2013 bohol earthquake

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  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake






    On October 15, 2013 a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the Province of Boho,

    damaging more than 73,000 structures. !mong the damaged structures "ere Boho#s

    $ationa %utura &reasures, as decared b' the $ationa (useum of the Phii))ines.

    *)ecifica' these $ationa %utura &reasures incude the church of +oboc. &his church

    has been decared a $ationa istorica +andmark b' the $ationa istorica

    %ommission. ! 'ear and eight months ater, this site have remained as it ooked after

    the earthquake - damaged and in rubbes.

    %utura heritage continues to )erform its roe in the Phii))ine societ' as one of

    the )rime toos in bearing the meaning and identit' of its res)ective communities and

    individuas and of the entire ii)ino nation. /t is a crucia contributor to its socia,

    economic deveo)ment as one )eo)e "ho strive to make themseves become

    recognied and more visibe in the "ord stage.

    *ections 1, 15, 1, and 17 under !rtice /4 of the 167 %onstitution sets forth

    that the *tate sha foster the )reservation, enrichment, and d'namic evoution of a

    ii)ino cuture based on the )rinci)e of unit' in diversit' in a cimate of free artistic and

    inteectua e)ression. &he %onstitution ike"ise mandates the *tate to conserve,

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    deveo), )romote and )o)uarie the nation#s historica and cutura heritage and

    resources, as "e as artistic creations. /t further )rovides that, a the countr'#s artistic

    and historic "eath constitutes the cutura treasure of the nation and sha be under the

    )rotection of the *tate, "hich ma' reguate its dis)osition.

    &he $ationa eritage !ct of 200 mandates the government to )rioritie

    $ationa %utura &reasures and $ationa istorica +andmarks during an' occurrence of

    natura disasters.

    !t times of crises access to and )ro)er aid and care for the cutura heritage sites

    ma' he) vunerabe )eo)e recover a sense of continuit', dignit' and em)o"erment. /n

    )ost8confict situations, the ackno"edgment and safeguarding of the cutura heritage,

    ma' he) foster understanding among different communities, "hich is essentia for a

    societ'#s )eacefu deveo)ment.

    &he researchers are driven to focus on this to)ic for such reasons and aim to

    eamine and assess the rehabiitation )ans of the +oca 9overnment :nit of +oboc in

    coo)eration "ith the $ationa istorica %ommission and the ;iocese of &agbiaran for

    this s)ecific damaged cutura site. /t aso aims to )rovide an assessment of the

    )arishioners of +oboc church#s )erce)tion of the rehabiitation effort. &his stud' further

    aims to send a message to the nationa and oca government to invest and reeamine

    their efforts in the conservation and )rotection our cutura heritage sites.

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    Theoretical Background

    &hure' ith this diagram, it can be inferred that %utura eritage *ite )a's an im)ortant

    roe in the a))reciation of istor' and %utura /dentit'. o"ever, if one )art is removed,

    then the c'ce "i be broken. &his is eact' the case "ith the churches of +oon,

    (aribo?oc and +oboc, a of "hich suffered +arge *cae ;amage

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    igure 2. &heoretica and %once)tua rame"ork of the *tud'



    Rate of Collaboration and Plan of Action

    Impact and Perception on

    Parishioners and other concerned

    National Cultural Treasure: The Church of Loboc

    Diocese of TagbilaranLocal Government nit

    of Loboc

    National !useum and

    "ohol #eritage Tas$


    1987 Constitution

    RA 10066: Natl Cultural

    Hrita! A"t o# $009

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    !rtice /4, *ection 1 of the 167 Phii))ine %onstitution states that A! the

    countr'#s artistic and historic "eath constitutes the cutura treasure of the nation and

    sha be under the )rotection of the *tate "hich ma' reguate its dis)osition.# &his "as

    further eucidated in e)ubic !ct $o. 100, aso kno"n as the A$ationa %utura

    eritage !ct of 200#. /n it, the term A$ationa %utura &reasure#

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    &he church of +oboc has been decared as a $ationa %utura treasure b' the

    $ationa (useum, as evidenced b' the )rocamation

    o"ever, according to (r. %haremaine &antengco, an officer at the $ationa

    (useum and a member of the Boho eritage &ask force, these churches are sti

    cassified as APrivate Pro)ert'# since the' are o"ned b' the ;iocese of &agbiaran and

    the Parishioners of their res)ective munici)aities and not b' the +oca 9overnment


    &hus, the societ' is faced "ith an interesting d'namic considering the state of

    o"nershi) and the eve and amount of re)airs needed to be done to these %utura

    eritage *ites. &he researchers assume that in order for the $%&s to be )ro)er'

    conserved and )reserved, there must be a heath' eve of coaboration and effort

    among the )arties and stakehoders invoved.


  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    devised a ong8term deveo)ment master )an in order to sustain the requisite financia

    resources or heritage conservation. /t incor)orated both )reservation and deveo)ment

    concerns. &he )an em)hasied on estabishing innovative )ubic8)rivate )artnershi)s

    to ink conservation efforts to sustainabe tourism deveo)ment at heritage sites. /t aso

    em)hasied on the im)ementation on the oning and carr'ing ca)acit' of the sites to

    )rotect fragie ruins, archeoogica remains, monuments and buidings.

    !nother stud' conducted b' the $ara /nstitute for %utura Pro)erties on %utura

    eritage %onservation and estoration of >ooden *tructures focused on nationa

    designation and its res)onse "hen it comes to natura disasters and the necessar'

    )recautions the' have undertaken. &he stud' concentrated on the Hobe @arthquake of

    15 and its damaging effects on man' architectura cutura assets. /n a countr' "here

    earthquakes are as common as the' are in Ia)an, the ver' fact that a historica

    structure has survived u) to no" im)ies that it has strong earthquake resistance. /n

    contrast to buidings of concrete or stee8reinforced concrete, there "ere no estabished

    methods for assessing the earthquake resistance of "ooden structures, and studies

    using actua buidings as s)ecimens "ere carried out to gather scientific data. &his

    ao"ed the )re)aration of a checkist8t')e manua that ao"s o"ners to easi'

    diagnose the earthquake resistance of their structures, "ithout the high cost of a forma

    earthquake resistance ana'sis, "hich has brought about heightened a"areness of

    disaster )revention.

    >hen the question of authenticit' comes into )icture, "hich had been referred to

    in various internationa debates in the )ast, "as mentioned in the )reface to the 4enice

    %harterC F/mbued "ith a message from the )ast, the historic monuments of generations

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    of )eo)e remain to the )resent da' as iving "itnesses of their age8od traditions.

    Peo)e are becoming more and more conscious of the unit' of human vaues and

    regard ancient monuments as a common heritage. &he common res)onsibiit' to

    safeguard them for future generations is recognied. /t is our dut' to hand them on in

    the fu richness of their authenticit'.G

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    *he eaborates further, A&he )ers)ective of the residents "ithin the affected area

    is crucia during the reconstruction and )reservation )rocess to ensure )ubic

    acce)tance. *ites ma' have sacred vaues attached to them therefore, the oca

    )ers)ective must be considered before decisions are made about reconstruction. >ithin

    this identification )rocess, not on' the residents must be incuded but the state must be

    incuded to ensure governmenta a))rova of the )rocesses.#

    A&o ensure continuing )ubic su))ort of the actions taken, information shoud be

    sufficient' )rovided to the )ubic. /t is im)ortant that the citiens kno" that the heritage

    and reigious sites are honored and treated "ith res)ect to their cuture that the

    reconstruction is to he) them and the entire )rocess is trans)arent. /nformation )oints

    at the construction sites or at the &o"nha shoud be )rovided.#

    &here are He' ;ecisions to be made b' the ;isaster agenc' "hen there is

    disaster affecting %utura eritage *ites.

    1. /mmediate' after a disaster, government shoud mobiie the ead agenc' for )ost8

    disaster heritage conservation, if one is aread' designated, or if not, a))oint one to

    address damage to resources of nationa significance and to assist oca communities.

    2. &he ead agenc' for heritage conservation shoud coaborate "ith the ead disaster

    agenc' and oca governments to ensure cutura resources are considered in )ost8

    disaster damage and oss assessments.

    3. %ommunities in coaboration "ith oca government and the ead agenc' for heritage

    conservation shoud identif' and )rioritie cutura resources that require conservation

    during recover' and reconstruction and document the condition of these resources.

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    . %ommunities in coaboration "ith oca government and the ead agenc' for heritage

    conservation shoud decide "hether adequate instruments or )ans are in )ace to

    address )ost8disaster cutura heritage risks. /f so, the' shoud be activated. /f not,

    stakehoders shoud "ork together to carr' out the cutura heritage )anning.

    5. &he ead agenc' for heritage conservation shoud decide "hether avaiabe oca

    resources are adequate to address the )ost8disaster cutura heritage risks that have

    been identified. /f not, it shoud identif' and mobiie outside financia and technica


    . %hurches, triba organiations, and other guardians of cutura resources shoud

    ensure that their resources are incuded in )ost8disaster assessments and shoud

    request assistance in conserving them, if required.

    7. %ommunities being reocated and receiving communities shoud demand that the

    conservation of cutura resources be a consideration in resettement )anning, site

    seection, and reocation )ans

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    &he aforementioned studies )rovide as insightfu references in order to faciitate

    and guide "hat forms and methods are to be done in the conduct of this stud'. /t aso

    )rovides information on the )rioritiation of tasks b' disaster agencies - "hat is has to

    consider first before undergoing an' etensive changes to the )h'sica structure of

    %utura eritage *ites.

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake



    Stateent o! the Pro"le

    &his research aims to assess the short8term im)act to the )arishioners and

    concerned agencies of the destruction of the %utura eritage *ite, s)ecifica' the

    church and be to"er in the to"n of +oboc and their corres)onding assessment to the

    su))ort given b' their +oca 9overnment.

    *)ecifica', this research seeks to ans"er the foo"ing questionsC

    1. >hat are the measures undertaken b' the tri)artite stakehoders and agencies in the

    rebuiding and conservation of %utura eritage *itesL

    2. >hat is the short8term im)act of the oss of said heritage sites to the )arishioners of

    said munici)ait'L

    3. >hat are the recommendations that can be made "ith regards to the )reservation of

    %utura eritage des)ite the oss of this siteL

    Stateent o! H#$othe%i%

    &he destruction of the %utura eritage *ites resuts in no significant im)act to

    the )arishioners and concerned agencies.

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    Signi!icance o! the Stud#

    &his stud' is of utmost im)ortance to the foo"ingC

    &o'ernental Agencie%(&his research "i )rovide them "ith vauabe, first8

    hand information about the direct and short8term im)act of the destruction of the cutura

    heritage. &he' ma' utiie this information in the future as reference in measuring the

    ong8term im)act of the oss of these cutura heritage sites and in evauating the effort

    of concerned governmenta agencies in the rebuiding and conservation of these sites.

    The Dioce%e o! Tag"ilaran( &hese sites "ere first and foremost %hurches

    aimed to )rovide s)iritua instruction to the faithfu. &his research )rovides the ;iocese

    "ith in formation of ho" the oss of these sites infuenced the faith of the )arishioners

    and their sense as a communit'.

    Pari%hioner% o! Lo"oc(&hrough this research, the )arishioners "i be equi))ed

    "ith information regarding the rebuiding and conservation efforts utiied for their

    res)ective churches. &he' "i have a better understanding of the im)ortance of cutura

    heritage sites.

    )ili$ino Peo$le(%utura /dentit' is formed and infuenced b' %utura eritage

    *ites. &he oss of these cutura heritage sites is aso the oss of the ii)ino )eo)e. &his

    stud' "i be usefu to the ii)ino )eo)e in understanding the im)ortance of these sites

    and "h' it is im)erative that cutura heritage site must be )reserved.

    Local and International Touri%t%( &hese cutura heritage sites are among

    Boho#s chief tourist destinations. &he oss of these %utura eritage *ites is a great

    oss to tourism. &his stud' )rovides background information about the oss of these

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    cutura heritage sites and its effect on the )o)uace "hich "i ho)e fu' resut to better

    a))reciation of these sites

    )uture Re%earcher%( &his stud' )rovides )reiminar' information for future

    researches ho)ing to research the adverse and )ositive effects of the oss of these

    cutura heritage sites. &his stud' ma' be used as reference materia for future

    researchers in their endeavors in stud'ing the cuture and heritage of the )rovince of


    Sco$e and Liitation%

    &his stud' is conducted to determine the su))ort of the +oca 9overnment :nit

    and the )arishioner#s )erce)tion thereof in the munici)ait' of +oboc in the Boho

    )rovince in the rebuiding of the cutura heritage site damaged b' the October 2013

    earthquake, )articuar' the %hurch of *an Pedro !)osto. &he said site has been

    decared as a $ationa %utura &reasure b' the $ationa (useum of the Phii))ines.

    &he %hurch of *an Pedro !)osto is the second odest church and kno"n to be

    the odest )arish in Boho. /t is one of the gems of the Phii))ines that roots and

    connects it to its histor'. >hen the earthquake struck the )rovince in 2013, the church

    "as one of the most bad' hit, aong "ith its )rotected reics and be to"er.

    &he research data "i be gathered b' means of a He' /nformant /ntervie" and a

    ocused 9rou) ;iscussion. &he former "i incude as its intervie"ees the the tri)artite

    stakehoders com)osed of the foo"ing - $ationa istorica (useum and the Boho

    eritage &ask orce, the +oca 9overnment of +oboc, and the ;iocese of &agbiaran.

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    &he atter "i then be com)osed of ten

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    ke' informantsC

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Boho and other )arts of %entra 4isa'as on October

    15, 2013.

    Re%earch Partici$ant%

    &he )artici)ants of the stud' are cassified according to the different instruments

    use for the quaitative method a))roach. or the He' /nformant /ntervie"s, the +oca

    9overnment :nit of +oboc, the $ationa (useum8 Boho branch and the )arish of *t.

    Peter the !)oste are sub?ected to the stud'. &he' are sub?ected to the He' /nformant

    /ntervie"s "ith guide questions formuated b' the researchers. &he intervie" from the

    +oca 9overnment :nit of +oboc is re)resented b' its (a'or. rom the $ationa

    (useum8 Boho branch is a )erson "ho is a member of the (useum esearcher of the

    Boho eritage &ask orce and from the )arish of *t. Peter the !)oste is its )arish

    )riest. Being the' are the entities that have direct invovement in the restoration and

    )reservation of the destro'ed +oboc %hurch.

    On the ocus 9rou) ;iscussion, the )arishioners are the sub?ects, )articuar'

    the different estabished church organiations. &he church organiations determined are

    the +a' +iturgica (inisters, Parish >orkers, %athoic >omen#s +eague, Parish Mouth

    (inistr', and the !doracion $octurna. &he' are chosen to be the res)ondent for the'

    are one of the )arishioners and the' are aso affected b' the destruction of the +oboc


  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    Re%earch In%truent

    &he stud' use of a quaitative method of research, the instruments to be used b'

    the researchers to gather data are He' /nformant /ntervie" and ocus 9rou)


    &he He' /nformant /ntervie" is use to kno" the a"areness of the +oca

    9overnment :nit, the $ationa (useum8 Boho branch and the )arish )riest about their

    roe in the )reservation of cutura heritage sites as )rovided in the $ationa %utura

    eritage !ct of 200 or ! 100 and to kno" the eve of their coaboration "ith other

    agencies for the restoration and )reservation of cutura heritage sites )articuar' the

    +oboc %hurch.

    or the ocus 9rou) ;iscussion, it is use to dra" data from the )arishioners,

    s)ecifica' the different church organiations on their observation "ith the )ace of the

    restoration )rocess and to kno" their sentiments about the im)ortance of the restoration

    of the +oboc church.


    or the )ur)ose of this research, the foo"ing terms are defined as foo"sC


    !dministrative units of government that are tasked "ith s)ecific res)onsibiities.

    &hese agencies can be estabished b' nationa, regiona or oca governments. &hese

    agencies are entities distinct from government de)artments or ministries, but the' often

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    "ork cose' "ith and re)ort to one or more de)artments or ministries. Others o)erate

    inde)endent', es)ecia' those "ith oversight or reguator' res)onsibiities. &hrough

    such things as contracting, oan guarantees and government8s)onsored enter)rises,

    agencies can deiver )ubic goods and services or im)ement s)ecific )oicies.


    &he things that are done to kee) "orks of art or things of historica im)ortance in

    good condition or the )revention of something from being ost or "asted. &he

    )reservation of a )h'sica quantit' during transformations, e.g. coa)se, damage, etc.

    or reactions e.g. earthquakes, foods, etc.

    Cultural Heritage Site%

    &he totait' of cutura )ro)ert' )ressured and deveo)ed through time and

    )assed on to )osterit'. /t incudes hundreds of historic buidings and to"n sites and

    im)ortant archaeoogica sites decared as such b' the $ationa istorica %ommission.


    Ph'sica damage inficted to something that im)airs its vaue, usefuness or

    norma function. /t does not necessari' equate to com)ete and tota damage that is so

    severe as to ca for its utimate re)acement but ma' be associated "ith an' change in

    )h'sica attributes of a structure that "oud definite' ca for the res)onse of the

    concerned individuas tasked to ensure its conservation.

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake



    &he inhabitants of a certain territor' "ho beong to the )arish and are e)ected

    to attend services at the oca )arish church. &he %athoic, !ngican, and Orthodo

    churches remain organied in this manner, but the term D)arishD is used even b' some

    denominationa bodies "ithout e)isco)a administration, so making the members



    &he concrete action taken or the technica intervention to correct deterioration

    and aterations on an' estabishment or )h'sica faciit'. &his term ma' connote t"o


  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    Tri$artite Stakeholder%

    &he )eo)e direct' res)onsibefor the conservation of the %utura eritage *ites

    com)osed of the foo"ing - $ationa istorica (useum and the Boho eritage &ask

    orce, the +oca 9overnment of +oboc, and the ;iocese of &agbiaran.

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    ,e# In!orant Inter'ie-

    1. !re 'ou a"are of e)ubic !ct 100L

    2. !re 'ou a"are of 'our roes in the restoration of these %utura eritage *ites

    that "ere great' damaged during the 2013 earthquakeL

    3. ;o 'ou have an' concrete )ans in the rebuiding and restoration of these cutura

    heritage sites b' the $ationa istorica %ommissionL

    . o" have 'ou sho"n 'our su))ort for the said )ans of restorationL

    5. ave 'ou coordinated "ith $9O#s in rebuiding and conserving these sitesL

    . as there been an' )robems 'ou#ve encountered in the )rocess of rebuiding

    and conserving said sitesL

    7. ;id 'ou have an' difficuties in coaborating "ith other concerned agenciesL

    6. >hat do 'ou think are the short8term effects of the oss of these cutura heritage

    sites in terms of tourism and econom'L

    . o" did 'ou he) those "ho ost their ives and iveihood because of the

    destruction of these sitesL

    10.>hat are 'our future )ans for these sitesL

  • 7/25/2019 2013 Bohol Earthquake


    )ocu% &rou$ Di%cu%%ion

    1. %an 'ou )ease brief' narrate 'our e)erience "ith the earthquakeL

    2. >hat "as 'our reaction "hen 'ou found out that 'our church "as severe'

    damagedL3. o" did 'ou fee after "itnessing the savaged artefacts from 'our churchL. /n "hat "a' "as the church im)ortant to 'ouL5. /n the first fe" months after the earthquake and the oss of 'our church, ho" did

    'ou co)e u)L. >hat has been the biggest change that 'ou noticed "ith the communit' "hen the

    church "as for a time, ino)erabeL7. o" im)ortant to 'ou is the reconstruction of the church in 'our )arishL

    6. >hat do 'ou think is the im)act of the oss of these heritage sites to future

    generationsL. /t has been amost 3 'ears since the earthquake occurred. ;o 'ou fee that the

    )ace of rebuiding and conservation is fast enoughL10.>hat are the recommendations 'ou "oud ike to )ro)ose for the rebuiding and

    conservation of 'our heritage sitesL