8 proven strategies for social business success

8 Proven Strategies for Social Business Success #SFtextbook

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Based on the Spredfast Social Business Textbook, this presentation covers the 8 "subjects" social communicators need to ace to achieve social business success.


Page 1: 8 Proven Strategies for Social Business Success

8 Proven Strategies for Social Business Success


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The Social Business Imperative


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A Matter of Trust


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The 8 Challenges

1. Listening

2. Organization &


3. Social Team


4. Measurement

5. Creating Content

6. Segmentation &


7. Engagement and



8. Paid/Owned/Earned


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Brand Challenge: monitoring conversationstaking place across social networks relevant to your brand


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Social Listening Mandates

1. Identifying pertinent conversations

2. Cataloging conversations for future reference

3. Adding and tracking details about social customers

Catalog the names, topics, and users relevant to your brand

Establish a system to keep historical conversation histories accessible

Document important types of user information and determine how to capture and share across your team


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Social Listening in Action

Answer Customer Inquiries

Influence purchasing decision

Address negative experiences


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Brand Challenge: Establishing rules, guidelines, andprocedures to uphold and protect brand activity in social media


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Social Governance Mandates

1. Define business goals of social and team implications

2. Identify company contributors

3. Provide guidance and access

Determine which goals your social program should achieve and which departments should participate

Map out the ideal mix of individual social contributors

Assess and determine what level(s) of account access and strategic guidance are needed


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Business impact focused social

Social organization by location

Social Governance in Action

Team & department organization#SFtextbook

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Brand Challenge: coordinatingbrand activity, contributors, and interaction on social media channels


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Social Orchestration Mandates

1. Establishing guidelines paths for publishing

2. Determining necessary workflows and assignments

3. Moderating conversation

Audit and outline types of content, contributors and approvals for activity

Map regular social activity to the people responsible and ongoing assignment needs

Outline plan for prioritizing and escalating conversation responses


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Responding from right contributors

Orchestrating from corporate to local

Social Orchestration in Action


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Brand Challenge: collecting and measuring social metrics to assess business impact of social media programs


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Social Measurement Mandates

1. Tracking opt-in audience [network size]

2. Measuring interactions and engagement

3. Defining and tracking conversions

Identify your active networks and benchmark growth with regular cadence to assess

Determine the most common, and important, types of social interactions and plan to track

List out conversion activity goals and how these can be tracked through analytics systems


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Social Measurement in Action

3,006Facebook: Shares74

Instagram: Hearts




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Brand Challenge: Creating and curating content, or participating in conversation to fuel social program activity and engagement


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Social Content Mandates

1. Creating relevant, valuable content

2. Curating third-party content

3. Participating in engaging conversations

Audit content your team should create on an ongoing basis and develop an editorial calendar

Identify relevant information sources – news outlets, blogs, users, partners – and decide best ways to curate and share

Brainstorm relevant andstrategic conversations where your brand can participate – self-started and existing


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Social Content in Action

Custom, engaging content

Curating content

Fueling conversation


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Brand Challenge: defining groups ofsimilar audience members and directing specific activity and/orconversations directly towards these groups


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Social Targeting Mandates

1. Uncovering target audience clusters

2. Targeting specific messages to specific groups

3. Optimizing messaging used in targeting

Utilize social metrics to identify specific audience groups within social networks

Build “social profiles” and use these to target messages when appropriate

Assess how particular audiences engage and optimize content to enhance likeability or sharability


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Social Targeting in Action



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Brand Challenge: creating and inspiring interaction between your brand and its social networks


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1. Understanding needs and wants of audience

2. Planning ahead to leave time for real-time engagement

3. Ensuring reciprocity and response

Review behaviors, activities and interactions taken by your social audiences

Assign activity to editorial calendar aligned with audience preferences and timely campaigns

Determine different opportunities to share, react, and engage and set goals for each

Social Engagement Mandates


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Social Engagement In Action

Guidance through visuals

Community conversations

Audience activity


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Brand Challenge: combining owned media channels with earned audience interactions and paid advertising to increase the impact of social marketing


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1. Understanding best owned and earned media to use across social

2. Fueling social engagement with paid options

3. Converging Paid/ Owned/ Earned for amplified results

Determine the top engaging brand content and organic public interactions than can be leveraged

Match your social goals with corresponding paid advertising buys (network growth, interaction, conversion)

Evaluate owned, earned and paid social options and map best combinations to drive desired business outcome

Paid/Owned/Earned Mandates


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P + O + E

Paid/Owned/Earned in Action

Paid Ads with direct CTA

Earned media interactions

Compelling owned content


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The Social Media Textbook

45-Page GuideRequired reading for social communications professionals


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