6. cemco holding v national life

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  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life





    -versus -





    G.R. No. 171815





    CHICO-NA"ARIO, and



    A$&$st ', ())'

    *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    D E C I S I O N


    This Petition +or Reie $nder R$%e / o+ the R$%es o+ Co$rt see0s to

    reerse and set aside the ( O1to2er ())/ De1ision3435 and the 6 !ar1h ())6

    Reso%$tion(4(5 o+ the Co$rt o+ Appea%s in CA-G.R. SP No. 77'/7 hi1h a++ir#ed

    the 8$dent9495 dated 3 e2r$ar; ())/ o+ the Se1$rities and E*1han&e

    Co##ission $isition o+ petitioner Ce#1o Ho%din&s, In1.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    nion Ce#ent Corporation

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    Tota% sto10s o+ Ce#1o in CHC 6)

    Per1enta&e o+ CHC onership in CC 6)

    Indire1t onership o+ Ce#1o in CC 96

    Dire1t onership o+ Ce#1o in CC 3'

    Tota% onership o+ Ce#1o in CC /9

    As a 1onse>$en1e o+ this dis1%os$re, the PSE, in a %etter to the SEC dated 3/

    B$%; ()), in>$ired as to hether the Tender O++er R$%e $nder R$%e 3@ o+ the

    I#p%e#entin& R$%es o+ the Se1$rities Re&$%ation Code is not app%i1a2%e to the

    p$r1hase 2; petitioner o+ the #a8orit; o+ shares o+ CC.

    In a %etter dated 36 B$%; ()), Dire1tor B$stina Ca%%an&an o+ the SECs

    Corporate inan1e Depart#ent responded to the >$er; o+ the PSE that hi%e it as

    the stan1e o+ the depart#ent that the tender o++er r$%e as not app%i1a2%e, the

    #atter #$st sti%% hae to 2e 1on+ir#ed 2; the SEC en banc.

    Therea+ter, in a s$2se>$ent %etter dated (' B$%; ()), Dire1tor Ca%%an&an

    1on+ir#ed that the SEC en banchad reso%ed that the Ce#1o transa1tion as not

    1oered 2; the tender o++er r$%e.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    On (7 B$%; ()), +ee%in& a&&rieed 2; the transa1tion, respondent Nationa%

    i+e Ins$ran1e Co#pan; o+ the Phi%ippines, In1., a #inorit; sto10ho%der o+ CC,

    sent a %etter to Ce#1o de#andin& the %atter to 1o#p%; ith the r$%e on #andator;

    tender o++er. Ce#1o, hoeer, re+$sed.

    On / A$&$st ()), a Share P$r1hase A&ree#ent as e*e1$ted 2; ACC and

    ?CI, as se%%ers, and Ce#1o, as 2$;er.

    On 3( A$&$st ()), the transa1tion as 1ons$##ated and 1%osed.

    On 3@ A$&$st ()), respondent Nationa% i+e Ins$ran1e Co#pan; o+ the

    Phi%ippines, In1. +i%ed a 1o#p%aint ith the SEC as0in& it to reerse its (' B$%;

    ()) Reso%$tion and to de1%are the p$r1hase a&ree#ent o+ Ce#1o oid and pra;in&

    that the #andator; tender o++er r$%e 2e app%ied to its CC shares. I#p%eaded in the

    1o#p%aint ere Ce#1o, CC, CHC, ?CI and ACC, hi1h ere then re>$ired 2;

    the SEC to +i%e their respe1tie 1o##ent on the 1o#p%aint. In their 1o##ents, the;

    ere $ni+or# in ar&$in& that the tender o++er r$%e app%ied on%; to a dire1t

    a1>$isition o+ the shares o+ the %isted 1o#pan; and did not e*tend to an indire1t

    a1>$isition arisin& +ro# the p$r1hase o+ the shares o+ a ho%din& 1o#pan; o+ the

    %isted +ir#.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    In a De1ision dated 3 e2r$ar; ())/, the SEC r$%ed in +aor o+ the

    respondent 2; reersin& and settin& aside its (' B$%; ()) Reso%$tion and dire1ted

    petitioner Ce#1o to #a0e a tender o++er +or CC shares to respondent and other

    ho%ders o+ CC shares si#i%ar to the 1%ass he%d 2; CHC in a11ordan1e ith

    Se1tion @$ire Ce#1o to #a0e a tender o++er +or CC shares, and ar&$in& that the tendero++er r$%e does not app%;, or that the SECs re-interpretation o+ the r$%e 1o$%d not 2e

    #ade to retroa1tie%; app%; to Ce#1os p$r1hase o+ CHC shares.

    The Co$rt o+ Appea%s rendered a de1ision a++ir#in& the r$%in& o+ the SEC. It

    r$%ed that the SEC has 8$risdi1tion to render the >$estioned de1ision and, in an;

    eent, Ce#1o as 2arred 2; estoppe% +ro# >$estionin& the SECs 8$risdi1tion. It,

    %i0eise, he%d that the tender o++er re>$ire#ent $nder the Se1$rities Re&$%ation

    Code and its I#p%e#entin& R$%es app%ies to Ce#1os p$r1hase o+ CHC sto10s.

    The de1reta% portion o+ the said De1ision reads:

    IN VIE O THE OREGOING, the assai%ed de1ision o+ the SEC is

    AIR!ED, and the pre%i#inar; in8$n1tion iss$ed 2; the Co$rt ITED./4/5

    ,[,]Id. at ('.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    Ce#1o +i%ed a #otion +or re1onsideration hi1h as denied 2; the Co$rt o+


    Hen1e, the instant petition.

    In its #e#orand$#, petitioner Ce#1o raises the +o%%oin& iss$es:














    &[&]Id. at ,(&-,('.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    Si#p%; stated, the +o%%oin& are the iss$es:

    3. hether or not the SEC has 8$risdi1tion oer respondents 1o#p%aint andto re>$ire Ce#1o to #a0e a tender o++er +or respondents CC shares.

    (. hether or not the r$%e on #andator; tender o++er app%ies to the indire1t

    a1>$isition o+ shares in a %isted 1o#pan;, in this 1ase, the indire1ta1>$isition 2; Ce#1o o+ 96 o+ CC, a p$2%i1%;-%isted 1o#pan;, thro$&h

    its p$r1hase o+ the shares in CHC, a non-%isted 1o#pan;.

    9. hether or not the >$estioned r$%in& o+ the SEC 1an 2e app%iedretroa1tie%; to Ce#1os transa1tion hi1h as 1ons$##ated $nder the

    a$thorit; o+ the SECs prior reso%$tion.

    On the +irst iss$e, petitioner Ce#1o 1ontends that hi%e the SEC 1an ta0e

    1o&nian1e o+ respondents 1o#p%aint on the a%%e&ed io%ation 2; petitioner Ce#1o

    o+ the #andator; tender o++er re>$ire#ent $nder Se1tion 3@ o+ Rep$2%i1 A1t No.

    7'@@, the sa#e stat$te does not est the SEC ith 8$risdi1tion to ad8$di1ate and

    deter#ine the ri&hts and o2%i&ations o+ the parties sin1e, $nder the sa#e stat$te, the

    SECs a$thorit; is p$re%; ad#inistratie. Hain& 2een ested ith p$re%;

    ad#inistratie a$thorit;, the SEC 1an on%; i#pose ad#inistratie san1tions s$1h as

    the i#position o+ ad#inistratie +ines, the s$spension or reo1ation o+ re&istrations

    ith the SEC, and the %i0e. Petitioner stresses that there is nothin& in the stat$te

    hi1h a$thories the SEC to iss$e orders &rantin& a++ir#atie re%ie+s. Sin1e the

    SECs order 1o##andin& it to #a0e a tender o++er is an a++ir#atie re%ie+ +i*in& the

    respe1tie ri&hts and o2%i&ations o+ parties, s$1h order is oid.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    Petitioner +$rther 1ontends that in the a2sen1e o+ an; spe1i+i1 &rant o+

    8$risdi1tion 2; Con&ress, the SEC 1annot, 2; #ere ad#inistratie re&$%ation,

    1on+er on itse%+ that 8$risdi1tion.

    Petitioners stan1e +ai%s to pers$ade.

    In ta0in& 1o&nian1e o+ respondents 1o#p%aint a&ainst petitioner and

    eent$a%%; renderin& a 8$dent hi1h ordered the %atter to #a0e a tender o++er,

    the SEC as a1tin& p$rs$ant to R$%e 3@$it;shares o+ a p$2%i1 1o#pan; at thresho%d a#o$nts itho$t the re>$ired tender

    o++er, the Co##ission, $pon 1o#p%aint, #a; n$%%i+; the said a1>$isition and dire1t

    the ho%din& o+ a tender o++er. This sha%% 2e itho$t pre8$di1e to the i#position o+other san1tions $nder the Code.

    The +ore&oin& r$%e e#anates +ro# the SECs poer and a$thorit; to re&$%ate,

    inesti&ate or s$perise the a1tiities o+ persons to ens$re 1o#p%ian1e ith the

    Se1$rities Re&$%ation Code, #ore spe1i+i1a%%; the proision on #andator; tender

    o++er $nder Se1tion 3@ thereo+.'4'5

    ' 4'5Se1tion /, S$2se1tion /.3.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    Another proision o+ the stat$te, hi1h proides the 2asis o+ R$%e 3@

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    inesti&ate 1o#p%aints o+ io%ations o+ the tender o++er r$%e, 2$t to ad8$di1ate

    1ertain ri&hts and o2%i&ations o+ the 1ontendin& parties and &rant appropriate

    re%ie+s in the e*er1ise o+ its re&$%ator; +$n1tions $nder the SRC. Se1tion /.3 o+ theSRC a%%os a &enera% &rant o+ ad8$di1atie poers to the SEC hi1h #a; 2e

    i#p%ied +ro# or are ne1essar; or in1identa% to the 1arr;in& o$t o+ its e*press

    poers to a1hiee the o28e1ties and p$rposes o+ the SRC. e #$st 2ear in #indin interpretin& the poers and +$n1tions o+ the SEC that the %a has #ade the

    SEC pri#ari%; a re&$%ator; 2od; ith the in1identa% poer to 1ond$1t

    ad#inistratie hearin&s and #a0e de1isions. A re&$%ator; 2od; %i0e the SEC #a;1ond$1t hearin&s in the e*er1ise o+ its re&$%ator; poers, and i+ the 1ase ino%es

    io%ations or 1on+%i1ts in 1onne1tion ith the per+or#an1e o+ its re&$%ator;

    +$n1tions, it i%% hae the d$t; and a$thorit; to reso%e the disp$te +or the 2est

    interests o+ the p$2%i1.7475

    or s$re, the SEC has the a$thorit; to pro#$%&ate r$%es and re&$%ations,s$28e1t to the %i#itation that the sa#e are 1onsistent ith the de1%ared po%i1; o+ the

    Code. A#on& the# is the prote1tion o+ the inestors and the #ini#iation, i+ not

    tota% e%i#ination, o+ +ra$d$%ent and #anip$%atie deises. Th$s, S$2se1tion /.3

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    '(.(. The Co##ission sha%% pro#$%&ate r$%es and re&$%ations proidin&

    +or reportin&, dis1%os$re and the preention o+ +ra$d$%ent, de1eptie or

    #anip$%atie pra1ti1es in 1onne1tion ith the p$r1hase 2; an iss$er, 2; tendero++er or otherise, o+ and e>$it; se1$rit; o+ a 1%ass iss$ed 2; it that satis+ies the

    re>$ire#ents o+ S$2se1tion 3'.(. S$1h r$%es and re&$%ations #a; re>$ire s$1h

    iss$er to proide ho%ders o+ e>$it; se1$rities o+ s$1h dates ith s$1h in+or#ationre%atin& to the reasons +or s$1h p$r1hase, the so$r1e o+ +$nds, the n$#2er o+

    shares to 2e p$r1hased, the pri1e to 2e paid +or s$1h se1$rities, the #ethod o+

    p$r1hase and s$1h additiona% in+or#ation as the Co##ission dee#s ne1essar; orappropriate in the p$2%i1 interest or +or the prote1tion o+ inestors, or hi1h the

    Co##ission dee#s to 2e #ateria% to a deter#ination 2; ho%ders hether s$1h

    se1$rit; sho$%d 2e so%d.

    The poer 1on+erred $pon the SEC to pro#$%&ate r$%es and re&$%ations is a

    %e&is%atie re1o&nition o+ the 1o#p%e*it; and the 1onstant%;-+%$1t$atin& nat$re o+

    the #ar0et and the i#possi2i%it; o+ +oreseein& a%% the possi2%e 1ontin&en1ies that

    1annot 2e addressed in adan1e. As en$n1iated in Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v.

    Social Security Commission94@5:

    R$%es and re&$%ations hen pro#$%&ated in p$rs$an1e o+ the pro1ed$re ora$thorit; 1on+erred $pon the ad#inistratie a&en1; 2; %a, parta0e o+ the nat$re

    o+ a stat$te, and 1o#p%ian1e thereith #a; 2e en+or1ed 2; a pena% san1tionproided in the %a. This is so 2e1a$se stat$tes are $s$a%%; 1o$1hed in &enera%

    ter#s, a+ter e*pressin& the po%i1;, p$rposes, o28e1ties, re#edies and san1tions

    intended 2; the %e&is%at$re. The detai%s and the #anner o+ 1arr;in& o$t the %a areo+ten ti#es %e+t to the ad#inistratie a&en1; entr$sted ith its en+or1e#ent. In

    this sense, it has 2een said that r$%es and re&$%ations are the prod$1t o+ a de%e&ated

    poer to 1reate ne or additiona% %e&a% proisions that hae the e++e1t o+ %a.

    !oreoer, petitioner is 2arred +ro# >$estionin& the 8$risdi1tion o+ the SEC.

    It #$st 2e pointed o$t that petitioner had parti1ipated in a%% the pro1eedin&s 2e+ore

    the SEC and had pra;ed +or a++ir#atie re%ie+. In +a1t, petitioner de+ended the

    )[)]11 Phi. ,,,$ ,,' 1)&*/.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    8$risdi1tion o+ the SEC in its Co##ent dated 3/ Septe#2er ()), +i%ed ith the

    SEC herein it asserted:

    This Honora2%e Co##ission is a hi&h%; spe1ia%ied 2od; 1reated +or thep$rpose o+ ad#inisterin&, oerseein&, and #ana&in& the 1orporate ind$str;, share

    inest#ent and se1$rities #ar0et in the Phi%ippines. ?; the er; nat$re o+ its

    +$n1tions, it dedi1ated to the st$d; and ad#inistration o+ the 1orporate and

    se1$rities %as and has ne1essari%; dee%oped an e*pertise on the s$28e1t. ?asedon said +$n1tions, the Honora2%e Co##ission is ne1essari%; tas0ed to iss$e

    r$%in&s ith respe1t to #atters ino%in& 1orporate #atters and share a1>$isitions.

    Veri%; hen this Honora2%e Co##ission rendered the R$%in& that the a1>$isitiono+ Ce#1o Ho%din&s o+ the #a8orit; shares o+ nion Ce#ent Ho%din&s, In1., a

    s$2stantia% sto10ho%der o+ a %isted 1o#pan;, nion Ce#ent Corporation, is not1oered 2; the #andator; tender o++er re>$ire#ent o+ the SRC R$%e 3@, it ase%% ithin its poers and e*pertise to do so. S$1h r$%in& sha%% 2e respe1ted,

    $n%ess there has 2een an a2$se or i#proident e*er1ise o+ a$thorit;.3)43)5

    Petitioner did not >$estion the 8$risdi1tion o+ the SEC hen it rendered an

    opinion +aora2%e to it, s$1h as the (' B$%; ()) Reso%$tion, here the SEC opined

    that the Ce#1o transa1tion as not 1oered 2; the #andator; tender o++er r$%e. It

    as on%; hen the 1ase as 2e+ore the Co$rt o+ Appea%s and a+ter the SEC

    rendered an $n+aora2%e 8$dent a&ainst it that petitioner 1ha%%en&ed the SECs

    1o#peten1e. As arti1$%ated in Ceroferr Realty Corporation v. Court of


    hi%e the %a10 o+ 8$risdi1tion o+ a 1o$rt #a; 2e raised at an; sta&e o+ an

    a1tion, neerthe%ess, the part; raisin& s$1h >$estion #a; 2e estopped i+ he has

    a1tie%; ta0en part in the er; pro1eedin&s hi1h he >$estions and he on%; o28e1ts

    10[10]Rollo$ %%. 1'*-1'+.

    11[11]*& Phi. ,**$ ,+0 *00*/.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    to the 1o$rts 8$risdi1tion 2e1a$se the 8$dent or the order s$2se>$ent%; rendered

    is aderse to hi#.

    On the se1ond iss$e, petitioner asserts that the #andator; tender o++er r$%eapp%ies on%; to dire1t a1>$isition o+ shares in the p$2%i1 1o#pan;.

    This 1ontention is not #eritorio$s.

    Tender o++er is a p$2%i1%; anno$n1ed intention 2; a person a1tin& a%one or in

    1on1ert ith other persons to a1>$ire e>$it; se1$rities o+ a p$2%i1 1o#pan;.3(43(5 A

    p$2%i1 1o#pan; is de+ined as a 1orporation hi1h is %isted on an e*1han&e, or a

    1orporation ith assets e*1eedin& P/),))),))).)) and ith ()) or #ore

    sto10ho%ders, at %east ()) o+ the# ho%din& not %ess than 3)) shares o+ s$1h

    1o#pan;.394395 Stated di++erent%;, a tender o++er is an o++er 2; the a1>$irin& person

    to sto10ho%ders o+ a p$2%i1 1o#pan; +or the# to tender their shares therein on the

    ter#s spe1i+ied in the o++er.3435 Tender o++er is in p%a1e to prote1t #inorit;

    shareho%ders a&ainst an; s1he#e that di%$tes the share a%$e o+ their inest#ents. It

    &ies the #inorit; shareho%ders the 1han1e to e*it the 1o#pan; $nder reasona2%e

    1*[1*]"he Phii%%ine Securities Re#uation ode Annotated/$ Ra2ae A. Moraes

    *00, 3d./$ %. 1,+.



  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    ter#s, &iin& the# the opport$nit; to se%% their shares at the sa#e pri1e as those o+

    the #a8orit; shareho%ders.3/43/5

    nder Se1tion 3@ o+ Rep$2%i1 A1t No. 7'@@, it is stated:

    !en"er #ffers. [email protected]. $ire at %east +i+teen per1ent $it;se1$rit; o+ a %isted 1orporation or o+ an; 1%ass o+ an; e>$it; se1$rit; o+ a

    1orporation ith assets o+ at %east i+t; #i%%ion pesos

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    is +$rther proided therein that #andator; tender o++er is sti%% app%i1a2%e een i+ the

    a1>$isition is %ess than 9/ hen the p$r1hase o$%d res$%t in onership o+ oer

    /3 o+ the tota% o$tstandin& e>$it; se1$rities o+ the p$2%i1 1o#pan;.3'43'5

    The SEC and the Co$rt o+ Appea%s r$%ed that the indire1t a1>$isition 2;

    petitioner o+ 96 o+ CC shares thro$&h the a1>$isition o+ the non-%isted CHC

    shares is 1oered 2; the #andator; tender o++er r$%e.

    This interpretation &ien 2; the SEC and the Co$rt o+ Appea%s #$st 2e


    In the eent that the tender o++er is oers$2s1ri2ed, the a&&re&ate a#o$nt o+ se1$rities

    to 2e a1>$ired at the 1%ose o+ s$1h tender o++er sha%% 2e proportionate%; distri2$ted

    a1ross 2oth se%%in& shareho%der ith ho# the a1>$irer #a; hae 2een in priate

    ne&otiations and #inorit; shareho%ders.

    ?. An; person or &ro$p o+ persons a1tin& in 1on1ert, ho intends to a1>$ire thirt;-+ie

    per1ent $it; shares in a p$2%i1 1o#pan; in one or #ore

    transa1tions ithin a period o+ te%e $ired to #a0e a tender

    o++er to a%% ho%ders o+ s$1h 1%ass +or the n$#2er o+ shares so a1>$ired ithin the said


    C. I+ an; a1>$isition o+ een %ess than thirt;-+ie per1ent $irer sha%% 2e re>$ired to #a0e a tender o++er $nder this

    R$%e +or a%% the o$tstandin& e>$it; se1$rities to a%% re#ainin& sto10ho%ders o+ the said

    1o#pan; at a pri1e s$pported 2; a +airness opinion proided 2; an independent

    +inan1ia% adisor or e>$ia%ent third part;. The a1>$irer in s$1h a tender o++er sha%% 2e

    re>$ired to a11ept an; and a%% se1$rities th$s tendered.


  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    The r$%e in this 8$risdi1tion is that the 1onstr$1tion &ien to a stat$te 2; an

    ad#inistratie a&en1; 1har&ed ith the interpretation and app%i1ation o+ that stat$te

    is entit%ed to &reat ei&ht 2; the 1o$rts, $n%ess s$1h 1onstr$1tion is 1%ear%; shon

    to 2e in sharp 1ontrast ith the &oernin& %a or stat$te.374375 The rationa%e +or this

    r$%e re%ates not on%; to the e#er&en1e o+ the #$%ti+ario$s needs o+ a #odern or

    #oderniin& so1iet; and the esta2%ish#ent o+ dierse ad#inistratie a&en1ies +or

    addressin& and satis+;in& those needs it a%so re%ates to a11$#$%ation o+ e*perien1e

    and &roth o+ spe1ia%ied 1apa2i%ities 2; the ad#inistratie a&en1; 1har&ed ith

    i#p%e#entin& a parti1$%ar stat$te.3@43@5

    The SEC and the Co$rt o+ Appea%s a11$rate%; pointed o$t that the 1oera&e

    o+ the #andator; tender o++er r$%e 1oers not on%; dire1t a1>$isition 2$t a%so

    indire1t a1>$isition or an; t;pe o+ a1>$isition. This is 1%ear +ro# the dis1$ssions o+

    the ?i1a#era% Con+eren1e Co##ittee on the Se1$rities A1t o+ ())), on 3' B$%;


    SEN. S. OS!EA. Eto an& #an&;a;ari di;an, eh. So#e2od; 1ontro%s 6'

    o+ the Co#pan;. O+ 1o$rse, he i%% pa; a pre#i$# +or the +irst 6'. Contro% ;an,

    eh. Eh, 0aaa ;$n& #&a #aiian, an& 99 2e1a$se the a%$e o+ the sto10#ar0et 1o$%d &o don, 1o$%d &o don a+ter that, 2e1a$se there i%%

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    (). aaa na#an ;$n& na0ahaa0 n&a;on n& (). An& 2a2a n& share sa

    #ar0et. ?$t e did not hae a %a prote1tin& the# at that ti#e.

    CHAIR!AN ROCO. So hat is it that ;o$ ant to a1hiee

    SEN. S. OS!EA. That i+ a 1ertain &ro$p a1hiees a 1ertain a#o$nt o+

    onership in a 1orporation, ;eah, he is o2%i&ated to 2$; an;2od; ho ants tose%%.

    CHAIR!AN ROCO. Pro-rata %an&. $ire the shares in CC and the in1identa% 2ene+it o+ hain& a1>$ired the 1ontro%

    o+ the said p$2%i1 1o#pan; #$st not 2e ta0en a&ainst it.

    These ar&$#ents are not 1onin1in&. The %e&is%atie intent o+ Se1tion 3@ o+

    the Code is to re&$%ate a1tiities re%atin& to a1>$isition o+ 1ontro% o+ the %isted

    1o#pan; and +or the p$rpose o+ prote1tin& the #inorit; sto10ho%ders o+ a %isted

    1orporation. hateer #a; 2e the #ethod 2; hi1h 1ontro% o+ a p$2%i1 1o#pan; is

    o2tained, either thro$&h the dire1t p$r1hase o+ its sto10s or thro$&h an indire1t

    #eans, #andator; tender o++er app%ies. As appropriate%; he%d 2; the Co$rt o+


    *0[*0]Rollo$ %%. *,&-*,(.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    The petitioner posits that hat it a1>$ired ere sto10s o+ CHC and not CC. ?;happenstan1e, as a res$%t o+ the transa1tion, it 2e1a#e an indire1t oner o+ CC.

    e are 1onstrained, hoeer, to 1onstr$e onership a1>$isition to #ean 2oth

    dire1t and indire1t. hat is de1isie is the deter#ination o+ the poer o+ 1ontro%.The %e&is%atie intent 2ehind the tender o++er r$%e #a0es 1%ear that the t;pe o+

    a1tiit; intended to 2e re&$%ated is the a1>$isition o+ 1ontro% o+ the %isted 1o#pan;

    thro$&h the p$r1hase o+ shares. Contro% #a; 42e5 e++e1ted thro$&h a dire1t and

    indire1t a1>$isition o+ sto10, and hen this ta0es p%a1e, irrespe1tie o+ the #eans,a tender o++er #$st o11$r. The 2otto#%ine o+ the %a is to &ie the shareho%der o+

    the %isted 1o#pan; the opport$nit; to de1ide hether or not to se%% in 1onne1tion

    ith a trans+er o+ 1ontro%. * * *.(34(35

    As to the third iss$e, petitioner stresses that the r$%in& on #andator; tender

    o++er r$%e 2; the SEC and the Co$rt o+ Appea%s sho$%d not hae retroa1tie e++e1t

    or 2e #ade to app%; to its p$r1hase o+ the CHC shares as it re%ied in &ood +aith on

    the %etter dated (' B$%; ()) o+ the SEC hi1h opined that the proposed

    a1>$isition o+ the CHC shares as not 1oered 2; the #andator; o++er r$%e.

    The ar&$#ent is not pers$asie.

    The a1tion o+ the SEC on the PSE re>$est +or opinion on the Ce#1o

    transa1tion 1annot 2e 1onstr$ed as passin& #erits or &iin& approa% to the

    >$estioned transa1tion. As apt%; pointed o$t 2; the respondent, the %etter dated ('

    B$%; ()) o+ the SEC as nothin& 2$t an approa% o+ the dra+t %etter prepared 2;

    Dire1tor Ca%%an&a. There as no p$2%i1 hearin& here interested parties 1o$%d hae

    2een heard. Hen1e, it as not iss$ed $pon a de+inite and 1on1rete 1ontroers;

    *1[*1]Id. at (&-((.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    a++e1tin& the %e&a% re%ations o+ parties there2; #a0in& it a 8$dent 1on1%$sie on

    a%% the parties. Said %etter as #ere%; adisor;. B$rispr$den1e has it that an

    adisor; opinion o+ an a&en1; #a; 2e stri10en don i+ it deiates +ro# the

    proision o+ the stat$te.((4((5 Sin1e the %etter dated (' B$%; ()) r$ns 1o$nter to

    the Se1$rities Re&$%ation Code, the sa#e #a; 2e disre&arded as hat the SEC has

    done in its de1ision dated 3 e2r$ar; ())/.

    Ass$#in& arguen"othat the %etter dated (' B$%; ()) 1onstit$tes a r$%in&,

    the sa#e 1annot 2e $ti%ied to deter#ine the ri&hts o+ the parties. hat is to 2eapp%ied in the present 1ase is the s$2se>$ent r$%in& o+ the SEC dated 3 e2r$ar;

    ())/ a2andonin& the opinion e#2odied in the %etter dated (' B$%; ()). In Serrano

    v. $ational %abor Relations Commission,(94(95 an ar&$#ent as raised si#i%ar to

    the 1ase $nder 1onsideration. Priate respondent therein ar&$ed that the ne

    do1trine prono$n1ed 2; the Co$rt sho$%d on%; 2e app%ied prospe1tie%;. Said

    post$%ation as i&nored 2; the Co$rt hen it r$%ed:

    hi%e a 8$di1ia% interpretation 2e1o#es a part o+ the %a as o+ the date that

    %a as ori&ina%%; passed, this is s$28e1t to the >$a%i+i1ation that hen a do1trine

    o+ this Co$rt is oerr$%ed and a di++erent ie is adopted, and #ore so hen thereis a reersa% thereo+, the ne do1trine sho$%d 2e app%ied prospe1tie%; and sho$%d

    not app%; to parties ho re%ied on the o%d do1trine and a1ted in &ood +aith. To ho%d

    otherise o$%d 2e to deprie the %a o+ its >$a%it; o+ +airness and 8$sti1e then, i+

    there is no re1o&nition o+ hat had transpired prior to s$1h ad8$di1ation.

    **[**]San Juan de Dios Hospital Emploees Association!A"# v. National $a%or

    Relations Commission$ +& Phi. 100+$ 1010 1))(/.

    *+[*+]+'( Phi. +,$ +,( *000/.

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    It is apparent that priate respondent #is1on1eied the i#port o+ the

    r$%in&. The de1ision in Co%$#2ia Pi1t$res does not #ean that i+ a ne r$%e is %aid

    don in a 1ase, it sho$%d not 2e app%ied in that 1ase 2$t that said r$%e sho$%d app%;prospe1tie%; to 1ases arisin& a+terards. Priate respondents ie o+ the

    prin1ip%e o+ prospe1tie app%i1ation o+ ne 8$di1ia% do1trines o$%d t$rn the

    8$di1ia% +$n1tion into a #ere a1ade#i1 e*er1ise ith the res$%t that the do1trine%aid don o$%d 2e no #ore than a di1t$# and o$%d deprie the ho%din& in the

    1ase o+ an; +or1e.

    Indeed, hen the Co$rt +or#$%ated the enphi% do1trine, hi1h e

    reersed in this 1ase, the Co$rt did not de+er app%i1ation o+ the r$%e %aid don

    i#posin& a +ine on the e#p%o;er +or +ai%$re to &ie noti1e in a 1ase o+ dis#issa%

    +or 1a$se. To the 1ontrar;, the ne r$%e as app%ied ri&ht then and there. * * *.

    ast%;, petitioner a%%e&es that the de1ision o+ the SEC dated 3 e2r$ar;())/ is in1o#p%ete and prod$1es no e++e1t.

    This 1ontention is 2ase%ess.

    The de1reta% portion o+ the SEC de1ision states:

    In ie o+ the +ore&oin&, the %etter o+ the Co##ission, si&ned 2; Dire1tor

    B$stina . Ca%%an&an, dated B$%; (', ()), addressed to the Phi%ippine Sto10E*1han&e is here2; REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Respondent Ce#1o is here2;

    dire1ted to #a0e a tender o++er +or CC shares to 1o#p%ainant and other ho%ders

    o+ CC shares si#i%ar to the 1%ass he%d 2; respondent CHC, at the hi&hest pri1eit paid +or the 2ene+i1ia% onership in respondent CC, stri1t%; in a11ordan1e

    ith SRC R$%e 3@, Se1tion @

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life


    A readin& o+ the a2oe r$%in& o+ the SEC reea%s that the sa#e is 1o#p%ete.

    It orders the 1ond$1t o+ a #andator; tender o++er p$rs$ant to the pro1ed$re

    proided +or $nder R$%e 3@

  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life



    Asso1iate B$sti1e



    Asso1iate B$sti1e


    Asso1iate B$sti1e


    I attest that the 1on1%$sions in the a2oe De1ision ere rea1hed in

    1ons$%tation 2e+ore the 1ase as assi&ned to the riter o+ the opinion o+ the Co$rts


  • 7/25/2019 6. CEMCO Holding v National Life



    Asso1iate B$sti1e

    Chairperson, Third Diision


    P$rs$ant to Se1tion 39, Arti1%e VIII o+ the Constit$tion, and the Diision

    Chairpersons Attestation, it is here2; 1erti+ied that the 1on1%$sions in the a2oe

    De1ision ere rea1hed in 1ons$%tation 2e+ore the 1ase as assi&ned to the riter o+

    the opinion o+ the Co$rts Diision.


    Chie+ B$sti1e