6. [pro forma] project pro-forma james horbury

Photography and Digital Manipulation James-Horbury 1 Photography Project

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Photography and Digital Manipulation


Photography Project

Page 2: 6. [pro forma] project pro-forma james horbury

Contact Sheet #1

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Contact Sheet #1 ReviewUse this space to discuss about the following;

• Was the shoot successful? The morning shoot was successful and I got a lot of images I was happy with and I plan to use a lot of them for the final photos and edit them, what was unsuccessful was the afternoon shoot because I did not take a lot of images and most of them are tourist images, but some of them are good, but I will be using more images from the morning then the afternoon for the final images.

• Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set?Images IMG_0204.JPG and IMG_9821.JPG are going to be in my final set, I am still working out how I will edit it and what I will do to it. The reason I am using IMG_0204.JBG is because it has good lining and framing and when editing I might work on the lighting. IMG_9821.JBG is one of my favourite images and will be my top image and the one I do first and show first.

• What post-production could occur?I don’t plan on doing a lot of post production on these two images most of the post p will be for IMG_0204.JPG where I will probably work on the lighting for the image. For IMG_9821.JBG I don’t plan on doing a lot of editing just small things like making it look nice and fix any problem with It.

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Contact Sheet #2

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Contact Sheet #2 ReviewUse this space to discuss about the following;

• Was the shoot successful?

• Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set?

• What post-production could occur?

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Image #1 - Original

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Image #1 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

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Image #1 – Final

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Image #2 - Original

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Image #2 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

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Image #2 – Final

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Image #3 - Original

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Image #3 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

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Image #3 – Final

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Image #4 - Original

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Image #4 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

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Image #4 – Final

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Image #5 - Original

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Image #5 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

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Image #5 – Final

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Image #6 - Original

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Image #6 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

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Image #6 – Final

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Image #7 - Original

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Image #7 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

I changed the colour balance of the image I did this by putting the image on Photoshop and using the short key cmd-B and changed the shadows, midtones and highlights of the image until I liked it. The reason I did this is because it changes the way you think about the image and what it says to the audiences.

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Image #7 – Final

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Image #8 - Original

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Image #8 – Edit Process

What editing techniques have you carried out and why?

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Image #8 – Final

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Evaluation - CompositionUse this space to discuss about the following;

• Discuss elements of visual language that refer to the composition and image construction

You do not need to refer to all of the images, however, it would be useful to discuss your use of composition in specific images. Refer to your terminology sheet or Task 4 PowerPoint on Blackboard.

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Evaluation - AudienceYou should discuss;

• Does your project meet the identified audience in the proposal document?

• What social groups and genders should view this work?

• Does it contain political views that would appeal to an audience?

Peer Review

Peer reviewing is a beneficial way to gain comments on your images to help you improve and ensure your images are of high quality

Peers can use this box to comment on your work. Remember. Constructive, not destructive!

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Evaluation - ContextYou should discuss;

• What previous work has influenced your project? (past and present photographers?)

• Has it been influenced by race, religion or politics?

• Do the contexts identified in the proposal meet your finished project? (Do you feel that your images are near-professional enough to be sold or promoted?)

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EvaluationOn this page, you should identify;

• Have you achieved what you aimed to do with your images? If so, how? If not, why?

• Are the images fit for purpose? Could they be entered into a competition?

• Have you received negative or positive feedback? Give examples and be critical regarding any further changes that may be necessary.

• Consider the technical qualities of the images – How well has exposure, depth of field and post-production been controlled?

• Consider the visual impact of the images – How artistic? Are they black and white or colour? Justify your rationale behind your choices.

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EvaluationFinally you should critically discuss;

• What skills and knowledge have you gained from the photography project?

• What can you do now that you could not? Is there anything else you need to learn about?

• Do you feel that you managed your time on the project well?

• And finally, self-evaluation on any other comments, notes, production logs, sketches, trial shots.