu nous parvenir dans les medias, et nous eclaire sur la relation complexe entre droit et espionnage.'

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EU--ESDP--OPERATIONS--EUPM Ten Years After : Lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002-2012. - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013. 88 p.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024786 Type: M Call Number: 448 /00107 ISBN: 9789291982158 This report derives from a seminar on 'The impact of the EU Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2002-2012', organised jointly by the EU Police Mission (EUPM) and the European Institute for Security Studies, that took place in Sarajevo on 7-8 June 2012. The event marked 10 years of EU civilian crisis management in the Western Balkans and sought to examine the impact of the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina and assess the lessons learned for the future of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).' EU--SANCTIONS Comment choisir ses mesures restrictives ? : guide pratique des sanctions de l'UE / by Charlotte Beaucillon. - Paris : Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne, 2012. 35 p.; 24 cm. (Occasional Paper ; 100) ID number: 80024787 Type: M Call Number: 341.6 /00050 ISBN: 9789291982196 Author(s): 1. Beaucillon, Charlotte 'Restrictive measures are the favorite instruments of the European Union (EU) to impose coercive measures in third countries. In fact, the adoption of restrictive measures by the European Union has intensified since the 1990s and been strengthened with the launch of the fight against terrorism in the early 2000s. In January 2013, no fewer than 27 countries will have sanctions imposed upon them by the European Union. Given the exponential growth of sanctions, it is just to question the effectiveness of these instruments, and to clarify their legal costs. Imposing coercive measures may result in exposing the EU to legal remedy. This paper attempts to distinguish between the types and costs of sanctions, and serve as a practical guide to choosing appropriate restrictive measures.' EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT The Netherlands and the European Parliament : Investing in a New Relationship. - The Hague : Advisory Council on International Affairs, 2012. 34 p.; 30 cm. ID number: 80024812 Type: M Call Number: 423 /00022

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EXPORT CONTROLS--EU Concilier l'inconciliable : les regimes internationaux et europeens de controle du commerce nucleaire / by Quentin Michel. - Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2012. 309 p. ; 22 cm. (Non-proliferation ; 6) ID number: 80024805 Type: M Call Number: 382 /00345 ISBN: 9789052017990 Author(s): 1. Michel, Quentin 'Le commerce des biens et de la technologie nucleaires necessaires au developpement d'un projet industriel pacifique - tel que la construction d'une centrale electro-nucleaire - est intimement lie a l'histoire de cette energie dont les premieres applications importantes furent les deux armes nucleaires utilisees en 1944 contre les villes d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki. Pour tenter de trouver un juste equilibre entre le developpement pacifique de cette source d'energie et la lutte contre les risques de son detournement a des fins destructrices, differents regimes de controle des exportations ont ete instaures au fil du temps tant au niveau international qu'au niveau europeen. L'ouvrage retrace, au travers du prisme de l'Union europeenne, l'evolution des regimes de controle du commerce nucleaire depuis la loi Mac Mahon de 1946 interdisant toute exportation jusqu'a l'adoption par le Conseil de securite des Nations unies de la resolution 1540 instaurant les principes essentiels d'un regime national de controle des exportations. Il procede a une analyse detaillee des principes internationaux de controle du commerce nucleaire tels qu'ils sont mis en oeuvre par l'Union europeenne et ses Etats membres au travers de l'articulation imposee par les Traites sur l'Union europeenne, sur le fonctionnement de l'Union europeenne et celui sur l'etablissement de la Communaute europeenne de l'energie atomique (Euratom).' GENDER MAINSTREAMING Gender Training for the Security Sectory : Lessons Identified and Practical Resources. - Geneva : Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2012. 78 p. : ill.; 30 cm. ID number: 80024794 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00509 ISBN: 9789292222376 Bibliography: p. 74-78. 'In June 2012, thirty-six gender training experts from around the world gathered in Geneva to share and discuss global best practices in delivering gender training to defence, police and security-related audiences. This report seeks to document the wealth of practical information shared during the workshop by drawing out lessons identified as well as useful tips and pointers. The report also includes a sizeable collection of tried-and-tested gender training exercises as well as an extensive list of additional resources such as publications, short videos and other electronic training materials.'

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GENOCIDE Genocide and Its Threat to Contemporary International Order / by Adrian Gallagher. - Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. viii, 232 p.; 23 cm. (New Security Challenges Series) ID number: 80024797 Type: M Call Number: 341.4 /00056 ISBN: 9781137280251 Author(s): 1. Gallagher, Adrian Bibliography: p. 209-226. Includes index. 'Genocide refers to the destruction of a group. However, if one is not a member of that group, why should one care about its destruction ? In an innovative approach, this interdisciplinary book answers this question by looking at the impact of genocide on contemporary international order rather than appealing, as most books do, to the idea of humanity. Setting out a new definition of genocide, the book explains that genocide holds a special relationship with international legitimacy which is the key to understanding how genocide impacts on the authority of international law, international morality, the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council. Genocide is internationally regarded as the 'crime of crimes' from a legal and moral perspective, it erodes the authority of these ordering principles more than any other crime. From this perspective, the prevention of genocide is in the national interest of all states, that is, if they favour international order.' ILLEGAL ARMS TRANSFERS--AFRICA, WEST Cote d'Ivoire et Mali, au coeur des trafics d'armes en Afrique de l'Ouest / by Georges Berghezan. - Bruxelles : GRIP, 2013. 39 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 1/2013) ID number: 80024809 Type: M Call Number: 382 /00346 Author(s): 1. Berghezan, Georges 'Dans un Sahel plus instable que jamais, la question de l'armement se pose. D'ou viennent toutes ces armes ? Quel est leur role dans la perpetuation et l'aggravation des conflits en Afrique de l'Ouest ? Ce dossier se focalise sur deux pays, particulierement affectes. Le premier, la Cote d'Ivoire, place des 2004 sous embargo sur les armes, a vu celui-ci frequemment viole. Du cote du gouvernement renverse, quelques courtiers, surtout francais et bielorusses, se sont atteles a approvisionner le pouvoir en armes legeres et de petit calibre (ALPC) et en services et material aerien. Du cote de l'ancienne rebellion, d'importants stocks d'armes ont ete livres par le Burkina Faso, un pays qui n'en est pas a son coup d'essai en matiere de violations d'embargos sur les armes. Les informations livrees par les Groupes d'experts, charges par l'ONU de surveiller l'embargo, ainsi que par la force d'interposition onusienne, sont analysees d'un oeil critique. Dans le second, le Mali, les trafics concernent surtout les groupes armes, auxquels tout transfert est interdit, notamment par la Convention de la CEDAO sur les ALPC. Par l'intermediaire de combattants en fuite et de reseaux islamistes, les groupes controlant le Nord-Mali se sont neanmoins lourdement equipes en detournant des stocks d'armes sophistiquees. Fabriquees surtout en Russie, mais aussi dans des pays occidentaux, elles proviennent de Libye, un pays dont les arsenaux echappent a tout controle depuis la guerre de 2011. L'auteur rappelle aussi les grandes lignes des mesures de limitation des transferts d'armement en vigueur en Afrique de l'Ouest. Un apercu de la production, surtout artisanale, d'armes et de munitions dans la sous-region, vient enfin completer ce rapport.'

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INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS Genocide, crimes contre l'humanite et crimes de guerre face a la justice : les juridictions internationales et les tribunaux nationaux / by Henri D. Bosly, Damien Vandermeersch. - 2e ed. - Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2012. 285 p.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024782 Type: M Call Number: 341.4 /00055 ISBN: 9782802735403 Author(s): 1. Bosly, Henri D. 2. Vandermeersch, Damien Bibliography: p. 273-277. 'Crime de genocide, crimes contre l'humanite et crimes de guerre : au-dela de l'atrocite des faits, ces crimes font l'objet de conventions internationales et leurs auteurs peuvent etre poursuivis soit devant les juridictions penales nationales, soit devant les juridictions internationales. Apres la furtive apparition des tribunaux militaires internationaux a l'issue de la Seconde Guerre mondiale (Nuremberg et Tokyo), le Conseil de securite des Nations unies creera en 1993 en en 1994, le tribunal penal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie et celui pour le Rwanda. Par ailleurs, desireux de creer une juridiction permanente, les Etats, reunis a Rome en 1998, adoptent le Statut de la Cour penale internationale. Enfin, pour faire face aux sequelles de la guerre civile ou de certains attentats, les Nations unies ont cree avec les Etats directement concernes, des nouvelles juridictions siegeant sur le territoire national avec l'appui de juges internationaux : on les appelle les tribunaux internationalises. Apres avoir donne un apercu d'ensemble des instruments internationaux applicables, les auteurs etudient chacune de ces juridictions internationales a travers leur contexte historique et leur statut et dressent un bilan actualise, critique et concret de leurs activites. Le caractere complementaire de la Cour penale internationale rappelle aux Etats leur devoir de poursuivre et de juger les auteurs des crimes internationaux. S'adressant specialemlent a un public francophone, l'ouvrage presente le droit de la France, de la Belgique et de la Suisse relatif a la repression de ces crimes. L'expose se complete d'une double reflexion. La premiere entend comparer les points forts et les points faibles respectifs des juridictions internationales ainsi que des juridictions nationales lorsqu'elles sont appelees a juger les auteurs de ces crimes. La seconde, de nature ethique, s'interroge sur les enjeux et sur le sens du proces penal au cours duquel les victimes et les auteurs des crimes sont amenes a expliquer ces actes qui, par leur horreur et leur ampleur, demeurent incomprehensibles. Comment des gens ordinaires se sont-ils laisses entrainer a commettre de tels actes et quelle peut etre la mesure de leur responsabilite penale ?

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INTERNATIONAL POLICE Maintenir la paix en zones postconflit : les nouveaux visages de la police. - Montreal : Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 2012. 296 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ID number: 80024781 Type: M Call Number: 351 /00055 ISBN: 9782760627819 Bibliography: p. 277-292. 'Dans un monde ou les operations policieres de paix se substituent graduellement aux operations exclusivement militaires, a quels defis organisationnels les services de police contributeurs et les societes hotes sont-ils confrontes ? Quelles sont les motivations institutionnelles et individuelles a participer a de telles operations ? Quels liens unissent les contingents internationaux aux polices locales et aux autres acteurs du maintien de la paix ? A partir d'etudes de terrain realisees dans des contextes varies, des chercheurs provenant de disciplines aussi diverses que la science politique, la sociologie, la criminologie ou le droit esquissent les grandes lignes d'un champ de recherche dedie aux operations de maintien de la paix et aux processus complexes qui permettent a des societes divisees de se reconcilier et de retablir des institutions policieres legitimes.' Forging New Conventional Wisdom Beyond International Policing : Learning from Complex, Political Realities / by Bryn Hughes... [et al.]. - Leiden : Nijhoff, 2013. vii, 322 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024804 Type: M Call Number: 351 /00056 ISBN: 9789004243224 Author(s): 1. Hughes, Bryn 2. Hunt, Charles T. 3. Curth-Bibb, Jodie Includes index. 'This book provides an innovative perspective in the field by conceptualizing international policing as part of a much broader system of peace and capacity development initiatives. After establishing the global context and historical evolution of police in peace operations the authors proceed to recast key ontological and epistemological aspects. Examinations of the Rule of Law and Monitoring and Evaluation in peace and capacity building establish a solid foundation upon which the authors offer a convincing argument for a new, post-Weberian approach.'

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INTERNET Utilisation et investissement de la sphere Internet par les militaires / by Marc Hecker, Thomas Rid. - Paris : IRSEM, 2012. 176 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Etudes de l'IRSEM ; 13/12) ID number: 80024792 Type: M Call Number: 681 /00822 Author(s): 1. Hecker, Marc 2. Rid, Thomas, 1975- Bibliography: p. 159-176. 'Le web 2.0 - fonctionnant de maniere decentralisee et selon une logique 'bottom up' - correspond a priori assez mal a la structure des armees - bien plus centralisee et hierarchisee. En outre, la transparence induite par les nouvelles pratiques d'Internet est susceptible de poser probleme a une institution qui repose en partie sur le secret et qui ne s'est jamais distinguee par sa propension a communiquer. Il est donc legitime de se demander comment les armees s'adaptent a l'essor des medias sociaux ou, en des termes plus triviaux, comment la 'Grande Muette' gere l'emergence de la 'societe de conversation'. Les auteurs s'appuient sur des donnees provenant de cinq pays (France, Allemagne, Etats-Unis, Israel, Royaume-Uni) afin de repondre a cette interrogation. Ils contribuent de maniere essentielle a l'analyse de la massification de l'utilisation d'Internet a des fins de communication et de ses effets sur le monde militaire.' INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) International Law and Civil Wars : Intervention and Consent / by Eliav Lieblich. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013. xvii, 286 p.; 24 cm. (Law, Conflict and International Relations) ID number: 80024822 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00514 ISBN: 9780415507905 Author(s): 1. Lieblich, Eliav, 1979- Bibliography: p. 259-277. Includes index. 'This book examines the international law of forcible intervention in civil wars, in particular the role of party-consent in affecting the legality of such intervention. In modern international law, it is a near consensus that no state can use force against another - the main exceptions being self-defense and actions mandated by a UN Security Council resolution. However, one more potential exception exists : forcible intervention undertaken upon the invitation or consent of a government, seeking assistance in confronting armed opposition groups within its territory. Although the latter exception is of increasing importance, the numerous questions it raises have received scant attention in the current body of literature. This volumes fills this gap by analyzing the consent-exception in a wide context, and attempting to delineate its limits, including cases in which government consent power is not only negated, but might be transferred to opposition groups. The book also discusses the concept of consensual intervention in contemporary international law, in juxtaposition to traditional legal doctrines. It traces the development of law in this context by drawing from historical examples such as the Spanish Civil War, as well as recent cases such as those of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Libya and Syria.'

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INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW)--FRANCE Mali : de l'intervention militaire francaise a la reconstruction de l'Etat / by Bernard Adam. - Bruxelles : GRIP, 2013. 31 p.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 3/2013) ID number: 80024811 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00512 Author(s): 1. Adam, Bernard 'Toute intervention militaire etrangere, comme celle lancee par la France le 11 janvier 2013 au Mali, pose question. Est-elle legitime au regard du droit international ? Quels sont ses objectifs officiels ? N'y a-t-il pas d'autres intentions non declarees ? Est-ce raisonnable de parler de 'lutte contre le terrorisme', rappelant ainsi un certain discours 'bushien' ? Comment interpreter l'absence de troupes d'autres pays europeens ? Si cette action militaire est apparue comme necessaire pour stopper une brusque et inattendue offensive vers le Sud des groupes djihadistes qui occupaient le Nord-Mali depuis debut 2012, elle ne sera surement pas suffisante pour apporter une securite durable. 'Pas de securite sans developpement', reaffirme l'auteur, reprenant le constat emis en 2005 par Kofi Annan, a l'epoque Secretaire general des Nations unies. Ici, pour le Mali, cela necessitera de lancer un vaste chantier de reconstruction de l'Etat. Les grandes lignes en sont : le dialogue avec les populations du Nord-Mali, dont les Touareg, trop longtemps delaissees; la relance d'une vie politique democratique apres une periode marquee par la corruption, le clientelisme et la proximite des trafics de drogue; la reconstitution d'une armee actuellement divisee, politisee et peu operationnelle. Il va sans dire qu'il faudra trouver de nouvelles ressources pour financer les politiques publiques de developpement. Si des reformes internes sont indispensables, le defi ne pourra etre releve sans un apport accru de l'aide internationale, notamment de l'Union europeenne. La paix est a ce prix !' IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Les relations entre Teheran et Moscou depuis 1979 / by Clement Therme. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2012. xiv, 298 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024784 Type: M Call Number: 327 /01631 ISBN: 9782940415946 Author(s): 1. Therme, Clement Bibliography: p. 279-298. 'Plus qu'une simple question de politique etrangere, les relations avec la Russie sont, pour la Republique islamique d'Iran, une question de survie du regime. En raison de son hostilite a l'egard de l'Occident, la Republique islamique a du adapter sa strategie internationale pour assurer la perennite du regime ainsi que la survie economique du pays. A un moment ou la Russie joue un role crucial dans la protection des interets iraniens sur la scene internationale, l'auteur propose la premiere etude complete portant sur l'histoire des relations irano-russes depuis la revolution islamique (1979). L'un des principaux objectifs est de contribuer au developpement de la reflexion sur les differentes dimensions de la politique etrangere de la Republique islamique d'Iran. En effet, la plupart des monographies privilegient le point de vue des grandes puissances dans l'etude des relations entre l'Iran et la Russie, l'Iran et la Grande Bretagne ou, a partir du XXe siecle, de l'Iran avec les Etats-Unis. L'accent est donc mis ici sur les perspectives iraniennes dans les relations entre Teheran et Moscou, depuis 1979. L'auteur ne neglige pas pour autant l'inscription de son etude dans le temps long des relations entre l'Iran et son grand voisin du Nord. Il remarque ainsi qu'en depit des

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bouleversements ideologiques et des changements de regime, les deux pays ont maintenu des relations diplomatiques ininterrompues, depuis le XVIe siecle, meme si, a plusieurs reprises, la presence diplomatique russe ou sovietique a Teheran a ete menacee.' KOREA (SOUTH)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--KOREA (NORTH) De-Bordering Korea : Tangible and Intangible Legacies of the Sunshine Policy. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013. xvi, 235 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies ; 27) ID number: 80024818 Type: M Call Number: 327 /01633 ISBN: 9780415637435 Bibliography: p. 211-226. Includes index. 'As tensions remain on the Korean Peninsula, this book looks back on the decade of improved inter-Korean relations and engagement between 1998 and 2008, now known as the 'Sunshine Policy' era. Moving beyond traditional economic and political perspectives, it explores how this decade of intensified cooperation both affected and reshaped existing physical, social and mental boundaries between the two Koreas, and how this 'de-bordering' and 're-bordering' has changed the respective attitudes towards the other. Based around three key themes, 'Places', 'People' and 'Representations', this book looks at the tangible and intangible areas of contact created by North-South engagement during the years of the Sunshine Policy. 'Places' focuses on the border regions and discusses how the border reflects the dynamics of multiple types of exchanges and connections between the two Koreas, as well as the new territorial structures these have created. 'People' addresses issues in human interactions and social organizations, looking at North Korean defectors in the South, shifting patterns of North-South competition in the 'Korean' diaspora of post-Soviet Central Asia, and the actual and physical presence of the Other in various social settings. Finally, 'Representations' analyses the image of the other Korea as it is produced, circulated, altered/falsified and received (or not) on either side of the Korean border. The contributors to this volume draw on a broad spectrum of disciplines ranging from geography, anthropology and archaeology, to media studies, history and sociology, in order to show how the division between North and South Korea functions as an essential matrix for geographical, social and psychological structures on both sides of the border.' LUKASHENKO, ALEKSANDR, 1954---BIOGRAPHY Le satrape de Bielorussie : Alexandre Loukachenko, dernier tyran d'Europe / by Valeri Karbalevitch. - Paris : Francois Bourin, 2012. 439 p. : ill.; 21 cm. ID number: 80024790 Type: M Call Number: 92 LUKA/00001 ISBN: 9782849413470 Author(s): 1. Karbalevitch, Valeri Bibliography: p. 435-439. 'Brutalite, cynisme, megalomanie, ruse, mepris des lois, vulgarite, populisme ... tels sont les ingredients de la dictature qu'Alexandre Loukachenko, dernier tyran d'Europe, a instauree a Minsk depuis 1994. 'Oui, je suis coupable de ce qui s'est passe', affirmait-il devant des officiers du KGB bielorusse, assumant la responsabilite de la disparition d'opposants politiques, en toute impunite. Comment la paisible Bielorussie a-t-elle pu glisser dans la dictature trois ans apres la chute du communisme ? Comment le responsable d'une exploitation agricole, sans le soutien d'un parti ni d'aucune structure sociale, a-t-il pu se propulser au sommet de l'Etat ? Comment s'y est-il maintenu ? L'auteur repond a cette enigme en

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s'appuyant sur les propos de Loukachenko lui-meme. Le portrait qu'il dresse de lui et la radiographie qu'il presente de son pouvoir sont fascinants. Ce livre, l'unique biographie disponible en francais du satrape de Bieolorussie, est un voyage en absurdite ... Mais c'est aussi une mise en garde contre les dangers qui guettent les peuples qui se laissent guider par la peur et la nostalgie d'un pretendu age d'or.' MILITARY INTELLIGENCE--HISTORY--20TH CENTURY Guerre froide et espionnage naval / by Peter A. Huchthausen, Alexandre Sheldon-Duplaix. - Paris : Nouveau Monde Editions, 2011. 537 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ID number: 80024783 Type: M Call Number: 327.8 /00191 ISBN: 9782847365740 Author(s): 1. Huchthausen, Peter A. 2. Sheldon-Duplaix, Alexandre Includes index. 'Ignore par les ouvrages traitant de la guerre froide, l'espionnage naval permit aux deux blocs d'utiliser les oceans et les ports pour surveiller et penetrer le camp adverse. Nourri par des entretiens avec des protagonistes sovietiques et occidentaux, et par l'exploitation d'archives americaines, britanniques et de publications russes, ce recit fourmille d'anecdotes inedites, parfois terrifiantes.' NATO NATO : A Guide to the Issues / by Brian J. Collins. - Santa Barbara, CA : ABC-Clio, 2011. xiv, 178 p. : ill.; 25 cm. (Contemporary Military, Strategic, and Security Issues) ID number: 80024788 Type: M Call Number: 496.3 /00415 ISBN: 9780313354915 Author(s): 1. Collins, Brian J. Bibliography: p. 153-171. Includes index. 'The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, is an alliance of 28 countries from North America and Europe committed to fulfilling the goals of a treaty signed on April 4, 1949. NATO's fundamental role is to safeguard the freedom and security of its member countries by political and military means. What, exactly, does that commitment mean in today's world ? In the more than half-century since NATO was founded, there has been endless debate about its purpose, about whether it is meeting that purpose, and about the strategies it employs to that end. Speculation has also been rife about the organization's 'imminent demise'. Those questions and more are the subject of this book.

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NATO--EUROPE NATO's European Allies : Military Capability and Political Will. - Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. xi, 310 p.; 23 cm ID number: 80024817 Type: M Call Number: 495.1 /00018 ISBN: 9781137034991 Includes index. 'The question of burden-sharing has always been important for NATO, but this holds acute relevance today as the United States cuts its defence budget over a ten-year period and is no longer willing to lead military operations. In a current situation of economic austerity and postmodern political values, this book considers whether Europe can play a key role in regional and global security and defence. When the US signals that its lead role is no longer automatic, what about the European allies ? Can they and will they undertake sharp operations on their own, assuming leading roles ? Which of NATO's European allies are able militarily, and willing politically, to undertake sharp operations and actually use force for the purpose of policy ? This edited collection considers the important drivers for the use of force, namely history, political culture, economy and threat perceptions, and scrutinises them in the context of eight European NATO countries : the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Denmark and Norway. A range of international scholars discuss the crucial future role of European allies and the impact this will have upon policy and scholarship on NATO.' PEACE-BUILDING Costly Democracy : Peacebuilding and Democratization after War. - Stanford, CA : Stanford University Press, 2013. xi, 189 p. : ill.; 24 cm ID number: 80024815 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00513 ISBN: 9780804781978 Bibliography: p. 163-174. Includes index. 'Peacebuilding is an interactive process that involves collaboration between peacebuilders and the victorious elites of a postwar society. While one of the most prominent assumptions of the peacebuilding literature asserts that the interests of domestic elites and peacebuilders coincide, this book contends that they rarely align. This book makes the case that the preferences of domestic elites are greatly shaped by the costs they incur in adopting democracy, as well as the leverage that peacebuilders wield to increase the costs of non-adoption. As cases from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Timor, Rwanda, Namibia, Mozambique, and Tajikistan show, domestic elites in postwar societies may desire the resources - both material and symbolic - that peacebuilders can bring, but they are less eager to adopt democracy because they believe democratic reforms may endanger some or all of their substantive interests. The book offers comparative analyses of recent cases of peacebuilding to deepen understanding of postwar democratization and better explain why peacebuilding missions often bring peace, but seldom democracy, to war-torn countries.'

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Routledge Handbook of Peacebuilding. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013. xx, 394 p.; 25 cm. ID number: 80024799 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00510 ISBN: 9780415690195 Includes index. 'This handbook offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of the meanings and uses of the term 'peacebuilding', and presents cutting-edge debates on the practices conducted in the name of peacebuilding. The term 'peacebuilding' has had remarkable staying power. Other terms, such as 'conflict resolution' have waned in popularity, while the acceptance and use of the term 'peacebuilding' has grown to the extent that it is the hegemonic and over-arching term for many forms of mediation, reconciliation and strategies to induce peace. Despite this, however, it is rarely defined and often used to mean different things to different audiences.' Mediation and Liberal Peacebuilding : Peace from the Ashes of War ?. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013. xiv, 195 p.; 24 cm. (Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding) ID number: 80024819 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00515 ISBN: 9780415638357 Bibliography: p. 167-187. Includes index. 'This book offers a state-of-the-art examination of peacemaking, looking at its theoretical assumptions, its empirical applications and its consequences. Despite the wealth of research on external interventions and practices of Western peacebuilding, many scholars tend to rely on findings in the so-called 'post-agreement' phase of interventions. As a result, most mainstream peace-building literature pays limited or no attention to the linkages that exist between mediation practices in the negotiation phase and processes in the post-peace-agreement phase of intervention. By linking the motives and practices of interveners during negotiation and implementation phases into a more integrated theoretical framework, this book makes a unique contribution to the ongoing debate on the so-called Western 'liberal' models of peacebuilding. Drawing upon in-depth case studies from various regions of the world, including Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal and Sierra Leone, this innovative volume examines a variety of political motives behind third-party interventions, thus challenging the very founding concept of mediation literature.' PIRACY--SOMALIA Pirates de Somalie / by Jean Guisnel, Viviane Mahler. - Paris : Grasset, 2012. 315 p.: ill.; 23 cm. ID number: 80024780 Type: M Call Number: 343 /00088 ISBN: 9782246761518 Author(s): 1. Guisnel, Jean 2. Mahler, Viviane Bibliography: p. 305-312. 'La piraterie maritime est un des dangers qui menacent l'economie contemporaine. La cote somalienne, ou les assauts rivalisent d'audace, se situe en tete des zones a risque. Afin de survivre dans un pays aneanti par la famine et devaste par les guerres civiles, les plus demunis s'organisent pour ranconner les plus fortunes. Pecheurs, paysans, chauffeurs de taxi, voici les nouveaux brigands des mers a l'assaut des bateaux des 'riches', des tankers jusqu'aux navires de plaisance. La geographie maritime des cotes facilite leurs attaques :

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dans ce passage oblige du commerce mondial, la densite du trafic attise toutes les convoitises. Les auteurs ont mene l'enquete. Qui sont ces pirates ? Pour quelles raisons sevissent-ils et surtout comment procedent-ils ? A qui profite le crime ? Et par quels moyens eradiquer cette mafia d'un nouveau genre ? La piraterie en Somalie comme si vous y etiez.' PREEMPTIVE ATTACK (MILITARY SCIENCE) The Gamble of War : Is It Possible to Justify Preventive War ? / by Ariel Colonomos. - Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. x, 277 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy) ID number: 80024820 Type: M Call Number: 341.3 /00230 ISBN: 9781137018946 Author(s): 1. Colonomos, Ariel Includes index. 'Does the preventive use of force meet the criteria for just war that prevail (or should prevail) in a democratic system ? Or does it endanger the legal and ethical traditions that characterize the history of Western military ethics ? This book analyses the justification of preventive war in contemporary asymmetrical international relations. It focuses on the most crucial aspect of prevention : uncertainty. Luck plays a significant role in these hazardous wars, with unforeseen and sometimes unforeseeable consequences. This book investigates whether the role of uncertainty in preventive war-making can be harmonized with a normative account of prevention. It builds a new framework where the role of luck - whether military, political, moral, or normative - is a corrective to the traditional approaches of the just war tradition.' PUBLIC DIPLOMACY The New Public Diplomacy : Soft Power in International Relations. - Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2005. xxii, 221 p.; 22 cm. (Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations) ID number: 80024789 Type: M Call Number: 341.7 /00108 ISBN: 9781403945167 Includes index. 'The events of 11 September 2001 triggered a global debate on public diplomacy. Managing the public perception of their State has become an important issue for countries ranging from Canada to New Zealand and from Argentina to Mongolia. Many ministries of foreign affairs now have a public diplomacy of their own, and few would like to be caught without at least paying lip-service to the latest fashion in the conduct of international relations. Their association with public diplomacy can be seen as a symptom of the rise of soft power in international relations or, at another level, as the effect of broader processes of change in diplomatic practice, calling for transparency and transnational collaboration. The new public diplomacy is thus much more than a technical instrument of foreign policy : it has become part of the changing fabric of international relations. Both small and large countries, whether under democratic or authoritarian regimes, and including the most affluent and those that can be counted among the world's poorest, have in recent years displayed a great interest in public diplomacy. Foreign opinion now concerns practitioners in a way that would have been unthinkable 25 years ago.'

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PUBLIC DIPLOMACY--USA Empire of Ideas : The Origins of Public Diplomacy and the Transformation of U.S. Foreign Policy / by Justin Hart. - Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2013. xii, 279 p.; 25 cm. ID number: 80024824 Type: M Call Number: 341.7 /00145 ISBN: 9780199777945 Author(s): 1. Hart, Justin Bibliography: p. 243-266. Includes index. 'Covering the period from 1936 to 1953, this book reveals how and why image first became a component of foreign policy, prompting policymakers to embrace such techniques as propaganda, educational exchanges, cultural exhibits, overseas libraries, and domestic public relations. Drawing upon exhaustive research in official government records and the private papers of top officials in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, including newly declassified material, the author takes the reader back to the dawn of what Time-Life publisher Henry Luce would famously call the 'American century', when U.S. policymakers first began to think of the nation's image as a foreign policy issue. Beginning with the Buenos Aires Conference in 1936 - which grew out of FDR's Good Neighbor Policy toward Latin America - the author traces the dramatic growth of public diplomacy in the war years and beyond. The book describes how the State Department established the position of Assistant Secretary of State for Public and Cultural Affairs in 1944, with Archibald MacLeish - the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and Librarian of Congress - the first to fill the post. The author shows that the ideas of MacLeish became central to the evolution of public diplomacy, and his influence would be felt long after his tenure in government service ended. The book examines a wide variety of propaganda programs, including the Voice of America, and concludes with the creation of the United States Information Agency in 1953, bringing an end to the first phase of U. S. public diplomacy. The book remains highly relevant today, when U.S. officials have launched full-scale propaganda to combat negative perceptions in the Arab world and elsewhere. This study illuminates the similar efforts of a previous generation of policymakers, explaining why our ability to shape our image is, in the end, quite limited.' PUTIN, VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH, 1952- Mr. Putin : Operative in the Kremlin / by Fiona Hill5, Clifford G. Gaddy. - Washington : Brookings Institution Press, 2013. xiii, 390 p.; 23 cm. ID number: 80024814 Type: M Call Number: 323 /01325 ISBN: 9780815723769 Author(s): 1. Hill, Fiona, 1965- 2. Gaddy, Clifford G. Bibliography: p. 363-377. Includes index. 'Who is Vladimir Putin ? Observers have described him as a 'man from nowhere' - someone without a face, substance, or soul. The authors argue that Putin is in fact a man of many and complex identities. Drawing on a range of sources, including their own personal encounters, they describe six that are most essential : the Statist, the History Man, the Survivalist, the Outsider, the Free Marketeer, and the Case Officer. Understanding Putin's multiple dimensions is crucial for policymakers trying to decide how best to deal with Russia. The authors trace the identities back to formative experiences in Putin's past, including his early life in Soviet Leningrad, his KGB training and responsibilities, his years as deputy mayor in the crime and corruption-ridden city of St. Petersburg, his first role in Moscow

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as the 'operative' brought in from the outside by liberal reformers in the Kremlin to help control Russia's oligarchs, and his time at the helm of a resurgent Russian state. The authors then examine the nature of the political system Putin has built, explaining it as a logical result of these six identities. Vladimir Putin has his own idealized view of himself as CEO of 'Russia, Inc.' But rather than leading a transparent public corporation, he runs a closed boardroom, not answerable to its stakeholders. Now that his corporation seems to be in crisis, with political protests marking Mr. Putin's return to the presidency in 2012, will the CEO be held accountable for its failings ?' RAPE AS A WEAPON OF WAR International Law and Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts / by Chile Eboe-Osuji. - Leiden : Nijhoff, 2012. xvii, 354 p.; 25 cm. (International Humanitarian Law Series ; 35) ID number: 80024803 Type: M Call Number: 341.3 /00227 ISBN: 9789004202627 Author(s): 1. Eboe-Osuji, Chile Bibliography: p. 321-343. Includes index. 'Sexual violence is a particular brand of evil that women have endured - more than men - during armed conflicts, through the ages. It is a menace that has continued to challenge the conscience of humanity - especially in our times. At the international level, basic laws aimed at preventing it are not in short supply. What is needed is a more conscious determination to enforce existing laws. This book explores ways of doing just that; thereby shoring up international legal protection of women from sexual violence in armed conflicts.' REVOLUTIONS--FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS Coloured Revolutions and Authoritarian Reactions. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013. viii, 150 p.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024798 Type: M Call Number: 323 /01323 ISBN: 9780415639576 Includes index. 'Between 2000 and 2005, colour revolutions swept away authoritarian and semi-authoritarian regimes in Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. Yet, after these initial successes, attempts to replicate the strategies failed to produce regime change elsewhere in the region. The book argues that students of democratization and democracy promotion should study not only the successful colour revolutions, but also the colour revolution prevention strategies adopted by authoritarian elites. Based on a series of qualitative, country-focused studies the book explores the whole spectrum of anti-democratization policies, adopted by autocratic rulers and demonstrates that authoritarian regimes studied democracy promotion techniques, used in various colour revolutions, and focused their prevention strategies on combatting these techniques. The book proposes a new typology of authoritarian reactions to the challenge of democratization and argues that the specific mix of policies and rhetoric, adopted by each authoritarian regime, depended on the perceived intensity of threat to regime survival and the regime's perceived strength vis-a-vis the democratic opposition.'

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RULE OF LAW Judicial Reconstruction and the Rule of Law : Reassessing Military Intervention in Iraq and Beyond / by Angeline Lewis. - Leiden : Nijhoff, 2012. xii, 250 p.; 24 cm. (International Humanitarian Law Series ; 39) ID number: 80024802 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00511 ISBN: 9789004228108 Author(s): 1. Lewis, Angeline Bibliography: p. 219-236. Includes index. 'The idea of building a blueprint 'rule of law' through military intervention has seized the imagination of practitioners and theorists alike in the past decade of peacebuilding operations, and an emphasis on simultaneous judicial reconstruction and security sector reform has emerged as their central strategy. This work, in a fresh approach based on recent military operations in Iraq and beyond, challenges both the universality of the blueprint and the doctrinal assumption that institutional reform by military interveners builds peace and legitimacy. In a comprehensive review, the essential role of the community in developing its own relationship with law, while interveners refocus exclusively on restoring public security using their extraordinary powers under international humanitarian law, emerges as the only future for 'rule of law operations'.' SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL--ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS--ARCTIC REGIONS Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2013. xli, 459 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series. C : Environmental Security) ID number: 80024816 Type: M Call Number: 502 /00010 ISBN: 9789400747128 Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 13-15 October 2010. Includes index. 'This seminal book results from a NATO Advanced Research Workshop with Russia co-directorship, enabling the first formal dialogue between NATO and Russia about security issues in the Arctic Ocean. Involving interdisciplinary participation with experts from 17 nations, including all of the Arctic states, this workshop itself reflects progress in Arctic cooperation and collaboration. Interests now are awakening globally to take advantage of extensive energy, shipping, fishing and tourism opportunities in the Arctic ocean as it is being transformed from a permanent sea-ice cap to a seasonally ice-free sea. This environmental state-change is introducing inherent risks of political, economic and cultural instabilities that are centralized among the Arctic states and indigenous peoples with repercussions globally. Responding with urgency, environmental security is presented as an 'integrated approach for assessing and responding to the risks as well as the opportunities generated by an environmental state-change.' In this book diverse perspectives on environmental security in the Arctic Ocean are shared in chapters from high-level diplomats, parliamentarians and government officials of Arctic and non-Arctic states; leaders of Arctic indigenous peoples organizations; international law advisors from Arctic sates as well as the United Nations; directors of inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations; managers of multi-national corporations; political scientists, historians and economists; along with Earth system scientists and oceanographers. Building on the 'common Arctic issues' of 'sustainable development and environmental

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protection' established by the Arctic Council - environmental security offers an holistic approach to assess opportunities and risks as well as develop infrastructure responses with law of the sea as the key 'international legal framework' to 'promote the peaceful uses' of the Arctic Ocean. With vision for future generations, environmental security is a path to balance national interests and common interests in the Arctic Ocean for the lasting benefit of all.' SELF-DETERMINATION, NATIONAL Statehood and Self-Determination : Reconciling Tradition and Modernity in International Law. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2013. xlix, 534 p.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024823 Type: M Call Number: 323 /01326 ISBN: 9781107029330 Includes index. 'The concepts of statehood and self-determination provide the normative structure on which the international legal order is ultimately premised. As a system of law founded upon the issue of territorial control, ascertaining and determining which entities are entitled to the privileges of statehood continues to be one of the most difficult and complex matters in international law. Moreover, although the process of decolonization is almost complete, the principle of self-determination guarantees additional rights for minority and other groups. As the controversies surrounding remedial secession have revealed, the territorial integrity of a state can be questioned if there are serious and persistent breaches of the human rights of its citizens. This volume brings together such debates to reflect further on the current state of international law regarding these fundamental issues.' SPACE LAW L'usage de la force dans l'espace : reglementation et prevention d'une guerre en orbite / by Hubert Fabre. - Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2012. xvi, 358 p.; 24 cm. (Organisation Internationale et Relations Internationales ; 69) ID number: 80024779 Type: M Call Number: 629 /00221 ISBN: 9782802737018 Author(s): 1. Fabre, Hubert Bibliography: p. 321-338. Includes index. 'Le retrait des Etats-Unis du traite ABM, en 2002, a ouvert une large breche dans l'equilibre strategique issu de la guerre froide. Plus aucune obligation juridique ne limite le deploiement de systemes anti-missiles balistiques ni n'interdit la mise en orbite de leurs composantes, y compris offensives, dans l'espace extra-atmospherique. Or, le deploiement d'un bouclier anti-missile balistique performant, a l'echelle nationale ou regionale, affaiblit la dissuasion des puissances nucleaires ne disposant pas d'un systeme de defense equivalent. Ce desequilibre risque d'encourager la course aux armements, notamment anti-satellites, pour neutraliser les systemes anti-missiles et d'appui tactique adverses en s'attaquant a leur segment spatial. Les Etats-Unis, la Russie et la Chine constituent actuellement les trois Etats dotes d'armes concues a des fins anti-satellites, mais, a court ou moyen terme, d'autres puissances pourraient acceder a ces systemes d'armes. Face a l'essor des activites spatiales et a la proliferation des armements, les puissances spatiales, deja preoccupees par la question des debris spatiaux, ne peuvent negliger la menace que represente le recours a la force dans l'espace. Il est de leur interet, comme de celui des autres

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nations, de prevenir le declenchement d'une guerre en orbite, afin d'eviter la pire des hypotheses, un chaos spatial. A cet egard, le recours a la maitrise des armements et aux Mesures de confiance et de securite (MDCS) prend tout son sens, en ce qu'il n'entend pas entraver les Etats dans leur quete de puissance mais reduire une eventuelle realisation du risque anti-satellite. Ainsi, la description de l'etat des forces, l'analyse de la reglementation internationale, la presentation des initiatives sur la prevention d'une course aux armements dans l'espace (PAROS), sont completees par les orientations exploratoires d'un regime de reduction du risque anti-satellite.' TERRORISM AND MASS MEDIA Media and Terrorism : Global Perspectives. - London : Sage, 2012. xiii, 322 p.; 25 cm. ID number: 80024813 Type: M Call Number: 659 /00150 ISBN: 9781446201589 Includes index. 'Have the media contributed to exacerbating the political, cultural and religious divides within Western societies and the world at large ? How can media be deployed to enrich, not inhibit, dialogue ? To what extent has the media, in all its forms, questioned, celebrated or simply accepted the unleashing of a 'war on terror' ? This book brings together leading scholars to explore how the world's media have influenced, and in turn, been influenced by terrorism and the 'war on terror' in the aftermath of 9/11. Accessible and user-friendly with lively and current case studies, it is a perfect student text and is an essential handbook on the dynamics of war and the media in a global context.' TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM After bin Laden : Al Qaeda, the Next Generation / by Abdel Bari Atwan. - New York : New Press, 2012. 303 p.; 24 cm ID number: 80024826 Type: M Call Number: 323 /01324 ISBN: 9781595588999 Author(s): 1. Atwan, Abdel Bari Includes index. 'Osama bin Laden is dead, but Al Qaeda remains the CIA's number one threat. In recent years, the organization has evolved into a complex and far-flung entity, even as American military strikes have killed its most identifiable spokesmen and leaders. Moving well beyond the headlines, this richly documented and fascinating new account of Al Qaeda offers readers a completely new understanding of the organization's aims, strategies, and fortunes in a new era of conflict with the United States and Western powers. Drawing on firsthand accounts and interviews with uniquely well-placed sources within the Al Qaeda network, the author investigates the movement's new internal dynamics, how it survives financially, and how its political appeal has changed dramatically following the Arab Spring. He profiles the next generation of foot soldiers and leaders and explores both the new methods they embrace - especially on the digital battlefield - as well as the full global range of their operations and local variations in Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and elsewhere.'

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UNITED NATIONS. SECURITY COUNCIL Disobeying the Security Council : Countermeasures against Wrongful Sanctions / by Antonios Tzanakopoulos. - Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2013. xli, 243 p.; 24 cm. (Oxford Monographs in International Law) ID number: 80024825 Type: M Call Number: 404 /00030 ISBN: 9780199670734 Author(s): 1. Tzanakopoulos, Antonios Bibliography: p. 205-233. Includes index. 'This book examines how the United Nations Security Council, in exercising its power to impose binding non-forcible measures ('sanctions') under Article 41 of the UN Charter, may violate international law. The Council may overstep limits on its power imposed by the UN Charter and by general international law, including human rights guarantees. Such acts may engage the international responsibility of the United Nations, the organization of which the Security Council is an organ. This book discusses how and by whom the responsibility of the UN for unlawful Security Council sanctions can be determined : in other words, how the UN can be held to account for Security Council excesses. The central thesis of this work is that States can respond to unlawful sanctions imposed by the Security Council by disobeying the Security Council's command. In international law, this disobedience can be justified as a countermeasure in response to the Security Council's unlawful act. Recent practice of States, both in the form of executive acts and court decisions, demonstrates an increasing tendency to disobey sanctions that are perceived as unlawful. After discussing other possible characterisations of disobedience under international law, the book concludes that this practice can (and should) be qualified as a countermeasure.' WAR (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Counterinsurgency Law : New Directions in Asymmetric Warfare / by William C. Banks. - Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2013. xxii, 287 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Terrorism and Global Justice Series) ID number: 80024821 Type: M Call Number: 341.3 /00229 ISBN: 9780199941445 Author(s): 1. Banks, William C. Includes index. 'The authors explore here from an interdisciplinary legal and policy perspective the multiple challenges that counterinsurgency operations pose today to the rule of law - international, humanitarian, human rights, criminal, and domestic. Addressing the considerable challenges for the future of armed conflict, each contributor in the book explores the premise that in COIN operations, international humanitarian law, human rights law, international law more generally, and domestic national security laws do not provide adequate legal and policy coverage and guidance for multiple reasons, many of which are explored in this book. A second shared premise is that these problems are not only challenges for the law in post-9/11 security environments, but matters of policy with implications for the international community and for global security more generally.'

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WAR--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS Just Wars, Holy Wars, and Jihads : Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Encounters and Exchanges. - Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2012. xvi, 434 p.; 24 cm. ID number: 80024795 Type: M Call Number: 341.3 /00228 ISBN: 9780199755042 Includes index. 'This book explores the development of ideas of morally justified or legitimate war in Western and Islamic civilizations. Historically, these ideas have been grouped under three labels : just war, holy war, and jihad. A large body of literature exists exploring the development of just war and holy war concepts in the West and of jihad in Islam. Yet, to date, no book has investigated in depth the historical interaction between Western notions of just or holy war and Muslim definitions of jihad. This book is a major contribution to the comparative study of the ethics of war and peace in the West and Islam. Its twenty chapters explore two broad questions : 1. What historical evidence exists that Christian and Jewish writers on just war and holy war and Muslim writers on jihad knew of the other tradition ?; 2. What is the evidence in treatises, chronicles, speeches, ballads, and other historical records, or in practice, that either tradition influenced the other ? The book surveys the period from the rise of Islam in the early seventh century to the present day. Part One surveys the impact of the early Islamic conquests upon Byzantine, Syriac, and Muslim thinking on justified war. Part Two probes developments during the Crusades. Part Three focuses on the early modern period in Europe and the Ottoman Empire, followed by analysis of the era of European imperialism in Part Four. Part Five brings the discussion into the present period, with chapters analyzing the impact of international law and terrorism on conceptions of just war and jihad.' WOMEN AND THE MILITARY Women in the Military and in Armed Conflict. - 1st ed. - Wiesbaden : VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften, 2008. 239 p. : ill.; 21 cm. (Schriftenreihe des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts der Bundeswehr ; 6) ID number: 80024800 Type: M Call Number: 355.2 /00393 ISBN: 9783531158341 'The debate about the role of women in war, violent conflict and the military is not only a long and ongoing one; it is also a heated and controversial one. The contributors to this anthology come from experts in the field who approach the topic from various angles thus offering different and, at times, diverging perspectives. The reader will therefore gain in-depth insight into the most important aspects and positions in the debate.'

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WOMEN AND THE SECURITY SECTOR A Women's Guide to Security Sector Reform / by Megan Bastick, Tobie Whitman. - Geneva : Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2013. 70 p. : ill.; 30 cm. ID number: 80024793 Type: M Call Number: 341.2 /00508 ISBN: 9789292222260 Author(s): 1. Bastick, Megan 2. Whitman, Tobie Bibliography: p. 67-70. 'This report seeks to encourage and empower women to take part in shaping and transforming the security sector in their communities and countries. Even if they have not formally studied security, women often have essential knowledge of community security needs, and have an important contribution to make to security sector reform (SSR). This guide provides both information on the security sector and SSR, and tools for action. It draws on the rich and varied experience of women in civil society from across the world and shares examples of practical, and sometimes innovative, ways to influence reform from the grassroots. Input from leading female activists from Afghanistan, Liberia, Libya, Nepal, Serbia, and Uganda helped to shape the guide. It outlines how to research security issues, form coalitions, plan strategically, develop recommendations, advocate and engage directly with the security sector. It also contains an array of practical tools, including exercises to identify local security needs, sample letters to security officials, talking points for meetings with policymakers and media, and definitions of security jargon.'

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Journal Articles Articles de revues

ABKHAZIA (GEORGIA)--HISTORY--AUTONOMY AND INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS International Recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia : A (De)stabilizing Factor in the Caucasus / by Yana Amelina., 2012. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, vol. 13, no. 3, 2012, p. 7-13.) ID Number: JA029200 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Amelina, Yana AFGHAN WAR, 2001- The US and Afghanistan After 2014 / by Paul D. Miller., 2013. (SURVIVAL, vol. 55, no. 1, February - March 2013, p. 87-101.) ID Number: JA029163 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Miller, Paul D. The United States is not scheduled to depart from Afghanistan in 2014 - a year for transition, not withdrawal. Nor should it, considering what is at stake. AFGHANISTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Afghanistan : The Challenges of Attaining a Regional Solution / by John F. O'Connell., 2013. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 68, 2013, p. 78-83.) ID Number: JA029195 Type: ART Author(s): 1. O'Connell, John F. On paper, it seems so simple : Afghanistan's neighbors will derive significant benefit from a secure and stable Afghanistan. But as the old adage implies, the devil is in the details. This article broadly discusses the benefits of a regional approach to Afghanistan and its neighbors and the inherent obstacles that may never be overcome.

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AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS In from the Margins ? The Changing Place of Africa in International Relations / by Sophie Harman, William Brown., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 69-87.) ID Number: JA029175 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Harman, Sophie 2. Brown, William This article surveys recent literature on Africa and International Relations (IR) and reviews the current place of Africa within the discipline. It notes that critical debates continue around claims of a mismatch between Africa and 'mainstream' IR theories and concepts. However, alongside this set of issues, there is in fact a burgeoning literature on many aspects of Africa's international relations. While some of these studies utilize existing IR theories, and others explore empirical cases that could deliver important lessons for the wider discipline, much of this promise goes unfulfilled. The article reviews literature on China's role and on HIV/AIDS governance in Africa to illustrate how the study of African international relations, the wider IR discipline and international policy could all benefit from a closer engagement between Africa and IR. The article concludes by setting out three challenges for a renewed agenda : a need to address the problematic relationship between universal analytical concepts and regional particularities; a need to give recognition to, and analyse, African agency in international politics; and a need to address inequalities in knowledge production in the field of Africa's international relations. AFRICAN UNION A Decade of African Peace and Security Architecture / by Alex Vines., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 89-109.) ID Number: JA029176 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Vines, Alex This article examines how the African Union (AU) has handled Africa's peace and security challenges since 2002, defines what has been successful and what remains aspirational. It does so by examining how the AU has responded, from using sanctions against coups, to deploying peacekeeping missions and mediating in conflicts. An African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) has developed since 2002, including a Peace and Security Council, an African Standby Force, a Continental Early Warning System and a Panel of the Wise. This sounds impressive, but the operationalization record is patchy : AU-deployed missions have been fully dependent on external donors; harmonization is a major problem; serious questions remain over AU capacity; and some of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are developing at a quicker pace than the AU. Given these circumstances and its internal capacity deficit, the AU will likely struggle to exercise oversight of regional processes, including the development of regional standby force arrangements. APSA is clearly based on a liberal peace model, yet democratic systems, respect for human rights and good governance aren't always in place in African countries, and the self-interest of elites continues to be a constraint on APSA and its success. Over the last decade the AU has found a voice and, despite some setbacks, it has shown through AMISOM in Somalia that it is capable of conducting a successful peacemaking operation. Its biggest challenge is not making the decision to intervene or deploy forces, but the capacity of most African states to deploy effectively. APSA's dependence on external partners needs to diminish over the next decade if better African solutions are to be found to peace and security challenges in the continent. Yet, the internationalized nature of crises such as the one

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in Mali in 2012-13 requires international partnerships. Not all of Africa' security problems can be solved by Africa alone, but APSA does provide a vision framework for African and external partnership. BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSES--EUROPE Russia and European Missile Defenses : Reflexive Reset ? / by Stephen J. Cimbala., 2013. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 68, 2013, p. 10-17.) ID Number: JA029192 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Cimbala, Stephen J. This article examines European (and other) missile defenses from the Russian perspective, with obvious implications for current and future US and NATO policies. It first considers whether the outlook of the Russian government and military leadership on missile defenses and nuclear arms control is driven by realistic fears and/or resistant forces in Russian domestic politics. It then discusses the possibility that aspects of Russian public diplomacy on missile defenses consist of a 'reflexive control' or other influence operation, directed at both foreign and domestic audiences. The article then performs data analysis to determine the viability of Russian and US strategic nuclear deterrents, including scenarios that assume antimissile defenses are available. BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSES--USA Back to the Drawing Board : The Need for Sound Science in U.S. Missile Defense / by Philip E. Coyle., 2013. (ARMS CONTROL TODAY, vol. 43, no. 1, January - February 2013, p. 8-14.) ID Number: JA029214 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Coyle, Philip E. Two studies in the past 16 months have raised fundamental questions about the technical basis for the course that the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency is pursuing. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Perception Is Reality : les nouveaux enjeux de l'intelligence economique / by Didier Brugere., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 87-92.) ID Number: JA029186 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Brugere, Didier L'acceleration de l'innovation technologique et de la concurrence, les nouvelles attentes societales forcent les industries de souverainete, celles de la defense, de la securite, de l'aeronautique, de l'espace et du nucleaire, a etre encore plus rapides, souples et adaptables. Dans ce contexte, l'intelligence economique, en apportant notamment un decryptage de l'environnement et en anticipant les risques potentiels, est essentielle pour aider les decideurs a developper leur strategie.

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CHECHNYA (RUSSIA)--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1994- Glocal Chechnya from Russian Sovereignty to Pan-Islamic Autonomy / by Donna Winslow... [et al.]., 2013. (SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2013, p. 129-151.) ID Number: JA029213 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Winslow, Donna 2. Moelker, Rene 3. Companjen, Francoise In Chechnya a protracted conflict only seemingly quieted down, but it still smolders and as the conflict is suppressed by coercion, it is inevitable that it will flare up at some time in the near future. The root causes of the conflict can be understood by use of globalization theory, which dialectically brings together the clashing forces from above and below. Civil society in Chechnya deteriorated, is politically curtailed, and has no resilience left. It thus results in a frozen conflict and an excluded and victimized society. Russian-style reconstruction does alleviate living conditions, but does not remediate the frozen conflict character of the present situation. The dynamics of the globalizing forces from below and above, summarized in the glocalization concept, not only explains the resistance by the Chechen people, for whom revolt, rebellion, and terrorism remain attractive options, but also serves as a model for other insurgencies. Reflecting on the two recent Chechen-Russian wars results in a paradigmatic case study. CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION (1993) The Third Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention and Beyond : Key Themes and the Prospects of Incremental Change / by Alexander Kelle., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 143-158.) ID Number: JA029179 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kelle, Alexander State parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) will convene for the Third Review Conference of the treaty in April 2013. With the destruction of chemical weapon stockpiles more than 75 per cent complete and ongoing changes in the scientific, industrial and security environment in which the CWC operates, some have argued that major adaptations in the implementation of the treaty are required. However, on the basis of regular participant observation at CWC meetings of state parties and extensive document analysis this article argues that changes in treaty implementation will be only of an incremental nature with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) taking on new tasks in the area of chemical terrorism and safety and security, alongside traditional core areas of activity in CWC implementation such as verification of chemical weapon disarmament, non-proliferation or, rather, non-acquisition of chemical weapons, and international cooperation in the peaceful uses of chemistry. Taking into account the evolution of these areas of concern in combination with the consensus-based institutional culture of the OPCW supports the expectation of only incremental changes being adopted at the Third CWC Review Conference. These expectations tie in with the findings of organizational analyses in other political contexts, which highlight the path dependency of many institutions once they are created.

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CHILD SOLDIERS The Logic of Child Soldiering and Coercion / by Bernd Beber., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, vol. 67, no. 1, Winter 2013, p. 65-104.) ID Number: JA029204 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Beber, Bernd Why do armed groups recruit large numbers of children as fighters, often coercively ? The international community has tried to curb these crimes by shaming and punishing leaders who commit them - in short, making the crimes costlier. Are these policies effective and sufficient ? The answer lies in more attention to the strategic interaction between rebel leaders and recruits. The authors adapt theories of industrial organization to rebellious groups and show how, being less able fighters, children are attractive recruits if and only if they are easier to intimidate, indoctrinate, and misinform than adults. This ease of manipulation interacts with the costliness of war crimes to influence rebel leaders' incentives to coerce children into war. The authors use a case study and a novel survey of former child recruits in Uganda to illustrate this argument and provide hard evidence not only that children are more easily manipulated in war, but also how - something often asserted but never demonstrated. The authors' theory, as well as a new 'cross-rebel' data set, also support the idea that costliness matters : foreign governments, international organizations, diasporas, and local populations can discourage child recruitment by withholding resources or punishing offenders (or, conversely, encourage these crimes by failing to act.). But punishing war crimes has limitations, and can only take us so far. Children's reintegration opportunities must be at least as great as adults' (something that demobilization programs sometimes fail to do). Also, indoctrination and misinformation can be directly influenced. The authors observe grassroots innovations in Uganda that could be models for the prevention and curbing of child soldiering and counterinsurgency generally.' CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CASPIAN SEA REGION The Northern Caspian on China's Geopolitical Agenda / by David Babayan., 2012. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, vol. 13, no. 3, 2012, p. 56-68.) ID Number: JA029201 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Babayan, David CYBERSPACE Faut-il creer une nouvelle strategie pour le cyberespace ? / by Paul Massart., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 116-120.) ID Number: JA029188 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Massart, Paul Le cyberespace est un terrain de cooperation, de competition, de confrontation ou les principaux generaux de la strategie trouvent un point d'application. Mais c'est aussi un espace strategique original par la dependance symetrique qu'il induit et qui d'une certaine facon le tient a l'ecart des agressions destructrices. C'est ce que revele l'auteur qui l'analyse avec methode.

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DEFENSE ECONOMICS Crise economique et economie de la defense / by Christian Schmidt., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 21-28.) ID Number: JA029180 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Schmidt, Christian Mettre en perspective les correlations historiques et economiques entre la guerre et l'economie de defense, analyser les depenses de defense faites en Europe, c'est se donner les moyens de prendre la mesure de ce secteur de la depense publique qui doit pratiquer des cooperations competitives et satisfaire des imperatifs tant operationnels que politiques. DEMOCRATIZATION--USA The Democracy Tradition in US Foreign Policy / by Nicolas Bouchet., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 31-51.) ID Number: JA029173 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bouchet, Nicolas This article proposes a three-level analysis of the democracy tradition in American foreign policy that identifies its ideational, strategic and policy dimensions and situates Barack Obama's presidency to date within it at each level. At the heart of this approach is the understanding that the motivations and practice of the United States' democracy promotion are shaped by its ideas about national identity, political order, national interest and international relations. This is the ideational source of the democracy tradition, which, as US power has grown, has led increasingly to decision-makers setting strategic goals that include democratization abroad as a facilitator of other US goals. Only slowly has this led to the development of specific policies to that end, though, and democracy promotion as a discrete policy field most developed from the 1980s onwards. Democracy promotion went through a 'boom' after the end of the Cold War as the United States enjoyed unparalleled power on the international stage. It is clear that Barack Obama and his administration belong firmly in the democracy tradition at the ideational, strategic and policy level, and they have given no cause to expect any major change in his second term as far as democracy promotion is concerned. It is in any case a mistake to think that changes in the democracy tradition come from particular leaders; rather, it is the changing international environment confronting US foreign policy that is more likely, in the longer term, to lead to a shift away from democracy promotion. DETERRENCE (STRATEGY) The Lost Logic of Deterrence : What the Strategy That Won the Cold War Can - and Can't Do Now / by Richard K. Betts., 2013. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 92, no. 2, March - April 2013, p. 87-99.) ID Number: JA029158 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Betts, Richard K. DICTATORSHIP Unpacking Autocracies : Explaining Similarity and Difference., 2013. (DEMOCRATIZATION, vol. 20, no. 1, January 2013, Special Issue.) ID Number: JA029167 Type: ART

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DISENGAGEMENT (MILITARY SCIENCE) Exit-Kriterien fur den militarischen Auslandseinsatz / by Andreas M. Rauch., 2013. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 2, Februar 2013, S. 16-18.) ID Number: JA029197 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Rauch, Andreas M. DRONE AIRCRAFT--USA The Costs and Consequences of Drone Warfare / by Michael J. Boyle., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 1-29.) ID Number: JA029172 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Boyle, Michael J. One of the distinctive elements of President Barack Obama's approach to counterterrorism has been his embrace of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs), or drones, to target terrorist operatives abroad. The Obama administration has used drones in active theatres of war, such as Afghanistan, but it has also dramatically increased the number of drone attacks launched by the CIA in other countries, such as Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. The conventional wisdom on drone warfare holds that these weapons are highly effective in killing terrorist operatives and disabling terrorist organizations, while killing fewer civilians than other means of attack. This article argues that much of the existing debate on drones operates with an attenuated notion of effectiveness that discounts the political and strategic dynamics - such as the corrosion of the perceptions of competence and legitimacy of governments where drone strikes take place, growing anti-Americanism and fresh recruitment of militant networks - that reveal the costs of drone warfare. Focusing particularly on drone use in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, the article suggests that the Obama administration's counterterrorism policy operates at cross-purposes because it provides a steady flow of arms and financial resources to build up governments whose legitimacy it systematically undermines by conducting unilateral strikes on their territory. It concludes that the US embrace of drone technology is a losing proposition over the long term as it will usher in a new arms race and lay the foundations for an international system that is increasingly violent, destabilized and polarized between those who have drones and those who are victims of them. EU--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Europe as Seen from Russia / by Vladimir Baranovsly, Sergey Utkin., 2012. (PERSPECTIVES, vol. 20, no. 2, 2012, p. 63-81.) ID Number: JA029205 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Baranovsly, Vladimir 2. Utkin, Sergey The article argues that Russia is concerned by the marginal position often ascribed to the country in the European politics. The frustration is fed by the fact that Russia perceives itself as a European country. As the article shows, the liberal part of the Russian political spectrum offers a range of ideas for an EU-Russia alliance that could make each of the allies more competitive in the globalized world. Meanwhile, the conservatives believe that Russia has enough resources to be a self-sufficient centre of power. The economic potential of the EU, which is Russia's major trading partner, puts

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cooperation with the EU on the forefront of the Russian external economic policy. But the only time when the EU becomes practically important for ordinary Russians is when they have to deal with (obtaining) Schengen visas. The state of the visa-related arrangements between Russia and the EU then becomes a major criterion that drives the public assessment of the EU-Russia relations. Visa-free travel and the following increase in people-to-people contacts would eventually provide the necessary level of trust between Russia and the EU. The authors also argue that the idea of an EU-Russia Political and Security Committee, which was proposed by Angela Merkel and Dmitry Medvedev, deserves serious consideration. The article concludes that it is still possible to construct Europe as a global actor which is not limited to the present day EU but also comprises other European countries, with Russia among them. Kooperation - aber wie ? : Perspektiven europaischer Russlandspolitik / by Wolfgang Hellmich., 2013. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 2, Februar 2013, S. 10-12.) ID Number: JA029196 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Hellmich, Wolfgang EU--TURKEY Europe as Seen from Turkey : From a Strategic Goal to an Instrumental Partnership EU / by Atila Eralp, Zerrin Torun., 2012. (PERSPECTIVES, vol. 20, no. 2, 2012, p. 83-101.) ID Number: JA029206 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Eralp, Atila 2. Torun, Zerrin This article explores whether Turkish preferences regarding the relationship with the EU have moved away from seeing the EU accession as a strategic goal towards seeking an instrumental partnership in foreign and security policy during the Justice and Development Party's tenure in government since 2002. While the analysis tries to cover the opinions of different segments of the Turkish elite, particular emphasis is put on how current policy-makers define their strategic vision and the EU's role in it as well as their foreign policy goals, including the accession to the EU. It finds out that as citizens of EU-candidate country, a majority of the Turkish elite define the EU as a transformative but unfair institution. However, seeing Turkey as an emerging regional power and a European actor, current Turkish policy-makers define the EU as an unaware and reticent partner which may face decline in the future. The final section explores the prospects of an improved strategic cooperation between Turkey and the EU. EURO The Limping Euro / by Giorgio La Malfa., 2013. (SURVIVAL, vol. 55, no. 1, February - March 2013, p. 135-144.) ID Number: JA029166 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Malfa, Giorgio La The euro will not be rescued by bold political steps. It will continue to limp along, prevented from collapsing by forces with no interest in facing market turmoil and currency crises.

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EUROPE--ARMED FORCES--PROCUREMENT La cooperation europeenne en matiere de defense, voie d'avenir / by Patrick Bellouard., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 67-72.) ID Number: JA029185 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bellouard, Patrick La seule reponse convaincante aux presions sur les budgets de defense est la cooperation europeenne d'armements. L'OCCAr possede dans ce domaine une expertise ancienne et reconnue et un important potentiel de croissance qu'expose l'auteur. FRANCE--ARMED FORCES--DEFENSE SPENDING L'efficacite economique de la depense de defense / by Olivier Martin., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 35-40.) ID Number: JA029182 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Martin, Olivier En faisant ressortir de facon methodique l'efficacite economique de la depense de defense, etudiee a partir de l'exemple de la filiere missile, on dispose d'un outil utile pour apprecier l'integration de l'industrie de defense dans le budget de l'Etat et sa contribution d'ensemble aux equilibres economiques et industriels du pays. FRANCE--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA Les nouveaux accords de defense a l'epreuve des crises africaines / by Leon Koungou., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 103-108.) ID Number: JA029187 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Koungou, Leon La France s'abstiendrait desormais de conduire des interventions militaires directes en Afrique. Telle est, en partie, la teneur des accords de defense de 'nouvelle generation'. Mais cette demarche se heurte a des pesanteurs historico-politiques et a des contraintes morales. Des lors, les conflits en Centrafrique, au Tchad ou au Mali, contraignent Paris a un role de gendarme ou de pilote des strategies de soutien aux Etats faibles ou menaces. GREAT BRITAIN--MILITARY POLICY Politique britannique de defense : les defis pour l'economie de la defense / by Keith Hartley., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 29-34.) ID Number: JA029181 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Hartley, Keith La politique de defense du Royaume-Uni a du s'ajuster aux tendances de l'economie de defense, budgets constants, voire declinants et couts croissants d'acquisition des equipements. Une reduction des forces armees en a resulte. Le 'principe de substitution' cher a l'economiste propose des pistes pour y faire face car la protection pourrait etre assuree par d'autres moyens et methodes tels que l'emploi des forces de reserve et la privatisation. Les armees de l'an 2050 n'auront rien a voir avec celles d'aujourd'hui.

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INFORMATION WARFARE--USA Cyber Operations : Bridging from Concept to Cyber Superiority / by Jan Kallberg, Bhavani Thuraisingham., 2013. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 68, 2013, p. 53-58.) ID Number: JA029193 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kallberg, Jan 2. Thuraisingham, Bhavani This article challenges the universities' abilities to provide support for the doctrinal change to cyber operations, mainly because of the overemphasis on information assurance and the lack of intra-university collaboration. Another issue considered is that in case we fail to transpose the theory to broad implementation, adversaries may be watching and learning what we should be implementing. The support for this scenario is drawn from the development of armored warfare. INTELLIGENCE SERVICE--CHINA Chinese Intelligence in the Cyber Age / by Nigel Inkster., 2013. (SURVIVAL, vol. 55, no. 1, February - March 2013, p. 45-65.) ID Number: JA029162 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Inkster, Nigel Foreign intelligence collection was not a major feature of China's intelligence culture until fairly recently. Now cyber-espionage has led to a step-change in capabilities. INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Coalitions, Institutions and Big Tents : The New Strategic Reality of Armed Intervention / by Sten Rynning., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 53-68.) ID Number: JA029174 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Rynning, Sten Armed interventions of the past decades demonstrate that strategic leadership can give way to lofty campaign plans, conflicting strategic narratives and concern with tactical, as opposed to strategic, issues. The intervention debate rightfully emphasizes the need for both leadership and institution-building to rectify this situation, but then breaks down into discord : some critics argue that stronger leadership by big nations is necessary, others that this type of leadership wrecks the collective institutions that are needed in a new age of multilateralism and interdependence. This article argues instead that strategic leadership grows out of the effort to connect the three distinct political arenas that have come to dominate armed interventions : coalitions, institutions and big tent diplomacy. Strategic leadership is not about choosing between coalitions or institutions; it is about building bridges among these political arenas. The article embeds this argument within the strategic literature and demonstrates how it emerges from an engagement with modern armed interventions. It engages in two in-depth assessments of NATO's experiences in Afghanistan and Libya and then undertakes a more general discussion of the steps that can be taken to encourage strategic leadership.

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IRREGULAR WARFARE The Evolution of Irregular War : Insurgents and Guerrillas from Akkadia to Afghanistan / by Max Boot., 2013. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 92, no. 2, March - April 2013, p. 100-0114.) ID Number: JA029159 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Boot, Max JAPAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Japan's Cautious Hawks : Why Tokyo Is Unlikely to Pursue an Aggressive Foreign Policy / by Gerald L. Curtis., 2013. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 92, no. 2, March - April 2013, p. 77-86.) ID Number: JA029157 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Curtis, Gerald L. JUST WAR DOCTRINE Just War, Noncombatant Immunity, and the Concept of Supreme Emergency / by David K. Chan., 2012. (JOURNAL OF MILITARY ETHICS, vol. 11, no. 4, December 2012, p. 273-286.) ID Number: JA029217 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Chan, David K. The supreme emergency exemption proposed by Michael Walzer has engendered controversy because it permits violations of the jus in bello principle of discrimination when a state is faced with imminent defeat at the hands of a very evil enemy. Traditionalists among just war theorists believe that noncombatants should never be deliberately targeted in war whether or not there is a supreme emergency. Pacifists, on the other hand, reject war as immoral even in a supreme emergency. Unlike Walzer, neither just war traditionalists nor pacifists make a special case for supreme emergencies. In this paper, the author borrows Walzer's concept to provide support for a different ethics of war that limits war to supreme emergencies. In non-supreme emergency situations, he agrees with pacifists in rejecting war even if just war requirements are satisfied. But in supreme emergencies, he agrees with just war traditionalists that war can be legitimately fought provided that moral constraints that protect noncombatants are respected. MACEDONIA (REPUBLIC)--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Macedoine : la derive autoritaire / by Jean-Arnault Derens, Laurent Geslin., 2012. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 138, hiver 2012 - 2013, p. 141-152.) ID Number: JA029218 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Derens, Jean-Arnault 2. Geslin, Laurent Since becoming independent in 1990, Macedonia has rarely been in the headlines. When this former Yugoslavia republic with a population of 2 million is mentioned, it is generally because of the quarrel with its neighbor Greece about the country's official name. This is in fact a vital question, since Athens hostility weighs heavily on Macedonia's future as a part of Europe. But there are other reasons for concern as well. The country is drifting towards nationalism and

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authoritarianism. The government led by Nikola Gruevski since 2006 has dragged the tiny country into a frenzied megalomania, anchored in hosannas to a mythologized past. The government has built a number of grandiose, pompous monuments, as the economy continues to flounder, all against the backdrop of ethnic tension between Macedonians and Albanians. The EU would be well advised to keep a close eye on this situation, which is slowly spiraling out of control. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) Les freres musulmans egyptiens a l'epreuve du pouvoir / by Stephane Lacroix., 2012. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 138, hiver 2012 - 2013, p. 207-221.) ID Number: JA029220 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Lacroix, Stephane The Muslim Brotherhood, helped by the Arab Spring, has succeeded in taking power in Egypt. While they did not trigger the revolution that kicked Mubarak out of power in 2011, they have very cleverly co-opted the movement to emerge as the victors. Just look at the facts : Brotherhood member Mohamed Morsi is the country's president; the Brotherhood has a large majority in the Parliament; and they recently managed to have a constitution largely inspired by their political agenda approved in a referendum. The opposition remaining from the Mubarak era, both judicial and military, has been significantly weakened. Faced with this irresistible force, the opposition at first seemed to be deeply divided. But the increasingly authoritarian stance of President Morsi could well change things : virtually the entire non-Islamist opposition has recently consolidated within a new structure, called the National Salvation Front. The legislative elections slated for early this year will be critical to the country's future. NATION-BUILDING Overcoming Obstacles to Peace / by James Dobbins, Laurel Miller., 2013. (SURVIVAL, vol. 55, no. 1, February - March 2013, p. 103-120.) ID Number: JA029164 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Dobbins, James 2. Miller, Laurel The memory of a few spectacular failures has created the impression that nation-building seldom succeeds. Yet most such operations over the past 20 years have produced positive results.

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NATO--ARMED FORCES--DEFENSE SPENDING Les investissements capacitaires de l'Alliance atlantique / by Patrick Auroy., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 59-66.) ID Number: JA029184 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Auroy, Patrick En precisant le perimetre des responsabilites de l'OTAN en matiere capacitaire, on comprend bien que le role de l'organisation atlantique est d'abord celui d'un facilitateur des programmes d'armement des pays allies. En montrant comment la defense intelligente et l'interconnexion des forces permettent de faire face aux tensions budgetaires, on voit que les initiatives de l'OTAN et de la PSDC convergent. NATO--OUT OF AREA Out-of-area : NATO Perceptions of the Third World, 1957-1967 / by Evanthis Hatzivassiliou., 2013. (COLD WAR HISTORY, vol. 13, no. 1, February 2013, p. 67-88.) ID Number: JA029216 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Hatzivassiliou, Evanthis This article discusses the reports of the NATO study groups on the situation in the Third World, from the aftermath of the Suez crisis until the 1967 reorganization of the alliance through the Harmel Report. These were the infamous 'out-of-area' issues which caused significant disagreements within the alliance. NATO analysis was dominated by the primacy of the Cold War : its major subject was 'Soviet penetration' of the periphery, rather than the problems of the global South as such. Arguably, this Cold War perspective prevented the NATO analysts from fully evaluating the dangers of the situation in the Third World. NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation : Examining the Linkage Argument / by Jeffrey W. Knopf., 2012. (INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, vol. 37, no. 3, Winter 2012 - 2013, p. 92-132.) ID Number: JA029171 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Knopf, Jeffrey W. Does the extent or lack of progress toward nuclear disarmament affect the health of the nuclear nonproliferation regime ? Commentators have long asserted both positive and negative responses to this question as if the answer were self-evident. Given that opposite positions have been advanced with equal conviction, a more systematic analysis is required. The analysis begins by attempting to identify all of the potential arguments that can be made both for and against the hypothesis of a disarmament-nonproliferation linkage. The arguments are grouped in terms of five broader sets of explanatory factors : security, institutions, norms, domestic politics, and psychology. This approach clarifies the various causal microfoundations that could underpin different arguments in the debate as well as the types of empirical tests that would be most relevant for evaluating the 'linkage hypothesis'. Comparative assessment of the arguments on both sides suggests that signs of commitment to nuclear disarmament by the nuclear weapon states will tend to enhance support for nonproliferation. Because of the multitude of other factors that affect state decisionmaking, however, progress on disarmament will not by itself address all of the challenges to making the nonproliferation

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regime effective. NUCLEAR DETERRENCE Why Eliminate Nuclear Weapons ? / by James E. Doyle., 2013. (SURVIVAL, vol. 55, no. 1, February - March 2013, p. 7-33.) ID Number: JA029160 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Doyle, James E. The world must reject the myths and expose the risks of the ideology of nuclear deterrence if it is to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--IRAN Is A Nuclear Deal with Iran Possible ? An Analytical Framework for the Iran Nuclear Negotiations / by James K. Sebenius, Michael K. Singh., 2012. (INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, vol. 37, no. 3, Winter 2012 - 2013, p. 52-91.) ID Number: JA029170 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Sebenius, James K. 2. Singh, Michael K. Varied diplomatic approaches by multiple negotiators over the past several years have failed to conclude a nuclear deal with Iran. Mutual hostility, misperception, and flawed diplomacy may be responsible. Yet, more fundamentally, no mutually acceptable deal may exist. To assess this possibility, a 'negotiation analytic' framework conceptually disentangles two issues : (1) whether a feasible deal exists; and (2) how to design the most promising process to achieve one. Focusing on whether a 'zone of possible agreement' exists, a graphical negotiation analysis precisely relates input assumptions about the parties' interests, their no-deal options, and possible deals. Under a plausible, mainstream set of such assumptions, the Iranian regime's no-deal options, at least through the fall of 2012, appear superior to potential nuclear agreements. If so, purely tactical and process-oriented initiatives will fail. Opening space for a mutually acceptable nuclear deal - one that avoids both military conflict and a nuclear-armed or nuclear-capable Iran - requires relentlessly and creatively worsening Iran's no-deal options while enhancing the value of a deal to the Iranian regime. Downplaying both coercive options and upside potential, as international negotiators have often done, works against this integrated strategy. If this approach opens a zone of possible agreement, sophisticated negotiation will be key to reaching a worthwhile agreement. PAKISTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--PUBLIC OPINION Pakistan's Populist Foreign Policy / by William B. Milam, Matthew J. Nelson., 2013. (SURVIVAL, vol. 55, no. 1, February - March 2013, p. 121-134.) ID Number: JA029165 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Milam, William B. 2. Nelson, Matthew J. In Pakistan, one of America's most important Muslim-majority allies, the effect of public opinion on the country's politics, including its foreign policy, may be critical.

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PATRIOT MISSILE Das Zukunftsfeld 'Flugkorperabwehr' / by Justus S. Kruse., 2013. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 3, 2013, S. 46-50.) ID Number: JA029223 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kruse, Justus S. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION Privatizing the Struggle against Somali Piracy / by Scott Fitzsimmons., 2013. (SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2013, p. 84-102.) ID Number: JA029212 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Fitzsimmons, Scott Pirate attacks against commercial vessels in the Western Indian Ocean and nearby seas reached an unprecedented level in 2011. Despite concerted efforts by the international community and shipping companies to address this threat by conducting naval patrols and equipping commercial vessels with non-lethal defenses, the frequency of pirate attacks continues to increase. The general ineffectiveness of existing anti-piracy measures has sparked interest in expanding the use of armed private security contractors to protect commercial vessels from pirate attacks. This article argues that armed private security contractors can, indeed, enhance the security of commercial vessels, because these actors can provide onsite protection for commercial vessels, which should allow them to respond very quickly to pirate attacks, and because these actors are willing to use deadly force against pirates. However, this article also argues that expanding the use of these actors may increase the degree of violence used during pirate attacks, pose threats to the safety of innocent civilians, and violate a number of domestic and international laws. POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION--AFGHANISTAN Ziviler Wiederaufbau in Afghanistan / by Julia Weigelt., 2013. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 2, Februar 2013, S. 25-27.) ID Number: JA029199 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Weigelt, Julia PRIVATE MILITARY COMPANIES Of 'True Professionals' and 'Ethical Hero Warriors' : A Gender-Discourse Analysis of Private Military and Security Companies / by Jutta Joachim, Andrea Schneiker., 2012. (SECURITY DIALOGUE, vol. 43, no. 6, December 2012, p. 495-512.) ID Number: JA029168 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Joachim, Jutta 2. Schneiker, Andrea Private military and security companies (PMSCs) have gained increasingly in importance over the course of the past two decades. Yet, given the intransparency of the industry and the heterogeneity of the companies that comprise it, we thus far know little about the actors involved. In this article, the authors offer preliminary insights into the self-representation of PMSCs, based on a gender-discourse analysis of the homepages of select companies and their main professional associations. They argue that survival in an

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increasingly competitive industry not only hinges on size, market share or effectiveness, but is also inherently gendered. PMSCs and their associations draw on the one hand on civilized and accepted forms of masculinity and femininity, presenting themselves as 'highly skilled professional' military strategists and ordinary businesses akin to banks or insurance companies. At the same time, however, PMSCs also engage in strategies of (hyper) masculinization and pathologization to set themselves apart from mercenaries, their private competitors and state security forces. In this respect, companies appear to view themselves as 'ethical hero warriors'. Whether intended or not, their strategies have political consequences. Within the security industry, they contribute to the creation and maintenance of a norm regarding what constitutes a legitimate PMSC, to which more or less all companies strive to adhere. Vis-a-vis other security actors, these strategies seek to establish PMSCs as being superior because, unlike these actors, such companies are super-masculine and able to live up to the growing and sometimes contradictory demands of changing security contexts. QATAR--FOREIGN RELATIONS Tous les chemins menent a Doha / by Naoufel Brahimi el Mili., 2012. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 138, hiver 2012 - 2013, p. 249-259.) ID Number: JA029221 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Brahimi el Mili, Naoufel Immensely rich Qatar has launched an all-out economic offensive in recent years, while multiplying diplomatic initiatives in the Arab world. Whether for the Arab Spring, the Israeli-Palestinian issue, or taking stakes in major multinationals, Qatar is present on all fronts. And Doha intends to take a lead role in a Muslim world in turmoil. But this race for soft power is not without its dangers. By placing himself a little too squarely in the limelight, Emir Hamed bin Khalifa Al-Thani may also get on people's nerves, including some of his Western allies. Unlike him, these allies have to account for public opinion. Furthermore, the government's philanthropic approach may leave the Qatari population rather skeptical. Will Qatar be able to establish itself in a long-term role as the protector of Muslims, replacing Saudi Arabia as political and religious leader ? Nothing could be less certain, since in this contest for leadership on the Arab world, we have surely not heard the last from Riyadh ... SLOVAKIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Twenty Years of Slovak Foreign Policy : Teething Problems, Successful Integration and Post-Accession Challenges / by Alexander Duleba., 2012. (INTERNATIONAL ISSUES & SLOVAK FOREIGN POLICY AFFAIRS, vol. 21, no. 3 - 4, 2012, p. 25-66.) ID Number: JA029191 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Duleba, Alexander The Beginnings of Slovak Foreign Policy / by Peter Holasek., 2012. (INTERNATIONAL ISSUES & SLOVAK FOREIGN POLICY AFFAIRS, vol. 21, no. 3 - 4, 2012, p. 10-24.) ID Number: JA029190 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Holasek, Peter

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Twenty Years of Slovak Foreign Policy / by Miroslav Lajcak., 2012. (INTERNATIONAL ISSUES & SLOVAK FOREIGN POLICY AFFAIRS, vol. 21, no. 3 - 4, 2012, p. 3-9.) ID Number: JA029189 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Lajcak, Miroslav SOUTH AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS South Africa in the Company of Giants : The Search for Leadership in a Transforming Global Order / by Chris Alden, Maxi Schoeman., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 111-129.) ID Number: JA029177 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Alden, Chris 2. Schoeman, Maxi South Africa, the continental economic giant and self-appointed spokesman for African development, is finding its distinctive national voice. Emboldened by the invitation to join the BRICS grouping, its membership of the G20 and a second term on the UN Security Council, Pretoria is beginning to capitalize on the decade of continental and global activism undertaken by Thabo Mbeki to assume a position of leadership. Gone is the defensive posturing which characterized much of the ANC's post-apartheid foreign policy, replaced by an unashamed claim to African leadership. The result is that South Africa is exercising a stronger hand in continental affairs, ranging from a significant contribution to state-building in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan, to an unprecedented assertiveness on Zimbabwe. But this new assertiveness remains constrained by three factors : the unresolved issue of identity, a host of domestic constraints linked to material capabilities and internal politics, and the divisive continental reaction to South African leadership. These factors continue to inhibit the country's ability to translate its international ambitions and global recognition into a concrete set of foreign policy achievements. SUDAN--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1983-2005 Understanding the Lethargy of Sudan's Periphery-Originated Insurgencies / by Majak D' Agoot., 2013. (SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2013, p. 57-83.) ID Number: JA029208 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Agoot, Majak D' The assumption that an insurgency effort must culminate in the seizure of state power became the go-to cliche of the twentieth-century understandings of the Civil War. However, historical counterfactuals about Sudan's civil wars have cavilled at the accuracy of this postulate. This article argues that Sudan constitutes an outlier which does not perfectly fit this established convention. In essence, many factors have combined to be the sources of Sudan's intractable, periphery-originated civil wars. Since the Torit Mutiny in August 1955, virtually all these uprisings have exhibited deep failings in inducing a complete change in the centre; or separating any part of the country through military means. Succinctly put, they have, with no exception, ended in a negotiated settlement rather than through a decisive military victory by the rebels. Based on the findings of this study, state violence, ethnic politics, and power struggle among the rebels, as well as geography, geopolitics, and the permeability of the

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borders have emerged as key explanatory variables to this alternative hypothesis. SYRIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--IRAN L'etrange destin de l'alliance Syrie-Iran-Hezbollah / by Jean-Loup Samaan., 2012. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 138, hiver 2012 - 2013, p. 167-181.) ID Number: JA029219 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Samaan, Jean-Loup For thirty years now, the triple alliance of the Assads in Syria, the Islamic regime in Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon has deployed a redoubtable regional strategy. But since February 2011, the Syrian crisis in the wake of the Arab Spring has shaken the foundations of this long-standing union. Iran and Hezbollah first thought to protect their own interests. They each continued, in their own inimitable way, to display their support for Bashar al-Assad, while also seeking to mediate between the government and the rebels and negotiate a resolution to the crisis. Having crossed a new threshold of violence in mid-2012, the government is now fighting for its life. And its two allies are caught in the trap of a headlong rush that could have dramatic consequences. Furthermore, the escalation of this conflict has resulted in Iran's and Hezbollah's expanded presence in the Syrian theater of operations, and a regional expansion, in particular into Lebanon. SYRIA--HISTORY--PROTESTS, 2011- Russia, Syria and the Doctrine of Intervention / by Samuel Charap., 2013. (SURVIVAL, vol. 55, no. 1, February - March 2013, p. 35-43.) ID Number: JA029161 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Charap, Samuel Russia's refusal to play a constructive role in resolving the Syrian crisis has been misunderstood. Dealing with Syria's Dangerous Arsenals / by Leonard S. Spector, Egle Murauskaite., 2012. (ARMS CONTROL TODAY, vol. 42, no. 9, November 2012, p. 8-13.) ID Number: JA029215 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Spector, Leonard S. 2. Murauskaite, Egle The current situation in Syria poses severe risks, but it may be creating an opportunity for the international community to put in place important constraints on Syria's chemical weapons and armory of missiles. TAIWAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Dossier special Taiwan., 2012. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 138, hiver 2012 - 2013, p. 291-392 (plusieurs articles).) ID Number: JA029222 Type: ART

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TALIBAN Taliban Adaptations and Innovations / by Thomas H. Johnson., 2013. (SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2013, p. 3-27.) ID Number: JA029207 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Johnson, Thomas H. Since 1978, insurgents in Afghanistan have endured a state of constant conflict, facing two occupying forces that have fielded modernized, highly capable militaries with a multitude of numerical and technological advantages over them. The asymmetry of these conflicts drove a rapid cycle of adaptation and innovation on the part of the insurgents that continues today. The Taliban way of war and approach to governance focuses on turning populations against political weakness and fielding simple and effective governance at the local and provincial levels. The Taliban has proven to be a highly adaptive, innovative, and resilient organization, drawing on tactics from conflicts in Iraq, Pakistan, and their own experience in Afghanistan to fight an effective and enduring defensive jihad. The introduction of improvised explosive devices, suicide bombers, and more recently a rising rate of assassinations all demonstrate the Taliban's ability to adapt tactically and innovate at the strategic level. These innovations are even more significant when one considers the cultural, social, and ideological barriers to change and how the Taliban overcame those barriers to include in their arsenal formerly taboo actions, such as suicide bombing. Understanding the innovation shown by insurgents in Afghanistan provides critical insights into the conflict the US-led coalition faces today and how it may be fought tomorrow. TERRORISM--AFRICA, NORTH Terroristische Bedrohung : Al-Qaida ist in ganz Nordafrika verankert / by Gunter F. C. Forsteneichner., 2013. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 2, Februar 2013, S. 103-106.) ID Number: JA029198 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Forsteneichner, Gunter F. C. TERRORISM--GREECE Greece : The Persistence of Political Terrorism / by George Kassimeris., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 131-142.) ID Number: JA029178 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kassimeris, George Greece has one of the most sustained problems of political terrorism anywhere in the world. From the mid-1970s to the present, the country's political and socio-economic institutions have been confronted by systematic terrorist violence mainly at the hands of revolutionary guerrilla groups. The long story of Greek terrorism was thought to have ended in the summer of 2002 with the collapse of the country's premier terrorist group and one of Europe's longest-running gangs, the notorious Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17N). 17N's dismantling and imprisonment, rather than demoralizing and emasculating the country's armed struggle movement, led instead to the emergence of new urban guerrilla groups and an increase and intensification of revolutionary violence. In consequence, the article places Greek extremist violence in a broader political and cultural

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perspective and explains why it has become a permanent fixture of national public life. TORTURE--PUBLIC OPINION International Law and Public Attitudes Toward Torture : An Experimental Study / by Geoffrey P. R. Wallace., 2013. (INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, vol. 67, no. 1, Winter 2013, p. 105-140.) ID Number: JA029203 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Wallace, Geoffrey P. R. Domestic approaches to compliance with international commitments often presume that international law has a distinct effect on the beliefs and preferences of national publics. Studies attempting to estimate the consequences of international law unfortunately face a wide range of empirical and methodological challenges. This article uses an experimental design embedded in two US national surveys to offer direct systematic evidence of international law's effect on mass public attitudes toward the use of torture, an issue in which national security concerns are often considered paramount. Contrary to the common contention of international law's inefficacy, the author finds that legal commitments have a discernible impact on public support for the use of torture. The effect of international law is also strongest in those contexts where pressures to resort to torture are at their highest. However, the effects of different dimensions in the level of international agreements' legalization are far from uniform. In contrast to the attention often devoted to binding rules, the author finds that the level of obligation seems to make little difference on public attitudes toward torture. Rather, the relative precision of the rules, along with the degree to which enforcement is delegated to third parties, plays a much greater role in shaping public preferences. Across both international law and legalization, an individual's political ideology also exerts a strong mediating effect, though in varying directions depending on the design of the agreement. The findings have implications for understanding the overall impact of international law on domestic actors, the importance of institutional design, and the role of political ideology on compliance with international agreements.' USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Don't Come Home, America : The Case against Retrenchment / by Stephen G. Brooks... [et al.]., 2012. (INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, vol. 37, no. 3, Winter 2012 - 2013, p. 7-51.) ID Number: JA029169 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Brooks, Stephen G. 2. Ikenberry, G. John 3. Wohlforth, William C. After sixty-five years of pursuing a grand strategy of global leadership - nearly a third of which transpired without a peer great power rival - has the time come for the United States to switch to a strategy of retrenchment ? According to most security studies scholars who write on the future of US grand strategy, the answer is an unambiguous yes : they argue that the United States should curtail or eliminate its overseas military presence, abolish or dramatically reduce its global security commitments, and minimize or eschew efforts to foster and lead the liberal institutional order. Thus far, the arguments for retrenchment have gone largely unanswered by international relations scholars. An evaluation of these arguments requires a systematic analysis that directly assesses the core claim

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of retrenchment advocates that the current 'deep engagement' grand strategy is not in the national interests of the United States. This analysis shows that advocates of retrenchment radically overestimate the costs of deep engagement and underestimate its benefits. The authors conclude that the fundamental choice to retain a grand strategy of deep engagement after the Cold War is just what the preponderance of international relations scholarship would expect a rational, self-interested leading power in America's position to do. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ASIA, CENTRAL Regional Security and Cooperation Issues in U.S. Policy toward Post-Soviet Central Asia / by Aziz Makhmudov., 2012. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, vol. 13, no. 3, 2012, p. 94-105.) ID Number: JA029202 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Makhmudov, Aziz USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--PAKISTAN Breaking Up Is Not Hard to Do : Why the U.S.-Pakistani Alliance Isn't Worth the Trouble / by Husain Haqqani., 2013. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 92, no. 2, March - April 2013, p. 64-76.) ID Number: JA029156 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Haqqani, Husain VEHICLES, REMOTELY PILOTED--USA Controversial Contrails : The Costs of Remotely Piloted Foreign Policy / by Houston R. Cantwell., 2013. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 68, 2013, p. 70-72.) ID Number: JA029194 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Cantwell, Houston R. WEAPONS INDUSTRY--EUROPE La necessaire reorganisation de l'industrie de defense en Europe / by Renaud Bellais, Josselin Droff., 2013. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 47-52.) ID Number: JA029183 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bellais, Renaud 2. Droff, Josselin Si le status quo semble intenable au plan industriel, si une nouvelle phase de consolidation transeuropeenne des industries d'armement semble ineluctable, les differentes options possibles pour la realiser semblent encore difficiles a conduire aujourd'hui. Tel est le constat que font les auteurs.