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1 Hi! I’m Soraia Ferreira and Welcome to StorySD, Episode nº 9. Today it’s the conclusion of series nº1 of StorySD, enঞtled “Transmedia Storytelling for Business”. Welcome to StorySD! Helping you use storytelling in your communicaঞon strategy. Explore other resources at www.StorySD.com. A And now, here is your host, Dr. Soraia Ferreira, story strategy consultant & trainer. Porto, the city where I live, has always been a city of merchants. In the 19th Century, the Commercial Associaঞon constructed a building that was mostly made of stone. Inside the building there is a very special room, which is normally called the Arabic Room, and as the name says it was build following the Arabic style. This room was made to impress all of the visitors and it achieves that because it’s breathtaking. The room is symmetric one side to the other but there is a thing that it’s not, which is the door, and this was made on purpose because onl because only God is perfect. Unঞl now you have been building your own communicaঞon strategy using transmedia storytelling. I know it’s not perfect but the most important thing is that you already got started. And now, it’s ঞme to improve and conঞnue improving your own strategy. T This series started with an episode dedicated to the definiঞon of transmedia storytelling, then the second episode was about defining your business goals, which is essenঞal in every communicaঞon strategy. The third episode was about story, why are stories important in your business, and the fourth episode was also about stories and what are the elements that are present in every story. The following episode, number 5, was about the conflict that is essenঞal in every story. Then, episode 6 and 7 were dedicated to your customers, who are your ideal customers in episode 6 and episode 7 was about your customer expe- rien rience. Finally, last weeks episode, was number 8, was about your plaorms.

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Post on 16-Feb-2019




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Hi! I’m Soraia Ferreira and Welcome to StorySD, Episode nº 9.

Today it’s the conclusion of series nº1 of StorySD, en tled “Transmedia Storytelling for


Welcome to StorySD!

Helping you use storytelling in your communica on strategy.

Explore other resources at www.StorySD.com.

AAnd now, here is your host, Dr. Soraia Ferreira, story strategy consultant & trainer.

Porto, the city where I live, has always been a city of merchants. In the 19th Century, the

Commercial Associa on constructed a building that was mostly made of stone. Inside the

building there is a very special room, which is normally called the Arabic Room, and as the

name says it was build following the Arabic style. This room was made to impress all of the

visitors and it achieves that because it’s breathtaking. The room is symmetric one side to the

other but there is a thing that it’s not, which is the door, and this was made on purpose

because onlbecause only God is perfect. Un l now you have been building your own communica on

strategy using transmedia storytelling. I know it’s not perfect but the most important thing

is that you already got started. And now, it’s me to improve and con nue improving your

own strategy.

TThis series started with an episode dedicated to the defini on of transmedia storytelling,

then the second episode was about defining your business goals, which is essen al in every

communica on strategy. The third episode was about story, why are stories important in

your business, and the fourth episode was also about stories and what are the elements

that are present in every story. The following episode, number 5, was about the conflict

that is essen al in every story. Then, episode 6 and 7 were dedicated to your customers,

who are your ideal customers in episode 6 and episode 7 was about your customer expe-

rienrience. Finally, last weeks episode, was number 8, was about your pla orms.


In this week newsle er you will get an e-book that has all the links to these episodes and also has all the exercises that were part of the StorySD first challenge.

Standing on the Shoulder of Giants

The recommended book for this episode is “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg and this is a book about why are habits important and how to create them. I chose a passage about small wins because that’s what you already accomplished by crea ng the first dra of your transmedia storytelling communica on strategy. The passage goes like this:““Small wins are exactly what they sound like, and are part of how keystone habits create wides-

pread changes. A huge body research has shown that small wins have enormous power. (…) One

Cornell professor wrote in 1984 “Once a small win has been accomplished, forces are set in mo on

that favour another small win.” Small wins fuel transforma ve changes by leveraging ny advanta-

ges into pa erns that convince people that bigger achievements are within reach.”

And now I’m going to recap all of the books that were recommended from episode 1 to 8.

1 - Storytelling Across Worlds: Transmedia for Crea ves and Producers2 - Significant Objects3 - Made to S ck: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die4- Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwri ng5- Wired for story6- Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us7- The Experience Economy8-8- Physics of the future: how science will shape human des ny and our daily lives by the year 2100

Be sure to check out the interac ve podcast that you can find a link in this episode or at storysd.com.On the next four episodes I will be answering ques ons regarding the Series 1. Un l then, keep moving forward!

Thank you for tuning in to StorySD.SSign up to the newsle er today and be the first to receive updates, at StorySD.com.