50 robots to draw and paint


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Page 1: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint
Page 2: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

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50 ROBOTSto Draw and Pai nt


Page 3: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


I /I , \

50 ROBOTSto Draw and Paint

t:5 -

Page 4: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Joints and Movement 30





Miiitary Attachments


Bits and Widgets

At tachments and



Inspiration 8

Drawing and Research 10

Working Traditionally 12

Working Digitally 14

Artistic Rendering 16

Rendering Materia/s 18

The Whole Pracess 22

Deveioplng Your Ideas 26

art di rector: Moiro Clinch

publ isher: Poul Corsloke

Conc~. designe<! ond produce<! by

QuorIO Publishing pie, The 0kI Br...-y

6 BIuodelI seeet. london N7 9BH



9876543 21


Iext copyrigh t () 2006 Quorlo Publishmg pk

Imoges copyright @ 2006 Quorto Publishing pk , un less c therwise sto ted

(see poge 128 )

Oesign ond layout copyr ight @ 2006 Quorto Publishing pie

ISBN 981·245-)46·6

Monufoctured by u ooerscr Grophics PTE u c. Singapore

PTinled by Stor Standard IndustrieS PTE l td, Singopore

Firn published 2006 by Quorto Publishing pie

AlI rights reserved. No port of this publication moy be reproduced. stored

in o rel rieval system or I ronsmitted in ony form or by ony mec ns.

etectronlc or mecbcorcct, photocopying. recording. or otherwise. w it hou t

th e permission of the copyright holder.

Published jn 2006 by:

Page One Publishing P nve te Limite<:!

20 Kaki Bukit V iew. Kaki Bukit Te<hpork 11, Singopot'e 41 S9S6

Te!: (6S) 6742-2088. reoc(6S) 6744·2088

[email protected]

Drstnbu ted by:

Page One Publlshing Privote Limited

20 Kaki Bukit View. Kaki Bukit Techpork 11. Singopore 4159 56

Tel: (6S) 674 2-2088. Ñu : (6S) 6744·2088


proj ect edítcrs: Trisha Telep, Lindsoy Koubi

ort ed it or ond design: Cloire Von Rhyn

ccpy editor: Chris Middleton

ossistClnt ort dtrectce: Penny Cobb

picture researche r: Claudio reteproofreader: Ovistine VoU9hon

indelt er: Pomelo Ell is

Page 5: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

ROBOT FOUNDRY 38 Medved Production Type 62 Martia!Quefler 100

Basic robots ~o TA5-21 Needle 6~ Encyclical PUfger 102

Emule ~2 M24 Hausen 66 Orbital Delegate 10~

Adiuvo ~3 Organie General-Use So/dier 68 BountyHunter 5HK300 106

Mankeybat ~~ Hephaestus' Anvif 70 Samurai Guard 108

PAH558 ~5 MKI: Maln Battle Walker 72 Assistant robots 110

Prototype Haver Robot ~6 Subhunter 7~ Ad/uvo Mark IV 112

Fattybot ~7 Elektrogrod 76 Karakuri 11~

Manta ~8 Urban robots 78 The Golem 116

Mifitary lncursion Robot ~9 Nanobot 80 Witch Puppet 118

Predator 50 Poaory-tme Worker 82 Gentleman Gardener 120

Wheel-E 51 Indutex Urban-Renewal Bot 8~ Oomestic Angel 122

Greenbat 52 519 5yr/nge 5a/nt 86 Marine Explorer Robot 12~

Setuine! 53 Grunter 88

Dod/ 5~ Nakatom/ C1erk 90 Index 126

Brainbot 55 OffWorld Trader 92 Credits 128

Military robots 56 Law & arder robots 9~

Brass uon 58 5teel Lotus Tank Caimer 96

Panzerfluch Ausf G 60 The Exterminator 98

Page 6: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


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In 1921 Karel Capek wrote the play RU.R m which he took

the Czech word 'robota', meanmg 'enslaved labour', and adapted

it , creatmg the term 'robot' We live m a time m Wh1Ch robots

are becommg pervastve, and yet the robot is still prrmer-ilv

regarded as existinq m th e domain of scrence nction Robots

are unique in this respeet, straddling the realms of fantasy

and reality. Although they exist m our world, the word 'robot'

tends to immedtatelv conjure up unoresstons of tuturistíc

technology or tantastical alchermcal acmevernents

This book is an expansive reference for both beginner

and expenencec arnsts interested in creatmg their- own

robot art. To start, the book details robot-art bastes,

glVmg you a tarmnentv with general techmques and

approaches that can be readily applied to most types of art.

Many of the robots have been created byartists

other than me, with th eir' own opimons and methods

Some of these ar-ns .s work trad1 tlOnally,

others dig1tally, and some, as 1 do, use

a combmation of the two While the

term s and tools may d1ffer, the ar-tistic

erívice 1S applicebte to any robot

artwork Oon't be afraid to sirr.plv

copy what you find here

Page 7: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Ench robot ls brcken downtnto primitive shcpes. soyou con eosuy see thebcslc construct lon andrecrecte lt yourself,

Step-by-step descriptionof the draw ing andpainting process.

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... Nuts & BoltsThrs secnon cxoroms coosuucnonand how to ccnceptuonze andtender ceoetc robot ports,

Jt offersan overvtew of elementsyou mcy wlsh to developspecmccny for your own robots.ond u cnsccsses everything fromjoint ero nmb construcnon toprops ond tocts.



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........ The Robot FoundryThe eore of the bcok. thrs port describes ond demonstrates

how to drow ond point SO robots. Thc text ond vsuols guideyou through the robots ca trsuc constructlon, explolningdifferent pointsolong the woy. vou'll be told whot tbe robot ts.where ond when it exists. ene whot It does.

" '" ......, ..."" .

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Sketcnpods~Sketcbpcd poges introducesubsecnons in the 'Robotsoundry' tsee below). See howmustrctors oeveco Ideosondget them onto puper.

Ois<over t he concept ualprecess th at went ln toimaglnlng t he robot anddeveroplng tts cppecrcnce.

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"---..------_.-._-­_._--­_._--­~_.__ ..-_._...--.-_._­.__.-'._­~-_ ...-_..----

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Altemote vlews ondrotoUons let )lOU see t hepored-dcwn etements ofeoch robot designo

--,-"- ­- -.­_....-----...--".,,­.._...~-­-"-~'.._­_._,,_...----



Page 8: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


_ .eatpoo.comall ort site wit h 011 ocli...e ond sIUlled fOfum of ort ists

www.cgtalk.comon-li ne forum Ior the computer groph iU Indust'y

www.cgchannel.comonlofM' mogolJfW 01c~~ glllptlles gnd ~fte:h

www.sijun.coma" in\pi,;ng fOfum of art'~h di<;<:ussinq the;r "'0'\

www.conceptart.org'\OI'I\e of 1M Int~'s most Irrlo9inol''<e Q.tiIU

www·gfxartist.como 9'~ collKllon of ort'$l-monoged on"ne gokfiM

www.epilogue.net I

high 'quo lity site of fantosy cnd sciel'\Ce f ietlo n urt

_.~ -

Tht>re 's so much useful informotion (o,

altistson rne Internet that cnrone cando a seorcn on theirown ro find a wealtho( inspiring material ora ¡n(armarion .





Robots hove always captured peoples' imaginations. The

alchemists of old were obsessed with the idea of th e

homunculus: an art if icia l being created by humans; a robot.

The popularity of robots has grown as we approach the age

where they are actually camlng into being.

In any subject, there is a weal t h of artwork and creat ivity

avai lable to those willing to look for it, and collecting a body

of inspirational material is an absolute necessity for the

practising artist. 5imply look ing through much-admired art can

open up the creative process, allowing your ideas to develop in

011 sorts of fantastical directions.

Novels and short stories olso offer creative inspiration.

Reading provides an excellent opportunity to begin visualizing

and creating iIIustrations to go with the amazing stor ies

you 've just read.


thouscn<h of 011 term def,nitio'" and e.amplQs

www.artrenewal.orgthe Internet 's la'~ ort·l"" lTItI'leUm


a g'eoI placef<x 'eseorchong Y"H": wtl;e<:t mallO!!'+ +www.spectrumfantast icart.comt tt lile besl in conlem~ora' y fanlaslil; crt


Page 9: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


InternetAs long os you are prepored todo sorne thorough secrctunq.the Internet can be a qreotsource for robots.


Oneof the the bestscurcesfor conceptual mspucncn.reading books iso funtcsncway to exercrse your mental­veoonzctton musces.


Want te oeveiop a tonk robot?You snouid probably hove orcokal sorne documentaries

featuring existlng tcnks befareyou try to create your ownverseo from scratch.


Take msprrotton from soeousts:occpt toe efficient ene compie«evoiutoncry structures found Inroture ter use In your robots.

CinemaWith the potenttcl to be the most

inspiring cnd engrossing of 011media.cinema should oot be ovencoked

"." '"'i, ' 1'11 li¡¡II,li !II'.!lw-..=

Graphlc novelsA gold mine of extremely original robotreference ero inspirctlon, graphlc novels. aswell as Manga, tend to be exceouonoüywej-versoo in rcoonc art.

,~ ..~-

Page 10: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


l)D RAIAIING AND ReSeARCHC1assical art schools once st ressed to pupils that one of the

best ways to learn to make ort is t o study pre-existing artoI t's

0150 true that simple, repetitive pract ice can reap great results.

Life drawing is one of the prime staples of art education.

Although the drawing of nud e figures may seem to be

somewhat disconnected from the production of robotic art, it is

a necessity. You will need to understand th e three-dimension al

form and its interactlon with the environment in arder to gain

a mastery of rendering st ruct ure in 011 klnds of arto

Maintaln a consistent portfolio of current ortwork at 011

t imes. Aim to replace yo ur least favourite pieces an d 'clean

house' occasionally to continually improve your portfolio.

Reseorch and explore new oreas; constantly bombord yourself

with inspiration from unlikely places. You never know when

inspiration will st rike.

RE5EARCHThe most out landish designs alwaysrequlre a beüevcbte grounding inreality. This basic believability add ssupport t o the weird and wonderfu l,and research is a necessity in sclenceñctíon, Proper resecrch methods helpan ar tis t to form a more weü-develcpedvisual vocabulary and to creote animage lrbrcry from whkh he or she candraw in the future.

The InternetEasily the most st rea mlined andefficient resource. often one can flndalmost im mediately more than oneneeds. An organized couectton ofbookmarks that grows over t ime canbecome a personalized library that t heartist revisits with fa miliarity.Applications available for download orpurchase can allow the c rttst to scvewhole galleries and webpages an dthen to customize them as a uniquedata bank fcr reference.

»One of the best tools for visualresecrch ts the imoge secrch engine.Always mcke sure to go throu gh the

A simple ) ·0 mcx:kupmight even be helpful toset up os reference forshoding ond poslng. orfor ttM! persp«tlve inth e final ortwork.

) ·0 modell ing can oidyou in the hobit ofthinking of the wholeform of your designs.

'rhe )·0 model will olwayslose sorne of the Hvellnessof t he or iginol dro.wlng.

.¡t:~ Tryto ensureo. .:-_... , ....._~deqree of mterest

despite tll is Ioss'r-__~

I J¡j ~ ..~~-

DetailsThe concept sketch shouldotwaysconteo os muchexplcrcnoo cnd detcñ os

possible. Thrs will help the~",'

modeUer while sculpung.


Ir the robot yau're designing is ¡ntended

{or repeated ese, then it's probably a

good idea lo lay down sorne baslerotations ro cene- understand usstructure. These ratarions wmgive you aTererence to tootc back ro when working

on the robot , ensuring tha( visual

consistency ís mointained. TheY'11a/so

gel you accustomed ro the robot {romseveral angles ond ecve you with a so/id

mental impression and undefs~anding ot

the robot fOf {uWrf:' work. Rotarions arehelp(uf tor animotion and 9roup proj ect

WOfk: they ef(eaively expkun ro the

animaror, O( ro orhers working on the

projec!. ho w the robot mo ves and which

oans of the robot can mif! ortransformo



Page 11: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

cdvcnced imag e search opnon. Set t heimage size t o 'medium ' or ' Iorge'. Thiswill ensure that the results ore usobleas visual reference.

-11's usuoliy o good idea to be overtyspeclñc in the seorch field ot f irst ondthen to generolize if more result s areneeded. Try mony di fferent variants ifresult s are peor.

_Using +. - and H" modifiers can helpnarrow down the secrch (see thesecrch eng ine FAQ or t ips sectjon).Sccn through t he thumbnailspresented until somet hing catchesyour eye.

- Chc nces are t hat w hen yo u find agreat írncqe. t he page tt's from willcontain more of what you 're look ingfor. so don't fo rget to look around ifthere 's more t o see. It's great to f indimages using the search engine, butfi nding a whole website that cddressesyour research goals ts what you realiywant . The srte m ight also hove asecuon of links t o other, similar srtes.

Libraries/bookstoresA good, image-heavy boo k cangive an crtíst immediote cccessto a number of high-resolution imag es.A few good books, as applicabl ereference, are t ru ly involuable to onartist 's work. Alt hough t he tosk offinding exoctly what one needs canbe both tedious and expensíve. t hepayoff is olways wort h t he hunt.When a good reference book ísfound the ortist has acquired aresource t hct can be ccnsístentlyretu rned too

Life observationTechn ically, this method of resecrchwill always bring the best resufts.The problemts the crust's ab ili ty toccquíre fi rst -hand access t o t he placeor sttuctlon needed. Time is also aconst raint when using real -Iife asreference. Peopte an d sti li Iifes tendto be the best subjects for personalobservation as a method of referenceond resecrch.


Pract ise drawingSimply producing frequent

representot ive dfOwings is o

pefect woy to procnse. Keep onctetook ero draw your robot fromo vmiety of d ifferent angles and

ever-dlanging perspectwes,

A ]-0 representot lonof your robot con olsopresent proport ion ordesign f10ws notforeseen during t he2·0 development.

Keep d ese notes onscc se. eeccuse G ] ·0

rnodel quickly becomesdlvoreed f rom ony frameof reference.

- ->--

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L~.Jntl~ f'bldr ,>~<>~ ~_ -... . _ vr.btoJrl~>«.,rt ,~. .. oC'> .'


_ SEN<oo< ( ~.,.,t"

\.-,-<~ _ """... '" 'w. ...l The ] ·0 form should•__0 0 " " 'hft ,..,..,&•• <,( ........o6oU encopsu o e e orm

4 ..N · .......~'~,<;. . of th e robot, givlng osl lght ly chunkiercvercüIock tot he pece.

Text notesSaibbling wntten detoüs ond notes con be

tbe quiCkest way to ley down ideos or expondon o visual cernerain the orto

Page 12: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

.. ImbalanceDon't use an extenderon Q long peoot It will

add too much weight.

~ Trade toolsBlue Co-Ercsecon be oseo inolf(x:litional. Of o

rncchoruco! verston

TOOL5Blue Col-Erase pencilsCom monly used by animotors. blueCol-Erase pencils are cvcncble fromseverc l dif ferent peneil monufoctu rers.They' re disti nct from grophite in th att hey are far less disposed to smudgingand smearing. W hen scanned, theircolour can be desat urated andresaturated in whatever hues the artistdestres. A wide range of colours areavailable in Col-Erase. but differingbinders and pigments can result in anctf cecbly varying softness and feel tothe penen (expenrnent. keeping inmind thct the actual colour of thepenen ts urumportcnt).

Peneil extendersSimple progmatism: with extendersyo u can run your pencns down muchfa rther. Avoid ustnq t hem far sweeptnq.gestural drawing as their balance anderqonomtcs lecve somethingto be desired.

ErasersRelat ively standard white eraser refillsore made bot h for normal halders, andfor elect rtc ercsers. Ensure t he qualityof the eraser before buying because tt

can vary w idely. Good quality erusersucks tend to be whiter and sof ter thanthei r extremely poor, harder an dyellower counterparts. The regularholder can be useful for lrnrnedic te andprecise ercsfnq. but be sure thct the ttpIs deon t e cvord smudging. The electnceroser spms t he típ of the eroser ond isan extremely fast and ef ftoent woy oferosmq heavy pencrl work, while sttllbeing quite qentle on qucnty pap er.




... Al! shapes and sizesFind youf personal p ereerce

omong the many types of

ercsers ovonoble.O Electnc enserf) Bevejeo eroser in holderQ Standard ercser

o Gum emser

o Putty ercser


and spontaneity, more so than the immediate aesthet ic

advantage derived f rom troditionallinework .

Traditional mediums possess en inherent advontage ayer their

digital counterparts: visual com plexity. The algorithms involved

in im itating a pencil's line on a computer cannot yet come

close to representing the complexity that a pencil on paper con

produce (eventually t his will be overcome), By simply scanning

th e image, a slight choke paint is introduced and sorne of its

complexity may be lost. Certain tasks (masking, far example)

present no material advantages in troditional procedures and

should be relegated solely to digita l process. Traditional and

digital mediums should be recognized as noncompet it ive

elements serving differing roles, appropriately matching the

desires and needs of the art ist. The digitalline may be far

more voluable to sorne artists as it concerns smoot h workflow



Page 13: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


... Tint ond textura '-o Icxtured, handmode ccper

o Smooth white paper

o Watcrcolour pcper

o Tinted pcper

• Extra sharpIf you find the e ecnkshorpener insufficient usesorne emery board te touehup the end of your pencj.

" -,•'.•-.



PaperPictured here rs o vcrtety of 250gsmpaper, 011 of it good quality, wit h O

slight t exture. Agoin. experiment w ithdifferent papers to see if you prefer asmoot her or rougher te xture. Papershould be heavy and touqh enough tohandle repeoted ercsu re and drowing.

Electric sharpenerEnsure thot ít's the helical vcriety an dnot simply a rotati ng blode. Whilecertoin peneil tips (soft-edged. ete.) orebetter cchíeved with a crcft kmfe, ogood quolity electrtc sharpener isextremely usefut for generol sharpeningtesoecrouy in bctches).

HardboardExperiment with different types ofboard to f ind t he drawing surfoee t hotsuits you best. one thct's resuientenough not t o bend.




Lit tle bps li lce th is con, cumu/otively,

save huge amounts of t ime, time thot

con be spent on a ctual artworlc and

not the frustrating minuriae of

the craft.

• rrs a good idea (beforehond) to hovea series o{ pencils olreody shorpened

ond shorpened for di{fering roles(while ;! only reses a moment to

shorpen a pencil, i! sWI can breakortistic momentum).

• Mount ortwork on a series of

hordboords. This keeps the ortwork

backed with a surfoce te drow on. in case

you wanr to shi{! locations, ond can

ovoid domoge being done to the oopec

• Some ort isrs tend to hale cotegorizing

t hings ond cleaning up oreas ot high

oetivity. However, a simple well·designed

sysren can help manoge a balance

between st rud ure and spontaneity.

Without ene you 're evenruolly 90ing telose something or need to hunt forsomething while working on your ort.

This effort can ettner be expended

beforehond, or you can ecve it unti/

you're on a roll ond hove ro break it te{ iOO a replacemenr eraser.

" Base of operationsChooseo base thot suns the weight of

oresscre you use with your pencil.

w ood or plostiC moy be too hord.


Ligh ! source positioning ís importont

when you're working traditiono lly. You 'lI

wont a bright ligh ! source coming

through your windows {rom abour a

10 o 'clock pasir lon (if you are lef thended,(roro Z o 'dock). This will minimize

cese shodows folling over your work.

The /orger ond cteorer the working

surfoce, rhe better offyou ore. Hoveeverything prepared ond within

immediote reach wirhaut cluttering

the work space. l f using painrs, or

onything thot gives off fumes. ensure

you 're working in an extremely

well·ventiloted orea.

Page 14: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

.. ' ~





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When working digilally, il is a good idea lo proceed in balches.

If you are working on several projecls al once, leave l asks l o be

done collecl ively. Scanning a series of drawing s 011 al once

saves l ime compared lo sel l ing up ind ividually for each piece

of arl. Even fo r more manual lasks, such as digilally cleaning

up the scans, il can save lime if the work is done serially (one

l ends l o gain momenl um in labori ous lasks, and it 's a good

idea l o use thls bullt-up momenlum ef f lclently).


When warking digital/y, yau'U want

no /ight saurce but that coming from

you r monitor. G/are and refledionsdramoticolly reduce your abi!ity resee subtlet ies on the screen. If

working ior an extended penca, take

breaks and go ou(side ro view

obleds at varying distonces,

otherwise you r eres moy becomeextreme/y stroined, resulting inproblems focuslng ond neccccnes.Choosing the right chair can be

extremely imf:JOrtont. It ensures thatyour posture isn·t too bowedwhen

working: back problems or even

compaction of the lower orgons con

develop. Repet it ive stro in inj uries

can be ovoided by regulorly

switching (rom the tob/et ro the

mouse while working. lntermitten tly

switch projeas if rote ptocesses

are required.

seep computer fiJes alphobetical/y

ordered. Remember, wilh numbers , lo

keep a zero as o p /aceholder for

numbf"ring systems in series that reach

at least daub/e digi ts (11j pg willbe

Usted Higher than 1Jpg, but not 01 j pg).





MonitorsYour computer wtll depreoote rapidJy over time but Q

goOO monitor will be ju o;t Q<; valuable as the fust doy

you bought ít. A mutti-moni tor setcp ts on exceilent

way to espord youf WOfking sooce. ero Is suprisinglyecsy to sct up.

Page 15: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


• Digital sketchpa dA toblet Pe might be exceptionolly

IleIpful te the oust whoworks in a

completely digital rredusn


.... GatewayThe scanner is your gateway

frorn trodmoool to digital.

Ensure tho t the quo1ity ot yourtrconooc r sketches is not beinglost in translation.

... Picture qualityFor taking protcs to use in your cu.

ü's best lo invest in a top-ot -the-jme

ccmerc. but fa retereoce snops, ahandy digital will be your best friendo

.... TabletA1though there's (] lot of room

for tedmologicol improvement.a bese tablet rs still o r ecessorytool for most digital ortrsts.

Digital cameraNot hing fancy Is necesscry bere: acheap digitol camera Is excellent forsetting up reference shots. Examplescou ld be how Iight fatls in from awi ndow. references for foreshortening,and pe rspectíve references.

Tablet peThese moy be seen os on cltemctíve t odesktop PCs, or os en occompanimentto yo ur mcín workstation. Alt houghthts model has no pressure sensíuvny.being able to draw directly on thescreen has lt s advantages (especiallyfor tedious labour, such as masking onimage). w tth a wrreless network, 011 ortfi les con be kept in a shared file on omoin comput er and cccessed f rom theloptop wtth ecse. This ovoids constantfile trcnsfers and the ct tenncn poid towhich com puter holds the mostrecently modified file.

ScannerAvoid scanners that are t h¡n . ortout speed as a prime fecture.Apparently. the hecvíer thescanner the thicker ít s glassplcte. which can ímprove thequal ity c f t he sean . Be SUTe

the light is off when not inuse; this can save weor onthe bulb ond preserve seanquolity. (There are usuallybulb-scvtnq feotures thatautomoticolly tu rn off the scanner, butthey can be unrelioble. I t's a good ideaj ust to unplug the power from thescanner w hen not in use; t hrs meonsthe scanner has to warm up when It'st emed on, but t he lncrecse in longevityIs worth it.)

Although you may want t o seanstrange materials for use in art (wcod.rough ly pctnted textures. etc.). becareful you don't scrotch or mark t heglass surface in the scanner.


TabletAtthough tbere's st ill o lot to beimproved upon in terms of technology,the toblet rs o necessory too! forworking digi tolly. Experiment wit htob let stzes, but becouse o degree ofvisual disconnection wi ll olwoys bepresent, o larger tablet might not beworth Its ungainly stze or theimpediment of having to use t hekeyboord ond mouse in conj unctionw ith the toblet. On multi-monüorsetu ps. ensure thot the toblet rsdesignoted to wor k onJy on theprimory monitor. Use a mou se t occcess secondory disploys.


Page 16: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



,..,Tight line

2GOin wtth a precise eroser and rernoveanyoverlapping ures that remojo

too oppcrent.

Cross hatching

2If youstrffen up ond try to be too ceeosewith tbe hotching. the Unes wlJI become

wavy ond strlted,



\·1 '

; \ :';, L,

r ¡•

loose line

1Don't be ctrcld to drow forms

overlapping each orbec as long as theUne iS light tt con be wekeo out loter.


1The trk k rs to allow your motor skills tokeep the unes conSistently spoced ero

relatively srooth.

HatchingUne hatching sbould always seem tolie on top of the ptcne rt's texturing orshod ing. If the plone has o bump, orshífts, the hotching should toüow thisshíft identicolly.

Cross hatching is a secondaryopplication of hatchin g thot coincideswith the ini t ia l applicot ion. Whilet rovelling ot o different unqle, t hesecond set of hatching must conformto the surfoce of the plone j ust osmuch os the fi rst.

Contour linesAt ñrst seeming formless. not ice howctosety t hese loose ltnes conform to t heJines in t he next step.

Remember tbct. olthough flct ondt wo-dfrnensloncl. the curves of línescon convey a great deol obout theform, whtch will beccme even moreopparent tcter in the process. AII ct hersteps rely upon t he quolity of t hecontour line.

You will develop your own way of executing speci f lc

techniques. and the culm inat ion of your differing approaches

will give your art a dístmcttve thumbprint and style. However.

befare you can use them to your benefit. first you must grosp

the fundamental funct ions of t hese basic techniques.

Page 17: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



ShadingMainly fu nctioning l o bring t exture.thts light hatching is also prevalent inoreas of high shadow.

I f a plane shc res the sorne angle. itshould probably also share t he sorneshading. An except ion l o t his moyIncluoe reflect ed Iight , Of a differingma terial cornposltlcn

HighlightingAlthough sui tably shaded, th is secttcncon be given even more form byapplying a layer of highlighting .

Add it ive tints of white run 010n9rct sed sections c f thts robonc Iimbsection. This highlighting adds morecontrast c nd even seems lo mo ke theshading dcrker.

GlazingRemember thct the cclour of the entireprece befare glozing w ill show t hroughond affect how the glazes oppear. Awarm base tends t o give the cotours onctt rccuve rtchness.

Note how much colour vcncnceresults from o gloze; becouse ü'soddtnve. no colour in the process íslost. onty compounded.

Une sha ding

1toosen up. but don'! tecorc ccreesswith thjs apphcotiOn of Iinewort..

Basic highli gh ts

1Bcsk píone stcocs are achieved al thrspoot, but you can punch them up e httle

bit more.

Coloured ground

1Start off wrth o tose textural sorrcce.includmg o s1igh! oeqreeof incollSlstency



Digital shading

2AVOid otterrpnnq en overly dynamiecontrast tbct may end up obsomng

importon! oetcus,.

Sharp highlights

2Your t ight high lighting con end up

developmq cven more complcx forms inthe robot's surfuces.

Glaze coat

2Be mcoecte with!1le shading ond

highligh!ing here. The metal rs covereo in

o layer ot poin!, so tbere will be no ghnting 01

strong rrctcmc cco trusts,The poin! CO\'efS the

ennre material. and tre indicatiOnof usOfiginal compo!. ltlon rsprimarily texturat.

Page 18: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



Spltt. stretchedsteellf a por! of you rrobot neeosfreedom ofmovement or t heability to deforrn,you 'lI want tothink ot o pottemthot cnows fo rstretch ing cndbendinq in mostany direcuon

CopperNotice the co lourshfft on this metal:the dtstmctcopper-orcnqetsn' t sclelyímportont. Offsetil with o slight 1yoesctorotec purpeas u movcs mtothe shcoe.


3Highiy reüecuve. tnc rnctcncr will inelude

the calours of the suHounding matefiOls.

Highlights are extrcmely br ight white.

Brushedstainless stee tBegin a su-tocesueh as th is wlth ageneral qrodlentthat would suit anextremery polishedsurrcce. but trienoistress It sllghtlyfor a tess reñecnve.brushed 1001:..

PunchedoluminumSorne types ofpollshed. cleonmetal surfaecs w illshow o generalqrodienton its surtcce wtthhtqhly reñecnvospots where thesurtcce haschanged (in thiscase. small studs).


2Extremety hccrvy contrcst ts applied bcre

w tth bnqbt. cnsp h'ghlights.

OxidizedcapperWorn metalthot's hod oreccuon tojeplace on itssurtcce w il! beqmto show blo tehypotehing and arough text ure.


A/thaugh a robot can be

maae of any material the

ortlst aewes. the c/asslc form

will probably hove a mosrly

meta llic composition. From

the gleaming chrome public·

setvice robot. !O his rus ted andpitted sueet-sweepercontemporary . metal/ir robotsCQn hove a vastly varying

appearance. Both cestner«and conceptua l concems willdictare what types ot metal

you cnccse for yaur crealíon.

Being a manufactured enti t y, robots will usually be composed

of severol different moterio ls t hot con often hove widely

varying appearances. Immediately one would default to si mply

assuming they' re made of metal , but fi rst take a look at a car

and its materials: note the different types of metal, glass,

rubber and plastic. An inclusive materiai complexity is key to

creating a believable and interesting robot.

Polished/lubricated metals

Shapes and structure

1Not mte nded for heovy exposure. thismateJiol con be used for eccsed

mterrcrs cnd jointing .

Page 19: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Brass 11=]


3Rcmem ber that gun metal, though drcb.will su! ref lect the hue of local colours.


3Whf>n cooered, the orsnrct noture ot the

metal comes through. Highlights tend to

be white. and the majorit y cr colour ÍS grey.

The trOrl'i.ition from shode to highli9ht

dtctotes the cocer for t he whole material.


3Thc JXIint covers the entue material,.andthc Indieot ion of ItSoflgw,ol compoSItlOfl

ÍS primalily textcrct



2Wher1 shodlng ond high1i9htlng, Ioy In

bese piones ond edging.


2Be spor ing wtth shodlng ond highlights.

The metal is covered in a Ioyet" of pcmt.so there wil l be no glinting or stlOflg contrasto


2ShOding should be overall dark, wlth st lf f

ond stork high llghts only.

Painted metal


Gun metal


Lin e

1Very strong unes 01 (> «uucüy importont

here to cnsurc o rrcctnned copeorcnce

ond dark controst for the loter steps.


1Being a bcre metal, stcrt off wrth sorne

heovy dar!:.s. leove cecr oreas for the

joter apphcatlOfl o f hi9h1i9hts.


1Start off with o bosic textural sorrcce.inc\udlng a shght occree al Inconsistency


Page 20: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Shiny laminates

Perspecüve 2Deccls will canform

to the perspecnvefrom which you

draw your robot.


3 l he hue is mosUy feflecting tne Iightingof rre eweoorrcnt. StOlkhlghlights next

to slighUy dcnercd strips glint one! srow off

the reflective mate rial.


3Here we consee how tened down thetextUfe has become ond how the glazed

coc er is mueh more subtle tha n on the

metcuc surroces.

Perspeetive 1Lettenrq willdimmtsh in stze íftbe robot is turn ing

from the viewcr.

Concavel he oeccr curves

into the cepressronof the surface on

which ü's imprinted.


2Notice thot no distinct surfoce texture is

used. rte b1urry qoolily ene! shlnc IS

simply the erweonment pIoying of f tbereflectlve surfuce.


2The shoding ond highlighting is gentleeven for a slightly shiny ocsuc,

Convexrnc oecct bulges

out over tne robor's

scrtcce. nscentre stretcnmq.



A deca/, ot tooet. is simply a rwo­dimensional imoge laid onto a three·

dimensional surfaee. A simple way to

understand this ís te imagine the deeal

eontalned inside a eorresponding box or

grid. When tnts box Is /aid (Iat oves the

surfoce o( the object, the decal willcurve and de(orm in o consistent

manner to that o( the box. Note how

the curve of the contalnment box o/so

corresponds re the contour hatching

applied earlier.





1The linework rs seJVing tbe forro priroori ly.

une lne!icat ioo reees lO be glven of eematerial ct this pont.


1wberecs initio l1y texux ed much like

pontcd metal. this is more ter definitioo

of form ond willloter be tooed down heavily. .,

Page 21: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


L1Fe 15 VOUR PALeTTeYou can use pre!ty much cny materia/ that comes to mind lo

construct yOU! weirder robo ts. You may hove o greot visual

psaure in your mind of a robot made o{ sponge. Just make sure

lhal yoU! backstory serves th is iniria l visionoDon 'r beafraid lo

try things rha! may initially seem rid iculous. Use yOU!

imaginarion and do sorne rE'SeQrch te make}tOUr implausible

idea usab le.

Overlaid pattern

The actual material may be

unimportant if tbe robot rsoeccrcteo with a pattern forceremonial recsons.


A morphous material

Your robo t might be mode of a

decr material, hke water, thatcan form shapes, ond evenfunc tion as oqocnc camoflauge.

StoneA goIem Of magicolly aeoted

robot may be made of stone or

sorne cther eortby material thct 's

cnnrcteo bya sorcerer.

ShellsOrgonic shells or ccrcpcces moybe val grown ond used in Opouoüy orgoni( robot. giving il

the ccceorcrce of O oustccecn

Iridescent fibreMaterialssuch os moescentsynthet«; fibre weoves give tf-e

impression of extremely

sopbsuccted technology.

PlasticP1astia 10m deceptfvely casy rorender. but their particular

speculOfity ond bues ore oftenquite unnotural ane!d¡fficult.


If your robot iS heovily cnrocred

it may be plcted in ceromcs such

os boron corbide. which offers

inCledible ballistic protection.

FoamSoft foam rrotencts can be used

on robots that occrwith people in

a descote fashion-o cnnd'srobonc nonny, tor ostcrce.


Sorne primitive robots may be

constnxtcd with wood, of which

there are many vc nonts. Cnoose

an exoct texnae.colour and type.

Transparent film

lay a textured, ocst« film overyour robot 'ssurfcce. Light undshadow will be tbe ooly things to

¡ndieate tbrs neor ·invisible film.


U ne

1l 00sen up cnd keep u-e sbooes flowing.

Une weight should vary greotly.


2Thc shading handles more of the soft,

smoothly textu-ot sctcce. rather thon

using the Une to ccneve this.


3A lot of worm colour vcncuon rs used fo~

the organie material, ero a sbght sture IS

given to indicate rnotstuie.

Page 22: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

I~,Iff.,/ ., r

• •,

, ____ o •


?,í"1ll ' 1

Tightened contour Unel. The fmolhnesore lctd in ct thls steo. ero" thrs contour will show in tbe final pece.

sotake ccre. AlI the majar structues coodetcíls are rendered at t his peor. from tbestcoe of the large leg p1ating to the interna'sockets visible in the pelvic gap.

loose Unework

3Recognizable elements of tbe robot tcke

snooe ct ttus pont. Remember te keeptre linework light in thrs step. Detous thathove not yet been concetvec need te bedeveloped al this poot.so loke your t ime,



-~,!.f\#'') •

c.. ¿~~ Alth ough ther."t<t~!t~ drowing ls comiog

/1;:1I~rI>"' t ogether, dcn't.c; : _fi(gJ~·) get complecent.

loase gesture <;;,1;--';'" ,- /

2Thisstep lsbasicallylaying in tbe proporf.iOOing ot

full-síze. Tbese lines wlll be corriedlhrough te the finlshed pece. sobeqentle with Une ~ight. A1th0U9h it

should follow the thumbnOlI

dcsey. remem~r thOt lile curvesandstcces should aISO result in enjrnprovernent over the thumbnail'S.

The moiomechoo.lc~ .aod joiotífl9 ls solidlf,ed

[see Joiots oodMovemeot. p.30), ---.J~

The thumbnall

1The beseshapes ane! ideas otthe rocct are conceNed 111 thlS

steo.Note the details thotoppearin tbrs stoge: the dual syes ore termore¡mportant to the design than

the detolls ot the arm mechanisrY\S·

Ooo't be afraid lfthethumbnail seerns likencnseese to o regularviewer: whct'slmportant ts thot youunder-stand it. .'


On the following poges you will be guided in detoil th rough

every step involved in the process of creoting a robot from

scrotch. This, of course, is only a single, specifi c woy ro go

obout thínqs, ond you should develop your own t echniqueS,

odding to or removing from the steps seen here. The followin9

sequence combines drawing ond pnlntlnq,

..::rHe InIHDLe PROceSS

Page 23: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

HighlighUng willrocecse thereodabiflty (lfdetulled ports.


7A new layer 15set ayer the top and nnts. of wh ite are added in preces that requtre

highlighting. Many of tte ccoeccuors of

highlightlng are as m uch drawing as JXIinting

and ore resultantly qui te linear.•

Hatched, finished line

5Thissteo uses hotehing and bolder linedefjnition l o odd a oeqree of form lo the

flat drawing. Trad il ionolty. this is tbe icst stepbefore sconning the ¡moge mtc the

computer so mcee sere you're sotisfied.


6Aftef scanning, O trcnspcrent layer ÍS se!cver toe top of tne robot Block is cconeo

in oeqrees of occcny to fíll in planes thot willbe darler ond ccst in shodow

The shadlng shou ldserve os (I n Indlcatoror visual importanee,as well as recüsrn.

Remember that jiwill be eesier loremove HnewcrkIn t he computerrather th nn add jtIn after this step.



~ ,


Page 24: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



Ncnce how theshad ing seems tolighten. The lcss ofwhite as (1 contras!crectes lhis eHect .


laying in a ca nvas ground

8ThiS is tnestcp that .€olly beqms t o blur

tre Une between drawing oor pa.ntlng.Find a ground that suit:> your personaloesthcucs (it coulc simply be o texturedpoper or ccovcs) 000 o y it, multiphed. overthe drawing. Tt1is texture will set tbe cotourcnd texturcl harmony ror tne whole oiece.

CHOOSING A GROUNDYourconvas ground will cdtea the whoJe impression ond style

of you, off, and choosing the right ene is en extremely

important step. Any thing can be used. and its c rrrccroeoessro you and the suitability to the aft are yaur primory

concems . Ensure that there are no large contrasts be!ween

light and dark as th is wi/l conf lict with t he painting later on.

I f you can sean ir, it con be usea os a ground.

Try te avoidsimply lcyertnqtne some colourogoin in tntssecond ccc t.

First glaze coat

9l ay trcrsocrent washes or colour ove therobot. settlng in lorge oreasof bese hueso

The ¡nitial glozecoat moy seema nme dro b alt hls poi ot.

Second glaze coa t

1OThiSsecood « depeooent 'ayer ofglazing will oecrwñh reflected líght

und deaver on odded scectrctcomplextty.

Page 25: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

[H [ WH O L E PROC ESS " " ":IiI

Otocals cen pefformimportant fundionsof instant , noo·verbal ldenttñcction.

Your Brainbot ís nowcomplete and recdyto prctect someimportant dignitaries.

Finish ing s te ps

11This steo will wrap up the ñnlsheoprece a nd Involves odd lng little

cetcns, Dcccrcoonccnon should ploboblyocccr al thrs step. os well os slight soturotion

tweoking ond visual enects soch as LEDs and

rusting Of stai ning .


Thls inventorynumber Is ene ofthe only'personalit y 'trcrts thctdist ingulshes th isparticularBrainbot from t herest of 115 plctoon.


Page 26: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


=i:;;JJEVELOPING VOUR IDEASWark as small ar as large as yau prefer, but the functian af this

step is ta lay dawn generalized designs as fast as passible while

focusing on majar elements and shapes. Often a thumbnail

may be so minimalist that anly the artist can make any sense

of ít: being able to construe the finished product fram this step

is an important skill. Of course, by no means should yau limit

yourself to the design produced at this stage, and if additive

imp rovements are conceived, th ey should definitely be worked

inta the design as the art progresses.

Orbital Delegate:Evolut ion of function

Brass Lion:Dramatic progression

... uere we consee tbe drcrrcuc proqressonoccurring in the developrnent of Her

Majesty 's Honouscble Bross Uon (poS8).Initially starting os o more arachnid Of

bestial fOfm. nwos then moc1ified to a

humonoid shape.


Encyclical Purger:Similar re-workinqs


rz» I. ,

.. ~ Here we see many verssorrs of tbe

Encydi cal Purger {p.102}, 011 of which becr ad ese resemblcnce te eccn other. No lealthumbnoil WQS used oso f inal. ond thecompleted pece tetes e1emcnts from

differing thurnbnctls; it olso utmzesaspects

not yct appcaring at this stage.I

..... TIle Orbital Delegate (p. l0l¡)

was ini tially more of an Orbital

Pcrcncoper. seen here as a glounded

soldier irccccbe of f1ight


...The second step

shows a rotated

view of a Slmi lOl

sooer with

exnoneocs qeorfor functioning

In spcce.

Page 27: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

There ts no problem making the leapfrom the ecrly stetcties and doodlesto tnu fully recnzeo robot. The ecrlydoodlesare ef fecnve ecboes of theflnol result.

ICONCEPT OOODLE5Play with silhouettes otyour design as nn

initial step. With this approach, you 'l/ ovoid

getting bogged down in detoils too eor/y.


Even in thts roughtrectment. the essenos oftbe robot rs ccptured

,. In this de5ign the robot has been crteredto nppccr to function exdusfvely in orbn.losmq ony need for stcbnny or Q

ccrwennonct soldicrlike structure.


- p

... I be hunchcd or curled pcsture seemeo

mconqroous wrth the technology and themilitary ñcvour of the tenchne,so a moroerect verston wos deveícoed tbot becrs ocoser resenbcoce to the ñníshed crece.

.. SmoII crrows con be seco asa remindE'llo further sl roighten tbe posture.

Page 28: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint
Page 29: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

A robot is a sum of its parts.The details you decide toinclude in your constructionare important in and ofthemselves. This section willguide you through theconstruction of jointing andarticulations, through to thedevices and tools attached to,or held by, your robot. Thesedetails will indicate to yourviewer that your robot is litheor lumbering, constructive ormerely destructive.

Page 30: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

. ~"-~------------------------ ,.....,. -N UT S s, BOLTS.


Whereas an interna! struct ure can be left unspecified, one

absolute requirement must be adhered toothe limbs must

move and perform their function without other parts of

the robot interfering.

A robot with a bladed weapon will seem impotent if ít's

even slightly obvious that it cannot swing the weapon without

cutting into itself. A robot with a gun will seem ineffectual if it

appears that its range of f ire is limited. Take t ime to imagine

the robot performing its intended funct ion (this is fun, self­

indu!gent and extremely beneficial to the process).

NonhumanoldBelievable movement mus! be conveyed tn even the

strangest shapes ora sn cctcres. Such o design might not

resemble ony pre-existlng formobut with the ¡nc/usían of

rnese basic joints. ir should conceivably be oblc ro function.

Rea list ic jointsCombine mecbontcol elementswrtb

orccnrc curves in your robot designoNouce lhat the mechanicol elementsrerrcin borehke. ma intaining the

JOint's functiOnal appearonce.



e e

e ·

Real anatomyYou can see in onX-rey of Ohond thottbe bones ore 011shopec to performscecmc fuocnoos andcon be cerned over intorobot designs. Mix and

match however you wish:fer instonce, repect thesefinger joots eight timesand use them as a rererencefor a spiderfike rocct's leqs.The thumb could be used asreteerce f()(a Single.crnccicted gunmount tnctcan move freely on üs

cttcchment to the robot.

HumanJike movement

The red dots denote 011 tbemcm points of art irula.tionreeoeo for o robot to Icncuonin a belfevoble manner.

HumanoidWlt h these bosiCj oints. the robot should be ab/e tefunction much /ike Q human being. O( course, todehumanize the robot , the head could be removed O( serinro the body, 0 ' the kgs replaced wirh t itanium tracks.

HondA humanoid robots' hand will

probobly follow human phystcloqy

quite doscly, especoüy if designedto perform common humonfunctions (011 bese too-use wouldrecuse it). Note the jOinting ond

ttct.while rt could change on arobot, how the length of the

fmqers in relonon te eochother Is very importont.The middle finger is longest.with tre ring f inger oítenbeing rext. followed by theiooex finger,and finollythe little finger.




Page 31: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


JDINT STRUCTUREBelievable jointing ís extremely ímportcnt in a

crecnon whose art iculation ts often apeo and

uncovered for the vtewer to see. Below. three

mcín types of jointing are íüust rcted that

could be used in robotrc crtk ulcnon.

HingeHere is a simpHstic mortise hinge, comprising of two sections,

with a lubricated pin IUnning through them (check out yourooon. This 15 a good basis formote du nky or primitive robotsond would hove ro be combined in sets ot al least two roallow (or a fu/l range o( morian.

Assembled hinge

11 I Notke thct the pln is

/ / nush wlth the end in{ - - tne assembled pece.


~".-. :=7.. ~

Disossembled hinge /

A hinge like thrs is made / 1.up of three mechanicallysimple ports.

, .

SegmentedSegmenting a/lows for a huge ron9€' of movement fo~ ajoint (ashioned out of a tuudened casooace.

Assembled segmented

Expenment wrth dífferent/ / versiors of thls joint: more

'~/ ctrnour meo", °snt fer joín t.

,--.~t~)Disassembled segme nted , JMake your jointing as long "" _~

osyou want by simply ........

rcpeating t hrs secnon, L /


Page 32: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

NUT5 &.. BDLT 5


.- -

Curved and ratchetedA workaday broce,sucn os ttus,wauld oor Iook out of place on

any type of robot.

NutheadBUilding your robots with chunky screw hecescnd visible bolts, con resu't in Oqrotesquelyinteresting ct orccter.

When dosed, this pod is oself·contoined shope,useful fer sleek,

l;.." oerody:omiCbots.

Open sescrne

A viSible rotating hifl9€ qtvestnc vewer an indicaUon of

how the nozzle slides outof me casing.

Instecd of showingcomplk oted internals,consíder o concert lno-styledust cover tbct hldes them.



Concealed panels and sectionsA robot moy hove limbs or pcrts thot retrcct loto ttsbody when not in use. Remember thot the covertnqplote must match the hale it leoves in the mcrn bodyof the port. Also. t he device eontoined within mustappeor to eorrespond with the spoee lnsrde the oreaof conceolment.


Slot hecd '. ' ~ Squcre headCross head

Add vnrtety

Ccrs me rnoss prodoced (by robob !) te be omrcrmBrlng vcnety to your designs by vorying the detcus.


Screw headsA robot , especrcñy lf rncss cssembled, moy displayextenstve j oint ing ustnq industrial couplings. I n yourd~signs, dñferent screw hecds con odd vcrtety ond otoueh of personcuty - for mstcnce. o crcsshecd moygive o more eomplex ond amate oppearonee thon oregular slot head.

Choosing the proper type of screw head will be

primarily up to your aesthet ic tostes as the art ist.

Some screws may be covered with caps that hove

their own shapes, others may lie f lush with the

surface. However, th ese aesthet ic choíces should also

match the storytelling associated wit h the robot -

a highly sophist icated robot set far in the future

probably shouldn' t hove big lug nuts on it !




Page 33: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

8 [TS AN D W ¡ O G E T S


I n principol, t hemuscles workidentieally to thoseof o humon ondWfap OfOUn<! t hebone in the so.meconfiguration.

Artificial materialsThe bcroieo ñbres ofthe mcscies hovebeenrcplaccd with tens üe

buroes of steeí meshcable (which would

ruocuonquite similorlyto rr wsd es).


M echan ical skelet onThc cnñerenccsoeocteoin the rot ouc bonesOle, visually speaking,only cosmeuc, Thematerials are Implicitlydítferent. ond the 1\jOints ore poseo asbemq mechcmcol.

The distinctiveCUl'Vt'5 of humanbones hove be-enmaintained here.

Organi c refere nceSludy human anotomy, look intext coces and medical

oicuoocnes. to qet a sense othow humon umbs funetion.

•• ••

Anatomy as astructural baseOrganic refereoce can be mvclucbleeven for robots. This skefetc l c ndrordleg structure foüows huma n onotomyolmost excctly. creoti ng o behevc blebcsts for bipedcllocornouon. Simplyby replacing the orgonic nssue wlthan artificial counterpart, a perfectlyhuman anatomical structure canappear st range and robonc.

Page 34: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

The napo.lmthrower is oboutthe sorne IlMgthos t he replacedarmo ensurlng


eese or cleoroncewhen In use.

Antipersonnel fundioosThe len forearm of this robot has

been reoicceo with o napolmthrower. The napalm supply leeosfloro the expensen chamber in the

body of tte thrower up tbe pipingto o Iarge tonkcrctceeo to tberccct's left shouldel cnd scopulÓ.The seccrcuoo of fue! eOO weoponadds a leve! of visual complexity te

a simple modtñoaüon.

•• ••

This bcstchumonoid robothas no obvÍ(lusspecific fundían,

; os It hasn 't yetbHn speciollzed.

l he bctsíc trame of a modular robotHumanoid for deSign and cconccncorecscos. lhis robot is peseuec wlth

bese functiooality and me poteoncr fOl

a vcst oumber of modiñccuons.




A bosic humanoid robot can be interest ing. but it moy

lock the storytelling element thot a more funct ionolly

obvious design can provide. An artist should oiwoys

think obout whot his or her creotion would do in the

world in which it exists. Added ottochments ond

embellishments present narrotive elements thot

dramotically enhance the appeal of the robot 's designo





Page 35: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Survivalfully pínted In hect resstcnt.

magnetized bclltstc pIot ing.

this robot has becn outfi ttcd

ro sinvive ext remely

hozordous succuons. The

ormour Iays on ond cunsoround the profi le ot the

robot, ond sun rncmtcíns the

recesscty gaps io jainting

Ior rnovement.

Gaps in tlle crmourplating aUow thejoint s to ñex andmove freely.




A íorqe. extended visor qrvesthis version of the robot

extremely covcncco visual

Iuncnonouty. A primary cluster

ot tenses Ofl the vsor's left soe

teiescooes 000 rotc tes, enobling

the robot to see in a voncty of

woys. In sorne coses, thiscapobillty is umueo only by

the curvcture 01tre eot n

This flxtutecould pot enticllybe removed bytn e robot itselfin the ñeld.

Page 36: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Balancing eetWhen designing o weapon,think about how it willoffect the rooot'scentre of gravity.

Jrlí?O(J )

•• ••


This scope would reqcr-e amatching femole port on therobot t o be plu<¡ged in.

SNIPERAn extended borre! offers more rifling forenhanced accuracy, and the scope jccks straightinto the processor of t he robot. The magazinehas been shortened to better fccrhtcte proneshooting, and the st andard grip has beenreplaced wi t h en actual robotrc hand fixture forthe scke of immediate and enhanced triggerpuUs. The hand fixture would attach straight tothe wrist of t he user robot .

ClOSE SUPPORTAn independent , under-bcrrelzom m grenadelauncher has been attached t o t hrs rifle forgrenadier rabotic infantry. An ext ended irongrenade sight potnts up from t he gun frame. Anopened trigger frame extends down to t he base ofthe grip, allowing the weapon t o be used by a robotwith digits t hicker than the averoge humcn's.

A robot with o st runqe, or slmplylo rge, hand conf igurotían wouldneed a trig9er guord Ilke this.

Depend ing on the sce oft he robot, lt moy not needto olwoys hove th is gundeployed prone for use.

This gun would be used bybesíc, humol'lOid robots .

Here ls a bcsic csscutt rifle; its trame and recelverwlll remojo consistent in 011 the followingdenvcttons. Standard rssue. and w ith a universalapplication in rnind, thts t rame presents a bcstcweapon for infantry use.

HEAVV SUPPORTA lorge box feed of betted. tumbling roundsreplcces t he ald magazine. and a downward·directed f lash suppressor and bipo d are f itted tothe end of t he bc rrel. A corrying hondle ts flxed tothe top of t h é frame for oid in loying down lorgeswct hes of suppresstve ftre.



To carry out its intended function, a robot wiii need toois that may or

may not be integral. The weapons t hat an offensive robot wi ii carry

can speak volumes about the robot's intentofunction and even

personality (in a specif ic sense of t he word). Far the sake of

fun ct ionality. a robot may be fitted to use interchangeable, modular

weapons, aiiowing for a wider range of application. These two pages

arti st wants far the of fensive robot. The foiiowing weapons are

intended for use by a hurncnoíd, moss-produced robot.


------~---_._ - -





! I•

Page 37: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint







SwordsmanNot 011 wecpons need to be guns. In thrs sketch. thls combat

robot leons forworo, lef t ñst ogg re,ssively dcnched. right ftstgrasping o o long military sobre, ready to swinq. The best

way to drow uuthentic looking military weupons, and to ñnd

Intercstmq o spnotron, is to do resecrch by looking at

hrstorkol military styles in museums and bcoks.

It's f ine to mc ke astrange-Iooking gun,but t ry to keep itsfunctlon in mind.

A cercrnfc bayonet is off ixed to thefront of the shortened barrer, and afolding stock can dramatically shortenthe overol! length of therifl e when needed.

Thrs would be usedby a IIthe robot t hatneeds to moveswift ly on the ñeld .

The smollest of 0 11t he vcncnts, th eshort borrel mecnsit is only useful fcrclose f¡ring.

CQI3/SECURITVThis version has been rechambered for pistolrounds, and t he barrer has been drast icallyshortened. A slanted foregrip has been ínstalledt o control clfmb. and a sliding stock has beenf itted (seen unextended here). Thts version ofthe weapon would be used with concealment inmind for cíose-qucrters security roles or for useby robotic tank and ortillery crews.

I3LACI< OPSTh is rifle is for c1andestine and internat ionallyi!legal roles in osscssínctlon and hosttle­terrttory reconnaissance. A large, baf f ledsound suppressor surrounds the shortened .bcrrel. The magazine ls an under-barrel heucclsystem housing SO rounds. A padded brasscatcher covers the ejectlon port. silencing t heaction of the chcmber and collecting bulletcasings to lessen forensic evidence.


-'- -

hYIJ .

Page 38: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint




Page 39: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



This section describes anddemonstrates how to draw andpaint 50 robots. The text andvisuals guide you through eachrobot's artistic construction,explaining different points alongthe way. You'll be told what therobot is, where and when it exists,and what it does. There are step­by-step sequences that let you seethe creative process, and eachrobot is broken into primitiveshapes, so you can see itsconstruction and easily recreateit yourself. Some basic robots areshown at the beginning of thissection. Start~with these.

Page 40: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

"'While stcbre. th is

rccot's leg contqcrcronsuggests I1"IOYefT'lent

might be djfficult.


From 0 11 (Ing lesPlay up your visual oecrstons w hencreating your robot: lf you want ostocky. fat robot. then detcüs suchas short. lumpy leqs will odd t o theef fect ycu're looking tor.

... This design hasccrtooosn cenos intts postere.

... A jaunty pose and Q

s1ight smirk give thrs robottoo mudl of o cortoonishly

humon cborccter.

Variation sSimple robots allow fo r c:\, )o wide range of approaches tthat con be att empted ( (0ond disccrded quickly. -,Tbrs immediocycon result insome pleasantlyunexpected designs.

Parts of yourrobot . such os

~this visor, moy

~ be so simplethat they have

(Ji to be monuollyepereted.

_t'l .......

~ o "O"~-'- ~ ..~~. \}I l

r-;/:li:', '\J',: j.).... -o __ /

A good design shouldhove Q lct of chafOctereven when viewedtrom t he rearo

Mass-produced and

strueturally simple, sorne

robots are ereated only to

be easy to use, eost ettective

and rela tively disposable

These robots offer a great

opportunity for you to becorne

familiar with the fundamentals

of robot ar t Sparse detailing ,and a basie physiology, allow

you to develop a voeabulary of

. eor e techniques that will also

come m handy for ereatmg

more eomplex robots.

\.~"""Fo r a robotth is rotund,

C~;;;;:;;,¡;;;? ensure that the armsare long enough torecen oround ns girthl

Page 41: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

A closed opening 01me terminoUon 01this l imb sU9gests adifferent Iuncñonwhen compored lot he ot her armo


Th iSport ed extenstoncreutes (1 vacu um w ith int he visor t o ollow fordehcete funct ionsoccurring in t he hec d.

.... This sketch was produced with adramatically low viewpoint thal looksup at the robot from the ground.



Thefeet n~widely screcd toeslo (lid in supportingthe stocky body.


Desplte only hovingthree fingers, th is

rcbet's hands clO""~'~Y-:t'_7--:7~:;::~resemble (1 human 's.

Simple gra tingvisually givE!'$t his panel e napparentpurpose.

Page 42: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


MAll-DELlVERV 130TThe angle ond bend of the ormodd to the impr~sion of therobot being depicted in midstrlde.

The headcounterbctcncesthe moin eylinder.

The Emule con W(Ilkcemtc rtcbly onnptce and on on)'uneven surtcce.

The Ieet ore flotand sturdy t oprovlde support.



3Try lo emphosile the shopeof the

object with crosshatching to moke it

oopccr more salid cnd t o give on

mdrccnon of the light source.


21he crms are cimost superfluous,only

occaslOl1olly uscd for self ·righting erofer opening awkword qotes, It iS common tosee models without tte orms Iitted al all.

Streoming DGPS coordinatesensures efficie nt andcccurete navigation.





Is bosically u cylrnder on legs. lo gel a recnsuctton ünd posture remember tbct th is robot

ns os a bumcnotd bipedal wtth un ique


Baslc shapes

1The Emule WQS lntroduced in 2023 osun efficient means of coplrlg with ue

colossal amount af physical moil trct WQS

creoteo once everyone shopped soIe1yonnne. prepocked ct the SOf ting otñce. the

copsule rs secureo and secreo. giving

complete protection to its conteras.

The 'beak' is aetuallya prehensile(gripplng) digit faropening Iettemoll:l!S.


I. l he liap" sen fbasicully

weight d stnb

Page 43: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



3Use tb c Atrbrush or Paintbrush too! in

your dig ital pOlntlng progromme (e.g.

Photoshop or Painter) to estobnsh volomes

quid ly. keeping in m ind a coostcnt light

source ond hght oeecrco. Thls can be done

on o seporote layer in block and white for

now - you con co'ccree the loyer in thenext slep.

Cylinclrical head. _

Coneent rote detai lingon oreas of rnterest .such os the tcce.nonds ond joints.


l . "t hree maln vOlumes, ;\. Simplify honds ).

representlng ribcoge, f!t.'~ ond feet . ;:'=-f':.l.~~KtJsto moch ond pelvis . 7]

"-J'- 11 \ "l.( \~, ~



4 C1ean up the s~p le shadi 9 from th e orevrous step.You con odd cóíour ot thí toqe (o s tle. desaturated

ccicur rs orerercue.so that 'h t' scots s h as eyes and

logos stand ou t more). Go ba with o so id brush to

tender oetcns ond estcbnsb cécr edges in u-e pointing.

Use tex t-wo.rpingtools in your paintingprogromme to créetelogos or lobels t hoteppeor to fo llow t heplo.ne of the surfoeeon which Jt'simprinted (se-e De<:olsand l ogas, p.20).


2QUid:.ly sketch t he bcs« forms with o

light grey mcrker. Once you' re happy

wrth tre pose cnd propottions. you con go

bock over tbe morker with a pen or peneil to

ti ghten up the cctcns.

Ba sic sha pes

1Adiuvo rsa human-friendly domestiC

pescoci-cssstcnt robot. an odvonced

evolution of eor ly twenty-brst-century robot

toys t hot beqcn tbe «se of the robots.

This robot has a very simplified human

formol ile joi nts ore 011 boll or cyllnder jojnts.

dcpending on how the relevant bodyparts ore required to move.


Use cctcur ond texturelo indieote dif ferent ,~-const ruet ion moteriolsdependent on th epcrt's fundion.

Page 44: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


RDI3DTIC ZDD Bosic shop" arecylinders, sphe.esand ovats.

Arms depicted stockstra ight , being used asextra support..

Add hightight s andscratch ma.ks ta th eedges of the rabot'spanels te enhancethe mecnankal lookand for a feeli"9 afwecr and tecr.

Two indented circularpIotes are aligned on acurvt! that follows that ofthe torso.

Add yellow andblue overleys .


2primorilY sphencol, the Monkcybot's curvcc

surtores are kept as a consutcnt theme

throughout trc designoA contrcst rs crectedwith angular s.egmentotion in sorne pcrts.

,- 1'\..-- -«

/ \'\ ~-

- "r


Shading '

3Pclnt in the robot's bcsíc shcdows. .

Toenhonce the dynomism, two lig ht

soerces were used for thiS robot.

Basic shapes

1One of the m ore popular destqns

osee in robotic gladiatOfial fíght s, the

Mookeybot usesrts tese humanoid

structure to adapt effk lently in differing

com bot smcncos. I ts design also allows

human pilats ro tcke conuoí of tf-e robot

directly if needed,


I. lay' down the t oste coiours: red and green are used

.. fa he bcs« undertone colcurs on thts robot becouse

they cr complementcry cnd will creote en ottractive

effect¡ gethe

Page 45: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



Elongated toeshelp t be robot staybolanced whenfirlng Its weapons.

~--'~_ _ Pick a " ght sourceand stick with rt.Consistent ..hadowsadd a feeling ofweight ond dept h.

This decal fol lows t hescme slant t hat canbe seen in t he conto urlines defining t his pcrt'ssurfoce planeo

This axis, along with the secondalY axis f urther down 9~~c',he crm. allows fO( a fu ll ral'lge of movement. /~,_\I


Be coref ul how you usehighlight s. Too manyhighlights will mokethe PAHS 58 appear_ t or foke.

Ou tlini ng

2xeepyour sketch rough ond Iight. Th is

wil1 hclp you work quickly cnd mcke it

eosrer to erase the penen once you hove

inlted lile dE'5ign,

S;~~~ ~<_~ -I_ / ThiS top part of the alm;'--W /ts largel th an the rest ofth e limb becc use ithouses the mrssue 0015.


3Crecte a ccnsister ubercrchy

of h lghlights and shadows.The block shadows seen inslde

gun barreisond jaints can be Io.id

in ñrst os o reference pomt forotber shodes.


4AVOid usmq o mult it ude of colours in your designo

A rncin scheme of two coícurs wlth one or

two accent colours works best.

Basic shapes

1This robot has a oroñle that leeosforward due to the extended cockpit .

The gun urrrrs and rossne bays are Situoted

further to the recr. wt1 ich c es balance. Thetrtplc-jomted Ieqs help it move smoothly

over rough terrain, allowing fcr both rural

and urban applications.


Page 46: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


The bag's cylinde,sore loid parolle l toeoch other to implythe moin directionof locomot ion.

The la rge sphericalhead functioos as ofocol point to 011th e oth~ pcrts ofthe robot.

• e •

, .'0 .

>:tI··"~" :", .~"l.~~Shadin9

3l0Yin sornedrcrnctrc full blocks

ro ccr as a touchpoint for cntreotber shading.


l. Imply o vc nety f textures in your deslqn to show

" off an the mate clsused. Shiny oreas wi ll recd like

chrome. 910ss and ossyprcsuc. Dull or mott afeas will

convey c feeling of etal, doth and pain ted sortcces.


2The rooot 's pose and oYefall

composmon tell íts story. Useexpressíve shoces and body postures.Tbrs robot tckes an aggressive pose and

appeors to be prepcnrq fOf nnrruncnt

engagement with en cremy

Pointy sho.pe5 implyo. very o.ggressiveatt itud e.

Basic shapes

1One of tre newest eotrcnts lo the

rccouc gladiotor arena, l his robot haspetceneo admirably cven in tre pratotype

pbcse. Its relatively simple suuctc re allows

rt te obsorb buqc cmounts of domage ond

su! mcmtcm prime tuncuons.


Page 47: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



Cy1indrkolthrusters orelocoted Just cbcvethe stubby Iegs.

The head 15 notc mculcted and 15bosícally o bump

Shading protrud ing from the body.

3Once desct urcted, tbe blue peneiltextunnq mees wrth the sharper

cootoor üres, Dork-ccst shadows ond

highlights show the drrectíon of ~:='~,~the light. ~ .-,,"'-

The FoUybotis pr lmarily osphere wit h t wolong armsel\tending out.

The Fottybot ís givingchange t o a custom erresponsible for o verysmall ti p.

The gruff cppecrence andspikes appeal t o the typeof customer who wouldvaluntorily drink a live;, _----­and kidney milkshake. ·

Bosic shopes

1The Fattybol is the carhop al a chain

of fly-in drrets run byon entrepreneur / -w'/who ccqceeo his fortune in the dogfood industry. Its bcsretbcü-stcoec

constnx ton suggesls fost foodrother than sporunq heolth.

Foundat ion

2Some of the penc¡j work here has

bcen used lo (feote an cmbenttextore on me scrfcce of the robotUse this 011 over to unify the appeoranee.

Ren der ing

4A ur uñed cctoor-scheme tres the whole deslgn together.Fadlng off certcm oorts of u g ives an c t mosphenc

oerscecuve that oros in the 'recocbuny ot the final designo



Page 48: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

11-: [:ROUOT r:OU NDR Y as s r c

HDVERING DRDIDThe wings complete o fu llshope thot's been broken intwo ploces by the londing gear.

.. ,

When o~led ñct,these ports wil1com plete the fullwing shope.

Render ing

l. Use mctcuc corours ond odd texturc

" Iayers to ccbreve more oetons. Dcn't use

too many colours. though. Push the volees

in order to gain contrast and crecte heavily

lit oreas that will bring out the Monto 's

shiny surfoce. Add oeccís lo fínish.

Prot rusions orekept horilontolond point ing inthe some directionos lhe intendedpoth of flighl .


3Shoding was done digilally in

Photoshop. After choosing the directiOOof light. toke o normal round brush, moke

scre to control the opodty with your grophic

pod.ond qUick!y point in the moin Ylodow

and Iight oreas. CIeon up the penei!

outlining, t oo.

The core ports of therobot form o centresection differentiotedfrom the wings.

Penelsllefl ush due tooerodynomiccensíderattcns.


The communicotlonsorrcy rotctes ondret rc ct s mtc t he hull ofth e robot du ring flight.

A re inforced slruclurolune runs st rolghtt hrough the robot,possing lhrough t helonding geor joints.

Outl in ing

20 ut lining wos done in 2Bpendl

te glVC energy ond o textured

groio ro the unes. Thmkaboutmcchcnkct jomrs ond how thc

rñ tfercnt ports ore connected. Get the

pcrspecnve right befare moving on.

80sic shapes

1This hovering roontrrre suoeucoce bot

has o simple, natfishlike structure. In

tbe rext step you would just need to refine

and vory the srcoes in orcler to get more

complex scrtcces ond curves.

Page 49: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Sma lt detcñslike smoke conadd yisualexcitement.

The pelvis tsquite sma ll. Itreolly onl)'functions os ojoínt a nd houseshordly cny otherinte rnals.

lhe heed canopyclose ly pro tectst he rcbor'sapt ical sensc rsduring ccmbct•

EYery angle showshow the bulky armsdominate t he desig"ond post ule.

Two supportcan nons arefitted in tnecnest und. bl!ingintended farpolnt-blcnk use,hove a limitedrangeof ñre .

For tase of armrnovement, t he robet 's Qchest ls longer t han Itis wide.

. .

Outl ining

21hcfe ere meoy tecnoq uesyou con useto mokc en Irutlol sketch. Try alternot ing

between penen ond Iight grey mcrkers. Thelmes wil l be eosy te remove when you sccnyour inked drowing.

Shod ing

3Be sure to useO vcnety ct are

W(>ights when inking yourfinal drowmq. This helpsadd mterest ero givesmore voIume to youlshapes. Use a set ofdffereot-sced pensto seouenucuy bui ld

up your nneweight.



4 BeVelled edges tend to pick up more IIght and qtve youa good opportunny to add sorne highllghts. The jomts

are perfect plcces to odd rust ond grime.Tint mtcmclsnesto make them seem endoseo.

8asic shapes

1Fundamentally humanoid in stcce. t hjs

intelli(}enl foot sokírer shows mcny signsof itsclase physlcol-ccmbnt role. Jolnts und ~.....o:t[:;']limb segmentsare humnn-bosed. und theseshould be familiar lo on crust when WOfkingon this designo

Page 50: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Add detcns so thateccn fecture of therobat looks fon ct lonolond bellevcble.

The recr of the gunextends further backthan the muzzleprotrudes (for aimingclecrcnce recscns).

The exhaust perts show fOfmore wecr than the othersecñcns of the robat, andslight evldence of emlsslonsteñs the viewer more oboutthelr funcUan.

The arm ls the anlyelement of the robat

Y'I that has a wide range¿of~ment.

The pelvlc base pivotsYefy ntue. leoving therobct's posturestack st ralght.

Dutlin ing

2use a 20% grey·shade marker l o

sketch the robot 000 011 ee relevantcctoüs . OuUine with o O., fínehner . lo

give more emphasis to tbe voces.ccceotucte cenon lines cnd make thern

tt ncker wrth o O,S fineliner.

Text deccls such asnumbers wi ll glveadditional authe nt icity

te the robot~.:-__~"'~~

Basic shapes

1The simple underlying shapes or thcPrcdctor beue its htdden comorexmcs as

an tnñltrotor behmd cnemy Hnes.




I . l he sllghtest evocncc of piUing.

" weor d d'scororouon add anInvulucb ir of believabilityand

sonony to he robot designo


3Some elernentsor t fus rcoot are illuminated.

wtuch can crecte a shght ly strorqelm¡lfcsston ut the shod lng stoge.



Page 51: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



The wneei.e botcon becom e socaked in det ritusduring work tha lthese wurning lightsspin and flash towarn farm workerswhen t he c1 umsyrobo t draws near.

The small antennais importont . so ítts induded in basicconstruetion. c.~+-:-:7'\

These Io.rgeinflated tyres witlleter be trecded.

This rcbot's shape isindicotive of its

~f:;~;::!(simPle role.

This antenna swivelsforward a nd is odually a:...~-:¡

highly sophisticoledalfactory sensory devke.


2Simple cy1indef stcces ore used initially.

os the core of tne robot is intended to

rescrroieo bcs«waste receotcde.


3A"rbe exnc octcnsaredeveloped ot thr.i point cnd

Jaid on !he cese suuctorcr form

of the Icose-nne stccc.


l.With the excepnon of warning líghts, this robot has

" a Simple, uuutcrtcn paint jcc. rte WhE'E'I·E bot's

desioners weren't too cencerreo with decorcuve

cestnencs os it won't win ony beouty awards ofter a

couple of days working en tbe fcrml


Basic sha pes

1The Wheel·E bot resemblcs a trcsh can

on wheels, It is used primorily in O

jani torial ro íe on foctory furrns. Trune!hng

olong on ns sturdy tractor wheels. it shoveIsfood umt by-products into ns hinged wcste

drsposol container wh ich 0150 doublcsas

o garborator.

Page 52: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

The geomet rie eonsl ructiollshows tlle gellerol shapeon<! the balance betweenlegs and moin body.


3 Block out general shapes wñhmonocbromonc tones, then erase

tfus shape und stcrt to define the desrqnaf your robot.

_ ----- Greenbot is made of composite0',0-: recyded plostiu Ofl on oluminum

frome. All the compon(!flts forobseorvat ion, navigation,ccmrnenícet jon on<! ol1Qlysis oreplace<! inside tne body.

Blocking in

2Now that you understand the

skeíeton, il 's ecsy to block in thesbcces one! start to outline. If you don'tfeel seccre. 90 Io- the vcnes wtth grey

torés. You can point over the shaded

imoge later using new loyers.

Tbe qecmetry o, thisrobot is fairly simple.With simple blocksyou eOIl un<!erstondhow the elementsore connected.


l. Because digital images can look too

..neat, thin k about usmq textures and

customrzcc brushes in Photoshop. Add

sornetextures over your actual pcmnnqusing Overlay, Sott Lighl Of Color Dodge.

lo finariZ€' )'OUr image, cast a stodow on

tre ground sorfcce.



80sic shopes

1The company Chanzon Irdusmes

introduced thrs cmb-shnped protot ype

in 201 2. Its m ission covers o full ronge of

nctlonol park sorveucnce from l he peles to

tbc eqcctor. helping to preo« t the

bebovocrs of migraling erectoresOS tre ice

caps melt.

This robot oct uollywolks 0 11 us knuckles,using ib extendeddigi ts for d imbingand environmentolinteroet ion,

Page 53: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



The Iegs cceoect t o t nrscent ral section=the heodond lower container bronch

~ off from this pcrt as well.

• '"'L-"<;,

This hl'Od portian willappear t o M split inthe more developedpbcse but wlll still(onfOfm to th isbcslc shape. IT-,


4ThiSrobot has a militaryfuncllon. so drob ohve 9le<'llS

ore appropriote. However. n's ecsy

lo chorqe the cotour onytime ­

unlike the onccnoo of light.

Slicking wi th your choice ot

light soorce is crucial ot

the finishlng stoqe.



3 l ight source c tfects the whole looIl. o f

tbe oc t cre. The test way to odd~o~ cnd coloor in Photoshop is te moke

o duplicate lnyc r. of the line drawing ond

work 00 tbe lnyer beneoth.

Keep in mind thotboth shodows andcolours behovedifferently onflot 01 foundsu-reces.

The body ane!Ieqs of t his robatOfe bilotefollysymmet ricol to theax is of balance.

Add dirt DI"

rust to moket he Sent inellook used.

Outlining _ _ ': ~ I

2En,arge the pícture ro the desíreo final ( • (;~I \resorunoo, A11the loes WlII be a IIUIe ( -

blurry 000 pceicteo. so n's necesscry l o ( J. ~.) _ :_ mcke tr e drawlng ctccr«. Enlmge the ~~ I •

~.'l ",,:! prcture on the moni tor te play with (..:::-~ ~J ?:n,/' tre detcils.

, ~J7'::~

Basic sha pes

1The robot rs dcsíqned to perfomhigh·risk ooectoos in hor~ terreo,

It uses contemporory technology. butthe 1001. of the robot rs re!atively simple.

pnmmve and c1umsy.

Your VQrious colouftones ane! Uladowswill ereete a realfeeling of the depthin the picture.


Page 54: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Tria nglesadd strengthto a n image. "',-¡<_~


3Use crosshotching cnd shading to

«íerrtífy whieh drrecton the light iscon urq from. By giving the rcts and bolts o

daf l:'. octnre. the robot qets Q Yefy

functionot, indU'ill iol, worn 1001:'..

cr¿t=~~~~=:::;' Each see::tion ofthe body con turnindependen tly 01the etneo.

Colour paletteI. Acoloor-scheme with brightly

" controsting cotours reveots Hie Doorosthe oornesuc servcot he is. Any semblonce

of hts industrial post ls wiped 01'.' y by thesecheery tones.


Squashed squaresdefine squot stcrure.

• • •

Freehand approach

2A11the underlying shcpes of thisooresuc friend ore drown freehond.

This meces tbe robot seem well-used

ond friendly.

Simple cylindershape'5 oreeCl$y ta druw.


Contains rec;ordings ofthe dog owners vetee.

Ba sic sha pes

1The initlal bcsic veces of boxes.

tnonqles and endes are still cpporentin the finiShed design. A third wh<:'eI i$

Includcd on a flexible nrro. adding

balance, and the simplificd pince. torostotrer enhonce the nonhuman shcpe.

Dodi wc s discont inuedbeccuse of dog leoshtangling ccnceens.

Page 55: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

-0001 , 8RA 1 NtJUI

Arms are heldout somewhat.

Renderingl. Used in a more pub lic and ceremonial

" role, thls robot can hove un eye-cotcturqcnd purposcfully oocorouvc colour scheme.

The cnsnncuve red stor and numbering

decols hove been opplied to com plete the

tbeme (see Deccís ond Logos. p. 20) .

The curvedoes notcontinué tothe bcck.


350me of the internals are in danger of

getting visoclly muddied at thls stage.

Differenttute the orgonic from the metal by

usmq scocrcrc hueso rece thc bmm's

shading dcncctc.

Developmentalreact ive armoursnctters outwordson bcllts tic tmpccts.

Out lining

2A" of the nrrnour rs bulbous onc curvedso keep the unes sinuous oro ñowmq,

Don 't worry about shoding. Your focus at

this stage sboulc be fc rrn and texture.

The ormcuredcurve of theupper body rs

ddliO<li".2: .

The rece plute opensto reveol moreprecise opucc tequipment for long,ronqe oetec ucn ondengogement .


Bosic shapes

1Sorne highly dccorctco sororers of thcIntcrspoce Army who've suñcrcd

dcbilitoting m ut ilotion con owo ken to ñnd

thernselves interred in robotic shells. The robot's

stcnce is wide, stob le and stiff, and its arms are

elongated to com pensote for lim ited agility. The

profüe rs brutish ond hunc hed


Page 56: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


... The bIoded bockexteoson ts useful for

felling eoeraes whoattod:: from behind.

, .

from all onglesDrcw the figure from several angles

while you fine-tune its de5ign.


Deve loplng IdeasOne of tne prilTlOlY thingsto coosrder 0 1'1 ttus typeot robot rs its weapons.Mllitory robots wil l often

hove integrolweoponry:chonging tbem may ctfect

enure limbs.or even thewhole robot itsetf.


.... This military robot's

pose is determined.

... I he gun is primed. ormsteody, recoy to fire.

_ ) In th is side view,

""';!'::":'':-'': tonk treadst' ...;--- replace lile legs.

In this leer 5hot. I\".~~"'"t he major backprotrusion hasbeen left off.

In th is versrcn.the arm rs th lck andpowerful for ctcse combot.

Fashioned to put an end topeace , these robots have been

applied to the lamentable

cause of perpetual destruchon

and hor ror Asimov's first law

of robotics didn 't even get a

second thought. Militaryrobots have a disttnct attitude

and appearance, their purpose

cl early evident. Sorne rnayhave t ruck, defensíve armour,

. while others may have only

thín shields to allow for ease

of movement. All, however,will be blessed with aggr essive


Page 57: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint




The muule oft his mouth guncon retraet forimmedioteliquid coolinq.

"' Thls heavlly armouredversten was the deslg" theortist chose to toke fart her.

The or m connon is (t he moio wecpono, the robot.

ASIMOV'S FIRST L'::'A~W:-----'A robot may nct ¡njure a human beingthrough lnccncn, allow a human be!n,' ;r,come to harm. o

"'This small , orticu lotedt urret raiws the roOOt 'sVlSlbil it)' ond hos rts ownjcw-ccnbre armamento

..Heel extensscnsoíd stability.

Page 58: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Enlargecl stx­shot revolveroffilled tosobre Olm•

Adaptotionof (1 cavo.lrysobre fo rslicing 0\ footsold iers frcman elevotedpas ilion.

Series of odjustobleol'ld interchoogeabletetesccpe Ienses.

seeALSOOrawingandReseafch, p.10Rendering Moterials

p.18Develop;ng YoorIdeos, p.26

Th is norrow((lonon ís ¡"tendedos o one-shot,d isposable weoponthot splits apeoond ISdrsccrdedofter firi ng.

Ornate Qnd functional

Thefe Ole two orsuoct design styes inttns rooot: the amate and oecoctee

crrrour and gilding. and l ile morefunctional·looldng stco rrers ondboacrs. I be industfial pcrts functionmore as a stncturcr ( ore. wit h the more

orrotc ercnents oding os on urmoured,

oecorcucc shcll.


Forward wheel·orms used(1 5 ba se when the robotsatttes Intc firing posture .

Steom-age robotBeing stecm powered, th rs robot reeossorne recoqoecbe Signsof ns power SO\J(ce- such as this woodeo.tcoseo k>ver, andgauges fOf cssessmq ¡memolpressures.


Designed by engineerI sambar d Kingdom Brunel

himself, the Brass Lion was a

marvel even at the height of the

Br ítish I ndustrial Revolution .

The robot achievedínternational fame when a

single Br ass Lion saved the

char ge of the Light Bri gade in

the Crimean War by smashing

into the Czaríst artillery

position . It waseventually felled,

but not before

burstíng open and

spravmq íts attackers

with boilíng water

.--- ...- -

Page 59: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



... Metallic huesMony differing metolhe hues are useobee. varying th10Ugh greys. b1ues. greens.

yellows ond reds, Ihen shine ond tenore ore

what indieate then metcürc cor strucuonond not their colour.

The splosh ofreteese red Int he plumoge lson ostentotious'period ' touchte t he designo

Frontal v iew

2Thc mcm shape of tbe torso ond heod

olmost converge into one lorge shupe inthe front view.

Axis of balance

3The whole body proñle curves to allow

the cxrs of bcicocc to run throogh the

middle. (Assume lile central steam Cf19IOC rs

heovy enough to prevent the connon homoverbolancing the robo t.)


'. ")

Nnder O rchestro,lmost

loee. -

3I I


th the«,,",,,,"'0110

h oth

er, so t he rr.. fl~thly.


. ~Bo* --' ..'.'00'cylin0"9'poro~<


Oorken t he internolworkings seen inthe chinks of thethigh ormour.

None of t:he partsTis squared off inrelation to eoch


Slim but st ro og

1The key conoecnon point In tbrs designis where th e cbest rncets t he bclly, und

it must be shm for monoeuvrobili ty but strllrermm stloog looking.

... Distinct shading

_ Dis~inct ond strorq shoding is necesscry on

the dominont cyhnders in the designoComplement orcos of high detall with stork

oreas of shoding.

Note how thesobre orm bend§outwords to offer

cjecrcnce from ---- -)1;'"the t hick thiqhs.

Victorian inspirationsSurprisingty. a lot of the design rs osmuch inffuenced by Victorian Brit ishfu rniture as It ts by steam engines.When dea ling wit h such eloboroteornamentaban, even greater carehas to be token to atlow the limbscnd moving ports t o fu nction f reely cfeach other.

AII the coqs, wheelsond qecrs must bet hought throughoncl deñeedcompletely ott his stage oft he ortwork.

.. Plume detailingzerrembe to use sorne jcose ccrotuoes to

add tbe ñbres of tre p1ume and l o « ecresorne dentfnq ond rouqtmess to the thlqh's

brass plating.

Page 60: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

RenderingMateria/s. p.18Decalsand Lagos.p.20Joint s andMovement, p.30

see- ­ALSO_

Ston<!(ud-tonk·issueentrenching toolsane! tarpaulin.

Cannon t ermina tes in atightened mu zzle-breukthat employ5 (1 'Gerlich'e nureccn designo

Presence and streng t h

For lorgCf t han (he other MBWs. the

Ponzerfluch design reecs to corwcy ns gleolsu e and preserce. Mony eements hove

been ccrvabcuzed from genuinc Germon

tc ms of the penod. such os the dislinclivecsrousts and pcmt job.

Hatch Ieods t osmoll compartmentfO( a singleSI,IlVC!lllon<:e andcommunkationscr_man.

bhoust pl~from engine.


Clamp used osself-rlqht e r ondto ca rry ext ra loadso( equlpment.


Details and accessoriesHotch oetcas cnd coweonoocrtonkcccessoocs odd lo tne ucbness of thec\esign. HoweIfer. ensure thct tbese oetcas

are corefully seected cnd odd lo me overcnimpressiOn o f the robot without c1uttering or

muddling us plOfilc.

The Third Reich's answer to the Briti sh MBW

(Main Battlefield Weapon) is fully committed to an

antiarmour role . Loud and lumbering, this

monster crashes through the

undergrowth, its presence

instilling dread in enemy

tank cr ews Eventually

its lack of speed and


however, made it

much too vulnerable

to antitank infantry


Page 61: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


--'., - =ilThe a~ ¡s of balance

must stmne evenly Ibetween the legsdur ing st mightmovements. ,....__-¡


Ihe 9un ts posttlonedparallel to tbe torsoduring movernent.

The hl!(]d is ser far (~~~~:forward on thetcoc. creoting ahunched effect.

Armoured guncarrierPrtmcruy rectangular, thi s robothas a limi ted range of limbmovement. It's stulfundamentaJly a tank, nomatter how anthropomorphicth e design becomes, whichmeans the ent ire desrqn shouldservice the most importantcomponent: th e gun. Etementssuch as th e distinctive gridarmour-plat ing are repected '-Vin sectrcns across the frontpart of th e robot.

Intent pose

1Anothef qcod excrnplc

ot a robot rrK:lVing with

a tipped cxrs of balance

(in toe dírecncn ofíts mosernent).

Low-slung power

2Note how low the

i rees ore, shortening

tbe stllns orcrrottcoüy.

Lean and m ean

3l ile lower torso cndpclvis are Quite thin

ond conto in minimol

internol parts.

The deeals aresimply looselypainted cddjtjvecctcur (direct lyappl ied. not glazedl.

..Shini ng joint s

Notc how certcm cyhndrical joots OIC

recevirq e slighUy different shading

treotment due te being poIished metal (~

ccccsec te roughened armour·plaung).

Noti ce how thearmour's grid potternbecomes far lessdam inant in theshoded versícn.

... Green and grey

Muc:h of the grey metal in thiS

robot iS octuolty Quite green; tt only

oppeorsdesaturoted becccse ot nsproxírmty to the strooq yenowsor tbe paint jobo

... Details and light in g

Areos of high oetcn will otten begln teoppecr dcrker than the resr of the robot

(when you octuolly moy want them

to be hghtef or sninief ). Dco'tWOlry about tms, as rt will be

oddressed in later stoges.

Page 62: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



materia/s, p.18

Bits and Widgets,p.32Attachments andEmbellishments,


see- - "'IAlSO_ .......

Plated shielding toprctect loading creesfrom shrop" el.

~- Feet f itted wit h skiundercarriage for usein snowy conditions.

194mm field gUIl fed withaOkg high·ex plosive shens.

secwcrcws clampdown duri ng firingto prevent therobot from shif t ingwith recoil.

Elaborote munle­break helps minimizerecoíl (whkh wouldctherwtse shcke tnerobot aport)o

Real·life inspiration

As well os the Soviet tank deccls. oetcus like

tbe wees that ccooect tre heodlights lo O

hidden bottery ore cocpted from reol 19405

reteeoces. g1eoncd from World Wor 11

history bocas,

Churned out of Soviet factories with the initial

intent of recaptu ri ng Stalingrad, the Medveds

tore a path through the German Panzer

divisions in the great armoured conflicts at

Kursk, in July 1943. A wartime expedient, the

Medved was just as temperamental as previous

generations of battlefield robot but still shone

when pitted against Ger man mechanized troops.

Russian becr

The Medved CCHJId be

describedas o rooonc becrcarrying an art illery píece on ns bock.

Anim alist ic touchcs hove been wcrked mto

tbe deslqn, g iving the hecd something of a

sr-out. and using fixtures such as tne dcws,wOich make üs feet roseroie pows.

Page 63: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


oecen such as t heintensely red stcr conreolly aUroct the eye.so be carefu l whereyou place it .


Extended reochrs more important inthis designoLike n'IOny "'1=Warld Wor 11 robots.t he entire structure lsa lmost completelyrectangula r.

Boxlike body

2The body af thts robot is qete squored

off ond could even hove been ada pled

from a corwennoncl tonk.

Within t he plonor shoding,opply some metallictexturing on t he a rmourtsepcrcte tt ¡nto t wo stages).

.... Strong shadingUse vcry boId planar shading . With so much

going on in the design , sha ding ts key tovísuouy sepcrcurq the legs from the body.

Note t~ dist inctshope OM posturedifference opparent intbe fore ond oft leqs.

The becr's muzzle

3The cytinder of tre gun borre! tapers

towcrcs the end until tt omves ot themwzíe-tneck.

.. A Russian winter

AA 'crcuc ' point job has been opplied here

(escept of ccorse te tne octual gun barre».

ond tbe cotne robot has beenhqhtened.

but as the paint Job has been additivclyglazed. lhe underlying shading is

fundClmentolly unchanged.

Weight di stribution

1A huge amount of weqht iS drstnootedIn tbe recr of tbe robot. and the a xiS of

balance is plcced quite clase te the recr.

The forword-tiltingheod ma kes ít look

under ns brow.

... Angles ond curves

The linework rs corroosec from mony

ho rd cncios a nd tight curves, so keepeverything light ond be careful as you

drow it. rbot scnd, s1ight flaws, o;uch as

oents and scutfmar\s, are good things

to include.

The nvets ond srnall deto ilsalmost c1uUer the pece ctthis stcqe. so t hey' lI need tobe knocked bock in loter wc rk.

Powerful ollyThe deo;ign iS of o quodrupedal

robot whose fUfl(too is to trudge

uround ond fire the huge gun

mounted o n its bcck. Keep the front

hcovily armoured 000 bcrc of overly

exposed jomts and details íthls is

tte rrost hkely target in bcttle). The

back leqs hove boen given a shgh t

mcreose in stze. ccmplexrty and

strenqtb beccose tbcy hove roabsorb the gun's recen as well as

carry a recver load than tre frant

of t he robot.

Page 64: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

DrawingandR~rch. p.l0Artist ic Rendering.


RenderingMateria/s, p.18

see- - '"ALSO_ ......

Sma llgos ccntsters on the,ide emit Q smokescreent hct gives t he Needleencuqh t ime lo f ire ondself-destruct in the eventof lts discovery.

Hig hly occommodating ba!ond frome allow new cruísemissiles lo be retrofitted fause in t he Needfe.

"Plating ond lineworkThe s1ightJy coveo plating of the

crtfculnted. robonc secucns offersan attract ive contrast to the moreumcusnc and purposefulhneworkof the missile.

¡"it ial {orgeting se nsorpolnts t he ta rget with amorker, ond then f~ds lhisinformation lo tne creísemesue's internol guidoncesystem before firing .

Forefeet con functionos cppeseble dig;t,far easy acens tehi!lh va ntoge points,even allowing theNeedte to d imb ueesand bu ilding, .

Do no t worry toomuch nbout textu relospects ot this point;the diffffencebetween the robotond tne missile conbe made moreapporent at theloter stages.



Functlon dictates fo rmAt tni~ poínt the robotlc form Is nttle morethon a support treme for tbe Guise rmssüe.Simplífying the robonc pcrts in thts oreohelps the yiewef uroerstcrd that the rrussdeand robot are twoseporc te entnes,

The Needle is an evolution of

the guided cruise míssile. Once it

has been deployed behind enemy

lines by sea or by HALO

airdrop, the Needle advances

on a1l four s to an optímal vantage

point, whose coordinates ar e

continuously fed to the robot by

sate1lite tracking . As soon as

it has arrived at its destination

the Needle becomes dor mant,

concealíng itself untíl the

designated target comes

wíthín range, at whích point

the cruise míssile lau nches

and th e exoskele ton detonates

to keep the technology out

of enemy hands.


Page 65: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

TAS - 21 N E E D L E

l , .•- ...-,r ' . ...-...... ~'j





<1= Note how mlKh Iongert he back Iegs are t hanthe forelegs (to enablefrog-like Ieoping).

<;= The limbs a re notpcrntlel t o the body, buthave a more nat ural,v-shoped sprecd.

The miss ile ls tdted

1sllghtly upwords (fora degree of decrcncewhen firing).


... Emphosis through paintto emphcslze the seocrcuo al robouc treme ond

crulse mrssüe, opply dítferen tirt. A dlfference in thepOIntwork's reñecuveness indi tes tho t the rmssne 15

of a dítferent materia l from h robot's ploting.

Even though therobot k ports a reo silvery white,indude o touch ofambien t colour.

Leg st ruct ures

2The structure and jointing of the legsere vtrtuclly jdentxol at the recr and to

tbe to e. but the proocruoes are dñferent.

The weapon is keyThe robot's core is the cylindricolmrssue. which mokes on exceuent baseto work w it h o t thts stoge. Being a

quadru ped. the robot g ives the artist

axis of bala nce.

Firing fundion

3 In reohty. the recr end would beonopen chamel wrth no obstructlOnS

(for reccaess f lring of tbe missile).

Weight di spersol

1Note that the robot rs plaeing moreweight on tts recr Icgs than on

it s forc fcct.

'" A distinct formAgain, tightcn up on the shoding ot thermssne. A dutmct. cynndnco! form rs key tomoking the design work.

Use co n t rost hereYour design sllould moke obvious rne foetthat the robot iS nothing more than a

sophiStieated delivery system for nspoylood. The rmssne rs the coreond tf-erobot iS OOilt around it - not obscuring It,

OOt IOthet" drawing qrecter ottentior'l tothe miSSile through contrcst.


Page 66: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Ploted skirt protectsshc ulder joints ondollows for quickservicing.

Drawing and

Research, p.10Rendering

Mareria/s, p.18}oinls and

Movement, p.3D


Extll?mely lorgeforeorms esed foradded stabi lity nndfor breachinq woll sand bcmccdes inurban environment s.

City deploymentA mobHe AA (ontiairaaf t)

vehiele is thc ccss of

this rcoot. coo tbe rcstof the design has beendeveloped from thct

stOl ting poeu. Slnce ü's used inurban suucnons. enlcrqed foreorms

hove bccn cddcd for mterocnon wtth

its envnonmcnt.

• •


Enemy in sight '.,Thefecd is ñtted with two main .$ighti ng

systems: forword and upword.The fmword sight is more rornplex

end telescopic ro bcucr jocote

weu-corcecieo snrper posmons.

Brought late into the war by the Americans

and first deployed from the landing eraft on the

Normandy beaches, this robot benefited fr om a

design already tested by Se'off~,35mm ""ondo"flak oonnons. sighting s)"Stem

vear s of application in war. o'modo" h.sky for onont ioircraft role.

Originally intended to

fulfill an antiaircraft rol e ,the Hausen was found to be

an invaluable aid in the urban

combat taking place on the

long road to Berlin .

Its four guns proved to

be a boon to Alliedtroops, with theability

to lay down a withering

curtain of lead to tear

through sniperroosts.

Page 67: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

M 2 4 H A U S EN

The shins hovebeen kept shcrtfOf consistency.

The orms ond'egs sprecdoutwords in oslight v-shepeond ore notporallel tot he tOI'5O.


Tanks for the memoryAngular and boxy. thts robotbes to look like on extenstonof on exist ing World War IItonk. Small elements andbosic shopes hove been liftedfrom real tonk designs for usein the robot. Agoin, symmet ryis key. ond o vehiculor feelingshould be mointained in thislorge robot.

Axis power

1The ox~ ot balance isstatteo forwcrdsas the

robot rs rE:'stin g sorne ot aswelqht en nscrms,

Torso balance

2The Uppe1" torsoexteods widelyoutwords

but isstrll balancee! on ns

lower torso.

Centre of gravity

3The Iegs ore constontly

bowed to bung the

centre of gravi ty lower terimproved stcbnny.


loy down more linethan you need - youcon alwuy5 erase iton t he cornputer jfyou 've overdone it.

... Tight IineworkKeep the Iinework tight er e qeometnc, butwñhm that constraint remember thot a

degree of weoUleling ond ruggednessshould clso playa part.

... Plone chongesEvery time a change of pleno occurs, thesbode should differ to indicate it, UseIighter highlights oround tbe eoqes of

sepcrote plores.

l ay the texnrre inst rong fOf u-esetypes of heovily~thered robots.

... Comoufloge style

A sondy paint job has becn oponed he c tooomoufloge tbe robot in Oleas of dusty

bfick nnrs.

The decals orekept uniformlywhite to ccntrcstwith the darkerpoint jobo

Page 68: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Campoct prof ileereseots thesmo.llest possíbtetorget forenemy Itre.

Humonlike limbsfocilitol e the useofenemy we<lponrywhen deployedbehind enemy uees,

Life Is Yoof Paletre.p.21Atrachments andEmbellishments,p.34Mili tary

Atrachments. p.36



Insect meet s ManSinewy ero bowed. the OGUS ls primarily a

predotor. l ile robot Is jntended fcr steolthy

ooecucrs and is cosed occordingly in dull.

rrctte. bcürsuc pestes tfot deflect seoso's,

lts rrux of osectme corapoce and humonoid

mcscie- torms ts offse t by hurd-edqcdnddülons. such as its equipment

comportments. Think of the OGUSos

~SCfltially on insect ile humanoid tbctfuncti0n5 in a similar way te a humon soIdier.

Mortor fot bunkerpenetrotion.

l ong, thin, highlyflexible neck ollowsfor excellent visibility .

Modulor.lood·beo,ringpocks for ~uipment.


The OGUS has become an

indispensable asset to the

military for ces of all Category One

nations . A hybrid of mechanical

parts and specially tailo red,

silicone-based, organiccom ponents , th e robots of the

OGUS series have attained a

battlefield st rength superior to

anythmg a conventional human

soldier could muster Although

expensive to build, maintenance is

simple the OGUS ser ies is

primari1y self-healing . All

models are meat-eaters power ed

by methane, the by- product of

processing organic matter

Worming int o its consciousnessl he staring rece rs scroennne. anne lidic ­

seqmented ond wormlike - ond sJighUy

disturblllg in cooecrcrce. I f-c rotci'ssensor Ofray can detect numeroussubstances. trace ciements or signsof Iife,

sui::h as the fr ightcned breoth of o human

soldier. vehicJc exhoust. and even thewarmth qenercteo by bacteria. thc posebleevidence of a human orescrce.

Page 69: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


oEvery elementin t his rcbct'sdesign cppeorselongated. ~


The angle of thebock·mountedmortor rsstightlyoffse t fromt he torso.

TM OllÍS runsdown t he spineand t hroughthe Ieg.

Classical poseNo te t hc t the OGUS d epicted

ts in a 'contrcpposto', orcounterpotse posttton.m eon ing he is standing in o

relo xed. dcssícc t sto nce w ith DI_h is weight o n one le<). Stotues

in museums o re greot

references tor your robots. or ~~~course. these cJossical ~

opplicotions a re oda pted a ndmodtñed for t he OGUS's

un iq ue cnotorruccl structure. 1


1recte how dntercnt ports

balance themsclves

around the axis. The mortar

serves to compensate fOl the

loog rifle.

Sum af lts parts

2ThOU9h thrs mostrcttonrepresente thc overol!

structu re. remem ber thatthe ¡ndividual parts curve

Signi ficantty.

Keeping a low prcflle

3 Thc robot slouches toreduce its proñle.

The shading rsuniformly heavybut epoeeesdOlkest on themetals afthe gun.

... Mixing it upThis robot rs a mixture of desiqn ocsthetics,

so rcm ember to intermingle tbe organic

curves among the angular clemeots. Ihewcopomy stcnds out boldly in l ile Iinework.

I nterconnect ingccrcpece secncnswecve into andover the muscJes.

A Defining with bnesOork and sepentoe. the shadrng should

conform to trc design of tbe robot.

Remember to hold back on the bnqht

highlights in OIder to momtcio the robot 's

cboroctensuc rnctte hmsh .

... Organic versus m etall icEmphnstze the cootrust betwccn the

orqcnic cnd tbe metclnc. Sharp highlights

draw cttennon to the glowing lensesond

tnc glin UrM] metol.

Green shellingmixes wi th pinkmusculatu re.

Page 70: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Heavily ormoureddrum, conto ll'ling cousof 32mm bett -tedammuni tion.

seeAlSO_Artistic Rendering.


Materials. p.18Attachments andEmbellishments,


5AM bay forprotection fromnttnck hel icopt e rs.

Rubber trecds t o - ­reduce damoge donet o city st reet s.

liquid-eooled.32mm Vuleon usedin on ont imote1iolfcnt ícrmcur role.

Mochine OfWOf

The Anvil rs Q ronventionol militury robot

and should. treretore. give the impressionof funcli on over formo Rectangular and

c1unky, tbc Anvil rs lntended to scok upvron-cnns file. Thrs robot 's IocomolioniSentire/y tor st roteq k pIocement rorevosive manoeuvres.

Dome-mounted11mm machinegun rs ¡ntendedfor close-quarter,ontipersonnel roles. _ _ --'

Dedkc ted sight ingsyst ems mou nted onVulcon armo


G"One of tbe focal comts of the desíqn 15thehuge Vukan trct thc Anvil i$ coreo with.aee wecon see where the seeneoteo. furlycocered arnmunition belt rs red into ue

etcrroer. This ummc chain dropes bcck to

tt e feeding orm cnd thcn mto the huge

drum cerned on tbe robot's bcck.

A walking tank, the Anvil fills a semistationary

armour role. Extremely vulnerable to attack

helicopters, the Anvil is prirnerilv used for 'hold

and defend' campaigns and military occupations.

The Anvil is efficient and intimidati ng, makmg it

perfect for keeping down insurgencies; however,

fríendly fire incidents are common, leaving it

dreaded by friend and foe alike.


Page 71: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


IIThe dorsal shcpenel!'<!s enoughroom ta housetwo rt usstles,

The gun cylinderextends quitefar boc:k. Itísn't all bonet,

21The abdomen andpelvis are less heovllyarmoured to ollow lorpivotol movemen t.

On solid groundEven when j o int crtrculcncn

becomes obscured by b locky

armouring, il remcmsrmportcnt . The Anvrl's legs

hove extended feet

resem bling those of a horse o r

goa l. Beccuse the ro bot rsvery lcrqe, expended feet are

essenncl for stobutty.

Bloc:klike elements

1The forro io; b1ocky, SOmuch of the fee! of tf-e

deslgn will be dedded in

thcse stojcs.

I nhuman const ru cn en

2Note the dio;tirKtiYe

jOintn19 of tbe Iegs and

how thcy differ from trose

of a humon.

Gun placement

3The gun orteo c deqreeof bccrce fOl the huge

drum ot ammo.

The surface is plated,but not with inse<:t ilesegments. Keep it t omore convent lonol, ~<:)1tonklike ormour. '7

... Bo lonclng abjectlves

Chunky ond angular hke o tonk, thtsrobot is composed of suü recognilable

pnrrutwes, However. curved scrfuces will

reüect proj<'ctiles well 000 con absorb

more punishment. Maintain a tccoce

between me two.

The shading rstWO'dimensionolond sharp.

.... lhe right toneEvery t ime a sotcce plane changes. thetone you use should change occOldingly.Again, shinier meten - os on tbe qons -.

will reflect lighl di ffC'Jenlly frc rn Ihe

pomted crrnour.

'f M ilitary ga rb

Drab military coiocrsare the prime scnerefOl the Anvi1. Cooíer gunmctal greys offset

lhe worrrer body coce-s, Occcsooot spIoshcs

of warning reos liven up the point jobo

Spice it up a little ilyou need to - youwant it to look IIke amilitary robot but nott oo reoli sUcolly drcb.

Page 72: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Materials, p.18Atrachments and



Atrachments. p.36

seeALSO_ ....

Conceptualizing the ro bot

Good rcfereoce rs invaluable far tte robots

from tbrs era.ond o wecrtn of m ihtary

equipmcnl wos uscd by the oust fOfmsoncnon. Orqonk curveshad no

place in tbrs designoas cverything rs

hard edged 000 utilitarian. A

wcm weothered Iook WOS clsorequlred. so the illustration

sooolon't be too deco.

light machine·gun mount ingfor a cla se quartersant ipersonnel role. ~

legs ore plogued withprob~; an escort a lwaysaeeompanies wit h sporeparts ond repcsr andma intena nee engineers.

Hatch place<! onrototing hend. _

ArmjoinU ccveredin a jacket t opeeeent ttleelements fromfouling ope:rat ion.

Modulor clomp hondsfor mult iple weo.pon­mounting options.


First introduced in the European Theatre of

War in 194 3, th e MK1 cha nged the battl efield

As unreliable and temperamental as the

first tanks in World War r, the MK1 still functioned

as an incrediblv versatile, all -purpose weapon This

model is fitted with

a 1D Smm Howitzer.

Gun detailDesigning your own guns iS fun , but

soretenes using recí rcrereocc can adcI ascnse of reouty to your crt. Resrorching

actual cxcrnplcs such as trus light m cchtne

gun can c'sc hclp you jeom tre look.000

teer of a nme persodond trorrscte t hiS inta

your roture WOfk.

Page 73: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


'] .-, '. 1=)

Look, no hands

3The arms are cttcchco to the gu n at the

wrists, so no ccnstrucüoncl guide s areneeoeo for tbe hunds.


Ensure thot thelimbs can moveabout withotJtbashing Intoother pa rts.

Using oblongs and cylinders for basicconstruction

2As long as the rrcm stnxturet soecesore sound. dctail can easily be added

ente the initiol stnxture.

The terse rsrototed tothe left fromthe pelvis.

Getting the balance right

1Balance i!> tricky whenthe crust rs rather

urrsure of how much ddferent eerreots

may weigh. Hcre. tre main gun i!> cssumcd

te be heovy.

We ight ofgun pullsthe figureforw<:lrds.

Constructing the robotM uch of thts qeometncconstrucnon can sti ll be d earlyseen in the final designoW henmaking in it ia l sketcbes. alwaystake balan ce in to cccount.especia lly with top-heavydesigns like t his. Repeat designelements to ensure unity ­«cctc a set of rfvets. handlesand so on that ts reusedt hroug hout the designoRemember to spcce out thesedetails and not c1ump themtoqether. Proport jc n ls veryimportant wh en objects thathove set stzes are introd uced,

... Creatlng the IineworkUsing rules to draw IIIX'S teods to crectc

cccurcte. bct stlff.llfcless fonfls, evenonvery angular designs like t hls Orle, sodrcwff('('helnd. l a y down flghlly sketched vecesusnq blue Cor.Erose pencil. Sccn the Oftwork

at a higher rcsoluüon erase the cencruoes.then drop it down to the dcslred dpi.

Make pract icepencU sketch es usingdrawing ctds if you'renot yet ccnñdentdrawing heehand.

Tbe r0U9her the material,the more ambient pencilteltturing will old youIoter on when rendering.

/ ,/ ... Masking and shading

Use tbe Mag ic Wa nd lo setect the arcas you

want lo work on , cnd use OOOge und Bum

lo mod ify thc tone ot tne drowing. Shodmqrs extrerneiy üct her e ond core sbooio betoken lo kcep tones on equal pla nes lilesorne. l ight renecl s bfi9htly off l he shlnier

blts of metal (Iikc the handles and barrell.

Colour C(ln indicaten.Jsl sta ins and plaCe'.Iwhere tne pai.1t hesscraped off.

Knocking out theccntmst on certoinparts , such as thisfor 1t'9, wlll sepcr tett from the portsaf the robot inthe foreground.

... ColouringAlways adapt the colours to the material.

Use the Colour Balance odjustment in

Photo5hop to add re d a nd yellow te the

sha dows a nd rmdtones of ttw d rawing. Now

place Q lcycr ovcr the d rowing se! to 50ft

light. When oponed the colour wlllglazecver the drawing. s1ightly changing the l one

you'vealrcody set dowfl.


Page 74: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Varioble vents farsteering ond speedadjustments.


Maleria/s. p.18Developing Yoor

Ideas. p.26Bils aM Widgets,


seeALSO _ --,

An amphibiou5 rob otThe Subhunter is unique in that it neeos totuncnco both in and out or the water. Whefl

foldcd into ttself fQf Iong-distonce trove!. theSubnunter is intended to resemble a srrcn,oeeo-sec submarine.

Lorge central propellerond jets are the primo rymode of propu lsian .

Powerful , superheatedtolons far onchoringt o hulls ond tearingopen bulkheods.

Drill heod with projected,high-explosive chcrqe use<ffor breaching hulls 000causing irreparable domoge.


In an age when nuclear,

biological and chemical warheads

are delivered primarily by

submarine, antisub robots are

numerous and highly developed.

These robots are too small

for the passive system of a

submarine to detect, and

they can silently approach

these nuclear leviathans to

drlll explosive charges into

their hulls. ModifiedSubhunters are used by

pirates to assault and

board tankers and

merchant ships.

Undersea i nspira tions

The ncuncotdesign and component

sbooes of the robot are certved from acombinot ion of pre-existing machines,

namely suoncrees ond torpedees. An

elcment of comple:>:ity is cisc codeo byusing crustocecn ccrcpoces asst ructural mñoeoces.

Page 75: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



R~'"tho.t t~ drillbit protrlKln, sodon't moke themoin body 01the s vn too long.


V~ Ioterally,the head olmostsinks into the t erso.

The talon

comes clcse ---c=i~to, but doesn'toctually meet.t he ground planeo

Nautical robotsA belfevcble-lookinqm achine that encornpcsseshydrodynamic contours lsint egra l te any nautical ro bot

designo Although lt rsseeming ly overba lanced in

the torso, m uch of it ts simply

Q hollow sluice for thepropeller and j et s.

Sublike contours

1Everything in l his robotis roundcd or cyIindriCOr,

cpcrt frorn secuces of theretractable Iimbs.

Ready to dlve

2No1e the permanently

bowed oosuse and theIegs thot oco't Iockperfectly straight .

Great ape

3The oosnre.proportions ancl jOints

are almost gorilla·like.

... Ou t of lts shell

A crustoceon is on exceüent retcrence for

tne kinde; of posturesond sbopespresent in

the drawing. A horchcd, crablikedesign ese

oectes a prcdatory impresSion.

Keep the shapesrounded, and moke surethey interlock for onoveroll smooth profi le.

Add very hUle textureto keep it smooth fortrevel t hrough wot er.

... Predator

Dorklycomouflagcd. thjs robot iS designed

to approach 100gete; oooetected so a dark,

smooth ñnrsh rs esseonct

... Deep-sec blue

Applya deep blue to most of the ocsiqn

uemcm ter tte role thrs robot plays). S.mall.

complementory sootsof oronge odd keycorots of detcñ

Sploshes of oronge ondshiny silvers liven up ouniform colour-scheme.

Page 76: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Powerful,gyroscopicallybalanced honds forrepelling invoders.

seeALSO _

Composite steel ondiron soperstruct w e.tempered forresilience to flre,explos.ives andchemicol ogents.

WorkingTraditionally , p.12l otots andMovement, p.30Bits and Widgets,

é~ p.32

O .\~

O·~ . . ....

' )1' ; \ , ~) ., ,~ v,


Early cog·drivenprccesscrs in the headuse colour recognitionto idetltify enemieson the battlefield.

.~,/t31. .,. l '


Repelling the invadenThis robot had e be-oc crd gloriOvS post on

the bcttlcñeld The feet Ole Iarge ond longso u ccn't be knocked OVCf ecsay.ond the

1('9SOle attaehed by mean:'> of ton-ero­sooet joots for ecse of movement ovef the

rough terrom


;1 ..;u..1

Had it not been for the

Elektrograd, the Russian stand

agamst the Ger man invasion in

World War II would have been

doomed in the bleak winter. A

masterpiece of constructionwhen it was originally created,

this ll -foot tall robot couldpunch holes in a German Panzer ,~, \

with ease. Long out of fashionand out of use, it is now

considered a nostalgic

museum piece and used

only in mili tary parades.

8aUlefi eld machineThe robot is Insptred by Pussicnconstrucuvut propaganda posters as well as

by the desi9n or ue top waf machines of

the era. It iS rough around the edges but

was en inspifing slght in the trencnes ond

the driving snow.

Page 77: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Shouldersremain in line,symmetricany,oOOYe feer,


Cebes implybuilding-blockconstrucUon.



Oblongs andblocks suggeststrengthand power.

Basic geomet ricconst ruct ion.

Industrial mightThe Elektrogrod wos cobbledtogether from industrial portsand battlefield wreckage inthe grim econorruc climate ofthe war. The f inishing touchesof bolts, screws ond ventscreate the lmpressron of areal, functicncl war machine.

BalanceBasicveces1in bccncec

crronqement dcfill(' the

robot's superstruct ure.


2H,P Oreo juts fOfW(]rm ,

ccuote tcicrcco byIeet ond hecd.


3lhe of on axis te ensere

that ecch extersonrs counterbclcnced byon equívclent extensión,ter stability.

Minimol use ofcolour suggestsfunctlonali t y,not de<orot ion.


• Watercolour effectsWatetcoloUI point (real DI d igital) Is applied in light ,

loase wcsbes ovet tr e pcncil, allowing the whitc

paper beneath to show thro ugh and giving thccoíoor e natural bnqhtness. l o oecte darl:.er crees

o f tone, pentover the Oligiool wcsh, but avoid

muddying tte colour wrth too rnany cccts. Use en

apoque point hkc gouochc fer odditive wbñes.

Sho.p pencildefines edqes andodds shading l oenhance !iOlidi ty.

• Directional lightlo cecte a feennq of Iight coming from a

particular d.rection. Imagine which swtccestoce th e Iight SOUfCC, Alternat ively, set up an

cenen figure tay ond use a spollight en rt

fer refereoce.



• Irregular profileAIl tbe besesbcpes that uocene this rcoorare drown freehc nd to eeec a noturolly

irregular tee! to thc profl'e . Dcn't be cfrcrd

to drow as mony ¡¡nes as you wont -,cltcrwords you can olways erase cny thot

you oco't nced.

Work up th edrawing, addingdetail and erasingnees th at ponbehind, to seserc temasses for onexaggeratl!d

.~~ , 1 atmaspheric\ ~; ..' peespecttve.

/ \t'! ··I \ r'

.r:;:::.~./'_- 'n~

Page 78: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

00 0

o "

... Here. tbe crnst

has played

croond with

differCflt drill bitsond ccorectors,

whl le deYeIoptrlgthevisool

vcccbulcry for

the robot.

From all anglesDeveIoping a rOlJgh cartooo or yaur robot

is an excellent way ta famifiQrile yaurself

with the fundamental uppecrunce and

mecborasms of your crecuoo.


lhe reer viewgives e..cellentdetoil ing on th el"9s, und howthey work.

'- The mouthbclched exhcust. but

ns appearanee wosocooeo to be tooaggressiVe in Olescoseqoeot Yef SiOn.

... The original heodhad a soIdierlike

cppecrcnce.whichwas scrapped in the

more dovelopedversen


Devloping ideasUrbcn robots will hovevery opporent utmtcnc n

Iunojons made evidcnt in

theiropoocrorce. Their tooísof tbe trece will hove to be

fine tuoed crd adJustcd bytbe cr trst during tresketehing prcse.


In this side víew, therobot is deplcted inecuco. performing

-~ I ene of its ser

r:. .

This front vtewshows the blockyprcñle plonned forthe final destgn.

As the ideal of the new-and­improved laborer, an urban

r obot may be expen sive, but

seeing that they work hard and

well in any environment, and all

without the slightest complaint,

they have rapidly taken over in

most sectors Adopted bywealthy companies and

governments, these robots

have changed the way the city

works. Purely utilitarian,remember that these robots

are all function and no tashion.

Use warning labels , dust

covers, and rusting and worn

metal to decorate.


Page 79: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

.. In thts sketch, the keycomponents of t he robotare a ll in place.

One of the onlyrounded ports ofthis clunky robotis t he hip joint.

The treods ollowthe robot to m~0Yef terro in tittere<!wit h gorboge.


- '

The conveyor beltcon attoch togarbage outletsan<! t rcnspcrtt he wcste upinto the robot.

Page 80: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

When nol needed,elcsñc arms rema;nbunched in lumps onthe body's surfnce.

see- - -'AlSO_ --,Artistic Render¡og.p.16Ufe Is Your Pa/ette,

p.21Oewoloping YourIdeos, p.26

Take inspimtion from IifeThls robot is obviously lnspired byrracoscco«orquntsms rotber than by theusual rnef-orssnc o ñoeoces,

Humming-.bird-stylewings allow foroeriol t~1.

Pulsing f1agellapropt'l the robotthrough liquids.

Fingertlps arecomplex multitoolst bct con foshionwosecoces on asubalomic scale.

Honds conbe remotelycontrolled by ahumon operctor.

Multiple sensondetect olt rnc r merof t race eleme""":.'_ _and energies. -

• e


Lifelike syst ems

lhe flagella glow wl(h hect ase by·produetof the energy red through thern. As theywork, they glow with a bnqhter ond moremteose hue. l heir shape can be comparedte any cther orqcruc. rnooscopc flagella.as on small seo crcctures,

Shaped from proteins,thi s r obot travels through

human bodies perfor mmg

delicate sur gery and,

alternatively, delivering

minute payloads of poison to

enemies. Nanobot - ofmolecular or atomic scale

is something of a misnomer;

this r obot is actually only

microscopically small, but itcan work on a subatomic level .

Wholly organic, the Nanobotcan self -destr uct to be

absorbed by the host's

circulatory system , leaving

no detectable trace.

Page 81: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


.nThe crms areeurlt!d up toshow how t hejoints told.

3Pctnted sht!lI­plat es exteodoff the reoreylinder.

2Thi1; eylinderi$ the primej unction fcx0. 11 t he otherports.

Right way upWhile suspended in liquid andfunctionin g at a scale th at makesgravitational considerat ions dttñcutt,the Nanobot st ill has umbs that affectits cent re of gravity. Certainlyin destqn and in dírect humanoppücct fon. th is robot definitelyhas a ' right way up'.

Arms and hands

1Arms hove rncltrple

jomts ond on Cl(ponsiVe.

dextrous recch.

Basic shapes

2Two limm bronch off

tbese cyllndclS.

Lebster-nke form

3The thick body curlsbock on ítself Hke o

lobster tail.

This design aUowsyoo to use os monypretty colours a syou Jike.


• Be imoginotive with colour

Built from jcmíretod potems, t his robot

erres out for imoginotivc colccr-scnemes.trroesccnt colours mckc it look 1111e abeautiful bug or a oenccte piece of JewcllerYl

Don't use heovyted uring . Keepit 011 smoothond gel·likt!.

A W hen to light ortificiaJJy

Lighting ond shoding e re bcseo on thecnst's personal o te jxctcuoo. Anydepiction al something as rr uoute as theNonobot would hove to be artiflCialty lit,

in ony case.

Tht! shcpes ort! aeombinot ionof Ofganic undmanufact ured mctencl.

• Create a fundionol robot

Smooth and organic, the srcces of theNonobot ore fumional. oespne t heir

dehccte beouty. A1though bcseo onmkrcscopk orqomsrrs, the shopcs are crsocloscly comparable with those of largc

cnetccecrs. Rcmember in your design thot

these shapes hcee evolved for movement in

liquids and ore not mere/y o uuoo.

Page 82: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Docking bay connectswcrker te recha rgestot iaos a od csscrtedheavy machinery.

Nut rieot cockta ils a od.~..--~ preservctives pumped

lnt o orgo olc portsprevent rol a ndrigo r mort~

_ ..--- - - Ha lOrd po.ttern t oalert humon workers.

Iecve details /ike deca/S, /abels

and textura/ effecrs te rhe very

end o( the iJlusrration process.

I n this case, the blood vesses.

bruising and chipped paint

were the final rouches added.

Don't overao these e((ects, or

you may overwhelm your designo


Emotlonal reactionsA1though rot aggrcsSiVe in cny way.

this robot is unsettnnq l o the viewer.

Oesigncd solely for industria l

ourposcs. the rcctory-uno Worker is

distinct ñon a military or cvmon

robot. Imagine It os ruo-oown ereneqlected, sewíced by tcchrJician5

who hove no roer conrem beyondkeepmq it fun ctioning.

CALlIlUG AU:- - --'ARTISTS ----'

Four eyes used byCPU to coordinat ea ssembly andwork ptecesses,

Feet ere toughened, ondmechanicolly rein fcrcedbut often need to berepla ce<! dai ly.

Reactor core eoccsed --,io thic. sphl!le oftitaoium allo ys taprevent ellplosionsor Il!<I ks io coseof a ccidento



Showing weer a nd t earOne of tf-e main ponts of mte est in thisdesign is l he JlP:laposi t ion of orgonic

components with harsh, indusl riol enes.

Dctmls such as the chipped pont on the

metal are motched by l he rcsoes coc

engorged capil larieS on tre flesh.

This Factory- Une

Worker is a project

designed to curb

widespread corporate use

of 'Thir d World ' labour and

sweatshop practices

Mounted in a mechanical

frame, genetically

cultured 'high-wear '

parts are grown in vats

and regularly replaced

Not only ar e the meat

components cheap to

fashion and replace, they

are extremely efficient in

operation .


Page 83: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


=FlA humanoid droneThe moin form of the Fcctory­Une Worker is humonoid . Ofcourse, the proporlions hovebeen twisted and skewed(especrouy in tbe mechonicolsecttons). However. tbeunderlying layout ond jointingremoin human in effect. Agreat weight seems to crushthe body down tnto o stumpedposture thct shows it operotesin en environment where thereís bttle concern for íts health.

The defeo.ted -o¡=slouch ís beginning-te emerge.

Extended reochts more importantin t his designt hon locomot ion.It sbutñes onshort legs.


see- ­AlSO_ ......RenderingMateria/s. p.18

Lite 15 YourPa /etle.p.21Oeve/oping Your

/ A> Ideas, p.26



Contrast the materials

1Note lile cooucstbctween tbe gcometric

metal parts and the roundef

flcsh ports even at lhis stoqe.

Balance t he mechanism

2Thc exl lemely bccvy

sphere in the abdomen

countcrweights rre txxk. bkrl.

Focus on details

3TtlC' legs hove moredrstinct jOint ing beccuse

they're more mechoniCal

thon the orms.

T Utili tarian designThis ts on industr ial robot. so try l o convey a

functlOnol 'utnny' fee! in the coíocr-screme.

The bri9hl stnped hazord markings vncneethe desH]n. os do the wnrm hues of tbebrueed ñesn

The point j ob ispurely functional.Balance t his wit hsome attroctiveorgonic vurlat ionsin tM f1esh.

K~ those hazardtines strikingby darkeningthem t o almostcbsctute block.

.... Shading tlpsMake a osnrcucn when shading the

di ffcring rrctencls that rncke up l ile robot.Simply pul. tre ñcsh should be lightcr ondsoñe ilion tre rretcis,

Articulation andsegmentaUon arejust os important asdesignoThe t orso tselongated and careis token t e ensuret hot no partinterferes withanot her during_ l .

T Polgnant character detailsAnesoecicny potqrcnt effect is cctsevcr in

this d<'sign by emphasizing tbc strcnqeness

cr tbe human parts mounted in tbe coíd,Iifeless shcll. Hard. industrial stoces rroke

a n excellent complemenl to the drsturbingly

familiar Iimbs.

Page 84: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Articula ted ormunfolds. The roboro n exteod tneorm plo.tform upto eight t imes thlcurrent height.

c: •

Artistic Rendering ,


Joints and

Movement. p.30

Bits and Widgets,


see- - "IAlSO__

Enttre chcssís con deform ondsto.nd up to a llow it easiercfeorcnce into t ighl speces orte sp recd out to fa lm o moresto.ble ba se.

A series 01 lotch cklspsshows Whefl! la rge ,modular addiUonsca n be tüted berc redeployment fc rcorrying out o va nety01 tosks.

This se ries oflimbs ls mereíy o.repetlticn of thebcsrc, multl-use c1o.w,o.nd ony of these conbe reploced individuallywith tusk-speciñchea ds.

Workh orse stylingsThis robot rs not used in combat but still hasto be mode of resment moterials to cope

with ns orduous tests. A slightly worn and

pitted plcstíc rorms mu ch ot the casing.


Municipal fineryA shol ter set of stronger limbs e cccteo

beIow the forword sct of sensors. rtese oreused for beover.rnore indust rial WQrk. socn

as roed - and foundn tton-lcymq. Thc cny's

Urban scouunccnon Assoocnon's crest

cooms the hood.

A municipal council commissioned this

r obot fr om a for eign multinati onal to

combat urban blight. The Urban­Renewal 80t fills an omnipurpose

maintenance and repair r ole in

ci ties Fully modular, it can

be fitted with an unl1mited

range of equipment and

features limited Al (artificial

intelligence), which allows

it to speak to pedestrians

in a soothing,

female voice.

Internal pcrtsviewed bet weensegments wouldprobobfy becbscured bydustcOYelS duringoct uol operat ion.


Page 85: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint




Give tne extendingorm plenty of radiolcleoronce.

In prof ile, therobot 's appearorKebetroys ene of nsprime roles os ocherry pkker.


No osymmetrycccurs in Q robotdes ig" hke t hls.


Buglike and functionalStrange ond msectíle. ttusrobot ts nonet heless a helpfulond construcnve creotton, andits pcsture should mcke thisopparent. Wh ile rt rs four­wbeeted hke a cc r. the front

articulated orms ond are not

constrcrned by a shared oxte . / "L


lo sepercte t hemctencrs from ecchother, elemeots suchas t he ty'es 0 00 rearcasing should bedarkened OYerall.

Frame versus casing

1w berecs the casing tsorgonic, thc bcsk cha<.sis

and strurtuml t rame ore qane

qeornetric in form, not

differing greatly from thct af

a p'eseot-doy cctomobse .

Approximote with shape

3 secc use tbe top orms are

rested In a ccsnco flushwith cccn otrer. they are

shown hcre oporoxuncteo asa simple shcpe.

• City·state coloursBeing a civilian robot ttot pcfo mspublicocues, the URBgives ue artist Ococo excusete opply a purely cestbcnc pain t Job (perhaps

the oíñoot coloursof the cny.stcte).

A serial number isincluded fOfservicing ondidentj fication purposes.

Ce ntral arm is t he focus

2The mcm part of therobot i5 simply Q bed for

me Iarg(', folded OIm.

... Smooth t he shadingxeep the shoding smooth and flowing but .

as you ore drawing beoten-up pcsuc. youcon joosen up OCC~iOnolly and add o jñtle

vcrtcnce in the surfaces.Even t hOYgh much of t he detai lwould be hard to see when therobot is operatin g (t he tyre t reces,internal ro bles ond joints, forexamplel, they're still fundamentalto t be design ond so shouldn't beskipped.

T Tig ht ness a nd loosenessLoasen up on the plost ic cosings,but enserethat the more structural shape:.; such os ttewhecls ond reor correortmcnts aretightencd up.


Page 86: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

'(=1-R O B O T r OUN O R Y' URBAN


Materia/s, p.18Oeve/oping Your

Ideos, p.26Bits and Widgt>ts.p.32

see- - -'AlSO_ ---"

long arms thot conunfold to becomeeven longer.

l ong Iegs with wirerctchets (intendedmore os slobi lizers

0\'1;-- t han support).

~_ _ - M01.I lh port cernes monyindependent senscrs torecd the environment(for em mple, to detect90S fumes ond biolo9 icolcontominonts).

"l \-- - - Arms ore multi·jointed.... to bette r recch down

into rubble.

The fifth oir jet ts onthe back. The fou rseee on the front octos stobilizels,

Conceptuollzlng the robotBetore you begin. decide on the kind of ' fee!'

you wont your design to refJect and what youwont your robot to be copoble of. This wlll give

you direction. This crttst wanted to rnckc a

robot that wcs light ond etnoeci. that f looted

and nptoed obout wrth tts sterile whi te shell. It

needed long. dexterous orms to recen peopIe

tropped tnside rubble.

Segmented body pla lingto minimile dust onddirt from foulinginternol systems.

Head detoil

Robots will often show glimpses

mto mole mteeoot pcrts, whiCh

usuoñy 'cok quite complex. tbcseIntemcl components should appear

as though they stretch bock o tothe body ond are integral te ports

the Viewer ccn't seto.

I ncreasing amounts of

urban confliet and

a rising population in

areas prone to natu r al

disasters created a

demand for a quickly

deployable victims' aid

robot. The 519

5yringe 5aintis fitted with five

articulated air

jets that keep it

afloat as it steps

nimbly across

hazardous ruins,

scanning the area for

the injured with its

array of sensors .

Page 87: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

5 19 S Y RI NGE 5 A I NT

• 1-'"'" _ . _ :)1

Snoulder1mode upoftrue spheres.

Using ellipses for bosic construction

2ThC! only true spberes oppeor on theshourcers. vou can keep tbc orocr uc

shcpes vague. but remember tbe volume(denoted by emoscs in the wil c fmrne parts).

ot- Hip plote.

Con veying movement

3Thmk out tbe robot 's rrceerrent. ThrS

lu,,~h Iooksodd but not predotory. therobot has duccuo n ero purpose.

Tbe ftrst set of enicwso re here (t he ormsare folded bockduring movement).

Gel the bolonce right

1Pose Is m idmovement, so the axis ofbalance nts in the dnccnon of trcvel.

This tilt is tncky because the robot rseseholf· floo ting (torso almost lifts the legs up).

Heod rests backinto the bady.

Const ruct ing the robotHeavyset robots usuolly hoveproblems with believoble c rttculottonof limbs, whereas thm robots needext ra effort t o ensure limbs lookstrong enough to f unction properly.Organic curves are a greot way tosolve this problem because they'veoften developed in nc ture toeffic ien tly absorb shock and st ress.These basic curved shapes areyour building blocks - start bydrafting or t racing these shapes.

light reflec tsoff loco! pcrts.

Use red ond yeltowIn the sho.dows.

• Colouring the robotUse Photoshop's Color Balance ccjustmentto udd red cnd yellow to thestodows nndrmd tones. Place a layer over the drawing setto Solt light. and tne colour will g lO2e over

the drawing. Add the 'gamish', in thiS case

the play of light and odded LEO eñects,

Multiple source, ombientlight mokl!S cest shodows.Use Oodge o.nd 8um tool,to modify the , hoding.

• Masking and shadingSot drowing !ayer in ptotcsbop to Mult iply

cnd fill in mosks of colour on a loyer bolow(secorc te it into foreqrou nd. m idground und

bockground). Use the Mag i<". Wand to seiect

Oleas to WOIk en ttcn Dodge ond Bum tomodify the dlowing's tone. Sbooc occording

to the robot's mateficl.uetcns ore edded tethe basic struc::ture.

/. j


I/) Sccnned-ín imoge ~,fJf has been decned up. t

... Crea t ing the IineworkUne is vcry im portont on s1ecl. robots.Use ab1ue CoI·Erase pencil to sketch Iight

ccostnxtsooo! voces, íts ecsy te erasepenol c l ter sconmng but horder te work on

peces rmsscd ct tbe pencü stcqe. Sean lile01101 o high resounon ercse porcñuoes.then drop it down to thc oesnco dpi.

Page 88: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Working Digitally.

p.1ltArt istic Rendering.

p.16JOints and

M~nt. p.30

SEE'- - '"ALSOI_ ---l

Horllontol pistons controlforword moUon; verticalprstcns lift legs.

Moin body contoinsccrnpcctor ondfurnoce for breokingdown solvoge.

Air vente clog ond needto be cleaned regulorly.

Surface detai1sThere rs a lot of surfure detall, so try using a

program me such as Pcinter fcr the shading

rather than crosshatch ing in cenen. wh ich

will rnckc the detall too hord to read.

On its last legsThe concept is a robot in a stote of

ocIvonced decay and disrepajf - a fragile

rrccnoe. despite its bulk. tecw the cdgesscfotchy and sketchy to crrotosee ceccy.


The Grunter was obsolete before it was even

finished. Too big and cumbersome for most

environments, the 10 Grunters that were originally

manufactured wer e soon decommissioned by the

army and sold to private companies The model

shown her e is the last survivor,

having ser ved for 300 year s

as a salvager on

the colony worl ds.


5eosor OrTCIyS

onolYle solvogeccntent ond vcrue.

Hecd houses twomointenonce robots.


Page 89: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


=1=:Years of wearAfter the solvoge rs compacted ondmetted down. it ts cotegorized ondstored in the obdomen. This meonsthot the surfcce of the robot will bepitted ond domoged by 300 yecrs ofweor ond tear.

Sturdy desíqn

1The enginc!ike cote of tbe body is

perfectly bclcrxed ood socootec by thehlfllJE'd. slightly bowed Iegs. A1though therobot ttself rs Vf!fy okf, tbe underlying

const ructton remero s st rong und souno.

Timesa ving 3-D optians

2use 3·0 ~ftwore ond sove yourself

hours of pesoectoe drawing. You'll fine!

u eosy to constnxt your tese robot U!>ing

defoul t shcpes in O perspectwe vrew,

Numerousmec::hanical pcrtswi ll be exccsed Inth ls secucn.

Functiona lit y

3Any joínted hingi ng )'OU (feote will

offect the woytbc robot moves. Robots

ore mOinly functional. Corstruc t your robot

w ith coreovisuclly conveying information

about ' he robot's rnovement.

World·weoryextenor ccnnestswith Ir mer üre ineyes and belly.

... (olour ond controstChoose eorthy, dull colours to

errcocsee the oge of the robotUse red 00 the tenses in mehcad os a controst to the

duller tones.

80ck k-gs and abdomenuse sorne oblongs andcylinders os front leqs.and cnest oreo. -::;-,.

Tbree cent uries of tcllcréete t he im pression ofo walki ng scrapyard.


.. LayersApply your colon flat on o Mult lply kryer.

and t hen add highlight s ond detone on a

new loyer.

Underlyi"9consl ruction is ofsimple cylinders

and bolles. "'::-_


QU(ld rupedolconstruction mecnsweight dist rlbu t lonts ress of (In tssoe.

, 3

... 3·D optionsThe robot is a mess of ccmrred toqetherveces cod SlI"foccs: fkrt, curved. sharp.

Ihere rs nothing smooth obout tbe Grumer.

Llncwork is rernmrscent of enginc ports cndotber mtrrccte. but convolu ted. mochinery.

Page 90: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Docking portfor instantcannectian withother robotsand humans.

Ellternolly esststedmognetil:: inductioolevitctes the robot,whk h is oble lo floatonly in mogneticollyfocllitoted building5.

Thi$ com puter'9enerotrepreseotcnve K onembassy diplomotJOf t he TotorMercont ile Republic.

NakatomiCorporoUon 10905.t095 cnd lobels.

Form equa ls fundlonIllustroting thrs style of robot

o ectes unique coreccrcuoos fortbe crust bccocse of IlS Iock of

resernbicnce l o 0100. morefamiliar fosms (humanoid.

vehi<:ulm. and 50on), Bcing o

dvilian robot designcd to~lwith peope ond prt thcm 01 tbetr

ecse. rt Í5 importont to crecte O

nonthrealening. !.efvile formo

Drawing computer irtia geryAJtificial light ing illuminates the coroute­

qeoected figure. and sccn-uncsare ovenaid

as on illustrat ive ocvce lo ind icate that sne

rs psesented onscrcen (cod no! sitting ¡nside

tbe robotll.

SeIs of honds forphysicollnteractlon.

The Nakatomi Clerkhovers above the marble

floors of corporations

and embassies, gr eeting

people with its computer­

generated human

personality. Fully

customizable, the Clerk

fills a myriad of roles,

and its impeccable

manners and on-the-fly

networking capabilities

have led many executives U.-'

and diqnitar-ies to admit

that they now prefer

dealing with Clerks to

networking with people.


Page 91: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

"'PCAl:lIR1G At t - - -,ARTISTS ..J

"'...,.....e-, Artists shou /d note thot ore o( !hechollenges in digital crt ís how to

~;r-j:;T1 overcome the somenmes-, orti{iciol-/ooking, mochine­

generated results, rhar is, /ines

thar look too stroight ond eo/ours

t hat appear too consisten! and

exoct. There are mony occosora.

however. when tnese eíteas can

be desirable. A good example

ss [he sean-/ines on [he clerk's

screen. The over/y perfect /ines

effeetively indicore t he technology

used by t he clerk.


These slde­mounted ormscon also recentowards thefront ofthe robot .

3The computer

orts o reocated a l thebottom, wit hineosy recen of

UlTlOn being$..

- -- -





The cterk floots.pivoting onthis moj"hinge cyli nder.

TDesign a realisticmachineAtthough ttus robot üocts.that does not mea n that itsaxis, balance and relott on to

the horizontal plane (in this IJcase. the ( loor of the lobby)are nrelevcnt to its designoThe robot pivots on thebottorn sectton. so ensuret hot you illustrote a betrevcblehinge mechcmsm ondbalance. The general shope 1of the robot should almostresemble the consumerelect ronic appliances thotwe use everyday withouta seccnd thought.

l oter on, light ing000 colour will workto diffefent iotetlle $C reen fromthe IObot.

In o rder l o drowottent ion lo thevibroncy of t hescreen imoge,keep the robol 'scolours subtle.

... Industrial artCleon. c ttrocuve colours suggest o robot

thot on lndusmo! orust could hove spcrutime desiqnmq. The colours of the on-screen

cerscrcnty ore doser te the colocrs used in

o ocsscct pointing lhon in o photogroph.


3Becouse the robot consee in any dlrcetion, tbc

orms ere tucked too from

the scecn so os I'IOt to

impoir vrsion.

Sim ple shapes

2Note how simplified tbe

design con become and

yet remoln recoqotzoble.

,. Shading and IightChocse o shoding style to show that ttebnr shcd metal plating reüccts Iight

differently than tbe sclf· illurninated screen.

Extending arms

1rrese mm eylindefs ore

folded up on themsefves

ond can doubIe in lenglh.

Try lo t hinkaheod to t bepaint ing stage000 whatis in donger ofbecomingobscured.

.. New line stylesl ile Iinewak recuces a s1ight shift of stylebetween the smooth. shorp forms of therobot ond the more orgoniecurves of thcwomon on the screcn.

. d

Page 92: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Working Digital/y,


RenderingMateria /s, p.18Joint s and

Movement, p.30

see- --.ALSO_ --,

Tapered knees. bulgingcalves, ond feet likebooves, give the Trader Q

rocehorselike qlKllity.

Recessed hecd containsa high·definit ion,heet-sensor. cndnight-vision comeras.

51auching, primevolshcuídees crec te ahunched ondsuspicious proñte.

Exoskeletan can bemodi f ied with cbp-cnplates rcr prat ectian Inhostile environments.

Unusua l desig nThe stronqe form of the robot lndudcs

en cjrost monkeylike upper body.

biomedxmical temcoes for product

tesling. ond ultrostronq 1e(JS.

Articulote ho.nds wit heenccte f inger5 enablet he Trader to type otcc mputer terrnlnals andpcrnoccte in eoeucns.


The alien-looking Off-WorldTrader (DFT) droids were

designed by EarthAid

Cybernetics as a means of

infiltrating the civilizations

on colony worlds to source

vital food suppli es for sale

back on Earth. The OFTs a r eprogrammed with one million

colonial bartering protocol s

and are multilingual.

Brains and brawnIhc recesseo beco is ser in to oowcrrushoulders tbot tocse an edra-largc'Cckuns' brain dcsigned to process muncosof complex t rc nsoct ons o secood

Page 93: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Consumer cidThe Off-World Troders werean offshoot of the f irst line ofRadian checkout robots, whichwere destqned t o carry bagsof food and consumer goodsthrough wc r-devostctedst reets to the homes ofneedy ctvrlrons.

Sketch the sl'lopefirst before workingup the design using)'Our software.


The shc pes use<! rrec tean impressiYely "'?dramatic silhouette.


Note now theIegs a re bowedto lndirotetensi le streng t.~h_""""",¡""c-,_",


Ex perim ental shapes

1Expenment by bendmg

ond warping your

shcocs when doing your

«une! figure doodlcs.

Elegont m ot ion

2l 00king at the bojl-cnd­sockct jomt of the hip,

we can gct an idea of tbesinewy way the OFT wclks.

Powerful bu ild

3Strong upper body hos

a yokcukc struct urol

renrorccrncnt for carrying

heavy tocos.

... Extra rendering

The white fogging on the I~ and

tentcoes mteqrctes tte robot withthe sceee. whereas o shodow con

plant him firmly te the ground so he

<loes not Iook Iike he is floo tlng.

Mix und matchos mony colourcombina tions asyou wont. Tryblue on<! llghtgrey. or red on<!white - the optionsare endless..

Sutln-metn lt extu re lsimperfect,suggestingweer and tecr.

... HighlightsAccurate Iightlng cos realismo Th ink

obout wbcre the light wi ll fo il on tterobot's curves as the Iow evening sun

stnkes him frcm behind.

... Sh o d ing

Use dark unes to define the shodows.

which will help depict wh ich eíements of

the design ore round. flot or sqocre, justbyplacing the shodows correctly.

Two-tone cclcue-schemeis a chonce to explorecolour combinations..

Page 94: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

"lI The ot s ttries out d¡fferCflthead designs.

From 011 angles

ihis illustral ive rctcuon of ue robot

show5 its exaggeroted posrure 000 nsIorge crest. Notice that tbe jceus ere

oevecoeo even ot th~ stcce.


It. An oggresSivestcrce implies

a robot who

means cosioess.

~ Sbooldersore flanked byrubro- appendages.

Developing ideas

Robots whoseroles líe in jow

ond arder hove sim ilari ties t e

m ilitary robots. OOt the ir

ogglcsSive cscccts moy be Jl rr.....¡;;.downployed. OnemojOf /consdercnon is how pebhc

the robot should be in jIs

cppeorcnce: n coold becroffiool mar kings or Icncuon in

a more ' ploin dothes' role.

The chest is

i his rounded pcrt ..-z' ~~~~~yuse ;'\scPñ~· .~~r-::'is where the ·Z - Q covity. i i'l. (pnscners ore .-----: - .....trcnsferred ~-1fñcm the robot .

ihis panel willbe the barredcell qate In thefinol designo

Law-and-order robots , used

for policing, are unique m that

theír interaction will be primaril

with the civilian populace They

are human-friendly but havea dísconcertínq potential for

violence beneath the surrace.Though not engineered to be

ettracttve, the appearance of

these peace-keepmg robots

is nonetheless impor tant.

They have been painstakingly

designed both to calm a

crowd of agitated r ioters and

to intimidete and terr-ifv

waywar d suspects

Page 95: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

(rest and officia lrnart ial insigniadeccrcte thisrobat 's shaulder.

This shock batonprojects a~electricol fleld ,which disablessu spects when theyenter it.

Tbe eres arecomposed 01 adisparate array01 huge senso""

I d sketc h.... A more deve ope ,shows sorne of the artlst sfina l cbclce s.

(ontainment cell.osee to temporanlytncc rceretecapture<! sospects,


Page 96: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Pecce-rcycppecrs os agurto invoding ho'd


Traditiona/Iy. p.12Artistic Rendering,

p.16Attochments ondEmbelJishments.p.34

see- - "'IALSO_ .....

Harmoniaus elementsTbese bccoutul robots moved effort lesslyocross the landscope. The holy men allowedo handful to foil into Imperial honds. seccrein the knowledge tbct the nwcdes could

only understand me prcjcs.powered

mechorusrns by filst ccceptmq the messageof pecce.

8f(1in powered by1,000 miniatu reproyer wh eets.

St urdy mult ij ointleq-untts,weighted forext ra stnblllty,



Exhaust systemproduces minimollyhCllordous byproducts.

Fonighted desig"rfc eyepiece js an ingenious crece ofequomcnt .ollowing the holy rncn to seethrough remate eyes in 011 weothors. doy orruqht. lhe robot olso has olfoctory sensorslo smell out mvcoers.

Rü80T Fü U NO R Y L A W & O RD ER

When the Imperial Chinese land armada stole

into Tibet, the holy men of the mountains defended

their peaceful lan d by willing into being 15 ,000

tank-calmer robots, known as 'Steel l.otuses' .

Far from being a killing machine, each robot

was powered by 1,000 prayer wheels .Together the Steel

Lotuses swept 46 ,000

Imperial tanks back

over the border

with the people's

collective prayer

for peace.

• ~I-

Page 97: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


-:115hape and balanceThis design rs essent ially otapered cyli nder on legs.Constructed in segments, ttdecrecses in drometertowards the rea r where itcurves upwords t o form theexhausto Oblongs cndtriongles in the legs creotea visual contrasto

A multitud!! ofcurved elementscreetes Impressionof a robot ' creat ure',

Legs resemble thelimbs of Q quic:k,scompering animol.

Moin body isa lmost spherlcnl.


t en-me curvedcyunderormngement .


•L, ~

Simple forms

1Note how an arrangemeflt

of simple rorms oroerncsthe complexrty.


2Legs must be cosnoreccorefully for Q reohsttrolly

balanced posture.


3The axis of balance will

shltt dcpendmq on the

pose of thc robot.

•. ,,.- -~~.


... Dig ital co lourWhenaddlng com digitolly lo a

t; J ceoot drOWing,crecte a layer in. .

~>-;.;. Protosrcc with the bIend mode ser lo>«;~J~-:"" : Mult iplY. Thismainlains tbe brightness

l. of the coleo. while allowing the block

unes to show through.

Use not uro l tcoes en<!gleoming elementsthot suit t hl! robot ' sspirit uo l purpose.


.~(I .",",. ~_:r. • ' /: .... Clear line style

~:-C:. Aswatercolour will be used in the next./:':1, •'\ stoqe. u iS better te apply pencü-.\' ,e ...... shoding in o series of cnso. thin unes

thcn to use a srnudqy shading style.

Sketch io the solidelements once you'vecought the rnood ofyour robot.

.. Watercolour mocdsBlock in the colour using actualwctecocor. or use diluted coeorsin Photoshop with a rnecsoreof trc nsocercv to o eote the

sorne effect.

Let your imagina lionond hond run fret'lyto eeeete a fluiddrowing style.



Page 98: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Traditionally , p.12Developing YourIdeas, p.26Bits and Widgets.


see- - -'AlSO~-..I


Monstrous creations

Crccted by thetr mosters to resembre msects

cno other erectores that temneo Bioforms,

t xtcm uoctors becamc fond of adorning

tt emsefves with gruesome trophíes from

therr hunt ing exceomons.

Antig rovity generoto rshoused withinbody casing.


l ail ends Insensor cluster.

Wings act os___ guidonce rcus.

Stabililing rodsfiUec! withgy'oscopic

adjustors..~~ ...::~~

.o--_ Heat-sensit ive ' seeker'organ. mounted ongripper ptoboscls.

By the late 25th century, most humans had

given up their organic heritage and become

cybernetic organisms. The few remainingBioforms were forced to hide away or face

immediate exter mination. The elite cyPods were

not allowed to pollute themselves with filthy

biological matter, so a hit squad of flying

robots was pressed into service to finish

the Job for them the Exter rninator-sl

.Deadly armoury .,

The primary tools of the Extermmotor's

trad e are ns ctow-típpod arms. Othe r

weapons con be ottochcc as well, including

flame tbrowcrs, elect r ón-pulse cannons and

rcct.seeuoq kmer-vírus qreocoes.



Page 99: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Hood shapeshove odcIlyhumon a specto

Ir idescentcolours suggestmsectftke ports.

... Multiply mod eSean into Photoshop. then ceote a newloyer cnd set the mode to Muitiply_ Add

colour w tth Pcncil, Brushand Alrbrush

tools and corost U5ing the ColorBalance. HuelSoturation and

BrightnesslContrast mcnus.

Axis fa r f1ight

3The cos for a robot in flight tsd.fferent

from a r~ulal. land ·based creotu-e.

PIoted arrungementrcees ins pirotioo 'ra m'eal ·world ersects.


101:. chosen tedefioe edges aodenhonce solidity.

~ Experiment wit h calour

When addiog co cer in a proqrcrnroesuch as Photoshop, you hove anamazing amount of ñecoorn to ccjust oralter the colour in any way you Iike. I t i5

cjso easy to oecte new colour VQriOt~

on the underlyiog drawiog itsell .

Aerod ynamic lines

2NOreed to think much oboot balance

when drOW1ng the Enemtrotoe.fnstecd giVe u on impressioo of soceo ond

mcoceuvroouny in the crr by foccsmq on nssieek. cerodyocrmc lines.

y Appropr iate sty le

The drowlOg styre is jagged. jittcryand detoaec to erecto a scnseofmsecne complelli ty cod odvanced

mochinc enginecring.

Distortt'd obloogs sU9gestmechcntccl elements.

Not hing natural

1The underlying soeces moy belnsectñke. but the coostrocton rs

detmctly mechonical. shctp and suuster.If this robot ts an msect. it rs onoggressiVe. deadly one.

Distinctive shapesEach Exterminato r Is a

challeng ing collectio n of

cont rasting sha pes - f1aUened

a nd distorted oblonqs. spheres

a nd cyhnders. The ñntsheddesig n ts very dtsnncuve.so t hmk carefully about


Page 100: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

_ c-- - - - - - - ------- -


As the multinationals gain ever -increasing

power, they also face greater hostility Their

aggressive weakening of federal powers has

relegated much policing to being handled

internally The Martial Queller is used to put

down protests and riots, and its mere presence

acts as a deterrent to those who would fight the

euthorities Whenever corporate property is

threatened, the Martial Queller wade s in to

crowds, vomiting tear gas and shattering

dissidents with its elect ric baton .o

Sirk·fibre-<omf'O"ite ploting in ablastproof snield, which is 0150rnogl'let icol1y shlelded t o pretectthe robot from directionol EMP

Nonmilitory tough guy (electrornagnetic pulse) bIosts.

Although heovlly crrrccred and aggresslve.

this robot is not Q mllitOlY c\evice. so youcan espose Oleas between the ormoul

ploting. The humonoid wcmor design

crectes tbe irnpression ot a

'co pomte Samuro¡'. cver loyal

to ns lord - in this cose the

board of directoes.

Implying strengthHexcqoncl pkJting implies g reot st rength in

the shiekfs mokeup. PoIY90n01stooes ore

on excenent woy te creo te cttmctwe. yet

lechnicolly bclievoble. lorgc surfoce c rees in

robonc designo

seeALSD_ .....RenderingMateria/s, p.18Attachments andEmbel/ishments.p.3l¡

MilitaryAttachments , p.36

Plot ed communiea t ionscrroy maintains cc nstontsatellile com municatlonwit h corporate HQ,

Chemical ccmstersf ¡re teor-gas andother suppressionshells ¡nto crowds.

A wecve of f U

strips encase¡ellplosive chawhich is detorthe robot fiocmobbed byoverwhelmioc

___ oumbers of e¡

High-poweredele<:trk batonwith plasticsplash·shleld(to Pfevenlbod ily flu idsfTom shortingt he ope nefect rcdes).

Page 101: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Aggressive os pect

3 Both the shield and boton ore held

owny from the body in o defio nt ly

oqq ressfve displa y posture.

Powerful poseA squatting warrior pose canbe used to qrect advontage inthis robot. Its shield Is clsoshaped and sízed for use inprotect ing the t orso withoutobstructing the alreody heavilyormoured leqs.

Torso deslg "

1As wit h many robots, its lower torso

und pelvisare relat rvely t hin 000

mostly structural.


Tilti ng s h ields

2Thc shoulder protes ore unce fOlWards

to deflect buacts owoy from the torso.


Though t he urm connectswith t he shleld 01 theelbow, it sti ll cc nt tnues inlength os a struc turaflystrong mooring.

The shield dcesn'tdiffer fondamentaUy

""ir from this simplerectang le: a sectionhas merel)' been

r:h cut ou t .




's ¡tst



T Inorgonic shopesAllhough CUJvC'd. the shapcsusoc in thedcsrqn are not qui te orqcmc, giving en

industrial and unpleasant csoccr to o robot

ttcrs more brutal than n rs sopr enccted

Note how thehexogons will be Ioidin Ioter wit h the oidof the compote..(don't bother witha roler).

The bexcqoes ore keyed inwith t he elements theytOlKh Inctlce how ot herelements seern te line upwith t hem consistent ly).

... Persped ive o n de t a ils

Dcrken the m uscular cable bundle!. that con

be seen in tf-e gops between the ormour

pIoting so tnct they 'Sit bock' from tbevrewcr's eyc, aeating tbe ímpresuon of a

g limpse into the anatomy of the robot.

... Office r robotUse of blue, whlte and yellow add to O

coece-cñce-ue opcecrcrce.wIlich has

becn odapted by the leosing comconies

lo mcmtom the ídcntifiable coiour­

schemcs of tb e old oothouncs.

The modolar riot -shieldand baton do I'IOt sharethe some colaor-sctlemeas tne robot lt self.

Page 102: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Enlargedsheot h andbcyonetarra)'.

Electrtccllymotivated rozorwíres wi th boyonetbecds t hrosh ondf1ail O(OUoothe robot.

Deca/s and Lagos,

p.20Developing Your

I deas, p.26Attachmenu and



see- - -'ALSO _ .....

A personal sotel l itenccts oround ___robot . offeringr«onnaissonceand dctoüedsensor)'informationto its host.

slerce ond fearless' Intimidoting' sumsup the impl"esSian

YOu worrt to (feote with

this design! The rncjortty of comtct tc kes

place at very clase qucrters, result ing in the

Purqcr's predo tory cppcomnce - ond rts

Iarge complemcnt o f bladcs.

Fixed f1amethrowerwit h bayonet and tank ofcompressed, j ellled napalm.


In the age of the globalized

Umfied Chur ch, heresy has

ushered in a new I nquisition.

!t's in this crisis that a robot

like the Purger must play the

dual roles of spiri tual healer

and cleanser of heathen

communities Whenever aheretical movement is

detected, the Purger is

sanctioned to descend on•

the community at night,

cutting down men,

women and children,

bur nmg everything to

the ground to cleanse

the land of sin .

Comp lex ci rcuitryThe sotenne tsalll'lOSl Art-Dem style in

cscect. The scteune iS de';igned

to be o compícteíy uoormoured cntity

with almost bare orcuíuy. indicoting

. thct tt's packed w ith corr olex sensorsand cicctronrcs.

_ ._"

Page 103: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


l . . .

Far 011lnterrtscnd perpcses.t he weight lsptcced straightdawn tne leg ondon to tbe heel.

Amazing rozars

3The skirt al the bad af

tbe robot reuses l win

rolls of rczoe wire.


Buil t ·in weoponry

2The flamcthrowcr is on

extensíon of tbctceecrm rothe than o Iimb


Natice haw shiftedthe lawer pcrt 01t he body ís fromIhe olignml'nt ofIhe torso.

look outl

1The robot Í5 twisted

round to rt s IefL os IrIooking over nsshoulder.

The entireupper torsois unmO'lingand ron beapprollimaledin a neunifar m shcpe.

The fear af GadThe Purger rs o bogeymon:designed speciñccuy to instildreod from every cnqle. evenwit h tts proüle ond the shcpesof its body pcrts. Bristling withknlves. ond wit h o bc re skullsunken into th e hulking torso,the Purger is o twtsted.humonoid designoPloying moreof an csscsstn's role - with itstorget being unsuspectmqcivi lions - this robot is moreogile looking t hon n would beif it had o heavi ly or moured,militory oppeoronce.


Dcrken the far 11'9dromat ically losepuscte it and placeit in perspective.

... Bug-Iikl' segment s

A strange, nsoctne sejmentcnon ts used

uniformly in tre desíqn - in morked

cootrcsr lO eíements like tne sctejhteand flometlYower.

Much of t he robotts plioble ond,therefore, has anOfgonlc quolily to itscomponent sbcpes.

... Hateful poteA darkened mass of wrigg ling shopes swellsup to tbe bcre.skull· like headof tbe robot.The orstoct.metallic sheen ot the blcdes Í5

applied al the coloufing stoqe. so iccve out

bold highlights ot tbrs poot.

... Re g al cetours

Use an opulent coloorscr erne bcre to imply

the almost regal status invested in the robot

by its owners. who've abviously poured

incalculable funds into its cecboo.

Not ice how t hl'tleod tex t ure000 colourshifts slightlyfrom therest of t herobot ,olmostresembling bane.

Page 104: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


see- - -'ALSO_ ---'

Dockinq exteosícn fofconnectinq to itsservice space station.

Extensíons unf llriinto huge solarcol1ectillg pcoets.

Drawing ondResearch, p.l0Artistic Rendering,

p.1 6)#Attachments ond'// Embel/ishments.

) p.3~

l eqs terrmnctein com plexretre-bccstee,

While not combotcrmcured , the robot isploted for protectionfrom asteroids a lldspace debns.

Flower powerlile Orbital Deleqete ooes nol nccc lo be a'ugged robot. os it ñccts in lhe vocuum of

spoce. It rs on ost.ro·artillery pece rotberthan a machine designed for ccrotct.

Ac:Iditional pa,ts and equipment bIossom

out of it me petots on a flower.


Coil gllllS mounted indual setup for moreccnt rcllcble recoil.

Don't deslgn a heavyweightr tese mechani~seem sieroe ondoeíccte when placed beside tbe large robotHQwever, In sccce. tbe only recl stresseslo t be guns a re ccosed by flring t hern,

llleir dcsign is linear and soeocneedbut ccrta inly not robcst by terestncl

wropon'y storocros.

This robot is an exhaustive

overhaul of the second Soviet

Space Programme's cosmonaut

buddy system Mounted with

independent and solar power

sources, and equipped

with dual gauss guns,

the Orbital Delegate

now circles the Earth

shooting down any

satel1ites that contravene•

sanctions and treaties.

Page 105: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Designed for its environment

3 The robot moves in on unnatufOl but

precise mormer, totolly unlike a human,

leovoq ns profile inorqomc.


The$e twomo in cylinder$run rightt hrOl.lgh t hemiddle ofthe te rse,bi$ect lng It .

Polnts to remember

2ThiSrobot is very sceocnzeo. so fui!

oucccuco ond monoeuvrobihtyare

not really necesscry.


Thebody ¡po" tlM ;' not asymmetricclbut 0150 not <::::::)dramat lc, 0$ 1.it enns ino vocuum. __,

zero-atmosph ere conslderations

1Remember this robot üccts but oceso't

fly. so its proñle rs not oerodynomic.


The two cail gun$~=~afe completelyidentical, 0$ aretheir mount ing$.

Zero-gravity designDue te its environment, theOrbital Delega te enccuntersno grav itotional stresses andst roms. Its Iimbs fun ctfon onlyos crtkulcuon ond are notload beoring. The exceptíon isthe orms, wrnch connect theguns to the torso and need tobe reloti vely reinforced. Thrs rsone of the rore coses whereaxis ond ground ptcne ore notvital foctors in your designo

... Space robotsSpace is e n erwíronrreot totaUy d ifferen t

from that in whiCh rT"IOSt robots wiUherve to

nocnco.000 ttuswill be reñectcd in e'Vf!fy

ospect of your designoSctclhte and spc cc

stcnon srcccs and prcpornons areexceüeot sources of reference nee.

Tht' $hape$of thi$ robotare a rewl l of ns complex$lructure ond serve nooutward pcrpose.

Even t he lorgetlat planes int hi$ dt'5ign$hould hove a$light deqreeof ambit'nt$hading.

... Getting the Iighting rightAlth ough not who lly cccurcte to the sharpl y

controsting Iighting of obJects in sooce. your

shoding should leen towcros a basicolly

recnsnc pcet rc yct. baJancing reousm with

the necd lo maintain mteresunq dctca.

... Environmentoi hczcrd sUse reñecnve wtntes 000 rretcmc coces,indudlng goIds. in obundance. On tbe robot

they wauld prevent extreme overheoting

frorn the suo's fOYS. Glowing lightscnd LEOsresemblc rhose of sotemtes orocontemporory spoce technology.

Bright ond meteü-c, tht' colOl.lf$of the Orbito l Oelt'goteresembre otht'r preces ofmochinery and spcce debristhct sptn in the Earth '$ orbit .

Page 106: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Curved , hunchedprofile crecees asmatler tor90.>t forsmall-orms t ire.

Render¡ngMaterials, p.1aJoints andMovement, p.30Attachments andEmbe llishments,


see- - '"ALSO_ --,

setenne dishestcbüshes upl inkfor dota oncurrent bounties.

Differently coloured headond pla ting denote recenUyrepleced ports thot hove )'('tto be camouflaged.

Metal clows gr ipwith (1 force of "000pounch. SHK3005 hovebeen known to np t heorms off fl eeing criminol swhile in hot pursuít .

Ptot ing Is hecvy ont he front of the robot,os this ts t he mostprobable directlon forobsorbing incoming nre.

Simple purposeThis robot was designed todisplay its smtster fu nctton.and its predatory cnd hunchedposture ilIustrate ttus role.Conceclment being ímportcnt.the robot wos designed with acamouflaged paint job in mind(something that can, if notcarefully planned, createa muddled image).

Death ' s headThe 5HK 300'5 heod can move freelyt o aim at anything in Its ñeld of vlew.Its íntncote to rgeting systems areconcent roted ot the stdes of itsfcce and neck, as ore its decdüestwecpons: two Iinked pulse guns. onelonq-rcnqe toser. and one non lethalbcjüsuc disobler.

l'l. l 11;;)..:.,¡C~,.L:.In the future , hardcore policing is entrusted

to machines. Their impassive minds are

foolproof insurance against corru ption in

the police force. The Bounty Hunte r5earch-Hunt-Kill (5HK) 300 deals with

the most dangerous criminals . It operateswith great stealth, and can

engage in extended pur suits that

would not be humanly possible

The 5HK 300 uses an

autonomous Al and, when needed,

it can quickly connect with the

central police mainframe. Thisrobot is deployedwhen a Judicial

decision has been made.

Often, the target is

executed on the spot

Page 107: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


, ' L ~'9</ Simple Iegsha¡M!S willbecomeonimoHike later.


Add sorne camauflogepatterns ond morkingsfor en oddit ionolelement of interes!.

... Layen a nd det a il

The f inal oppnccuon of octcus can be the

most time-coosuming phcse. Flc u en on

Iayers to ore fOf po inting ecse. U'>C uezoom func tion to add very fine de~o ils.

To mc ke the robot cppecr used

ond worn, crecte a ncw layer00 top ond pomt 00 sorneserete-es ond stoms.


2The 10119 bcrret shope cbove the lcgs

ccts as a farward h inge to ollow theHunle. te 'eco 00 ro 011 fours ct a rromeu'sronce for swifl ccune Jl1OV(!fTlf'nt,


Shade ond colourseveroJ voriot ionsof the robot.compare.andchoose the best.

The hull contai nsthe centralrornputer one! iscurved to deflectenemy fire. ----,-.J

Core stability

3AlthOugh huoched in shopc ond stcnce.the robot has a V('fy stoble struetule.

... Layen a nd lightWhen you're scusñcd with thc hnework enehove comrrntted it te ooe Iayel, the rextstcqe is adding coiour 000 vo/ume. Fill in the

loyer under the hnework. Choose your Iight

soorce corefully, und tct it guide you when

you stcrt uddtnq your «aocr. '" ,

The hunchback of intentellar space

1The Bounty Hunter IS humonoid with adominoting, curved, orrnoured proftlc

ondo hunchcd back.


Shoot firstThe shopes are st rictlyfunctionaL 1t must movequíckly. sheet cccurctety.ond withstond the hcrsbestconomons. The robot Is fittedwith jump j ets allowlng forsbort penods of lim ited f light.With the help of smollerarticuloted jets. u canmake very complex andunexpected mcnoeuvres.

... Digital drawingTllough tte whole image rs done in

Ptotosooo. tte ñrst stage is olwoysfreehond uncwoik. The test Ihing obout

drowing on the corrouter ts the pcssosny

fOl" changing the pictcre Ihroughout trecroot ive process without Ioss of qualily. You

con ecsüy zoom in und add fine details.

( reot e ('Yt!'Ysectianon a sepcrete layerso you con easllychonge onJy tncsec rees of the robotyou disllke.

This Bounty Hunterts organic ondlnsectile in d~¡9n.

Page 108: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

TM tace mosk isdecorat ive. o nd dientswha desire jess

oggressive cppecroncesfor guord duties tendlo hove tht' 'oclorydefoutt replaced.

Working Digital/y,p.li¡Artistic Rendering.p.16RenderingMateria/s, p.18

see- - -'ALSO _ ---'

-- Thissensor octual1ye~tends during use,ond can retroctduring ccenbct,

The Samurai Guard is a r epur posed military

robot converted for private, civilian use Thecivilian model lacks the built-in weaponry of

the military ve rsion but retains some of the

armour plating and ECCM (electronic

counter-counter- measures) protective

systems The head is separate from the

body, held in place with a proprietary

antigravity/ electromagnetic system.

This allows the robot to use the

head as a floa ting remote camera


The clothing is primo.ltyccmpcsed of synthetics(lOO is d@Signedtorip easilylo I'frYent opponen lsfrom using it asa __combot ad vontoge.

The KEIGO personal sKurity robot

This particular consumer model wcsdesigned with integra l armour ond j ointprotectlon built into its 'clothlnq'. ltsproportions clso preclude rt weoringhuman dothing. Commercial retcñersoften customize the robot 's face plate.

,Decorative Int imidat ion

The KEIGO was planned to resembleo fearsome statue standing still in aroom during a senstnve meeting,causing the intimidated to fret overthe hkehhood of this stotue suddenlyspringing to life and attocking.

Page 109: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



TM head isapproximotedd~f-_..I

~~~~~here to ineludeJ the helmel.

The fists oreoggressivelye1enched.

Bosicolly humonoid.t his robot has a wideond stable stc nce.


Human natureThis robot. llke the others. canbe broken down into simpleshopes such os cubes ondcylinders. The desig n of thtsrobot rs intended to resernbfethe human body but withexoggeroted proporttons thotemphcstze tts mcssíve stoture.

Shapely composition

1The posture ond cttltude

01(> defined ct the bcs«ccosuucnco stoqe. SO be soreu conveys the feel you wor rt

fOf your f inol desíqn.

Artist 's mod el

2AlthOU9h humanoid. thi s

robot stand<; at on

ortificially stiff angle. ils

chest thrust stoícoüy forward.

Core stobility

3ThOu9h you moy nevcr

show orear stot of yoor

ñnrsbed robot, understanding

its structcre from this angle

wil l hcíp yoo.

... Bold unesRefine and t igh t('fl up the oetous ond dcsign

ideos that yoo explored in tbe initial sketch.

ronceotrcte oetcas in the roce.and go terbcld . block unes.

For visua l unity.moke su re thegrophieal motifsrepeat throughthe designo

Use o simplelight ond darkcolour scheme.

... Backgrou ndIn yoor d igital pointing progromme.loy

down Q l ectongle or o warm red. orange or

brown colour in thc background. Then tr y

pointing tre robot in complementary hucs.

... Bosic colourOnce the e1ementary colour b10ds ore

opplied. work up t he br igl''lter spo ts of colour

ond dctoiling. especiolly on the foce. Apply

highlíghts whefe the light shines on tbedownword-focing surfoces o f tbe beco.

Md o subtle wosh ofwcrm colour over

tne whole po inting.

Indicote the glow oft he levlt(lting devlce Inthe pit of the neck with(1 stron9 highlight_

Page 110: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

~ An eorlyprototype has

only two mms.

... This sketch

captures treorm moeemeots.


... This voncuon rsrecoqnlznbly human

in oopecronce.

From 0 11 ongles

Helpef robots give tbe ortiSl a wioe ronge

of probable opprooches. When designing.

rememter tbct yocr robot will hove to« rteroct with peopIe.

Develop lng IdeasIr" o good idea to sketch out

simple exumplcs of youlhclper robot intelOcting wtth

comcsuc humon objeclsin the kinch of sctnnqs tberobot is lntended for.

Wh~s lnstecd of Iegsj ust d idn"( seem t e

fill}-¡i'i'I IT1Qtch the eexteccsuppef body.

The hip pivotsin movement,just like (1

humons dces.

The helper robot moyeven tcke on humonqestures suth as restingns hond on ns knee.

Many great robotic advances

will be made in the consumer

electronics market and

tomorrow 's robotic grenadiers

may well be today's robots

designed to walk the family dog.

Pleasant in appearance and

adapted to a varietv of tasks ,

these robots are a boon to

humanity Although personalhelpers have smíling,

approachable faces and are

very user-friendly, they

incorporate all the high-tech

design and intricate robotics

you would fmd in the most

cutting -edge machme.

Page 111: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

As o robot hes noproblem conltollil'lC}mony differentoppendoges. tbeselimbs are orrongedin o set o, four.



... A more worked-up sketchshows the design the artist ha schosen to develop.


The sty liled femelemce is intended teoid in intefoctionwith humo n owners.

Aesthetic de<:is ionswill be prevalent inhetper robots: notel hese mock heers.





rne hip }aintoppeors os onell.oggeroledboll ond socket.

- ,

",."u '

Tbe seqrneetedorms hove awíde rtl l'lC}l!of movement.

A hell)ef robot'sell.trem it ies should beoble la interoct withobjects designed forhuman use.


Page 112: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

lite ts Your Palette,p.21

lomts andMovement , p.30Bits ond Widgets,p.32



The humanoidproportions and sree oft his ADIUVO mcdelallow it t o weor humanctct hes when necessc ry.

The cercmlc/resínmoteriol ollows orqcn¡c,oesthet i(olly pleosing,humonold shcpes to bemoss-produced.

The exosketeton isslightly flex ible, butjcints ore stm needed inthe exterior skin t o oltowfull ronge of movement . __-....._

Simple construction

This robot can be broken downinto simple shc pes such as cubesand cylinders. which mokes it eosyto draw.


light weightceramiclpolycorbonoteresln exoskeleton.

Humanoid rhythms

The overall design is mtended toresembre the human bod y: the facialfeatures and expression should clso.Use the eyes to mim ic a human qoze.

The ADIUVO Mark IV is the

most advanced consumer

personal -assistant robot in the

Adiuvo range, which began in

the late 21st century with the

original toylike Adiuvo I (see

page 4 3) The current modelhas greatly expanded functions

and abili ties and is often used

in civil and industrial situations

as .well as in its intended

domestic r ole.

Page 113: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint




Use humonUkej oints ond yourrobot wi ll be

;s:~:Z:=:::<c::¡;:::~~~~~~O~b l e to mckehumcnltkegest ures.


Mimic o.stfong,mc sculfnebody type.



Th is robot con movesubtly o.nd conw ymeo.ning thr0tf9hhumo.nl ike t ouchessuch os o sligh t turnof the hecd.

Off·axis stancePush the boxes and cylindersoff the vert ical axis. Thewetqht of t he robot still needsto be cent red, but tts bodycan lean and introduce gentl ecurves ond 'S' shapes into Itsstanding pose.

Core stability

3 Like a human, your robot

neeos a strong spme onda pelvis l o cnctsc en uprigh t

cc mc qe cno a strooq storce.

Overoll design shouldretem o friendlyeppeorcece.

... Finish ingThe oddition ot dork, almost block. join t

rrctencr cdcs a 3·0 quolity to the robot.

Spcctccotcr high!ights and glowing green

cyes complete the design,

With the colourblccked in, you conolter the hue ondsaturctícn if you wish .

Artist 's model

2Make use of a wooden

crtrst's rrcoer when

drawing the MOfk IV. Models

are cvcncblo al ony fine

nrt store.

'Y The right tone

Once tbe bese forms ore reroerod adjust

tbe colour ond scnaouon but eceo rt subtíeto ollow the sotcrcted scot-cooors in theeyes to stand out If-e dnterent 'Shades willcmpnosize certoin muscle groupings os well.

Shapely shapes

1By gracefully rounding

tre eierentcry stcoesused, the robot rs oble to

rT\OV(! in a fluid, human way..>- '; ,' ''ti, Id.,."~~ .r-.


ond other designelements shouldechc humnnanotomy.

... Superhuman

The linework on this robot iS C"SS€'Otia lly of

lile mejor musde groups of the human

body. Leaving these rncsocs exposed gives

the AOIUVO MQfk IV not only o human but

o 'supethumcn ' cok. Use onotomicol cbcns

to qet the musctes just rtqht.

Page 114: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

lorge lacquer boxcontains t he cogsaod switchingoboxesthat control the ctrrobes that leed tothe Korokuri.

Shint o cncrms olef ixed to t he enginebox aod ore said tohelp instil theKarakuri with o soul

Drawing and

Research, p.10Deve/oping Your

Ideas, p.26}oiOCs ondMovement , p.30

see- ­ALSO_ .....

Tea far the hcst andhis guest is presentedon a lacquered tray.

Two pneumat lcpumps funct ion asth e Karokurj ' s primemode of movement.

Delica t e f u.ictfonsWi lh o dcsíqn tncr's purcly for show. the

Kcrcju r¡ percrmsooly Simple teses. rts

Pfimory role rs l o cncrm guests. Resembling

a Iife·Sil (' doll in oess.tnc Karokuri rs cisc

coostJained by the nmas ct how far thetubing will reoch rron tre ensille lhat

powcrs il

Tanned skin tubingdeuvers compressedail from themain pumps.

The seventh Tokugawa, a

great patron of Karakuri

design during the Edo period ,

commissioned this robot .

Used to entertain guests

with its charming grace as it

carefully presents its hosts

with tea, the Karakuri has

also been used sparingly in

Japanese Noh theatre,

much to the shock,,

of the audience

when they

discover that the

masked actor is

a robot.


Ge isha .girl robot

The wig ond foce reserrole o worpcd

mpresston of a Getsho.The hmr ts real

and has to be ueo back and arrongcd in

the trodrttonot fushion, just like O real

woman 's. Dotcüs such os the heighlened

eyebrows ond light lipst ick ore ccoueo l o

olreody·pale porcelaio.

Page 115: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


ll-=Characteristk stance

3A ceuccte. fem inine

postura rs en importcnt

elcmeot in creo nnq thoímpressron desíred bythe orttst.

Posture and legs

2Note tnc permonentlybowed posture and Iegs

that don't tcck st raight.



TI'Ie hay will balanceon th is arm tu will be T_ighted on the sideof t he ectunl teopat).

The Iaq~red bcxand cylinders arekept somewhatsimple, so t heydon't de t rnctattent ion fromthe actual robot .


Tube connections

1The f igure 000 the

rogine ere seccrctc.connecteo only by tubing.

The layen of dothwill drope ceert his frame.

Humanoid figureThe robot ís dist inct in that itcan be approximated as onelongated human figure, Basicstructure and articulation arefundamento lly humonoid, soemploy your Iife-drowingskil1s to do justíce to theñqure's gestures.

" Pa tte rn co nsidera t ionsDcn't be too coocemed wtth poneros onthe kimono a l this pont-, u woulo be fartoo much I rouble lo carry tbese thlough.Potteming con be npphed in row colourotthe end of the process,

Some influencesIespeclolly in the face)hove been taken fromth e styliled oktyc-ewoodbtocks of Jopan.

The block lacqueris defined by t hetiniest applicat ionof shine on sharpeoqes and paintsof highlight.

... Heavy contrastHeavy decrccs ot ccoucsr ore slolling lodevelop a l tt ns poinl- for excrnpie in thebalance of dark hair 000 block kx:quer with

shining porceknn e ro goId.


" Creoting parcela inThe ooceiom skin is of the pclcst while.liketbot of a coeneson or Geisho. 000 thrsstarkly cootrcsts with the richcocees 000

pctters of the kimono.

Tiny tcuches adddisproportionatejnt erest , such asthe Geisha-stylelipst ick application.

Page 116: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

...-----Krrl'fU'nmnr¡rnVYIAí's5'sITSrs TANT----

seeALSO _ .....Drawing andReseQ(ch, p.10

Art istic Rendering.

p.16Bits and Widgets.


Metal plo.lesl ied te torsowith red clot h.

Creo.ting d oy texturesThe GoIem ts a servant crected out of OOyfoe manual Iobour.so try te créete e worn.chipped. rU9ged texture. rre GoIem is notan aggrC'SSOf and cpoccrsstrong onostecotcst rather thon dangerous.

__ Spikes. in the Ieetensure stabi lity.

The uerem's guise tsthet of on anclentJudoic priest , Q signte pec pre of caGalern's relo lían teits robbinicol cnctOf".

• _---- This eyebcu tS whOl:- the Golem act ua lly

sees with, a nd itswivels and glowsos it looks oround.


Four orms (lid inmanual lobour.

AII.seeing eye

w hereos the conventiOnal pair af eres areblank ond cleodened. in tbe glowifl9 orb afOle drawn eye ttct the GolemU~ te seetbe WOfId. Ihts eye's inoo light ülumínctesond CO!OUfS the surrounding doy ondcomplcments the ovcrcn colour-schemc.

This legendary living s t a t ue is sculpted from

clay and instill ed with holy life to function as a

servant to its cr eator and as a protector of the

community The writing on its forehead gives it

the spark of life and removing part of this

inscription can deactivate the

Golem. Although it makes

an excellent assistan t, a

Golem is apt to get stuck

in loops and perform the

same tasks over and


1I~ll -

Page 117: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



This primitivesha pe isbasicallyahoopskirtsurrounding apo ir of Ieqs.


The upper ormsecttcn Is moreHke o drapings~ thon o

body port.

---The orm se pa rotesInto o newseqmeot otthe elbcw.

DolI·like jointsThe Golem 's shcpes and joints aresimilar in appearance to those of odon. It adopts Q st iff, erudelyhumanoid stcnce.

Freedom of movement

2The boll joints

coenecteq thc ormseqments allow a widefOnge of movemen.

... Mat eria ls

Hard, chipped. ecrthcn sbooes are «quíredhere, so keep things orqomccuy rooqh OMuneven. Keep in min<!o however. that 011 (heelemenls are quite stlft and unyielding.Conslstency ts «nportont te ensure tbot theGalern's becooress. for exomple. is

obviousIy made of the sorne rrcteocr os hiSskin. ond so oo.

Ready for action

1The GoIemawaitstuscroes.

... Watch your shadingThe shoding of the day iS ccoseteruoverthe whole robot.

In thls cose. the doyhas been maUeglozed , so thereflect ions andtextures shou ld beneithe!'" t oa shiny.no, t oa dull.

An imitation of life

3The design iS essenuoüyhumanoid, so call on

your ufe-drowinq skills.

The cent rol glowingblue highlights oreasof oronge glozing.

• Defining substance with colourThe da y rs well,woJn. cmpoeo ond glozed

with deep. warm huesoExceptions are therenccuve rretot txecsrpcte. red uesand treglowing b1ue eye. The metal chest pIote

reücc ts the ccioes around 11.

Page 118: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

ROSO T FO U N D R Y A 5 5 15 TAN T

Orgonic ond constructed partsA1most whoIly rcsncoco from gathered. orgapor ts. this rccct's only ort¡flCially modceerncnts are its b1adesond baubles. As Wlth

otbcr puppets. 011 molion ond streng th a re

oerweo from outside roces (in thrs case. mo~

whkh lccves it strangcly ococotronco.

Second poir oforms ends In tong,sharp ñn qers fort hreshing mtllet .

Scythe for rllMlpingth e witch's horvlBts.

SEEALSO ____Drawingond

Research, p.1oArtistic Rendering,


Developing Yoor

Ideas, p.26

~_- Brooch from acemett!ry be'! foolst h'! ccptbe scct intot hinking of tht!PUPJH!t os its rightfulfiBt ing plcce.

(urf!<! gotmb.holtowed aMused os k'!y ports..

Tonned skinsdrcwn tight overbowed, woodenfmmes.

E)'l!1i on the mask erec1<m!d; l h'! puppetSl:!1!'S through thepointf!<! t hird eje.

Bundles oftied grosses.

Spry. strongsoptingsused os feet.

An Obeah servant of a witch , fashioned from

wood, br onze and gourds Wholly subject to the

will of its creator, a Witch Puppet is usually

deployed for mental tasks and is kept out of sight.

A monkey has been sacrificed so its spír ít can

inhabit each limb, and

human remaíns ar e

encased in the head

to manífest a

controlling spir-it .

Folktales tell of a time•

when Witch Puppets

destroyed whole

towns in ju st

a matter

of minutes.

Period piecesRemernbcs to keep the mc tencls in your

design ccos steot wñh this crce ot robot's

t ime and setnoq. For exomple, lhis curvecwooden crest ÍS bound by gross twine, and

tbe sone is rrcoc from stained,

inlerconne<:ting wooden venebce. In your

vcrsroo. üll c t trcsc motencls should cppenr

worn and well vscd

Page 119: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Texture emphasizes characterMost of the Wit ch Puppet rs composedof Iight ly foshtoned. organic shcpes. sotcke a look at real twigs ond grasses formspircnon. Sections - Iike the treebranches - can be drawn to resemblebones. emphcsrztnq t he puppet'sdeothly noture. Remembe r to keep odesign like thís sprightly. however, sot hat tbe robot appears Iight on itsfeet . rother t han heovy ond machinelike.


The nb coge is o l1 te rior lyshertened (shortenedtowo rds the froot) endla t e ra Uy elonga ted.


l ower set oforms is in arestiog posit ion.

Use deep. o rgoniccolours, especiollyon the metals tlKlthove begun to rusto

Arms and shoulders

3A loterally elongatedtorso provídes a

mount for tbe mm anclshoulder rotct íon

... Craftsmanlike colours

Cotours are 011 warm und dry: stctned wood. - "dned qross ond plont material. The coloursa re müoenced bytrcontooor AfriCen

artsond c c tts,


Functionali ty

2Thcse prlmltive clomen ts

are the keys to dcstqnmqo sncrqe. but plousibly

rurw::tlonal, body type.

... Care with shading

Rcmembcr rct to obsose the textures(t he tscoes of gross. thc graiosof wood)when applylng your shoding. The wood iS- '"stcmed, but not varnished. so don't mokeit too shiny.

Mast of the designis quite dar". Keep"ey poiot$, such asthe roce, pale asa ccot rcst .


Arranging Iimbs

1Be careful nol to mcke thefour arms too jumbled.

Core has been token in the ron angement te allow them O

full range of l'TlOIo'mlenl

.4. Deliberat e looseness

The lincwork is loase. but ns not cc rcress.lile rotcbesand impcffect ions in the

lines shouId cppecr dehberotelyorganic,not ITlessy.

lO<Ken up when drowingthis robot. Remembet"that~ moterialshOVoe befll grown. notrnanufoc:tured.


Page 120: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

l he feet never fullyleave the grOllnd.A concealecl metalwhefl is olwa~ incontad with theearth for purposes ofe lectríco l conduction.

Drowing andResearch, p.10RenderingM a!eria/s, p.18

see- - '"ALSO_ ....

lile hecd isjccqoered wood­light. but resilientto weather ondwecr ond loor.

tnccpcbre of speech.the Gentleman Gordenerwhistles seve rol populartunes as he worh. Poweredby bellows in his chestcovity, he seems to breetheI).etween songs.


To peotect thedelkate workingsinside the robot, theccct ls t reeted,woterpraaf lecther.

,R oa OT F O U N D RY i\ 5 5r 5TANT

Revealed in 177D to the

amazed court of George IIl,

the Gentleman Gardener was a

gift from the Fr ench monarchy

at the end of the Seven Years'

War. The robot's creator was

thought to be an apprentice of

Jacques De Vaucanson

(1709-1782) the great

automa ton builder S adly, therobot was destroyed in 1785by the King who, in a fi t of

madness, was convinced that

the robot was mocking him in

French as it raked the leaves.


Programmed activityThe qlcss-fronted cbest piece has a sec ret lock mechcmsmto allow cccess to the dockwork interior. A rotating devicernstde holds o vcrtety of tcsk-spectñc cartridges. With aIittle study, lt is posstble to alter the mforrnctíon on tbesecortridges monuolly and reprogramme the robot.

Secret mecbcnísmHidden within therouer is a steomenqtne to aidlocomotion. TheGentleman Gardenerrsn't strong enoughto push such a weightand Is merely themec ns to steer ít.

Page 121: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



(ore stability

3For the scke of pushingthe roller, ensure thct the

robot Is standing centred in

rela tiOf1 to the hondlebor.

The weight isd istrlbutedmoinly on tothe f ront foot .


The orms oremechonicollysymmetrical,r('Y1!Qlir\9 t he trueinorqonic natureof the robot.


'Rol!' model

2The robot leans forwordsl ightly as he onects

the ro ller.


I solated shapes

1The Gardener js ahumanoid bipedol figure

mode out of cylinders

and bcxes.

In order to COrM!'yo sense of motian,moke tM robot Ie<lnforwo rd very slightly.

Lifelike machineThe design was influenced byautomoton designs o f theeighteenth ond nineteenthcentury. The croftsmen of th ist ime strove for on 'ímrtottonof hfe' ond desired to create

rea list ico lly human mochinesusing the moteriols at thei rd isposol.

Use genUe shodingfor most of t hedesign os there oreno high·contrastmercts presento

.. Linework

The drawing \YOs ocre with

a standard octtsrrcn'speneil (HB),

Ensure thot t he roll ~rls symmetricol ondcorefully constructed;u's the kind 01devicethat can immediately100k st ronge ifslightl y skewed.

... Shading in Paint erFor shad ing, U">C an acrylic dryblush in

Pointer, Thrs brush g ives o nce qmmy

texture ero is especiolly 900d fOldothing. Over the lineWOfk, colour amult iple lcyer in 60% grey.

Add on overlayte bring out theccntmst betweenthe shiny metoland t he dullerd ot h muter jels.

\... Traditional colouringAppIy an eorthy paJette Iayer in a ñctcolour. Da sorne colour reseorcn to identify

the coiours thot would hove been in popular

use during the time penco. Afterward, useodrybrush to add colour vonoots such as the

hrovily rcoqeo cheeks and lips.

Page 122: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

The iron is o standardfitting on every Angel.It is alwo)'S reody·hected ond sto.ed int he cbest caYity.

The housekeepi ngcccessortes ore onlyovoiloble to the robot 1Is positicned direclly infron t of them. This 15 asofety fect ure oddedotter t he ftre of '57.

Working Digital/y .

p. l -4


Materia/s. p.18Bits ond Widge!s,


see- ­ALSO

The halo glows wh~

Ithe Angel specks orrepairs are needed.

__o ......

,/ ,.,. A rubberlzed foce__- con be chosen from

(1 cotologue orboth mal.. ondf l!fT1(]le foces ondeasily fitted on l othe robot. C~ebrityroces are ovoi loble.

Voice comesfrom o speakerembedd ed inthe cnest.

/11 /1

The roil con be f ittedthroughout the ennreboese. ollowing totoloul omot ion of choees,



The Dornestic Angel w as the darling of the

I deal Home Exhibiti on in 1951 Th e w orking

prototype was a glimpse into the future that

few could resist. By the end of t he 1950s,

this robot was a common feature in suburban

households. Th e inventor, a tto Braunw al d,

died mysteriously in 1960. Sorn e say that he

was silenced before he could reveal the

otherworldy oriqins of his technology

Mechanic VS. organicThis desíqn is very perlad ortented.and very little mechcrncs wereintended t o be visible. The head hasen unsettlingly drsconnected feel tothe rest of the body.

•The ecmputer control$ 011dcmesnc chafes. Topes (lOOupdctes ore reosonoblyprk ed . French cuisine ls~e ne of the biggest selle rs. ~

Retro in spi rationsThe mcln theme for tbrs robot was19 505 American futurist designoTheAngel was enqmeered t o befunct ional and beuevc bte. while sti llretaining its retro sci-f look.

Page 123: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


Made to measureResembling o bcstc kitchenappliance, the robot ls stockstroight ond firmly onchoreddespit e its humanoidoppeorcnce. Extremelyspectñc funct ions oreiltust rated by the robot'splonned structurclttmttctrons.lack of reoch ondapparent cdcptcbmty .

The trunk cylindercon « nete. givingthe robot eccess t eany pcrt of thekitchen counter.




The neck isincHned forwardt o better ollowviewing oftne counter.


Elementary shapes

1lhis ts a humcncid-shcped

robot rmnus leqs. cttocbcdto a series of boxes.

Crazy train

2Beca use the robot Ison

rcus.weight d ist ribution

rsn't an rssoc.

Elbow room

3Ensure thot tberc tsenough turning spccc

for the robot.

_ _ _ _ -J,

This robot is coveredwith chrome and othervay shiny moteria ls..Use the dry brush tework an overlay loyerond bring up the shiny O__..-lhighlights using opolette of the originalcolours and white.

... Vi ntage floyou rs

Cboosc bfighl ' ice cream porlour ' coiours lo

reflect tbe time periodo AppIy tne colour flat

on a multiply layer until you ore hoppy with

the QV('foll cocccrcrce. Addodditional highlights and colours

en a new multiply layer.

'rbese twccconected plonnshore the sorne~de, which linksthem toqether in t hevi_'s percept ion.

'I/f Highly polished surfoces

Use en oirbrush in Pointer for shadnlg. o.-crlhe linework. colour o multiply Ioyer in 60%grey. ThiS willleovc you wtth o poIiShedfinisll ideal fOf sur foces lile Ioquered metal,chrome and for rrscc.

...SketchingAt tre drawing cocse.ensere trct ycc'rchappy with the perspecnve and t f-e robots

relation lo us ewnonrncru.

~"'" ,,,""0 ,

The ecunt ee and"'-G._ J surround inqs should-----J...!...- - - ~J not steet any of theYiewer's focus awoy

h om t he robot.

Page 124: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

Somple-<ontoin.e.st rips anotyzesompes.


Hyperdense metalalloy wit hstandsefIorrn0u5 pressures.


Tradit ionally , p.12Bits and Widgets,

p.32Attachments andf mbellishments,


• l: •Crustocean-like headpacks ligh t beomsand high·reso ll,lt ionphotosenSOfs.

Di§9uised hondshide mcssfveorray of tccts.

, ,

Biome(hon i( ol skineurccts corol growthond ccstcceers.

Sensitive pincersMerbot 's crablike daws wteld amulutude of t oots t hc t it deploys l oanalyze samples using en ecoloqrccüysound process that motntcms tbemarine balance.

Denizens of the deepMerbots are des igned to blend in withth elr envrronment. buryi ng themsefvesin the secbed to escope predatorsand attracting cotomes of coral ondcrustccecn s. Brornecbcnctc l ñns breakup the croblike earopace os Merbot stalkst he dept hs self-generoting power likenn electnc eeL •


The undersea world has fascinated

man for centuries, but the

wonders of its deepest

reaches proved irnpossible to explore

until Merbot 5 was developed . Like a

submari ne, Merbots can withstand

the pressure of extreme depths, but

unlike manned craft these

hyperintellig ent machines

can explore for months

without surfacing while blending

with.the environment and

gathering terabytes of data.

_ _ -----m:rnu ¡ F o (JN"D"R~'S 51 S TA Ñi

Page 125: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint



FunctionalityThe f inished robot st ill looks Iike ttts mude from dtstorted boxes andother simple shcpes. Oesign ñounshessuch as sptkes. ñns and otherfeotures cré ete the rmpresston offunctíoncl reolrty.

Humanoid bodyelements beneothcomplex sorfcce designo


Heod·shopedomed towithstondpressure.

Powerfulforeormscomplet e og i~

up~ orms.


Body st ruct ureal1~ water taflow oround it.

Tlny hlp afeafar minimalresistonce.

"\ Mechon icoldetoil ing resemblesiron worships.

- '


3Set the axis te suggest

a rrocure pustllng

oga insl the water.

.. Watercolours for water dwellersTry using wotercolour finishes en yourMerbot design - un oppropncte medom forthis mar ine inhabitant and fecrless explorer

of the underseo kingdoml

long range

2HiP angle and porsesuggest stalklng


.. Natural machineNote how tbe surfoce detoiling imtially

oppears worlike und oggressive. but rs in

foet desígned te a ttroct and eoteh naturaleementsond erectores.

Deceptive surfcce

1Simple shcpes underpin

detcñed sofcces.

, ' -

Use sea ptantste r inspirot ionbut retoin d ('(lnmechonicol lines.

Begin to pencil incomplex surfecef10urishes wit hcrisp linework .

... Metallic tones

Begin l o odd rieh sncoows to suggest

depth and cersoccnvc. and use

aosshatehing te give yoor shading omecbcmcct mercmc aspecto



Page 126: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint


111r-I=1NDEXAAdiuvo -43Adiuvo Mork IV 112-113omphibious robot 74-75onatomy)3ont ;-peBonnel functions 34-35ottochments 34-35

mi litary 36-37

Bboll on d socket jolnt 31block ops rifle 37books 1180unt)' Hunter 5HK 300 106-107Broinbot 55bmss, te depiet 19Bross lion 58-59

thumbnails 26-27Brounwald. Olto 122Brunel, lsambord Ki"9dom 58burnished w rflKe, lo depict 18

eCopek, Karel 6carrying coses 35character sheets 10-1 1d oy robot 115-11 7c1erk robot 90-91dese support rifl e 36Col-Erase penclls 12colouring 24-25combot speclctist robot 49communicotions orroy 34compute!' files, l o orgonize 14compl.lter-qeneroted imogery. lo

depict 90eoncept doodles 27contour lines 16contropposto pose 69CQBlSei:urity rifle 37ecss hotching 16erowd-control robot 100-101

oDe Vauc:onso n, Jocques 120eeccts 20dig itol cornera 1Sdigital mediums 12, 14-1 5OOOi 5/0dogw<llker deluxe 5/0Oomest k Angel 122- 123

EElektrograd 76-77Emule /02Encyd ka l Purger 102-103

thumbnails 26-27erasers 12ExtermirKItor 98-99eyecíece 96eyes 112, 116, 118

FFoctcey-Llne Worker 82-83FoUybot "7' femole' robots 110-111,

114-11 5fighter robots "5, "g, 56-57,

58-59, 68-69frome, humonoid 34-35

Ggorboge collectOl' ra bot 80-81gorboge d i~1 robot 51gon:!ener robot 120-121geisho ro.bot 114-1.15

gerN!rol purpo5e rifle 36genet icolly cul tured robot

82-83Gentleman Gordener 120-121glOOiotor robots 44, "6glozing 17Golem, The 116-11 7Grf'f'nbot 52Grunter 88-89guord robot 108- 109gun metal, to depid 19

Hhonds 30I'lotching 16heovy support rifle 36Hephoestus ' Anvil70-71high-risk robot 53highlighting 17,23hil'l9es 31hoYering robots "6, "8, 90-91humonoid robots " 3, "9, 56-57,

68-6g, 76-77, 82-83,102-103,106-107,108-109, 110-111,112-1 13, 114-1 15,11 6-117,120-121, 124-125

1imoge secrch en gine 10-1 1l ndutex u rbcn-seoewcr 80t 84-85insectile robots 52 , 80-81, 8"-85,

86-87,98-99ínspirotion 8-9integroted weoponry 56-57int errKIl components 86-101Internet 10-11

sef' o lso _Mites

)jo intin930-31jump jf'ts 35, 107

KKorokuri 11" - 115KEIGO personal securny robot


Llominotes, to depict 20leg. ondroid 33life drowing 10li9ht source 13, 53, 77linewofi¡ 22Iogos 20

MM2" Housen 66-67moil-del ivery bot "2Moin Bottle Wolker, MKl

72-73mointenonce robot 84-85Monto " 8Morinf' Exptorer Robot 124-1 25Mortiol Queller 100- 101mosking 73, 87mosonite board 13moterioJs: to differentiote 65, 69

0f9oniC 21to render 18-20unusua l 21

Medved Production Ty~ 62-63Merbot 5 124-125metols, t o df'pict 18-19

pointed 19Militory Incursion Robot "9misslle Iouncher robot 64-65

MK1 Moin Battle Wolker72-73

moni tor, compu ter 14Monkeybot "4multi-ormed robot 110-111

NNokotom i Clf'rk 90-91Nonobot 80-81nop alm thrower 3", 35nouticol robot 7" -75

oObeoh robot 118-119Off·World Troder 92-93OGUS 68-69Orbital Delegote 104-10S

t humbrKIii's 26-27Or9<mic Generol·Use SoIdier

68-6.orgonk robot 68-69, 80-81

PPAH5·58 "5PonZf'rfluch AU5F G 60-61poper 13pcrcteocper rifle 37personal ossistont robots /0 3,

110-1 11, 112-1 13,11 4-11 5,116-11 7,1 20-121 ,1 24-1 25

photos, refereoce 15piping 33plast ic, to depict 20, 21policin9 robots 100-101,

106-107portfolio 10Predotor SOPrisoner Contoinment Robot

96-97prO$thetic comma nc!o 55Prctotype Hover Robot "6purger robot 102- 103

Rreccnnctsscnce visor 3Sreference photos 15research 10-11retroding purts 32rifles 36-37«ecnc corhop /0 7robotk lOO ""robots: omphibious 7"-75

comop47doy 116-117clf'fk 90-91combo t sceocüst 1,9crowd-<ontrol l 00-10 1dogwolker 54'femole ' 110-11 1,114-11 5fighter 45, /09 , 56-57, 58-59,

68-69gorboge co llecl;on/disposol

51,80-81gordener 120-.121genetico ll y cultured 82-83gladlotor 44, 46guard 108-109high-rlsk 53hover " 6, 48, 90-91humonoid 43 , 49, 56-57, 68-69,

76-77,82-83,102-103,106-107,108-109,110-111,112-113,114-115,116-117,120-121 .124-125

inseet ilf' 52, 80-81 , 84-85,86-87,98-99

moil-delivery 42maintenonce 84-85marine explorer 124-125missi le launcher 64-65rKl uticol 74-75Obeoh 110-119organic 68-69, 80-81personal ossistant 43, 110-111,

112-1 13,11 /0-1 15,1 16-117,120-121 , 124-1 25

policingl 06-107prisoner-contcjnment 94-95prosthetic 55pu rger 102- 103so lvoger 88-89spece 104-105steom-powert'd S8-59stocky 40-41tonk 60-61, 62-63, 66-67.

70-71,72-73tank-eolmer 96-97troder 90-91

S519 5yringe 50 int 86-87sal voger robot 88-895amurai Guard 108-1 09scanne r 15screw heods 32sec rch eng ine 10-11segmentedjoint 31Sentinel 53shoding 17, 23shorpenf'r, e lect ric 13sniper rifle 35spcce robot 104-105spy hunter robot SOst eom-powert'd robot S8-59Steel Lotus Tonk Colmer 96-97st ocky robot 40-415ubhunter 74-75su pport fight~r "5surveillonce robot 52Syringe Soint, 519 86-87

Tta blet 15toble t PC 15tank-ealmer robot 96-97tonk robots 60-61, 62-63, 66-67,

70-71 ,72-73TAS·21 Nf'ed le 64-65texture 52, 73, 1193·0 modelli"9 10--113·0 softwore 89thumbnai!s'26-27troder robot 90-91tradit ionol mt'd iums 12-13

Uun iversal hinge 31Urbo n Renewa l Bot 84-85

VVictorian ornomenta tio n 59

Wwotercolour po int 77 , 97, 125weopons 36-37, loO, 70, 72,

98,104_bsites 8WheeI·E 51wiring 33Witch Puppet 118-119work station 13

digital 14


Page 127: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint
Page 128: 50 Robots to Draw and Paint

--'''J r

r~llar--iJr-~:I:~eDITS .Quarta would hke to thank and ocknowledge the follow ingortists for supplying work reproduced in this book:

Key: t " tcp. b .. bottom. I " left. r " right, e .. center

Rolcnd Caron http://goron3d.freeJr 127: Kevin Crossleywww.kevcrossley.com 10. 11 b. ~()-.41 . Si¡, 56-57. 76-79.94-99.110-111. 124-125: Th ierry Dorzonwww.barontieri.com 29. 52: David [email protected] 42. 88-89, 120-123; l orenzHideyoshi Ruwwe www.hideyoshi-ruwwe.com 48. 50; Radol avar rcdospkoruum.sk 53. 106-107; Corlen Krugerwww.corlen.cdrentwc re.ccm t - S, 27r. 28. 30t. 31t, 32t, 36t,37r, 4l¡, 1.¡7, 51, 92-93; Kerth Thompsonwww.keiththompsonort.com 22-25. 26, 27 1, 3l¡b, 35. SS.


58-75, SD-87. 90-91. 100-1 05, 114-1 19; Frenos Tsoiwww.teamgt.com 34t.38-39.43. 108-109.1 12-1 13. 12David White www.mechazone.com 45, 46, 49.

Quarto would also like to acknowledge the following:ParamountJThe Kobal Collection 9c: Charles Q'ReorlCorbis 32bl; Chns Middleton for additional texto

Al! other iIIustrations and photographs are the copyrigof Quort o Publ ishing plc . While every effort has beenmode t o credit contributors, Quarto would like toapologize should there hove been any omissions or err- and would be ptecsed to make the appropriotecorrection for future editlons of the book.
