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  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09





    Information Technology

    (Revised 2009)




  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC)Information ec!nolo"# (I)

    A three-day meeting of National Curriculum RevisionCommittee was held from April 21-23, 200 at !igher"ducation Commission #!"C$, %slama&ad' (he purpose of thismeeting was to )nali*e the draft curricula for undergraduateas well as graduate students of %nformation (echnology' (helengthy discussions held throughout the period )nally led usto design the curricula for +, ./hil and /h degreeprograms' (he following eperts participated in the meeting

    1' /rofessor r arhana hahConvener

    irector, %nstitute of %nformation (echnology4uaid-i-A*am 5niversity%slama&ad

    2' /rofessor r %mdad Ali %smailiSecretar#

    irector, %nstitute of %nformation (echnology5niversity of indh


    3' r Naveed %7ram Mem$erAssociate /rofessorepartment of Computer cience%nternational %slamic 5niversity%slama&ad

    8' /rofessor r uhammad herMem$er

    epartment of Computer cience %nternational %slamic 5niversity,

    !-10 Campus, aculty +loc7-2,%slama&ad

    9' r uhammad :ousaf,Mem$er

    Associate /rofessor epartment of Computer cience ; "ngineering

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    +ahria 5niversity%slama&ad

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    Chairperson, eptt of Computer cience ; %nformation (echnology, orman Christian College ahore

    13' r harifullah hanMem$er

    Associate /rofessor, chool of "lectrical "ngineering ; Computer ciences#""C$

    National 5niversity of ciences and (echnologyRawalpindi

    18' /rofessor r A>il +urney

    Mem$er Chairman,

    eptt' of Computer cience, %nfo' (echnology5niversity of arachiarachi'

    19' r hafay hamailMem$er


    eptt' of Computer cience5ahore


  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09




    (he meeting started with recitation of the holy 4uran &y r harifullah'

    em&er !"C, r' Ria* ul !a>, presided over the meeting' !e welcomedthe participants and highlighted the need for reviewing the eistingcurriculum'

    (he mem&ers of the committee unanimously nominated and elected rarhana hah as Convener and r Naveed %7ram as ecretary of thecommittee'

    (he Convener declared the Eoor open for discussion after &riefintroductory remar7s and echanging rules of the game' (heparticipants li7ed to &egin the revision of the eisting curriculum in lightofF

    a$ Changes already recommended &y Computer cience Committeeespecially &ringing in of the common section of Computing /artfor undergraduates

    &$ Revised modi)cations recommended &y the internationalcommunity #e'g' AC.%"""$ on previous curricula suggested in %(

    c$ (he feed&ac7 and innovative ideas of mem&ers of the committee&ased on their eperiences and diverse &ac7grounds

    * Revision of %oals for t!e +ro"ram of S in Informationec!nolo"#

    (he participants of the committee preferred to discuss the product ofthe program &y having a vision and setting the goals )rst' A su&committee was assigned the tas7 of researching the eGective goals forthe net four years at least' (he wor7 was presented &efore thecommittee for deli&eration' ollowing are the recommendations &y thecommittee as a result of com&ined consensus

    (he aim of the undergraduate program of %( is to provide students withs7ills and 7nowledge that ena&le them to ta7e on appropriate

    professional positions in %( and grow into leading roles' (he goals are toproduce %( graduates

    1a$ in coordination with organi*ational management, identifyneeds and possi&ilities of the organi*ation which may &e met &yappropriate use of %( resources, including hardware, software andcommunication technologiesF

    1&$ plan, select, integrate, deploy, manage and support there>uired %( resourcesF

    1c$ communicate with a range of audiences and participate

    eGectively as part teamsF

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09


  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    3'1a undamentals of %nformation (echnology3'1& Le& ystems and (echnologies3'1c ultimedia ystems and esign3'1d ystems and Networ7 Administration3'1e Networ7 ecurity3'1f ystem %ntegration and Architecture

    3'2 (he course of H/rinciples of anagementI should &e replaced &yH(echnology

    anagementI in the Re>uired upporting area de)ned for thecurriculum'

    3'3 (he "lective courses with respect to %nformation (echnology andJeneral areas

    were suggested along with ields of Concentration as follows3'3a Communication ystems esign

    3'3& %nformation ecurity3'3c o&ile and /ervasive Computing3'3d Le& ervices3'3e Le& ite design and 5sa&ility3'3fnowledge-+ased ystems3'3g ata Larehousing3'3h ata ining

    Fields: Web Technologies and e-!s"e#s$ %e"&o'( !s"e#s$ )no&ledge Manage#en"

    !owever the list is suggestive not ehaustive, universities may oGerother courses'Structure of S in Information ec!nolo"#5 Cate"or# Cre/it

    Hours Com+utin" Courses 67

    Core Courses 3=

    upporting Areas 12

    Jeneral "ducation 1@

    - Information ec!nolo"# Courses 81

    %( Core Courses 1@%( "lectives Courses 21

    %( upporting Courses

    4 Universit# Electives 1

    otal Cre/it Hours 44

    Com!"ting # Core Co"r$e$ %&' Cre(it$ Ho"r$)

    Re9uire/ Com+utin"Courses

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    M Co/e :rere9

    Course itle Cre/it!ours



    1 C - /rogramming undamentals 8 #3-1$ 1

    2 C 1 ?&Dect ?riented /aradigm 3 #2-1$ 23 C - iscrete tructures 3 #3-0$ 2

    8 C 2 ata tructure andAlgorithms

    3 #2-1$ 3

    9 C 3 igital ogic esign 3 #2-1$ 3

    < C 8 ?perating ystems 3 #2-1$ 8

    = C 8 %ntroduction to ata&aseystems

    3 #2-1$ 8

    @ C 8 %ntroduction to oftwareevelopment

    3 #3-0$ 9

    C < Computer Communicationsand Networ7s

    3 #2-1$ uipment and systems ac>uisitionprocessesF %mplementation processesF Common challenges in changemanagementF mall case study'Reference MaterialARo&ins tephan, HanagementIJriGwn, H/rinciples of anagementIRo&ert Lilliams and ar7s Lalla' H(he 5ltimate Lindow 2000 ystemAdministrationQs Juide'

    Course Name ?rgani*ational +ehavior

    Course StructureA ectures 3.a&s 0 Cre/it HoursA 3

    :rere9uisitesA NoneO$?ectivesA #a$(o introduce organi*ational &ehavior and its impact onwor7 within organi*ationF #&$ %mpact of %( on individual &ehavior'

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    Course OutlineA %ntroduction to +ehavior al cience, anorgani*ational &ehavior, individual &ehavior, personality, perceptionsand attitudes, learning and reinforcement, motivation, team &ehaviorand organi*ation, team dynamics and paradigms, leadership,organi*ational structure, organi*ational design, Do& design, stress andwor7, wor7 processes and control issues, and its implications,communication eGectiveness, performance and rewards, negativeforces and conEict management, change issues, impact of %( on&ehavior, power and politics in organi*ations'

    Reference MaterialA1$ ?rgani*ational +ehaviour an %ntroductory (et, !uc*ins7y and+uchanan2$ ?rgani*ational +ehaviour &y red uthans

    Course Name %nformation ystemsCourse StructureA ectures 3.a&s 0 Cre/it HoursA 3

    :rere9uisitesA NoneO$?ectivesA Mao' e#hasis "han is ,s,al o' Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s anal!sis$ design$and s,ccess and #anage#en" asec"s &ill be laced in o'de' "o disc,ss "he #anage#en" o

    "he "echnical 'ocesses inoled c",al Case ",dies &ill be cen"'al "o "he delie'! o "he

    ,ni" Recen"$ &ell-acce"ed$ deelo#en"s in all asec"s o Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s

    deelo#en" &ill also be coe'ed and disc,ssed This co,'se &ill acili"a"e s",den"s "o

    ,nde's"and "he adanced conce"s o ino'#a"ion s!s"e#s

    Course OutlineAIn"'od,c"ion and Classiica"ion o Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s$ Liec!cle o I 8'oec"s$ Mao'

    Ta9ono#ies o Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s$ I "'a"egies$ T!es o I "'a"egies$ ,siness

    "'a"egies and T!es$ lign#en" o bo"h "'a"egies$ Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s s,ccess and

    Fail,'e$ C'i"ical ,ccess Fac"o's$ Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s 8'oec" ;al,a"ion$ I Feasibili"!

    ",d! and T!es$ Managing Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s 8'oec"s$ "',c",'e o I 8'oec"s$

    Managing Conlic"s in Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s 'oec"s$ Role o CI

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    Elective Courses:re+are/ $# Dr S!arifulla! F!an

    Course Name ata&ase anagement

    Course StructureA ectures 2.a&s 3 Cre/it HoursA 3

    :rere9uisitesA %ntroduction to ata&ase ystems

    O$?ectivesA #a$ to manage large data&ase systems, #&$ monitor theprocessing data&ase system'

    Course OutlineA'/vance/ Structure/ Guer# Lan"ua"e(SGL) Comple %ntegrity Constraints#Assertions$, Oiews in 4, esigning andmanaging (riggers, tored /rocedures'

    Data$ase Securit# an/ 'ut!oriationiscretionary Access ControlF andatory AccessControlF Role-&ased Access ControlF "ncryptionand /u&lic ey %nfrastructures'Data$ase unin" ile tructures andorgani*ationsF !ashing and %ndeingF ata&aseLor7loadsF /hysical esign and (uning

    ecisionsF %nde electionF (uning chema e-normali*ation and ecompositionsF (uning4ueries and Oiews'Recover# ec!ni9ues ata&ase &ac7up andrecovery from catastrophic failures'Data$ase S#stem 'rc!itectures Centrali*edand Client-erver ArchitecturesF /arallel and

    istri&uted ata&ase ystemsF ragmentationand ReplicationF istri&uted Catalogueanagement'

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    Reference MaterialA latest editions of1$ R' "lmasri and ' Navathe' undamentals of ata&ase ystems, 3rd"dition 2000, +enDamin.Cummings'2$ A&raham il&erschat*, !enry ' orth ' udarshan' Hata&aseystem ConceptsI, 3rd "dition'3$ Raghu Rama7rishnan and 6ohannes Jehr7e' Hata&ase anagementystemsI, cJraw !ill, (hrid "dition'8$ ('Connolly and C'+egg ' Hata&ase ystems, a /ractical Approach toesign, %mplementation and anagementI, /earson education, (hird"dition'

    Course NameA %ntroduction to ata&ase ystems

    Course StructureA ectures 2.a&s 3 Cre/it HoursA 3

    :rere9uisitesA ata tructures and Algorithms

    O$?ectivesA (he course aims to introduce &asic data&ase concepts,diGerent data models, data storage and retrieval techni>ues anddata&ase design techni>ues' (he course primarily focuses on relationaldata model and +

    Course OutlineA+asic data&ase conceptsF ogical data&aseodelling and design "ntity Relationshipdiagram #"R$, "nhanced "R Relational data

    model mapping "R to relational model,unctional dependencies and Normali*ation 1st-3rd Normal orm and +CN, Relational Alge&raFtructured 4uery language #4$Fundamental 7nowledge a&out (ransactionprocessing, concurrency control recoverytechni>ues and >uery optimi*ation concepts'

    Reference MaterialA1$ C' 6' ate, ata&ase ystems, Addison Lesley /u&' Co'2$ R' "lmasri and ' Navathe' undamentals of ata&ase ystems,+enDamin.Cummings'3$ A&raham il&erschat*, !enry ' orth ' udarshan' Hata&aseystem ConceptsI'8$ ('Connolly and C'+egg ' Hata&ase ystems, a /ractical Approach toesign, %mplementation and anagementI, /earson education,'

    Course Name ata Larehousing

    Course StructureA ectures 2.a&s 3 Cre/it HoursA 3

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    :rere9uisitesA %ntroduction to ata&ase ystemsO$?ectivesA #a$ to manage large data&ase systems, #&$ monitor theprocessing data&ase system'

    Course OutlineA%ntroduction of the &usiness contet for data warehousing and decision

    support systems' iGerences &etween (/ and environments' atawarehouse Architecture' ata arts' iGerentiate ata arts and ataLarehouse' "valuation of ata Larehouse' ata Larehouse esignethodology "ntity Relationship odeling and imensional odeling'?A/ in data warehousing and diGerent types of ?A/ such as ?A/R?A/ and !?A/' %ndeing techni>ues used in data warehousing'!ardware and software systems consideration for data warehousing'ata warehouse maintenance'

    Reference MaterialA1$ /aulraD /onniah, ata Larehousing undamentals, 6ohn Liley ; ons

    %nc', N:'2$ L'!' %nmon, +uilding the ata Larehouse #econd "dition$, 6ohnLiley ; ons %nc', N:'3$ Ralph im&all and argy Ross, (he ata Larehouse (ool7it #econd"dition$, 6ohn Liley ; ons %nc', N:'

    Course Name %nformation Retrieval

    Course StructureA ectures 3.a&s 0 Cre/it HoursA 3

    :rere9uisitesA ata tructures and AlgorithmsO$?ectivesA #a$ to introduce &asic management functions, focusing ontechnology management issues, #&$ case study to appraise studentsreal pro&lems

    Course OutlineA+asic and advanced techni>ues for tet-&ased information systemsecient tet indeingF +asic %R odels +oolean and vector-spaceretrieval modelsF ran7ed retrievalF tet-similarity metricsF (-% #termfre>uency, inverse document fre>uency$F cosine similarityF"perimental "valuation of %R /erformance metrics recall, precision,

    and -measureF "valuations on &enchmar7 tet collectionsF Le& searchincluding crawling, lin7-&ased algorithms, and Le& metadataF tet.Le&clustering, classi)cationF tet mining '

    Reference MaterialA1$ Christopher ' anning, /ra&ha7ar Raghavan and !inrich chUt*e#200@$ %ntroduction to %nformation Retrieval, Cam&ridge 5niversity/ress'2$ +erthier Ri&eiro-Neto, and Ricardo +ae*a-:ates #1$ odern%nformation Retrieval, Addison-Lesley

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    S* No* Course itle Crt*Hrs*

    1 '/vance/ Data$aseMana"ement


    2 elecom Mana"ement 3

    3 Information Securit# an/'ssurance


    8 Information ec!nolo"#Infrastructure


    S* No* Course itle Crt* Hrs*Economics of ec!nolo"# 3

    I :lannin" an/ Evaluation 3

    I Services Mana"ement 3

    I :ro?ect Mana"ement 3

    Ei 3

    I 'u/it an/ 'ssessment 3

    I :olic#, La.s, an/ :ractice 3

    I Disaster Mana"ement 3

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    MS IT Core Co"r$e$

    danced =a"abase Manage#en" !s"e#s

    eog'ahic =a"abases

    =is"'ib,"ed =a"abase =esign

    =is"'ib,"ed M,l"i#edia =a"abase !s"e#s

    =a"a Wa'eho,se and

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    Prere*uisites Noneourse +,ecti.es The co,'se 'oides "he,nde's"anding o "he oe'a"ion and #anage#en" o a

    "eleco##,nica"ion b,siness

    ourse ontents ntroduction Ino'#a"ionTechnolog!: Co#,"e' +a'd&a'$ Co#,"e' o"&a'e$

    Teleco##,nica"ions and %e"&o'(ing$ The =a"a Reso,'ceBl!ing Ino'#a"ion Technolog!: ;n"e''ise !s"e#s$

    Manage'ial ,o'" !s"e#s$ ;-,siness !s"e#sB cA,i'ing

    Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s: asic !s"e#s Conce"s and Tools$

    Me"hodologies o' C,s"o# o"&a'e =eelo#en"$

    Me"hodologies o' 8,'chased o"&a'e 8ac(ages$ IT 8'oec"

    Manage#en"$ ,o'"ing Co#,"e' Use's$ The Ino'#a"ion

    Manage#en" !s"e#: 8lanning Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s

    Reso,'ces$ Leading "he Ino'#a"ion !s"e#s F,nc"ion$

    Ino'#a"ion ec,'i"!$ Legal$ ;"hical$ and ocial Iss,es$

    ;9"ensie Case ",dies in each "oic disc,ssed in "he co,'se

    /eference 0aterialManaging Information Technology %6th E(ition)b! Ca'ol 'o&n ,"ho'/$ =aniel W =e+a!es ,"ho'/$

    De'e! +oe' ,"ho'/$ Wain'igh" ; Ma'"in ,"ho'/$

    Willia# C 8e'(insManaging Information Technology5 /hat Manager$

    Nee( to @no< by Carol V Brown,Jeffrey A. Hoffer,Daniel

    . DeHayes, ainri!"t #. $artin, illiam C %er&ins

    IT Infrastructure

    IT strategy and management, strategic planning for IT, IT investment andvaluation, business and information technology strategy linkage, implementationof service strategies, and risks and critical success factors, evelopment andmaintenance of information technology policies, documents, and architectures forthe design of IT service solutions!processes, "ervice design ob#ectives, "electingthe model, risk analysis$ implementation$ cost$ and control % measurement, long

    term change and release management concepts and practices, cultural andorgani&ational change management$ kno'ledge management ()$ control %measurement$ and tools % methods, change management, application

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09



    management$ scalability$ control % measurement$ enterprise informationinfrastructure, IT infrastructure for virtual organi&ations, "tate of IT governance

    Global Information Infrastructure: The Birth, Vision, and Architecture,Andrew S. Targowski, 1!, IGI

    Information Technolog" Go#ernance and Ser#ice $anagement, Aileen %ater&Steel '((.

    *est +ractice for IT Infrastructure anagement, -ffice of .overnmentommerce/dition 1, illustrated, +ublished by The "tationery -ffice, 2002

    MSI Elective Courses

    Course NameA istri&uted ata&ases

    Course StructureA ectures 3.a&s 0 Cre/it HoursA 3

    :rere9uisitesA %ntroduction to ata&ase ystemsO$?ectivesA tudents will learn the usage of diGerent design strategiesfor distri&uted data&ases, and will study >uery processing techni>ues aswell as transaction management and concurrency control conceptsused in such systems

    Course OutlineA

    %ntroduction to istri&uted ata /rocessingF istri&uted +ArchitectureF istri&uted ata&ase esign %ssues, ragmentation andAllocationF %ntegrity Constraints, istri&uted 4uery /rocessingF

    4uery ecomposition and ata ocali*ationF 4uery ?ptimi*ationFistri&uted (ransaction anagement and Concurrency ControlFistri&uted + Relia&ility and Replication (echni>uesF ultidata&aseystems'

    Reference MaterialA1$ '(' ?*su, /' Oaldurie* #eds'$ /rinciples of istri&uted ata&aseystems #2nd "dition$, /rentice !all, 1

    2$ /' +ernstein and "' Newcomer, /rinciples of (ransaction /rocessing'organ aufmann, 1=3$ ' +uretta, ata Replication' Liley, 1=8$ R' "lmasri and ' Navathe' undamentals of ata&ase ystems,+enDamin.Cummings'

    Course Name ata ining

    Course StructureA ectures 3.a&s 0 Cre/it HoursA 3


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    O$?ectivesA #a$ to introduce the techni>ues, tools and applications ofdata mining, #&$ to apply techni>ues to a variety of research andapplication proDects'

    Course OutlineA%ntroduction to ata ining #$, !igh-imensional ataF Classi)ersF

    ecision (reesF Neural Networ7sF Clustering AlgorithmsFAssociation Rules ; e>uencesF Commercially-Availa&le (ools "cel'(eradata' A' /' %+' ?racle' Lhitecross' (he CR%/-process'Reference MaterialA1$avid !and, !ei77i annila and /adhraic myth' H/rinciples of atainingI'/u&' /rentice !all of %ndia'2$ ushmita itra and (in7u Acharya' Hata ining ultimedia, oftComputing and +ioinformaticsI' /u&' Liley and ons %nc'3$ 5sama ' ayyad et al' HAdvances in nowledge iscovery and ata

    iningI,(he %( /ress'8$ Richard Roiger ; ichael Jeat*' Hata ining A (utorial K+ased/rimerI, Addison-Lesley'

    Course Name Advanced (opics in ata&ases

    Course StructureA ectures 3.a&s 0 Cre/it HoursA 3

    :rere9uisitesA Advanced ata&ase anagementO$?ectivesA %n recent years, there has &een an eplosion ofinformation in a variety of environments that pose signi)cantly diGerentdata management challenges than traditional data&ase domains'"amples include semantic heterogeneity, sensor networ7s, Lorld LideLe&, scienti)c domains, S, /2/ networ7s etc' (his course is acom&ination of various advanced topics' (he aim of this course is toeplore the latest techni>ues, trends, ideas, and what are involved indesigning and evaluating the cutting-edge data&ase technologies'

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    Course OutlineA(his course is intended to &e highly interactive' (he main activity of thelectures will &e discussions &ased around a set of papers' All studentsare re>uired to read technical papers, to answer speci)c >uestions, andto prepare new >uestions prior to class discussions' %n addition, eachstudent is re>uired to lead the discussion on one or two of thesetechnical papers'Recommended topics include, &ut are not limited to, the followingV ata integration'V emantic heterogeneity'V ?ntology engineering'V ata caching and replication'V treaming data'V emi-structured data #i'e', S$ storage'V apping &etween S and relational data&ases'V /ervasive and mo&ile distri&uted data&ase management

    Reference MaterialAResearch /apers form !"C igital i&rary'

    ourse ame n!ormation Tec"nolog# $rc"itecture

    ourse Structure Lectures: 3/ Labs: 0

    redit "ours 3

    Prere*uisites %#stem ntegration and $rc"itecture+,ecti.es&b'ectie o! t"is course is to understand t"en!ormation Tec"nolog# $rc"itecture as a !rameor* and aset o! strategies !or t"e utili+ation and management o!in!ormation tec"nolog#, com-osed o! -rinci-les, -olicies,and standards t"at guide t"e engineering o! anorgani+ation.s T s#stems and in!rastructure in a a# t"atensures alignment it" business needs %tudents ill beable to select and im-lement t"e com-uting -lat!orms,so!tare, netor*s, and related -roducts t"at interconnectdierent s#stems and ensure t"eir intero-erabilit#

    ourse +utlineusiness $rc"itecture: usiness %trateg#, usiness %u--ort2unctions and rocesses n!ormation $rc"itecture:n!ormation Needs, n!ormation Management rocesses

    $--lication $rc"itecture: 5uidelines !or 6esign and6eelo-ment o! usiness $--lications, olicies, %tandards,and Tools !or $--lication 6eelo-ment n!rastructure

    $rc"itecture: Hardare, %o!tare, and CommunicationNetor* !or n!ormation %torage, Trans!er, rocessing,

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    Management %ecurit# $rc"itecture: %ecurit# %erices,%ecurit# 2rameor* T Management and 5oernance:lanning, 6ecision Ma*ing, 2ollo u-, $ssessment,ntroduction to enter-rise arc"itecture !rameor*s Casestudies

    /eference 0aterial7nter-rise ntegration: $n $rc"itecture !or 7nter-rise

    $--lication and %#stems ntegration (a-erbac*), b# Fred A.

    Cummins($ut"or), a-erbac*: 49 -ages, ublis"er: ile#1st edition (2ebruar# 1, ;00;), %N

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    degree shall &e awarded on successful defence of theparticular thesis research wor7'

    0* %eneral Recommen/ations(here were general recommendations &y the participants

    as given &elow

    %' !"C may encourage and facilitate a research teamcomprising of multiple universities.institutions' pecialarrangements may &e made to utili*e /h'' epertiseavaila&le at pu&lic and private sectors universities forcourse delivery and co-supervision of thesis'

    %%' odel colla&oration.sharing of facilities proposal shall&e developed and funded &y !"C'

  • 8/11/2019 2686 It Curriculum 09
