2012 annual public report of ngo centre ua

0 ANNUAL REPORT Civil Society Organization “Center UA” (UNITED ACTIONS CENTER)

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ANNUAL REPORT Civil Society Organization “Center UA”


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I. Introduction 1.1. Address of the Chairman Oleg Rybachuk….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……….……..2 1.2. Address of the Executive Director Svitlana Zalishchuk …..………………………………………………………………………………………………………2

II. About Us 2.1. General Information about the Organization....…………...………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 2.2. Mission and Purpose ……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……....3 2.3. Vision of the Organization……….…………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……....4 2.4. Values of the Organization ………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……....4 2.5. Activity Priorities and Goals………………….……………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………..5

III. Team of the United Actions Center 3.1. Organizational Structure……………………..……………..……..……………………………..…………………………………………………………………………..6 3.2. Our Team ………………..………………………………………………..………………..………………………………………………………………………………………..7

IV. Results for 2012 4.1. Vlodometr Project...……………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….………………..11 4.2. Access to Information and Freedom of Speech ……………..………………………………………………………………………………………….………...13 4.3. European Program …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...16 4.4. CHESNO Civic Campaign …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………..…..…………….……..19

V. Financial Report 5.1. Proceeds from Donors in 2012…..……..…………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22 5.2. Expenses for Projects in 2012…..…………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

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Шановні нові громадяни!

Зміни в країні творять не політики, а ми - громадяни. Саме ми і є Україна, і лише ми відповідальні за все, що відбувається навколо нас. Я щиро вірю в зміни і знаю, що спільно їх творити легше.

Центр спільних дій це не просто назва, це – філософія нашої організації. Це спосіб мислення, який ми хочемо донести до всіх своїми діями.

Ще вчора говорити про вплив на політика видавалось дивним. Вже сьогодні нам вдалося змінити парадигму безальтернативності та слабкості громадянського суспільства. В цей час, коли у Європейському союзі та Сполучених штатах давно говорять про гіперактивність громадського тиску, ми запозичуємо досвід та маленькими, але впевненими кроками рухаємось до цього, стаючи сильнішими.

Громадянський рух, який розгортає Центр спільних дій, має стати джерелом, в якому народиться нова справжня українська еліта.

Епоха корумпованості з кожним днем втрачає свої позиції. Ми розгорнули дискурс, якого ще не знала Верховна Рада. Ще ніколи її скликання не розпочиналось з обговорення політичної відповідальності за відсутність персонального голосування, прогули засідань або перехід до іншої фракції. І на цьому ми не зупинимось.

Я знаю, що зміни можливі лише тоді, коли ми запровадимо принципи моральності та чесності. І ми зробимо все, щоб це стало правилом, модою та звичкою.

Олег Рибачук, Голова організації

Шановні колеги, партнери, друзі, читачі!

Центру UA нещодавно виповнилося 3 роки. За цей час ми подорослішали, стали досвідченішими, реалізували чимало успішних проектів.

Також у 2012 році ми приділили особливу увагу інституційному розвиткові нашої громадської організації, щоб максимально наблизити нашу діяльність до кращих європейських практик прозорої та підзвітної громадської активності. З цією метою ми започатковуємо щорічне публічне звітування.

Отже, ми раді вам представити наш річний звіт за 2012 рік. Тут ми представляємо наші ініціативи – над якими працюємо, результати – яких досягли, виклики – які попереду.

Цей рік став для нас особливо цікавим та насиченим – ми заснували та координували велику виборчу кампанію з моніторингу доброчесності кандидатів ЧЕСНО, продовжили контролювати виконання обіцянок політиків командою Владометру, активно просували європейські реформи шляхом координації діяльності Громадської експертної ради при Українській частині Комітету з питань співробітництва між Україною та ЄС, не полишали адвокатувати зміни у сфері доступу до інформації, брали участь у різних ініціативах журналістського руху Стоп Цензурі! і не лише.

Ми як Центр UA розшифровуємо UA у нашій назві як «unitedactions» – тобто спільні дії. Ми віримо, що спільними діями миможемо творити кращу Україну.

Світлана Заліщук, Виконавчий директор

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2.1. General information about the Organization

Structure of management and responsibilities of governing bodies are defined in the Organization’s Charter. All internal policies and procedures are regulated by the relevant internal documents which are approved by the Organization’s Board.

NGO "Center UA" (United Actions Center) has a local status and is registered with the Main Department of Justice in Kiev on October 23, 2009. State registration of the Organization was performed by the Podol District State Administration on November 12, 2009. The Organization operates on the principles of voluntariness, equality of its members, self-governance, independence, lawfulness, electiveness and accountability of governing bodies, as well as transparency and openness of operations. The Organization does not intend to make profit from its operations. The Organizations was given the non-profit status under the code 0011 according to the decision № 644 of Podol District State Administration from December 1, 2009 The Organization started its activities with the “New Citizen” Campaign. The official website of the Organization: http://uacentre.org.ua/ Website of the “New Citizen” Partnership: http://newcitizen.org.ua/

2.2. Mission and Purpose

Mission of the Organization: creating an open society through united actions of citizens. Purpose of the Organization: realizing and protecting human rights to ensure effective self-organization of citizens and to achieve qualitative changes in the development of an open society.

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2.3. Vision of the Organization

Successful development of Ukraine is impossible without strong and active civil society which will ensure citizens’ contribution to the improvement of social life, create conditions for the development of alternative political elites and their competition based on professional and moral qualities, and promote initiative of citizens, accountability and transparency of the government One of the main problems of the civil society development in Ukraine is the low level of self-organization as well as lack of coordination of efforts from leading NGOs and opinion leaders, which reduces the effectiveness of advocacy mechanisms in relations with authorities. Hence, there is a demand for creating conditions for effective self-organization of citizens and developing a platform for "equal partners - platforms" with all stakeholders which will facilitate high level of interaction and promote important social development projects. The platform of platforms is based on the principle of horizontal cooperation, where each platform is an autonomous unit but their united actions are aimed at achieving a common goal - qualitative changes in the development of an open society.

2.4. Values of the Organization

Integrity. We operate with honesty and integrity that are the basis for making any individual or collective decisions concerning the Organization. Transparency. All activities of the Organization are public and open to citizens. Excellent quality. We strive to achieve quality and valuable results. Innovation. We encourage the use of new knowledge, creativity and independent thinking in all that we are doing. Respect for the individual. We treat each other fairly, with dignity and on the basis of equality. We support each other, motivating everyone to maximize our capacity development.

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Respect to the Center UA. We recognize that the strength of the Center UA is based on our collective and individual commitment to the Organization’s vision, mission and values. Financial responsibility. We work on the basis fiscal honesty and transparency that promotes cost competitiveness and financial responsibility. Objectivity. Our activity is independent from the influence of political, economic and other factors.

2.5. Activity Priorities and Goals

1. Freedom of speech and access to information. Goals: - Fighting against censorship. - Promoting access to public information. - Monitoring compliance with standards of journalism. - Implementation of public television and deregulation of media. - Ensuring transparency of media ownership. 2. Forming demand for high quality politics. Goals: - Determining by citizens priorities for the development of the state. - Conducting public and expert discussion in policy-making. - Increased civil society activity (education, mobilization, communication between communities). 3. Increasing accountability and transparency of the government. Goals: - Advocating reforms. - Public control over the government (informing the public about compliance and existing mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability of the government). - Optimizing governance.

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III. Team of the United Actions Center

3.1. Organizational Structure

Chief Accountant

(Maryna Savina)

Financial Manager

(Valentyna Ruda)

Development Director

(Andriy Sydorenko)

Creative Director

(Aksynya Kurina)

Access to Public Information

Program Leader

(Alisa Ruban)

CHESNO Project Leader

(Tetiana Peklun)

VLADOMETR Project Leader (Chief Editor)

(Taras Frolov)

European Program Leader

(Victoria Gumenyuk)

Communications Dep-t: - Communications Manager (Inna Borzylo) - Newmedia Manager (Valeria Moiseyeva) - Website Editor Vadym Gudyma - Video Advocacy Producer (Hanna Grabarska) - Regional Coordinator (Andriy Zinchenko)

- Chief Editor (Vahtang Kipiani)

- Communications Manager (Oxana Oleksiv)

- Editor (Yaroslav Kobzar)

- Editor (Igor Samohin)

- Chief Analyst (Lubov Akulenko)

- Communications Manager (Oxana Oleksiv)

- Assistant Analyst (Tetyana Kostyuchenko)

General Assembly


Coordinating Council (Head of the Organization, Executive Director, Heads of Departments, Project/Platform Leaders)

Head of the Organization (Oleh Rybachuk)

Executive Director (Svitlana Zalishchuk)


Description: 1. General Assembly – supreme governing body of the Organization made up of all its members convening at least once a year. 2. Coordinating Council – collegial governing body which undertakes steering between General Assembly meetings and meets at least once every quarter. Its meetings focus on defining key approaches and ways to implement General Assembly resolutions (with top priority given to strategic plan). Such meetings also involve peer reporting of Platform Leaders and discussions of potential ways in which platforms (projects) may interact. 3. Head of the Organization: ensures implementation of General Assembly resolutions by organizing work of the Coordinating Council and overseeing delivery of tasks delegated to the Executive Director. 4. Executive Director: carries out operational management and oversees implementation of Coordinating Council decisions (tasks) by Platform Leaders and Heads of Departments. 5. Heads of Departments and Platform Leaders: organize work of their teams and provide steering.

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3.2. Our team

Maryna Savina Chief Accountant

Alisa Ruban Access to Public Information

Program Leader

Andriy Sydorenko Development Director

Valentyna Ruda Financial Manager

Aksynya Kurina Creative Director

Administrative Department, Freedom of Speech and Access to Information

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Inna Borzylo Communications Manager

Tetyana Peklun Project Leader

Valeria Moiseyeva Web Manager

Vadym Gudyma Website Editor

Hanna Grabarska Video Producer

Andriy Zinchenko Regional Coordinator

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Vahtang Kipiani Chief Editor

Igor Samohin Editor

(from August)

Taras Frolov Project Leader

Oxana Oleksiv Communications Manager

(from September)

Yaroslav Kobzar Editor

(from August)

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Tetyana Kostyuchenko Assistant Analyst

Victoria Gumenyuk Project Leader

Oxana Oleksiv Communications Manager

(till September) Lubov Akulenko


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VI. Results of Activities

4.1. About the Project

• The Project was launched in 2010. Website vladometr.org was launched on October 1, 2010. • Facebook Page. • Project aims to overcome "short memory" of politicians and force them to fulfill their promises; promote increases accountability of

Ukrainian politicians. • Vladometr finds the promises of Ukrainian politicians and examines their fulfillment.

Results for 2012

• 3700 promises of Ukrainian politicians and political parties have been collected. Approximately 20% of promises were examined and assessed.

• 2400 people have become fans of the official Project page on Facebook: facebook.com/vladometr • 17,318 people visited the website. • 17 video reports about promises of Ukrainian politicians produced by the Vladometr editorial team have been broadcasted on TBi

Channel in July-December 2012. • 12 articles about political responsibility prepared by the Vladometr editorial team have been published in Ukrainian media. • 10 public presentations of the Project for journalists and students have been organized in Kyiv from July to December. • 2 web conferences with Ukrainian politicians – Mayor of Sumy Gennady Minaev and Mayor of Lviv Mayor Andriy Garden – have been

organized in 2012.

Donors and Budget

In 2012, the Project was funded by three Donors: International Renaissance Foundation, National Endowment for Democracy and Internews Network. Total costs for the year amounted to $ 49906.75.

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Information Products

Date Name Location 30/07/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 1. Поточні обіцянки Литвина Владометр / TVi / Youtube 06/08/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 2. Про творчі запозичення політиків та порушену обіцянку Владометр / TVi / Youtube 12/08/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 3. Про компроміс від президента Владометр / TVi / Youtube 20/08/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 4. Економічні програми КПУ та Свободи Владометр / TVi / Youtube 27/08/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 5. Читаючи програму "Україна-вперед" Владометр / TVi / Youtube 31/08/2012 Тарас Фролов. Про схожі обіцянки несхожих партій Українська правда 04/09/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 6. Про обіцянки до 1 вересня Владометр / TVi / Youtube 10/09/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 7. Про соціальні обіцянки Владометр / TVi / Youtube 16/09/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 8. Про виконані обіцянки чиновників Владометр / TVi / Youtube 26/09/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 9. Передвиборчі обіцянки судової гілки влади Владометр / TVi / Youtube 08/10/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 10. Обіцянки в галузі культури містяться в кінці передвиборчих програм Владометр / TVi / Youtube 22/10/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 11. Громадські ініціативи, які слідкуватимуть за порушеннями під час виборів Владометр / TVi / Youtube 22/10/2012 Ярослав Кобзар. 18 обіцянок для молоді Українська правда 08/11/2012 Тарас Фролов. Списування по-депутатськи Владометр/ Facebook 08/11/2012 Ігор Самохін. Жіноче питання у передвиборчих програмах Портал Погляд, Тернопіль 12/11/2012 Відеоблог.Випуск 12. Про особистий внесок Азарова у вибори Владометр / TVi / Youtube 13/11/2012 Ігор Самохін. Освітні перспективи в передвиборчих обіцянках Інтернет-видання “Лівий берег” 17/11/2012 Ярослав Кобзар. Межа можливостей Олександра Попова Інтернет-видання “Лівий берег” 19/11/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 13.Дослідження обіцянок українських можновладців про дотримання свободи слова Владометр / TVi / Youtube 05/12/2012 Ярослав Кобзар. Кабмін пішов – обіцянки залишились Інтернет-видання “Лівий берег” 06/12/2012 Ігор Самохін. Кінець прекрасної казки про стабільну гривню Блог Владометра, “Корреспондент” 10/12/2012 Відеоблог. Випуск 14. Азаров дав українському народу 273 обіцянки Владометр / TVi / Youtube 30/12/2012 Відеочат з мером Львова Андрієм Садовим – спільний проект Zaxid.net і Владометр Youtube

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4.2. Freedom of Speech and Access to Information

About the Project

The Project was launched in 2010. Goal: adoption and full implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On access to Public Information," facilitation of freedom of speech. Projects information resources: http://stopcensorship.wordpress.com/

http://uacentre.org.ua/ http://newcitizen.org.ua/ facebook


The Campaign was implemented by “New Citizen” Partnership and coordinated by the NGO Centre UA.

Adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information". This was preceded by:

Public appeals to the Parliament members and the President of Ukraine urging to pass the law. 600 signatures in support of the law have been collected (450 journalists, 150 CSO representatives).

Appeal to the EU Head Van Rompuy urging to raise the issue of adopting the law "On Access to Public Information" with Viktor Yanukovych at the Ukraine-EU Summit.

Conduction direct action street protests.

Pressure during the Parliament sessions.

Participation of CSO representatives in various public committees and interaction with the Parliament members (Andriy Shevchenko, Igor Miroshnichenko, Olena Bondarenko and others).

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Ensuring the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information":

Promoting the development by civic experts of the draft laws and regulations in order to bring the Ukrainian legislation in compliance with the Law "On Access to Public Information." Documents were developed by experts from UCIPR.

Implementation of the large-scale information campaign to promote the Law. The campaign included: development and dissemination of brochures for public officials and citizens; Production and dissemination of informational video clips; Distrubution of leaflets; Development of the “ABC Q&A Book” for social media; Publishing expert articles. Additionally, in celebration of the International Day of the Right to Know (September 28, 2012) street presentation of the Photo Project "Open Access" was organized with the participation of Ukrainian journalists.

Conducting presentations, trainings and consultations for community activists, government officials and journalists. The total number of events was almost 100.

Developing guidelines on the practical implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" and answers to most important questions (UCIPR).

Preparation of monthly bulletins on access to information (ІМІ). Conducting investigations on application of the Law together with journalists:

- Columbus from the Ministry of Environment or Disposal of Zlochevskyолумби - Public vodka secret

Informing the public on the state of the Law implementation: - May 8, 2012 – press-conference "Year of the Law on Access in Action: 10 things, which the society did not find out" - September 28, 2012 – press-conference “Access to Information: has the government become more open?”

Monitoring the implementation of the Law:

Monthly national monitoring of the openness of government authorities “Transparent bureaucracy” (CPSA); Monitoring of the Law implementation on the ground (UCIPR together with NGO “Democratic Alliance”); Collecting declarations of income from all governors, their first deputies and mayors of regional centers, as well as general plans of

cities and budget.

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Detailed presentations about the Campaign on the adoption and implementation of the Law "On Access to Public Information": Presentation 1 Presentation 2

Counteracting censorship and promoting freedom of speech:

Journalistic movement "Stop Censorship" was established in collaboration with the most influential Ukrainian journalists, which became a leading journalist association in Ukraine dedicated to supporting freedom of speech.

January - September2011 - Ukrainian tour of the photo project “Under Pressure” to draw attention of the general public to the problems of censorship and restrictions of freedom of speech in Ukraine.

March - June 2011 – Competition "Stop Censorship" to initiate a broad public debate around issues of oppressing the freedom of speech, political censorship and censorship of art.

June 6, 2012 – Peaceful protest of journalists on the Day of Journalists at the official residence of the President of Ukraine in Mezhyhirya demanding to guarantee freedom of speech in Ukraine. Presentation of Kyiv Map of Corruption created on the basis of the most resonant journalists’ investigations of corruption, which had not received responses from the law enforcement authorities.

September 6, 2012 – Protest of journalists during the President's speech at the World Newspaper Congress in Kyiv to attract international attention to the issue of oppressing the freedom of speech in Ukraine.

November 6, 2012 – Round Table meeting on systemic political censorship based on the example of the UNIAN news agency.

Coordination of journalistic community to abolish the law on defamation: Conducting Online Campaign “Say NO to the law on defamation”. Preparing open appeals to MPs and the President of Ukraine demanding to abolish the law. Appeal to International Community. Preparation and coordination of protests which gathered over 500 journalists from leading Ukrainian media.

Publications, photos, video

Videos of the campaign may be accessed at this link. Videos about the “Stop Censorship” movement may be accessed here. Videos about the “Under Pressure” Project may be accessed here.

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4.3.European Program

About the Project

Project name: "Platform for Analyzing the European Integration Policy of Ukraine" Project resources: http://youkraine.eu/uk/, http://www.facebook.com/youkraine.eu, http://eu.prostir.ua/themes/rada.html Project Goal: to provide Ukrainian and international officials as well as people who form the public opinion with progressive, realistic, relevant and high quality analytics on the agenda of relations between Ukraine and the EU.

Main Project Results

Ensuring synergy and coordination of efforts of experts who examine the issue of the European integration of Ukraine to strengthen their impact on the reforms in the country. The following results were achieved in this component:

А) In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, development of the "Concept of state program for informing the public on aspects of the European integration of Ukraine for 2013-2015";

B) Coordinating the process for developing the expert vision for the Eastern Partnership Roadmap "Old priorities, new indicators" as a part of the official document of the EU Delegation in Ukraine;

C) Organizing public campaign “Decorate the EURO TREE” with the Head of the EU Delegation and ambassadors of the EU member states in Ukraine;

D) Organizing two meetings between Ukrainian experts, officials and representatives of the U.S. State Department prior to the formal meetings of the Commission on Strategic Partnership between Ukraine and the U.S.;

E) Preparing a joint letter to the MEPs from Ukrainian experts on the need to sight the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and presenting the letter by the MP Mr. Zalevski during the meeting of the Commission on International Trade;

F) Ensuring cooperation between the Public Expert Council and the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Mr. Khoroshkovskyi;

G) Participation in public events, such as: Public Forum on the Election Law (Co-organizers: “New Citizen”, NDI, IFES) and Euro-Atlantic Forum (Co-organizers: PAUCI, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Center for US-Ukrainian Relations).

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• Support for public discourse on the need for the European integration reforms in Ukraine through the following events:

А) Regular Press Conferences:

• Press Conference (20.10.11): “Ukraine closes the door to the EU”

• Press Conference (30.03.12): “Association Agreement: how many more steps must be taken to move from the initialing to the signing?”

B) Public presentations of short analytical studies with clear arguments about the need for the European integration reforms in Ukraine in certain areas:

• Experts gathering (Kyiv: 14.10.11): “Ukrainian gas market: EU rules against Russian appetites”

• Expert gathering (Kyiv: 30.11.11): “Common aviation space with the EU: how to integrate Ukrainian sky?”

• Round Table meeting (Brussels: 12.12.11): "Ukrainian identity after 20 years of independence"

• Expert gathering (15.12.11): "Europeanization Arguments: information for Ukrainians"

• Expert gathering (15.03.12): “Evaluation of environmental policy under the flagship initiatives of the Eastern Partnership on good governance”

• Expert gathering (03.04.12): “How to make government aid more effective?”

• Expert gathering (Kyiv: 18.06.12): “Energy Inefficiency: why do we still heat the asphalt?”

• Euro-Atlantic Forum (Kyiv: 25-26.01.12): “Ukraine and the EU on the verge of signing the Association Agreement: free trade, energy security and democracy”

• Press Conference (Kyiv: 17.05.12): “EU assessed - Ukraine comprehends”

• Round Table meeting (Kyiv: 11.07.12): “Information support for European integration: Needs and Methods”

• Other events:

Round Table meeting “How will European Ukraine be friends with the customs union” Public forum (Kyiv: 09.11.11): “By what rules will Ukrainian Parliament be elected in 2012?” Photo Project (02.06.2012): “Why should Ukraine be European?”

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Total number of publications – 241: Internet– 168, TV channels – 17, Radio – 7, Press – 19, Information agencies – 30.

Top media publications and videos:

1. Українська правда:Відкритий лист Президенту Януковичу 2. Тиждень: Януковича закликають повернути Україну на європейський шлях розвитку 3. Кореспондент:Експерти: Суд над Тимошенко ускладнює переговори з ЄС 4. Кореспондент:51% молоді Донбасу та Криму підтримують вступ України в ЄС 5. Кореспондент:Візам потрібен рух 6. Дзеркало тижня:Європарламент приносить в жертву Тимошенко заради демократії в Україні 7. Радіо Свобода:Україна повинна підписати угоду про асоціацію з ЄС – думки української громадськості 8. Голос Америки:Громадськість: Україна віддаляється від демократичних виборів 9. Голос Америки:Чому Угода про асоціацію потрібна українцям? 10. 5 канал:РесПубліка з Анною Безулик (10.11.2011) 11. 5 канал:Європейське містечко офіційно відкрилося в Києві 12. Youtube:Спільний авіаційний простір з ЄС 13. Youtube:CUF "Ukraine at the Crossroads" Plenary Presentation l Part 2 14. Youtube:А. Олефіров про лібералізацію візового режиму з ЄС 15. 24 канал:Україна готується відкрити своє небо для міжнародної авіації 16. 24 канал:У Києві відкрили Європейське містечко 17. 24 канал:Експерти: Темпи впровадження енергоефективності занизькі 18. 1+1:Более 50% молодежи Крыма и Донбасса за вступление Украины в ЕС 19. 1+1:У Києві відкрилося "Євросело" 20. Главред:ЕС не готов подписать Соглашение об ассоциации с Украиной 21. Київпост:ЄС перестав давати гроші Україні. Через Клюєва? 22. Сегодня: Грищенко советует Европе определиться с Украиной 23. Коммерсант:Обнародован критический отчет о ситуации в Украине с рекомендациями ЕС 24. ICTV:Європа завітала в Україну: Говорили про політику, тварин, і бійки в парламентах 25. BBC:Пайфер: позиція США щодо України схожа на позицію ЄС

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4.4. About the Project

Project name: CHESNO civic movement campaign “Filter the Parliament”

Project resources:

The official news source of the CHESNO movement: www.chesno.org Facebook Facebook group ChesnyyKadr Facebook group FM 2012 Facebook regional pages: Volyn, Crimea, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Kramatorsk, Cherkassy, Lviv, Chernivtsi

Project goal: to improve the quality of politics by cleaning the future parliament of corrupt candidates.

Main Project Results

2758 PM candidates and 450 PMs of the VI convocation were assessed against six criteria of integrity.

CHESNOmeter was created – an online tool with PM candidates’ profiles containing information about the violated criteria and biographical data.

10 representatives from UDAR party and the United Opposition were not allowed to be nominated as PM candidates.

During the year of campaigning, two national surveys were conducted, which demonstrated that over 26% of Ukrainian citizens were aware of the CHESNO movement.

36 regional CHESNO platforms were created in Ukraine, which united over 150 NGOs and over 500 activists.

Information campaign was conducted at the national and regional levels: numerous publications in online and print media (over 1 million unique materials), television projects (14 debate issues), reports about violations during the election campaign on ТVі channel; series of interviews with famous personalities on “Ukrainian Truth” website; CHESNO Media Club (14 meetings), among the guests: the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk, Patriarch Lyudomyr Husar, Boris Nemtsov, Yevhen Zakharov, brothers Kapranov and others.

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CHESNO is the only public initiative which conducted PM candidates’ debates in some regions of Ukraine. Every three days over the last year there was a public event of CHESNO movement.

Personal voting and "bodies" are the key issues for the Parliament of the VII convocation.

CHESNO campaign successfully passed the international audit: the auditors noted the proper use of donor funding “Financial information on income received and expenses incurred in accordance with the terms of agreements with donors was properly reflected in the financial statements in accordance with the National Accounting Standards”. The auditors also concluded that “the implementation and impact of the CHESNO campaign were equally successful and successful promotion of political integrity is beyond doubt”.

Publications, photos, videos

- Detailed presentation of the Campaign may be accessed at this link. - Videos about the Campaign: http://www.chesno.org/gallery/?tab=video - Photos about the Campaign: http://www.chesno.org/gallery/

Top media publications:

1. Партія в ГО: як громадські організації за депутатами стежили 2. «Чесно»: у новій Верховній Раді буде 331 порушник 3. Нервова система суспільства 4. ЧЕСНО про мажоритарників: благодійники, гречкосії та "хресні батьки" 5. Region: Cleaning up the Parliament in Ukraine 6. Активисты "Честно" нашли в ПР 106 нарушителей 7. Добропорядочность украинских кандидатов в депутаты подвергли проверне 8. Кандидаты в нарушители 9. Ukrainian groups warn of 'unfair' election practices 10. Чеснометрика: добре, але мало

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Audit findings

Audit: CHESNO movement successfully completed financial audit and received a positive assessment from international experts in the area of counteracting political corruption: Proper use of donor funding. “Financial information on income received and expenses incurred in accordance with the terms of agreements with donors was

properly reflected in the financial statements in accordance with the National Accounting Standards”. “Successful and influential campaign”. “The implementation and impact of the CHESNO campaign were equally successful and successful promotion of political integrity

is beyond doubt”. The audit was conducted by the Auditing and consulting group "Compass"

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Financial Report

5.1. Proceeds from donors in 2012 (UAH) № Donors Project names Grant (UAH) %

1 Renaissance Foundation VLADOMETR website, measuring political responsibility 33 570,58 0,73%

2 Renaissance Foundation Creating a platform for analyzing the European integration policy of Ukraine in the framework of the Public Expert Council at the Ukrainian part of the Committee on Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union

5 000,00 0,11%

3 Internews Network, Inc. Internet portal for public monitoring of political promises 197 798,92 4,30% 4 NED (2011-2013) Promoting the Accountability of Public Officials 208 003,13 4,52%

5 Pact Inc (2011-2013) New Citizen. Fair Play, Strengthening of regional network of CHESNO Regional Coordination Councils 1 877 012,61 40,79%

6 Omidyar Network, Inc New Citizen 1 649 369,60 35,84%

7 Pact Inc (Public Expert Council) Ukraine’s EU integration policy platform 631 336,62 13,72%

TOTAL: 4 602 091,46 100,00%

Proceeds from Donors in 2012, %











МФ “Відродження” МФ “Відродження” Інтерньюс Нетворк, Інк

NED (2011-2013) Pact Inc (2011-2013) Omidyar NetworkFund, Inc.

Pact Inc (ГЕР) Renaissance Foundation Renaissance Foundation Internews Network, Inc.

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5.2. Expenses for Project Activities in 2012 (UAH)

№ Donors Project names

Admin. expenses (admin. staff,

office rent, office supplies, phone, Internet, banking)

Project Expenses



Consultants salaries Equipment Printing Business

trips Events Website Video

1 Renaissance Foundation

VLADOMETR website, measuring political responsibility 2 763,32 62 519,94 65 283,26

2 Renaissance Foundation

Creating a platform for analyzing the European integration policy of Ukraine in the framework of the Public Expert Council at the Ukrainian part of the Committee on Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU 21 603,53 23 498,00 4 500,00 1 000,00 50 601,53

3 Internews Network, Inc.

Internet portal for public monitoring of political promises 2 228,93 96 896,00 2 127,48 3 090,00 6 000,00 110 342,41

4 NED (2011-2012)

Promoting the Accountability of Public Officials 367,53 112 526,00 36 966,26 149 859,79

5 NED (2012-2013)

Promoting the Accountability of Public Officials 2,00 22 380,00 22 382,00

6 Pact Inc (2011-2012) New Citizen. Fair Play. CHESNO 472 022,79 288 666,00 4 815,20 269 388,70 114 360,37 49 162,00 157 657,60 1 356 072,66

7 Pact Inc (2012-2013)

Strengthening of regional network of CHESNO Regional Coordination Councils 215 358,28 66 342,00 244 880,66 526 580,94

8 Omidyar Network, Inc New Citizen 804 107,84 481 079,50 126 477,25 36 368,00 118 106,29 1 566 138,88

9 Pact Inc Ukraine’s EU integration policy platform 158 926,67 314 234,75 4 581,00 55 502,24 88 038,70 3 196,00 624 479,36

TOTAL: 1 677 380,89 1 468 142,19 13 896,20 325 890,94 242 965,10 385 171,36 240 187,86 118 106,29 4 471 740,83

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To be continued …