5, (a) crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) crond elenaers laat...

5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur strong wetgewing en pas wette strong toe. 6. (a) Blankes noodsa&klik ; (b) Naturelle bale wensellk maar nle as Hoof oor blankes nle en alleenllk om nle-blankes te bedlen en dan in ▼ertrekke wear gsen blankes work nie. 7. Geen opmerkings. 8. Dear oplelding en deur Naturelle in verantwoordelike betrekkings in die lokasies en naturelle gebiede aan te stel. 9. (a) Deur hulle ele verkose rade wat meer verantwoordelik- held raoet dra ; (b) 3 a raits hulle meer verant-oordelik as liggaam kry en dra. Hits die naturel good van karakter Is behoort geen veriere kwallflkesies voorgeskryf te word nle. Blankes behoort op die Rade deur die plaaslike bestuur aangestel te word. 10. Ja mits dlt vn blanke persoon is en dat hy alleenllk stora- reg sal hg in sake wat betrekklng hat op die naturel en lokasie aangeleenthede. II. Nee die huidlgs stelsel van be beer is ondoelt ref fend. Ad- ministratief behoort die lokasies beheer te word deur die Plaaslike Besture maer die handhawing van die orde behoort nle die las van die Plaaslike Besture te wees nle m&ar wel van die Unie Reger ing. Die tJnie Regerlng behoort die Lokasies te voorslen van voldoende pollsie om die orde te handhaaf. Waar die admlnlstratlewe beheer en die beheer vir die handhawing van die orde deur dleselfde aAptenare uitge- voer moot word of onder hulle toeslg verwek dlt vroeiSr of later tweedrag wat beheer moelllk xoaak. 12. Geen opmerklngs. 13. (a) Ja. Dlt verseker albei partye. Dit behoort ook op vrouens van toepasslng te wees ; (b) Met die passtelsel behoort weggedoan te word en *n ldentlfikasiekaart in die plek daarvan gastel te word, wat voldoende ruiate bet vlr alle nodige aantekenlnge wn die elenaar se portret daarop. Dlt behoort jaarliks vemu te word ; (o) Ja. Die bogenoemde ldentlfikasiekaart. 14. I • . .

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Page 1: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ;

(b) Verb led dlt deur strong wetgewing en pas wette strong toe.

6 . (a) Blankes noodsa&klik ;

(b) Naturelle bale wensellk maar nle as Hoof oor blankes nle en alleenllk om nle-blankes te bedlen en dan in ▼ertrekke wear gsen blankes work nie.

7 . Geen opmerkings.

8. Dear oplelding en deur Naturelle in verantwoordelike betrekkings in die lokasies en naturelle gebiede aan te stel.

9. (a) Deur hulle ele verkose rade wat meer verantwoordelik- held raoet dra ;

(b) 3a raits hulle meer verant-oordelik as liggaam kry en dra. Hits die naturel good van karakter Is behoort geen veriere kwallflkesies voorgeskryf te word nle . Blankes behoort op die Rade deur die plaaslike bestuur aangestel te word.

10. Ja mits dlt vn blanke persoon is en dat hy alleenllk stora- reg sal hg in sake wat betrekklng hat op die naturel en lokasie aangeleenthede.

I I . Nee die huidlgs stelsel van be beer is ondoelt ref fend. Ad- ministratief behoort die lokasies beheer te word deur die Plaaslike Besture maer die handhawing van die orde behoort nle die las van die Plaaslike Besture te wees nle m&ar wel van die Unie Reger ing. Die tJnie Regerlng behoort die Lokasies te voorslen van voldoende pollsie om die orde te handhaaf. Waar die admlnlstratlewe beheer en die beheer vir die handhawing van die orde deur dleselfde aAptenare uitge- voer moot word of onder hulle toeslg verwek dlt vroeiSr of later tweedrag wat beheer moelllk xoaak.

12. Geen opmerklngs.

13. (a) Ja. Dlt verseker albei partye. Dit behoort ook op vrouens van toepasslng te wees ;

(b) Met die passtelsel behoort weggedoan te word en *nldentlfikasiekaart in die plek daarvan gastel te word, wat voldoende ruiate bet vlr alle nodige aantekenlnge wn die elenaar se portret daarop. Dlt behoort jaarliks vemu te word ;

(o) Ja . Die bogenoemde ldentlfikasiekaart.

14. I • . .

Page 2: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

14. (a) Ja. Afkomstig ult Naturelle Geblede en die Platteland. Dio grondoorsaak la dla aanloklikhsid van die dorps- lewe. *n Stranger registras^astalsaX sal instromlng reguleer ;

(b) Ja daur identifikesiekaart.

15. Lokesiea moat gebxuik ward vlr die doal waarvoor dit daar- gastel Is an oprtollige naturalla moat verwyder word na plekke waar hullo *n heenkoine kan vind.

16 . Geen opmerkings.

17. (a) Arbeldskragte bahoort ragulaar te word en kontrolaar te word daur ’ n Regerings-werwingsbeamote ;

(b) Ja maar aliaanllk daur R eg erings-werwlngskantore.

18* Ja waar hy of sy daur die landswet toagelaat word.

19. Geen opmerklngs.

20, Boperkte fcoaveelhBid drank bahoort aan nia-blankas daur Wet toegelaat te w6Z1T,

/ 2 I . (a) Die pasateleel behoort afgeskaf te word en deur lden- , tlflkasiekaart vervang te word wat die naturel a an ale / elenaar ran *n plaas of perseel op versoek behoort te

toon |

(b) Ja . IdentIfikaslekaart ;

(o) Geen uitaondefilng ;

(d) A an elenaar s en bewoners ran plaae en per sale.

22. Id e n t iflkaslekaart in plaas van pas.

23. Ja vir albel.

24. 25. 26. Indien die beleid soos bogenoem uitgevoer word sal die saak horaself reguleer.

27. Vir gasondhaidsdoaleindas.

28. Regar ings-werwlngskantore.


H arrlra ,m *

80 Nov acker 1046. *— 7/

Page 3: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

,uiu»ipa±e *anto*e,

37 SOVambg*1 * 9 4 6 .

van die xvjjsuaisBie ran Coderseek ioaake . attc op #»turelle

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. ■ .' •'" : ■ ■■■ . ■’i'' . ■ s'1!? ‘, ■.•&m b»w bw vhM a sm s« 8 m m txs su n s-

™ »»* m ............ < » n m ■ L f e


. /.ntaoorfle en a legarne Qor yjreeljcji ondar opdrag.,jal>

U l ®ia ftMttafift ia die fteakeie waning toegadaan dat atedelH» lckaaiea booftseaklik beboort te beutaan mi woonplek vir

J «a,fcurell© werlCBeatere wAe daadwerklik in diena van dit bitriws bevolking te en dat die teenwoordigheid van die n&tttreilo, in- si uiV;bde teal geaiawe, beheer moet war# dear die nuttigheid van aulke m tureilt bataaa die aiflWJtfcng ▼!** arbeid, ta valdoen*

v . ->.r


yA , , v v .-

hr*■ (a?

*jehalwe m» tureile w«t aekere easensiel© dienate verrig wat on te tear* dour dia eaaaelewing van *n n&turelle getueeaakt*p, arelke donate aUtonlik doeltreffend deur naturelle aan hul ■*, aede naturelle geleeer kan word, behoort geen naturelle in loki aiee toegelaat te word wet nib ’a aerkaemer van fclankea In dorpe is n i c 4at sender woorde, naturelle lokeaiea Is afeedellke gebioda beboort te b ataan aa *n arbeidebron waeria ay lnwonera bapark ataet word tot die werklika aanvraag fir n turejLle arbeld in daardie gabled.


•. % 'Y ■* -m ;'

>*U. y

V. ,cpvt'


ait word gjevoal dat wa»r *n ne tare lie ge*a*enak»p ^eveatlg ia in *n ioktaie, die versjlylttoeatanda so ^a«d aa iaoontlik behoort te weea• Ha#raaade to©atanda ken ons inaiena verbater ward dear ?ie da ra tell ing, van relniging- rekreaele- geaondbeid- op- voe^.kandige en vemaikl ikht idaf aa 11 i tei te . Sem«snakepl ike e- i^uise, atortbaddeno tn ander baddena, rekrenaiei'ftailitei te, vers»aklikh©ida&le, i^sondbeida^linieka, bigieRieee latrines, fekole ana . behoort verblytftoectande heelwat te varbetar. ^

Verder behoort daer rkkomod^aio te weea w&arin aolsere aabagU verrig kan vord vir die gexdefonaSs^p, onder andere h£5^rkeppera, akoawakera, kleremstera e»a ., aaeok aekare opalagplekka «»»» asaanaiele vpedingatewwe aoaa vxait* a®lk ena. verkiy k«n woti*

In afgelei lok&aica la poekantoei* en t#le*uofcdie»ate » groot gerit .

ftat huiav^eting in atedeiik ^ebicde betref, be^tHan die «eain^ d£t individuale beiiuifUsfe, vi* geainne en boatwla vir enkel per~ »oaa wia nla temlliea in die lokaaiea het nie, di<a duel trefi&nd-

ata i» .

3 (a ) lfeii»v#»tiag in atodciike gtbiade behoort na pna bea«ouin$ in die v olum e, orde verakaf te word;-

l) Dear naturelle aei .(2) ^eur die ::lcaal ike baa target* die ata«t dear aid dal .-van

aub-akonoiaieae akt-oea.(3) 9e«r warkgewera van groot groape n* tarelle en(4 ) ';eur tree of aaaer v«n vaorgenoe da groepa geaaaantlik.

;r 'H b ) Uia indie as nesting van a» turelle vir die ^snboa va» aatareile

....l.» ■.

Page 4: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

buiee VQT& beokou *o uitvoerbnar mita dat dit geakiod under folaske te&nieae laidtflg, fcyvoorbeold deur boainapefctears oil

V - w S & A p l * okoaao betref. under bln#M■

toeelg .

Oo^dkbpor buiae aai sadovd* beakikbaar w oe vir aaturelle.

(4) JSie St&doraad ia die m inim toegodaan <3at fcloga beperkte eien- ioa#r#g Aftii nature 110 toegea taaa «to« t word. me® vot'd 1»* iooc dio verbuur van persei® op langterr^jrn, indlen nodig, on onder VoMhssardea w&t die pla >alike beatuur pas. Undoraareg is ’» reg vat blykbaar aalfe nio in die $Aturel *e eie reaerwea

■ ■■ bekead ia Hie on om *-turelle toa $0 laat am gfcoild to bekato _dear tr&nepert, sal hxLL ’fi reg tookon vat aelfo nio in bul eio lewd bekend ia nio . meg 00k verde re koaiplikasies aa gevolghe deurdat oiendosaareg «?an»pTaak nag verleea op ander regte »«. t miakieiQ nio vir natttroile in hierdie ia^id hedoel io »le .

6(a) dio otolool van eanatelllag dear plaaolike beeture van (1)blank* e» (3 ) natural! e amp toware, word > 0 bevredigend beakou. JHlerdle a&aateilinga geekied teenawoordig in dio diakreeale _ van stadarade en vol met dio aog op die bevoogdi*eid on kvaltfi- kaeiOe v&n die appliknnt vir dio a*rd van work oaarin die vaka- turo beotaan. ardie akyn die be ate atelaol to wees,

«{b) Boo* £aar oeetaan teenewoordig voile geleentbeid vir Indiana- nesting van ©evoegdo naturellc in atedelike »«turelle-edminia- tjraaiea in ondergeakikte boedanigbeid. Pit afcyfi agter need- aa^klik. dat hoofbeetfgrtf* Hit blankea »oot beeta&n.

(7) Die beataanda maajinerle vir die invordering van loksaiCjgeldo aityn br vrOdigend te woaa on verleon genoegftttao magte «att J

■■ "ttedolilrt beature.

(ft) t‘«ttr re^vordigo ©n bill ike fcoepaaalng van bcataa.nde we treeing onoorv<Oj5ing van *sanbovel inga van ffaturelle Adviaorende Rado inssako naturolle ad*Uni»t*aaiea, kan dio gooio orde e» beatuar aiakien * die be ate veraeker word.

9(a) iteueliks n& tore H e ban ona inaiena bul eienanQrae doel tref fendlift dour dit »aniiangig to aiaek by die ; dviooronde RadO wie dit > veer opper aa« pi»aalike beeture.

»{b) ai* bOateande atelaol van laturelle Adviaerende i-owlUea ekyn bevrodi^end to « * * * deg die kweuifikaslea vir lede v».n ao »n kowitee akyn to laag to wee®. Da&r beheort *n bcperkto eton- doma- of ekkttpeerderakwalifikaaie to weeo vir aulke lode, ter*yl Otatua ay ojvoedKundige boedanig^odo vooropietl.

(10) i«ee. one ia van oieniag dat *n atelaol gc baaear op dio van die uuidige /dviaerendo &»»itee a^er vir die netarei kaii verrig dan direkto vorteen^oordigisg op *n Jtaad. do *» verteenwo©raiding aal boega tre^rakyniik beatoen uit een hlaiike peraoon deur die rmturelle vorkioa, en die fait dat by »190 die naturolle ver- teenwoordig, aal dua aoontlii: dio poaiaie akop dat rqr aa *n agitator dear die ander Baadalodo beakou aurd«

(11) Ja . Alhoowol da«r plek io vir vorbeteriag# in dio aasaootolll«g en funks leu van die ^dviaerende Somite©. i>ie grootste aoeilik- boid vat dio kleiner iuniaipallteito tf«f, ia tekort aan fondao am ateer on bo ter faailiteite on bo ter omatandighede in bul lokaeioa ta akop wat ona ineiens te «yto if dio verkoerde finensiilo vertionding itet dl* vat grater finanaiUo ver* antwoordel 1 kbeid bohoa rt to »anv-s.ar. .

U 4 ) ( « ) J « . ' ■ " 7 > M ~(t) Vam t plume on raaerwea .(ii)Sroogtea en aisoeato verminder die geainaii*o«ate e» tile graot


_____ _ —

Page 5: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

aieerderheid van die boere wil die natureX nie weidingsregte ▼ir kuXXe vee op die pXase gee nie.

(X 4 ) (b ) Strewe n& oproedkunidge- en medieee f&eiii tei te.

(e ) Mediea-ongeskik te en af&eXeefde natureiXe rind geen tuiate op plaae nit en kan dit ook nie in die reserves rind nie.

(d) Drang na atadsXewe en wenbegrippe oor toeatande wat werfcXik in Xokaaies heere.

(e) In die reserwea skyn daar te min grond te wees en die toeetande is bale egterXik. XatureXXe vat nie in die reeerwae gebore en groot geword het nie, het bXykb&ar min kans ora daar 'n tuiate te vind.

One ineiene is dit fn St&atSYerpXigting oa deur ongeakikthelde- fondse vir 3iek en afgeXeefde natureXIe en behttising, kierdie toeatrowing tee te werk. Ook behoort daar vuorsiening gemaak te word pm oortoXXige arbeid na ander sentra en ook na pXaae m a r dit benodig is, te exporteer, en oei be ter faaiXiteite in die reserves en aeXfs groter reserves te skep*

(19) Die dead is ten guns te ran MunisipaXe BiersaXe maar is vanmening dat priraat brouery vir eie gebruik teraelfdertyd toege- Xaat fc;-n *ord.

Page 6: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

y Y ^ ! &m sr MA.TQLONS

'I P -A-it f i p t p i

BLflygQwinr. c .r .a .

19th i*ptember, 1946,

the Chairman A Keabers,

Retire i*ws Coraaission,



I , the undersigned, basing «jy arguaent on

tb ^p ifla x of the territorial natives In to® as In the

Free wtate, as *wll a* in the Cepe, would like to point

out that this is due to the feet that the Bantu have no

1end on whleh to live. The Batlhaptng people, in

particular, in Bethulie tyre feeling the pinch la that

their territory was taken away froa thess many years ago,

and the Government forgot to give them a Reserve on which

to ' live • ;; ^

<.hare a s the article 12 of the Fre t ori a - London

Convention of 16B1 and 1864 la entitling such tribe to

the rights to live as human beings, for this reason I

would like to draw the attention of the coaatsaion to the

fact that it way be possible to re-exacine the said article

1 2 . \ ' . j y ' /.

I have the honour to be,

w m *

m s m m m ?tg t m ± r m i z <*■ *bs said

1i3 iilJ i M

Page 7: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

2 o i

' ' ’ ' JKKOIiAllDUU BCUR PffiMBBiS,Voorsltter, Komi tee van Katurellesak© van dl© lloenfonteinse


Aim.ooRDK op .vnwaaa

Qajrsg l i t *"

1 . Die grond beginsels vim Voogdyskap van dl© I'uropeaan, segregasle en be perking van toelating van Haturelle afkomjtig van ander gebiode.

2 , Die aanbou van aeer voonlmise deur plansliko besture en T?erkga?j©rs g o subs idle er deur die Sentrale Hegering.

3(a) Deur stedelike bo3ture en */erkg©w«rs gesubsidieer deur dl© Sentrale Regering.

(b) Alboewal die hnise onder too3ig of kcntrak van liuropiese Bou- aannamers opgerig ken word raoet uitsluitllk naturelle-arbeid gebrulk vord..

(c) Die kapital© koste aoet deur dl© plaaslike bestuur en v?erkgewers verskaf word net sub3ldie van die gtaat, tensyl rente-delging deur die nsturel gedra moot vjord*

*>. Die vernanost© oorsake is die lnstroralng van nature H e uit platte* landse gebied© en die heersende tekort aan woonhuise. Die beste raetode on hlerdle vraag op te losf is , on raeor huise to verskaf en lnstroralng

te belet.

6 (a ) m uitvoering van die Voogdystelsel noet blanke-araptenare aangestel vord, torvyl ultvoerende raagte aan sekere nafcurelle araptenare gegee nag T7ord, na gelang van die aard van die pos*

(b) Volgens ray raening is die geleenthode voldoonde •

7 . Die bostr>ande raasjlcaierie is nie doeltreffend sover dlt die invordering van loseerdersfoole rang aan nie* Meer vrcdenbeanptos be*» hoort aangestel te word, cn die eienaar van die ftuis raoet verantvxjordelik gehou word vir betallng*

8 . Deur inligting van wat werklik gedoen word ora die lot van die naturel te verbeter en streng optrede toon agitators.

9 (a ) Deuraiddel van verteenwoordigers rat werklik die sionswyse van die nature H e vertolk.

(b) Die advisorende liggarae is nle doelaatig in die opsig dat die verteenwoordigers nle deur die oorgrote meerderheid van die Haturelle self verkie3 \vor& n ie , dog in bale gev«lle deur *n aglterende rainderneifl* Die kvalifikasles iaoet wees nie oortreding van die krirainele wette en »n strndaard 6 Gertlfikaat*

10 . Nee (a) Oiadat dit indruis teen die grond-beglnsrls en segregasle.(b) Osadat verteenwoordlging in die t?nie Parleraent die teen—

oorgestelde uitwerklng gehad hot dan vmt beoog is .

X i . ja . Indlen die regulP3les meer stiptelik uitgevot?r -word.

IT . Nee. Volgens my raenlng n ie .

13(a ) Ja . Oiadat dit die Administrasle in staat stel om leeglers op te spoor. Dit behoort nie volgens ray raenlng op nature 11-vroue van toe-

passing te wees n le .

(b) Daar behoort onderskei te vord, en die Uoturel raoet lngeligv-ord oratrent die doel van die reglstrasieregulasies en dokunente.

(d) Ja . Deur dienskontrakte, loseerder3permitte en standhouers*

4 . Kee.


14(a) Js.

Page 8: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur


(1) Van die Plotteland. n 4 ...C±i) Die Algernon© menlng dat lewenatoestand© beter in stedelikecebiede is*

(b) Ja. I>«5» die strong© toepassing van bestaande wette on r e g u ls la s •

1 5. Deur sulke nnturolle to verplig on to werk. Eejaardo ©n siokllke person© boboort vrygostel to v/ord van betaling van iSst1 fooie ©n ouraonso tehuise, ao’.-el as beter hospltaal-gerifme moot verskaf word,16 . Die rokorda van die Haturelle Adrainistraaiakantoor*

17(a) Vir doeltreffendheid is die nans tolling van »n Kontroleur van nannekragy on die daarstelling van registrasle en werwingsknntor©


(b) Ja#18* Nee. Oradat dit *n onnoontlike p o i3 le sal neebring ©n die toestande onder dio nature11c self sal verslog.

19 . la# Dour die oprlgting van bier sale In sted©liko loknsios.

20 . Qrmettige drankhandel raoet ondordruk word deur 3trenger optrede teen die onwettige verskaffine van drank. Daar noet cnderskeid gerna«* word in die verskaffing van drank#

QH)B&0 (b) *-

21(a) Die passtelsel behoort vervang t© v?ord deur registrasle deur- middel van dienskontrakte, losoerdorspormitte en stanrthouorspenaitte.

(b) Bogenoaade noet vortoon word op aanvraag#

(c) Ja* Soos vrouens, sioklikos ©n be^aarde persone.

(d) Alieon op redelike tyo*

22 . Beantvoord onder 21 hlerbo.

23. Tie©#

(get) J# Pretorius#

Page 9: 5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot ......5, (a) Crond elenaers laat dit toe tot eie voordeel m&ar tot nadeel van die land ea geheel ; (b) Verb led dlt deur

MEMORANDUM OF CITY TREASURER, DURBAN,--------- g -------------1


There is attached hereto a Schedule showing the annual losses which the Durban City Council is bearing and which it expects to bear upon its several sub-economic housing schemes.

Briefly summarised the position is as follows :

Under existing conditions the total annual losses are anticipated to be £268,400 made up as follows J

Total Euro-

pean% Indian $ Coloured % Native %

Schemes completed (Old Formula)

£79,270 29.5

£1,013 0.4

£3,268 1.2

£2,302 0.9

£72,687 27.0

Schemes under con­struction (Old and New Formula) 13,686 5.1 335 0.1 9,264 3.5 • - 4,087 1.5

Schemes undsr Future Housing Programme (New Formula) 175.444 65.4 7.169 2,7 110.250 41.1 . 15.525 5.8 42.500 15.8

TOTAL £268,400 100.0 £8,517 3.2 £122,782 45.8 £17,827 6.7 £119,274 44.3

If the Government agree to apply the New Housing Formula to all existing sub-economic schemes of the Council tho total annual losses are anticipated to be £230,865 made up as follows *-

Schemes completed 47,287 20.5 508 0.2 1,227 0.5 884 0.4 44,668 19.4

Schemes under con­struction 8,134 3.5 335 0.1 3,812 1.7 - - 3,987 1.7-

Schemes under Future Housing Programme


175.444 76.0 7.169 3.1 110.250. 47.8 15.525 6.7 42,500.

£230,865 100.0 £8,012 3.4 £115,289 50.0 £16,409 7.1 £91,155 39.5

With a city the size of Durban with a population of approximately 357,304 and with an annual general rat©


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income of only one million pounds, potential losses of the magnitude shewn above are burdensome in the extreme and will become increasingly so in the future.

The inevitable effect will be that the City's assessment rates will require to be increased to a considerable extent with adverse affects upon every owner of immovable property in the city particularly the small home owner.

The most unsatisfactory feature of this burden is that only 3$ of it relates to the European community ard the balance of 97$ is occasioned by the housing of the non-European sections of the community.

Expressed in percentages the European Housing will account for 3$ of the total loss,the Indian Housing will account for 46$, Coloured Housing will account for ?$ and Native Housing will account for 44$.

The above percentages will be slightly, but not very materially, altered if the Government agree to apply the new Housing Formula to all existing sub-economic schemes. Under this formula the European housing will account for 3$ of the losses, Indian Housing will account for 50$,Coloured Housing will account for 7$ and Native Housing will account for 4C$ .

If therefore the Council is to be debarred from charging Native Housing losses against the profits of Kaffir Beer Account, and in view of the diminishing balance of the Working Balance Reserve of the Native Revenue Account, there seems every likelihood of the above losses on Native Housing requiring to be charged against the Borough Rate Fund - a very disconcerting prospect for the borough finances. It seems insxpliaable that the deficiency in one section of the Native Revenue Account should not be allowed to be offset by the credit balance on another section of the same account*

Furthermore, it is somewhat incongruous that Kaffir Beer profits which, in terms of Section 19 (3) of the Natives (Urban Areas) Consolidation Act No. 25 of 1945, may be utilised to promote the social welfare of Natives residing in the city, may not, however, be utilised to contribute towards the most beneficial form of social welfare viz. good housing.

The Native community and the Native Revenue Account enjoy by way of low assessment rates the benefits flowing from the profits of the several Municipal Trading Undertakings which are patronised principally by the Europeans.These Trading Undertakings contribute approximately £360,000 towards reducing the general assessment rate, but the Native Trading Undertaking i .e . the Kaffir Beer Account makes no such contribution and is now being debarred from even contributing specifically towards the relief of Native Housing Losses.


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CapitalCost Scheme ""Europeans Indians Coloureds la^ives "TcrEaF







217,010 2, ,807

iiS at present - Schemes completed • (Finaneed from Govt. Funds).Aged Poor - Clayton Road

Springfield Scott-Inanda Roads Cato Manor

do Municipal Employees Sparks Estate Melbourne Road Flats Lamont Locations - Additions Somtseu Road Location - Additions Somtseu Road Rec. Hall & Additions Jacobs Location Additions

do. Sewerage Grey St. Womens Hostel Blackhurst Location Schemes Completed (Fin^ncfid fynm Corporation Funds)Locations and Hostels Lamont Location General

01d_Formula_ New Formula Old Formula ' New Formula Old Formula New Formula Old Formula New Formula Old Formula New Forinul’





Schemes approved but not vet commenced (Financed from Govt Funds).

684,350 Lamont E>tension

Schemes under Construction (Financed from Govt. Funds)Rapson Road Flats for Women Springfield Merebank Hostel

ture Housing Programme . (10 vt»r .) Financed from Govt. Funds)




£17.158.52 8 1,013


-2 * 169.




'As_^he position would be if New Formula, was

3=£2.11"d_to— all existing schemes (nvnliidinpr Financed from Cora. Funds)Schemes__Completed.

29,766 Aged Poor - Clayton Road 50824,470 Springfield Scott-Inanda Rds.19,946 Cato Manor

25,000 do. Municipal Employees 11,026 Sparks Estate 48,085 Melbourne Road Flats

115,117 Lamont Location - Additions 46,253 Somtseu Road Location "10,482 do, Rec, Hall & Additions 15,310 Jacobs Location Additions 2,457 do, Sevrerage 8,853 Grey St, Womens Hostel

321,490 Blackhurst Location

Schemeg_spproved but not Vet commaneed 684,350 Lamont Extension

110,250 2,30215.525




Schemes under construct,-!on 57,355 Rapson Road Flats for Women

515,437 Springfield 441,114 Merebank Hostel

14,035,500 Future Housing Programmed 10 vrst ) Add sub-economic Schemes financed from Corporation Funds

2*5,317 (Native Schemes)£ 17.158.328





110,250 15,525

£8,012 £115,289

















£16,409 £27,213 £63,942







20,354' 7,228

369 (Cr.)
















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E3H0W 17. 1. 1947*

Die Srkafctaris,Kommissie Tan Ondarsoek i/s Wette op tfaturellep/a Posbus 384PEETOBIA.

Ceagte Hear:

In opdrag ran dia i'laaalike Skakelfeoraitee van Afrikaanse Verenigings, beeta*nue uit lb Verenigings, bled ons dia Tolgende kort opsomining aan na a&nleiding van u vraelys in veruand mat a opdrag.

Qe no etude komitee het tneu afgeTaardigdes be noso wat voor u sou verkyn hat op Eshowe.

Opdrag (a)

1 (i) Installing ran aancUclok

(ii) Regis trasiekaarte vir arbeid in Stad.(iii) Verlof oft in stada to work.

(It ) Naturelle moat of stedeling of boitesteedse natural waas - nia belange in beide, gevalle nie. b.v. ttou en kindars in reserve mat eiendom asook getroud in stad.

(▼) Installing van Arbeids- an Registrasieburo rir alle arbeiders in stad.

(Ti) Vasgestelde lone in Terakillende tipas in stad b.T. huisbediende, fabriek, arunisipalitait, ans.

2 (i) Oeorganiseerde aub-ekonondese behuising.(ii) Yasgestalde huur.

(iii) Geen fassittingsrag.

3 (a) (i ) Uuisbedianda daur werkgetrera.(ii) Jabriaks an rqyne - Industrie® - Werlfcgawer.

(iii) Ander - iftmisipaliteite.

(b) Behoorlike behuisingsketne moet da*?rgestel word in lokasies an reserves. '-«et daur naturelle (opgeleide) opgerig word. Prakties uitvoerbaar om tussen eie raensa te werk.

(c) Behuising Tan naturelle moet uit naturelle traatfondse gefinansieer te word, net soos met aankoop Tan $rond. Lenings kan teen billike rente aan munisipalltaite gagee word. So ook aan ander werkgeirere.

4 Nee

5 (i) (a) Gebreke in bestaande wetgeving Teral onbeheerde toastromln*.

na stede. Bruising moet Terakaf word Toordat natural rag kan Terkry om na stad te gaan.

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Tan ni* gronde onderrerhuur▼ir die do el ran werblyfplek Y*n naturelle ale.

S S S Z l i S T i f tOWOer Tan arbeiders sal



(ii) I S S dfriX3f Lftiioorlike d*arg*stelde woonplaas - sien behui singsKemaa V 3 (b)

(a)Yan blanke ^>«ri=*endente

^ ! ^eV0lklnS* beheer. Nie so seer opvoedkundigeeeKwaao^ede moat In aanmerking geneem word nie.

Blanks si?>erintendente rooet ni« bloot anptenere *ees nio

kuM«n3 T f *n.heJder het van die naturelle se siel-kunde en die staat se doel mot hulle.

Alleen naturelle met in-rloed oader hulle eie toIk, leiers eienakappe ens. most vir hierdie doeleindee gebruik word.

(b) Ja, soos in (a)

lH .'.! ! !1?*1 u 1 * do,Urrff“ 4 «i«- “» tw tau iw »« - * i W « * * « r

— » - * ~ »•—

< a; Lok*si’B l^erlntandant moet Mandate* v«w Tan hull. went..

(») W U s , ,tel.el yan naturelle »erteen.oerdi*«. met afgesfef

“ “ ■ f*“ ll" ral Tan oMtandijbede nle. Saad ran

adrleeerj * 1“ » “ » » . t M M U ip .llt .lt .

See. net :eorg>nl>eerde t«hnielag in teSeorlik afeebaJcende naturelle dorpe lean teheer ( » l e t e » U l « word.

is Ja, S008 aangedui hierbo,

14 88 reserwesS nabaxige gebiede.

°“ st?n£iS*u*ie 800» m i l u m n g r n o n t e .

, 4 ( = ) , 4 ’ 4# ,0 B d * r 1 ™ * “ * • » — •(b) J» behoorlike beheer soos hierbo uiteengesit.

15 R*giBtra*i ® arbeiders by/deur werk*eir«r«(ii) Naturelle belasting rooet ^ebruik word in alle v itn tM m

▼erband net naturelle. 1 ln

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17 (








24 - 2

a) (i) So os Merbo uiteengesit.

(ii) ijehaer. Minister ran Natnrellesake* ^rorinsiale hoofde, Stedelike Superintendent*.

(iii) Ja, so os hierbjr uiteengesit. Werwingekantore ten endergeskik ween aan registrasiefcentore.

*) Ja, in alle geralle

Nee. 7asgestelde lone vir bediywe. Keuse ran bedryf moet aan natural gelaat word. ffaturelle sal duB bewne wees van lone voordat by registreer*

llaturelle moet of in stedelike of in landelike gebied garegistrcer word. ‘~ag nie in albei woon en werk nie*

Kosprys. Behoorlike gelisengieerde plekke denr Mnnisipaliteite. Alle profyte in naturelletruetfonda

Birekta beperkte verekaffing ran goedicocp drank aan nature lie by kreee. '^ueaanhandel en sluikhandel denr kleurlinge en A slate sal daardeur uitgestekel word.

Ja, verskaffing aan alle gekleurdes alleen in kleinraaat.

(a^ Moet beheer wee* oor beweging.

(b) Alle pas- en ldentifikaeieitaarte moet sasmgerat word tot een dokument - vingerafdruk en/of foto. Voile besonderhede.

(c) Nee

U ) Altyd op aanvraag denr (i) polisie (ii) superintendent van lokasie (iii) wark^ewer.

Sian 81

!oantliifeede van laagl$exy an diefstal sal uitgeskakel word.

Bike burger in land - blank en gekXaurd.

19 Hie ter sake nie.

Met hoogagting, die xar*.

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TV)« Native Interests : ectional Committee of the King Wiliiara!a Town branch of the ational Council of omen are glad of the opportunity of giving evidence before the Native Law9

Commission of Enquiry.

Tve following is a summary of the points they wish toraise :


2. Apart from the urgent need for suitable dwellings forNative families, this Committee is of the opinion that hostels for school children should bo provided by the Union Education

cpartment. -lany of the children come into the town f rom rural areas to attend school, and without properly organised hostels there is bound to be lack of control.

S .(b ) This Committee feels that Natives should be employed to the fullest extent possible on the construction of houses for

atives. 1st. Because the uso of Mative labour will keep down the cost of production, and so enable a smaller rental to be charged for the completed dwelling, 2nd. Because of the shortage of European labour for houses required by the white population.

13, (c) o consider a system of registration to be essential, but it should be one which does not permit of the Native feeling he has been singled out for differential or harsh treatment. For this reason we advocate that a number should be supplied to every person, white or black. This number to remain unchanged from birth to death.

s documents are difficult for atives to retain in good order, a metal disk could be supplied.

15. V»e advocate a living wage for all workers, and anadequate pension or allowance for the aged and infirm.

17. (b) Yes, we consider a system of labour bureaux essential for the future.

IB. As far as possible suitable employment should be madeavailable as near their kraals as possible. The breakup of family life should be avoided.


21. (a) All Pass Laws would be wiped out if the registration we advocate were instituted. This would also do away with the

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- 2 -

21. (a)(Contd.)irritations caused by something quite foreign to the average ratives1 make-up - namely bits and pieces of flimsy paper upon which hieroglyphic' a, meaningless to him, are scrawled.

23. (11) Yes. most emphatically.


24. (a) We deplore everything which leads to a break-up of family life . In this connection we wish to draw attention to the very serious state of affairs in this district with regard to deserted wives and families. Though some men k remit money from their wages when they go away to work there Is a large proportion of husbands and fathers who break right away from their dependants. This leads to great hardship of which we are in a position to speak with authority.


One matter which does not come up in the Questionalre, but which seems to come within the scope of this enquiry, is that of permanently disabled mine workers. It used to be the case, and probably still is, that an injured mine employee was given the choice of accepting a lump sum for injuries received. This in some cases has been stated to be a mere £40. This money accepted, the mine appears to have considered itself absolved from all further responsibility.

Once the money is spent, the man becomes a life-long liability upon his relations. A strong, healthy native used frequently to come to the houses of King illiam 's Town people to beg. T?e had just stumps of arris, as both hands had been blown off in a mine accident. This man should have been in receipt of an allowance for life . Tv,ere have been many such casea#

mrnm m ’E.C. Hinds.

Convenor Native Interests Committee.

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/j/ / 0 Stew ' , fft , U c &

I k a ■ » ? » ! . 1 'iL. t * X - - * / M»AqVf- .■’■,<

nmOiikhESiU tCDCUlisd 0, -JJKSriCflS i-

1. The baalc principle governing tae presence oi natives in urban areuG auot oe that of allowing them lull citiseoship and equal ri ■ t- with til otner ^roup*; Li tnc o: sanity*

2 . I believe that tne following suggestions would oring abouti ,r<fveo conditions oi reaidenoe in Ur0*4 vocation* : a livij.g wage with age l;e terminations covering all towns and villages, fownshlpa lor Africans wnere people aay own their homes with pride arid aatisiuotlon. every town or village oe forced to aet aside * piece ol land lor tala purpose. In addition to this, local authorit­ies u.ay be allowed to Introduce some economic housing scneae lor the Hotting population i .e . those who spend 6 - 1 * months in towns und another 6 - 1 2 oionths In the country* fhoee ,irloans who have tne means to run hostele ::iust be encouraged and the Municipalities caay alsoerect hostels as long aa auoh Lou u la do not compete with those owned by Africans. i’he employment o f social workers such us those being turned out at the Jan HoXaeyr Johoel would greatly improve the conditions.

3 . (*} (1) as above*(b) Employment oi Africans as iar aa they are able and are available* The African hus advanced to such an extent that he Is represented In al&ost all trades und professions*(o) Where possible the African should provide 50; of the costa or even 75/> depending on his income, i‘he balance to be provided by the state and local authorities in equal shares.

4 . atives should oe allowed to acquire ow; ership of their Homes in or near Urban areaa* It iauat ae clearly understood that the Native has every delta to freedom oi speech and movement and that south ,/rloa Is his home. There!ore li he cboosea to be in town t&nd huS the means of owning hia home let there oe no ourriera* he must own his home under the circumstances tnat he has paid for it und let there be no safe guards. he is no longer new to western Civilisation 11 other races need no safe guards wny must the Nativef

5* Chief causes of squatting near urban areas are the restric­tive luws (sse Urban Areas ^ot) which eject people from towns, the . o • >iio./ ol faraeri rtiaiw n , m people leaving f a n s withno money tv buy lano with and no housea to return to. ilo homes socially and economically. The wnole Uroan Areas Act needs over­hauling it la obsolete and does not conform with the present social standard of Natives* There must bs • <vage Determination covering fartno in eaoh district and vage Inspectors for e«tch town and district. More land in tne Native territories or reaervee must oe made available.

6* africat.a should be employed. If segregation is the policy ci this country tnsn it must be carried on to its logical conclusion*

................................................. .........

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2 -

Why have Europeans over Natives when there ere Natives who can do the work to the same standard ot eiiiciency or more. Employ Natives from the Superintendent to the junior clerk. In* many cases it would seem that the pre-requisite for appointment as Location Superintendent is that lie n&s lived noioi^ the i.ativejj, can utter the cl laics oi the Native language orjV retired constable, e want an approchable .an who comes among the people not os ly ior

his iat cne^ue out because ne is interested and*ready to improve them socially and economically. We want men specially trained ior the position.All superintendents should possess at least matriculation, liative Law end administration or a Uipioma in iJantu Studies. A Senior Clerk to possess matriculation or its equivalent and junior clerks aust possess a Junior Certificate.

B, 3y the employment oi Native Cificials where possible andby employing aiockmen to oe paid a living wage.

9. (a) Direct representation on Town Councils oy Natives.(o) Then the existing doarda would not be necessary.If advisory boards must stay then the least eduoational qualification ior a Board member must be the sixth standard.

10. £88. No person other than tne suiierer can best express hie ailments or complaints. Xne time is long over due when Natives should ta&e active part in Administration.

13. (a) No. This piece oi legislature ie nothing less than slavery.(b) No.(c) Mo control. Natives auet oe treated as oitisens.If there is no need to control other groups of the community then there is no need to control the native.

14. (a) (i) They oome irom the reserves.( i i ) Tne root cauce is that the land set aside for natives is inadequate. It is preposterous to expect a faseily of 5 or 6 to make living on 5 morgen of land.In many oases even that 5 morgen is not available and hence townwards drift.Native law also plays parti by the law ofPrimogeniture the land develwes upon one Senior male heir, the younger brothers nave no right and ore forced to sees otner avenues.History repeats itsell. This townwards drift ie not peculiar to this country, even in Europe and other countries at some time or other there has been such drift.

Su£igeatlon * There is «uoh land in tife country ior botfc white and black to live harmoniously and happily but we iind that it is not even a question oi the Jungle law whioh speake oi the "survival oi the littest". Jungle law is still better because tnere are opportunities. Mire land must be made available, Trading facilities in the reserves

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with ail present uuy social amenities. In other words make lilt in rural ureoa oiore attractive.

15. farmers not doing their share. They must pay attractivewages with all social facilities i .e . good homes, more farm schools and provide recreation. Provide hostels for aged and infirm e .g . v»4eek Homes at Port iliiabeth.

Q-afcoc-K17. (a) a s already mentioned, improved wages and conditions of

employment or fartrs, In towns and on the alines* mere are those natives who prefer to wortc on farms but due to low wages and lack of facilities find it essential to go either townwarda or to the mines. Uta improved conditions they would certainly remain on farms. There is always steady migration to end from the mines and with improved conditions this could be iaater. The permanent town dweller on the other hand would improve his social standard with/vf'esult. that his spending power would Increase to the advantage oi all. In ahort let the itative sell his labour to the hignest bidder without restriction.(i) I think labour exchange may be given a trial, out

it must cover all races.(b) Tes. This might as well be given trial to cover all races.

1 9 , uCi’ieatic or home crewing tu tne oc,;t. . euifea nuveever,- ri^ht to nave their drink in its customary ias^on. it ia healthy clean and free from concoctions when brewed at home when there is no iear of police raids and disturbances. It also plays an Unportent part when celebrating certain tribal customs.

2 1 . The very fact that this question is aeked proves that there is realisation cl tne unrest, feeling of insecurity and lowering of the dignity oi numanlty caused by these iniquitous pass laws. The system must be discontinued. Ho documents except thoae carried by everybody else if any at a ll .

22. 1 strongly recommend total abolition ci passes. Put a man in a pig sty, he behaves like a pig, treat him like a beast er a hooligan he will be-have oeastly or like a hooligan. The Natives made the supreme sacrifice because they were cgade tc under* a ti-rd inter alia t.,-.. I tnlf »ur r. ,-_s ior iree .ou. oi speech n move­ment. Why then in a so oalled democratic oountry these dis­criminatory racial laws. Passes make criminals of thousa/ids of law abiding Africans. They are a source oi bitter resentment against the Oovernment and the Europeans in general. Total abolition would bring about harmoiiy and setter understanding between white and black which is necessary for the bettermentof South Africa.

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Collection Number: AD1715


PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation

Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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