6. test as a tool

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  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Lecture 6.

    Test as a tool of psychological assessment –

    essential concepts.

    Psychological traits.

    Types of tests, brief history of testing,

    ethical and legal aspects of testing.

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool



    Murphy, K. R. & Davidshofer, C. O. (1998).

    Psychological testing. Principles and

    applications: International Edition (6/e).

    Upper add!e River, ".#.$ %re'ie*a!!,

    +. (Chap'ers$ 1 ).

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Trait ApproachTrait Approach ((toto ppersonalityersonality))

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Trait – an early definitionTrait – an early definition

     - -eera!ied ad persoa!iedeera!ied ad persoa!ied

    de'er0ii 'edeies osis'e'de'er0ii 'edeies osis'e'ad s'a!e 0odes of a idividua!2sad s'a!e 0odes of a idividua!2s

    ad3us'0e' 'o his eviro0e'4 ad3us'0e' 'o his eviro0e'4 

    5!!por' & Oder' (196, p. 6)5!!por' & Oder' (196, p. 6)

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool



    7rai's broad dispositions 'o a' ispeifi ays

    disposi'io 'edey (e.., peop!e i'hhih a:ie'y 'ed 'o avoid 'hrea'eie:periees)

    road as'ra'io (o' speifi is'ae;

    ad3e'ives (he!pfu!) ra'her 'ha vers (he!p)

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool



    abstractions ased o o00ofea'ures (e.., e:'raversio)

    hypothetical < a o'oserved/0easured dire'!y  eed'o ='ras!a'e4 'rai' i'o so0e'hi

    0easura!e (ehavior)

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool



    %ersoa! (>i'era!2) ra'her 'ha si'ua'ioa! (>e:'era!2)%ersoa! (>i'era!2) ra'her 'ha si'ua'ioa! (>e:'era!2)

    'a!e ra'her 'ha 'rasi'ory (aross 'i0e)'a!e ra'her 'ha 'rasi'ory (aross 'i0e)

    Cosis'e' ra'her 'ha iosis'e' (aross >si0i!ar2Cosis'e' ra'her 'ha iosis'e' (aross >si0i!ar2si'ua'ios)si'ua'ios)

    ?eera! ra'her 'ha speifi (aross >differe'2?eera! ra'her 'ha speifi (aross >differe'2si'ua'ios)si'ua'ios)

    Uiversa! di0esios$ +dividua! differees (arossUiversa! di0esios$ +dividua! differees (arosspeop!e)peop!e)

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Traits are:Traits are:

    1. Di0esioa! (orderi of peop!e) o'a'eoria!

    . *ypo'he'ia! (o' oserva!e)

    . Causa! (i'era!) or Desrip'ive (su00aries)

    @.  Oraied i a sys'e0

    A. Cosis'e' over se''is ad 'i0e

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Trait OrganisationTrait Organisation

    Co0prehesive 'rai' 'a:oo0iesCo0prehesive 'rai' 'a:oo0ies

    assu0e 'rai's e:is' a' varyi !eve!sassu0e 'rai's e:is' a' varyi !eve!s

    of as'ra'io ad are oraiedof as'ra'io ad are oraied

    hierarhia!!yhierarhia!!y Ma3or 'a:oo0iesMa3or 'a:oo0ies

    B yseyse

    B Ca''e!!Ca''e!!

    B Eive fa'or 0ode!Eive fa'or 0ode!

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Measurement of TraitsMeasurement of Traits

    Hypothetical nature of 'rai' a o' o i'haso!u'e er'ai'y 0easure is 'appi i'eded'rai' 

    May 0easures of sa0e 'rai'5!! i'h error < variae o' due 'o 'rai' (differe'

    'ypes of 0easure have differe' soures of error)



  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Psychologial Tests as Traits AssessmentPsychologial Tests as Traits Assessment


    7es's$7es's$B Re!iai!i'yRe!iai!i'y

    B Fa!idi'yFa!idi'y

    B O3e'ivi'yO3e'ivi'y

    B 'adaria'io'adaria'io

    B "or0s"or0s

    Resposii!i'ies of 'es' au'or adResposii!i'ies of 'es' au'or ad'es' user'es' user

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Use of tests – essential ethical principles

    Informed Consent < pa'ie'/!ie'/su3e' 0us' vo!u'ari!y ose' 'o'he assess0e'

    B Resposii!i'y 'o ifor0 aou' 'hea'ure ad purpose of 'he assess0e'

    (uders'ada!e !auae)B Chi!dre/o'hers of !i0i'ed apai'y <

    ose' o'aied fro0 pare' or !ea!


  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Use of tests – essential ethical principles

    Knoledge of resultsKnoledge of results < rih' 'o fu!! dis!osure< rih' 'o fu!! dis!osureof 'es' resu!'s (uders'ada!e !auae)of 'es' resu!'s (uders'ada!e !auae)

    ConfidentialityConfidentiality < 'es' resu!'s as ofide'ia!< 'es' resu!'s as ofide'ia!ifor0a'ioifor0a'ioB Keepi 'es' resu!'s i a seure 0aerKeepi 'es' resu!'s i a seure 0aer

    B "o' referi 'o 'hese da'a ou'side 'he o'e:' ad"o' referi 'o 'hese da'a ou'side 'he o'e:' adpurpose for hih 'hey ere o'aiedpurpose for hih 'hey ere o'aied

    B :ep'ios reGuired y !a or our' a'io:ep'ios reGuired y !a or our' a'io

    Test securityTest security < eepi 'es' 0a'eria! i seure< eepi 'es' 0a'eria! i seureeviro0e'eviro0e'B 7es' i'e0s are o' 'o e revea!ed i asua! overs'ios7es' i'e0s are o' 'o e revea!ed i asua! overs'ios

    ad pu!i 0ediaad pu!i 0edia

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Use of tests – essential ethical principles Test construction and publication < 0ai'aii hih s'adards

    of 'es' deve!op0e'B 'es's are e:pe'ed 'o have e:per'ise reardi va!idi'y, re!iai!i'y, ad


    !utomated scoring"interpretation systems < psyho!ois'u'i!ii 'he0 re'ais resposii!i'y for proper i'erpre'a'io of 'es'resu!'s

    #n$ualified Persons < psyho!ois' does o' a!!o or odoe'he use of 'es's y uGua!ified persosB %syho!ois' 'aes prude' a'ios oseri suh si'ua'ios

    Test user $ualifications ('es' purhaser Gua!ifia'ios) < 'hree <

    'ier sys'e0 for 'es' user Gua!ifia'ios (19AH)B Ieve! 5 < 0ii0a! 'raii (edua'ioa! ahieve0e' ad 3o

    profiiey)B Ieve! J < so0e o!ede of 'ehia! hara'eris'is of 'es's

    reGuired (roup ad0iis'ered 0e'a! ai!i'y ad i'eres'ive'ories)

    B Ieve! C < advaed 'raii (idividua!!y ad0iis'ered

    i'e!!iee 'es's ad persoa!i'y 'es's)

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Test administration

    "o 0a''er ho arefu!!y a 'es' is os'ru'ed, 'he"o 0a''er ho arefu!!y a 'es' is os'ru'ed, 'heresu!'s are or'h!ess u!ess i' is ad0iis'ered adresu!'s are or'h!ess u!ess i' is ad0iis'ered adsored proper!ysored proper!y

    +f!uee of e:a0iier2s appearae ad ehavior+f!uee of e:a0iier2s appearae ad ehavioro 'es' resu!'so 'es' resu!'s

    speia!!y i0por'a' i ase of idividua! 'es'sspeia!!y i0por'a' i ase of idividua! 'es's i'ua'io varia!es$i'ua'io varia!es$

    B 7i0e ad p!ae of 'es'i7i0e ad p!ae of 'es'iB viro0e'a! odi'ios (i!!u0ia'io, 'e0pera'ure,viro0e'a! odi'ios (i!!u0ia'io, 'e0pera'ure,

    oise !eve, ve'i!a'io, dis'ra'ios)oise !eve, ve'i!a'io, dis'ra'ios)

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Eaminer!s duties "efore a test

    %cheduling%cheduling < 'ai i'o aou'< 'ai i'o aou'

    e:a0iee2s a'ivi'iese:a0iee2s a'ivi'ies

    B Rih' 'o prepare i'e!!e'ua!!y,Rih' 'o prepare i'e!!e'ua!!y,

    e0o'ioa!!y ad physia!!ye0o'ioa!!y ad physia!!y

    Informed consentInformed consent  &ecoming familiar ith the test&ecoming familiar ith the test

    B arefu! s'udies o 0aua!arefu! s'udies o 0aua!

    B 'ai 'he 'es' oese!f 'ai 'he 'es' oese!f 

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Eaminer!s duties "efore testing

    suri sa'isfa'ory 'es'isuri sa'isfa'ory 'es'i


    Mii0ii hea'iMii0ii hea'i

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Eaminer!s duties during testing

    'olloing test directions'olloing test directions

    (emaining alert(emaining alert (hea'i, ueessary oise)(hea'i, ueessary oise)

    )stablishing rapport)stablishing rapport 

    B effe' of e:a0iers ehavior o e:a0iee2s 0o'iva'ioeffe' of e:a0iers ehavior o e:a0iee2s 0o'iva'ioB ei fried!y u' o3e'iveei fried!y u' o3e'ive

    Preparing for special problemsPreparing for special problemsB :a0iee2s a:ie'y (very you, very o!d, 0e'a!!y dis'ured:a0iee2s a:ie'y (very you, very o!d, 0e'a!!y dis'ured

    or re'arded, physia!!y hadiapped or u!'ura!y disadvaaesor re'arded, physia!!y hadiapped or u!'ura!y disadvaaes


    'le*ibility'le*ibilityB %ra'ie o sa0p!e i'e0s%ra'ie o sa0p!e i'e0sB Re!a'ive!y shor' 'es'i periodsRe!a'ive!y shor' 'es'i periodsB ?ivi eourae0e' ad posi'ive reifore0e'?ivi eourae0e' ad posi'ive reifore0e'

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    #eing a psychologist and using tests in#eing a psychologist and using tests in

    Poland – intro to ethical $ legal issuesPoland – intro to ethical $ legal issues

    %syho!ois's Code of %rofessioa! 'hisB 7oarys'o %syho!oie (199). Kodeks etyczno –

     zawodowy psychologa. Larsaa$ %7%.h''p$//.p'p.or.p!/0odu!es.phpNa0e"es&fi!ear'i!e&sid9

    Psychologist profession and psychologists’ government act B Ustawa z dnia czerwca !""# r. o zawodzie psychologa i

    samorz$dzie zawodowym psycholog%w &'z. U. (r )*+ poz.),*- h''p$//.p'p.or.p!/0odu!es.phpNa0e"es&fi!ear'i!e&sid@P

    7es's ad opyrih' Co'e0porary us'o0s & reu!a'ios 'adards for 'es's i psyho!oy ad edua'io

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Criterion: the form of recording the examinee’sCriterion: the form of recording the examinee’s

    behaviour (Cattell):behaviour (Cattell):

    Tests of performanceTests of performance Behavior observationsBehavior observations

    Selfreport instrumentsSelfreport instruments


    Types of testsTypes of tests

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    Tests of PerformanceTests of Performance•• Referred to as "Tests of Maximal Performance" 

    •• Subjects are given a well-defined task that the tr to !erform


    •• Partici!ant must know what he#she must

    do in res!onse to the task

    •• The subject exerts maximal effort to


    •• Performance tests are designed to uncover what an individual can do$ given the s!ecific test



    - &ntelligence Tests$ language !roficienc- 'iolog test$ flight simulator

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    #)$ Tests in %hich the examinee performs some#)$ Tests in %hich the examinee performs somespecific tas&s test re!uires 'maximalspecific tas&s test re!uires 'maximalperformance (inteligence tests tests ofperformance (inteligence tests tests of

    special abilities tests of specific s&ills orspecial abilities tests of specific s&ills orproficienc* tests of ps*chomotorproficienc* tests of ps*chomotorperformance)$performance)$

    T*pesmaximal performance tests– 'po%erT*pesmaximal performance tests– 'po%er

    tests 'speed tests and tests %ith 'stricttests 'speed tests and tests %ith 'stricttime limits$time limits$

    Performance testsPerformance tests

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    Behaviour ObservationBehaviour Observation


    (aturalistic observation(aturalistic observation

    •• &nvolves observing the subject)s behaviour and res!onses&nvolves observing the subject)s behaviour and res!onses

    in a !articular contextin a !articular context

    •• *iffers from !erformance tests in that the subject does*iffers from !erformance tests in that the subject doesnot have a single$ well defined tasknot have a single$ well defined task

    •• The observer can record duration +The observer can record duration +


    - Examiner might observe children interacting

    or an individual having a conversation or some other social interaction.

    - Companies recruit observers to pose as salespeople to observe

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    Self Re!ort &nstrumentsSelf Re!ort &nstruments++ Partici!ant is asked to re!ort his or her feelings$Partici!ant is asked to re!ort his or her feelings$

    attitudes$ beliefs$ valuesattitudes$ beliefs$ values

    ,hen self-re!ort makes sense,hen self-re!ort makes sense$$

    !elf-report relies upon the test ta%ers a#areness and!elf-report relies upon the test ta%ers a#areness andhonesty.honesty.

    &t is the&t is the best best  method to measure internal states - thingsmethod to measure internal states - things

    only the person themselves can be a#are of and "udge.only the person themselves can be a#are of and "udge.

    Peo!le are not alwas good judges of their abilitPeo!le are not alwas good judges of their abilit

    Provides an estimateProvides an estimate 

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Self Re!ort &nstrumentsSelf Re!ort &nstruments Man !ersonalit inventories such as the MMP& and theMan !ersonalit inventories such as the MMP& and the

    .P/ measures are based on self-re!ort.P/ measures are based on self-re!ort

    0linicians include self-re!ort measures as !art of their0linicians include self-re!ort measures as !art of their

    initial examinations of !resenting clientsinitial examinations of !resenting clients

    Self-Re!ort measures are fre1uentl subject to self-Self-Re!ort measures are fre1uentl subject to self-


    Peo!le know their res!onses are being measured andPeo!le know their res!onses are being measured and

    wish to be seen in a favorable light 2wish to be seen in a favorable light 2self-serving biasself-serving bias33

    &tems are fre1uentl included to measure the extent to&tems are fre1uentl included to measure the extent to

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    4istor of Test *evelo!ment4istor of Test *evelo!mentcirca 555 '0 $ Chinese introduced #ritten tests to help fill civil

    service positions Civil 'a#s( Military )ffairs( )griculture( *eography

    675 $ The +nited !tates begins civil service examinations.

    667 $ *ermans tested people for brain damage

    685 $ ,ames Cattell develops a mental test to assess college students .

    Test includes measures of strength( resistance to pain( and reaction time.857 $ Binet-!imon scale of mental development used to classify

    mentally retarded children in rance.

    89 $ /orld /ar & produces need in +.!. to 0uic%ly classify incoming

    recruits. )rmy )lpha test and )rmy Beta test developed. 'oo%ed at psychopathology.

    8. $ Terman develops !tanford - Binet test and develops the idea of

    &ntelligence 1uotient

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    4istor of Test *evelo!ment 2cont34istor of Test *evelo!ment 2cont3

    8:5 - 895 $ factor analysis( pro"ective tests( and personality inventories

    first appear.

    89-8.5 $ vocational interest measures developed

    8.-865 $ item response theory and neuropsychological testing

    developed865 - Present $ /ide spread adaptation of computeri2ed testing.

    !mart Tests #hich can give each individual different test items develop

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    +ormal classification of tests+ormal classification of tests

    ,nedimensional tests (onescale,nedimensional tests (onescale

    instruments) – interpretation in terms of trait’instruments) – interpretation in terms of trait’

    intensit* (!uantitative diagnosis) orintensit* (!uantitative diagnosis) or

    t*pological (!ualitative diagnosis)$t*pological (!ualitative diagnosis)$ -ultidimensional tests (multiscales-ultidimensional tests (multiscales

    instruments) – interpretation in terms ofinstruments) – interpretation in terms of

    profile (model of parallel or hierarchicalprofile (model of parallel or hierarchical

    traits) %hich ma* lead to the t*pological ortraits) %hich ma* lead to the t*pological ordifferential (%ithin sub.ect) diagnosis$differential (%ithin sub.ect) diagnosis$

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    +ig #$ The test scores assessing the trait+ig #$ The test scores assessing the trait


    /verage score – moderate trait intensit*

    0o% score – lo% trait intensit* 1igh score – high trait intensit*

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    +ig$ 2$ ,nescale test scores serving for+ig$ 2$ ,nescale test scores serving for

    t*pological diagnosist*pological diagnosis

    Test score similar to the u!!er grou!Test score similar to the lower grou!

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    T*pological diagnosis of onescalesT*pological diagnosis of onescales


    T*pological (onescale diagnosis) refers toT*pological (onescale diagnosis) refers tothe special onet*pe$the special onet*pe$

    T*pological diagnosis ma* refer also to t%oT*pological diagnosis ma* refer also to t%ot*pes classification:t*pes classification:

      abnormal (t*pe 3) – normal – abnormal (t*peabnormal (t*pe 3) – normal – abnormal (t*pe33 opposite to t*pe 3)33 opposite to t*pe 3)

      Bloc&’s concept of personalit* t*pes basedBloc&’s concept of personalit* t*pes basedon the dimension of selfcontrol:on the dimension of selfcontrol:

    overcontrolled (inhibited) t*pe vsovercontrolled (inhibited) t*pe vsunderconstrolled (impulsive) t*pe (normalunderconstrolled (impulsive) t*pe (normalt*pe of personalit* is bet%een clinical t*pes)$t*pe of personalit* is bet%een clinical t*pes)$

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  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    +ig$ 5$ -ultiscale test scores (hierarchical+ig$ 5$ -ultiscale test scores (hierarchical

    model %ith parallel subtraits)model %ith parallel subtraits)

    6eneral Sensation See&ing

    Thrill and Ad%enture &ee'ing

    Eperience see'ing#oredom &uscepti"ility


  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    7ifferential diagnosis of the test7ifferential diagnosis of the test

    profileprofile Comparisons of the scales %ithin oneComparisons of the scales %ithin one

    sub.ect li&e comparison bet%een verbal 38sub.ect li&e comparison bet%een verbal 38

    and nonverbal 38 (strictl* !uantitativeand nonverbal 38 (strictl* !uantitative


  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    T*pological diagnosis of the testT*pological diagnosis of the test


      ,n the basis of ,C9/ traits:,n the basis of ,C9/ traits: ,vercontrolled t*pe: neuroticism ;,vercontrolled t*pe: neuroticism ;

    introversion (high ; lo% 9)

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    The histor* of %ell&no%n testsThe histor* of %ell&no%n tests

    #>?@: Binet ; Simon – the first intelligence#>?@: Binet ; Simon – the first intelligence


    #>?A: 1e*mans ; iersma – the first#>?A: 1e*mans ; iersma – the first

    personalit* assessment (peerrating)#: ood%orth – the first personalit*#>#: ood%orth – the first personalit*

    inventor* (ps*chopatholog*)2#>45: Strong"Duder – the first#>2#>45: Strong"Duder – the first

    vocational inventories

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    The histor* of %ell&no%n testsThe histor* of %ell&no%n tests

    #>4>: echsler – echslerBellevue#>4>: echsler – echslerBellevue3ntelligence Scale (#>> /3S333)> /3S333)<

    #>54: 1atha%a* ; -cDinle* – -innesota#>54: 1atha%a* ; -cDinle* – -innesota

    -ultiphasic Eersonalit* 3nventor* (#>F> -ultiphasic Eersonalit* 3nventor* (#>F> --E3 2)5>: Cattell – #A E+ (Eersonalit* +actors)5>: Cattell – #A E+ (Eersonalit* +actors)< #>@? #>>? 9*senc&ian inventories@? #>>? 9*senc&ian inventories<

    #>>? – 2??? – Big +ive inventories (Costa ;#>>? – 2??? – Big +ive inventories (Costa ;-cCrae)$-cCrae)$

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Eresent status of testsEresent status of tests

    Thousands of tests in different fields (even inThousands of tests in different fields (even in


  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    3nformation about tests

    Standards for Educational andPsychological Testing (1985 and 1999);

    Mental Measurements Yearoo!  and Test"riti#ues<

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    Gournals presenting tests (and

    ps*chometric problems) Psychometri!a Educational and Psychological Measurement 

     $%%lied Psychological Measurement  &ournal of Educational Measurement  &ournal of Educational Psychology  &ournal of $%%lied Psychology 

    Personnel Psychology  &ournal of "onsulting and "linical

    Psychology $

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    /dvantages and disadvantages of

    the tests  Tests 'represent the best fairest and the

    most accurate technolog* available forma&ing man* important decisions aboutindividuals but at a time the'ps*chological testing is highl*controversial (-urph* ; 7avidshofer#>F> p$ 2)$

  • 8/18/2019 6. test as a tool


    9thical (controversial) aspects of9thical (controversial) aspects of


    The impact of testing on societ* (artificial orThe impact of testing on societ* (artificial or

    real differences efficienc* or e!uit* helpingreal differences efficienc* or e!uit* helping

    or hurting people)