a new rearrangement of 3-alkyl-6-benzamidopurine

Tetrahedron Letters No.25, Pp, 2059-2061, 1965. Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain. A NEW REARRANGEMENT OF 3-ALXYL-6-BENZ~IIUOPURJNE Buqi Shimizu and Michiko Miyahi Central Research Laboratories, Sankyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan (Received 23 April 1965) As for the rearrangement of alkyl groups on the nuclear nitrogen of purine or pyrimidine base, only lile migration to the extranuclear nitrogen has beerrdescribed (l-12). For examples, 1-metbyladenlnes(1) have been converted to the corresponding N6-metli,y1 derivatives (II) under alkaline conditions (l-5). In the course of studies of alkjlatlon of 6-benzamidopurlne (Ill)*, we f'ol,nd the first example of an alkyl migration, IV-V and VI-+VII, involving two intranuclear nitrogens as the reaction termlnl. SUCh rearrangement has never been described. Treatment of III with benz\l bromide in N.N-dlmpt~I.~lformamideor -acetamide at W-100' gave 3-betlz\l-6-betlzamidopLrlne(IV) and S-benz\l- b-benzamldopurine (V)**, 111contrasl to the slmllar treatment giving rise malnl\ to 3-br1~zyl adenine. Prolonged heatln:! of * Previously it was reported that piiospliorlbos,~latlon (13),

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Page 1: A new rearrangement of 3-alkyl-6-benzamidopurine

Tetrahedron Letters No.25, Pp, 2059-2061, 1965. Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain.


Buqi Shimizu and Michiko Miyahi

Central Research Laboratories, Sankyo Co., Ltd.

Tokyo, Japan

(Received 23 April 1965)

As for the rearrangement of alkyl groups on the nuclear nitrogen

of purine or pyrimidine base, only lile migration to the extranuclear

nitrogen has beerr described (l-12). For examples, 1-metbyladenlnes(1)

have been converted to the corresponding N6-metli,y1 derivatives (II) under

alkaline conditions (l-5).

In the course of studies of alkjlatlon of 6-benzamidopurlne (Ill)*,

we f'ol,nd the first example of an alkyl migration, IV-V and VI-+VII,

involving two intranuclear nitrogens as the reaction termlnl. SUCh

rearrangement has never been described.

Treatment of III with benz\l bromide in N.N-dlmpt~I.~lformamide or

-acetamide at W-100' gave 3-betlz\l-6-betlzamidopLrlne (IV) and S-benz\l-

b-benzamldopurine (V)**, 111 contrasl to the slmllar treatment

giving rise malnl\ to 3-br1~zyl adenine. Prolonged heatln:! of

* Previously it was reported that piiospliorlbos,~latlon (13),

Page 2: A new rearrangement of 3-alkyl-6-benzamidopurine

2060 No.25




mixture incrc?aspd the ratio of the yield of V to that of IV, indicating

that the forrlation of V would have proceeded & IV. When IV was

heated at 11x)-123" in N,N-dimethvlfarmamide for 70 hr., V was isolated

I" 75"/ yield after silica gel chromatography [mp. 161", h zii 290 mp

(21,700), pfl 7 281 DIP (lR,ZOO), pH 13 299 ml_' (13,300)]: it was

characterize<1 by conversion to the known Y-ienzyladenine (15). The

free base of IV, however, did not undergo the rearrangement. In a

pyridine sol tion IV was hardly converted to V. Neither the reverse

rearrangawnl was observed under the above condition. 1mp"lt""ce of

the benzoyl proup on N6 for the successful rearrangement has demorlstrated

by the fact chat 3-benzjladenine and Its HBr salt did n"L

A similar rearrangement of VI to VII &as also observed.

The rearrangement discussed above appears to involve

Page 3: A new rearrangement of 3-alkyl-6-benzamidopurine

No.25 2061

of a benzyl ( ally1 ) group from N-3 to N-9. Experiments for elucidation

of the mechanism of this rearrangement and also those with 3-ribosyl

and -phosphoribosyl derivatives are in progress.


1. P. Brookes and P.D. Lawley, J. Chem. Sac. 1960, 539. =

2. E.C. Taylor and P.K. Loeffler, J. Am. Chem. Sot. 82, 3147 (1960).

3. A. Coddington, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 59, 472 (1962). =

4. J.W. Jones and R.K. Robins, J. Am. Chem. Sot. 85, 193 (1963).

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6. H.C. Carrington, F.H.S. Curd and D.N. Richardson, J. Chem. Sot.

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8. D.J. Brown, Nature 189, 828 (1961). -=

9. D.J. Brown, J. appl. Chem. 5, 358 (1955), 2, 203 (1959).

10. J. Goerdeler and W. Roth, Chem. Ber. 96, 534 (1963).

11. D.J. Brown 8nd J.S. Harper, J. Chem. Sot. 1463, 1276.

12. D.J. Brown and T. Teitei, Ibid. 1963, 3535.

13. M. Asai, M. Miyaki and B. Shimizu, Agr. Biol. Chem. 29, 170 (1965).

14. Unpublished data.

15. J.A. Montgomery and H.J. Thomas, J. Heteroc.\clic Chem. 1, 115
