a modified contour bunding system for alfisols of the semi-arid tropics

,,ll~r+rullur+Jl H'+Jh'+ Mum+l:+'m+'.l, IH (19N!t)I~'i'-l!fl-I INI; F',II,(-'VIPI HI'IPIII'P l'uldu,h+'r+= El V, AiTi,:;lerd,'Irn -- f'riIHe, d in '1~hP '~'e, lherl:ind,, A Modified Contour Bunding Sysl,em for Alfisols of the Semi-Arid Tropics* F' PA'T'HAI( I~ H, LARYF~]A and SARDAF+ SIN(;H /i'+'.,,i)ull'i, ,l~ll]nnl~'tPH'nt l-~l'+~/~rlTnl, hlt~,rnotll~tlu/ f'rllp,,~ ,[l'l,~;+'+1tl'h ln~.~llll.ltl, /l~t' I/1+' ,%_++'nil ,,~I id 'l'~,q:m ,,,. ['~]h]m'ln'~ ~l f+' f ~ , ,4 P , ~ll;l ,'1"!4, ImJ.] ( ,~.l'q't+llle(l :1 ( h'hd_.+r I!)NN A P.,N'F'R A4 "'I' I-'LHII,JI,~, I' . Lar,,'e'a, K B and ,~irl~ll, ,_~ , I.'-)N!-I A nili<lllle, l'l cimh,iil blJtlClllll.,, +,V+,terrl h~r Alli,,,d+, (+I the ,,e'rlll +Jrld Iri~pi(':.+ Alert+' L,'~,'++li'r ]~ItJlttJl~+' , 111 IN'T- l!-+ll ( liltlh HII IliJildlrl{~ tP, the ITIIi:.,I wldPIv pr.'+<'l I+.;Pd !.;lit] i'qll|P.;q+rv,.ll ilirl rl'iPu,+itrl+ i+ll AIII+,,)I+.; ,fl' I lip ht~rlll lJrld Irii|_il{'P, in [tldl/J The i'(it)x'q+CIIliln.'ll i'lirl|lll.lr llund +:,V!derii alhlwP+ wat+,r h)bl+Jl~ll.'llP hit IIHII~ IH-'r lqidh III I~.~I (-+ll+';I++"e ~ [IP~ + ah ml_.', lhe bu|IdP; thal al'Iech'+ ('rl)p %'ll-'h"Ip;Ill I he'.,<-, .',rP'.'+P.+ ('riip vielrl,, Ir,~lll hi~rl.,,hlJlli/l_Hf.t,l-'qm [~l-'u lllleilCl'llp arid pearl rnnllel/l.~Ul.,,e,~m F_,+, ', inter,'r~q:~ ul itllTPrenl i"ll+:,Iurll'l-'+, Ir,~trl lh<-' hund++ we, r'P tlip.uP-,url-,d h)<:h-,rn~m+.,l r,',t<+ I liie elh-,l'IP.~ i)l' hlJlldlnF. ~, 'T'hP l-,lll+('i=; ill PrildPd +;I-,("III+TIPIII ljer)~lhlllifi.l i~ll IIi(-, inlltlrail, m b~-,lidVlllr ,)I lhP '+<irli-, l-ll-,~ir lhl-' burld,:, .'Ire +iI,,il lJlhlUJ,.,hl-'lJ A rn,~dil'led I'IHIII)IJI l-~lJlldllU., , +.;'~'+.,II-,tn w u l h L.,,~lel'l iIul.Iet.+., I+., dP:.,Crll)Pil ('(illtl)lJl' blJlli'lh wlth l.,+,'+h'-'di)uih-'l.+., '~vPrP h~iJn<l I(~ ,'ru,ur<-, ;Jdl-'qlj.'lh-, ('illlI rid ,+I run,~ll and .,..',, u I h,++., 4'r'~l:-,++ l.',ri~wn in lhe lipid+; l-)iJlldl-,d b~, , l.',utP<J +ii It Iel I, x IIPhjed l'~vt l e l I I'lall l hi ~+.,e fen)wit irl l leld+.+ +.~urr+)undl-'d L)% I (,4 mvl-'rll ii ,rml huric]h The wal ~,i' ]HJlalll'e' ,~I II+II ~ lilHlded UI'I-';..I+; lletlr lh(-' lll.Jlldb I,, pre,,etth-,lt IIlit' L.~lh II'IP Irllli+Illll-'d ,'Jill] lIl)llVl~llI i,~nal ~'lillhHJf iiilllCillll+ , ht,'!,lemh I N'rR< )l )1_1("T'li_) N All'm<)h.+ ure the third mc~.,+t trnl)(~rtanl ~,~ll order it+ the w+~rhJ, ¢'~vering ul~<_.il t:I'~ ~,I' the l;_~nd t:irea ( Burlr+ib_+,h, I!18~ ). ']'hev ,'ire ;_lls~) lhe in~ml al)undanl mfilm III llle +";PIIII Lll'id t ti~l)l('+.+ (SA"I"), aI~(l ~'q)vet' nearly :j:+r,;,, ~I the rl-'b_;llm ( KarnlJl-Ul ;~11<I B i i r l i . ' d , 1t~84~) l-)rq)up.ht am q)lle <)I' the rna,p~r l'uct<)r's llmltlnb_; <'r<@ pr~(liJ<.' l i+~ll Irl tile ~AT AIl'l,,+~d,~ I_)e<';.ll.INe the++e .~ll+-~ have a I<,w wLIIPI I h~)ldin~ <':ll)t+(ulv (hll.+,h .,.;and ('~mtent . '7+Y'~',, h)w ~r~,~lllal' nh'Jtter . ',i!+l, , a r i d h~w P.;tlle('tlte L'+)I'I Iellt ), i','Jlnl';_~ll iP+ unl'eliat)le, and evaF.),flrtln++F)il;Iti<)n u.; hl/~ll <tUrllll+ the cr<q.~ l.t,rl)Wllll~ !.;l-,,st:.;<)tl '-rile i)rldderll+_ +, ~)l' I<~w w:lter h,)hlin~ ('~.ll)aClly Hl|d unrell~.|hle ralllrall ;ll'e <~llell ,'_-Ii'('l_mlpanle<t I W h~w int'lltr,~lIl~m I'ale.~ re:.;ulllrljI +, rr<)nl t.;~ll ' h~urndl :+,rt ic'IP 7~,IL Inh+ru:Jla+m,jl i'rq@,., R+,+.,<-,+Jr,'l+i In:,lilut+e l,~I tl.+ ~Pml Ar.J'T'r,q:m,++ < 11 'HINA'T' ~ r';tl/Jlll.he, rlJ I-' ()...,~ill4+lhl'+j [ll'+jq-h-%h ~+(P'~ ~I'.~,+I. Indi,'+ ll~I';H ;+:'; +/',"+tl/ll;(l~I b<) <' ~ IFIHt-I Rh.+e'+,ler ~l'll-,r14 e F'iJhliP.dJer++ R %"

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, , l l ~ r+ ru l l u r+J l H'+Jh'+ Mum+l:+'m+'.l, IH (19N! t ) I~ ' i ' - l ! f l - I INI; F',II,(-'VIPI HI'IPIII'P l 'uldu,h+'r+= El V , AiTi,:;lerd,'Irn - - f ' r iIHe, d in '1~hP '~'e, l h e r l : i n d , ,

A Modified Contour Bunding Sysl,em for Alfisols of the Semi-Arid Tropics*

F' PA 'T 'HAI ( I~ H, LARYF~]A and SARDAF+ S I N ( ; H

/i'+'.,,i)ull'i, , l~l l ]nnl~'tPH'nt l-~l'+~/~rlTnl, h l t ~ , r n o t l l ~ t l u / f'rllp,,~ ,[l'l,~;+'+1tl'h ln~.~llll.ltl, /l~t' I/1+' ,%_++'nil ,,~I i d

' l '~,q:m ,,,. [ ' ~ ] h ] m ' l n ' ~ ~l f+' f ~ , ,4 P , ~ll;l ,'1"!4, I m J . ]

( ,~.l'q't+llle(l :1 ( h'hd_.+r I!)NN

A P.,N'F'R A4 "'I'

I-'LHII,JI,~, I' . Lar, , 'e 'a, K B a n d ,~irl~ll, ,_~ , I.'-)N!-I A nili<lllle, l'l c i m h , i i l blJtlClllll.,, +,V+,terrl h~r Alli,,,d+, (+I t h e , ,e ' r l l l +Jr ld Iri~pi(':.+ Alert+' L,'~,'++li'r ]~ItJlt tJl~+' , 111 IN'T- l!-+ll

( l i l t l h HII IliJildlrl{~ tP, the ITIIi:.,I wldPIv pr.'+<'l I+.;Pd !.;lit] i'qll|P.;q+rv,.ll i l ir l rl'iPu,+itrl + i+ll AIII+,,)I+.; ,fl' I lip ht~rlll lJrld Irii|_il{'P, in [tldl/J T h e i'(it)x'q+CIIliln.'ll i ' l i r l | l l l . l r l l und +:,V!derii alhlwP+ wat+,r h)bl+Jl~ll.'llP hi t IIHII~ IH-'r lq idh III I~.~ I (-+ll+';I++"e ~ [IP~ + ah ml_.', l h e bu|IdP; t h a l al'Iech'+ ( ' r l)p %'ll-'h"Ip; Ill I he'.,<-, .',rP'.'+P.+ ( ' r i i p vielrl, , Ir,~lll

hi~rl.,,hlJlli/l_Hf.t,l-'qm [~l-'u lllleilCl'llp a r id p e a r l rnnllel/l.~Ul.,,e,~m F_,+, ', inter, 'r~q:~ ul i t l lTPrenl i"ll+:,Iurll'l-'+, Ir,~trl lh<-' hund++ we, r'P tlip.uP-,url-,d h)<:h-,rn~m+.,l r,',t< + I liie elh-,l'IP.~ i)l' hlJlldlnF. ~, 'T'hP l-,lll+('i=; ill Pr i ldPd +;I-,("III+TIPIII ljer)~lhlllifi.l i~ll IIi(-, i n l l t l r a i l , m b~-,lidVlllr ,)I l hP '+<irli-, l-ll-,~ir lhl-' burld,:, .'Ire +iI,,il lJlhlUJ,.,hl-'lJ A rn,~dil ' led I'IHIII)IJI l-~lJlldllU., , +.;'~'+.,II-,tn wu lh L.,,~lel'l iIul.Iet.+., I+., dP : . ,Cr l l )P i l ( '(illtl)lJl ' blJlli'lh w l t h l.,+,'+h'-'d i)uih-'l.+., '~vPrP h~iJn<l I(~ , ' ru ,ur<-, ;Jdl- 'qlj . ' lh-, ('illlI rid ,+I run,~l l a n d .,..',, u I h,++., 4'r'~l:-,++ l.',ri~wn in l h e lipid+; l-)iJlldl-,d b~, , l.',utP<J +ii It Iel I, x IIPhjed l'~vt le l I I ' lal l l hi ~+.,e fen)wit irl l leld+.+ +.~urr+)undl-'d L)% I (,4 mvl-'rll ii ,rml huric]h T h e wa l ~,i' ]HJlalll'e' ,~I II+II ~ l i lHlded UI'I-';..I+; l let lr lh(-' lll.Jlldb I,, pre, ,et th- , l t IIlit ' L.~lh II'IP Irllli+Illll-'d ,'Jill] lIl)llVl~llI i,~nal ~'lillhHJf ii i l l lCill l l+ , ht,'!,lemh

I N ' rR< )l )1_1("T'li_) N

All'm<)h.+ ure the th i rd mc~.,+t trnl)(~rtanl ~,~ll order it+ the w+~rhJ, ¢'~vering ul~<_.il t : I ' ~ ~,I' t h e l;_~nd t : i r e a ( Burlr+ib_+,h, I ! 1 8 ~ ). ' ] ' h e v , ' i r e ;_lls~) l h e i n ~ m l a l )undan l m f i l m

III l l le +";PIIII Lll ' id t ti~l)l('+.+ (SA"I"), aI~(l ~'q)vet' near ly :j:+r,;,, ~I the rl-'b_;llm ( KarnlJl-Ul ;~11<I Bi ir l i . 'd , 1t~84~) l-)rq)up.ht am q)lle <)I' the rna,p~r l'uct<)r's llmltlnb_; <'r<@ pr~(liJ<.' l i+~ll Ir l t i l e ~ A T AIl'l,,+~d,~ I_)e<';.ll.INe the++e .~ll+-~ h a v e a I<,w wL I IP I I h~)ldin~ <' : l l ) t+(u lv

(hl l .+,h . , . ;and ( ' ~ m t e n t . '7+Y'~',, h ) w ~r~ ,~ l l la l ' n h ' J t t e r . ',i!+l, , a r i d h ~ w P. ; t l le ( ' t l te L'+)I'I

I e l l t ), i','Jlnl';_~ll iP+ u n l ' e l i a t ) l e , a n d evaF. ) , f l r t ln++F) i l ; I t i< )n u.; h l /~ l l < tUr l l l l+ t h e cr<q.~

l.t, r l )Wl l l l ~ !.;l-,,st:.;<)tl ' - r i l e i ) r ldder l l+_ +, ~)l' I<~w w : l t e r h,)hlin~ ( '~ . l l )aCl ly H l | d u n r e l l ~ . | h l e

r a l l l r a l l ; l l 'e <~ l l e l l , '_-I i '( ' l_mlpanle<t I W h~w i n t ' l l t r , ~ l I l ~m I 'ale.~ re : . ;u l l l r l j I +, r r<)n l t.;~ll

' h~urnd l :+,rt ic'IP 7~,IL Inh+ru:Jla+m,jl i'rq@,., R+,+.,<-,+Jr,'l+i In:,lilut+e l,~I tl .+ ~ P m l Ar.J'T'r,q:m,++ < 11 'HINA'T ' ~ r';tl/Jlll.he, rlJ I-' ()...,~ill4+lhl'+j [ll'+jq-h-%h ~+(P'~ ~I'.~,+I. Indi,'+

ll~I';H ;+:'; +/',"+tl/ll;(l~I b<) <' ~ IFIHt-I Rh.+e'+,ler ~l'll-,r14 e F'iJhliP.dJer++ R %"


<'rustln~.~ and hard sett ing, whwh restr ict water ent ry and reduce the an.~ul~t ,d 'water ~h.'ed. High rates <,t' run,f lTand steep sl,,pes lead t,, severe ~,~,1 er,~s,,m In uddlti<m t<, redut'~ng water h,,Iding capat ' i ly, the latter als,, depletes the s,,il ,,1' lhe e ~ e r l l lal n u t r i e n t s n e c e s s a r y t'<,r p l an t g n , w t h

In I tal ia , i~eurly 8(Y';, ~,1' the AIl'isuls a re c~mnMered t<, requi re ~s<m,le t.Vl:~e ,U' c,~r]~_-;ervatt~,tl rneanure bet'ati~..;e the), a re very I .mme t~ el'<,ni~)n (Hegde eL ul , l!)N'7). (? ,mh~ur b~lndil,lg in the nl,,sI <'4Hl'-I,ill()rlll~, used tlet'hr~ique SIll<'e 1947. ,'~)nh,llr I,ul,lds have hleen c~mntructed ~|n abl lu | , ~1 mll l l ,m heetaren ~,t' agr'i~'ul rural lan<l . I a <'~st ~ff a l .~ i I l.lS$~()/lla; thls flbqJre t'~mnlitutes .9()"~', ~fl' l, he tc~ta experulit~ir+ + ~m mill ,'~mservati~m <,n agrlc~illur'ul lands in IndLa (Bul~, I!-181)) H,~wever, c~mh. l r huI,idlng is not always successful. Pr<,hmged water ~_+lal.mu I i<m near the l~Indn usually <lamages cnffJs t~nd pr<,hlhils t lmelv c~ilt~Iral ~I~ eI'HIIIHIL'+. [.IlS~ t~l' l~r~,ductix,'e land and frequer,lt l|reak~ng ~1 hund,s Imve al,~.~ heell z'vp,.'le<l l'r',,m ,,.,m~e areas, l:mrttculurly th<~ne , . , <'Ira,,' s,. In (I]lJl_lt~l e l ul . I!rTl, ICRISA'T. 1975/'7+~; Bali, ]~.-~()).

C, mven t i ,m . l , ' , ,nt,,ur NIndlr,lg inv<,Ives the t',_mnt, rucLi|m ~)I' small l)ui~ds ac t'~,,_.+L~ the sl,~pe ,d' the land a h m g a c<,,l,iI~t.lr s~) lha t the l<m~; sh)pe IS l'educe<l I<~ tl sl.+l'leS , f i sh ,a l l ~mes Each t'<lrltl)iJr l)iJl,ld it+ p r o v i d e d wlth an e l e v a t e d spillwav ;.It the l,+wer end id' the fiehl. Each t'~,nl<)iir lllJrUl tlt'tn an a Imrrler t<~ the 11<,w ~I' w a t e r d~,wn a hi l ls ide and thus i,nt'reaneg the tittle w a t e r <'~,n<'entraten lit arl area, tl~er'eh,v alh,winl~ lll~)re water t~ be al.l..+~rl_led i,iTh)the n~l pr, d'ile The c~mvei~ti~.. i I deni!4n alh~ws a c,m+.+iderahle v<~llJr+lle ~I' run<fir t<, be iml..~ui. led ilear lh+ + l~umi Th ls paper examlne,.,s the l.~r<~l~lems of c~mvenli~.|al c, mtour I)ut]dil,l!_,. ai,wI d i s c u s s e s a r'm,d~fled syst.e,llrl wi th ga ted ~ , l t le ls tha t hun I)eel,l l..,uc ce+.+!d'ul ly I ned at IC R I ,qAT C e n t e r



"File mean al,lnual raJnthll ( 19'7t; - 198'7 ) at IC'RI, ' IAT Center i8 748 ,inln, wit h ,~<;", t',lll,l|g frc.n .June t.u I.)<'tt)tJer', characterized hy high. int.ensJty st<,r,ln~. DIJr ins the I,erl~,d ,~t' th is study, rainfal l varied t'r<,n 11)'72 rnm in 1981 t,~ I,19 mm in 19,_'54. The dal.es and dlst r lbut i ,m ,~1' rair,ls wit.hin the seus~m uls<, varied widely

,~. feat.ur'e ~1' the cltmat.e at t.hls h~cat.l<m is the high ar,ii,lual p<)tenl.i;.ll eval.JO r;ll i t . l . the hlghesl, rates c,ccurring in the h<~t mcmt.hs I',rH,r t4~ the ralt ly Se.'USc.T; maxllnltrvl dai ly ~pen pan evapl~rat.l<,n in May was 19 F, rnm in 198() and lt-lMl Ill tll~ rainy seasqm, evapcm'du<m may he as I<~w as I i n s . hut. I'lSe~ t.<J Y, h~ 14) IIIIII ~rl clear <_lays.


Alfls~fls wit hln lhe exr_,ertmenlal farm ,,I' ICRI~A ' ] ~ CellLer are reddish hr~wn, <tm'lved t'r'~ml p ink granite½, and behmg t.<~ lhe is<phyperl hermi t fami ly ~t' I_ldic

< I i",, ' l i i l h' Pll ' ,1)1",( ; F( I f l ~%1 r ' l t l l iL , : , l ) l ' I Hl-,:htl:l~ll ,4RII+ I H ( ) I ' I I ' I , ll4t)

'1 AP, LE I

[-'t-I~,+,ll'ail i_irlil_)l-,/I ie:.i ill ,,ill All i+.,,I l I_llJll' Fthlldl.l+il+Jll ) ,'il Ihe, ell.iellrrielil, ' l l +,,liP, I P R I ~ A ' I - ' ( ' l + l l l P r '

[ ) , [ , Ih I-'+t rt Ir le +.,IZl+ ,'lie.It r ibul i+ ii i ('~mr:,~ Bulk ( ~ r,'.lX irrleI r iv wulPr (rrnl (%) II'al~melll~ dP'ri+.,II'~, l'+irllerll (" , )

I 2 rnm ( LVIr.,,/m ~ ) ( ' l , v Sil l ~am'l <'~, ,li ' w h n l P ) I / i l imp ]h il,~r

(I- IL' Ifi() I I ~ '72V ,I II,V !-IV 1,7 I'2 '.~!l ~()'2 !-) 7 ,,() I q 1.6M 91)1t 13 '7 '2!)-.,!1 .I I I !l ;I .4!l t-~ I! +) I 4t) % 9 Iii !) , , i ; - ,~1 :;7 I 1(l.9 ,,'2 7 I~ I h:, 91 ,4 II I)

Rl,~du+.+tall'+.+ (Sl~ l l ,%_'ur³vey $1al 'l ' , I!-)?i', ). T h e . v a,l'e l,iledllJl,i1 t l eep , wel l d r a l l l e d . :.++,l,ndv h i;.lI,n h )Sa l l d . v r lav l lmm :.ºit the l.+u,i'l'al'e, i)<.'('llr³r,il,ili ] I)11 ,ne+,ir,l.v t'lat il, gel,lll% +.,I,~lJll,lg Ul.l larl<l~ 'T'he.v h a v e a 5~- l~ t i n t h l u k A p l a v e r ll,l+<ler,lal,l,i hv a I '~mll~l~' l a rl.,,illil' t l l~r lz. lm. '-Phe <hm-ii, iml,iI P lay I n l n e r a l is k a l l l l l l l l e w l l h w ,l r, V l ,i ,i I:,, hu l m l m l l p,r³f,I)~,rt Lime:+ ~ l "J 1 Ma.v ,fi l l ,nePal+ and ,,.+e,+,quil~×lde~. ' - the Sl l l ls m a y <.'~illtUlll we l l iI++l'llle, I g r a v e l a n d w e a t h e r e d r '~rk I'r,a~metll,,.; at h~wer <te[)lh+:+ The.v ar,e t in :.+lahle in s t r '~ l r lur ,e . ,,.+lake w h e n w e l , elm,i i .mt ' t w h e n <Ire, and have i l , i he r ³en l l v h~w wa le r ³ r ' e l e n l l l m char³m'terlstir++. , qe le r te l t phr+,ml'al I)ro[_)erlle,,.+ ~1' AIt'l:.;,~h.+ nl I( ' F + I ~ A T (_'etller, +ir³e l_,+lX/e,ll il,i '-Palile !

I ,u l ld IPluli,rli.p+'m+'lll h'+'ul#llt'lll;,+

In l!l'7,w,, t h r e e I~,in<_l ma , i , i agemen l I , l 'eairt ie, i l lS, I,ia,l,i,ielv I_)rqmtll)ed a n d flJr'l '~lw. ~'~l, lVeil l i~+,l lal r~mt~)t.lr³ L)IIII(~$, ar,i<J ('( fl'l tl )u r, ( . ' t i i t iv ; l l i~r , i w i l h t ' ,eht J)lJll(t$ we,r³e U,~llll_mr³e<J il,i a i'q~llr³ r'epli<';_lte t r i a l T w e l v e ~.+,m;_lll water,~;hedm, e a r h i~i' u l )qmt I).(~ ha, wer³e t'~lrl,,.~tt'lJl'teqJ Ea<'h water³~iherl wal..+ t r e a t e d with c~r,ie ~ll' Lhe I:lll~l I Im l l ;l~.~elTlelll ~g~'l.~[elTI.S. Agr41ii,illl,i,ill' , i ` i la l i ; l~err ler l t i~i' a l l Ll'le watershed~.~ wa;.~ ide t i l i r a l <tl.lr³lll~ I h e expe r l r i , i e r l I ; I nd i n r l u d e d im l ) r ' l l ve l t [ar,,iTlI,lll~ r~ le ih, , . t~ Inler³,'r³<,l_l!.; ,~1' lleur³l In i l le t i~r ;+,,r~hu,l+n w i t h r ) i~e,m l,e+-`i, +_ in<l :.elsie ri ' , ,lJ+ l iI 'ca.~li ,r i,r p e a r l mLlle l , ~.~;elIe [~r³l)WI`i II'l <il['l'er³e,i,it v e a r + 11'I al't'lil'li+_ir,ii'e Wl th t h e re<'~>l,l,i,11le,i,i(]ell r³iflalli~ll ('r³lll ~ v l eh l wa+.+ dele,l ' , l ,iiined l'r<m,l +_-+urtll.)le+.; (P.+a,i,i,llile/,l'Z,e ,~ . i~ n l" ) l a k e l l at XlUl I ii )Ilh <JI+.+t atlre+_-., l'r<~in l J,ie blln((+_~ L,rl t h e c'a+.,e i,l ' t he lw<, r l l n h ) i J r Im,lld P._;v+tel,iI+.+ ;Im l r 'ut i lhmll .v 1,11 l h e i~the,r³ lan<l ,iT1al,i+_'rl+ellletlt ++v.~tertI+.; R a i n l ' a l l +',,'am l,ill-,+i+.+tll'ell l)v t%',+'+) ,illillrei'i)r,<Jt,lll~ r,all,i ~,+ltl~e,'..;. ~tj,l,illJ'j' waP.; ltleamtJl 'ed Wll h l'Itllrle+.+ +l l la( 'hel i t<i P'~I+I~P IeveI rei'<ir³der+.i Rumi l ' l ' ha,nlrIJe~; wP,r³e t ' l i JJei ' led diir ' i l l~ e a t ' h +.+lli,r³ITi ti~ e: ;

t llll;,lle +.el+if li~+.;.,-+

AI l h e ell l l <if' il yea,r³+.+ <if' expe,i'l,l,iler,ilal l<i,ll, t h e l_ler,l'li,i',inatiire ill' ~.'ari<~li+.l Iun<l tll;_l,llab+,elllel,iI l rr³eaJ n,ietltP.l wer,e evallJ+llCelt. I1 wan i)Lll+e,l"¢e(t t h a t , eVe l | I hl l l l l : ]h t he i ' l , l l X ' e r l t l lma l i '~, l l t , , . Ir, h u m ( svS le l t l w a s rm,+.+l e l ' l ' l< ' lenl i l l ~' l l l l l r³l~lll,l~g r 'un t , t ' l ' ; i nd

I!)I) I' I',+,'TH,X.h I,'I ~,I,

F'tl+', I ( '~,til~.tr l . J r . J w i t h l~.',l~d i*~tlh-'l ( m,,<-,l ) t ,vt,IPm +,t~ +~rl AII~:,,,I ul I('r.+I,~A'T' (;;-'rilPr

+,.~)~I I~.:..:.;, ~t Fu,-I :~ m+il~.r (h-'f'(-'('i <.I' rP<l~i~'~r+~.; ~,'~Pl+l l)+,-'<'uu:,.;P <if I<.~+.,. l.-'t'+~.l+., <. l '~ ' , ; l l~r .,l;i+.,.tl;Iti~Jl itl t l iP x't('ir'itl ~' ~)I' I hP l luii<i

I~ I t~+l , Pl l'~rt+.; v,'<-' rP IIlLIiiP h l rPi'l rip t h ~ ~ iP:.;l+.~ll ~)I'I l ip t'i)111()tll' I . ~.<l~I.,. l..~.'l.,,l Plll I~+ lll('rPLl+,,+P ('l'+)J) viPl(], '-,. F r '{ i l t l l~'iP ,J x~';_ll Pr+,:,l'i(-'i~+..., l l l l ( iP r ' l}i< ~ t '~+ll+.'Pllt I~)11;II ~'+)lll+~ill '

l , i r I~]I,,,, t v~,'<, x',/+l t Pl'P.;lIP( l })tii i<] i~IJt IPt +.,', v+,'(.-, r(-+ l |I( )(II l'~P(l I)~' it l+.+h'_il I i nl:_~ ~__,+.'.I I P+_i <~tlt h-'l I,,; III tl~+ li~.+'l-'r' l.;l-'('ll()tl ~l ' t~'li-, l'IPi(+ ( FI~_; t ) Ti|it~. u l h ) w H l lUlls)IT t(~ l)p l.,llil'P(] 111 rh+-, llPl<l l ' . ,r :~ (]PP-;IF(-'<I ~_)Prl+)(i, th(- 'n l'.~IPu,+,P(] ut ;i l l l ' P l lP tP r l l l l l lP ( i rLll(-, ttlr'<)~l..,,h I hP '.,l)~llw,'~,~', t l~ti+.; l'l-'<lUl'll1+.?, i liP t+tllt ~ t h P l'IPhl w'+~:.; w~.ItPt'l~+~l_,'P~] (_'()ll+_-;P(+lll<-'l~t J~,, I'i'~)IIi I~)~1/."+,J t~) 1!)~,-I/;"+,:, l'~,~l' luil<l InLl l l ; . l+4- ' InPl l t +";~++';IPITI:';, '~ IZ l~r<m<ll)+,<l ,'.,n~l l'lJr'l'+ix¥:,, 4'()llX.'Plll l+)l|+ll ~'<.r+t~)ttr l~iti<+:.+, .~+_ntt'(l <.ill h-'l ('~)r+l+)ur l)~nii~+,~ +iru+ ,l'(~r111)tJl' <'uillnx';l I lq)rl Wi t II l'n(-'hl lilJtl(++~ X+PI'P ~'<~t+rilmt<.-'(l

t+'l+'ld I r l / l / l l +tlt++ll ,+ll+dl+':,,;

~+'+llt~l ' +-;lu1..+.rlul tc~l+ ;IJ]q~ thr+ r.Pl.;ull+Inl ilt 'lJ<~.~iti~m ~I ' P r q . { P d P_+P1IttnPtll I., ( ',',,'hiq'h i ril'Iti+-'lll'(-' I t t l ' t l l r+~ti.)zi I)l-,~itlX,'ll)l" ) %'LII'IP,~ ~'<~n+_-;i(J .Pr,',l)lv ~,+,'il }I t h e (]l++l+lliVP l'l'i)tll I f ' l ( -+

I .~<I+.; "Fl ip Ln l ' t l l r+ i t t (m l . - , Imvi<) r <,I' l h P nc)lJ wu+,, IIlPLImI_IFt.'(I l~n ~J+_.,J~g, <h . i l~ l e t'il1+ i t11 ' i l l l ' (bl t lPlPr +it l'c)llr' (]i.~t;|rlq'+++:., '~.+:), ~)1), 1',_! JJ ~.llllJ 1'7.,'~ m, l 'r , . .1 Pu~'h l._jii~l III t+IIP l'ir:-,t, l 'c~ttrth a t . + m x l h ~+'P;_lt' +_if'tel" l h P ('(il1{lilJl ' l.lt+<h.; w v r P ( '()ll+,. , lrl l( '{l ' l+

~ 41',,,,i~+1 I I I~1 ' , , , ] l l ' , , l l I i ' l ) l~ : ' , l , , i ' l l , d l l , : , l l l F H I II , ; l l l ~ l l ,~, l~l l+ l l { 4 1 1 ' l ( , I ! l l

T h e i l l r l e r iHl ' l l t r , ) m e t e r r l l l ~ ~al.; 1) ;I rll I l l d l a l t l e l e r a n d wa+~ < t r l ve l l i I , i l l , Ihle n<,ll tl~ a I l e p t h 4d'() .J I+TI

li'++l~'+' l ,dlm~'l ' +~/ lh+' l . , , , l+ 'd ,.'+,m

' [ ' h e w a t e r I m l a n r e (~I' t h e p e r i ~ , l l r a l l v r,i~mded a r e a n e a r lw(~ l'l~ilti~llr' Inlnlb., v,+','_l:.+ lll~rllt<~l'ed l',i'l)lll l !~t /~ ' , . . ! h , It-~,'+:~,/8+ '-r,,,,'~ w a t e r le,,.el re('i~t'de,i':.l I i~l 'aled m-','.Ir l h e +.+l~Illwav r e i+ iMe , red t i l e I 'hl('llltltl<il1.'~ <it' l h e level ~I' t i l e I_)Imdel l %'¢LIIPI F,,", '+l l)q)l ' ; tt l(m t 'r i~lt i f i l e I ) l + l l l l e l l wl..ilre,i ' wa+.,+ I l le/IP.,IJl 'el l W i t h /ll,i e+,,/. l l_l l) l ' ; tt l l) l l I I ; l l i

h)<','_lt +'i I ttl t h e I_)~ ~i.ided a rea , A t i l t l ' l ' i J l 'a le ll~l)l~b~r';iphil ' +.;urvey il l ' t hie a rea ,'_lll<)vvel I Ihe r(-'lLl[li~rl hel~,%eeli water l eve l ; l l l l t V<dl l l i le i )r %%,~1el. +.;t~)l.elt t~ehlt l<l ihle IH~I~I III ill ' d e l e l ' l l l l l i e l ~

HI':P-It I,'1'~ A N [ ) f ) IN( 'l ,~,~I()N

t III( l/ ~ vt+'Id.'+

F~_'I x'+,,'eell [w()('q)rl'+,,<-'lll l<),iILll l '~ )r l t (nJr I)ull(I:.+, +.+ix ( l l l . l t l l l l ' l '],l~lleP_~ ('+iiI l )e i I l l . ; l l l |

g, ttl!.,lled ( l"I+~ ' Ja ) T h e llil'l 'ere,i,irlal el l'e('tl.., q)l' c'qmverlrh)r,i;_ll l ' Imll~l l r lllJr,i<l+; q~tl f i le IJ, r;llll ,+'lehb., (d'.'.,l~ri.,lltam/l_,iigel,ii p e a inllerrrc)lU.;,/..;r<~wn Lr~ I!)'7,'+,/'7~ ar,i,l I !),~:+.,' ,~'J+ ; I r e +.;ill +,+.'+.,ii III Flbr,+ '.!I) a l l d '...!l' " r l t e b~ral,n viel<h.; ~)l' I~c~l h l'r'l~l~+-+ we,re h)v,'~-,l r l e ; l l

I l ie i'q mr< nJ r I . n m h.+ "['hie y i e l d re<hJ('l t~ m w a n nc ~t ~pullv I'eP.+l r l l ' t e l t t i) t l IP ~l I ~:.,t rea ll~ I'ei..,,t<~ll ~1' I hie I l l U n d a l e l l : I re; i , I,iut ah.+<~ in ( ' l ude< l t h e ,,.;eepage ,,,<pile ih~v+'ul:.+tre+ll~ ~1 I Ire IHll l<t < ; e n e r a l l v , +~ i~ ,m wu<te :.,t r i p I hlal in ( ' lude<t I h e IHluld au~d it+.; I~ l ' r '~v, I~ll I~r(Hh~'<-'ll v l r l u a l l v m~ l't '+gl lhue t++ la l ' k +d' h~l)n<ul ( II:'+ed t'+~r I)ut~<l rl~u~l., irt. ' l t~ri) ntI(l Imd<)lq.,ell w a t e r :.;tagn,Utl~ll '-rile l a t t e r rem~iliell in v e r y IHH~t rr,~l) +.,Innil+., u~ul he;i ' , , 'v x+'+,'eel_'l l..,,rl~wl h '-rile !.~17~/'T9 l'ailZ'+' +.+e;l+.;ll,i,i ~%'+I+'; l 'hLl, i ' ; l l ' let ' l 'Zell le, l 'rel_iIlelll :.+I(~rlm.+ aIHl I ieux'v rIii,u)IT "[ 'he avet';ib~e v le ld 4~l tllP e l l l l r e l'lei~l iI~ l h a l \.'e;ll'. ,'()n~l,ia,i'elt Iq) t h e .y lehI +,t' t h e I. I l lul ' l 'el 'Led I't,a,i't~, +:+l,,~wed LI I 'e l t lJ l ' l I()11 ,~1' I I ' , . i',,t' +,,,,i'l.',hUltl a m l t.?+l I't,r IHli+,el)H i le; i T h e r e X~,;I!.., hll...+,ll r a l n l a l l I l l |!)'7,%/'T!1

al~(I I ! )MII /M-I, al,i lt ru r l ld ' l ' l~eh lm, ' i~ r x','+ll.~ l . , l l l | l la r I l l [h()+.Ie l.,eaNl)rll.i It wal.., e~l)erI<-,<_t I I~;ll I l l t hI-'l.;e Iw< l i..+ea!.;()tll.i I h e r ' e l h l l ' t l l m I l l vlehh., I'rl,,i,i~ I t l e ;.lie;If., I l e ; l l ' tl~e IH l~ lb , v,,,~l l l l I~e l.+lr,iill;ir'. I - t l )wex,er , ~ l eh l , re lh l ( ' l l l~ l l i l l I!-)M3/M+ x~'+l++ p..+,reLtler Ih la l l Il l l!r; ' ,%/';~ '-rl,~+., %%'+I~;i l l l a l r l ] y thee tl, t h e r e l : J t i ve lv l_,iH~t Irll ' IIt l '+IIl<,ll I11 f i le l~imlh-'d ;ll'e;1111 l ~ ) ~ + / ~ J , + ( t h e i ; l h ,,,'e;_Ir t l r l e r ~'i)rl:-+tl'll('tll)r+ ). a+.+(.imli_);ir'ed t~ ) I~ r~ '~ /7 ! ) ( t i l e ,, en r <d i'~ )ri+.+t rl ill i( m ), d u e t~ s<)il I" )liCe'; I)e('< roll rl~ I)I , , 'l.~.,d l~.v l le I H ~+.;i t+.+ <d' l'i t ler 111;IferlaIl.-, I'I'~)111 I., | ;I~II+IIiI w a l e r LII lll'eX'l<+lll.+ ve;.,irP.;

T h e ('(~llll)+_.ll'Llll',+.,e [)el 'rl~rll+'lall(,e ill' ~.'~)llX'el1[lq)ll;iI c '~ l l l ( ) l l l ' hlllll]t., a l l l l l 'q)l lI l~llr I)lll,iIl+.+ w i t h ~,aiel I I~utle. lP.; d l l r l n g t i l e h lg t l ra l l~ l 'a i l +geLl~;I)ll I!+,~:;/,~J I+'~ +-d,+Wll I l l Fq#, iI A !.;(~rli , ,Flurtl /r~i,~elm i,iea i i , i ter l ' r l ) i .)b_~l" l)Wl, i I l l t'leh_l.'-+ w~lhl ~a te l t i ~ l l h , I ~'<~l~ t~l l ,r I~l~lll.h.+ '~+'[elrlelt 1 ~ " .-) ~ t,iI~r'e l.;~)rb, llLIt,i~ a r id J,_%+'+. t in ) re i l l ,C iv i l i )ea t I~+_lr+l i l l I'lehl,., W I I h I 'q) l lVe l l I l+~ l l ;_ l l i ' l ) r l t l ) lJ r IHJl,ill.'.,. ( ', i ' l l I) .vtehl:..+ I, iear lh~ I, h~tl~ll.,., i l l ' t i l e g a l e l l ~ tJ i le t ~.i%!.itelrl w e r e i l l+.~t ln l ' l lv h i g h e r t h a i l l l i~)se Izr l~wn tJr l t ler t h e ( ' ( rex e t l t l ~ l l ; l l

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II~ II I h~-, I ll-',~l rn( .n l h V,,'II I'1 r(-'i'( ~mrr lendelJ < I'~ )IJ ITla ntll41-'nl(-'rlt I -)r'Jr111't4,, i t-, iJ[,P i l l i m p r l }%ie(J {uJII i',,a f,,, {'t44)r_)lll[.~, hy : ; le r l l , q'lle, nl l ( , ; ] l fi-,fl iIl/,l-,r, HII(I i l l hPr' rlrLl(,I i{,l-,~ l i l t weeqJ, r.)l-,~l ~lnlJ ir l~e4'l i 'qml[ ' ( ) l ( l ' , ] lha l , .

l.,Vl.;lt-'lrl T h i s IIIl ' l 'ehl.~e irl '~,/lel(] w~J~ n<~l ,)rll,~/ restr l i ' t ( - ' (J l l _ ) l he u [ . ls | rea l r r ,'Jle;I w l l e r e w ;J l e r w(~lJl(] ( i t h e r w i s e stL. l~r ln le, blJi was; u ls | | in l h e seel)Ll~e 7.tree (JqlWll l . , I re ;_ t l l l <)t' t h e I I I J r r ( t E v e n i n I ( ) w t ' : n l r l l ' , u l l ,Vt-'LIrS ( ll,.-)~',,.! ~trr( t ].!-h4,-I ) h l ~ , h e r t ' r ( l p

~' leh t:.i we r e ( ) t i t ;11 rrei,J W l l I1 t h is s w l el rl t ha i i w i t h t he. L'( ~rl ven l it pl m l ~', )lit< ,J r I l u l l d s ' t h e ( '() lnl l ; i r l !~(lr l ,g <11' ~,,'lle(t l l lJth-,{ ( ' ( in t ( ) lJr I_lurlcIs w l l h l h e q~lher l h r e e ,'_liter

i l a l i v e l a n d n l , ' . l n ~ l ~ e l n e r r l " ~ v , . N | e l l l ~ is shq_ )w i r i i i T~_fl~le L! The r,_mv(-,r~l i,mul ( ' ( ) r l

t~ul r IHIn<ts ul~d I-_',al(-'|l |)ul. let i '~mt(_uJr I)lJll(JS; w e r e I'i)lln("l h) I)e iI1()~{ erl'e('tlV(.-, ii1 r l )n l l~) l l l r lb , , r l l n l ~ l ' l ' a n d .~{)11 I()I~. H(~we'vel ' , ~lrl~,, ( ' l ) l l [ ( ) iJr h u n d s w i t h ~a le ( t i ) l l l let~-; w e r e t'<)~ln(I h_~ I)e m<)re e l ' re ( ' t l ve Irl in( ' r ( - ,~s in~ y ie ld,4 (.)n ;tveru~e ( l l le l . tn v;~lue~.~ (~1' I ! IH , ] - I!IH,-I ) t h i s s v s l e l l l I l r<ldIJi 'e(t t l i~he,4 l ,~'r()l-) ',,/l(eht~ ; ]n l l l) l"~vl( le(~ ; l l lP(_ l i_ lL i {e , l 'q l f l l I'(11 () l ' r U l l ( ) l ' l ' L.IrltJ SqHI I()SS,

[_ ' l . l lltllll ' l llt ~e' II'01+'I" / n / d l r a l / u n

I l l tl()l'~l I Jle r c m v e n l i<_mal a l l d l:~.'.ll eiJ quJll(.et ( ' i ) l l t ( l l i r bunc l .4.vslem~, .4(e<timetll!.i (terlx'(-'rl r r<un e l '~ , te l ( ~.-;<_~11 w e r e ((e[. ,)~l te(J i leLir t h e I)lJrll'l w h e r e w a f e r s|;_l~ll; l{e(~ i_)el'l< , t l r a l l v . 'T~h(-,~e ~ e l J l r T l e l l l S w e r e erlr l i . 'he(~ w i I h r l n e r ~<)ll i nu le r i . ' t l ~ ( rl;_ly alll_t

( q ) " , , , l l ) l ' l l IU ,dl)ll',,ll, I,'l)ld ~, l , t ' lF,() l ," , l ) l ' 'T'I4F,,,',;I',;',.II ,%1'~11) F'Fl()l ' l l ~', I!-),)

L~nlt ) tha t ( le( ' reased ihe nnl'illr'arn<)ri i r ' l the suhlt lel 'ged urea, Thi,~ n,~ sh()wn) in Fl~. ,-I tlS tl l.)h)t ()r l h e cur r lu l ; J t lve )nfnltraln(.ln vvrs~ns t i m e l'()r t h e ( ' ( )) ;venti i)nml l)~)))dnn~ ~-;v)+lem. As t h e peri<.)d u f t e r h u n d ( ' | ) l lStl 'Uetl()n in(:reamed, t 'ur l ' lu l t l t ive ) n l n l ( r a l n i ) n ) n t h e perui)dn( 'al ly p()n+de(Izi)ne nea r the l )un ( l ( l e ( ' r eu ;_~e< l F i ) ) ' ex ;lllll)le , ('UIIIUI+IIIVe tt+fnltratn()n ul ~ P) it) f r l )m t h e h u n d tn t h e ('()river)tt()nt+l l.+yL+ tern wus redi.u('e(l l)v ',?,(;+';, in t h e 4 th a t id i'}l (', ') ))) lh(-' ( ; th y e a r .'_)l'ler ('()nlst r u r t t()n. ~ I l t l l l t l r tr 'en(t~< w e r e ( )h lL t l r le (~ l '()r t h e g t l l e< t ( ) l . l l l e l =..;vstettl. ']~}11.~ iii l l.)11ei-; l l l t l l i l l

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+.uil)seqtierrt .vear+.~ l)iere w<~uld Ire I<)rlg I:.)erll~<;Is <d' water' stal4rlati~m near the hun(h.~ Jr1 ther(mverrll~mal syst.ertr However, in the c'ase<d'gated ~ul.let c~mt<~t.lr I,Jrr<l,,.;, lhelr pert;H'n+arlc'e wil l nl)r Ire very rnurh afJ'e<'ted bv this reductl<m in l i l l ' i I I r ' a l i l ) l l s i n c e Irr this sVs te i r r e x c e s s w a t e r w~l l Ire relea,,.4ed bv <)r.)eiritll4 the gilled4 t he ~ Ulln Jlatlve inhltral.lon ~d' water' irl the z<me,,4 t 'ur ther away I'r'~Hn the I,irrd (lid l l l l t iteeline <)ver tlllrle in either sy,'.;tenl [)elL,aNnie rew l tr rl<l erll<le<J se(I i r l l e i l l S w e r e d e p o s i t e d

I,l"uh'r bMum'+' . / th+' p .nd, 'd an'a

The irlaxirrl i irn alrllHJll| ()t' water held bv ea~'h [)Uill] in {Lie t'at~'hrlrelll wa,~ It9 lllril w l t h ~'<mx.,errtiiltlal (,ir)lllLi)l.lr lJurld,',.4 Ex<'P,~,',4 rt.irli)l'l'(irily es( 'al .)ed tlrr'()ul.7,h the

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+.;l_)Illwuv (_)r t h e l I()H, llrllrl ti~lal mea+imal r+.~inl'+.ill in I~H,I, L!2,S 111,111 WLIt.~ rer1~r,lled ; in e~J'e.,.++.; :.+~Irl'a~.'e w+.,iter whl(.,h i ' imhl h~Jve e~l'L,ir.)e,l+ ;.'in l'iJl11)l'l' I',i'(111,i tire l iehl . In l Jle ('11,1rvel,lt i(inLII ,'-;V+-;tel+1+r, !)8 l+nln, ()r an ,'.,iiJdit l(11r+.ll W'h, (d' t h e +.+eLl,'+:_;ImL'lJ ralnl't,lll w+l:., M~,l'e<l w i t h i n t h e Ul),'.-;treaI11 z.()t,li-, i)I' t h e hund<-'<J rlehl. Ml|mt id' +hi+.; w';itl-,l' <Xl' , , ) hud i,nl'iltr+,ited, a n d (mtv ]~+)+';', w a r h~mt h.v ev:_II+)i~r+.ttllm In t i le L..+,Lllell i~lll IeI +.;'~/:.;ler,ll, 141) mln , lip +.t,n udIIit i+mul t:++'7 ~I' t h e ,,.+e+.t,,~ real rui,irl'~,lll, t'e,ltl~.lllle<i heh~i,lll t h e l)iJnd HI)were+'+ mile+ l)l'thlm w+.Iter W;_l~ +_.;tl),l'ed I'<11' i~llI'~' +.,hl),l'l l.)eri~,l,,.+ ;lliiI I hlerl +_~h_)wt,+' l'eleLl+.+ed J_I.v lljJel111t ~ the ~;.l|e(_l i)l l l let Thle w a t e r I):Ilall('e l,le;ll' two) llulill:., (1)ile l'l~r P,'l(.'I,l svsle, l lr) <ltJrln~ t h e r)(-,ril)<I J'7 ,llJlV t~_1 12 AuhrlJ+'+i I+., +.il~)Wll ~I~ Fir'. +'). W a t e r st a~,natil~ii n e a r tire l )und wa,~; vi.,_+lhle rl~r l<_; (I+.~v+.; ('J'T , l u l v I~ 1'~ Atl~_,qJSl', +.;l+lllJ l i n e s ) III t he i ' imverrt l l ln+., i I ++.y+te,ll+l. In the ~Lltel l ()utJel l.,v+.;te,lll the, j le r l i ldN i~t' w,'.tte,l' ~h.-I~llat i in l treLlr t he I) lJnd were Nhl l r [ ( '.1.7 i l l ~H~ , l l l I .y, '~ I<~ -I Al.l+.,qJ++,t ) II<."I'L,IUSe e.~('ek+,_% wL,it.er W+.'II:+ re leased lhrl)~gh t he l lutlet+., T h e % LI,rlq)tlN wLJter hal;.I,nL'e ('(_llrll..ll)llel'lt+.a, rl),l. (. '()lrVel,l l l(mLII L.l,lld ~Lrte(t (~tJtlet <'()nti l l . l r I , i n l t e d w+,ller~l,leCIs i )ver ;l x/eL.irs ( l ! h ' l , l /H~- |<.-t~:+/H,-I ) ii.,; k;hl)w,ir i,n TaJ l le ;I Ir+ I l le I<~vv ,rUll,ll'+.rll yea r l i - I~L!/~3 t i re i ' lJn() l l I'rl)lTi i '(I, irVel, l l l tmLII ~.lnd ~; I ted I ) l l l l e t :+yl.;Iel~l~.+ W;I,~ l .+lmllar. H l~wever , in high r : , l ln l 'al l .~,,ea,l;.~ l ! - )~ ] /~J ar id l!-hS3/,%J, t i re |'~ln~d't vallJel.+ were h l~,her I l l t he I:_+,aie<J I)lJl le t t.~b't,',I el , l l , tr,iL:ll,lll'~/ }le<'~',llJNe l h e exl'e.~:-, vx,'+,ite,l (Ull~(h,l.; irul l le I'l~r ( ' r l l I) I~,l'c~wth ) w~_,is a l h l w e d tl) I]l~w apt rut,ll)l'l '.

('i ,IN('LI 81(iN

Wel l (~e~,Hgllt-'(~ a n d i n a l r l t a l r l e d ~ . ' ,mven l lU l la l ~'~,nl<)ur bt. l l ld~ <,rl , g A T Al l ' l ,~ , ls LIrldq~ll l:tedh,' <'(reserve m~il g i l d t'~)r' L hl,.N r )urp<~e ~'~_mh~ur I.)lJrld~ ,'ire perJ|LtjJ:.; el' i'l('le, l l I H~ ,wever , it appe~ r~ t h a t t he a~,.,s(~ciaied di:..iadvani.Llgel~ - ITILl iniv w u t e r l~tal~nal i~m a l l d t i le ab~erlq'e ~_~1' ~.'rc~p d'l'uinale_,,e ( p L t r t i c t l l a r l y dur ' i r lg l he +"ill+iV ~,IeLIS(II1 ) ('LlIJS_'lng redlJ l . ' t l lm in L'r<pp yields - (iLiJ'weigl-i a l l y L)rJvant,;l~e t'n~m the vil+w1,~int l_~l' s<fil i '~mservat i~m. Wri te r mta+natil .m ill i 'imverili<_mal i ' (mtl~ur I)iJndm llli'reame+.; l iver t i le y e a r s am tl-l()t'e ['ine par t lc lem ,'+re delD()mlted L1 rl_)l.lni+ t h e bull<J+.; In llll).%_'t .~+earm ( 'rllp .yields a r e greatl,v rel"hJ('ed ill t h e a r e u s LIr(IUlII+ l h e h u n d < )it ,"a,A'-F All ' islds, t h e <.'imtllur hun<'i8 w i th ~LlteiJ l)lltletk; upp t ' u r h_) h a v e ~<)<~d l .mm; INe ,~()lTte i l l ' lira LII'JvLtIlt+.I~P+ i)vt-'r t he Ci) l ' lx ]ent l l l l lL i l i ' lm t l l l J r hundm +.ire. < I ) ' - r i l e pr l l l_t lem i~l' p r+d lm~Pd w a t e r mtu+r|, '+tl lm +.|r l lund the <. ' lmt( lur h~lnd i+.;

re(h.l l 'ed in tt~e l.+,ated i)uth- ' t < ' lmhl~ l r I.~l+<i ,~vmleln, "rt+l,.,+ rPml l t+ in h~l-her rr<)p Vl~'hh.+ i m r l i l ' u l a r l v in area,~ ne+.+r t he hundm

<L!) '+he ~'h+.+l+Ces i~l' h u n d I)re+.t¢'hln~; ,'+re le,,.+~+ in t i le ~a ted i)~l t let L'()l~tl)ur J)utHJ +.iy::+tern l_)e('+.tume i.d' lee+ pridlmp.],ed w;,iter pUrldln~ Jn i.'imverttilm+.,iI i'imt<.lu,l' h~iniJ+.; t h e l~<.'(.'n+llmal hrea i :h ln~ ' ~11'+.t h u n d im Cltllte ~.'l),in,lnlm mai,itl.v I)eL'Llt.l+e ~I' pr<)hmf, ell w+.,iter l,_mdlnL4 (+.ira man.v tr+_+ ,-l()-b()lJav.~ ()I' ('l_l,llt l,lrll(itJ~ w;.Jl.e,l' 1.1~_mlll l'I+ )

4:+) T h e peak r l ln i f l ' t ' ru le+ are genera. l i ly less in gated ( l lJ t le l ( '(Hrti+ur JtlJn(tm w h e l l ('<nrr[_)ared tt~ ('l_)ttVel,ltlc)n~l l ' (_lnt() l lr bund,.,.J.

1-1 ) R e l a t i v e l y m l l r e t i m e l y t~ll~rp4e ,'+nd i~ ther c u l t u r a l i ) pe ra t i<ms nre r..~s+~hle in

~ l i f t It lit ",IHI',.(. Fq)I-t,+,I,I'I!,+II,';()F'THFPII,,MI +,ItlI)I 'I,ttH'H',; I! l! l

Ihe ~_+;Jte, I ,)utlel c<mt~ur h, urld s.vst<-'m because ,)f be t te r co,llr~d ~n r),m<ted T'Ulll) tT w u l e r Lrl ~, '()nv<:, . i)l iorlLiI c o n t + ) u r })l.lrlltl~, ttrn<-'lv (l[_)er;_l¢ll)lll~ LIrP ()t'tPr]

,l~t I)~ssnl~h + I)<+('alJ.,-+P ~)1' the l:.)rohm~,ed water p<m<tit+g sn tua thm

,,~,i "K NL)xA' LE[_)( ; E M EN'T '

Tli<-, aulh<,r+., gralPl'ullv uckrl~wledgP the usm.st+in~<'e ~I Mr R ~,.idn nn l)rel,ar iii~ the line clrtlwill~,~ l'i~l' thns l.)al)er

H F , F , ' E R E N ( ~ E S

H,.d:, ,I S , 1~4H() ~ m l and w a l , r cqtn,. ,er '~at.m ~ptt af.,,r lcullur'al I~rld~., Pr(~.,<.,nl,d ul l i t , Nut ,~,vrril t +HI .~*HI ('iHl+.;l+rv~Jllllrl a n d W a l P r %']+irl~l~<.'rTiPrlt , I ' ,?-13 M a r c h l%u,() i'<+riiral ,%~fl +JrllJ ~,'s'al;-,r ('4mt,<-,r'v,'Jt lq)rl a l ld ']"rairlirl1~ ln,.,i llUll-,, D<.,hrudurL I n d i a , ~'J l:tp

l-+lJrlltf+h, F', I!D~'J Pqfl<.'l|tlJJlh qlrl wq~rltJ :.,,)nh., lltr +..ll_.,r'l'It'lJlllJral l.lr'ltq.'llJt'ill)rl In Man,'Jl,m+.', Sq~nl Re ,,()urcP,++. [iterl+Jr'~' :+l-,+.,+,l+~r| l.tar_il-,l.:+, 'T'rart+; XIIII~ h t t ("imlM<.-,P.,,.,+fl Still ~t'iprll'l-,, N e w l)<-,ilIi Ir |dnuri Si)4'l<.,l'., i)I' Sill l S~.l<-,rll.l +' Ir, d , a n Al. , , r lcullure Rl-,+.+l-,t..ir~'l-i In+.;l llull-', NI-,,,,,, De lh i , l:tp :+:+-,+I l

(',upl,'.J, ,~ K . I ),'J+,, I-) ( ' . . ']'P, lwarl l , K (_',., (Yllil lLlr 'unlan, ,~ a n d SrllllX,,'l:;, ~ , l!-r;'l M P c h a i l l c a l triP+t+; ,Jr<-,,, ,+I ~-'rlIPH(HI , 'c,rdr, J In .~,*nl ar id W a t e r (~q)n++er+,','Jll(lll [~P+:Part'll l~-lb+;-'71, In,Jmt~ ('in.JllCli ipl' Al.,,rlculllJral F+;-,,,Parch ( I C A R ) , NPw l-)Pllin, pp l.-lI;-IX'J

HPl~dP, ~ R , ( ' h a m l a p p a , 'T ' ( ' a r id A n a n d R a m , H K , I!I;'4'7 l~1+3rlLiI~PrrlPtll ahPrnullV;-,+., h~r iii i rPlJhl-,d l)r'q)duq'l iVllV q~l rPd +,i)iI+.~ l-,~pl-,rl<.,n~'P llt K a r n a t a h a In Alln+,,~l+; m llIP SerrN ,'Jr,J ' l ' r ,@nc+, ['r~)c ('~)r]+,ullanI+., Wm'I~sh , )p ,m IhP Sial<.' +)I l lt<., Arl ar id MalILII..+~PrTI<.+rll AllPr1~,'.il i~, P+.; h~r ( )pl im l'Zlll l, l h e [-'l+~dlJ¢ll',,,lly ill SA'T' Allm<ds a n d R<-,lat<-,d S~nh,, I-;+ l)<-,c I!I~3, I(YFtlSA'T ('l-'rllPr, [ 'u la l l ; 'he l ' l J P () , A P ,~()...+ :I',.',l, In<Jnu. Pl:t l:rT- 113

HIlII)<.,I:;, F [-~ , Ii-18,~ RIIIIlII-,I"J alMi~'u]lurl-, irl a +.Ii-'rnl t.lrld I r<~pn'al l ' l lrrlatl +, a,.,pPq'l+:, ill' l,'Jlld a n d wah+r rti+mnl.,.++,tvl<-,nl h~r rPi] +,,~llu Irl I n d m P h D ThPP.;l+.h/s,p.,,rl<'lJhural I IrllvPr+.IllV ,)i Wul+l-'rllrli.,,l-'rl. ']"h<-' NPlhPr la r ld , , , ll;-I p p

I ( ' H I S A T , l l l l e r | l a l li~ll+l (Yr,@,_., F'~PP.+P.'Ir'J'h hl+.;Ittule l'~r' {liP ~l-'rTll A r , J 'T'r,@nc,,. l!-l'?l~,/'+I; *n l l l J a l F+pf.~rl Palur lc l - ipru, i-' () , A P bl)'~ :l'~,l, Incln.';

t '~arnpPn, ,I ,'Jnd P, iJrh~rd, ,I F{ , 19NIl P r l . Juc l l <m ++~,'+,lerrlP.+ sml rel.'+led i',)rl++lrallllP+ uiHJ r_.flPHIml,, m Ih+-, +,+.rnn +.+r[<'l I r , , rm's w f l h !.;r_~P~,L,,]l relt .rPrlcP t~ I nd ia In F'rn,~rllnP++ h,r A I IPvmt . t t ; , ~,~nl FI+-, lale<_l ('~m,,I raltd+; h~ F'~.~d Pr~du<' l aim irl the 'T'r'l~l_)l<',.,, ,qvnil_t [Jr,.' I ril<-'rlv;I i~iml F{nl,P HP,,P+lr~'lt IH+; Idu le, I,,~+; F+.'m,~:;, I+al.,~.ma, Phih l : )pmPl, , F-~I~ 141- I,~,~

Pnl l la l~, 1 ' , ,";ml_',ll, ~ ar id ~ud [ , R , ItINR S,~I and w a l e r rriarlal_..;,ernenl a l le r r la lp . 'e l , liar' m e r ~ a ~ d p r ( , J u c l l v l l V l m ~A'T' Al lm, d,, Pri~c Svrr, r, [ V l h Irll ( '+all i)i! ~qlll ('+~11,,l-'r',,'all,)rl, :+-!-I N i w l!)~b, MJ~I~ ux,, ~,'<-,rll-,z.lJl-,lu S+,I ~l'le'lll'l-' Dill'. qll' VerlteZ, ue la , I lilly +ll ~/l-,rll-,mlJelU, ('Llr+jcu:.,, rJ[ t , l:l;l-,li)l)

P';,~nl SiJr ' ,py Sta l l ' , lt)'7h ~ , , I 'T','Jx,m~mi~, A Ba+;nc $++;h-,rrl ,fl ,S,,nl q_"l,'J+.++.+nl'i~'all, m h~r Mul+,ntil.. +, u l ld Ir i lerr+retlnl.,, ~(~il ,'4,1.1rvP~,P+, I Iml .ed ~lat<-,:, [)<.-,l:)arllTi,-'rll id' Al:_]rlcullur<-, Handl_)i)i~l~ N,~ .-i:ll; l I ( n<l~,l-~rlllTiPril F'lirillrll..+, ( ) l l l l 'P, ~I/~'Ll++l'ilrll..,'[lqll'i L)(_'~ , 'il),..l I@