7 habits of highly ineffective and uncompetitive people


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Post on 12-May-2015




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The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective and Uncompetitive people. What Habits you should Shun to be the Best you are born to be?


Page 1: 7 habits of highly ineffective and uncompetitive people


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7. They Seek first to be Understood and then to Understand


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7. They Seek first to be Understood and then to Understand

The super unsuccessful people look to others to understand them, and their

viewpoint. The basic objective being the fact that, “ They are right, and are being

neglected/cheated”. They rarely wish to listen to the other’s thoughts and ideas.

They do not wish to put effort to dwell deeper into the subject concerned and

neither do they feel that they must get into other’s shoes before embarking

towards the journey of taking sides.


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6. They talk much more than they Listen


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6. They talk much more than they Listen

The incompetent people can’t do much of work, (not because they don’t know

the work, but because they have lost motivation and interest in the work), so

they talk more to decapitate their energy. At the end of the day, they need to feel

that they have done the justice to their own self. So they up talking more, feeling

more empty, and knowing that much less.


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5. They try to Bring down others to their level


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5. They try to Bring down others to their level

The ineffective people around you, will continue try to bring you down to their level.

As the saying goes, “ Stupid person will fight with you until he brings you down to

his level, and then beat you because of his experience in that level”

More often than not, when a person raise a voice, the common response, is a more

increased pitch, and higher amount of noise.

When 5 people in the office are continuously leaving the hard work, most probably

the other person who works extra, will start changing, and then you will have six

people doing “Nothing”


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4. They Waste their Time


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4. They Waste their Time

The incompetent person always look for completing the day. They live from day to day,

weeks to weeks, with belief that one fine day, their life will change. They just don’t

know what to do next, with their life, so they keep on moving from one act to another,

Movies, facebook, drinking, drugs etc etc. but are never able to achieve the satisfaction

and peace they need.


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3. First things Last


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3. First things Last

The incompetent people put first things last, they do not prioritize what is more

important and hence always look for the fun side of a project. They might dream

of party after the project is over and decide whom to call, and what to do, rather

than planning and putting effort in deciding what are the key issues and

constraints of the project.


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2. Never Synergize with people


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2. Never Synergize with people

The incompetent people have a high sense of ego. They feel that others are either too

below them, or far ahead of them, basically suffer from either superiority complex

or inferiority complex. They feel that they can do all the projects alone and do not

need others to help or guide them. They have their own group, which they are

comfortable with and could mix only with people who are like them.


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1. They Choose the Easy Path


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1. They Choose the Easy Path

The incompetent people have this habit of going for the easy path. They put as less

effort as possible in doing, in comparison to as much effort they put to enjoy.

They dream to achieve more, and put that less effort to actually go out and achieve it.

They believe in building relationship and wait for the opportunity to pop up, rather

than creating the opportunity for them.

They discourage the hardworker, and prefer shortcuts, easy way out.


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Shun you bad habits and be a Successful Person you are Born for

Author: Abhinna Suresh Khare



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