2000d~ forapracticebuooitreview sponsors defense car...

ested can fill out and mail or take Grosse Pointe wilt undertlD ilia '. to the office of their particular vii. first lotal blackout SUllday-, Kay Ma'"-," !age elerk. when it joins with the thr~ miIIioIf ' In 61ling out the coupon, drivers residents of the Detroit lDetr~--" are advised to give full details as tan area in a full test of 10caJ *' requested on the blank, in order to raid preC<lutions. ,~ facilitate the classification and sort. From 10 to 10:15 p.m. Stmday ."" ing at the clerk,' uffices. 1t is neces- lights, including strut ~, ~ S3ry that the name, address. plIone lights, building lights, &ad a~' number (if any) and two alternate bile, truck aad bus lights will. ..;, choices be given and c~cked. ting-nished. M .... ~ W Unlike Delroit, where street JicIdJt: It is pointed out tbat a car driven will go oat be minutes after t1Mfl. oDe week out of two, gives twice tbe blackotrt is scheduled to --::'i:' wear, and, similarly up to and in- street lights iJs Grosse Poisate d:-.;, c1uding one week in fin, 'WIll give be mingtJished for the fall IS .u.:':", - five times as much service. And, ates, going'off promptly at 10 P...... : '~, when. driven alternately, the auto- George Elworthy, defense c:oon:IiItoI,::' m~bile receins enough use to pre- ator for this area, declared. " nnt deterioration. The complete blackout will atctIIl.~: The plan is proposed. for driven throughout Grosse Pointe &ad-Gnt.:.~ going in all diredions and for SIlC- iot t01rllship for tbe faD J5 -wteai:, cess depends upon imlllediate re- E1wortby decided, to give all ....... ;' sponse from the drivill&' public. At demonatratiots of tbe ~ '11!f..-' a later datt, it may be pOssible for the Pointe's civilian defeate ~.,' the el«ks of the lIIunicipalities to ution. ." , inter. change co-operation and fur- As during tbe last test. tha. ther co-ordinate the car-saving pin. raid warning sirens will start .," .. Dririac AJo.e U.,.1riotie illg at 9:51 p.m. This SandQ- Not only is it deemed unpatriotic I Village of Grosse Pointe F ....... ' to driv:e to ,,'ork alone, when not nae officially for the firn a.e- necessary. but with gas rationiug two seven and a balf imminent, the proposed plall may air raid sirens ordered lUt ... prove to be a contributiD&" factor in illSt.11led late this week ill 1IIe; ~~ solving the inevitable trans porta. lage. The.;reus haft ~ tion problems attendant to such cur- at Ridgemont and Lotm~-IIlIll, tailment by and Beaupre., }. In kftping witb the spirit of con. In tb otqer 'fiDaas aMI . suvation, and :liS a part of the pro- City of Grosse Pointe t1Ie gram of civilian defense, Area Co- the fire ami police c:an wiI1 .. ordinator George E1wortby has gi,. u waram. •...".. eu hit full approval to the plan Blackoar cedilIucea. ..~red by Tbe~Gr~ ~e.- local.poIice tD~ ~ Various plallt for,'dasstlicatioa of abo be .Ia fOfte.ftir Swkby the coupons are b~ worked Ollt by bladwat ia the City of the clerks of !be municipalities. Pobde adopted ita ordiAa.Au.- .. Some of them have indicated that day night, Yay II. GrO$le ~ they plan to mab! postings on tbe Woods approved its or-diaaaci,.'. bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht of this wed: ... a.n. LiaW it went into immedWe effect as _7=' For the convenience of. the driv- eJDUJreDcy OI'dinantc. . ing residents of the five Perintes and III the Village of Grosse ~ :. Gratiot t01ll'l1ship,the nanles and of. Farms, ViUage President PalIl ~" (Continued On Page 8.) <l;olltinued 011 Page 1) Drivers Urged To Join I5-Minute Car-Sharing Program as Blackout to be Defense Contribution Enforced Bere Automobile owntrs in the five Grosse Pointe municipalities and Gratiot township who drive to work are offered an opportunity to get tbe "",ximum in wear from their cars this week through a ~Car-Shar- ing" plan proposed and sponsored by Th. Gro •• ~ Pointe Review. Elsewhere <)n this page will be found a coupon which tbose inter. No Prosecution In Mudge Case, Van Deusen Reports A charge of embezzlement of vil- lage funds against Clare Mudge, suspended Grosse Pointe Park p0- lice officer, "'ill not be lodged, ac- cording to the recommendation of the 'Vayne cOUllty prosecutor's of- fice recei,'ed this week by "'ard S. Van Depsen, police commissioner. The recommendation declared that "while there is a shortage in Mr. Mudge's accounts, proof would reo quire the subpoeaning of several hundred witnesses ** Your police off;cers have informed us that many of these witnesses cannot now b~ located. In view of this and other difficulties *• * we do not think a warrant should be issued," Following is the text of the report .' which Commissioner Van Deusen ,,'iIl formally present to the village commission Monday night: "On or about February 20, 1942, it became known to the police de- partment that the conduct of t Vio~, Bureaq aud ]lISiju Co~11 fill, ditl' :'tmlr. lllldi'e, was nol in proper emler. "This was brought to the ~_ tion of President. Goddard., who promp.t1y on February 21, 1942. sus- pended Lieut. Muage, anel authoriz- ed seizure of all records and man- ne}'s in his official possession. The 'Vest ern Casualty and Surety Bond- ing Company was ilPmedialely noti- fied and an audit of the records of (Continued on Page 2.) Mrs. A. M. Sheaffer Is Candidate for Election to Board Among others helping ,,'ilh plans for the evtnt are Mesdames John V. Oancr, Harold Hearn, J. C. Tt;>- ert, r... ]. Ressigue, Elmer T. la- Badie, William ]. YOlt and the !.Iisses ~lildred Gahagan, ~rarion McCarthy, and Grace ~ronaghan. ~{rs. George 1. Van Antwerp and ~fa. Leo A. Gignac are also assist- ing as aTe ~riS5 Edeen Monaghan and Mi.s Margaret !.!cCartl,y. ing day of the hospital. The public is in,' ited. Spring flowers in blue and white ..... iU be llsed on the tea table, and in the chapel of the hospital, a col- or scheme of yellow and white will be carried out, I Mrs. Cyril p. Defe,-er, who is president of the Bon Secours Guild is in ch~rge of the affair, and amon~ those assisting her are the officers and board members of the guild. Mrs. Robert T. Bolo, the social chairman, head; the I1Clwercommit- tee and is looking after the arrange- ments for the tea table. Mrs. Mur- r..y Bigby is ill charge oi recep- tion. -_.- - --------_._---------------------------------------- GROSSE POINTE PARK, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, l\IAY 21, 1942 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY PHONE LEo nil TO DEDICATE HOSPITAL SUNDAY Bon SecoD.r Hospital to Hold Open House Suoday 15.Year-Old Boy Takea Own Life The hours from 2 until 5 o'clock San day afternoon, May 24, will find most of Grosse Pointe and Detroit headed for Cadieltl: road and the new Bon Secour! hospital for con- nJescenlS. where open house will be held in connection with the open- Robert Sheriff, 15-year-old student at Grosse Pointe high school, took his life Tuesday afternoon at his hODie at 633 Keff road, City of Grosse Pointe, police said yesterday. He shot himself with a riRe. The boy came home from school about 5 p.m~ police said and "'ent up to his room where he shot h;m- self. His parents were aW:ly at the time, The body was disco,'ered by the boy's father, Ana Sheriff, The parents could give 00 reason for the act. Bike Rider Knocked To Pavement in Crash With Auto Tuesday VOL. 17-No, 41 TOTAL BLACKOUT SUNDAY Speakers For Home Rule Rally Friday KeUy Faces Charge Of Manslaughter in Mrs. Ol1\line's Death Kennelh K~lIy, 33-year-eld De- troit youth, driver of the car in- "olved in the accident whicb caused the death of Mrs. Florence Ortwine last Wednesday noon, will be ar- raigned on a charge of manslatlghter before justice J oHfJh V. U"ck at ~ .. he ij ~ fTt- ~ tMlspital, ~ to a ''*~ ~.r..,..~SC!_ ... *,£1 .a... Speakers both opposing and de- fending the proposed Home Rul~ plan for Wayne county will appear tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at a public rally in the auditorium of Pierce junior high scbool. •I ]ulius Berns, supervisor of Grosse Pointe township; Alfred E. Meder, attorney for the City of Grosse Pointe; and Caspar Lingemall, 'Vayne county clerk, wiD present some questions about the proposed plan to be answered by represen ta- uves of those favoring its adoption. William Lovett, secretary of the Detroit Citizens League, will speak for those favoring the proposed measure. He will be accompanied by se,,~ral o,her mem bers of his group who aided in the drafting of tbe proposal. The rally is sponsored by the Grosse Pointe Park Citiie~s Asso- ciation who desire to give the pub. lie the opportunity to hear both 0p- posing and favorable arguments toward the plan. Hospit.11 pbY5icius said that Kel- ly win probabJ,- be released this _ek. Kelly is recovtting from bums received tn his unsaccessful aUempt to free Mrs. Ortwine from the burning car where sbe met her death. One of the t1l--o 16-year-old girls who were passengers in the car driven by Kelly, in a statement to the prosecutor's office, declared that KeDy was traveling SO miles per hour and failed to itop at the intersection. Tbe %ine in a Sl/,-pound toy loco- motive would make a carburetor for • jeep. Phone .. conduct all the street, of Grosse Pointe the sale of poppies Illade by their buddies now pat~nts at the Veterans' Facility at Battle Creek. The poppy is more than a badge of patriotism this year when yoUDg Americans are again offering their lives to keep our COUn try secure. .Each poppy symbolizes beautifuUy the supreme sacrifice which has again become necessuy to main. tain America's freedom and democ- racy. Pictnring one ~de of tbe sale is a letter received by the Review from the Bums Henry Post of Gros~ Pointe: "President Roosevelt said not laD&" ago: 'AmericallS from all walb of " 94 Local Men Leave May 2. To Join Army From Board 57 erly viIlage line to Vernier real and in ~ strffi ftolJl v~..to~ ~ ' ........... ,~.,~~,~ a~d to isl'\!! serial coupon boIl4s, !lO in nuDlti.!r and ;a the allftlWlt 01 $1,000 eacb. They wiD mattlrl: seria1Iy at the rate of $3,000 eacb yr.ar from 1~~ through 1966 and $4.000 tacb year frOO1 1967 thru 1972. Interest will be bid on at a rate not 10 exceed four and a half per cent per annum. Interest wiJ1 be payable nmi-annuaDy. The period of usefulness of th~ project is estimated to bet at up- wards of JO years. fa. W'PB A.... on.t Voting on the proposed water main brings to a climax the village's long ti~ effort to brill::' an ade. (Continued on Page 2.) Grosse Pointe will send its largest drait quota since the inauguration of the selective service program on Friday, May 29, when 94 10C<llboys ,,'iIl report to the army induction headquarters in Detro;t. Five other men, originally registered with board 57, who are now li\';ng outside the state, ha,'e als<) been ordered to reo port to their local induction c~n- ters . :-'fail or Brinlt to The Office of YOQr Villare Clerk C"hr!-; o:~c of lhc fol1r>\, in!:,: ] I \Yol1ld Likc to ~hare ~ry Car ] 1 \\'ill Rotate Driving and Riding \\'ith Others urn. Henry, Alger Posts ponsor Poppy Sale Here K 1\:'\1 E .. Save Tire.-Clip This Today Addre::;s ' . Placc of Employment Hours [ [ Memorial Day Parade Planned in Wood. liam I.. Young, Jr, Frederick J. Holtz, Jr .. Robert D. Fitzsimmons, Burns Henry, Wilired S. Thompson, Jr., Milton D. Rumpel Alexander W. Stock, John P. Laughna, Edward F. Guenther, Vincent y. Rodeck, Thomas Edmond, Ho"ard W. Pel- ten, Jerome C. DuCharme, James H. Allen, and Lem 'V. Bowen. James A. Harlan. :\lark S. Knapp, Edward F. OSlashay, Frallcis T. I Paul H. Deming, Jr .• son of the Lynch, Robert \Y. Knell, Jr, Don- president of Grosse Pointe Farms aId H. Brydgcs, Robert W. Gano. is one of the men who will h~ in. Oyde L. Holme. Robert J. Sh~n- ducted a week from Friday. non. Martin Schiappacasse: Richard The dan!:crs of negligence ,,'I,il. Gustav A. Boone, a member of the G. ~fountford, Howard M. Parker, riding a bicycle were brouR'ht home Plans for ~ ~remorial Day parade. Grosse Pointe Park pol,ce force, Stephen D. Feder, Donald J-l. Fi.ch- to James In.ell, 16. of 1059 ~fary- Saturday afternoon. ~fay 30. are be- has also recei"ed his induction or- er, James "'aldie, Jr., Harold L I 'and a, cnlle, Gro<se Pointe Park, ing made iA Grossc Pomte Woods. ders. GSharpl,n, Roydon L. Engle, Robert last Tue.day night "hen he' lias ~rr •. Alice ~roody Sheaffcr ha. All organizations and indi,'iduals in- Local men who will lean Mav 29 . Ryan. :\!fred T. Schnelker ROb' l ~ruck ;y an automobile dn~'cn b}' announced her cand;dacv as tr"qee terested in participating in the pa- I are; . crt S. ROil er, Thomas Gallowav urt,s . :\ndrn"'. of Detron. nar- for IhA G'(l« P t 'hI h I K' •, 1" . . ..... .' e (l,n Cpt, 'c sC (l(l rade are asked to ccntact the viUage I Lo\\fCY Kamm~r, \\"iiiiam ~t. ~"I E. PJae111cl"", Hcwaid R. ~C4~ 1'""''':d e~~.1r:~.~ ~~:-~V"'.; HlJ<.I.). ~"Clboard 10 t:le ~chool clt'C't;C'n l~n~ 8 clerk. Smart. Garles S. Crampton. Wi1- more, Jr .• Ernest C!lOI"I",Joseph A aBec, entfioccurred at Jeffer,(ln and ~rr<. ~he~ffcr is "id_h' 'kno,,~ .:;;;:;:;:;::;:;;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;;:;:;;:;:;:;::;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;::;:;:;:::;:;::;:;:;:;::;::;:;:;:;:;;::;:;:;::, Boudre~u, Geor~e E. Bk,l Richard cacon' eld aVCDl,CS~t 9 :30 I",m. I' L ,. P .T it III• •II .. " \1 h . or rrcr "OT"-, In .ar('n1~ (a.cher I J. Kllrtz, and ,10hn H. Arnot. .. t 0".'(iI tne bo\' wa, Ieno,ked ir0m ~r"u.,. ". h ~ , h . h" 1 ~ '- 1 ... Ie a" <;tr\ ("ll a, pr~qd('n. 1 Ltster F. DCH"" R~\mond J. IS IC)C,e ~r ,,,ff,reo only minor of the J)' PT \ ~.. .' '1 ) of ~ j h d .' rt('r . a ""1 11 t,11S \{'dr has. ., a'lTcr•. r" John \Y. \'aul:(han Jr I scralc, es an hr"".. and retused ~ t L d' .. ... ~~n ("IJ on '1~ \, iI\"S an mCiln{,; com~ \ lneent C. St.nle': Jr. \rallrr L medJeal Irtalment tt 'th n" PI ' . .• ml ~e 01 • (' t Itfee :\. She al"n B.ldwm. ~farl,n E. Tromble,'. DM- --------- a,led ". cha;rma 0' Ih •. J ] - I " ,n, e we,tare ad. Fox. Raym.ond T. SP.encer., Farms Board of Review commr:tce of tht ~fa;re PIA f(lr t Rohut H. Swan'll1:st, Leo .1. Fl\lent To Meet June ~ 5 and 6 three \ e:<os and IWI>\'ear; all''' ,,~, ~rlChacl T. ~mlth. Frrdrr:clc L. ""ad (If toe .... ";zr-m 'cAmm t' f " .h r- ' ,., " .. I ,ee ,)C •.mlt , '~M~t E. \\'(llf. J"hn G. The h,'un "i re\ 'ew iM Gr""e In, ~1(':'lers' cl,,". rrancomhe. Ol,\,,, L. n.lla., Thom- P(l:ntr F.,m. \\.11 mee: Jt:ne 4. ~ ~rr'. ~"1Caff" " lhe "ife of Dr, I .. ~!cC(lnndl, G\l<t~y A. BOClne. anti t>. IrClm 9 a." to S I"m It ~! \1 "l,e~ffer ,: ,.' .' D I I ..... ,1t' I" 1.1(" m('lllrr; ~na d r. D(ll.n. ~!orton 1.., RIl~'1 was deClde<l at • merlini<' (If. tht "I- of tll''' rl~u!:1Irr<. 13 anoi 15 yrH< ",1. Ell.'lcnc .-\. Re:'nl(!lS, \\ Ill:am 1.R'e em,ne,1 ~r"n,j.,. nll:(It. The ol<l. ltudent< .: p,.,,, jlln,M h o:h R. Hoff. R~;-m(ln<l r. '\-"'",\In. ~rat, e"un,,1 ... " ~r""Jntd R 1_,,,,, and C-o«e Po ", h h ' 1 1 1 ,(\,- A. HNll:;hl("l"'l •. ~ch:t ~ ~(hm,l!, (J:-:. : ..... (">f 2;1 ri'i'''C'',,:. :.-rt \\ :'j'.:::t"""n (i'ot(~;:'(" :, t ,j.Q' c:c• .,"' .... ~ ft'- ! R,,\. H ~rhuf'"hrr" .. b'ne. ,\. J. Be::. ('; 2~" ~I'rr,,,ea::,,- .• < R"or< he- r"'''1>~e ~r", ~h'.f, i ~:~.;:-~(~~;r~r. R.uer. ~nd .\rmand memher< (l! !"e h'~rci i iee 'o,."--.,n ~o. i,,,_ . "1' "".-" I t~n' 10 J~n-c< P. (;'-'orl',ch, then l Ed"in Knr;zhoff. Tr. Paul H P " <- \.t, "c.tlee "torck relllr"en It>, ;Zo\'ecnor. of r,~ st.:.e (If Indi,na Demin;z Jr., 1!Holoi A. t\ nri. Jr., Cam!, G" no", AUR"I<l •• G~.. ~~~.! He'Me t-.r "u "'''C''~ fco" Ihr~e I , Rcm~'d r. Dt\'flt ... U0 Daip('e..J . I (i.ily ;nt(' ... --i'c-r'r, l"'1:Z :. In.r.;l\ it:r I Y('~7".1li .. ~ ~(,C.C'.;H\ troT t"e ]nr.:ilnol '.\nil"r C. R0l:l1t. \\':;;i'm \\", 1,"11. I(\~;zh ,,"l~ h:. 1"-'C". ~I', ""d \fc' I ,'.:e m~'''lr:~1 h",-d. I Charles P. Harm, R.lph J. Han50n. J' " ' I u,'us . :o-cl<. 0: 524 \''':-e Dame ~!". ~'e.ffer 1"e •• 1 1215 Audil' <Continued 011 Paae 2.) avenue, Clly of GroSie POInte. bon. GrO;$e Poi~te Park. :<, ~~ GOdS Calls Special Water ,lIond Ilection for June 2. .... ,' .. I~: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOIT Review Sponsors Defense Car-Skar.ing Program m~~ ~rO~~t Pointe Ncuit\ll " ~ Suncby night's blackout in Grosse Pointe Woods will be regulated un- :.;' •. ' 4Ier terms of iIs own village ordi- . ..nee it was decided Tuesday night when the village commission voted 1IDanimously the adoption of a IIIlaclcout ordinance. As an emergency ordinance, the lDeasure took immediate effect. The ordinance ;s based essentially OD that of the city of Detroit and provides that members of the vin- age police force are authorized to enter homes where lights are left burning and to extinguish Ihem. The police are also authorized to issue tickets to violators of the ordinance. AIIIe_ Gar-bal e Ordiaaace Under the ordinance, too, the commission, at its di'cretion may - I:. i'utize other units or members of ~ civilian ddense organization as .(Continued on Page 2.) elecUoa to determ ine . he ,,~e of Grosse ~"0111'$90,ooo _'1&ss~ or ,. .4iatribati.ll.i main .as aDed J&aday, 1me 29, by the village .--..at at its ,tegular DleetiDe' Tues- '''f;, __ .ht. .:,..~,'; '11ae ~d main woald ..xtend '-' ". .... Wad: aftll1le from the sooth. ~'.~Lioods Approves Blackout Ordinance; Amend Refuse Rule; .'

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Page 1: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht

ested can fill out and mail or take Grosse Pointe wilt undertlD ilia '.to the office of their particular vii. first lotal blackout SUllday-, Kay Ma'"-,"!age elerk. when it joins with the thr~ miIIioIf '

In 61ling out the coupon, drivers residents of the Detroit lDetr~--"are advised to give full details as tan area in a full test of 10caJ * 'requested on the blank, in order to raid preC<lutions. ,~facilitate the classification and sort. From 10 to 10:15 p.m. Stmday .""ing at the clerk,' uffices. 1t is neces- lights, including strut ~, ~S3ry that the name, address. plIone lights, building lights, &ad a~'number (if any) and two alternate bile, truck aad bus lights will. ..;,choices be given and c~cked. ting-nished.

M .... ~ W Unlike Delroit, where street JicIdJt:It is pointed out tbat a car driven will go oat be minutes after t1Mfl.

oDe week out of two, gives twice tbe blackotrt is scheduled to --::'i:'wear, and, similarly up to and in- street lights iJs Grosse Poisate d:-.;,c1uding one week in fin, 'WIll give be mingtJished for the fall IS .u.:':", -five times as much service. And, ates, going'off promptly at 10 P...... : '~,when. driven alternately, the auto- George Elworthy, defense c:oon:IiItoI,::'m~bile receins enough use to pre- ator for this area, declared. "nnt deterioration. The complete blackout will atctIIl.~:

The plan is proposed. for driven throughout Grosse Pointe &ad-Gnt.:.~going in all diredions and for SIlC- iot t01rllship for tbe faD J5 -wteai:,cess depends upon imlllediate re- E1wortby decided, to give all ....... ;'sponse from the drivill&' public. At demonatratiots of tbe ~ '11!f..-'a later datt, it may be pOssible for the Pointe's civilian defeate ~.,'the el«ks of the lIIunicipalities to ution. . " ,inter. change co-operation and fur- As during tbe last test. tha.ther co-ordinate the car-saving pin. raid warning sirens will start . ," ..

Dririac AJo.e U.,.1riotie illg at 9:51 p.m. This SandQ-Not only is it deemed unpatriotic IVillage of Grosse Pointe F ....... '

to driv:e to ,,'ork alone, when not nae officially for the firn a.e-necessary. but with gas rationiug two seven and a balfimminent, the proposed plall may air raid sirens ordered lUt ...prove to be a contributiD&" factor in illSt.11led late this week ill 1IIe; ~~solving the inevitable trans porta. lage. The.;reus haft ~tion problems attendant to such cur- at Ridgemont and Lotm~-IIlIll,tailment by and Beaupre., }.

In kftping witb the spirit of con. In tb otqer 'fiDaas aMI .suvation, and :liS a part of the pro- City of Grosse Pointe t1Iegram of civilian defense, Area Co- the fire ami police c:an wiI1 ..ordinator George E1wortby has gi,. u waram. •..."..eu hit full approval to the plan Blackoar cedilIucea...~red by Tbe~Gr~ ~e.- local.poIice tD~ ~

Various plallt for,'dasstlicatioa of abo be .Ia fOfte.ftir Swkbythe coupons are b~ worked Ollt by bladwat ia the City ofthe clerks of !be municipalities. Pobde adopted ita ordiAa.Au.- ..Some of them have indicated that day night, Yay II. GrO$le ~they plan to mab! postings on tbe Woods approved its or-diaaaci,.'.bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht of this wed: ...

a.n. LiaW it went into immedWe effect as _7='For the convenience of. the driv- eJDUJreDcy OI'dinantc. .

ing residents of the five Perintes and III the Village of Grosse ~ :.Gratiot t01ll'l1ship,the nanles and of. Farms, ViUage President PalIl ~"

(Continued On Page 8.) <l;olltinued 011 Page 1)

Drivers Urged To Join I5-MinuteCar-Sharing Program as Blackout to beDefense Contribution Enforced Bere

Automobile owntrs in the fiveGrosse Pointe municipalities andGratiot township who drive to workare offered an opportunity to gettbe "",ximum in wear from theircars this week through a ~Car-Shar-ing" plan proposed and sponsoredby Th. Gro •• ~ Pointe Review.

Elsewhere <)n this page will befound a coupon which tbose inter.

No ProsecutionIn Mudge Case,Van Deusen Reports

A charge of embezzlement of vil-lage funds against Clare Mudge,suspended Grosse Pointe Park p0-

lice officer, "'ill not be lodged, ac-cording to the recommendation ofthe 'Vayne cOUllty prosecutor's of-fice recei,'ed this week by "'ard S.Van Depsen, police commissioner.

The recommendation declared that"while there is a shortage in Mr.Mudge's accounts, proof would reoquire the subpoeaning of severalhundred witnesses * * Your policeoff;cers have informed us that manyof these witnesses cannot now b~located. In view of this and otherdifficulties * • * we do not think awarrant should be issued,"

Following is the text of the report.' which Commissioner Van Deusen

,,'iIl formally present to the villagecommission Monday night:

"On or about February 20, 1942,it became known to the police de-partment that the conduct of tVio~, Bureaq aud ]lISiju Co~11

fill, ditl' :'tmlr.lllldi'e, was nol in proper emler.

"This was brought to the ~_tion of President. Goddard., whopromp.t1y on February 21, 1942. sus-pended Lieut. Muage, anel authoriz-ed seizure of all records and man-ne}'s in his official possession. The'Vest ern Casualty and Surety Bond-ing Company was ilPmedialely noti-fied and an audit of the records of

(Continued on Page 2.)

Mrs. A. M. SheafferIs Candidate forElection to Board

Among others helping ,,'ilh plansfor the evtnt are Mesdames JohnV. Oancr, Harold Hearn, J. C. Tt;>-ert, r... ]. Ressigue, Elmer T. la-Badie, William ]. YOlt and the!.Iisses ~lildred Gahagan, ~rarionMcCarthy, and Grace ~ronaghan.

~{rs. George 1. Van Antwerp and~fa. Leo A. Gignac are also assist-ing as aTe ~riS5 Edeen Monaghanand Mi.s Margaret !.!cCartl,y.

ing day of the hospital. The publicis in,' ited.

Spring flowers in blue and white.....iU be llsed on the tea table, andin the chapel of the hospital, a col-or scheme of yellow and white willbe carried out,

IMrs. Cyril p. Defe,-er, who is

president of the Bon Secours Guildis in ch~rge of the affair, and amon~those assisting her are the officersand board members of the guild.

Mrs. Robert T. Bolo, the socialchairman, head; the I1Clwercommit-tee and is looking after the arrange-ments for the tea table. Mrs. Mur-r..y Bigby is ill charge oi recep-tion.

-_.- - --------_._----------------------------------------GROSSE POINTE PARK, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, l\IAY 21, 1942 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY PHONE LEo nil


Bon SecoD.r Hospital toHold Open House Suoday

15.Year-Old BoyTakea Own Life

The hours from 2 until 5 o'clockSan day afternoon, May 24, will findmost of Grosse Pointe and Detroitheaded for Cadieltl: road and thenew Bon Secour! hospital for con-nJescenlS. where open house willbe held in connection with the open-

Robert Sheriff, 15-year-old studentat Grosse Pointe high school, tookhis life Tuesday afternoon at hishODie at 633 Keff road, City ofGrosse Pointe, police said yesterday.He shot himself with a riRe.

The boy came home from schoolabout 5 p.m~ police said and "'entup to his room where he shot h;m-self. His parents were aW:ly at thetime, The body was disco,'ered bythe boy's father, Ana Sheriff, Theparents could give 00 reason forthe act.

Bike Rider KnockedTo Pavement in CrashWith Auto Tuesday

VOL. 17-No, 41

TOTAL BLACKOUT SUNDAYSpeakers ForHome RuleRally Friday

KeUy Faces ChargeOf Manslaughter inMrs. Ol1\line's Death

Kennelh K~lIy, 33-year-eld De-troit youth, driver of the car in-"olved in the accident whicb causedthe death of Mrs. Florence Ortwinelast Wednesday noon, will be ar-raigned on a charge of manslatlghterbefore justice JoHfJh V. U"ck at~ .. he ij ~ fTt- ~tMlspital, ~ to a ''*~~.r..,..~SC!_...*,£1 .a...

Speakers both opposing and de-fending the proposed Home Rul~plan for Wayne county will appeartomorrow night at 8 o'clock at apublic rally in the auditorium ofPierce junior high scbool.

• I ]ulius Berns, supervisor of GrossePointe township; Alfred E. Meder,attorney for the City of GrossePointe; and Caspar Lingemall,'Vayne county clerk, wiD presentsome questions about the proposedplan to be answered by represen ta-uves of those favoring its adoption.

William Lovett, secretary of theDetroit Citizens League, will speakfor those favoring the proposedmeasure. He will be accompanied byse,,~ral o,her mem bers of his groupwho aided in the drafting of tbeproposal.

The rally is sponsored by theGrosse Pointe Park Citiie~s Asso-ciation who desire to give the pub.lie the opportunity to hear both 0p-

posing and favorable argumentstoward the plan.

Hospit.11 pbY5icius said that Kel-ly win probabJ,- be released this_ek.

Kelly is recovtting from bumsreceived tn his unsaccessful aUemptto free Mrs. Ortwine from theburning car where sbe met herdeath.

One of the t1l--o 16-year-old girlswho were passengers in the cardriven by Kelly, in a statement tothe prosecutor's office, declaredthat KeDy was traveling SO milesper hour and failed to itop at theintersection.

Tbe %ine in a Sl/,-pound toy loco-motive would make a carburetor for• jeep.

Phone ..

conduct all the street, of GrossePointe the sale of poppies Illade bytheir buddies now pat~nts at theVeterans' Facility at Battle Creek.The poppy is more than a badge ofpatriotism this year when yoUDg

Americans are again offering theirlives to keep our COUntry secure..Each poppy symbolizes beautifuUythe supreme sacrifice which hasagain become necessuy to main.tain America's freedom and democ-racy.

Pictnring one ~de of tbe sale is aletter received by the Review fromthe Bums Henry Post of Gros~Pointe:

"President Roosevelt said not laD&"ago: 'AmericallS from all walb of

"94 Local Men Leave May 2.To Join Army From Board 57

erly viIlage line to Vernier real andin ~ strffi ftolJl v~..to~~ ' ...........,~.,~~,~a~d to isl'\!! serial couponboIl4s, !lO in nuDlti.!r and ;a theallftlWlt 01 $1,000 eacb. They wiDmattlrl: seria1Iy at the rate of $3,000eacb yr.ar from 1~~ through 1966and $4.000 tacb year frOO1 1967 thru1972.

Interest will be bid on at a ratenot 10 exceed four and a half percent per annum. Interest wiJ1 bepayable nmi-annuaDy.

The period of usefulness of th~project is estimated to bet at up-wards of JO years.

fa. W'PB A.... on.tVoting on the proposed water

main brings to a climax the village'slong ti~ effort to brill::' an ade.

(Continued on Page 2.)

Grosse Pointe will send its largestdrait quota since the inaugurationof the selective service program onFriday, May 29, when 94 10C<llboys,,'iIl report to the army inductionheadquarters in Detro;t. Five othermen, originally registered with board57, who are now li\';ng outside thestate, ha,'e als<) been ordered to reoport to their local induction c~n-ters .

:-'fail or Brinlt toThe Office of YOQr Villare Clerk

C"hr!-; o:~c of lhc fol1r>\, in!:,:

] I \Yol1ld Likc to ~hare ~ry Car] 1 \\'ill Rotate Driving and Riding

\\'ith Others

urn. Henry, Alger Postsponsor Poppy Sale Here

K1\:'\1E ..

Save Tire.-Clip This Today

Addre::;s ' .Placc of Employment



Memorial Day ParadePlanned in Wood.

liam I.. Young, Jr, Frederick J.Holtz, Jr .. Robert D. Fitzsimmons,Burns Henry, Wilired S. Thompson,Jr., Milton D. Rumpel Alexander W.Stock, John P. Laughna, EdwardF. Guenther, Vincent y. Rodeck,Thomas Edmond, Ho"ard W. Pel-ten, Jerome C. DuCharme, JamesH. Allen, and Lem 'V. Bowen.

James A. Harlan. :\lark S. Knapp,Edward F. OSlashay, Frallcis T.

I Paul H. Deming, Jr .• son of the Lynch, Robert \Y. Knell, Jr, Don-president of Grosse Pointe Farms aId H. Brydgcs, Robert W. Gano.is one of the men who will h~ in. Oyde L. Holme. Robert J. Sh~n-ducted a week from Friday. non. Martin Schiappacasse: Richard The dan!:crs of negligence ,,'I,il.

Gustav A. Boone, a member of the G. ~fountford, Howard M. Parker, riding a bicycle were brouR'ht homePlans for ~ ~remorial Day parade. Grosse Pointe Park pol,ce force, Stephen D. Feder, Donald J-l. Fi.ch- to James In.ell, 16. of 1059 ~fary-

Saturday afternoon. ~fay 30. are be- has also recei"ed his induction or- er, James "'aldie, Jr., Harold L I 'and a, cnlle, Gro<se Pointe Park,ing made iA Grossc Pomte Woods. ders. GSharpl,n, Roydon L. Engle, Robert last Tue.day night "hen he' lias ~rr •. Alice ~roody Sheaffcr ha.All organizations and indi,'iduals in- Local men who will lean Mav 29 . Ryan. :\!fred T. Schnelker ROb'

l~ruck ;y an automobile dn~'cn b}' announced her cand;dacv as tr"qee

terested in participating in the pa- I are; . crt S. ROiler, Thomas Gallowav urt,s . :\ndrn"'. of Detron. nar- for IhA G'(l« P t 'hI h IK' • , 1" . . ..... .' e (l,n Cpt, 'c sC (l(l

rade are asked to ccntact the viUage I Lo\\fCY Kamm~r, \\"iiiiam ~t. ~"I E. PJae111cl"",Hcwaid R. ~C4~ 1'""''':d e~~.1r:~.~ ~~:-~V"'.; HlJ<.I.). ~"Clboard 10 t:le ~chool clt'C't;C'n l~n~ 8clerk. Smart. Garles S. Crampton. Wi1- more, Jr .• Ernest C!lOI"I",Joseph A aBec,entfioccurred at Jeffer,(ln and ~rr<. ~he~ffcr is "id_h' 'kno,,~.:;;;:;:;:;::;:;;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;;:;:;;:;:;:;::;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;::;:;:;:::;:;::;:;:;:;::;::;:;:;:;:;;::;:;:;::, Boudre~u, Geor~e E. Bk,l Richard cacon' eld aVCDl,CS~t 9 :30 I",m. I' L ,. P . Tit I I I • • I I .. " \1 h . or rrcr "OT"-, In .ar('n1~ (a.cherIJ. Kllrtz, and ,10hn H. Arnot. .. t 0".'(iI tne bo\' wa, Ieno,ked ir0m ~r"u.,. ". h ~ ,

h. h" 1 ~ '- 1 ... Ie a" <;tr\ ("ll a, pr~qd('n.

1Ltster F. DCH"" R~\mond J. IS IC)C,e ~r ,,,ff,reo only minor of the J)' PT \ ~.. .'

'1 ) of ~ j h d .' rt('r . a ""1 11 t,11S \{'dr has.., a'lTcr•. r" John \Y. \'aul:(han Jr I scralc, es an hr"" .. and retused ~ tL d'.. • ... ~~n ("IJ on '1~ \, iI\"S an mCiln{,; com~\ lneent C. St.nle': Jr. \rallrr L medJeal Irtalment tt 'th n" PI '

. . • • ml ~e 01 • (' t Itfee :\. She al"nB.ldwm. ~farl,n E. Tromble,'. DM- --------- a,led ". cha;rma 0' Ih •.

J ] - I " ,n, e we,taread. Fox. Raym.ond T. SP.encer., Farms Board of Review commr:tce of tht ~fa;re PIA f(lrt Rohut H. Swan'll1:st, Leo .1. Fl\lent To Meet June ~ 5 and 6 three \ e:<os and IWI>\'ear; all''' ,,~,~rlChacl T. ~mlth. Frrdrr:clc L. ""ad (If toe ....";zr-m 'cAmm t' f" . h r- ' ,., " .. I ,ee ,)C•.mlt , '~M~t E. \\'(llf. J"hn G. The h,'un "i re\ 'ew iM Gr""e In, ~1(':'lers' cl,,".rrancomhe. Ol,\,,, L. n.lla., Thom- P(l:ntr F.,m. \\.11 mee: Jt:ne 4. ~ ~rr'. ~"1Caff" " lhe "ife of Dr, I.. ~!cC(lnndl, G\l<t~y A. BOClne. anti t>. IrClm 9 a." to S I"m It ~! \1 "l,e~ffer ,: ,.' .'D I I • ..... • ,1t' I" 1.1(" m('lllrr;

~na d r. D(ll.n. ~!orton 1.., RIl~'1 was deClde<l at • merlini<' (If. tht "I- of tll''' rl~u!:1Irr<. 13 anoi 15 yrH<",1. Ell.'lcnc .-\. Re:'nl(!lS, \\ Ill:am 1.R'e em,ne,1 ~r"n,j.,. nll:(It. The ol<l. ltudent< .: p,.,,, jlln,M h o:hR. Hoff. R~;-m(ln<l r. '\-"'",\In. ~rat, e"un,,1 ... " ~r""Jntd R 1_,,,,, and C-o«e Po ", h h ' 111

,(\,- A. HNll:;hl("l"'l •. ~ch:t ~ ~(hm,l!, (J:-:. : ..... (">f 2;1 ri'i'''C'',,:. :.-rt \\ :'j'.:::t"""n (i'ot(~;:'(" :, t ,j.Q' c:c •.,"' .... ~ ft'-! R,,\. H ~rhuf'"hrr" .. b'ne. ,\. J. Be::. ('; 2~" ~I'rr,,,ea::,,- .• < R"or< he- r"'''1>~e ~r",~h'.f,

i ~:~.;:-~(~~;r~r. R.uer. ~nd .\rmand memher< (l! !"e h'~rci i iee 'o,."--.,n ~o. i,,,_ . "1' "".-" It~n' 10 J~n-c< P. (;'-'orl',ch, then

l Ed"in Knr;zhoff. Tr. Paul H P " <-\.t, "c.tlee "torck relllr"en It>, ;Zo\'ecnor. of r,~ st.:.e (If Indi,na

Demin;z Jr., 1!Holoi A. t\ nri. Jr., Cam!, G" no", AUR"I<l •• G~.. ~~~.!He'Me t-.r "u "'''C''~ fco" Ihr~e

I,Rcm~'d r. Dt\'flt ... U0 Daip('e..J . I(i.ily ;nt(' ... --i'c-r'r, l"'1:Z :. In.r.;l\ it:r I Y('~7".1li .. ~ ~(,C.C'.;H\ troT t"e ]nr.:ilnol

'.\nil"r C. R0l:l1t. \\':;;i'm \\", 1,"11. I(\~;zh ,,"l~ h:. 1"-'C". ~I', ""d \fc' I ,'.:e m~'''lr:~1 h",-d.I Charles P. Harm, R.lph J. Han50n. J' " 'I u,'us . :o-cl<. 0: 524 \''':-e Dame ~!". ~'e.ffer 1"e •• 1 1215 Audil'

<Continued 011 Paae 2.) avenue, Clly of GroSie POInte. bon. GrO;$e Poi~te Park.

:<, ~ ~ GOdS Calls Special Water,lIond Ilection for June 2.


2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car-Skar.ing Program

m~~~rO~~t Pointe Ncuit\ll

"~ Suncby night's blackout in GrossePointe Woods will be regulated un-

:.;' •. ' 4Ier terms of iIs own village ordi-. ..nee it was decided Tuesday night

when the village commission voted1IDanimously the adoption of aIIIlaclcout ordinance.

As an emergency ordinance, thelDeasure took immediate effect.

The ordinance ;s based essentiallyOD that of the city of Detroit andprovides that members of the vin-age police force are authorized toenter homes where lights are leftburning and to extinguish Ihem. Thepolice are also authorized to issuetickets to violators of the ordinance.AIIIe_ Gar-bale Ordiaaace

Under the ordinance, too, thecommission, at its di'cretion may- I:. i'utize other units or members of

~ civilian ddense organization as.(Continued on Page 2.)

elecUoa to determ ine. he ,,~e of Grosse

~"0111'$90,ooo_'1&ss~ or ,.

.4iatribati.ll.i main .as aDedJ&aday, 1me 29, by the village

.--..at at its ,tegular DleetiDe' Tues-'''f;, __ .ht..:,..~,'; '11ae ~d main woald ..xtend

'-' ". .... Wad: aftll1le from the sooth.

~'.~LioodsApprovesBlackout Ordinance;Amend Refuse Rule;


Page 2: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht




Thursday, lIiay 21, 1942


..,...,-_.., ..,-

••• I I I


Whea Ceued aDd Preued - P.y Nat FeD


JULIUS L, BERNS,Superviaor, Groue Pointe Town.hip

CLOTHES - Expertly Repaired


STROH BUILDINGPhoae eH. ... Liae 3

AIao 5ZS Iiarri--. Fliat

East Detroit held its lead in theGrosse Pointe baseball league whentheir victory ol'er Grosse Pointe:::'hores last Sunday altern DOnbrought them a record of two ".inland no lones,

FOllowing East Detroit is Gale.Jewelers who won their fint gameSunday from Grosse Pointe. Parle.

Schedule for nut SUlld., is isfollows:

COOper Bros. vs. Groue PoinlePark .at the Neighborhood club

Blazer Auto vs. East Detroit atLillcoln high, Van Dyke, Mich.

Gales Jewelers vs. Ulrich Lumberat Hazel l'arn.

All games start at 3 p.m.Last Sunday's results follow:East Detroit 2, 3, 3: Grosse Pointe

Shores 1,4,2: McLarty and Scballg;J::. Roberts and Ed RobertI.

Ulrieb Lumber 8. 6, 5; CooperBros. 14, 16, S; McEvoy. Julia,n and

Will BringEverluting Joy

HAVE IT MADE NOW by Craine'.For Yeah Ilaby portraib "b,. Craine'.-- haft

Iseeu prefened for their aatand lifelike eraaIitJ.Th .. ia DO better time than NOW to haft , ...bab,.'. portrait mecIe. Sittiap in Gal' dadi. or-your OWD hCllDe It,. Craiae' .. Detroit'. aab' .tudiodevoted achaaiYely to dUId pho~.



NOTICE IS HER E B Y GIVENThat the Board of Revie~ of GrouePointe Township will be in aenion on

June 2, 1942 andJune 8 and 9, 1942

at the Township Office in the MunicipalBuilding at Maryland and Jefferson Ave-nues, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, be.tween the hours of 9:00 o'clock A. M. and6:00 o'clock P. M., for the purpo.e of re.viewing the ToWh.hip of Gro.se PointeAllessment Roll for the year of 1942.

New Bus ServiceTo Start May 25To War Factories

War production workers at theDodlre truck. Hudson arsenal andChrySler tank punts will be i'ivenregular btls service over Nine Mileroad from Wyoming avenue andJefl"ersoll avenue and from NortbWoodward communiti~ aDd lit.Oemens beginning Monclay, May25, it was announced today by p. L.Radcliffe. general tratrlC manager ofGreat Lake. Greyhound Lines, Ine:.

The buses On Nine Mile road willpick up passengers at FerndaleHazel Park. East Detroit and St.,Clair Shores. while followiog theroute to Mound road, over ElevenMile road and Van Dyke road tothe Chrysler plant.

Buses fTom Pontiac win operatethrough Birmingham and Royal Oakto Nine Mile road over the route tothe big east .ide plants. The busesfrom aawson will also run throughRoyal Oak over the route outlined.

From Mt. Oemens buses will runover Gratiot avenue through Rose."ille and East Detroit and over NineMile, Mound, Eleven and Van Dykeroads.

Ce" ...."t;o" Dele... teMr<. ~!a-~Hct \\'ar<~r, rtR~nt of

A",arir1l' Crrie lh1l~'lter, of Jq. Ih.'la, .... , ekcled dd~~'i~ to th~,:a:r ronnn:,on 'f' h. hrld in lal,,-met. ~fjr"., J1Ine 20-21.

• • •


(Continued from Page One.);John J. Patcick. Albert J. Jdi~hael,John B. Peltier, and Richard H.Talcott.

The men .....ho registered withboard 57 but who are now making.their homes outside ,the state are:Derwin W. Archambault, of ROChes-ter. l':,Y.; Joseph c. Christiaens, ofShawnee. Kan.; Edward W. Craw.ford. of Memphis, Tenn.; Ernest H.Keitzke, at Judson School, Phoenix,,"r:z; Paul J. \Vassenhovt. of LosAngeles, Calif.; Charles L. Coe, ofDaylon, Ohio; Carroll S. ¥oss,Haskell. lnd.; Paul R. Yarck, IowaCily, Iowa; Hans W. Klapp, Har-risburg, Pa,; Hugh Eo Ruthnn,Queens, N.Y.; and Henry R. Ward.well, Morenci, Ariz.


- PRESENT SPRING CONCERT TONIGHT BENEFIT BOYS IN ARMY AND NAVY(Contiuued from Page One.) p' b d Th 9 A' h A' I be Ii h • • •• • d

. . . d '111 The Pierce junior high school ,erce an. ey are • s w 0 spec!a ne t sowing o. a miniature circus anu!l'DD each other In mlhtary :' band will present its third annual will be llraduating this June. Wild West show will be held at the Neighborhood club.and ma~eu~ers~;~n.d to a=ec.late Spring cnncert tonight at 8 :15 The graduating students in the li145 Waterloo. June 1 throU~h 5 from 7 to 9 every eve-e~~h o~ er I ....nlly as eflun o'clock in the Ichool auditorium. b.aDd are: Richard Collins. Grace ning. Both the Wild West show and the circus are handatlzell ••' The band will be under the direc. Rockhoff. B~rbara Brown, Dun carved and hand painted, and both feature hundreds of

"Another generation lurned that tion of S. Mf Trickey. Hirt. Alan Howell, Jack MacKen- animals, horses and figures with typical Circus and Wildlesson. How wcoll, you may judBe The program will include many zit, D<)~res Rink. Irene Franzen, West set.up. The admission to this show will be One pack~for yourself .from the letter that fol. num~rs of popular appeal, musical Donald Droll, Robert Hydon, Rose age of cigarettes for adults and a package of gum forlows: comedy selections, a rhumba a':ld a Marie Allen, Mary Ellen Marwede, children. The cigarettes and gum will be sent to the boys

'Dear JilD: piano 1010 in the modern manner William Case, Donald Dannecker. in the army and navy.'A man's haneli are ill iuited to with band accompaniment. Soloist. Robert Barnes, Ralph Burgess, _

the fashioning of ~per lowen. will be George Hughes and Marg. Evelyn Bell, Elaine Schroeder, Ruth - BLACKOUT _ Shores Nine BowsTime wa. when we would have ery Bolts. Stickel and Joan Clark. T E De . 2 1lalll'hed aloUQ at tbe' luqestioa; The Pierce junior high band has The P!'ogram for tonight', concert (Continued from Pige One.) 0 ast trOIt,.that was 10118'ago ",'hea we were been awarded first division rUing is as follo",s:

Deming Monday night inued ayoung and strong. el'er since the year of its orll'aniza- 1. Scepter of Liberty-Concertprocuma tion oJficially declaring all'Hadn't we been steeped in faith tion in 1939, During that time the March OlivadOli the provisions contained in the De-

from chi1dlulod up throuah tens to troup has grown from SO student 2. Bridal Song-;Imermezzo from troit blackout ordinance as electivemanhood? Motber ill her "uiet musicians to 85. Rural Wedding Symphony in that village.voice, and Pop with hit Tazor stJ:Oll. This year, too, new uniforms. reo - Goldmark With all .treet lights off, EI.T.ach.r .. l.th m.rl' •• alld dc-riff, ceotly purchased, will greatly add to 3. L'yceum Overture _ Taylor h h . d I' f

.... ~ ... - .wort y as luue regu allons orwhich brought her tire brightC$t or the appearance and enthu.siasm of 4. SeJltet from "Lucia de Lam- the conduct of polite, fire, am bu.sprill. II_en or the rosie.t of ap- ,the band members. mermoor" _ " Donnizeti lances and OCD cars which will bepIes to be fOllnd. And that nice Amone the as students musicians Arranged for solo alto saxophone permitted to rUll durieII' the black-lilr •• Br_n; when you ran an cr- .....1>0 will play in tonight's concert George Hughes, soloist. out. Police and fire vehicles willralld gave you those crisp cookies. are 2D boys and girls who will make 5. Short'n in' Bread Wolfe carry red headlights and all other'Sis' and that lUce airl down tile their final appearance with the 6. Rlupsody in Rhumba._Bennett official car. will' carry blue head.street maclt: paper lowers for ------------ 7. Blue Bells-March paraphrase lights. Ire ruled.'Mom'.' new ase. or tbe churcb - MUDGE - _ _..Buchtel At the beginninll' of the blackout,bazar. bbt men djcln't hardly look Jatawiaaio. all other cars must immediately pullat tb.m. 8. Youth of America-March • , I

.. (Continued from Page One,) to tbe curb, stop and CJIhngwsh al'Tben 191".18 came alolll, anel - the auk of the Justice Court was 9 II-~_ _ ".Yoder lights, he .aid. Occupanta of tbe

were in the anny witb a job to do btgun by Ernst &: Erllst. • antl -OVerture Espagnole cars should remain therein until theand never a doubt that e could do MWe were notified that Justice 10 S W h.':" C Yoder end ot the blackout period.it. Th. follc:s back home bad faith . now Jte~. burchW-Leidzell ME 'ill .

.. Jame. N. JdcNally was atlorl;ley for "-I' f h' very motorISt 11' have the time"n us too. 'Mom's' I.tt.r •• _... - """ echon. rom t e musIc of f 9 57 h b' .....~.~....... Mudge, &.lid be wa •. recognized in h . . rom : w en t e slreru ~III to"TS. Browa u'cd carll --I to __ L_ t e mOVlng p,cture produced d ~_ I 10 h

... • ~ ~ that capacity. b WID' .0Wl t~ a arm, to p. m.. 'II' encookies. My W~ndotte hen Bid.... y at ISney 1._ bla Ie t Ii dhad a brood of' ;ixteea. 'Sia''':~ "Mudge admitted shortage of var- 11. 01' Man River .._ .._ .._~ __.Grofe tuc c out proper s arts to n amakillg miles of bandage. for the ions amounl. and oHers to replace From Jerome Kern's musi- ~=~a:sa~;.ace at the curb," E1.Red CrOll. And tbe nic:e .. itl clown were made for him. eal comedy ~Show &at"

.. "When the audit 11'&1 completed. 12. La Ro It B "Motorists will not be allowed tothe Mreet wrote to me every day. uge e -.................. ennelt park .0 as to block fire lanes norTwice I had Idlers frOID 'Pop' be it showed a shor1age of $901.05, Piano solo in the moderll illdidn't have much 10sa,; talked of which had a~ been turned ol'er to -Dnet: with band aceom. :::;r:.P:;~,..whe ~~Zd.be allowed torallies, Liberty Loan drives. and the villHe treasurer by the clerk of pan.iment - Margery Botts, "The safest place to be during the

'll'is~ed me luck alon~ with a saw- th~our~e day Ihe alldit was de. 13 ~:istSa in R • blackout is in your home." he de-bucle. A Springfield ri8e fit a mall's • e m eVlew - ••.._ clared. "Stay off the streets. Ifhands better than paper flowers lil'ered. Pre~dent Goddard and my- --_ ...Prescotl-Pronk_Wegner you are away from hOllle durin ..th.n. self intenie-wed Chief Assistant Pro- A pageant of American his- __

.. . I the evening of the blackout, be lure'The records show that ll'e never seeuting Attorney Mc ntosh for ad. torylet that faitl: down, and by 'We', I vice and leaal in4truction in the ~_ you have not left any Iighu all and

mean college man. farmer boy. city proceedure of obtaining a warrant -WOODS WATER- :;::ko~~ pr~~:r .. treets during thes""'"t, cleric. black-sheep, student. for embezzlement of public funds. "A f tho In~;:do-well. Lord Fauntleroy. hood. "Followini' these inslructiollJ in 1 coordinator or IS area,

d t '1 PliO t ' (Continued from Page One.) 'ask ever;' man, 1I'Omao and child tolum, or lacy p.nts. Some had never ea." our a ce epar ment In. q..-te _' •• supply to tho viJIa"e. . "CO-operate to ma1ce tbis fint 10ta1lervlcwed over 130 people, to ascer- _ ".... .. ebeen away from home over lIicht. tain to whom their Court fines and Three weeks ago Alois GhCJ<jtJiere, bladebut a real .uccess. The .ue-some never had a home to speak of. • f . .,;II_-e presidelll, went to Wash. ccss .of yOUr. blackout arrangemenbBat what a ......g for the ,'ob. Paper probatJo.a ees ....ere p~,d. Many..... Ii!lowers, Bab!' more people could not be localed to inrtou where, through the efforts may. mean fe or deat~ to you, your

'Some of the boy. didn't come fUrllish similar information. of .Rep. Louis C. Rabaut, he ....as family alld yOD1' neIghbors whenback, God rest tbem, most of them "The incomplete information from able to secure fnorable receptio.a th~ enemy bombers cume.

th 130 -I di I d I'Of IUa can •• by the ~. """odU-I'OD People here know that we are atdid. Whi~h I.ads back to M-r e ,..-.,... e Ie ose & proYeIl ~ __ '" '".. .. ...-.... h f $15919 b A board. ' -ar and tbat this area makes a fine80wers and a man's hands. Some of s ortage 0 " etween _.

U t I In'l d FbI t 1 " Last week in a t.I a- from tar.ger for an. enemy bent 011 stopn. are makin'" them no ...., with our s , ~ an e ruary s, _ ~ _e a d that M "d d'd d't Ma ...... Maverick, chl'.f of the b.... PIlii' producllon of war goods.hands. Many call not or ever will n r.... 1; ge I not ere ,-, • ~ Th '

do any thin"' IIIOJ"' us.ful. Our Bud. some penollS with the amount that eaa of governmental requirements of at s why ....e muil tlke these.. • '" th all'd th Vi1l.- the WPB Gbesqnier -5 tifi~ buckouts .eriously. If you He •dies who can get arOW1d hetter. H" ey actu y Pal to e -- , C n. 110 1ia"ht . • hbor' . bo k

. OW'tts. Part of the m011C'1CClIDesto "After -this shOrtage was ascer- that the materiar;', for- the proje .,. III, you~ Mil!" • m;. ~us, the rest goe. to tmfortunate taiaed, several persons (I'ilbge e!Dot had beeJl given a1l A.2 rating aa ~:.~. flu! II. C?Ut. I~. rea.; nul,

lov) t k t th ... ,~, tlrat -l'lJ'rat.. of the pro';~t by t1.- tlia.t .6..ght IIIlI'hf brill. a d~ncomrades, or children and widows P ,~ were a en 0 e .. ,oseca.. ."1' ..... "., bombSof comrades. So yOU lee a man'a tor'. office for statements concern. bcnrd of review could be expected _. _

ing the system usee!, or lack of it, shortly. . •.han.4J and paper flower. can team and their variom duties ullder the ~ A.I.a AHocnJ~:n;V~~a~ro~ea ;:::itti:~e:to= procedure. Purpose'of the project is to build

"To a layman these statements did up. witer pressnre in that area ofAmerican way are worth lighting t I. h . the villa"'e where. durin" the Sum-for. I bope that you will wear a no slrengtl.en t e case agamst the.. ..Poppy-the .ymbol of oar faith- defendant, but did reveal a woeful mer months. the use of more wa.On Poppy Day. dereliction of duty by omission on ter by villager. drastically reduces

'Y«'Ur Friend, the part of certain village employes. the water pressure.'EDDIE.'" "After several conferences be- HI hope that the people of the

tween Chief Piel and William R. village will get out to the polls and--=- D R AFT _ Bolio, Auistant Prosecutine Attor- give a heaTty approval to this proj.ney, a formal request for a warrant, ect." President Ghesquiere said..charging embezzlement, was lIIade "Payment on the bonds will stretc!May I, 1942. },fay 7, 1942, the fol. o"er a. period of 30 years so thatIowinlr opinion was prepared by Mr. the issuance of these bonds will notBolio, and delivered to us at a later affect the tax rate to any l1otice-date. able extent. Nor will the bonds go

.. '\"'hile there is a shortage ia Mr. into this year's tax."Mudge's accounts. proof of same ~tioa of Voteawould require the subpoeaning of Registration of voters for the .pe_several hundred witnesses as the cial bond issue election may bemoneyS received by Mr. Mudge made with the village clerk any"'ere paid in very small amounts, week day between June 13 and JaneYour POlice officers have informed 27 or with the board of reiistratiollus that many of these witnesses can- in the two voting precincts on Sat-not be located. In view of this and urday. June 6.other difficulties set for.th more com. To qualify for the election voterspletely in Our letter of the 7th inst. must be property owuers in the vil-we do not Ihink a warrant shOUld be lage of Grosse Pointe \\"oods or therecommended.' husband aT wife of such a property

"I am informed that restitution owner.has been made to the Bonding Com.

pany, Woods Restricts Use"~!r, Harry L Wickey of the Of W t Du'- Wood. Blackout - Bonding Company, today asked me a er nng

to conve). their \\.illingncss to pay Summer by ResidentsC immediately, the tOlal loss to the _

( ontinued from Page One.) , G p . _ . Hourly sen'ice will be given byspecial police earn'inll' police pow- Village up to the full unount of the . rosse o'~te ,\' oods reSIdents the eastbound buses on NlOe Mile j.' , ,ers. This measure, howe,'er, has not bond. w~1I be proh,b.'ted to use water sup. Toad startin at 6:25 a.m. and thebeen applied for Sunday night's "In conclusion, may I inform you phed by the 'Illage for any purchase II b ~II I \" . N OTIC E

. as t us w, ea I'e '. yomlng atblackout, that arrangements have been effect. other t?an the o:dmary houschold 12:25 a.m. The first bus in the IAt Tuesday night's meeting tho ed and further changes will be made and sOUl,tary USts t>e:ween the hours . 'II I J If .. 0 f B d f R .

• f 5 . mornlDg 11', eave e erson an"\Voods commission also appro\,ed to insure that there will be no re- ~ to 9 p- m, from June tnrone" !Jefer at 6:20 and the last bus will 0 a r, 0 e v Iewan amendmcnt 10 the garballe and occurance of th!.'c d:slre>sing cir- SePlen~her accordllllt to the term~ of leave at 12;20 a.m,rub!';s;' ordlllance pro,'iding that cumslanCes in the future." an ordlnanC'e passed Tuesday night Grosae Pointe Townaltip"conlainers in which garba"e and (SillJled) \Vard S. Van DellSen, hy the village commission. "This new bus service is planned

refuse shall be deposited shall be in CommISsioner of Police. T primarily for employes in the im- W.-. Count-, Michiranhe ordinance is desi!toled as a ,.. ,h d'l' t t th -'--------- portant ~ast side plants and every _sue can I lon 50 as 0 pre\"(!T1 e compensating measure to offset_ un-

contents thereof from bcinll strewn SNAY ~ROMOTED lil completIon of construction of the schedule has been arranged to gelabout 1ft the handling and collec- . . these lI'orkers to theiT jobs accord.tion Ihereof and prov'ded lhal no Promotion of Frank Snay from propose~E "'ater malll

hln :Mabc,ka,'e: ing to the shifts on which Ihey

n lie an" strcet. I e pro em 0,/ k" 'd M ... d ,'ff MThcontainer h'\"ln!l a capac,t)' of more patrnlman 10 ,erlteant v.a., announc. . d wor. sal • r. Z\a c: e, ed h' h H raa equale water pressure caused b I k' 1 t k 'IIthan 20 gallons be !lsed for depo,it- e t" "'eek y enry Piel. chid hy the excessi'-e use of water dur- uses a ,nil' emp .oyes a "'or . WI I

in!!, of R"arhall"e rduse and a,hes." of po1Jce of Grosse Pointe Park.. h S ' Ireturn those leavrag a sh,ft. Also.\'lolation of the ordinance carries a Sna)' has ~tn a memher of the Ing t ese ummer ,mllntns. it ..-ill afford tran'portation to resi.penalty of a line up to ~lOO 01" im. Park polrce force fM Ii! ~'cat!. The ordinance ral" lh~t 'h. "'~ ,l.nt, ;., ,"~ '..::;~:::; ~f Xi"c ~.:;:,pTlSf'nmenl up to 90 day, or both. ---------- of ,,'a:.r i, "re'tflcted to ordinu\' road \\';'0 have no! had a hus line


Hon,.. .... R...... t. Sh __ F'. R.,.ortM Robloeol h",,'chold "r qn,tary 11<e<and th~ conVCOlent to their h"me'."The comm ,,';on a1<o recr'\"td a "'e of ,"ch watre If'r .<prinldm!l or

petit;"n from and :,eard Ihe ar!l"- Theit of $4,3 i-om "Cap" Sh"m, ",alrnnll; !l"a-drn,. 1."n, or or, ..mtn~.;; n,r ,ill ddtlitatl(''ln of rtC;,.!rf'its way'~ on E;lI<'~J l"~Ytrq'.n .a\ rnu~ wac. c. m.l,lr (lr I;k,. PT::-~O!'{''' is !lcrthyoi Hofh"\\('1()-1 1>oul~\"arti \\ho T('. rtrorlrd tl'l (,roc,c,r- Po;n'{" P:I"k ro. P"('ll):h~lt"d.' (h'rir~ :I,t'" hours (if ~q'lC<t~d th.: if thr ~"l hlock of Ijr~ ~"d" I". .I.",,, \ld\rnna. 10 l) pm and 11",,"(!:, II,. m(")Tl:~sthat ~:rtt't J~ not pa\('rl, Iht othrr m..1:naR"~r. P..1:rk d(~("rtl\(,~ :Ut- !()()k- of J.m"" J;:iy. A'1'!'1:e.t ;:t~r! ~(jl;('m~t\\O 1.lork~ .1'0 not he p~,td. The inll' 1M LrRe". r ...t(m. c(,iM~d pnr- t>~r.

('{nme;1 "n:.nlmOD\h~ \"otft1 to tttn~' trf. ~'f)() I,.l, l'''rn mO,{inll "il'l"lrt'" :'l1r \ :,j;~.;'.,n <'If ti,r" ('-I: n~r.t!" (.1';""-1('<'

tht r~<;"t<1. rrpMT.d 1"<1: ",,"'rrr'd 1',. :'rn"', 0; a ~". ::1' to ~11"'1 M \1-. ,nrl \lr<. Fr,"ci, Hr.l:,;"'r~. (If I--- ------ ----- -- ---- - -~. ----- I"T,. - <'011~n('.''I'' 'i"' t" riol rl~~c:. ,.. .. h~:~, Chk c:.t r('(' , ..:1'1"10'1'1('(' 1'1(' h.:-:, ()f ~ I

Rork for:', ,,<t~ hy lhe pr(lrl~ of 1'-"'1. ~;nr:n"'lr": fO'I~"; rbe« - __ .... '. ! \"'1. I.,., 1',,1'0'.<. 0n 1".,-,,;, .. 1

tie far norah many rrn"1"'" age, I:'" !A.,!,' ... ' .. ~ T<' ,:: or ~,. r t "~",, ('I; ~ """"r-s ".C c,n.I.\[,,. '4 .• t ~:. J,,'<p:'s Mr~(\. ho~- I[are reporled to hl"e been found on I ~"ltnrr ."~ Ica,":ci<: rece"cd ,r.' ,n: n,o;:1.-, r p"nh 10 Ir.e man"fac'j p,t,! ~!r<. Beaupre is the former jKodiak Island, A1alka. jlliYA Shop. ,n Wi'~italL hire of lIlihtary olatTes. Adele Werd>u.

.Ib. 29c

.!b. 29c

It'. n..

LE. 7782.8&

Quality HatsFor t-a ~


$1.35 _ !:~.~.


......... lb. 39c

"Cut Militaire"

c....c ..... I ...... W ..... I , __ ,_e-t c.a! M..... MiIitaire I F.....e.t I Viet...., e.t I Def_ e.t IAI ......... ...,.. -W Ie __

,.. - ~ at fir .,......... - t _ I

J-t • lip of tM c.... ... k ....-........ - ....,. __ I A .....'--...-. ..... '17" "a M,. ~......


ItING ROLLER REDUCER£...a-. .... M....... , $I. T... ~t

RECLINING VAPOR BATHCaI.ioat co.plet., witli s ia.. ..It

....... , ......... ioote __ _ $.'"Spec:iaI P....,.. "" Ser'_ el T _to.

FRANCES HEAL m INSTrnrrE•• 1. E. Jetf_ o.w GnuooI MIrt .• t NewportE........ 10,A....... boo«al L..O:lt '151

14346 East JefferlOD at ChalmersOPEN EVENINGS

'G.arantced on any hair':'-Huvy c:rtam, made of fish oilamed into your hair-with pure water steam-ideal

for ..!:l,alo or feather curls-Soft and lovely.

fI....New Ra, Mechiael ... - or '6.50... Fr True Carl .. .TIle: nearest thillR there is to lIatural curly hair-You undoubtedlyu'O'C had these wal'fl al a much hill-her price.

THE BEST OF MACHINE WAVESE.a- - F..... idl.:.... SWtoa - RiIIiq - -4 95F• ...t, MJI ad '7.5. - OUR SPECIAL •

,~~='N:''::''~ $3.50

.............. ..,.'at <:.aa. ~Hair s...Appointment Nec:ea.ary • No Waitiq

7 ()peqtor. Phone MU. 9349

:'BEAUTY BAR11715 E. Jefferson Ave., om Lycaste



......... F~ eM HaM.- ... '111.... "*..e-fwt F"auiq. 1_ FJu:.AI. ...... 11w'. wily ..,. ...

~I I

~W. J. HillER

Hiller'. Men's Wea'r1011E. WerNlI Opea E...... AtCINWDen

..,:STRAWSIThe Newed" Shapes'

and Shades!


Get Ready ior Summer at Hiller's• IUPt - HiIeo-'. Iou • _t c....,lete .tock eI ....to.tJoe..... _'a - .... ceeuorieo f .... tiloe s__ s-. I

. • .. ~ -'-we __If doe bot _tiler lor cOw.''--.. ;. - ..&octia .. r- fro. _tieaaDy er.

............ of -'I - ioo doeir tee of.-,Iitrl .• Y.............. wily "Tl.r .II _ !Noek to HiDer'. I"

Swiss Steak ....

Rib Lamb Chops lb. 4Jc

AD Steak Hamburger .

'Nice Pot Roast Beef .

Page 3: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht



:; ;"'-..~-~')(''- - t-.,-,




A. J. FORSTERJew_ " OpteN.INt

14411 CHAaLEVOlX

At c:w...LENOX 1m

andJewelry Repairing

Gros.~e Pointe


You. caD _tru ••• widtthe re p • ir of ,.oar MOlt

valued jewelry. Our nputa.lion hu be-. IIaiIt _ tileQuality of Our Swdce. __

l~tM _ Mac.Ir: 10_ .. ...Iatet-.tiMa of o.w Drift • • ..e:-.-.int to .... D. a... Ia ...ea-.. Poiata.

Size %GO.lii and 151$3.91PER CASE


Kraft A.erieaD .. V.n-raCh.eeae two %-lb. pkg.. 35cF.D e-Michigan Mild Cheese lb. 28c

na..I.JpIota e.-..

Cheese .2 pkg.. 1St,F01' the 1.oYera 01 RoquefortDomestic Blue Cheeae lb. 48c

From G. & R. Mc:MillanOwn Famou. Kitchen

--- FRESH DAILY - __Chicken Pie With GravyTurkey Pie With Gravy

Steak Mushroom PieCom Beef Hash

Baked Spaghetti - Baked BeauPotato Salad - Cabbage Salad

Macaroni Salad - Vegetable SalaCiCnicken Saiad on Order



By Flat or Dozen

Motll.... aub £acla Seuoa

Perennial PLANTSDahlia, Tuber., Etc.

H. E. EngelmanNURSERY

21721 Mack Nair.... 2128

Our New Croue Poiate Hoaae-Viaiton Alwa11 W......r. ;.;w. ...are ,._ tiaat .. e-t 01 *-ala . • ~

.t V.....e,.leoo'. ill doe Iow.t obtaiaaWe .t.. ,ween. eft. tJto.als _ • '010 BOt I.tara prioe. ~

Charles Verheyden Funeral HomeNIaa- ....

tin 3Sc

tin 32c


3 canl 21c



Neighborhood ClubN.E-W.S The Dominican Mothers' club end-

ed its season Sunday afternoon witha mother.daughter tea. Father An-

VictofJ CoIbDluGit, Sizll' _ drew P. MeIntes gave the addrenFriday night. May 22, at 7:30 of welcome.

.veryone is invited to allend the A mUSical program followed whichvictory community sing at the included solos by Miss Colette Keb.Neighborhood club under the direc- be, plano; Miss Virginia Housey.tion of Miss Mildred Knaggs. The vocal; and Mist Mary Leabire, vie-girls of the l'\eighborhood club tap Iin.classes will perform and it is prom. Aliss Margaret Haubner, senior,ised the program and singing will spoke on "Gratitude and Love forbe most entertaining. Special invi. Mother."talions are extended to mothers and The tea table was centered withdads and all the family. on arr. n~.m~!!! d Spring RowersGirls' PIa,-., - Iand tall tapers in silver candelabra.

On Saturday, June 6. the Neigh- Mrs. E. C. Hueoner served as has.bnrhood club is sponsoring a p!a.y- tcss assisted b)' 1nt:lnLcrs or theday for girls between the ages of board.eight and 14. The events start at 10a.m. and each girl should bring apicnic lunch after which there will ANNUAL PLANTSbe a special program put on by theTiny Tots ballet class under the di.rection of Mrs. Jose and lap dancesby the Neighborhood club tapclass. The schedule for the after-noon games will start about Z p.m.CAris' BaoeI>aIl ......... _

Last call for entries to the GronePointe girls' baseball league I ! En-tries close Friday. May 22 and en-tries will be accepted at the Neigh-borhood club. 17145 Waterloo. Alleffort is bwing made to have everyvillage of Grosse Poil1te represent-ed, sO if you have a team be sure toenter it by May 22.

New Adult ClassesStart at High School

Three new classes have been or-ganized in the adult education pro-gram of Grosse Pointe publicschools. it v,'aS announced this weekby Forrest Geary, director.

A class in blueprint reading willmeet :-oronda)'s, Tuesdays and Thurs-days from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., start-in~ June 8. A class in typewritingwill meet Mondays from 7:30 to 9:30p.m., starting May 25, and a class infirst aid will meet Mondays from7 :45 to 9 :45 p.m. starting May 25.All classes meet at the high school.

Further information may be .e-cured by calling Mr. Geary at Niag-ara 2000, extension 3.

Store Hours - 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.Phone Nla~ara 3200

1848 Mocha and Jan


H1IlIIt 0..10Dog Food _ _ 5 lb. pkg. 39cArgo GIoli Starch lb. 7c 3.lbs. 18cScott Tiahe

Toilet Paper 3 rolls 23cScott Towels - __ each IOeLaFrance > 3 pkgs. 2Sc


COFFEE LB.3OCsam-Flush -.-..- 3 cans SOc

Clapp'. StraiMdBaby Food

Choppeol S e-. 27"No. z~ SiR EclipM

Royal Anne Cherries ..No. 2~ SizeFulFlavor Pears


Dickie's Frenc:h

Dreiling 8 oz. ISc 16 oz. 3ScIvory Flakes or Snow 2 pkgs. 43cLarge RinlO 2 pkgs. 43cMcMILLAN'S LARGE PRUNES Ib. pit,. J4c:EXTRA LARGE . lb. pk,. 17<:Silnr Nip

Grapefruit Juice 46 oz. 23cLibL,.'. Or Top Notch

Tomato Juice 46 oz. 23c

tu 2-8240


lb. 39c

lb. 32e

SFIRE BROS••••Succe.sors to



tomato holds lirst rank in the vere-table garden. It is truly the kinr ofvegetables.

When properly grown tomatoplants may be made to yield largequantities of fruit. For this reason.this column next week will be de.voted in a large Ilart to the cultureof tomatoes in Victory Gardens .

We will consider staking, pruning.fertilization of soil and other salientpoints to help raising large quanti.ties of luscious fruits from compa-ratively small space.

Please look for it.

The leak-proof gas tank on onebig flying fortress requires 1,246pounds of rubber.

FancyY_I' H..

TURKEYS12-14 P... 01A..,..e

portrait. commercial. illustrative

16111mac:k at ~vonshire

Tlaat .oocI WiIooD MeouIcnr.Broo1c F_(Rodaater. Midal ..... ) Steer 8ae' tlaat .. maD,.people Baft ....... aboat ••• IS STILL AVAIL-ABLE AT

NO ADDITIONAL COSTProperly ...... ~ ....... r ...d witIl

that ....r Leer I"or. SFIRE BROS.

A Real Dog Food - MeatGround With Carrota lb. IOc


e-.me F..... c.n-

Sweetbreads LB. 39c

GeJnUDe F......

Calves Liver LB. 4ge


Fnah Dr.u.I FfJiq or R-..ti ..


f"_10 SIo_w..r

Ground Beef ..

F....On. 01" Pot Rout

Shoulder Roalt Beef lb. 29cwar... su-IRath'. Black Hawk Bacon .

16822 Kercheval Avenue



RoW - Cee.m. Sprial'

Lamb Roast



Save "ere On Finest Qu~lity!.f ~' .IIIIl _

Doll"! .... ' - ......... - ..,.a.n,. whea you cu pi E..,. Da,. - M........... -art ' ..McMiIlaD Quality at PI"ie:e. that ClOIIIpIlre with the very Ioweat. iaitiated into the pIeuure of pttiq McMiIIu QualitJ' *,'~fir.'.s.tt... eJem.. of &a.. fresher Iooda ere maintained t&roaa-h ' Low Prices i Joia the hUDdredaof,.our frieDcIa wIIo .... aettiDI' -S~ Broa. bqe laayiq power ! Top Quality at Smpriaiqly Low Pricea.


paul s. brown

SimplOD _ Matures 3S Dayawaf Grind

Rapid. ".' __ Mlt1Irti 3S Day.

• H Late-Bir Boston _ Matures 75 Day.Brown Dutch __ Matures 75 DaysHanson __ " Matures 80 DaysIceberge __ . Matures 80 DaysMay Kinr .._ ... Mature. 60 Day.Romaille, Trianon' Matures 70 Days

P..Americao WOl1der Matures 60 DaysWisconsin Early Matures 60 DaysThoma. Laxton Matures 60 Day.Dwarf Telephone Matures 70 Day.Giant White ._ .._. Matures 7S Daysp...... (1.arIo ad s....t VariatM.) SL JOMPb Carmelite GuildChinese Giant Matures 80 Days To Hold Annual MeetinrCalif. Wonder - Matures 75 Days r The 51. Joseph Carmelite GuildK!ng of North ,- M~tur~s 611D~ys \\'111 hold its annual meeting and in-Pimento ...._.- Matures 75 Days stallalion of officers Tuesday after-Sweet Bull Nose .. Matures 65 Days noon, May 26 at the home 4800

R.oIidl Cadieux road. A potluck luncheonScarlet Globe --- Matures ZSDays will be served at one o'clock in theWhite Icicle _.- Matures 25 Days main dimng room, with Mrs. J. J.Sparkler _ ..."_ Matures 25 Days Dunlay as hostess.

BnccoU OHicers who will serve for theItalian Green Sprouting coming year are:

01' Calabrese _ ... Matures 60 Days Mrs. H. Dee McCollough. presi-To_to dent; Mesdames Jno. H. Knapp.

Marglobe Matures 75 Days Martin W. Ewald, Giles Cavanaugh.Pritchards Scarlet Matures 80 Days P. J. Currier, Ed ]. Beyer, LouisNorton _"'_' Matures 85 Days Kreig, Peter Martin, FFred BoylanRiverside ... Matur~s 85 Days and Miss Charlotte Johr, vice-pres i-San Marzana dents; Mrs. Gi:orge D. Noble, Treas-

(Small Fruited) Matures 85 Days urer; Mrs. W. C. Heyniger, record-This last item, the tomato, is per- ing secretary j Miss Florence No-

haps the Inost 'f:idely grown al1d seck, financial secretary; Mrs. Wal.preferred vegetable in the home ter Platz, assistant financial secre-garden. This populaEity is well de- tary j Mrs. George B. Morris, cor-!"f'~d. The tomato is not only one rcspondi~ 5e,r~lilry; and Mrs ..of the most healthful vegetables Peter Kinsley, assistant correspond-grown but one which yields abund- illg secretary .aatly. Moreover, it can be used inboth salads as well as raw Or cookedand for prese"inf or canning. Fromthe foregoing, it is apparent that tbe:

90.120SO. 7560- 7590-12060-80

The!'e is one lIote of warninlwhich should be givell here; that isnot to grow too much of anyonething, or to put it more to thepoint, we might warn the homegarc!ener 1I0t to plant more of onevariety man can be collsumed byhimself or his family. To make thelist more useful, we have groupedit into two groups. The 6nt inclUdesall varieties which may be rilised bysowing seed during the month ofMay and June, while the secondgroup includes varieties which mustbe started early in order to matll,.before frost, consequently must beplanted as small plants durillg thesame period of May and June.

The approximate time from .ow-ing to maturity is given in the lastcolumn.

VeeetaI> ... F .... s-I SowiqVariety MabDitJ ia D.,sBeans (Bush or Pole) _.. SO- 70Beet (Table) 60- 75Cabbage (Early) 65- 75Carrot 60- 75Chard (Swiss)' 60- 80Corn (Sweet) 70- 80Cucumber ••.• 60- 75Endive (French or Broad

Leaf) __ ... .Kale " .., _Kohl-f'lbi ., _Leek __ . _Lettuce _

IPeas - - 50- 75Radish ••._. __ •__ .__ ._ 30- 40

Spinach (New Zealand) 'M' 50- 60VqetU'" Froas PUb

Variat, ._-Broccoli .•_. 24" 60- 75

t Egg Plant 24" 80- 90t Pepper ... ,._ 18" 90-100

Tomato -- .._ ......3Yo t04' 75- 90(.) Distance apart; (.. ). nllmber

of days after planting.The time of maturity given for

vegetables from plants is recordedlI& the app-roximate time alter theplants have been IH:tout in the pr_den. This approximate time mayvary .omewhat according to the sea-SOli as well as to the variety.

Reeo_ ..... VarietieaIn compiling a list of recommend-

ed varietie~ of vegetables, the fac-tors con.idered are ease of culture,size and Ravor, earliness and resist-ance to disease.

Undoubtedly, som~ ilr th-eie .ei«-tiona W111 be dispukd "" prdenmwho mar hayc fonnd other nrietiesn1perior in some respects or in eer-WI1 localities. However, the selec-tions are made by considering thefactor. mentioned above. These fac-tors must be considered of primaryimportance to the average personwho plants the Victory Garden.

Most of the varieties mentionedbelow have been tried and recom-mended by experts in the UnitedStates department of agriculture.

a- (Bus" c.-. Pod)Bountifull Matures SODaysFerry's Plentiful _ Matures 50 DaysGiant Stongless _ Matures 55 DaysRed Va Vlentine ._. Matures 55 Days

a- (Bash WiU)Dans Stringless _ Matures 55 DaysFerry's Golden

Wax _ _ Matures 50 Days\Vardwells Kidney Matures 55 DaysSure Crop Wax. ..... Matures 5S Days

~ (Table)c..osbys Ell'}'IPtian Matures 55 DaysEarly Blood

Turnip '__ ." Matures 60 DaysDetroit Dark Red Matures 60 Day.Tall Top •

Early Wonder .... Matures 55 DaysCaW-.

Jersey Queen ...... Matores 60 DaYsRacine Market _ Matures 60 DaysAllhead Select _ Matures 75 DaysMarion Market _._ Matures 75 DaysResistant

Detroit _.'. __ "_ Matures 6S DaysCarret

Red Cored , ..Chantenay ..__ Matures 70 DayS

Morses Bunching Matures 75 DaysNantes Coreless Matures 7IJDanTouchon Matures 70 Days

:h.eet ConlGolden Bantam

(}'ellow) _ Matures 95 DaysGolden Early Market

(yellow) _ .._ Matures 75 DanSunshine (rello,,') ~lattlres ~ DaysGold Standard Charlevoix

(yellow) ..,.."......._ Matures 85 DaysHowling Mob

(,,'hi:e) ........_....... ~{atures 85 DanEarly Evergreen

(white) Matures 95 DaysBlade: Mexican

(black) Matures 90 DaysCaeam~

Black D:amond ~l.tures I\{) DaysShamrock __ ~!ature' I>SDaysStraip;ht g .__ ~hture51>5 DaysImprond Lonp;

Green _..._... __..... Matur~s 70 DaysEndi ..

Rr".d L~a\'dorB.'a,.:.n . _. ~I.tllU' l)(\ On',

GUt" (""rlt" .. \1.tuu; Q.' O.ysErr Plant

BI.ck BUilt, .. _. ~I.turr'!!() D.ysK.1e

D".-f ~r(>'rh \! ,t'lre, ~,)nay, IKohl.rab; I

\\ }~.~t \'H'n;~.... \f ~'tlrr~ M Dtl,"<': t

Pllrr1e ",en',,, ~!"UHI (/.;D ...;, lL..thlq,

Leaf Black ~ed.d

• J

V~CTOIY8111EISMi.~ip•••• 1 If .....

Laox 2112

• , v. R. DE PETtuSThe sel«tion of varieties of vert-

tables fl)f the Victory Garden de-pench largely upon personal pref-erence. Yet, not withstandinll thesepreferences, it would be a ireat mis-take if this column encouraged thosewho uninitiated in home gardeningto attempt to grow wha tever theyliked without regard to the feasibil-ity of the undertaking.

There are certain types of vege.tables which although easily &r0wnWOllld be neither profitable oorpracticable io a small garden.Among these we might mentionpumpkins and potatoes. Vegetable.which are more difficult to grow orwhich prefer special soils and alolli' period are not recommended.Celery is one of the vegetablescOlllin. under the latter category.

The list of vegetables which isgiven below includes all varietieswhich can be easi!y grown and ma-tured before killing frosts. ThehOllle gardener may grow any num-ber in the list including all of themif he 01' she SO desires.


•• r.


OAK CLEANERS, INC.Momte Moth.Proof CluaiDl

er- Poiate

Under .... '"~ on ftle s5de abo¥e, you _ a ~slime-forming~ organism lIICIgIlified 400 times. This tiny growth~'t 100« much .. a saboteur - yet it can cut downthe Ioad-carrying capcxity of giant furbi nes in Detroit Edisonp- pIonts. That is, it (OVid if it were pennitted to thrive.But an hourly gas attack effectively smothers it.

In ~ng eIec:tric power f04' WOlf production infactories and fOlf IlM in Itcns and oHices and homes, DetroitEdison ~ plants reqvire thr .. times os mIlCh .. ater r.eryday as the entire city of Detroit. The water is u.ed to cool~ of COl'l<lenser rvbes oyer which exhaust steamfrom the turbine is passed. Slime-fanning OI'ganisms in tIiewater attoch themselves to the insides of the tubes and foulthem.. This lowers the efficiency of the condenser, turbine,and the entire plant. and wastots fuef.

An -'Y way of oemedying ftle trouble was to shut downIfIe turbines and manually cleon the condensen by f04'cingrubber olugs through the tubes. But even with the best

. hanckleoning job that could b@ done, the maximum load-carrying capacity is reduced. And all during the time.... tubes __ being hcmd-cleaned, the turbine was out~-.me. ... 0 matter especially serious in theM clays whenour generating equipment must be kept running at topefficiency. Sa a chlorine "gas ottoclc" has COIlM: to therescue. The waf« is closed with chlOl'ine every 60 to 90minutes, killing the "bugs~ that form slime. This chlOl'inotionhas ended the slow "bottleneclcw job of cleaning thousandsof rw.s individually. An<! it has mcrintoined proct;colly n_~ perlormorKe of the condensers - doubly impor-IIlIfIt in our WQrtime operation. The [)moit Edison Company.


0... __ to ,... ...... aJMI deaD ~ eupeta aJMI .......... t 011 :r-" .... 1_. N. _ ••• Be ,.. ad ,... eupeb... .-, f ...._ witIUa I.......-.

CALL FOR SERVICE0.. Fartt- laf_ti ....

'tbunday, May 71, 1942

These slime-forming "bugs" attack


... thirsty machines, like thirsty men, need



Page 4: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht








cOlUlting for the dela~'ed conlirmaootion. Pa.tor Kurz reports that •third class is read,. to be organized..Visitors are always welcome at St-]ames church.

Southeast corner of Kerchevaland Lakewood Ivenuel. A. H. A.Loeber. pastor, 1434 Lakewood av..aue, telephone Lenox 21Z1.

The festival of pentecost will ~observed in the senice next Sua-day, May 24, at 11 :15 a.m. Thetheme of Ihe pentecost sermon willbe: ''The Work of the Holy Spirit."

1U2-..,16118L Wurea at BedfordPrompt Pick-Up and Delivery

Service I


I'm aworried w..... - I'.. jutepiDed .,...,. .. lIlY .,..,. bed

dreu '""Don'tWorry,

madam - W.'IldeMit _u~.y, qui c IE J ,. aDd~,..Ju.tpboae

II I r



OUT. OF. SEASON GARMENTSStorqe IIDd 1Da1d'aDCeFREE It,- Pa,... for a--.c:barae Nut Fa.JL_. _ ~'. ,-.. - •GROSSE POINTE VALET SERvteE "

Niapra 8S4I


17854 MKk AYeaUe

rabbit be,an to drink the milk fedto him in this manner. His homewas also changed to a large glas.terranium where a bed of wool andcotton was made in one corner andearrot .reenl and water were placedon the other side of the c~e.

On the day the bunnv had h....nin the kin d e fir art e n four daysschool closed for the weekend. MiuLoise Jeanne realized tbe ,.bbitcould not live if he was not f~ atregular inlervals and so he wastaken to Hansen's Island Saturdayand Sunday. He survived the tripand has been growing rapidly eversince.

Winnie (named for WinstonChurchill, because he survived thri!blood, toil and tean) is now threetimes the size he was when he reg-istered in the kinderKart~n A clan.He is still fed wilh a bottle but hismeals also consist of lettuce, carrotshavings and oatmeal.

He has made friend& with Miltens,the tame rabbit. and likes to teasethe older rabbit by jumpin. aUaround him.

Winnie will soon graduate withthe rest of the class and will be al-lowed to aUend a rabbit achool inthe pine woods.

51. James Lutheran church wor-ships every Sunday in the Punchand Judy theatre. The morn in. aer-vice is at 11 a.m. Sunday school isat 9 :45 a.m. The Rev. George E.Kurz is the pastor. Next Sunday isthe festival of pentecost. 'fhe con-gregation will observe this festiveoccasion with a special adult con-firmation Krvice. St. James churChalso received an adult class intocommunicant membership on PalmSunliay, together with the children'sclass. The second adult dass was~Iarted later in Ihe season, thus ae-



• Seersuckers• au.mt.ra,...Cincbama• Linea.

PRECINCT No. I-VotiDlf piau at the Robert TROMBLY SCHOOL, sa Beae:o..&eW,Cro_ Pomte Pan.. MidlipJa. Precmet to iftcJ.scIe tIoe ....... of hlr_ A..... tJo.rear lot line On the ea.t dole of Whiltier Road. La.... St. Clair. the City Umiu.PRECINCT No. Z-Voti., place at the CeorJre DEFER SCHOOL. 1S4Z5Ken:he.al Aft--, Cro ... Pointe Park, Micllipo. PNciDet tn iBchMle the midIIle of Mfc1r A'HIII_. NaPlot IiDe - th. _t .ide of TIu-ee Mile DrWe. _icIcIIe of J.lfn.- A__ the Cit, Iimib(in".......... 10 .We. of W.,.!Mrn AYeawe).

PRECINCT No. J-Votia. place at the !.eM. E. MAIRE SCHOOL. 7. c.Jien R..u,City of G_ Poinle. Mie:h..... Prec:iftet to illChIcIe tit. -ioWIoo of Maclr A_. rMPlot Ii... 0.. the _t .ide of Neff R...... Lab St. Clair .... , IGt li_ on tbe _t .ide ofA_boa Aft_.

PRECINCT No. 4-Vot1n, .... .,., at tbe P.... Gabriel RICHARD SCHOOL. 17' M"KialeyR...... Grw .. P.m.te Farm •• Mie:hi.. ". P...,iftct to iIlI:.... tJt. -iIWJa of Mack A_-.NaP lot liDe oa the aOl'th .ide of Moraa Road. Lab St. Clair. rear lot &- on .... t aWeof La •• land Aft .....

PRECINCT No. S-Votin. '"'- al the KERBY SCHOOL. IN K~ R.... ~Pointe F Mkloi, .... Pnociftc:tto meJade .n termor.,. Itetwaea Weir La... OIl the aortII...... t lot Ii... "f Mem-t!ler 0" the -tl. a.... from Lake St.Clair on tit. _to the WI iddIe of DwffIo R'*'II bey...... tIte Fanti ••

rr~EClNCT No. ~Yotin. ~ at tite VERNl£R SCHOOL. :M V..... R.d. c.-Pomte Sh-. MteIUp.. P'OCI'Ikt to in"hIcIe .n territory JtOrt1J 01 Weir La.... tileCo.aty Li_ aM FTo. Lab St. Clair to tit. ealt .We of M-.,. Rood.PR.ECINCT No. ~-~otin, plaee at tt.e MASON SCHOOL. 1'" V__ It e.-..POInte Wooda. M.ch ...... P rec:iaet to Inc:.... an territory 'DOrt), of W... tIIoCOVllty Line a ..11 fr_ the rear lot 1m. of Marter RoooI on tJ.e _ to tIIo -w.n. ofDafFIo Road.

Rich3rd SchoolN-E-W-S


Notice of Registrationl.Jnregistered Qualified School Electors

LAP.lES APPARELtau Eo Je&enoa Ave.

""Near CLaI.ater.

of Rural Agricultural School DUtrict No. I, of the Tcnmabip of GroNe PoiDte, WayueCounty. MicbicaD, for

Notice it hereby given that there will be a regiatration ofthe unregistered qualified electors of Rural Agricultural SchoolDistrict No.1, Groue Pointe Town.mp, Wayne County, Michi.gal, at .the polling places of the aeveral precincts of the district,to.wit:

On SATURDA Y, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1942 and OIl FRI.DAY, the 29th day of May, A. D. 1942

from 3:80 o'clock P.M.. to 9:08 o'clock P.M .• Eastern War StaDdarcl TUlle, • lletllof wbich days all unreriatered quaJi6ed achool e1ectOl'8 of the District may N8iater forthe annual election of the School District to be held 011 Jane S, A.D. Ita, ... forother eledi~ pnera) or apeciaI, in the District, II1ltiJ a ........ ""' ........ 608 Ia 0r-dered according to law.

Notice is a110 riven that provision hall been made by the Board of Edac:ationfor the registration of an unrerister~ and qualified aehooI eJector. of the cfQtrict atany time during office hours by the principal. of tile allove named elentelltary 1Cboo1..and 'or the Secretary, and or the Superintendent of S c h 00 I .. and/or the PurchueA,ent of tile Board of Education. at the oBi« of the Board of EdaClition, _ St.Clair Avenue, Grolle Pointe City, Michigan.

Dated May 4th, 1942. RALPH M. CL,t\RK, SecretaryBoard of EduClition. Rural AgricultanlSchool Diltrict No. I. Grone Point.Townlhip, WaJfte e-tJ. MicIri ••.

Order ...... for few ..a.etn .......iD the F~ dnft rqiatratiaD now __ UIipedby loW I»oard 57. This ..... to the ..... to 45 J.....01.... 'IDia week The GroNe PoiDte Rniew priata tM....... inder of ta... onIer D.......... 01 ..... _ whoM JutDIUDeS ~ia with tIae Ieu.r "M" tIarouP tho.. whoM A large Iny eat was runningDlUDeI beain with "0." Thia is tile oficiaI u.t 01 onIer acrosl th. lawn, Pawil1f at a .mallDumisen pnp,and b)' olr.au. of 1ocaI1aoarcI 57. na. 01'» lITa,. animal in the &1'851. Each time!!r DumI.et:a for _rd 57 ~ ...tth tb c:::nb1U" 1:1."1. IIhe cat gently .Ta!,!,~,:!i!~ ::,~~y. ?:!r,Jber'efore, an order to cIetenaiDe tile order in wbiclt you Mathewson, who was watching fromwill M calIecI Wor- the loW Loud, _Inlet 1..... from he yard nut door. saw the Iiuletile order DumMr Dat to 1OUI' ume. ray object tr,. to jump awa,. f«bly.

s Mr, Mathewson walked up to11l13-Miller. William Charlel 12()()4.....()sler,James he scene he discl)vered thai the1I194-~filligan, William 12464-0slledale, Frederick H.11""" 'f'll Alb T lay thin", of the cat was a veryf....-" I s. ut homas lOJ89-Qswald, Robert Heyn -..121l1-Mills. Gordon Charles llS07-Dtlo. Elmu Ferdinand young wild rabbit who was no lull'-I~Milll. William Reuben 11693-0tto. Victor er than a little mouse and who12302-Minlckey. MartIn Arthur 13068-Ouimet, Francis Mitchell tamed to be all head and eyes.12173-Miniler, Jam8'!l Vincent 10505-Qvermyer, aeon Cecil The nut morning Paula Mathew.11851-MinninRer, Frank Matthew 12047-Qwen. Harold Mclennan13112-Miriani, JOieph AloYliul lOJ99-Owens. Ralph Jam.. on brought the rabbit to the kind-12760-Mistek Reuben Wesley rgarten in a shoe box. The teach.10401-Mitchell, Bruce Davidson A I"'er hOSt, VFW r. Miss Loise Jeanne, realized that12100-Mitchell. Hubbard. ~Uf;' C' 't was an extremely difficult task1I075--Mitchell. Joseph Arnold N E-W S 0 raiSi! I wild baby rabbit withoutIZ60Z-Mitchelson, David Earl __l0945--Mizner. Alu. MacKenzie Is mother and away from its en-100000Moceri. Joseph ironment but she procured an eyelI006-Mock. Lawrence EUll'ene .,. NORVIN WYATT dropper and gave him a Aupple-12Oll4-Moeller. Ernest GustavlI4J5--Moenart. Wm. Joseph Next Tues~y. May 26th, has been enwy feeding made from milk10S91-Moesta, Waldemar Chas. let aside by the IDembenhip of owder.I~Moffat, R.obert AlAn For two days and two nights MissI08J6.-Moft'au, Blair Walter AIR'er poat and its ladies' aW<iliary ise Jeanne fed the rabbit every116lS4-Monahan, Frank Milton II Buddy POppy Day. It is the one 0 hour. with the eye dropper andl06I2-Montreal, Emmannel Paul ~y of th* y*'. ~b*n tbe V*t.-alls . f h h f th12195--MontgolDery, L. Ralph • -- ft • - - ach tIme ound t e mOilt 0 e107J2-Moon. Raymond Edell of Foreip Wars askl the general aby open. His home was the AhoeI1057-Moore. Cyril Howard public to contribute to I worthy ox in which he was laken 10 and11919-Moore. John Raymond from school each morning and eve-11607-Moor-. lUlh-r B~ canse. One day When you will be l'

• -.. ning. The third day a dol s nurs-Il96J-Moore, Raymond DodR'e stopped by members of this organi- ing bottle was donated 10 the kind-l080I-Moore, Richard Raymond ution bearing a fri-nelly ._.'1_, al0404-Moore. SIeve Alita • ~ '" ergarten and almost immediately thel177J-Moore. Walter William colli box and a basket of thele bloodl0720-Moore, Willard C. red flowers, Ihe symbol of death and127I55-Moore. William Theodore an eternal faith that met on Flan-l064J-Moorhead. Blair Harold der's fields. The slogan of "Honor-10700-Moran. John William ing the Dead by Remembering the10954-Moran. Joseph Vincentl056S-Moran. Sherman Alexander Living." How? Here's the explana-l06S8-Morang. Elmer Natie tion. That we have enjoyed the con-I:.>43-Morency, Alfred Joseph. tinuolll blessing of freedom; that110l»-Morpn. Franklin E. Sr. those whose sacrifices have made it11l62-Morgan, Franklin Houghton possible should be commemorated,12340-Morgan. John1205&-Morgan, William Bert we look forward to Memorial Day.l0605-Morollse. Anthony It is then that we solemnly placel~Morrill. Daniel our homage on the earth before a12137-Morril1. Leslie Works head .tone Of' on the base of aI0456-Morrison, Cecil Howard granite tomb. And in !JIat and toI227O-Mone. ,aayton Wm. Jr.11802-Morse. William A. them ~ sacred duty is performed1161S-Morton. Robin for uother year. We have paused12769-Molt. Albert and reamnbered. We have thought.12275--Mott. Ernest perhaps, only in terms of the de-l076Z-MOIlsseau. Normaa parted. Those who are legion about12659--Moyaes, Joseph Sylvester us and whose names ruch back12914-Mucke. Frederick Wm.11m-MudRe. 1. aare througb the pages of history andlZS2Z-Muener, Frederick JOHlIh Itand"OUt, for havilll riven their all12324-Muhleck. John Andrew to the nation's Cl1uae. It is the only12637-Muir. William Kar "'y we haTe to uprtss the full10897-Muirhead. Stanley Nelson Dleasure of our devotion to them.l0938-Muirhead, Walter Staaley ,lZ547-Mllrford. John Willetb Our heroie dead. But, ",bat of these11591-Mulkey. William Fletcher living who are legion, too? ThoselI466-Mullaukey. Edward Alfred sightless, hagg ..rd and mangled11640-Mullell. Harold Thomal forms still confined in the veterans ilIL """annIZ569-Mullins, Johnl0603-Munk, Charles Ferdinand hospitals and who were once thel06I9-Mnnroe, DOlIglas Bertram cream of Illen. What of them. Theyl0396-Munsch, Louis A1lgIlSl were just as younR' aad hopeful and117IlO-Murley, Ellsworth Muon heroic, jllst as willing to give their12485-Murphy, Benjamin Edward all, if need be, when their call to11219-Mllrphy, James F. Jr.10734-Murphy, John Charles duty came. Suffice it they returned12208-Murphy, John Rolin 10 be suffering now when they mayl0648-Murphy, Thomas Elija have been with those gone on bc-l0827-Murphy. Willard Ray fore. They carry their torch but12562-Murphy. William ]. IIlJOlJ-Murrax. Joseph Donald graceofu y. Bllt what of their wiveslI58S-Murray, L10l(J! Mervin and children and broken homes, the1182.3--Mu.mansky. Nick hOp'ele~sne5S of the future, the wid-lI445-Myers, Arthur Raymond ows and orphans they leave behind.lIl105-Myers. Clarence all fOr having $'One out to buy and11160-Myers. Gordon Bennett12381-Myers, Vernon William continuing kl pay for these things12952-Nance. Nickolaa Francis we all enjoy. Surely they deservelIi79-Nauman, ArthUT Paul an equal measure of our attention.11575-Needham, Kenneth Nathan It is also ours to pause and remem-11308-Needham. Robert Ernest ber them. Still, we can nOt place a1I1117-Neely, Walter Virllil wreath on their trouhled brows and'10932-Neeme , EmilI0384-Neet. Arthur FrederiCk call it a day. There is more, much12515--Noff. Harold more. What Ihey need is the claspIl646-Neff. Harold Bruce of a helping hand. Yonr hands and1I632-Nei15on. Charles mine. Of COUrseyou could and would13081-1'e;sch. Theodore John Jr. olfer it to them. You eould 11'0 in 'I2365--Nel'on. Alfred Waldean I

I0596-Nelson, Burnham person if you wished and learn thatI2lS39-Nelson, Henry wars do not always end, when the'I1446-Nelson. Peter Emanuel guns are greased and put away. You I118J7-Nelson, William Conrad would .'ant to do a lot of things if iII537-Netzow. Earl Theodore yon knew ~w and when and ~'h" !12288-Neulens. George Marcel ft J

l0498-Newcomb. John Jenness And that is where the Veterans 01 I10978-Newman. John Ernesl Foreign Wars fits in. We know alllI68I-Nev ..man. SiRmond Stanford the answers and with your assist. :12504-Newton. LaVerne. Collins ance "'e wiil continue to carryon,10927-Nlcastro. Vito as we always have. A:ld. what is '


11767A_XiChOIS. Geo. Henry. Jr.I0719-lI:ichols. Walter Bennett our claim hl that distinclion? One13100-~ico1. Man'in }{onl!\'omery has only to visit E.1ton Rapids and11864-Xicolai. Frank Lesl;e. Jr. the VFW nalional home. Pause to115W-Niehauer. Leo J~eph cheek o,'er the lists of boys andI05i4-K,cl,en. "'alter Paul girls we hne seen Ihrough schoo!


11On-~ic1;c::, l\,.:hur Ball12743-Xid.on. Theodore Ol~..er and out into the world as usefUlI0736-Niethus. Henrv and respected citiaens, whose cause10645-l\isperos. Balbina was almost lost, and the faltering

IIZ~\\'ort.in!ler. Orland Eugene men we have helped to their feet117M-Nolan, Micha' [ Franci. again. Those poppies YOU have I

110710-l\(Welzke. Charle. Ambrose bou"ht have hel ....d. for th* m*n I,I 12.~?4-Xujtent. Oli,'er Ed,,-in • r- .,

Iln519-0hold. Charlr~ Tavlor in the hospitals are paid to make12550-0'Connell. Robert 'Emmett thelll for us. The rest of the funds

, 1119!\9-Q'Connor. Alonzo Jo~e1>h go to the home. And now, that theI 12.Vl6-()'ConnOT. John RohertI 11:,<lO-O'Drll, .' u~s:tl< ~!ae Jr. world i. flaming again. that yOll, 11(l,~de1!. ~art;n Edward ha"e dear ones of YOur own who

:2.1~Odtjter. Georjte Juliu! may han t<l(\ and are sharing InT23iJ-Off,cer. Huhert Rllller "hat is and has been. }'our purchase

' I l.'l49-OhI h&\"er. Gernard Julius, 1lZf'l8-0Idani. Haro1d Joseph of poppies lake, greater slgninc-


11OO4-O'Learv, Howard f.mmet ance. You are helping your own for12.:;Q2-Qlek"k. Vincent J<>seph the Veterans 01 Foreign Wars arellRIS-{lTinr. Emi! jlegi"n 10<:l. America's oJ<leH and

1'14~~.-0I<rn, '\Ir"ander "tr,)ngest m,lltary or,;an'z.tion :, I",: 1111¥.-0t,I""<rm, ,~lhen H ..: :21.''>-01, ',a",rn. Joern .I",tus : plr<l),rd to carryon," almost e,'er} -l':-\~i--nl~(ill H;\r\tv R:l ,mi4n f v:flar;rr and t{)\\"i1. 10 give s()'(h~n

i T,',lW1-n'~f.I'C\', Henn \\ .lter Iand loeir fam,I,t< whatHer aid Ihe~'; 1194.'-<),~f ear;" Fre~ I.me' ,c.n. That POPPY )'OU bo}' makes 'I 'Il'~I--()'''r'l, Frank patrick Ipnsslhle. So get \'Otl" on ~!av 2~ I11lli.>--() "ell:, If,H01d ; .me,i l.:'IiL.()'\e,' R";,erf Kenneth Wear it with fl.. f,.';!,!i<' yo:: "ate

+j 112112--1 I ":,1\ I- (""<, '\": ,"n\' Tr ,,1'0 <lone VOur p.rt. thaI you h.";~II!(~)rt"""'..1 ,::," T 11\\1"[ l1('r~('r' 1('lprrl to 'krf"p hur'lInll tIlt" tnr-c'l

I !r~~.24-o,~~Ii, JI" \\'iii:41'1 R\1.1f"\if'lh 1 hlll)()2-0rti. B..\" ,n \\ :,11-,." t lIn,:or !o [I-. \' :ll,. rl\"rnjil m T.I;jnd

2 () \\ er', lirldt - those .','0 ~re Gymsj i~~7=o;~a;~r.'Th~~~~ h'~~:;: I now. I

m Ho~

l0962-McMilIan, F~rrell W.1U36-McMillan, Hugh117<46-McPhail. Carl Joha1167I-McPhail, David1269I-McPharlin, Leo JosephIZ483-McRae, Robert Linden12037-McRoberts, Rollin1l892-McTalfUe, James EdwardIZS52-McVau/Ch. Charles Lukea.s1l4n-Medlin, William Ira1l573-Meech. James Harold:Z;;G-:"icohien'oacner, Geo4 Lh.s.12J47-Meinin,er, Carl GervaceIOS71-Meissncr. John Chas. Jr.12J63-Meldrum, Paul11935--M elmer. Eric OttolZ2JO-Mercader, Miguel Anltel11~5--Mercier. Charles Edwin10445--Merke~ Cbarles Carson1256I-Merle, Frederick William13099-Merrick, Harry JosephlZBO&--Merrill. Harold William1265S-Merritt. Raymond EarlIIJZ.3-.Merritt, Raymond Earl. Jr.12J88-Merriweuher, Wm. Haskell .1109J-Merte. Herman10835-Messner. aarence John1048S-1Iessner. Ernest Louis12735-Meu, Francis Harold1121J-Meulebrouck, Jlllien13071-Meyer. Earl GustaveI~Meyer, Will~m Edward1174J-Meyers. Wilbur Carl

'1215&-Michael. Harry12194-Michael, Russell Dale!l11ll-Michael, William JohnIZZ6ll-Michel, Gilbert L.12329-Michel. Kennelh AdamU041-Michelsen, Andrew John10551-Micnie. James Ernest123I5-Mill:el, Robert JosephllllOl-Mjke~ell. John Paul12918-Miller. Abel LyleI0546-MiIler, Charles Edward107Cl6-Miller, aarence Reinholdl26S8-MiIler, Edward MarkinlZ539-Miller. GeorRellOJ.S-Miller, Gordon GlennI2605--Miller. Harry B.1209!l-MilIer, Hulah Andrewl0930-Miller, Lloyd Gilbert10744-Miller. Lyman Matthew10917-Miller. Norman Charles~Miller, Norman Eugene11598-Mitler. Voll1e,. J.







JACKm up JACKm up

Authentic,NEW STYLESNew Straw Ha. .... tI.at"fI.aM Up• ..,. __ ..

.nt' ~ S- fa-,.Ie ---. ~__ fa a ~ '" ........

The1. L. STONE

$1.95 Up

12350-McOure. Herbert FrederickI2384-McColl8chie, Donald Leslie129S9-McCormick, Tholnal John12196-McCrossen, Herald balact10469-).!cCuLbin. James SlllgietOD1168Z-McDonald, Louis Gear"11953-McDollald. Neil11862-McDoull'all. William1l775--McEachin, Neil StephenI11U-McEldowney, Homer In'ill«12I595-McFaul. Brov Arnold~l~~,~cr cl:;u1 Harold MCMaDul1166S-ldcFern. Leon EclaarI3090-McGrae, John Douglas1184I-McGrath, Edward JosephI2380-McGuire. JamesIlOSl-McHUj'h, William Jam ..13050-McI"'een, Wilfred Reid12095-Mclnerney, Edward JosephII098-McIntosh, St,,~rt Andre ....IIl65-McIntyre. Robert Stewart10933-~icKay. Aaron RaymondI2280-McKay. Joseph Adrian124I3-McKean, Robert Edwin12460-McKechnie. Victor Alex.11234-McKendrick, Harry1226I-McKiel, George ReginaldI2l!56-McIGnley, Charles Richard12997-McKillnoa, Charles Timoth,.11603-McKinnon. john AluanderI2694-McKinzie, Johl!106lW-McLaughlin. Harrv DanielI07'99-McLcan. Edwin GordOllIUI3-Mclennan. Miles Ayrault11017-McManis. John Everett11m-McManus. Francis WID. R.11887-M cMillan, Donald Robert




LEISURE JACKETSNew ~e... in s\)'bng . . . newun,. 61 col6rs. 'ftiese JAeke"t'itril'f' C G m :r 0 r t. appeannce- eervi"". Evt!ry "'on ....-.b..... of Illew,



THIS IS A SPORTSWEAR SEASONAI8lI St.e'. line AD 01 tile Lateat - s-rteat Stylea J

m, Sr Jeor,







~TlNKERlNG WON'T DO IT!y ;. • -....... .- of _It.,,;. •• A.Ild IMInw •- It t\Q a -.. to 'a itl n...•5It, _-- ..., ~ .... it tile '-t ............................ eqail It;. .....


'ROBERTS RADIO SHOPJaIl Eut w at c...nIIe 4ftTU. Z 558 .

...... ..--Fna,. .. ~ tI •. ~ ......II' I


Page 5: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht

" 'Inn




lJM !he Go. '''''lie'' woten.a ........~ for '.IIOfa!>le>, Gas ,_', 1_s...... __ ....... far ~._ln9 0lId b,ailing _ • a. COMIIRft

1UIl-l'k.ce cooil.,. ",""", 011 bet-t>lfco-.liglnint. "'"' 11"' off when cooil."'IIis compl.te. Whe" -"II Itotto" "'"'.....-- cIcIwn 10la_I pclOIi.1e 110_ ..bop boil"lIliore1y. TClk. o~"lIe of01 ,-. Goo l'O"lIe" ... one! """-""'e...,.,.,.,.-.


The Opening of a NewReltaurant S e r v in,Fine Chi n e • e andAmerican FoocL


Irene BurkeEccentric Dancer

Adagio - Novelty Dance ••Tommy Vaughn and His Music

Bob Doering at the Piano

£yeamc DUmen " see to'l ••SSe Full Co...... $1.255suw1a:r DbI .. _

Spec:ial Late Ey..w.. Saac:luServed From 10 P. M. Oa

A man needs three good muls a day. Not justtwo and a snack. His lunch box should eanya nourishing, healthful, strength.building mealevery day.So pack it carefully. Plan the lunches your Vie-tory worker carries with as much thought as yougive to a dinner. Make it a balanced meal, in.cluding something hot, a fresh vegetable or fruitand one of the foods that Grandfather called"the kind that sticks to your ribs".

For lunch box menus and appetizing, healthfulfood su~gestions, call Home Service DepArt-ment, Cherry 3500.

15406 Mack Avenue at Nottin,ham()pen .. P. M. to 4 A. M. - Sunday. 11 A. M. to 4 A. M.

Chin.. and American Cookin&'

Order. to Take Out - TUllecio 1-_0wDecI aDd operated by ClUne. a.ef Lee. fOl'll*'l7 atthe RathakeIJer, Mack at Nottiqhaat.

No Cover.Admiuion-Or Minimum OIarre at Any Time!

15218 E. JeffersonGrosse Pointe Park

Margo Gavin Marge OberonSoprano Blues

It's SMART tobe SEEN at the

Save jor VICTORY these thf'ee waysI. aU\' CAUPULl T-o.t GII"'" goodout Gf "'" food,,..... buy. TGU Gd."".'age of borQaiirq. and tpeCio. \fOh,.....4H'TIe~bw that canned foods ore deli.-.. h..,1lhM, ond _ .. ical. l......, ..... am of lMot hoav. the same-monal ole....." "J COI~y am. • 2.IILAN MO" NUTItnOUI MEAlS-Son. _ falllily ~bl ... _at.....k. eel', Io,sad alld _.010 .. 1Uffi.dent _"~ ....... ", cIcIy. Doft', waite"'odauo food vila .. !no, and 1IIiftoro ...


The Grosse Pointe chapter of theCniversity of Micnigan club willhold its annual Spring frolic, Sat.urday evening, June 6. at tne Uni-I'enity club on East Jefferson ave-nue. The supper dance in Fcbruary....as so popular ",,'ith those who at-tended, that the clab was asked torepeat that kind of a part.

For this party the mu~,~ will befurnished by the Rotunda orchestraunder the direction of M r. Ptr~y.Supptr will be ~en'ed at 11 :.10and....il1 include as before. chIcken pie.shoestring p"latoc" Sprin" salad.dt<5Ctt and coffee. This is all caredfor In the pnce (1i the ticket.

Olle to the 5iu (1f the !Ilpperrooms al1d dance floor. ticket$ can-not be sold to more t!l.&n 100couple$. Tahle re~ations for grouppartie! may he made .,.,;tl>Miss Ber.nlte Moort'. ",'ho ma,' be reache~ at~,a!lara 2000 from '9 to 5 and II ,

1)re'<el 3474 Rfter 1\ p m. T,tht, may Ihe secured from any of the C\fficer'Or !<onrnors n( the dub II well ufrom Mis! Moore.

One "f the j"tert<ti~!l iealure!prol"l<lt~ hy th" Mr'".lra ""',11 he,,'il h.'""ned !~,'Ur ~an(ln!l w,'-, '.ll'\ in.-tructor and cOIll('r.

f'It '" ,:1 n('lt h~ pn'''-f')!f> til "c('ti'~("lr (";1;n('('! r('~(".\'.lt;( ..'\n" a!tt:- Th:l~~'Ii". n ,,:,:. J<lce 4.~" II "ollid he ad\ .q~1r 1<"1 mi'~" ;1'1 f!~r.v a.....~~~~.

Im""l< \l. r:i I~. it:.' 1."'~r ".,d a~ dt"'~,... t(' .l' r '-",I .r, ~f ,<:" " ('10ft: c;~ 'I

I 1 '" \I,i: he t.le ,',::,. :,<! .ct" Ilily t"., )'ru. a"d it is lincerelv,


Stroh'sja.l enee. theyou will alway... y. "111 la II •Stroll' ....

olic viewpoint on any other subject?If '0, addrels:

Catloolic I.. ' ti_ Society '"St. P..... Cln h. M...,. L.a .....321 RiYard, Cro Pointe, MicIa.

Hr:l: .\!c-(l',~n:'

for ,Vl \"car~


PAY NEXT WINTERSummer Prices in Effe...-t


JR. 1-4020National Coaland Coke Co.

01 the :Michigan Calholic, Speaking generally for the com- business according to the deci$ionsMiss Casey is l member of the millee of civic and business lead. of tile polilical group who are In

Prism and !If clubs and active in ers ,n Detroit who drafted lhe pro. control. There are many other posi.chemi$try and athletic affairs at posed constilutional amendment pro. tioll$ in \Vayne county governmentr .." ....~,",'idmg a new form of ,overnment which are far more important than

.... for \Vayne county. 'A'. P. Lovtlt, this one.secretary of the Detroit Citizens Pro ..... A•• w.r to Co_League, and a member of the Citi. "Chid objection by township sup-zen$ committee, takes exception to ervisors bas been raised 011 thestatements made ill The Grone ground that the new plan will elimi.Pointe Review of May 7 with ref. nate direct representation in the newerence to the proposal for which pe. board not only from most of thetitions are being circulated. In a township$ but from such suburbanstatement wrillen for The Review, areas as the Groue Pointe villagesMr. Lovelt said: and cities. At the proper time, lhe

"Although the vote on this ques- proper all$wer to this objection willtion cannot be taken until Kov. J, be made and it will be based on fig.next. we are not surprised that ures and on constitutional provisionstownship supervisors and other "hich are unil'ersally acceptablecounty officiais, outside of Delroit. among unprejudiced officials andfind plenty of things to criticize in students of gOI'ernmenl.the new plan of Wayne county "ft is our contention that thegovernment. \Vhen a county board drafting committee followed theo( 161 members for many years has formula of representation which hasrevealed its futility in transaction of been universally accepted in nalion-county busines~ and any proposal Is al. state and local areas during theoffered for a aew plan with •• maller Ihistory of America. The amendmentboard, it is evident that any plan of is not a piece of legislation but is •so.called reform will rOU$e criticism constitutional provision. Its plan offl'Om people who are in public office representation is fair to all units ofand do not wish to be disturbed or gOvernment in Wayne county, pro-who insist that their own commun. \'ided it is admitted at the beginnilllity shall have direct repruenlation that a board of 161 members isin any new plan that is adopted. many timel too large either for d-

Pro&mto Salarieo ficient public service or for valid"One reason for opposing the representation.

amendment, no doubt. lies in the No SlIboItituta Plaaprovision which prohibits county, "Because population is the prin-dt}., viJIale or township officials cipal (l'Uide in apportioning repre.receiving salaries from .erving on sentation for the new board of 21the proposed charter commission of members, critics contend that other19 members. Of course this means tests, such as property valuationthat no official of Detroit is qua Ii- should have been included. Even iffied to sen'e on the charter com- the objection were granted and rep-mission. Like many other constitu. resentation were to be based on thetional requirements, it is provided volume of taxes paid from a giventhat the job must be done not b}' locality, the result would be a boardpublic officials but by citi2ens and of supervisors having at least 30their representati\'es, b'ecause it is members, becau$e the' total valua-the taxpaying citizen$ who must tion, it is said. in the Grosse Pointebear the real burden of any form area is one' thirtieth of the countyof government. total.

"This may be a good time to dis- "On these and other points Thetinguish between criticisms made by Review article of May i is incom-public officials sometimes called plete in that none of the critics offerpolitician$, who' han their own in- any substitute plan whatever fortere$ts to serve. and the view of in- the new board of supervison. Alldependent citizens, no mailer where Our efforts in this field hue been inthey reside. These latter are the vain. These include recent discus-folks who pay the bills in all units sian meeting, in other parts ofof government and who, as voten, Wayne county. In one of thesehave responsibility for making final meetings most ludicrous sUiiestionsdecisions at the polls. were made for soh'ing the problem

I...iled Oat-eo...ty OpiJUo.. of representation.

"Objection is made because the H_ Detormbse Qaota? GOOD FOODamendment was drafted without "What we would like to hear be-sub m i t tin g its language to out- fore concluding anything as to theCOlllDtyrepresentatives. This state- validity of ,.-iti.cis_ made by out- _ , •• "_ ,_ment simply is not true. \Ve have a COOllty supervisors, 15 thi.; What and a good day's w" -, klist of 20 persons, living in Detroit substitute plan would yOU have lag- orJuburbs and rural areas, "'ho were gested if Y08 had drafted 'tile rurged repeatedly to confer and con- amendment; .....hat would han beensuIt on the whole project as long ago your quota of representation byas last January. Few of them re- population. and what would be your Isponded when the work of drafting recommendation as to the total num.the measure was going on. But we ber of supen'isors to be chosen IS

know numbers of citizens .nd offi- members of the new county board?cials in Wayne county, outside of • ':Since our out-state enemy of cf.Detroit, who not only ",'ere con$ulted nClent county government, Mel Mc-bllt who, after inspecting the pro- Pherson of Kent county, has an-posal in ih final form, pronounced nounced gleefully his decision toit sound, safe and fair to all con- come into Wayne county and helpcerned. Some of these were offi- defeat the new plu, it may be wellcials in local units of government. to hold in reserve some other points

"In this discussion. which calls of discussion until the public hasfor light rather than heat, we hope had time to analyze the amendmentthat time wi! not be ",,'asted Over itself, and the volers have been al-such trivialities as hne been men- lowed the privilege of reachingtioned by some of the rural oppon- their own conclusions regarding the Ienl$ of the amendment. I refer to proposed amendment. Anybody whothe fact that the board 01 super. can read and understand the Eng-visors for some time past has chos- lish language will easily get the an-en its chainnan from among offi- swers to the kind of criticisms whichcials in Detroit. Perhaps that v..a$ a were puhlished in The Review ofmistake in some cases, But no in. May i."formed citizen or official need betold that the chairmanship of the U. of M, Club to Holdboard is mostly an honorary po,i- Annual Sp . F rtion. As a rule. the chairman makes ring ro Ieappointment. and transacts other I Saturday, June 6th

Catholic InformationFather Adam 01' Pape. Proto-


YVONNE ANKLEYMar)'grove. She is chairman of theSentinel ,roup of the college so-dality,

Miu Sullivan, who majored inhome economics, will also receive aMichigan state certificate for teach.ing. She is a member of the SoBheas club of the eol!ege.

Looking ForwardTo This?




If irt'lg-ht rates rise. coalprices may be affected. too.Don't sh;\'er next winter •.

Buy coal now!

Bill & Clay Penrod'.BARBER SHOP211Zll M.dI A .....

Gro-. Poiat. WoocIs,......~_ s.n-. to

s.r.. Yo.a- .wJ,. 7 _ •• p.a. 5at'&7S


Chieken a 1a KingAND----

Chieken SaladAn Now Aa Popalu Ita



Bruno'. Home Made Dreaaiq.MAYONNAISE. THOUSANDISLAND - TARTAa SAUCEFneJlI,M.. E...., Ds, At

BRUNO'SPantryShop1&329E. Warren NI."1

Did you ever. dear Neighbor.imagine that perhaps hundreds ofthousands of years ago. there nest-led in the hollJW of your familytree, Daddy and Mammy Ape? Didyou ever continue your mental wan.derings back some millions of yearsfurther, uutil you ran into a tiny.jelly-like organism which containedthe Srat germ of life in all the

••••••••••••• world? And If you did this. and be-;======~=~;;;;;=;~;;;;====:=;Iieved it to be true, did you not

BABYLAND shudder a bit at the mere thought ofFURNITURE the Daddy of us all?

1031 E. Jel"_ LE,1114 Now I do not know what youBeoII • e..m..- . Strollers

HiP Chain • Pia,. Peu • PW think - nor what my pew-mate in0' AU KIada • BuiDett ... Bath. the Catholic chllfch thinks - ofiaett ... D - To,s' e.- . Evolution; but personally, I much

N ltie .. Ete. prefer to believe in a paradise offlowers and trees and babblingbrools, wherein most happily dweltmy beautiful, God-like first parents,Adam and Eve - <each created bydirect action of God.

Students of Evolution of a cer-tain school, may taUl'h at my nai-veparadise, my Adam of the dust, myEve of the rib, my God of an- crea:..tion, my beloved book of divinerevelations. But to me their laughsounds hollow and forced, for 'Nithall their years of learning, they can-not disprove one word of the Bbilestory of man's creation; nor callthey force lIpon me by the wildeststretchirig of theories, a jelly-likeenigma as my first parent,

"And the Lord God formed manof the .lime of the earth; alldbreathed into his face the breath ofIife"and ~an became a liying sou!."So says the Book of Genesis. Sosays the Catholic church. So say 1,'With all my failh alld intelligence.I am pennitted to believe, if I 50

choose, that God made a .ingle germof life from the slime of the earthand step by step through million.of years evolved higher spedes, un.til a man-like animal ""as arrived at.But if I subscribe to this theory,.1am compelled to believe that Godbreathed • soul into one of theseanimals and thas made l new crea-tion - man.

I lay, the church, permits me tobelieve all this, in so far as the evo-lution of man's body is concerned;but. mind you, I do not have to._~nd so, having free choice, I mostdedsively reject as my first parentsPapa Protoplasm and Mamma Uni-cel!, and clasp to my heart FatherAdam and Mother Eve. And. dearNeighbor - I believe you do, too.

Would )'ou like to ha\'e the Cath.

First Show at 9:30


Peetela or Standard '


Oa the Eat Side

Beverly PrestonGiven Scholarship toCentral Miehigan

Following the fa,t pace set by Yvonne Ankley, daughter of Dr.lut week's allnivernry show"Club and Mrs. Jerome W. Ankley, 646Stevadora again comu up wilh an- Lakepointe; Helen Casey, daugbterother excellent show - Billy Joy of Mr. and Mrs. James Casey, i85with his satire, on the weaker sex, Univenity; and Charlotte Sullivan,aiain takes the honors for comedy 1390 Oxford, daughter of Mr. andfollowed dosc:.ly by Coralie and Kay, Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, will receivethe two so.:iety debutramps, witb their degrees at the annual com.their comedy knockabout, an unusu. mencement exercise.l at hIarYirovcal type of act for two girls 10 be college today, at exercises in thedoing. For novelty. Patine and Rosa colleee auditorium.do their fast tumblin, and acrobatic. The Mines Ankley and Casey willfi:::.hhlj "IT willI Ibm miniature receive B,A, degrees and Miss Sulli.slide for life. Bob Hopkins does his van a bachelor of science degree •impressions of Hollywood stan and Miss Ankley was one of sixsurprises the patrons with his abi!- among a cia!; of 91 araduates toity to mimic almost any staf upon receive class honors for high scho-request. Up to this time the only laslic achievement. She was e.litorrequest that has stumped him is of The Watch Tower. atudent week-Mickey Mouse, Joe Banket plays Iy, during her senior year and hashis trumpet in solo numbeu, but been active in the Romance Langu.good, and does a great job in his age and Ad Press clubs. After grad.musical support of the entire show. uation she will work on the staffEthel Shepherd swings the Hit Pa ••rade. Esthetr DeRoy continues herexcellent chorus work and the rou-tines are as colodul and differentas usual,

M ... t P ...... t - Beverly Pres.ton, Grosse Pointe high school len-Ior, was awarded a scholarship toCentral Michigan College of Educa-tion to beiin in the Fall semester,it was announced today by Dr, E. C.Bcek, chairman of the institution'.scholarship committee.

Several hundred applications forthe 71 scholarships awarded wereexamined by the committee beforefinal announcement of winners wasmade. Mis. Preston will enroll 'atCetral Michigau college on Sept. 28,when the first Fall semester of thecolleae year begins. aasses beginthe foUowing week.

Perfecto. - Chico. or Petit Queen.

truly Smoking Pleasure




GENERAL ALGER, Too!All Clear Havana

Jack~an Ci~ar Mfg.Co.

8715 Harper at Crane S Blocks West of Gratiot7-BIG HEADLINEVAUDEVILLEACTS-7 .

, Completely Air.Coaditioned

East Side's Gayest Play SpotEDDY SHEPHERD PRESENTS




l'Gilera - Fryer.Stew-in. H...

C_l:r7 F...... EOlFow\a D........ F....

WIWe Yo. Wait

NEIGEBAUERPoultry Market

J71Z4 Mull _ U..n.aitJHI. 1144 W. D.U-



Y.., JOU can .. ft! smartly by hariaa' lutaeuoa'. dotbiDl deIUI~ pre .. ec1 and ~We feature the HrYicea of an upert tailor. Callas, now I

a.m..r e.- P..... for J4 Y-.

Square Deal Cleaners and DyersLORNE AYLING, P .......

'IIZZI a-rlnoa LEnos 4ZZSw. 0.. ....()pena. 0- 0.. PI-t

. a.w.r ,"M ... bI tII. AnMd---... b.r. to nuin ..... t.... -w.Judy's CI" AND

TOY SHOP1IS13 Macll .t Lochllloor

LEbo. 57.

Hamilton'.Small AuimaI Ho.pital

• 1SS41 Kercb.Ya1 AftDueDetroit

':~ur5day, May 21, 1942 THE (; R 0 ~ S E POT N T ERE V T E W Pa~e Fi..

~~CI~~E~~~~~~~T~~WC~~~NroRrem~LoVUT~n-I-E-S-T-O--T-H-E-R-E-V-I-E-W-~-=-:-d~-~-:-~:-7-t~-~-:-:-~-:-et-~-~-~-~-~-:-~-~e-~-:~-~-~~=Fast Comedy Pace DEGREES FROM MARYGROVE ARTICLE ON HOME RULE PLAN joyed the previous plrties can ar- aE~eSOtfanhbeurryda,Uslrohnteorf'c:.:~I~~od ~:~

---- rallie to ,et out for this one and ...have one more good old "Michigan" Clifford StanburY, of East Gtalldtime together. Boulevard,



1FotJll.erlv Art Connelly Service)

13113 Kerc:hnalAt I..aIIomnr

StaDdanI Oil Guolia. uuIProclueu


",' .,


:". Groaae Pointe Mothers' club.. Met on MondlY evening, May• .. their anuual meetin, and

: '~ of officers. The offices to"," lied at this time are those of'~ ric:e-pruident, recordinl' aee.,..,.,., tre.lurer .nd aUditor.::. "oIIowina the businm meeting,'''!u Dorothy Bun)'an, of the tn,.~ deparlme .. l of the hiih school... cive a short talk, and Miu R~-.... Rupp ""i11 speak concernin,:0. Itudents' participation In the."'11' Elfol't,"




Page 6: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht











Lenox 6900

.. .


GrONe Pointe, Mich.

Sistb Oarcb of Ouiat.Scieatiat, Detroit

It.,.K_hft'&1 A_S , s--.

11,31 aacI S•• -.S...., ScIIooIF"lI'at Sauioa Itl ....

Seco.cI s--. I I III ...W-...r., E T ",'

MMtiq ~~Re.diq Room ~ ...,..U, to I '_ S...,'I. to .....

I' .








Food Service

SI'B:--CRIBf. rnR ,\ r'RIT.:--;O. TOO!


And Other Editionl.

~irnl to

The Grosse Pointe Review publishes some dozenu, "'Ole C"ri"ian ::;CTence lectures each year;also. each wcek carric~ notices of services inth(' "anou< cll1lrchc< and am' releases from the~foth('r Church 111 Roston To reccive a copy.. ach "'c('k. seno S2 00 now for a year's subscrip-

Choice Meats - PoultryFish - Groceries - Dairy Products

Fresh Froits and Vegetables .-:.~--':"'



14628 East Jefferson

Thil book and other works ofMrs. Eddv, Ind all authorizedChristian Science literature maybe read, borrowed. or Durchasedat an Christian Science Readinl!Rooms.

Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist,Detroit, maintains a ReadingRoom at

604 Six Mile Road, We"st



Getting' Copies of Science Lectures Which are Given inChurches Out~ide Your \"icinity.

Low grade. unmarketable tobacco

can now be processed into paper.

soap, varnish. and fiber board,


J. Harmar ChapterDAR Elects Officers

'IIItI Gnat DIaeftwy

IS .. ~ manp -.tIcIn fr.r one- ... bu rail the Bible elnee chIld-

IIood to COllIe upon an old 8l!ntence-.kIen1.Y iIhun1necI; and yet theIlIt1t wh1dl Christla.n ScIence IJlrow$... the 8c:rlptures dote that very..... renders some famlllar ...~ III Vibrant with new meaningIIIf$ be ean hardly recall ever ha v.

. .. - It before. 'I"be Bible bad" .... for ~ lifetime the beloved da111

-.ptn10l'! ot IlIary Baker Eddy,IIIe DI&coverer and JOounder ofClIIrtatian Belenoe, II'ho d18cemedwtalln Ita P8iflI the areat truth of"'1 reJaUo!lshlp to God. and em.IIIlIdled it, with other fundamentalfMta oj beine, In her book "ScIenceaDII Health with Key to the ScrIp-.... " n Is not hard to undezstandtIda book, wlLlch so lovingly explaln.s-.zI'1 true atatus and identity 18tile aan of God. Such a Iit~e book... CIllatam lID much! But Mtbln It!

- .... III tound all that one can ever~ in conjunction with the Bible, IIaII

: ~ wh1dl our whole religion rests.tWmd hili way back to his Father'! It Is my deep desire ~t each

tt==andhis heritage of Joy. 11 one of 10U may go to his rest to-SCIence today, however, night With a clearer 6ense Ulan ever

es lterns to meet with oppo- befor" or tho truth of Jesus' words,... trum th~ who do not un- "I and my Pather are one." our..-..nd It, what must have been Master made no claim that thl$.. c1tuatlon seventy years ago ",hen oneness applied to him alone. We

... 1ICIIDa!l quietly walked out trom are all the lIOns of God, aU at one--.r the green hills of New Eng- With the same dlrtne Principle, Be-:..... &lid laid down a challenge to cause ~'ou. as man. are the complete.. world? Accepted theories or expression of infinite intelllgence,..,.., t1Jeology. and medicine, WIth you can do whatever you need to do..... ~bonored codes and cus- and can do It perrectly. Mrs. Eddy

..... bad 00 power to deter Mrs, says (SClence and Health, p. 89):-,. God had shown her a more "Mind Is not necessarily dependent--omt ny, and she did not hes1. upon educational processes. It pas_... m say ~ Her own quick reo sesses of ttself all beauty and poetry,... by prayer alone from a serious and the power of expressing them."IIlr*at d1mcuIty of long standing, E\'en the Vi1sest and best man the• weII u the healing later on of world has e\'er tnown attnbuted no...... others through her own pow~r to himself. In fact, Jesus...-u. render1!d her c::onvictlon cer- once said plal'lly: "The Son can dosrt &he bad laid hold of a nothing of himself. but what be

whose Iogu: WILS Incontro- seeth the Father do: for what thingsYet tbe bitter oppoo,tion ",,",ver he !l""th. these also doet..'l t.':e

.~ her dl.o;rovery n.~ sub- Son likev.-ise. For the Father lav-JMIed -. almost ll:credlble to u~ ~tb the Son, and &heweth him alltadaJ. On one OCC8SIon me received thjng~ that htmself deeth: and he-.zymoWl !etten containing threats "'Ill Mew him greater ,..orks than.. IIIow np the hall ",here she WI! theM'. that ye may man'~l"110 ~: but she nev~r Informed Nothing of ourselves! Our text-&:be pollee, nor llOught any human book says <p. 191), "By its own voll-protection. She note tn ODe of her llon, not a blade of grass springs~ to ber Churcl'l (Messagf up. not a spray buds 'lrithln the vale.k 1902, p. 15). "I leaned on God not a I~af unfolds Its fair outllnn,aIllI wu &afe." Those wt!te the da~ not a flower start., from It.' clots-......... ..... ::.. • Ci" ''''l1Ion Se,ent'Sl I terrd cell." No mlltter "'hat talent- to become the C)bject of grneral we J>()5SeS.,<-whethH we 'lrlitl'. sing.~t, 01 nd,cule and perse. piliI' the violin. un a boat. drive a~ Bilt times ha\'e chan!ted car. build a bridge. raise tUlips. cal •... lD most communit,es Chr.st.ar I culate an ecll~e. conduct an orches.IlIInce noli' ~tal1li< upon an &..- tra. or paint a masterpiece-let us..-s IlMl$ of tolerance and respect ne\'er forg~t that our ability I.., dolilt &:be vt'ry cily ..-horo In those firs: the"" thing. comes ~tralght from.-cwt yeal'1 ~he labored <0 lon~ I God. and 1, ours only by n!1ht Of.. 1ovlJl«Iy to pr(SI'nl her l1Teal re!lecl;nn Then 1.< there trer any.... ery. thPrp row "and' a brat:" I PU l',e tor prlde In personal atrom-:Mil ed1l'\OP, ta;Jall,e rl ,epLr,~ fJw p:,.':,mtnt. ror ,'anity or ""if.,m-~ per.som::, a" ~'m(~ ('!"o~d,..r I poi".:mrr') Nn, not ~t one kno'9t.~• ~ty. T.~f\ Mr.:-."'~ C!'":l;!"ch ~ fL"i')ihln~ Sit 8;i. A:boul God' On the~ nrst Ch1,;rc.~ 01 eLr.<', Sc:cn- , ron'raT). the hil'hrr the Ch.-isltanIiII&, In Bo!tJ'lT: Ma,~rr.'.<;-p, 's. 'Q;hl:r I ::',J'll'n~i<:. f;<;r" ~n any Imt 1,1t hu ..III ~y brarr"r' ,,--r~d .~.: r".1n rndcO'or, the mort hllmh)e heIII't.I or t;~t r.\,,17.ed 9.,(I;:ri \\':,~"" h"(,(':T';r,; brrA1L"" ft',fIo m('lrr (')r:\r:tt8' these ch:..:,:""ct.:,.e; f!,':"'(' fr, tx ~(':rG . r:r,,..~ nt' 11"':(;(!'"~1;l;nc !h'" tri1"h or h;(

~ rr..~ I"J( f('I;"'r, ;~, , .. -,.. .. , ',';,;'" .. '{o1q~'T ~ ~'Iln> I Cf.ll 01tl!1sb&n Sc'i:ffl(,,~ r.r~c; ( .~"'r' rr.;n,. 0";1. n .~t;t dr; n()~hm~" ~:\'~rJ~ to pro« the,t 1~.I.l-, b' ihe;: i .1.. ,,,. ,..h0 rae<ed the dead, 'JlJct'OI'tI, .. wen .. Kea41nI Rooma. aald, ''Th~ "ather that dweiJeth 1Il

r....Slo T H EO G R 0 S S EO PO, NT E It E V [ EOW Th .. "",y, lollY 21, ''"I ": •fChristian Science Lecture by Louise Knight Cook, C. S. B....I Uncler the Auopicel of the Fifth Church of ChrUl, Sciehtilt, Detroil, al the Fifth Church Edifice. Whitmore Road at s-.d Boulevard. Tueoday Evening, May 12, 1942 ~~.~l' ... to 'to "'" ........ to -, m•• bo .~" ... _.. ",.., ............ ..",.. .... ~ 1om: U "-b ". "" ""'- -~ "_ ........ to .... ''' .... ' "''1',~. r,,' T -~--. the nec.:! of thO$l who may deelre which 15 cal1e<l "iIlventlon

H15 just there yc may be also." "Where I tottering. the more there will be of God. If SCIENCE DON'T RUIN __

~,. A .&..eClur.. to learn, throuab the author1zed lInding out aometbUlg DOt preyl- am"-In MInd, not In matter; 10 What a remal'kabl~ bit of w1&dom be I1aII .. ftrm CODYict1on that hla """:,.:,. Uterature of our movement, Just ously!mown. Tbe bu.rnan being dOlI S!,lrlt. not In 1lll5h; In Soul, not In rrom a $lD&U peraon at three! For bustness will be a ble6sln8 to many, Y Curtaiaa b "";V;'i' .. what Cbr15!lan &i~nce hI!! t~ ofter. not Invent. ae reflects elloU&h or body. He Willi shOWing them tbat does 1$ not embody • IJ'tt,t truth, and 1$ glv!nl the world aomethlna AND our y '.f.";:,..: the divine mtelJJrenee to dJleern the real man-the only maD there the deep need felt by all 01 WI In It needs, be CllJ3Dot Ioeo Il.Ja bappl. HEALTH Over-Soillq ii.i;' O1ristian Science God some fact wtllch no on~ bllli ever w-Uved whllre he did, wbere we tJmes of strus, when everythicg ellt neae ill It, Ills fa.!th In It, nor bla ~.r,. The BJble says, MRe that cometh seen before, and to apply It to aome all do, you aDd I, and everyon&- Ileem5 to fall? Some of you, per_ IUc:ceea In It. Because of any paaa_ IDdi"'IaaJ EuI ... i...C .........~. Entitled to God Dlust beUeve that be IL. human need.. He does not CODlPQ6e In We eternaL "There III but one 1, haps, may be amu.5lld or lneredu10UJ !nI event be cannot be robbed ot WITH Dr • ....,. L .... deriq 01: a-.n...l ",...-.'"......."'....to.... ..000" m~.. HI ".~.... ~ D,.• " ~. ~- """' ... " ~ """ bo ........ , .Uk.... ........... b, ...." ._ c.u N_ ' __ • 1Z75~'" QriJtian Science:" Ita ueve In God; IIut l.he next and then puts down what be bean. He MInd, aovern1cg all eldstence" (Sc.I- has belped me. when I have MelDed He Ie the muter of clrcumatance. Key to the SCRIPTURES ..-.0.,. equally Important atep Ls to tnow baa of b1mselt no power ot do- enee and Health. p. 588), toued on the ocean of eventa, DOt In C&rr)'1n8' on thla bU6iness be can- BY R II C rtain.~.~: Message of Joy ~c:: ~:id~: ~e ~~ =~'r::t

di~ ~ Ie~ear~ The Dtvllle Va ~0.:eu:: ~ILI~;~: ~~ch1J~~ ::r:~~~~=OUl~~ usse u~ Jt$W '11'&$ the first to call HIm In view or au tb15, II'hat becomes Doell this $elm to anyone like a after all, wanting to go home and may occur. He cannot lO$I hie MARY BAKER EDDY LAUNDRY &: CLEANERS~' ... K8IIIIt ~ Ceek. c S II. "Father.» Chrlstlar. 8eience a!lirma of that cruel Ue oj lim!tatJon called somewhat OOld itatement to lIl&ke? be oomfortecl And how we tai:e Itrenrth. nor get bad: Ills atrecgth. The orillin ..! standard, and onh

;" •. that God also IS "Mother," alnee the an tnIerlority complell:? Why does It Is bold and revolutionary to that heart apln to remember that we ae &1wa11 bad It. He alwaya haa It. 14727 Kucheval Leaos IZ7I~;' .,E-. Ctt7 • .-o.t word "God." or "Elohim,. 10 the any poor, deluded mortal ever rtrue- lense which bioi tor centuries have a hther.Mother 0Cd on whose He can teep I11.s &el1lle ot honaty, Textbook on Christian Sciellc,e <c <C original Hebrew III a plurAl COUlL gle throuah ille with all tbat use- thoU&bt of Itselt u the proverbial love we may depend, the dear Fa. Integrity. ~, bumanity. and Mind-Healinll is oublished in the12 •• - a-. TIIo Fin< a..u <C Our textboo.k: (p. 587> del1ne$ oelty less bai8'age? Just because he 1:1 "worm of t..'le dust," but It Is simple tber~Mother ot us all. who la loot- justlce untouched amid the noise followinll editions''<' GrW. Sdootiot,Io ....... I1.... d- ..b as "PrInciple; Mind; Soul: Spirit; unaware of man's true 6eUhood 18 and natural a.nd lneVltable to thO$l Ing tbrou.:~'00 beyond th05e false' and disb'actlng turmolJ or the

- lJ!e; Truth; Love; all sub6tance; the aon of GOd. who accept It &$ the baslc fact from evidence& or .'l1.st.aJres &lid fallure6 world', mad moneY-mU:1JlAl:. money- Sunday SchOOl Edition. pock.;, -- InteUJgence.. God Ls tncorporea1, wlLlcb to draw their eneuinl con. and mJad1rect.e<l etrom and fruitless 1oviDa, money-worslLlpicg lItruggle et lize, blue or browll cloth 12.-r - PrleDda: eternal. In!ln1te, ehaJlgeless, without clusions. There aometJml$ seema to atnlI&Ies. to behold III ILS we really for pJaee and power.i;: I hope that th15 kleture may beginninc and without end. 6lnot be a so-called bumility .,hlch Ls not are, perfect. s!nlesli, 8talDJeu, held Il4an eltists at the ataIldPOlnt or Library Edition, t10lh ".-~..-a u mUdl to some of yOU ILSa I God 15 ever present. He 15 torever I'ra1a' humility at all, but a 5pw1ous and forever In the tender keeping of coDllCioua rea.l1Zat1on that be Ie the Pocket Editiun with inda tor: GlrtIItiaD 8elenoe lecture once meant guiding. guud1ng, lllld protect1cg OUr Father. GOO. bestows upon ba.selelili thing, the sort ot moclt hu- OIDn1potence. Ia anyone ta.cicg what inevitable lllld unalterable effect marll:inal headinll's. black,~.' ... mel It was a Jong time IliO, the Hili 5plrltuaJ Cl'eatioll, man lllld tile H1$ c:ILIJdren only that 'll'hleb 11; good milJty wtllcb Jeslll never counte- seems like a very arave problem? Q! a Pl'r.tect cause. Hence Ills real blue or browll morocco. UIlI!>.

... CIIle I bad ever heard. I could unlverlle. He 18 tbe one prima.! C&U&e, th nanced for an lnstaJ:lt. True bumll- Go home to your Mother. Turn It IndJvkluaJjty contains no destruc. RO

~ .. IrUp It a1l, but what I did UD- the one ~"""me ..... er. the one and perfect. &lid He ve III Ity Wll$ e~ by our great over to God with lmpUcit COn1ldeDce, !ive element, no d1eiIl'-"- tlU:- Oxford India Bible Daller .....e.;: ......... _~. ..~~..... ..~........~ ricbly all things to enjoy." In an- f __ ........

I;': -- ..... ~ ..... to lIl&ke me presenoe. the one We, re1Iected In other place the Bible Illy*' "It Is Master when he said he could ot just ILS .. ch1Jd mlght get tired 0 tor, 110 element oj d1s.rUption. weat. French and German Trans'1;', - &0 ro heme and do some very multitudinous $ptl'itnal Ideas. He ""' •• Father'a good pJea.aure to &lve b1mse1f do nothicg, and at the same trytne to undo • haM knot In a Dell, nor vulDera1lWty. He Ie a I a t i 0 D I. librarv editions,,. .no. tbtnk1nc._ It Willi no new II impartial. baVltll no favorites, and ,-- will tlme bad dom1nlOD over every form snarl of string, and would turn the complete W1it, complete manUes- .$Z.5I~ I bad otten heard It men- 15not moved by the breath of prala. you the kJ.DCdOm." But bu.rnan and phase oj matter, to the aston- wbole thine over to I11.s parent, tation, Ic1ow1ng DO I1mitation nor cloth .,:: IIioDed. Man1 of 101 tJ1e!IdlI were nor &l pJead1ng, to do more for one ~in~~ ~e ~ b= Ishment of the world for DlneteeD kDO'III'1nr that It would then be boundary. He can.never be dece1Ved,,;' .. b. ! frequently pa6Ied the church cbllcl than for another, a1Dc:e He UIt to jlm centUries. It was th1& very quallty quickly undone, Y1ct1nUzecI, tr1dtecI, nor trapped byk-. wtIIIIDI& tbe eIiIh_ desire to enter. 10Wl! aU aI1ke. and best.oWll upon all .ppear. They 10 come III wblch gIVe b1m I11.s mighty power. any IUbt.le scheme ot mortaJ mind',~:""!lad I DOt taken any Interest "'I. 00'-"'- b''-'''- ILS aometbUlg ~added," because we for he 'Il'&$ ao oontinuously aware IIlvent!on. Hill "'~"t mental ........• .... ~~. .........,., -- were eeeldIlg ftrst the lt1cgdom, be. ....... ...~c;" - -~, All a matter oj tact, I cause we lOVed 0Cd most, and ~ that mortal eelthood coul4 "do DOtb. _ know DO Interruptkln. Hill;.: edD" 1lDtnr. All I knew wu that I '1'NatIDeIIt and all the time. and were wil.U.DI 1ng" that be ceased to th1nIt: about CIIrIaiIaII Ide ... eapltaJ COD&I.ste of the llm1tJeas abun-~,-....., bepn to - that I bad Tu1'nln8 to Spl.."it &0 IUPPl1 our to trust 81m unreservedly to bri.nll it at alL True humlUty la 10 .bo- ... dance of I))lrituaJ Ideaa, upon Wblcb'-. ~ 1llmeth1Ilc, Wtl1ch I neecl8. no matter what the faIae Into our elqlerienee whatever was sorbed In Ustentng to God tilat it A thorouahb' dlseouraged mortal he can continually drew witIJout tear~ u wen have bad, III fact, mater1aJ evidIlme of the d.I1IIcuIty ha All forgeta to talk about ItselL It 11 once went to the omee oj a Chrie- oj their ~ Eaeh spiritualI~--lIS tb1DIe III ille. tre- ID&1 be. II really .. very lI1mple deA. ~t ~ IIIor to can ~ weha~ the Andrew of the Ihental realm, t1an Belence praetltloner for help Idea wlLlcb Ills bUsineu requlzee ..

~ illlpartant and worth n1tion of what III called .. ChrIJt1an II aJready ours. True Pl1'YU 11 the Who lliroulrht b1s brother to thl aD .. bue1nesI problem. He wa.s the ,anstantJy ava1lable the moment be. Otber peopJe had 10uDcI them. Sc:ienee tttalment. It III the prayer ooll&taDt. ooneelouIl reaJ1z.atlon oj Christ, and then slipped away. con. pieture of de8pa1r, For many wear, olI1akea bIa demand upon it. I( eati.

" ... ..., wen free, oun for the talt- of gratetul ackno'II'lediment oj 0Cd'. man'l UDlty with GOd. NSOn, thou tent to be forgotten. Let III nevel' weeIts lllld months be bad been DOt be diverted from Ita coW'&e, mis-i 11& .. the air we breathe and perfeet1oll, and the reaJ1zatlon that art ever with me. lllld all that I have 106e iigbt of the great fllCt that, no loo1dnr vaJ.nJy for employment. ma appropriated. ml8dIrected, mlsIIIed,i ~ we drlnlt. They were au man, In God .. Imap and Iikenesa, 11 111thtne.H Then why try to get It? matter what may be the nature 01 funds were low. His fam1ly was 15Ut. nor mlsappl1ed. It Cannot fall to

Ii.' ADd God WI.bte1 III to have DOt advancing towanl tbla point of ...... _ not JUIt thank God becauee the cillIlcuIty to be overcome, the fertng. He mu.st get a pasitlon. "But reach its lfOa1. nor can It ever fall. becauee He ..... our Palber. perfeet1on, IICII' has be the freedom .. "3 pe.tJent'l real need 1:1 to reaUze ble you can.t, H aatd the Sdentl.st. 'I'be abort ot ita d1J1nely dJrected pur-

.... He Jlmrd ua. and cape.dty to fall abort oj It, but W~~? ~ brings to tired spiritual Identity &$ • part of the man atared at him lIllll5tonlshment. po&e. The lJ'e&te&t material enter.' .II.. teaeh1np ot ChrIatIaIl he II dl tILIe point MID. The bar. humanity a m-.ae of Joy, aDd the d1v111e ''Us.'' That Ls the true prOCH "What do you mean?" be cried. prlsea In all the world, with thetr; .... cnduaDy anto14ed III my mon;y of Ills bemg was never Inter. world hae come to rec:ogn1ae In many IE of salvation. Most of U8 feel, "E'reryone else bas been telling me fabulolll wealth and resources, ean

- ITlIZ*I, I bepn to reaIlIe fered with, impeded, nor Impa1.red, wa- Ita ...... tle tnlnistratlons. It lllld rlChtly. t2lat we may have. that, but I didn't suppose 10U wou1d. never even approach In scope and."... 1bbIp are DOt always u the7 In t.b.InkinI of this, thoee lItIIn- ~. '-'---"h"cmea reun1..... broftn long way to go really to do tIl.Ls, Wb:J can't I get .. POIiition?H "Be. 8l'B!ll!eur thlI buainess at bls, be-,: - to be. A D:lIIn may think he lItructed 10 Christian B..'1eDce may ~:"~orted, broken ~ re- but let DO ODe be d!aeouraged. One eauae man can't 'aet' anything.H Wll$ cause It Is God'. busIn ... and hence:II*Y liI:h, and yet be poor. An- lIOIDetimea c:onfuae the tenlIlI "man" vived. It sees enem1elI tranarormed cannot always see froID day to day the reply. "He already haa all. And the emly bUl5ineeia on earth which Is

.... ..," tI:dnIt he • ftl'7 poor, and "mortal man, H bat tbey are Into fr1enda, c:aJamlt1es turned Into the progre$lI be Is maklng. Because then he went on lovingly to explaill abSolutely UDllmited.-,,-.II ,. be rich. For in5tanoe, mp- IIDt IYDODYlDoua. MaD Is wboJJy blellll1np, 10&& replaced by aomet.hIDg the dally routine aometimes seems I11.s aomewhat startUna statement- Dear fr1encls. tbili hour wlLIch n,t.'9- poor m1Det JfflIla In ~ splritual made In the Image and better. And the world 18 tILIDk1ng dull and monotonoua. that does not ~ because the real man Is the have Ilpellt toaet.ber is aImoIit .. t an-L ~ deep III the - 01 ~ lIkeneae 'of SpIrit. AdJ.m, the BIhIet about It. 1 used to th1nIr: abotlt it, neeessar11y mean that DOthIng 11 1011 of 00cI, an that 18 God'i Is bJs. eDd I think the man 111 the IIIlOW.' JlU'i Of Akaka, abould 1Ud- a1Ilrma, 11 • PI'OduI:t ot the dual; of too. I uaed to aay to myaelt: -Batr being aceornpUahed. The story Is by rilht Of re1lected ~on. To but Is already well on hl8 way. lllld. , 1Ir IllIIIIl lI&nrIp tIr2si of the lP'OUDd, the ob,lec:Wled apres- doeJI the Chrl8tlan Sde.lItIBt auc:. told of an OVmlealolll teaeiler III a the v1s1tor'8 frightened _ be tbe little candle he left beh1ncI on

"'I: • HUlCe. beelIme the heir to aIoD of all \bat ill !lOt OCd'a 1map c:eed, even III l1ttJe. trilling t.h1nga? ChrIstIan SCIence ~y 8cbool, mlCht have seemed alone and for. tbe tablt quite .burn~ out. But he.. iF [ It ill DOt 1Deon- and I1kellSll, a matenal m1nd call. Bow doeta be do it? There muet be who tok! bel' pup1J8 that lIbe hoped 1Otten. Iact!ng aJmost evetyt.hlDg, 'II'1lI ZlOli need 1& any more. far he II....... ~ '" 1_. let UI lnIlblel! N .. mortal" ADd W2mI. (bI a reuon." Perhano one -1 he they would au have something- to a bldreted lUld UDbappy wanderer nOw WBIIdDr tn1rard the Jlcht. andr :f' wIddl .. DlJW h!s by rlPt oj CllnlIiderI all the I1artowlnlr oper1- does It II by II:no1r1D8 that In God'i teU the elaII the fonll1i1llg Sunday III a world of ehacIows, but that it W1D lIhlne on ILls pathway, mort- ...... - m hili natm ClOUD- -- tbrouch wb1eh th1& znonal la IIIbt tI:IIre 1lJ DO !lWe. tr1mng tILIng, about some proof of God'i care dur- taIIe COJltept of h1mself repeated a and more, "unto the perfect cIa.Y.-117 wtdda be left JoIIc lIIOo Paba- ItlPJl(laed to pus in b.I.I earthly pII. because nothlnl 10 human experi_ tng the week. All responded to the tbouaand times in .. t1Jouaand d11fer- So may It be ll:Ith all of us.

.,.... .... ill !lJI for Ule taktn&. 1l"Imalre, it II aureJy pIa1n that llll IlMe III too amaII to be IlOverned by request. and p ve their demonstra- ent ways, would l1ever malte it true. Good ft t...... • he It1II !D bJII hut III tbe all-wile &lid aII-llrriDe ereab could BlI watcb1lll care. OUr reJia10lJ tion.s with more or _ enthUlllaaln. Tbe relationelLlp between God and ........

-,~ ....... bill oae UttJe ft1cbr- Dever be held re&pnrvdble far 10 teaches DB that God Ie our helper That 18. all but one. She l\lIotmJenUJ man 'WI rema.Ined, tD1broken and'.- ....-. UId ck8D't mow a obvlaua a faflure. Be • Indeed Hbom "Be has mercy upon 1IlI, and IUIde! I.n her _t, looklDr ralber lad. lZDtlreaka.ble. So the praetltioner' tL But dclllI tIIal; aJt.er unto trouble, III the IPUb fI1 ap- fmIr1 event of our e&reellSH I'Unlt, "Why, Betty." said the teacher. 1m:lt on to ten bUn Who be really, , lfow. JiK DI alIlPCR tbU wan!. H 'I'broughoat the wbo1e brlel ~._ ...u_ 3) It tbt "haYeD't yOU 1ol1yt.h1ng to tell 111 wu, DOt a dl8llouraged. mortal, but' -- -- UltlIIe III Ida own &ploD of what be calla Ills 11fe, he la of Good by ...... DUU8, p.. too?" The chiJd looked up with maD, an IIldivlduaJ Idea at God, the

. • w2Io baftl Jontl: been trJ'1IlI _ ••".... about, bufI'....... ....n..... Ildentlst Ie Jalowlng escb day that '-ub'-' e""" "No, ma'am." ebe htgbest, tmest, nob'- llre&teat._1lleIIII ........... n..1tU:Ceed III - .. --- ~-... w......,.., the divine K!:Id controll every ac1 wu ~ ,_ _ ..' - -- ~ br'ow-beaten, Intlmldated, tor- of Il.Ja life. DO matter how 1n8Igrrlft. aald. "I haven't r.I11thInc. I tried ~ tbicg tJlat 0Cd ever made •... tile iDfonnatloD thnJulrh. aDd mmted, toaed to and fro by dr- _.__ III bard u I could, but nothlIlg un&ouc:hed by tll&t, d1Icord, or !act. Genet'" Josiah Harmar chapter of.. tIlI!d of hla tDher1taDt:e. All ill ................., a hel~t-. _ .... _.- ClUlt it may -. he tbere/)y...-.-, ha"--" " V......I __ ,__ .._ th

Be hili CIII1Y &0 retlIrn holne, ;--;;;;'J;m ........_...... h1mRU and Ills affaln UDder thl ........ ~ N~ ~Lion.;-u~ ~ the D~ughtet'1 ?f the American.. --II 'om 1IW:' a Jq tbDe Let III retuIe to ....- mortaJ ronnunent of d1Ytne Jaw, lIDlI eon. bu PIt 1$ (!fo _ .., .. p. 1'0. lIeilRnoIatlOD held ita n!glIlar annul'I-lID tIIai 'J'be JI'lr.ther'a -t'. aequentl7 wm do ftatever he IIlledl .&-- • __~ .~_. _"'._. ball: JIItne, 11m I mind', COIlCePtbof ltaelt. III ~ to do, ..t the I'1Iht time lIDlI JD till __ .. DIIIld m let oae 8ln&Ie mfllUn.i-....... eocction of .... !Cerl OR

Jt-.1t. yet 1:; ... all rIah& lllto 10 lD&I1y uman pereo--:: J1Iht way • .No 1teSl. ta.teu \DIllel __ ~~u~ ~~" Sa~" -Yay, .. " at ~ home-'Oi

' ja tile BIJIJe. ".BeJoved," aid ::s,h: ~1l'OIn~ ~ aucb ~~~provl t7nllke little Betty periI.aps we SllId the practitioner,"that does not Mrs.]. Frank McIntosh, on Cherry.~.... ~ ~ "'now are we tile young. rich and poor. rood and bad, tnopportune or e rea bave ha4 tI1JJlp happenicg to lIS 1Jfect; the fact. It 111unalterab1e.~ 'lall'n avenue.r, - .,~. And ~ ~. be- lI1et and weJI, h1ab llZId low. happy ~ reJlec:tin&'nofal1'~. ~~ wh1ch we 'll'OUld be most I1'8tetul m PI:lr _ tlme he audibly declared A dess.rt lunch-all d' - !Ie ...... been th ...........and and m1serab1e. Let III refaee to ~lI _. -U:='"'~' have ruled out of eon.sclousnell. Per. these abl50Jute truthl of Cbr15t1an ~ ~ was serve at•.', ...... JeatDlld theae t truths of - '0- mort&! mind to .,....... DI ettart, no fnIItratlon. ~ uuu t ..... _ U .,,_ b t I JO I

- - ow W -T _ ... _-- -" '''-t reall •• r'" ha- one sub ..... t which Is Ollt ~. lIS we &$ many 0....,.", U :.l~""at h .ll.uUr'a teet. after 1te 0WZl tancy, I1ke spedmena .-.......... ..... .... 1...1lO1V wo ... .... .-~ ..-- In ao d' h t 100klDg tlrith him, DOt apInet; him, and wiI: In the mlndl5 ot lOme jum now Is the _ .h.~~"!.-was no '- a Mrs. James J. Comella, regent,In .. mUIeUIZI. Spirit knows but one a1d I11.s Joumey; IiO be can 10 se. t1JO\I8ht of home. We may feel that ~T ........ " In the be-

cJaai.flcattoo: "'Beloved, now are we ly Ills caJm, qute' In our case it 18 not the place of fore him, nor th1nIdnc of It: but presided at the meeting. Annual re-the 100$ of OCd.

HGod k:mrll'lI III ILS ~ne, ~ atway, ... COlI. peace that it mould be. In 1act, It with the eyll$ of aptl'itual d1soern. ports of officers and committeewe really are, not ILS we seem to be. en... peace. &eem:I 100 hold witbln ita precincts ment he Wll8 _leg throuah and .

KIlny a mort&! has ha4 hill wbole &a1fttiea iIIrRP Bllbt T1l1UbIc much of dlseord and dlasellSlon. But beyond the fa.\ae evldenee of the chairmen were read, The followingutework bllghted because be allowed Bach man and woman In tbt Ilnce we art ISUre that God knows no material se-nses 1oto the realm of new officers were elected: Mrs.ILIm8elt to be labeled by buman world expresses I11.s own t.h1n!dng, such d1storted picture, we may be pure reality. PinalIy be eald. '"What Dv.'ight W. Slater. regent; Mrs.op1n1o.n. ll4any a talent haa IaiIl Bach one, bwna.nly speat1ng. pre- equa111 sure that man cannot know I have told you 18 the truth, my Bdormant because its posseseor did sents the composite picture of what it either. Rome II a right Idea, a friend. H • The two men rose, and the ert Tramble, first vice regent;not know that It WILS& gift straight the pass1ng years have brouaht h1m, I))lritual concept. Man can never vi&tor held out Ills hand. "EKcuse Mrs, Matthew R. Hansen. secondfrom God. our God Is Love. and for good or IlL A buman count&- have anything Jeas than a perfect; me 1t I don't talk.H be aatd "I'll vice regent; Mrs. J, Frank- McIn.WOuld It be Uke Love to live aom.. Dance is not &elLIIIed and llned and home. &:cause It II In Mind. not In lie YOU ap1n. I Just 1I'8Jlt to IlO tosh, chaplain; !.Irs, Oeveland E.tbicg to B1lI dear child. and theD drawn and aged and hardened and matter, it cannot 1acJI: an1 good home and think." A few days laterrefuse him the abWty and the op- Ilharpened by the emotlO!D$ ot J1IBt thing. It does not require an1 par_ he 'II'Illl offered the best pasition he Rossman, recording secretary; Mrsportunity to use It? Let us enter one day. Tbe picture we present tlcula.r person to lIl&ke It complete, bad ever had, wlLIcb he IIt1ll holds. Thomas C Whyte. correspondingour prote..;; lIPinst. an such unjust may be the atlCUDIulated evldence nor can the absence at any par!;icu. In these d1mcuIt clays of IDlreSt secretary; Mrs. Harold D. McMa-decreell. elther for ourselves or for or all that the ODe po6S"sa!ne It Jar person m&lte It Incomplete. To and tnstablllty, with UDlversaJ 'Il'lltldour brOther. BaIl1sh the belief that belleves that he has Uper1enc:ed. adlIIlt the absence ot any good, any. cond1tlone IeeIIIinI to'cba!lIle with bon, treasurer; Mrs. James J. Co-God ever made a limited and c1r- And 1t our faces bear the HLmp of Where, Is paramount to adm1ttlcg almost every rls1ng 5UD, there may mella, registrar; M:rs, Ralph W.cumacribed lhortaJ, fettered by an these tILIcgs, Why should not other that God's universe 15 out of balance. be others Who are also disturbed Perry. historian; ~{rs. Antone G.. u ....lghteolll verdict. Refuse to give parts of the body bear them as well, A bappy home and congenial and over their 1Inancial outloolc. If $0,

it power or presl%:CI. Look away caw;icg resultant physical dilflcul. helpful companionship are undoubt. the Incident Jum related may give Braden, librarian : ~[rs. E. Leofrom ever)' false and entllnglinll' ties? The face Is not the only thlJIll edly right for us all to bave. Until, them reason to feel that the mes. Digby, Mrs. Harold E. Doyle. andmaterial evidence Into the r;plrituaJ upon wlLlch the marks of fear a.nd bClwever. they come Into our exper!_ sat<e of joy wbich Christian ScIence Dr. Nina A. Mangas, members ofrealm where man ever lives, moves, anaer, hate, .tinginesa~ ..d1sh~~ ence through real demonstrat1ol1, it brlDgs may Include the-.n also. &hould the board of directors'i 'and II&s hl8 be1cg. or cruelty may leave oueir -,,;,.... may help .us to bear 10 mind that, tbey appeal to It II1nc:erely and

1IIIpr-, as every ChrIst1an 8eience lUte Jesus, 9I'e have "many brethren.H With an open mind to readjum tl:leirpractltloner knows, Nor is the face and we can find peace lllld Joy 111 buman att'a!.~ The troUble with CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Ithe only part of the body which lov11lg and serving thllDl. and In be- most of us 1& that we have too long CHURCHESbecomll$ chanied and lIDftened and tng loVed and l5It"Ved In return. been aecept1ng the 1mlng conceptmade freab and beautiful, &$ bu- of ourselves, and a false pnm1l;e

man COIl8c:iou.sness rlses lLIgher. and The So-caDe4 Past Inevitably leads to • talse conclu- "Soul alld Body" will be the sub- _'responds to the transformine touch P 'bl th b t son. Instead of mowing the truth ject of the lesson.sermon in allof Truth. The more advanced memo 0llSl Y e remem ranee 0 $Ome about yourself, and your unity Witbhers at the medical profelJllion are experience long past IIIlll heavlly on God. you may have been accepting Christian Science churches through. ibeginning more and more to Itress the heart ot someone, $Ome bitter tbe counterfeit, the opposite. This, out the world on Sunday. ~ray 24 .tbe ej!ect of thought Upon the body. disappointment. some mistake made of course. is what the world 10 gen. .A physician who 15 regwded. and in an hour of stress. sometbicg eral hILS been doing aU down the The golden t~"t (Psalms 42 :11)justly so. &$ one of the ablest and which he IoIll!S to forget, but can- centuries. It knew no other ny is: "Why art thou cast down, 0 mymonOlltcestah~~thlnat thweo,2,n1,:ectI'IIISmtaoretesnot seemh to do so. If there be any untll lira. :Eddy made pla1n the soul? and why arl thou disquieted

~ -.. .. such ere tonight, let him rest &$. teacb1nCl; of Christ Jesus along thispeople than war. "Next to hate," lured that Christian Science Is hne, and placed them In ber book, within me? hope thou in God: for Ihe Is quoted 18 saying. "worry Is tbe bringing to him also Its message of so that all might see and under- shall yet praise him, "ho is themost devastating human emotIon. hope and courage. Did something stand their simple and provable health of my countenance, and myCommon, everyday hale is a thou- In the past try to rob you of your logic, Goo." lsand timel more dangerous to the joy? It 1.., quite possible. Such tb1ngs Siru:e you. &$ man, possess by re. 1hater than to the hatee. It shortens do 5eetn to occur. But ttlere 15 lIecti e attrlbute d uaJjt Amon .. the Bible citations i" thi< Ib "'''''mise of relief from thill hard on very an q y" s _life. reak$ down tbe nervous sys- ,..v of God. these must necessanly be passa'l'e (Psalms 116 :7~8): "Rcturntern, ruins compleXIOns." Dr. WiJ- bondag," Mrs. Ed1y says (The First as et~mal as the Mind from whtChhelm Stell:el. of Vienna, announces Church of Christ. Scientist, and they emanate: $0 yoU can never I~e unto thy rest, 0 my soul: for thethat, In his Opinlon. Jealousy takes Miscellany. p. 12). "We own no past, them. You can never lose anything Lord hath dealt bountifully .....itha larger toll of l1!e than any 50- no future. ",e possess only nou;.- Y t I .tl h Fitcalled fa'-I ""--ase. "Jealousy." '"e It Is ne\'er too late to be happy. au canno o..o;ea pelSl on. nor get tee. or t lOU hast delinred m)' •

.... ""'" ". back a pelSltlOn. You eternally have I f d h •declares, "can readIly be proved to ?Ur rellil12n know:; no such term ILS II; for it ill the place you occupv tn sou rom tat: mme eves ,~r"." fbe Just as destructive as tyPhus or too late. Perhap< the bP.<t Y"l\~ ul\Jne Mmd. Hence It can Jl<ever be Itears. and my fee. from fallmg. Ibi.l:;t~ Every minute of every day, Of your hfe are before you. You may I 'ubJect to ch Ch b ~ C I'bod h t'" h smIle a Ilttle rue'ullv at tha' but It'd . hance. ange,u USID orre alrve passa!1es to be rea <Isome y. somew ere, . .. ..roug .'" epresslon. uman Wl, personal f ". •jealousy, Is talt1ng his Or her own eannot h~lp bemg true. l! you are anlm~ity. nvalry, jealousy. WhIm ',:om the (hn'llan SCIence. lexlbook. I ~afe" kno'll'mg more about God every day Injustice. competItIOn. nor to ,hat I SCIence and Health \\'11 n Kev to 1+

It may be. ho",e\'er. that som~ And in the meantIme. Why lOOk' dlst thi lied th Id sit- I .. _ _ 1/here tomght are struggling ",ith a I bae~? We know "'hat happened to uatl:e;s'~~en:~ I~pend-m~ ~r can. t'e Scnplur.<. hy. ~ruy Baker ~<I.sItuation Which is not ph~-';lcal. but Lot s Wlfe "'hen she looked back. not dISplace yoU from your pelSltion dy. IOclnde the fo,lowlOg (1". 42/)'"'hieh Is nevertheless c&u,m!1 them The Bible, In lIs own charactens!Jc I for It is in God. hence InVUlnerable: I "Life is the law of Soul. even thesome coneem To these al..<o Ct',r1s- )' metaphor. teU, u.~ that she turned unassllllable unaltl'tllble safe and law of lh~ <pirit of Truth and Soul Itlan Science brings a me.';sage of Inm a p,llar of sail. In other words. sure M rtal i d d • t't. c .- • ' ,

joy. There is a way out. The right her joy dlP'd. and she ~e cold Whp~,. t"''''~I'' "l''''~ ...~ .. ~ n~ no~ IS nl!\'('r wlth('H1t ,r", r"i'''''''~~r:~~::;...:. I

an.<;wpr tn .v.~ p!'~tl~::: ~: ~:r~.'::j I :;::~. h~':: ;""'.I)","i,l'O. IS not th~ cannot" atia~k ...lt~v:;i";:~~~t"fi'~d :~ i ~ran's indi'idnal hc;nR can no more! there. just as the right an.'wer to I ~abr'ta of It

OOkmgmournfdUllY ba

1ek to do It harm. nor to cau.-e yO;) fear' <I'e nor rli<aprcar ,n unco,ciousn«< I'ev~"" problem In a chlld's &rlthme. ",'e p~ now I'one an una t('J". d bo' T

" able usele.; and profitJ~"? Noth'n- an a~xd'c;y a ut It. :'Ian ran """I. fr>r h~t~ arc ;",m,'cl If.hc is already worker! out and pnnted 'I ." A~ '''', An o. bu~,ne"" dOf'~ not ha',. to " IIn the baek of the book .• ,'en b<'fore (lellght~ error :-,ore Ihan t~ hav. It.< go to the wall II the owner knows al.lthe chIld 6pens Its C<l\'ers. BUl to memo", perpe,\laled. Dont g1\'e II enOUl'h of hi- onen".' ,.,th God to --- _ --. . I

find that "way out" one mu,t b<'. that muth satl.<ractlOn, . pre"ent ,t; and II new b\l'iness may COLD STORA.GE III:ln. ju,t a~ In a C8-<e of phy"cal . Ju..t h~re I .m remmded of a be ""fc1\' launchPtl. even In thr.o;e 1heahn~. 10 claIm hI., unbrok~n unitv httle lady of three. of Vo'!1om1 once ro-calird tr;-ms: .",1 "~~--rojn t,mes. ON",ith God. Mlln is the perfeel effect r~ad. ...ho k. In'at,"b!~ fond or ,f the O\\Tlcr kilO", cnoul!"h ot h" FUR S , .of a perfect eau<e and con.eqllcntl.~ ;t(me.~ Sh- ilkr< he<l t,-, t~J1 thrm I •.ncnes.< ".;;, Gntl to prolert,t Tf And An w06~" Corm.".. ijpo<."",t. no ~b,l;:\" appo"'linll". "r'tlt. "11n Ih,,' a:l hO\c thc "'mr ! ht ...ork, t:ndtr d1\'lne dlfeC'lOn h,~ Pay for C~nitl. and Glazinrfreedom. or Cdp:lClt;- to '''nr,.,..., an)'- rncllnS(-- A:,o t.~en hr "'cr,t home I bu"n~« ,"n11M come do,,," "nd~r N~"t F.ll 'lhlnl1 unilke thaI c~,,<I' Man'~ ",) to h" mn nrr WI!<1 .n1ma;. or thr alme,<. t:nlver"ll1'.' .erentcd b<'" I

IndiVldual1t\' l. "hld "','ll ehrl" In .11 <ort". 1'''r,< t'cer.', ~.rs. cw,.. I I'cf 01 in<tClmt". uncrr:amt~, or CALL Innd." m that 5eerN pl,rr "hcr< tlrnh."t, ''''0 trnrm,'"" p.'." I hek of op""r.'lmt~ 11'< bu~,ne ...< Tuxedo 2-72;& ; 15121 K h 1Ihe mc<menc Ilrl\11mtnL. nf Ill'crc,. n,ro:'Ch :h ml\<t as(l''':,n~ ,nd ;annn: bf' 'dc;CalNI'- de~'Ned. nnr FOT Pid. Up and D~li ... ,., ere eva<" .• menlal "' -':T<t,rn ean nCHT I ~,rra,h~lakrr~ advcnture.' bllt In 'hr r'cmnral171'(1 Sincr lt j. rcallv Gntl, Trf (1\ h hm1 J('l:.,J.O:; (ill("l' <;:a1c1 f0 hl~ I I"rrl fhr\ ;l ~ ~>') tlmr:r- ..() 1....('Jr b;ic,m('c:.~. f':1,<:' (';-;:n n;>,r' I") i. '(: ,,, I N r.:1:'1:' CI,F, , NTV~n ~ +dI5'('lr;.r\<;, HI th"r hnlir rr r10Hb: 1('::11 I"r-H)'h('..:;l rr .",-,,,,,1' :~ .r";'J~ ~'(' \:(''''r "",.,r!0"-" ~('IGorl In ['W'T\ Ihr"liZ:lt 1"",," r ...11. I"..~ jana unr":",r,;, In Irr ""PH rO<'m : a ,'en ',i',- ;,n r,,-c'e,,", Omll '!1' and art rr".",e and C:" rr 11Or<' 17457 Mack at Neff::lmrmll thr ~~nH"TlnR tr.1:r;ow~: "1.,(1 I ....(1;'., ~n''i'X1:-';):-' \VIm., ~!lr;r l.l:: ~ Ronn Ac:;p:rA~10n t.h::l° hp ~'1;; arr.,(i"~ IMt your heart be lrr,"b:ed .... ] I hnrr:f,e,j ur:.matlOn, "Yr:] mra' ferl it l' &.< l~ he Jli<t ~lOOd MI~~ I "Th. Qu.lit .. Tit_I Coanto" i10 t~ pr~pare a place for you." And he d:dn't go hor.,e to his mother?' and watch~d rllv1ne Prlnelole carrv . -..!I .~ , , " •

Page 7: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht

We're poIrtt Upetbl We bowwhat makes a qvaf'rty paW.... ._W. t.atute R.ogefs POirttf'rocI..:l .» )Udli :";/:"'j.',rot ..... BITS .-, ...<!C~1!>..



$,. .... I

.;... _. _"'bgen .... bMutv ••• -pra-"'tedion •••and valUer ~a 7~ old COlICML and'fuf IOIting colors. Ieoutifyprottcf ~wiItl ROgersI

Larre.t Pet St.ock iaGroNe Pomte

Pay U. A Vuit .so. _

Maskell'.Hardware & Paint


Im4 Mack Tuxedo Z-1781f. Two B~ Eat '" c.&.a . ~.



NEWHardware Store

Francis A. Beaupre,Village Alsessor

Pa~e Seve~

able by a fine not to exceed $100.00.or by imprisonment in the Villageor County jail for a term not to ex.ceed ninty days, or both such fineand imprisonment may be imposedin the discrction of the court. Forel'ery day that a violation of thisordinance shall be permitted to ex-ist. the same shall constitute a sep-arate and di,tinct offense, and shallbe so punishable.

Sectioa 3. All ordinances or partsof ordinances inconsistent with theprovisions of this ordinance arehereby expressly repealed.

Sectioa 4. This ordinance s halltake effect twenty days from thedate of its enactment.

St. Matthews WomenFete Retiring RulersAt Banquet Tonight

Members of St. ~[allhew's Worn •en's club will hold their annual ban-quet Thursday evening. ~[ay 21, at7 o'clock at the Whillier hotel.With past officers of 1940-41 as hos.tesses. These officers are: Mn. Wil.liam Mader. past president; Mrs.Roy Gies, past vice.president; Mrs .Harry R)'an, past secretary, andMrs. Louis Jensen, past treasurer

Following the banquet a two-actprogram will be gh'en. The fint partwill include a piano solo by :'[rs,Charles Stoll. and vocal solos byMrs. Frank Szekiel and Mu. J. F.Murphy, followed by <:ommunitysinging •

The second part will future aplaylet, "When Mom Was a Girl,"'with the fonowing cast: Master ofceremonies, Mrs. Paul F. McNaUy:accompanist. Mrs. Louise Hoffman:girls, Mesdames G«lrge Herbert,Arthur DuBeau, H. Morisette,George Peters, V. C. Pontillo,George Skuns, H. Ryan, and ArthurYoung; boys. Me.dames B. Fix, N.Schneider. C. Kading. H. Kuhn. T.Stodola, and T. Corbett; schoolboard, Mesdames J. Quirk. WilliamMader, A. J. Burg, T. T. Jones. G.H. Quinn, and F. J. Kelsh.

Guests of honor will be the fol-lowing officers, who are completingtheir terms: Mrs. John Quirk, prai.dent; Mr!. Louise Hoffman, vice-president; Mrs. Arthur DaBeau,secretary; and Mrs. Arthur YOUDg,treasarer.

Election of officers for the 1942.4J .caSon will take place Mondayevening, June I, at the hall at Harp-er and Buckingham.

An eveaing card party is plannedfor June 4 at the hall with )In.]. Wil1i.un Baker as l:hafrmall.. Theparty will start at 8 p.m,

9:"5 a.m. Sunday .chool. JohnWyllie. superintendent.

11 :00 a.m. ),(orning service. Dedi-cation of service flag and patrioticmusic. Sermon: "The Peace WeAre Planuing For."

6 :15 p.m. Youth groups.7:30 p.m. E\'ening service. Speak-

er: The Rev. Earl Mc .....llister. sur.vivor 01 t.he Zam Zam sinking.

Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Midweekservice. ~frs. Lora B. Whitney ofBenton Harbor, president of the



Dated May 19, 1942

An Ordinance

T•• ViU••• of Cro ... Poiale W .....Or-daia.:

5 ... tio. I. The use of water sup-plied by the Village of GrossePoinle Woods water system be.tween the hours of 4:00 P.M. and8:00 P.M. ustern Standard Time(5:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. usternWar Time) during the months ofJune, July, August and Seplember,shaU be restricted to ordinaryhousehold, sanitary or commrr ..;oluses and the use of such wa ter forsprinkling or watering la",'ns, gard-ens or other similar or like purposeis hereby prohibited during suchrestrictive period.

Sectio. Z. Any person. firm orcorporation, its, his, her or theiragents or employees, who shall vio-IUe or assist in the violation of theprovisions of this ordinance, shallbe punishable by a fine not to ex.ceed $100.00, or by imprisonment inthe Village or County jail for aterm n"t to exceed ninety days. orboth such fine and imprisonmentmay be imposed in the discretion ofthe court. For every day that a vio.lation of this ordinance shall bepermitted to exist. the lame shallconstitute a separate and distinct.offense, and shall be so punishable.

Sectioe 3. All 0 r din a n c e s Or

parts of ordinances inconsistent withthe pro,'isions of this ordinaace arehereby expressly repealed.

Sectio. of. T his ordinance shalltake effect twenty days from thedate of its enaetment.

To Amead Ordinanee No. 31Entitled "An Ordina.ace toPro'ride for the Storqe, Col.lectioa and Diapoul of Garb-ace and Refue in the ViIIqeof Groue Pomte Wood ....EDacted 011 the 11th da, ofSept ....... 1HL

An Ordinance

Notice ofAssessment

Village of Grosse Pointe Farms,Wayne County, Michigan

Thursday, June 4, 1942,Friday, June 5, 1942, and

Saturday, June 6, 1942at the Village Hall, 90 Kerby Road, Grolse Pointe Farms, Michi-gan. from 9 A. M, to 5 P. M. each day.

All those deeming themselves aggrieved by said 8Ilellmentmay then be heard.

The A.seslment Roll for the Village of Grone Pointe Farms,Wayne County, Michigan, for the year 1942 having been com.piled, a Meeting for the purpo.e of Reviewing of same by theBoard of Review will be held on

To Ratriet the UM of WaterSupplied by the Villar. ofCroue Pointe Wood. Water5y.teas D u r in r SpecifiedHour. of the Day. and toProvide the Pena1tie. for theViolation Thereof.

n.. ViDqa of e- Paiate W.....o..Ialaa:SeelioB J. That Section 8 01 Or-

dinance No. 39, being entitled "AnOrdinance to Provide for the Stor-age. Collection and Disposal of Gar.bage and Refuse in the Village ofGrosse Pointe Woods: enacted 011the 18th day of September, 1941, Deamended to read as follows:

Sectioa L Coutainers in w h i c bi'arbage and refuse shall be deposit_ed. shall be in such condition J() asto prevent the contents thereoffrom being strewn about in thehandling and collection thereof,Provided, that no container havinga capacity of more than 20 ullons,shall be used for the depositing ofgarbage, refuse and ashes.

See ..... Z. Any person, firm or cor-poration, its, his, her or their agenhor emplo)'es. who shall \'iolate or as-sist in the violation of the provisionsof this ordinance. shall be punish.


Local Scouting's most recent ad.dition to the military services of ournation was the call of Edward Wells.Scoulmaster of Detroit Troop 29.

Wells was commilsioned as cap.tain in a motor transport divisionand ordered to report to Camp Leefor duty immediately. He was em-ployed with the 0 Ids - Cad i11a cbranch of General Moton sincecoming to Delroit shortly afterWorld War I. He has been inter-ested in boys work for over 2.2years and became Scoutmaster ofTroop 29 10 years ago. During hisScoutlOg career he berved as a vol-unteer leader not only in his owntroop but as swimming and life sav.ing instructor in various schoolpool<.

At the Detroit area Scout coun-cil's annual me~ting in 1941, \Vellswas honored by the award of thesilver beal'er, a national Scoul hon-or for his outstanding sen'ices toboyhood. He recehed his eaglebadge in May 1935.

Attention! Gro'lePointe BuRnea Men'sLeague Bowler.

Captain Well, is the loath localScout leader, (according to localcouncil record) to be called to ac.tive service since Pearl Harbor.Scouting's ranks of lea.dership havebeen seriously d~pleted by enlist-ments but most sponsoring institu.tions such as churches and schools.have met the difficulty by recruitingprospective leaders from bigher agebrad'ets ...... 5 was the case in 1917and 1918, Scout membership is onthe increase because many boys arefinding a,'enues of p"blic servicethrough the Scouting program suchas slavage collecting, "ictory gard.ening, food conservatioa programs,war bond sales promotion, and OCDmessenger service.

Brl ...... Laacloeoa

St. Ambrose Altar society willsponsor a bridge-luncheon in \ theparish hall, Maryland and Hamptonavenue, Thursday. May 28.

Luncheon will be neved from11 :JO until I :30. Cards from 2 until 4.



Refrigerator"SERVICEE1eetric Motor R......

DUNCAN &: Mac:NICOL1..,a.uIeftbl .t W.,..NIa.b, hMlin AI HoIWa,.

TR. 2.....

TUucIo 1-1151

PaiDtin.. uacI P.perbu,mrE.iliaat .. F....

Ward DecoratorArliDatoa %155


Stricti, F.-I. E•••P....., Dnuod mo. V W~

LE. _3 IAU E. enoa- --


W .. bm. Mae.ftl,.., VlIC1iIum CIeo.a.- .. lroun. Floor Lam,. &lid U,.ISockets, R.paired .ad Scniced.

NiAGARA zt'4

E."_.t~R. R. FeueU, Minister

10:00 a.m. Worship service, ser.mon theme. ~Aldergate, \Vbat IsIt?~ followed at 11 :15' by classesfor intermediates. young people andadults. A well equipped nursery ua-der competent leadership is openduring both these sen'ices.

to:OO a.m. Church school for be-ginner, primary and junior depart-menh, closing at the same time asthe older classes,

7:00 p.m. Youtb fellowship meet-ing.

If you do not attend any othereburch regularly, you are eordiaUyinvited to worship with 1lS.






FIVE-ROOM - Lower, side driveS'garaRe, adults or one girl. 125

Maryland. Murrav 74.58. _

WANTED-Real Ut&t.WIDOW-Will pay cash for m~-

ern sinale or income. Eut SideMurray 7058.


Bell & Howell camera. Must beturret head model. Must be in goodcondition. Priced riRht for cash.Write Box V. coo Grosse Pointe Re-view. 15121 Kercheval Avenue,Grosse Pointe Park. Mich.

OFFICE DESKS-Or desks of anykind for cash. Call Cherry 2818.

BOY SCOUT-Uniform. size 12 or14. Niagara 5078.


GROSSE POINTE-NurstT)' schoolLakepointe at Kerebeval illnoun-

ees all day seuion for l:hildren Z7Sto 6, Transportation. Nl. 0861_.__

LA WNMOWEIS - S........ aaclM.iu..... 7Sc ... e.-.. Pola,-

Bic,da Sb.... 8m F...... M,...Mad.;, __ ." ....,. ...... T....1-4231. Opaw E~ _'t.iI ~ _


WINDOW - And wall cleaning,Screens and- awning, hunl!'. Win-

do",'s Be aed up. Walls $3.50 per~m~~exel 7463.

Pailttiq aDd DeeoratiD ..COMPLETE - Decoratinlr .ervice.

Guannteed ""orkmanship and ma-terial (plus 30 years experience).Estimates free. Have vour workdone now. FHA time payment ifdesired. Wm. Loader. TU. 2.7143

A-I IN T E RIO R - And exteriordecorating. PaperhanginR' a spe-

cialty. \Vorkmanship and materialabsolutelv Ruaranteed. Estimatesand reasonable prices. Hawley. NL1160.

FOR QUALITY GRADING _ And.u.::.Jinl< call Ever-Green land-

scape Co. For free estimates phoneTuxedo 2-4693.

A COMPLETE-Landscaping planlaid out for your JIlTounds alone

with each Illant aamed and located.InclUded are rose ll'ardens. perennialbeds. rock: Rarden. pool as desired.Fitted particularly for the homeowner to complete on several 'years'time. Expert advice on all landscapeand lawn prablems. An expensivelaucU«Pe service at a low Price. Feefor averalt'e small lot $10.00. Tea llercent discount on all nursery .tock.Helen Yearalel' l.&ndscalle Service.CA. 2242.

ELECTRICIAN - Licensed. Workmyself. \Virinjr and repairs, fans.

floor lamps. motors. switches, step.saver hot waler controls. wall plugs,Vacuum cleaner let\'ice. Prompt andreliable. Call any time. Plaza 9527.

A~Y AMOUNT - 'Any eondition.any style. Top dollar paid. AI'.

l!ic}'c1e Shop. Kerchenl near Chal-mers. Lenox 8042.

REBUILT BICYCLES _ All newequipmenl. XEW TIRES. New

bicycle Iruarantee. See AI. AI's Bi.cycle Shop. Kercheval near Chalm.ers. Lenox 8042.

WOVE~ 01\K - Bicycle baskets.The latest Hollywood fad. Only

$1.98...... I's Bicycle Shop. Kerchevalnear Chalmers. Lenox 8042.

There will be a meeting Thursdayevening (tonight), May 21. at 9 atPrize Winning Grade the home of H. Heintzelman. 10mBeaconsfield avenue, for the pur-Separation Assures pOse of deciding where we will bowl

Pedestrian' Safety next season. discussion of finances,the election of officers, etc-

- _. ' -' AD bowlers are urged to attendWaYlle coanty'S modern new Pel- this important meeting and take a

ham road grade separation at the part in the discussions. If for aay\Vabash railroad, north of 'Ecorse reason. any bowler is unable to beroad in Allen Park, has been award- present, please call Mr. Heintzelmaned honorable mention in class C in at Arlington 4727.the fourteenth annual bridge a\\'ard If any learn is not represented orcompetition of the American Insti. if you fail to call it will be assumedtute of Steel Construction, Inc.. that the team dos not wish to par-held recently in New York, for ticipate in the league during thestructures built during 1941. 1942--435eason.

News of the award was receivedtoday by Harry A. Shuptrine. Mn. J. M. Motae:hall Huclabridge engineer for the Wayae Domiuic:aa Mothen lor '42county road commission, builder of

the prize winning bridge. Only one Mrs. J. M. Motschall was electedother award was made in this class, president of the Dominican highwhich included all bridges in the school Mothers' club for the )'urcoontr)" costing less than $250,000. 1942--43. Other officers are: Mrs.

Completed in March, 1941, by the Rose Craig, recording secretary;Wayne County road commission. the Mrs. C. J, Davitt. correspondingPelham road separation was built at secretary: ~rrs. T. J. Stedola, finan-a cost of only $125.000. The bridge cial secretary; Mrs. J. Marshall,is a 70-foot single 5pan Over the treasurer; Mrs. E. C. Huebner.new 42.foot concrete pavement on alumni vice.president; Mrs. 1- H.Pelham road and six-foot sidewalks Charbonneau. senior vice.presid~nt;on each side. or modern. yet simple, Mrs. E. J. Lynch. junior vice-presi.design. the bridge features smoothly dent; and Mrs. S. S. Rees, sopho.symmetrical abulments and the deck more yice-president. A freshmanof the bridge was constructed of vice-president ,,'ill be elected in the1\'elded steel plates, a method hith- Fall.

erto unused in this area. The follo",'ing committee ehair.Of particular interest is the I,"U- men h3\'e been appointed: Mrs. F.

sual number of new homes adjacent Lowe, program; Mrs. A. Padelt.to the bridge. At the lime construc- m~mbership; Mrs. Joseph Wagner.tion started, the surrounding terri- reception; Mrs. O. Vanootteghen,tory was largely barren fields. To- hOuse comrnillee; ~rrs. W. E. Moe-day. the area is built up with new sta. ways and means; and Mrs. P.homes. F. Mc:\allr, publicity and printing.

This development is typical ofthat which the Wayne Counly road FAITH Lln"HERAN

BICYCLE-And TriCYcle repairing commission is planning for other 10- CHURCHAn ""ork ,!(Ilaranteed 100'7,. For a cations in Wayne counly. The Pel. wt JeIF_ .ac1 P.iIip

Hal firsl ria" repair iob - See AI's ham road grade separation wa. se. Rev. R. 0, UKHA RT. Pas lorRicyclr Shop. K.rcheval near Chal. lected for construction only after Rev. G. HEIDMAXN. Assistantme". Leno" 8042.• careful sludy and "hen the build- Divine service, 10 :45 a.m.: ChurchWanted! 100 Bicvcles jng boom in lhe neig!:borl1ood "'as Ischool. 9:iS a.m. .

J forcscen. Corre(1ion of the unsafe Pentecost Sunda.,' will marie theAn, Conditioa - Any SIZ. railroad p:rade crossing has elimi-I confirmation of a class of 30 adult!We Will Pay Hiab Dollar nated a dangerous hazard 10 child I as well as the reception of a group

and adult pedestrians allke in that by letter of trans icr. The sacramentBicycle Pickup & Delivery wide side" alks are provided he. of holy communion "jll be admin-

Have Your ncalh the bridge. TillS brld!!e aho istcred at holh services which takeB' I 0 h led "ill undoubtcdly sHe many 11I'esin 1"Iue at 7:45 and 10:45 a,m.lCye ever au future years hy rcmolin,l( Ihe 1'05';- Parenls' ni'!:lt ",in he he:d hy the IAnd Repainted Like bllity of automob,le coJh~ions With memher< of the Junior Luther!speeding trains. Leagur Sunday e\'CninR. Fellowsh,p iNew .... $6.95 I""ch .t 1\'30. followed by. variel)' i

~" Sorneta, " a.III. to 3 p..... DAR TO ELECT OFFFICER5 "i !;>eeial mmical numbers from i

- - mrmber< of lhe grOllp and j[roup IGrosse Pointe Gener.l J o~ial, Harmar ~hapter of I s1R,~injr,All confirmen younR people

DIC'ycle CO, thr l)AR will hold it, annual meet. ; unrier 17 and their parents cordiallrinll' 2nd election of officer! 5at"r. Iln\'ilcd.

BILL FARBER. MV ri.y. }'hy 11\.• t I,e homr of Mr<. i

M.ck, Comer Maryland l)w,ght T. Randall, On Rhode }'lr .• nd },{r<. ~orman L. Hohh' I_____ TU__ ,_2_._423G _ _ Island. .nri hrr da"g,lrr Sheila left la<l I

T ING The prop:r2m "ill conlin of reo I "eek for a ,'j,it "'It!> Mr )fohh,',OLD CLO H port, of d.lc".les who at:ended the i p>rrnt.. \fro ~n~ !-lr<. '!rrm~n,

WANTED - Continental ConC!'rc'< in Chicago J !lohh •. "f 5,1<'er Spring, Md. Th.~ iand the repNU of "n,crr, .nn com. Iplan to '!n 0' tn R"!lmond. Va. Mr

, High,q N','" p,'d fM men', '11':' millee ch.,rm.n },!" .r.mr' J Co-' .nd }'f" H"h', rreer,::" 1'r.o'cd, .nd ,hor,. T,I."',,,nr ;a'; "'.ii ~r;','! Imcll •. regenl. "ill pre',dc Tu ...,11' (rom Ken""!!lon r"ad to their nc" II'" 10 """ 1mmed"lc,!,. Telepnor.e b d f 11 .. th • I g Ihom. on Al'ard road ITYler 4.362.\. e .erve 0 0'" .ng e m~e In . ~ • •
















SIX - ROO~-House, furnished orwill share with responsihle couple

Garage, larRe yard. Call Niaiar533,


er wal'er and manicurist. Fivdays. Salarv and commission. Tuxedo 2-9330. 18020 Mack: Ave~

BEAUTY OPERATOR - Stea~position. Good salar." Applv Rei

Beautv Salon. 16117 Mack near Bedford Tuxedo Z-7070.

WHITE II{AlD - For five roomapartment. No cookinjr or ....ash

in,l(, two adults. Hours 11 a.m. t.op.m. \Vrite Box P, c-o Grosse POlnReview 15121 Kercheval AvenuGrosse 'Pointe Park. Mich.

GIRL-For ,l(eneral housework. NeookinR. Home nig~ts, Mr

Charles F. Lambert, 166 Ridge RoaKiallara 2884.

GIRL O~ L.....DY-Who can ans,..phone intelligently and wait .on

trade for branch dry cleaningoffice. Apply Imperial Oeaners.15326 Mack .....venue.


LOST-Near St, Paul's church, blueCadillac tire guard. Call Tuxedo


Situationa W_ted-FemaleRELIABLE COLORED GIRL-

\Vishes general, light laundry. a ••sist c""king. Likes children. Days.weeks or part-time. Fitzro~ ~-=--MIDDLE.AGED - Woman will

take charge of home while pat-ents are awav or will take eare ofinfant while mother is workinlf.Home nixhts. Available July I. Vic-inity of Grone Pointe. Call after8 p.m. Niagara 1780.

FOR SALE-AutomobileaPACKARD SEDAN - Eight cylin-

ders. Model 120.C. Six excellenttires. Low mileall'e. $500 cash. NI.1149.

CHEVROLET, 1941 - Special clnbcoupe. Five Hood tires. 136J Way-

b12nl, evenings.

FOR SALE-Lake FnlDtapACREAGE-On MuUet Lake. 2!iO

miles from Detroit. Sand beach,heavily timbered. Flowing wells,

low taxes, terms. Owner. Niagara0056.

• I


















Without Dir~Call Niagara 9709

A. J. KretschPlumbing, Roofing

And Heating Service



EASY. MAYTAGNI. 6872Nullo Elec. Ser. Co.


Steel, for .. m:Mae;J'Picket. for baatyW"1Nt for« _,

Mat __ or Enctioaa..... u. P... Se.I_ w ..... P_. _ R--w.

WIll,ENBACHER FENCE CO.1t413 Harper EIbWilbed I'" PLua. ..


....ve1'hoM LeaIu, £an.trout'" aDd Roof Repaired !

, GRADY ROOFING COMPANY~15132Mack Comer LUepoiate TV. 2--5&31

Call u. for F... Ea ...

Broedell Plumbing and HeatingCOMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE

TV. 2.3737.38 20752 MackCROSSE PO[NTE WOODS

.:~: •

',SMRSUCKER SUITS-For bo:.'sad 1Pr1s. slacks and shorts. Best' 'als. Tailored by Klad-Ezee.

nably priced. Call NiagaraSales person will show them

Do obligali"n to ,au.

~~~ftursday. May 21. 19:..4:..:2 T-H-E--G R 0 SSE

"GROSSE POINTE REVIEVf' LINERS FOR RENT-RMOI't.__ :; :,::a:..,JIU 1S1:£.t=':~Leader of Troop 29.--- ------------ RAND NEW-Modern COllage on G, MADER Enters Armed Service. ,•....-.-...- -- - RENT-R Mullett Lake, 250 miles from De-

POll SALE-Miacellaaeoua _ FOR GOlD oit. Sand beach, large lot. private, CIOssE POINTE,~ 1 WO LARGE - -A-irv--unfurni.shefl r will seU on terms. Owner. NI. CABINET SHOP~HINIUM - Hybrids, COum. d 0056. R_-"-o:..-- 01 , ... , .... hIN'~ • d'" t.rb r~ rooms. Workin~ couple or WI Ow _:;' . • lIa an t e .•a ISIes, ca n. u, ~ S663 ..... to ...-....-4., .ty" .. -'"

". in separale colon. Musl ~e referred. Call Tuxedo.!:-.._.__ WANTED-To Reat l_oMIl

... R......... R"DU~.•~... 'to be ap?reciated. Also boat In ROSSE POI!l:'TE WOODS-Pri- _ _

c:o.adition. 591 St. Clair. TU vale famil)', reasonable. Tuxed(,) NCOME _ Or apartment, four orfive rooms unfurnished. Cross ven.

-1962_. '"'"'"::::- lation. Heated, refrigeration. stoveUNIVERSITY PLACE. 912 - Nice Two adults, $45 to $50. Murrav 0827

larll:e room in private home. Good Mrs. Burrows.ransportation. -:- THREE-Responsible business men

PLEASANT - Front room. radio want colta,l(e within 15 mil~s ofin private family. No other r~m. Detroit. June, July and August:

rs. Garajre optional. At all bus hnes hree bedrooms and kitchen: walk-Kercheval-Ashland. Call a£ter ... Nl nil' distance to bus line. Reasonable4807, Cherry 9000. Mr. DeVito.

FIVE OR SIX-ROOM HOUSE .....Or income bv middle.agea ~ouple

Niajrara 3655.


EE - BEDROOM - Brick,Qs:osse Pointe Farms. Fenced in

~~. $8,000. Substantial downi' Jayment. $SS ~r month eovers' . en;rything. Call Tuxedo Z-8.127.

GAINS GALORE-Semnl{ outpets, rURS. linoleum, desks

'u. tables. odd sized window• -e •• venetian blinds, curt~in rods

hinR' ROes - includlRlI ouris1Iaks, The Carpet Shop. 426 ustJ.euon Avenue.

PiEE AND CLEAR-Lot. 50,.150ft. Citv water, Ras and Iill'ht. St

Clair Shores- Ten and a Half Il!ile-.. Jefferson, lake and schools. NlIM?NINE-PIECE - MahoRany dining

rOOm suite. Hepplewhile design175. Call Tuxedo 2-0212.

PRIVATE- Home selling antiqu.-Iars. china, tall red satinglas

1aiItP. desk, large dropleaf table. 345Yprkshire.

DELPHlXIUM - Specific douh!, hybrids, two-year-old clumps. 139Oak Street. Grosse Pointe Farm

!\iall'ara 0768.

LlRGE-Walnul lil'in,l( room table~orative wrought iron hat stand

..... ra 2908.

ISTERED - Litter of Chesake Bav retrievers. four week

.. i'm'ate breeder. T. B. Man$t Meadowlan.. Grosse Poin,-,. Niagara 3036.

tMPoRTED RUG-9xI2. lIust b__... to be apprecialed. Niagar.. or Randolph 7267.

CTRO - ~IASTER _ Electr, .:'••~e. just like new. Reasonabl'c.llIlJ'O Kenosha. Prospect 5208.

'~'iiiROIT JEWEL - Gas rang• .5. Good condition. Tuxed. l--196Z.

1IoYS BICYCLE-Twenty-six and2I-inch, like new, also 16 foot

a...e trailer. fully equipped, very..Po $.lOO. Tuxedo 2-6714.

.A'!fTIQUES - Barn Sale atj(itchell's - All this week and

'--.. Good. bad, and indifferent.... ~ tables, desks, beds. clocks.':.' rr.es. bureaus, large and small.-: '~e lamps, garden urns, and-

-; '. . and fenders. All in the rough..'ti .opposite High School. Free

"'."; . in rear. Tuxedo 2-4724.

Page 8: 2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/42/1942-0… · bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht


Thursday. May 21, 1


" -.,..,....~-r-MJII1INe'.wa&Ur

.... .. ..... MINT-(II........

-- WMJI'III8I....-_.e.nrs witll.,!.n* COat ••• "driel'ill oae,hour. He. 110objeetio.lbleplint odor.EIq to fIIlpIy:W.....

the Owners of the new restallfIII old customers aDd new Ulthem ia their aew place.


M.a I •• 110. $2 98widI_aoc! -- l)f.... •_ .... L"i'_

-. ,_.. '0 .......::~.: $I" ,...,..

Anaouncement is made thi$by the Air Raid EQuipmellt17027 Kercheyal avenue, of ~sociation with the company oftangdoa Hubbard, prominelltdent of Grosse Pointe .


I'" HARPERNear aw...a

AR.41Ma.- u.tiI • P. Yo

That E. Leland, Jr .• Z8. of 4l!3aair avenue, City of Groue P .has enlisted in the United Snaval reserve with the rating ofpital apprentice, first class. H.sta tioned at the Great Lakestraining ceater.

• A It-. V... r R.... $JUS"Best Rest" Innerspring

MATTREssDon't Pass Up $18 95This Great Buy I •

R,., $IUS v.-SlaW to OIly


Here's a timely offer colniagWhen there is a real snoruge ofIprillis and COyerillis I Come intoday and save I

NINE MILE ROAD1:21 A.M. and E..-ery Hour to 12:2t A.M.':31 A.M. aRd E..-ery Hour to 12:31 A.M.1:42 A.M. and E...ery Hour to 12:42 A.M.6:45 A.M. and Every Hour to 12:45 A.M.6:48 A.M. end E...ery Hour to 12:48 A.M.6 :51 A.M .• nd E.ery Hoar to 12 :51 A.M.':56 A.M. and Every Hour to 12:5t A.M.


.u.oJute .... 1...... tothe _t minutet detail of....,. preacripti-. • ,.oar...... tee of receiYiaa' G.

actJ,o tile mediciae "ClWph,aiciaa ~ Oab'tile fiDeat material. ...... !

PRESCR.lPTIONSFiIW to Ductar". 0nIIn

Lee'. Burma RoadInn ()peU Today



SPECIAL IReg. $39.50 Mat.t r e •• for $27.50,Hand Built. '

We RebIaiId Y_ OldM..-.. - Ezpet w~ ,

'MODERNouREST FBEDDlNG'~'."~ILeDoz!ll1Z Oatea E--.. 1331. K~~ _


LIQUOR~ DeeipatelI .......ter .,. u.-r e-troI eo..---.

BOB'SDRUGS21134 Mack


Greyhound Suburban

To Dodge Truck, Hudson Arsenal and C h r y s I e r TankPlants

New Bus Service over 9-Mile Road

Wyoming and Nine Mile to Jefferson and St. Clair Shore

Starts Monday, May 25th.Operating From Wyoming Avenue to Jefferson Avenue'

Acceptallce of the Grosse PoiateWcods COlIIlIlullit)l' club as a mem-ber of the Detroit commuaity fundUld a participant in the counCIl ofsocial agencies was announced thi~_ek by Mrs. Harold Gregory, prtli-dellt of the Groue Pointe Woodsclub.

Fi.aaacill assistance from the com.

EAST BOUND EASTERN WAR TIME NINE MILE ROADW,.OIIIia,- .ad Nine Mile LV ':25 A.M. and E..-ery Hoar to 1%:25A.M.Woochnrd Me! Nine Mile LV $:31 A.M. and Every Hour to 12:31 A.M.JoIm R and Nine Mile LV 1:15 A.M. and E..-ery Hoar to 1%:15A.M.Mound .ad Nine MiIe* LV 1:45 A.M. and E.ery Hour to 12:45 A.M.VIIIl D7'ke and Nine MileW LV 6:48 A.M. and Enry Hoar to 12:48 A.M.Cntiot and Nine Mile LV 1:9 A.M. and En:ry Hoar to 1Z:5' A.M.W ...... Defer AR 7:1' A.M. and E.ery Hour to I :1' A.M.(.) nodp utd Hacboft; (m Chrysler

WEST BOUNDDefer Roaci IUHI JefferlOll

Cntiot and NiDe MileV... Dyke and NiDe Mile .Moand and Nine MileJohn R and Nine MileWoochnrd aDd Nine MileW,.omin,

Chinese Chef Lee, who has gainedcoaliderable following durinI' thepast four yurs at the Rath,keller,Mack at Nottinghlm, th;" week an-nounCes the opening of his ownrestaurant, The Burma Road Inll.at 15406 Mack, j~st east of Not-tiagham.

Lee will serve full course diaaersin the eyeniag and on Sunday aadwill specialli:e in lile ~Yening

mUllity faad will be disbarsed tbru saaeks. Tbe Burma RO&d Ina willthe Neighborhood clUb of Grosse: be open week daY! from 4 p.m. toPointe ander the guidance and with 4 a.m.

the eo-optration of Gearae Elwor. A special iavilatioll is e:x~ndecl bythy and members of the executiveboard of the Neilhborhood dub.

~It is expected that this arraace-meat ...ill make it panible for theWoods Community club to employa capable, full-time worker IIld no.qtie,tionably it will mean tbe expaa-... of tbe c:lub'$ acfulDelS ia pro-nd.;ag wholesome. recreation for tbecbildrea of Ibe village and to coo-tiaae to extelld its facilities to tbeRed Crou for fint aid classes,"II rs. Gregory said.

Tbe C o III m a a i ty dub alsoackaowlc~es with twits tbe giftof lix doUars for plaYl'J'Ouad eqaip-meat from the miss ioaary commit.tee of the WDiDen's Associatioa oflhe Grosse Poillte Congregationalchurcb.

Legion Poat HoldaConteat for PoppyDay Poster. Here

Coatest atIloag art .tudeats ofhigh schools ia Grosse Poiate forposters promoting Poppy Day is be.ia, spoasored by Bura' Henry PostNo. 303, Americaa !.egjoa. Cashprizes will be awarded to contest.maii.

Tb~ ~test takes in the studentsat Gros~e 'Poiate, St.. Paw's, St.Ambrose. Detroil UDiversity Scbooland the Coalltry Diy Scbool

The contest ends tomorrow andthe winDing posters will he 00 dis-play tbis weekeall in the lobby ofthe Puach and Jady theatre.

Wiaainl' posters from each schoolwin be judged by tbe head of theart department of that .chooL Fin-III pri:se wimlers wiD be i.-.h,- •~tee 'CODIisti. of C. EdnllllldDd6Oi; Ifr;; EdWin . S. BarliOur,presideD't of tile Detroit District,American r.e.ioa Awciliary, aadlira. SlImlove.

A prize of five dollars in defeasestamps will be clhdded among prizewiDllers ia each school wilb a grandprize of a $25 war bond going tothe cOnlest winner. The prizes arebeiag donated by the Buras HenryPost.

Due to the late start of the coa-tes!, l~f post~s will no.t be ~eatto the natioaal contest. However, itis boped that the Grosse Pointe en-tries next year will be judged intim~ {or the national compctition.

• • *

- CAR-5HARINC - G. P. Woods ClubAccepted as AgencyOf Community Fund

(CoatiDaed from Pqe Olle.)lice addrellea of the clerks Ite list-ed belo ....:

Grosse Poi.nte Plrk _ WilliamSlallUllall, elerk, 15115 East leffer-I0Il at )laryla lid.

City of GroslC Poiate - NorbertNeff, clerk, 17150 Maumee.

Grosse Poiate Firms - HarryFurtOD, clerk, 90 Kerby Road.

GrClMe Poiate Shores _ A. H.B e,lIl! e t t, llIpa1atelldellt (aetiqclerk). m LlJce Shore Road.

Grosse Pointe Woods _ PhillipA1Iard, clerk, 20775 Mack avenae.

Grltiot Towaship - Lloyd Lyle,clerk, 19764 Harper.

A new seria of three c:lasses iahome proue:tion .will be held at tbeannex to the mllllicipal office of tbeCity of Grosse PoiDte •• 7150 )lau-IDee "eDlIe, under the auspice. ofthe AWVS. Jolrs. Howard Binibamwill be the illstructor. The cia .. wiU_t Friday. Ilay 2Z: Tuesday, May~; &lid Friday, May 29. fcOlll 10 to11:30 a.JII.

The rUbber and metal ulv~eCOIIUIIitlee for Grosse Poiate ispoised for ac:tioa with the bouse tobouse c:aJlVIJ' ac:hedaled to beciathis week. it hu beed &Dnoancedby Ilrs. ]ob. S. SWteaey, localcba.inuaD. Jolra.,S.eene,. and ber 20 "The interest alld co-operatioll of&1riet leader. are wwkill&' ia co- aM churches is welc:omed and ap.opualiOa with the Wayne c:ount)l Jteciated by this clab whicb ICrveasalvage <:oatmittee, ia tIIeir campajaa ~ea of all rel;poas aad creeds,"10 coItett scrap metal and rubber )In •. Greeory said.for asc ia 4tlfcase DlIllafae:ture.Eacb ~= ia. tbe Poillte will bevisited ud the householder asked toBather t01retw sach .a1vqe materi.aI irl bi, home.


Drastic res tridions of delinryservice by local dry cleaning estab-lishments 1I\'illgo into effect June 1by order of the office of defensetransportation.

From that time on local C<lrriersare forbidden to make any specialdeliv~rje, exeept to hospitals andthe Irmed forces of Ihe UnitedStates. They are forbidden to makecall-backs in a s~cond attempt to

I de!h..;i ,llj:'m~!1ts en t.'t 5o~lne <!Iilyor to make more than one deliveryto anyone person 00 the same da)'.

Local carriers using rubber tiresha,.e been ordered to reduce theirtotal mileage by at least 2S per centeach month as compared with thecOtTesponding month in 1941.

Price rerulation on dry (leaningwill become ~fFective July I. withcluners be,nlt required to cb~lfefor their services a price not to ex.ceed the maximum price asked byhim during March of this year.

M...... D........ PU'tJ'0" Mond.y e,-en,ng. May 25.

Amadeus C>fele Daughters of isa-bella ...ill hold. mother and dan!l'h- Harvey J- \Vittstock, of 1266ter party at Gahritl Richard hall. York,hire, Gro~se Pointe Park. has

i 9.;i5 Amity. Ent~rta;nment ",il1 bf betn promo!ed. to the rank. of

!"IPPlied hy Pro(~s5nr Mehlberlt Sln- 't:,eanl. according to ,,'o;d rece'veddios. Mr<. ~[lidred Diehl is chair- th,s ""e~k. S~rlteant \\ .t!<t<X'k ,.

I iady asmted by Mrs. Mory JolCUI-j stalioned at Albrook I'jeld la tbe I11t1JD.Reftesbmtlltl will be .Uftd. PUl&ma eUl&1-.>ne.

w. e;;" Y.. hn.IIFittiq .YjUI ... ts FIlEEl

RemiDd Park Doe ~ ClarifiesOwner. of Reaulatioaa Draft Board's Views

- On n--.aAlUti-Numeroua eCliDpiliDt. of clop ~ ...~rtJnlliDa' loose lad teariq up Ia...aaalld prdelu in the villace, haveprOlllpted tbe GrOiIe Poiate Park .,. ~ Co ...............polke dcpartmeut to issue c.ardl r. V-.a..i-a"..... N.. 17miadiq reside au of tb e reculatiotM s.IMtift Swrice S,. ....coYeruial' doss ou Yillag~ .treets. There hal beell a srut duJ ofA eard win be left at eacb bollle ill discussion of late al to tbe depend.the l'illage. eacy clusificatioa made UIlder the

The clrd. addressed to an red. selectin service system. It migbt ~dents, reada: "Tbe ordiaaactl num'. weD to gj", some further in£OI'llI&-ber 31. 60, 71 IIId 100 of Groue tion ia relatiOll to this lUtter.Poiate Park provide regu1atiOll' for Tbtte haa beell 00 challie ill de.the keepiq of dop: (1) Tbat aU pendeacy regulation, where I botladoc. onr three month. of age .hatl nde depell4tlncy iI iayolved. butbe YUCiaated. (2) AU dees oyer four there bas been a dennite tighlemalDIODth. of age sbaJ1 have liceasel up When depeadenc:y was acquired On the Home Frontattached to the collar. (3) No dOC after Pearl Harbor, or Wb~D selec.shaU roD at Iarre, IJ1d shall be 00 a tioa ....as immineat.leasb if off tbe premises of the Marrial'e of itself undtt tbe rqu.owuer. (4) All case. of dop bitiDJ Iatiolls hal never provided a basispeople .hall be reported to the po- for 4tlfermeat, bnt dependeacH:s r.lice ~ent. Maay complaiaq lolliaa' from marra,e are tboaeof dulqu to Bower beds. prdetls most frequently claimed. Alwaysed shrubbery are aow heiD&' reo holdiag to ~e basic setectiYe serv.ported. Please comply ia the caae ice principle tbat each cak must beof )'OW' doIr. 10 tbat the efforts of iatent to establis~ ~ depea~eacy .d.lhe police <:.lInbe a~ fully 011 stray pen.deoc:y r-egtlbltions ar~ Inte~et.docs which are a meaace to Ollr Ied In reference to certaiD ma~childrea.. rdatioal ~s follows.: .

-------_ (I) WIfe's eanlllll~ or lIIcomeT-':"-1..' SC.L ....~IN-- from iavested ~pital (eith.er heri'''IIIIUI)'' ..---IIUU__ • v_ own or belOll8Ulg to regutnllt)

malees her self-supporting. There isno basil for Cas, III classification.

(2) Workiag wife ..... Ilrovid.iagadequately for her OWD sapport aDdvoluDtUily ceased WOt'k after Dee.8, 1941. or wbea aelectioa was u.;-DeDI, ia c:ircumstaDces eon'fineiDg ofiteat to establisb. a depeadettcy cIecfermeat. There is no buis forClass II r c1auifica tion.

(3) Wife bas lIever ....orked, orceued work before reg;straat's lie.

leetioD was inuninen~, or wife haswork of uacerta.ill tenaTe or \lOClI'1,.

paid. or wife 13 not fnUy aelf-ftp- REM E M 8 E R ?partin« because of prior oblip_tioas, contribatious to aged paIltIW,

de:. There may be 00 preUllt juti. 15Y-. Ap Tw. W..fication for Clus I-A cWlificalion. Work has beea ltarted OD tbe

(4) If flJllily iaclades d1i1drell lIIIe lJliUjoa dollar beacb, play-aad there is 00 adequatct and "1lII'~ aroanda aDd aUlllltmeat center ated income from .onrc:es other tJIaa Wille Mile rOld aad Jelfenoa ave-registrant'. eaminal, tbere is DOII. ill St. Clair Sbores. it wu aa"prestat justiJica tioa for C1au I.... IIOalIced by oJIiciab of the Jeffersonclassification. If there is III acksaate Beach Amastmeat Compally • • •aad .. snred iaoome from iadeprid- CircbJatioa of 10,000 DODliIIlti.n1'lie.eat ,oarce.. there is 110 basil for titioat for ] aha Co Lodee u mayorC1us III.classifiation. of Detroit begaa with Artbur Eo

, Wgod, 'tale .eaator. PlISbiDg the(5) An unbonJ child Is a d~ BIOYCIIlalt to force the presideat of

e.at, but Preruut1 resultifta' from the council into the primary nee.marri;an consllDUlilted after Dec:esR. LocIIe refilled to affirm or defty hisher 8, 1941, or for the primary par- <:aIididacy.PDte of pl"OYidiac a depeaduc:y cIe--f.erment, .~ DOt be COIlSi4ered 10 ItY- Aa- TWs ....be CItUe ftlr aa.. IU dasti.&c:atiolll. lIItcu RadII Slit" 10-7ear-ot.i

(6) Iluriaaa ae~ leta whit ~.-ti 1ttI4.t. at the Cadieuxregistraall were ill 0.. I.B N-F, ad:IooJ,- was to carry tbe colors forIJ1d ill some <:.lIm II-A aad II-B: Grot;se Poi.nte ia tile metropolitallcreatu 110 bllis for ails III c:lassi- apelliag- bee fiaab. The lad WillficatiotL broaPt to tbis _try from Roa-n I' • _" L __ maIIia wileD lie ... a blby _ •• A

e It ective. 1trVlc:e vuucy U&a prcIeB market for the beaefit ofbeta changed. Ill. r~feren.ce to cleo rural Daemployment relief was to bependeacy claims lll.voIVIIII. preg. coaducted OD estate aDlllher 116 I,..n:m?, whe~ the eYldeacc II, .con. iug betweea GrO&Se Po;qte boule.V1II~ng of .lntent to .evade ~i1ltary vard IIId the lake in Grosse Pointes~ce. !bis change IS prenused on FUlDI. The Garden C1ab of Wichi.the IDlmlDence of allowaace aDd al- ....n a....... _.. tb . l ..

..- ..--lOr"" e proJec ",rs.lotm~nt benefit. fOr dependeats of Fraak W. BrOOks lr. explained tbatme~1lln t.h~ a.rme~ forces'

dOf c~e, tbe club planned to raise money to

uati eIPS !Ioh 15 enacte. proVI .nl eJtable jobles, ia the oullyiag dis-such b~ae.fits, the- selectIVe aervtce trim of Deltoil to plant fara:s <Uldboard ~s, ID those cues Where the gardeas.regalallons are clear, unable to re-classiiy Out of Class III-A into F"1ft V... .o\p TWo W ...Class I-A if financial depeadency A litter of 12 ,priager spaniel pap-actually exists. We do wish to lIl;ake pies exhibited by J. ))Inl, of Grosseit "'ery <:Iear that dependeacy ac- Pointe "'arml, woo the spotligbt atquired after December 8th, 1941 or Grosse Poiate's' first ana1l&1 qacqaired whea selectioll wal immi- show. Judges also made another de-nent. inclUding pregnaacy. birth or partlU'e from the routiae by award-acquiring a child, or When the reg- ial prizel to all entries aad to alliSltallt has been cla.s.sified for lim- childrea who ubibited their dOl'Sited military service or as an indis- ••• biscuits to the PUPI aDd boxapensable man, will not he cause for of caady to the boy, aad pb ...claS$i6cation ill C1us III, your Some 300 Scouts, COIDPriiiag theboard bearing ia mind at all times eia'ht troops flf tbe Grosse Pointethe possibility of undlle hardship to district, ;asselllblcd ia tbe Park atthe pregnant ,.,~fe or anborn child. the fOOl of Alter road for a com-,

-------- biDed field lIleet aad Court of HOD-

Delivery of Dr,. or. 0.. Y_ ""'_nia w..Cleaning Curtailed The GrOSSe Poidle Farm, village

coallcil lIlet ia a special seuioa,caIled at the request of a taxpayers'committee. to review the proposalof Francis Beaupre, Yillage assessor,that the 1941 Yil1age snessmeals becomputed oa the Waytle eoanl)'bureau s)'Stem of aSHSling. Beau.pre lIIaintained that I carefal peru-sal of the records showed that theexistiag S)'ltem of luessments wasgrossly unfair but agreed to post-pone action for a while anlil ! cC'!!'!-•Dlillee representing both villageofficials and tupayers could studythe problem fully •.. ArchbishopEd",'ard Mooney offic~ted at theRCljuiem hiBh man for Fr. CharlesW. Heath, senior curlle of GrossePointe's Sl. Ambrose Roman utho-lic church, who died at the age of60 fol101ll'in, III illness of severalmonths •.• Grstiot iownship dedi-cated its new municipal pla)'rroundat Vernier road and Beaconsfield;avenue with a .oftblll game as ahighlight of tlle afternoon. The sev-en acre field "'as parchased by the Itownship at I lIate scavell&'er taxsale.

A large atleaclance was preseat att_ beM6t. bridce tea which ....asheld at the Trombly Kbool Friday.If.,.. 18th. Mra. Howard MaY1W'dand Mrs. Walter Stewart. c:hainDeDof the refreshmetlt c:ommittee pIaa_ued a "'cry attrac:tin tea tablewbic:h 1I'IlI dec:or.ited witb 8aas ofthe Pan.A.ateriean COIIIItries. Bou-qaet,a of Spfinr Bowen added to theattractiTtllti. of the tea rooaa.

),{n. Raymond Eddy ....., chair-maa of tbe entire ~m. She .......wisted by Mn. Glelldon Roberts,chairmu. of the prize committee:Joln. Arthur ]olUlsoa, dJa.imwa oIthe ticket COOIIIIittee: &lid Iln.Oareacc Hortl, PlIbiicity cbairma.D.

CotWderias' the raiay day. theprocteds of the tea were nry .. t.isfactory aDd wiI1 help repleaishthe PT A treuWy after tbe eener~0lII r:ontriblltioll to the Red Cross.

-The CraiDe Studios, phoqraph-en, ~ the .. tin top jlJtJMof the Stroh baiJdiag ia Detroit. uthe lariat orpaizatioa of iU lriadill the' entire 14te of l( ic:hipn.


'nIti weD bowa eclIIlIlb1. ~IWied. 19l'~ froaa aneDtT-'-re"to _ bundred .fifty people.Beaides the em~ ia the Strob~ office. there are other......Iti. ia the eompletely modertlIaboratwy u4 6abllillr Plant iB the11II1IraIIee ~ bailcliDg.

CraiDe •• ilabyiaDej is ~troit'. oalystudio devoted exc1ll.iively to picturesof babies and dllldren. Ia lIUl'ly ascote of years, they have suppliedabout 2,000.000 photographs of chil-drea, whicb adonl the bomes of De-troit aad Mic.bigan.

It is interestillg to 1I0te that someof Craiac'. "babies" who were pho.tccrapbed ....ben the' studio fintopelled. have siace retllraed wilhtheir 0WIl cbildre:: tu be pboto-graphed.

AU of the aewest photographequ.;pmeDt is uled. aad Craine's haveexpert facilities for ea1arg;llg pic-turel &Dd retouching and restorilltold flded Photocrapbs. hory minia-tures Illd delicately tiated. lIatllraJlooking photographs are 0 t be rCraiDe specialties.

Ciaine'. ha"e receatly aOtlced I

great iacrease in the popularity ofgiving pictures for gifts. Thi~ is aI-ltibuted to a great extent, to thefaet that boys in Vnde Sat:l's armedforces wish to leave a photograpllof themselves with their families andwilJl their "'best girl." And in lura,they ask for recent photographs ofthe g;rls .nd of members of theirfamil:es whom they leave behind.

Craiae', suggest that theT'e is 00

better cure for IoneJomeness. on thepart of Uncle Sam'. boYs, and theirfamilie, or friends than a life-like,modenl photograph I

lAad 0'LIlkea


c.lif0l'llia New

POTATOES61bs. 25c

...... 11.1.11""

StudanI WlIIdowShade Company

.... E. W__ TU.a.ueaN-' .. .,..




.. 1_ ... A~III ....... T........ .....,. E "1'1 •


Y. IftIUCHT. 0. If..........~ ROW I P'-e" F~ F.4' '.


JIa..e ~...... TV_ 101_ UN. loa.

A Dew board-like buildiDt .. _tenal is tll.&4tl of U«Isior, watft'.silicate of IIOda. 50ybeu protem IIIdqaicklime. It iI etrOlla'. hcat-ian-IaUI1&' lad cau be &awed, planed or

• .... • F... Celeb aa.iled.~. Ifos.... ------- _t F... '.,..--.. ,... .....,-- _. A-W .. II •• I.W......,. o.a,. 0- M_ W..

ochmoor Market


~ BEAT THE mGH COST,..~ OF MEAT, 0- ...-... LUCO DOG FOOD *- ............................... eI 11IW: eI It10-

.... eI nsco .. -.cia ..,. "'" • I ............. ., WIt __ -*----- ,- ,..... LUCO DOC FOOD.

w. e::-, .0\ e;.-a. ., F---' ... t- ~

;.' QUALITY FEED STORE.... III£ilk..... 111.1018

F_E,.,.Pwz~.etaI~mduw. - Wood W"mdow. aad.". Porda Scree.

Porch ROofsl. TIaia Year Eajoy YOIII' Porc:Ia

!" Combination:"::.SCREEN AND STORM SASH

.La' F os at M-* Phooe Niqan 4413

No a.rr. for lWiuria of Orden 0N!r $1."ell Grocer, - Qaality Meat.

F..... Frwib VecetW- - Beer _ W...

.t... ~~~ Ie".. • • FIo. 31e< -:JW .... c. c-. lie:- a .2 ..a t5c

:r • &w en. lid Secti.a 2 _ Z few Z7c~' . ,_n lie~ Pi.k 5.tI- __.._ _"-'p en. IJwit Juice .._ _ 2 No. 2 __ lie,' e.t.p .2 ItottIes •

SIm .. n-r Mt~ .. t5c• .wart Toiiet Wlaeaties lieTIS SUE SI.rfiae T-.to3 rolls 13c JtDce 3 14ca. caDI a:

NacU os. 31-- c.. OIl ColI larp _ 17",

-. '*- e.t Beet. _ Z No. Z _ lie.S.'" Oil Pic:Id. _ qL ;.r De""1CriIpiea '" Z ZSc~.--_ MI ••au Dried~~.... .. ..... llc~.w.a CoW P _ llcJ K..-.I 3 14c. -....- Z _ Z7c

"'I Ii 151 e-t lie.i.I.rit. a-a. 3 -=-a 14c

.................................. lay. pIqr. ZlcOXYDOL .. ...... ..... .... pq. Ie 1Iqe DcL.K - LifelNo,o Soap 3 %IeEIutie SbIrdil _ Z 17c..... CrowD Fraia ae- SpiaM:Ia Z 15c

'F Red Ripe T_toes lie'.~.,.. e;.,.... Beef, DeIicioaa few M.t LoU .~..., Beef Lmr, Yoaac .. T Me,"D.'.~ Dc