6th international iaeg congress: august 6–10, 1990 amsterdam, the netherlands

Canada. Topics for the technical sessions are: (1) Advances in methods of investigation and testing; (2) Design and construction methods for large tunnels; (3) seepage control and lining techniques; (4) Case Histories- -civil-oriented tunnels; (5) Case histories--special-purpose tunnels; and (6) Recent research and development in tunnelling. Official langttages of the conference will be English and French. For further information write: International Tunnelling Congress, 1989, Mr. Laurier Forget, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6. Tel. (613) 993-9009. Telex: 053-3145. September 20-22, 1989 The Channel Tunnel London, England and Paris, France The Institution of Civil Engineers and the Soctete des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France will sponsor this international conference. The technical sessions will include papers on the project development, including the historical and environmental aspects, management of the project, engineering design, financing, construction management, transport infrastructure and operation of the system. The conference programme will convene in London on the first day for technical sessions. The second day will be spent on site visits, and the final sessions will be held in Paris on the third day. For further information write: Channel Tunnel Conference, Conference Office, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1-7 Great George St., London SWIP 3AA, England. September 24-30, 1989 Prague, Czechoslovakia Technical Congress '89 "Engineers, Society and The Environment" is the theme of this t2th General Assembly of the .World Federation of Engineering Organizations. The three main themes are: (1) the concept of city development and the contribution of engineers; (2) conservation of historical monuments--their role in modern society; and (3) rural settlements--their utility and development. A number of post-congress tours are planned. Abstracts of proposed papers should be sent to: Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society, Central Council., Siroka 5, 110 01 Prag'ue 1, Czechoslovakia. June 10-13, 1990 Second Symposium on Trondhelm, Norway Strait Crossings Sponsored I)y the Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, this symposium follows up the symposium held in Stavanger in October 1986. The symposium will cover all types of strait crossings-- conventional bridges, floating bridges, submerged floating tubes, immersed tunnels, subsea rock tunnels and causeways, and new concepts for high-speed ferries. The themes will include methods for site investigations as well as technology applied in design, oonstruction and maintenance. One or more sessions will be devoted to safety aspects of traffic operation. Social and economic effects of permanent and new strait crossings also will be analysed. Several one- to two-day excursions following the conference will examine strait crossings that have been completed recently or are under Construction. The official language of the symposium will be English. Abstracts of not more than 200 words should be sent to the secretariat as soon as possible; the deadline for receipt of abstracts is October l, 1989. All correspondence regarding the symposium should be sent to: Strait Crossings, Att: Vidar E. Storvik, Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers, Kronprinsensgt. 17, N- 0251 Oslo 2, Norway. August 6-10, 1990 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 6th International IAEG Congress This congress, organized by the Netherlands chapter of the IAEG, marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the IAEG. Themes of the conference will include: (1) Engineering geological mapping and site investigation; (2) Remote sensing and geophysical techniques; (3) Hydro-engineering geology; (4) Surface engineering geology; (5) Underground engineering geology; (6) Engineering geology of land and marine hydraulic structures; and (7) Construction materials. Languages of the conference will be English and French. September 3-7, 1990 Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China 16th Annual Meeting of the ITA The 1990 ITA General Assembly will be held in conjunction with an international congress sponsored by the China Civil Engineering Society and organized by the Institution of Tunnel and Underground works (CCES), Southwest Jiaotong University and the Association of Science and Technology, Sichuan Province. The theme of the conference, "Tunnels and Underground Works: Today and Future," will include the following topics: (1) design and construction of railway tunnels; (2) design and construction of urban tunnels and metros; (3) design and construction of hydrotunnels; (4) design and construction of rock caverns; and (5) theoretical analysis and design of underground structures. The official language of the congress will he English. Both pre- and post-congress tours will be offered. For more information contact: Prof. Xu Wenhuan, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Tel: 34307. Cable: 6445. Telex: 009 60101 CDTSO CN. Volume 3, Number 3, 1988 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 323

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Page 1: 6th International IAEG congress: August 6–10, 1990 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Canada. Topics for the technical sessions are: (1) Advances in methods of invest igat ion and testing; (2) Design and const ruct ion methods for large tunnels; (3) seepage control and l in ing techniques; (4) Case Histories- -c ivi l -or iented tunnels; (5) Case histories--special-purpose tunnels; and (6) Recent research and development in tunnel l ing. Off ic ia l langttages of the conference will be English and French. For fu r the r in format ion write: In te rna t iona l Tunne l l ing Congress, 1989, Mr. Laur ier Forget, Nat ional Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6. Tel. (613) 993-9009. Telex: 053-3145.

September 20-22, 1989 The Channel Tunnel London, England and Paris, France

The Ins t i tu t ion of Civil Engineers and the Soctete des Ingenieurs et Scient i f iques de France will sponsor this in te rna t iona l conference. The technical sessions will include papers on the project development, including the historical and env i ronmenta l aspects, management of the project, engineer ing design, f inancing, construct ion management , t ranspor t in f ras t ruc tu re and operat ion of the system. The conference programme will convene in London on the f i rs t day fo r technical sessions. The second day will be spent on site visits, and the f ina l sessions will be held in Paris on the th i rd day. For fu r the r in fo rmat ion write: Channel Tunnel Conference, Conference Office, Ins t i tu t ion of Civil Engineers, 1-7 Great George St., London SWIP 3AA, England.

September 24-30, 1989 Prague, Czechoslovakia

Technical Congress '89

"Engineers, Society and The E nv i r onm en t " is the theme of this t2 th General Assembly of the .World Federat ion of Eng inee r ing Organizations. The three main themes are: (1) the concept of city development and the con t r ibu t ion of engineers; (2) conservat ion of his torical monuments- - the i r role in modern society; and (3) rura l set t lements-- their ut i l i ty and development. A number of post-congress tours are planned. Abstracts of proposed papers should be sent to: Czechoslovak Scientif ic and Technical Society, Central Council., Siroka 5, 110 01 Prag'ue 1, Czechoslovakia.

June 10-13, 1990 Second Symposium on Trondhelm, Norway Strait Crossings

Sponsored I)y the Norwegian Society o f Char te red Engineers and the Norwegian Public Roads Adminis t ra t ion , this symposium follows up the symposium held in Stavanger in October 1986. The symposium will cover all types of s trai t crossings-- convent ional bridges, f loat ing bridges, submerged

f loa t ing tubes, immersed tunnels, subsea rock tunnels and causeways, and new concepts for high-speed ferries. The themes will include methods for site invest igat ions as well as technology applied in design, oonstruct ion and maintenance . One or more sessions will be devoted to safety aspects of t r a f f i c operation. Social and economic effects of pe rmanen t and new strai t crossings also will be analysed. Several one- to two-day excursions fol lowing the conference will examine strai t crossings tha t have been completed recently or are under Construction. The off ic ia l language of the symposium w i l l be English. Abstracts of not more than 200 words should be sent to the secretar iat as soon as possible; the deadl ine for receipt of abstracts is October l, 1989. All correspondence regarding the symposium should be sent to: Strai t Crossings, Att: Vidar E. Storvik, Norwegian Society of Char te red Engineers, Kronprinsensgt . 17, N- 0251 Oslo 2, Norway.

August 6-10, 1990 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

6th International IAEG Congress

This congress, organized by the Nether lands chapter of the IAEG, marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the IAEG. Themes of the conference will include: (1) Engineer ing geological mapping and site invest igat ion; (2) Remote sensing and geophysical techniques; (3) Hydro-engineer ing geology; (4) Surface engineer ing geology; (5) Underground engineer ing geology; (6) Engineer ing geology of land and mar ine hydraul ic structures; and (7) Construct ion materials. Languages of the conference will be English and French.

September 3-7, 1990 Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China

16th Annual Meeting of the ITA

The 1990 ITA General Assembly will be held in conjunct ion wi th an in te rna t iona l congress sponsored by the China Civil Engineer ing Society and organized by the Ins t i tu t ion of Tunnel and Underground works (CCES), Southwest J i a o t o n g Univers i ty and the Association of Science and Technology, Sichuan Province. The theme of the conference, "Tunnels and Underground Works: Today and Future," will include the fol lowing topics: (1) design and construct ion of rai lway tunnels; (2) design and construct ion of u rban tunnels and metros; (3) design and construct ion of h y d r o t u n n e l s ; (4) design and construct ion of rock caverns; and (5) theoret ical analysis and design of underground structures. The of f ic ia l language of the congress will he English. Both pre- and post-congress tours will be offered. For more in fo rmat ion contact: Prof. Xu Wenhuan, Ins t i tu te of Geotechnical Engineering, Southwest J iaotong Univers i ty , Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Tel: 34307. Cable: 6445. Telex: 009 60101 CDTSO CN.

V o l u m e 3, N u m b e r 3, 1988 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 323