8th issue (2nd year)


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Vents Magazine is birthing her first year and we are starting fresh with brand new articles, logo in work, and many more things!


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Welcome to a brand new issue of Vents Magazine!

After just few days birth of our first year anniversary on the web spreading awesome new scene

and local music; We are coming fresh.

With an awesome new team —Yes, thank God I found some people that help me out with articles,

I think for manies that help was needed! And when I mean manies, I am espcially talking about

me... Is it me or what I just say was selfish? Hmm— that would bring new stuff to the magazine

that I am pretty sure you guys would love. So that means there’s hope our 20+ pages goes up with

new material. I pretty don’t know....

Anyways, this new year would be loaded with so many AWESOME stuff you guys can missed; but

without leaving our mission of helping new scene at our BEST.

So I don’t to get you guys busy with my introduction as I am pretty sure you guys would some

stuff from my hands and brain; plus from new writers team that hopefully may delight you or at

least inform you about stuff.

So enjoy the magazine and have a kicking awesome week!

Rafael Jóvine

Rafael Jóvine


Kevin Sloan


Page 5: 8th issue (2nd year)

Fred Veagance

DesignerMike Reardon

TV/Book reviewer

Ohio shows writer

Melissa Hurry

Film reviewer

UK shows writer

Jon Ramirez

Southern California


CA shows reviewer

Rae Ann Verona

Southern California


CA shows reviewer

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www.myspace.com/messagetovenus www.myspace.com/therockyroostars






Page 8: 8th issue (2nd year)

Impulsive Decision

Far from thru

“Full of energy, catchy gu

peared. The band Impulsive Deci

that for those pop-fans, would no

cool songs in the process”.

Ready in 10

Face the world

“Awesome, Brilliant, Beautiful, Entertainment; the b

me LOVE this band one man stage, the first single from thei

nal way.

Verona Grove

Away from unexpected

“With a catchy sound, that would make you have an a

their EP Away from Unexpected, an EP that personally, single

n’t be a better band than Jonas Brothers, or any other pop ba

Red Light Romance


“It makes you move, fun and music and lyrics that ma

nal, the one contain a sound that as later said it would make y

and funk. The album completely makes me want to dance, but

if you like to move, this album is for you an MOST HAVE”.

Six Day Slide


“Relax, but no boring; slow, but excited. Six Day Slide

tracks that would make enjoy and spend a good time to all th

didn’t attract me a lot as I am more into hardcore or not so sl

Page 9: 8th issue (2nd year)

uitars riffs and lyrics that produce different emotions to the songs that don’t let excitement disap-

ision brings us their album Far From Thru, the one as wrote above is an album loaded of emotions

t let down at all. In my opinion, the album made me spend a great time and I found some favourites

band Ready in 10 brings us their album Face the world, from which featured the song that make

ir album. The other songs are also great, some of them had a Aerosmith sound, but with an origi-

awesome time and would make you difficult stop sing along the songs. Verona Grove brings us

es like Vegas Night, make me LOVE this band. If you spent your life thinking that there could-

and; it’s because you never heard Verona Grove before. What are you waiting to listen them?”

ake you stand and start to dance. The band Red Light Romance brings us their album Noctur-

you stand and start to dance, with a sound that as I could appreciate is like a mix of Alternative

t I know human race would suffer if I started to do that, so I decided to don’t start dancing. But

e have it all, and a proof of that is their album Lights, the one with their 12

hose bands who enjoy of slow but catchy pop bands. The album personally

low music, but if you are into slow, catchy pop bands; this band is for you”.

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The Hosters

Review“With heavy, awesome, AMAZING guitar riffs, rough vocals.... I’ve Died Daily have it all! In my opin-

ion all their five songs leave me stoked!”.

Few weeks ago, we had an interview with Chris (Vocals) from the band and chat about the band life, ex-

periences, etc.

InterviewWhat’s the band’s name meaning?The name "I've Died Daily" wasn't the original name for the band. It started with the tentative name "Three Nails" which we threw

out the window really quick. We then settled on "Firebringer" but that got old after about 2 weeks. We then decided on the name "I

Die Daily" but soon found out that 3 bands worldwide already had that name so we went with "I've Died Daily". The name "I've Died

Daily" is taken out of the Bible from 1 Corinthians 15:31, but it has a broader meaning as well. In order to live for Christ we must

die to ourselves. By saying that "I've Died Daily", we are actually saying that everyday we have already died to ourselves. By put-

ting it in the pass tense we are saying TODAY I died, so tomorrow I can then claim that "I HAVE died."

How did the band get its start?February of 2009 Sean and I (Chris) were at a mutual friend’s house for a house warming. Sean and I had known each other as ac-

quaintances up to this point and never really got to know each other well. He and I started talking about music and we find out we

are both musicians. We decide to set up a time to get together and see if our musical gifts were a good fit. About a month later we

get together for the first time and find that our musical aptitudes were a perfect fit! We write our first song "Buying Time" the very

first time we get together. We then wait nearly another month before we get together again, but when we do, we write "Fallen". We

recognize that God has blessed our endeavour so we decide to start auditions for band members. We line up about 5 guitarists and

figure we will start the auditions soon. I then find out my, through a mutual friend, that my co-worker Robert is a Christian. Robert

and I begin talking about the Lord and the conversation turns to music. I let him know we are auditioning, he asks to hear our stuff,

we have him come out and audition and he gets the part right off the bat! We offer the spot to Robert, he says yes and we cancel the

auditions for Guitarist the first day! Then we needed to find a drummer and bassist. I feel God leading me to my friend Ron and see

if he wants to audition for drummer... so I go ask my friend Dave! I knew God was speaking and I went to the wrong person! Dave

says he is too busy, so I go ask Ron. He hears our music, loves our sound and totally wants a chance to audition. Sean and I head

over to his place and hear him play. Sean falls in love with his style right away and Ron joins the ranks of "I've Died Daily". That

leaves us one position to fill. I know of 3 VERY talented bassists so I present the idea to all of them (in my heart totally wanting

Jason to be the one). All of us begin praying for the person God wants. After all, He is how all of us got together in the first place. I

ask Jason knowing he is a very busy man. I don't hear back from him so I present the idea to the others I know. We don't get any

feedback for like a week so I start wondering if God wants me to play bass (I have NO experience mind you). Right after I start pray-

ing about that, God has Jason audition. I guess God knew better than to let me play bass!

Background picture: Christa Mier

Presentation picture: Jason

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What’s the message you guys want to transmit with your music?We want nothing more than to glorify our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. He is the reason we are here, He is the reason we are a band, He is the

inspiration of our music. We exist as a band to glorify Him and to spread the gospel message wherever He sends us.

What’s your method at the time of writing a song?We write songs when the Lord blesses us with inspiration. Sometimes we are just jamming together at practice and the Spirit moves us, sometimes

I write some lyrics and someone else writes some music and it all just comes together. I think that was how Sean and I wrote "Your Name". I had

some lyrics written, that same night he was inspired with some music. We got together the next day and found out the music and lyrics were a per-

fect fit! Just recently Robert, Ron, and I were practicing and Robert busts out some music... I hear it and say "wow!" I pull out a poem I wrote back

in January of 2009 and we have a new song! "Shades of Grey that lead to Black".

Who are some of "I've Died Daily’s musical influences?Well, each of us is influenced by many different bands. Some of our influences include, "Chris Tomlin", "David Crowder Band", "Red", "Thou-

sand Foot Krutch", "Demon Hunter", "As I lay Dying", "Living Sacrifice", a TON of other Christian bands, and some secular bands.

Is there any band that you would desire to share the stage with?Wow... this is a tough one. Any of the bands listed in question as well as "We as Human", "I Am Terrified", "Pillar", "The Classic Crime", "Jars of

Clay"; this is another list that would probably be endless! HA!

What was the greatest day in each of your lives (personally and/or musically)?Well I'm sad to say I don't have the answers for everyone else, but for me there have been many great days. The absolute greatest day was December

21st 2001. That was the day I met my Saviour. That is the only day that sticks out as a day above all others because if not for my meeting Him that

day, I would have been dead that night. I had planned to kill myself. This is a long story that I unfortunately don't have the time to go into in full

detail, but yeah, this day was my greatest day. Some other great days include, my wedding day, the birth of my daughter, the day I found out my

parents had accepted Jesus, and the birth of "I've Died Daily".

What plans do you guys have for the future?We are playing our debut show March 5th! We are also planning on releasing a limited run of our 6 song EP. We plan on heading back to the stu-

dio after our first show to record more songs. In another few months we hope to be playing a few more shows and have a press kit assembled to

submit to labels. God willing, in His timing, "I've Died Daily" will be what we do for a living. We desire to have this music ministry be our life. If

God opens the door for that, we are all ready to walk through it.

Have you guys gone on tour? If so, what was the funniest prank or joke done to you or that you were a

part of?We have yet to go on tour, but one of the funniest pranks pulled on my was by Robert. He made me think that he thought I was his boss at work!

He told all of the rest of us in the band that he was being "really careful" around me to be sure I wouldn't fire him! HA HA! He then made me re-

alize he was kidding when he said he was bringing me coffee and bagels every morning to make me happy. I NEVER got the bagels and coffee let

alone asked him to provide them. HAHA! He had me going for a while, that's for sure!

If you were on the way to a show or tour and you got stranded in the middle of nowhere, and the clos-

est civilization was 70 miles away, who would you send to look for help? To make the situation worse,there's no food, and the only way to survive is by eating each other, which would you eat first?

Well... if we were all stranded together we would probably all walk the 70 miles together to get back to civilization. But if we were going to elect

someone to go, I would volunteer myself. Under the circumstances of no food, I would probably ask Sean to go and I would offer myself as the

first meal. Although... Jason has always looked kind of tasty! HAHA!

Of the songs that you have written, which song gets stuck in your head the most? It used to be the song "Stuck". HAHA! Now more times than not, the song titled "I've Died Daily" gets in my head the most. The funniest part about

that is, at this point I still haven't memorized the lyrics! HAHAHAHA!

Are you guys happy with the direction things are going for "I've Died Daily?"We are all super excited! We are all very passionate musicians and are honoured and humbled that the Lord would bring us all together for this won-

derful ministry. Even if we never make it in the "big time" as a band, we are all blessed by the brotherhood and fellowship that has taken place. We

are ministers of the gospel, lovers of the Lord Jesus, and might prayer warriors by Him and for Him! Our goal is His glory; so long as that hap-

pens, we are as successful as we aspired to be.

Check out this band by going to:


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Katatonia, had excellent ambience. The Swedes took the crowd to an-

other place with their slow but heavy rock; you almost felt that you were in a

graveyard being transported to some other dimension. They played songs that

hit your soul for example; My Twin, Deliberance, The Longest Year, The

Promise of Deceit and many more; even if you never heard about them or it

was your first metal gig (as it was for me), I think this would entice you to go

to more. The crowd were great to watch as they were taken away with the

band, moments where they were all still to an instant transformation of head


Katatonia were amazing and so polite, friendly and just a great bunch

of guys. I would eventually like to see them holding Wembley Arena soon.

They definitely have that kind of potential. It would be nice to see their jour-

ney to making it big...

Supporting acts included Long Distance Calling and Swallow the Sun.

Long Distance Calling, opened the night with electric vibes. The lack of vocals

made the performance intense. Approximately six minutes of each song with

different tempos took you in a trance. The amazing instrumentals could have

made for an excellent soundtrack. Definitely inspirational. I do believe that

they will hold their own soon...

Swallow The Sun; had a good eerie and almost horror like entrance.

As always you would expect great deliverance after such a dramatic begin-

ning. The music was absolutely great and well let’s just say the Guitarists

were immense and brought back what I felt was lost in mainstream rock since

fifteen years ago – lots of guitar riffs! The performance overall could have

been improved, but hey it’s Rock n Roll and in the end we all head banged to

the music whether you enjoyed or not.

Overall the night was great. The crowd were mixed of all ages, race

and creeds and we all united together to enjoy great metal.

Written by: Melissa Hurry

Pics Credits: Gary Brayne

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The Sitting Chair

Review“With powerful great sound that would rock you completely; AMOST! are here to stay. This great band

from Chile, do not stop even if a earthquake threat them, they would continue on and on.

Few days ago I had the chance to talk with Mario (Vocals and Guitar) about how they started and learn

more them and their music, influences and more.

Which is the band’s name meaning?

Really the band’s name does not have any special meaning, the name came up like an invention that the

bassist did by taking one book of the bible “Amos” and at the end he putted a “T”; and we liked the result,

sounded original, so we decided to name our band that way.

How did the band started?

The band started in late 2006 practicing and testing people; but it wasn’t till 2007 that we started with

a better formation of the band, creating songs and playing some gigs.

What’s the message you guys want to transmit with your music?

We always want to transmit optimism, normally the songs talked about feelings or stages of life that can re-

ally happen to anybody, but through all those situations we want to show that there’s a way to go through

and there’s an exit.

Which is the method at the time of writing a song?

Honestly every member brings an idea with him for a song, it could be the lyrics or melodies, and little by

little we started working on the final version of the song.


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The Sitting Chair What’s the meaning behind your last EP “Quiero más (I want more)”?

Our new EP “Quiero más” has a special meaning for all of us due that title represent the whole band as we al-

ways would go for more and more in our music career, although we are just finishing the process of our first

release, and normally, as many people had told to us, the first album release cost a lot more than the other al-

bums; and well, also is the feeling we want to leave to anyone who listen our EP “Of wanting to listen more

from us”.

Which are your music influences?

Well, we all four have different influences and honestly goes from styles like: Rock, Metal, Progressive, R&B,


Have you guys gone on tour? And if you guys had, ¿which had been the best experience you guys can


Tour around the whole country, we haven’t get the chance to for money issues, but we had, however, had the

chance to play in other cities and it had been pretty cool. I think that name a special date; we can’t, as it had

been so many, but I think so far the best experience is when we play on Pepsi Fest 09 along with the Ameri-

can band The Academy is…

Which had been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while a show or tour?

Hahaha we normally laugh for defects or situations in our personal life, but we haven’t really took or been part

of a prank, but we normally laugh about situations and stuff.

What country you guys would love to play?

Uff we would totally love to play around the world, we would like to play in different countries and meet new

cultures and at the same time see the reaction of them about our music.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage?

For me, personally, I always liked to play with bands such as: Blink 182, Green day or fall out Boy as all of

those bands really hit me and identified in some many parts of my life; but as the whole band, I can’t really


Which are your plans for the future?

Release our new EP, promote it though media, play gigs, meet another parts from our country and finished our

first full length album; but talking in a high scale, probably record a music video and put it on music channels.

If your cars or Van get stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or during a tour, and the help is

65 miles away ¿Who would you guys send to look for help? And if to worse the situation, there’s no food

and the only way to survive is by eating each others, ¿Who would you eat first?

Hahaha wow what a question, I think we would divide in two groups of 2 as it would be really dangerous walk

alone 65 miles away, and worst if we are all starving, and if we had to become cannibals… hmmm, I think we

would tried to handle the best we can and see what other options there are, before each others… Hahaha tough

question really.

Are you guys OK, as the band is going actually?

I think we are going by a good road, taking good the decisions, taking our time to finish the songs, as we want

to show the best from the beginning; and here on Chile there’s a lot of competition and they are tough taking

bands to help them go forward, but I think we are going great; slowly but well.

Check out more of this band by going to:


Page 16: 8th issue (2nd year)

Author: Adrian Dodson

Title: From Acid to the Body of Christ

Genre: Drama

With a good way to pain the charac-

ters and the situation; Adrian Dodson bring

us his book From Acid to the body of Christ,

a story about a teenage boy called Daxx

Danzing which after beat a gigantic football

player while playing on a game, Daxx start

becoming popular and with that, start com-

ing a lot of troubles; or better said, one prob-

lem: Acid.

The story in my opinion sometimes

drops to some scenes and events that honestly

confused me; like for example: When the

character decides to get a job, and the one he

found is a police, the story somehow turned

into a police and crime and stuff book, that

after read the beginning or the plot, it’s

like…. You get transported to a new book or

something. It is like, you are reading about a

guy facing his drugs issue and then suddenly

you read about the same person been in some

police scenes and situations that’s like con-


Another thing about the book is, at

least for me, the excessive bad words this 243

pages book contain; I mean, in my opinion,

there are books that need to have his scenes

like from sex, bad word language, etc. NOW,

there are books where those types of scenes

are pretty much not needed and in a way, can

make a story look bad. So for me, that’s a not

so good thing the author did with this book,

especially as it’s supposed to be written by a

Christian man, although as he later told me,

the book isn’t a Christian labeled book. How-

ever Christian or not, my opinion about

scenes and stuff, are for any book.

But after all, the story had his en-

tertaining things. And the end was, for me,

pretty awesome and in a way: priceless. Prob-

ably atheists or non Christians would not

share that opinion, but as the author told me:

“This book doesn’t have a label that only cer-

tain type of people can read”. So be sure to

grab your copy!

Author: Andrew Farley

Title: The naked Gospel

Genre: Drama

Ever since I became a Christian 10

years ago, I felt like something wasn't right.

I had a nagging feeling that what pastors

were preaching to me on Sunday didn't

make since with what I would see while

reading my Bible. Commentaries, books by

respected authors, Bible studies - none of it

seemed to make the feeling go away. "How

could Jesus love me so much that He gave

His life, expect me now to dot my "i's" and

cross my "t's", in hopes that I would please


With the Naked Gospel, Andrew

Farley strips away all the "Christian" rhet-

oric and over used terms to show the true

meaning of the gospel, grace. Gone are the

chains of legalism that so often are put on

by current teachers, as well as ourselves.

Jesus, one we accept Him, brings freedom

and rest, not more rules and regulations.

If you are tired of feeling defeated

as a Christian or really want to know what

the gospel message is, please check out this

book! Its awesome!

Author: John Lynch, Bill Thrall, and

Bruce McNicol.

Title: Bo’s Cafe

Genre: Drama

Many of us in the Christian faith

feel judged, criticized, and misunderstood.

We also feel unworthy of the love and re-

spect we do receive by those that love us. If

you feel like this, then stop by Bo's Cafe.

The story is about a Steven, a high powered

executive, who is unfulfilled in his mar-

riage, with his job, and with himself. When

he meets an unusual man, Andy, at a local

diner, little does he know that his life will

never be the same? But the book itself is

about so much more.

Romans 8:1 tell us there is no com-

mendation for those who are in Christ

Jesus. This is what Bo's Cafe is really

about. We all want to have a safe place.

Somewhere where we know we can be our-

selves and not be judged. In fact, we will be

loved more because we are being real.

I have read my share of "Christ-

ian" books in my time, but no book has

touched me in quite the way this book has.

As I read it I only wanted to put it down to

go to my Bible and read that. Not to con-

firm or explain away points the authors

were making, but because the feeling of

community and love a novel was creating

in me, made me want to be with Jesus and

understand Him better.

You can stop at www.boscafe.com

for more info on the book and take place in

further conversations with other readers

and characters from the book Bo's Cafe is

easily one of the best books I have ever


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New Jerusalem

Thousand one

The sky was shinning with an amazingly intense light; although the sun disappeared thousand

one years ago. Really the sun was unnecessarily since there was a new light provider in the new earth.

The new earth was planted of beautiful green pastures, different types of beautiful trees, lakes and rivers

not contaminated; it looks like if heaven descended to earth. And that was what happened.

For an period of one thousand years as it was predicted years and years ago, all sin and what that

brought with him: death, pain, hate, sadness, horror, fear and many more things; all disappeared.

The earth was divided by two types of people that were living together on the same island dur-

ing the one thousand years period: the taken and the unmarked. The first people were those who

strangely disappeared for a period prophesied of seven years and this people enjoy of many privileges;

they lived on beautiful mansions and their new bodies didn’t suffered any sickness or pain: nothing.

The second group was those who survived the seven years period, and as their nickname say: didn’t get

marked with the beast number and for this, didn’t ended in the land of desperation; different to the

first group, this people didn’t still had corrupted bodies that could suffer pain or sickness, they lived on

a village zone in houses of woods or bricks —this houses and people were no poor as their houses had

some luxuries and great structures; but not so like mansions— and they didn’t had too much privileges.

At the end on the northwest of the mansions, which were about fifty yards away from the villages

of the unmarked, was the palace: a huge building of about five hundred thousand square meters, the

structure was built inside and outside made the with most beautiful materials and ornaments like no

other castle in history. The Palace was magnificent.

In one of the front windows giving a view of the mansions and village, in the second of three

floors, there was a Jewish man that looked like if he had some thirty-odd years, brown curly hair, the

eyes of an indefinite golden color, and white skin. The man wore a white robe with white coat and some

beautiful pieces of jewelry in their robes that gave more beauty and majesty.

The eyes of the man were moving left and right, seeing the mansions where several 'taken' were

walking, as well in the village of the 'unmarked'. As he stared out the window one of the angel’s servants

approached the man and announced that his father called him. The man stared a few seconds and

thanked him. He stayed a moment more, and not contemplative but thoughtful. And turn in half, turn

right and moved to where his father was.

The man, the Serpent and the pigs

Page 19: 8th issue (2nd year)

The place was dark and the two angels sent by the father to get prisoner, began to feel a bit of dread that

the place inspired and, in a way to say, breath. Although what they felt was nothing compared to what

the souls imprisoned for eternity in that place suffered and would continue suffering.

The shouts, cries and desperate gasps for mercy and crying out for help: although the reality was that

they were doomed. When the angels came down for a few steps, looked around slowly appeared where

souls of people seeing angels, many of them were not so long as others rushed to the bars where they were

imprisoned having false hope that would be forgiven and removed from the site, but the reason for them

being there was not to release any soul, at least no human.

Several hours had passed since the angels descended the dark place where no life wanted to spend

their eternity, when they came to their task.

The Angels opened the door. The place does not change, it was completely dark and nothing could

be seen, it was too dark that the angels took a while to see where the prisoner was.

—¿It’s time? - Asked a voice in the dark, with dark and somber tone.

—Yes —replied firmly one of the angels.

There was a long silence for a few minutes until the darkness come the sound well known to the

angels, wings spread. The angels were on their guard but were relieved to hear nothing occurred.

—Does anyone going to help me with chains —asked the same voice with the same tone.

The angel who was on the left, who had previously responded, cautiously entered the place. The

other angel entered seconds later.

Ascending from whence they came, with his prisoner held in place by a silver chain in his hands,

several of the same people who had rushed on them when they saw who the angels brought with them,

they were astonished. And the angels leave on silence the place.

The Jewish man had already crossed much of the corridor, which was supported by several white

columns. The pensive man stopped few steps from a mahogany door about four feet high and six meters


When the Jewish man entered the room, of about few hundred square feet, his eyes riveted on the man

lying sitting in the center of a table made of oak triple as the chairs; the man sitting was very identical

to the Jewish man; the difference was that what was sitting seemed to have more authority.

The man sitting in the chair was dressed very identical to the Jewish man, and while the Jew

looked at him, the father's eyes locked on his son, and then turned his gaze to the right side of where his

son was standing. There was a kind of individual.

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The look of the son became serious, somewhat wrinkled when he saw the individual; and then looked at his

father almost the same look.

The man was handcuffed with huge silver metal handcuffs. His face was a beauty almost invisible due

to the fractions of his face serious, dull and gloomy, while his eyes shone with an incalculable hatred, was

dressed in a black cloak that reached to his feet.

The prisoner was still staring at the floor, while the son was looking at his father with questioning eyes.

The silence in the room was broken with a slightly mocking smile. The father and son slowly turned his gaze

to the prisoner after pulling his laughter; he stayed with a mischievous smile on his face.

—When these plan— began the fugitive at the time he raised his face toward the father and son— I

could not stop thinking of Eden. —He paused, looking at the father and then to the son even outlining his mis-

chievous smile—I mean, Didn’t you guys had any great idea besides this? —his eyes came and went from son

to father, but when asked the question, his eyes were emphasized in the father— the last thing we know, you

plan to kill your son again for those not sanctified.

—If I need to die again, I will— said the son firmly.

The prisoner stayed few minutes watching the father; and then stared his eyes at the son.

—But we know that isn’t going to happen again— reply the prisoner.

Silence reigned again in the hall a few minutes.

—So did you people take me out of my damn place to watch your faces or to fulfill a mission for which

I was created?—said the prisoner suddenly.

— For that, since you planned it? —Said the father to the surprise of many. His voice was something

serious, sonar; much of the palace was silent for a few seconds.

—You and I, your majesty, know that everything is planned for you —replied the prisoner ironically.

The father made a not so visible gesture of assent. Not because of the irony, but because he already knew

what would happen.

The conversation did not last long, and the man was escorted out of the palace.

The son was looking out of the palace where the prisoner was being released by the guards. His eyes

were fixed upon the prisoner while he was walking towards the village of unmarked.

The millennium was the best. No worry of sins, no pain; everything was perfect. And now, the evil come

to destroy all that and peace of the new world was coming to be tainted again.

"How in the Garden of Eden," thought the son while watching his kingdom: the mansions, the people,

angels, and the peace that was coming to an end in one part of his kingdom.

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—its all part of a purpose —said the father, who was next to his son.

—But, what is the purpose this time? - Asked the child while returning to his father's face and

he did the same.

—Call it the ultimate test, there are many who came just for this moment. Unlike many were

able to enjoy these last few years, but now is the time for many to leave —and with that, the father began

to leave the room.

The son stared out the window for a moment, and left the room.

Page 22: 8th issue (2nd year)

Looking for volunteers

Are you looking to earn experiences on writing or photography? Have you ever wanted to work on a

magazine before? Would you like to support the magazine with your talent??

If you are of those persons above; WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU. Our magazine is looking for people

interested in help us out in any of those areas (Writing or Photography). If you are interested in volun-

teer in any of those areas or any other you think may help the mag, be sure to email us to

[email protected] or send us a message through Facebook or Myspace.

Spread the word of the mag through Facebook

So as many of you guys should know, the mag have a group which also works as a mailing list and that

we are eagerly spreading around. Well, if you are interested in spread the mag to some of your friends,

you can easily send suggestions and stuff, but what we mostly would like is that you help us out by

spreading our Group. So here’s a easy way to invite all your friends in just seconds. It’s all safe and fast.

You would only need to install first either Morzilla Firefox browser or Google Chrome; both are fast and

need to be install for this to work.

1. Log in in your FB Account and obviously join our group.

2. Go where it say INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO THIS GROUP and click there.

3. You would be drive to a new page where you would see in a box all your friends. The next step is to

copy this in your address browser (Where you type www.google.com): javascript:elms=document.getEle-

mentById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'ob-

ject'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}} and when you type this, click enter.

4. Depending on how many friends you have, the page may somehow freeze or nothing should happened

ASAP. But let it few seconds. When it finished, you would see all your friends had been selected. That’s

it. Click invite and you would be notified all your friends were invited.

If you could do that, it would awesome and it would truly show how much you want the mag; but

MOSTLY, how much you support new music.

Page 23: 8th issue (2nd year)
Page 24: 8th issue (2nd year)