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  • Module 2: Electrostatics

    Lecture 9: Electrostatic Potential


    In this lecture you will learn the following

    Electric Dipole and field due to a dipole Torque on a dipole in an inhomogeneous electric field Potential Energy of a dipole Energy of a system of charges - discrete and continuous

    Potential and Field due to an Electric Dipole

    An electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges and separated by a small distance .

    The Electric Dipole Moment is defined as a vector of magnitude with a direction from the negative charge to the positive charge. In many molecules, though the net charge is zero, the nature of chemical bonds is such that the positive and negative charges do not cancel at every point. There is a small separation between the positive charge centres and negative charge centres. Such molecules are said to be polar molecules as they have a non-zero dipole moment. The figure below shows an asymmetric molecule like water which has a dipole moment




  • In the polar coordinates shown in the figure

    where and are unit vectors in the radial and tangential directions, taken respectively, in the direction of increasing and increasing . The electric potential at a point P with a position vector is



  • If the distance is small compared to (i.e., if the point P is far away from the dipole), we may use

    where is the angle between and the dipole moment vector . This gives

    Electric Field of a Dipole A. CARTESIAN COORDINATES It is convenient to define the Cartesian axes in the following way. Let the dipole moment vector be taken along the z-axis and position vector of P in the y-z plane (We have denoted the point where the electric field is calculated by the letter P

    and the electric dipole moment vector as ). We then have with

    . Thus

    Since is independent of , . The y and z components are




  • B. POLAR COORDINATES In polar ( ) coordinates, the radial and tangential components of the field are as follows:

    GENERAL EXPRESSION A representation independent form for the dipole field can be obtained from the above, We have

    Using , we get

    This form does not depend on any particular coordinate system. Note that, at large distances,

    the dipole field decreases with distance as where as monopole field (i.e. field due to a point

    charge) decreases as .

    Dipole in a uniform Electric Field The net force on the dipole is zero. There is a net torque acting on the dipole. If is the length of the dipole, the torque is

    Expressing in vector form,



  • If or , (i.e. when the dipole is aligned parallel or antiparallel to the field) the torque vanishes and the dipole is in equilibrium. The equilibrium is stable if and unstable if

    Example 16: The net electric force on a dipole is zero only if the field is uniform. In a non-uniform field,

    the dipole experiences a net force. Consider a dipole consisting of charges separated by a distance

    in an electric field , where and are constants. Determine the net force on the dipole when the dipole is aligned (a) parallel and (b) anti-parallel to the field.

    Solution: Consider the dipole shown above, where the charges are separated by a distance ,

    so that the dipole moment is . Let the field at the charge be and that at be

    . The force on the charge is and on is . There is a net

    force to the right (z-direction). We can write the force as

    Where the last equality is valid for an ideal dipole for which .

    In our case and

    so that the net force is .



  • Work done in turning a dipole from equilibrium

    If the dipole is twisted by an angle from its stable equilibrium position, work has to be done by the external agency

    This work becomes the potential energy of the dipole in this position.

    Energy of a Dipole

    To calculate energy of a dipole oriented at an angle in the electric field, we have to add to the work done above, the energy of the dipole in the equilibrium position. This is equal to the work done in bringing the dipole from infinity to the equilibrium position. The dipole may be aligned in the direction of the field at infinity without any cost of energy. We may now displace the dipole parallel to the field to bring to the equilibrium position. As the negative charge is

    displaced along the field by an additional distance , the work done is , which is the potential energy of the dipole in equilibrium. The potential energy of the dipole at position is

    The energy is positive if is acute and is negative if is obtuse.

    Potential Energy of a System of Charges Assume all charges to be initially at infinity. We assemble the charges by bringing the charges one by one and fix them in their positions. There is

    no energy cost in bringing the first charge and putting it at P , as there is no force field. Thus




  • We now bring the second charge and take it to point P . Since this charge moves in the potential field of the first charge, the work done in bringing this charge is

    where is the potential at P due to the charge at P . The third charge is to be

    brought to P under the force exerted by bth and and is

    and so on. The work done in assembling charges , located respectively at




  • The extra factor of in the last expression is to ensure that each pair is counted only

    once. The sum excludes the terms . Since the potential at the - th position due to all other charges is

    we get

    Energy of a continuous charge distribution If is the density of charge distribution at

    , we can generalize the above result

    (In case of a line charge or a surface charge distribution, the integration is over the appropriate dimension). Since the integral is over the charge distribution, it may be extended over all space by defining the charge density to be zero outside the distribution, so that the contribution to the integral comes only from the region of space where the charge density is non-zero. Writing

    From the differential form of Gauss's law, we have

    With this

    On using the vector identity



  • we get, using , The first integral can be converted to a surface integral by using divergence theorem and the surface can be taken at infinite distances, where the electric field is zero. As a result the first integral vanishes and we have

    Lecture 10: Poisson Equations Objectives

    In this lecture you will learn the following

    Poisson's equation and its formal solution Equipotential surface Capacitors - calculation of capacitance for parallel plate, spherical and cylindrical capacitors Work done in charging a capacitor

    Poisson Equation Differential form of Gauss's law,

    Using ,

    so that

    This is Poisson equation. In cartesian form,



  • A formal solution to Poisson equation can be written down by using the property Dirac - function discussed earlier. It can be seen that

    Operating with operator on both sides (The subscript indicates that here is to be taken with respect to variable )

    We had shown that

    substituting which the expression follows.

    Equipotential surface

    Equipotential surfaces are defined as surfaces over which the potential is constant

    At each point on the surface, the electric field is perpendicular to the surface since the electric field, being the gradient of potential, does not have component along a surface of constant potential.

    We have seen that any charge on a conductor must reside on its surface. These charges would move along the surface if there were a tangential component of the electric field. The electric field must therefore be along the normal to the surface of a conductor. The conductor surface is, therefore, an equipotential surface.

    Electric field lines are perpendicular to equipotential surfaces (or curves) and point in the direction from higher potential to lower potential.

    In the region where the electric field is strong, the equipotentials are closely packed as the gradient is large.



  • The electric field strength at the point P may be found by finding the slope of the potential at the point P. If is the distance between two equipotential curves close to P,

    where is the difference between the two equipotential curves near P.

    Example 17:

    Determine the equipotential surface for a point charge.


    Let the point charge be located at the origin. The equation to the equipotential surface is given by



  • Thus the surfaces are concentric spheres with the origin (the location of the charge) as the centre and radii given by

    The equipotential surfaces of an electric dipole is shown below.



  • Example 18: Determine the equipotential surface of an infinite line charge carrying a positive charge density


    Solution: Let the line charge be along the z- axis. The potential due to a line charge at a point P is given by

    where is the distance of the point P from the line charge. Since the line charge along the z-

    axis, so that

    The surface is given by


    which represent cylinders with axis along the z-axis with radii



  • As increases, radius becomes smaller. Thus the cylinders are packed closer around the axis, showing that the field is stronger near the axis.


    Consider a spherical conductor of radius carrying a charge . The potential of the sphere is given by

    The potential of the conductor is proportional to the charge it contains. This linear relationship is true in general, independent of the shape of the conductor,

    The constant of proportionality is called the capacitance of the conductor. For the conducting

    sphere the capacitance is .

    Unit of capacitance: The M.K.S. unit of capacitance is Coulomb/Volt which is called a Farad. However, one Farad turns out to be very large capacitance (the capacitance of the Earth is



  • approximately 700 micro-Farad). A more practical unit of capacitance is a micro-Farad ( ) or a pico- Farad (pF):

    Capacitor: A capacitor is essentially a device consisting of an arrangement of conductors for storing charges. As a consequence, it also stores electrostatic energy. The simplest capacitor

    consists of two conductors, one carrying a charge and the other a charge . Let be the

    potential of the first conductor and that of the second. Since the conductor is an equipotential

    surface, the potential difference between the conductors is also constant, and is given by

    where the line integral is carried out along any path joining the two conductors. The electric

    field is proportional to the charge since if the charge on each conductor is multiplied by a constant , the charge density and hence the electric field also gets multiplied by the same

    factor. Thus is proportional to the potential difference

    where is the capacitance of the conductor pair. A capacitor consisting of a single conductor (like the spherical conductor described above) may be considered to be one part of a conductor pair where the second conductor containing the opposite charge is at infinity.

    Parallel Plate Capacitor: A parallel plate capacitor consists of two parallel metal plates, each of

    area separated by a distance . A potential difference is maintained between the two

    plates. If the charge on the positive plate is and that on the negative plate is , the

    electric field in the region between the two plates is .



  • The potential difference between the plates is

    The capacitance is

    Spherical Capacitor: The spherical capacitor consists of two concentric spherical conducting

    shells of radii and .



  • The electric field at a distance from the centre is calculated by using the Gaussian surface shown. The fileld is radial and is given by

    The voltage drop between the shells is obtained by integrating the electric field along a radial path (the electric field being conservative, the path of integration is chosen as per our convenience) from the negative plate to the positrive plate.

    The capacitance is

    Cylindrical Conductor: A cylindrical capacitor consists of two long coaxial conducting

    cylinders of length and radii and . The electric field in the space between the cylinders may be calculated by Gauss Law, using a pillbox in the shape of a short coaxial

    cylinder of length and radius . Neglecting edge effects, the field is in the radial direction and depends only on the distance from the axis.



  • The contribution to the flux from the end caps of the pillbox is zero as the field is along the surface. The field at a distance is given by

    where is the charged enclosed by the pillbox, which is given in terms of the surface charge density on the inner cylinder by

    The field at a distance is given by

    The potential difference between the cylindrical conductors is


    the capacitance is given by



  • Work Done in Charging a Capacitor: Consider a parallel plate capacitor. The process of charging a capacitor consists of removing negative charges (electrons) from the positive plate and depositing them on the negative plate.

    Suppose at a particular instant, the charge on the plates is , so that the potential difference

    between the plates is . To transport an infinitisimal charge from the positive plate to the negative plate, the work done by an external agency is

    Total work done in charging the plates from to is

    In terms of potential difference ,

    This is the amount of energy stored in the capacitor. One can also get the same expression by using the expression for the energy of a charge distribution derived earlier

    For a parallel plate capacitor within the volume of the capacitor and zero outside. Hence



  • Lecture 11: Capacitance Objectives

    In this lecture you will learn the following

    Capacitors in series and in parallel Properties of dielectric Conductor and dielectric in an electric field. Polarization and bound charges Gauss's Law for dielectrics

    Capacitors in Combination: Capacitors can be combined in series or parallel combinations in a circuit. Parallel Combination When they are in parallel, the potential difference across each capacitor is the same.



  • The charge on each capacitor is obtained by multiplying with the capacitance, i.e.

    . Since total charge in the capacitors is sum of all the charges, the effective capacitance of the combination is

    Series Combination:

    When capacitors are joined end to end in series, the first capacitor gets charged and induces an equal charge on the second capacitor which is connected to it. This in turn induces an equal charge on the third capacitor, and so on.

    The net potential difference between the positive plate of the first capacitor and the negative plate of the last capacitor in series is

    The individual voltage drops are

    so that



  • The effective capacitance is, therefore, given by

    Example 19:

    Calculate the voltage across the 5 F capacitor in the following circuit.


    The equivalent circuit is shown above. The two 10 capacitors in series is equivalent to a 5

    capacitor.5 in parallel with this equivalent capacitor gives 10 as the next

    equivalent. The circuit therefore consists of a 10 in series with the 20 capacitor. Since

    charge remains constant in a series combination, the potential drop across the 10 capacitor

    is twice as much as that across 20 capacitor. The voltage drop across the 10 (and

    hence across the given 5 ) is V.



  • Conductors and Dielectric A conductor is characterized by existence of free electrons. These are electrons in the outermost shells of atoms (the valence electrons) which get detatched from the parent atoms during the formation of metallic bonds and move freely in the entire medium in such way that the conductor becomes an equipotential volume. In contrast, in dielectrics (insulators), the outer electrons remain bound to the atoms or molecules to which they belong. Both conductors and dielectric, on the whole, are charge neutral. However, in case of dielectrics, the charge neutrality is satisfied over much smaller regions (e.g. at molecular level).

    Polar and non-polar molecules:

    A dielectric consists of molecules which remain locally charge neutral. The molecules may be polar or non-polar. In non-polar molecules, the charge centers of positive and negative charges coincide so that the net dipole moment of each molecule is zero. Carbon dioxide molecule is an example of a non-polar molecule.



  • In a polar molecules, the arrangement of atoms is such that the molecule has a permanent dipole moment because of charge separation. Water molecule is an example of a polar molecule.

    When a non-polar molecule is put in an electric field, the electric forces cause a small separation of the charges. The molecule thereby acquires an induced dipole moment. A polar molecule, which has a dipole moment in the absence of the electric field, gets its dipole moment aligned in the direction of the field. In addition, the magnitude of the dipole moment may also increase because of increased separation of the charges.



  • Conductor in an Electric Field

    Consider what happens when a conductor is placed in an electric field, say, between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor.



  • As the conductor contains free charges (electrons), these move towards the positive plate, making the surface of the conductor closer to the positive plate of the capacitor negatively charged. These are called induced charges. Consequently, the surface of the conductor at the end closer to the negative plate is positively charged. The motion of charges continue till the internal electric field created by induced charges cancel the external field, thereby making the field inside the conductor zero. Dielectric in an Electric Field

    A dielectric consists of molecules which may (polar) or may not (non-polar) have permanent dipole moment. Even in the former case, the dipoles in a dielectric are randomly oriented because dipole energies are at best comparable to thermal energy.



  • When a dielectric is placed in an electric field the dipoles get partially aligned in the direction of the field. The charge separation is opposed by a restoring force due to attaraction between the charges until the forces are balanced. Since the dipoles are partially aligned, there is a net dipole moment of the dielectric which opposes the electric field. However, unlike in the case of the conductors, the net field is not zero. The opposing dipolar field reduces the electric field inside the dielectric.

    Dielectric Polarization

    Electric polarization is defined as the dipole moment per unit volume in a dielectric medium. Since the distribution of dipole moment in the medium is not uniform, the polarization is a

    function of position. If is the sum of the dipole moment vectors in a volume element located at the position ,

    It can be checked that the dimension of is same as that of electric field divided by permittivity

    . Thus the source of polarization field is also electric charge, except that the charges involved in producing polarization are bound charges.



  • Potential due to a dielectric Consider the dielectric to be built up of volume elements . The dipole moment of the volume element is the potential at a point S, whose position vector with respect to the volume element is is

    The potential due to the whole volume is

    where, we have used

    Use the vector identity

    Substituting and ,

    we get



  • The first integral can be converted to a surface integral using the divergence theorem giving,

    The first term is the potential that one would expect for a surface charge density where

    where is the unit vector along outward normal to the surface. The second term is the

    potential due to a volume charge density given by

    The potential due to the dielectric is, therefore, given by

    and the electric field

    Gauss's Law in a Dielectric: We have seen that the effect of polarization of a dielectric is to produce bound charges of volume density and surface density , given by

    The total electric field of a system which includes dielectrics is due to these polarization charge densities and other charges which may be present in the system. The latter are denoted as free charges to distinguish them from charges attributable to polarization effect. For instance, the valence charges in a metal or charges of ions embedded in a dielectric are considered as free charges. The total charge density of a medium is a sum of free and bound charges

    We can now formulate Gauss's law in the presence of a dielectric. Gauss's Law takes the form

    Substituting , we get

    The electric displacement vector is defined by



  • which has the same dimension as that of The equation satisfied by is thus,

    which is the differential form of Gauss's law for a dielectric medium. Integrating over the dielectric volume,

    where is the free charge enclosed in the volume. The volume integral can be converted to a surface integral using the divergence theorem, which gives

    Thus the flux over the vector over a closed surface is equal to the free charged enclosed by the surface. The above formulatons of Gauss's law for dielectric medium is useful because they refer to only free charges for which we may have prior knowledge.

    Constitutive Relation Electric displacement vector helps us to calculate fields in the presence of a dielectric. This is possible only if a relationship between and is known. For a weak to moderate field strength, the electric polarization is found to be directly proportional to the external electric

    field . We define Electric Susceptibility through

    so that

    where is called the relative permittivity or the dielectric constant and is the permittivity of the medium. Using differential form of Gauss's law for , we get

    Thus the electric field produced in the medium has the same form as that in free space, except that the field strength is reduced by a factor equal to the dielectric constant .



  • Lecture 12: Conductors and Dielectric Objectives

    In this lecture you will learn the following

    Properties of capacitors filled with dielectric Force on a dielectric Calculation of effective capacitance for capacitor filled with different dielectrics

    Capacitance filled with Dielectric If a material of dielectric constant is inserted between the plates of a capacitor, the field is reduced by a factor . The potential between the plates also reduces by the same factor .

    Thus the capacitance

    increases by a factor .

    Example 20:

    A parallel plate capacitor with plate separation 3.54mm and area 2m is initially charged to a potential difference of 1000 volts. The charging batteries are then disconnected. A dielectric sheet with the same thickness as that of the separation between the plates and having a dielectric constant of 2 is then inserted between the capacitor plates. Determine (a) the capacitance, (b) potential difference across the capacitor plates, (c) surface charge density (d) the electric field and (e) displacement vector, before and after the insertion of the dielectric.


    (a) The capacitance before insertion of the dielectric is



  • After the insertion the capacitance doubles and becomes F.

    (b) Potential difference between the plates before insertion is given to be 1000 V. On introducing the dielectric it becomes half, i.e. 500 V.

    (c) The charge on each capacitor plate was coulomb, giving a surface

    charge density of C/m . The free charge density remains the same on introduction of the dielectric.

    (d) The electric field strength is given by

    The electric field strength is reduced to volt/meter on insertion.

    (e) The displacement vector remains the same in both cases as the free charge density is not

    altered. It is given by C/m .

    Example 21 : The parallel plates of a capacitor of plate dimensions and separation

    are charged to a potential difference and battery is disconnected. A dielectric slab of relative permittivity is inserted between the plates of the parallel plate capacitor such that the left hand edge of the slab is at a distance from the left most edge of the capacitor. Calculate (a) the capacitance and (b) the force on the dielectric.



  • Solution: Since the battery is disconnected, the potential difference between the plates will change while the charge remains the same. Since the capacitance of the part of the capacitor occupied by the dielectric is increased by a factor , the effective capacitance is due to two capacitances in parallel,

    The energy stored in the capacitor is

    Let be the force we need to apply in the x-direction to keep the dielectric in place. For an infinitisimal increment of , we have to do an amount of work of work, which will increase the energy stored in the field by , so that

    the differentiation is to be done, keeping the charge constant. Thus



  • Since , is positive. This means the electric field pulls the dielectric inward so that an external agency has to apply an outward force to keep the dielectric in position. Since the initial

    potential difference is given by , one can express the force in terms of this potential

    This is the force that the external agency has to apply to keep the left edge of the dielectric at . The force with which the capacitor pulls the dielectric in has the same magnitude.

    Example 22: In the above example, what would be the force if the battery remained connected ?

    Solution : If the battery remained connected does not remain the same, the potential does. The battery must do work to keep the potential constant. It may be realised that the force exerted on the dielectric in a particular position depends on the charge distribution (of both free and bound charges) existing in that position and the force is independent of whether the battery stays connected or is disconnected. However, in order to calculate the force with battery remaining connected, one must, explicitly take into account the work done by the battery in computing the total energy of the system. The total energy now has two parts, one the work

    done by the external agency and the other the work done by the battery, viz., where

    is the extra charge supplied by the battery to keep the potential constant. Thus

    which gives

    Since is constant, we have

    Using these



  • (Note that if the work done by the battery were neglected, the direction of will be wrong, though, because we have used linear dielectrics, the magnitude, accidentally, turns out to be correct !) In the previous example, we have seen that


    which is negative. Thus is positive, as before,

    Exercise A parallel plate capacitor of plate area and separation , contains a dielectric of

    thickness and of dielectric constant 2, resting on the negatve plate.

    A potential difference of is maintained between the plates. Calculate the electric field in the region between the plates and the density of bound charges on the surface of the dielectric.



  • [Ans. field in empty region , within dielectric , bound charge density


    The permittivity of a medium filling the space between the plates of a spherical capacitor with

    raddi and ( ) is given by

    Find the capacitance of the capacitor, distribution of surface bound charges and the total bound

    charges in the dielectric. [Ans. , bound charges on

    dielectric surface with radii and are respectively and




    Module 2: ElectrostaticsLecture 9: Electrostatic PotentialLecture 10: Poisson EquationsLecture 11: CapacitanceLecture 12: Conductors and Dielectric