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Zahras Perfumes Zahras Perfumes Ajmal Perfumes Zahras Perfumes http://perfume.zahras.com [email protected] 1 From the magic of oriental traditions to the sophistication of the western world, Ajmal Perfumes' route to success over the last five decades has been an interesting mix of the best that the two genres have to offer. Fifty six years since the seeds of this business were first sown in a small trading cell in India; the Ajmal family business has grown into a multifaceted organization with links that cover the entire perfume industry. Zahras Perfumes brings you the entire range of Ajmal Perfumes at the most reasonable prices and convenience to you. To order, simply send an email to [email protected] with the name and quantity you require we will do the rest and send you these finest perfumes with minimal effort to you.

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

Zahras Perfumes http://perfume.zahras.com [email protected] 1

From the magic of oriental traditions to the sophistication of the western world, Ajmal Perfumes' route to success over

the last five decades has been an interesting mix of the best that the two genres have to offer. Fifty six years since the

seeds of this business were first sown in a small trading cell in India; the Ajmal family business has grown into a

multifaceted organization with links that cover the entire perfume industry.

Zahras Perfumes brings you the entire range of

Ajmal Perfumes at the most reasonable prices and convenience to you.

To order, simply send an email to [email protected] with the name and quantity you require – we will do the rest and send you these finest perfumes with minimal effort to you.

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Lure Him and Her

LLuurree ffoorr HHiimm aanndd HHeerr aarree aann eexxoottiicc aanndd eexxqquuiissiittee

ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn wwiitthh aann uunnmmiissttaakkaabbllee aaiirr ooff

sseennssuuaalliittyy,, rreeffiinneemmeenntt aanndd ssoopphhiissttiiccaattiioonn..

LLuurree PPoouurr ((HHeerr)) FFeemmmmee iiss aann aarroommaattiicc fflloorraall

bblleenndd ooff oorraannggee bblloossssoomm aanndd jjaassmmiinnee aalloonngg

wwiitthh ffrruuiittyy iinnffuussiioonnss ooff aapprriiccoott aanndd pplluumm

LLuurree PPoouurr ((HHiimm)) HHoommmmee iiss iinnffuusseedd wwiitthh

uupplliiffttiinngg cciittrruuss aanndd ssppiiccyy nnootteess ooff bbeerrggaammoott,,

lleemmoonn aanndd llaavveennddeerr,, aanndd wwooooddyy uunnddeerrttoonneess

ooff ggeerraanniiuumm,, oorrrriiss aanndd aammbbeerr

85ml Spray - $45 for 1 bottle of him or her

$85 for pair

Sajwaa NNoo oonnee ddooeess ggllaammoouurr qquuiittee lliikkee tthhee wwoommeenn ooff

AArraabbiiaa.. FFrroomm tthheeiirr ffiinneerryy ttoo tthheeiirr aauuttoommoobbiilleess,,

tthheeyy eemmaannaattee aann uunnddeenniiaabbllee aauurraa ooff ooppuulleennccee..

WWhheenn iitt ccoommeess ttoo tthheeiirr ssttaatteemmeenntt ooff iinnddiivviidduuaalliittyy,,

nnoo ddeettaaiill iiss lleefftt uunnssppookkeenn ffoorr,, iinncclluuddiinngg hheerr

ffrraaggrraannccee.. SSaajjwwaaaa,, tthhee nneeww eevveenniinngg ffrraaggrraannccee bbyy

AAjjmmaall iiss eevveerryytthhiinngg sshhee nneeeeddss ttoo lleeaavvee hheerr

ssiiggnnaattuurree ttrraaiill..

AA ffrraaggrraannccee ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo ccoommpplliimmeenntt aanndd bblleenndd

wwiitthh ootthheerr ffrraaggrraanncceess,, SSaajjwwaaaa bbrriinnggss ttooggeetthheerr tthhee

oolldd wwoorrlldd ooppuulleennccee wwiitthh tthhee mmooddeerrnn ddaayy ggllaamm..

TThhee bblleenndd ooff mmuusskkyy,, fflloorraall aanndd wwooooddyy uunnddeerrttoonneess

sstteemm ffrroomm iinnffuussiioonnss ooff rroossee,, OOuuddhh,, llaabbddaannuumm,,

aammbbeerr aanndd ggeerraanniiuumm aanndd cciittrruuss.. AAtt tthhee hheeaarrtt ooff

tthhiiss lluusscciioouuss oorriieennttaall ccoonncceennttrraattee aarree ggrreeeenn fflloorraall

nnootteess tthhaatt ccoommpprriissee ooff ggrreeeenn lleeaaff,, mmaannddaarriinn,,

bbeerrggaammoott aanndd fflloowweerr ppeettaallss.. WWooooddyy aanndd ssppiiccyy ttoopp

nnootteess bbrriinngg ttooggeetthheerr ssaannddaallwwoooodd,, ccaarrddaammoomm,,

ppeeppppeerr,, aanndd vvaanniillllaa,, iinnggrreeddiieennttss tthhaatt eennrriicchh

SSaajjwwaaaa iinn tthhee mmoosstt rreeffiinneedd wwaayy.. YYeett aannootthheerr ttrruullyy

ssttuunnnniinngg ccrreeaattiioonn bbyy AAjjmmaall..

SSCCEENNTT :: MMuusskkyy FFlloorraall


FFRRAAGGRRAANNCCEE NNOOTTEESS :: MMuusskk,, OOuuddhh,, LLaabbddaannuumm,,

AAmmbbeerr,, cciittrruuss


26ml CPO - $70

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Maraam (Wish)

UUnnlleeaasshh tthhee ddiivvaa iinn yyoouu wwiitthh tthhiiss ggoorrggeeoouuss,,

mmooddeerrnn OOrriieennttaall ccoonncceennttrraattee tthhaatt rraaddiiaatteess

ffeemmiinniinnee nnootteess ooff JJaassmmiinnee,, RRoossee aanndd LLyycchheeee wwiitthh

sseennssuuaall uunnddeerrttoonneess ooff YYllaanngg YYllaanngg,, MMuusskk aanndd


AA hheeaadd ttuurrnneerr nnoo ddoouubbtt,, MMaarraaaamm iiss tthhee

eemmbbooddiimmeenntt ooff tthhee ssttyyllee--ssaavvvvyy ffeemmaallee wwiitthh aann eeyyee

((aanndd nnoossee)) ffoorr lluuxxuurryy aanndd qquuaalliittyy.. TThhiiss bboolldd ffuussiioonn

ooff fflloorraall,, wwooooddyy aanndd mmuusskkyy ttoonneess iiss aann eexxcciittiinngg,,

2211sstt cceennttuurryy ttwwiisstt ttoo ccoonnvveennttiioonnaall oouuddhh iinnssppiirreedd


SSCCEENNTT :: FFlloorraall


FFRRAAGGRRAANNCCEE NNOOTTEESS :: JJaassmmiinnee--RRoossee--MMuusskk--

AAmmbbeerr--YYllaanngg YYllaanngg


20ml CPO - $70

2010 Ajmal Gift Box

CCoonnttaaiinneedd iinn aa ccllaassssyy ccoommppaacctt ggiifftt bbooxx,, tthhiiss iiss aa

ppeerrffeecctt aanndd eexxoottiicc ggiifftt bbooxx ccoonnttaaiinniinngg AAjjmmaall

EExxcclluussiivvee PPeerrffuummeess iinn PPuurree CCoonncceennttrraatteedd OOiill..

TThhrreeee CCrryyssttaall BBoottttllee ccoonnttaaiinniinngg ::

11)) 66mmll DDhheenn AAll OOuudd CCaammbbooddii

22)) 66mmll MMuukkhhaallllaatt KKaasshhkkhhaa

33)) 66mmll EEssccaaddaa CCoolllleeccttiioonnss

Complete Gift Box - $50

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AA wwoonnddeerrffuull sswweeeett fflloorraall ccoonncceennttrraatteedd ppeerrffuummee ooiill

wwiitthh aa ccaannddyy aanndd cciittrruussyy ffllaavvoorr..

40ml CPO - $35

Oudh Al Mahabbah

AA nneewwllyy iinnttrroodduucceedd ppuurree AAggaarrwwoooodd ffrroomm

CCaammbbooddiiaa –– iinn aa lluuxxuurryy ppaacckkaaggee..

25 g - $105

50g - $192


AA wwoonnddeerrffuull sswweeeett fflloorraall ccoonncceennttrraatteedd ppeerrffuummee ooiill

wwiitthh aa ccaannddyy aanndd cciittrruussyy ffllaavvoorr..

36ml CPO - $65

Picture pending

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Oudh Al Rayhaan

AA nneewwllyy iinnttrroodduucceedd ppuurree AAggaarrwwoooodd ffrroomm MMaallaayyssiiaa

–– iinn aa lluuxxuurryy ppaacckkaaggee..

50g - $64

Haalih Introducing the new Ajmal Haalih perfume -

launched in Dubai and available exclusively

from Zahras Perfumes.

TThhiiss eexxqquuiissiittee ffrraaggrraannccee ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr aa ppeerrssoonn

wwiitthh ppaannaacchhee,, iiss aann aammoorroouuss bblleenndd ooff RRoossee wwoooodd,,

ccaarrddaammoomm aanndd ppiinnkk ppeeppppeerr,, cclleevveerrllyy iinnffuusseedd wwiitthh

wwooooddyy nnootteess ooff AAggaarr wwoooodd,, llaabbddaannuumm aanndd ffiirr

bbaallssaamm.. PPaattcchhoouullii,, mmuusskk aanndd aammbbeerr,, tthhee hheeaaddyy

bbaassee ooff tthhiiss EEaauu ddee PPaarrffuumm mmaakkeess iitt aann iirrrreessiissttiibbllee


FFrraaggrraannccee DDeessccrriippttiioonn::

TToopp:: FFlloorraall –– SSppiiccyy

HHeeaarrtt:: WWooooddyy

BBaassee:: AAmmbbeerryy –– MMuusskkyy –– WWooooddyy

Eau de Parfume - 60ml


The Concept Free me of what sets me in stone,

I am a given on to my own, do not think of me as what I could have been,

because I strive to be all I can,

and I love to enjoy every step of the way, every hour, everyday

The name Haailah means Extraordinary

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Ajmal Asaateer for Women ASAATEER is an Oudh based oriental spray perfume with a little touch of Saffron, Amber & Pure Musk. Packaged in a very attractive crystal bottle containing 60ml.


Ajmal Entice for Women Where I go, wherever I may be, I am sure to entice, such is the way I live my life.

Especially for enthusiastic go getters

who enjoy life to the fullest. They are extremely confident in the choices they make and keep their chin up no matter what the circumstance A vivacious fragrance that fills the room with delight, entice for her is

created specifically for confident, enthusiastic woman of today. Mandarin orange and lemon mix with aloe vera, jasmine and tuberose to provide the floral fruity fragrance a fresh and bright opening. Sandalwood musk and

cedar wood allow it to settle a touch

into a musky woody base. Fragrance Description: TOP: GOURMAND , FRUITY , FLORAL HEART : FLORAL BASE: MUSKY WOODY



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Majmoah Leqh'a Gift Set A gift set with a high quality Ajmal Dhan Al Oud and prime quality Oudh. 1. 45 Gms Agarwood Cambodian (Ogia 1.5) 2. ¼ tola Dhan Al Oudh Hindi


AJMAL COLLECTION Ajmals favourites perfumes now

available only in gift form. 1) ¼ tola of Ajmal by Ajmal 50 years CPO

2) ¼ tola of Mukhallat Sarah CPO 3) ¼ tola of Mukhallat Malaky

CPO 4) ¼ tola of Danat Al Duniya CPO


MAJESTIC COLLECTION GIFT BOX A Top of the Line collection of Ajmal’s supreme perfumes presented in a solid wood box with

high quality finish.




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COMBO 2007

A limited edition and affordably priced collection of Ajmal Concentrated Perfume Oils in a gift presentation box with the world famous Ajmal insignia. Three perfume bottles with glass interior:

1) ½ tola White Musk

Concentrated Oil Perfume 2) ½ tola Blend (Mukhallat)

Concentrated Oil Perfume

(mukhallat ingredients Oudh ,

Amber, Rose, Motia, & misk.) 3) ¼ tola Dhen Al Oud

Concentrated Oil Perfume



A limited edition beautifully presented

collection of Ajmal Concentrated Perfume Oils in a gift presentation box

with the world famous Ajmal insignia. Three metal perfume bottles with glass interior:

4) ½ tola Aseel White Musk Concentrated Oil Perfume

5) ½ tola Blend (Mukhallat) Concentrated Oil Perfume (mukhallat ingredients Oudh , Amber, Rose, Motia, & misk.)

6) ¼ tola Dhen Al Oud Cambodi

Concentrated Oil Perfume


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A Precious Gift of Femininity....

„Joy for the precious moments, sorrow

that they are so few, my deepest

heart‟s desire is to treasure these

moments with you‟.. Similar to these

beautiful words of a poem behold a

fragrance as precious and exquisite

from Ajmal perfumes, Rika. Like

treasured moments which are

cherished forever, this new fragrance

makes a perfect gift for her. The

delicate seduction of rose, musk and

sandalwood, infused with playful notes

of peony, magnolia and peach, with

trails of fresh bergamot, and anise

exude ultra femininity. Created

especially for her, this precious Eau de

Parfum truly makes an alluring choice

that is pleasing by nature and


Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 60 ml

Top : Rose Musk

Heart : Sandalwood

Base : Peony, Magnolia, Peach


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EN VOGUE Nawty (Eau de Parfum)

Nawty designed for girls young at heart is a

delightful vibrant fruity perfume with a musky and

woody base.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Fruity

Heart : Fruity Floral

Base : Woody Musky


Teenz (Eau de Parfum)

Teenz Eau de Parfum caress the wearer in an

infusion of floral, fruity and watery notes. Its

lingering effect is due to the hint of musk, which is

fused with the stimulating notes of watermelon and

melon. The collection's feminine and youthful

appeal is completed with its exquisite design in pink

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Floral Fruity

Heart : Fruity Musky

Base : Floral Fruity Musky


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Carbon (Eau de Parfum)

Carbon is designed for men who defy the truism of

life. They are not stereotypes and always maintain a

progressive tone in life. The top notes of Carbon are

fresh citrus and lavender, balanced by middle notes

of green, spicy clove and violet. The base notes are

woody, musky and patchouli

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 100 ml

Top : Citrus - Fresh

Heart : Green - Spicy

Base : Woody - Musky


Facets of her (Eau de Parfum) DISCONTINUED

A fragrance designed for the strong

independent woman. She is modern, truly

adventurous and will hold her own no matter

what the situation. She likes non conventional

fragrances as they represent her outlook in

life. Gardenia and jasmine combine to present

a hearty floral fragrance capped with cedar

wood and vanilla representing a woody

powdery base.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 60 ml

Top : Floral - Green

Heart : Floral

Base : Woody - Powdery


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Facets of him (Eau de Parfum) DISCONTINUED

The fragrance aims to attract men who are

strong, bold personalities who can stand firm

no matter what the situation. They are

acclimatized to new scents and appreciate

bohemian fragrances. The fragrance opens

with a fresh spicy top comprised of pineapple

leaves, cardamom and violet leaves, which

dissipates into a flower heart mixed with

woody notes. The base reflects woody tones

with the help of cedar wood, sandal wood with

a slight balsamic afterglow.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 100 ml

Top : Fresh - Spicy

Heart : Floral - Woody

Base : Woody – Balsamic


Ignite (Eau de Parfum) It is for women who cherish the beauty of

tenderness and feel comfortable wrapped in

pure passion. A sensual fragrance that

harmoniously combines sparkling floral, fruity

notes of jasmine, Roseberry and violet with

the warmth of woody elements derived from

cedar wood and sandalwood. The fiery Eau de

Parfum is presented in a 50 ml crimson-

coloured bottle, reflecting the essence of

undying passion. Its simple, contemporary

design is complemented by a red flame-

shaped cap, which completes the seductive

charm of Ignite.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Floral - Fruity

Heart : Fruity - Floral - Spicy

Base : Woody – Musky


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Illusion (Eau de parfum) DISCONTINUED Replaced by Rika Illusion is for the young, the trendy, it is a

fashion statement being made. Designed to

exude elegance, this effervescent fragrance is

the harbinger of budding love created for the

sophisticated woman of today.

The fragrance brings together rose, geranium

and bergamot playing key roles in providing

the fragrance with a floral green opening. With

warmth and sensuality being afforded by

vanilla, patchouli, sandal and cedar wood that

combine and give a powdery woody base

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 60 ml

Top : Floral

Heart : Green Citrus

Base : Powdery Woody


Neutron (Eau de Parfum) For a man who delights in expressing a subtle

masculinity, his love for life. Neutron is

designed to bring in that sophisticated feeling.

A combination of citrus, musky and fresh notes

creates an energizing intense effect uplifting

one‟s spirit. The simple cubical bottle with a

silver metallic cap reflects an image of

masculine elegance.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 100 ml

Top : Fresh-Fruity-Musky

Heart : Citrus-Floral-Musky

Base : Musky-Woody


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Raindrops (Eau de Parfum) Raindrops is a modern scent which exudes a

sleek and simplistic elegance, enveloping the

wearer in a delicate weave of contemporary

elements. The fragrance, with its clean, back-

to-basics chic is designed to appeal to women

who seek practical scents, reminiscent of

outdoor freshness.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Fruity - Floral - Woody

Heart : Animalic - Floral

Base : Floral - Ambery - Woody


Ravish (Eau de Parfum) Designed for the passionate and caring woman

with an attitude of a fun-filled life, this Eau de

Parfum captures the heart of one and all. The

pleasant, vibrant scented fragrance offers an

aromatic theme displaying modernity and

originality of the wearer. A cocktail of florals

with Rose essence and petals evoking qualities

of passion, Orange Blossoms to enhance

pleasant fruity notes and pure Jasmine that

adds sensuousness.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Floral - Fruity

Heart : Fruity - Woody

Base : Woody


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Sacred Love (Eau de Parfum) The soft and gentle aroma of Sacred Love

personifies the beauty and peace associated

with the dreamy emotion. Inspired by precious

romance, Sacred Love carries a fresh, floral

note with citrus and musky undertones.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Citrus - Fresh - Floral

Heart : Floral - Musky - Fresh

Base : Fresh - Musky - Floral

$21 Sacred Love Powder also available

Sacrifice for her (Eau de Parfum) Sacrifice for her has a musky, oriental base,

with a warm heart of sweet, floral tones of

jasmine, vanilla and amber. Hints of orange

blossom gives a feeling of freshness, making it

a perfect fragrance for the emotionally

intelligent, modern woman - confident and

self-assured, yet caring and compassionate.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Aqua Floral

Heart : Floral Musky

Base : Woody Oriental Musky


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Sacrifice for him (Eau de Parfum) A strong, masculine scent based on cedar

wood and musk, with spicy hints of ginger,

cardamom and nutmeg. A trace of mandarin

adds a citrus flavour, making it suitable for the

confident, mature man who is not afraid to

show he has a sensitive side.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 90 ml

Top : Citrus - Spicy

Heart : Spicy - Woody

Base : Woody – Musky


Shadow ( Her ) (Eau de Parfum) The fragrance with its aromatic and spicy heart

and fresh and green top notes is a very fresh

and woody fragrance designed for confident

and grounded males. Shadow‟s raw earthy,

spicy and fruity notes come from an

invigorating blend of pimento leaf, cardamom,

clarysage, frankincense, vetiver, sandalwood,

patchouli and musk.


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Shadow ( Him ) (Eau de Parfum) The fragrance with its aromatic and spicy heart and

fresh and green top notes is a very fresh and woody

fragrance designed for confident and grounded

males. Shadow‟s raw earthy, spicy and fruity notes

come from an invigorating blend of pimento leaf,

cardamom, clarysage, frankincense, vetiver,

sandalwood, patchouli and musk.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 75 ml

Top : Fresh - Spicy - Green

Heart : Aromatic - Spicy

Base : Musky - Woody


Titanium (Eau de Parfum) Titanium is for men who believe in a journey

rather than a destination and accept life as it

comes. It is a 100 mllemental creation with

top citrus- fruity notes of green lime and

juniper. The sailing heart is composed of fresh-

spicy notes of jackfruit and nutmeg while the

enduring base is built upon musky- woody

notes of sandalwood. It is a clear bottle with

two sides frosted that give it a vogue look,

differentiating it from the mundane.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 100 ml

Top : Citrus - Fruity

Heart : Fresh - Spicy

Base : Musky - Woody



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Titanium Woman (Eau de Parfum) A distinct blend of high quality ingredients, the

sophisticated Titanium for woman knits the

freshness of cassis and grape fruit with vibrant

floral notes of magnolia and jasmine. The

warmth of white musk and sandalwood

ensures an ever-lasting effect making it an

ideal choice for every woman.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Fresh - Fruity - Floral

Heart : Fruity - Floral

Base : Musky - Woody



Utopia (Eau de Parfum) Confident, self -assured, and comfortable in

his own skin, the Utopia man is a magnet for

success…and this woody, spicy ultra-male

scent is his sure-fire signature.

Top note: Fresh Woody; Heart note: Floral

Spicy; Base note: Woody Balsamic

Utopia is a fine blend of woody and spicy notes

of Sage and Tea, mixed with the citrus aroma

of Lemon and tangy Mandarin intermingled

with exotic Rose and fragrant Cardamom. The

Eau de Parfum ends in a brilliant masculine

twist with Tonka beans and Musk to mark the

trail of the wearer.


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Verve (Eau de Parfum) A fragrance designed for the urban chic, verve

aims to attract men who are not afraid to

experiment. A vivacious fragrance

representing the sophisticated lifestyle of

confident personalities. A woody, ambery base

is followed by a floral spicy heart with aromatic

top notes that underline the spirit of energetic

and compassionate individuals who

continuously strive for perfection.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 75 ml

Top : Fruity - Aromatic

Heart : Floral - Spicy

Base : Ambery - Leathery – Woody


Vice (Eau de Parfum) A fragrance designed for those who seek the

thrill of adventure and live life on the edge,

this enigmatic Eau de Parfum is bound to

delight dynamic and active men, who are

constantly on the move. Finely blended with

the citrus aroma of bergamot and enhanced

with musk, this creation insinuates raw

masculinity through the hints of woody and

musky notes.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 100 ml

Top : Fresh - Spicy

Heart : Spicy - Woody

Base : Woody – Musky



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Vision (Eau de Parfum) Fresh and reinvigorating, this Eau de Parfum is

bound to please dynamic and active men, who

are constantly on the move. The fresh citrus

aroma is gently enhanced and insinuates raw

masculinity through the hints of woody and

musky fragrance.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 100 ml

Top : Citrus - Fresh - Green

Heart : Floral - Fresh

Base : Woody - Ambery – Musky


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ETHNIC CHIC Mukhallat Amiri One of Ajmals finest concentrated perfume oils.

10ml Concentrated Perfume Oil


Mukhallat Malaky Ajmals best selling and favorite Oil Blend – now to

be discontinued shortly and in short supply.

28ml Concentrated Perfume Oil


Picture pending

Afaaq (Concentrated Perfume Oil) With a name that means 'horizons', the exclusive

concentrate 'Afaaq' encompasses an oriental flair

that stimulates those who embrace travel and

new opportunities with passion. Enveloping the

wearer in irresistible tenderness, Afaaq's

stimulating palette of emotions is achieved

through a blend of fruity and spicy top notes

enriched with a heart note of rose, raspberry and

cardamom. Musky and woody notes add a unique

self-indulging expression to the base.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 13 ml

Top : Citrus - Fruity

Heart : Floral - Fruity - Spicy

Base : Musky - Woody


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Ahebbak (Concentrate) (Concentrated Perfume Oil) also called Ahbab DISCONTINUED (spray still available) closest replacements :


Created for the young ladies, Ahebbak is like a

bouquet of love meant to inspire and engulf the

wearer with a tender soft feeling. The perfume's

composition is on a very modern theme with a

Citrus-Fruity top disappearing into a fresh spicy

middle note before taking one into the soft

lingering effect of sandalwood and musk.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 24 ml

Top : Citrus - Fresh

Heart : Citrus - Floral

Base : Musky - Floral


Ahebbak (EDP) (Eau de Parfum) also called Ahbab Ahebbak, whose name implies 'I love you', is a

distinctively romantic perfume combining citrus

ingredients and is complemented by floral and

musky notes. Created for the modern young

woman of today, Ahebbak is a sophisticated scent

created around the theme of unconditional love

and intimacy.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Citrus - Floral

Heart : Citrus - Floral

Base : Musky - Floral


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Alf Lail O Lail (Concentrate) (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Based on the legendary theme of Stories from the

"Arabian Nights" this new perfume has been

created with the same name as 1001 nights (Alf

Laila O Laila). The fragrance has been designed

around an oriental Mukhallat route with rich warm

notes with a seductive touch to it. The top begins

with a fresh-woody note followed by a woody-

floral and base of musky-mossy. 1001 night is

expected to create the same mesmerizing,

lingering effect, for which the legendary stories

are known across the world.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 30 ml

Top : Spicy - Smoky

Heart : Floral - Spicy

Base : Musky - Woody


Asheem (Concentrated Perfume Oil ) Asheem, meaning to crave aspires to deliver a

touch of sophistication and glamour. With just a

daub, step into the world to grab attention and be

prepared to leave a whisk of the fragrance along

your walk and aisle away with the „chic‟ notice

amongst all.

Asheem flavors emit the fresh ingredients of

sandalwood and amber with pungency of

Clarysage and final touches of Oudh and Musk to

complete the perfectly balanced modern oriental


Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 12 ml

Top : Fresh -Woody

Heart : Floral Fresh Woody

Base : Musky Fresh


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Awsaaf (Eau de Parfum Awsaaf or Awsaf- Arabic for characterization - is

a floriental Eau de Parfum with an impressive and

unique aroma representing the charisma and

personality of strong and lively women. With its

fruity and spicy note and woody undertones,

Awsaaf reflects both the variety and focus of

characteristic women who challenge conformity

and know what they want to achieve.

Type : Eau de Parfum


y : 50 ml

Top : Fruity - Spicy

Heart : Woody - Spicy - Fruity

Base : Spicy - Musky - Woody


Daanat Al Duniya (EDP) (Eau de Parfum) The essence of the East and West meet in a

captivating blend of fragrances. Daanat al Duniya

(Pearl of the world) is presented as a concept of

discovering a precious pearl, the perfume is

presented in a round bottle which is packed in an

exquisite oyster shaped casket that opens to

reveal the treasured perfume. The fragrance

starts on a light spicy and floral note that

gradually builds into a soft floral, woody body

created on a musky backdrop.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 60 ml

Top : Spicy - Floral

Heart : Spicy - Floral - Woody

Base : Musky - Spicy - Woody


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Faihaa (Eau de parfum) Designed for connoisseurs and fragrance lovers,

both male and female, this captivating Eau de

Parfum with its spicy and woody undertones

reflects both traditional and modern versatility.

With an aura of elegance in its notes, this

captivating oriental fragrance captures the heart

of the wearer who craves perfect balance and self

assurance in life.

The fruity, spicy and musky essence of Faihaa is a

perfect combination of saffron and lily of the

valley skillfully blended with rose and amber.

Additionally Oudh and musk add depth and long

lasting power to this perfectly balanced oriental

fragrance. This exquisite blend is a sum of all


Type : Eau De Parfum

Capacity : 60 ml

Top : Fruity - Spicy

Heart : Woody - Ambery

Base : Ambery - Musky - Woody


Ghala (Oriental - Eau de parfum) DISCONTINUED – replaced by Haalih Classic fragrance with contemporary ingredients

captures the heart of the wearer craving for the

perfect balance in life. Natural materials like

fragrant sandalwood, amber and cedar wood are

creatively merged with spicy hints of ginger,

cardamom and clove, creating a sophisticated

perfume reflecting effortless elegance and modern


Type : Oriental - Eau de parfum

Capacity : 75 ml

Top : Citrus - Spicy - Fresh

Heart : Fresh - Ambery - Woody

Base : Woody - Ambery


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Gharami (Eau de Parfum) The amorous Gharami scent is a unique

combination of spellbinding notes of rose,

bergamot, ylang, iris, cedar, neroli and jasmine.

The passion of sandalwood, oak moss, patchouli,

amber and musk, exude warmth, making it an

ideal scent for romantic women who wish to make

their presence felt wherever they go.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 75 ml

Top : Citrus - Spicy

Heart : Floral - Spicy - Woody

Base : Musky - Floral - Spicy


Hayawiya (Eau de Parfum) A fragrance designed for the adventurous woman

that bears a strong attraction for non conventional

fragrances. Hayawiya manages to mesmerize with

its rich ingredients of rose, jasmine and

sandalwood clearly characterizes the chic and

stylish lady of today with its fruity spicy fragrance.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 75 ml

Top : Citrus

Heart : Floral - Aromatic

Base : Woody - Musky


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Kawaakeb (Concentrated Perfume Oil) DISCONTINUED (replaced by Khawatir) An oriental concentrate designed to uplift your

mood. The fragrance speaks a traditionally modern

tale with a veil composed of Floral - Green notes, a

heart that beats with Spicy - Floral - Fresh fervor.

The fragrance can be best coined as a heady, fresh

fragrance designed for progressive individuals who

like to state their intentions wherever they go.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 14 ml

Top : Floral - Green

Heart : Spicy - Floral - Fresh

Base : Fresh - Musky - Floral


Khallab (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Blended with natural oils and ingredients, this

oriental fragrance is an alluring appearance of chic

and style. Suggesting fascination and attraction,

Khallab appeals to the traditionally rooted yet

modern individuals. The bold brassy bottle with

the rich scent is a symbol of sophistication. The

oriental concentrate emanates a feel good factor

offering the modern man and woman a fresh yet

spicy flavor with a touch of floral and woody


Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 18 ml

Top : Floral - Fresh - Woody

Heart : Spicy - Floral - Woody

Base : Floral - Woody - Spicy


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Khawatir (Concentrated Perfume Oil) (replaces Kawakeb) Spicy, woody undertones with hints of musk

give way to a delightful burst of fruity, floral

notes to create a fresh, young aura

surrounding the wearer. A well balanced

fragrance that compliments her natural

curiosity and passion for to discover life,

Khawatir marks the metamorphoses of a

young lady into an enchanting woman.

The fusion of fruity, floral notes with spicy,

woody undertones creates the perfect blend

for a well balanced oriental fragrance. Fresh,

feminine infusions like rose and litchi,

blended with exotic ingredients such as

saffron and musk makes Khawatir a truly

enticing fragrance.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 14 ml

Top : Fruity Floral

Heart : Woody Spicy

Base : Musky Spicy Woody


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Mawsouf (Concentrated Perfume Oil) A combination of traditional ingredients such

as Dahn al Oudh, with the warm, sensual

notes of vanilla and amber and a delicate

flowery scent from rose, Mawsouf is fitting for

classy mature men and women. It offers a

modernized interpretation of classic elegance

and appeals to people with refined tastes and

a sophisticated understanding of oriental


Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 18 ml

Top : Ambery - Spicy

Heart : Woody - Spicy - Ambery

Base : Spicy - Ambery -Woody


Mazaaj (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Mazaaj uplifts one's mood with its unique

blend of citrus and spicy notes. The enticing

concoction of Mazaaj, infused with floral and

musky components, creates a passage that

takes the wearer into a world of absolute

bliss. Especially designed for the impulsive

trendsetter who derives inspiration from the

finer things in life.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 20 ml

Top : Citrus - Spicy

Heart : Citrus - Floral - Spicy

Base : Floral - Spicy - Musky


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Mizyaan ( Concentrated Perfume Oil) The new concentrated fragrance Mizyaan is

as its name suggests - 'beautiful' - and is a

unique combination of exotic spicy notes and

feminine floral notes, infused with warm

musk and woody undertones. A cheery,

tender fragrance for the ultra feminine,

Mizyaan, is designed to reveal an unusual

twist - the intense passion which lies within.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 14 ml

Top : Floral - Spicy

Heart : Floral - Musky

Base : Woody - Ambery


Muhja (Eau de Parfum) A complex yet settled fragrance created for

women who are confident, experimental and

self motivated. The fragrance portrays

various curves and facets completing the

palate to create the finest perfume. The

creation of this scent emanates the essence

of Pale Amber, fragrant Sandal, sweet-

smelling Jasmine, Labdanum and Musk to

complete the fragrance and Dahn Al Oudh for

the Oriental touch.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Woody - Fresh

Heart : Spicy - Woody

Base : Woody - Spicy - Musky


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Mukhallat Dahn Al Oudh Moattaq (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Mukhallat Dahn Al Oudh Moattaq is one of the most

exclusive perfumes among Ajmal creations. An exotic

formulation created around the warm notes of Dahn Al

Oudh, its top note carries rich woody notes in harmony

with pure Turkish rose oil and a blend of exotic Indian

herbs. The heart exudes Ambery and woody feel with

the base culminating in Musky-Powdery, soft-animalic

and rosy notes.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 18 ml

Top : Woody - Floral - Spicy

Heart : Ambery - Woody

Base : Musky - Powdery - Animalic


Concentrated Perfume Oil

Mukhallat Dahn Al Oudh Moattaq (Spray Eau De Parfum) Mukhallat Dahn Al Oudh Moattaq is one of the most

exclusive perfumes among Ajmal creations. An exotic

formulation created around the warm notes of Dahn Al

Oudh, its top note carries rich woody notes in harmony

with pure Turkish rose oil and a blend of exotic Indian

herbs. The heart exudes Ambery and woody feel with

the base culminating in Musky-Powdery, soft-animalic

and rosy notes.

Type : Eau De Parfum

Capacity : 60 ml

Top : Woody - Floral - Spicy

Heart : Ambery - Woody

Base : Musky - Powdery - Animalic


Spray – Eau De Parfume

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Mukhallat Shams (Eau de Parfum) Hailing form the legendary Dahn Al Oudh

Shams family, it is a rare and captivating

blend that refreshes the senses. It is meant

for people with a vibrant personality and

whose demeanor is hard to shadow.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Floral - Musky

Heart : Musky - Ambery

Base : Woody - Oudhy


Najla (Concentrated Perfume Oil) A fragrance for the impulsive, vibrant woman

who enjoys modern blends. A floral spicy

bouquet that reveals a woman who Jasmine,

rose and saffron provide the fragrance its

floral spicy ambience, which mellows into a

base of infused with cedar sandalwood and


Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 13 ml

Top : Floral - Spicy

Heart : Spicy - Floral - Woody

Base : Woody - Musky - Spicy


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Ragheeb (Concentrated Perfume Oil) This bold evening fragrance is best suited for

modern individuals who posses character and

refined appreciation towards oriental

fragrances. For those who wish to make a

statement, Ragheeb conveys a sensation of

timeless glamour and mystique, enveloping

the wearer with an air of elegance,

guaranteed to make a lasting impression.

This exotic bouquet opens with the floral

essence of Bergamot and Rose creatively

infused with spicy hints of saffron, nutmeg

and clove, interspersed with geranium. The

fragrance highlights aromatic, warm and

contemporary base woody yet sweet notes,

for that long lasting trail.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 24 ml

Top : Floral - Citrus

Heart : Spicy

Base : Woody - Ambery


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Rannan (Eau de parfum) Rannan is for the traditionally molded

individual who enjoys a touch of modernity.

This captivating oriental Eau de Parfum with

its rosy, woody undertones reflects both

traditional and modern versatility to

complement the wearer‟s personality. With

sweet smelling ingredients and an aura of

freshness in its notes, Rannan will capture

your heart and command absolute


The fragrance opens with a floral essence of

Bergamot creatively infused with hints of

fruity Tropical Berries and Cassis. It offers a

blend of woody tones such as Agar wood,

Patchouli and Vanilla interspersed with exotic

ingredients like saffron and amber making

Rannan a perfect fragrance to mark your


Type : Eau De Parfum

Capacity : 60 ml

Top : Balsamic Green Rosy

Heart : Woody Gourmand

Base : Woody


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Shahla (Eau de Parfum) Designed for the sophisticated, glamorous

and intelligent woman, this Eau de Parfum

captures the mind, heart and soul. These

women are self reliant and aspire for the finer

things in life. A floriental fragrance that

emanates the aromatic essence of Bergamot,

with spicy notes of cedar, blending a cocktail

of tangy Mandarin and Orange flower

interspersed with fragrant and sweet Vanilla.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Fresh Citrus

Heart : Aromatic Woody

Base : Musky Ambery


Wafaa (Eau de Parfum) **DISCONTINUED** Replaced by Mukhallat Dahn Al Oudh Moattaq (Spray Eau De Parfum)

A fragrance designed to express individuality,

to exude class. Wafaa is a unisex Eau de

Parfum that appeals to all those that wish to

draw attention, those who have the energy to


Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Floral - Spicy

Heart : Woody - Floral

Base : Musky - Woody


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Wisal (Eau de Parfum) An inviting fragrance featuring fresh modern

notes, blended for mature and dynamic

women who are trendy yet traditional at

heart. Its mix of fresh floral top notes

combined with spicy floral heart and floral

musky base notes are soothing for the

psyche and reflect the wearer's self-


Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 50 ml

Top : Floral - Fresh

Heart : Spicy - Floral

Base : Floral - Musky


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DHAN AL OUD OIL & SPRAY Al Shams Special Edition (Eau de Parfum)

An oriental Eau de Parfum exclusively

created for today‟s brightest, far reaching

and trend setting Individuals. Derived from

aged Indian Agarwood, the pleasant and long

lasting aroma emanates unique

characteristics bearing the mark of Indian

Oudh. Designed as a unique offering, this

refined fragrance will add a new and

exquisite dimension to the existing Al Shams

product range.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 30 ml

Dahn al Oudh


Dahn Al Oudh Lujain (Eau de Parfum) Designed to be worn by both men and

women, this refined oriental fragrance befits

the vivacious and exuberant individual.

Created especially for those who aspire

towards modern chic yet believe in their

traditional roots, this rich oriental

concentrate makes an enticing choice for

every fragrance lover. Entwined with Velvety

notes, this contemporary rendition of the

traditional classic ingredient Dahn Al Oudh

revels in its shimmering magnificence.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 25 ml

Dahn al Oudh


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Dahn Al Oudh Matheel (Eau de Parfum) With its rich and exotic fragrance, 'Matheel',

meaning identical in Arabic, leaves an

alluring scent suited to men and women who

possess class and confidence. The generous,

long-lasting aroma truly conveys a sensation

of timeless glamour and mystique, giving an

air of elegance that will draw attention to any

person who wears it, and is guaranteed to

leave an impression.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 3 ml

Dahn al Oudh


Dahn Al Oudh Moattaq (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Dahn al Oudh Moattaq, probably the most

expensive perfume in the world, is a

fragrance for kings and a true reflection of

Arabian splendour. A rich blend of the finest

oils matured over the years, Dahn Al Oudh

Moattaq is not just a perfume but a jewel.

The perfume is presented in a solid hand

crafted crystal bottle with a gold plated

jacket on the shoulder. The pear shape bottle

has a unique coating that enhances its dazzle

and gives it the feel of a large diamond.

This is the OIL VERSION

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 6ml or 12 ml

$560 6ml $1000 12ml

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Dahn Al Oudh Moattaq Spray Dahn al Oudh Moattaq, probably the most

expensive perfume in the world, is a

fragrance for kings and a true reflection of

Arabian splendour. A rich blend of the finest

oils matured over the years, Dahn Al Oudh

Moattaq is not just a perfume but a jewel.

The perfume is presented in a solid hand

crafted crystal bottle with a gold plated

jacket on the shoulder. The pear shape bottle

has a unique coating that enhances its dazzle

and gives it the feel of a large diamond.


Type : Spray

Capacity : 60ml

$445 60ml

Dahn Al Oudh Nudra (Concentrated Perfume Oil) A fragrance designed for affluent individuals

who possess a refined taste. A befitting

example of tradition fusing with

contemporary and modern dynamics. This

rich and alluring oriental concentrate best

speaks of those with class and a touch of

traditional sophistication. The fragrance

yields a bitter yet sweet earthy tone denotes

the power of this alluring scent. A fine blend

that carries a mix of Indian and Cambodian


Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml

Dahn al Oudh


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Dahn Al Oudh Rafeef (Concentrated Perfume) Rafeef is as exciting as its name implies, with

the mesmerizing essence of Dahn Al Oudh

presented with a modern flair. The spicy and

woody notes of the legendary extract provide

strength and individuality. Its revitalizing

essence of high quality Oudh creates a

charismatic ambience that defines the

wearer's confidence.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml


[email protected]

Dahn Al Oudh Ragheed (Eau de Parfum) DISCONTINUED Ragheed, which means 'Luxury or Opulence',

has been especially crafted for the affluent.

It is rich concoction of high quality

ingredients and tantalizing blend of Indian

and Cambodian notes makes Dahn Al Oudh

Ragheed an enticing choice for every

fragrance lover.

Type : Eau de


Capacity : 30 ml

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Dahn Al Oudh Saif Al Arab (Concentrated Perfume Oil) The fragrance is a mix of Indian and

Cambodian notes, which gives the fragrance

a slight earthiness and a beautiful

bittersweet tone. It is designed to be worn

by both men and women who are reaching a

mature age but are still young at heart. It is

suitable for ambitious, serious and

respectable people that aspire to higher

goals and have immense pride in their origin.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml

Dahn al Oudh


Dahn Al Oudh Tabeer (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Tabeer, which means impressions, is a

strong fragrance based on a mix of Indian

and Cambodian oils. It is designed to be

used by both men and women who are

sophisticated in character, know the

importance of maintaining traditions and

having strong values, yet understand the

need to keep up with modern developments.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml (1/4 Tola)

Dahn al Oudh


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Dahn Al Oudh Tharaa (Concentrated Perfume Oil) The fragrance can be best described as being

very rich and that is ascertained by the use

of mature Dahn Al Oudh. A regal fragrance

designed for leaders in society, in tastes and

in all aspects of life.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml (1/4 Tola)

Only available in gift set – please


[email protected]

Saif Al Hind (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Exquisitely packed in a slender and compact

hand-cut crystal bottle, Saif Al Hind is an

exquisite fragrance made from pure and

matured high quality Dahn Al Oudh. The

crystal bottle comes in an exclusive and

modern pack with rosewood touch. Saif Al

Hind meaning Sword of India carries an elite

feel that makes it stand a class apart among

all fragrances.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml

Limited Availability


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Dahn Oudh Al Shams (Eau de Parfum) Dahn Oudh Al Shams is an exotic fragrance that

captures the timeless notes of Indian Dahn al

Oudh. Dahn al Oudh which is among the most

precious natural ingredients used in perfumery is

frequently used as a perfume by itself in the

Arabic culture. Al Shams which translates as the

Sun is unique not just in its exquisite packaging

but also because it presents the rich warm and

woody notes of premium dahan al Oudh as an Eau

De Parfum. The bottle which gives the appearance

of the sun s rays wears a gold and silver metal

jacket that further enhances its beauty. The

product is created for users who would like to

indulge in the rich notes of dahan al Oudh but

prefer a convenient form of application.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 30 ml

Base : Warm - Woody - Animalic

$77 (see also special edition)

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Dhan Al Oud Atheer (Concentrated Perfume Oil) High quality Oud Oil fit for kings, packed in

crystal with a fragrance uniquely Ajmal.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml


Dhan Al Oud Maysam (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Opulent Cambodi and Indian Oud Oil with a

woody look and smell made of the highest

purity and quality.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml


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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Dahn Al Oudh Jazaab (Concentrated Perfume Oil) Jazaab, meaning „attractive‟ in Arabic, is a rich, woody fragrance that wraps the wearer in warmth and will appeal to both men and women in the Emirates with its traditional and pure Dahn Al Oudh essence, in a modern form. “Jazaab is a pure Dahn Al Oudh essence and retains the inherent character of the legendary extract well-known for its woody, sensual qualities,” added Ajmal. Presented in a discreet ultra-modern crystal bottle containing 3ml of the concentrated fragrance, Jazaab features a unique conical golden cap. The stylish fragrance bottle, which conveniently fits in the palm of one‟s hand, is encased in an elegant cream and brown hard box with a clever magnetic closure, evoking feelings of warmth and richness. 3ml


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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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BAKHOOR Oud Mubakhar Top quality bakhoor from Oud chips to give a

wonderful rich enchanting fragrance

Type : Oud Bakhoor

Capacity : 100g or 25g e

25g - $35

50g - $75

100g - $135

Maamol Wahaj Bakhoor mixed with aromatic perfumes that

release divine scents to the house

Type : Maamol Bakhoor

Capacity : 250g

100g - $40

200g - $77

250g - $93

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Majoon Affordable entry level bakhoor for everyman

– this is a superb bakhoor that gives long

lasting scents that permeate the whole area.

Type : Maajon Bakhoor

Capacity : 40g


Picture pending

Ajmal Dakhoon Al Safwa A sharp bakhoor with several tones of

fragrance – great for occasions, or use in


Type : Maajon Bakhoor

Capacity : 100g

100g - $42

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Ajmal II (Eau de Parfum)

Everything about this scent whispers luxury. That

bottle for a start- a crystal handcrafted flacon

etched in 24-carat gold. If that isn't enough to

stop you in your tracks, there's the scent itself.

Rose, jasmine, and sandalwood enfold the

wearer in an aura of chilled-out serenity. Ajmal II

is a work of art from the oil inside to the flacon

itself, which glows diamond-like in the dark.


[email protected]

Believe for her (Eau de Parfum) At night, with the stars shining bright, the

one that shines through is you. A fragrance

designed for sophisticated women. Refined

taste speaks of their immaculate sense, the

way they dress to find more than most

impressed, it is because they believe.

Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 30 ml

Top : Fruity - Floral

Heart : Fresh

Base : Spicy – Powdery


[email protected]

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Believe for him (Eau de Parfum) A fragrance designed to air sophistication

that speaks of a refined taste for him who is

strong, who likes to show what he has,

wears it on his sleeve. A role model he is for

all those who see his success and attribute it

mostly to his robust demeanor and refined


Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 30 ml

Top : Warm - Spicy

Heart : Leathery - Woody

Base : Woody - Musky

Enquire [email protected]

Dahn Al Oudh Blateen (Concentrated Perfume Oil) A luscious mix of the finest Indian and

Cambodian Oudh lavishes bittersweet earthy

tones. The combination brings forth a

fragrance designed to illuminate your


Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 3 ml

A mix of Indian and

cambodi Oudh


[email protected]

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Relentless (Concentrated Perfume Oil) A fragrance designed for those who pursue their

dreams, who love to travel, who enjoy an air of

exclusivity. A never ending search for something

special, a pursuit so pure, unforgiving, unending,


Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 15 ml

Top : Oudhy - Fruity

Heart : Floral - Woody

Base : Musky - Ambery


[email protected]

Unveil (Concentrated Perfume Oil) An exclusive mixture of essential ingredients and

natural materials encompass the wearer with a

delicate touch. Designed for the elegant,

sophisticated woman, the fragrance perfectly

underlines a unique compassionate and

independent personality.

Type : Concentrated Perfume Oil

Capacity : 15 ml

Top : Spicy - Floral

Heart : Woody - Floral - Spicy

Base : Musky - Spicy - Woody


[email protected]

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Zeyna (Eau de Parfum) She exudes warmth, sensuality and strength. She

knows what she wants and usually gets her way. A

fragrance designed to illuminate these three elements

with the help of Musk and rose that combine to

provide the fragrance with vitality and sensual


Type : Eau de Parfum

Capacity : 30 ml

Top : Green - Spicy - Citrus

Heart : Floral - Powdery

Base : Musky - Ambery

Enquire [email protected]

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Ajmal Musk Gazelle (extracted from Gazelle Deer Musk Gland)

Grade AA - $69 per tola (around 12ml)

Grade C - $16.67 per tola (around 12ml)

Dhen Al Oud (Agarwood - Oudh Oil) Loose Perfume

UOM 1 Tola

D/OUDH COMBODI 1 tola $233.33

D/OUDH KADIM 1 tola $433.33

D/OUDH WATANI-1 1 tola $286.67

D/OUDH COMBODI KADIM 1 tola $450.00

D/OUDH COMBODI SPL 1 tola $426.67

D/OUDH NO 26 1 tola $10.00

D/OUDH AL FAKHIR 1 tola $166.67

D/OUDH HINDI 505/2A 1 tola $283.33

D/OUDH JADEED 1 tola $366.67

D/OUDH SEUFI 1 tola $500.00

D/OUDH KHUSUSI 1 tola $733.33

D/OUDH MX 1 tola $10.00

D/OUDH NO 300 1 tola $108.33

D/OUDH NO 40 1 tola $16.67

D/OUDH NO 100 1 tola $41.67

D/OUDH MUBAKHAR 1 tola $66.67 D/OUDH NO 10 1 tola $10.00

D/OUDH AL ASTORAH 1 tola $193.33

Ward (Rose Pure Oil) Loose Perfume

WARD ISPARTI NO 1 1 tola $58.33

WARD BULGARI 1 tola $83.33

WARD ISTANBULI 1 tola $50.00

WARD ISPARTI NO.1 1 tola $58.33

WARD NO.1 1 tola $10.00

WARD TAIFEE 1 tola $733.33

WARD TAIFEE NO 2 1 tola $233.33

Mukhallat (Blends) Loose Perfume


HAJRE ASWAD 1 tola $20.00

MUKHALLAT ABEER 1 tola $15.00

MUKHALLAT NAJD 1 tola $10.00

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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HARDA FRESH 1 tola $10.00

MUKHALLAT AKH-DHAR 1 tola $16.67

MUKHALLAT KHALIS -KSA 1 tola $133.33

MISK MAKKAH 1 tola $15.00

MUKHALLAT AMOUR 1 tola $10.00

MUKHALLAT ATHAR 1 tola $10.00

MUKHALLAT AA 1 tola $66.67

MUKHALLAT HEBA NEW 1 tola $20.00

Amber Pure Perfume (Ambergris)

AMBER A 1 tola $45.00

AMBER AMIRI 1 tola $120.00

Musk Pure Perfume (Misk)

MISK AA TOL $65.00

MISK C TOL $16.67





Saffron (Zafran)

ZAFRAN (SAFFRON) AA 1 tola $66.67


Other Pure Perfume Oils

Ajmal Musk Gazelle Grade AA 1 tola $66.67

VETIVER - RUHUL KHAS NO. 1 Dhen Al Khus 1 tola $30.00

Concentrated Perfume Oil with Western Fragrance Loose Perfume

ABAYA (M) 1 tola $10.00

BUSHRA 1 tola $10.00

LUCKY 1 tola $10.00

CHROME NESAI 1 tola $10.00

COOL MOON 1 tola $10.00

DEEP VALLY 1 tola $10.00

EXTRA PURE 1 tola $10.00

FRESHKA 1 tola $10.00

ADRON 1 tola $10.00

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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NOIR AMBER 1 tola $10.00

MUSKROSE 1 tola $10.00

MEHBOOB 1 tola $10.00

RED ROSE 1 tola $10.00

HARDA MUSKROSE 1 tola $10.00

HARDA ESKADA 1 tola $10.00

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Ajmal Body Lotions 100ml 1) Ahebak (Ahbab) - $9 2) 1001 Nights Alif Layl Alif - $9 3) Dhan Al Oud - $12 Others are available please enquire [email protected]

Ajmal Powder 1) Sacred Love (100g) - $9 2) SACRIFICE FOR HER (100g) - $9 3) RAINDROPS (100g)– $9 4) IDENTITY (100g) - $9 5) SALASAWARDAT (100g) - $9 6) DHAN AL OUD (35g) - $9 7) FRESH & COOL (100g) - $9 8) AREEQ (80g) - $12 9) TEYF (80g) - $12 10) MUHJA (80g) - $12 11) SARAH (80g) - $12 12) SAUSAN (80g) - $12 13) DANAT AL DUNIYA (80g) - $12 14) ASHEEM (80g) - $15

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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Ajmal Crystal Bottle 1



Bottle. Pure crystal bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1 tola



Crystal Bottle 2 Beautiful Crystal Bottle with

hand painted motif and gold plated neck. Pure crystal bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1/2 tola


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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

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Ajmal Crystal Bottle 3 Beautiful

Crystal Bottle. Pure crystal bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1 tola


Ajmal Crystal Bottle 4 Beautiful Crystal Bottle.

Pure crystal bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1 tola


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Ajmal Crystal Bottle 5 Beautiful

Crystal Bottle. Pure crystal bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1 tola



Crystal Bottle 6

Beautiful Crystal Bottle with red top and infusion. Pure crystal

bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1 tola


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Ajmal Crystal Bottle 7 Beautiful

Crystal Bottle with wavy engravings. Pure crystal bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1 tola



Crystal Bottle 8 Beautiful

Crystal Bottle with pyramid shape. Pure crystal bottles with Gold Plated Neck and glass dipper

1 tola


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Perfumes Zahras Perfumes – Ajmal Perfumes

Zahras Perfumes http://perfume.zahras.com [email protected] 60

To order, simply send an email to [email protected] with the name and quantity you require – we will do the rest and send you these finest perfumes with minimal effort to you.

We Ship WORLDWIDE and accept Payments by Paypal, UK Cheque and Western Union.

Our shipment options include – Parcel, Courier and Air Freight.

We offer wholesale and reseller incentives and Free Drop Shipping !