a high energy gamma ray calibration source

Nuclear Instruments and Methods m Physics Research 227 (1984) 257 258 257 North-Holland, Amsterdam A HIGH ENERGY GAMMA RAY CALIBRATION SOURCE Kirk J. KING and Tommy L. JOHNSON Health Physt¢s Staff (Code 6070), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA Recoved 26 April 1984 A high energy gamma ray cahbration source is obtained by the fast neutron lrradmtlon of polytetrafluonde and lead High energy gamma ray cahbratlon standards are essential for cahbratlng gamma ray spectrum analyzers used to identify unknown fissionable materials. The 4 439 MeV gamma ray from the 9Be(or, T/)12C* reaction in all alpha-beryllium neutron sources is often used as a high energy standard. A more desirable source would be one having higher energy gamma rays which do not exhibit the characteristic Doppler-broadening of the 4.439 MeV peak common to all a, T/ sources. To meet the need for a better high energy calibration standard, we have constructed a source holder for a small Am-Be neutron source which uses fast neutron reactions in the holder materials to produce gamma ray peaks having energies from 0 5 to 7.1 MeV at roughly 0 5 MeV intervals. The details of the source holder are shown in fig 1 Two high energy gamma rays, one at 7.117 MeV (5%), the other at 6.128 MeV (69%) are emitted from 16N which is produced by the fast neutron reaction 19F(T/, a)16N in fluorine atoms of the Teflon (polytetra- fluoride). A lower energy gamma ray of 2 614 MeV is produced by the 2°8Pb(~/, p)2°STL reaction in the lead insert This is a bonus since the primary purpose of the lead is to reduce the intensity of the 4 439 MeV gamma rays from the neutron source relative to the higher energy gamma rays from the 16N. Many additional gamma rays with energies less than 2 MeV are produced by neutron reactions in the Teflon and lead of the source holder, and also by alpha and neutron reactions in the stainless steel encapsulation of the neutron source. In order to reduce the intensity of these lower-energy gamma rays, a 6.4 mm thick tungsten absorber is added lO cm ~,~ SOURCE 1 LEAD -- 0 64 ¢m "4 TUNGSTEN -- Fig 1 Diagram of source holder. 0168-9002/84/$03 00 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)

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Page 1: A high energy gamma ray calibration source

Nuclear Instruments and Methods m Physics Research 227 (1984) 257 258 257 North-Holland, Amsterdam


K i r k J. K I N G a n d T o m m y L. J O H N S O N

Health Physt¢s Staff (Code 6070), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA

Recoved 26 April 1984

A high energy gamma ray cahbration source is obtained by the fast neutron lrradmtlon of polytetrafluonde and lead

High energy gamma ray cahbra t lon s tandards are essential for cahbra t lng gamma ray spectrum analyzers used to identify unknown fissionable materials. The 4 439 MeV gamma ray from the 9Be(or, T/)12C* react ion in all a lpha -be ry l l ium neu t ron sources is often used as a high energy s tandard. A more desirable source would be one having higher energy gamma rays which do not exhibi t the characteris t ic Dopple r -broadening of the 4.439 MeV peak c o m m o n to all a, T/ sources. To meet the need for a bet ter high energy cal ibrat ion s tandard, we have constructed a source holder for a small A m - B e neu t ron source which uses fast neu t ron reactions in the holder materials to produce gamma ray peaks having energies from 0 5 to 7.1 MeV at roughly 0 5 MeV intervals. The details of the source holder are shown in fig 1

Two high energy gamma rays, one at 7.117 MeV (5%), the other at 6.128 MeV (69%) are emit ted from 16N which is produced by the fast neu t ron reaction 19F(T/, a)16N in fluorine a toms of the Teflon (polytetra- fluoride). A lower energy gamma ray of 2 614 MeV is produced by the 2°8Pb(~/, p)2°STL reaction in the lead insert This is a bonus since the pr imary purpose of the lead is to reduce the intensi ty of the 4 439 MeV gamma rays from the neut ron source relative to the higher energy gamma rays from the 16N. Many addi t ional gamma rays with energies less than 2 MeV are produced by neut ron reactions in the Teflon and lead of the source holder, and also by a lpha and neut ron reactions in the stainless steel encapsula t ion of the neu t ron source. In order to reduce the intensi ty of these lower-energy gamma rays, a 6.4 m m thick tungsten absorber is added

lO c m ~ , ~

S O U R C E 1

L E A D - -

0 64 ¢m


Fig 1 Diagram of source holder.

0168 -9002 /84 /$03 00 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Nor th -Hol l and Physics Publ ishing Division)

Page 2: A high energy gamma ray calibration source

258 K J Kmg, T L Johnson /Htgh energy 7-ray cahbrat~on source

10 7

z Z

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I-- Z

o (D

10 6

10 5

10 4

lO a

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10t 0 I I I I I I I 1.0 2 .0 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0 6 0 7 0 8

E N E R G Y (MeV)

Fig. 2 G a m m a ray spectrum, obtained using a 0 1 C1 A m - B e neutron source m the source holder shown m fig. 1, placing it on top of a 110 cm 3 h t luum-dnf ted germanium detector and counting for 1000 mln

to t he b o t t o m of the sou rce h o l d e r as s h o w n m fig. 1.

T h e s p e c t r u m s h o w n m fig. 2 was o b t a i n e d wi th a 0.1

C~ A m - B e sou rce ( = 2.5 × 105 , / / s ) m the sou rce h o l d e r

s h o w n m fig 1. T h e sou rce ho l de r was p l aced d i rec t ly

o n top o f a 110 c m 3 l l t t u u m - d r l f t e d g e r m a n i u m d e t e c t o r

a n d c o u n t e d for 1000 m m . T h e m o s t p r o / m n e n t p e a k s

a n d thei r ene rg ies [1] a n d or ig ins a re n o t e d m fig. 2.

T h e a u t h o r s wish to t h a n k M e s s r s R. Lue r sen , W

P o w e r s a n d E. R a n k for the i r t echn ica l a s s i s t ance .

Reference [1] G Erdtmann and W. Soyka, The gamma rays of the

radlonuchdes tables for apphed gamma ray spectroscopy (Wemhelm, Verlag Chemle, New York, 1979)