3 ways to do the black magic - wikihow

26/12/2013 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - wikiHow w w w.w i k i how. com/ Do-the-Bl ack -Magic 1/8 How to Do the Black Magic Unde rstand in g Bla ck Magic Pe rformi ng a Rit ual Pl acin g a Hex Is someo ne standin g in your way, preventing you from fulfilling your dreams or getting what you want? When all other tactics fail, you can use black magic to bring about the outcome you desire. Black magic is fueled by powerful forces and spirits, so it's imp ortan t to k now what you're getting into before you start casting spells or performing hex es - o therw ise you might be the one who gets harmed. If you want to learn how  to use black magic to change the course of your future, keep reading. 1  Ad Consider the outcome you want to bring about.  What trouble is plaguing you so much that you want to use black magic to correct it? Black magic is considered a dark art because you use it to get what you want by means of controlling someone else. [1]  I f your aim is to help others or bring about some form of peace and justice, look into white magic instead. If you want to practice magic for personal gain, black magic is what you should u se. Here are co mmon reasons why people use black magic: To keep someone bound in place. If someone is harming you and you wish to stop them, you can use a binding spell to stop the person's acti ons. To cause someone to be attracted to you. Love spells are among the most popular when it comes to black magic. To achieve i mmortality or improve your health. To commun icate with the dead. Part 1 of 3: Understandi ng Black Magic

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8/11/2019 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - WikiHow

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8/11/2019 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - WikiHow

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8/11/2019 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - WikiHow

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8/11/2019 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - WikiHow

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8/11/2019 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - WikiHow

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8/11/2019 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - WikiHow

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8/11/2019 3 Ways to Do the Black Magic - WikiHow

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