46749629 cracked iitjee in 3 months

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  • 7/31/2019 46749629 Cracked IITJEE in 3 Months


    Cracked IITJEE in 3 Months !

    IITJEE ..Hmm how many days left ?

    Count yourself

    Those who are thinking that it s impossible to crack JEE in 8 months here is a short, true story

    about a boy who was able to crack JEE by preparing sincerely for 3 months itself.

    There was a boy named Anirudh who woke up on a day when IITJEE forms were out. It was

    November.Anirudh was regretting about the time he wasted. He was not at all prepared for

    JEE.Not even the basics.

    But the positive thing about Anirudh was that he never gave up and said to himself that there is

    no gain without pain. I will crack JEE in 4 months of preparations.

    You won t believe guys he kept his mind on cracking JEE in 3 and a half month and worked

    sincerely for the exam. He studied 10 to 12 hours daily and increased it to 12 to 13 hours after


    He even studied board exam portion too since he had to answer his boards in the same year.

    Anirudh was very weak in physics and had forgotten 11th mechanics and chemistry organic. He

    was proficient in maths only till board level.

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    But inspite of all these hurdles he kept his cool and started the preparations all over again right

    from the beginning.

    So how he started .


    He read NCERT book of physics as fast as possible and completed it in 1 week

    Then he solved each and every problem in HC Verma .and if he had any difficulty he solved

    them soon.

    He read Resnick Halliday thoroughly and even solved problems from it.

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    Started with NCERT and followed the same method as in physics.

    Read Morrison Boyd and solved relevant problems.


    He took up coaching material and studied it religiously.

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    You won t believe guys Anirudh mastered his concepts till end of March and scored decent

    percentage in boards and cleared IITJEE with AIR-1278.

    Today he is studying BTech in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Bombay.

    If Anirudh can do it then why not you .

    Anirudh isn t any gifted student but is same like everyone of us.He is just an average student.

    But he also swore that he wont be postponing any more things in his life .

    So what s the conclusion

    Studying sincerely for 3 to 5 months = Studying not so seriously for 2 years

    There is a lot of time for JEE and start for it now itself if you haven t started yet.

    'Whenever you need to learn something start with what is necessary, then do what is possible &

    doing that u would suddenly realize that u r doing the impossible'

    Don t worry, JEE is not an unachievable task it s just that you think it s unachievable. Leave no

    stone unturned.

    Nothing is impossible since Impossible also says I M Possible

    Best of luck for IIT JEE ..

    Al Pacino's Inch By Inch speech from Any Given Sunday

    I don't know what to say really.Three minutesto the biggest battle of our professional lives

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    all comes down to today.Either we healas a teamor we are going to crumble.

    Inch by inch play by playtill we're finished.We are in hell right now, gentlemen

    believe meandwe can stay hereand get the shit kicked out of usor we can fight our way

    back into the light.We can climb out of hell.One inch, at a time.

    Now I can't do it for you.I'm too old.I look around and I see these young facesand I think I meanI made every wrong choice a middle age man could make.I uh....

    I pissed away all my money believe it or not.I chased off anyone who has ever loved me.And lately,I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror.

    You know when you get old in lifethings get taken from you.That's, that's part of life.But,you only learn that when you start losing stuff.You find out that life is just a game of inches.So is football.Because in either gamelife or footballthe margin for error is so small.I mean

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    one half step too late or to earlyyou don't quite make it.One half second too slow or too fastand you don't quite catch it.The inches we need are everywhere around us.

    They are in ever break of the gameevery minute, every second.

    On this team, we fight for that inchOn this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around usto pieces for that inch.We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch.Cause we knowwhen we add up all those inchesthat's going to make the fucking difference

    between WINNING and LOSING between LIVING and DYING.

    I'll tell you thisin any fightit is the guy who is willing to diewho is going to win that inch.And I knowif I am going to have any life anymoreit is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch

    because that is what LIVING is.

    The six inches in front of your face.

    Now I can't make you do it.You gotta look at the guy next to you.Look into his eyes.

    Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you.You are going to see a guywho will sacrifice himself for this team

    because he knows when it comes down to it,you are gonna do the same thing for him.

    That's a team, gentlemenand either we heal now, as a team,or we will die as individuals.That's football guys.That's all it is.

    Now, whattaya gonna do?