41348180 aquarium fish species


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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................. iii Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ iv Ray-finned fishes (Class Actinopterygii) .......................................................................... 1

Anemonefishes / Clownfishes / Damselfishes (Pomacentridae) .................................. 1 Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) ....................................................................................... 6 Anglerfishes (Antennariidae) ........................................................................................ 8 Archerfishes (Toxotidae) ............................................................................................ 10 Bannerfishes / Butterflyfishes / Coralfishes (Chaetodontidae) ................................... 10 Batfish (Ephippidae) .................................................................................................. 15 Blennies (Blenniidae) ................................................................................................. 18 Blue-eyes (Pseudomugilidae) ...................................................................................... 23 Box fishes / Cowfishes (Ostraciidae) ......................................................................... 24 Breams (Sparidae) ...................................................................................................... 25 Cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) ...................................................................................... 26 Catfishes, Eel-tailed (Plotosidae) ................................................................................ 28 Catfishes, Fork-tailed (Ariidae) ................................................................................... 30 Dottybacks (Pseudochromidae) ................................................................................. 31 Eels / Morays (Congridae, Muraenidae and Muraenesocidae) .................................... 32 Eel blennies (Congrogadidae)..................................................................................... 34 Emperors (Lethrinidae) .............................................................................................. 34 Flounders (Bothidae) ................................................................................................. 35 Freshwater longtoms (Belonidae) ............................................................................... 35 Frogfishes (Batrachoididae) ........................................................................................ 35 Fusiliers (Caesionidae)................................................................................................ 36 Garfishes (Hemiramphidae) ....................................................................................... 36 Ghoulfishes (Scorpaenidae) ....................................................................................... 37 Giant perches (Centropomidae) ................................................................................. 37 Glassfishes / Perchlets (Ambassidae) ......................................................................... 37 Goatfishes (Mullidae) ................................................................................................. 39 Gobies (Gobiidae) ..................................................................................................... 40 Groupers (Serranidae) ................................................................................................ 46 Gudgeons (Eleotrididae) ............................................................................................ 48 Hardyheads (Atherinidae) .......................................................................................... 50 Herrings (Clupeidae) .................................................................................................. 51 Javelinfishes / Sweetlips (Haemulidae) ....................................................................... 52 Jawfishes (Opistognathidae) ....................................................................................... 53 Leatherjackets (Monacanthidae) ................................................................................. 53 Lionfish (Scorpeanidae) ............................................................................................. 54 Lizardfishes (Synodontidae) ....................................................................................... 55 Moorish idol (Zanclidae) ............................................................................................ 56 Mullets (Mugilidae) .................................................................................................... 57 Nurseryfishes (Kurtidae) ............................................................................................ 57 Parrotfishes (Scaridae) ................................................................................................ 57 Ponyfishes (Leiognathidae) ........................................................................................ 60 Pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae)..................................................................................... 60


Rabbitfishes (Siganidae) ............................................................................................. 61 Rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae) ............................................................................... 64 Remoras (Eceneidae) ................................................................................................. 66 Salmon (Polynemidae) ............................................................................................... 67 Saratoga / Bony tongues (Osteoglossidae) ................................................................. 67 Scats (Scatophagidae) ................................................................................................. 68 Seahorses / Pipefishes (Syngnathidae) ....................................................................... 69 Silver batfish (Monodactylidae) .................................................................................. 72 Silverbiddys (Gerreidae) ............................................................................................. 72 Snappers (Lutjanidae) ................................................................................................. 73 Soapfishes (Grammistidae) ........................................................................................ 75 Soles (Soleidae) .......................................................................................................... 75 Squirrelfishes (Holocentridae) .................................................................................... 76 Stonefishes (Synanceiidae) ......................................................................................... 78 Striped Grunters / Trumpeters (Terapontidae) .......................................................... 78 Surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) ..................................................................................... 82 Tarpon (Megalopidae) ................................................................................................ 85 Threadfin breams (Nemipteridae) .............................................................................. 85 Trevallies (Carangidae) ............................................................................................... 86 Triggerfishes (Balistidae) ............................................................................................ 87 Tripletails (Lobotidae) ................................................................................................ 88 Tuskfishes / Wrasses (Labridae) ................................................................................ 88 Whiting (Sillaginidae) ................................................................................................. 92

Cartilagenous fishes (Class Chondrichthyes) .................................................................. 93 Guitarfishes (Rhinobatidae) ....................................................................................... 93 Longtail carpetsharks (Hemiscylliidae) ....................................................................... 93 Sawfishes (Pristidae)................................................................................................... 94 Stingrays (Dasyatidae) ................................................................................................ 94 Whaler sharks (Carcharhinidae) .................................................................................. 95 Wobbegongs (Orectolobidae) .................................................................................... 96

References ..................................................................................................................... 97


Introduction The aim of this guide is to assist members of the Northern Territory (NT) Aquarium Fishery in the consistent identification of local freshwater, estuarine and marine fish species. The guide only includes those species that have been previously recorded in Aquarium Fishery logbooks and as such cannot be considered a comprehensive guide to all NT fish species. Furthermore, some of the species listed here have not been formerly recorded from NT waters. These species are highlighted and collectors are asked to forward digital images, photographs or preserved specimens (along with any information on capture date, location, depth and habitat type) to the Fisheries Division or the Museum and Art Gallery of the NT for formal identification (see contact details below). Where possible, probable alternatives are given for those species that have not been formerly recorded from NT waters, regardless of whether or not the alternative species has been recorded in Aquarium Fishery logbooks. Regional or personal differences in common names for a particular species were taken into account when compiling the guide and the various common names are included. However, in the interests of consistency, standard names (using Yearsley et al 2006 as the authority) are underlined where two or more names are used. Individual Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota (CAAB codes) are listed above the image of each species. These codes assist in grouping members of the same taxonomic family and have been included to aid in the transfer of this guide to a web-based platform at some time in the future. Images of the different colour morphs (or shapes) for those species that exhibit sexual dimorphism or ontogenetic changes in morphology are given where possible. Those aquarium species whose trade is governed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora are identified in the guide. Heather Brayford, Executive Director, Fisheries June 2008 Fisheries Division Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines (DPIFM) GPO Box 3000, Darwin, NT 0801 P 08 8999 2144 F 08 8999 2065 E [email protected] Curator of Fishes Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory PO Box 4646, Darwin, NT 0801 P 08 8999 8264 F 08 8999 8289 E [email protected]


Acknowledgements Many past and present DPIFM staff are thanked for assisting in the production of this guide; namely Mark Grubert, Michael Phelan, Rachael Davies, Tricia Beatty, Stephanie Boubaris, Paul Williams and Nathan Hoult. Helen Larson of the Northern Territory Museum is thanked for taxonomic advice and checking the draft document. The following individuals and businesses are thanked for permission to use their images in this guide: Ross Abraham, Glynn Aland, Gerald R. Allen, Mark Allen, Neil Armstrong, Duncan Buckle, David C. Cook, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Julian Dignall / PlanetCatfish.com, Richard Field, Thomas Gloerfelt-Tarp, BS Turner Hof, Iain Jupp, Mohammed Moazzam Khan, Rudie H. Kuiter, Adrian Marsden, Hamar Midgley, Reg Morrison / Auscape, John Pogonoski, Jack Randall, Erik Schloegl, Kwang-Tsao Shao, Ian Shaw, David Snyder and Dave Wilson.



Phylum (Grouped as Vertebrates or Invertebrates)

Class (Order omitted)

Family name or names (Family)

Standard name /Common name or names

(Genus species) CAAB code

AQUARIUM TAXA Animals (Kingdom Animalia) Invertebrates (refer to Northern Territory Aquarium Species Part 2 Invertebrates) Vertebrates

Ray-finned fishes (Class Actinopterygii)

Anemonefishes / Clownfishes / Damselfishes (Pomacentridae)

Clark’s anemonefish

(Amphiprion clarkii) 37372007

Rudie H. Kuiter

Australian / Common / Tomato / anemonefish / Red clownfish

(Amphiprion rubrocinctus) 37372028

Jack Randall


Western / False clown anemonefish

(Amphiprion ocellaris) 37372025

Rudie H. Kuiter

Saddleback clownfish / anemonefish

(Amphiprion polymnus) 37372138

David C. Cook

Spine-cheek clownfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Premnas biaculeatus) 37372129

Rudie H. Kuiter


Ambon damsel

(Pomacentrus amboinensis) 37372106

© Ian Shaw

Banded humbug / Black white damsel

(Dascyllus aruanus) 37372073

Rudie H. Kuiter

Black damsel

(Neoglyphidodon melas) 37372084

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter


Blue demoiselle / Orange-tail damsel

(Chrysiptera cyanea) 37372060

Rudie H. Kuiter

Goldback damsel

(Pomacentrus nigromanus) 37372120

Jack Randall

Indo–Pacific sergeant / Sergeant major

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Abudefduf vaigiensis) 37372013

Rudie H. Kuiter


Bengal sergeant

(Probable alternative to species overleaf)

(Abudefduf bengalensis) 37372003

David C. Cook

Staghorn damsel

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Amblyglyphidodon curacao) 37372017

Erik Schloegl

Threespot humbug / Domino damsel

(Dascyllus trimaculatus) 37372075

Rudie H. Kuiter


Yellow tail / Brown demoiselle

(Neopomacentrus azysron) 37372087

Rudie H. Kuiter

Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae)

Imperial / Emperor angelfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Pomacanthus imperator) 37365014

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter


Scribbled angelfish

(Chaetodontoplus duboulayi) 37365009

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Dave Wilson

Sixband angel

(Pomacanthus sexstriatus) 37365010

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter


Vermiculate angel

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus) 37365083

Erick Schloegl

Yellowtail angel

(Chaetodontoplus personifer) 37365008

Jack Randall

Anglerfishes (Antennariidae)

Sargassum anglerfish

(Histrio histrio) 37210025

Rudie H. Kuiter


Shaggy anglerfish

(Antennarius hispidus) 37210008

Rudie H. Kuiter

Striped / Striate anglerfish

(Antennarius striatus) 37210009

Rudie H. Kuiter

Variation Rudie H. Kuiter


Archerfishes (Toxotidae)

Common / Sevenspot archerfish

(Toxotes chatareus) 37359001

Mark Allen

Primitive / Lorentz’s archerfish

(Toxotes lorentzi) 37359003

Dave Wilson

Bannerfishes / Butterflyfishes / Coralfishes (Chaetodontidae)

Horned bannerfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Heniochus varius) 37365078

Rudie H. Kuiter


Longfin bannerfish / Reef bannerfish / Featherfin bullfish

(Heniochus acuminatus) 37365011

Rudie H. Kuiter

Pennant bannerfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Heniochus chrysostomus) 37365075

Rudie H. Kuiter

Singular bannerfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Heniochus singularius) 37365077

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter


Singular bannerfish (cont.)

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Heniochus singularius) 37365077

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Beaked coralfish / Copperband butterflyfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Chelmon rostratus) 37365017

BS Turner Hof

Muller’s coralfish

(Probable alternative to species above)

(Chelmon muelleri) 37365015

Jack Randall


Goldstripe / Gold-banded butterflyfish

(Chaetodon aureofasciatus) 37365013

Rudie H. Kuiter

Pinstripe butterflyfish

(Chaetodon lunulatus) 37365059

Rudie H. Kuiter

Margined coralfish

(Chelmon marginalis) 37365007

Rudie H. Kuiter


Highfin coralfish

(Coradion altivelis) 37365018

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Ocellate butterflyfish / coralfish

(Parachaetodon ocellatus) 37365003

Rudie H. Kuiter


Orangebanded coralfish

(Coradion chrysozonus) 37365004

Rudie H. Kuiter

Batfish (Ephippidae)

Humphead / Humped batfish

(Platax batavianus) 37362002

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter


Longfin / Shaded batfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Platax pinnatus) 37362006

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Round / Narrow-banned batfish

(Platax orbicularis) 37362007

Juveniles Rudie H. Kuiter


Round / Narrow-banned batfish (cont.)

(Platax orbicularis) 37362007

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Round face / Tall-fin batfish

(Platax teira) 37362004

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter


Round face / Tall-fin batfish (cont.)

(Platax teira) 37362004

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Blennies (Blenniidae)

Banded blenny

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Salarias fasciatus) 37408079

Rudie H. Kuiter

Bicolor combtooth / Two-colour combtooth blenny

(Ecsenius bicolour) 37408022

Rudie H. Kuiter


Bicolor combtooth / Two-colour combtooth blenny (cont.)

(Ecsenius bicolour) 37408022

Variation Rudie H. Kuiter

Bluestriped fangblenny / Tube worm blenny

(Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos) 37408004

Rudie H. Kuiter

Brown coral / Dusky blenny

(Atrosalarias fuscus) 37408009

Richard Field


Crested sabretooth / High fin blenny

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Petroscirtes mitratus) 37408074

Rudie H. Kuiter

Variable sabretooth blenny

(Probable alternative to species above)

(Petroscirtes variabilis) 37408003

Jack Randall

False cleanerfish

(Aspidontus taeniatus) 37408008

Rudie H. Kuiter


Hairtail blenny

(Xiphasia setifer) 37408001

Rudie H. Kuiter

Lance blenny

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Aspidontus dussumieri) 37408007

Rudie H. Kuiter

Linespot / Grammistes fangblenny

(Meiacanthus grammistes) 37408005

Jack Randall


Peacock / Spotted rockskipper

(Istiblennius meleagris) 37408046

Jack Randall

Piano / Mimic fangblenny

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Plagiotremus tapeinosoma) 37408076

Rudie H. Kuiter

Rippled rockskipper

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Istiblennius edentulus) 37408043

Rudie H. Kuiter


Yellow fangblenny / Gold-line benny

(Meiacanthus luteus) 37408054

Rudie H. Kuiter

Zebra blenny

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Cirripectes quagga) 37408016

Jack Randall

Filamentous blenny

(Probable alternative to species above)

(Cirripectes filamentosus) 37408013

Jack Randall

Blue-eyes (Pseudomugilidae)

Delicate blue-eye (Pseudomugil tenellus) 37245021

Neil Armstrong


Gertrude’s / Spotted blue-eye

(Pseudomugil gertrudae) 37245001

Neil Armstrong

Neon / Blueback blue-eye

(Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis) 37245017

Neil Armstrong

Box fishes / Cowfishes (Ostraciidae)

Striped / Solor boxfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Ostracion solorensis) 37466020

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Male Rudie H. Kuiter


Yellow boxfish

(Ostracion cubicus) 37466013

Jack Randall

Shortnose boxfish

(Rhynchostracion nasus) 37466005

Jack Randall

Horn-nose boxfish

(Rhynchostracion rhinorhynchos) 37466009

Jack Randall

Breams (Sparidae)

Pikey bream

(Acanthopagrus berda) 37353011

Gerald R. Allen


Cardinalfishes (Apogonidae)

Fiveline cardinalfish

(Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus) 37327090

Rudie H. Kuiter

Fourline cardinalfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Apogon doederleini) 37327053

Rudie H. Kuiter

Cook’s cardinalfish

(Probable alternative to species above)

(Apogon cookii) 37327050

Jack Randall


Mouth almighty

(Glossamia aprion) 37327102

Gerald R. Allen

Variation Gerald R. Allen

Threespot cardinalfish

(Apogon trimaculatus) 37327078

Rudie H. Kuiter

Timor cardinalfish

(Apogon timorensis) 37327077

Jack Randall


Western gobbleguts

(Apogon rueppelli) 37327040

Rudie H. Kuiter

Catfishes, Eel-tailed (Plotosidae)

Black catfish

(Neosilurus ater) 37192009

Juvenile Neil Armstrong

Adult Dave Wilson

Hyrtl’s catfish / tandan

(Neosilurus hyrtlii) 37192011

Neil Armstrong


Obbes’ catfish

(Porochilus obbesi) 37192014

Dave Wilson

Rendahl’s catfish

(Porochilus rendahli) 37192012

Gerald R. Allen

Silver catfish

(Porochilus argenteus) 37192008

© Reg Morrison / Auscape


Striped / Stripe-tailed catfish

(Plotosus lineatus) 37192002

Rudie H. Kuiter

Toothless catfish

(Anodontiglanis dahli) 37192016

Dave Wilson

Catfishes, Fork-tailed (Ariidae)

Blue / Lesser salmon catfish

(Arius graeffei) 37188005

Neil Armstrong

Highfin / Berney’s catfish

(Arius berneyi) 37188012

Julian Dignall/PlanetCatfish.com


Boofhead / Salmon / Triangular shield catfish

(Arius leptaspis) 37188006

Gerald R. Allen

Dottybacks (Pseudochromidae)

Dusky dottyback

(Pseudochromis fuscus) 37313006

Normal form Rudie H. Kuiter

Yellow form Rudie H. Kuiter


Rose dottyback

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Pseudoplesiops rosae) 37313024

Rudie H. Kuiter

Yellowhead dottyback

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Pseudochromis cyanotaenia) 37313016

Rudie H. Kuiter

Eels / Morays (Congridae, Muraenidae and Muraenesocidae)

Giant Moray

(Gymnothorax javanicus) 37060039

Rudie H. Kuiter


Common pike eel

(Muraenesox bagio) 37063003

Mohammed Moazzam Khan

Tessellate / Spotted moray

(Gymnothorax favagineus) 37060016

Rudie H. Kuiter

Undulate moray

(Gymnothorax undulatus) 37060053

Rudie H. Kuiter

Yellow-margin moray

(Gymnothorax flavimarginatus) 37060036

Rudie H. Kuiter


Eel b


blennies (Cong

Carpet ee

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Tricky sn


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hrinus laticaudis)






Jack Ra


Jack Ra


Rudie H. K


omas Gloerfelt










Flounders (Bothidae)

Leopard flounder

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Bothus pantherinus) 37460048

Rudie H. Kuiter

Freshwater longtoms (Belonidae)

Freshwater longtom (Strongylura krefftii) 37235009

Juvenile Gerald R. Allen

Adult Mark Allen

Frogfishes (Batrachoididae)

Banded / Northern frogfish

(Halophryne diemensis) 37205002

Rudie H. Kuiter


Fusiliers (Caesionidae)

Yellowtail / Red-bellied fusilier

(Caesio cuning) 37346018

Rudie H. Kuiter

Garfishes (Hemiramphidae)

Snub-nosed garfish

(Arrhamphus sclerolepis) 37234006

Gerald R. Allen

Long-jaw river garfish

(Zenarchopterus caudovittatus) 37234020

Gerald R. Allen




oulfishes (Scorp

Spotted s

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Giant gla







hlets (Ambass

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micus sinensis)

tes calcarifer)



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omas Gloerfelt


Jack Ra


Gerald R.









Longspine glassfish

(Ambassis interrupta) 37310011

Dave Wilson

Macleay’s / Reticulated glassfish

(Ambassis macleayi) 37310013

Neil Armstrong

Penny fish

(Denariusa australis) 37310016

Neil Armstrong


Sail-fin glassfish / perchlet

(Ambassis agrammus) 37310008

Neil Armstrong

Scalloped glassfish

(Ambassis nalua) 37310005

Dave Wilson

Goatfishes (Mullidae)

Bartail goatfish

(Upeneus tragula) 37355014

Rudie H. Kuiter

Night colour Rudie H. Kuiter


Gobies (Gobiidae)

Bearded flathead goby

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Glossogobius bicirrhosus) 37428149

Gerald R. Allen

Bi colour / Fiveline coralgoby

(Gobiodon quinquestrigatus) 37428163

Jack Randall

Blackchest / Spotted shrimpgoby

(Amblyeleotris guttata) 37428036

Rudie H. Kuiter


Bluespot goby

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Pseudogobius olorum) 37428009

Neil Armstrong

Decorated sand goby

(Istigobius decoratus) 37428173

Erik Schloegl

Tank goby

(Glossogobius giuris) 37428151

Gerald R. Allen

Golden flathead goby

(Glossogobius aureus) 37428148

Gerald R. Allen


Hairfin / Shadow goby

(Yongeichthys nebulosus) 37428001

Rudie H. Kuiter

Drain mangrovegoby

(Mugilogobius rivulus) 37428353

Neil Armstrong


(Periophthalmus spp.) uncoded

Dave Wilson

Munro’s / Square blotch goby

(Glossogobius spp.) uncoded

Gerald R. Allen


Mural glider / Striped goby

(Valenciennea muralis) 37428283

Jack Randall

New Guinea mudskipper

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Periophthalmus novaeguineaensis) 37428222

Mark Allen

Rhinohorn goby

(Rediglobius balteatus) 37428243

Neil Armstrong

Beachrock mangrovegoby / Seep goby

(Mugilogobius littoralis) 37428351

Neil Armstrong


Silverstripe mudskipper

(Periophthalmus argentilineatus) 37428219

Gerald R. Allen

Speckled goby

(Redigobius bikolanus) 37428244

Gerald R. Allen

Spotfin goby

(Redigobius chrysosoma) 37428245

Mark Allen


Tadpole goby

(Chlamydogobius ranunculus) 37428305

Neil Armstrong

Webber’s mudskipper

(Periophthalmus weberi) 37428357

Above ♀; Below ♂ Gerald R Allen

Whitebarred / Banded goby

(Amblygobius phalaena) 37428048

Rudie H. Kuiter

Wilson’s mangrovegoby

(Mugilogobius wilsoni) 37428354

Dave Wilson


Groupers (Serranidae)

Barramundi cod

(Cromileptes altivelis) 37311044

Rudie H. Kuiter

Birdwire rockcod / Honeycomb cod

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Epinephelus merra) 37311063

Rudie H. Kuiter

Longfin rockcod

(Probable alternative to species above)

(Epinephelus quoyanus) 37311040

Jack Randall


Bluelined rockcod

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Cephalopholis formosa) 37311137

Erik Schloegl

Coral rockcod

(Cephalopholis miniata) 37311083

Rudie H. Kuiter

Barcheek coral trout (Plectropomus maculatus) 37311012

Jack Randall

False scorpionfish

(Centrogenys vaigiensis) 37311030

Jack Randall


Gudgeons (Eleotrididae)

Sunset / Barred gudgeon

(Bostrychus zonatus) 37429012

Neil Armstrong

Crimsontip gudgeon

(Butis butis) 37429009

Duncan Buckle

Empire gudgeon

(Hypseleotris compressa) 37429023

Female Gerald R. Allen

Breeding Male Neil Armstrong


Northern trout gudgeon / Northern purplespotted gudgeon

(Mogurnda mogurnda) 37429034

Neil Armstrong

Poreless gudgeon

(Oxyeleotris nullipora) 37429039

Gerald R. Allen

Sinuous gudgeon

(Odonteleotris macrodon) 37429035

Dave Wilson

Sleepy cod

(Oxyeleotris lineolata) 37429038

Dave Wilson


Giant / Blackbanded gudgeon

(Oxyeleotris selheimi) 37429040

Mark Allen

Smalleye gudgeon

(Prionobutis microps) 37429041

Mark Allen

Spangled gudgeon

(Ophiocara porocephala) 37429007

Neil Armstrong

Hardyheads (Atherinidae)

Blackmast hardyhead

(Craterocephalus stramineus) 37246030

Dave Wilson


Flyspecked hardyhead

(Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum) 37246029

Neil Armstrong

Mariana’s hardyhead

(Craterocephalus marianae) 37246024

Neil Armstrong

Slender hardyhead

(Atherinomorus lacunosus) 37246009

Rudie H. Kuiter

Herrings (Clupeidae)

Bony bream

(Nematalosa erebi) 37085019

Gerald R. Allen

Hairback herring

(Nematalosa come) 37085019



Goldstripe sardinella

(Sardinella gibbosa) 37085013

Jack Randall

Javelinfishes / Sweetlips (Haemulidae)

Barred javelin / Javelin fish

(Pomadasys kaakan) 37350011

Rudie H. Kuiter

Gold-spotted sweetlip

(Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus) 37350007

© Ian Shaw

Spotted / Harlequin sweetlip

(Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides) 37350014

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter


Spotted / Harlequin sweetlip (cont).

(Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides) 37350014

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Jawfishes (Opistognathidae)

Darwin jawfish

(Opistognathus darwiniensis) 37388003

Jack Randall

Leatherjackets (Monacanthidae)

Fanbelly / Fanbelly leatherjacket

(Monacanthus chinensis) 37465009

Rudie H. Kuiter


Lionfish (Scorpeanidae)

Common lionfish / Red firefish

(Pterois volitans) 37287040

Rudie H. Kuiter

Dwarf lionfish

(Dendrochirus brachypterus) 37287010

Rudie H. Kuiter

Spotfin lionfish

(Pterois antennata) 37287064

Rudie H. Kuiter


Zebra / Dragon / Turkey lionfish

(Dendrochirus zebra) 37287026

Rudie H. Kuiter

Lizardfishes (Synodontidae)

Banded lizardfish

(Synodus dermatogenys) 37118003

Rudie H. Kuiter

Painted grinner

(Trachinocephalus myops) 37118002

Rudie H. Kuiter

Tailspot lizardfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Synodus jaculum) 37118015

Rudie H. Kuiter


Variegated lizardfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Synodus variegatus) 37118023

Rudie H. Kuiter

Moorish idol (Zanclidae)

Moorish idol / Tody fish

(Zanclus cornutus) 37437001

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Dave Wilson


Mullets (Mugilidae)

Diamondscale mullet

(Liza vaigiensis) 37381008

John Pogonoski

Goldstripe / Diamond mullet

(Liza alata) 37381014

Dave Wilson

Nurseryfishes (Kurtidae)


(Kurtus gulliveri) 37436001

Gerald R. Allen

Parrotfishes (Scaridae)

Bicolour parrotfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Cetoscarus bicolor) 37386007

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter


Bicolour parrotfish (cont.)

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Cetoscarus bicolor) 37386007

Male Rudie H. Kuiter

Blue-barred parrotfish

(Scarus ghobban) 37386001

Erik Schloegl

Bluebridle parrotfish

(Scarus dimidiatus) 37386013

Male Rudie H. Kuiter

Female Rudie H. Kuiter


Schlegel’s parrotfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Scarus schlegeli) 37386029

Rudie H. Kuiter

Sixband parrotfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Scarus frenatus) 37386016

Male Rudie H. Kuiter

Female Rudie H. Kuiter

Surf parrotfish

(Scarus rivulatus) 37386027

Rudie H. Kuiter


Ponyfishes (Leiognathidae)

Common ponyfish

(Leiognathus equulus) 37341014

Rudie H. Kuiter

Elongate ponyfish

(Leiognathus elongatus) 37341011

Rudie H. Kuiter

Threadfin ponyfish

(Leiognathus fasciatus) 37341009

Rudie H. Kuiter

Pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae)

Blackspotted / Dogface puffer

(Arothron nigropunctatus) 37467027

Male Rudie H. Kuiter


Blackspotted / Dogface puffer (cont.)

(Arothron nigropunctatus) 37467027

Female Rudie H. Kuiter

Yellow-eye puffer / Narrow lined toadfish

(Arothron immaculatus) 37467034

Rudie H. Kuiter

Rabbitfishes (Siganidae)

Bluelined rabbitfish

(Siganus doliatus) 37438009

Rudie H. Kuiter


Doublebar rabbitfish

(Siganus virgatus) 37438016

Juvenile marine Rudie H. Kuiter

Juvenile freshwater Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Goldlined rabbitfish

(Siganus lineatus) 37438010

Rudie H. Kuiter


Java rabbitfish

(Siganus javus) 37438005

Rudie H. Kuiter

Masked rabbitfish

(Siganus puellus) 37438001

Rudie H. Kuiter

Scribbled rabbitfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Siganus spinus) 37438013

Rudie H. Kuiter


Whitespotted rabbitfish

(Siganus canaliculatus) 37438004

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae)

Easterrn rainbowfish (3 known subspecies, 1 shown) 37245014

(Melanotaenia splendida inornata)

Neil Armstrong


Banded rainbowfish (Melanotaenia trifasciata) 37245016

Dave Wilson

Exquisite rainbowfish (Melanotaenia exquisita) 37245006

Dave Wilson

McCulloch’s rainbowfish (Melanotaenia maccullochi) 37245009

Neil Armstrong

Northern rainbowfish (Melanotaenia solata) 37245024

Neil Armstrong


Western / Red-finned rainbowfish

(Melanotaenia australis) 37245012

Neil Armstrong

Blackbanded rainbowfish

(Melanotaenia nigrans) 37245010

Dave Wilson

Threadfin rainbowfish

(Iriatherina werneri) 37245003

Neil Armstrong

Remoras (Eceneidae)


(Remora remora) 37336002

Rudie H. Kuiter



(Echeneis naucrates) 37336001

Rudie H. Kuiter

Salmon (Polynemidae)

Threadfin salmon

(Polydactylus macrochir) 37383005

Ross Abraham

Blue threadfin

(Eleutheronema tetradactylum) 37383004

Jack Randall

Saratoga / Bony tongues (Osteoglossidae)

Northern saratoga

(Scleropages jardinii) 37088001

Neil Armstrong


Scats (Scatophagidae)

Spotted / Red scat

(Scatophagus argus) 37363002

Juvenile Mark Allen

Adult Mark Allen

Striped / Silver scat

(Selenotoca multifasciata) 37363001

Mark Allen


Seahorses / Pipefishes (Syngnathidae)

Bentstick pipefish

(Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus) 37282006

Rudie H. Kuiter

Cleaner pipefish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Doryrhamphus janssi) 37282059

Rudie H. Kuiter

Common seahorse

(Hippocampus taeniopterus) 37282033

Rudie H. Kuiter


Double-end pipehorse

(Syngnathoides biaculeatus) 37282100

Rudie H. Kuiter

Flagtail pipefish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Doryrhamphus malus) 37282060

Rudie H. Kuiter

Banded pipefish

(Probable alternative to species above)

(Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus) 37282057

Jack Randall

Girdled pipefish

(Festucalex cinctus) 37282061

Rudie H. Kuiter


Messmate pipefish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Corythoichthys intestinalis) 37282049

Rudie H. Kuiter

Reeftop pipefish

(Probable alternative to species above)

(Corythoichthys haematopterus) 37282048

Jack Randall

Schultz’s pipefish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Corythoichthys schultzi) 37282052

Rudie H. Kuiter

Straightstick pipefish

(Trachyrhamphus longirostris) 37282101

Rudie H. Kuiter




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Dave W


Rudie H. K


Rudie H. K








Threadfin silverbiddy

(Gerres filamentosus) 37349003

Rudie H. Kuiter

Snappers (Lutjanidae)

Brownstripe snapper

(Lutjanus vitta) 37346003

Rudie H. Kuiter

Golden snapper

(Lutjanus johnii) 37346030

Jack Randall

Mangrove jack

(Lutjanus argentimaculatus) 37346015

Juvenile Gerald R. Allen


Mangrove jack (cont.)

(Lutjanus argentimaculatus) 37346015

Adult Neil Armstrong

Red emperor

(Lutjanus sebae) 37346004

Rudie H. Kuiter

Russell / Moses’ snapper

(Lutjanus russelli) 37346065

© Ian Shaw

Stripey snapper / Spanish flag

(Lutjanus carponotatus) 37346011

Rudie H. Kuiter


Soapfishes (Grammistidae)

Lined / Six stripe soapfish

(Grammistes sexlineatus) 37312006

Rudie H. Kuiter

Soles (Soleidae)

Freshwater sole

(Brachirus selheimi) 37462026

Neil Armstrong

Peacock sole

(Pardachirus pavoninus) 37462009

Rudie H. Kuiter


Tailed / Kimberley sole

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Aseraggodes klunzingeri) 37462021

Mark Allen

Squirrelfishes (Holocentridae)

Crown squirrelfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Sargocentron diadema) 37261023

Rudie H. Kuiter

Horned squirrelfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Sargocentron cornutum) 37261033

Rudie H. Kuiter


Redface squirrelfish

(Sargocentron violaceum) 37261032

Rudie H. Kuiter

Red squirrelfish

(Sargocentron rubrum) 37261001

Rudie H. Kuiter

Speckled squirrelfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Sargocentron punctatissimum) 37261028

Rudie H. Kuiter


Whitetail squirrelfish

(Sargocentron caudimaculatum) 37261022

Rudie H. Kuiter

Stonefishes (Synanceiidae)

Estuarine stonefish

(Synanceia horrida) 37287049

Dave Wilson

Striped Grunters / Trumpeters (Terapontidae)

Banded / Barred grunter

(Amniataba percoides) 37321009

Gerald R. Allen


Bar tail / Yellowtail / Flagtail grunter

(Amniataba caudavittata) 37321007

Jack Randall

Butler’s / Sharpnose grunter

(Syncomistes butleri) 37321028

Dave Wilson

Coal grunter

(Hephaestus carbo) 37321012

Neil Armstrong

Crescent perch

(Terapon jarbua) 37321002

Mark Allen


Fourline striped / Striped grunter

(Pelates quadrilineatus) 37321001

Rudie H. Kuiter

Largescale grunter / Banded trumpeter

(Terapon theraps) 37321003

Rudie H. Kuiter

Lorentz Grunter

(Pingalla lorentzi) 37321022

Dave Wilson

Midgley’s grunter

(Pingalla midgleyi) 37321024

Neil Armstrong


Silver perch

(Introduced species please destroy)

(Bidyanus bidyanus) 37321008

Neil Armstrong

Sooty grunter / Black bream

(Hephaestus fuliginosus) 37321014

Dave Wilson

Spangled perch

(Leiopotherapon unicolor) 37321018

Glynn Aland


Surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae)

Bluelined surgeonfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Acanthurus lineatus) 37437010

Rudie H. Kuiter

Convict surgeonfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Acanthurus triostegus) 37437019

Rudie H. Kuiter

Eyeline / Blackstreak surgeonfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Acanthurus nigricauda) 37437013

Rudie H. Kuiter


Inshore surgeonfish

(Acanthurus grammoptilus) 37437002

Jack Randall

Orangeblotch surgeonfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Acanthurus olivaceus) 37437016

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter


Pale surgeonfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Acanthurus mata) 37437011

Rudie H. Kuiter

Pencil surgeonfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Acanthurus dussumieri) 37437008

Rudie H. Kuiter

Yellowmask surgeonfish

(Acanthurus xanthopterus) 37437020

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter


Yellowmask surgeonfish (cont.)

(Acanthurus xanthopterus) 37437020

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Tarpon (Megalopidae)

Tarpon / Oxeye herring

(Megalops cyprinoide) 37054001

Jack Randall

Threadfin breams (Nemipteridae)

Rainbow monocle bream

(Scolopsis monogramma) 37347006

Rudie H. Kuiter

Redspot monocle bream

(Scolopsis taenioptera) 37347008

Rudie H. Kuiter


Two-line monocle bream

(Scolopsis bilineata) 37347031

Rudie H.Kuiter

Whitecheek monocle bream

(Scolopsis vosmeri) 37347018

Rudie H. Kuiter

Trevallies (Carangidae)

Coachwhip trevally

(Carangoides oblongus) 37337069

Kwang-Tsao Shao


Giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) 37337027

Rudie H. Kuiter

Golden trevally

(Gnathanodon speciosus) 37337012

Rudie H. Kuiter

Triggerfishes (Balistidae)

Starry triggerfish

(Abalistes stellatus) 37465011

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter


Starry triggerfish (cont.)

(Abalistes stellatus) 37465011

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Tripletails (Lobotidae)


(Lobotes surinamensis) 37348001

Juvenile, adults dark brown David Snyder

Tuskfishes / Wrasses (Labridae)

Blue tuskfish

(Choerodon cyanodus) 37384072

Rudie H. Kuiter

Dagger tuskfish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Choerodon jordani) 37384077

Rudie H. Kuiter


Harlequin tuskfish

(Choerodon fasciatus) 37384073

Rudie H. Kuiter

Purple tuskfish

(Choerodon cephalotes) 37384004

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Adult Rudie H. Kuiter

Redstripe tuskfish

(Choerodon vitta) 37384006

Rudie H. Kuiter


Bicolor cleaner fish

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Labroides bicolor) 37384130

Rudie H. Kuiter

Blue and yellow / Lennardi wrasse

(Anampses lennardi) 37384016

Jack Randall

Little maori / Twin spot wrasse

(Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Oxycheilinus bimaculatus) 37384063

Rudie H. Kuiter

Common cleanerfish

(Labroides dimidiatus) 37384028

Rudie H. Kuiter


Moon wrasse (Thalassoma lunare) 37384167

Rudie H. Kuiter

Sling-jaw wrasse (Epibulus insidiator) 37384104

Juvenile Rudie H. Kuiter

Male Rudie H. Kuiter

Yellow form Rudie H. Kuiter

Threespot wrasse (Not recorded from NT waters contact Fisheries Div. or Museum)

(Halichoeres trimaculatus) 37384122

Rudie H. Kuiter


Bubblefin wrasse

(Probable alternative to species overleaf)

(Halichoeres nigrescens) 37384037

Jack Randall

Tripletail maori / Maori wrasse

(Cheilinus trilobatus) 37384044

Rudie H. Kuiter

Whiting (Sillaginidae)

Northern whiting

(Sillago sihama) 37330006

Mark Allen


Cartilagenous fishes (Class Chondrichthyes)

Guitarfishes (Rhinobatidae)

Spotted shovelnose ray

(Aptychotrema timorensis) 37027007

© CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research

Longtail carpetsharks (Hemiscylliidae)

Grey carpetshark / Brown-banded catshark

(Chiloscyllium punctatum) 37013008

Adrian Marsden

Speckled carpetshark

(Hemiscyllium trispeculare) 37013015

Jack Randall


Sawfishes (Pristidae)

Freshwater sawfish

(CITES listed)

(Pristis microdon) 37025003

Dave Wilson (above); Iain Jupp (below)

Stingrays (Dasyatidae)

Coachwhip / Reticulate whipray

(Himantura uarnak) 37035003

Jack Randall

Freshwater whipray

(Himantura chaophraya) 37035023

Hamar Midgley


Estuary stingray

(Dasyatis fluviorum) 37035008

© CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research

Bluespotted maskray

(Dasyatis kuhlii) 37035004

© Ian Shaw

Whaler sharks (Carcharhinidae)

Common blacktip shark

(Carcharhinus limbatus) 37018039

Jack Randall


Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) 37018021

Dave Wilson

Whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) 37018038

Jack Randall

Wobbegongs (Orectolobidae) Tassled wobbegong

(Eucrossorhinus dasypogon) 37013011

Rudie H. Kuiter

Carpet shark / Ornate / Banded wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus) 37013001

Jack Randall



Allen, G.R., Midgley, S.H. and Allen, M. (2003) Field guide to the freshwater fishes of Australia, Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia. 394 pp.

Herbert, B. and Peeters, J. (1995) Freshwater fishes of far north Queensland. Department of Primary Industries. 74 pp.

Kuiter, R.H. (1999) Guide to sea fishes of Australia. New Holland. 434 pp.

Yearsley, G.K., Last, P.R. and Hoese, D.F., eds. (2006) Standard names of Australian fishes. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper 009. 65 pp.