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A story about a boy, a cupboard and lots of hidden things… by Anita Bekker

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cupboard story


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    A story about a boy, a cupboard

    and lots of hidden things

    by Anita Bekker

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    Nicholas was a very bad little

    boy. You would not think it to look

    at him, because outside Nicholas

    was a very nice-looking little boy.

    However, inside he was very bad


    He was always hiding away.

    When it was time to bath, Nicho-

    las could not be found. When it

    was time to go to bed, no one knew

    where Nicholas was. He was a very

    hiding-sort of little boy.

    He had learned that he could hide

    his bad things out of sight.

    Nicholas lived with his

    Daddy and Mummy, and brother and

    sister and Granny in an up-stairs-

    down-stairs house. At the bottom

    of the stairs going up, there stood a

    large, old cupboard, which no one

    ever used.

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    In fact, everyone had for-

    gotten about the old cupboard

    even being there, except

    Nicholas. One day Nicholas de-

    cided to open the door and look

    inside, and to his great surprise

    and delight, he found it quite

    empty, and big enough to hold

    him! So he climbed inside and

    shut the door behind him.

    At first, it seemed too

    dark inside there to suit Nicho-

    las, but the longer he stayed there, the more he liked

    it, and after a short while the darkness didnt bother

    Nicholas at all. In fact, he rather liked it!

    While he was sitting

    there thinking what to do

    next, Mummy called out,

    Nicholas! Where are you?

    But Nicholas kept perfectly

    still and very quiet, and

    Mummy soon went away,

    never knowing where he was!

    He thought to himself,

    What a very clever boy I

    am, to have found such a good hiding place!

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    (Was he clever? Oh, no! It is a very fool-ish thing to do to climb into a cupboard and close the door behind you, for you may never get out again!)

    But Nicholas was a hiding sort of little boy, and

    he liked being there, all shut up in the dark, where no

    one could find him. When he came out at last, Mummy

    asked him where on earth he had been, but Nicholas

    did not tell her. He pretended that he could not re-

    member a thing about it! He was very bad!

    One day Nicholas was playing with Martins tele-

    scope. Martin was Nicholas big brother, and he didnt

    allow Nicholas to play with it, but Nicholas had waited

    until Martin was gone, and then took it! Well, Nicholas

    was very careless, as a rule, and of course, he broke

    it! And of course he did not go straight away to Mar-

    tin to tell him what had happened, as he should have.

    No, Nicholas decided to hide it

    away instead.

    But where?

    Of course! His cupboard! That

    was just the right sort of hiding

    place for it, he thought, and he ran

    there quickly and hid the telescope

    in the cupboard where no one would

    ever think to look for it. Poor Mar-

    tin was terribly unhappy!

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    Martin hunted high and low for the telescope, but

    couldnt find it anywhere! Everyone thought that a

    thief might have taken it through the open window. It

    was a mystery to all, except Nicholas, who kept quiet.

    Another time, Karen, his little sister, wouldnt

    play with him she was too busy with her new doll to

    have time for Nicholas. He got really fed up with

    Karen, and when she went to take her bath, Nicholas

    took her doll and hid it in the cupboard!

    Now let her try to play with the silly thing! said

    Nicholas crossly. Shell never find it there!

    And she never did! Poor Karen was heartbroken.

    She hunted high and low for her dear dolly, but in the

    end, Daddy said she might have left it outside, and

    perhaps the dog from next door had gotten hold of it.

    Karen cried for days.

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    Well, things continued to

    go missing in the house.

    Daddys brand new rake disap-

    peared - Nicholas didnt like hav-

    ing to sweep up all the leaves in

    the yard on Saturday.

    Mummys wooden spoon went

    missing, too - Nicholas didnt

    like it when Mommy paddled

    him for being naughty!

    Granny lost her spectacles-

    Nicholas didnt like the way

    Granny would look over the tops

    of them at him with her piercing

    eyes and ask, Nicholas, have you

    been a good boy today?

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    Once, a whole batch of muffins went missing.

    Mummy had baked them for Aunty Mabels visit, and

    Nicholas loved muffins. So he took them and left

    them in the cupboard for later, but when he went into

    the cupboard to enjoy

    them, he could never

    find them again! It

    was terribly dark in

    the cupboard when the door was shut and, try as he

    may, he just could not lay hold of them. Nicholas hid

    everything in his cupboard.

    He even hid his peas! He didnt like

    peas, and hed hide them in his serviette

    at dinner, and then go and deposit them

    in his cupboard later.

    His new track shoes that pinched

    him went in.

    Broken things went in, for Nicholas

    would never own up when hed broken

    something and simply say, Sorry.

    His friends new soccer ball went in.

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    Things that got on his nerves went in there. He

    was the most hiding sort of little boy imaginable! And

    soon the cupboard became uncomfortably full, almost

    too full for Nicholas to fit in, too! But he would

    squeeze inside, and wriggle around, until he got in. It

    was rather dark and stuffy now, what with all those

    moldy peas and rotten muffins. And the things that

    were on top kept falling down and hitting him on the

    head! And the things on the bottom kept poking him,

    so that he was rather afraid to put his feet anywhere,

    and he had to be very careful about the rake - he did

    not want to find that again with his tail-end!

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    Once when he was hiding there,

    hed accidently sat down on the rake,

    and it had left his end aching, so much

    so, that he couldnt sit still at dinner,

    and Granny had looked at him and said,

    Whatever is the matter with you, my boy? Do sit still

    at once! Granny couldnt stand any fidgeting at all!

    To top it all, Nicholas had started to have night-

    mares about the cupboard. He dreamed that he was

    running down the street in the dark and the cupboard

    was chasing him, trying to catch him and lock him away


    When Aunty Mabel said she was coming for a visit

    again, Nicholas decided hed have to go back into the

    cupboard. Mummy had baked a fresh batch of deli-

    cious, golden donuts, and Nicholas knew hed have to

    take several into the cupboard with him before Aunty

    Mabel arrived, otherwise hed

    miss out on the donuts, as he

    in any case would be inside

    the cupboard hiding from his

    aunty. But this time when he

    thought of the cupboard, his

    heart sank!

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    The smell! The dark! The falling


    But then he thought of the

    donuts, and the more he thought of

    the donuts, the less he minded the


    When he heard Aunty Mabels knock at the door,

    he quickly filled his pockets and dived into the cup-

    board, just before Mummy came around the corner to

    answer the door.

    Nicholas! called Mummy, Where are you?


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    Nicholas kept quiet and bit into a

    donut. He could hear Mummy opening the

    door, and he sat back to enjoy his mouth-

    ful of warm, crispy donut.

    Just as the front door opened, and Aunty Mabel

    stepped in, the cupboard door flew open and Nicholas

    tumbled out with a blood-curdling shriek!

    Hed forgotten all about the rake, and had sat

    down on it again! And not only did Nicholas come tum-

    bling out of the cupboard, but every hidden thing

    came tumbling with him, including a family of mice

    that had decided to move into the cupboard, too! And

    where should the whole tumbling mess land but right

    at Aunty Mabels feet!

    There lay Nicholas with all his hidden-ness around

    him - the telescope, the spectacles, the soccer ball,

    the wooden spoon, the moldy peas, the rotten muffins,

    the lost dolly, and on top of the lot, Daddys rake!

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    NICHOLAS! murmured Mabel.

    NICHOLAS! moaned Mummy.

    NICHOLAS! muttered Martin.

    NICHOLAS! cried Karen.

    NICHOLAS! gasped Granny.

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    NICHOLAS! demanded Daddy,

    You had better come along with me!

    All Nicholas hiding-ness had come

    out into the open. His cupboard was

    just too full and couldnt take another

    thing, not even a donut with a hole in

    the middle! Nicholas dragged himself

    up out of the mess with the help of

    Daddys firm hand on his shoulder.

    It was time for a Conference with

    Daddy, he knew, and his already aching

    end - for remember it was due to the rake that Nicholas was there in the first place - was sure to ache some

    more before too long!

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    After all was said and done (and there was a lot

    said and done that day), Daddy told Nicholas that he

    would have to clean up the mess, and sort everything

    out with everyone he had ever stolen and hidden from.

    That took Nicholas a good long time, because you will

    remember that Nicholas cupboard was rather a large

    one, and he had hidden a lot in it there over time. No

    one was very happy with him, but in the end Nicholas

    learned a very good lesson that we find in the Bible:



    The verse says: Be sure your sin will find you

    out! (Numbers 32:23). How true!

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    The cupboard went to Aunty Mabel, who had a

    good use for it. Empty cupboards always become a

    problem if they are not filled quickly with good things.

    Nicholas was glad to see it go - hed had enough of

    hiding places. He had decided that he was not going

    to be a hiding sort of little boy any longer, and from

    that day on, Nicholas never hid himself or anything

    else away in the dark again!

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