9.self development

Speaker : Dr. Nay Zin Latt Chairman Business Group Business Group Hotel Group. Hotel Group. Venue : India Date : 10.10.10

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Dr. Nay Zin Latt's lecture note for MMWAI, India


Page 1: 9.Self Development

Speaker : Dr. Nay Zin Latt Chairman

Business GroupBusiness Group Hotel Group.Hotel Group.

Venue : IndiaDate : 10.10.10

Page 2: 9.Self Development

What is self-development?

• Any development you undertake on your own to develop your potential as a person and as a manager

• Learning to understand and accept yourself• Focus on who you are as well as what you know and

do• Improving your knowledge and skills and develop

your capacity to use them in an effective way

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Self - The Individual

Perception, Values, Attitudes and Beliefs


(Individual/ Intrapersonal)

Personal behaviours

Personality and emotion intelligence

Self Awareness - Skills, Knowledge and Experience

Self Development, Learning and Reflexivity

Ways of knowing

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Reflective Learning from Experience





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Cognitive Levels of thinking – Bloom’s taxonomy

1 Knowledge

2 Comprehension (Understanding)

3 Application

4 Analysis

5 Synthesis

6 Evaluation

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Learning as doing

Learning as experienceLearning as becoming

Learning as belonging

Wenger (1998) - Social Learning






Components of a social theory of learning: Wenger (1998)

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The Learning Cycle (Kolb and Fry,1975)

Concrete experiences

Observations and reflections

Formation of abstract concepts and generalizations

Testing implications or concepts in new situations

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Responding to Change

• “The working world is constantly changing. You learn to change rather than become a victim of change.” Pedlar, Burgoyne and Boydell (1986)

• “Those unable to change themselves cannot change what goes on around them” Revans, 1983, 55

• “Those who do not know themselves are unable to change themselves” Bourner, 1996, 17

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Leadership• Process of influencing and inspiring others to

work to achieve a common goal and then giving them the power and the freedom to achieve it.

• Entrepreneurs must take on many roles in their companies, but none is more important than that of leader.

• How is the leader of a company like the leader of a jazz band?

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Why is Management Succession So Difficult?

No management succession plan!– 81% of all business founders intend to pass

their companies on to their children.– But... 25% of family business owners have

no formal management succession plan!

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Effective Leaders

• Create a set of values and beliefs for employees and passionately pursue them.

• Define and then constantly reinforce the vision they have for the company.

• Respect and support their employees.• Set the example for their employees.• Create a climate of trust in the organization. • Focus employees’ efforts on challenging goals and

keep them driving toward those goals.

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Effective Leaders

• Provide the resources employees need to achieve their goals.

• Communicate with their employees.• Value the diversity of their workers.• Celebrate their workers’ successes.• Encourage creativity among their workers.• Maintain a sense of humor.


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Effective Leaders

• Create an environment in which people have the motivation, the training, and the freedom to achieve the goals they have set.

• Become a catalyst for change when change is needed.

• Keep their eyes on the horizon.


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Four Vital Tasks of a Leader1. Hire the right employees and constantly

improve their skills2. Build an organizational culture and

structure that enable the company to reach its potential

3. Motivate workers to higher levels of performance

4. Plan for “passing the torch” to the next generation of leadership.

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The Strategic Management Process









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Leadership, vision and strategy implementation

• Leadership– having a vision for the organisation and turning it into reality through

corporate strategy and its implementation• Vision

– identifying where the organisation should go in the future – objectives, strategy and directions

• Implementation – turning the vision and strategy into reality through functional

strategies and organisational change– involves a shift in responsibility from corporate planners to divisional

or functional managers

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Changing the Organisation


Strategy Systems


Skills Style


Architecture:The McKinsey 7S Model

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Leadership and Management

• Lead not manage, there is an important difference (Bennis, 1989)

• Leadership focuses on doing the right things, management focuses on doing things right (Covey, 1996)

• Managers perform functions in organisations and hold a particular, formal, title and/or fulfil a role (Brooks, 2003:150)

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Leading and Managing – Complementary Disciplines

Leading: Managing:

• Setting direction

Purpose, vision and strategies for effecting change

• Planning and budgeting

Targets, goals, action and resources

• Aligning people

Communicating vision, creating coalitions, getting commitment

• Organising and Staffing

Setting structures, defining jobs, managing people

• Sustaining motivation

Keeping people moving in right direction

• Controlling

Actual v expected performance, corrective action

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Credibility and Capability, Ulrich (1996)

Capability - Does this leader have the ability to make the organisation succeed? Does individual have the ability to shape a vision, create a commitment to the vision, develop capabilities and accountability?

Credibility - Does this leader have credibility? Do individuals trust, respect, admire, and enjoy working for this leader? Do followers feel a personal and emotional bond?

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Transactional and Transformational Leadership

Transactional leaders who see their relationships with their followers as negotiated agreements, as bargains struck between them, so that the leader clearly identifies and gets what they want, in exchange for what the followers want (in terms of rewards) – ‘Contract’ leadership

Transformational leaders who see their relationships with followers as being concerned with motivation and commitment, influencing and inspiring them to go ‘beyond contract’ and improve organisational performance - ‘Compact’ leadership

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Managerial Roles and Associated Management Characteristics Part 1 of 2

Knowledge and Skills Traits

Managerial Role Conceptual Technical Interpersonal Personal


Figurehead Yes Yes

Leader Yes Yes Yes

Liaison Yes Yes Yes

Monitor Yes Yes Yes

Disseminator Yes Yes Yes

Spokesperson Yes Yes Yes


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Managerial Roles and Associated Management Characteristics Part 2 of 2

Knowledge and Skills Traits

Managerial Role Conceptual Technical Interpersonal Personal


Entrepreneur Yes Yes Yes Yes

Disturbance handler Yes Yes Yes Yes

Resource allocator Yes Yes Yes Yes

Negotiator Yes Yes Yes

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Experiential Learning Model

Experience(the exercise/game)

Practice(try it out)

Lecturette(provide information)

Generalizability(relevancy to other


Processing(analysis of experience

and information)

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A Comparison Reliability and Validity

Not reliable or valid

Reliable but not valid

Reliable and valid

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Linkage between Strategy, Tactics, and Objectives

Tactical ActivitiesCompetitiveStrategy• Mission• Opportunities• Threats• Strengths• Weaknesses



and Tactics


Implementation, Evaluation, and Feedback

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Mission, Strategy, Technology, Structure Relationship





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Force-field analysis model

Driving Forces

Restraining Forces

Current Situation

1. Identify the current state of the situation.

2. Envision the desired state.

3. Identify the forces restraining change.

4. Identify the forces that support or encourage change.

5. Assess the strength of the forces.

6. Develop strategies to: reduce the forces restraining change increase the forces for change (or capitalize on existing drivers).

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Classification of Learning Outcome

Skill-Based LearningCompilationAutomaticity

Cognitive KnowledgeDeclarative KnowledgeProcedural KnowledgeStrategic Knowledge

Attitudinal LearningAffect/Feelings


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