a taste for wild games


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Looking into this account of Isaac as he was set to bestow and transfer the blessingto the next generation, I realized that just beyond the literal understanding of thisstory, there are hardcore lessons we can learn from the narrative.This book gleaned insight from Isaac experiences in his later days, and how he became susceptible to the Spirit of error, corruption and deception.


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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - Isaac: a righteous man besieged by corruption........................................................3

    Cast Down or be Casted Down. ..............................................................................................4

    Taste for Something Unusual. ................................................................................................5

    Chapter 2 Weak Vision ............................................................................................................8

    Sustain your Vision .................................................................................................................8

    How to Sustain Your Vision. ...................................................................................................9

    Chapter 3 Strange Appetite ...................................................................................................15

    The Love for the Forbidden. .................................................................................................15

    We are Without Excuse ........................................................................................................16

    Come Unto Me Charles P. Jones ........................................................................................18

    Chapter 4 Inspiration by Greed ..............................................................................................19

    The theology of Isaac ............................................................................................................19

    What makes a Righteous Man Twist the Truth.....................................................................21

    Two Forces of Giving.............................................................................................................22

    What I say to you, I say to all: ...............................................................................................24

    Chapter 5 Propensity for Evil .................................................................................................25

    Exaggerated Reality ..............................................................................................................25

    Is it all about Isaac? ..............................................................................................................26

    Chapter 6 Sensual and Not Spiritual. .....................................................................................28

    Began in the Spirit, Ended in the Flesh...............................................................................28

    Characteristics of a Sensual [ carnal ] Christian ....................................................................29

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    Chapter 1 - Isaac: a righteous man besieged by corruption

    Now then, get your weapons your quiver and bow and go out to the open country to hunt some wild games for me. Prepare me the king of tasty food I like and bring it to me to eat, so that I may give you my blessings before I die. Genesis 27:3-4

    The scripture is written for our learning and encouragement. They are good for correction, rebuke, wisdom, and training in righteousness.

    Looking into this account of Isaac as he was set to bestow and transfer the blessing to the next generation, I realized that just beyond the literal understanding of this story, there are hardcore lessons we can learn from the narrative.

    Isaac was besieged by deception in his latter days. Not occasioned by anyone but triggered by defects and deficiencies in his life and character. The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old Proverbs 20:29. Thats to say, the strength of young people like Esau is what counts while the aged should be known for wisdom accumulated experience so that they can rightly channel, and provide godly direction for the strength of young men. In the society, what the young men ultimately become, is the responsibility of the aged men. But wherever the aged men fail in this great responsibility, the result is grave consequences of moral decadence and dysfunctional society.

    In the case of Isaac, his grey hair suffered corrosion and his wisdom became distorted. He was blindfolded by indulgence and weaken by untamed appetite. He became insensitive and overly sensual. Divine reality turned into illusion and vision into delusion.

    Cast Down or be Casted Down.

    Isaac grew Wild in his taste, and became a fan of the open country. Who knows? His strange appetite for wild games could have been the reason Esau got into the trade and became very skillful in the business. The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country Genesis 25:27. Just as it is today in the Church, men of God are provoking children of God through strange teachings, stirring their appetite and driving their taste wild for worldly affections and glory. They have succeeded in sowing the seed of discontentment in the hearts of many a people, and plunge them to hunt in the open country.

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    The word of God stated: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 2 Corinthians 10:4. Listen, the moment we begin to use the weapon of our warfare to achieve carnal goals and realize personal objectives, we begin to set up our own downfall. The primary application of the weapon is to first pull down to the pulling down of strong holds thereafter Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5

    Isaac instructed Esau to grab his weapon, not hunt to for spiritual goals, but to go out to the open country for wild games, just to quench his wild appetite for a tasty meal. No wonder he could no longer see, his vision has been pulled down. No wonder he could later not discern deception nor perceive error, his imagination was casted down as well.

    The moment you begin to use your gifts, abilities and spiritual blessings to your own advantage and in pursuit of self-centered ambition, you automatically turn the wheels of warfare against yourselves. Weapons that should be working wonders against the enemy will now begin to wreak havoc in your life and destiny.

    Taste for Something Unusual.

    Furthermore, Isaac said go out to the open country, from this we can also see that his attention shifted from the flock Within to the games Without in the open country. He lost appetite for inner inspiration but aspired for an untamed and destructive ambition.

    When you, like Isaac, becomes discontent with the vision or blessings from above, and go after strange and wild ambitions, you will no longer be able to see spiritually and ultimately you will become ensnared by deception.

    Many folks no longer depend on the Holy Spirit anymore, but rather depend on wild prophetic instruction from so called prophets. We no longer consider vital the leading of the Holy Spirit within. In fact many of us have quenched the gentle voice of the spirit and are now hunting in the open country, jumping from church to church, seeking wild games [strange visions and extra ordinary manifestations].

    But the scripture cannot be broken. It clearly stated:

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    A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. People will refuse to listen to the truth and turn to myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4

    Dearly beloved Do you have itching ears or taste for something unusual? Keep your head in all situation The problem of being wild in our taste is that it opens us up to deception and gullibility. You will be exposed and swayed by all kinds of evil desires; always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

    Besides, Isaac sought to thwart divine ordinance because of food. For he said prepare me the kind of tasty food I like so that I may give you my blessings. Concerning to whom to transfer the blessing, Isaac knew the truth of to whom it belongs as it was cleared foretold before Jacob and Esau were born the older will serve the younger Genesis 25:23. But along the line, his conscience got bewildered and became warped in thought by his taste for the wild games, which only Esau can provide. He allowed his lust to prevail over his love for the truth. He would have made an eternal blunder by bestowing the blessing for Esau if not for divine providence and intervention.

    Any man that allows ambition to becloud divine vision becomes a rebel against divine agenda.

    We cannot avoid error of judgment and omission, if we cant tame appetites and control our desires. Many of us have been pierced with many grieves because of severe wounds and injuries sustained in the wild. The games of the open country, however alluring are loathsome and devastating. Surviving in the Serengeti - open country is hard, and the chances of survival is slim.

    Nevertheless, as soon as we realize our folly and cry out in repentance to God. He is Faithful and Just to forgive and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. John 1:9. But if we become insensitive and linger long in the open country, wasting too much time and efforts like Esau, we can only return later with regrets, weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    May God help you.

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    Having talked in general terms concerning Isaac, in subsequent chapters we will be looking at some character elements that made Isaac susceptible to the Spirit of corruption and deception

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    Chapter 2 Weak Vision

    Vision is what keeps a man steady on the track of destiny. It is a critical-to-success factor in the fulfillment of lifes purpose.

    Without prophetic vision people run wild, but blessed are those who follow God's teachings. Proverb 29:18. Gods Word Translation. The first point the scripture draws our attention to concerning Isaac is that his vision has become weak. He could no longer see. His journey of taste for wild games came as a result of a week vision. He indeed ran wild because he lost the prophetic vision handed him by Abraham.

    When a man loses his vision or his vision suddenly gets weak, then a grand disaster looms. It is therefore cardinal and indispensable we pay attention to our vision and ensure its light does not go dim.

    Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you. Luke 11:34:36 NIV.

    Sustain your Vision

    Jesus warned keep your eyes open, [Sustain your vision] your lamp burning, so you dont get musty and murky Luke 11:35 AMP.

    Beloved, it is vital to pay attention to the vision that established your life and ministry. Woe to that man with no vison for life at all. If there is no vision for your life, you are doomed. You are like a wind without direction. Like a car without a driver or navigator. Like a horse without a rider. It is just a matter of time, you will be heading for a great crash.

    There is vision for every life under the heavens. Many without the knowledge of theirs are either far from God the father of light and giver of visions -, or are mere nonchalant and careless about life.

    Woe to anyone without vision. Cry to God and obtain yours today!

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    However, you must ensure your vision does not go dim and its light grow out. It is a great responsibility to sustain and maintain vision, and a grave liability to disdain and out-drain it.

    Jesus concluded his warning by saying:

    Keep your life as well-lighted as your best-lighted room Luke: 11:36. MSG

    How to Sustain Your Vision.

    1. Let your eyes be single: If your whole life will be full of light, then maintain a single focus; Let your eyes be single.

    One interesting thing we must note about Isaac is that, hunting was never an occupation in their family lineage. How come he developed a taste for wild games? He got lured and distracted. Hence, what matter as a family vision and preoccupation, which was passed down by Abraham, became less interesting to him. He gradually grew blind towards the prophetic vision of the shepherd; typifying the ultimate plan of the Great Shepherd. He rather became open-eyed to the ambition of an open country and position his son Esau as his machinery of Hunting in the wild; typifying the devil, who essentially roams about hunting to kill, steal, and destroy.

    Dearly beloved, to keep your vision alive, you must maintain focus, and sustain your attention on the object of the vision; Namely Christ Jesus. Do not allow Satan to distract your focus nor substitute its object.

    Paul said: for I resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2

    Do not shift focus away from Christ in any of our quest. Focus on glorifying him, and always kill and destroy every iota of self-glory.

    Die daily to sin, self, and the worlds interest

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    As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the worlds interest in me has also died. Galatians 6: 14

    Isaac failed, but you can succeed.

    For you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Philippians 4:3

    2. Watch your Association and Influence. Innocence and sincerity do not immune you nor are antidotes from bad influence. In fact, evil influence hides behind the veil of sincere innocence to lead man astray. Isaac may have been sincerely exposed to a strange appetite through Esaus skillful hunting abilities. He became docile to the danger that eventually befell him

    Perhaps you are being swayed by a strange skill, interest, revelation, or knowledge. Esaus hunting skill has no antecedence within the family. He learnt it in the open country. Esau was a bad influence to the family. He married strange wives from the open country, so also he got his strange skills too. But Isaac innocently let them pass by him. No wonder Esau became a source of grieve to the Isaac and Rebekah at their old age. Genesis 27:46, 28:7-8

    There are many things and culture believers allow into their lives innocently, just because they dont look harmful on the surface. Many nice but strange teachings. The philosophy of the world has eroded sound doctrines, yet it looks harmless and exciting. Believers are careless about spiritual maturity, so far they are fed with religious Rhythm and Rhymes. The culture of a daily cross has become strange and Christianity has become a mere symbol of happiness and blessings.

    Dearly beloved, Watch your life [Culture, Influence, and Character] and doctrine closely. Persevere in them [strive to stay on track] because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers [people you influence]. 1 Timothy 4:16

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    Ponder and be careful about every new influence around you. Listen to the nudging of the Spirit within you always. Evil influences are always subtle and harmless on the surface. They may likewise be thrilling and exciting.

    Pay close attention to you association and influence. The survival and sustainability of your vison hang on these.

    3. Keep the Fire Burning Your vision is like a drop of fire from heaven. It needs to be sustained you must ensure it never goes out.

    You need to establish and maintain an altar upon which can sacrifice a daily devotional life [time]. Without this in place, the fire of vision can never be sustained. Altar where you communicate and fellowship with the giver of the vision is cardinal and essential to its sustainability.

    It is from this altar you generate the combustion that propels your vision and enforces its reality. However, the combustive energy must be sustained for your vision to remain alive and effective.

    Command Aaron and his sons: These are the instructions for the burnt offering that stays on the altar overnight while the altar fire is kept burning. The priest must put on his linen clothes, including his linen undergarments. Then he will remove the ashes left on the altar from the fire that consumed the burnt offering and will put them next to the altar. Then he will take off these clothes and put on some others. He will take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp. The fire must always be burning on the altar. It must never go out. The priest will burn wood on it every morning. He will lay the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offering. The fire must always be burning on the altar. It must never go out. Leviticus 6: 9 - 13

    The scripture above provided us with hints on how to sustain the fire of vision we received from heaven upon our altar of devotion and fellowship.

    a. Remove Ashes: Refresh Regularly.

    Burnt ashes must be put aside so as to keep the fire burning. Burnt ashes are the result of your past fires. They are testimonies of your past exploits.

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    Every man who is having a burning fire will have results. Those results are ashes.

    Burnt ash does not only stop your fire but also blocks your vision. It doesnt allow you to see where you are going anymore. It keeps you stagnant because it blinds you. One of the things that kill great men of God is when their achievements enter their heads. Even the fire that purges does not purge these burnt ashes because they cannot get burnt.

    They are not to be flaunted or glorify in. Do not be imitators of them that flaunt miracles on screens and leaflets; attracting attention to themselves and ministry. Such actions do not only kill your fire, but it turns you into your own god ultimately.

    In fact, the priest must take off his ministry/official clothes, and carry the ashes outside the camp v11. This suggests that the priest must maintain anonymity with regards ashes or results produced by his fire.

    In this manner, you sustain and refresh the fire of Vision from heaven. Do not get beclouded by the results of your relationship with God Do not seek the glory, gratification, cheers, and praises of Men. Always and consciously glorify God and keep less records of ashes nor flaunt them.

    b. Add Woods: Sustain Daily Efforts. Firewood are daily sacrifices we invest to stimulate and arouse the fire of vision. Without these daily investments, the fire cannot be sustained. This helps you to daily insulate the fire and help it gain ground until it can no longer be quenched easily. The inside first and not outside.

    Fire is good and exciting but dont let it excite you until it has become a big burning fire. Build your fire, but you must begin from the inside with a sustained daily efforts. Every fire begins from inside.

    Woe unto that man who only has one stick burning and withdraws that stick from his fire place to carry it about. When that fire quenches, he may not find another fireplace to light it.

    Beloved, take time to build the fire inside you. Work on it, keep it. Dont be in a hurry to meet fire extinguishers. Take time and add fresh wood daily

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    i. The fresh wood of a prayer life. Jesus who is God depends on prayers and petitions to get things done on earth. During the days of Jesus life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save Him. And He was heard because of His reverent submission (Heb. 5:7). Jesus lifestyle of prayer is sufficient to serve as a motivation for those called out to follow His footsteps. Jesus prayed with tears and loud cries, so why wouldnt I do the same.

    ii. The fresh wood of revelations. This must become your habit every day. You must add fresh wood of revelations from the bible morning by morning. Dont be too anointed as to boycott the place of spiritual fellowship with the Lord.

    iii. The fresh wood of meditation. You must keep your thoughts around your fire. Keep your thoughts thick every day, around and about the fire God is kindling in your heart. Dont let anything dissipate your thoughts. Dont become a scattered man. Be concentrated. Let the thoughts of your heart become useful instruments to your fire. Meditation help mixes up the word with faith for profiting. Heb. 4:1-3.

    iv. The fresh word of fiery companions.

    v. The fresh wood of diligence and consistency.

    vi. The wood of corporate fellowship.

    Anointing is not a substitute for diligence. It takes diligence to be anointed because God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

    c. Fat of Fellowship Offering: Befriend God. Relationship grants us access to Gods presence, but fellowship give us Co-identity status with God. We become co-workers and a fellow with him.

    Fellowship enables us to have a share in his thoughts, privy to his plans, and be in the know of his agenda around us; even beyond.

    Fellowship is beyond just praying or reading the bible, it is doing all of that and more with a strong sense of Commitment, Consistency, and Consecration. Being in fellowship with God is a higher calling. It means

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    being a fellow - a person in the same position, involved in the same activity, and sharing the same quality..

    It entails a life of Devotion, Discipline, and Dedication

    With such a man, God will do nothing without revealing it to him or listen to his opinion.

    The LORD said, "I shouldn't hide what I am going to do from Abraham. Genesis 18:17.

    Abraham was such a man. You also can be another in this generation.


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    Chapter 3 Strange Appetite

    Now then, get your equipmentyour quiver and bowand go out to the open country to hunt some wild game for me. Prepare me the kind of tasty food I like and bring it to me to eat, so that I may give you my blessing before I die. Genesis 27: 3 4

    Isaac had different classes of animals among his flocks if it were to be a matter of have taste for something different. He had the option of varieties: Cow, Goat, Sheep, Horse, Rams etc. He had a rich stock of all these, but not so, Isaac esoteric taste for the wild games of the open country set him up for deception. As a matter of fact, Rebekah his wife knew how to prepare him a better tasty meal than Esau, because she eventually did, and Isaac ate what she prepared without knowing it wasnt Esaus wild games.

    The Love for the Forbidden.

    Tasting something different wasnt the issue for Isaac, it was rather a problem, a problem of affection for WILD pleasures, and love for STRANGE taste; something outside the frame of orthodoxy and culture. Something extraordinary, unusual, nontraditional, and spectacular.

    The misery of iniquity and sin is that men are ensnared with the quest for the forbidden, and enticed with insatiable desire for excitement and the unusual. It makes us abhor the drudgery of spiritual routine, and value less the satisfaction and joy of obedience. This was the case in the beginning at the Garden of Eden. Eve was beguiled by her lust the forbidden, and Adam was assassinated and slain by his dissatisfaction for daily drudgeries and routines [labors, compliance, customs, and practices] that obedience to God requires

    Stolen waters (pleasures) are sweet [because they are forbidden]; and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. Proverb 9:17

    Many of us are like Isaac in our taste, and victims as Adam, especially in spiritual matters. We are always on the quest for supernatural and extraordinary experience. We get distasteful and full of discontent with God and His still small voice and routine kind of dealings with men, and if something is not spectacular, amusing, and Jaw dropping it cannot be God. God must always dazzle, impress, and intimidate our minds. Like Isaac, we love and always look out for supernatural

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    stunts and stunts men [Super Apostles, Fabulous Teachers, Extraordinary Pastors, and Hyper Prophets]. Yet we overlook the simplicity of Christ and divine nature easily.

    Yes, God does spectacular and supernatural things. He raises the dead, He parted the sea, He opened the eyes of the blind, and He brought forth water from the rock. He did and still does many and plenty of such wonders today. The character of God is that, he does these things to show forth to the World the He is the Lord Almighty. But to the ones that have come to know Him in a relationship, those who have faith in Him through Christ, He expects them to produce spiritual virtues and no longer see spectacles. He wants them to mature, so that they can handle strong meat - Hebrew 5:13, and not remain babes, depending only on bread and milk; for miracles and spectacles are childrens bread Mathew 15:26. God wants you to mature to the point where you seek him beyond miracles, and seek Him as the Lord and Master. At that point you will not only experience God in deeper proportion, but you will perform miracles and wonders in His name.

    God has so enriched us with many blessings; His Holy Spirit to guide us, His grace to aid us, His word to encourage and instruct us, and his church to build us up. Yet we are never contented, we are always longing for wild desires and strange aspirations. We hunt in the world to satisfy our evil appetite to our detriment. The world has become our benchmark for success, definition of progress, model of marriage, pattern for the family, and object of semblance.

    We are Without Excuse

    For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualitieshis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

    For although we profess to know God, we neither glorify him as God nor really worship him, but our thinking has become futile of reality and our foolish hearts are darkened. We claim we are wise and have more light of revelation, we became fools by exchanging the glory of the immortal God for images of Men. We exchange the truth of God for lies, and worship and serve created things [money, fame, clergy men (bishops, prophets, and pastors), clothes, houses, cars etc.] rather than the creator who is forever praised. Amen.

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    However, since we no longer think it worthwhile to retain the true knowledge of God, God himself gave us over to a depraved minds and degenerated consciousness, to be doing what ought not to be done. We have become filled with every kind of wickedness, invented new ways of sinning and full of all kinds of greed, evil, and depravity. Some of us have become Murderers [fall down and die intercessors], and no longer interested in genuine intercession aimed at soul winning and mens deliverance from the grip of sin, while some of us have perfected various godless chatters and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge. All because we have become lovers of self rather than lovers of God, need driven rather than Christ centered, worldly focused rather than kingdom consciousness.

    Although we know Gods righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, yet we not only continue to do these very things, but we also approve others who practice them.

    Dearly beloved, it is that we all come to the reckoning and realization that this Open Country world, has nothing to offer than death.

    Which area of your life, or what aspect of your ministry have you gone wild and develop strange appetites?

    Is it your quest for power or authority?

    Is it your desperation for wealth and riches?

    Is it your reaction against evil, wickedness, and forces of darkness - within and without?

    Is it in your marriage; extramarital affairs?

    Is it in your search for miracles, healings, and deliverances?

    Is it in your ambition for acceptance, fame, and relevance?

    Jesus said: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28.

    There is a sure promise of rest for you today. Cry out to God!

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    I will love you to Sing or Read this hymn with me. It really was a blessing to me and I know it will bless you as well.

    Come Unto Me Charles P. Jones

    Hear the blessed Savior calling the oppressed, Oh, ye heavy-laden, come to Me and rest; Come, no longer tarry, I your load will bear, Bring Me every burden, bring Me every care. Chorus: Come unto Me, I will give you rest; Take My yoke upon you, hear Me and be blest; I am meek and lowly, come and trust My might; Come, My yoke is easy, and My burdens light. Are you disappointed, wandering here and there, Dragging chains of doubt and loaded down with care? Do unholy feelings struggle in your breast? Bring your case to JesusHe will give you rest. Stumbling on the mountains dark with sin and shame, Stumbling toward the pit of hells consuming flame; By the powers of sin deluded and oppressed, Hear the tender Shepherd, Come to Me and rest. Have you by temptation often conquered been, Has a sense of weakness brought distress within? Christ will sanctify you, if youll claim His best; In the Holy Spirit, He will give you rest.

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    Chapter 4 Inspiration by Greed

    Prepare me the kind of tasty food I like and bring it to me to eat, so that I may give you my blessing before I die. Genesis 27:4

    Isaac, a patriarch entrusted with the knowledge of Gods will concerning the Trans-generational blessing, for profits sake, tried to exchange it for the cravings of his appetite

    He started out with a clear vision, but he turned blind. He was an example of the righteous that became corrupted, and a man of understanding that became deluded. He was ensnared by greed, besieged by corruption, and ultimately invaded by deception.

    He sought gifts [ bribe ] in exchange for the blessing. What he freely received, he was unwilling to freely give. The blessing he got unconditionally from Abraham, he exchange for a tasty meal. Like father like son, perhaps, he might be the reason Esau did not value his birth right and exchanged it for a plate of food as well.

    Isaac was stimulated by greed, and inspired by an inherent corruption to bless.

    for bribes [ gifts ] blind the eyes of the wise and corrupt the decisions [ inspiration and intention] of the godly. Deuteronomy 16:19 NLT emphasis mine

    Isaac became blinded to Gods righteous and predestined selection of Jacob because of his appetite and greed.

    The theology of Isaac

    Todays Men of God are the worst of it. They teach Gods people to give money for His blessings. Theyll say, Gods blessings must be activated with gifts, seeds, and prophetic offerings before it must be released to you; the beneficiary. They are now Gods brokers and no more stewards of his grace. God is pictured as a business man that will not release his goods [blessings] unless he gets money in exchange. The congregation is compelled to sow seeds and key into Gods blessing for their lives, as they go on to justify and ratify the scheme with scriptures, overwhelming Gods people with out-of-context verses to reinforce the stronghold of manipulations in their lives.

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    They propagate the philosophy of demand and supply in the packaged of Isaacs theology of sowing and reaping. In other not to appear contradictory, the proponents of the message of Grace will tilt the scheme a bit and say, God has freely and fully blessed us in Christ with all spiritual blessings but we must sow seeds and give money to receive the blessings, and bring it down for earthly manifestations. In that case, the giving or seed sowing is not for God to bless, but it is for the people to be positioned and aligned to receive. Heaven has blessed, but the earth must sow to reap. Hence, they cleverly prey on peoples desperation for material possessions and earthly comforts to plunder them. It would have been better, if it were money only they plunder, but sadly, they also plunder Gods people of the light of truth, leaving them to grope in darkness while remaining a stumbling block to their freedom in Christ.

    To you dearly beloved, do not let any man or church enslave you any longer

    It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

    I really wish and pray that the true message of sowing and reaping will be peached in the church and not be narrowed to money alone. I sincerely wish Gods people would know that whoever continue to stimulate the desires of his flesh will ultimately reap Afflictions, Corruption, and Death, and whosoever encourages the growth of his spirit man will harvest Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit. This is the true message of Sowing and Reaping as taught in the Gospel.

    Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8

    However, the servants of God that continues to teach and propagate heresy to the detriment of Gods children. This is what the Lord says:

    What sorrow awaits the leaders of my peoplethe shepherds of my sheepfor they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for, says the LORD. Jeremiah 23:1

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    What makes a Righteous Man Twist the Truth...

    Sincerely, they are simply deluded and corrupted like Isaac, thinking that the blessings of God could be exchange for money. Whenever we try to exchange or obtain Gods blessings for gain or with substance or money, we are being corrupt. For the scripture says through Peter:

    To hell with your money! And you along with it. Why, thats unthinkabletrying to buy Gods gift! Youll never be part of what God is doing by striking bargains and offering bribes. Change your waysand now! Ask the Master to forgive you for trying to use God to make money. I can see this is an old habit with you; you reek with money-lust. Acts 8:20-23 MSG

    Isaac corrupted imagination as a result of his untamed subtle cravings landed him in error of Judgment and corrupted his decision concerning to whom to bestow the blessing; having the truth being foretold him even before the duo Jacob and Esau were born.

    Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see. A bribe makes even a righteous person twist the truth. Exodus 23:8 NLT

    Many of us are like Isaac. Although we are righteous, yet we are corrupt. We are godly, yet we twist the truth. We often ignore what we know and see clearly because of immediate gain. We close the eyes of wisdom and shun the light of truth because of our needs [ Howbeit legitimate ].

    You must never twist justice or show partiality. Never accept a bribe, for bribes blind the eyes of the wise and corrupt the decisions of the godly. Deuteronomy 16:19 Deep down within our spirit, we know the truth and gods righteousness, but most times we follow the dictates of our minds against the light of truth being compelled by prevailing circumstances. We twist the word of God too suit our decisions. We use our corrupted imagination to interpret and apply the word of God to repose our conscience from guilt. Although we acknowledge the grace of god in Christ Jesus, yet we choose to live by the laws of demand and supply.

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    Freely [ without payment ]have you received; freely [without charge] give. Mathew 10:8b

    You should stop to see God or paint Him, in relations to His blessings, in the light of merchandise. Godliness is profitable unto all things, yet we should not imagine that godliness is a source of profit [ a money making business, a mean of livelihood ], As it is written, from such withdraw ! Timothy 6:5. Nevertheless, godliness indeed is immense profit. For godliness accompanied with contentment [that which is a sense of inward sufficiency] is great and abundant gain.

    Two Forces of Giving

    You may be reading this book, and may be thinking that I am narrow minded about this discourse. In all of these, I am not saying that people should stop giving to the church or men of God. We all know that whoever that does not give, does not know God nor Love Him.

    I will mention briefly the two strong propellant for giving

    1. Love

    Love is a great motivator and a compelling force for action.

    God is Love and Love gives freely.

    When people are taught to know and love God, giving and sacrifices of love become a natural outflow of their lives. We should teach people to manifest Gods likeness and project His image that they are the embodiment of Love.

    Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4: 7-8

    God demonstrated his love through giving, so also when you grow and mature in your faith and love for God, you will naturally live like him; Giving Your All. No one coarse or compel anyone in love to do something for the one he loves. Love is a great motivator and a compelling force for action.

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    2. Gratitude.

    A thankful heart is a grateful heart. When a man is thankful, he demonstrates his gratitude by manifesting good to others and appreciating the giver. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It is a natural disposition to anyone that values relationship.

    Men need to be taught to be thankful and demonstrate gratitude to God. Servants of God must teach the people about the manifold grace of God towards them, his love and faithfulness concerning their lives, so that it will engender a heart of praise and gratitude towards God.

    Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High. But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God. Psalm 50:14, 23 The thanks offering and vowing (i.e voting offerings) belong to the category of voluntary offerings in which the offerers shared by eating from the offering. God desired communion with his people. Instead of presenting dedicatory offerings in a spirit of pride, they had to learn that the Most High invites them for a banquet to enjoy his presence. Of course the offerings must reflect the true intent: thankfulness

    Solomon, a man that comprehended Gods kindness and mercy toward his life, went the extra miles to demonstrate his gratitude by offering recklessly a thousand burnt offerings on the altar 1kings 3:4 as against the theology of seed sowing for the blessing that is being propagated from this grateful act of Solomon. Solomon did not sacrifice a thousand burnt offering to demand anything from God. It was a burnt offering, a delightful aroma pleasing to God.

    Solomon action was stimulated by gratitude towards God, and not inspired by demand of any sort. His motive was thanksgiving

    Let us examine the scriptures together.

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    Solomon son of David established himself firmly over his kingdom, for the Lord his God was with him and made him exceedingly great. 2 Chronicles 1:1

    This verse of scripture preceded Solomons action of sacrifice. Solomon realized that what God did was beyond his reach, grasp and qualification; considering his position in the family. He saw it as a pure act of mercy and workings of grace. He was full of appreciation and thanksgiving, so he demonstrated his gratefulness recklessly offering thanks to God. He went before God in the Tent of Meeting, not seeking anything or placing demands, but to appreciate God immensely, having made him exceedingly great.

    When a man understands the extent of Gods love, grace, and faithfulness, he will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Sacrifice of thanksgiving is an aroma pleasing to God such sacrifice delights God and provokes further blessings upon men such as Solomon.

    We later saw hat Solomons motivation for giving and sacrificing was beyond sowing-to-get, but a pure expression of worship and thanksgiving. He, in another event offered sacrifices of fellowship offering to the Lord; 22,000 cattle, and 120,000 sheep and goats.

    What I say to you, I say to all:

    Weed every breed of greed out from your heart and allow the grease of grace and lotion of Gods love to constantly propel your actions.

    We should therefore no longer imitate the error of Isaac but rather emulate the righteousness of faithful men in scriptures. These faithful men built altars of fellowship and offered sacrifices for love, and of gratitude upon them unto God. They followed God for who he is and not primarily for what they want from .

    Be careful not to be a stumbling block and a derailing tract to any people. Watch your lifestyle closely! Selah

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    Chapter 5 Propensity for Evil

    What if my father touches me? I would appear to be tricking him and would bring down a curse on myself rather than a blessing. Genesis 27:12

    Isaac opened the door of compromise in his life and ministry because of his desperate affection for desires, ambitions, and taste for food esoteric to his character and spiritual heritage. Rather than being predisposed to blessing, he became susceptible to invoking a curse. The blesser tuning to a curser because of his desperate appetite.

    This propensity to compromise exposed him to all manners of evil; actions and reactions contrary to divine order or instruction. In the Serengeti [ WILDERNESS ] of life, desperation is inevitable, it is all a game of survival.

    A man on a rampage for wild desires, ambitions, and glory is volatile and disposed to compromise. So then, such a man will stop at nothing in getting hold of his pursuit.

    Exaggerated Reality

    Desperation overblows your sense of need, exaggerate its effect, heightens your propensity to compromise, and short-circuits your foresight.

    Hear me well.

    Being desperate cannot and will not solve your problems or meet your needs. Rather it compounds the problem, aggravates the need, repackage and represent them in the nearest future; furnished with regrets and garnished with agony. The wheel of despair and circle of misery desperation eventually gets a man in becomes a loop only God can deliver him from.

    Desperation is the reason for all the vices, sins, and corruptions of our lives. The adultery, fornication, stealing, killing, malice, suicide and all sorts. For instance: A woman adulterates because of what she feels she could not get from her husband, and can get from another man. Likewise the man, longs for something more tasty and wild that he feels the wife could not give. A young lady fornicates and defiles her body because of what she wants and thinks she couldnt get except through such traumatic compromise. A business man plunge himself into corrupt and questionable practices because of an over blown sense of what he wants to

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    achieve. Desperation makes a Pastor or Clergy adulterates the word of God, corrupt inspiration, quench conviction, and substitute genuine spiritual experiences for illusions

    Unfortunately, the solutions and options desperation offers to you is never sufficient. It is like a drop of water on a dry tongue. It is always momentary and not fulfilling. The gratification is short lived ... enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; (Heb 11:25), yet it will take from you all youve got in life as a value or virtue.

    Personally, I had fallen for many compromises in my quest to survive in business with brutal and agonizing experiences. Such as: corrupted integrity, bad reputation, misrepresented identity, troubles from all sides, excruciating pressure, traumatic ordeals, and loss of spiritual virtues. I have many wounds, scars, marks and imprint of desperations lashes all over me. Even now, am trusting God for ultimate restoration in some areas I earlier mentioned.

    A man besieged by deception is prone to a lot of evil tendencies. His disposition to ungodliness is heighted by enticements and desperation. Jacob knew that Isaac could no longer be trusted as spiritual and godly. So he said to Rebekah, his mother, I would bring a curse upon myself rather than a blessing He knew there was already a dent on Isaac spirituality and godliness. Isaac already dualized his personality and polarized his spirituality because of his strange appetite. Corruption was found in him. His tongue was not wholly sanctified and out rightly certified holy to pronounce blessings. He could now curse also.

    Is it all about Isaac?

    You and I are without exclusion. We may be worse off than Isaac.

    Many times we have cursed people we ought to bless because of our strange appetite for wealth, deliverance, promotion, safety, and everything mundane. We became self-centered, selfish, and blinded by our own needs to the detriment of people positioned around us for our blessings. We are wicked and full of Evil [actions and reactions contrary to kingdom virtues, character, and lifestyle], having being possessed by greed and obsessed with self..


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    Are you not evil when you pray and petition God that your enemy, that man or woman, who is a stumbling block to your breakthrough must die, so that you can succeed? Sending him to the grave hell-bound. Instead of being a blesser with regards to the salvation of his soul, you are being a curser, and the cause of many souls in hell to your credit of spiritual warfare.

    This is Evil, occasioned by greed and selfishness.

    Are you not evil and wicked, when you insist in prayers that God must answer speedily with Money to build your Gold Plated house and buy your dream car, so that your neighbour may know that god is with you and show that you have arrived? Caring less about genuine glory of God, which is better seen in contentment, godliness, peace, temperance, peace, joy, patience, self-control and all the fruits of the Spirit.

    Are you not evil, when all you seek of God is his hands [ what you can get off Him ] and not His heart [ what really matters to him and his kingdom]? Being driven by your needs and not motivated by Gods plan, purpose and will for your life.

    Dear friend, examine yourself critically under the beam of the light of truth.

    Ask God for his mercy and repent where necessary.

    The Lord announced the word and great was the company of those who proclaimed it. Psalm 68:11

    The time has come for you to join the army of God, Proclaiming his WORD as such a time as this.

    For it is written:

    Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Mathew 4:4


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    Chapter 6 Sensual and Not Spiritual.

    Then Isaac said to Jacob, come near so I can touch you, my son, to know whether you really are my son Esau or not so he went to him and kissed him. When Isaac caught the smell of his clothes, he blessed him Genesis 27:22, 27

    As I conclude this discourse about Isaac and his wild affection and appetite for worldliness and its satisfaction, it is important we consider what ultimately befalls a man such as Isaac at the end of such reckless adventure.

    A man besiege by deception will only become veiled with error and distorted realties.

    I mentioned earlier that Isaac flirting with the taste of wild games of the open country; firstly, cost him both spiritual and physical vision. Secondly, polluted his life with strange cultures and destructive appetite. Thirdly, corrupted his soul irreparably and damage his spirit. And fourthly, engendered in him an evil and wicked disposition.

    Ultimately, Isaac lost all spiritual sensitivity and was plunge into the wilderness of his natural senses. He became carnal, having begun by the means of the Spirit, he finished by the means of the flesh. Galatians 3:3. His discerning antenna was badly damaged, and no spiritual signal available whatsoever. He was betrayed by a mere taste for inordinate affection.

    To the sensual, illusion becomes real and delusion replaces revelation. Discernment gets veiled by deception, while reality gets obscured.

    Began in the Spirit, Ended in the Flesh

    Isaac, a man that started well with God and engaged the fellowship of his presence, and on several occasions in the past secured direction and comfort from God, now later in his life had to depend and trust his senses for guidance.

    In retrospect, Isaac had a practice of seeking God. He was once in the field meditation at evening time when camel caravan approached carrying his precious cargo Rebekah. Genesis 24:62. He was at some point seeking God for direction during famine and God appeared to him with divine instructions. In obedience, he prospers hundredfold. Genesis 26, 1-3, 13. Yet, on another account, Isaac sought God in prayers on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The Lord answered

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    his prayers, even with gracious revelation of the future concerning his children. Genesis 25:21-13.

    This man had history that he had walked with God closely. Why then did he miss the mark at this crucial point of his life? The time to transfer the spiritual blessing, covenanted to Abraham. Why could he not perceive the delusion encroaching his judgment?

    The answer is simple.

    He abandoned the altar of fellowship and went after the altar of compromise. He became overly sensual and no longer spiritual. Isaac became complacent and blind towards God. He reveal that he was blind to the character of Esau and even aided it, and also blind to his wifes vision regarding Jacob and so on.

    When your judgment of issues and perception of life gets predominated by what you can feel, touch, smell and hear, then you are sensual. A spiritual man depends on God solely for leading and Direction.

    Jesus gave them this answer: Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the Son also does. John 5:19

    Isaacs siege of deception came to the climax at the moment he out rightly became sensual. Though he knew he was being subjective and susceptible to deception, he was powerless because of his inability to activate the spiritual. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things 1 Corinthians 2:15.

    Deception is a spirit, and it is only the Spirit of God that can expose him wherever he operates.

    Characteristics of a Sensual [ carnal ] Christian

    Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]. Romans 8:6

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    Let us pull all of these into a language we can understand. What are some of the characteristics that identify a carnal Christian? These are born again Christians because they have the Spirit of God in them. However, because they have chosen to follow what the flesh has told them over Gods promptings, their actions show forth self rather than God. Here are some marks of identification.

    Carnal Christians are often talkative and flippant always making themselves the center of attention. They tend to use many words and look upon themselves as far more advanced than others. Consequently they are often more advanced than others. Consequently they are often fault finders. Working for the lord is of the utmost importance to them, but they feel that everything must be done in a hurry. They do not wait on the Lord for his answer. They often rely upon their own personality and have a large spiritual vocabulary. They usually are uncommonly gifted, have great talent and magnetic personalities. But then they dwell on their own superiority.

    The basic characteristic of the works of the flesh are independence or self-dependence, self-confidence and self-reliance. This Christian values self-will above Gods will.

    Sensual believes try to satisfy their curiosity by studying prophecy. They believe that knowing mentally is the same thing as possessing experientially. They have great acquired knowledge, but not spirit-revealed knowledge. Its important to note, however, that increased spiritual head-knowledge will often strengthen our carnality, deceiving us into thinking we are spiritual.

    The danger of the above is that because Gods spirit is suppressed, the soulish and bodily realm will rule. Allowing the power of darkness to get an advantage. God designed the sanctification process to remove all hindrance so that the Holy Spirit can control us. Sanctification is simply the process of restoring the image of Christ in us. Unfortunately, many carnal Christians are unwilling to pay that prices.

    Thus, you can be born again by the Spirit, and yet still spend 90% of your time in the soulish realm. If this is the case, your ministry and teaching will not produce any real life or power. Listen to John 6:63 it is the Spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing

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    Ask yourself, do any of the above characteristics describe you? If so allow Holy Spirit to personally reveal them to you, and in response, deal with them as God would have you before you get captured.

    Other works of the flesh are described in Galatians 5:19-21

    When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

    Remember a couple of other things

    Whatever does not issue from depending upon the Spirit is of the flesh Attempting to fellow God without denying self is the root of all failure The flesh is Satans workshop Putting confidence in the flesh is death and will destroy our ability to glorify


    Consequently, we must continually judge ourselves and bring our flesh into captivity so that Gods life may come forth. This is called The Exchanged Life and this is what the sanctification process is all about.