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Health and Statement of Policy

Update August 2020

This policy is designed: - to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities. - to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety. - to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment. - to ensure safe handling and use of substances. - to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees. - to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training. - to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health. - to maintain safe and healthy working conditions. - to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals. Who is responsible for what? (Delegation of tasks) The Directors The Directors have overall responsibility for Health and Safety. The Directors of Chase Grammar School Ltd recognise and accept their responsibility as employer for providing, so far as is reasonably practical, safe and healthy workplaces, work practices and working environments for all employees, students and visitors. They will take all necessary steps to meet this responsibility. The Principal The Directors and Principal are directly responsible for safe working conditions and practices of maintenance staff, matters relating to school transport, and contractors carrying out work on the school premises. The Principal is responsible to the Directors on a day-to-day basis for ensuring that all members of the Teaching staff understand and work within Health and Safety guidelines and procedures. He is also responsible for Health and Safety relating to the conduct of school trips, both local and international.

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The Principal is responsible for all fixed plant and equipment. He is also responsible for:

the regular testing of fire alarms and emergency lighting;

safe handling and use of substances in their areas:

identifying all substances which need a COSHH assessment;

undertaking COSHH assessments;

ensuring that all actions identified in the assessments are implemented;

ensuring that all relevant employees are informed about the COSHH assessments;

checking that new substances can be used safely before they are purchased;

reviewing assessments as necessary. The Principal is responsible for:

reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority;

investigating accidents;

investigating work-related causes of sickness absences;

acting on investigation findings to prevent a recurrence. The Principal is responsible for the monitoring of the accident book. Where applicable any adverse trends are to be brought to the attention of respective members of Management. Health and Safety Representatives The following posts include Health and Safety responsibilities, and the post-holders, or relevant representative, sits on the Health and Safety Committee. The Health and Safety Officer The Health and Safety Officer is responsible to the Directors and Principal for the safe working conditions and practices of administrative, secretarial, domestic, kitchen and maintenance staff. They are also responsible for the fire equipment and regulations and are responsible to the Principal for organizing regular fire and evacuation practice. The Health and Safety Officer is also responsible for arrangements for the day-to-day safety of visitors and contractors on the school premises. They are also responsible for arrangements to ensure that accidents and incidents are logged in the accident book. The Health and Safety Officer Chairs the Health and Safety Committee.


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Head of Boarding Housemasters and Housemistresses have responsibility for Health and Safety issues in their boarding houses, and the Head of Boarding oversees these responsibilities. Trip Supervisor The Trip Supervisor has responsibility to ensure that all necessary risk assessments and health and safety checks are in place before any trip departs from school. Head of Faculty (Natural and Social Sciences) The Head of Faculty (Science and Technology) is responsible to the Principal for all matters of Health and Safety relating to the Science Department. The Science Technician is responsible to him for the safety of electrical equipment used in the science laboratories and for equipment used by teachers in the course of their teaching. MJD is Radiation Protection Officer. Head of Faculty (Performance and Design) is responsible to the Principal for all matters of health and safety relating to the teaching of Art, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama and Music. The Catering Manager is responsible to the Health and Safety Officer for all matters of Health and Safety relating to the main kitchen, dining hall and other areas under their control. The Head of Maintenance is responsible to the Principal for implementing safe working policy for maintenance and transport staff. He is also responsible for overall site safety. Head of Prep School. The Head of Prep School is responsible to the Principal for all Health and Safety issues in the Prep School. School Nurse The School Nurse has responsibility for Health and Safety issues in the Medical Centre and in the administering of medical treatment.


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These post holders are responsible for:

Risk assessments in their areas;

undertaking risk assessments in the areas for which they are responsible;

recording the findings of those risk assessments;

reporting to their managers as detailed above and obtaining approval from their managers for

action required to remove/control risks;

ensuring the action required is implemented;

checking that the implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks;

reviewing the risk assessments as necessary;

Safe plant and equipment in their areas;

identifying all equipment/plant needing maintenance;

ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up;

ensuring that all identified maintenance is implemented;

ensuring that staff report any problems found with plant/equipment;

checking with the Principal that plant equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased;

supervision and training in their areas;

supervision of young workers/trainees in their areas;

providing induction training for new employees;

providing job specific training;

keeping training records;

identifying, arranging and monitoring training required;

keeping records of training. Under Sections 7 and 8, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is the responsibility of everyone is Chase Grammar School to ensure that the highest possible standards of safety are set and fully maintained throughout the institution. Under Sections 7 and 8, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is the responsibility of everyone in Chase Grammar School to ensure that the highest possible standards of safety are set and fully maintained throughout the Institution. All employees have to:

cooperate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters;

not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety;

take reasonable care of their own health and safety;

report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person as detailed in Health and Safety policy page 1.


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Arrangements to establish, monitor and review measures needed to meet satisfactory health and safety requirements The Health and Safety Committee meets once per term, and otherwise as necessary. General Guidelines: Workplace safety for teachers, students and visitors This employee handbook has been prepared for you the employee. All staff receive a copy of page 1 of the H&S Policy in the Staff handbook. Staff with specific responsibilities receive pages 1 & 2 of the H&S policy in addition to the Staff handbook. All staff are expected to read this policy as part of the School Induction process. Additional documents including risk assessments are kept on Google docs. This document identifies the Policy, Organisation and Arrangements of Chase Grammar School for ensuring your continued health and safety at work. This employee handbook is not intended to be a comprehensive Health and Safety instruction manual, rather it should be used a prompt to ask pertinent questions. The School has a legal duty to provide safe systems of work and adequate information, instruction and training on all aspects of workplace safety. If you are in doubt about anything ask your supervisor/manager for more information. SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES The School will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees. It will manage its business in such a way, and so far as reasonably practicable, that the safety and welfare of persons not employed by the school are not exposed to risks. This policy document explains in broad terms, what must be done by everyone within the School to achieve these objectives. The aim is to provide a sound bases for the cooperation between management and employees and is intended to encourage continuous improvement of our Health, Safety and Environmental performance.


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OBJECTIVES AND COMMITMENT Our objectives toward fulfilling this policy are to:

concentrate on the elimination of risks to persons, as a first priority, then on risk reduction, prevention of injury and loss due to damage;

identify the health and safety hazards and manage those hazards so that the risks are effectively controlled, in accordance with this policy;

work to safety standards, which satisfy our statutory requirements and reflect good industry working practices;

review and develop these standards continuously and when changes in legislation, industry practice or technology occur, revise them accordingly.

eview and develop these standards continuously and when changes in Legislation, industry practice or

We are committed to consult with employees on health, safety and welfare issues by: Ensuring that our employees are trained to understand and carry out their job responsibilities. This will involve, but will not be limited to, selection, training, re-training, supporting and continuous assessment of employee performance. Continually monitoring this policy by auditing and reviewing its effectiveness in the workplace. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS The School recognizes the legal obligations placed on it by the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and other statutory legislation, as may be applicable to our undertaking. Our Health and Safety documentation and records are kept in the Health and Safety Officers Office, and will be made freely available to contractors, visitors, members of the public and any other person(s) who may be affected by our operations. A copy of the Employee Health and Safety Handbook is available on Google Drive. Employees will be made aware of this facility and are obliged to familiarize themselves with the contents of this Handbook as it contains essential information for their health, safety and welfare. Should any employee have any questions on health and safety related matter, they must raise it with their immediate supervisor.



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Health and Safety Handbook HEALTH AND SAFETY DETAIL HEALTH & SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES – see page one of this document MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORK REGULATIONS 1999 Under Regulation 3(1) of the above Regulations, employers have a duty to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to health and safety at work of employees of the School. These risk assessments must be recorded in writing and employees notified of the significant findings. Management are responsible for auctioning any points raised to reduce any identified risks to an acceptable level, preferably by elimination. Where this is not practicable then formal suitable and sufficient safe systems of work, including, where appropriate, the use of personal protective equipment, will be implemented following the provision of adequate and documented training. It is the responsibility of the Managers, and Heads of Department, to ensure that risk assessments are conducted in respect of the activities undertaken in the workplace. Some of these may be further delegated to other staff for the areas under their control. Regulation 5 of these Regulations requires the provision by the employer of appropriate health surveillance, identified as being necessary by relevant risk assessments. Regulation 7 requires employers to establish and give effect to procedures to be followed in the event of serious and/or imminent danger to persons working in their undertaking and others who may be affected by any such event/emergency. The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 requires the appointment of a competent person with ‘sufficient experience of, and familiarity with the relevant processes, plant and equipment so that they can understand the risks involved’ to undertake a suitable and sufficient risk assessment and to ‘devise necessary precautions to meet the requirements of the Regulations’. From March 1997, employers may not employ any young person under 18 without first reviewing their risk assessments to determine the particular risks facing young persons in the light of their relative immaturity, lack of experience and unfamiliarity with the workplace.


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When doing this, Chase Grammar School Ltd will take account of the fitting and layout of the workplace relating to the machines, plant and equipment in use. In addition, consideration will be given to the risks that young persons are likely to face, including the amount of training they can expect to receive, before they are put to work. The responsibility to undertake risk assessments in relation to young persons has been allocated to the Managers andHeads of Department. EMPLOYEES RESPONSIBILITIES The employee has several duties under health and safety legislation, as detailed below. Health and Safety Handbook The Managers and Heads of Department have a responsibility to ensure that the employee is informed of these duties and, under section 2(2)c of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, provide sufficient information, instruction training and supervision to ensure the safety of that employee. HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ETC. ACT 1974 Section 7 ‘To take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons’ who may be affected by what he does or fails to do. ‘As regards to any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to cooperate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with’ Section 8 Not to ‘intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions’ MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORK REGULATIONS 1992 Regulation 12 To use all and everything provided for his use in accordance with any training or instructions given. To inform his employer or any other employee of anything which could be considered as representing a serious or immediate danger to health and safety. To inform his employer of any shortcomings in respect of the protection arrangements for health and safety.


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GENERAL Do not rush about, this causes accidents. Do not run in the workplace. Do not fool around. Horseplay causes accidents. Do not rush around blind corners, especially if you are pushing or carrying a load in front of you. WASTE AND RUBBISH All work areas should be kept clean and in a tidy condition. Accumulations of waste and rubbish can cause slip, trip and vermin problems. There is a legal requirement to remove accumulations of rubbish on a daily basis. If you cause any rubbish or waste, or spill anything on the floor YOU are responsible for clearing it up. Use the appropriate bins remembering that some rubbish has to go into dedicated bins for waste removal purposes. SPILLAGES If you cause a spillage, take the appropriate steps to clean it up. If you come across a spillage, don’t just leave it for someone else to fall over it. Take whatever action is necessary to clear it up. Tell your manager, warn staff, barrier off the area. OBSTRUCTIONS Never cause an obstruction, for no matter how short a time, to any gangway, fire exit, fire point, first aidbox or any area where someone might need emergency access. Do not allow gangways to be obstructed by items projecting onto them. Close all filing cabinet drawers. Close doors behind you if they are intended to be closed. STORAGE Ensure that all items are stored in their correct location. Do not leave things lying about; do not overload cabinets, drawers, etc.; do not place articles on the top of filing cabinets, cupboards, etc. DISPLAY SCREEN USERS The following points should be considered when using display screen equipment (DSE). Ensure that your chair is suitable and providing support for your back. The height should be adjustable, as should the back and back support height. Always set the chair to your own particular requirements. If your feet do not touch the ground with comfort, use a foot rest. Organise your work, if possible, so that you have occasional breaks away from the screen. Adjust the screen settings to suit yourself. Position the screen so that there is no glare. Report equipment or software faults immediately.


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Set the keyboard so that it is comfortable and use wrist supports when required. ALCOHOL, DRUGS & MEDICAL CONDITIONS ALCOHOL People under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst at work are liable to either injure themselves or their colleagues. Even a small amount of alcohol consumed at lunch time, for example, can reduce a person’s reactions that he or she may make an error of judgement when operating plant, machinery or equipment. In addition, the person’s perception of risk can be reduced. The ‘morning after’ condition can also lead to serious incidents and accidents, lack of concentration and carelessness all lead to unsafe working conditions and subsequent injury. DRUGS The use of all drugs can at times lead to health and safety hazards, i.e. drugs are taken to induce a feeling or perception different to their current state of alertness. This is not a compatible situation for a safe working condition. Be aware that many drugs that are prescribed for medical conditions can also have adverse side effects, these can be detrimental to health and safety. The warning 'This drug causes drowsiness do not operate machinery' is common onprescription tablets but not always heeded. There can be other effects which can also cause a hazard in the workplace such as a feeling of cold, sweating, clammy hands, etc. Always tell you direct senior if your Doctor has prescribed drugs or medication which could affect your work performance. Drugs do not have to be prescribed to cause side effects. Most cold cures will cause drowsiness. MEDICAL CONDITIONS All medical conditions should be explained to your ‘senior’, and, for common sense reasons, to your works first aiders. Any condition which could affect your work should be explained so that adequate measures can be taken to reduce the risk of the condition causing an accident, i.e. diabetes, epilepsy, angina, hypertension, etc. DISCIPLINARY MATTERS Remember that it will certainly be a disciplinary offence to present yourself to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Disciplinary action may well be taken if you fail to disclose any permanent or temporary condition caused by medicine or illness which could affect the health and safety of yourself or others. It could also be a breach of legislation for which action could be taken.


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New or Expectant Mothers A general risk assessment is required to be carried out by Chase Grammar School Ltd, which will include an assessment of the risk to the health and safety of new or expectant mothers, taking cognisance of their working conditions, the type of work in which they are involved and any environmental conditions to which they are exposed, i.e. noise, cold, heat, chemicals, biologicals agents, etc. The responsibility to undertake risk assessments in relation to the health and safety of new and expectant mothers has been allocated to the Managers and Heads of Department. Training of staff in health and safety, including risk assessment It is the practice of Chase Grammar School Ltd to give as much information, instruction and training as possible to our employees in order to ensure that they are properly equipped to carry out their respective tasks safely. Employees will receive instruction in the safety aspects of situations that they may come across in their daily work and the actions to take should they encounter a health and safety hazard or risk to themselves and anyone else. This Health and Safety policy and its associated documentation forms the initial part of our induction training. All new employees will receive training about the Health and Safety policy as soon as possible after joining the school. Induction training will cover the operations and welfare arrangements of the tasks that employees are expected to carry out with particular emphasis on health and safety practices. All aspects of our fire arrangements will be explained, including the fire procedure and relevant fire precautions for Chase Grammar School Ltd, as well as any specific fire arrangements relative to the employees’ place of work. Training and instruction will be given in the operation and use of fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment that is available for use. This training will also include the means of raising the alarm as well as the procedures to adopt in order to evacuate to a place of safety.


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REFRESHER TRAINING All employees will undergo periodic refresher training in the content and the requirements of our Healthand Safety Policy and supporting arrangements. Consultation with employees Employees of Chase Grammar School Ltd will be made aware of any amendments to our Health and Safety policy and/or associated documentation. This will be achieved by additional training or memo, depending upon which the most appropriate means. Acknowledgement will be required from all personnel, to identify that they have been made aware of any such changes. Chase Grammar School Ltd, where practicable, will endeavour to inform its employees of any matters affecting their health, safety and/welfare, such dissemination may be by direct communication, or through the workplace. The School Health and Safety Committee will meet once per term to progress Health & Safety awareness and conformance although members will have recourse to call for an emergency meeting should circumstance dictate. Should an employee wish to raise an item for discussion, at the H&S Committee meeting, they must ensure that the Committee Chairman is notified well in advance as to the nature of the topic. This should ensure that appropriate resources and/or expertise will be made available to enable appropriate action to be taken. Recording and reporting accidents to staff, pupil and visitors, including those reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) All accidents are recorded in the Accident Book, kept in the Medical Centre.

Policy and procedures for off-site visits, including residential visits and any school-led adventure activities See B6 Safety and Supervision on school Journeys Dealing with Health and Safety emergencies – procedures and contacts Anyone coming across a Health and Safety emergency should act as a responsible member of staff and citizen. Emergency services should be called on 999 if it is a life-threatening emergency. Serious concerns should be brought to the immediate attention of the Health and Safety Office and Principal or Vice Principal. Serious out of hours concerns should be taken to the house staff on duty in the first instance, and then, if necessary, to the Head of Boarding. First aid and supporting medical needs See A7 Written Policy on First Aid

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Managing work-related stress Staff who consider themselves to be suffering from work-related stress should seek support. They should discuss issues with their line manager and try to find solutions. Staff are always welcome to contact members of SLT for more serious concern, including the Vice Principal and Principal. Educational Support Network (https://www.educationsupportpartnership.org.uk/) offer a 24/7 helpline on 08000 562 561. Staff may also wish to seek help through their GP. School security See B7 Access to school premises by people outside of the school

Manual handling Each employee whilst at work shall make full and proper use of any safe system of work provided for his use in compliance with these regulations. Everyone who has to lift or carry, and that includes most employees, should be trained in the correct way to do it. Every person should follow the guidance below when lifting or carrying. METHOD Keep your back straight, not necessarily vertical, bend the knees and lift using the strong muscles in the leg. Keep objects as close to your body as you can, ensuring that, where possible, the narrowest side is facing forward. When pushing or pulling, keep your back and arms straight, tuck your chin in and use your front foot to balance you whilst you thrust with your back foot. Wherever possible use mechanical means of lifting. Do not be 'macho' as a slipped disc will not fit your image. Use trolleys, hoists etc. when lifting or moving. Remember when carrying large items, you may be unable to see where you are walking. Always check your route before starting and periodically ensure you have firm footing. Keep the heaviest part of the load to the body when lifting or carrying. Wear suitable protective equipment but remember that gloves which are too big may cause problems if your fingers do not reach the end. Never ‘snatch’ a load or drag it off a surface when lifting. If it is too heavy, you will drop it or cause serious injury.

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Operation of Machinery DANGEROUS MACHINERY TRAINING Before someone uses an item of plant, machinery or equipment, you must be adequately trained and, in some circumstances, be of a certain age. The operator of the equipment should be trained in the hazards associated with the machines as well as in the method of operating it. OPERATING The machine must be operated in the prescribed manner, as you have been trained to do to and in conformance with the manual supplied by the manufacturer or supplier of the machinery. All guards provided must be used at all times and never bypassed. It is illegal to remove anything from the machine provided in the interests of safety. It is also very dangerous. Do not operate machinery with any of its guards removed. Ensure that you know how to stop the machine before starting it and how to disconnect it from its power sources, electricity, gas, air, etc. before operating it. Report any dangerous situations you observe and do not operate the machine until the hazard has been removed. Slips and trips Any person incurring an injury or ill health effect whilst at work no matter how small must ensure that an appropriate and accurate record is made in the accident/incident report book (BI 5 10 or similar). Management of asbestos Asbestos has been investigated, identified, stickered and documented around the school site. Legionella The water supply is tested for Legionella on a 3-monthly cycle.

Work at height See Risk Assessments Selecting and managing contractors The Bursar is responsible for selecting and managing contractors ensuring that safeguarding policies and procedures are adhered to, and that the school gets good value for money without conflicts of interest.

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Supervision It is the practice of the school to supervise its employees adequately and take whatever action is required to ensure compliance with the requirements of relevant Legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and Industry Guidance. Maintenance of equipment: electrical, exhaust ventilation, pressure systems, gas appliances, lifting equipment, glazing safety MAINTENANCE SAFETY All maintenance activities carry a degree of risk; this risk is increased significantly if such work is undertaken by inexperienced and/or untrained persons. Extra care and attention is required by anyone undertaking maintenance work as conditions may not be normal, hazards may have cropped up which need action, access may be required to dangerous areas. The following points should be noted:

always use the correct tool for the job;

makeshift tools must not be used;

when using access equipment, ensure that it is suitable for the job, in good order and you have been trained on its safe use. Certain tasks may require a ‘permit to work’ or a ‘safe working system’ before work can commence;

make sure you have the correct authorisation;

plan the work before starting and consider others who may be affected by what you are going to do;

use the required personal protective equipment;

by the very nature of the job, all hazards cannot be engineered out;

never undertake electrical work unless trained, qualified and authorised to do so;

ensure that all services are isolated where necessary, locking and tagging when isolated. CLEANING Do not clean the machine without switching off ALL its power sources and ensuring the machine is stationary, has come to its proper stopping position, and no one can start it up. If necessary lock the controls in the off position and remove any keys that will allow re energisation. WORKING WITH ELECTRICITY Only competent, trained and authorized personnel can service and/or repair, or otherwise maintain electrical equipment. Even authorised personnel have to ensure that there is no danger present before they carry out any maintenance or repair.


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This can only be done by isolating the supply before working on the system and testing to ensure that the equipment/circuit is ‘dead’ or isolated. WORKING WITH ELECTRICALLY POWERED MACHINERY Ensure that you know how to operate the machine and how to stop it. You should also be able to isolate it from the electricity supply. Never bring water into contact with electricity as a short circuit may occur which can cause fire and injury. Fire safety, including testing of alarms and evacuation procedures The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 requires employers to conduct a fire risk assessment of the workplace. The Fire Officer has a responsibility for ensuring this is carried out as and when necessary, although elements of this may be further delegated as required. CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH USE OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Only use hazardous chemicals if you are authorised to do so, have received adequate training in the risksassociated with them and have the associated hazard data sheets available. Only use hazardous chemicals for the task intended for them to be used. The unauthorised use could result in reactive chemicals mixing giving off a violent reaction or dangerous fumes. STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Hazardous chemicals must only be stored in the containers intended for such storage. The hazard warning labels appropriate to the contents should be clearly displayed on the container. Decanting chemicals into other containers have led to many fatal accidents when ‘pop’ bottles have been used to store dangerous weed killer in, reactions have taken place with the chemicals in the container, the chemical has been mistaken for something safe. Sometimes the chemical can react with the container or eat it away allowing the chemical to spill. Even glass can be affected by some chemicals.

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HAZARD DATA SHEETS There must always be COSHH assessment sheets posted or available where hazardous chemicals are stored, handled, transported and/or used. These must be kept up to date and must describe the chemical, its reaction, what to do in an emergency, how to dispose of the chemical, how to dispose of the container, etc. EMPTY CONTAINER Containers which have held hazardous chemicals can be as dangerous as the chemical itself if it contains residue. Always follow the supplier’s instructions when disposing of the empty container. BUYING HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS The person who buys or supplies hazardous chemicals has a duty to obtain the necessary hazard data sheet and to ensure that it is distributed to anyone or anywhere or location where it may be stored, handled, transported or used. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AT WORK REGULATIONS 1992 Regulation 10(2) CLOTHING Clothing in this sense covers the things that people wear including jewellery etc. The wearing of some jewelry can cause hazards to people whilst at work. Hanging chains can catch in moving machinery, rings can catch when lifting or carrying, earrings can affect the fitting of earmuffs, watches can snag on moving machinery. Loose clothing can get caught in moving machinery or be hooked onto passing vehicles. Hanging ties can get caught in moving machinery, loose cuffs as well. If required, wear the protective overalls provided. These not only keep your personal clothing clean, but reduce the risk of being caught. Sometimes there is a legal obligation to wear overalls. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT All personal protective equipment (PPE) is issued on an individual basis. No one should use PPE issued to someone else. Wherever possible, the necessity to wear PPE will be reduced by removing the reason at source. Where this is not possible, or where engineering solutions may take time to implement, the wearing of PPE may be compulsory. PPE should be worn on all occasions it has been issued for, in fact it is a legal requirement. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who is not using their PPR in circumstances for which it has been issued and when it is required. Every employee shall use the personal protective equipment provided to him in accordance with any training or instruction provided by the employer.

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Regulation 10(4) Every employee provided with personal protective equipment shall take reasonable care of it and return it to the appropriate accommodation provided. Regulation 11 Every employee provided with personal protective equipment shall report to his employer any loss or obvious defect in that equipment. CARE OF PPE There is a legal requirement on anyone issued with PPE to take care of it and to take steps to have it maintained or replaced when necessary. The following are types of PPE you may have to wear:

boots or shoes with safety toecaps;

boots or shoes with special soles;

clean overalls, aprons or dresses;

hard harts where there is a risk of things falling;

goggles while grinding, drilling or using air tools or equipment;

high visibility to warn traffic or to make your presence known;

safety harness where there is a risk of falling;

earmuffs where noise levels are excessive;

gloves when handling rough, sharp or cold items. Resources Health and Safety: advice on legal duties and powers (DfE, February 2014) –this policy includes all headings from Annex A of this document Legionella’s Disease, HSE, 2013 Workplace Transport Safety, HSE, 2013 Electrical Safety and You, HSE, 2012