30-day feeling fit plan - arbonnemarketing.com · 30-day feeling fit plan to take the guesswork out...


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Just What EvEry Body Needs

30-Day Feeling Fit Plan

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letter from Dr. peter

My name is dr. Peter Matravers, and I’m the senior Vice President of Product development here at arbonne. Many people today are not sure if they are getting the nutrition they need because of busy, on-the-go lifestyles and fast and processed foods. We created the 30-day Feeling Fit Plan to take the guesswork out of getting fit and help give you the right combination of vitamins and minerals to set you on the road to success.

arbonne essentials™ can help you accomplish your goals and get you on the path to healthier living, which is why I’m so excited that you took the first step with our 30-day Feeling Fit Plan. Now, everybody has their own view of what being fit means — having more energy, getting more active, or incorporating healthier eating habits — so whatever your reason, this is a great starting point to work toward your goals.

use this plan to help you during your journey to a healthier, more fit, YOu!

In good health,

peter Matravers, pharm. D.sr. VP, Product development

the information provided in this Arbonne essentials 30-Day Feeling Fit plan is presented for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon in lieu of advice from your physician or other qualified health provider. results from the use of Arbonne products vary depending upon individual effort, body composition, eating patterns and exercise. if you have a medical condition or are pregnant or nursing, Arbonne recommends that you consult your healthcare professional before starting an Arbonne product regimen.


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30 Days to Feeling Fit

the 30-day Feeling Fit Plan includes everything you need to get started on the

path to feeling fit. In this guide, you will find the framework to get started, stay on

track and help answer any questions you have along the way.

toPics Page

3 steps to Get started ........................................................ 4

Your Profile ......................................................................... 5

daily Plan ........................................................................... 6

healthy Food and snack Options ....................................... 7

Product details ................................................................... 8

shake Recipes ..................................................................11

FaQ ...................................................................................12

30-day Feeling Fit Calendar...............................................14

your 30-day FEEling Fit Plan also includEs:

• 2 arbonne essentials Vitamin/Mineral shake Mixes — Vanilla or Chocolate

• 2 arbonne essentials energy Fizz tabs — Citrus or Pomegranate

• 2 arbonne essentials Fit Chews — Chocolate or Caramel

• 2 arbonne essentials herbal teas

• 1 arbonne essentials daily Fibre Boost


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3 stePs to get StArteD

❏ 1. Clean outClean out your refrigerator, pantry, kitchen and office of all unhealthy foods (i.e. potato chips, high sodium soups, processed foods, candies/sweets, soft drinks, high fat/sodium frozen meals, etc.).

Fast food and processed foods are lacking important vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and worst of all — are full of unhealthy amounts of sodium, fats and other unessential ingredients. healthy, nutrient-rich foods are essential to maintaining optimal body function.

❏ 2. Stock upstock up on healthy foods and snacks from your local grocery store, market and/or health food store.

a healthy selection of foods at home will encourage healthier eating and better health; you will feel a difference. (Refer to page 7 for healthy food options.)

❏ 3. Write downWriting down what your goals are (on page 5) and keeping track of how you feel will help you to stay on track.

8 HelpFul t iPs1. stay hydrated! Water is vital to healthy living. drinking

plenty of water is essential for processing nutrients and maintaining a proper fluid balance. Ideally, you should have six glasses of water per day.

2. slow down! When feeling very hungry, most people have a tendency to eat too much, too quickly. Be sure to understand portions of veggies, proteins (size of your fist) and grains. take your time when eating so you can properly digest your food.

3. avoid bad sugars! stay away from refined sugars that are found in soft drinks, sweetened teas, coffee creamers and other sweet foods and drinks. Refined sugars, when over-consumed, can be converted to fat and stored in the body.

4. give in to little cravings! If you’re feeling hungry in-between meals, reach for a healthy snack. (Refer to page 7 for healthy food options.)

5. stay on track! the best way to be successful and reach your overall goal is to keep track of what you’re eating and doing each day.

6. Exercise! Look for simple ways to be physically active every day. You could: take a walk, take the stairs, or play actively with your kids.

7. get some rest! Being healthy is not only about what you are eating, but how you are treating your body. It’s always good to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night.

8. stay strong! No matter what your goal is, don’t get caught up on your day-to-day progress, but look at your weekly progression. the first two weeks are going to be the hardest, but stick with it and stay strong. Keep track of what you are doing and how you feel.


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starting info (comPlEtE this on day 1)

What does fit mean to you?

how do you feel today?

how do you want to feel in 30 days?

What is/are your goal(s)?

enDing info (comPlEtE this on day 30)

do you feel more fit?

how do you feel overall?

did you accomplish your goal(s)?

Your Profile

Writing down your goals will help you stay on track!


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Daily plAnInclude the arbonne Fit essentials as part of a healthy diet.


1 energy Fizz tab — optional


1 Vitamin/Mineral shake (refer to page 11 for sample recipes)

1 daily Fibre Boost (add to one vitamin/mineral shake per day)

morning BrEak

1 Fit Chew

1 herbal tea


1 healthy snack (if needed, refer to page 7 for examples)


1 Vitamin/Mineral shake (refer to page 11 for sample recipes)

aFtErnoon BrEak

1 Fit Chew

1 energy Fizz tab


1 healthy snack (if needed, refer to page 7 for examples)


1 healthy Meal

aFtEr dinnEr

1 herbal tea — optional


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HealtHy FooD anD snacK optionSeating well doesn’t mean giving up the foods you love — it means choosing food wisely. try some of the following suggestions when making food choices:

• select a variety of foods from all food groups such as fruit, vegetables, dairy and grains.

• emphasize cereals, breads, other grain products, vegetables and fruit.

• Choose lower-fat dairy products, leaner meats and foods prepared with little or no fat.

health Canada > healthy Living

gooD Protein sources• skinless chicken breast (grilled, not fried)

• turkey breast or ground turkey

• Cold water fish — salmon (wild alaskan caught), cod (alaska long line), halibut (u.s. or Canadian Pacific, wild caught), tuna (albacore, u.s. or Canadian Pacific troll)

• eggs — boiled or cooked (without butter/margarine or salt)

• Lean meat — sirloin steak, pork tenderloin (ask your butcher for the better, leaner cut of meat)

• spirulina*

• Legumes: garbanzo beans, kidney beans*

DiD you KnoW?arbonne essentials Vitamin/Mineral shakes contain 20g of protein.

HealtHy snacK oPtions• Celery sticks with peanut/almond butter and raisins

• Baby carrots with low fat dressing

• almonds

• trail mix (without chocolate or candy)

• Yogurt with fruit, berries or light granola

• unsalted whole grain crackers

• hummus with raw vegetables

• Low sugar sorbet

• steel cut oatmeal

• Raw fruits (apple, pear, blueberries, mango, pineapple, etc.)

• Boiled egg (cage and hormone free) with no salt

• Vegetables (carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, spinach, beets, etc.)

• edamame (unsalted)

• Low sodium vegetable chips

• arbonne essentials Fit Chews

HealtHy Beverages• Green, black or white tea

• Water (six 8-oz. glasses per day)

• almond milk

• Fresh squeezed or low sugar fruit juices

• Low sodium vegetable juices

• sparkling water

selecting BreaDs, grains anD rice• Whole grain, whole wheat breads

(increases fibre and vitamin intake)

• Wheat or corn tortillas

• Whole wheat pasta

• Quinoa or couscous

• Brown rice or wild rice

• Whole grain cereals

avoid white bread (refined flour)

WHen cooKing• use healthy cooking sprays

• use olive, canola or grapeseed oil

• use fresh herbs to add flavour instead of salt

avoid margarine avoid rich, creamy sauces or salad dressings

DiD you KnoW?Fibre is essential to humans’ diet. Proper intake of fibre supports gastrointestinal (GI) health, cardiovascular health and other important functions. Whole grain breads, vegetables and brown rice are a much better source of fibre than white breads, rice and pasta. add the arbonne essentials Fibre Boost to food to increase your fibre intake.


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ProDuct DetAilS — on tHe roaD to feeling fit

vitamin/mineral sHaKes• delivers 20 essential

vitamins and minerals and contains 20 grams vegan protein per serving

• Made with a Vegan Protein Blend including pea protein, which is one of the most absorbable forms of protein available today

key ingredients: ginseng, Coenzyme Q10, alfalfa, ginseng and flax seed

Daily fiBre Boost• Contains 2 grams of fibre and

10 grams maltodextrin

• a flavourless blend that can be added to all hot or cold foods and beverages

• Perfect addition to the Chocolate or Vanilla Vitamin/Mineral shakes

key ingredients: pea fibre, apple fibre, orange fibre, beet fibre, inulin

fit cHeWs• these bite-sized treats

will deliver a great tasting boost throughout the day.

key ingredients: rhodiola, codonopsis, astragalus

energy fizz taBs• a refreshing combination of botanicals,

B-vitamins and chromium to help increase alertness and performance as well as help the body to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

key ingredients: green tea, ginseng, guarana, taurine and rhodiola


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HerBal Detox tea• a delicious, mild,

decaffeinated herbal tea with 6 botanicals

• Great way to start your morning without the caffeine or end your day without staying up all night

key ingredients: milk thistle, couch grass, sarsaparilla, peppermint, dandelion

Protein sHaKer cuP (not includEd in kit)

• Perfect cup to have when mixing your shakes

• Wire whisk ball helps mix up the shake Mix and daily Fibre Boost

• dishwasher safe; BPa free; recyclable

#2083; $10

DiD you KnoW?experts agree that calorie-free tea is a delicious beverage for hydration. hydration is important for concentration, alertness, speed and sports performance. healthy adults should consume between 9 and 13 cups of fluids every day.


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vitamin/mineral SHAKe reCipeS

Peanut Butter sHaKe• 2 scoops Chocolate or Vanilla Vitamin/Mineral shake Mix

• 210 mL water (or almond milk)

• 4–6 ice cubes

• 15 g natural peanut butter (or almond butter)

• 1 scoop non-fat frozen yogurt

Blend until smooth

very Berry sHaKe• 2 scoops Chocolate or Vanilla Vitamin/Mineral shake Mix

• 210 mL water (or almond milk)

• 4–6 ice cubes

• 1 cup mixed frozen berries (or substitute with 1 cup of your favourite berry)

• 1 scoop non-fat frozen yogurt or low-sugar sorbet

Blend until smooth

nutritious snacK Bar• 200 g organic peanut butter

• 400 mL honey or agave nectar

• 250 g Vitamin/Mineral shake Mix powder

• 600 g rolled oats


1. Mix peanut butter and honey in a microwaveable bowl.

2. heat for 60–90 seconds. Mix well.

3. add shake Mix powder and mix well.

4. add rolled oats and mix gently.

5. spread in a 9x13 pan.

6. Refrigerate 1 hour.

7. Cut into 24 squares.

Banana & Berry fruit sHaKe• 2 scoops Chocolate or Vanilla Vitamin/Mineral shake Mix

• 210 mL water (or almond milk)

• 4–6 ice cubes

• 1 cup frozen berries

• ½ peeled banana

• 1 scoop non-fat frozen yogurt or low-sugar sorbet

Blend until smooth

orange creamsicle sHaKe• 2 scoops Vanilla Vitamin/Mineral shake Mix

• 210 mL water (or almond milk)

• 4–6 ice cubes

• 1 scoop low-sugar orange sorbet

Blend until smooth


For a nutritional boost to any shake, add a scoop of arbonne essentials daily Fiber Boost. add the arbonne essentials daily Fibre Boost to any recipe.


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freQuently asKeD QueStionS (faQ)

:Q How many protein shakes should i be drinking each day?

:A You can have up to 2 arbonne essentials Vitamin/Mineral shakes each day. add 1 scoop of the daily Fibre Boost to one of your protein shakes or to any foods in your healthy meal.

:Q What other foods can i eat outside of the Arbonne essentials products?

:A eating well doesn’t mean giving up the foods you love — it means choosing food wisely. try some of the following suggestions when making food choices:

• select a variety of foods from all food groups such as fruit, vegetables, dairy and grains.

• emphasize cereals, breads, other grain products, vegetables and fruit.

• Choose lower-fat dairy products, leaner meats and foods prepared with little or no fat.

health Canada>healthy Living

:Q Do i need to supplement my diet with vitamins and minerals?

:A In order to get the daily vitamins and minerals our bodies require, we recommend taking a multivitamin/multimineral. arbonne makes it easy with the daily Power Packs for Men (#2052) or Women (#2053). these are daily nutritional packs containing 5 supplements with multivitamins, multiminerals, probiotics and enzymes, along with bone health and antioxidant formulas targeted to address both men’s and women’s individual needs.

:Q What else does Arbonne offer outside of the 30-Day Feeling Fit plan?

:A arbonne essentials has products that cover your daily needs, including omega-3, calcium and joint support. ask your arbonne Independent Consultant for more information on arbonne essentials, and find nutrition solutions that are just right for you.

:Q Can i continue the 30-Day Feeling Fit plan beyond 30 days?

:A Yes! the arbonne essentials 30-day Feeling Fit Plan is a great way to get started on the path to feeling fit. Once you’ve completed the first 30 days, you can keep going for another 30 days until you reach your ultimate goals.


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30-Day fit CAlenDArCheck the box at the end of each day if you have achieved your goals from page 5. Be sure to add comments on how you feel after each day or anything else you want to remember as you progress through the 30 days.

day 1 ❏ stayed on track

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Arbonne Special Delivery™ the products you need, when you need them

Get started with shipments of your favourite nutrition products delivered right to your door. a perfect way to keep receiving your 30-day Fit Plan! arbonne special delivery offers everything you need:

• exclusive product offers and savings throughout the year

• easy to set up your order(s) with only a few clicks of the mouse

• Flexibility of 30-, 45-, 60- and 90-day shipping options

• Convenience of maintaining your order(s) 24/7

BEgin your arBonnE sPEcial dElivEry ordErs today and start Earning rEWards:

ask your Independent Consultant how to get started or simply go to arbonne.ca/specialdelivery.