5 concept of psychology (1)

5 Concept of psychology Social perception The meaning of social perception is forming an impression of others based on available information, for example physical appearance, and verbal and non- verbal communication. Verbal communication is example of communicating normally, like talking. For non-verbal communication are hand gesture, body position and communication without words. Some example of social perception in real life situation are when a person approach you in a good manners, you will assume that the person is a well behaved person from the information you have gather about the person. So the conclusion is, Social perception is when a person judges the other person from their appearance and also behavior when they first encounter. Self Concept The meaning of self concept is used to refer to how they judge their selves, how they evaluates themselves or perceives themselves. For example when a person change their impression of themselves, a person self image is affected by many factors such as parental influences, friends, and also the media. It causes a person to gain confidence or even loses their confidence. And also to find out about their self image, for example their physical description, social roles, personal traits and also existential statements. Young people describe themselves more in terms of personal traits, about how they behave, for example, ‘I’m impulsive, I’m generous, I tend to worry a lot, and so on. Attitude Attitude refers to a tendency to evaluate a person, an object or idea with some degree of approval or disapproval. An evaluation of a specific stimulus with parts divides into affective component, behavioral component, cognitive component. An affective components refers to an emotional reaction one has toward an

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5 Concept of psychology

Social perception

The meaning of social perception is forming an impression of others based on available information, for example physical appearance, and verbal and non- verbal communication. Verbal communication is example of communicating normally, like talking. For non-verbal communication are hand gesture, body position and communication without words. Some example of social perception in real life situation are when a person approach you in a good manners, you will assume that the person is a well behaved person from the information you have gather about the person. So the conclusion is, Social perception is when a person judges the other person from their appearance and also behavior when they first encounter.

Self Concept

The meaning of self concept is used to refer to how they judge their selves, how they evaluates themselves or perceives themselves. For example when a person change their impression of themselves, a person self image is affected by many factors such as parental influences, friends, and also the media. It causes a person to gain confidence or even loses their confidence. And also to find out about their self image, for example their physical description, social roles, personal traits and also existential statements. Young people describe themselves more in terms of personal traits, about how they behave, for example, ‘I’m impulsive, I’m generous, I tend to worry a lot, and so on.

AttitudeAttitude refers to a tendency to evaluate a person, an object or idea with some degree of approval or disapproval. An evaluation of a specific stimulus with parts divides into affective component, behavioral component, cognitive component. An affective components refers to an emotional reaction one has toward an attitude object, For example Ryan experience fear and anxiety when he saw a cockroach. And next is behavioral component, it refers how someone behave when exposed to an attitude object, looking back at how Ryan have an affective component of his attitude toward cockroach Ryan will behave defensively and avoid the cockroach or even kill it. And last of all is Cognitive component, it means how a person though about a certain object, for example Ryan think that cockroaches is extremely gross and contagious.

The Attribution ProcessTheories of attribution focus on the method we use to interpret another person’s behavior and infer its sources. So what is the attribution process? It helps to explain the cause and effect of behaviors. They are two Attribution process, one is internal cause and external causes. Internal causes are those factors that are attributed to the person being observed. Internal causes are usually controllable. For example your classmates receive a good compliment from the lecturers. You believe the reason for her promotion was his hard work, dedication. For external cause, External cause is usually not controllable, Such as luck. For example lets

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say your lecture compliment your classmates for his work. You believe he received his compliment from the lecturer because the lecturer is his father. So you will think that he receive compliment because the lecturer is you classmates father.

SchemasSchemas I a Cognitive frameworks that help us guide the way we think about the world and also to understand the world around us. It can exist for people, places, events or other stimuli. Assimilation, as in adaption process proposed by Jean Piaget. Through assimilation, we absorb new information that we just obtain or experience, and put it in to our existing ideas. For example when a person when you first encounter a person, and that person is very kind and sweet, and one day you witness the girl abusing animal, when you saw this process it might change your impression about her. And this process is call accommodation, in which our old ideas are changed or even replaced based on new information.