96/00958 the hanshin earthquake and its aftermath

15 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety) 96lQO943 Envlronmental policy and lndustrlal Innovetlon: Strategles In Europe, the CIS and Japan Wallace, D. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, 10 St James’s Sq., London SWIY 4LE, f14.95, 1995, 284 pp. 96100944 Germany Envlronmental policy: Climate protection In German Federal Environment Ministry, Postfach 120629, D.53048 Bonn, Germany, 196 pp. Presents updates of a preliminary report on climate change (August 1993 , giving current inventories of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany (1990 . Also describes the effects of climate change, Germany’s policies and mea- sures to reduce emissions by 2005. 96lOO946 Environmental tralnlng: lndustrlal needs Venselaar, J. J. Cleaner Prod., 1995, 3, (1). 9-12. The aper discusses how cleaner production requires the involvement of all. * he quality of any job performed must be judged also on how environ- mental as ects are handled. It matters for the ople designing processes and P. instal atIons and those running them, but p” a so for the people involved in industrial research, marketing, purchase of materials and even in finance. Their decisions influence the present and future environmental impact of activities too. Good environmental knowledge and expertise for a iob in industrv reauires a broad varietv of skills in more than a few fields bf science. Firtheimore, a simple set bf ‘environmental’ requirements for an industrial job in general is impossible even for specific ‘environmental jobs’ . 96/#946 Estlmatlon of collective effective dose equivalent for the plants n China P opulatlon due to airborne effluent from coal-fired power Ruixiang, L. et al., Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (l), p. 84. In 1988ythe coal consumption for generating eleciricity was 2.i4 x 10’ I in China. The airborne effluent released from the stacks in coal-fired power plants is one of the major atmospheric pollutant sources. The natural radionuclides in the airborne effluent make additional exposures for the population living near the plants. The data of every coal-fried power plant were investigated for 255 plants with installed capacity of 25 MW or more in 1988. The results indicate that the collective effective dose equivalent is 2.9 X lo3 man . Sv/a to the population living in the region within 80 km around the plants in China. 96100947 Evaluation of dioxin mobility and s B oils leaching In a surface coal mine reclaimed with bleache kraft pulp and paper mill biosolids McFadden, D. P. et al., Water Environ. Res.. 1995, 67, (5), 791-797. The paper describes how a surface coal mine in southeastern Ohio has been reclaimed with approximately 15 to 25 cm thickness of biosolids from a bleached kraft pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment plant. 96100946 Evaporation of heavy metals during the heat treat- ment of municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash Jakob, A. et al., -Environ. Sci. Technol., 1995, 291 (9), 2429-2436. Thermal treatment is a promising way for the decontamination and iner- tization of residues from waste incineration. The evaporation of heavy metals is therefore of great significance. The aim of this work is to investi- gate the fundamental aspects of the evaporation of heavy metals in the heat treatment urocess and to determine the orocess oarameters leadine to com- plete evaporation of the relevant heavy ‘metals. &aporation expezments in different atmospheres were carried out with filter ash from municipal solid waste incineration. 96100949 Experimental and theoretical Investigations of the Indoor air pollution likely to be caused by waterproofing mea- sures on facades. Part 2 Franke, L. et al., Bauphysik, Aug. 1995, 17, (4), 120-123. (In German) 96lOO961 A fiscal reform for Increasing employment and mltl- aatlnn CO. emlsslons In Eurooe Boss&, F. ;nd Brechet, T. Eneriy Policy, Sep. 1995, 23, (9), 789-798. The article discusses the possibility of promoting a fiscal reform which would, at a Eurooean level, oermit a double dividend to be obtained: the mitigation of Cd, emissions’ and stimulation of employment creation. In this respect, a COJenergy tax is considered in the light of financing cuts in social contributions equivalent to 1% of the European GDP. Simulations carried out with six Euro fe an countries reveal that, under certain condi- tions, this hypothesis cou d be verified, even if the net impact on unem- ployment and CO, is rather limited. 96100952 The formatlon of coplanar PCBS, PCDDS and PCDFS In a fly ash model system Schoonenboom, M. H. et al., Chemosphere, 1995, 30, (7), 1341-1349. Coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and polychlorinated dibenzodi- oxinddibenzofurans (PCDD/F) are formed from particulate organic carbon on an Al,O, support. The formation of all three of these compounds reaches its maximum at 350”. 96100963 Fulfilling agenda 21 concernlng greenhouse gases Contaldi, M. et al., Termotecnica, Jun. 1995, (6), 289-235. (In Italian) The authors discuss the aims of Italy for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases to meet goals laid down by the 1992 World Conference m Rio de Janeiro. 96100964 Gender and the envlronment. Women’s time use as a measure of environmental change Awumbila, M. and Momsen, J. H. 1995, 5, (4), 337-346. Global Environment Change, Sep. Women are thoueht to have a multiolicitv of roles as agents. victims and saviours in relation to environmenta! chaige. This pape; takds an innova- tive approach to the study of gender and the environment by utilizing women’s time use as a surrogate measure of changes in gender roles under conditions of environmental stress. Cases studies are drawn from dryland areas of Sri Lanka, Burkina Fasco, Ghana, the Sudan and the Caribbean. There is considerable evidence that women have shorter hours of rest than men, that gender roles are becoming more flexible and that environmental degradation increases women’s workload. They may also be blamed for degradation such as deforestation as their search for fuel wood for domes- tic use becomes ever more desperate. 96100955 Geochemistry of thorium In coals: envlronmental aspect Kisil’shtein, L. Y. and Levchenko, S. V. Geokhimiya, 1995, (6), 874-880. (In Russian) \ ~- -~~I The paper discusses the occurrence of thorium in the organic and mineral matter of Donets Basin coals and ?h radioactivity and concentration in atmospheric air in the vicinity of a coal-fired cogeneration plant. 96lOO956 Greenhouse as models and abatement costs for B developing nations. A crit cal assessment Shukla, P. R. Energy Policy, Aug. 1995, 23, (8), 677-687. Numerous GHG policy studies are reported for developing countries. Most use demand driven bottom-uo models. Reoorted abatement costs vary sia- nificantly across countries fo; identical opiions. This can cause policy co;- flicts such as for GEF financing schemes. Top-down macro-economic studies for developing countries are scant; their model structure assumes dynamics akin to developed market economies. Transitional dynamics of developing countries such as underdeveloped markets and informal activi- ties are inadequately modelled. Policy analysis is thus restricted to market oriented alternatives, while more relevant bifurcation scenarios along alter- nate development patterns are ignored. Alterations in model structure and policy analysis are proposed to represent the realities of developing nations. 96100957 Greenhouse Gases Mltlgatlon Options Conference Greenhouse Issues, Sep. 1995, (20). A report on the Greenhouse Gases Mitigation Options Conference held 22- 25 August 1995, in London. 129 papers were presented together with 40 poster reports of work in this field. The conference was organised by the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme. 96100950 Explosion behavlour of the ‘non-flammable’ CFC substitute 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a) Dietlen, S. et al., Chemical Engng. & Processing, Jun. 1995, 34, (3), 141-149. The explosion ranges of R134a/nitrogen/oxygen mixtures have been inves- tigated at atmospheric pressure. The results of these full flammability tests at 2O’C and at 28O’C are presented in a triangular diagram. In addition, the influence of pressure on the flammability of R134a/air mixtures has also been studied. Under normal conditions, R134a is a non-flammable gas but exhibits an explosion range at higher oxygen percentages than those in air. At increased temoeratures or pressures. R134a also has an explosion range 96100956 The Hanshln earthquake and Its aftermath The Australian Gas J., Oct. 1995, 59, (5), 41, 43. A special report from the Japan Gas Association on the effects of the aftermath of the Hanshin earthquake. 96100959 Homes for e greener world. Environmental standard Prior, J. J. and Bartlett, P. B. BRE Report BR.278, Building Research Establishment, 1995, 33 pp. The report has been developed from the experience gained in operating BREEAM/New Homes which it replaces, and reflects the increase in in air, i.e. withoit any highei oxygen.percentage. Using a donation t&e, knowledge gained of environmental issues since its launch in 1991. It is the detonability of R134a/air mixture has been investigated for pressures between 8-20 bar and temperatures from room temperature to 200°C. intended to make a contribution to the achievement of sustainable develop- ment in the UK. Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1996 67

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Page 1: 96/00958 The Hanshin earthquake and its aftermath

15 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)

96lQO943 Envlronmental policy and lndustrlal Innovetlon: Strategles In Europe, the CIS and Japan Wallace, D. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, 10 St James’s Sq., London SWIY 4LE, f14.95, 1995, 284 pp.

96100944 Germany

Envlronmental policy: Climate protection In

German Federal Environment Ministry, Postfach 120629, D.53048 Bonn, Germany, 196 pp. Presents updates of a preliminary report on climate change (August 1993 , giving current inventories of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany (1990 . Also describes the effects of climate change, Germany’s policies and mea- sures to reduce emissions by 2005.

96lOO946 Environmental tralnlng: lndustrlal needs Venselaar, J. J. Cleaner Prod., 1995, 3, (1). 9-12. The aper discusses how cleaner production requires the involvement of all. * he quality of any job performed must be judged also on how environ- mental as ects are handled. It matters for the ople designing processes and P. instal atIons and those running them, but p” a so for the people involved in industrial research, marketing, purchase of materials and even in finance. Their decisions influence the present and future environmental impact of activities too. Good environmental knowledge and expertise for a iob in industrv reauires a broad varietv of skills in more than a few fields bf science. Firtheimore, a simple set bf ‘environmental’ requirements for an industrial job in general is impossible even for specific ‘environmental jobs’.

96/#946 Estlmatlon of collective effective dose equivalent for the plants n China P

opulatlon due to airborne effluent from coal-fired power

Ruixiang, L. et al., Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (l), p. 84. In 1988ythe coal consumption for generating eleciricity was 2.i4 x 10’ I in China. The airborne effluent released from the stacks in coal-fired power plants is one of the major atmospheric pollutant sources. The natural radionuclides in the airborne effluent make additional exposures for the population living near the plants. The data of every coal-fried power plant were investigated for 255 plants with installed capacity of 25 MW or more in 1988. The results indicate that the collective effective dose equivalent is 2.9 X lo3 man . Sv/a to the population living in the region within 80 km around the plants in China.

96100947 Evaluation of dioxin mobility and s B

oils leaching In a surface coal mine reclaimed with bleache kraft pulp and paper mill biosolids McFadden, D. P. et al., Water Environ. Res.. 1995, 67, (5), 791-797. The paper describes how a surface coal mine in southeastern Ohio has been reclaimed with approximately 15 to 25 cm thickness of biosolids from a bleached kraft pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment plant.

96100946 Evaporation of heavy metals during the heat treat- ment of municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash Jakob, A. et al., -Environ. Sci. Technol., 1995, 291 (9), 2429-2436. Thermal treatment is a promising way for the decontamination and iner- tization of residues from waste incineration. The evaporation of heavy metals is therefore of great significance. The aim of this work is to investi- gate the fundamental aspects of the evaporation of heavy metals in the heat treatment urocess and to determine the orocess oarameters leadine to com- plete evaporation of the relevant heavy ‘metals. &aporation expezments in different atmospheres were carried out with filter ash from municipal solid waste incineration.

96100949 Experimental and theoretical Investigations of the Indoor air pollution likely to be caused by waterproofing mea- sures on facades. Part 2 Franke, L. et al., Bauphysik, Aug. 1995, 17, (4), 120-123. (In German)

96lOO961 A fiscal reform for Increasing employment and mltl- aatlnn CO. emlsslons In Eurooe Boss&, F. ;nd Brechet, T. Eneriy Policy, Sep. 1995, 23, (9), 789-798. The article discusses the possibility of promoting a fiscal reform which would, at a Eurooean level, oermit a double dividend to be obtained: the mitigation of Cd, emissions’ and stimulation of employment creation. In this respect, a COJenergy tax is considered in the light of financing cuts in social contributions equivalent to 1% of the European GDP. Simulations carried out with six Euro

fe an countries reveal that, under certain condi-

tions, this hypothesis cou d be verified, even if the net impact on unem- ployment and CO, is rather limited.

96100952 The formatlon of coplanar PCBS, PCDDS and PCDFS In a fly ash model system Schoonenboom, M. H. et al., Chemosphere, 1995, 30, (7), 1341-1349. Coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and polychlorinated dibenzodi- oxinddibenzofurans (PCDD/F) are formed from particulate organic carbon on an Al,O, support. The formation of all three of these compounds reaches its maximum at 350”.

96100963 Fulfilling agenda 21 concernlng greenhouse gases Contaldi, M. et al., Termotecnica, Jun. 1995, (6), 289-235. (In Italian) The authors discuss the aims of Italy for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases to meet goals laid down by the 1992 World Conference m Rio de Janeiro.

96100964 Gender and the envlronment. Women’s time use as a measure of environmental change Awumbila, M. and Momsen, J. H. 1995, 5, (4), 337-346.

Global Environment Change, Sep.

Women are thoueht to have a multiolicitv of roles as agents. victims and saviours in relation to environmenta! chaige. This pape; takds an innova- tive approach to the study of gender and the environment by utilizing women’s time use as a surrogate measure of changes in gender roles under conditions of environmental stress. Cases studies are drawn from dryland areas of Sri Lanka, Burkina Fasco, Ghana, the Sudan and the Caribbean. There is considerable evidence that women have shorter hours of rest than men, that gender roles are becoming more flexible and that environmental degradation increases women’s workload. They may also be blamed for degradation such as deforestation as their search for fuel wood for domes- tic use becomes ever more desperate.

96100955 Geochemistry of thorium In coals: envlronmental aspect Kisil’shtein, L. Y. and Levchenko, S. V. Geokhimiya, 1995, (6), 874-880. (In Russian) \ ~- -~~I

The paper discusses the occurrence of thorium in the organic and mineral matter of Donets Basin coals and ?h radioactivity and concentration in atmospheric air in the vicinity of a coal-fired cogeneration plant.

96lOO956 Greenhouse as models and abatement costs for B developing nations. A crit cal assessment

Shukla, P. R. Energy Policy, Aug. 1995, 23, (8), 677-687. Numerous GHG policy studies are reported for developing countries. Most use demand driven bottom-uo models. Reoorted abatement costs vary sia- nificantly across countries fo; identical opiions. This can cause policy co;- flicts such as for GEF financing schemes. Top-down macro-economic studies for developing countries are scant; their model structure assumes dynamics akin to developed market economies. Transitional dynamics of developing countries such as underdeveloped markets and informal activi- ties are inadequately modelled. Policy analysis is thus restricted to market oriented alternatives, while more relevant bifurcation scenarios along alter- nate development patterns are ignored. Alterations in model structure and policy analysis are proposed to represent the realities of developing nations.

96100957 Greenhouse Gases Mltlgatlon Options Conference Greenhouse Issues, Sep. 1995, (20).

A report on the Greenhouse Gases Mitigation Options Conference held 22- 25 August 1995, in London. 129 papers were presented together with 40 poster reports of work in this field. The conference was organised by the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme.

96100950 Explosion behavlour of the ‘non-flammable’ CFC substitute 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a) Dietlen, S. et al., Chemical Engng. & Processing, Jun. 1995, 34, (3), 141-149. The explosion ranges of R134a/nitrogen/oxygen mixtures have been inves- tigated at atmospheric pressure. The results of these full flammability tests at 2O’C and at 28O’C are presented in a triangular diagram. In addition, the influence of pressure on the flammability of R134a/air mixtures has also been studied. Under normal conditions, R134a is a non-flammable gas but exhibits an explosion range at higher oxygen percentages than those in air. At increased temoeratures or pressures. R134a also has an explosion range

96100956 The Hanshln earthquake and Its aftermath The Australian Gas J., Oct. 1995, 59, (5), 41, 43.

A special report from the Japan Gas Association on the effects of the aftermath of the Hanshin earthquake.

96100959 Homes for e greener world. Environmental standard Prior, J. J. and Bartlett, P. B. BRE Report BR.278, Building Research Establishment, 1995, 33 pp. The report has been developed from the experience gained in operating BREEAM/New Homes which it replaces, and reflects the increase in

in air, i.e. withoit any highei oxygen.percentage. Using a donation t&e, knowledge gained of environmental issues since its launch in 1991. It is the detonability of R134a/air mixture has been investigated for pressures between 8-20 bar and temperatures from room temperature to 200°C.

intended to make a contribution to the achievement of sustainable develop- ment in the UK.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1996 67