8th grade midterm review

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  • 8/10/2019 8th Grade Midterm review



    United States History Midterm Exam Study Guide

    CCPS Skills and Processes Questions

    I. Speakin and !istenin"

    1. What are some of the habits of good listeners?Give full attention to speaker; maintain eye contact; stay quiet; attentive body language

    2. What are some of the habits of good speakers?

    Proecting voice!confident tone" using vocabulary appropriate to audience; speaking clearly

    #using good diction" not rushing $ords%; maintain eye&contact $' audience;

    (. )escribe assertive language and give some e*amples.

    +sing a bold tone; directing or telling #e*, politician-s speech or teacher-s directions%

    . )escribe conditional language and give some e*amples.

    /pen to other ideas; collaborative open&ended discussion #e*, giving options; friendly group


    II. #esearch and $ritin"

    1. What is a primary source? Provide some e*amples.

    0n item from that period of time and place directly connected to the topic; original source #e*,

    diary from the person you are studying or an autobiography%

    2. What is a secondary source? Provide some e*amples.

    tem not necessarily from the time or place you are studying; source not directly connected to the

    topic; one step removed #e*, history te*tbook or documentary%

    (. What are some of the traits of a reliable $ebsite?

    +pdated recently; identifies the author and credentials can be verified; internet domain e*tensionof .edu .gov .mil #indicating university" government" and military $ebsites%

    . ist some strategies for an effective online search #i.e. use of data bases" use of key$ords" etc.%.+se key $ords that relate to your topic; enter those same key $ords in search tools of school

    databases to find sources that have been vetted; Google search trick, site,.gov 3your search

    key$ords4 to find sites $ith a .gov domain e*tension #can do the same $ith .mil and .edu%

    5. What is the purpose of a 6hesis 7tatement?

    8*plains to the reader your topic and $hat you are trying to prove #makes a claim about yourtopic%


  • 8/10/2019 8th Grade Midterm review


    Content #e%ie&

    I. Creatin 'merica and the #e%olutionary Era

    1. )escribe the goals of 9ritish :ercantilism in 0merica. n other $ords" $hy did 8ngland $ant to

    control colonial trade?

    :ercantilism & an economic system in $hich the parent country #8ngland% creates $ealth by

    controlling trade $ith its colonies. 6he purpose of the :ercantile system $as to provide financialgain for the :other ountry by importing cheap ra$ materials from the olonies and e*porting

    e*pensive manufactured goods to the olonies for a profit.

    2. ist some of the most important results #outcomes% of the

  • 8/10/2019 8th Grade Midterm review


    (. )escribe the goal or purpose of the si* basic principles upon $hich the +nited 7tates onstitutionis built. 6he si* basic principles are,


  • 8/10/2019 8th Grade Midterm review


    Pull *actorsI economic opportunity #large tracts of land in /hio valley provided opportunities to

    o$n land and the beaver trade represented a gro$ing economy from $hich settlers sought profit$est of the 0ppalachian :ountains%

    @. 9riefly describe the primary goals of 0merican foreign policy during the first years of the ne$republic? #think about Washington=s fare$ell address%

    a. 0lso consider the goal of the :onroe )octrine

    /ur first five 0merican Presidents predominantly maintained an solationist foreign policy" starting

    $ith George Washington and continuing through James :onroe. Washington advised that 0merica

    3steer clear of foreign alliances4 in his