a2 media studies evaluation question 1

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? By Alexandra Searle

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A2 media evaluation


  • 1. 1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? By Alexandra Searle

2. There are four main conventions of short films Having a developed character Having a circular narrativeAnd playing with the audiences expectations..Having a catalyst 3. Audience expectations The main way we challenged the conventions of short films was through playing with the audiences expectations Our short film is a mockumentary based on the idea of the last Zombie on earth and how he survives living with humans. 4. However when we first came up with the idea, we decided we that we wanted to start the film off as though it where a zombie movie that was going to scare the audience.We thought this would make it more comical when the audience first meet Tony and realise hes a friendly zombie, as they were expecting a scary horror movie. 5. To start with We opened the film with establishing shots of empty ruined buildings, and the shots where tinted red to make the film look as though it was going to be a horror.We also had a narration over the top, explaining that the world had been taken over by Zombies, just like any other zombie movie would start. 6. And then We had a zoomed in shot of Tonys face, to juxtapose the opening and make the opening very comical and fit with our genre of mockumentary. 7. A developed character?We decided to develop the fact that short films only have one developed character. Even though Tony is the main focus and the most developed, we also included other characters who had their own stories and even though they werent as well developed, they still had their own lives and characteristics. 8. Why? I feel this made the film more interesting and funny for the audience. It also allowed them to reveal more information about Tony, making his character even more developed. 9. Catalyst and Circular narrative For the catalyst We decided we would use the idea of having a catalyst and a circular narrative as they make short films work well. 10. We decided that each character would be interviewed, and the questions they were asked became the catalysts. 11. And for the circular narrative. We opened with a narration playing over the top of the opening shots and finished with the same narration playing over the credits.