8 fresh tips to quickly update your backyard


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Post on 15-Jan-2017




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It doesn’t take too much effort to brighten up your outdoor space/garden. You can turn your outdoors into an extension of your home, an extra ‘room’ if you like, one that reflects your style and personality and the lifestyle of the family. As it’s warm and bright in the Southern Hemisphere at the moment, it would be a shame to not use that area.

Whether you have a standard family backyard or a small patio or garden, everyone can spruce up their outdoors and enjoy the space.

Just a little thought, planning and execution can transform your place and provide a real atmosphere. From outdoor furniture to a new paint job, a few small tweaks here and there can provide a major difference.

If you’re a bit like me, you’ve put a lot of time and energy into loving your indoors but have neglected your outdoor space. But with a bit of work here and there, you can have something that is quite special.

Preparation:You’ll want to just clear up to begin with. Throw away anything you don’t use or like and trim trees and shrubbery. Get rid of weeds in a green way by pouring hot water and salt on them. Now you’re ready for the tips :)

First and foremost is some garden and patio furniture. Be careful of the size of furniture you go for. Size can turn and area to a spacious one or one that is cluttered and looks awakward. When deciding on your sizes, keep in mind the use of the area. If it’s be used for enetertaing big groups or if you want it to be intimate. Bunnings is almost always our go-to and rightly so with experienced staff and a wide range to choose from to suit all budgets. In terms of furniture that is going to be good at being resilient to the elements you have teak and wrought iron.

1. Finding the right pieces can provide an atmosphere that is inviting and warm. Living in Perth, we love our outdoors. We are the sunniest city in the world after all! There’s hardly a shortage of places to buy outdoor furniture. The material you use will depend on the feel you’re going for. Main choices are between:

• Wood• Metal• Plastic

2. Depending on the area, you need to consider that your furniture may be exposed to the elements and shop accordingly. There are different types of materials that can stand the wear and tear of sun, rain and wind. For instance, you should look at getting outdoor cushions that can withstand the elements.

3. You are going to want to have to put in the least amount of effort, don’t reinvent the wheel. Keep in mind your existing colour scheme and work around it. You can include coloured ceramic pots, pretty stones and outdoor sculptures. Linking indoor and outdoor makes for a smooth transition and coherent theme. If your indoor décor is quite bright and eclectic, it would make sense to bring the fun outside too. But if it’s more neutral, carry on in that same vein.

4. Lighting, don’t be in the dark. This is usually overlooked. You DO want a well thought out lighting plan, so you’re not at the mercy of the sun, especially in summer when you can be out longer. [insert lighting]. Winter lighting is important to.

I love these because they are a source of light and heat at the same time and are also a beautiful addition to you space. A option is to look for environmentally friendly solar lights. Get some nice lights

5. Fun elements, a fun thing about outdoors is that you can include activity spots, if you will. A comfortable bean bag, a hammock or play set or trampoline for the children will make sure that you actually use your new space. You could also include different size BBQs depending on the size of the space you’re working with. [Insert BBQ place]. A water feature is also a great addition, looks great, and can provide a cooling and relaxing atmosphere. Everyone loves water.

7. Plants, this is best bit about being outside. No matter the size of your space, you can have plants and some sort of greenery. The type of plants of trees and plants you use can really go a long way into creating atmosphere.

If you have a garden, trees are going to be invaluable in not only creating atmosphere but also providing shade and for anchoring that hammock ;). If you’re starting from scratch, I’d avoiding ‘high shedding’ trees. And for those with smaller spaces or a balcony, pot plants are your friends! Easy to maintain and can have green plants or flowers or your herbs.

6. Yay colour! Don’t be afraid to use colour. While having a theme and linking areas, you can still add colour and fun to your outdoor area. Easy pieces are bright cushions, outdoor rugs, chairs and feature pieces.

8. Think up! Great for both larger spaces and narrow areas, having a vertical planter can be a substitute for having a traiditional garden or can be used as a living feature wall. I love vertical gardens! And like the pot plants, you can include your kitchen herbs in there too. Because beautiful and useful is a winner!

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Stay Blessed,

NonhleVisit the website www.ujuonline.com