a charmed life in ceylon - booksmango · 5 a charmed life in ceylon introduction born in the island...


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Page 1: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his
Page 2: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


A Charmed life in Ceylon

1st edition 2017

Text by

Tony Buxton

eISBN 978-1-946765-39-0

Print ISBN 978-1-946765-40-6

Published by www.booksmango.com

E-mail: [email protected]

Text & Cover Copyright© Tony Buxton

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Page 3: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


A ChArmed life in Ceylon


I dedicate this book, firstly to Sir John Kotelawala, R.G Senanayake, and J.R Jaywardena. It was an honour to count them amongst my friends and they inspired me with their integrity, leadership and dedication to the people of Ceylon. Also to another friend, Esmond Wickremasinghe who helped me and advised me on many occasions. I would also mentioned Rodney Jonklass,, the legendary diver who taught me to make a living from the sea.

Page 4: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


Tony BuxTon


With thanks to Keith Lorentz of Hawaii for helping me write and edit this book. Aidan Schmer for designing the cover and Jayam Ratnam (Good news from Jayam) for the introduction. Also Rex de Silva (author of Sharks of Sri Lanka) for his help in promotion. I should also mention the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke (bestselling writer) who gave me a lot of encouragement.

Page 5: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


A ChArmed life in Ceylon


Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his childhood in England, Tony Buxton returned to Ceylon to hopefully take over his family’s commodities business. Not the typical colonial type, who was expected to segregate himself from the “natives” Tony went against the rules and preferred the company of the Ceylonese. This resulted in him making many friends, including well-known politicians. He favoured the independent life and soon found that he had a passion for the ocean and deep sea diving. He gave up his job and made a meagre living spearing fish, catching lobsters and live tropical fish for aquariums. He eventually offered his services as a guide to the underwater world. This brought him many wealthy and famous customers from all over the world. Charging nothing for his services. They invited them to their homes, where he experienced a lifestyle he hardly knew existed. These vacations in Monte Carlo and Rome could not have been any more adventurous. Having met some of the elite and colourful of Europe, he enjoyed some of the best hotels and entertainment and drove around in his friends Maserati wining and dining with some of the most prominent influential colourful people in Europe.

Extremely handsome, Tony attracted the most beautiful local ladies. His exploits and romances resulted in his experiences of passionate love and painful separations.

Reading about the adventures of this bold and goodhearted man, makes one want to emulate him. An unusual life indeed, with twists and turns that were never premeditated. Alas, life cannot remain an adventure. When age catches up with you, one is fortunate to have a young, beautiful and caring wife to take care of you.

I lived in Ceylon during Tony Buxton’s time. Although I was ten years younger, I heard the stories about him and

Page 6: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


Tony BuxTon

maybe got a glimpse of him now and again. There was many a time that as a teenager, that I envied him.

Jayam Ratnam

Page 7: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


A ChArmed life in Ceylon


This book is about my life in Ceylon. I was born in Colombo in 1931 when my father was working there in the family business, founded by my grandfather in the 1980s. We returned to England before the war, when I went to boarding school. Conditions were miserable, and I dropped out of school when I was 17. My father wanted me to join the company, but I decided that I wanted to see a bit of the world first and spent the next four years travelling in Europe, working for a while in France and then spending most of the time in Sweden. I found the country very appealing, undamaged by war and a different open attitude to life in England. It was easy to find employment and wages were high. I returned to England in late 1953, worked for a few months in the London office of the family company, and then went back to Ceylon. It was there that I found my calling diving in the beautiful sea and coral reefs surrounding the island. It was surprising in a way because I had always been scared of the sea. I was of poor health, weak and underweight due to years of suffering from chronic asthma and sinus problems and was afraid of going out of my depth. However, my enthusiasm was so great that nothing could stop me. I joined a group of divers who called themselves the Ceylon Reefcombers. Amongst them was the legendary Rodney Jonklaas, who took me under his wing. He taught me how to make a living from the sea.

Arriving in Colombo in April 1954, I felt that I returned home. I had met many Ceylonese who had visited my family in England. I found them charming, and beautiful people and I look forward to meeting and making friends with them. My father had encouraged me before leaving, to do so. However, I was rather shocked to find that most of the Europeans did not mix or make friends with them. They had their clubs, and at the parties that I was obliged to attend, when I first arrived, I found very few if any, Ceylonese were invited. I was expected to join their exclusive clubs and socialise with

Page 8: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


Tony BuxTon

the European community. I decided to do just the opposite; I made many friends amongst the Ceylonese and joined their clubs. Had I been anyone else, the company would probably have put me on the first plane back home. However, being my father’s oldest son and the fact that he was the managing director of the London office. They could do nothing and in the end eventually ignored me.

Deciding the sea was my future. I gave up my job and made my living diving. I speared fish and caught lobsters which I sold, and caught live tropical fish, which I exported. I never made any money, but I was happy. Eventually, I set myself up as an underwater guide. It was just about the time when diving became the vogue for the wealthy and famous. Unexpectedly, I found my services in much demand. The Minister of tourism, RG Senanayake was also a keen underwater enthusiast and put me on the government tourist board to promote the countries underwater scenery.

My life in Ceylon was extraordinary. Most of my clients were very wealthy and paid all my expenses. They wanted the best of everything, and I tried to supply it. I made my base at the rest house in Hikkaduwa where Edwin the resthouse keeper learned to turn out the fabulous food as good as any five-star hotel. The accommodation was Spartan, but he would lay a beautiful table in the middle of the lawn in front of the rest house. The sea surrounded it, and it was one of the best places for diving with beautiful corals on the doorstep. RG Senanayake came often and decided to upgrade the resthouse by building 12 air-conditioned rooms. In addition to the rooms, he arranged for the purchase of the glass bottomed boat and diving equipment. I went with him to England get the diving equipment and the boat. The venture was a huge success, and until I left in 1963, the Hikkaduwa rest house was my second home.

. My clients lavishly spent money while they were here. One of them was the grandson of the richest man in America. He used my services for two months a year, for three years running. He shared my enthusiasm for diving, and we became the closest of friends. In addition, every year he invited me

Page 9: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


A ChArmed life in Ceylon


Sir John Kotelawala prime minister of Ceylon 1954 in full Regalia for the visit of Queen Elisabeth

Page 10: A Charmed life in Ceylon - BooksMango · 5 A ChArmed life in Ceylon introDuCtion Born in the island of Ceylon in 1931, during the days of the British colonials and then living his


Tony BuxTon

Our family transport Colombo 1899

Return to Ceylon 1953