a division of the nerenberg institute the new emancipation ... · two young black men were sitting...

The New Emancipation Proclamation By Dr. Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D. The Respectfully Real Manifesto From the White Race to Our Black Brothers and Sisters Fourth Edition

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Page 1: A Division of THE NERENBERG INSTITUTE The New Emancipation ... · Two young black men were sitting on the side of the road on a bench in Atlanta, Georgia, talking, waiting for a bus



The New Emancipation Proclamation

By Dr. Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D.

The Respectfully Real ManifestoFrom the White Race

to Our Black Brothers and Sisters

Fourth Edition

Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D.

Dr. Nerenberg has been in practice for over 45 years. He is also considered the strongest, drug-free, man in the world for his weight and age (born 1941) on the Bench Press, the T-Bar-Strongman-Pull, the Power-Grip, and the Power-Pull-Up. At near 70 years of age, while sitting on the ground, he pulled two F-150 Ford pickup trucks with 6 passengers, for a total of over 14,000 lbs. He is internationally known for his pioneering work on road rage. He has written over 100 books and likes to share “the bottom line” about all aspects of life. It is the intention of his work to uplift society for at least 1000 years emotionally, spiritually, physically, intellectually, and socially.

The New

Emancipation Proclam

ation - Dr. A

rnold P. Nerenberg, PH

.D. - 4th Edition

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The Respectfully Real ManifestoFrom the White Race

to Our Black Brothers and Sisters


Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D.

The New Emancipation Proclamation

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Copyright 2017Fouth Edition

Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D.All rights reserved

A Division ofThe Nerenberg Institute7238 S. Painter Avenue

Los Angeles CountyWhittier, California 90602

(562) 693-5600

[email protected]


Page 4: A Division of THE NERENBERG INSTITUTE The New Emancipation ... · Two young black men were sitting on the side of the road on a bench in Atlanta, Georgia, talking, waiting for a bus

Preface“Let the white make a supreme effort in their resolve to contribute their share to the solution of this problem, to abandon once for all their usually inherent and at times subconscious sense of superiority, to correct their tendency towards revealing a patronizing attitude towards members of the other race… Let the negroes, through a correspond-ing effort on their part, show by every means in their power the warmth of their response, their readiness to forget the past, and their ability to wipe out every trace of suspicion that may still linger in their hearts and minds.”(Guidance for Today and Tomorrow, Compiled from writ-ings by Shoghi: Efferdi, p.218)

“The Diversity in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music when many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord. If you meet those of different race and colour from yourself, do not mistrust them and withdraw yourself into your shell of con-ventiality, but rather be glad and show them kindness. Think of them as different coloured roses growing in the beautiful garden of humanity, and rejoice to be among them “(Abdu’l- Baha, Paris Talks p45)

“Know ye not why We created you from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other.”(Bahá ‘u’ llah, Hidden words, Arabic, No 68)

My approach is inspired and guided by the Baha’i Teach-ings of the unity of humankind. This involves the elimina-tion of racial prejudice. These three quotes are represen-tative of the approach and reality to be manifested in the psychological treatise of this book.

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I. Introduction to The Story of Jeb

II. The Respectfully Real Manifesto

III. Commentary

IV. Continuing Psychological Effects of Slave Mentality

Table of Contents

Chapter Page

1 - 12

13 - 46

47 - 51

52 - 56

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Introduction to The Story of Jeb

Chapter I

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The story of Jeb provides a context for the

Respectfully Real Manifesto from the white

race to the black race. The psychological

underpinnings will be elucidated in the

commentary which follows:


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Two young black men were sitting

on the side of the road

on a bench in Atlanta, Georgia,

talking, waiting for a bus.

It was a hot summer day.

Suddenly one noticed,

as if out of nowhere,

a tired looking old white man

sitting next to them.

He had a small suit case,

and was looking at them

as if he wanted to say something.

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One of the young man said,

“Good afternoon, sir.”

Jeb didn’t reply,

he just looked at him.

Then he replied,

“What’s that you said?”

“I was just saying good-afternoon to you.”

“Oh, Thank you.

That’s very nice. Yes.”

There was a long silence.

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Then Jeb had a little smile on his wrinkled face.

He moved closer, a lot closer. The tired look vanished. Jeb stared for awhile.

“What’s your name young man?” “I’m Jamal.” “Jamal!” he exclaimed.

“What kind of name is that?” “It’s Arabic.”

“You’re not an Arab, are you son?” “American. I’m African-American.”

Then he looked at the other and asked; “What name do you go by.”

“Kemien is my name.” “I’m Jeb.” He reached out to shake Jamal’s hand

and then Kemien’s. As he did so, he held each hand for a long while, and looked deeply into their eyes.

Both felt something strange, a magnetic connection.

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“Both you fellows remind me

of some people I knew a long,

long time ago.

Longer then you would believe.

In fact, I can’t ever remember

how long it’s been.

Some tell me I’m 175 yrs. old.

But I’ve heard that’s impossible.

What do you think.”

Jamal still experiencing an unusual feeling,

hesitated, “All I can say Mr. Jeb

is I’ve never personally known

anyone that age. But we have heard stories.”

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Jeb was looking younger and younger;

with a smile he said,

“Would you fellas indulge an old man

and take a look at a photo,

a real old, beat-up one;

it’s kind of hard to make out

some of the features;

I don’t remember ever showing it to anyone.”

“We’re in no rush.”

“Well it’s just you fellas sort of remind me

of two of the men in it I use to know.”

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He opened his suit case, and

took out a small paper bag.

He pulled out a photo, creased throughout,

but the features of the six men were discernible.

They were each holding a farm implement.

He became more radiant and vibrant,

pointing to the tallest one,

“We called him Jeremiah.

You remind me of him. Uh,

what’s your name again?”

“Jamal”. Jamal looked, and

did not see the resemblance

except that they were both very black.

“And this fella, we called him John,

reminds me of you, uh, Kemien.

Such nice names.”; Kemien looked and

said, “I see some resemblance.”

“Well, they were all good men. All six,

but Jereniah and John were my favorites.”

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He stared deeply into the eyes of one,

then the other,

almost as if he were disappearing

trying to decide something.

Then he slapped his right knee,

“By golly, I’m not the same man I was.

I’ve grown. Yes I have.

Have God in my life now.

Had to set thing straight

so I could be at peace.

Now, the time has come!”

Jamal and Kemien both

looked concerned at this old white man’s

wild intensity and fervor.

Perhaps even a little alarmed.

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“Yes sir. I’m going to tell you something.

Something I’ve wanted to say

for a very, very long time.”

Both looked at him

with interest and reservation.

“You see, I use to own those fellas.

You see, I was a slave owner.

John and Jeremiah

were my slaves, my property.

Of course, that was a long time ago.”

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A breeze began

to stir the leaves on the nearby trees.

Both were uncertain, yet

remained composed and respectful.

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“Now before the bus gets here,

I better say the rest,

before I can’t or I forget.

I have to say it now.

Let’s call what I am about to say

‘My apology to our

black brothers and sisters.’

That’s right! I can say that now.

Our black brothers and sisters.”

He took out a sheet of paper

from the paper bag,

put on his spectacles and began to read:

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The Respectfully Real ManifestoFrom the White Race to

Our Black Brothers and Sisters

Chapter II

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Our Caucasian race has violated

the people of the black race over the centuries.

In this Respectfully Real Manifesto

it is our intention to take

full responsibility for what we have done,

and for what we have failed to do,

and to deeply apologize

for the enormous harm

we have inflicted upon you,

your ancestors, and your children.

The spiritual damage which this has done

to us is crushing as well.

The injustices which we have perpetuated and

attempted to justify legally, morally,

and religiously have darkened the world.

We beg for your forgiveness.


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The Indictment & The Apology of Jeb

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Firstly, we cannot escape the fact

the we enslaved your race in chains,

and with all the degradation, death,

humiliation, and pain which were

entailed within this institution.

For this, we beg your forgiveness

for those responsible and

for their descendents. We are truly sorry.

Even those of us whose families

never directly participated,

we have failed

to have sufficient compassion and

understanding for what this has done.

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The following are included

within the scope of these injustices,

and we acknowledge that

the damage persists to this day:

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1) Male slave owners sexually exploited

and violated their black female slaves.

Undoubtedly this sexual license

made them even more resistant to

facing and repealing this

highly repugnant practice.

It was socially sanctioned within

the white community which

further accentuates its evilness.

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We are sorry for this vileness and

inhumanity, for the pain and suffering

which this has caused and

beg for your forgiveness for those

responsible and for their descendents.

Furthermore, we ourselves have failed

to have sufficient compassion and

understanding of what this has done to you.

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2) After Christianizing their black slaves

our white race committed

a spiritual abomination:

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We made God white!

Almost all representations of Jesus,

even to this day, depict him

as a very white man

with white -almost English- features.

We acknowledge that

this lie further perpetuated

a false supremacy of the white race and

diminished the personal identification

with Him by your race. Undoubtedly,

he was much darker than

we have depicted Him in our representations

in paintings, statues and movies.

We apologize for those responsible

and for our conceit, deception,

and attempt to further diminish

the stature of the Great Black Race.

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3) We participated in destroying

the integrity of the black family

by treating the black, male slave

as chattel; the white slave owners

used him to procreate with

a variety of women

to produce a strong and

healthy offspring, thus increasing

the wealth and holdings of

the white masters.

Such practices included renting

and selling of black males.

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We acknowledge the harm

this has perpetuated.

We apologize and ask forgiveness

for those responsible and

their descendents and for ourselves

because of our lack of compassion and

understanding of what this has done to you.

4) When slaves attempted to

read or write, they were punished

or even killed.

This was extremely damaging then

and for the future.

* * * * *

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5) To this day we, as a race,

still exhibit arrogance and

have an unconscious sense of superiority.

This attitude for some extends

to excusing our own injustices

with the irrational statement that

the white race civilized the black race.

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This rationalization is

totally repulsive to the fair minded and

an embarrassment to all decent citizens.

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6) We acknowledge that even though

we of the white race today

in the United States did not

directly participate in the

institution of slavery,

that we have -in fact-

benefitted economically, socially

and educationally.

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These benefits have been there

even for white families who

are not descendants of white slave owners.

Because of the more restricted economic and

educational opportunities for the black race,

we and our children are able to prosper

more in a capitalistic, free enterprise system.

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This engenders a responsibility to

you which has not yet been

adequately forth-coming.

* * * * *

7) We recognize that by the very nature

of the institution of slavery as practiced

in the United States of America,

that many of the victims,

while perhaps still feeling hopeful,

were enormously restricted in planning

for the future of themselves and

for their children.

We recognize that denial

of this natural right has been

a great devastation.

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8) Because of the injustices which

have been perpetuated, and

because we desired to conceal

our wrong doings,

we created a social contract

for all people which emphasized

superficial conversations and made it

socially inappropriate to speak of

what really matters from a point of depth.

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9) White slave owners deliberately

infused mistrust among their slaves

towards other slaves in an attempt

to control them, so they would not

unite against their masters. This still

divides the black man to this day.

This plan was exemplified and set forth

in the Willie Lynch paper of 1712:

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From One White Slave Plantation Owner to Another

“ ... In my bag here, I have a fool-proof method for controlling your Black slaves. I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. My method is simple, any member of your family or any overseer can use it.” ...

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... “I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves, and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use fear, distrust and envy for control purposes. These methods have worked on my plantation in the West Indies, and it will throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences as a tool, think about them. On the top of my list is “Age,” but it is there because it only starts with an “A”; the second is “Color” or shade; there is intelligence, size, sex, size of plantations, attitude of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine or coarse hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action- but before that, I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust, and envy is stronger than adulation, respect or admiration.” ...

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... “The Black Slave, after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self refueling a division self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands.” ...

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... “Don’t forget, you must pitch the old Black vs. the young Black males, and the young Black male against the old Black male. You must use the dark slaves vs. the light skin slaves, the light skin slaves vs. the dark skin slaves. You must use the female vs. the male, and the male vs. the female. You must also have house servants and overseers distrust all Blacks, but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect and trust only us.” ...

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... “Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control, use them. Have your wives and children use them. Never miss an opportunity. My plan is guaranteed, and the good thing about this plan is that if used consistantly for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful.”

End of the Willie Lynch Paper

* * * * * * *

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We are now prepared to enter

into a New Social Contract

which entails a deeper and a more sincere

Respectfully Real Communication.

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We are extremely grateful for the enormous

contributions your race has made

in all fields of endeavor

which include (but not limited to):

Science, philosophy, politics, inventions, art,

business, medicine, creative writing,

athletics, and entertainment.

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And as important, or perhaps even more

importantly, we are extremely grateful

for the enormously humanizing effects

upon us which you have given

through your extraordinary spirituality,

humor, and genuineness.

You have helped

to free us

from the shackles

of our inhumanity.

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We are amazed by the journey

of your race and the dignity,

perseverance, and

good will which you have shown.

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We respect that -inspite of

the enormous obstacles

which we have placed in your way-

the far reaching progress you have made

in so short a period of 150 years.

We understand, and concur, that

“Black is beautiful.”

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Attraction & Fascination

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Beneath the strife and the struggle,

we are fully aware that

the white and black races

are attracted to and fascinated

by one another.

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We believe that the beauty of

the rose garden of humanity

is accentuated by our unity in diversity.

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When Jeb finished, he put the paper down.

There was a long, long powerful silence.

A cloud blocked the sun, and

a bird glided by. Tears were rolling down

the cheeks of Jamal, and Kemein

was sobbing. Neither knew whether

Jeb was of sound mind or not,

but they wept.

Jeb softly looked at each one,

fighting back his emotions.

He struggled to stand up, went over

and put his fragile old arms around both;

he kissed each on the forehead,

and said, “Now it is done. It’s finally done.”

and collapsed into the earth.

The papers blew away in the breeze.

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Chapter III

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The parable and Respectfully Real Manifesto

which I have described above

were written for two highly

important psychological reasons:

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Firstly, such a Manifesto potentially further

accelerates the forgiveness of the black race

towards the white race.

This acceleration is healing for

both races, both ethnicities if you will.

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Secondly, it allows the white race

a context for dealing with

its own unconscious sense of superiority.

The potential humility which

this engenders is extremely healthy

for the entire race as well as

for others who feel offended by it.

It emancipates the white race

from the prison of arrogance.

This is the first part of the

“New Emancipation Proclamation”

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The psychological effects,

if not strongly resisted,

will be an important step in a long,

unfolding healing process

in America’s great future.

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Continuing Psychological Effects of

Slave Mentality

Chapter IV

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1. Reduced valuing of education.

2. Reduced sense of responsibility

of males to their mates and children.

3. Reduced planning for the future

and increased tendency to live

only for the present.

4. Reduced unity and reduced

willingness to help others

of the same race.

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The institution of slavery

has been abolished by legislation.

But you cannot abolish slave mentality

by governmental intervention.

This form of slavery can only be abolished

by the power of thought.

And this is the second part of the

“New Emancipation Proclamation.”

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Many of our white brothers and sisters

who have read this book say:

“Neither my ancestors nor I

have had anything to do with

causing harm to our black brothers and

sisters. I have no guilt in the matter.”

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If we were a witness to a joke

or wrong doing against

our black brothers and sisters

and we did nothing,

then we have some responsibility,

even if there is no guilt.

But the more important point is this:

All should seek to understand, respect,

and have compassion for the

contributions, the struggle and

the journey of the Great

Black Race in America.

Page 62: A Division of THE NERENBERG INSTITUTE The New Emancipation ... · Two young black men were sitting on the side of the road on a bench in Atlanta, Georgia, talking, waiting for a bus



The New Emancipation Proclamation

By Dr. Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D.

The Respectfully Real ManifestoFrom the White Race

to Our Black Brothers and Sisters

Fourth Edition

Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D.

Dr. Nerenberg has been in practice for over 45 years. He is also considered the strongest, drug-free, man in the world for his weight and age (born 1941) on the Bench Press, the T-Bar-Strongman-Pull, the Power-Grip, and the Power-Pull-Up. At near 70 years of age, while sitting on the ground, he pulled two F-150 Ford pickup trucks with 6 passengers, for a total of over 14,000 lbs. He is internationally known for his pioneering work on road rage. He has written over 100 books and likes to share “the bottom line” about all aspects of life. It is the intention of his work to uplift society for at least 1000 years emotionally, spiritually, physically, intellectually, and socially.

The New

Emancipation Proclam

ation - Dr. A

rnold P. Nerenberg, PH

.D. - 4th Edition