abbreviated introduction to inbound marketing

Internet Marketing Workshop May 13, 2009 Twitter Hash Tag: #IMW051309

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Internet Marketing Workshop May2009 HubSpot Worcester


Page 1: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

Internet Marketing Workshop

May 13, 2009

Twitter Hash Tag: #IMW051309

Page 2: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing


• Introductions

• Your Inbound Marketing Goals?

• Marketing has Changed

• How to Adapt

• Agenda for Today

• Working Together Today

Page 3: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing


• Speakers

• Peter Caputa, HubSpot

• Jennifer Snyder, HubSpot

• Catie Foertsch, Yes Media Works• Catie Foertsch, Yes Media Works

• Kyle James, HubSpot

• Brian Thorne, HubSpotSOOOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 4: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

Use Your Guides Today

• Guides

• Linda Sevier

• Jennifer Norris

• Jeetu Mahtani• Jeetu Mahtani

• Susan

• Stephen

SOOOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 5: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

60 Seconds or Less

• You

• Company Name

• I help…. (One sentence)

• My IM Expertise: #? out of 10• My IM Expertise: #? out of 10

• Today, I want to learn ___________

• I am motivated to learn because…SOOOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 6: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

Why Should You Do Online Marketing?

• Make More Sales

• Make More $

• Save Time

• Work Less

• Go on Vacation More• Go on Vacation More

• Send Kids to College

• Retire Early


More Profitable Revenue (Ultimately, it's about more profitable revenue.)

The opportunity is…SOOOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What Do You Do Before You Buy Something?

• Telemarketing/Cold Calls?

• Flyer in the Mail?

• TV/Radio/Newspaper Ad?

• Search at Google

• Ask an Unbiased Expert?

• Ask a Trusted Colleague?

SOOOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3 Reasons to Do Internet Marketing

• Leads

• Sales Ready Leads

• Highly Qualified Sales Ready Leads Who Are Ready to BuyLeads Who Are Ready to Buy

SOOOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 9: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

Outbound vs. Inbound Marketing


• Telemarketing

• Trade Shows

• Direct Mail

• Email Blasts



• Blogging

• Social Media

• RSS• Email Blasts

• Print Ads

• TV/Radio Ads


• Free tools/Trials

• PR


Page 10: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

What Does Your Website Do For You Now?

• You have to point people there

• A few people found you and called you

• You get a few leads every month.

Your website = billboard in a desert?

Page 11: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

3 Goals for Today

• Realize How Much You’re Missing the Boat

• Inspire You To Take Some Action

• Provide a Roadmap & the Vehicle to Get Started

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What You Need to Do Internet Marketing

• $10,000/mo

• 2 new internal resources ($100k+ each)

• Manager: Back to school 6 mo 12 hours/week.


Page 13: Abbreviated Introduction to Inbound Marketing

What You Need to Do Internet Marketing

• $10,000/mo Some $ ($250/$500 month)

• 2 new internal resources Time (2-4 hours/week)

• Back to school 6 month program 12 hours/week. Willingness to Learn New Skills (self paced training)

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Attracting Visitors to Your Website


• Blogging/Content Creation

• Email

• Online Paid Advertising

• Social Media Marketing• Social Media Marketing

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Converting Visitors into Leads

1. Educate/Engage Prospects

2. Prominent Calls to Action

3. Great Offers !

4. Landing Pages

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Measure, Analyze, Repeat

• Where Are Visitors, Leads, Customers Coming From?