2008-10-02 boa original complaint -

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  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    IN I I I IJCII{CUI ' ICOUR'I 'OII ' I I ]FOTJRI-IJILJDICIAI,IRCUII- N ANI)ITOI{ UVAL COUNTY. TLORIDAI I ANK Ol : ; \ M l r l { l ( ' / \ . Nharrk i r r r . trssocat iorr . A. . a r rat ionul l l ,l iar terccl

    I ' l i r i n t i l ' 1 . {"'u'-ii''&n'VoRrcrrN/ilili-tblDr8rUD:^ie ---' *vs .

    ( \ \ ' lNN r ' l . l .L ( ' . r r r rd r r r r r s t r . a l i ' c l r .l i ss . l l . c t lj l . r i t l .I i r n i l e c li a b i I i r , ro r n p a n \ , :t M l \ l I l , i t t I , l l . t O . t . t V t ,( i l t ( ) t - l ' , LL ( ' . : r r l o r i c l l ri l r r i t cdi ab i l i t v o r r r l r a r r l , :I -2 0 0 . L l ( ' . r r j l o r i t l r ri r r r i t e t li i r i r i l i r _ r, , r 1 1 1 1, , . , i t i t , V t t , t

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    atlc l jw' i t l t tett iountl ' , Georgiaand to ensuresuch propertv hat is sub.jecto thosesecur ityinterestss nlarshaled, reserved ncl ot dissipatcd ur ing hc penclencv l- thisaction.

    l . P la in t i f l - l lOA s nat iona l lv har te rcd ankhcadquar te rcc in Nor th Caro l ina ndauthor izcdo t lo bus inessn thcSta tc l -F lo r ic la .

    '1 . I )e lc r r t lan ti r v i r t r tc t ti s an ac l rn in is t ra t ive lyisso lvcd : lg r ida in t i tcd l iab i l i t vc( ) l l t l l l t n ) ' .

    5- I ) c lc * la ' t Sunr r ' i t s a I r lo r idai rn i ted iab i l i t y onrpany .6 . l ) c l ' cn t lan t! -2001 s a l r lo r idaimi tcd iab i l i t y on lpany ornrc r lv norvnas . . l l -

    200 l .c" ' .7 I )e c r l t la r l t) r c l t t i c r ver tucss a I i lo r ic lai rn i tc t l i : r h i l i t1 ,( ) l l r l ) a l l l , .l J - l )e cn t la r t t) r c t t t i c r t la r r t i cs a l i lo r ida in r i tcd iab i l i r l , c ( )n lpar )y .9 - l ) c lc r rdar t t ' ( l . l l ) i s a ( ieorg ia l i rn i tcd l iab i l i t l , conrpany . ' l ' l r i s Cour t has

    jL r r is t l i c t ionr "c r )c lc t tdan t'CJ I ) pursuan lo Scc t ions 8 193( l ) (a ) .d (g ) I r l . r ida Sta tu tes .As sct lbr th i r l ( ieorgia Sccreti i rv l-Statc rccords.Del 'endant)( lJ l) ptaintai 's ts pr incipalol lrce n Duval ( lounlv, r lor ida. Irur thcnnore,)el 'endalr t C. l l ) s a party g one ol- rhe vr i t te 'I t lattagrectt]c l i tstt issLten this actionand brcachedhut lgrcelnct) t y lai l ing t9 perf ir r l l oneor Inore ol- i ts tnatcr ialobl igations, nclLrdinginrely rnakingpayl l l t :r ) t i ; nd per ioi l ic reports,cach tl l ' rvhich rvcre rct luirccl o bc pcr l i r r rncd n Ir lor ida. I iur tScrr lore.under that loanagreclt lcr tt ,)el 'cndarr t'C' . l l )agrccd o bc ointlv arrdscveral ly iablc br rheclebts l- ts thrce(3) co-bor ro \ \ 'e rs ,ach l ' r vh ich s a l r lo r ida i rn i ted iab i l i t l , conrpan) , .uch o in t and sevcra ll iab i l i t yex tc l tds o dcb t c rca ted ut o l ' the opera t io l r l ' a t leas lonc autgmob i le ea le rsh ipphysical lv ocated n l)uval Countr ' , i lor ida. Accorcl inglv, )c lbnclaltPCJI) als. engaged '

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    subs tan t ia lnd rx ) t so la ted us iness c t iv i t iesv i th in he s ta te .mak ing ur isd ic t i ' n p roperasrve l lpursuanto Scc t ion 8 . l9 j (2 ) . I . lo r ida ta tu tcs .

    BACKGROTIND| 0. Ir lch t l t ' t l tc I lor-rorvcrs pcratcs an autcl lnotivcclealerslr ip. T'hrclugh lrc

    i t ts l t ' t t t l tctt tst issttc rr hisactiun. IOA providcdeachol- the Jorrorverstebt lnancip!. br t l rerrcrv rrrd secl r r r r r r nt0rY t the r autorrrot ir reealcrslr ips.

    I l . I) rctt t icrAtlantic opcratcsa Kia dcaleship in Duval County, Ir lor i t la. premicrAvcnuesoperatcs st:par i t te ia dcaiershipn l)uval Clount1,.lor ida l)ursuanto that cer lair rVchiclc r loor ing rnr lSccur i ty \grcclncntdatcd rcbruary8.20011, truc and corrcct copy olrv lr ich s attacltedhcrcto as Exhibit A (thc "l) rcrnicr I. ' loor ) lan") . l ,renr icr Atl . ' t ic arr t lI ' rctt t icr Aveltt tcs l t l r r t t tvcd l l( ) l lc) ' l ionr l lOA to l ' inancc hcir rcsltcct ivc lrvcntr tr icsalclt tpcratiuns.

    12. I l -2 (X) l opcra tcsr l y tu rc la i ca lc rsh ipn l )uva l County , r lo r ida . rCJDopcra tcsa Chrys lc r ca lc rsh ipn ( . i r r i r rne t toun ty .C icorg ia . i r v in r rc t t pc ra tes Dodgedea le rsh ipr rI)ekalb Cotttt tv. ( ieorgia. Suntnr i t operatesa Kia dealership n Ware County, ( ieorgia.I)ursttattttr t l l t t ccr tainVchicle ; loor ingantl Sccur i tyAgrccrncnl latcdOctobcr2,2001 (t l tc" M a i n F l o o r l ) l a r t ' ' ) . a t r u c a r t c lo r r c c t c o p y o l ' l v h i c h i s a t t a c h c d h c r e t o a s E x b i b i t B .l - 2 0 0 1 ,l 'Cl.t l ) . Gwinnett and Sunrnti t borrurvcdrnoncy l i t l ln l lOA to l inance their respcctivci tvc r t to r icsu t t lopc r i r ( io r r s .

    l l . In add i t ion o p ro r " id inghe c rn rs l ' c rcd i tand repayment .he Main F loor I ) lanand hc I) rcnr ier : loor ) lanprovir ic lOA a l irst pr ior i tysecur i ty nterestn substantial lv l l o l 'the p roper t l ' l ' cuch o l - the lo r ro rvers .nc luc l ing , u t no t l im i ted o . the new and used carinven to r ies1 ac l ro l - thc lea lc rsh ips .

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    l 4 ' IJOAow'ns ndho lds heMain F loorP lananc l hc ) remierF toor lan .l -5 ' A l l cond i t ions recedento the nra in te r ranccf th is ac t ionhavcbecnper fb rmcd,

    rvaivcd. r l raveoccurred.l6 ' \ \ i r i t tcr lc lc l t tattdvas nudeupon eachol ' I ' re r ier Ar lantic and prelnier Avenucs

    by lcttcrdateclSeptcrr lbcr 9. 200ti br pavrncnt l ' the anrounts wcclby each o IloA unt. lert l tc )rcr tt icr r loor ) latt,but cachhas ir i ledantl eluscd o pay. A copy ol 'eachof thc clemandlctters s attacl icd sExhibit C.

    l l ' \ \ z r i t tcn cmand vasnradcuponcacho l - l l - 2001, Sun i rn i t . i ,uv innc t land I ,CJ I )by lcttcr latct lScptcrnbcr 9, 20011br paynrent f- thcarnounts wed by each e IIOA unclcrthc Ml l in l f loo r ) l r t t t . u t c i tc l thas l r i l cdanc l c l i r scdo pay . A co l r y . l ' cach of ' t l r c dc r ' . .dlctters sattachcd s lxhibit D.

    l lJ l ]or \ hasbeen ecluircdtt rctair t he undersigned ttorncys o repr13seltt i1 tSisacti t l t tancl s rcqtr ircd o pi ly sit ic l t torncys rcasol lablcee lbr thcir scrvicc br rvhich cachl lorrou'cr s rcsPonsiblcbr in accorclancc ith thc terntsof eirher he Main Floor plan or theI ) r c rn ic r; loor ) la l r sapp l icab lc .


    l9' ' l 'h is is an action against I ' retnier Atlantic anr l Prcmier Avenues to recoveratl . lountst te o l lOA in exccss l '$15.000.00 lue nder hc Prcmier r loorplan.

    20 . l l o A r e a l l e g e sn d r r co r po r a tesc r e i n ) a r ag r aphs. 2 , 3 , 7 , g , 10 , l a n d l 3th roLrgh8. abovc .

    2 l . l ) r c t l t i c r t lan l icanc l ) re t t ie rAvcnues , nc l acho l ' thc ln , r c n de nu l runc lc r l r cI ) r c rn ie r loor ' la l r . l ' l r cevents l -de lhur tr r c lude ,u ta re ro t i rn i tec lo :

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    l fa i l ing o t intelymakeall required ayments f 'pr incipaland ntercst .vhend u e .Prov id ing OA la lscor n t is lead ingr r fonn l t i t - l r :I ra i l inqo p ron tp t ly o t i l yROA o{ 'pend ingi t iga t ion :occurrencc l 'a nrater iul dvcrse hange n lJorrou'cr 's bi l i ty ro rcpay thccrcditextendcd;

    e. l ;ai l ing o cooperatevirh ]OA auditors;l . Sirni lar e irults oncl i t ionsnclcrRelatecl)ocurnenls.

    22 lJasctlon thcsc de{hults. X)A has accclcratccl l l dcbts owccl IX)A rrntlcr thcI ' r cn r ic r ; loor ) la l r tnc l l c l r randcdcpayrncn tn lL l l .

    23 . I ) re r t t ie r t lan t ic and I ' r cn r ic r Aver )ucs ,o i l r t l y und severa l ly , wc I IOA thcoutst:t t t i l i r tg r incipal surn ol ' $7.0' l l t .244.2zl rnder he l ) rcrrr ier j lottr I ) lan. plus accrucdir ttercst. ncl l l costsartdcxpcnscslrcurrcd n cnlbrcing hc I)rcnr icr r loor ' lan. ncluding butnot l int i tcd o. attorncy's cc.s nd costs. I l ( )A hasbecndarnagcd y thc lai lureor rel lsal olI) rcnr ier t lanticandPrcmicrAvenucs o pay saidantounts.

    \\ / l lEIt l ' .FOI{E, I}OA dcnrands udgnrent lbr danragcsagainst I)ef-errdants rcrnierAtlantic and I)rclnicrAvcnucs, oint ly und scvcral ly, ir r al l anrounts uc and olving o ROA onultdcr he I) rer tt ier;krr tr ) lar t, lus ntercst. ostsand rcasonable ttorncys' l 'ccs, nd rer ;ucstshe( iourt tc l c lair tur isdict ion br purposcs l-granting ucl iothcrancl ur t lrcr el ic l 'as hc C

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    COTJNT I(A.tioo to For..lor" P..-i.. Floor plan s..u.ity lot..".t)- l 'hisis alractit l t to cnlbrce securitynterestn pcrsonal ropcrlyocatecln Duval

    Coutlty, r lor idau'hcre ltc atttor-rr r tn corr troversy xceeds l-5,000.00, xclusiveof interest,courtcostsandattorney's

    25. BOA rca l legcs i n c o r p o r a t e s P a r a g r a p h s. 2 . 1 . 7 , f t , 1 0 , I a n d 3 t h r o u g h j ,i lDovc .

    26. l) t trsultt t to t l tc l) rctnicr ; lc lor ) lan,and to ir rduce IOA lo cxccutc the prcnr icrl ; lot lr I) lett , ) rc lni, :rAtlantic ulrc l ) rerrr ir r r vcrrucs aclrgranlcd lOn a secur i ly .tcrcst ir rstrbstarr t ial lyl l ol ' t l tc ir pcrsonal ropcrtyas rrore part icular ly lcscr ibcdhcrein thc "l) rcmicrC lo l la tc ra l ' ' ) .

    21. I)OA pcr lcctcd ts sccur i ty nterest n the I ' rcnr ier lol latcralpleclgcd y Prenr ierAvc t . t t tcsy l i l ing a t l ( l ( l - l l : inanc ipg ta tc r len t ,r i leNur lber 200807401798' , thc , r c rn ic rAvc l t t tes i i l ta r tc i t tg ta tc t t tc r t t " ) . \ cop l ,o l ' the l ) re rn ie r venucs . ' i lnnc ingSta tcmcnt satt lchcdas Exhibit l l .

    28. IX)A pcr lectct l ts sccur i ty ntcrest n thc l ' rcrnicrCollatcralplcdgcdby PrcrnierAt la t r t i c y ' l i l i ng a UCC- l I : inanc ing ta tc rncn t ,; i le Nunrbcr20080740178X" thc Prern ic rAtl i int ic Ir inancingStatcnrerr t ' ' ) .A copy of the Prenr ierAtlantic I.- inancing tatelnent sattached s Exhibit F.

    29. ' fhc Prenr icrC-ol lateral ecurcs cpi lyn.lcnt l- l rc anrounts ue uncier he prclnicrl i loo r ) la l r .

    10 . I )uc o the t t t t t tc rouse au l ts ndcr he t re ln ic r i loo r ' lan . he r igh t , i t l c , n te rcs t ,and cc lu i t l ' . l ' anv . o l 'each arrda l l o1- ) renr ie r t lan t icand l ) renr ic rAvenucs n and to thel ' renr icrcol latcral s subordinatcurd nl 'er ior o the nterest f I IOA.



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    3l f i i ther I) remierAtlantic and/orPremierAvenues s the owner and the possessor l-thePrcmierCo l la tc ra l .

    WI IIr l{ l rFOIt l : , IOA re( lucsts:l l . l 'hat thc Oour l aditrc lgchc lul l anrountclue X)A under thc I) rcrnier : loor

    I ' latt . t tc lucl ing ngraid r incipal. nlerest, xpenscs.dvanccs, ttorneys' ecs.courtcosts,and al l othcr cttstsattd cxpertsesbr rvhich Del 'cndants)rcrnierAtlantic and l) rernicrAvettucs r t: esponsiblebr undcr he ermsof the Prcrnier . ' loorPlan.anddircct l) rc lnier,{ t lanticalrc l) rernicr vcnucs o pay samc,

    b. ' l 'hatthe ( lourt acl. iudgehat ROA has a val id anclenlbrceable ien uporr hel ) renr ic r'o l l r r tc r i r lo sccurchcarnountsucun i lc r l r c ) r c rn ic r loor ) lan :

    c . - l ' l r a tthc ( 'our tac l judgeha l l - thcanrour r tue IOA is no t pa id . ,v i th inl rc i rncsct by t lrc Cttur t. l rat hc l) rcnr ier lol latcralbe sold at publ i c brcclosurc alc to satis lyl ] O A ' s c l a i r r r .

    c l . ' lhat the succcsslul id at the publ ic brcclosurc alc be f irst creditecl gl instthesumsdue IOA under he )remicrFloorPlan:

    c. - l- l r t tthc ( 'otr r t ad.iudge l l c laims, ights, i t le. nterest, statcs, r ecluit ics l-I)c lcnclants)renr icrAtlantic and )rernier venues,and anl,and al l pcrsons lai lni l rgby,through, tndcr,or agair ts l hcnr. n the PremierCollatcral,and al l pcrsonsclainr ing anintercst ubscclucttto the i l ing ol ' the Noticeol- [- is 'endens,o bc barrecl.breclosed nd

    ex t incu is l r cd .l . ' l 'hat IIOA have suclt other and l 'ur ther el iel 'as the Court deents ust and


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    COUNT II(Action on the Main Floor Plan Note)32 - lh is is i rn ac t ion aga ins tPCJD. l l -2001. Grv inne t tand Surnn t i t o recover

    amoLrn tsn cxcess f $15 ,000.00uc under hc Main r loorP lan .13. [ ]OA rcal legesand incorporates creir r )aragraphs through 6. 9, l0 and 12

    through 8. above.34 . PCJI ) , l -2001. Grv inne t t t tdSur r rn r i t .r rd : r c l r l ' them.arc n dc lau l t r r rdc r l rc

    Ma i r r ; loor ) lan . l ' hccvcn ts l 'dc lau l t r r c luc lc .u t a reno t in r i tcc lo :a. l ;ai l i r tg o t i l r tc lv nake l l rcquircdpayr lrcnts l 'pr incipaland rr tcrest v lren

    due;b. I) roviding IOA lalseor nt is leadinr-rr r l i r rnration;c . I .a i l ing o l t ro rnpr ly o t i ty IOA o i 'pcnc l ingi t igar ion ;cl. Occttr rcncc l-antater ial dverse hangc n Borrowcr 'sabi l i ty o rcpay tlrc

    c rcd i t cx tcn t lcd -

    c . I ;u i l ing o coupcra tcv i t l r IOA auc l i to rs ,l- . I ;ai l ing o lnaintain orporatc oocl t iurding:g. Sinr i l :r r c laults ondit ions lrc lcrtc lated )ocuments.

    35. lJasedon thescdelaults,BOA has accclcrated l l debts owed l lOA under theI ' remierFloor Plananddenrandcdepaymentn l i r l l .

    3 ( r . I 'C . lD . l l - 2001, ( lw inne t t and Sunr r r r i t .. fo in t lyand severa l ly , r ve I fOA t l r coutstarrcf i t tgr ir rc ipal ur ttol-524.974,316.02ntlcr he Main Floor I ' lan. plusaccrucd ntcrest.anda l l cos ts t tc l x l )e l tsest tcL t r r cdn cn l i l r c ing l rc Va in ; loor ' lan . nc lud ing u t no t l i ln i tedto, i t t torney's 'ecs ttd costs. IIOA hasbcen danraged t ' the l-ai lurc r rel irsalol- l)ClJD. l-2001,Gwinncttand Sulnr lr i t o pa1, aidar lounts.

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    Wlll l lL l ' - l 'ORL.. lOA dernandsudgnrent br darnages gainstDef'endants C.fD. I l -2001.Gwinnet tand Sumnr i t .o in t ly and sevcra l ly , .b r a l l a r l roun ts ue and owing ro ROA ontl t tc lcrhc Main Floor Plan,plus i l t lercst, ostsand reasonablc ttorneys' f-ccs,rncl cclucstshe( l t i t r r t o rc ta in . iu r isd ic t ioni r r purposcs l -g ran t inguchothc rand u r thc r c l i c fas hc ( ' su r t l layr lccnr ustor propcr.

    COUNT II(Action to ForecloseMain Floor Plan Securig Interest)31. ' l ' l i is is attaction o cnlbrcea secur it f ntercst l r personal roperty ocatccln Duval

    ( 'o t tn lY . ; lo r ida vherc l tc a r r toun tn con t rovc rsYxcccds l -5 ,000 .00 ,xc lus ive l - n te res t ,cour l costs ndattorncv's -ces.

    3U l ]OA rca l lcgcs t td t tco rpura lcs)a ragraph.sthnrug l r r ,9 . 10 , 2 th rough 8 anc l12 ltrouglt ( r,ubovc.

    -19 l) t trsr tatt lo thc Main lr loor l) larr .ancl o i l rducc ]OA to exccutc lre M:r ir r f ] loorI ' la t t . l ' ( l . t l ) , I l - 200 l . ( i r v i r t r tc t tu rd Surnr r r i t ach g ran te t l lOn a sccur i ty n tc res t i r rsLrbs tan t ia l l yl l o l ' thc i r pc rsona l ropcr ty s nrorcpar t icu la r ly escr ibedhere in the "MainCo l la tc ra l " ) .

    40. l lOA pcr l-ectedts secur i ly ntcrest n thc Main Collateral lcdgcdby Gwinnett byl i l ing a l lCC- l I r i r ranc ing ta tcnren t ,r i leNunrber200808347t t51" thc ( i 'w innen ; inanc i r rgSta tenre t t t ' ' ) . copyo l ' the iw innc t l r inunc ing ta tcn tcn ts a t tachcd sExh ib i t G.

    41 . l )OA pcr lcc ted ts secur i tyn tc res t n the Ma i r r lo l la te ra l lcdgcdby I )C. ID byl i l ing a LJCC' - l ; ina r tc i r tg ta te rncn t ,i i le Nunrbcr044200801669" the I ,CJD l ; inanc ingStatcntent") .A copyol ' thc PCJI) - ' inancing tatenrents attached s Exhit l i tH.

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    42. BOA perl 'ectcdts secur i ty nterest n the Main Collateral ledgedby Sr-rmmit yf i l ing a LJCC- l F inanc ingSta tenren t . i l c Nunrber200704651198" the Sunrnr i tF inanc ingStatentcnt") . copvol ' the SunrrnitFinancing tatcrnents attachcd s Exhibit l .

    41 . BOA pcr l ' cc tcdts sccur i ty n tc rcs tn theMain Co l la te ra l l cdged y l l - 2001 byl r l i r rga (JCC- l I j rnanc ins ta te r len t , i l e Nunrbcr200808347t143" the l l -2001 I r inanc ingSta ten ten t " ) . cop l 'o l ' thc l -2001 I : ' inanc ingta tenrcn ts a t tached sExh ib i tJ .

    44 . ' lhe N4a inCo l la te ra l ecurcs cpayment l - the amounts ue to I IOA under heMain i loorP lan .

    45 . I ) t te o thc t tu tnc rousc lau l ts ndcr hc IV Ia in- loorP lan , he r ig l r t , i t le , n tc rcs l ,andc t lu i ty , l ' any .o l ' cachanda l l o l 'PCJD,Grv inne t t . unrn- r i tnd l -2001 i r rand o thc Main( 'o l la tc ra ls subord inu tcnc l r r f ' c r io ro thc n tc rcs t l - l lOA.

    '16 . I )CJ l ) . i r v i t tne t t , u tn t t t i t nd /o r l -2 (X) l i s thc o rvncrand the posscss( ) rl ' thcMain Clo l la tc ra l .

    WI l : l t l jFOI tL , UOA rcques ts :a. ' lhat thc Court adjudge he ful l arnount ue IIOA undcr hc Main l . ' loorPIan,

    inclucl ing npaidpr incipal, ntcrcst, xpcnscs, dvances, ttorneys' ces,court costs, tnda l l o thc rcos ts ndexpcr . lscsbr wh ichDeJcndants'CJD, i r v inne t t , ummi tand l l -2001i lrc rcspol ls iblc br uttt ler he ternrsol ' the Main Floor Plan,and dircct l 'CJI) , Clrvinrrctt,Sumnr i t nd I l -2001 o paysante ;

    b.' l ' l rat

    the Court adjudge hat BOA has a val id and enlbrceableien upon thcMain Collateral o secure he anrounts ue under he Main l .- loor lan:

    l 0

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    c. - l ' ha ttheCour tad judgehat f theamount ueBOA is no l pa idwi th in thc imesetby thc Cour l. that he Main Collateral ocated .v i thinhe ur isdict ionof the f lourt besolcl t publ ic ir rcclosure ale o satisfv IO;\ 's clairn;

    cl . ' l ' l ratt l resttcccssl l lb id at thc publ ic lbrcclosurc alebe I lrst creditecl guinstthesurns uc lOA unc le rhe ) rcnr ic ri loo r r lan :

    e. I 'hat hc Cotrr tadjudgeall c lainrs. ights, i t lc. intercst, states, r equit iesolDcl 'endants'}C.lD, rviturett, umnritand l l -2001, and any and al l per.sonslaini ing by,through. tndcr,or against henr. n the lvlain Collateral,antl al l pcrsonsclainr ing anitt tcrcst ubsctpttctt to f i l ing ol ' thc Noticc ol 'Lis l)endens.o bc barrcd. ir reclosed nr lcx t i l r uu is l r cd :

    l ' . ' l ' l rat l lOA have such otl tcr arrd ir r lhcr rcl ic l-as the C'ourtdcerns Lrstaltdpropcr.


    41.' l l t i s

    is t r t c t i t t t ti r r hcappo in t r r r c r r tl ' a r ccc ivc ro takccont ro l l ' thc ' r c r r r i c rCollateral nd he VlainCollateral ncl o operatc nd nanagc heautornotive calershipswi t l t in the crr i tor ial jur isdict ion l ' theCourtand vherc he amourr tn controvcrsy xcecclsS 5,000.00. xclusive l ' interest. ourtcosts. nd attonteys' 'ee .

    48. Paragraphs through46 are re-al leged nd incorporated s i l ' f i r l ly set lor thhcrc i .

    .19. I)aragraph0(a) ol ' t l tc Prcnr icr r loor I) lan proviclesrr pcrt inclr tpart t l rat in thccvc l t t o l 'a t le lz r t r l ty thc l lo r ron ,e rs .IOA is cn t i t l cd o thc a l tpo in t lncn t l ' a rcce ivc rby acour to l ' c ( ) l l t l ) e te l ) tu r isd ic t io r ro takcposses-s ionl ' thc ' r cn r ic r o l la tc ra l .

    l l

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    50. Paragraph0(a) o1-theMain Ir loorPlan provides n pert inent arr hat n the evenrol-a dclatr l tby the Rorrou'ers,IOA is cnti t lcd o the appointrncnt l -a reccivcrby a court ol -conrpe tcn tiu r isd ic t iono takepossess ioni l ' thcMain co l la te ra l .

    -5 Appointrncntol 'a rcceivcr s neccssary n ordcr (o rnarshalancl prcscrvc thcI ' rct l l icr -ol latcral tnd tl tc Mairr C'ol latenr l nd to ()pcratchc autonrotivc ealcrships .v i t l r i l rthc iur isdict ior tn accordance.r ' i thhc cornlnitnrents adeby the lorrorvers o BOA undcr hel ) r cnr ic rj loo r ) lan nd heMain r loorP la r r .

    52 . Onc o f the de fau l tcor td i t ions t i ssue n th is ac t ion s the sa le o l ' invcn to ryvchiclcs br lvhich procccclsotal ing norc han $2.3 mil l ion wcre rcceivcdby l lorrou,crsandl i l r wlr ich f]t l r rorvcrs avc hi lcd lr rc l i rscclo renr i t he Lrrrclso IIOA in accordancc ,v i t l rhcl ) r c t t r i c r : loor ' lan or thc Mai l t I : loo r ) lun . I ru r t l r c r ,hc l ) r cnr ic rCt t l la te ra l nd thc Ma inCollatcr lr l ncludcscash attd otlrcr lr ighl l , l iquic l asscts vhich, i l ' l rot brought trndcr thel l la l lagetttcntl ' thc ( lotrr t l trough heappointrnent l 'a reccivcr , v i l l continuc o bc dissipatcdand rvasted.

    53. l lOA rvi l l be ir reparablyharrncdby the l i r i lure ol- the ( lourt to imnrediatelyappoint a rcceivcr, t tastt- tuclrs procccr ls ci lrg col lcctcd iorn the Main Collatcral and thcI ' renticr 'ol latcralarc not bci lrgappl ied o rcducc he llorrou'er 's ndcbtcdncsso thc IIOAunc lc rhcc i thc r hc ) r cnr ic r; loor ) lan r t l reMain I : loor ) lan

    54 I lOn rccogtt iz.cshat ccrtain ol- thc Main Collatcral is locatcd bcyond thete r r i to r ia l ju r isd ic t ionl ' th isCour t . r \ccorc l ing l l , .lOA hasor rv i l l l l e compan ion c t ions o rthe appo in tn tcn tl ' a r ccever n the appropr ia teoca l u r isd ic l io l r si r r thosepor t ionso f theMain Ccll lateral nd rvi l l rccluestlrosecolrr tsappoint he sunrc ecc- iver ppointed n thisac t io r ro min in t iz -eup l ica t ivc os ts ssc tc ia tcdv i th he ccevers l r ip .

    l 2

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    WHEREFORE. tlre IOA respectful lyequestshat hc Court appointa Receiver o takcpossess ionf thePremierCo l la te ra l nd hose or t ions 1 ' the VIa in o l la te ra loca tedwi th in hetcrr i tor ial- iur isdict ion f this Court and to ntanageantlcornpr is inghc Prcnr icr ol lateraland the Main clol laterall loAs sccur ity ntcrcst hcreinpcrcl i .g l l r rar esorution l -actionas he )ourtnraydirect hc rcceve to take

    t )arccfl isf t lurof ocrobcr008.


    operatc hc aulontobi le dcalcrshipsas l)cccssar) 'o preventwastcol ' thcthis action.ancl o take such lur ther

    Ot re ndegrcnc len l) r i vc .Su i te1700Jacksonvic. l : l , 32202-50 7' l 'e lcplronc:904.-54tt.0014Iracsinr ie 90.1.54fi .0395ltt tarrncr(r l tannerbishoplrv.conlg&ltc| f .gl tannebi l ,rnAttorncys.fitr lJonko.fAmaricu, NA

    l ?

    MichaclG. - l-arrherI j lor ida JarNo. 261300( i i lbe r tL . l r c l tc l . r .Flor ic laJarNo. 993601

    0(XX) ' ) i { t lo t

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    EXHI I } ITA

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    VehicleFloorinqurity AgreemenTnd SThr6 Agromnt dat d ol FltnEfy 8, 2OO8, botrreen Bank ol Amsbr. N.A. (th. 'B$k ) .nd AUomtile on Atbntrc.LLC arrJ Promba at tb Av.rus. t LC {each a 'Boorm. md itndy t} .Brcwm.)1 LINEOF Cl l


    Bank rhCl ha. m obl-narlon o mto m A

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    Tho roximm amnt ol advanc outstandm ol ore tirc to fimrca |w ry6od vehit b usod td dooorEtatpn [up6ss shall Dot er@ed Two Hunled Fortv DollaF ([email protected])d the luHrrYts blow

    Autmtrye q Auaotc, LLCAutltrctw at tho Awruc- LLCArnwrdt 75,000.00t 165,000.00rrcludrng$:e tirsi

    { a)

    {b }

    t . o Betd-- @h xtnqq1 oj credir mLTl t# Se ,blowingd@mont9:Ma nu{actr,rdlMutor nvrca. drtt .lrtoolc rctrd.dcpaartDry f drek sh dr( * luch a/thc( d@Mts as emfied in thc paymri comritrnnt.idmti|1.irg lh. d.ftvtrod tr lo bc dcfryrcd lo r Bmrer

    I dttflcal! ot ffihb q trlle(tr rl thc dsqctpn t photo@py lfnrof) rtwing a rclrac by thc p(ryiu rcp6 ad md Lgal ffi td ttvchbba aftd E.paabl. to lhr 8sk ol e Eqwc/s acqubijon et o{ such v c h b l x - r i f aB s r ry s rP(rcha!6 vchblcr rt m a{rttr facarty szftrr-tqy to thr BT\ 2n mvolc. from cuci facllty

    Copy od rigiEl i.wlcc (d sub6titd6 lo ItE Bank) ertd bll o{ saleduly !x.qi.d the pcniec ro tho frerction, cvldrcir|o tro rcqusitff co6t lo a Br(re 6rrcfi trad6lf roqtired udd tis Aormq a copy ol tlE l l Sale pirdEe contrcqs)of Praordr, h tom .rtJ cdi.r{ aotablo to t}E Bank

    Maruf acturd/D hfibubr lmbc tr olls documnt6 klcnttfynet w YrhrcL by I EmowFrm tim !o tim. th. ri irs ds.tin, roy mkeAdn'Es to c.d v.hbl6 rnd daalcl t.dca h urdarcc Mlh ts 'lry hmdre-- TIE Bar(fr y tinc to lim qm rptico tolE 8o|rm tho 8l:trwo6 io adhoroto thc abry! qt rn6 paranph t hs cole dkseto

    1 . 7 Thc Eenk; artprbrd lo mrkc Advaro m a B tr

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    oltffio pr und6r thB Aormnt d (tr) lt meximum law,fd Into.l rato ThF r 6 u l n o c o m p o u n d n g o aintsl ThB fr)l cGl6jte a EiE. o{ any ddaultt 9 fha Bmqn will pay ir{ost on Mrch'tO, 2OOO or riloral duhg th. p..uo6 olcnlatmlh, end then ooBdrM will .apay

    sare day of ech msth lhqeefter until paymert in ful ot any p+rrcgal udar ths t-llty. Thfull all priripal qrtsta.rding m OE c#ior of tle Ergiration Dato q tE d a provldod b.lw1 . t Itrc Bqrwen rhJl pey ttre amwl1 o{ 8dErced lo frmrco a vehElr

    ptFecd! ttm tlE sle of thct6'lntdal AdvmoJ 6lhd wtstanding bt th6 carlGt d (a) | Eankirg Oay tolbwing rrceidvctich, (b) 5 Deyr lollowirg the drtc of salc qf thc 6htlc. q (c) 5 Bar*hg hft ttp hac of tho veticlcNotwrlhEtandng th. il a Eawn slb a v.hab itEt b f mnccd by tfr mto|F ot a sith a Edp{Lnc lcldo(($s. lrnarct lhn wil b. d.mcd 3ubf.lm lonCn d[tl br dcslgoated h wnirg tim to timo by th Bar*), thcBmord! shan pey lnibal Ad\r'arco tlst ; lhcn drislmdrB by tlr a*lkr o( (A) tha day of o{ prmcds f,m tho salc ofttn vahiclo, a (B) '15 deyr follwirB ttrc dato o{ salc ot AE votricb Fq a Fbct Sdo. 8qm dnu poy lh6 InitialAdrem thet r'lhrn by ttf, .adbn cd r) | Bankng Days fdlwirp rrc.lpt ol p(@ods tlr sab ot tfF vrhblc, (ri)23 8enbg Deyr tE d.l. of arh of th. v.hEL. d (i) the dae epolied ls b thc Fbct SJ. coraract6 ttm ouGtandm m 116rotwithGtan*p fhctfm 3 Bankirlg D.ys ogoinq, f6 Bonm shel pay lfs BJ* th6 drul oa ttb lr*llal Ad,.arcefolbrying SE ddc: (A) e Borwa dbpoc of e whiJe by dbr fadr odws, o (B ) f i wh iJeoEd6 any Gsf rth in thb Arsmrlt lf a wlicle (l)'s rnt m e B*(mr,e prmieabsir hcld for ropar ml at cuc+rcatEr locatim s my bo in a 8srye/a d s arcljm being heH forlDre of bciw. (ll)1 6 M d a b o d ylE6 rEa bsnBanl'r rdif,fuctiof,,Bank-1 . 1(a) NowVohi:ls:lh. sm day

    24 m.$E(b) tAed Vehd:

    te sem day6 |lMlhs eftd

    (c) DG Dgle: No

    actkh tnr#a vohi:l bt elho Errctid tEceArMt Th6

    b6 a@nt d to( to thrch vohiclo on dcmnd by lho

    Ur{tl a vehlcle b rcU. tE lritial Adnrpe pc;d E folq:of tlre ai]hd qroqn o, f,E Inlial Adwne *Ell b6 dr '18 rpdls dter Advre rc rrpde sd qro&h rcnth thdeaftsr and tfE romainingarurn of tE lritiql Advar tf6tOE dete of the loitbl Adr'reo thq dffiaodrlg 6hall bo dw

    2tt d tE diginsl rut o{ the lnlial Adnrce shztl bc de 3 rsrt}s #r Advalr wa mde md meqi nu$t thryfiq and ltr rffiintp gmount o{ tlr lnilC Adrap ttnt ts qnstandrp shall bs dwdatr of tE Inild Ad/r|ptri thc 1On dry ot tE rwnh kf bi/t! th. rpnrh thet .Eh p.yrn.ni bcmc dw

    Ljpon tha rcql66t cf a 8o|]wor. lhe Bank roy 6rts Into f Arrton Agreemo*s') wrtrto the Sanlq Frditng ltr psfmod ol ftnd! diec{ty by t}e Eank to t}E tnEs ls tho F cfia$ offhs 8-* m2y rrybs, ls|wl. q suipend s ,iEton Ar*rwi { tm6 bt liurlg wnen DolEc to8trrwE stEl rffih lhble to tE Benk [o. atl pcyrHrb mede lo rn ho|s pr||6l lo.n AEtonautlsz. ttF 8mk to li.rnrlh each rtrtim hdEc cmrcd by m Agreemnl rrfqmotionhotff ot eny chalgE qofbctrrg Dre ire of prwiJal by oir A4rcmnl Thr Er* n fixtrr clf)qized to rd*E rEw wlh r6pd l,o tE lirc o{ qedt Th Brnk my roty on wilta o irr{nr

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    {singulott. U{ '[email protected] cmdfuoo qnght! ad rm6d6Tlp Barrl and ls6nthuaborE thefeofthc cxeutrqn of thb3. FEES ND

    Ths Emowam any agasmont d2l sh rrtmb sUpon m evst olm demand by ItEth 8.nKs befElfwll bo bn(ed lo Fiermpdor fl t

    t .) Erchmrtmn(tl r Blnk

    Otrfgation' anJ. coltectiyety, tt 'Oth6r [email protected] Obtgetin.)_ tf . sfiall fal to pulcm enyo{ an Other Sryed OblqatJon. the ho{dcr cd ttrc gtter Secqed*l lrth h th6 Agrsmdrl, n eddton to any rghts srd rerEdios ssl tqth

    Aumodvc m Alantic. LLCArimotlvc rt ItE Aycn6, LLCA.ffl Numb{2re162843?29trp1628n

    )bltgatitr stll hsve sll of ttEths O'ltE Srcrod Obligalionlatmals- arcndrrunb 2rr,stalefrFnl fired prpr to

    bdeperdenl prrties rtjrp onfq.eh tlqirE mptio.r

    p(ll's@nt lo a paymntr (iio tR trorrts wfth

    iEliMim. a (i) rodo

    lh. Brr*s lsrdrlg ofice a:h d.y m whEh d.rlrE6 Lr

    rt6 are lseby adisi.ed to fib Unrlm CmnErcbl Cade froncirqgperfecl lhe 9{ity htq6b grarned hereir. n rcl r c ratiHjon qt eny

    fre. app

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    5 4edot@at|l, p{operlyBaok ffierG to in5. 5gnrlq of f).roqEst ttr anyRma l a

    5.6 GtarantiesGru-p,LLC,Onyyrb-

    6 . 1 F

    WhstE Bffimcwmntcc. Each

    In 6-h rtzts hfirlitioos one

    6. 2wiSin crchAorlm.nl b aIre. .'|d enycnfwoabltb J(rmplctr h rliElLdno al rtdrialbam no maaaial&rrwc (o an yto ttn t'wto(s) ofmde uds GAAP.Agreemorrt sn1ly by6. 4 Col ls te rdotrrs. eEpi ttEc6 5rll Lademrk ri;hE,*,hbh i b |wmpsi e Eorrmds

    COVETlrc Emom rgrcc.7 . 1suti {t to a F ot6UA6 0l a Eqr(mr

    ffiilp. mnufToSld d@nt.$oo7 1brryms, cah7 4 Insurance.t a,{ b)

    EviJe@ thet tls lwuriy nls6ts afiJ furen r mnns aetrt2bt6 lo dc 8at arrj [xro, lo all ot]ers'rly'is

    16 a[y p.6dEl p.op.rty Collltor.l locatod on,.d p.op.rty whrcntrrlrt . CGor{ to Ror.lffl s Landlqd3 W.fus fiom the ow ofpfoporty Coll?t rC locztad on rsat p(op6rty whi:h b sticcl to aWaivq lrm the hober ol any mr6agr c d6d od tr6ts4ned by 1t'2001 LC., Gwinrc( LLC, premra Ctrystw, Jep, CCroup, LLC, lnfinqrs( LLC. flsthsrdo CoGunirg. LLC and Sam

    ATIONSAt\D WARRANTIESthb Agrmm( ard urtl lh Sank-r repaid b futt dE gmwm rutefd il extrie ol qedi cffitir.tG e re|wd rsp.66tab6:

    I CroOd Standinq Erch Smms e duly lorred *rd exisfng uftde. tfra Bcrtrer does brsrcs, tt is proprt l@Eed, in good slandhgi and.

    to Enlorceable Aoreemffit Thb Agr6mnl, .nd .n, i6t-mrnl q -g,powc6, fEw becn dlty e{ntuiz.d, ard do rEl ctriltt with any of itValid rad tirdrng rgraomt ol thc Bsrms, cnJqeblc rg.t.d llFtr .gr..m.nl r.qwad h.rrurdr. wtr.n oxrcd.d and d.liv{rd. sll b.

    Al fimrElal arxJ otlBr Hrmation that has b6n or wil bc sropcds to givo tln Brl aeuata trwlcdgo of erh Boowor! (ad mytratilitlss- Sire tho dste o{ rh mod rcnt fimisl statmr{rs clEr{o rn ts blsc rydnioo (finamial r dhrc), op*atirc.anlc) lf a 6srmr b (yrprbed ol tfB trEb6 oI . b6t, t're fregong rrbEl Ercopt s olhgvi66 etdod in thb AgrFmn( at fnancialEank:hall nol be demod lo h.vc oclu.l lln/ledge ol a brch afof rceil ol fimisl statmenb trwr vitrch ttrc brerch o{ t}re cCollaloral is l]vmd by tf6 gEntq ot th6 mu.ly hlerGt t.. ol ay tiilctnw bcm rpprovcd by Src BarL h writrng

    Each 8anw !6s6 af p.m.ts, mmb..rhips, lrlrchisc,rm flOhb, Ftcnl .ighb rd frtitioB Em rilarts n.c63-y toand rc dsprlD E p.ftJ[E q l]rc.tlncd rgainA r Bmwr mmlg:id ctrrditim ff sbrlity o |rul t}r Bqrmc' peymDt obligatrmc hdcu

    bng 8! cr.dl i evail$b vnd( Orh Atrcomnl tr|d urtil tfi. Bek lcTo koop thc vcfiiCe oty et a 8ffrer, regrlr d@Itr bcatiru

    Frctso cd*rEl my be loeted 6 p@idd th6en arrd (d) o(|,H

    Io mmdietcly divrr lo tlF B.nk upqr tlF B.ok,rsl2lcm.nt d sElEl mgotiabb dffirt o{ ti}a ircluding my w

    fo mairirin ttE Bek - tlE. pmp.t dcpGrtryy bml, iopfatnq 2rd admiistatfu. dcpolit -coqts

    Io maintan iMarce s b 6ud tq the busims it b h-rrrm Cclateral To mintain el rist propcrty dmagrc ircume po&f,ag6 md h6tane cowreos .s :pphcabto) cwedno tho tarfbb p(oprtyt ml b m rn m@nl allrtablc to thc Bank Tfp rcwarce m6t b. i

    farc, of he Eank sre lrd.lntsEts. excspl the tle

    nol ormd by r 8mowa. orral p.opcrly. Up m Bant'sor dcqd of lr6t a CoGent to

    LLC. Sumfrxt A{rtwlm

    follffrE r.prEntetim nd

    oa tho 6tat6 wtro org{iz6dreqrired, n mfliam with

    rcquFd h.r&ndr, af.qganiationC prpfff . Thi6n etrd.m yith it!lcg.l, El4 blrdhg -rd

    to tr Banl is, sr-dficjootfyfiqrcial conJlion.fo tfE Bsk. thss ts'oporlis a frepocB oa tfEG{rfltatioc s}ul eleo portain

    prNded to tlE 8ar* frll b6frmrciol cownt wder the(:s be oabuf-rtsjq any lcns q iotdGts ol

    act! .Dd lice66 roqltcd andi to condud th. hi^crs in

    toregurq whbh, t lo6t rculd

    htutapt (a) dom; (b) vcli:fes

    6 rcy b In tlE qdmry

    any UUc, crtfEt. ofrE.+) i d bll ot ladir{, an d

    ld tlE roir{orErce of

    (rrcbdirq wittput lmn tiooth o Coll?ter?l Each

    by an rBrarcc cqngany

    CGBORROMr'ER 1 9 , 2 0 0 6

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    .@eptabL !otfE Bank

    Bsk 2nd m6t rrchjde a lqtdor'6 lec payable rndqEffinl In favtr ol Bank in e tqm rcop{3blo tc

    Upqr th6 ;!qsd o{ ttc Bm( to dehvg to thc B:nk e copv of crh TG polcy, o. - pemrtledby l}b Banl( o{ nffa|u Lstirp a! ireuarcs in f6co

    I J To mintah cflo

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    lo Benkthe lioarcial sialercrrB of Ore

    sn Inv6nldt T^Gt P6|1Flag

    tlo ptan lebillic'lnwnto.t Posibon' mqm $n m o{ O cFt\ (ii} mnfacts h fmt frm ttr ol nsw ud B6d v6hicbs, itil)norit rE fm th. .ah of w yd ccd wh'rcler (oxcluding rceivablc f,omb@ k nl6 oalloor prten

    q .d t ! 3hdlebt-laGrn).

    Fusd Cfwgr Ratb. Al ech alqdar qu.rtd'r dnd (c*ubtcd m r rollrp tu basb) th!r mbtrcd :hall meiotah e Fircd Chrge Cry..rgf, Rrtb o{ rcl b$ ih.n tt- irdicrt.d fdtpfi.dPr0dFrm tE dat6 ol tlir Agr..m.nlthrct4h Junc ?9, 2@BFrm Jtm 3(), 2@82rd thro2nt


    Fixcd Cts.qc Ratic mam for tt perird celcubled. mt troad mnc taxss

    rtd led whicfr kw.nto.'6 (pfir to rny d.drc0m fs LIFO rcnc).rrd (B) b.nf wcrdafts, d .ny

    1 0 0

    ne divitics), rd (t) the(A) w end wod ohicte

    8mre, ontr pcrix{s}

    al a 36il tar Eto: tarfryeruntind t.x

    not tt dF: ard (c) tJG

    tE d-ect q rdicct cerilalCEI rcmh l]F srmc- M totrrt r Eorrwer my havG

    1 2 5

    doprrbtir/mrblabs exfs6e. plE ren! d6 ntrlbor plm htret pls my pchtue6angc d any fFgabw clcnge in UFO '@, pla eny nofircring crpcB. m6 any rcr&wngt | f f imrc dwtdod by qfll mturitie3 ot lom term deb( pir |u-niry pbn i.ierest , pl 6 rqt d@m1x46 In w(h C\AAP7. 9 Qtller Liens lO s6.t . stm, tr db.f, rny !rclnty irtect o lco (rrclulhg lio6) on profErty e 6mows

    m irpecl), mn6 dryilsnd6 6 dbtributi$ (mty to te extent tlny e

    pt.(e) Licrc dd Eutty irrrr.ctr In faw of rho 8ank, (b) Liro foo, th- Agramol drsd*cd h wfig to ttb BJL| Y s q b t d m ! ,erbtrdbg m the7 . 1 0 C h a n q e N.l lo ous.. pcrtrn(. q 3!dq ant cfi-tg.wlmhlp d 2 . md Frovdd that *H the ctengc frc mixity mershp ol a6c any oheg h doaler o{ rwd d d6rl{ ptrUcipmt \.alh r69cct to lnv fierchircwrm a runrn*tud dsltrhts wifput the Barf s pria wiften crentt 1 1(a )

    (b )

    (c )

    l.,lol o,

    To prrpdy the Sank n wling of (i) any bwuii ur{illy psd^g tr }sanq fibd a Boqlrer that ssls

    pr6we sll o, its pdm|tr. mfitrrClp. {rrrllrsc, c6b-ts .rd |rns6 to mndrrt trlie Bqrryes ae tw ongagodEanks writcn m6rl. mts into ay comolbatton, |Bgr. d ot'rsy type o{brEnt d

    q crler hto a runag.mnl agrFmml wih a thid pdty for thc

    d.rE!s in c of Tm HuMred ThoGand Oolt f f i 6200.000) (q an y guarantq ot, I a b cmprbed of iwan! t6ls). aM (ir) any matFal clEng n the rehpchip betreen a ud any vehrlcdi*ibutq irdrdirg, willan lintztim. the les or qmoalion. q tfy locs q arccllatix. qf a

    fo maintahbrsines n

    lr6tG o( a|twrlrtrerfarchsOthd Oebtsfor he leblitps7 . 1 2lqb le Nol to havo outn:ndirp or ircw any diecl o. contllgcr{ tratilli6 (oahd tl|@ to t Baol). u beome

    CO BORRO\r'r'ER

    qttEB withd-t tlf, Bak's wrften corGnt Th;s d@s not rohiba

    t9 .2006

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    l a )(b )(c l

    arpplE6. q rercha.rj$ m rcrfiEl U:k o cretrlistrrmts rrccrvcd in tB 6!al ctuE of hrsns$

    bsds n th 6ual clre ot trrnsNfr th. dats of tfs Agremt dschoed in witinq to ttp Bank q sel in s Btrrryfl's msl .m$tfirprcid 6ra p(ovd6d to lh Bank

    ( 61 UreruBd

    Acqunn0EndcsirgOblarningLiebiliti6 in

    HAZI)rc Bqo{ro wrllol thi! Agremmt.tlrcatwd rCrlaa.rutEtaaEo E m.


    s. 39 1prlH ot eoy 8fid sny bar*ruilcydimbscd wihin rcEdlt to TyOdigq's buCmss, tror drsrgfucd

    d a Eorrwer owing to oy me d roe m o prmrp:ls of thatSUESTANCES

    t rnd ho5 hmle tfr omk from any ks q taabit,tyh6 Bank ncGfcclly a Injifly trL6 oU o, tho 6c. g.hrat,on, mnjLrturchargc, db:pocd r praerco ot a ha:a{dM aubdi'm Thb hdmnnytr abqi a Eonowc/s prop6.ly d oporat!rc d property loasod o o goro

    abr|rrc'mc.6 ant arictarco. rEldial d Ets thal 16 d b(ry|E' d -cstafiimnf tr a sintbr dGlomtm r rogulatm und{ hy u.dl

    or taib to pay h ful ott c|l}funts lMng h.rrur)dq on ttr Exprcton D.t;y 16 q any oruro. houdts urder t}lE Agtrcnt #tih 5 day! aflq th. dztc

    lXd.grinst.ny 8ffwr c any OttiTor s any gnml parts ofof 45 dayr enf tr tr|rrg:pondcd, howova. tho Bar* shtr rct be

    f f i 6 1 En w ih 6 d a r ry r tp{od6to.r, Corao. roloe,epply wfitts the tpzarrkrwTho indomity -dud6 but 6rEt lmitod tjo 'fc6 (ircfuding thc r6Mablr Gtimate o{ the alatd @st o, In+re Td siafl)- The indqrrrty

    "xtends b fi!stpr Thoits pc.or( subeideris and al of tpi dirrctm, offm, emy'oym. B. erc. etlomys andrrprGmt and ffirl tfet Sn Borwe have ony'iod witf\ rd rmain in @mplbrco wth, ellM.nt sd lAr. rcgulatms trd qdim|% c otfrr reqtirmrts of 6ny gov

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    tbiratron awdsagreercrds wtsl troe ir Ees of

    llm lbcc vhCl6dll

    ontded tgaci( sy 86wer or an y Obtgor. d an, Borwd o, En y CdeF rdto Sy Sttbrunllo any natlm s arbitaltr, In e .ggregnle e@nt of Ore Hunded Dolla6 (t1m,om) o'

    It iny Oblbor h a Etel ps.q\ GEh Obtgs di.i q logCfy iEmp.l . r{ . I .nyOb|igd is a tG( 2 ds q bcoms lcAdly iEffipclrrtlano A rrratoii advtrso chang. etuT. d c .do.tri tkety io(firncic s oilEei$). op.8lio. p(opertica o. prcpcts. q atxtty

    dc|J|''mlrd(.-cdRelated Documents. Any qnmntt, rubordinabn agr6cm( sffity d6.d o, fBt. q otfu

    *h lrdgme.rt d

    9 8Odrgo/s) bcirc9. 9ffi. any$mnty9 .1 0m6tbn wilh myrnyom c{s. q w'}EhgiF! thr otfEr loodcr9 r lrraBrad to ln thsThis indud< anyaoy fimrciald 6o{tgw

    (a )t 0 . ADDI

    In lh! wofittdtl h qrhmE|frnbsgremsna loq my otstfEt they seEmtrce loBar*'srqmCodr .rdfdcjtb6) andpaa$sbn qt. ny

    nuzr c@ags and tlE tudg|]ls! o{ sbilra(im Mrd 6 rct fully 6d

    6 Agacemri 6 viobtod q rc lhgd n.ffect Any Obligc sfcll rawke sth Baokmef, UbIKE'0on3 ADy dehr.tt ffi und( eny:grammt bayandin 01(:F ol Orp Hundrd TtD@nd Dotbrs (f ,l0O.O0O) any gorw (o

    wihn 15 d.ys ol ths dato of

    , i-' afiy Ssowis {q- entrepy tlE dedrt

    the valtdity of. o labrtly

    applicad. cuc Frriod hrny Obligq) h- obtatnod froftrmkc a Paymrll whcn dr6 smowr (s eny Oblgc) hot guarmtdd it th. dcfad 6n;b1! ot fritinbnght lo Erhrl. th. obfgrtim.

    snd th6 Eqr(ws larl to ryc grtr detrut withrn 15 daF afts fE dateo arrttipaied failurr by 5y Bqrw6 (d any othd party narEd in ttE Cs{t ltrSr h thb Aremr( i,fisttEr aF_h laituo B wito|Ed by ftwara Eomr tr tFp 8akREMDIES FTERDEFAULT

    A dofa-lt w wd< eny qfer t6.m q cryditim ol rb Areemenl not speclicalyOp wlrc d ttrc dcfaun

    sfiol; (v) Oerord ar|d @Ld rny paymcfits rd p(e.d! ot ttE notratElaadtng lny pr ymnito tF Untm Cotmrcaalrrch CdLtd and mt anl rl tll. documnt! relrtirg to ttF Colhml, and so sncfi

    rnd takc tKcsrm ot(iEludrg ay b

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    r 1.3 os9qlePrwislofl.' Tli3

    $E adfx/ityBa n k

    Tlis Dasplc@d.&1. lorl

    fE mm ol 6 8Fry6r ol OE 8o/r1)*E, d dfsmo, *trch in OE d(g ol th c Bu * mry sm to berrldd thb Aqrgsnent andeftecl untl mourEd by th

    ,isabb Ths porer F gryen 6 s6urty lor [s Borowgs oubatom b lheeby conleoed b and 6tEl b irevrubl od stfl retun ,i fut ,r"" .,

    nodr6 hr&n proviled are affx/atrw iod ogl ercl6iYe oi uy nghtr wq portial exrcie o{ my rig.t or remdy shail rj{ f{ectud. the ilrtts e

    9n Plqyhnf,- Ihb pongnph, rct_{in{ th. abpnlr+h| bdory, b rctRqolibn ftqdm b a rulerid ndcmnt fq th peire enterirg rlo thb

    ttis Oigde Reofiiq Prcyllm q$y, thr lm })rtt. alEl Hud. .ny 9.rt hmlrd h thc !flacfE. tmaopmot or .drinbtrdn ol ily odigsGfl

    AJI nghts aodt* A^yeny dlEr temdyTH SAGREEMENT;ISCELLANEoUS

    fhb Agrcdd|t k gwrmd by Floida bwIhb Agiem.rn n brrdqg on tlE Bff(ros rd llE Bank6 6s@ sd acslgnc. E&h8trrwer slrEs ttEl my rcl sign thb Agr.rmeflt wihorl tha Banl(r pris mEori Thc may sI pertbipatiffi rn dergn thb ban, en d erch.og6 fmrui.l homatlh .bd, sy Bn(rwr vifr actual ( PanEparrt3 q asrgm6s. lf apdropatron b sdd c loen s esi;rcd, thr prurchacer will havo Or right of rei

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    Itrtatlm sc L s 5

    Byr6pcd o{


    Clam i rclrEn Cbim

    brtion oa hc Clas6Adl6 Watucr fhr puoqs rckrcwLdg. .od .grts.rbllrald.bf|drng arbrtration, hc ptrti! [email protected] .nd volrtaraly mive ony rpfrl tlClam. FuttslMe. wihq/t htemrng in any my to lrxl lhb apreircnt tob{tated. t}E prtE hevubly rnd votrnr! miw eny rigfrt hey may hrl'6 waiwr o, Jry tsHtsha0 rffi in cflecl cvm il tlp Cbs Actirn WarycrWHETHER HE CLA'M [S DECIOO8Y ARB'TRATIONOR 8Y rR|ATUNOCRSIANO HA I TH E EFFECI OT IHls AGREEMENI S THATJURY 'O TH E EXTENTPRMTTTEO Y LAW.

    s no cJcsstrrcar wlll I

    y my lEve to a tnd by Fry inbrb-ate, lo ttE exteni anyto a trel by jry in recp.ct ofbnned- rciJed s towdY A JUDGE IHE PARIIESARE GIVII'.IGUP THE RIGHT

    s cb,rc wlah 8rrctlobltldim ol ttp 8orrryn

    , d6abal,ty,or rdorq rny oth{ pfs rccondiin o{ ttp oths\r*s any rlgtt h may havohroanaf rcqura 6Emng

    ard any mrtrnsts o{ the(2) wtws ay nghl otircfrdirg witlunCode) c any srnasoto llF IndbledE

    ItE pa{S to hb .gl..m.nl Hfu. trEl by Juf.yn any dion u to which th.y roy b.urdestood thet ttis mivrrat rbt prtj6 to this 86mot Thb niwr E knffrE y. sllrEv rnd vohnterily mdc. cldro a0air6l partloswho

    Bmk t.tai6 alll any put o{ thb Agremnt ts not erdoee ble. thc r6t d the ma y bc enfmed Th e

    q mivs wrder tS I latr dfauf Any coerl

    Bmk in cmbdrexrcded h

    p?.tbs. -bl1g q-t@rliil6 r Eivor

    donl tEt sy c@Wd rs r , }5 s

    l.T-*t- wlh tr n ry Ey ptrt2hitg to, tns agrmt.- i b agrcedbid by iry of dt clrim a{aind an partbs lo trh action tr prmdrngs, kEl

    .vrn d i mek6 e loan efter de{aul lf thc Bar* mi^G I drfrlt ,t m.y[6mmt m6l b. h trfirEr

    t}r6 olremnt u premtim o{ qny rirhls or taffEd6 mds thBmth OE Agrcmr( and n @|mtim wrth sny uEfdmrt E,w-

    commenq{ bt o. .gsiEt a Swows ude. t}E gs*n+cy Cod [fdtuts, tlb Eant 6 mtitted to rryer c@t3 and reamblc a$rrey:.fee rn

    4rc6 tfl h h Johdy $d w.aly Sabte to tE B.nk ltr l}r oaymnt o( .lIthal suci Inbrlity b hdopcndofit of th6 oblpations oa ho oth.r Bor*-",

    agre thel any raloesc v/hbtr may b givs bl ibo Bml to tfp othernow frm ts c{l|(pdirc urter t}re AgrretrEW agond tlB ct'l. Bqows(.) r my dw prrty beHr to tfr gmk lqffi my dc{ere by reau ol my ottrr Boow,s d.ny othd p6m,E B.r* o.r.rcj6. tts rgltts tgilEt c-h gonowt lwn f any otlnr Bm

    lo discloi l.o urch Bmw my httrrEtim which lh. grnk my ffi3n ol ltr oahr 86owr(!)

    rep.6cnt rnd Errrl lo ItE BaDk th.t .Th *dl djfu. bcrtf, frdtv erxj.rd rntbblly olqedt urrdcr thb AOrFmet The Bry(ffi .g16 ihal tlEB of thc Bffws to thc 8:nl und.r thk Ag..e mrt havo be n paid InprwiH bt ttE Bank urdcr tris Agremnt h.ve bm tdrfEled. achhdrmifetim and mrrrihnim (onbactual. clatrtryy qclatms riorrtot 6Lbrogationunder the Banlnflcy Code ( Tde I I. United Ssrch Bmwcr mat t"W r hgeaner hrye agarrsl ay otiv gor(rc sth

    fhe Eqrmru shsl rerr6urs ttr 8ok tq any ,oa$Ebla c6te .Uw)-5' fee ircurred by tlrcAg.mmfft In ttE of a laEurl q artrtshon praeedng, tlE praEai'lg porty s mtited

    rd any otts &CUmntEq tFlrrEtuing undcr lhl!ettqreys't6 n cqntun rdh th lwrt q rrtitratlco prry6dtng, ca dgtsnnod


  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    M efnotlmrd ih6 sffixlnsn b @ttgft Tfic Agffit suporcodes al poorhreof and any qrdl @dr anf pab( 2g.aaminf chau be demed to ba qnsEndr

    1 1 8roorBcnt th. lum otT t F s q a l q wgtd thc Bombstren tfbo arendcd rly by

    arJ ccts cl oyany s.da.i.rrCadaxcrGa of ias ights.othcr d-m rob'lirgcbim rlaghg kilontBorrmnsrch sedil Thband rll of tiplttE sny oHigs&oN lop.yet e trDnFditet

    ard gaffial p4rtnsotEr ijntifyin!11 .11 Not ic6 .no'tj6 .cqui.d(a.i{, lo lfFp{8. d to sctlcmdcrtioEPGt.g Fep.ll.btlorgrsm q

    Thb Agrffinl ard !n' rotatcd 6ryity q o$1er agrsrcnts raqriedurd.rtrnd^gs rd tgrrcmr*s bctwen tho Bmt ard the BqryenI alaomnts bttw{n the Brr* -d thc Bsrry.F manij thE Gdrtthc fnal, lmplate rrd erclciw nztarnorrt ot tho torm3 .gr"od to by llsd sny otlE agroftnts reqrred by lhi Agreemen! tlE Ag[m6ni^sturern n vrtirg that cxptcitt stalos thd rt ys|ds hb Ag;wrent

    E-h 8oorer w{ irdomly ud hod the Benk harmlxs 6m ry |tng to o abirg dndJy q hdrrcrt q, o{ {a} thb Agr@|.lul q mycdTmiurd by the 8ak to 0p Bqrww haewrdol (c) h the pros*wG, rnd rm6d6 with rapr1 to thc Co{atnl d any obliFtim ol t}6ttp bae, |lUd.shra, purctrcc, wm6fip, delivry, m, oper2tim r c'atEr dstts wth rapcct b thc Cotbtffil; 1c) frm any crcjil .xtrnd.drrd q) ml ldiga6m or procecding rcbtcd to s a6irp otrt of this Agreemtrnity hbdes but b mt lna.d to Jtomyr. fca. Tt* hd.mty oxt nds tooffrar, rmployem, cgoot8, rc6!m, gltom}{, and .$|gffi. ThtrBrrJ( All s|lre dr to tfF Bsnk plrunt to ltrle pa.gr.ph;t[l bo oi

    Agm|lb( collrctivcly: (a).miDg tlF outt (b) rrplacc(c) arc intended by tho EankIn lhe ewnt o{ uy @nflclp{evail. ThE Agr*runt royb sgn.d bt lho party aoaitr8krtiE lo tho srAi@t trlterlhisAgrmol

    Fabrlty,damagm, ldgrents.umgnl rqrried horwndf: (b)r6l2atff, mlqcemrl, andhrudcq (d)frm an yof thc Colbtrol, or aoymmired by ttE Bar* to th6ny s*r d@|ml. q lnyEanlq ls p-.r( r.aclfErbs}l|l swtvc rsp.yrtril of

    of tho Bq|wn- dur .rd

    (iEludng solo tf, oprbttr6-k to h a di/./s licoEo d

    8ok and th o Bqrwm. sl lp(opail d by ovrnghllstrd m tf, 3bn.hrc

    In trifrp Notic6 and othdin thc U S ma il. 6rc das.(i.dd"E tclogrm,

    demrdt 1 . 1 0

    rntqmstbn thst identfpso4h po.s wtD rsl fq 1rc+r Eorwa't lcaalnanre, ed

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -



    Senk ot Arnencli

    I8y : - - /l lrm: ,rctLTl t l . : , ; Vlc.

    Address wtsen to bc scnl:9OOOSaitsilr BlvdJrc*5mvlllc. FL 32

    i to ttF Banl Addrerr wfvc eolkrrn to ba scnt:333 No.th Maln SBlJrcksvllle. FL31fr


  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    E X I I I I ] I ' I ' I ]

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    BankofAmerica7VehlcleFloorinoand Securlty Agreemenf

    ftir AcrsEr ddcd c o{ octob< { 206l b b.twm Banh ol Arrba, N A ($E'8..{l) dd pr{id ctryela.leep, Dodg'.Llc. I l-2oot Lc . &mit tub.rcrirrc Grwp, Llc rd cwimott uc 1"i . -Bqrw. *i i*rty r. -a-*-r;I. LINE OF CREDIT AMOTJNT ANO TERMS| 1 tjDg qf Crcdit furbut Ovtlng the srilrtilat p6.bd dorsibrd b.b'r, th! Br* r,{ prwU. r rwofvhc tm ot cr.dit b trBm lr th. mqrl o( rt*t ulao{l Fivc Hutdod Ttrurd o"L", trgj,soo,ooo.ool 1ir -co-rrt-*1 b ftDo v.hld.t(hd'*rrrt n'Advmr- rrd coloctrrt'Aonrrs-) Duqr tF trrbtitty paiod, the Bonm my p?.y Fhcap.l muntrmd r'bo'rw om Th. Bd( rhdt hrn m ob{ig:don to roi. - ld*'*ii*r wu eue l: pnrE?d r1drr o111dr.dlngudr sii Agtqqf b !D.d lh. cmtr*nrt I ny d $rc ndnr frlrtin cdod h rt, ,rgt*rt Nonf,.h16rr6,p olofmgoirgt tp Eonm rh{ mr-r r.bb tr nt Advmr h crc of cuctr tnit-nn, p.ovldod }xnr, -, drch !x'sclrdl not dHtr,lr m iuts in tlc cffirln ft nr b. mrtu.d - 5 -r:bth.d @ of dclrg brtm ttr pertiec.l2 Avalobllitv Pcriod. Ih lk o{ q.dl b ryalablc botnm tfb d.f. oa ra &rt.rpnl rnd Jtly 15. 2@g, q 1rc5 lroordsb- B t|. .vrihbft mt brmi:.b c prwUrd h th.3 Aor..mr* fihc 'E:gir*in 6.r.1. n- rv&a)-v p-d fo. Ot l. ofsd t lw lbcmdorodr .a ruadfrdoo l t t t l rBrn t}Jror ib6r rBodmcewtb .rc t to .cardw4c, t t - t i \ocd t t ,Erg'lrrion D't' tr ttE hnr otqld (t:'Rmet Notbo'). lf i$ lin. oa cr.d h nmd, t r,fl co,rrm b D. suqcd to.l ttE|-|rr md con*bE st forh ir ri Aorcormil .Erp{ r mo

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    (b ) Amou{ of rch Adrc: Noa o ceed 'l@4 o{ rcqukrlim c6t if p.rc}[lrd rt u rrdbo fecilty rnidrctory to thr Bmkd p'rur{ lo a Payryi comlttEr( hith a |]Hutrctr.r. li ecq:trd tm my oltt{ tmt, ml b arcr.d ltx btr olloOa* o{ rcquisitbn ccl q l@96 cl whot6ate vdF 6 detmincd by thc Etr|LLiniztlonr: Modcl yaar roy ncdbc morc tlm S ,ea5 ololsd nril..gr nE, rl arceod Zs.Om mlLlrnlatbo on Dernonsirgtlon Vahlcl$ Tlp muinm mqr{ o{ .dw qfriDrdmg C sy in tir lo ftm. |w scrd vrttbbs lo b. B.d br tlcamtrsttoo F trxe rtEtl nol cxc*d fet{ n',r*j x;-ty Thqcrrd Dol*(389O,0OO.0O) - tfn ilb{.rrlr tdd badf

    (c )1. 5

    8fro.i/erPrqni. Ctryste(, Jep. Dodg6.[fCGr:rr^*t Ll-C1 1 -2 0 0 1C.Srrrrrit Adomotiw Groq, LLC1.6 Co{dUoos lo EEh Advrncr Betqc erch cxtcmioo o{dorrstr

    Arnouf$400,0009325,000.00t250,000.00$ 9,0m.00cred( r'cfud.p t6 hlt 8mf mrd rrcriw ilE &wing

    (l) Ea Ad'.r|E mrdr wdcf .r. Pr.Yrpflt Cmmtndr: M$sfuch/r{/Eraffi.ror twobo, 6h, dr{ olcctrwlic rcrd,t-rrlr ctrc( dglr drt\ a rtt af- a-urs*a I rpcf[d h th. .ppbrbt pcyrgtt cmrt&rn!i:bfifyirp tfr vrficha drlivrod s to b. drahntd to I Bqw.(b) lq Ad/q!6 md to FoE ?3?d VdlHca (agr th{ urdd I Prrmrn Cmntmno; c-tiiqr. ot mtg c dr(d il t' Brlct dsrrbo . qltr-Pt crnoO "t*rp . ,d."* by t p.Gl!*-ed rnd trgnt m tq thrwhlcb rrd rvldcu ecatrHr b tfr Bar* of e Bmwq's qufolrm ooa a suctr- uod whids, 6 lt . gffiwrnrchrs urd ntilcbr d e rrt on hclty adddry lo tlE Ir{q an nrcb. frm qrch qdo.t holay.(c) Fq Advancoc mdo b fi4rpo Qeqler TrrdI: Copy ol rQirnl iMt. (d .!b.lirn ElptrbL to ln Brnt) rd til of qlcdily ucrtad by Op Partb. to tln bndq\ rvldrmlng th .cqurliofl coct to I Bdrffi d.u.t !'.dr.(dl Fd Arn/tncd m:dc tofirrom Fl-est S.l. ;r.qrird wrdor thlt Agrffi( r epy ol tfr Fbct 6dr prrctnr cqt c(!)md t- ArCgnrr{ of pr6.d6, h trm srd qtc.t c.gt b{. lo ttr gr|l((o) Fo( Advrnc- rnd. to n qrc. rnY 0$6( t{# V.hldo: uenrasoturd/fFdxrto. iwobo q qEh d|rd dbqrmrb iffiying. ffiy.t|bL m.d by r Bow.(0 Eq Adffi trFde qt-rg{lg Ltr qcunar*r0on Procodrrr: Flm tim b rfm dh. A$k d fr dlsttor\ mt rckAdrraru to fi|1m rEd Ehba 3nd d.rhr bda h aqdrc wlh b'Lfl Oocqrrtaon prc.dr..' Th. B.nt'rLry Dwrsrbtm Prrccdra ctnl ba m|lubcd b tf. Edrwn rd mt cfungr *w 0m b rkD upoo ndc. lotr Eo|frc Tln Bmt mt briub,b Lw Dwmntrtjq Prrcrdrrr d my lim rld nquirr tr Bm to rcfry.lo L rbow r.quionb ol thir pcm6nplr C ib @L d.cr6dff1.7 eavmcnl Comn{rnart. Th.85k ir rr-rltstcd to rstc Advrc on r 8*w/r botnltq trrmftctrn q 6t}r.tq:.Yr sdrm wilr tlp tm d mt Fymrn snlBrl rgrod to bchmn th Bart rnd Gh miltactnr q difib{F. fhcBrr* my r*be' lrrrlm.. or up..d $y Fymnt comim.a c my trm by g.os trittorl rEtb. to ttE mdt chrq rd*tt'6' Tlp 8m Jnl ffinh lrUo !o th. Br* lq Jl p{rftv{r m.do to . mnrretnr a *tibdd pffil to.pernsl miblmt Tlp 8m r4siro tr 8mt b firri.i, to mrJrtrn rnd dbibuto[ Htrctin rdbcthg th. l.tot dGfl pf ryb6d bt t* Agremenr rd d nt drng. q tm*rom .r,,if, r..p

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    (d) Erced s citwbt cc.d h Ei! Agmr( .lt iract rrd r.6, I ay, wi| bc cnprrad m thc bocb d r 366r61y y.rrd lF drC rumbs of d.tt .l.P..d ThL rcub h rru. intnrt r e l.i7ht trr tha it r 365-dby yrr b ad.lElatnntt o{ 9(hciLl vfibh rrc nct p.ld v/tpf, cix undcr tir Agrmcrl chall c.ttiu to bc.r l.tf,crl wrtd p.ld-(e) UPo tha @treB rnd d/nnc lhc cqtilEtim o{ my dcbult [tdrr tis furrm( rll r|.|nntr drrtrfthg rrd.r ui.Acmmcnl will rl tE opdon o{ tr B8.t b.r h.rr.t rr rhc hcr o{ (i} 6.0 prrcrrbgo po;nr ti*rr thfl tt rrb oahof!.tolhwbo proviJod urder thb Agmrn r (i) th rurrm tefut hr.rt nt . Tlb my 16{11 n . mpourdng otirlrGt ft|- will not dEirac r niw cd rny dc.a:l1-9 Roovrnenl Trrms. Thr 8mm wil p.t ir.r.

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    F Pat thh Aarxmr( v'tt6ah.. hfufitr.y s clfwis, wtbsw dE q rpt drc. dr6t tr hdnct rbcolr. q drt'rg.rtlqud"d a unfuuil&d (i{rdu*t* bi tla!q.d^a. my obhatse of .i, Esrmr urdo. ..ry (r) prtrr r frfrro rgrmrrrbttn tlE 8-l Td e Bqlwa lq rn it rn rrb mp, fcird rao, irtercst ccte p. tbo. q @aar r any ainilar tUFaclion my ogtion lo mter irto my o' tht fmgsrto. wttrr rgrxnanl roy be ml o i" wa".g,'iErrd..g- sry mo1-' .gre'-t nttirgto my ot tho fwegoing rnd .ny nbt.d tctpdub q wfrmatim ('swap conra

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    5 2 Govominq Doqrnents. r oqrtod bt tE g.nk. a copy or ascrr go|lwr,o cgmizaticnc docurer*r5 3 9ecuritv Aorecnrsrtr' .slrrd 6lo&Bt krry agr"*mt'. B".tl.mcnb, fi..rEino ttrtmrrr rnd 16'r. fiarE! (tog.o'r{wtth Courtrel h wilcfi |tx Brr* nq(.i6 . p**; *ly intar6t) rr*ch tiE gar* ,qui.5.4 Perfection and EviJeqE of ftioritv. udrc thr tE H{ty }{ac$ ryd t B h t.w o{ th. gank .r. v.ld.Jtmotb|.' F op'O gdElod h r mnncr @ptablo to EE Bry* xd prifi to rl dra'ri/nr rnd lnt rEt|, .E g{ tE rhcB.nk sEfib to h uittg-5 5 Landlord Aoreorncnt Fc -my pcrwnl roprty coll.tr{.| locrt d m r.el prop.rty vtich b nc( offrcd by e Bmr, orutw al lh' cu'ty irtd"t r cqst to Rerc5l q' Lmdbrdr wir frm ttp ffis oa ttr ul progrrty. Upon BrnKrnqued' tq 8ny P'luc F"ryY c{.-t1 Fr-d - rat propsty whi*r.: sq.d b . mo.bEg. d d..d o{ hr( r cffi.na bRmd q llorlrgm.r Wrlvx ftm ttr hotd.. c, my morqfr'c oaa a tua5 6 Gulrrrticc oryYrb' 'igtEd bt Sem Kenn. orryyr orvrropmnt &q|P. l-Lc, Ndth.lct cm,jtf,g, trc fd.frr*yrr{ tl_C. (ch r.O|Jnntof}6. REPRESEMTATIONSNDWARRAITIESwtEo t|. Bc|.W {n trir Agt.mr( rnd mtt tfr Ernk b r.p.ld h frd, tE gm mke $n rolorng nprG.nbtitE rrclgDnt-. Erh GqFt io. sn ext cion o, qrdil ddhf- r tffi.d ,+a:-f,atin:6-1 . ff,qtin 'tld 9d 1!f*. Erh 8o.w b dry tdr'd rnd erietiog undor nB tq* d rE t1.5 rns su.niz.d.lLfl,*:lnn" Eqrow dn b6hq. r i proportv ii--"q tr good 3trndp. tr{ vrEn rpqtir4 in mprn,r rith6-2 Attthorlzdon and Enlqpablo Aoreqqreni ftl Agr'f,rr rrd ilt ird,,-ni s et'mr rcqrr..d rtrand6., .rcYihh "ci Bs|w;'r re: .F ua. ary r.l}-*"d,- -d d" rct s{lir rdh ny o{ lr ogerizzdorut pepec. Thblorf,r|flt b ' Latrt vdd id bhdrg agtqHtl of th 8qwn, rjorc..ba. .rtrirr tr Borwn h edm wih lrrffi.lt * tr 'oritrryi tlq(ird ]sdtdf,, wtm qcuro md ff,ruod *r b. ttnihrly b!d, nlb. birding *d6'3 F'nsnciEl hformttpn' A frsEbl *d ott t .*"q of,l hs b.s q ur{t br rupplod lo tx g.nk b eJlbhrtymdlb h rll mrtrrbl nrpoct to 9'{ lhe og* @6 tnrytedge of I

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    (b) lt4{nrc' cryrim c49qrl . To mhtan .al rbk p.op.rty damg. -Brrc! potcks rysrng ItE taqqrti p{oprtymprbitu ltE colattret Edr inmm polcy F.Er be tn s rod eptauc to sF 8$t- TIE klffamc m.ct b!beosd by an irum orrpeoy Eortsblo to fp Bank and mrsl -Eludo a l6ndo.,6 t|E pyab+c ddroffirl h ,aw oltho 8r* h. b.m Ge@blo b O6 Benk.(c) Evidqrc ol krcrrca t pofl h. r.qtd o, th. 8.nK to doliw to fF Bat | @py d .-h LEl,ftr po[cy, d. lf pomrttedby t6 Bd( | c-lifu.t o{ imH [rtrg ril irm n tmr

    7'5 poots and Records- To minlrh mEl ..rd gEuco bookr std rwds. imi-r'rp, tr.t rpt |.nrt.d to, rn iomiratin ilddwalgtim of tn oc( prb., frn4 type, qurlty rd gnnrty o{ thr vdrictF.I'a Audits To llow iho 8d rnd b rgnnb b -rpti tr co0tb.d md thr Bqrwqf p.opdtq utd to cnmiE, rrrdt sdmr&t @pltt o{ bd sd ttqdt d rt m'mb|t llno drlrp wnnl brnh6 hqn. To p.wit lo tF B$r aEh p..bdi:nPqtr ffinitg lh' colzlrsl 5 the 8ryt trBt +ccay trm tim lo tmr. ll rny ol thr gq|!{n, wtrlclgc, bools.q|wda rc h lha Peskn d . lhid p..tt, lrcfi Sdrmr rrttriza $u t*i prty to pdrt tE igt r rr e0pri6 lo hev.@ k' pdfdm iEp'dqr d ar& .rd to @pqd tD tl'F 8{*t r.$!6b tq ;,dtixr merrrg euh prop.dd. nh-lG.botr rd rsdr-Thr Borrma rill F6id' to th. Br* rdfr 1y ncEJy 6rr..arts -d rprovrh b rEbl th Bnk to md,ct r eh rucst ol eEqr(n'r mni bdrB - rny oth- thr*u rftiirtor rrr aeni'l5 rc dly to rrp-r . Eqm/r prop.itiE w to'!'m-r, rud( r mpy boolr ud rsd! rd thr Eer* drll noi rw ny obtprm q Lbrrty by rcm c, rd m.riro my qrj]k[pclba a ]tquky h tP on ud rF Bsk rugcdr r SmwJr poprtbr q cmim. edtb, s ooffu b@ts .rd ,6&.tho Br* wl bo rtirg lolefy tor tr prrpcoc of prohcrirg lE 8.nt'r wty rnd pr*ip trE Beda6 nofrs urdc( dlbAgrqrgt t{ltw tr 'orffiE E .ny oarfr pcrv rc srflied to rety m rny 'upcct'n o oos rqui} by .nr gr{Ilb B$t ow m dry o{cr. to pfdcl tha 8m*f3 c rry ofu perty .o.lm( d to kfum l|r Bo.rwr.3 q ny o(fs prty of.$y 'dvn' condbn thd m'y b'-oba.md i Jl.cfE r Bqrl.m/r p."p.rd- ( pr*l-.a\ 6 | gomr(t tEl.{- Th Estm'y In lt fiqlt'm dtclo" lo r 8mr,s to my pt pel o{ | 8ffiw d b mt !ul-*r oa r lndrbtodrrr ol r 6qrmrq to st cnHi trl rny haw nrctuad tw fr Br* r prtdpdion h th lm oriai p.wHoo tsm rny tordrpa m*Je re cmLll oa, d n 6nc

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    (c) Not l't'r lh'n m' irt|&'d rwtnty (r2o) day6 eft{ tE sri qf edr *rdar yrer. frerciJ l-d.m.1, lq r-h eryentorYtp B e rdurl Prnm h lm Ebhciqy to fE Bd* 6rtn6d by @h 6Eh i; ;;rr b . @rtitute e8tirtuctdy to6 Eenk(0 copi< d tE tc*rsl imm bx trtrn (wttlr dl schcdsb K-t'r errj r klng ol ai tr-c.d wri.E adjurrmotertrd'd) tq rdr mnbr ol ft Atff.tcd eq-p Jd ..ch Gry.rrw who i. . niur pirorr wlhh o dryr o{ 6lhrg, an{ nqx.r.d bt its gen( opir cd any.xt6n ih o{tr tt*g drtr.(0) 3:","y,'?- 13iPl ttvrc{. cogier o{ rl rnrqmrt htbft q6n& to my mmb.r o( tfE AfilH.d crorp bylgHHIl* inmneair wtr cfi ryuc d -ndimreviry q ardnoa ro boob ot rny rai(h) [{tr cacrr de}ry r'qJt'd ud{-r-6pnenph (e) d (b} ebovs, it roqriciod bt sro gTk . cmprrm xlifccr n tsmldrcr6t b th' B'nk q-ua.d by th. chlc( til,-bi ;b- c ofs wirimu"r oniz of ..cfi o{ mrtrr o{ tirAf5aslod GrDr+ dd|wffitg csrplrrrr wth r'E Lst.Ocurrs(D ftwpty r4s ItF @rm o' 3ny difru[ ud.r lhb Agnrmrrr s I|y ds mnt t'|dt my tEr a tldrid Ad\6rsEdEl d ttst mv 'E' n my mlorid rlbfty (kEl,Jdhc, rilhan &nitlon. ry srinof,{ rabtiy), r ,Edc. t}mof3p-fyig trb mtu! furof

    -r,|rtsid Adc- Elbd mer (r) a mtc.ial advcc. cisEe n. q mstornl .6nr tttcr ryo4 trr opf,rrim,hrirc' nrtr' wr*lon (ffrrctal tr thjua.t d F6pcru oast a6w q &reds. (b) r rtsal inpr}rmnr ol- rbaay o{ rny Eow r G|ryrtor io prtm tB obablrfu- ud.. sry Len OE,rr( q (c) | rrirr.l rdw etrrcft+on (D tE t"g"rv. ddl. blttclq-.rr..r r rrilooau{ agntrt rny Bcrmr c a.--1!' ol "nv Lom DE si or lEffiJX t'mdh' of lhe 8r* thr.ind.( o{ (t) th.'p.rt c6on; prr-ry "{.;tLb; gr*rod undr rny cotrrral(D &f,h c't'[ ngtrdrt Hmrlon a ttf, gr* my frm tir ro Um ,aqrbly rcqurdl'8 FiErrid 9gvonrnb- Al ot ob tolbffiv fimi.t m.rar .tr[ b. alqJ.tod b-d q t.- tkwEi.l ,ti.rrb o, ttrBcm prwuod ro th. BJ* u reqr-*rd h tb-pcrgnpt o.u"d -rr.crief ,'rmrtfl.(') lRdory Tnd PmtrirgE. Ar Eh cdaoda.

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    (c) Fixcd Chtgr Cov*rgo Rrjo- Al rh oLodar qErlrrc f,d (bubt d m a rolqe tor q(E.tr. bsis) tr -AfflirrdGu+,'m. mttin.d bu rhr! mith e F&cd &nrgr cocrage Rado ot ooils tin t-25.FrEd ctEru c's"e Rslto maE tq ttE pcdcd lcllied, 'r.l prefl riM tar6 (b&lcd at a 16l tax Fto; tu credlto 6tEllh'n m fn9'cl). r*ru dlvt od! d &tbdur (otTy to rr .rcnt lhey rod thc atbcmrlloncc ter dbuHloo), pf6dep'rlaicrdTEdizatlof, c{Ere. pl6 tert c6 mtloo. ptn rlJad og!.n. plq my patva cnicr s rr}r uy mg8tivcctr{t h I'Fo tsnE' gtt ant |m_nrirro dp.@ a"c -ra "t- "ny --Lratp f,-* n*, r.lrir.abt s'rmd[[6 ol long tttm debt /o n*lbc ptrn lrie[i uDcr.r. pln l$t, rl crrprrco-n Ead[B rilh GA p.l'9 Other Liens- t'lol lo qEtc' ffi' q tlo./ rny Erty krmn or tm (trcludhg Judcira s.ru) on prop.rty e Bsrwrr'w s bts m, cmpt (r) Lb rrd scrty ht ..dr h hw sf or Srtk (b) Uom Lr tu.. not yar d11; rd {c) ttn.out$rd-rg m tlE d.to o{ th6 AgrE Ei ddo.od h vitfrg b h Brok7 10 qhaqo. of O,r/nrsttlo/De?lcf ot Rogo{rl. ildt to cre, pqni( c *ffa my drpe n th. drEt d irc6t apa.lo{ I Eoaw' cnd prwiJod lfd cfs sE cisrE th. m.ixry o\ffi*ap or I go.r;&r cnr nnrrh tr m, s toffi sy cls|o h lho d"!rr oanqd d dcdd perltcipe.n wth rcpccl to eny ftlnct*. rgrryEt lhrl a gM my tE,rith r mnJrtry a dctibuto. wltqrt tr Bal(r prbr riian ffil7.11 Addilional Coyeriants.(') To ro'rtrin rnd p(i4m rl d b p.(r6. ma6o[hir, f--ctis, qt|6 eocl lo|u rrqrimdb@rdf,rt]rhriw in wticfi tln Borm n rur erprgcd(b) Noi tq wlhq, th. 8en&'c wilm mr( Gr.. nto my dsrij.bon. msgcr, q o,nE, ombhrrro 6 bcm. prt,E in'ny trt' ol p"tftf$, q .d.. h.o I mtlgrffia .g.6rw{ $ith . ftid -pedy rc rr o'i.r!t|an or sy Bdr6a./!hlkn q oprrrtlorr(c) Io FprFoy mltty th. B.nk n trltrtg o{ 0) rny bf,ril dndty Fnd}E d h...atrfitrd nrlr:{ r Bnffi trt...krdrmga h reo of rrc ttrr*rd Dmryd ootbr (32m,dob) (c Jry $ryrq c, r r-8ar*rr h unp.b.d ct rrh5tc d. tu6t -t a1.): rrd (i) ny nrtairl arrgr n ltr rclrtinhp b.trnm r gotl'w rnd .n, w|.btrsxtscntd a dtftrnd hdirdng, vffur hhrtix\ l}r bar or *.||7tbn' d ttrrffi 65 q 6plbtix\ of rhrn

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    . DEFAULTlf ryty ol dn lolcirB .ub cqn, tho Ernk my do m q rwr of thc tollwing: drcbro tfr Smmr in dcf.ul itop maki'my 'dd6ooc sedit rwlsb io lhc Bonm. .nd nquir! oF 9trffi to rcpoy thr Jtir d.ba trrr.rary lnd rff'nt pairlr&' It el r\s{ of ds{auh m rdd tr Peo{r.ph 6*it}rd'B.nrnirncl LIlx uarr r.rp.cl lio . grmr, lnn tt, .dtt..bba qrhnding urdcr tha Aorelrgf wil rtfome. itty Ue dF ;rrrcd,.tary.,1 Flilurr to PtY. TtE Bm taalo rEtc I p.rmcrt rqutld udar tr p..agr.ph .ntit d 'R.p.ymnl Trm l1pon Selro{ v'rth'wtrn dr s firib to Ft-h ftl al strEmb trlng hrundcr m 0r Erptrtm D.q s t Bmm tbl lo rn t. rP'yrrl o{ llrr( eny irr v my stfEt gle.ns und.r thE Ar*m.nt sithh 5 6p rftr tfr (ht. wft- dr.f)2 ^ othor Fank Aorcamrtr- An/ dfrr-n .m eir th rxgtrtim d ry rppl6b{r drr lrtod rrdJ .ny od,rr ecr.m.raay 8mw (a rnt ooltetr) c my oJ tr Eqrqf,i' nl&d ontlbs s rlfi:tar h.t wltt tE [i-r - .^y rlfitEt o{ h g$k d{sr ocqn m EYfi ca Dcffll or lqmirdtn Evrd s do6md in my swrp ccrbrt Fc prrp.r oa d' a Ac,wur. -oblgs-id tffi rny gurztr, rtt pdtt pkdfiu @ahtDEl to -h, SanK d, I . Boflffi b sryrL.d oa t}r hrc.6 of e t'rrl rnytrudor-9'3 Frlso hformsuon Ary Bm r mt oLr-ls ls oiq tr. a.r* t b. d m-L.dng lr{mrton a rrprrgrtetlor-9 1 . Fank'vptcv aQd Scc6ivcrt . ft. ry*. eny obrgu, r my gmrl prts of ny gww q sf iy obtgs fih. rbsln{f? p.lition, | ffi+ay flh iG .d rga;xt rny o{ t}n fargwp p.diE, d s, l;]w, my Obtigs. q my gmrllrtr ol eny Borrwlrr c odmy Obfgs rrclr c gffil Eirrenl to{ tiE brmff of q.fitoc. fh. -t]t wr[ b. drrynrd srdI oy brr*n^gby pr6m llbd rg$at rtt Sorw q ".y oorg q rny grr3l pdtH o{ my Bdrocr q d ny oblgs icdsr-!'d wtth r pqind o{ 1(' d.F rn r '|. 6&lf; proi6d. tw. ob 8s* 6}|d rEt bc .tio.r"a to qxtcrd rr, .dffi]l::9 9 :'y Sorrw drrqg trrt panod. A rrcoiw q mlr'oftclel L rppofrrd lq e &rbarrbi portim d -u P,qwfi. q nvob[gE/t buiE. q t' bciE : btmirdt4 q. tt roy oblod i nyl*)g ds ttrn a Etrd p..!6\ 6r.ch ot&s r tratgiddodcdsoAnd-9-5 Lbo Tbritv. and.Oqt6a Ll6n6. ItF Ornk hlb to twr rn .(tourd. ftrl tm {.xc.g( for uy p.br r.m b vhbfi lt6 B.nttn colurird b wtils) h tln Coldrgl q fu prixty rryity HdEt In rry Foprtt glvm a .caty tq tti. Acrm..t (d rnygunrry) Any lc\da d d-tmd( 6x.rtin. tar eanmntr d -nLr trq.dngl rhe[ br b.wg]rt.gtu h co{.uat9 6 -- Lt'vt-uits and Judom.[b Attt bwi q brftlat rr filed c ybblim pr6di.r0. Ldrhrt d rg]r.d -t Bow d-yobletrhn r@r.(Ft -Yad Tvrc Htrr*od Fftyrhaand Dolfl(t25o,0@) q|Im h .E olmy L.r.|r@nngf, and tEfi lmul s rrbtrdm Pr@.&rg b nol dninrd wfrt ti d.fr o{'OE fliw $swf. Ary Fdgrrslt rrb'tdon mi r' m*rd r-grLra roy 8moff o rny obtgu. c ry Eoor or rry otags .f,n r rr*D my r.ti.rurltgo"l-e wlh mptcl to mt roqdo d Jtlrrlio.r. h s eogr.o& $qnrt o{ om }tn*ca n*ryr ooat o (jlog,g6) rrot n cro@ of lny hwm cffilga rrd tE ludgmdr tr rbbstbn .wd b rpt fuly q6d wrh 15 d.ys ol ttF drte otsjch rudorut s ew-d_9^!-

    .D6alh 9f IncorptoDcv. ll rqy ot{gor a . mnrr.l poq, .qrr Obfur dc s bcorq lcgEry -rctrprter,( 1 myObSgs b e hEt, r br.dor dc q bocornF L!{y kEqrp.trnt9.1 .Udcrial AdverE-e Chnoo. A ma.ril rdrrnr cfwpc ffi, q b rc.bt tlcly to w, n my Bma,t (a ayoblg,'r'r) b.-im owrtion (bnnc-l r ot'*b.) opmtd, roportt r o( prqp.da'd db b..p., r- crqltI9 Dcflult- ue4af Rclilcd Dogtneflts. Any grrutty. r.to.dimbon rgr.oflrr( .crty .{rmn! drcd of tw! q otfprdoanmtnqttrd by OrisAgrrdsr b vi.ialad t m bngtr h rf.d. Any oblEr.fal r}rcb r dnpr.rc tr vrldly oa. d t tgtyrnd.r, rny gErnty wtth trr 8J*-910 -Prfau! Undet 99)er Oblogtimg Any d.,frr EUs urd. .ny .grorwt beyand ny .pprobb rur pgird incn{= flon wlh my m& ir rm of Onr Hqrdrd Thorend Oolkr (I|OO,OOO)eny Bonurnr (c erry C*igd tB obt"ibd twn:'i'ffi 'bc or tlrk*t ny Bm (d mt ourgq) ir gurstrd t tlr crttd cdrbit o, frlno to mok. I p.ymdt r,hm d6 oril: ft"r dtu hndr thc rloltl b .@b,d. lf, oblgtr{inI -t 1 9ncr,Pr9clt UDdcr AoreerHt- A d-er.t m und.r rny oaw tm d cdrdim ol tfib Agrmnr ncn sp

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    (b )

    'ctomori to ttl n hrsc' " tr':j 1:?*q o( .nt coalato.d. (r) Naty uy mt dcbtm. rnt buyeD o{ tE coldonl,q lny oos pqm of thr BenKr intf,ct h lE coistsal rj b acaregtr all @llcctim erd p(@c43 o{ colrtcrrl rcthd th'y - qprblt of itrfrcrtb. sd d.lr'r nrctr ellectis 5d prweeds to tE 8s* in rrrd: (iv) Roqrie thGBq|'ffi to clre

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    (b) At llr t.9l6l oa ny p.rt lo_lilt !otrrF.{. trry Clahn 6firl bG 6elvcd bl tixr1g ybtrrtin in aqde E sitr thc Fedc.dArb{tdkt^ Ad CfI6 9, U S- Code) 0lE -Ad'). Th. Acl wll rpp}y .v.n t}s-gh t}ir rorcm.rt p.ovH6 lbl f b gffird by rh.l f rd . .o .d t icddc(c) ftbitrtlon Fc{d.Er wll be fitrmhd n ffidaEc wlfi lhe Act the th@trern n..ei Enlt Fc.drG tq th. r,btrtlof, oltkoctal 'dai5 d'tda ol thc Amcrtrn Arbftltm A.edim 6 rfiy rrm ttm(, plri1. rr rr tm d r* DGpua.Rqddm Provhlon ln ltE went d ily rs.iderEy. lh. llm o{ ttt O{rprl. R6ot tm prqAto.t .trl o1t'ol- I MA buEllg q ulH. lo 0) ffi ! ttr P(o'r{datoaJttr$oa q 0) erl'xr .nt FwEin of tli5 rybrtrgtin dre, tn B.nl nryd6hn r xo{E rrbkatbfi trgarizitbo |,lh 3lmltsr lrEedJ .lo sre t3 til oovbs odgtargtm.(d) The sb-r'lion ridl b. rfthHdcd bf A A .r$ cdrdtrdcd, rr.th$ orEnt ruq.ild by bw, h my U-s. ddo risr 16!1o,tnglu. 9.rdEl p.oPrdy cddfit h. thb qd b hci.d d I lhdr r no rucrr iorrcri,In tL r|aic rgcclao h rr goqrrplfr $clim of thl 4rm.d, Al Cldm !d bc d.{rfifu by om rblr*c lmvo, n Chrro qc..d Ftn lflon DoL.rF6'0m.mor, trpoo ttr rrqual o( mt prty. th. cbir thal bs

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    I 1.7 Joinl and Sweral t-rbltaty- t6 pr.lrrph cBl rppf, ! two r lmc gmm sion rlis aorrdmnr(1) Edt 8ol1w .gm ttd r biioy rrd rmlly trbb to th. B*t lc th pe ymrr oa rl oblg..in rhiry udcrtE Atcmr( ,nd th.t Eh frb*y b hd.?.ndrcl o{ thc oblgrtirn o{ trE an|d Bsr*r(.}. Ern oug.tio.\gmiee. erlwrl. ropreqtltir Jtd w'nnty h ttli Acraailnt $.1 b. dm.d b f8r b5 mrd. by, rnd brtirdrg upoo. ceclr 8rtro. rhla tir Agncmnl aryrEty Fwirtr ofwbc- T} Ar* mt ffi|g n ."f""{CrEi sy Bqw. strdw m rlm b bfagftt.lnlnrtth. otn gmw(!}.O) Eecfr Bmww tgxs fdrny raee wtri:tr my baSiwn by thc grn& to tE ;hd gmwrir) s my gwlnto, w{rEa oha. jxil 8ffio|f tm nr obligdiru und., t* Aramdl-(c) Erctr Bmmr w.is rny ng+{ !o .gt cgi.lc tr Bnk any dcr@, lslofl, culicbm q cbim whbh qrcirEcmr my h.w egnird tfr dt: Bmmr(r) u rny cats ptrty tble to t E Bank fo. OF oblgstixu of ttFEqrmrr r.fir tb AgErFr((d) Erctr 8ryrw m my dc{ru bt rxrm o{ rny o$r 8arovt'.6 any ot}s p6.m's d.fffiq d8.b+.ty, drclos tm li.til*y. Th Bgt m grorcb tr rbhrr {ert..cti B(wf, rwn I my oifw Bffi d -ry oltsprlm no brEtr b lbuo bru of r CauD o{ lrnitrdom o. ftr cr0rr m(c) Eacfi 8mw .4rG td i b sobly rcpornlbb for trqirp trcl irlomrd r to th. lbrrcrrl cmd6oo of tf, o6.tBmmr(e ) end d d qrcumttl.m whifi bar upon ltr rirt ot mpeymrt Erctr Efiffi v$d rny rlgat I mttwc to rcsir t'F 8at b dcb6! lo lt/ttr Sorrc* Jrt Honnrbon whlch tti B.nl m.y w or hraattJ Egr-.orwr$g ff. ftEncbl drltjm o, tf. ottEr Bffffi(r)_(0 Ean 8ffffi wrhfr rll rifrtr to roti- ot dedal d ;"p-tr.m by roy ouv Bcrw qtd.r ts Agr516il.EEh Bmffi tufiaa wdv6 d dot.s tD rclbce of thc qdcE! q tls qqtim ol |w indctnalpc by my c{ts

    . 9-9".rrnd rll rlgrtt b rny cahr tbda to my perty li*b m any o{ ti. qld dbndcd undc. thb Agrrmrd@ Th' 8ryrffi ttprsnt rd wrs{ b tn OJ* lhc .ach will dorivr brmfil 4.cdy .nd hdltcft frm tn 6l-6rcedilnirtdon erd saaebialy ct qodt urdt lrb Agnmnt Th. Bm rgn thc th. 8{* ;r rp( b. r.guh.d toirqic r to tto &pelbn \ eoy Ecror ca trrfi di.bur.d h wdrrcc with th. t m oa$l &rtrslt(h) t kljl J cr6*9-om of ltr Bqrmn to tt- Bmk ud..' tti1 Aerq6rt try. bcon prld h tg rd rfly srrrlt'1. ottrr 8rn& r frtia p(wld.d by r5 B** utder thb Agrrmcni hcv. b.m t frin6d. .-h Borm (r) niu nydgar oa36ro9.ltoG rrlrbsrravr! hdcmlidltoo sd rt{rulm (drt-rdrc, i{r tort or o*wbe'[ irfudirgu/ftbtt &nltdiq\ my c*n c rifi o( ltrogetion udor tr Ernhngby Codo (].do ll. Urited 6ba- Code) o mytw ctrb-... *hl$ sh Bmmr my w q hmaftr haE ag.h6r eiy dE( 8ffi unol rpf b th.irdebS4pe i|wed trds tb Aonm.rt, (b) nts rny ri/rt b rtm my nmdy whach thc Br* |w hE amay ts$n{ hevc rgr-rrd rny dFr Bqw, md wriva my bo.Eil o{, rnd rny dg't to p..tbbttr h my wity|,w q tscrbr i-lC b, tt6 gankO E-n 8mffi mira eny.itt tD r.qtc lF BJ* !o Fwod rgrlnt rny dE Bffir q Jry oitr{ p.rg;FE 'd ag*rf d .xls-El cnt cutY: r p.Err mt ots Encdy. Fwttpr, afi Bofiffi om{rtt b ||r tr'ting oa,s trllr. to tat.. sy djon wfibh rJgh h rny rw or to st cxbrt nry t}E riols of tho Bcrmr undar tritfqr-ru{ o wtic\ brf lc lhir prwiairl dfl opor.t E . &ctslE of ttF gmr.

    1't.8 Ono Aorogmef|t Ttl.l Armrf .nd .ny rcbtld eu\ q o0s agrmnt! rcquicd by u|: Aqwt @llc

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    @us, to ttr rd&aa!- m t}. dq^.tta pa96 ot tE Aromer1 d rcnt by leirlc to thc ta numbcn lctcd m tfp r'gn.trr.P'9. q to uh ollt< eddreo.t tiE Brr* arrd tle Emowm ruy spcdy frm imo to tim h wtilrq. I,Jdw rrd otls6rM-:li(rc shell br rtfrclivr (i) if mrilcd. t+roo thr cgliq o{ |'ipt d 5 oaye anc depo.l ilttp U.S. mil, firJ cLs,Poctseo p(paiJ. (-i il trleogirJ. s/t-n tmitl.d. or (i) t hcrrd,detivered. by arir q oth.fr,ir. (rrEtudng trlcgm,bttrgrn q rneihrml. wtm ffvqodt 1 12 CounlarDaab. Tfir Agxrvr mty b. .xeqrrd tr a6 mny ry{orpcrb E rrc.ry q qvmian( md by fx dftd.rnPortia m ..perEt. FFltrpqts odl o{ whi:fi, whm rc so-lcd. rtnl bo docmd .n uiginal hn .l sEh drtarFprb CEll@mtio-a8 tr.l oF end rE t.m a{r-si6i| 1 13 Aflilialc Sharirq t{otice faclE. !o hdivitel Emmrq Crnntoer rrxt Pr

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    8onms.t1 ,2001 LC

    8 yNarYle:Title. Managing Member

    Address Mrcrc noocaS to Eorrorers sra lob 6mt:3333 llo.lh Main SlrtJac|csowl!a. FL3re

    CGBORROIA/ER Ma y10.2m

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -



  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    T a N o n T , : ^ " : . u = E { o , t r }

    ' { l o a r d t r t r f i c d r n ( ' r v r l T r i a l - a r v n dl l u s r n e s s- r l r g a t r o n



    I ' remicr utornotivet heAve ues.-l-CAttn: SanrKazran1333NorthMainStreetJacksonvi l le ,; lor ida2206

    M c h a c l . T a n n e'( 9 0 . 1) 4 1 6 - 2 9 8 0nr annc 2 l tannerb shopa v. onr

    l ' r e ln ic r u lo r r ro t ivcn At lan t ic .-LCAl ln . SanrKazran1333Nor thMain St rcc tJacksorrvilc, : lor ida12206

    Itc: I-oans the "[.oans") o l) rcrnierAulonrotive n Atlantic,Ll.C and l)remicrAutomotiveatthc Avcnucs, -LC (cacha "l}orrorvsr" ndcol lectivcly,l3orrowcrs") y l3ankof Arncr iczr ,N.A. (" l ,cnder")pursuanto Vchiclc r loor ing ndSecur ity greenrcrr llatcd sof F-cbnrary8, 2008 in thc antountof $6,100,000 as rnay have been prcviouslyor subscquentlyamcttdcd and/ttr nrodi l icd) togetlrcr v i t l r any and all ot l icr docuntcntsexcculed inconnectiottwith or related o lhc {bregoing nd rvhichhavenot beencanceled,eleased rothcrwise cl ischargcd y their tcnns (hcrcinalter ol lcct ivcly rcl-crrcclo as the "Loan[)ocuments") . Unless thenvisc efincd, l l capital izcdcnns containcd erein hal l havethatntcaning ivcn hcm n thc ,oan )ocunrcnls.

    [ )earOb l igors .' l ' l tc undersigncd cprcscnts he Lcnder whiclr is thc orvner and t lre holder of the [-oanDocutnents . he indeb lednessecured y the Loan )ocumentss hcre ina f tc re fe r redo as he" lndcb tcdncss . "Each Jorrowcr s currcntly n de aultunder he LoarrL)ocunrentsor, arnongother hings, fai l ingto t r take hc requ i r cd ayments f p r i r r c ipa l r rd cc rucd nteres lwhcn due, nc lud ing l ton thesa leo l ' veh ic les , n v io la t ion l ' the te rmsand cond i t ions ta ted n the Loan Documents .Thede lau l tundcr t l te Loan Docuntcn tss no t l i r n i ted . ro r . , ,ever ,t t thcses ta ted e {au l ts , r td mayinc lude ther de fau l ts s we l l . Lendera lso cservcshe r igh t o cxerc isc l l c ross -de fau l t ndcross-co la tc ra lz -a t ionrov is ionsf theLoanDoc rncn ts .

    L t r t G A T t o N T n r A t s A r ' F f a L

    I f N o E p N O L N T o R r v s u f i t T o o J a C X S O N V T L L F L O R r ( ) a 3 2 2 A 2 t . t l o N L 9 O 4 5 9 8 O O 3 4 f Ar 9 O 4 5 9 a O 3 9 5

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    Scptembcr 9 ,2008Page

    Accord ing ly ,he -ender ereby cce le ra teshcpnnc ipa l mount ueunder heLoanL)ocunren ts ,togc lhc rw i th a l l in lc res t ,a te charges , ( to rncy 'secs ,and otheramol rn ts ue thc reundcr nddet t tandspayntcn t ry Bor rowers , o in t ly and severa l ly , f the fu l l amount o l - the to ta lIndcb tednesss ta tcdbe low) fo r bo th Bor rowers n accordance i th thc tc r rnso f thc l -oanDocuntcn ts . As o f - the da te o f th is le t te r . he Indebtednessnc ludes u l i s no t l im i red o thef i r l low ing :

    l ) r cn r i e A u t o n r o l i v c t t h c A v e n u e s , l . C :I ' r i r r cpaAccrucd nteres tl-otal asol ' 9/26i0tt)

    $ 96J , 5179,439.25

    $ 972 ,596 .95

    $5,08,086.54t 0 , 792 . t 1



    A t l a n t i c . , l , C :

    l l o l h l l o r ro l ve rs con rb i ncd :l ) r incpaAccrued n lc rcs l' l ' n ta fIndebtcdncssaso f 9126108)

    l ' r cn r cP r i n c i p a IAccrucd' l ' o la l(as

    . , \u lonro l ive nin tc res tol '9126108)

    As a r csu l t o l - thc a fo rcs ta tcd e fau l ts ,Lender hc rcby invokcs i ts r igh t undcr thc l -oar rD o c u t n c t t t s ,3 C . l i . l { .$ 1 2 0 . 9 2 1 ( l ) ,n d 7 l I r c d . ( eg . 1 5 8 2 8 - 0 1M a r . 2 5 , 2 0 0 8 ) t o c o l l e c tin te cs t ca lcu la lcd t the dc fau l t a te unde the l .oa l rDocumen ls . r 6%o vc r thc New Yorkl ' r imc ra te , r vh ichcvcrs less . Conscquen l ly ,n te rcs t s con l inu ing o accrueon the unpa idpr inc ipa l ndcb tcdncsst theapp l icab lc c lhu l t a t c In add i t ion ,.ender . ,v i ! !l s r , eek o co l lcc tlale ces,attorncys' ces.accrucd npaid axesandany other eimbrrrsable; .m. onScptenrber 0 , 20011 enc lc r nay c lec t o pursue ny and a l l o f - ts r c rned ies nder he l -oa l rDocuments , p o an t i nc l r . rd ing .u tno l imi ted o , he ns t i tu t ion f lega lp rocecd ings .

    T " d . N F { T ] R { B I S I I ( ) f , '

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    Se tcrnbcr29,2008['age3

    ' l -h isis to fu r theradv isc hatpursuan lo the e rn rs f the LoanDocumcnts , ender as ,and wi l lcon t inue n t i l fu r rherno t ice o , exerc iscts fo l lowing igh ts . l ) a l l o I Bor rowers ' ea le rsh ipslravc bcen placed on f inance hold rvith their respective nanufhcturers;2) al l f loor planl ra t r sac t io t r savebcensuspendcd;3) cashaud i ts f a l lo f Bor ro r .vers 'c lca le rsh ipsreschedu lcdfo r the immed ia le u tu re br wh ich Bonorvers ' fu l l compl iances requ i red nd expec ted ; a )[ - c r tdc r s cxerc is ingts r igh t o f sc t -o f - fn payrncn t io rn t i rndsava i lab len var iousBor roweraccountsv i th -cndcr .- l ' l r i sno t icc is scn( to you as a cour lesy nd is no t an adn t is .s ionha l any wr i t tcn no t ice so ther rv iseue you , nor s i t an e lcc t ion f remcd ies r a rva iver l ' l , cnder 's igh t o exerc ise nyprc judgrncr r tr sc l l -hc lp igh tsor re rncd iesvh ichmay now or hcrca f te r c ava i lab lc o Ler rdc rpursuanto the ern ts f thc l -oan )ocurnents ,r tha tareo ther rv iseva i lab le t law or in cqu i t1 , .No dc layby l - cndcr r tcxc rc is ing ny igh ts r r cmed ies ha l l pera tc sa wa ivero Iany r igh tsurren ted ies-endcrn tay havc . Ar ry and a l l r igh tsand remed ic .sva i lab le o Lender s l ra l l becu l t tu la t ivc nd t t i i ybc exc rc i - scdepara tc ly ,ucccss ive lyr concur rcn t ly t the so led isc re t iono f ' L e dc r .Irur thcrtnorc, lrc acccptanccby I-cnderof any futurc payrncnts o thc exlcnt they do no(represcn tin re lyor fu l l paymcnto l -a l l amounts hendue under he Loan Documents ,nc lud ingal l accrucdaltd ultpaicl t t tercst, atc fccs,attorncys' ccs or clthcr ci lnbursable xpenscs, lral lnot cottst i tulc waiverby l-ender 1-any lefaults hich may cxist undcr he Loan Documents.I l - th is r )a l tc rs no t a tn icab lycso lved , c w i l l haveno cho ice u t o procecd i th whatcver ega laction ttay be t)cccssaryo prolect he interest f Lender. l l r the cvcnt suit is commenced, hebalance tte attd twittgas rcf lcclccl creinmay bc increasccls a rcsultof attorncys' fccsancl/oro thc rco l lcc t ion os tswl r ichn taybe ncur rcd .Nothingcon(ainedn this correspondencehallbe deemed waiveror rnodif ication f the tcrrnso l ' thc L t t i tn )oc t - tn te t r ts . o de layor orn iss ion y Lcnder n cxc rc is ing ny r igh t , powcr orrr ,:meclyccruingupon any cvcnt of dcfaultunder he Loan Documents hal l exhaustor impairatty sucti r ight, powcr or renrcdy,or bc construed s a waivcr of any such cvent of default c lrcons t i tu te cqu iescencchere in . Moreovcr , ny dernandor in te res tn exccss f tha l a l lowab lcunderappl icablc aw is unintentional, nd,upondiscovery, v i l l be crcdited owardspayrr ient {-pr incipalduc or rcfundcd, f payrnerr tr r ul l is received.A l l l i r r thc rand u tL r rc o r rcspondencendcorn lnun ica t ionse la t ive o t hc de fau l t ond i t ion hatex is tsunc le r he l .oan Docunren ts ha l l bc made n wr i t ing ,and d i rec ted o the unders igncdcounselat thc addrcss e lbr lh below. You are herebyplaccdon noticc hat no discussons orcorrcspondenccvith l,endcr or any of i ts off lcers pertaining o t lrcscLoans or thc clc laultsthereunder hal l operateor be deenred s a waiver of nrodi l lcatic lr rf thc terms of the Loan[ )ocuments n lcss uchmod i f i ca t ions nrc rnor ia l i zedn rv r i t ing . u ly and proper ly xecr - r tcdyeach Borrower anti att author izedof lcer ol - Lender. No discussions, orrespondence rcottt tntrnic i t l ions ctrveen -cndcr and Llorrorvers hould bc considcred o be a rrraiver,lnod i f i ca t ion ,mpa i rmen l ,o rbearance ,r o therwise ons t ruedo con t rad ic the erms f thc th isn o t i c e .

    . F a n s N E ] I I E I I S I I ( ) E ,

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -



    l' I-I: AS : GOVt: I{N YOU {S :LVtis AClCOR.) INc L Y.Very rulyyours,

    ( /

    000095 | do c

    T , ! . N F { I i f , T 1 3 S I I ( I P

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -



    PoslagaCertfisd F

    Flotum RMipt Fe{rdoemnl Foqukodi

    Rsstrtciod Oelivry Fso(Endorsement Sequked)

    Total Postago & Foos

    f, ' IPodmE t,*t H"'u



    PostageCsrttid F@

    Fleturn Rocolpl F@(Endor$menl Roquked)nestdctod Oolivory F@(Endo(smonl R6qukod)

    Total Postago 8 Fees

    j * ' : ' t ; 1 { : } A & ^ L} * f r

    Strdrit'&tM,;q P() Box No.cii.iGii,. npi

    I) renr icr utonrotivc n Atlantic,Altn. SarnKazranl l33 Nor thMain St rce tJackscrnvillc,rlorida32206

    f t F F l f i l * - q N - L J $ f f i

    Prcrrr ier utornot ive t he Avcnues.:if;#::#: Attn: SarnKazranc;i;.'si;i;:iip.i'33l NonhMainStrcctJacksonvi l le. lor ida12206

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -



  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    T I e F { n + H I R E - B n S H - H O F jA T T O R N E Y S

    ' S o a r dC e r t r f i c d n ( ' r v r l I r r a l - a r ra n d[ ] u s r n c s s- r t r g : r l r 0 i l

    Scptenrbcr 9,2008Yia I Iand Dc l iven 'an t l Ce t i f i cd Mai lI leturn Rcccipt lcr tuc-stedGwinnc t t ,- [ ,CAtln: SarrrKaz-ranl l l3 Nor rhMain St rcc tJacksonvilc, Ir lor ir la 2206Via Cer t i f iedMai l l l c tu rn l l cce ip ( lcqucs tedGrvimctt, - l -CAttn. SanrKazrarr1244NorthrveslbrnrncrccAvcnucI )u lu th ,Gcorg ia 0096Via Ce ti l ied Mail l leturn l lcccint l icqucstedSummitAutornotivc iroup,LLCAltn: SanrKaz.rarr3244NorthwcstColrrr lrcrccvcnucI)uluth,Georgia 0096

    M c h a c l i I ' a n n c r '( 9 0 4 ) 4 6 - 2 9 8 0nr an ncrfnr an nerhrs rtt p a r

    Via I land Dc l ive rvand Ccr t i f iedMai lRe urn Rcceipt lequestedI)renr ier lr rysler , cep,Dodge,LL( lAttn. SarnKaz-ran3313NorthMain StrectJacksorrvi l lc,lor ida32206Via C'ert i f iedMail l lcturn Ileceipt lcqucstcdPrcmierClrrysler , ccp,Dodge, - l ,CAttn. SantKtrzran1655C-lrurchtrectI)ccatur,Gcorgia 0033Via Ce ti f ied Mail l {eturn l{cccipt lcqurstedl l - 2 0 0 t . cAttn: SanrKazran1655Churc l r t ree ll)ecatur, icorgia10033

    Ite l. txrns thc "[-oiurs") o Gwinnctt, . ]-C; I) rcrnicrChryslcr ,Jccp, )odgc, . l .C; Sunrnr i tAutonrotivc ( irou;r , I-LC, and I l-200l L.C. (e ch a "Borrower" and col lccr ivey," l lorro* 'crs") by I lank of America,N.A. ("Lcndcr") pursuant o Vehiclc l : loor ing andSecirr i ty grccme l datccl s of October ,2001 in thc or iginalamountol-$30,500,O00asntay havc bccltpreviously r subsequenllynrendcd nd./ornodif ied); o Gwinnctt, .LC;Prc tn ic r h rys lc r , ccp ,Dodge, .LC; Surnrn i t u tonro t ive roup,L t .C; and l l - 20O1 I . .C.(eacha "Elorrorvcr"and collectively, Bono',vcrs")by llank of America, N A. ("I-cnder")pursuanto Vchiclc r loor ing nd Secur ity grccrnent atcdas ol-Decernber, 2006 irr heor iginal amountol - $7,000,000 as may have becn previouslyor subsequentlyrr iendedand"/or nodi l icd)ancl o l) rcmier Clul,s ler , ecp, )odge, LLC; l l -2001 I- .C.; Sunrnr i tAtr totnotivcCirouJr, [ .C; and Gwinnctt, LI-C (cach a "[]orrowcr" and col lect ivcly,"Borrorvcrs") ursuanto Vehicle r loor ing nd Secur ity greement atedasof Decembcr1,2006 rr hc or iginalatttount f $9,000,000asnrayhavebccnpreviously r subsequcntlyamendedattcVormodif ied); together .v i thany and all other documentsexecuted ncotr ttecl iott"v i thor related o (he brcgoing nd rvhichhavc rrotbccncancelcd,clc:rscd rotherwisedischarged y their terms (hcrcinal ier ol lcct ively cfened to as thc "LoanDocumcnts") . Jnlcss therwise el ined, l l capital izcdcnnscontained creinshal l havelhat neaning ivcn hent n the -oanDocuments.

    L I T I ( ; A I I O N T R I A L S A P P E

    I t f J o E P r N D a f { r { ) R r v S u r r E l T O O J A c x s o N v r L L E F L o P r o a 3 2 2 O 2 P r r a N t 9 0 4 5 9 A O O 3 4 Fa x 9 0 4 5 9 4 O 3 9 5

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -


    Scplernt rcr9,2008[)agc

    [ ) e a rO b l r g o r s .' l h c u r r dc r s igncd[ )oc t r r r ren ts l -hc' ' ln i l cb tcdncss .

    reprcsc r r tshc [ ,cndcr rvh ic l r s the owner and the l ro ldero I the Loanir tdebtcdnessecttred y thc [.oan Documcnts s lrcrcinaftcr cferred o as thc

    [ ' -ac l r]o r r r r ver s cur re r t t l yn c le lau i t nder hc I -oanDocumen lsor ,among thcr h ings , a i l ingto rnakc lr t- ' . :quirecl ayrr tcnts l- pr incipaland accnred ntcresl vhendue, ncludingupon thesa leo l ' veh ic les , n v io la t iono f the tcmrsand cond i t ions ta ted n the -oan )ocuments . hede(au l tunc le r hc l -oanDocunren tss no t l in r i ted , o ' ,vever ,o thcses ta ted e fau l ts , nd rnayi t tc lude t l re r lc fuu l ts s "ve l l . [ .c l rdc r l so cscrvcshc r igh t o cxc rc isc l l c ross -dc fa r r l tndcross-co l la tc ra l i z .a t ionrov is ions l ' he .oan )ocunren ts .Accord ing ly , hc Lender e rcby cce lc ra tgshepr inc ipa l n roun l ueunc le rhe -oanDocumcnts ,togetlrer vith al l intcrcst, atc chargcs, t torney's -ces, nd othcr anlount-s uc thcrcunderandclerrrands ayrncrr tby Borrorvcrs, oint l l ' and sevcral ly,of thc l i r l l anrounl of the totalIndcbtcdncss stalcdbclow) lor al l lbur lJorrowcrs n accordancc ith thc tenns of lhe LoanI )ocur r r c r r ts , s o I l l ie da tc o f th is le l te r . he Indebtednessnc ludcs u t i s r ro t i rn i ted c l t l r cl b l l o w i n p ,

    I l - 2 0 0 1l ' r i r r c i p a lAccrucd' l ' o ta l(as

    l ' rcrrr eI ' r inc pa lz^ rcrucd' l 'otal(as

    I ,C:ln tc rcs tof 9t26108)

    Ch ryslcr , . lce ,

    in tc rcs tol '9126108)

    Dodge, l ,C :

    sl ,229,309.30t1,218 9$7,242,58U9

    st1 ,414,46t .7528,161.99


    s6,132,562.80l t ,540.36

    $ 6 , 7 5 0 ,0 3 . 1 6

    s4t1,611003 , 1 t 1 3


    ( J rv in r rc t t , LC:l ' r inc ipa IAccrued n te rcs t- l 'otal

    (as ol- 126l01l)

    S u n r m i tI ' r incpa lAccrue' l 'otal(as

    A u t o m o l i v cG r o u J l , I - C :

    in te res tol-912(t/0I l)

    q ' , {F { N [ i I t XB x F i t r r ( ) t r ]

  • 7/28/2019 2008-10-02 BOA Original Complaint -



    A l l f o u r Bo r r o r ve r s o n r b i n c d :I ' r i r r c i p a lAccrued n tc res tTo ta f In t leb tedncssaso f 9126108)

    $ 2 4 , 9 | r , 0 r 0 . 8 5$61,3057

    $24,974,316.02As a resu l t o I lhe a lb res ta tcd c lhu l ts , .enderhercby r rvokes ts r igh t under the Loar r[ )ocun tcn ts , ] ( l . l r . l { $ 120.921( l ) , nd 7 l I red . teg . l 5828-01 Mar . 25 , 2008) o co l lcc ti r t te res ta lcu la tec l t the c lc lau l t a le undcr he l ,oa l rDocunrcn ts ,r 6o /o vc r lhe New YorkI ' r in tc ra te , wh ic [ tcvc r s lcss . Conscqucnt ly ,n te res t s con t inu ing o accrucon the unpa idpr inc ipa lndcb tcdr rcssl the rpp l icab lcc [au l t a tc ln ac ld i t ion ,,endcr ' ,v i l l l soscek o co l lec tlate ees, t lor-nevs'ees, ccrued npaid axesandany othcr eimbursablexpensest i s al lowedto co l lec t t r r suanto thc c r rns f the -oanDocu l r r cn ts .I-endcr also lnakcs dcrttandcln I lorrowt:rs o account br , scgregatc, rcscrve and protcctLcndcr ' s o l la lc ra l .l ' l casc c a t lv iscd h r t t l ' t l r ccn l i r ca rnour ) t l ' thc ndcb tcdncsslusanyadc l i t iona lums hat ar t :l l ten due t tndcr the Loan [ )ocunren ts avc no t bccn rece ivcdby [ - cnderby 5 :00 p .m. onScp(c lnber 0 , 200 tJ , .cndcr nay c lcc t to pursuc ny and a l l o f i ts r c rncd ies nder hc Loan[ )ocuments , p to and nc lud ing , u tno t in r i tedo , hc ns t i tu t ion f lega lp roceed ings .l -h is s to l i r r l l te r dv isc l ta lpursuanto lhe cnnsof ' theLoar r )ocumcnts , enc le r as , nd wi l lcon t inue n l i l l i r r thc rno l icc o , cxc rc isc ts l i r l lo rv ing igh ts : l ) a l l o f [Jo r rowcrs ' ea le rsh ipshavc bccn p laccc l n l lna r rccho ld u ' i th lhc i r r cspcc t ivc ranu{hc tu rc rs ;2 ) a l l f loo r p la r rt ransac t ionsavebccnsuspendcd;3) cashaud i ts { 'a l lo l ' l Jo r rowcrs 'dea lc rsh ipsrcschedu led{ i r r the in r l t tcd ia tei r tu rc o r rvh ich lo r ro 'uvers ' lu l lomp l iances reqLr i r cc lnd expec ted ; 4 )l ,cnder s cxcrc