chroniclingamerica.loc.gov3mphi daily ppeai by afqlaisahan, trousdale & dill. memphis, tuesday,...

3MPHI DAILY PPEAI BY aFQLAISAHAN, TROUSDALE & DILL. MEMPHIS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1859. VOLUME X.-snDMBE- R "irABUY" KTOKlfS, TUB HAJT. 1X031 RM. Ttm AfSdM, (.) Weekle Km 1 The inost remarkable woman of this eeatery iris " Harry" Stokes, the VrieltetUr, wiio toHnaWkj saMoYe to the plaice- - nf tb rtver Ir Moee Wlreri, lt nfcat vreek. Ifer aboat rBhrtr Tert ICM rxtraoraiaary potwea M Hveel hi MBetrester tad rsxtfe'ti asa asd tnaafer Weclteetter, ai kn twice. iBlrrfp4 to otter kael Eft v- - ttoases aaa wrricwwiiOT at tut tap as llriUaJIJ Had sewn-ia- i at her trale at a briikBrMer, aa erected traiM-is- InM teero ; aed h.t oWine,! the moot skilfel irrelrstter nml in the Twirhborbeoi. Sbe always aVeeeed as a bub in the clothing pecaaar la Krw ; invun.;r ifn tbe awe ia bar employment, aad eoatd MR a weiebt, apraaa tbe mortar, aaa set a brick with tbe best eftfcem. Hrr bibtts were tbase of a mea. Sbe atteaM a aaHf etvataary in tbe tewa, akw; with other Wiebeatterc, draoV, easM, aad joked with the fcu4eet,aad joined to tbe eea)B;earVBM. Ted, with all this caaataat ate, close tetl mat-- r with the apposite sex. tMs atiaau-ssiade- d tnau caatrrndtabefberowB errat secret; aaa nsere h mi) reataa te mat the bae 4ews into tbe paw at the advanced age ft max, ar tbareaboots, bavtajr tbroseb oat tbewbol at bar reaurkable life maintain. ed an aahrafcea ebeck apoa those pas-te- rn wheat crewst sbe street of every lanre town with tbe ttafartaaat af her sex. Her great endeavor ran aa eecasioas to keep ap tbe Bask- - character she had assumed. From a ehiMiabo ba4 bees aeraoAoaMr to the sever nark af oae of tbe most laborioas occapa- - Uoas in wHcn sum Is eancM. aad the skill she had ajataed ia trade reveals an amount of pereesersac; eaercj- - wiuca meat star wartar of a kseriete tbaa that af the wretchaa sui cide. H bt cariaas ta knew-w- t first iadeeesi ber to asters tbe garb aad oecapatieo of a bib. aad what power fat accecr it was that eaabM ber to restate faltbfal to the line of doty sbe bid that marked oat for herself. There are iBStaacas iFirramertnV whore the tBtaeacc of tore, ara remaatie dtsaosition. has clothed tbe form ai waaiaawna state autre., aad ansMtaed beraaaKtie' perils aOhe baxtl field, ia tbe iMBceraf abe4eeB,or ia tbe wtU adveatere ia fervirataBds; hat w know of ao other esse is Til .Ion I ee- - lrAMn wlura 9 iriuiJj deifaHv repressed her awa feelias aa4 aataral dHftostrjoa, so cotapieceif aesassed taenabits 01 a aaa, aaa aeea so sacesssrai ia eradisc the piTtat: cariorty of toe world. " JUrry " Stokes has indeed Blared her pvt so cleeerlr that it is with the jresttt diCcaltj- - we hare beeaale ta fieani the Mlowiac: facts, which, iseoear as tber are, thimr soeae Ujkt aa her MufMstarr. She was the aaarbtrr of a bricklayer ia a TiHacote&eaeMhharheod of Done tor. Be fore sbe aaaud wB balane her owa little body sbe was nas " asofal " ia the hoase ; aad ere away ranrstad passed arer her bead she was bntsnat M acsjaaiBtaaee with teste of ie raaasjcw aaa raaayiest warE n nose daes. Little Harriet Stoke' line ba4 aot beea laid ia nieasiat places. She was so fliaand dowa br the iroa band at hone that, when sbe was al-o- eicht yars old, she put oa a tattered salt iif boy's clothiac: aad walked forth iais tbe " wide, wide world " Arr;od at tbe village of Whitby, she looked about for work. Sbe had aot r-- away froa ber fath er's boase becssie sbe did sot like work and preferred to eat the bread of idleoess. Tbe hard trsatataat af parent igaoraat of their respoasMKy aad dnsaa ber frost tbe protec- tion, of haasc aad franc all the assseiatioaa whstb sbsald oaehaia tbeysnagm ad to baste. That ah: was aot afraid of nrk was apsarrst whoa sbe eitred ber serticra ta a krickwotrr is Whitby. Thoagh eostw'iat aaders.'xed, sbe napttred a hraadeet, aetire, atefal but. aa4 was saitMyaettowtk. Her first eCtrts to please were atteaded wit success, aad she was sooa takea as aa ppeatic. nm this point we stast drop the feeaiasae aifeBatiw, and speak of Harry Stokenat a bmr who has wo-ke- d hisaear to tbe dli nilTT nf a jaaraeyasaa hrirk-oetse- For uatftinr like Isnn 1 TeirB froa this aoiat. we laee the r links which join this Yotkapir- - nerieace to his Manchester life. Abeat twea- - ry-f- ie Tears ago be was broaht proaineatlr under tbe aatiee of tbe paMic by the eonee-qnea- re af aa eccoatric exewsiaa which he bad takes lata tbe dnssaias of atatriaoay. Ha-r- r Stakes, wan tine a eatopanioa in life, executed a atsliiiasaial ttminUmf. Trae to bis rate as a ataa for be bad reached the age when tbe aTerage of hrichotters are fa then as well as joaraeyatea haaj-i-- t aboat, aad fixed bis ehnit-- npoa a Phnap title widow, wha kept a beer-baa- se is CmfWt alley, off Deaaagat. Mae-cheet- He had been aeeottomed to take Us pot af beer aad smoke bis short pipe' under Betsy roof, aad had at least takea a decided fancy ts May heraeK. He was a goad look-la- g yaaiar ataa, was Harry Stake, for. nffll aaderaixed aad iaaaeeat of wbis-kers- ra bee as natooth as a woaaans, he was sluaflj kailt, had a capacioas depth of c' eat. and a pair of hhs wUehaeeaaanasaal profit to We faOar. esv then looked vmhfasaraa Harry soft, for be bad tbe ;tf.atatatioa of being a rood steady workman, aad was doiag pretty weii a a brick setter. It was resolved that the twain sbaaM heceate oae fieoh ; aad sotorbe ebarch, they Ue4. Harry discharged the duties of brMagraosa at ebarch ta perfection ; bat whea the widow- - gat hin home there was a terrible row. Tbe night was speat is dowaright quar- rel aad fight; aad tbe Undatable resort was a usmmint takea oat by Betey agaiast ber hae-ba- ad far aa aasaalt, far which he was to the New Batter for oae or two uisaWii Sarfag tbe bearing of tbe cas. Betey, with great Tobeaseace, declared that her baths nd was aot a ataa, anl that she there- fore waald aot live with hist. The ease crea- ted gasat atnasesteat aad gossip at tbe tist, aad fsnscd tbe eabieet of popalar ballad, which were sang aad hawked aboat tbe strees of Manchester. " Harry" Stokes, oe ieoaiag from the How Bailey, was eoasidirahly perse-cate- d by those little gaatias who kaow so well bow te toraeat street celebrities, while be was abo she object of ranch carioes eaeealarjoa Ttnaac his arsthreaef the trowe'. He,bowerer. avaiataiaed a discreet sileace as te Ws sex, shrew oat hints that the wossaa he had atarrted was aad, aad a the moot effect proof that sbe M a BtaleeoieBt libeJor, he sooa afterward married aaether widow, nc ta tbe name of Frances Collin, who was fifteen or twenty years bis senior, aad who had agrcwa-- p fob aad fooghter living wtth her. His eoaaecrJoe with this wobmb, with wbntabe Heed antfl he caaaarittei anieide,ia the ast nytlniaas phase of this msie-rio-as Mstary. Sbe declared with sotena earn-uta- that sbe did aot kaow, nntil informed the saber 4ay, that the person with wheal she had beea brine for the last tweaty-fir- e years, sleeateg together night after Bight ia the same bed, was a woatafl. aad her own ehildrea look- ed apoa Stoke as their step-fath- She fs that sbe took Slnkes lata ber boase ia the first iastaace oat of pity, te shield bias from the perawcatisnUo vtMch be iraa soajected. It tsaf be that aWistjgh oat of seaee af shame the oM tremaa thes attempts te ceaceal ber lawwiedae of Stokes' sex. she did ia reality katw from the first that tbe person was a wo- bmb, aad that she was ia all probabHity ia- aaeeat by Stokes te ceaseat to the anion ia or- der that the appearance of married life might dispel the ramors afioat, aad enable him to Hare ia peace aad fMuetaess.'' Whether or set that was the intention, the acuBBlatiBi 1 bracght aboat the resalt ; for there were earmises that "Harry'' Stake was a woman, aad he was CMQStaatly the abject of eatrieas gtaaeet. he escaped the opea BtsautaHsa te which be had been iy sabeetad. Harry aad Finny took a beer boase in CarperarJoa street, Salford, where thoy tread far two years, whea tbey "mUted" ta Qeay street, sear Deaaegatr. tsmiag a private hoase rate a bee hoase. At this boase tbey stayed eleven years, !ur:a-pa- rt of wMeh time they held a tccead beer beoee in Caasp street, of Deaasgate, which tber eeHed "Tbe Pilgrim's Rest," aad was saperraierM by Mrs. Stokes' son. To this hoase they themselves fiaally removed, and kept h aa for six years, whea tbey carried their farattars to No. 11 Richmond atroat, St. Stephen street aad Breaghten road, Salford. where tber soH Heed together as maa aad wife, theagfa tbe aeigfabort had their IHtle whiceeriars. together the staple of their beiag the peculiar figare of Harry Stotes, asd tjifealatioaa thersabeata. They were trrlagia RichstoBd street ap to the time of the tragedy which has revived the whole history of this stogalar persea. Harry Stoke appeared Utterly to be fallia; lata de- cayed cttsamtetaaeec, and tbe fear of poverty is beHeved te baveiadored him te csmutlt toj-cid- e. Oil Friday evesJagthe deeeaeed wetrt to the Swaa paUse boose, Peedletaa, aad. after drinking foarr giasua of ala, be teft for the purpose of proceeding, as he stated, to Thros- tle Xest. Ia tbe aaorniag a hat was feaad on the top of the water ia the sluice of the rirer Irweela Mode Wheel, aad en exaatieatioa tbe body of a maa was foe ad staadiag apright in the water. At tbe iaqoest before Mr. Coroner Batter, aa Setatnity, tbe body was ideetifted as that of "Harry" Stokes, tbe well-kno- master brieJrsetter of Salford ; aad K woold prebabir have been buried ia its clothes as it was. aad tbe secret of tbe poor, eeaTageoos, bardwerkior Harriet Stokes weajd tbas have beea httrlmfwltfa ber, bad sot eae of the jury bees aosnsiated with a portiofi of her bietery. He laenttoDsdhis sasateioa that tbe deceased was a woman aad set a maa, aad two woman who bribe ceroaer to solve the mys- tery rain-ra- id ttnerbag; into the court with the infurutsalsn that, trae eaoagfa, tbe body ia he ma.n ciothn was that of a perfect woman, aad aa maa. Sbe was very d, but tbe shape af her womanly make was distorted' by i Wood utrap which bockied roood her body under hat arms. There is 'farting of graadettr after all in the character of that straage warnan. Sbe ha left memeatoe of ber iadastry aad skill all aver Maeebeeter, asjd is rainy pit cm in Sslfaed. She was very clever in tbe eree'loa oTteR rhtmseys.aad seme of the bkhestla Manebeeter have beea wfaeHy or partially paster ber aoaetiaicBdeecc: she has Bv4R eaarchet, chapels, aad exteasire block of awesHsg haases, aaaeag which are mea-oe- d the large booses at the back of S. Phfflip's ebarch, Satford; she was most expert la fittiag stoves aad aad her aid in this branch of her trade hat been obtained in some of the best beeees ia Manchester, and ib the days of the" Chartist rials she was sworn I P1 constable, aad was made captain of ber company. Her indttttry and skill at ope tame placed her in comfortable d there are person who are bow esteemed among the foremost men in Man- chester, who have been entertained at the roar- ing sappers giren by "Barry" Stokes. ,?r,Tbe J1?8" Cincinnati bare adepUd a series pf resetatten to "keep the Sabbath dV w?iTr seventh dar) and to cla all tk. ?mjnvittoj. They, af eaahe, keep open ahop oa Baalay, or tfee Christian fat- - aVAaAe Leaders of the .popular movement In Italy A Flertace eerrefpopdtat f the London! 3Tm, after tiring GaribsUi't letter ia La 1 I Farina, In answer to a tender of the Preti doacy of the National AsiociaUen of Italy, says: Awesderfel aad pie sing avgirt it is to see this man, whom the world had set down aa a rnosh, barsb, aad aatatarttt bandit, dieatays as maeh sease and tact aad genuine manly beevwsh-m- d cteseerale valor ia tbe field. Garibalat is a tree born reVar af mea, sad ciril awerameBt mac : , tafetv bo trusted in his baBds as BriHtarry rale. I eeald fill yew eeramM with nnblie and nrirale tiT, proeiaon rJo, and orders of the day, all by him, from ail aad each of which It would reseat, firstly, that Garibaldi aerer fails te hit the Bail on the bead : eeeoadir. that not one wrr! falUer from hi lips ia saaered te pass wreoea ; ni am voice austt coeateaanee create a new heart in all who see aad hear Mm. TrvJjr, the hoar and tbe men have come together. Italy is everywhere tinder the or- ders of liaders who are well calculated to work eat her deetiaies. No one, I believe, caa charge me with partiality te the Italians ; oa tbe contrary, I feel ears I bare Bet spared raem meaarMxet aaa moscttapaiata&ie trutns. Bat I mast say, for troth's sake, if tfaevhave not all the virtoes befittiag a nation of free mea, neither are they soak never wiH thcr sink to the condition of naredeemable alavos. The seed of regeneration are teeming ia tbe land, ao laager ta be eatothered bv all the sab- - Uettes of eae Katpcror, or by the violence of another, irt. inraace, Anstrta, and Earepe, weR coaeidei what they are aboat. Let them rise for one instant saperier ta the paltry chi- canery af diplomatic botching and cobbling. Italy mast live ; it is Gad's will that balv eboald live. In order that Hah- - mar lire, it is abselately necessary that Aastria sbeald be noagat or beaten, coaxed or kicked oat or ia; it is of tbe ataaoat necessity that the Pope should cease to be a temporal prince. It I aaaroUable that the Kiag of Xsplos sbooM bead or break. The maa te whom Italy ia witting te pay hero- -wstehip mast be a here in deed. Vt is fortBMte enough to hire more tbaa oae sach. Victor Emsne!, D'Aaed'o. Caveor, Garrbaldi, and all "nea made oa the mold of Phrtarch's worthies noae of them faultless, thank heaven ! bat endowed either with that vastaess ef braia. or stoataees of heart, or loftiness of character, which has sower to renew the temper of a nation. 1 nave often qoarrefea wiw uie Macuaees aad slothful nees of the Itahans, with their coesUtetioaal indolence, with their aaetaess for hardships and intolerance of disci plia I have rated taem for greveana; sonsaness, for want of troth, and the eoaseeoeat lack af good trnt in oae another. Yet, If the day of action dawn again, if the mea I have men ttoned. sporaiag aH tbe timM eeaaseis of a time-servi- policy, call the ieopte to arms, I feel sure Italy will, under their fvmiaaee, of macaaBimcas sacrifice. There will be a geaeroas fight in Italy, a fight which may end ia disaster, bat sot in defeat. Tbe principle af Italian BatioBaHty is aoaqeacb- - aUe. It was bet a spark years ago. A quarter ef a ceetary of trampliag, far from potting it eat, ealy stirred it into a blazing coBilagratien. YrBafraact, Zarich aad Brasteh) may patch ap a peace; thoy can- not give rest to Italy except by a formal, final and thorenfh recognition of that principle. Anstrta and r ranee mast withdraw; the vote of Central Italv meet be reeotmized : the Pope mast be left to sefle accounts wttfa his sab- - wets ; and if the Catholic powers mast needs have a PeatitT.aad a Sovereiga PontiC, tbey matt provMe t'ln l.v or his sece.---r wioi a sew sovereigBty. I think I hare always faith- fully represented the state and disposition of men's naiads in these provinces. I feel con- vinced that, if ever the restoration ef tbe Central Italiaa prince,, aad tbe recovery ef the legatieas br the Papal governaeat. are dtfinitety resolved apoa, tbe day la which such an arrangement is earned taro eaaet, bo matter br what means, will change these gentle, orderly and ciriHied communities, bate as many dcLs'of wild beasts. Singular and Extraordinary Oaie of Arson. About three Tears ago. lb da neater af a peer German paiater came to thisceuBtrr with her parents. Some thiee weeks since she ea- - ered tbe family of Mr. NanoreoB Bancroft, on Marshall street. Philadelphia, a adeaMetic. Sbe very seen won for herself the rood eata- - ioas of Mr. Bancroft aad bis family, and was esteemed faithful, kind, diligent, aad obliging, although cuhsequrat revelations proved her ta be a girl of extraordinary caaaaagaad dearav-it- v. a Abeat the time she became fully desMs-ticat- the family missed several artatme ef value, aad discovered traces of veaatea mis chief in many parts of the beuse. 8Uk freest of Mrs. Bancroft, and several valuable articles of wearing apparel belonging to her basbaad were feaad te have been cat by acieeers or otherwise irreparably lajured. The good opinions entertained by the family or of the domestic turned tbe current of their 1 sesrJrcioBt from her. By a ciiaracterrstie ex hibition of ceasing, sbe maaaged to fasten all the blame en a litfe son of Mr. Bancroft, named Jobs, not more than four years of age. In coaseeaeece of these cbarces. "little Johns v was strbjected te repeated aad severe punish -- moots, aad wafcet times confined In a rnea, Hrd to a bed-po- st vrith a rope. After Vrytng me ajteganea oc an parents time and ?gaia, the sea, with a hope of escaping punish merit, wa induced to confess tbe charge made by the servant girl. This state ef th Bgs continues! for some two 1(1 or three weeks, when oa lastTaesday after- noon tbe boase ef Mr. Bancroft was discover- ed to be cm fire. The flames originated ia a lot ef dotbiagtfaat had been stewed away ia a closet, and were discovered by the German A. girl. She gave the alarm to Mr. na neroft at his oskce, on Girard avenue, saying at the same time that little Johnny bad done it. While sbe was pone, another fire brake oat, which with the other, was easily extinguished. A bait Bear afterwards a t&rrd tire was dis- covered la a closet, aad before these flames had beea quenched, two ether fires of a simi- lar character were discovered ia various parts of tbe bouse, making no less than five fire within two hoars. All these fires ware dis- covered by the terra nt, and chaiged aa little Johnny. Duriag the excitement consequent upoe ex- tinguishing these fires, a friend of tbe family, named John W. Boileau, entered. After as- sisting te drown the flames aad examining the premises, be became convinced that Johnny was innocent and that th girl was tbe culpa- ble party. He succeeded in eon ri Being the parents ef Johnny that bis saspicioas were correct, and charged the girl with tbe com- mission of the crime. She made a partial ac- knowledgment of her guilt and the circum- stance were reported to fire Marshal Black- burn. She was arrested by constable Johns and underwent a most searching aad severe examiBattea at the bands of tbe fire Marshal, who came to tbe conclusion arrived at by Mr. Boileau. On being taken to the Aldermsn's office she made a fail confession te the Mar- shal aad was comurfctted te answer tbe ebarge. in thi eeafessien she admitted herself ta be the author of all tbe mischief for which peer Johnay bad beea punished. After the bearing, the girl was taken to Dr. lraes, tbe pbresoiogitt, who tcae'e an of ber head. Tbe result of this ex-- at (nation, as reported to us, exemplified ic a str g way the tsaehiBgs of tbe science ef The moral faculties were dimin- ished, while tbe sensual strongly predominated. Tbe organs of acq arts itirenest, recrortveitesi, destraetiveBets, and the sensual ergaa were very largely developed, while veneration aad benevolence were almost entire! C obliterated. This ease in all its singular and extraordinary feature!, exhibits aa instance of a moaomaela to commit crime, and a total want ef moral force, rarely equaled In the annals ef criminal rarisnradeace. PMIrndtlfU Prut. Cotton Demand and Production, Tbe growth of cotton ia the United Stales is the dependence almost the sole tWat denee of Europe and Great Britain (afptheir tappty ef tbe mM important article oiheraaa ctetntng. We showed last week that India doe not furnish as much raw cotton as re- quired to make the good she bays, aad tbe coarse ef events indicates that everv prscrees staak by the English with EagBth capital, ta iatarere or develop its resources, ii eafy sUmaiates a large consumption of good ea the part of that people. It is their small earnings, ariU.g from the exhausted state of the country, which circumscribes tbe'r purchase. Tbe employment of English capi- tal in the construction of railroads, the cul- ture of opium to pay for China teat, ard all branches af industry, ealy swells the wages of tbe people, aad by so doing causes a Bewde-mao- d for eettea good. The course of eren't ta Area by which at least 500,000 ,000 con- tainers of cotton cloth will brinctheiroeuiaiKts iate the European market, matt open a pew aad Mantlet field far the disposal ef good Tbe demand in thi market is bow laree. The export to Chin from New York has beea SDMfieO worth ef drills for tbe week. Bomber. IV J"- - Thi fieatami will, in all probability, grow until! tbe United States exports to that eouatry of drills aad coarse goods will equal at least tbe sum of tbe imports of tbe finer rood from Europe iate the United States. China will become a great cotton consumer. The other eoootries wfceeee England draw ber cotton, the Braiits, Errpt, the West Indies, etc.. are all eeaeanwr to aa extent rreater than they mpplr the material. Tbe United States alone coattaae te ssmrdr a surplus over their Urge rsBaamptloa, and ea that aurplos the depends latereets are eaor-moo- c. It has been stated that the nami u i of cotton growers in the United State is about 2teOeO. but the number dependent aeon tbe manufacture ef the article ia Xw Eagle, Greet Britain and tbe Continent it apt abort of 5e)0O0, and the capital employed In the manufacture, sale. traasaectafJea cad it aa $1000 ta $1 employed ia the culture. There probably Is bo other industry in the world in which so expanded an Interest resit on so small base. There was a time wbea tbe whale production of gold aad stiver in tbe werld, by process of amalgamation, which in- volves the use of qutcksltver, dtpaisdoi with aH it vast interests and aameroas attnes hi aH rtfir,"'PT, tfc,iBCl "Bplv mercury af- forded by den mine i Spain, and that gorernment was forced to lease those mines te tbe beuse of Rothschild. It resulted, that that single bouse held the value of aB the mines in Ks bands, and when it put op the rate from $38 ta $96 per qeintal, a vast somber of mines abut op, and throngs of miners esught otter employment. That moaepoly was by ttietittcorery of quicksilver in California, and the more general production af sal- ver in Mexico has resulted. SomChing aaala-gout- to tbtt eeiektilrer monopoly is the posi- tion of the cotton growers at the South. They hold a monoply which the whole genius and capital of Lancashire tat set beea able te shake; on tbe other band, this sphere of inter- est, which receives Hs inflation from that fo- cus, is constantly expanding. Tbe price ef producing bands, and the material tbey pro- duce, I is constantly rising, and Omt without A- - poUst'Bg out any mode of relief. The United ... CI t 1 t ta 1 plaibs fee oriv dtscriptios cf e6n wWth worts trefi j iUelf. 'VVKh the dereloPtaenU X1 going ea la Ash, and thtexteesten ef markets that baa been made In Seit Aatsrica, In Afri- - ea, in Eaatern Borons, ad if Asia, beyond growing aemasml gift uauea states, m Stand aad Western Eerwe, the entire batman race tarns toward the 'Hated States'fer a sap-pl- y, for which the tettnd increase ia the aenew ratio ef growing jhmbrrs aad Mcreas-l- g wealth. This is a Kate of facta wbtefa does not keep Kaetf w41 eonsid'red by the trsde at Urge, and UN effects of which are yearly becoming raorc iavortant. U. &&on- - emM. Kxecntlon of Thornton at St. I,onl. Tbe St Louis natters otntain lone- - account of the execution in that y, on Fridav last, of J. w. jTjerntes, tbe murderer or jesrpu Cliarless, an oM and respested citizen. The unfortunate man vat bcra In ISil, In New York, where his fatter was formerly an old merchant After the teeth of bit father. b stadled law for a year.theo becamea clrrC. 1841 he removed to the West, apprenticed him- self to the trunk malrhar iesinese. bet in 1811, joined tbe Dotted States marine service, and was assent three years atta, on ids cosh ei China and japan, in tbe uniiea Mates ip Cemmbas. On his retort be landed at Nor folk, aad te lfviS took ap his residence in St Loais. where be BeeamedemiiT citr register, and anils, on, Ug mT4tv of the Boatman's aavugs tastitutton, m roniiery or aiu several tboasaaa dollars, in led to t Horn- - ten being suspected as the thief. He was ar- rested and tried, bat aecmittfd. Mr. Charles was the nriaciaal witness acaiatt Uiffl. For thJa Thornton swore to have revenge, and for month threatened the life of Mr. C. On the ftth of June last, Thornton met him in tbe street and fired two balls into bis body, rrom we eaects of which he died. Mr. Chartes was aniversalry teteemed, and his aa order created such intense excitement that Thornton narrow- ly escaped being dragged from jail by a mob, aad tracked ea tbe spot. Up to tbe moment of his execution bis fami- ly and friends confidently looked for executive lnterpWo", w in vain He met his doom with great coolness. The Democrat say : On emerging from the jail, Thornton recog-for- d two or three est acoaalatances in the crowd, who stood eagerly watching lis ap- proach. On seeing them, a pleasant smile ap peared apoa his countenance, and giving a geatle bow of his head, he pasted on to the steps of the scaffold, which he ascended mere rapidly aad vigorously tbaa did a nr person On reaching toe tofl of the scaaold, he seated himself between the two clergymen, and looked aroaed as if desirous of seeing some eae b knew. Tbe slightest tre- mor was not risible in hi movements, and his conduct utterly astonished every person who witnessed e was asked by the marshal if he bad any- thing to sa r, and be replied in the negative by shaking his head. He tbea declared himself ready, and stood upon a box placed apon the trap-doo- r- The slightest quivering of a nerve could not be detected in him, even now when be saw the death warrant which Mr. Cuaning-ha- m hsld in bis band, and was about him. This being done. Deputy-marsh- al Eves proceeded to cover hi face with a long white rap, while Mr. Cunningham pinioned his arms behind his back with a small cord. Tbe rope beinr adjusted, aH the person on the scafoM who had aeeompaaied tbe priseaer, stood back, while the clergymen read prayers, after which all was declared ready, and at fourteen minutes past three o'clock, the mur- derer of Joseph Charles hune; suspended be- tween heaven and earth. In a coavcrsatioB with one of bis visiters on Thursday night be said be bad written a state-me- at of the whole affair, and the cirenm-staac- es connected with it, and that it should appear In prin after bit death. COURT STREET LOTS. ira AKD PIBT en Sooth SBTBMTT-- r betweea Ssejnd aad Third Hrees tor ale DUFME CO- - raajT ea aXaud nrett. adjoiaiar 3. P Oartu' 50 for Mis. XOXBABRAT, BVFBXE & 00. FALL STOCK OF 332ruLg,s, Etc?. "Ttt are aosr i riotaam onr PMI asn: or Prnaa, V ererrrhrt nertmlarat ta our tane nuiinioa. We trvr particulsr allenlisn lo Gram mntl Garden Seed, and e prevnred to sen wd, freda aad lover aaa aay tnv is MeHuOJn. vr ouir fa rum is to tare M trial befsre nurotmln w.taa . xcCLarxAND, m Xaln Mr vet. ens. Worrikaoi Hsos. For Sale TRACT ef I.AXB. naotinid MS AVAUTABLK HernsnO, Wtalu I. VSH miles man Memhjsaa4twnuuls froa BVma Late Pepsa, 9m ami I j ism u Ustu' Stand. Silt, acres oVumd, srilh a sued Irasse dwWIm an nirrmsry aut tNHBaes. Furty- teres .dlto well wslersd Aaoty to M. M. Luifcar, We Bacaance nuildtnoa n tho the premises, r as J. O. LDSHHS. nst-ai- m muniuai, xtw. To Railroad Conlrnctors. a1ditlat.ta1l WTiC CBttli ffM VcMl THI mid rthvat riaahS rfciekMv emfr, mib lia or Tenme , a mmn of ihl are mem iirMfti 10 iat metnet irx. As tilt wrt will b lH fat- - CMat, m4 hfiH tfitn m ftw wsjsrfc prmrr it pmmt m vaamaMfty rrorabr lapswhic for TMrBrtara. Pvribrr tArWamatiM. rCatftrd t Ik aTX-- Ml hs artalDI CM sVpfH fCUt taf Mnrn. Uanatxi k. Co., Vmptu, Toon ; o- - lMtr tar in prmm U tb wulitn4m4, at OkO-am- C.icatMw mu tjr.XtM. aoliv-t- XU ABBOTT & CO. J .3- - J. rioais. N-- tr Tort. LADIES' FURS! 36 g AND Bi:irvKIiEY:S BLOCK, qoo yvz . xa S t v o o t, MEMPHIS, TEIfN. Beaver and Otter Caps, A FINE ARTICLE, -- AT rAJfraa( a. OO'S . THE XOUttfE 1T.1T, A BEAUTIFUL SOFT II AT, IX emireijr new testes, al s PUAWCfSOOA.OO'S CALVIS FAY, ArciLitect, r9TJ ta fatrVaa., ItTaTia, .Bad tf aClBCtlaaal hf mt wmrj stosKTitua, 4 Im riT ku . Mn! tm9riMtm4tmet to tk-- ir fA aaraw Xim m4 Mrrft, eppmktXt tt Wav.Bjn nm. oest-- lr GREAT ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS St W DeiHxe ef Priett. 2. SEJESSISIj, 2SS Main Street, opposite Court Squire, Wntleoile aarf Beun Dsaler in STAPLE AXD FAXCf DRr GOODS, Potbssncttta entire ttattsr Bern Puis, natal lta aad MeriMs Rsae, woanm ratal. est. Alss, saawlt, SiBi,TeaotanCWk Cfcukt at re-- PULN'tAStOr.' &OOCrSA, Ker er, Jhu, hi tan tun jmmtaitnrataamatfafi artt mmsuasuwsu uoru st CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES altalil br wnnleanM trait salr Batter rrtres. ntT dtwtria CHEAP G00DS! Clieap Goods! TTfritit rsBBor to t' Clay Building! rg Ate omaxats au or ooa srocr at iarcclv Bcdncctl Prices! W. B. MILLER, KKaa,! WM. KNABE & CO.'S Cnlt cil:l piap nmi LIGHT li BRADBURY'S IRON FRAME PIANO FORTES, OarlinmH t Jatmittilr Hum Thallers, Strakosch, Vieaxtcmps, And all the Principal Pianists in tbe cons try. every instrument tM by es warrenled for Tiiar--i years, aad wiH b told at the manufae-- turert' prices, by MoKISXEV & CO.. asva(eaularI(nBala. tnali tt aad Avaleodte mm tm aatf-I- m G. XV. .TOi'VES & CO., DMIfiGISIS AXD APOTHECARIES, -- ro. 229 Main Street, Nearly Oesmtne Odd Fellows Hall, MEMPHIS, TEttr. T)Zl''S&2ls!tt' " a- - t - ,t Pcrfnmcry mid Toilet Roods. M f. vsnetr Eecaaa, rrincb aad Americas. 7or aaleas a. W.JOSHg & CO. Fine tlrondiet and TVlnes, p,OB msditaal purest' a -- tar rale by ' g.w. Joxrj . oo. Cfjc Ptnipljis appeal TOEUSHBD DA1LT, AKD TTEIXXT, rso. n'cuLBAaAV,- .- lxoxidai tbotioale BESJAallB r. SIIJU GnAsr tLt style sad firm ef M'CLANAHAN, TROUSDALE & DILL, WHOM A IX L2TTEH OX BcttStal, 0B 0TUXB WI1X, tnOCLTJ BE DIBECTE1,. I'llIOE OF KllltSCim'TIO.-V- . Otllrltaadraac) per aassm. (10 00 " " tto - Weeklr t M JJ" AH Dallr asbecrlpuoot wDifttomHertddae and psrstto tr ta adTaaca. 1J- - Tt ticnrolns Unas wiH bo ttrkUr an rJamj odfterea 10. DAILY K.ITKS fOlt AUVIlltTlSI.IO. For ens ousro of I en Uaea or lets, oa tiucrUou...$l rweaAad4Ut9nalinertlaiotame..... SO 3- -r s -- a . j i fi r r i ; i. r T ? "Tl w t oo in t oo son re w ts to uto oo xi i so t oa 73 s Mrs oa is alia 1' to n as oog a oajio n n wis oojao ojia oojasat tl 1 solio oojis sojit oo onju ten rr Mt -t- - u oolis ortia 00,34 oata oun wuffil i I Ml it on totn otm mss sou isubo 87 tO 7, ti oo it oolso 0O41 49 00 U 0048 OoilM. 03 ti &'u Pop soin oojst ealea as.rr l 15 oo 4- - ro oyss ooIm ortui ooo oos oots ool One renewable maj, aanum, f u 09 Ty Mure, per .. .. . . . 1, CAM ' X3T V. rqsues, reoewaMa Trtellr, iieaaaum, 0 OS f- - AM itinUMwiM set Uie Arrd mhu4 be kmd- - ed m at mt Cterk'i detx. t3 AM traaeat adrerUjeraeaU rsut V iarke4 fr a towmad tuns. Waeu not tku aurted, tnr IU ke tkuce far sue week, aad dttatntlased al ta eed af tat rraae. AU aJTertttemeaU resulrsa to be kert oa teoasd itae, cBABaEO At new each p at, ansae laird pate. u aavaaea over taaxeo rate. X3T Adrrrtttesoatt directed ta be dirptarel, ar set In .re Irpe, akarted docsle rates. nr Tesrlr adecrujert will ke cnarted extra for eatn- - ut toscv aver acmtrart. aM wben uluoe mi I. re tain take used, or lb adierttaement kevtoa Wiittf t taper. rr rtartr tdre raters win be ilititol extra at retu- - JUr ralM tor Wants, Betas, nemoraai, Oa.rrmeraJpK- - toet, to jon.atatet, at AnvEnTtiixo mdit be r aid re a IB AdVABCE. o adrertJsemettl wHI anwar la tno wetuvpaptr nnl"t by special contract. TJAdsertlt l nienuto be luaene in at weetlj paper xtir. or atuHcuUr tm.rsah ia eHner of Ike savers. nilbeebtrted tlsertatureforrscti aad ererj- - tmer- - tn. rv-- a not amine OaadbUles tor State. Oooatr and Ka- - atcarol OOoet, to eaek, to be paid la adsasw In CTerj v--f AirsJrertiseoMolt far CnaritaUe Toalllttloat Tire Ooamonies, Ward, Tewn aad otker rakic settees, to be cnarao barf one. at trriAtes and Deaths are paMitked at newt : kut-- i uuatusrrea, TXtautes ex itotfeot ana i him laiioTisoiogit. ss other odrsrtitenienla. rAUtfal and Traoaltat Alurtimealt wlU te hartW br tke inrertlon. C3- - Baitorui KoUces in Local Column wttl be reartsd at crmia per line. XJT No or variaUOB win e mat ansa me foronoias rales. Jt'UliAllAn, T&UOOIIALA - trtu. GENERAL FREIGHT A9EST OP St. Louis and Memphis Packet Coflapany, ASD Farwardin: and Commitslnn MERC PI jST T , ao. 0 nowartrs now, ucnnnis. rT" Borer ta St. Louis and Xesiphio taercBsats ten- - eraiir. aun-dl-ir WATCHES JEWELRY! ISTEW STOEE, Corner of Court and JTIain-Sls- ., MEMPHIS, TENTf. ar a ?T-ci- zdeT W a in. iia. n.wtuu.s Watclimalier & Jeweller, IK surer ana i'lmca ware. TAKBB tM to nafkaRB tkfcit. ? of Nfflphi VM th- - wrn-mtia- c ootttTT that bf bm armi" fatly Wca- -, 1?3 M pjaarp, UMl IMN kTCtflmC rralll adamvtioB to tnmatta to ami Ah irr of lb? iMbtk 11 Hsj wili W oosmmtinUy ib rKit oT tk wewnt ad mt FASHIOXABLK OOODS fmca th- - saa- Prfe 9t JLnterirtM lunfeVrtor. Hf will Im te a jrjhmai- - I IN CMM aVBaTtnlf ! Of F.3STC1T GOODS IK ORCAT TARIBTT Ptrtkutar altontlou paid to th REPAIRING ef WATCHES & JEWELRY, Euaviu? in nil its branches, Sra.farVCoj n inn 0"a M !". WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 4. rem L. Of IMPORTER, WUOLES.tLE AND RETAIL DUALER L GREEN & DRY FRUITS, NUTS, Pickles. Preserves, ETa,(BTC, ETC., No. 220 ud FeivfisHall, MEMrillJS, TJQ.VX. VI -- crtm oit xsr a ntut o vj(h .t b a large as-- rnsrs o.r; IJoanrtos Dtnat, and a larse aaiMotJUnor rjaoafes: sSrSr v . e Vastesnseri - 1 aadSmOav Ortlut meaaateotVoonds; 1 aadS ..cant L killlal land!.. .. Salmon; 3.. ... OeaenOarni 3.. reenreat; r t t .. AianracaaS i t S .. Mat Aoeles , ; rreth SirawVerrJeafer? Bt taat; j ' 1 TreA rio Arseei hi 3 .. .. rreoh Fetdhet m 3 .. .. Assorted Ft Frtms i xtais; jLOsaedftdkd fTAdt a ArtsM Prfwrrf, pti, awl ht t&ai OsuKaMi Qtmrr km I Pl, pU. ti. hf IMS ibl CmSs; Pfppr Sa oc. pt . qU; TecaftH CMCb, t Md mfii wfxsifa,ir 3atMs x aM ar Yi . u Msr in tpas; Bra4r CbsnTlfS Bramir Peaefer; K0 taWkH GaVtMkPaCaitS WO twits Otart Wiw, hui r .. wut .... - -4- 50 caU Qas0lli X. la stet (; M .. Al, 4Hfnm Wskk. fit aM OB . Lanlin PfUr, .. 100 ew Ktrtx trxasdvv4w; Garret Batti8Bir, in 4 aad Ses Ivu; Rarrr Pack lmportl rrraifi; XmiMrte4 Gvrnaa PrtWaH; 100 tWa crmbtJ an4 palTerkM Saar fAampaffB CMer, In bit; trla; TsTar'f Gtzurtr Tls, bxa; "VroUe'a SeTfarUara SeMiai-f- f; Stamaclt Btlar; Ote&xznoa in Katlj; 1000 tit Wrapplot Twin; Tlnoc, Bstter and fed Orackvrc brtt asd br bn--f BtrtW. 5ntU, Gtacrr aa Soffar mttltn, fa Kxj Cr alter. BtaJKnit. tnbxti A Urfa"ortiafBt Smek UaC.Tafcacoo, flna A aotat lWeoo Gtrmsa 0fxr; lOCXfeOO DoiiwUc a 60,000 naraaa A fi' Mdortvifot TWaacM fiSa aa4uWmWat BOO ax Tut Cctfkm; A Urt afmrtmt Ptra Trrt; TOOW) Tarp; M B ad La7er Kflv. bai, ht ae4 ir bit; . Prima Zaata Carrasta, la fer b ( OHrtMW la aat-c- ; SsTrUaona Ktriiu, W brti Almotvatt, bar4 aM aft ibrit; Paeazu, rirtrvrtl, KatJiib wateitta ant BrU NbU. Iffai enisfeUiSrra toM rSnlTy Orastvs tnJtxx kaahtU,itmo,ln Apptea la frzis Qortmint ft., etCe "1 oc31-- J . S. COOKE CREIJHTO;, raw Ana p a ao aa : I UlaUWUSa Ba4a VH nrR. ta tlim asf tlna tMtie .. yj lr- - CeajUmnraU of Prodrjca (or Ml or cia wlU irwiTf liTvceat aiiaauoOe fpila (v- - lir&2 WANTED. wT ..u rriso of oort a anull naalt- sV tl. t. .IA. at tbO llUslSSlOoi Hi TOT . With S nKorteote rMeoe M osl3ikHr. And 'rsB TS lo 150 acres et laad H eaHtraueo. uor nitna suiu uo ctace to ralte a crop tbe enmia Tr waau a ctnl Sko irlikw 90 mliet or loft from ma oHr of MtarDklt. Aaj kavtnf to a ntaoe u let wW pleat report tka sabm to ut at ear offloo, tonwr of atsm and If tore atreata. telo--o a aimi, FOR SALE Jml Terms Easy. folknrmc Prooenjr, oat aad threo-natr- tf r milet etaltremOauneaaare: Four and a half acres of Land on Bus ilreet, wlU a food Farnllr Resiaenc trlia ui rooras, tetvaat't meats aad kttehen, etstern, earrlait biel, ttlMe and orchard, aH area inetottd. Auto A food raaUT Retldsaot ea Jackson ttreel with seven row, kttmtc, tsntst'l room. cUtera, two EOMil weno, earrisro nouos. ram w iiimmi" order and betntif nl lycatMU Auo For saloon Taacettreot, a nett and comforta-at- e ft.MB.Bi -t- ih tMni aci i stni kitcheu. ter- - vaMNi room and dtttre, an new. aad between DeSoto aad Bmado ttreeu. ta th norm awe, at xao comer of tfca aley. Aue-T- w Betidenret Is FVt Flektrine. caw a brick wtmatxreotaiaadfourorBvewrvaotri room, cittern, cardan, santaf kaate, ttaM and orchard, in thitj ptara taer are three aeret of treuod. no otktr ntaoa la Fort Fvtermc u a Frame DwetttBf Uoal wtlh five rauns, kitdkoa aad terstot't room, ets. Foe farUitedafuiaittiua al U the atsrra rrseerljctH at Iks Qslkoe Stack, cjraer U Koafoeaad ataln streets. teiHU HOrXlSS ft SHRBT. For Sale or Kent. a beuHtfBl KosattBc loralion. atx aerts. tlx mile Butfia or tiiis ell,- rroatrjur tho If etarhlt and Ohio Bail- - nad tad th f emahit aad Raleitu Flaatroad at their jrseora. TMs trtn u wen aoaatea ror taruc-su- orahard rorinM. Fee tbformtUoo a, tt lit abort, caa a noraUSS tl BBI, lnmouaraouujuo, tFt corner V tin aad Monroe street. J. W. HOPKINS & RIinARD M. KIRBT, DEALERS l Offife In the Calhook Buck, corner of Main asd .Monroe Streets. r ATX a larce aad well selected Ust af Lands la hf a 1 stMitau. TMuetteo aad Aikantat. Caa faraisk tracts ta aa atta la out rarekaters. aad In almost an? kaUia- - ia th MiwtMipnl Taller. Alto, unproved and uairaisrosed Ma M Iks cities of Xemptua and Corinth. Betssr we ttre a lit! of owe of Ifco lorauU of our laadt. VTe will 1st Bleated al awf Mtso to hare a pleasure of ahowta these Isadt to sar and aH persrsss la search cf UsbIs tsrtftlleioeBt hs the M Issttstool vaHer. TV fesl thatwe are restored to fire at teeera mfsrmalisn aad Mntaresrreetaocae ke ottatatd etaewher man. aaj sue, ia reference to tbe senertl character at tho country Uthedt7ereoAdi, enter too Jttsttssivei vanT. Sad some of tk nainetfsof our laadt: Sa. Acre. Towathtp- - Baaga. Ooorr. &Ute. 4 north, 5 east, Crittenden, Ark. fun I north, t ast, " 3 t 4 aorta, t east, " 4 north, 7 rait. ISO aeret deadened. lass 4 north, V tart, Grlttandea, Ark. tit 4 north, 7 east. 11 haorm. t east. s a north. east. not 1 north, 6 rati, 1100 7 north, S oast. 600 7 atta s rut 8 north C ert not t etst 4100 S north 7 east 600 arret deadened. natth t east OrHteadeu, Ark. t north 7 east 600 acres ceadeaed. teas 10 north S eut Xttttuirft, Ark. 6000 arret deadened. j49Q II Berth east Minitsicct, Ark. (too H north 7 east tses It north 8 east 1(00 1C ntrth east 70 tt norm 4 east Ftthfett Ark. 590 13 norm 4 east see 4 norm I west Jackson sad St. Fran. tis. Art. 0ee. riser. looo 4 north 1 west 3800 5 north 4 west Jackson, Ark. 310 1 mem west SCO II south 4 west Drew o- a- Ark. ri 14 iaam 4 west " ISM 8 north 6 west mate CO., Art. 31 SI 1 west PTBtor I oo., Afk. ISO) 3 usatt BeahaatwArk. fist M south 3 west - as 4 tenth II wost Tunickoo, Ifht. set 10 ssost M ses i tout a want Okahotua co.. at Its. tto acre deadened. tu 3 south 4 west Ooakema oo., Miss, its aoath t west " 3hM atalh 3 west Taltahatrhle. Iflst. On Oasodar'l barte. 2M0 15 south Sweat SuutWweros.. Miss. 15 south Sailw HoenietotwMlai. ISO 31 sooth 1 west SunSower, Miss. Kear McXatt- - 17 aoath west WaatBitan. Mils. 5b T Lake, 800 It sntb a west Vashaactou, Miss. S00 21 aoath 5 west gansosir. MIsa. sso 31 4 west B41 acres tour mile north of Faint Bock Depot, la Jsrhtoa otomtr, Alikaratl anlanUttoaoa the store, 400 sees tultreated land, and ts repute tobeone of Us best aot too pitatirlias m that part of Alobtsts In reference lo this last maatlantl tdantalion, call on J. XT. Scrti, ftentestll. Alahtml, or an as here. sjArinc the rut lasts list, as well as aaaas other tracts, town' lots, etc., st are retnpelled lo tire real esuts moot of oar atterattan, and at tt is about at eat? ta repre. sat a heave as a moderate list or load, we leader our e, to the trabiie teaeratlT as aaentt to aT or sell, er leoae, if. reauired, sar and art nropertr Intrusted to our care, either in the ctty or owntfy- - Te eardd ties a tat ttfadorr nmnber of refereocsa, hut teem references ef bat little mitailnst. at aasfeedv tan crre names eoooxh. Tt. prefer our pttrona should nttt and tea ns, and then leaalre afler our mods of bustness. mri7 HOrXlNS i EIRBT. 3IISSISSIPPI & TENNESSEE RAILROAD. SPECIAL XOTICE. r Uji t.noo JfsiUu, Ortot sr iffeattihaJrtJtt . it KJ ma is1il and from TaTOersWtt Stalk 3 mile aosmoAhTaka river. It. HOOGn, Mda-l- flinwa; Sasntatradent. 1859. FTEL TRADE. 185D. HlSMEBRRY & CO., BBALXBS IX BOOTS & SHOES, BEOGANS, ITS M9D CAPS, VALISES and CASPET BAGS, 215 Mnln Street, OPPOSITE COURT SQUARE, .7rniljtfs, Tfiin. rreersad the larteat sbek of Castom-mad- e Ww! lor FALL AKD WINTER WEAK, thst wt ever offered for sale. Those hnllat at Retsll for Cash. aar rrtr entetttEthekertaaJltf of Goods at Iks low est market prices. AT WHOLESALE MERCEAXT3 ara Invited to rfrt at a caB, and wt wOl show them a tsork af strietly prisie Ooodt at low prlcet. Termt Cash, ar MtJt4aettr7 paper ea tht unit Umt. TTholeatlt Koatna np atsirs. BlOCS, TEKRT a. CO., 2 to Main street, Memphlt. JAMES YOUIVG, REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 318 Main street, Up Stairs, MEMPHIS, TENN T hare a larre aad rholre Ust of property on hand A. for sale, lami'usd aad asisapeos-- etfr propertr. takuttan lota, tram one sere to thirty or ftrtr acres keatwtntf swnatm. Any tares oootttnf lapurehtas aria do wen teeerl oa us blasts ther bur. I etas hsse a Ursa Hats of Lands, nutations, with aad n Ilk mt ami art, lathe. MUrl.iroas bottom. Atkaa-aa- a, Lautsisn and Tsttnesoee. For particutara te Hat Reaoeasher th ptaes. Some oa will bo tha om--e afOTelf ksm tuts?fa .N'tBT'B Fraaset attention trill Ks tiren to husraets mtrutted tamraare. JAMBS TOBXO, MS Mate street. Bp Stairs. HATE FOB SALE THE rOLLOWIKO cits' propeutv. A tetutlfnl restdenos oa Jane Avenue, with t roo-r- Nhsshte kitcheu, stahlet. earrtsar house, atttera, etc he. oil rally st'usted. Ha bf ITS feet. 7he storj Brack llouaa aa Main street, 3 feet team VltSH reMdeee. , BM m se otTMieeMreet.tBre4r mi Cvi. Ohsreh'r 'Slsce. noma, nsar rasntt, bail an out aeutes aa Larree reet. near tVutvon street. Lot Mbr I tSfos oa Poplar street, between nith aad A a iln Horns and let ta Ssuth Ketnt-bts- . S ar it'iai, trnth haute, kitcheu, servants' room, etrraat ttaute, carriaoa hsuw, et., an raasptet and new a t.stf ir rtao Ootl sson. LEASES FOR SALE. MOKBOK STBEBT. rd veers loses on Disable Tenement with f reams, deuM kilcbe and rioters. VALUABLE SUBURBAN PROPERTY. bt Acres ene-ha-lf mtlso sooth of Court Stuartl rood Hardin, nrrhard. etc , win te earhamed for Dry Gaes. lea feat by as deepen fsernaad PUatroad, nttsot-sot- s the tm s.istiooj Bans, etsh reemt and aH neces-tatre- htsates, sard an, etc. as Aere sf beautiful wtedasud n MtLaln't aveuae, 3X mBcs festa Oanet Seusre. Tarlsus athtr Htmaa aad Lota ta dtgerent vartt f the cstr, aa-- t seme eieeaM ptasea in ma tunnibt. Abss, aUrte uaatltr afltsds tuTennetiee, Arkantas, Itjasiatsppt. Lasts! us T.I si. MISSISSIPPI LANDS. MSt acres of choioa Land I Botivtr osunlr, Mis., 11 mile from Greenville, 00 Socue Fhetial navixatlon ptrtcd thsvesr to the land, mo seres hat been cultl-Ttt- rears aco ; but allthtlr eeerflowed in 'fist larrs psTtton ahere seer Bow; tcTered at a bantas, sure. IMS Acre ta TTaohmstts cotmty, Mississippi, SSO 1. raltlvatlou. S60 Aaa sa SsaaSawer riser, Mies., ISO deadened. 130 Acres IS miles from V em-- near Misslattprd ant Ttancaaee BAtlrsad, fslr Impraveuirats. sK Acres It muss tram Mtsnshis, atar Mlssltslpnl and Tratlail Railroad, S40 cleared. weU lmprtrred. SiS Atxes in Marshal! county. Mississippi, well Im- proved, with ehsreu likely necroel. ARKANSAS I.AXDS. 900 Acres on Arkansas rleer, IS miles belew Uttls Hock, wen lsspessred; sea In enKiTstioo, with nine sas Acres lit rnlet from Aberdeen, 00 vrkllt river; SO tn enHivatlea. TEXXESSEE LAXDS. Also 1098 acre. M asllet fram MentDhU on Fixeou '.oost road, well lufpravsd. A food htrxaia can ts had. Osll mo. VMS Atrra aoasmtos uersiasarwn; well imprased plaro. SA9 Acre t BrUes from Mretphts. oa wolf riven lt steered, wsU imamved. steam taw mtlL etc; win t4uBSored X Acres IS. nMs frem MsmnMa. near Kaleltt; lit asearedi taed lusts imeats. 430 Acres 71 mites from Menrhlt. est kr.rmnb.1. and Ohi Railroad, at Faa Fotnt, 1M Utarod; tood tin- - pWfWal " bwi sores of orhsaV--e last on th Mlsiit.lepl river at HlcVt Landrnr,0 bt a kith ttils of raltiritlon, 17 Utetr nsasoea. 14 of them men. Termt tto per acre. and the rep, stoek and negroes at fslr valuation. JAMI3TOUNO, ta Beaker, 111 Main ttrtet, Memphlt. not F0RB, BEGBEE & CO., OF SADDLES & HARNESS Of Every Description. (SEKESIL AQEVTS foe the salt of FATE XT UACniKE STRETCHED, OAT LEATHER ASD JTaXCASOZED IKDIA RrjBBXR GIJf ASD MILIi DAIfDS, a'iDDIllT and SHOE MATERIALS, stc, tte GOODS srABRAKTED. . 70SD, BXOJIXkCO., j. XTiaa't Old Stanl, 1 Kxla esmMi.Tcin. gusiiifss Carlrs. I. n. wait. ... tr sfAt JefutsoH, WALT & JOHNSON, (SnocestoittoA. J frtltkO.,) Wholesale f racers AND CMKimiSSIOIV ItlERCHANTS, Ho. Tl Front .Row, Memphis, Teen., Sim of the Elk noma HATEooosUaurfrr asl a latio and won assorted UtJOOKS, CIOABS and Ordert aolicilel fur FW. Fetk. Baam, aad vrkbkr rraapt autetlon psk to cfcostiaaiinll of Cst--n. Corn, and Countrr Frcloc aeoeral'r. asd tHv r. a c. x nciLrs UNDSEY & FICEXEN, amHlSSIOIV JflERCDilKTS AKD vnioixSALS OEFLKHi JX Flour, Grain and Feed, lYo. A Howard' Roir, t VKUniW.TSSTf. rrtStam hand a weJWaatertcd stock of FLOfJB. aad JV. t nnuanur aaaeMwlH. C0SX. OATS, HAT, BKANfeti., wueaaerwrB fornlfh aimwett martst Btvhamul factWimfortkt pvrehtseof tleek, aada Ortersfoa not to bt lavtsrstH in w artattet J irad T injeet-et- B tte deajK In this dir. we raanocUHllr rstl sttectfrs taesir stork aad tolieat a tSlareof eMK sttrtvi aall-dt- r UKDSST tt FIOCLBK. af. 1LX.CX. . Drair.. MeaaVSa, Ttao. U-- Bock, Alt.' MBIPmS 1IAT MANUFACfORY. I sr." ii. miixeii & do.. uMineMlrB7A0TtmKRs, vntoumAui akd i, RETAIL DRAUmS IX HAT?, "lD STRA.V GOODS, .ro. 3BT .TJfftrt Street. "fi brrdan cotntT sauAitz, ga!:So SAti?te iNSTrnl SUN CIUSTEKED BTTniC LECISLATUKE OF TEXXESSjEK. OxTpi't-rvl- . ., $100,000. t rotVC reelsed n deposK la turns ef Five rAdart IV I esd nwards. en rtM interest at IBs rat T sir per Svak. per annum ilVpaJd for sums moetielar tt.ree mtemsor tester- - . ; DIRECTORS! r'tt vrniTa. a. if. rooTK. Jjn.f VlMBtCS B. M. ATBTtT fELDBX R r . gj. . KtoROITEJOEi.., .a. t. ciMr. GROSVENOB. CA3IP & CO.. ' urbs4eAle and Eetall Dealers in fE PIAiVOS, Oil Carpeting, fire MATTKESSEH. OFAIXUSDSOSItAXD, ASD HALVE TO OCDBB, 399 Ktift Street, belsw Maaison. oc7--tr Ncmjiltls, Tcnn. 1. t ctxrvxitsT-..- - L. L EDMOSOtOS. I. T. CARTWRIGI1T & CO., COMMISSION, FORWARDIKO AKD PRODUCE MERCII.l.XTS, Kj. 95 Frost Eow, Kenphit, Tesseuee, Axmts for th sate of FLOUB, B.IC0X. LABD, vrHISCT, BCTTfm, CSSK?, HAT, GBACT, aad Ffodoc foaorallj. Amtoodt can. Iraed ks nt will receive ttrkt ZXF Oroeti srfidle.1 tM peswitOT SIM. ncrrnrjtcBt: UTTE a. SMALL. Lauitvilt, Tf. n. B. CLIFFORD, " DR. n O. CATLKTT. Rarkman, Xy. TV. W. ntramv, Henderson, Ep. JACOB SBKSENT, WkeeUaa. Ta. LXHXAJi A. CO., M ll h II, Ttssu. aa374at Jlrapbls Mattress .llanaractory. JN0. P. LALLEIMAND, Mattress MaUcr. jcrrtRsoy strect, Bcnrsex third axd ro merit, sea r the tbea rat, 3MCbmp1i 1 rsi Tott ti ofgeaoo. perassnenUT located at th. shose tnlhtsod HAVIN'O I set Itave Is direct tho tttunUon of thooo I want of 31 ATT It ESSES, Tilt tier -I- B od it to thoir interest ts can and - sarin, mf Moat. 1 nor always on nan a nut asosss- - mentoC SPRtya, UAIR HOSS. COTTON, shock axb aJtJll Jrl.t 11 Afc3as.j. FarUcnlar atAention will bo paid to priests orders. A LIB BAAL IM8COCNT ViU be nud la Fuaimrt Dealers. aVital aad Boardtns- - houss Eeeoett. Stetmboat men aad Qimrtrtart. Ataa, a larxe stock of LEVEE MATTRESSES. To aacrmniodtlt the trade, I will lachtsae mr Mat tresses for n roc fits, Drr Ooeds, Fnrnitnre, tte ALSO OM MtHresses roaewe. Rrrxixxcxt-Vesor- s. Harris 1 Haat, B. Ftttzer- - aU, fcOe.Tfai. M. Fulwell, Dr. J S vrhlM.Sesscs bis. Dsrtd Frsak. sr ,t. I. rorE..... .M.....Otrt. B. iHlMttSC. (Late of LouatTtOe.Ey.,) Cotton Factors, Comi:iision AS"D F0RVARD1NG JIERCHAKTS. And dealers in Earring aad Kept, Ecrnben Wkitlry, AXD ALL KINDS OF OHIO BITER PRODUCE, DomesicandForeign Wines, Brandies, etc 2To. O-fl- l 2iron.'t ITow, aaR-l- r MEMPHIS. TENJJ. IIILLMAX DROTHERS, aAAtirAtrrunnna ur BestChsrossI Reaned Iron,. La JBl.r. tm In. til nn nutiuae. Steel A Bills. Tkes3eitswt, Chains, ic, Xo St Front Eaw, Memphlt Ti irouM reeperrrally tnrena our rnrtomcrt aa m publtotenerallr, thai w have now ia ttara a Isree aa well snorted stork of beet Tiunlosn Iron, which wa kes, eoustaltly as hand. Aloe a fall stock of Kails, Caatiaet Steel oains tnd Smith's Teoia. Also,Tsrioui patterns of ptowt sad Oolton Sussen Wa an alts axenta tar the Jewell Patent Osry Phrw, (steel) superior srttde. Alt of wtdeh we oBer fter salt upon si favceabf terms st can be had In this taarkac. dedt-l- KlLUfAK nnOTtlBRg. CORNER OF Main and Monroe Streets, MEMPHIS TBN M.IJi VFUCTVRER OF Sadlles, Harness, Bridles, Bags, AKD DEALBS IS Xa ontlxor a. Sach aa Sklrtinc narness, fMe, Erhhe, Qstf Sti Fa teat and Xaanmeted IePers, a. O xx. m Bandsi. CoHirt, IThlps, Sanies, Srrra. he hs SHOE FINDINGS, SADDLERY. HARDWARE, TRUNKS AND VALISES. PLASTERING HAIR "h XT rauufactmedwork I warrant, as I issplij oesvs il but tbe best wstkssse and has na need to sell at Caa. or fkrow teafpr nd rawrt M. My seed HOME MADE WORE It whip and ator enough ts drlr. rs, bustaess, and I win ssO it at a reasonable proai, st as kusito. Osll aad see tor yoofierot. t3AB ordert pr'OHty atttndid ta at the thorteal tw ticoT TT. P. LEWI. JeXJswIy . Shmef the Bat Hrrxt. A. J. VAKJtEH.! .0. A. OILKET....W T- - AltCSIZa. 5. CartMea. X. O.rotlsis- - S. Cmulma. A. J. WARREN tSc CO. Our First Year in Memphis. OCTOBER, 1859. E ARE JS0W RBOKITIXO and W tttckaf Dlnmonils, Silver and Silver-plate- d Ware, GOODS, Cittlery,ZPlstolS; Canes, etc., etc TTs lmnt rt aad bur aursaodt of th iiitanfatlm lit tor CAtu, and betieTinc that our stock wM a asar tavora-bf- y. Is aaalrty. style sad nrte. with any In the aouthera toimlij, wa rteoattfult mvit aa iainctlaa kelore harie elsewhef e. Wa base most totapetent watchmakers tnd other work- men, aad win a, ,ti work pertaaainc ts our basts ,11 A. J. WABRBV It OO., oro-x- n 31, cerner Mam aad Monroe street. Teacher anted. O0O- -. TEACII ER, ceis oailtaed to letah the Ian. . mixes, as wMl si tbe lower braarhn tap Ihor- - ourhly preptred to teach school, caa ttin a sand situa- - itoa srrut rooi psy. by tpplvmc m the nodi r.lxsxs al Sparta. Ctiekaaaw ceuntr. M Us. sxi-l- w, K. MOSRLKT. eXLxsoisr's Patent Animal li-ap- s ! TTS. 0W aB men by these presents that we, Dreater a. JV JiSsnn, mtnufsetareri aad aatenteaa of Jirttoa'a Aalsul Traps, has ror a volnahss catutderation tram-ferr- lo Metsn. Inmtn h. Oa., Its tvivtsese tf tnpply-I- the said Ttsds to all tho Steles, herehv bindiu: ourselves to fwatth Issue of those to aay parties except loose wno are syp statu axenta rse th tat Messrs. Itunsa tt Co.. of New Orletns Olssa under our hand aad sesl this teth day fj ana, 1SSS. DRESS EK It JILLSQK. B1 the authority vested in a. we hove appointed Mr. J. Sr. urATSOy. estr Oslo scent tor Veosshls. who will keep con. u.Ur raaslied with a need rteek of Aaiossl Trips sf all tiitt I fnrniik the tods at manufacturer's PCIces ISMAJffcCO. Aovcnbrr tlh, I56S. BEAR TRAPS. C00NTUAPS, RAT TRAPS. TSEadcrtltmed is now prepared 1. asfaiy or lee. sal ihe subrk It re- - tall prices, Bear Traps, them Traps, Opossum Traps, er Traps, otter Trips. Mlak Trips, BAStt Traps, Deer Traps, aad the heat and cheapest RAT TRAPS that ever wit or will be lareatea, aad Patent Fish Hooka, and Patent Djor Sprints, aS f whit hs i aassd tor alilla Soathern sutet. J. W. TTATSOK, iXo. d Cnloa ttrest, d doors tram Main. M rtasht. X. SAxent wanted te teH trip, at retail is the tt ICrmpUi. tfoiloii factors. have this day aaaaatutedl X under tnoatrtatd TtKM. LEEdmtsO.. aantUau nfucert an vtnorai n jtersnsats. TIIOS. I.SICH. J. B. LEECH. Memphlt, Sessomher 1, 1S5S. ssl- -t mot. LXXCTt. .J. B. LET . TIIOS. LEECH & CO., COTTON BROKER AXD Commission Merchants, NO. 36 FRONT ROW, Memphis, Tcun. aelJst Wlfl. C. ELLIS, General Engraver NO. 49 M0NE0E STREET, Oppitite tf. S. Br.ti 4 C'.'s 2TIBJIIPIII8, TEW. IT-W- eats. Seat, SW rtstss. Bsdset. Btneil PUtea. Steel Shttnaa, aasrnkf . ft,. foeas-i- y wa. c. AhsxTV. . en a, s. itvii.u, caxxjt. DAIIXBTT. ROTVeX & CO., ef COTTOfr FACTORS, GgS. Commission Mrrchants, BAILHOAD AND STEAMBOAT AQXNTS. Mo s Howard's Baw, Vr Starrs. Mcatrrtis, Tnx atMES .1. .Tic C I. U II E, 3ns XAIX STHKXT, -- QEALIR UC ;PIano Fortes, Melodeons, Sheet ainsic, Music Iloohs, AND hraSICAL MBKCHAKBtSE aBNESALLT. Scboob turatthed at NswTsrt price. aa4-da- j. A. tArtrLE.. a. Mitchell. ...j. tt iahplx SAMPLE, 5IITCIIEI.I. & CO., OOTTOKT PAOTOIIS, AXB CoramiiBliW, Heciving and Forwarding JIERCHAIVTS, ifaoKi -- ., Three Doer East of Ule Bank. Memphis, Tcnn. S. f - OATE. A tt. WOOD... .XT. 5t'I318HT. GATES, WOOD & McKMGHT, GROOEES AXD CO.lOnsSIOIV MEKCHAiVrS, Xos. 2S5 aln and 5 Jlonroe strtf t, MEMPHIS, TE.Y.YESSEE, s S out ts Collier Wkite Lead and Oil Ccipany, ST LOUIS, MO. HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, .yew rowr. rEALIKS IK UXSCED, CASTO6, LA ED AXB TSAIX O X I 73 , Lime, Cement and Plaster Paris, Sroix-it- e 'I'xxi-jooxa.tlxi- o, AXD XATAL STOBBS OKXEBALLT. A Urt a slock of RAGCIXC;, ROPE AND TITIIYE, Witt a seasrat steek af PE.t.YT.lTIOr SUPPLIES. TITTI win assa has ia star a Ltrfe stork af On W1KB. BA)fIBS, OtflAES. and ea tact every- - Shine usutlly kapt ta our Uao of baseness. Gates, ,Vood & McKnirjht. aati dawly X. A. PABSBB, St. B. A. FABKEB, 1. R. A. PARKER & SO.V, COTTON FACTORS, figl SsnSSs-- om m iis 10 .yTmW. ASD FORtTARDIXG MERCHANTS, No. C Howard's Row, ap stairs, atran-ds- a. uwrnis, text. eJaSTO. C. COOPER, (Law sd SomerTUIe, Ten J COTTO.Y IICTOR flE Commission Merchant, No. 5 MONROE ST.. SORTH SIDE, VP STAIRS. BETWEEX rXOXT HOW ASD lIAUf. ilt riaiiltaniiala t Ostlnn aad Starr Ptusnea. All svrs lor tsetehtwdlis irsgsftrr attended lb. t. r. atfxvTT......o. w. TsoTTxa--. 1 j.sailxt. 3IcDTT, TROTTER tt IJAILEV, COTTOIST FACTORS Ejssja, CO MM I SS I O S fiS! FORWARDING lIERCILViNTS, rr STAIRS. JCOffBT & 0VKTS BUcr, Ye. IS Front Itoie, mlTcmph Is U. it oar om wwiM m an iwibiwsj W rw BMPgiaC Key 2Md QtmW tsipyitM tnUh& All Cu:no rttwi4nM Ut wa in rJ, :nntnKd j. r. xaxwiu. LsseAt'tM.C Memphis. Teen. BRIDGES & JIAIlSIIALIi, RV tOTTOX FACTORS, RECEIVING, FORWARDING AND ConiR.isloi Merchants, Ks. St FHOKT ROW, (Over rswsyth. J.itoina fc Br.) MBMPRI8. TEXX. E5- - We also soliett Qaattnmali s( Wheat, Tseea, and Froduett of th country sanecaaT. JylT-C- JOUX SEYIEU, e, C0TT0a FACTOR, g, RccclTln', Forwardln and Genrral COMMISSION MERCHANT, .Vo. 2SG .Tfrtln Street, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. OOUE AsMMT for the sale of EAXAWH A SALT. Kes O on asad a full ssaudr sf B.rsla. Bs, Iron, Xatts, Busnr, Cstfee. and Orwcecies ceneraUy, which will be aaht at the lowest market petes. y TPEolKOUT .V CO., STRICTLY CAS II EXCELSIOR A11BR0TYPE GALLERY, AXD Sewing Machine Depot, IN CALHOUN nLOCK, Corner of Moaro and Jlaln Street, sited us a handsome suite of rooms an the third HATE aa stairs, with Main ilreet entrance, where wa are rally prepared with all the fadtluea of that feMTess-I- T ace. to keep pec with aay artist ia sur profrBsion. audahallb afwe- -s found ready to serve our oat frtsndt and th ceaamauity tenertUy, with the Snestoraer of .tMBROTJTPES, and all other styles of ptctarea worthy of a ptoco In lh catalocn tr the art. I anal diali j ta mnaection with ant Picture GaBery, we have arrraawemeats for ami If lad th ladies wteh the taoot reliable and perfect SBWIAS M ACOIXBS Utt can ha thlaiatt im tke Culled States, sseetatens af whsth wtU alwars b sstvad on iiihikllfcou aad for sal at ur place. Btpertal care fcs taken by aa ta buy (fee w have no asentsl UBSte hut thoeary best maehraei.nnd such aa re earn sair.1 Ihim Man upsa a fair and tsaparttsl trial, and as ear business it uaidai lifafssa a ttrietlrcaeh system throush-oato- sstabhihairnl. we can eat ly work aad sen for lrt petals thsn audit the" eel loty credit system." Ss- - Ih Hat colls from all. wa arc, Meat res ideally. TEA BOUT fx CO , up statrt. corner Jtatn an xsoree-oi- s. CarHs. nits. A. & J. P. WESSOX Surgeon Dentists. rXSTtOB sa Mam street ever Mints eht njj. S ttua. s, a. aui bm sm, si re". aB liases. Be. A. hat bee m the tvtfiniiu an- - th last state years, and fourteen years la Sb I a r sjb tbe I Boiutas oossttle All srtMstslteem nammi ma fun set aaiert.l an amtespherbc tnssacc. r sss.niai destre, and stmrantee. BATBS OF CHAEGES. Fan sets ef teeth... .........$raSXO Far miintnpartisdsem(perbsith) t or fa rati mi lima sua osrettet. ...... IJ For rtiootsc teeth - 1.50 Ustrortlssx teeth... 1.00 E3- - Teeth extracted without ttvtac paia. nssest-l- y DR. S. KOWCOTT, U JLUNT TiST. t LL fhFBRATIOXS performed si th A. tnovtost ninss, an tusraottrn, .II Moderate Prices. OFFICE: Post OiHce Duildin?, Memphis. Jyl-- lr DR. G. W. ACREE, Dentist . Court Street, opposite A- - T. Wells & Bra. t IX srerattsna perforaedwlth th least XA. iisiitisaa nam ana la mo most autt- -. rat manner. Dtteatea e th sums am? teeth sosxessfuBv treated. ArtlSdil teeth luaerted upsa Ihe mss spprored plan, with latranty. and aa haahai, cither aid or neV. It ered to itwpirt th oaaHtwttaniiatsiio. InmytkOLar atanlndnrementt etn at mvasht. sail OKO. T. BVBSETT.tOL. B. REaDBIX.tAK. WALXEE. BCILVETT, HEDRIX & WALKER, If HOLES I EE GROCERS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc, X0. 1S MAIX STREET, Memphis, Tenntssee. QUASH DBA LEES IX PBOOBOE 6EXEBALLTd BLACKSMITHING AXD iftigon dialling. this tmmvnmrr m wrwariTa ut Hit Arf brftDdm tvf 0s rxt taVt wnvtT mt Tjucai tmttf rvMtoc. ! ta rxUiMiT Wbsmi Step, b t i. 9tH t tw mm -- wi ratastA&liI work at fair prrtw. K wM la-- a M htmi u tvi gbop 4mlnz hntimtm Ua TALXNTIXB K fc. &kmnx4a9rfm'9 T? ftsM mannm. For Rent. aaroat tw ahtry BBIOC DWELUXQ, AX seres roosts and three semeU' recurs, klltaau, lsttassrevaem.wtsh twes, olstsro, ii on. iBit ..iiIiiii I tnit tBIn lfirP'1 "T 1lli,ilrl nn Ir- -f -- T "'nEB " otso-tt- a pro. i Exctnoit Baliaiatt. nr. TilaoT.... .MAI. c Fatii VERWOiV & PIKXES, C0TT0S FACTORS ComtnlMloti fintf Forward mg MEBCHANTB, Wo. C ?roat Kow, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ty Otdort tat Botatoe. Bseo and othav tssspnes peaoaftt aaeate t. a. j. ktesreeafEBT - s- r taotnaeaiaav A. J.IOXTCOJiaRTetCO.. (S3S&, COTTON FACTOM ASi J COMMISSIO.Y MBR Clf.I.Yl'S, NO. 11 sfADlEON RTBRBT. nimrBBtr trout roif and mam ttslmet, SZeniDliis. Teiin. : A LL tuWiawiMniiSmoeotmsdtatai Xa. uat, w W ooeore hf oa Open poaarsc a , JUMdtwoir s( AteSiajo and BOrw-tty- s sa hsad. c. navtt. . jo. c. mbb. PWmerte f ate arm ef Panstn anuntv. Mtsa. Jooes, Beown kOa DAVIS & ITIcDADE, COTTOV FACTORS, CifflfflLssefeB, Seeettias aai FtrwanHBg OFTKaC-X- O. 44 PBOHT BOW, MSMPaHS, TBVX. (Over OspslanC Blm nil it 0tv 0 charso tor Millar, srstshtat tndsl Oitlin at IS eeata pr Base. We sr. pc. boob I. raemiah mit rwaksasesw-- th. bMt Wsa. at h.mha tad Beae, and tsriitiiaiWaaitilia Senilis, at mo loweot atartet prtce. sa ate aoaal ttsae. pallia oanttttaod ts mwtB b. oobss by is.or.ioe. We wtn sis sur traapt airnail sriiatlsu ta aB bus iness tnttmli I taour saw. and win asHorofl, .hey m- - aaiiua iiiiitm nt sate sr otttiu mi rrojnet awnoStoaa TTr irirl ttai tm hmiiI illtnllta Is th retoieiac aad hrwardtac s toeds. statists wt st M. L. JOISTES, (rw serif ef .1 mil try, aad lata ho-ke- bar Jeste., orewa st Jtatsikia.) EB COTTON FACTOR fpTl iSS AGENT, ietlieM FOSWABrHXfs AXB OEhKlAL COXMHaMKT IW3 ! KCTTfl TVTj Xe. SS Front Bw, oter Forsyth , J.O....O A Be E3" All orders atteojesd M wim disrouh. so towlm J. L TBSJWK. JAMBS H-- HOB0X. rniahia. Ton. . Late of ParhirsrUto, Tin. VEKSER Sc BORiOI. COTTON FACTORS, e. Commission and Forrrardtnc MERCHANTS, Dp Stairs, MstVj & Haaft Kw Bttek, 17 1- -2 rront Row, 3&fXoxx3.io23JLs3, Tortziessoo. r y w pay aertteuiae attootto m wmmt Gem. lies, B.ssia. o, etc., at he. let mac! S . M. O S t V , COMMISSIO.Y MERCH.t.YT AXD COTTON I'A.CrOXL, O0k ssVt. IS Mfit 4- - ifstr, J.atHH FBONT BOW. M Bat Pfltn. TBMXuMU. rr. kt. Berskoo to tha Ftaaters mt RnsrSCTFUU-- T iiuanlij tor tho li instill a at sbetr He kerns aiaaamly an wtn au ati fTsJ lOSHT here for Strauht Pltmitlan Otsa an Wheat Milt.. All Cotssa htm hy rrsor. aad Oatta r solo, will ewi on as shipawea. Becelemxtae S. MOnBT. lBXVFUm. At. w. oaocuaa. x. a. xstxc... v. b. nava. MORTON, ESTES t CO., il toO M Borhsa a. Oo.) Cotton Factors AXB (.'eirtral ftanif$iii MercrMBt6, so nraoxTBOw. ooa. xoxaos-a- F . trpariiaa MEMPHIS. X. B A seed stork of Basauuf and Rao tdsravs sa hand. Ftomarlou test Ma rataiinaS at tho kswtot lantst rate. Fartaeular anontlioi part to of Ootlea or other rrsdare. i. . WlliliaAMROTa, GROCER AKK Commission Merchant, NO. 19 FRONT HOW, .TIB3IPIIIS, TENNESSEE, sel-l- y At A tHEhVOIt.. . ,r t. jsxt . A. HATVHSTT SflBLTON, JONES & C0t. Cotton & Tobacco Factors Com miss isn ffilfl FORWARDING MBRCIIANTS, NO. FRONT ROW, 3Iempnis, Tenn. WM. KENAN HILL, 80CCKS60R TO GRAUAS sfc HI lilt, COTTOIST FAOTOE, GROCERY MERCHANT, 3To- - O jTaront Kow( .JIEMPIIIS TE.YmYES SEE, Charges far Storing ami Ssrltlxuc Cettea 75 cents per I) alt;. CALBB. IX BAGGING, T0KACC0, B0PE, JEANS, TWINE, LINSBY, BACON, OSN'ABSRdJC, MBSS FORK, QEMBtST, MESS BBEF, PLASTER PARIS, LARD, LIMB, FLOHR, SALT, SUGAR, GIN STAKD6, COFFER, WOOL, CORK, G0LDBN SIRUP, WHEAT, NAILS, WOOBBN WARE, CAND LBS, Ehe. Bee. Etc. Att sf wahsh hs eSecs at IBtrs, sa4 SOLICITS ooKaes xvmrrs or axb asHae. rsoeccE -- oT JAt tTBELE... .One. STEELE J. T. OBEESE J. &. 3. STEELE Sc. GO., COTTOX FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .tto. 73 JfVonl Roir, MEMPHIS TENNESSEE. r LABOE aloek or arocoilei, Hit, log. Rep sad A Twine olway so hand. Parttcatar ttentloa neM M BemiTiac and Setlinc Onf- - teu aad all tlaata t( Produe. a. s. rowxxxt-- . . .T 3 retTLXES.. .T. r ABAJtt. FOWLKES & CO., COTTOIV factors AXD COMMISSIO.Y mllRRCIImt.YTS. E bcildiks jappEaaoK STRkrr Mempliis Tohhmssc, ALWATS Elans ON MAX AMD Mt SALS. BAGGING, BACON, SUGAR, ROPE, SALT, COFFBE. TWINE, CANDLES, MOLA38BS, MESS PORE, LARD, NAILS, And Plantatkm Ssamlls (tuwratr. ORDERS ATTENDED TO WITH OftPATCH. AXB AT LOHW MARKET TXKES ALSO CONTINUE TO STORE COTTON IB TBIIX Lante Fire-I'ro- af Cotton Shed. ASBXTS FOB TZ Celebrated Taylor Cotton Cln, MADE. ST CLE3IESS, BR0.rX & CO., COLVMBVS, GEORGIA. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. TTT" f-a-a m. - OH Ereglairs, Irelai, SeetlaM asd Wales, IX SVMS OF Xt AXE tTWABP. BT THE OATOSO SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Fresh. Frnits all tho Year. THE YEOaiAluS FUUIT SOTTIjS utility, eoeeeolence. usuutaj and safety, is FtK tor preservtnx fruit In a treeh state, many tfiSMte. so kadeaaite tua. Basiac use thes Bottle w Bad thssn ini tmsl thtns aaatl I Woawt J eotrrentent. and Just th TROMAl. la Reittsteeof Basal Anhsra. - ti.ulpllee an seisw praemr. st urth. WsO.. N.,wrTIlEfll,AK5 W. V. IiBWIS. Comer of Main and Monroe Streets, MEJflPBIS, TH.Y.YESSE, Acont r AND NEW TORS GUM BEILTESTG. ALL 07 THE BaTLIBAXDS AXIVLOIT T0B,0ASX. Cotton factors. OOODL.ETT &. CO., COTTON FACTORS, RECEIVING ggg FORWmSltlH.YG General CommUtton Merchants, ht JS FEONT EOtr, llVfl towtm MRMFHtS. TXWIt ArLEll HILL.. ..maa a noniox, ra. 13 ILL & DORIC IS, m&. WITON FACTORS. CeBratesIou, RtcelTlng 4. Forwardlnv 33 Xt O XX -- A. TOT P S . OFFICE NO. 18 FRONT ROW. O Seosnd Floor sd Meehr k. Hoot', nunsttne. and BOPB atst PuuHatioa ftappueTfur-nishe- d at lowest market rate O rseiisameutt haswttmun, usHesa sthse. w lueteuBtet. ial-4sw- BAtra wtuuir nr. t. ficxxtt. IIAKRIS, WORMBLEY & CO., Egsp. cotton FAf-rorts- ,K AXD co.mtnssw.Y MERCHANTS, ASamtl FOB TBK SALE OF THE EAGLE COTTOX CIS, br neeea cweorod by onr spse sutmyaf rasursase. untam Onr nhtcss tor ttotmt and ilBlst flu II. n It TSceet. Family aad FlamtltM Bw,tMm.saloliMa m part s ths kstm Baesmai ladt n.mtaii attedno aad hand mad Bapoi Twaoe : Mseta Keeel uadta Ber Bttt i Boeas Laru; Solt( ailsiiii Phw, Satan esGtet Tel Xsaiisa Whakr, als., etc. -- AUO- I ursat Sot mf ibBii WVtru-- l litniin.. . , Urn see. Is ti ass tha tatonetted "Max Sotsm aad -- Ferae. hssyeetri - Ohiaipsint. m D. II. T0N SEND. COTTON TACTOR, SGIl OC ER Commission Merchant, Jio. 5 Front Rovr, Ulempois. TX viewed lh tpprsn hhsckaiimst teaaott. I wtaltm-- A Kern mr rrtssata an th pahltt f cnerally af my -- tm lo naunat tha fottta, Cdsaaiissfea aid Grocery Baslsess, at my old and wen known slissl. X. SS Fesat Ew. whet 1 shall keep inaol iar ly on hand a iar sIbcx tf C wee ftea. BsMtn. Bop aa Plaatataoa Saaptle. My ttliraoa Sar ttotiac aa seUtnc Oasts will be es. ssm sa th ptt season m coats pee eaio; a aa onion eeaattneete as put .toe by sae win b aevered by Inssraaoo, urith the renewed tasuvinit IhataMhusmesseutratled ts mm shsa aioelie my pesmt sixl undtslded iMeulton. nrtenta fsr bast faaec. I so- - mt their patraoax. and a hrlal from I have hevstefer had ns butfcaeos an D. B. TOWXSEXD. F. LAIYE tfc CO., COTTON FACTORS AXD CO.H.UISSIO.Y MEIICII.I.YTS, As. 2 Seetb SMs Onion Street, MEMPHIS, TENN. F. LAWX.....aXWTOS TOBO...A. O. TIIABVXU. WE retntu sar tancert ihuka te ear RCSQBh and susttmora wh has lofae so liheeatly patraasse us. an txm zl lisiiMsaitsliesssttaShltlis tir patltc fsror mtbs ca-- ptcnyss COTTO.V FACTORS AXB CSlfiffSSfO.T HER. CHAXTs. TrawMalwayekceaonaadaUmetupotycd Batzmx, Boo aad PUslotsoa Sssoa.l. whtsh wo w!B farulsh si mo lowest Bucket rites. Our tor Sema ss sterrsc Otttai win ho a cenm per bole, and tte Stsctnttad Ship tat to cents per tB rhtlM amettai 1 lo as by Steaatboata aa weB aa met m More, wtfi te oo.ere by esr Open rUtey or nates, aanarary iosli tiiimt tre stven. We haiiimi and best canttrueted Brtck and Pots Fssrf OBOtsat Sue is tt. ottr. caasMo of stsrtaa SSlSaSbaUasd Ootton. Liberal Cse Advoace Bade oa China m atsrs whea P. LAXX fc OS V. E. STEWABT. -- . M. C. XIXO STErTART & KISC, trstrh'Itrwsa-bru- r set v rrr a T t ' - . il s A s as. or , GENERAL RECEIVaNG.J jSBK POBWABBf JCS AXD jjQ CO.UMISSIO.Y mTJERCHmtmYTS, No. 51 Front Rovr, Memphis, Teas. Entrsnc i Ceort street Oaoaas br Bassus. Bepo and other suteites peompt- - ry aawssiia as SIIEPPEKD Iff. ASHE, (KKCSBSOtt TO ASHE It DO. gjjfoCOTTO.Y F.lCTOIt OENERAIs COMMISSION MERCH A T"3"T, Vo. 47 JFront loir, .Hem phis Alt Cm m tir r m trmiti y Hrrr rrvl Vy PwKT (sf Imwww, m1m iHKnM win aw wa w u luwsxmnmt r&ut. avfl fl w Cttarvr sipr sr. b. wioai . . i. j. wieoi WIGGS BROTHERS. DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, And dealers tn uRlGS, MVsrlCliKS CHEMICALS, PEKFOMERY, Tol'ff .lrtlctes. Paints, Oils, OKASS AXD SARBBX SaSBS, ETS.. XTO , Cor. 3Iain and Unitm Streets, IVTTTTV1 I- - HTB. ItZliSjTJ". CJ- - TERMS CASH. 3 MAMMOTH mm stoee Head Quarters I Slerohants! Drujijilsts!! rhyjlcians!!! riontersttM nuiltlers!!!! WILL 71 VD AT THIS STGEE Increased Additions to the Stock VflshaVsewmxseMthetrwtnta at price wuc ossapara IsrorsMy with any la tha utan. Remember the Stand for M H o 0 IS M DRUG & CHEMICAL CD rJl 2 aaa 5? H A DRUGS.PA1MTS, "a OlLS.GLASS.SEEDSac. IMErilPHlSJENN. aepS THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. SALE OF STOCK. HtrXDHBD TBOrS-lX- S DOLLASS f tht actual 0! ew mt tbe Vesbern rsctds Esierssil OomssBT (b- e- hnx tbe nwttoo mt the one andabaM mMMcns now propos- - d to bo Bel lor the purpare of peethasmE aexroes to loom oil th rood) has been .netted Is Tennessee, and ie paw oaVrod lo the ttstkhttdtrt exetuslsely Mr a pe-r- mirty daya front th MWh day af October. ISdS at tetaatrtsHitHt, tn aaa graatt at xsxaa ivw nl.. I. a.. nee ohsea for each thtftholder Sllitkillin srtshlnEWsurruail thtt Meekawin auk their ptrymrumml. B. Eirtten. hanker atMetaphls, wb srtBrantpt tar tho tame. AM tnformilttn teslredcaa 1 attuned at am tBe n Jefferson street. Memphis. After th expiroUsuof Ik. thirty days, if sramttr-sxnt- a will be soM so tte taste sswvsM t. .urimidr ri, it terra U others. J T0WL?'Jl?h. srdawlm jimison Gardens and Nursery. rriHE proprtetor of thes Garden sra I tht snhttc a 1 Tsrtety sf chote Fruits, rioTfen, n.eisieem, creepers, omwww n of ail kmdt. Aa extenstv variety af choice perTpesche. Apstes. Kectsrlaei, Aprtrets, Cherries, anoes. steawbereist. CGUces. Ourrasla, Ooooe- - i..t.s. rsa. Fees as. Smadah Otestnata, Alcaiirda, FIW-- ben. Ksxsh Walauta. Baseherrlss, el., tte. Also, II ii i - sf Matassthu, sf dtrrenot kind and stent tire. Tews, Oeeara, Janlneva, Aroer True. Tree xrwarr .md Tsitetaae Box. Hess hxk and Veeptcx Everxreena. mt eerU tusukl br cetneterte. Cut FIoTvers TarnBshed at all seasona at the tsat. A choice col- - ieetloa of Soloo and Ftswar Seed itllj Jtti recsived Prsss aersotn aattaowu te the proprietor, a reeesttaace or satnwactore I oil lists mutt acesutpany aB orders. AU ocdeeastsnM ttve specif soWrcttena aa to roof shtpaseMaadplsoaatdestinaaau. A tnaJerata ahais taad lor peekaax, strtSeteat Is arrsr (xpeas of bumf. ABysetsees. trier beret urclstci fee rj,'j Should eoad. ar at tha risk of b SahaaeT. toner mtatakoocent iaAtMasaeat, th eama wan th ke sherifalty corieeted toes bmimttim PZ'et,et.rxxr or.B.- a- Sgg0"- - MttnphU.Teaa. -- I CnlUU. Sararsaa 1" " lUUtraJ. iwri'KCklSX. B. HllSOos...wwtM n ST. JtABAtAaeXI ITAR1TOOD Ac ?TArOIAI)UlCE, wltfLXSALE GErKarBS. Fenrarrliss as4 Geaeral CeasirsiH MEHCHA3JTS, Oo. Lett - Vaahmntan Aetna, . T-- e Atrra TT71LL tree i S astl the tale of OrahWaad' VV filial sweewly Will an aaardara asrsjfsati aaa mmir a.- - wnn supps-sa- . so utail market rates s so lettsd. s It STOOP MABJf A nsjr. E. Auotaaen - ..t. HASVAeOAXt. ANDERSON it IIANNAl'ORO, ARCHITECTS S. vr. tx rni tj AMg STtlAitOEE jnnjL. u BtBtdmsaJlpf OBtaoSnSnusmf Cincinnati. Ohio.. tram a wasinse won racatv yrocvyt Berxn s--.x a ami Co , M tmhll.TrSl. MM. THOttrton ax tar. DEAN tt HALE, - ejr Commihwioii Merchants"" AX- B- "e Healers tn Flour and JiVilsky,, Anxn or Ttn aet sv os, aa AhmUtaaaas aadVkM. -- mr UtH Beats. LOUISVlTiLB PAPER MILL 0. L & A. Y DnPONT, kf 1EBP1 mm n en... ITews and Book Printinfv Paper, A BF (MMlsaiM II PAPXHB OS AZal. SXSDB, I'Kiivians- - ixikS, &c iTI main Street, Louisville, Hy. dSTkdswIy WM. J. BOBSOS, COMMISSION M3BCHANT, NO. 56 CAROND ELET STREET, New Orleans. tj- - rsaUttou SeaeUes sdeaacod. n. M oixeyt 4. CASH Boot and Shoe House. The Only Cash Iloir-- c of the Kind in tUemphls! A LARGER STOCK AND PftiCBS LOWER THAN KTB8.I ISDUCEJIEJATS TO GISM'BDTERS rWYiNira & park: AM t, xeruhoots, phmteys tanaradsy, so sawi'Sun atof 33 oofs, SHOES AND BROGASfS, Of aM GrseVs ansi Styft s. Agents for Mitchell's Patent .Tletalltc Tip :Soots and Shoes, THE (HtEAtaOT lflVBifTrOK T fmM A8E. Sna and examin tsar stcck, atth CASH BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Na 311 XA1N STREET, o LmlTRST STl'LE. THE "GASRIBALDI" HAT, SBCCITBB PBR RXHiRSg. M. H. MIUUHt it M. ants KEAL ESTATE AGENCY. THOS. PETERS, A4MMT FOB TIB MLB OF Real Estate ia tke Ctty of Lands tn Tennessee, -- Irkansas, m'llsslsslppl, Etc. OFFICE, NO. 5 CALHOUN BLOCK, itrnrn Street, owner i Monroe, Jlemnhls, Teue. aeots-r- y ALL person sstshin to buy laas m th Mississippi if., tnettsd to caB at atraoo aad so, what I hseu tor sale, sad if IcossaotsuK thorn, saa Ste them tree oT ehnrao aa tho a try tuloeulinnn ef ths ooun.y tsnotatty. aaalmotal m ntssivcates, a te tjuollty, atsantltf. prires. titles, etc. hrety to detl-rs- ua sd ssarh will Sod st my aSSt s wffnma, werklae an coenntunicatias aaout. TbHhcas paeans. Be-- - Bstst an and tuodbasfama PtrBCBiASaas p , ia the in hohsw. I wM shswaars(aWprspei"v u.lhts.rloHtt totlttkl n.ta th ctty, aad aad f. - -- nhsdoiramtulShe I srIB always - asson wbolo loasitsa. tt. it.w anyotavttiaat ou- - snatyti-- t. Mv m a trial. Arkansas Lands in Crlttendon County. ASFtsaltlsm IdOaare mssHtinrtsu. 789 dead, ened, a Good aostaVuao, and ry other necessary tjv sswotwasrsj caatsn estate, SO naBee from Memphis, and a nssd paoat lor a wood-yar- both load, aesr Mesaerue ta the tract. A lead kaixaia can ho hod. am Asses sa th Mtasssssapt riser, MO treated, ta deadened. Stask, wusd and sssodkaatt ce be bought with She peace A Base landtus; and food cotton land, sa utiles behtw Mensphas. U Acres, tw teHee loom hVdatsasen's Bepot, above ths eeertow ef trr5, o scree deadened. CU Acres sa FUteeu Vile Strst, hith land, IH ar nvBes south f th Uttse Book R. Ft. IMS Acre, 34 nailet from th Mlttltiilnpl rlrrr, SO miles betosr Menrphts 199 Acres aa tho St Fraacta Kfrer, S mHet eeeavr Msdbaan, sne of the hiahest paints sa th rteev 1360 Aare. mm tbe St. Presets Breer, shew th mh Sow SJtr t feet wet spots. T.09 Acres la th same al Ithl nk u I, assaoeako tyrsr. ,ouo Asres m Pssaeeeet csunty, near tho St. Fraaem AksaX'M Acre to Peasrie uaaty. tood hsah lend, wsa sttntted in s tettted part af lb naslry. tes Aeses m ht. Proai a reel,, near ah UtOt Bdck BAtSJuad, M or IS satleo from Madfcw. njXO Aerrs la St- - Praonw aad jfsueee ossadttl the BAltroad passe thrsuah it. CITT PKOPEBTT. 14 Lots ta tho Oesiatswntii.lin. on irail street. 15 Acres Hi a beaaOdut tree a an ate new Stat to road; $ 1,000 warth sf nuntsiiatialij pood acw nbnk: fenes. Go Let so Seal trreet, M9 hy tts tees. Ons ether let an Seal street, with leaps ttutata, 99 by lt feet a So toaathsn. S Awes. 1 t miles from Court Sonar, Saecy fcaavttta tood bsrtsla eSere-- l. S3 Acres en Ispttr street road, SX mthrs ant kllnfaVo 29 Acres ea Piaeeu Basst Bood. 39V Asres sa the Etrr Tut. IK Acres on Poplar ttretC'mndlaC. Aahssiis't, aX. IkadldtMsstaattsn. IMKijJ A larte Lot aad On Ili.HiatMi'f.ttTiiiii street,, of th Bapsa A n il kiroliiaaa Tirt m ' -- 1vrr-s t Shea, hy ttreet. one of the beet to tho let,- - OoB soon, or toot a tta oppoctumty tots a Xe. 1 nttOsa as sB rs speett. A CHANCE FOR LIIJIBERJIEN. A Srst-rt- new steam Sow aOltsl.intPLonaandahatt mile fetus th Mb.nilppt rleer. m Mlsslsttppi eesaty. Ark.; a railroad to the rleer, aad see from the maBSMcs tha tinkered lead; 18 aeret so hlth bottom tsnd, wsel t.jBi , . sad abu I a aeeeSow an abundant cuppty af espces aadsoktaasker: four soke earths, wapans, stc. A bartam at sehred, and feed time will b flee to the deferred payments. Alee, in Ml.. ill Itll cauuly. Ark., a tton, ten mile from Ibe riser, tBt lo tee feet above irrerasw last yesr i aSrst-ra- t rwt ttsej Pvaate House, sod Itltstvimenf seaeealry, ttahloa. tht, nans, etc ft Tiemed s bole of rotten pee are tht. year. Mas lo acre In cuetleatton, 100 seres Dwes apoa wehrh th Um- ber M dead, dawn aad xoostty rotten. Thiols see of the best tram and rtsek farme in th Xasstastept TaBey: !,2e0 urea ia the tract. A Srst-r- rptso PltalaMtn, ta FiyeHe essmty. T. na., Caet, luFpreeed. with houses of eeesr aecetsarr order, sethards. etc.; STB seres, see la cuRtvslotn, m n. Sua aelatboibil. aot far team Mason. Also, 34 asses, to ClMliadtu aaunty. Ark.; 49 acre rlesred, lies oa th Bay road, la hiah land, etsht mien fremMoundCttyi s Sas bwstsen for a iis.B plittir. X barxain are. Abo, l.tSO acres. Pa Ohtwl is sol j, Act. See mites from th rteer. a peed taad te She rleer i 408 tea sa are M deadeniait, TOO seres ahuis seirtsw ia hteft. and I .sea this year, with tho lereea betas HI onioki 1. wetah weK protect itesAtrety kliri Bit. And many other pit eel, of aase to sutt th vtowt asd purse at any inirsim. For Sale by Thos. Peters. A nnSr-&AT- E BBSlSwlifCK atoetr in weU I X. sd. at a depot II sauss frsea ta c tno trsa. wtth ...II S.1..SIT tssswo cbsrsw. Tiaeysr. llmlntlsndwuB wotoeea, convenient m I thi iN and ittl i. tad ta assod tilth th i lumMy of Memphis can and a food sltuetiua m raja AMO A he teoldooe to the souther psrtts oCIBe city, tlx tttalaodwimaSnhsti o. biaf. snee or mot tatty pesos tar a fiatleman aut hbe cthj. aood time wMIbe ttven la s seed paecbsier. Isaac eviax a. a. jAMit...."Ur) k. jambs. IVETXLLi Sc JAjmS, SEALERS IX t& laves No. 1T4 MAIN STREET, "rjoxxaT xiijaa . Tozuaossoo. SIXTJT LIKELF .YEGROES FOR SATi-R- . TTTX have, aad will rowit. alb kp oa tr'fSs 1 r nk, a sasd 1st r atsvii. sue hands and hsusa seeeanta, that w srtB set! o -- iiaM terns. Putt tuaranacd. sr. aiat mm- .- ... sett Twi.f. et. t3DSBmiB.iaw. rT" The hltheet rut jrvre paht stall tieeea lr seal iexsaes. BACK AGATV norsE Biisixc asd mnmr. DO leevertfutly tatsim tha f""' Mem- - Franeossa. CsJ.. wl tel retireeifrems , eessstwili new rsssan w here I am furry pcepeeej "JJJP,, Lowet orStralshtes any aad eeoey keel Itmilti th Peat OCere. er at my pseeeot tr Asvr Vnrner of Mam aad Oeertrsi tre-t- ., Ji'otice. Messrs. 3IARSHELL& MATTHEWS, of the tseet and cetetrssed Chem. COOK h, B trTBJBSSTa, 1 31 TinlT. r iusmtid lo open so esbH.bsiii Jt for earrykt oath ahwee I nail m ha an lee breeches. uerreoeriekaa of Oeeltstseeru CeaM Tests an pset or dyed, eleaesed, asst tvvaaced h hsear arte inal peefev-tio- n. Tbey tejttlatp do nstt.i i out tew seease. paJnt, sx ant . tssothee wtmsa other Mes-w- ee sad lis sjat. WebsehtJ h tun loot pes rsstse ht reswear. OdtassS exeaa their ewelreeteest dr , U HbuptsHm allMOms. no c TlsetafScs u taaMS sweet. 1

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Ttm AfSdM, (.) Weekle Km 1

The inost remarkable woman of this eeateryiris " Harry" Stokes, the VrieltetUr, wiiotoHnaWkj saMoYe to the plaice-- nf tb rtver Moee Wlreri, lt nfcat vreek. Iferaboat rBhrtr Tert ICM rxtraoraiaary potwea

M Hveel hi MBetrester tad rsxtfe'ti asaasd tnaafer Weclteetter, ai kn

twice. iBlrrfp4 to otter kael Eft v--ttoases aaa wrricwwiiOT at tut tap as

llriUaJIJ Had sewn-ia- i at her trale at abriikBrMer, aa erected traiM-is-

InM teero ; aed h.t oWine,! themoot skilfel irrelrstter

nml in the Twirhborbeoi.Sbe always aVeeeed as a bub in the clothingpecaaar la Krw ; invun.;r ifntbe awe ia bar employment, aad eoatd MR aweiebt, apraaa tbe mortar, aaa set a brick withtbe best eftfcem. Hrr bibtts were tbase of amea. Sbe atteaM a aaHf etvataary in tbetewa, akw; with other Wiebeatterc, draoV,easM, aad joked with the fcu4eet,aad joinedto tbe eea)B;earVBM.

Ted, with all this caaataat ate, close tetlmat--r with the apposite sex. tMs atiaau-ssiade- d

tnau caatrrndtabefberowB errat secret;aaa nsere h mi) reataa te mat thebae 4ews into tbe paw at the advancedage ft max, ar tbareaboots, bavtajr tbroseboat tbewbol at bar reaurkable life maintain.ed an aahrafcea ebeck apoa those pas-te-rn

wheat crewst sbe street of every lanre townwith tbe ttafartaaat af her sex. Her greatendeavor ran aa eecasioas to keep ap tbeBask- - character she had assumed. From aehiMiabo ba4 bees aeraoAoaMr to the severnark af oae of tbe most laborioas occapa- -Uoas in wHcn sum Is eancM. aad the skillshe had ajataed ia trade reveals an amount ofpereesersac; eaercj- - wiuca meat star wartar ofa kseriete tbaa that af the wretchaa suicide.

H bt cariaas ta knew-w- t first iadeeesi berto asters tbe garb aad oecapatieo of a bib.aad what power fat accecr it was that eaabMber to restate faltbfal to the line of doty sbebid that marked oat for herself. There areiBStaacas iFirramertnV whore the tBtaeacc oftore, ara remaatie dtsaosition. has clothed tbeform ai waaiaawna state autre., aad ansMtaedberaaaKtie' perils aOhe baxtl field, ia tbeiMBceraf abe4eeB,or ia tbe wtU adveatere iafervirataBds; hat w know of ao other esse isTil .Ion I ee- - lrAMn wlura 9 iriuiJjdeifaHv repressed her awa feelias aa4 aataraldHftostrjoa, so cotapieceif aesassed taenabits01 a aaa, aaa aeea so sacesssrai ia eradiscthe piTtat: cariorty of toe world. " JUrry "Stokes has indeed Blared her pvt so cleeerlrthat it is with the jresttt diCcaltj- - we harebeeaale ta fieani the Mlowiac: facts, which,iseoear as tber are, thimr soeae Ujkt aa herMufMstarr.

She was the aaarbtrr of a bricklayer ia aTiHacote&eaeMhharheod of Done tor. Before sbe aaaud wB balane her owa little bodysbe was nas " asofal " ia the hoase ; aadere away ranrstad passed arer her bead shewas bntsnat M acsjaaiBtaaee with teste ofie raaasjcw aaa raaayiest warE n nose

daes. Little Harriet Stoke' lineba4 aot beea laid ia nieasiat places. She wasso fliaand dowa br the iroa band at hone that,when sbe was al-o- eicht yars old, she put oaa tattered salt iif boy's clothiac: aad walkedforth iais tbe " wide, wide world " Arr;odat tbe village of Whitby, she looked about forwork. Sbe had aot r-- away froa ber father's boase becssie sbe did sot like work andpreferred to eat the bread of idleoess. Tbehard trsatataat af parent igaoraat of theirrespoasMKy aad dnsaa ber frost tbe protec-tion, of haasc aad franc all the assseiatioaawhstb sbsald oaehaia tbeysnagm ad to baste.That ah: was aot afraid of nrk was apsarrstwhoa sbe eitred ber serticra ta a krickwotrris Whitby. Thoagh eostw'iat aaders.'xed,sbe napttred a hraadeet, aetire, atefal but.aa4 was saitMyaettowtk. Her first eCtrtsto please were atteaded wit success, aad shewas sooa takea as aa ppeatic.

nm this point we stast drop the feeaiasaeaifeBatiw, and speak of Harry Stokenata bmr who has wo-ke- d hisaear to tbe dli nilTTnf a jaaraeyasaa hrirk-oetse- For uatftinrlike Isnn 1 TeirB froa this aoiat. we laee the

r links which join this Yotkapir- -

nerieace to his Manchester life. Abeat twea- -ry-f- ie Tears ago be was broaht proaineatlrunder tbe aatiee of tbe paMic by the eonee-qnea- re

af aa eccoatric exewsiaa which he badtakes lata tbe dnssaias of atatriaoay. Ha-r- r

Stakes, wan tine a eatopanioa in life, executeda atsliiiasaial ttminUmf. Trae to bis rate asa ataa for be bad reached the age when tbeaTerage of hrichotters are fa then as well asjoaraeyatea haaj-i-- t aboat, aad fixed bis ehnit--

npoa a Phnap title widow, wha kept a beer-baa- se

is CmfWt alley, off Deaaagat. Mae-cheet-

He had been aeeottomed to take Uspot af beer aad smoke bis short pipe' underBetsy roof, aad had at least takea a decidedfancy ts May heraeK. He was a goad look-la- g

yaaiar ataa, was Harry Stake, for.nffll aaderaixed aad iaaaeeat of wbis-kers- ra

bee as natooth as a woaaans, he wassluaflj kailt, had a capacioas depth of c' eat.and a pair of hhs wUehaeeaaanasaal profitto We faOar.

esv then looked vmhfasaraa Harry soft,for be bad tbe ;tf.atatatioa of being a roodsteady workman, aad was doiag pretty weii aa brick setter. It was resolved that the twainsbaaM heceate oae fieoh ; aad sotorbe ebarch,they Ue4. Harry discharged the duties ofbrMagraosa at ebarch ta perfection ; bat wheathe widow- - gat hin home there was a terriblerow. Tbe night was speat is dowaright quar-rel aad fight; aad tbe Undatable resort was ausmmint takea oat by Betey agaiast ber hae-ba- ad

far aa aasaalt, far which he wasto the New Batter for oae or two

uisaWii Sarfag tbe bearing of tbe cas.Betey, with great Tobeaseace, declared thather baths nd was aot a ataa, anl that she there-fore waald aot live with hist. The ease crea-ted gasat atnasesteat aad gossip at tbe tist,aad fsnscd tbe eabieet of popalar ballad,which were sang aad hawked aboat tbe streesof Manchester. " Harry" Stokes, oe ieoaiagfrom the How Bailey, was eoasidirahly perse-cate- d

by those little gaatias who kaow so wellbow te toraeat street celebrities, while be wasabo she object of ranch carioes eaeealarjoaTtnaac his arsthreaef the trowe'.

He,bowerer. avaiataiaed a discreet sileaceas te Ws sex, shrew oat hints that the wossaahe had atarrted was aad, aad a the mooteffect proof that sbe M a BtaleeoieBt libeJor,he sooa afterward married aaether widow, nc

ta tbe name of Frances Collin, whowas fifteen or twenty years bis senior, aad whohad agrcwa--p fob aad fooghter living wtthher. His eoaaecrJoe with this wobmb, withwbntabe Heed antfl he caaaarittei anieide,iathe ast nytlniaas phase of this msie-rio-as

Mstary. Sbe declared with sotena earn-uta-

that sbe did aot kaow, nntil informedthe saber 4ay, that the person with wheal shehad beea brine for the last tweaty-fir- e years,sleeateg together night after Bight ia the samebed, was a woatafl. aad her own ehildrea look-ed apoa Stoke as their step-fath- She fs

that sbe took Slnkes lata ber boase ia thefirst iastaace oat of pity, te shield bias fromthe perawcatisnUo vtMch be iraa soajected. Ittsaf be that aWistjgh oat of seaee af shamethe oM tremaa thes attempts te ceaceal berlawwiedae of Stokes' sex. she did ia realitykatw from the first that tbe person was a wo-bmb, aad that she was ia all probabHity ia-aaeeat by Stokes te ceaseat to the anion ia or-der that the appearance of married life mightdispel the ramors afioat, aad enable him to

Hare ia peace aad fMuetaess.''Whether or set that was the intention, the

acuBBlatiBi 1 bracght aboat the resalt ; forthere were earmises that "Harry''

Stake was a woman, aad he was CMQStaatlythe abject of eatrieas gtaaeet. he escaped theopea BtsautaHsa te which be had been iy

sabeetad. Harry aad Finny took abeer boase in CarperarJoa street, Salford,where thoy tread far two years, whea tbey"mUted" ta Qeay street, sear Deaaegatr.tsmiag a private hoase rate a bee hoase. Atthis boase tbey stayed eleven years, !ur:a-pa- rt

of wMeh time they held a tccead beerbeoee in Caasp street, of Deaasgate, whichtber eeHed "Tbe Pilgrim's Rest," aad wassaperraierM by Mrs. Stokes' son. To thishoase they themselves fiaally removed, andkept h aa for six years, whea tbey carriedtheir farattars to No. 11 Richmond atroat,

St. Stephen street aad Breaghten road,Salford. where tber soH Heed together as maaaad wife, theagfa tbe aeigfabort had their IHtlewhiceeriars. together the staple of their

beiag the peculiar figare of HarryStotes, asd tjifealatioaa thersabeata.They were trrlagia RichstoBd street ap to

the time of the tragedy which has revived thewhole history of this stogalar persea. HarryStoke appeared Utterly to be fallia; lata de-cayed cttsamtetaaeec, and tbe fear of povertyis beHeved te baveiadored him te csmutlt toj-cid-e.

Oil Friday evesJagthe deeeaeed wetrt tothe Swaa paUse boose, Peedletaa, aad. afterdrinking foarr giasua of ala, be teft for thepurpose of proceeding, as he stated, to Thros-tle Xest. Ia tbe aaorniag a hat was feaad onthe top of the water ia the sluice of the rirerIrweela Mode Wheel, aad en exaatieatioa tbebody of a maa was foe ad staadiag apright inthe water. At tbe iaqoest before Mr. CoronerBatter, aa Setatnity, tbe body was ideetiftedas that of "Harry" Stokes, tbe well-kno-

master brieJrsetter of Salford ; aad K wooldprebabir have been buried ia its clothes as itwas. aad tbe secret of tbe poor, eeaTageoos,bardwerkior Harriet Stokes weajd tbas havebeea httrlmfwltfa ber, bad sot eae of the jurybees aosnsiated with a portiofi of her bietery.He laenttoDsdhis sasateioa that tbe deceasedwas a woman aad set a maa, aad two womanwho bribe ceroaer to solve the mys-tery rain-ra- id ttnerbag; into the court with theinfurutsalsn that, trae eaoagfa, tbe body ia hema.n ciothn was that of a perfect woman,aad aa maa. Sbe was very d, buttbe shape af her womanly make was distorted'by i Wood utrap which bockied roood her bodyunder hat arms.

There is 'farting of graadettr after all inthe character of that straage warnan. Sbeha left memeatoe of ber iadastry aad skillall aver Maeebeeter, asjd is rainy pit cm inSslfaed. She was very clever in tbe eree'loaoTteR rhtmseys.aad seme of the bkhestlaManebeeter have beea wfaeHy or partially

paster ber aoaetiaicBdeecc: she hasBv4R eaarchet, chapels, aad exteasire blockof awesHsg haases, aaaeag which are mea-oe- d

the large booses at the back of S.Phfflip's ebarch, Satford; she was most expertla fittiag stoves aad aad her aid inthis branch of her trade hat been obtained insome of the best beeees ia Manchester, and ibthe days of the" Chartist rials she was sworn

I P1 constable, aad was made captainof ber company. Her indttttry and skill atope tame placed her in comfortable d

there are person who are bowesteemed among the foremost men in Man-chester, who have been entertained at the roar-ing sappers giren by "Barry" Stokes.

,?r,Tbe J1?8" Cincinnati bareadepUd a series pf resetattento "keep the Sabbath dV w?iTrseventh dar) and to cla all tk.

?mjnvittoj. They, af eaahe, keepopen ahop oa Baalay, or tfee Christian fat--aVAaAe

Leaders of the .popular movement InItaly

A Flertace eerrefpopdtat f the London!3Tm, after tiring GaribsUi't letter ia La 1


Farina, In answer to a tender of the Pretidoacy of the National AsiociaUen of Italy,says:

Awesderfel aad pie sing avgirt it is to seethis man, whom the world had set down aa arnosh, barsb, aad aatatarttt bandit, dieataysas maeh sease and tact aad genuine manly

beevwsh-m- d cteseerale valor iatbe field. Garibalat is a tree born reVar afmea, sad ciril awerameBt mac : , tafetv botrusted in his baBds as BriHtarry rale. I eealdfill yew eeramM with nnblie and nriraletiT, proeiaon rJo, and orders of the day, allby him, from ail aad each of which It wouldreseat, firstly, that Garibaldi aerer fails te hitthe Bail on the bead : eeeoadir. that not onewrr! falUer from hi lips ia saaered te passwreoea ; ni am voice austt coeateaanee

create a new heart in all who see aad hearMm. TrvJjr, the hoar and tbe men have cometogether. Italy is everywhere tinder the or-ders of liaders who are well calculated to workeat her deetiaies. No one, I believe, caacharge me with partiality te the Italians ; oatbe contrary, I feel ears I bare Bet sparedraem meaarMxet aaa moscttapaiata&ie trutns.

Bat I mast say, for troth's sake, if tfaevhavenot all the virtoes befittiag a nation of freemea, neither are they soak never wiH thcrsink to the condition of naredeemable alavos.The seed of regeneration are teeming ia tbeland, ao laager ta be eatothered bv all the sab--Uettes of eae Katpcror, or by the violence ofanother, irt. inraace, Anstrta, and Earepe,weR coaeidei what they are aboat. Let themrise for one instant saperier ta the paltry chi-canery af diplomatic botching and cobbling.Italy mast live ; it is Gad's will that balveboald live. In order that Hah- - mar lire, it isabselately necessary that Aastria sbeald benoagat or beaten, coaxed or kicked oat or ia;

it is of tbe ataaoat necessity that thePope should cease to be a temporal prince. ItI aaaroUable that the Kiag of Xsplos sbooMbead or break. The maa te whom Italy iawitting te pay hero- -wstehip mast be a here indeed. Vt is fortBMte enough to hire moretbaa oae sach. Victor Emsne!, D'Aaed'o.Caveor, Garrbaldi, and all "nea made oa themold of Phrtarch's worthies noae of themfaultless, thank heaven ! bat endowed eitherwith that vastaess ef braia. or stoataees ofheart, or loftiness of character, which hassower to renew the temper of a nation.

1 nave often qoarrefea wiw uie Macuaeesaad slothful nees of the Itahans, with theircoesUtetioaal indolence, with their aaetaessfor hardships and intolerance of disci pliaI have rated taem for greveana; sonsaness,for want of troth, and the eoaseeoeat lack afgood trnt in oae another. Yet, If the day ofaction dawn again, if the mea I have menttoned. sporaiag aH tbe timM eeaaseis of atime-servi- policy, call the ieopte to arms, Ifeel sure Italy will, under their fvmiaaee,

of macaaBimcas sacrifice. Therewill be a geaeroas fight in Italy, a fight whichmay end ia disaster, bat sot in defeat. Tbeprinciple af Italian BatioBaHty is aoaqeacb- -aUe. It was bet a spark yearsago. A quarter ef a ceetary of trampliag,far from potting it eat, ealy stirred it into ablazing coBilagratien. YrBafraact, Zarichaad Brasteh) may patch ap a peace; thoy can-not give rest to Italy except by a formal, finaland thorenfh recognition of that principle.Anstrta and r ranee mast withdraw; the voteof Central Italv meet be reeotmized : the Popemast be left to sefle accounts wttfa his sab--wets ; and if the Catholic powers mast needshave a PeatitT.aad a Sovereiga PontiC, tbeymatt provMe t'ln l.v or his sece.---r wioi asew sovereigBty. I think I hare always faith-fully represented the state and disposition ofmen's naiads in these provinces. I feel con-vinced that, if ever the restoration ef tbeCentral Italiaa prince,, aad tbe recovery efthe legatieas br the Papal governaeat. aredtfinitety resolved apoa, tbe day la whichsuch an arrangement is earned taro eaaet, bomatter br what means, will change thesegentle, orderly and ciriHied communities, bateas many dcLs'of wild beasts.

Singular and Extraordinary Oaie ofArson.

About three Tears ago. lb daneater af apeer German paiater came to thisceuBtrr withher parents. Some thiee weeks since she ea- -ered tbe family of Mr. NanoreoB Bancroft, on

Marshall street. Philadelphia, a adeaMetic.Sbe very seen won for herself the rood eata--ioas of Mr. Bancroft aad bis family, and wasesteemed faithful, kind, diligent, aad obliging,although cuhsequrat revelations proved her tabe a girl of extraordinary caaaaagaad dearav-it- v. a

Abeat the time she became fully desMs-ticat-

the family missed several artatme efvalue, aad discovered traces of veaatea mischief in many parts of the beuse. 8Uk freestof Mrs. Bancroft, and several valuable articlesof wearing apparel belonging to her basbaadwere feaad te have been cat by acieeers orotherwise irreparably lajured.

The good opinions entertained by the family orof the domestic turned tbe current of their 1sesrJrcioBt from her. By a ciiaracterrstie exhibition of ceasing, sbe maaaged to fasten allthe blame en a litfe son of Mr. Bancroft,named Jobs, not more than four years of age.In coaseeaeece of these cbarces. "little Johns vwas strbjected te repeated aad severe punish --

moots, aad wafcet times confined In a rnea,Hrd to a bed-po- st vrith a rope. After Vrytngme ajteganea oc an parents time and ?gaia,the sea, with a hope of escaping punish merit,wa induced to confess tbe charge made bythe servant girl.

This state ef th Bgs continues! for some two 1(1

or three weeks, when oa lastTaesday after-noon tbe boase ef Mr. Bancroft was discover-ed to be cm fire. The flames originated ia alot ef dotbiagtfaat had been stewed away iaa closet, and were discovered by the German A.

girl. She gave the alarm to Mr. na neroft athis oskce, on Girard avenue, saying at thesame time that little Johnny bad done it.While sbe was pone, another fire brake oat,which with the other, was easily extinguished.A bait Bear afterwards a t&rrd tire was dis-covered la a closet, aad before these flameshad beea quenched, two ether fires of a simi-lar character were discovered ia various partsof tbe bouse, making no less than five firewithin two hoars. All these fires ware dis-

covered by the terra nt, and chaiged aa littleJohnny.

Duriag the excitement consequent upoe ex-tinguishing these fires, a friend of tbe family,named John W. Boileau, entered. After as-

sisting te drown the flames aad examining thepremises, be became convinced that Johnnywas innocent and that th girl was tbe culpa-ble party. He succeeded in eon riBeing theparents ef Johnny that bis saspicioas werecorrect, and charged the girl with tbe com-mission of the crime. She made a partial ac-knowledgment of her guilt and the circum-stance were reported to fire Marshal Black-burn. She was arrested by constable Johnsand underwent a most searching aad severeexamiBattea at the bands of tbe fire Marshal,who came to tbe conclusion arrived at by Mr.Boileau. On being taken to the Aldermsn'soffice she made a fail confession te the Mar-shal aad was comurfctted te answer tbe thi eeafessien she admitted herself ta bethe author of all tbe mischief for which peerJohnay bad beea punished.

After the bearing, the girl was taken to Dr.lraes, tbe pbresoiogitt, who tcae'e an

of ber head. Tbe result of this ex-- at

(nation, as reported to us, exemplified ic astr g way the tsaehiBgs of tbe science ef

The moral faculties were dimin-ished, while tbe sensual strongly predominated.Tbe organs of acq artsitirenest, recrortveitesi,destraetiveBets, and the sensual ergaa werevery largely developed, while veneration aadbenevolence were almost entire! C obliterated.This ease in all its singular and extraordinaryfeature!, exhibits aa instance of a moaomaelato commit crime, and a total want ef moralforce, rarely equaled In the annals ef criminalrarisnradeace. PMIrndtlfU Prut.

Cotton Demand and Production,Tbe growth of cotton ia the United Stales

is the dependence almost the sole tWatdenee of Europe and Great Britain (afptheirtappty ef tbe mM important article oiheraaactetntng. We showed last week that Indiadoe not furnish as much raw cotton as re-quired to make the good she bays, aad tbecoarse ef events indicates that everv prscreesstaak by the English with EagBth capital, taiatarere or develop its resources, iieafy sUmaiates a large consumption of goodea the part of that people. It is their smallearnings, ariU.g from the exhaustedstate of the country, which circumscribes tbe'rpurchase. Tbe employment of English capi-tal in the construction of railroads, the cul-ture of opium to pay for China teat, ard allbranches af industry, ealy swells the wages oftbe people, aad by so doing causes a Bewde-mao- d

for eettea good. The course of eren'tta Area by which at least 500,000 ,000 con-tainers of cotton cloth will brinctheiroeuiaiKtsiate the European market, matt open a pewaad Mantlet field far the disposal ef goodTbe demand in thi market is bow laree. Theexport to Chin from New York has beeaSDMfieO worth ef drills for tbe week. Bomber.IV J"- - Thi fieatamiwill, in all probability, grow until! tbe UnitedStates exports to that eouatry of drills aadcoarse goods will equal at least tbe sum of tbeimports of tbe finer rood from Europe iatethe United States. China will become a greatcotton consumer. The other eoootries wfceeeeEngland draw ber cotton, the Braiits, Errpt,the West Indies, etc.. are all eeaeanwr to aaextent rreater than they mpplr the material.Tbe United States alone coattaae te ssmrdr asurplus over their Urge rsBaamptloa, and eathat aurplos the depends latereets are eaor-moo- c.

It has been stated that the nami u i ofcotton growers in the United State is about2teOeO. but the number dependent aeon tbemanufacture ef the article ia Xw Eagle,Greet Britain and tbe Continent it apt abortof 5e)0O0, and the capital employed In themanufacture, sale. traasaectafJea cad

it aa $1000 ta $1 employed ia theculture.

There probably Is bo other industry in theworld in which so expanded an Interest resiton so small base. There was a time wbea tbewhale production of gold aad stiver in tbewerld, by process of amalgamation, which in-volves the use of qutcksltver, dtpaisdoi withaH it vast interests and aameroas attnes hi aH

rtfir,"'PT, tfc,iBCl "Bplv mercury af-forded by den mine i Spain, andthat gorernment was forced to lease thosemines te tbe beuse of Rothschild. It resulted,that that single bouse held the value of aB themines in Ks bands, and when it put op the ratefrom $38 ta $96 per qeintal, a vast somber ofmines abut op, and throngs of miners esughtotter employment. That moaepoly was

by ttietittcorery of quicksilver in California,

and the more general production af sal-

ver in Mexico has resulted. SomChing aaala-gout- to

tbtt eeiektilrer monopoly is the posi-tion of the cotton growers at the South. Theyhold a monoply which the whole genius andcapital of Lancashire tat set beea able teshake; on tbe other band, this sphere of inter-est, which receives Hs inflation from that fo-cus, is constantly expanding. Tbe price efproducing bands, and the material tbey pro-duce, Iis constantly rising, and Omt without A--

poUst'Bg out any mode of relief. The United...CI t 1 t ta 1

plaibs fee oriv dtscriptios cf e6n wWthworts trefi j iUelf. 'VVKh the dereloPtaenU X1

going ea la Ash, and thtexteesten ef marketsthat baa been made In Seit Aatsrica, In Afri- -ea, in Eaatern Borons, ad if Asia, beyond

growing aemasml gift uauea states, mStand aad Western Eerwe, the entire batmanrace tarns toward the 'Hated States'fer a sap-pl- y,

for which the tettnd increase ia theaenew ratio ef growing jhmbrrs aad Mcreas-l- g

wealth. This is a Kate of facta wbtefadoes not keep Kaetf w41 eonsid'red by thetrsde at Urge, and UN effects of which areyearly becoming raorc iavortant. U. &&on- -emM.

Kxecntlon of Thornton at St. I,onl.Tbe St Louis natters otntain lone-- account

of the execution in that y, on Fridav last,of J. w. jTjerntes, tbe murderer or jesrpuCliarless, an oM and respested citizen.

The unfortunate man vat bcra In ISil, InNew York, where his fatter was formerly anold merchant After the teeth of bit father.b stadled law for a year.theo becamea clrrC.1841 he removed to the West, apprenticed him-self to the trunk malrhar iesinese. bet in 1811,joined tbe Dotted States marine service, andwas assent three years atta, on ids cosh eiChina and japan, in tbe uniiea Mates ipCemmbas. On his retort be landed at Norfolk, aad te lfviS took ap his residence in StLoais. where be BeeamedemiiT citr register,and anils, on, Ug mT4tv of the Boatman'saavugs tastitutton, m roniiery or aiuseveral tboasaaa dollars, in led to t Horn- -ten being suspected as the thief. He was ar-

rested and tried, bat aecmittfd. Mr. Charleswas the nriaciaal witness acaiatt Uiffl. ForthJa Thornton swore to have revenge, and formonth threatened the life of Mr. C. On theftth of June last, Thornton met him in tbe streetand fired two balls into bis body, rrom weeaects of which he died. Mr. Chartes wasaniversalry teteemed, and his aa order createdsuch intense excitement that Thornton narrow-ly escaped being dragged from jail by a mob,aad tracked ea tbe spot.

Up to tbe moment of his execution bis fami-ly and friends confidently looked for executivelnterpWo", w in vain He met his doomwith great coolness. The Democrat say :

On emerging from the jail, Thornton recog-for- d

two or three est acoaalatances in thecrowd, who stood eagerly watching lis ap-proach. On seeing them, a pleasant smile appeared apoa his countenance, and giving ageatle bow of his head, he pasted on to thesteps of the scaffold, which he ascended mererapidly aad vigorously tbaa did a nr person

On reaching toe tofl of thescaaold, he seated himself between the twoclergymen, and looked aroaed as if desirous ofseeing some eae b knew. Tbe slightest tre-mor was not risible in hi movements, and hisconduct utterly astonished every person whowitnessed e

was asked by the marshal if he bad any-thing to sa r, and be replied in the negative byshaking his head. He tbea declared himselfready, and stood upon a box placed apon thetrap-doo- r- The slightest quivering of a nervecould not be detected in him, even now whenbe saw the death warrant which Mr. Cuaning-ha- m

hsld in bis band, and was abouthim. This being done. Deputy-marsh- al Evesproceeded to cover hi face with a long whiterap, while Mr. Cunningham pinioned hisarms behind his back with a small cord. Tberope beinr adjusted, aH the person on thescafoM who had aeeompaaied tbe priseaer,stood back, while the clergymen read prayers,after which all was declared ready, and atfourteen minutes past three o'clock, the mur-derer of Joseph Charles hune; suspended be-

tween heaven and earth.In a coavcrsatioB with one of bis visiters on

Thursday night be said be bad written a state-me- at

of the whole affair, and the cirenm-staac- es

connected with it, and that it shouldappear In prin after bit death.


rbetweea Ssejnd aad Third Hrees tor

ale DUFME CO- -

raajT ea aXaud nrett. adjoiaiar 3. P Oartu'50 for Mis. XOXBABRAT, BVFBXE & 00.


332ruLg,s, Etc?."Ttt are aosr i riotaam onr PMI asn: or Prnaa,

V ererrrhrt nertmlarat ta our tane nuiinioa. Wetrvr particulsr allenlisn lo

Gram mntl Garden Seed,and e prevnred to sen wd, freda aad lover aaa aaytnv is MeHuOJn. vr ouir fa rum is to tare M

trial befsre nurotmlnw.taa . xcCLarxAND,m Xaln Mr vet. ens. Worrikaoi Hsos.

For SaleTRACT ef I.AXB. naotinid MSAVAUTABLK HernsnO, Wtalu I. VSH miles man

Memhjsaa4twnuuls froa BVma Late Pepsa, 9m ami I jism u Ustu' Stand. Silt, acres oVumd, srilh a suedIrasse dwWIm an nirrmsry aut tNHBaes. Furty- teres

.dlto well wslersd Aaoty to M. M. Luifcar, WeBacaance nuildtnoa n tho the premises, r as

J. O. LDSHHS.nst-ai- m muniuai, xtw.

To Railroad Conlrnctors.a1ditlat.ta1l WTiC CBttli ffM VcMlTHI

mid rthvat riaahS rfciekMv emfr,mib lia or Tenme , a mmn ofihl are mem iirMfti 10 iat metnet

irx.As tilt wrt will b lH fat-- CMat, m4 hfiH tfitnm ftw wsjsrfc prmrr it pmmt m vaamaMfty

rrorabr lapswhic for TMrBrtara. Pvribrr tArWamatiM.rCatftrd t Ik aTX-- Ml hs artalDI CM sVpfH fCUt taf

Mnrn. Uanatxi k. Co., Vmptu, Toon ; o- - lMtr tar inprmm U tb wulitn4m4, at OkO-am- C.icatMw mutjr.XtM. aoliv-t- XU ABBOTT & CO.

J .3- - J. rioais.N-- tr Tort.




Bi:irvKIiEY:S BLOCK,qoo yvz . xa S t v o o t,


Beaver and Otter Caps,A FINE ARTICLE,

-- ATrAJfraa( a. OO'S .


IX emireijr new testes, als PUAWCfSOOA.OO'S

CALVIS FAY,ArciLitect,r9TJ ta fatrVaa., ItTaTia, .Bad tf aClBCtlaaal hfmt wmrj stosKTitua, 4 Im riT ku .

Mn! tm9riMtm4tmet to tk-- ir fA aarawXim m4 Mrrft, eppmktXt tt Wav.Bjn nm.

oest-- lr


WINTER GOODSSt W DeiHxe ef Priett.

2. SEJESSISIj,2SS Main Street, opposite Court Squire,

Wntleoile aarf Beun Dsaler in


Potbssncttta entire ttattsr Bern Puis, natal ltaaad MeriMs Rsae, woanm ratal.

est. Alss, saawlt, SiBi,TeaotanCWk Cfcukt at re--

PULN'tAStOr.' &OOCrSA, Ker er, Jhu,hi tan tun jmmtaitnrataamatfafi

artt mmsuasuwsu uoru stCLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES

altalil br wnnleanM trait salr Batter rrtres.ntT dtwtria

CHEAP G00DS!Clieap Goods!

TTfritit rsBBor to t'

Clay Building!rg Ate omaxats au or ooa srocr at

iarcclv Bcdncctl Prices!W. B. MILLER,


WM. KNABE & CO.'SCnlt cil:l


IRON FRAME PIANO FORTES,OarlinmH t Jatmittilr Hum

Thallers, Strakosch, Vieaxtcmps,

And all the Principal Pianists in tbe cons try.every instrument tM by es warrenled for

Tiiar--i years, aad wiH b told at the manufae--turert' prices, by

MoKISXEV & CO..asva(eaularI(nBala.tnali tt aad Avaleodte mm tm aatf-I- m

G. XV. .TOi'VES & CO.,


-- ro. 229 Main Street,Nearly Oesmtne Odd Fellows Hall,

MEMPHIS, TEttr.T)Zl''S&2ls!tt' " a- - t- ,t

Pcrfnmcry mid Toilet Roods.M f. vsnetr Eecaaa, rrincb aad Americas. 7oraaleas a. W.JOSHg & CO.

Fine tlrondiet and TVlnes,p,OB msditaal purest' a --tar rale by 'g.w. Joxrj . oo.

Cfjc Ptnipljis appealTOEUSHBD DA1LT, AKD TTEIXXT,

rso. n'cuLBAaAV,- .- lxoxidai tbotioaleBESJAallB r. SIIJU

GnAsr tLt style sad firm ef



I'llIOE OF KllltSCim'TIO.-V- .

Otllrltaadraac) per aassm. (10 00" " tto-

Weeklr t MJJ" AH Dallr asbecrlpuoot wDifttomHertddae and

psrstto tr ta adTaaca.1J-- Tt ticnrolns Unas wiH bo ttrkUr an rJamj

odfterea 10.

DAILY K.ITKS fOlt AUVIlltTlSI.IO.For ens ousro of I en Uaea or lets, oa tiucrUou...$lrweaAad4Ut9nalinertlaiotame..... SO

3--r s --

a . j ifi r r i ; i. r T ?

"Tl w t oo in t oo son re w ts to uto oo

xi i so t oa 73 s Mrs oa is alia 1' to n as

oog a oajio n n wis oojao ojia oojasat

tl 1 solio oojis sojit oo onju ten rr Mt-t- -

u oolis ortia 00,34 oata oun wuffili

I Mlit on totn otm mss sou isubo 87 tO

7, ti oo it oolso 0O41 49 00 U 0048 OoilM. 03

ti &'u Pop soin oojst ealea as.rrl 15 oo

4--ro oyss ooIm ortui ooo oos oots ool

One renewable maj, aanum, fu 09Ty Mure, per.. .. . . . 1, CAM

' X3T V. rqsues, reoewaMa Trtellr, iieaaaum, 0 OS

f- - AM itinUMwiM set Uie Arrd mhu4 be kmd- -ed m at mt Cterk'i detx.t3 AM traaeat adrerUjeraeaU rsut V iarke4 fr

a towmad tuns. Waeu not tku aurted, tnr IU ketkuce far sue week, aad dttatntlased al ta eed af

tat rraae.AU aJTertttemeaU resulrsa to be kert oa teoasd

itae, cBABaEO At new each pat, ansae laird pate.u aavaaea over taaxeo rate.X3T Adrrrtttesoatt directed ta be dirptarel, ar set In

.re Irpe, akarted docsle Tesrlr adecrujert will ke cnarted extra for eatn- -ut toscv aver acmtrart. aM wben uluoe mi I. re

tain take used, or lb adierttaement kevtoa Wiittf ttaper.rr rtartr tdre raters win be ilititol extra at retu- -

JUr ralM tor Wants, Betas, nemoraai, Oa.rrmeraJpK- -toet, to jon.atatet, at

AnvEnTtiixo mdit be raid re aIB AdVABCE.

o adrertJsemettl wHI anwar la tno wetuvpaptrnnl"t by special contract.

TJAdsertlt l nienuto be luaene in at weetlj paperxtir. or atuHcuUr tm.rsah ia eHner of Ike savers.nilbeebtrted tlsertatureforrscti aad ererj- - tmer--tn.rv-- a not amine OaadbUles tor State. Oooatr and Ka- -

atcarol OOoet, to eaek, to be paid la adsasw In CTerj

v--f AirsJrertiseoMolt far CnaritaUe ToalllttloatTire Ooamonies, Ward, Tewn aad otker rakic settees,to be cnarao barf one.

at trriAtes and Deaths are paMitked at newt : kut--iuuatusrrea, TXtautes ex itotfeot ana i him other odrsrtitenienla.rAUtfal and Traoaltat Alurtimealt wlU te

hartW br tke inrertlon.C3-- Baitorui KoUces in Local Column wttl be reartsd

at crmia per line.XJT No or variaUOB win e mat ansa me

foronoias rales.Jt'UliAllAn, T&UOOIIALA - trtu.


St. Louis and Memphis Packet Coflapany,ASD

Farwardin: and CommitslnnMERC PI jST T ,ao. 0 nowartrs now, ucnnnis.

rT" Borer ta St. Louis and Xesiphio taercBsats ten- -eraiir. aun-dl- ir


ISTEW STOEE,Corner of Court and JTIain-Sls- .,


ar a ?T-ci- zdeT Wa in. iia. n.wtuu.sWatclimalier & Jeweller,


surer ana i'lmca ware.TAKBB tM to nafkaRB tkfcit.

? of Nfflphi VM th- - wrn-mtia- c

ootttTT that bf bm armi" fatly Wca- -,

1?3 M pjaarp, UMl IMN kTCtflmC rrallladamvtioB to tnmatta to ami Ah irr of lb? iMbtk


Hsj wili W oosmmtinUy ib rKit oT tk wewnt admt FASHIOXABLK OOODS fmca th- - saa- Prfe 9tJLnterirtM lunfeVrtor. Hf will Im te a jrjhmai- -

I IN CMM aVBaTtnlf ! Of


Ptrtkutar altontlou paid to th


Euaviu? in nil its branches,Sra.farVCoj n inn 0"a M !".


4. rem

L. Of






Pickles. Preserves,


No. 220 ud FeivfisHall,



--crtm oitxsr antut ovj(h .tb a large as--rnsrs o.r;IJoanrtos Dtnat, and a larse aaiMotJUnor rjaoafes:

sSrSr v. eVastesnseri


1 aadSmOav Ortlut meaaateotVoonds;1 aadS ..cant L killlalland!.. .. Salmon;

3.. ... OeaenOarni3.. reenreat; r tt .. AianracaaS i tS .. Mat Aoeles , ;

rreth SirawVerrJeafer? Bt taat; j'1

TreA rio Arseei hi 3 .. ..rreoh Fetdhet m 3 .. ..Assorted Ft Frtms i xtais;jLOsaedftdkd fTAdt a

ArtsM Prfwrrf, pti, awl ht t&aiOsuKaMi Qtmrr km IPl, pU. ti. hf IMS ibl CmSs;Pfppr Sa oc. pt . qU;TecaftH CMCb, t Md mfiiwfxsifa,ir 3atMs x aM ar Yi. u Msr in tpas;

Bra4r CbsnTlfSBramir Peaefer;K0 taWkH GaVtMkPaCaitSWO twits Otart Wiw, huir .. wut .... -

-4-50 caU Qas0lli X. la stet (;M .. Al, 4Hfnm Wskk. fit aMOB . Lanlin PfUr, ..

100 ew Ktrtx trxasdvv4w;Garret Batti8Bir, in 4 aad Ses Ivu;Rarrr Packlmportl rrraifi;XmiMrte4 Gvrnaa PrtWaH;100 tWa crmbtJ an4 palTerkM SaarfAampaffB CMer, In bit;

trla;TsTar'f Gtzurtr Tls, bxa;"VroUe'a SeTfarUara SeMiai-f- f;

Stamaclt Btlar;Ote&xznoa in Katlj;1000 tit Wrapplot Twin;Tlnoc, Bstter and fed Orackvrc brtt asd br bn--fBtrtW. 5ntU, Gtacrr aa Soffar mttltn, fa KxjCr alter. BtaJKnit. tnbxtiA Urfa"ortiafBt Smek UaC.Tafcacoo, flna A aotatlWeoo Gtrmsa 0fxr;lOCXfeOO DoiiwUc a60,000 naraaa

A fi' Mdortvifot TWaacM fiSa aa4uWmWatBOO ax Tut Cctfkm;A Urt afmrtmt Ptra Trrt;TOOW) Tarp;M B ad La7er Kflv. bai, ht ae4 ir bit; .

Prima Zaata Carrasta, la fer b (OHrtMW la aat-c-;SsTrUaona Ktriiu,W brti Almotvatt, bar4 aM aft ibrit;Paeazu,rirtrvrtl,KatJiib wateitta antBrU NbU.

Iffai enisfeUiSrra toM rSnlTyOrastvs tnJtxx kaahtU,itmo,ln Apptea la frzisQortmint ft., etCe "1 oc31-- J


raw Ana p a a o aa : IUlaUWUSa Ba4a

VH nrR. ta tlim asf tlna tMtie ..yj lr- - CeajUmnraU of Prodrjca (or Ml orcia wlU irwiTf liTvceat aiiaauoOe fpila

(v-- lir&2

WANTED.wT ..u rriso of oort a anull naalt-sV tl. t. .IA. at tbO llUslSSlOoi Hi TOT . With

S nKorteote rMeoe M osl3ikHr. And 'rsB TS lo150 acres et laad H eaHtraueo. uor nitna suiu uoctace to ralte a crop tbe enmia Tr waau a ctnlSko irlikw 90 mliet or loft from ma oHr of MtarDklt.Aaj kavtnf to a ntaoe u let wW pleat reporttka sabm to ut at ear offloo, tonwr of atsm and If toreatreata. telo--o a aimi,

FOR SALEJml Terms Easy.folknrmc Prooenjr, oat aad threo-natr- tf r milet

etaltremOauneaaare: Four and a half acres ofLand on Bus ilreet, wlU a food Farnllr Resiaenc trliaui rooras, tetvaat't meats aad kttehen, etstern, earrlaitbiel, ttlMe and orchard, aH area inetottd.

Auto A food raaUT Retldsaot ea Jackson ttreelwith seven row, kttmtc, tsntst'l room. cUtera, twoEOMil weno, earrisro nouos. ram w iiimmi"order and betntif nl lycatMU

Auo For saloon Taacettreot, a nett and comforta-at- e

ft.MB.Bi -t-ih tMni aci i stni kitcheu. ter- -vaMNi room and dtttre, an new. aad between DeSoto

aad Bmado ttreeu. ta th norm awe, at xao comerof tfca aley.

Aue-T- w Betidenret Is FVt Flektrine. caw a brickwtmatxreotaiaadfourorBvewrvaotri room, cittern,cardan, santaf kaate, ttaM and orchard, in thitj ptarataer are three aeret of treuod. no otktr ntaoa laFort Fvtermc u a Frame DwetttBf Uoal wtlh fiverauns, kitdkoa aad terstot't room, ets.

Foe farUitedafuiaittiua al U the atsrra rrseerljctH atIks Qslkoe Stack, cjraer U Koafoeaad ataln streets.


For Sale or Kent.a beuHtfBl KosattBc loralion. atx aerts. tlx mile

Butfia or tiiis ell,- rroatrjur tho If etarhlt and Ohio Bail- -nad tad th f emahit aad Raleitu Flaatroad at theirjrseora. TMs trtn u wen aoaatea ror taruc-su-

orahard rorinM. Fee tbformtUoo a, tt lit abort, caaa noraUSS tl BBI, lnmouaraouujuo,tFt corner V tin aad Monroe street.


Offife In the Calhook Buck, corner ofMain asd .Monroe Streets.

r ATX a larce aad well selected Ust af Lands la hf a1 stMitau. TMuetteo aad Aikantat. Caa faraisk

tracts ta aa atta la out rarekaters. aad In almost an?kaUia- - ia th MiwtMipnl Taller. Alto, unproved anduairaisrosed Ma M Iks cities of Xemptua and Corinth.Betssr we ttre a lit! of owe of Ifco lorauU of our laadt.VTe will 1st Bleated al awf Mtso to hare a pleasure ofahowta these Isadt to sar and aH persrsss la search cfUsbIs tsrtftlleioeBt hs the M Issttstool vaHer. TV feslthatwe are restored to fire at teeera mfsrmalisn aadMntaresrreetaocae ke ottatatd etaewher man. aajsue, ia reference to tbe senertl character at tho countryUthedt7ereoAdi, enter too Jttsttssivei vanT.

Sad some of tk nainetfsof our laadt:Sa. Acre. Towathtp- - Baaga. Ooorr. &Ute.

4 north, 5 east, Crittenden, I north, t ast, "3 t 4 aorta, t east, "

4 north, 7 rait.ISO aeret deadened.

lass 4 north, V tart, Grlttandea, Ark.tit 4 north, 7 east.11 haorm. t east.

s a north. east.not 1 north, 6 rati,1100 7 north, S oast.600 7 atta s rut

8 north C ertnot t etst4100 S north 7 east

600 arret deadened.natth t east OrHteadeu, Ark.

t north 7 east600 acres ceadeaed.

teas 10 north S eut Xttttuirft, Ark.6000 arret deadened.

j49Q II Berth east Minitsicct, Ark.(too H north 7 easttses It north 8 east1(00 1C ntrth east70 tt norm 4 east Ftthfett Ark.590 13 norm 4 east

see 4 norm I west Jackson sad St. Fran.tis. Art. 0ee. riser.

looo 4 north 1 west3800 5 north 4 west Jackson, Ark.

310 1 mem westSCO II south 4 west Drew o-a- Ark.

ri 14 iaam 4 west "ISM 8 north 6 west mate CO., Art.31 SI 1 west PTBtor I oo., Afk.ISO) 3 usatt BeahaatwArk.fist M south 3 west -as 4 tenth II wost Tunickoo, Ifht.set 10 ssost M

ses i tout a want Okahotua co.. at Its.tto acre deadened.

tu 3 south 4 west Ooakema oo., Miss,its aoath t west "

3hM atalh 3 west Taltahatrhle. Iflst.On Oasodar'l barte.

2M0 15 south Sweat SuutWweros.. Miss.15 south Sailw HoenietotwMlai.

ISO 31 sooth 1 west SunSower, Miss.Kear McXatt- -

17 aoath west WaatBitan. Mils.5bT Lake,

800 It sntb a west Vashaactou, Miss.S00 21 aoath 5 west gansosir. MIsa.sso 31 4 west

B41 acres tour mile north of Faint Bock Depot, laJsrhtoa otomtr, Alikaratl anlanUttoaoa the store, 400sees tultreated land, and ts repute tobeone of Us bestaot too pitatirlias m that part of Alobtsts In referencelo this last maatlantl tdantalion, call on J. XT. Scrti,ftentestll. Alahtml, or an as here.

sjArinc the rut lasts list, as well as aaaas other tracts,town' lots, etc., st are retnpelled lo tire real esutsmoot of oar atterattan, and at tt is about at eat? ta repre.sat a heave as a moderate list or load, we leader our e,

to the trabiie teaeratlT as aaentt to aT or sell, erleoae, if. reauired, sar and art nropertr Intrusted to ourcare, either in the ctty or owntfy- - Te eardd ties a tatttfadorr nmnber of refereocsa, hut teem references efbat little mitailnst. at aasfeedv tan crre names eoooxh.Tt. prefer our pttrona should nttt and tea ns, and thenleaalre afler our mods of bustness.

mri7 HOrXlNS i EIRBT.



r Uji t.noo JfsiUu, Ortot sr iffeattihaJrtJtt . itKJ ma is1il and from TaTOersWtt Stalk3 mile aosmoAhTaka river.

It. HOOGn,Mda-l- flinwa; Sasntatradent.

1859. FTEL TRADE. 185D.






.7rniljtfs, Tfiin.rreersad the larteat sbek of Castom-mad- eWw! lor FALL AKD WINTER WEAK, thst wt

ever offered for sale. Those hnllat at Retsll for Cash.aar rrtr entetttEthekertaaJltf of Goods at Iks lowest market prices.


MERCEAXT3 ara Invited to rfrt at a caB, and wtwOl show them a tsork af strietly prisie Ooodt at lowprlcet.

Termt Cash, ar MtJt4aettr7 paper ea tht unit Umt.TTholeatlt Koatna np atsirs.

BlOCS, TEKRT a. CO.,2 to Main street, Memphlt.


No. 318 Main street, Up Stairs,MEMPHIS, TENN

T hare a larre aad rholre Ust of property on handA. for sale, lami'usd aad asisapeos-- etfr propertr.takuttan lota, tram one sere to thirty or ftrtr acreskeatwtntf swnatm. Any tares oootttnf lapurehtasaria do wen teeerl oa us blasts ther bur.

I etas hsse a Ursa Hats of Lands, nutations, withaad n Ilk mt ami art, lathe. MUrl.iroas bottom. Atkaa-aa- a,

Lautsisn and Tsttnesoee. For particutara te Hat

Reaoeasher th ptaes. Some oa will bo tha om--eafOTelf ksm tuts?fa .N'tBT'B

Fraaset attention trill Ks tiren to husraets mtruttedtamraare.

JAMBS TOBXO,MS Mate street. Bp Stairs.


cits' propeutv.A tetutlfnl restdenos oa Jane Avenue, with t roo-r-

Nhsshte kitcheu, stahlet. earrtsar house, atttera, etche. oil rally st'usted. Ha bf ITS feet.

7he storj Brack llouaa aa Main street, 3 feet teamVltSH reMdeee., BM m se otTMieeMreet.tBre4r mi Cvi. Ohsreh'r'Slsce.

noma, nsar rasntt, bail an out aeutes aa Larreereet. near tVutvon street.Lot Mbr I tSfos oa Poplar street, between nith aad

A a iln Horns and let ta Ssuth Ketnt-bts- . S arit'iai, trnth haute, kitcheu, servants' room, etrraatttaute, carriaoa hsuw, et., an raasptet and new

a t.stf ir rtao Ootl sson.LEASES FOR SALE.

MOKBOK STBEBT.rd veers loses on Disable Tenement with f reams,

deuM kilcbe and rioters.VALUABLE SUBURBAN PROPERTY.

bt Acres ene-ha-lf mtlso sooth of Court Stuartl roodHardin, nrrhard. etc , win te earhamed for Dry Gaes.

lea feat by as deepen fsernaad PUatroad, nttsot-sot- sthe tm s.istiooj Bans, etsh reemt and aH neces-tatre-

htsates, sard an, Aere sf beautiful wtedasud n MtLaln't aveuae,

3X mBcs festa Oanet Seusre.Tarlsus athtr Htmaa aad Lota ta dtgerent vartt f the

cstr, aa-- t seme eieeaM ptasea in ma tunnibt.

Abss, aUrte uaatltr afltsds tuTennetiee, Arkantas,Itjasiatsppt. Lasts! us T.I si.

MISSISSIPPI LANDS.MSt acres of choioa Land I Botivtr osunlr, Mis., 11

mile from Greenville, 00 Socue Fhetial navixatlonptrtcd thsvesr to the land, mo seres hat been cultl-Ttt-

rears aco ; but allthtlr eeerflowed in 'fist larrspsTtton ahere seer Bow; tcTered at a bantas, sure.IMS Acre ta TTaohmstts cotmty, Mississippi, SSO 1.

raltlvatlou.S60 Aaa sa SsaaSawer riser, Mies., ISO deadened.130 Acres IS miles from V em-- near Misslattprd ant

Ttancaaee BAtlrsad, fslr Impraveuirats.sK Acres It muss tram Mtsnshis, atar Mlssltslpnl and

Tratlail Railroad, S40 cleared. weU lmprtrred.SiS Atxes in Marshal! county. Mississippi, well Im-

proved, with ehsreu likely necroel.ARKANSAS I.AXDS.

900 Acres on Arkansas rleer, IS miles belew UttlsHock, wen lsspessred; sea In enKiTstioo, with nine

sas Acres lit rnlet from Aberdeen, 00 vrkllt river; SO

tn enHivatlea.

TEXXESSEE LAXDS.Also 1098 acre. M asllet fram MentDhU on Fixeou

'.oost road, well lufpravsd. A food htrxaia can ts had.Osll mo.VMS Atrra aoasmtos uersiasarwn; well imprased plaro.

SA9 Acre t BrUes from Mretphts. oa wolf riven ltsteered, wsU imamved. steam taw mtlL etc; wint4uBSored

X Acres IS. nMs frem MsmnMa. near Kaleltt; litasearedi taed lusts imeats.

430 Acres 71 mites from Menrhlt. est kr.rmnb.1. andOhi Railroad, at Faa Fotnt, 1M Utarod; tood tin- -pWfWal "

bwi sores of orhsaV--e last on th Mlsiit.lepl river atHlcVt Landrnr,0 bt a kith ttils of raltiritlon, 17Utetr nsasoea. 14 of them men. Termt tto per acre.and the rep, stoek and negroes at fslr valuation.

JAMI3TOUNO,ta Beaker, 111 Main ttrtet, Memphlt.



SADDLES & HARNESSOf Every Description.





XTiaa't Old Stanl,1 Kxla iUttt.ltesmMi.Tcin.

gusiiifss Carlrs.I. n. wait. ... tr sfAt JefutsoH,

WALT & JOHNSON,(SnocestoittoA. J frtltkO.,)

Wholesale fracersAND

CMKimiSSIOIV ItlERCHANTS,Ho. Tl Front .Row, Memphis, Teen.,

Sim of the Elk noma

HATEooosUaurfrr asl a latio and won assortedUtJOOKS, CIOABS and

Ordert aolicilel fur FW. Fetk. Baam, aadvrkbkr rraapt autetlon psk to cfcostiaaiinll of Cst--n.

Corn, and Countrr Frcloc aeoeral'r. asd tHv

r. a c. x nciLrsUNDSEY & FICEXEN,


Flour, Grain and Feed,lYo. A Howard' Roir,

t VKUniW.TSSTf.rrtStam hand a weJWaatertcd stock of FLOfJB. aadJV. t nnuanur aaaeMwlH. C0SX. OATS, HAT,BKANfeti., wueaaerwrB fornlfh aimwett martst

Btvhamul factWimfortkt pvrehtseof tleek, aadaOrtersfoa not to bt lavtsrstH in w artattet J irad

T injeet-et- B tte deajK In this dir. we raanocUHllr rstlsttectfrs taesir stork aad tolieat a tSlareof eMK sttrtvi

aall-dt- r UKDSST tt FIOCLBK.

af. 1LX.CX. . Drair..MeaaVSa, Ttao. U-- Bock, Alt.'


I sr." ii. miixeii & do..uMineMlrB7A0TtmKRs, vntoumAui akd



.ro. 3BT .TJfftrt Street."fi brrdan cotntT sauAitz,



OxTpi't-rvl- . ., $100,000.t rotVC reelsed n deposK la turns ef Five rAdartIV I esd nwards. en rtM interest at IBs rat T sirper Svak. per annum ilVpaJd for sums moetielar tt.reemtemsor tester- - .

; DIRECTORS!r'tt vrniTa. a. if. rooTK.Jjn.f VlMBtCS B. M. ATBTtT

fELDBX R r .gj.. KtoROITEJOEi.., .a. t. ciMr.GROSVENOB. CA3IP & CO..

' urbs4eAle and Eetall Dealers infE


Oil Carpeting, fireMATTKESSEH.

OFAIXUSDSOSItAXD, ASD HALVE TO OCDBB,399 Ktift Street, belsw Maaison.

oc7--tr Ncmjiltls, Tcnn.1. t ctxrvxitsT-..- - L. L EDMOSOtOS.



PRODUCE MERCII.l.XTS,Kj. 95 Frost Eow, Kenphit, Tesseuee,

Axmts for th sate ofFLOUB, B.IC0X. LABD, vrHISCT, BCTTfm, CSSK?,

HAT, GBACT, aad Ffodoc foaorallj.

Amtoodt can. Iraed ks nt will receive ttrkt

ZXF Oroeti srfidle.1 tM peswitOT SIM.ncrrnrjtcBt:

UTTE a. SMALL. Lauitvilt, Tf.n. B. CLIFFORD, "DR. n O. CATLKTT. Rarkman, Xy.TV. W. ntramv, Henderson, Ep.JACOB SBKSENT, WkeeUaa. Ta.LXHXAJi A. CO., M ll h II, Ttssu.


Jlrapbls Mattress .llanaractory.

JN0. P. LALLEIMAND,Mattress MaUcr.

jcrrtRsoy strect, Bcnrsex third axdro merit, sea r the tbea rat,3MCbmp1i 1 rsi Tott tiofgeaoo.

perassnenUT located at th. shose tnlhtsodHAVIN'OI set Itave Is direct tho tttunUon of thoooI want of

31 ATT It ESSES,Tilt tier -I-B od it to thoir interest ts can and -sarin, mf Moat. 1 nor always on nan a nut asosss--mentoC

SPRtya, UAIR HOSS. COTTON, shock axbaJtJll Jrl.t 1 1 Afc3as.j.

FarUcnlar atAention will bo paid to priests orders.A LIB BAAL IM8COCNT

ViU be nud la Fuaimrt Dealers. aVital aad Boardtns- -houss Eeeoett. Stetmboat men aad Qimrtrtart. Ataa,a larxe stock of

LEVEE MATTRESSES.To aacrmniodtlt the trade, I will lachtsae mr Mat

tresses for n roc fits, Drr Ooeds, Fnrnitnre, tteALSO OM MtHresses roaewe.Rrrxixxcxt-Vesor- s. Harris 1 Haat, B. Ftttzer- -

aU, fcOe.Tfai. M. Fulwell, Dr. J S vrhlM.Sesscsbis. Dsrtd Frsak. sr

,t. I. rorE..... .M.....Otrt. B. iHlMttSC.

(Late of LouatTtOe.Ey.,)

Cotton Factors, Comi:iisionAS"D


Earring aad Kept, Ecrnben Wkitlry,AXD ALL KINDS OF OHIO BITER PRODUCE,

DomesicandForeign Wines, Brandies, etc2To. O-fl- l 2iron.'t ITow,



BestChsrossI Reaned Iron,.La JBl.r. tm In.

til nn nutiuae. Steel A Bills.Tkes3eitswt, Chains, ic, Xo St Front Eaw, Memphlt

Ti irouM reeperrrally tnrena our rnrtomcrt aa mpubltotenerallr, thai w have now ia ttara a Isree aawell snorted stork of beet Tiunlosn Iron, which wa kes,eoustaltly as hand. Aloe a fall stock of Kails, CaatiaetSteel oains tnd Smith's Teoia.

Also,Tsrioui patterns of ptowt sad Oolton SussenWa an alts axenta tar the Jewell Patent Osry Phrw,(steel) superior srttde. Alt of wtdeh we oBer fter saltupon si favceabf terms st can be had In this taarkac.

dedt-l- KlLUfAK nnOTtlBRg.


Main and Monroe Streets,MEMPHIS TBN


Sadlles, Harness, Bridles, Bags,AKD DEALBS IS

Xa ontlxor a.Sach aa Sklrtinc narness, fMe, Erhhe, Qstf Sti Fa

teat and Xaanmeted IePers, a.O xx. m Bandsi.CoHirt, IThlps, Sanies, Srrra. he hs



PLASTERING HAIR"h XT rauufactmedwork I warrant, as I issplij oesvsil but tbe best wstkssse and has na need to sell atCaa. or fkrow teafpr nd rawrt M. My seed HOMEMADE WORE It whip and ator enough ts drlr. rs,bustaess, and I win ssO it at a reasonable proai, stas kusito. Osll aad see tor yoofierot.

t3AB ordert pr'OHty atttndid ta at the thorteal twticoT TT. P. LEWI.

JeXJswIy . Shmef the Bat Hrrxt.

A. J. VAKJtEH.! .0. A. OILKET....W T- - AltCSIZa.5. CartMea. X. O.rotlsis- - S. Cmulma.


Our First Year in Memphis.

OCTOBER, 1859.


Dlnmonils, Silver and Silver-plate- d


GOODS,Cittlery,ZPlstolS; Canes, etc., etc

TTs lmnt rt aad bur aursaodt of th iiitanfatlm lit torCAtu, and betieTinc that our stock wM a asar tavora-bf-y.

Is aaalrty. style sad nrte. with any In theaouthera toimlij, wa rteoattfult mvit aa iainctlaakelore harie elsewhef e.

Wa base most totapetent watchmakers tnd other work-men, aad win a, ,ti work pertaaainc ts our basts ,11

A. J. WABRBV It OO.,oro-x- n 31, cerner Mam aad Monroe street.

Teacher anted.O0O- -. TEACII ER, ceis oailtaed to letah the Ian.

. mixes, as wMl si tbe lower braarhn tap Ihor--ourhly preptred to teach school, caa ttin a sand situa- -itoa srrut rooi psy. by tpplvmc m the nodi r.lxsxs alSparta. Ctiekaaaw ceuntr. M Us.

sxi-l- w, K. MOSRLKT.

eXLxsoisr'sPatent Animal li-ap-s !

TTS. 0W aB men by these presents that we, Dreater a.JV JiSsnn, mtnufsetareri aad aatenteaa of Jirttoa'aAalsul Traps, has ror a volnahss catutderation tram-ferr-

lo Metsn. Inmtn h. Oa., Its tvivtsese tf tnpply-I-the said Ttsds to all tho Steles, herehv

bindiu: ourselves to fwatth Issue of those to aay partiesexcept loose wno are syp statu axenta rse th tatMessrs. Itunsa tt Co.. of New Orletns

Olssa under our hand aad sesl this teth day fj ana,1SSS. DRESS EK It JILLSQK.

B1 the authority vested in a. we hove appointed Mr.J. Sr. urATSOy. estr Oslo scent tor Veosshls. who

will keep con. u.Ur raaslied with a need rteek of AaiosslTrips sf all tiitt I fnrniik the tods at manufacturer'sPCIces ISMAJffcCO.

Aovcnbrr tlh, I56S.

BEAR TRAPS.C00NTUAPS, RAT TRAPS.TSEadcrtltmed is now prepared 1. asfaiy

or lee. sal ihe subrk It re- -tall prices, Bear Traps, them Traps, Opossum Traps, er

Traps, otter Trips. Mlak Trips, BAStt Traps, DeerTraps, aad the heat and cheapest

RAT TRAPSthat ever wit or will be lareatea, aad Patent FishHooka, and Patent Djor Sprints, aS f whit hs i aassdtor alilla Soathern sutet.

J. W. TTATSOK,iXo. d Cnloa ttrest, d doors tram Main. M rtasht.

X. SAxent wanted te teH trip, at retail is thett ICrmpUi.

tfoiloii factors. have this day aaaaatutedlX under tnoatrtatd TtKM. LEEdmtsO.. aantUau

nfucert an vtnorai n jtersnsats.TIIOS. I.SICH.J. B. LEECH.

Memphlt, Sessomher 1, 1S5S. ssl- -t

mot. LXXCTt. .J. B. LET .



Commission Merchants,NO. 36 FRONT ROW,

Memphis, Tcun.aelJst

Wlfl. C. ELLIS,

General EngraverNO. 49 M0NE0E STREET,

Oppitite tf. S. Br.ti 4 C'.'s2TIBJIIPIII8, TEW.

IT-W- eats. Seat, SW rtstss. Bsdset. BtneilPUtea. Steel Shttnaa, aasrnkf .ft,.foeas-i- y

wa. c. AhsxTV. . en a, s. itvii.u, caxxjt.DAIIXBTT. ROTVeX & CO.,

ef COTTOfr FACTORS, GgS.Commission Mrrchants,


Mcatrrtis, TnxatMES .1. .Tic C I. U II E,



;PIano Fortes, Melodeons, Sheet ainsic,Music Iloohs,

AND hraSICAL MBKCHAKBtSE aBNESALLT.Scboob turatthed at NswTsrt price. aa4-da-

j. A. tArtrLE.. a. Mitchell. ...j. tt iahplxSAMPLE, 5IITCIIEI.I. & CO.,


CoramiiBliW, Heciving and Forwarding

JIERCHAIVTS,ifaoKi -- ., Three Doer East of Ule Bank.

Memphis, Tcnn.S. f - OATE. A tt. WOOD... .XT. 5t'I318HT.



CO.lOnsSIOIV MEKCHAiVrS,Xos. 2S5 aln and 5 Jlonroe strtf t,


Collier Wkite Lead and Oil Ccipany,ST LOUIS, MO.



O X I 73 ,Lime, Cement and Plaster Paris,

Sroix-it- e 'I'xxi-jooxa.tlxi- o,


RAGCIXC;, ROPE AND TITIIYE,Witt a seasrat steek af

PE.t.YT.lTIOr SUPPLIES.TITTI win assa has ia star a Ltrfe stork af On

W1KB. BA)fIBS, OtflAES. and ea tact every- -Shine usutlly kapt ta our Uao of baseness.

Gates, ,Vood & McKnirjht.aati dawly


COTTON FACTORS, figlSsnSSs-- o m m iis 10 .yTmW.


FORtTARDIXG MERCHANTS,No. C Howard's Row, ap stairs,

atran-ds- a. uwrnis, text.

eJaSTO. C. COOPER,(Law sd SomerTUIe, Ten J


Commission Merchant,No. 5 MONROE ST..


ilt riaiiltaniiala t Ostlnn aad Starr Ptusnea.All svrs lor tsetehtwdlis irsgsftrr attended lb.

t. r. atfxvTT......o. w. TsoTTxa--. 1 j.sailxt.3IcDTT, TROTTER tt IJAILEV,


rr STAIRS. JCOffBT & 0VKTS BUcr,Ye. IS Front Itoie, mlTcmph Is

U. it oar om wwiM m an iwibiwsjW rw BMPgiaC Key 2Md QtmW tsipyitM tnUh&

All Cu:no rttwi4nM Ut wa in rJ, :nntnKd

j. r. xaxwiu.LsseAt'tM.C Memphis. Teen.



ConiR.isloi Merchants,Ks. St FHOKT ROW,

(Over rswsyth. J.itoina fc Br.)MBMPRI8. TEXX.

E5-- We also soliett Qaattnmali s( Wheat, Tseea,and Froduett of th country sanecaaT. JylT-C-

JOUX SEYIEU,e, C0TT0a FACTOR, g,RccclTln', Forwardln and Genrral


MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.OOUE AsMMT for the sale of EAXAWH A SALT. KesO on asad a full ssaudr sf B.rsla. Bs, Iron, Xatts,Busnr, Cstfee. and Orwcecies ceneraUy, which will beaaht at the lowest market petes. y



Sewing Machine Depot,IN CALHOUN nLOCK,

Corner of Moaro and Jlaln Street,

sited us a handsome suite of rooms an the thirdHATE aa stairs, with Main ilreet entrance, where waare rally prepared with all the fadtluea of that feMTess-I- T

ace. to keep pec with aay artist ia sur profrBsion.audahallb afwe- -s found ready to serve our oat frtsndtand th ceaamauity tenertUy, with the Snestoraer of

.tMBROTJTPES,and all other styles of ptctarea worthy of a ptoco In lhcatalocn tr the art.

I anal diali j ta mnaection with ant Picture GaBery,we have arrraawemeats for ami If lad th ladies wteh thetaoot reliable and perfect SBWIAS M ACOIXBS Utt canha thlaiatt im tke Culled States, sseetatens af whsth wtUalwars b sstvad on iiihikllfcou aad for sal at ur place.Btpertal care fcs taken by aa ta buy (fee w have no asentslUBSte hut thoeary best maehraei.nnd such aa re earn sair.1Ihim Man upsa a fair and tsaparttsl trial, and as earbusiness it uaidai lifafssa a ttrietlrcaeh system throush-oato-

sstabhihairnl. we can eat ly work aad sen forlrt petals thsn audit the" eel loty credit system." Ss--Ih Hat colls from all. wa arc,

Meat res ideally. TEA BOUT fx CO ,up statrt. corner Jtatn an xsoree-oi- s.


nits. A. & J. P. WESSOXSurgeon Dentists.

rXSTtOB sa Mam street ever Mints eht njj.S ttua. s, a. aui bm sm, si re".

aB liases. Be. A. hat bee m thetvtfiniiu an-- th last state years, and fourteen yearsla Sb I a r sjb tbe I Boiutas oossttle All srtMstslteemnammi ma fun set aaiert.l an amtespherbc tnssacc.r sss.niai destre, and stmrantee.

BATBS OF CHAEGES.Fan sets ef teeth... .........$raSXOFar miintnpartisdsem(perbsith) t orfa rati mi lima sua osrettet. ...... IJFor rtiootsc teeth - 1.50Ustrortlssx teeth... 1.00

E3- - Teeth extracted without ttvtac paia.nssest-l- y


t LL fhFBRATIOXS performed si thA. tnovtost ninss, an tusraottrn,

.II Moderate Prices.OFFICE:

Post OiHce Duildin?, Memphis.Jyl-- lr

DR. G. W. ACREE,Dentist .

Court Street, opposite A-- T. Wells & Bra.t IX srerattsna perforaedwlth th least

XA. iisiitisaa nam ana la mo most autt--.

rat manner. Dtteatea e th sums am?teeth sosxessfuBv treated. ArtlSdil teethluaerted upsa Ihe mss spprored plan, with latranty. andaa haahai, cither aid or neV. It ered to itwpirt thoaaHtwttaniiatsiio. InmytkOLar atanlndnrementtetn at mvasht. sail



IfHOLES IEE GROCERS.Forwarding and Commission Merchants,


Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc,X0. 1S MAIX STREET,



iftigon dialling.this tmmvnmrr m wrwariTaut Hit Arf brftDdm tvf0s rxt taVt wnvtT mt Tjucai

tmttf rvMtoc. ! ta rxUiMiT Wbsmi Step, b t i.9tH t tw mm -- wi ratastA&liI work at fair prrtw. KwM la--a M htmi u tvi gbop 4mlnz hntimtm Ua

TALXNTIXBK fc. &kmnx4a9rfm'9 T?ftsM mannm.

For Rent.aaroat tw ahtry BBIOC DWELUXQ,

AX seres roosts and three semeU' recurs,klltaau, lsttassrevaem.wtsh twes, olstsro,ii on. iBit ..iiIiiii I tnit tBIn lfirP'1 "T

1lli,ilrl nn Ir- -f --T "'nEB "

otso-tt- a pro. i Exctnoit Baliaiatt.

nr. TilaoT.... .MAI. c FatiiVERWOiV & PIKXES,


ComtnlMloti fintf Forward mgMEBCHANTB,Wo. C ?roat Kow,MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.ty Otdort tat Botatoe. Bseo and othav tssspnespeaoaftt aaeate t.a. j. ktesreeafEBT - s- r taotnaeaiaav



nimrBBtr trout roif and mam ttslmet,SZeniDliis. Teiin. :

A LL tuWiawiMniiSmoeotmsdtataiXa. uat, w W ooeore hf oa Open poaarsc a ,

JUMdtwoir s( AteSiajo and BOrw-tty- s sa hsad.

c. navtt. . jo. c. mbb.PWmerte f ate arm ef Panstn anuntv. Mtsa.Jooes, Beown kOa


CifflfflLssefeB, Seeettias aai FtrwanHBg


(Over OspslanC Blm nil it 0tv

0 charso tor Millar, srstshtat tndsl Oitlin atIS eeata pr Base.

We sr. pc. boob I. raemiah mit rwaksasesw-- th. bMtWsa. at h.mha tad Beae, and tsriitiiaiWaaitiliaSenilis, at mo loweot atartet prtce. sa ate aoaal ttsae.

pallia oanttttaod ts mwtB b. oobss by is.or.ioe.We wtn sis sur traapt airnail sriiatlsu ta aB bus

iness tnttmli I taour saw. and win asHorofl, .hey m- -aaiiua iiiiitm nt sate sr otttiu mi rrojnetawnoStoaa TTr irirl ttai tm hmiiI illtnllta Is

th retoieiac aad hrwardtac s toeds.statists wt st

M. L. JOISTES,(rw serif ef .1 mil try, aad lata ho-ke- bar Jeste.,

orewa st Jtatsikia.)


IW3 ! KCTTfl TVTjXe. SS Front Bw, oter Forsyth , J.O....O A Be

E3" All orders atteojesd M wim disrouh. so towlm

J. L TBSJWK. JAMBS H-- HOB0X.rniahia. Ton. . Late of ParhirsrUto, Tin.


Dp Stairs, MstVj & Haaft Kw Bttek,17 1- -2 rront Row,

3&fXoxx3.io23JLs3, Tortziessoo.r y w pay aertteuiae attootto m wmmtGem. lies, B.ssia. o, etc., at he. let mac!



COTTON I'A.CrOXL,O0k ssVt. IS Mfit 4-- ifstr, J.atHH

FBONT BOW. M Bat Pfltn. TBMXuMU.rr. kt. Berskoo to tha Ftaaters mt


iiuanlij tor tho li instill a at sbetr

He kerns aiaaamlyan wtn au ati

fTsJ lOSHT here for Strauht Pltmitlan Otsa anWheat Milt..

All Cotssa htm hy rrsor. aad Oattar solo, will

ewi on as shipawea.Becelemxtae


lBXVFUm.At. w. oaocuaa. x. a. xstxc... v. b. nava.

MORTON, ESTES t CO.,il toO M Borhsa a. Oo.)

Cotton FactorsAXB

(.'eirtral ftanif$iii MercrMBt6,so nraoxTBOw. ooa. xoxaos-a- F . trpariiaa

MEMPHIS.X. B A seed stork of Basauuf and Rao tdsravs sa

hand. Ftomarlou test Ma rataiinaS at tho kswtot lantstrate. Fartaeular anontlioi part toof Ootlea or other rrsdare.


Commission Merchant,NO. 19 FRONT HOW,


At A tHEhVOIt.. . ,r t. jsxt . A. HATVHSTT


Cotton & Tobacco FactorsCom miss isn ffilfl


3Iempnis, Tenn.




3To-- O jTaront Kow(.JIEMPIIIS TE.YmYES SEE,

Charges far Storing ami Ssrltlxuc Cettea

75 cents per I)alt;.CALBB. IX








Att sf wahsh hs eSecs at IBtrs, sa4 SOLICITS

ooKaes xvmrrs or axb asHae. rsoeccE--oT




MEMPHIS TENNESSEE.r LABOE aloek or arocoilei, Hit,log. Rep sad

A Twine olway so hand.Parttcatar ttentloa neM M BemiTiac and Setlinc Onf- -

teu aad all tlaata t( Produe. a.

s. rowxxxt-- . . .T 3 retTLXES.. .T. r ABAJtt.


COMMISSIO.Y mllRRCIImt.YTS.E bcildiks jappEaaoK STRkrr

Mempliis Tohhmssc,ALWATS Elans ON MAX AMD Mt SALS.


And Plantatkm Ssamlls (tuwratr.




Lante Fire-I'ro- af Cotton Shed.

ASBXTS FOB TZCelebrated Taylor Cotton Cln,




Ereglairs, Irelai, SeetlaM asd Wales,IX SVMS OF Xt AXE tTWABP. BT THE


Fresh. Frnits all tho Year.


utility, eoeeeolence. usuutaj and safety, isFtK tor preservtnx fruit In a treeh state, manytfiSMte. so kadeaaite tua.

Basiac use thes Bottle w Bad thssn ini tmslthtns aaatl I Woawt Jeotrrentent. and Just th

TROMAl. la Reittsteeof Basal Anhsra.- ti.ulpllee an seisw

praemr. st urth. WsO.. N.,wrTIlEfll,AK5

W. V. IiBWIS.Comer of Main and Monroe Streets,




Cotton factors.OOODL.ETT &. CO.,


General CommUtton Merchants,ht JS FEONT EOtr,llVfl towtm MRMFHtS. TXWIt

ArLEll HILL.. ..maa a noniox, ra.13 ILL & DORIC IS,


CeBratesIou, RtcelTlng 4. Forwardlnv33 Xt O XX --A. TOT P S .

OFFICE NO. 18 FRONT ROW.O Seosnd Floor sd Meehr k. Hoot', nunsttne.

and BOPB atst PuuHatioa ftappueTfur-nishe-d

at lowest market rateO rseiisameutt haswttmun, usHesa sthse.w lueteuBtet. ial-4sw-

BAtra wtuuir nr. t. ficxxtt.IIAKRIS, WORMBLEY & CO.,

Egsp. cotton FAf-rorts-,K




br neeea cweorod by onr spse sutmyaf rasursase. untam

Onr nhtcss tor ttotmt and ilBlst flu II. n It TSceet.

Family aad FlamtltM Bw,tMm.saloliMa m part s thskstm Baesmai ladt n.mtaii attedno aad hand madBapoi Twaoe : Mseta Keeel uadta Ber Bttt iBoeas Laru; Solt( ailsiiii Phw, Satan esGtet TelXsaiisa Whakr, als., etc.

--AUO-I ursat Sot mf ibBii WVtru-- l litniin.. . ,

Urn see. Is ti ass tha tatonetted "Max Sotsm aad-- Ferae. hssyeetri - Ohiaipsint. m


Commission Merchant,Jio. 5 Front Rovr, Ulempois.

TX viewed lh tpprsn hhsckaiimst teaaott. I wtaltm--A Kern mr rrtssata an th pahltt fcnerally af my --

tm lo naunat tha

fottta, Cdsaaiissfea aid Grocery Baslsess,at my old and wen known slissl. X. SS Fesat Ew. whet1 shall keep inaol iar ly on hand a iar sIbcx tf C wee f tea.BsMtn. Bop aa Plaatataoa Saaptle. My ttliraoa Sarttotiac aa seUtnc Oasts will be es. ssm sa th pttseason m coats pee eaio; a aa onion eeaattneeteas put .toe by sae win b aevered by Inssraaoo,

urith the renewed tasuvinit IhataMhusmesseutratledts mm shsa aioelie my pesmt sixl undtslded iMeulton.

nrtenta fsr bast faaec. I so- -mt their patraoax. and a hrlal from

I have hevstefer had ns butfcaeos anD. B. TOWXSEXD.



As. 2 Seetb SMs Onion Street,MEMPHIS, TENN.

F. LAWX.....aXWTOS TOBO...A. O. TIIABVXU.WE retntu sar tancert ihuka te ear RCSQBh

and susttmora wh haslofae so liheeatly patraasse us. an txm zllisiiMsaitsliesssttaShltlis tir patltc fsror mtbs ca--ptcnyssCOTTO.V FACTORS AXB CSlfiffSSfO.T HER.

CHAXTs.TrawMalwayekceaonaadaUmetupotycd Batzmx,

Boo aad PUslotsoa Sssoa.l. whtsh wo w!B farulsh simo lowest Bucket rites.

Our tor Sema ss sterrsc Otttai win ho acenm per bole, and tte Stsctnttad Ship tat to cents per

tB rhtlM amettai 1 lo as by Steaatboata aa weB aamet m More, wtfi te oo.ere by esr Open rUtey or

nates, aanarary iosli tiiimt tre stven.We haiiimi and best canttrueted Brtck and

Pots Fssrf OBOtsat Sue is tt. ottr. caasMo of stsrtaaSSlSaSbaUasd Ootton.

Liberal Cse Advoace Bade oa China m atsrs wheaP. LAXX fc OS

V. E. STEWABT. -- . M. C. XIXO

STErTART & KISC,trstrh'Itrwsa-bru- r set v rrr a T t' - . il s A s as. or ,


No. 51 Front Rovr, Memphis, Teas.Entrsnc i Ceort street

Oaoaas br Bassus. Bepo and other suteites peompt- -ry aawssiia as




Vo. 47 JFront loir, .Hem phis

Alt Cm m tir r m trmiti y Hrrr rrvl VyPwKT (sf Imwww, m1m iHKnMwin aw wa w u luwsxmnmt r&ut.

avfl fl w Cttarvr sipr

sr. b. wioai . . i. j. wieoiWIGGS BROTHERS.



Tol'ff .lrtlctes. Paints, Oils,OKASS AXD SARBBX SaSBS, ETS.. XTO ,

Cor. 3Iain and Unitm Streets,IVTTTTV1 I- - HTB. ItZliSjTJ".



mm stoeeHead Quarters I



nuiltlers!!!!WILL 71 VD AT THIS STGEE

Increased Additions to the StockVflshaVsewmxseMthetrwtnta at price wuc

ossapara IsrorsMy with any la tha utan.

Remember the Stand for







5?H A






HtrXDHBD TBOrS-lX- S DOLLASS f tht actual0!ew mt tbe Vesbern rsctds Esierssil OomssBT (b- e-

hnx tbe nwttoo mt the one andabaM mMMcns now propos- -d to bo Bel lor the purpare of peethasmE aexroes to

loom oil th rood) has been .netted Is Tennessee, andie paw oaVrod lo the ttstkhttdtrt exetuslsely Mr a pe-r-

mirty daya front th MWh day af October. ISdS attetaatrtsHitHt, tn aaa graatt at xsxaa ivwnl.. I. a.. nee ohsea for each thtftholderSllitkillin srtshlnEWsurruail thtt Meekawin auktheir ptrymrumml. B. Eirtten. hanker atMetaphls, wbsrtBrantpt tar tho tame. AM tnformilttn teslredcaa1 attuned at am tBe n Jefferson street. Memphis.After th expiroUsuof Ik. thirty days, if sramttr-sxnt- a

will be soM so tte tastesswvsM t. .urimidr ri, itterra U others. J T0WL?'Jl?h.

srdawlm jimison

Gardens and Nursery.rriHE proprtetor of thes Garden sra I tht snhttc a

1 Tsrtety sf chote

Fruits, rioTfen,n.eisieem, creepers, omwww n

of ail kmdt. Aa extenstv variety af choiceperTpesche. Apstes. Kectsrlaei, Aprtrets, Cherries,

anoes. steawbereist. CGUces. Ourrasla, Ooooe--i..t.s. rsa. Fees as. Smadah Otestnata, Alcaiirda, FIW--

ben. Ksxsh Walauta. Baseherrlss, el., tte. Also,II ii i - sf Matassthu, sf dtrrenot kind and stenttire. Tews, Oeeara, Janlneva, Aroer True. Tree Tsitetaae Box. Hess hxk and Veeptcx eerU tusukl br cetneterte.

Cut FIoTversTarnBshed at all seasona at the tsat. A choice col- -

ieetloa of Soloo and Ftswar Seed itllj Jtti recsived

Prsss aersotn aattaowu te the proprietor, a reeesttaaceor satnwactore I oil lists mutt acesutpany aB orders.AU ocdeeastsnM ttve specif soWrcttena aa to roofshtpaseMaadplsoaatdestinaaau. A tnaJerata ahaistaad lor peekaax, strtSeteat Is arrsr (xpeas of bumf.

ABysetsees. trier beret urclstci fee rj,'jShouldeoad. ar at tha risk of b SahaaeT.

toner mtatakoocent iaAtMasaeat, th eama wanthke sherifalty corieeted toes bmimttim

PZ'et,et.rxxr or.B.- a- Sgg0"- -


--I CnlUU. Sararsaa 1" "lUUtraJ. iwri'KCklSX.


wltfLXSALE GErKarBS.Fenrarrliss as4 Geaeral CeasirsiH

MEHCHA3JTS,Oo. Lett - Vaahmntan Aetna,. T-- e AtrraTT71LL tree i S astl the tale of OrahWaad'VV filial sweewly Will an aaardara asrsjfsati

aaa mmir a.- - wnn supps-sa- . so utailmarket rates s so lettsd.s ItSTOOP MABJf A nsjr.

E. Auotaaen - ..t. HASVAeOAXt.


ARCHITECTSS. vr. tx rni tj AMg STtlAitOEE jnnjL. uBtBtdmsaJlpf OBtaoSnSnusmf

Cincinnati. Ohio..tram a wasinse won racatv yrocvyt

Berxn s--.x a ami Co , M tmhll.TrSl.MM.

THOttrton ax tar.

DEAN tt HALE, - ejrCommihwioii Merchants""

AX- B- "eHealers tn Flour and JiVilsky,,

Anxn or Ttn

aet sv os, aa

AhmUtaaaas aadVkM. --mr UtH Beats.


kf 1EBP1 mm n en...

ITews and Book Printinfv Paper,A BF (MMlsaiM II

PAPXHB OS AZal. SXSDB,I'Kiivians- - ixikS, &c

iTI main Street, Louisville, Hy.dSTkdswIy


NO. 56 CAROND ELET STREET,New rsaUttou SeaeUes sdeaacod. n. M oixeyt


CASHBoot and Shoe House.

The Only Cash Iloir--c of theKind in tUemphls!



rWYiNira & park:AM t, xeruhoots, phmteys

tanaradsy, so sawi'Sun atof


Of aM GrseVs ansi Styft s.

Agents for Mitchell's Patent.Tletalltc Tip

:Soots and Shoes,THE (HtEAtaOT lflVBifTrOK T fmM A8E.

Sna and examin tsar stcck, atth


Na 311 XA1N STREET,o






Real Estate ia tke Ctty of

Lands tn Tennessee, -- Irkansas,m'llsslsslppl, Etc.

OFFICE, NO. 5 CALHOUN BLOCK,itrnrn Street, owner i Monroe,

Jlemnhls, Teue.aeots-r- y

ALL person sstshin to buy laas m th Mississippiif., tnettsd to caB at atraoo aad

so, what I hseu tor sale, sad if IcossaotsuK thorn, saaSte them tree oT ehnrao aa tho a try tuloeulinnnef ths ooun.y tsnotatty. aaalmotal m ntssivcates, ate tjuollty, atsantltf. prires. titles, etc. hrety to detl-rs- ua

sd ssarh will Sod st my aSSt s wffnma,werklae an coenntunicatias aaout.

TbHhcas paeans.Be-- - Bstst an and tuodbasfamaPtrBCBiASaas p , ia the in hohsw. I wM

shswaars(aWprspei"v u.lhts.rloHtt totlttkl n.tath ctty, aad aad f. -

-- nhsdoiramtulSheI srIB always - asson wbolo loasitsa. tt. it.w

anyotavttiaat ou- - snatyti-- t. Mv m a trial.

Arkansas Lands in CrlttendonCounty.

ASFtsaltlsm IdOaare mssHtinrtsu. 789 dead,ened, a Good aostaVuao, and ry other necessary

tjv sswotwasrsj caatsn estate, SO naBee fromMemphis, and a nssd paoat lor a wood-yar- both load,aesr Mesaerue ta the tract. A lead kaixaia can hohod.

am Asses sa th Mtasssssapt riser, MO treated, tadeadened. Stask, wusd and sssodkaatt ce be boughtwith She peace A Base landtus; and food cotton land, sautiles behtw Mensphas.

U Acres, tw teHee loom hVdatsasen's Bepot, aboveths eeertow ef trr5, o scree deadened.

CU Acres sa FUteeu Vile Strst, hith land, IH arnvBes south f th Uttse Book R. Ft.

IMS Acre, 34 nailet from th Mlttltiilnpl rlrrr, SO

miles betosr Menrphts199 Acres aa tho St Fraacta Kfrer, S mHet eeeavr

Msdbaan, sne of the hiahest paints sa th rteev1360 Aare. mm tbe St. Presets Breer, shew th mh

Sow SJtr t feet wet spots.T.09 Acres la th same al Ithl nk u I, assaoeako tyrsr.

,ouo Asres m Pssaeeeet csunty, near tho St. Fraaem

AksaX'M Acre to Peasrie uaaty. tood hsah lend,wsa sttntted in s tettted part af lb naslry.tes Aeses m ht. Proai a reel,, near ah UtOt Bdck

BAtSJuad, M or IS satleo from Madfcw.njXO Aerrs la St-- Praonw aad jfsueee ossadttl the

BAltroad passe thrsuah it.CITT PKOPEBTT.

14 Lots ta tho Oesiatswntii.lin. on irail street.15 Acres Hi a beaaOdut treea an ate new Stat to

road; $1,000 warth sf nuntsiiatialij pood acw nbnk:fenes.

Go Let so Seal trreet, M9 hy tts tees.Ons ether let an Seal street, with leaps ttutata, 99

by lt feet a So toaathsn.S Awes. 1 t miles from Court Sonar, Saecy fcaavttta

tood bsrtsla eSere-- l.

S3 Acres en Ispttr street road, SX mthrs ant kllnfaVo

29 Acres ea Piaeeu Basst Bood.39V Asres sa the Etrr Tut.

IK Acres on Poplar ttretC'mndlaC. Aahssiis't,aX. IkadldtMsstaattsn. IMKijJ

A larte Lot aad On Ili.HiatMi'f.ttTiiiii street,,of th Bapsa

A n il kiroliiaaa Tirt m ' -- 1vrr-s t Shea,hy ttreet. one of the beet to tho let,- - OoB soon, ortoot a tta oppoctumty tots a Xe. 1 nttOsa as sB rsspeett.

A CHANCE FOR LIIJIBERJIEN.A Srst-rt- new steam Sow aOltsl.intPLonaandahatt

mile fetus th Mb.nilppt rleer. m Mlsslsttppi eesaty.Ark.; a railroad to the rleer, aad see from the maBSMcstha tinkered lead; 18 aeret so hlth bottom tsnd, wselt.jB i , . sad abu I a aeeeSow an abundant cuppty afespces aadsoktaasker: four soke earths, wapans, stc.A bartam at sehred, and feed time will b flee to thedeferred payments.

Alee, in Ml.. ill Itll cauuly. Ark., atton, ten mile from Ibe riser, tBt lo tee feet aboveirrerasw last yesr i aSrst-ra- t rwt ttsej Pvaate House,sod Itltstvimenf seaeealry, ttahloa. tht, nans, etc

ft Tiemed s bole of rotten pee are tht. year. Mas loacre In cuetleatton, 100 seres Dwes apoa wehrh th Um-ber M dead, dawn aad xoostty rotten. Thiols see of thebest tram and rtsek farme in th Xasstastept TaBey:!,2e0 urea ia the tract.

A Srst-r- rptso PltalaMtn, ta FiyeHe essmty.T. na., Caet, luFpreeed. with houses of eeesr aecetsarrorder, sethards. etc.; STB seres, see la cuRtvslotn, m n.Sua aelatboibil. aot far team Mason.

Also, 34 asses, to ClMliadtu aaunty. Ark.; 49 acrerlesred, lies oa th Bay road, la hiah land, etsht mienfremMoundCttyi s Sas bwstsen for a iis.B plittir. Xbarxain are.

Abo, l.tSO acres. Pa Ohtwl is sol j, Act. See mitesfrom th rteer. a peed taad te She rleer i 408 tea sa areM deadeniait, TOO seres ahuis seirtsw ia hteft. and I .seathis year, with tho lereea betas HI onioki 1. wetah weKprotect itesAtrety kliri Bit.

And many other pit eel, of aase to sutt th vtowt asdpurse at any inirsim.

For Sale by Thos. Peters.A nnSr-&AT- E BBSlSwlifCK atoetr in weU I

X. sd. at a depot II sauss frsea ta c

tno trsa. wtth ...II S.1..SIT tssswocbsrsw. Tiaeysr. llmlntlsndwuB wotoeea,convenient m I thi iN and ittl i. tad ta assod tilthth i lumMy of Memphis can and a food sltuetiua m raja

AMO A he teoldooe to the souther psrtts oCIBe

city, tlx tttalaodwimaSnhsti o. biaf. snee ormot tatty pesos tar a fiatleman aut hbe cthj. aoodtime wMIbe ttven la s seed paecbsier.

Isaac eviax a. a. jAMit...."Ur) k. jambs.IVETXLLi Sc JAjmS,


t& lavesNo. 1T4 MAIN STREET,"rjoxxaT xiijaa . Tozuaossoo.



TTTX have, aad will rowit. alb kp oa tr'fSs1 r nk, a sasd 1st r atsvii. suehands and hsusa seeeanta, that w srtB set! o

--iia M terns. Putt aiat mm- .- ... sett Twi.f. et. t3DSBmiB.iaw.

rT" The hltheet rut jrvre paht stall tieeea lr sealiexsaes.

BACK AGATVnorsE Biisixc asd mnmr.

DO leevertfutly tatsim thaf""' Mem- -

Franeossa. CsJ.. wltel retireeifrems ,eessstwili new rsssan w here I am furry pcepeeej

"JJJP,, Lowet orStralshtes any aad eeoey keel

Itmilti th Peat OCere. er at my pseeeottr AsvrVnrner of Mam aad Oeertrsi tre-t- .,

Ji'otice.Messrs. 3IARSHELL& MATTHEWS,

of the tseet and cetetrssed COOK h, B trTBJBSSTa, 131 TinlT. r iusmtid lo open so esbH.bsiii Jtfor earrykt oath ahwee I nail m ha an lee breeches.uerreoeriekaa of Oeeltstseeru CeaM Tests an psetor dyed, eleaesed, asst tvvaaced h hsear arte inal peefev-tio- n.

Tbey tejttlatp do nstt.i i out tew seease.paJnt, sx ant . tssothee wtmsa other Mes-w- ee sadlis sjat. WebsehtJ h tun loot pes rsstse ht

reswear. OdtassS exeaa theirewelreeteest , U HbuptsHm allMOms. no

c TlsetafScs u taaMS sweet.